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Presented by:
Michael A. Swit, Esq., Vice President
Moderated by:
Jeff Antos, Vice President
December 15, 2010
FDA Enforcement: The Cop is Back
– How Enhanced Enforcement Can
Impact You and Your Firm
Today's Presenter
Michael A. Swit, Esq.
Vice President
Cardiff by the Sea, CA
+1 760.452.6568
+1 760.454.2979 (fax)
Mr. Swit has been addressing critical FDA legal and regulatory issues since
1984. His expertise includes product development strategies, compliance
and enforcement initiatives, recalls and crisis management, FDA regulatory
activities, labeling and advertising, and clinical research efforts. Mr. Swit
develops and ensures the execution of a broad array of regulatory and
other services to clients, both directly and through outside counsel.
What We Will Cover
 Enforcement Trends Prior to Obama Administration
 Commissioner Hamburg Revives FDA’s Compliance
Culture – The August 6, 2009 Speech and its Impact
 Key FDA Enforcement Actions
 How to Prepare for Increased Enforcement
 How to Respond if Targeted
 Consequences of Non-Compliance
 FDA’s Record under Enhanced Compliance
Enforcement Trends Prior to
Obama Administration
All Inspections – 2004 to 2008
Warning Letters – 2004 to 2008
Seizures – 2004 to 2008
Injunctions – 2004 to 2008
The "Hamburg" Initiative –
FDA’s Enhanced Enforcement Mission
Hamburg: Why We Need
Effective FDA Enforcement
 Conceded FDA enforcement efforts have been deficient
 Five key benefits of effective enforcement:
 Protect public health by promptly intercepting unsafe or
fraudulent products – prevents additional harm
 Deter others who might violate law
 Informs public of potential harm
 Creates level playing field for industry
 Instill public confidence in FDA
 Vigilance – both FDA and Industry
 FDA -- Regular inspections and follow-ups
 Companies
 Must work quickly and thoroughly to correct problems
 Must understand
 if you cross the line, “you will be caught”
 If you fail to act, FDA will
 Strategic enforcement –
 Greater focus on significant risks and violations
 More meaningful penalties to “send a strong message to
discourage future offenses”
Hamburg: Four Essential Elements for
Effective FDA Enforcement
Four Essential Elements for
Effective Enforcement …
 Quick action – FDA must respond rapidly, especially to:
 Egregious violations
 Violations that threaten the public health
 Visible efforts – FDA must show all stakeholders it is on
the job
 Will publicize enforcement actions widely – including rationales
for action
 Goal:
 Increase confidence in FDA
 Deter non-compliance
Hamburg: Six New FDA
Enforcement Mandates
 Impose clear post-inspection deadlines
 Generally -- no more than 15 business days to respond 483
 After that, agency can issue warning letter or take other
enforcement action
 Speed the warning letter process -- by limiting review
by FDA Office of Chief Counsel to warning letters that
present significant legal issues
 Work more closely with FDA’s regulatory partners
 Example: in some cases, such as food safety, state, local, and
international officials can act more quickly than the FDA
 When public health is at risk, the agency will coordinate with
its regulatory partners to take rapid action
Six New Enforcement Mandates …
 Prioritize follow-up on all warning letters and other
enforcement actions
 FDA will work quickly to assess the corrective action taken by industry
after a warning letter, a major product recall, or other enforcement action
 Via new inspection or other form of investigation
 FDA will be prepared to take immediate action to respond to
public health risks.
 Actions may occur before a formal warning letter is issued – at any time
 Days of multiple responses to inspections -- over
 Develop and implement a formal warning letter “close-out”
 If FDA determines a firm fully corrected violations in a warning letter,
agency will issue an official “close-out” notice and post on FDA Web site.
 Seen as an “important motivator” for corrective action
Enhanced Enforcement In Action –
Timely 483 Responses Policy
 Aug. 11 Federal Register notice – Post-inspection 483 responses
timing policy published – 15 business days
 Timely Responses
 FDA will conduct “detailed review” in deciding any enforcement action
 If FDA issues a warning letter, letter will address sufficiency of response
 Late responses
 Response will not be considered by FDA in deciding to take enforcement
action such as a warning letter
 If warning letter issues after a late 483 response, FDA will consider the 483
response in assessing firm’s later reply to warning letter
 Purpose of warning letter: “to ensure that the seriousness and
scope of the violations are understood by top management … and
that the appropriate resources are allocated to fully correct the
violations and prevent their recurrence”
Enhanced Enforcement –
The International Stance
 FDA doubling foreign GMP inspections
 Focus: GMP inspections; not inspections linked to
 Result: Look for more import alerts
 FDA can impose alert based on just an “appearance” of a violation
 Contrast: formal U.S. enforcement such as seizure, injunction or
prosecution, FDA must prove a violation
 “FDA Without Borders” Initiative
 Offshoot of Heparin and other scandals
 FDA foreign offices opened: Brussels; Mumbai; New Delhi;
San Jose, Costa Rica; Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China
Mexico City, Santiago, Chile
The Cops At Work --
Key FDA Enforcement Actions
 Genzyme – Consent Decrees
 KV & Caraco – Consent Decrees
 Import Alerts – Apotex & Ranbaxy
 Devices –
 Unapproved -- Synthes/Norian
 QSR – the Baxter recall
 Advertising & Promotion – Pfizer
 Application Integrity -- Ranbaxy
 Debarment – Anthony Albanese
 Clinical Investigator Disqualification – Scott Reuben
Focus and Types of Actions – Far Ranging
 GMP issues at its Allston facility
 $175 million disgorgement
 5-years of audits after corrections made
 Batch reviews – by expert and then reviewed by
Genzyme Sr. VP for Global Quality
 Periodic inspections by an auditor
 Penalties for not meeting deadlines in correction plan
 $15,000 per day per drug
 18.5% of revenue for each drug sold after failing to meet
 Penalties for decree violations -- $15,000 per day
Genzyme Consent Decree
KV and Caraco Consent Decrees
 Key Features
 Permanent injunction vs. future violations – punishable by contempt
 To resume manufacturing;
 Must certify that management has control over QA function
 Must certify compliance with GMP and that all violations are corrected
 Batch certification process – first 3 batches of each product must be
certified as compliant by GMP expert
 Later audits – periodic to verify continued compliance
 Must pay for all FDA inspections
 Violations of Consent Decree – Civil Penalties
 $10,000 per day (Caraco); $15,000 (KV)
 $10,000 per violation (Caraco); $15,000 (KV)
 2x retail value of goods sold in violation (Caraco); 3x retail value (KV)
 Cap -- $5,000,000 per year (both)
 Ranbaxy –
 GMP issues at two facilities in India that produce drugs under
approved ANDAs
 At least 30 different drugs impacted
 Still pending
 Apotex –
 GMP issues at two facilities in Canada that produce drugs
under approved ANDAs
 At least 60 different drugs impacted
 Still pending
Import Alerts – Apotex & Ranbaxy
 Charges: Off-label promotion and illegal clinical trials
of a bone void filler – linked to 3 patient deaths when
used off-label for vertebral compression fractures
 Company –
 Parent – 44 misdemeanor charges
 Subsidiary – 52 felonies
 Four executives – each single misdemeanor charge
 Company – Plea Agreement (Oct. 2010) :
 Synthes – agreed to $808G and divest itself of Norian
 Norian --– agreed to pay $23.5 million fine
Synthes/Norian –Unapproved Devices
 2006 – Baxter enters Consent Decree with FDA
 2010 – FDA orders Baxter, under the Consent Decree,
to recall and destroy all Colleague Volumetric infusion
pumps in use in the United States
 Two years to accomplish
 Estimated cost to Baxter: $600 million
The Baxter “Ordered” Recall
 Off-label promotion of Bextra
 $105 million criminal fine – FDA violations
 $1.195 billion criminal fine – off-label promotion
 $1 billion – civil claims under the False Claims Act
Pfizer Second “Bite” at
Advertising Adversity -- $2.3 Billion
 The AIP – Application Integrity Program – barred
from getting submissions reviewed at FDA
 Suspected fraud or rampant sloppiness as to
 To get off the list
 Audits – focusing on roots of fraud allegations
 Full cooperation with FDA and other investigatory bodies
(e.g., DOJ)
 Re-inspections
Application Integrity -- Ranbaxy
 Dr. Scott Reuben
 Pled guilty to “penciling” data on a Celebrex study
 FDA –proposed to disqualify as a clinical investigator, which
Reuben had agreed not to contest as part of his plea
Clinical Investigator Disqualification
 Anthony Albanese
 Had pled guilty to illegally selling drug samples
 Debarred from participating in drug industry
Preparing for Enhanced FDA Enforcement
How to Prepare for
The New Enforcement Climate
 The Big Picture
 Compliance Culture – must exist at the top of your
organization and be driven down by senior management
throughout your firm not only in word, but in resources
 FDA law requires – “Park Doctrine” – Strict Liability
 Corporate law requires
 Public company duties/Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
 Best strategy to “avoid” enforcement – strict compliance
via robust “quality systems” in all impacted areas – quality,
regulatory, manufacturing, packaging, testing, etc.
How to Prepare …
 Change Your Corporate Compliance World View
 Oust the Reactionary Compliance Model
 Historical focus -- always after-the-fact
 Expense focus creates little incentive for forward thinking
 Compliance generally seen as production cost
 Rarely seen as a revenue-generating opportunity
 Viewed as lower priority within an organization
 Perceived as a burden -- a leash with little up side potential
 Embrace Compliance As a Corporate Asset
 Corporate culture must change
 Quality Systems must be integrated into the process, not an
additional component
 Process must evolve from one of police action to one of
How to Prepare …
 Culture Change -- Dramatic And Difficult
 Quality function must be valued by management
 Increase visibility of quality unit
 Visibly exhibit an intolerance for lack of compliance
 Quality must be seen as a priority
 Embrace a Proactive Approach
 “It is often said at FDA that firms that are in compliance tend
to stay in compliance, but once a firm gets out of compliance
getting back into compliance is a very steep road to climb. Try
to avoid that road.” – Daniel Troy, former FDA Chief Counsel
How to Prepare …
 Build The Right Quality Systems
 Create a self-determining culture
 Make regulatory mandates obvious and routine, not the focus
 Use Quality Assurance as a cost-improvement methodology
 Proactive Approach To Increasing Profitability
 Approach facilities and operations inspections proactively
 Use third parties
 Assess all business operations
 Act on things immediately
 Change focus from compliance to improvement – that
compliance is subset of quality
How to Prepare …
 Detailed view – quality systems throughout your
organization that reflect strong:
 Procedures
 Training
 Audits
 Validation
 Recordkeeping
 Key SOPS
 Handling FDA Inspections
 Investigations
 Recalls
 Audit Plans
How to Respond When Enforcement Hits
When FDA Enforcement Hits
 How it may hit
 Administrative Enforcement
 Inspections
 Investigations
 Warning letter
 Clinical Holds – can be compliance based
 Termination of an IND or IDE
 Disqualification procedures with clinical investigators
 Recalls and market withdrawals
 Civil Money Penalties
 Judicial Enforcement
 Seizure of test articles
 Disgorgement
 Injunction
 Criminal Prosecution
When FDA Enforcement Hits …
 Who FDA Can Target: any individual within the
company that has a position of responsibility for the
violative aspect of the company’s operation,
General Counsel
VP or Director of QA, QC, RA, Mfg., etc.
Technicians (rare)
When FDA Enforcement Hits -- Assessing
 Assess each allegation/observation
 Focus on specifics
 Focus on system-wide implications
 Focus on global implications
 Consider affected products
 Consider root-cause analysis
 Focus on the regulatory requirement(s) associated
with each allegation/observation
 Develop action plan to achieve immediate, short-term,
and long-term correction and to prevent recurrence
 Know when to seek outside assistance
When Enforcement Hits –
Keys to Responding
 Include a commitment/statement from senior leadership
 Address each allegation/observation separately
 Never agree with the allegation/observation – state what
you are doing regarding the allegation
 Provide corrective action accomplished and/or planned;
tell FDA the plan
 Be specific (e.g. observation-by-observation)
 Be complete
 Be realistic
 Be able to deliver what you promise
 Address affected products
When Enforcement Hits –
Keys to Responding …
 Provide time frames for correction
 Describe method of verification and/or monitoring for
 Submitting documentation of corrections where
reasonable & feasible
 Be Timely and Thorough – deliver what you promised
when you promised it
FDA Expectations for Your Response
 Wants to Hear Your D.R.U.M. – expects your
response to have these qualities:
 Direct – i.e., address the items directly raised in the 483 or
warning letter
 Related – go beyond those to potentially related problems
 Universal – expand to review those issues company-wide
 Management & Monitoring – show that you will stay on
top of the issues and that management is involved
Source: “Compliance and Enforcement.” Presentation by David K.
Elder, Director, FDA Office of Enforcement, at the Orange County
Regulatory Affairs (OCRA)/FDA Joint Educational Conference. June
15, 2005. Irvine, California.
Consequences of FDA Enforcement
Direct Possible Consequences
of Non-Compliance
 Clinical holds – study stopped
 AIP – application reviews suspended
 Import Alerts – product can’t be imported into U.S.
 Civil Money Penalties -- $$$
 Seizures – product can’t be sold
 Injunctions – selling/manufacturing could be halted for years
 Disgorgement -- $$$ returned for “ill-gotten gains”
 Prosecutions
 Fines -- $$$
 Imprisonment
 Disqualification proceedings
 HHS – Federal Health Programs – “the Death Penalty”
 Approval withdrawal proceedings
Direct Possible Consequences
of Non-Compliance …
Collateral Consequences
of Non-Compliance
 Financial consequences
 Lost sales
 Stock price drops – market capitalization – ability to use capital
 Shareholders sue the company, its officers and directors
 Other companies may sue the company if reason for non-
compliance gave you a competitive edge
 Federal government may suspend or “debar” company from
selling to government
 “Qui Tam” actions under the False Claims Act -- e.g., Neurontin
case -- “whistle blower” cases -- leading to civil damages and
may also spawn a criminal prosecution
 Financing covenants may be violated
Collateral Consequences of
Non-Compliance …
 Other Consequences
 State license actions – could pull your manufacturing license
 Lay-offs
 Damage to corporate reputation
 Lost time – interruption with normal operations
 Consequences for Individuals
 Job loss
 Reputation
 Expense of defending – and your company may not have to pay
 Impact of convictions
 Deportation if not U.S. citizen
 Imprisonment
 Fine
 Right to vote/run for public office
Enhanced Enforcement in Action
Since 2009 – the Warning Letter Record
 2008 -- 445
 2009 – 571
 2010 – 538 (to date)
 Warning Letters By Product Area – 2009/2010
 Drug – 185/143 Dietary Supplement – 4/9
 Device – 150/136 Tobacco – 17/3
 Food – 160/212
 Clinical Research – 45/29
 Tissue Products – 2/3
 Blood Products – 4/2
 Biologics – 4/1
Source: FDA Warning Letters Website
Warning Letters – 2009 & 2010
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Michael Swit
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Michael Swit
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Michael Swit
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Michael Swit
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FDA Enforcement: The Cop is Back – How Enhanced Enforcement Can Impact You and Your Firm

  • 1. Presented by: Michael A. Swit, Esq., Vice President Moderated by: Jeff Antos, Vice President December 15, 2010 FDA Enforcement: The Cop is Back – How Enhanced Enforcement Can Impact You and Your Firm
  • 2. Today's Presenter Michael A. Swit, Esq. Vice President Cardiff by the Sea, CA +1 760.452.6568 +1 760.454.2979 (fax) Mr. Swit has been addressing critical FDA legal and regulatory issues since 1984. His expertise includes product development strategies, compliance and enforcement initiatives, recalls and crisis management, FDA regulatory activities, labeling and advertising, and clinical research efforts. Mr. Swit develops and ensures the execution of a broad array of regulatory and other services to clients, both directly and through outside counsel. 2
  • 3. What We Will Cover  Enforcement Trends Prior to Obama Administration  Commissioner Hamburg Revives FDA’s Compliance Culture – The August 6, 2009 Speech and its Impact  Key FDA Enforcement Actions  How to Prepare for Increased Enforcement  How to Respond if Targeted  Consequences of Non-Compliance  FDA’s Record under Enhanced Compliance 3
  • 4. Enforcement Trends Prior to Obama Administration 4
  • 5. All Inspections – 2004 to 2008 5
  • 6. Warning Letters – 2004 to 2008 6
  • 7. Seizures – 2004 to 2008 7
  • 9. The "Hamburg" Initiative – FDA’s Enhanced Enforcement Mission 9
  • 10. Hamburg: Why We Need Effective FDA Enforcement  Conceded FDA enforcement efforts have been deficient  Five key benefits of effective enforcement:  Protect public health by promptly intercepting unsafe or fraudulent products – prevents additional harm  Deter others who might violate law  Informs public of potential harm  Creates level playing field for industry  Instill public confidence in FDA 10
  • 11.  Vigilance – both FDA and Industry  FDA -- Regular inspections and follow-ups  Companies  Must work quickly and thoroughly to correct problems  Must understand  if you cross the line, “you will be caught”  If you fail to act, FDA will  Strategic enforcement –  Greater focus on significant risks and violations  More meaningful penalties to “send a strong message to discourage future offenses” Hamburg: Four Essential Elements for Effective FDA Enforcement 11
  • 12. Four Essential Elements for Effective Enforcement …  Quick action – FDA must respond rapidly, especially to:  Egregious violations  Violations that threaten the public health  Visible efforts – FDA must show all stakeholders it is on the job  Will publicize enforcement actions widely – including rationales for action  Goal:  Increase confidence in FDA  Deter non-compliance 12
  • 13. Hamburg: Six New FDA Enforcement Mandates  Impose clear post-inspection deadlines  Generally -- no more than 15 business days to respond 483  After that, agency can issue warning letter or take other enforcement action  Speed the warning letter process -- by limiting review by FDA Office of Chief Counsel to warning letters that present significant legal issues  Work more closely with FDA’s regulatory partners  Example: in some cases, such as food safety, state, local, and international officials can act more quickly than the FDA  When public health is at risk, the agency will coordinate with its regulatory partners to take rapid action 13
  • 14. Six New Enforcement Mandates …  Prioritize follow-up on all warning letters and other enforcement actions  FDA will work quickly to assess the corrective action taken by industry after a warning letter, a major product recall, or other enforcement action  Via new inspection or other form of investigation  FDA will be prepared to take immediate action to respond to public health risks.  Actions may occur before a formal warning letter is issued – at any time  Days of multiple responses to inspections -- over  Develop and implement a formal warning letter “close-out” process.”  If FDA determines a firm fully corrected violations in a warning letter, agency will issue an official “close-out” notice and post on FDA Web site.  Seen as an “important motivator” for corrective action 14
  • 15. Enhanced Enforcement In Action – Timely 483 Responses Policy  Aug. 11 Federal Register notice – Post-inspection 483 responses timing policy published – 15 business days  Timely Responses  FDA will conduct “detailed review” in deciding any enforcement action  If FDA issues a warning letter, letter will address sufficiency of response  Late responses  Response will not be considered by FDA in deciding to take enforcement action such as a warning letter  If warning letter issues after a late 483 response, FDA will consider the 483 response in assessing firm’s later reply to warning letter  Purpose of warning letter: “to ensure that the seriousness and scope of the violations are understood by top management … and that the appropriate resources are allocated to fully correct the violations and prevent their recurrence” 15
  • 16. Enhanced Enforcement – The International Stance  FDA doubling foreign GMP inspections  Focus: GMP inspections; not inspections linked to applications  Result: Look for more import alerts  FDA can impose alert based on just an “appearance” of a violation  Contrast: formal U.S. enforcement such as seizure, injunction or prosecution, FDA must prove a violation  “FDA Without Borders” Initiative  Offshoot of Heparin and other scandals  FDA foreign offices opened: Brussels; Mumbai; New Delhi; San Jose, Costa Rica; Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China Mexico City, Santiago, Chile 16
  • 17. The Cops At Work -- Key FDA Enforcement Actions 17
  • 18.  GMP  Genzyme – Consent Decrees  KV & Caraco – Consent Decrees  Import Alerts – Apotex & Ranbaxy  Devices –  Unapproved -- Synthes/Norian  QSR – the Baxter recall  Advertising & Promotion – Pfizer  Application Integrity -- Ranbaxy  Debarment – Anthony Albanese  Clinical Investigator Disqualification – Scott Reuben Focus and Types of Actions – Far Ranging 18
  • 19.  GMP issues at its Allston facility  $175 million disgorgement  5-years of audits after corrections made  Batch reviews – by expert and then reviewed by Genzyme Sr. VP for Global Quality  Periodic inspections by an auditor  Penalties for not meeting deadlines in correction plan  $15,000 per day per drug  18.5% of revenue for each drug sold after failing to meet deadline  Penalties for decree violations -- $15,000 per day Genzyme Consent Decree 19
  • 20. KV and Caraco Consent Decrees  Key Features  Permanent injunction vs. future violations – punishable by contempt  To resume manufacturing;  Must certify that management has control over QA function  Must certify compliance with GMP and that all violations are corrected  Batch certification process – first 3 batches of each product must be certified as compliant by GMP expert  Later audits – periodic to verify continued compliance  Must pay for all FDA inspections  Violations of Consent Decree – Civil Penalties  $10,000 per day (Caraco); $15,000 (KV)  $10,000 per violation (Caraco); $15,000 (KV)  2x retail value of goods sold in violation (Caraco); 3x retail value (KV)  Cap -- $5,000,000 per year (both) 20
  • 21.  Ranbaxy –  GMP issues at two facilities in India that produce drugs under approved ANDAs  At least 30 different drugs impacted  Still pending  Apotex –  GMP issues at two facilities in Canada that produce drugs under approved ANDAs  At least 60 different drugs impacted  Still pending Import Alerts – Apotex & Ranbaxy 21
  • 22.  Charges: Off-label promotion and illegal clinical trials of a bone void filler – linked to 3 patient deaths when used off-label for vertebral compression fractures  Company –  Parent – 44 misdemeanor charges  Subsidiary – 52 felonies  Four executives – each single misdemeanor charge  Company – Plea Agreement (Oct. 2010) :  Synthes – agreed to $808G and divest itself of Norian subsidiary  Norian --– agreed to pay $23.5 million fine Synthes/Norian –Unapproved Devices 22
  • 23.  2006 – Baxter enters Consent Decree with FDA  2010 – FDA orders Baxter, under the Consent Decree, to recall and destroy all Colleague Volumetric infusion pumps in use in the United States  Two years to accomplish  Estimated cost to Baxter: $600 million The Baxter “Ordered” Recall 23
  • 24.  Off-label promotion of Bextra  $105 million criminal fine – FDA violations  $1.195 billion criminal fine – off-label promotion  $1 billion – civil claims under the False Claims Act Pfizer Second “Bite” at Advertising Adversity -- $2.3 Billion 24
  • 25.  The AIP – Application Integrity Program – barred from getting submissions reviewed at FDA  Suspected fraud or rampant sloppiness as to  To get off the list  Audits – focusing on roots of fraud allegations  Full cooperation with FDA and other investigatory bodies (e.g., DOJ)  Re-inspections Application Integrity -- Ranbaxy 25
  • 26.  Dr. Scott Reuben  Pled guilty to “penciling” data on a Celebrex study  FDA –proposed to disqualify as a clinical investigator, which Reuben had agreed not to contest as part of his plea agreement Clinical Investigator Disqualification 26
  • 27.  Anthony Albanese  Had pled guilty to illegally selling drug samples  Debarred from participating in drug industry Debarment 27
  • 28. Preparing for Enhanced FDA Enforcement 28
  • 29. How to Prepare for The New Enforcement Climate  The Big Picture  Compliance Culture – must exist at the top of your organization and be driven down by senior management throughout your firm not only in word, but in resources  FDA law requires – “Park Doctrine” – Strict Liability  Corporate law requires  Public company duties/Sarbanes-Oxley compliance  Best strategy to “avoid” enforcement – strict compliance via robust “quality systems” in all impacted areas – quality, regulatory, manufacturing, packaging, testing, etc. 29
  • 30. How to Prepare …  Change Your Corporate Compliance World View  Oust the Reactionary Compliance Model  Historical focus -- always after-the-fact  Expense focus creates little incentive for forward thinking  Compliance generally seen as production cost  Rarely seen as a revenue-generating opportunity  Viewed as lower priority within an organization  Perceived as a burden -- a leash with little up side potential  Embrace Compliance As a Corporate Asset  Corporate culture must change  Quality Systems must be integrated into the process, not an additional component  Process must evolve from one of police action to one of forethought 30
  • 31. How to Prepare …  Culture Change -- Dramatic And Difficult  Quality function must be valued by management  Increase visibility of quality unit  Visibly exhibit an intolerance for lack of compliance  Quality must be seen as a priority  Embrace a Proactive Approach  “It is often said at FDA that firms that are in compliance tend to stay in compliance, but once a firm gets out of compliance getting back into compliance is a very steep road to climb. Try to avoid that road.” – Daniel Troy, former FDA Chief Counsel 31
  • 32. How to Prepare …  Build The Right Quality Systems  Create a self-determining culture  Make regulatory mandates obvious and routine, not the focus  Use Quality Assurance as a cost-improvement methodology  Proactive Approach To Increasing Profitability  Approach facilities and operations inspections proactively  Use third parties  Assess all business operations  Act on things immediately  Change focus from compliance to improvement – that compliance is subset of quality 32
  • 33. How to Prepare …  Detailed view – quality systems throughout your organization that reflect strong:  Procedures  Training  Audits  Validation  Recordkeeping  Key SOPS  Handling FDA Inspections  CAPA  Investigations  Recalls  Audit Plans 33
  • 34. How to Respond When Enforcement Hits 34
  • 35. When FDA Enforcement Hits  How it may hit  Administrative Enforcement  Inspections  Investigations  Warning letter  Clinical Holds – can be compliance based  AIP  Termination of an IND or IDE  Disqualification procedures with clinical investigators  Recalls and market withdrawals  Civil Money Penalties  Judicial Enforcement  Seizure of test articles  Disgorgement  Injunction  Criminal Prosecution 35
  • 36. When FDA Enforcement Hits …  Who FDA Can Target: any individual within the company that has a position of responsibility for the violative aspect of the company’s operation, including: President/CEO/COO General Counsel VP or Director of QA, QC, RA, Mfg., etc. Managers Technicians (rare) 36
  • 37. When FDA Enforcement Hits -- Assessing  Assess each allegation/observation  Focus on specifics  Focus on system-wide implications  Focus on global implications  Consider affected products  Consider root-cause analysis  Focus on the regulatory requirement(s) associated with each allegation/observation  Develop action plan to achieve immediate, short-term, and long-term correction and to prevent recurrence  Know when to seek outside assistance 37
  • 38. When Enforcement Hits – Keys to Responding  Include a commitment/statement from senior leadership  Address each allegation/observation separately  Never agree with the allegation/observation – state what you are doing regarding the allegation  Provide corrective action accomplished and/or planned; tell FDA the plan  Be specific (e.g. observation-by-observation)  Be complete  Be realistic  Be able to deliver what you promise  Address affected products 38
  • 39. When Enforcement Hits – Keys to Responding …  Provide time frames for correction  Describe method of verification and/or monitoring for corrections  Submitting documentation of corrections where reasonable & feasible  Be Timely and Thorough – deliver what you promised when you promised it 39
  • 40. FDA Expectations for Your Response  Wants to Hear Your D.R.U.M. – expects your response to have these qualities:  Direct – i.e., address the items directly raised in the 483 or warning letter  Related – go beyond those to potentially related problems  Universal – expand to review those issues company-wide  Management & Monitoring – show that you will stay on top of the issues and that management is involved Source: “Compliance and Enforcement.” Presentation by David K. Elder, Director, FDA Office of Enforcement, at the Orange County Regulatory Affairs (OCRA)/FDA Joint Educational Conference. June 15, 2005. Irvine, California. 40
  • 41. Consequences of FDA Enforcement 41
  • 42. Direct Possible Consequences of Non-Compliance  Clinical holds – study stopped  AIP – application reviews suspended  Import Alerts – product can’t be imported into U.S.  Civil Money Penalties -- $$$  Seizures – product can’t be sold  Injunctions – selling/manufacturing could be halted for years  Disgorgement -- $$$ returned for “ill-gotten gains” 42
  • 43.  Prosecutions  Fines -- $$$  Imprisonment  Disqualification proceedings  FDA  HHS – Federal Health Programs – “the Death Penalty”  Approval withdrawal proceedings Direct Possible Consequences of Non-Compliance … 43
  • 44. Collateral Consequences of Non-Compliance  Financial consequences  Lost sales  Stock price drops – market capitalization – ability to use capital markets  Shareholders sue the company, its officers and directors  Other companies may sue the company if reason for non- compliance gave you a competitive edge  Federal government may suspend or “debar” company from selling to government  “Qui Tam” actions under the False Claims Act -- e.g., Neurontin case -- “whistle blower” cases -- leading to civil damages and may also spawn a criminal prosecution  Financing covenants may be violated 44
  • 45. Collateral Consequences of Non-Compliance …  Other Consequences  State license actions – could pull your manufacturing license  Lay-offs  Damage to corporate reputation  Lost time – interruption with normal operations  Consequences for Individuals  Job loss  Reputation  Expense of defending – and your company may not have to pay  Impact of convictions  Deportation if not U.S. citizen  Imprisonment  Fine  Right to vote/run for public office 45
  • 46. Enhanced Enforcement in Action Since 2009 – the Warning Letter Record 46
  • 47.  2008 -- 445  2009 – 571  2010 – 538 (to date)  Warning Letters By Product Area – 2009/2010  Drug – 185/143 Dietary Supplement – 4/9  Device – 150/136 Tobacco – 17/3  Food – 160/212  Clinical Research – 45/29  Tissue Products – 2/3  Blood Products – 4/2  Biologics – 4/1 Source: FDA Warning Letters Website Warning Letters – 2009 & 2010 47
  • 48. Q & A Please Complete Our Evaluation/Survey