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Helping people connect to God . . .
                                                                  . . . and discover His purpose for their lives!


                    V o l u m e   3 ,   I s s u e   5                              S e p t   /   O c t   2 0 0 9

•   Ladies
    Annual Tea

•   MOPS

•   Rose of

•   Fall Festival

•   Missions

•   Discipleship

•   Judgement
Page 2
                      FBConnection: A ministry information publication
                      Published by: First Baptist Church
                                     9280 Maple Avenue / Hesperia, CA 92345                  (760) 244-4109

                      Pastoral Staff
                               Wayne Stockstill, Senior Pastor (ext. 108)
                               Richard Spring, Pastor of Church Development (ext. 104)
                               Robert Grissom, Pastor of Administration/Stewardship (ext. 105)
                               Brian Kaiser, Pastor of Worship Arts (ext. 107)
                               Jim and Wanda Mole, Directors of Student Ministry (ext. 201)
                               Sherry Cleveland, Director of Children’s Ministry (leave messages at ext. 106)
                               Brandy Smith, Director of Preschool Ministry (ext. 120)
                               Bill Trott, Pastor of Hospital Visitation Ministry (leave messages at ext. 106)

                      Administrative Staff
                               Richard Amos, Facilities Manager (ext. 102)
Staff                          Lucy Flood, Accountant (ext. 101)
                               Doris Groveunder, Financial Secretary (ext. 103)
 Pastoral                      Claudia Kingston, Executive Secretary (ext. 106)
 Administrative                Robin Martin, Data / Publications Manager (ext. 100)
                               Ron Murphy, Audio/Visual Coordinator (leave messages at ext. 106)
 Support                       June Warwick, Special Events: Coordination/Planning (leave messages at ext. 106)

                      Support Staff
                      Preschool Ministry Staff               Computer Network Ministry Team
                        Maygan Bartosh                         Sammy Martin, Systems Administrator
                        Gail Barwise                           Fidel Gonzales, Webmaster
                        Emily Isaccs
                        Cherish Kangas
          Every         Sharon Perry
                                                             Audio/Visual Ministry Team
                                                               Richard Amos
                        Sarah Sanders
       calling is     Children’s Ministry Leadership Team
                                                               David Anderson
                                                               Travis Dickerson
                        Dawna Avery                            El Kingston
     great when         Stacy Padgett                          Robin Martin
                                                               Sammy Martin
         greatly      Student Ministry Leadership Team
                        Dawna Avery
                                                               Roger Sanders
                        Reba Champoux
       pursued.         Nathan Freeman                       Custodial Staff
                        Fidel Gonzales                         Ted Holmes
                        Ron and Carolyn Heyward                Russell James
      —- unknown—-      Odena Jones                            Darron Price
                        Brenda Kraus                           Glenn Trowbridge
     Taken from         Dave and Cheryl Olson
                        Stacy Padgett
    Apples of Gold      Jeannie Rash
     complied by        Lance Way
        Jo Petty

                      FBCH Ministry Contacts
                             Baptism Assistance Ministry, Judy Cutright
                             Deacon Ministry, Duane Thompson
                             Greeters Ministry, Arceal Morgan
                             Harmony Ministry, DeWayne Williams
                             Kitchen Ministry, Ron and Julie Murphy         The smallest good
                             Library Ministry, Ann Bender
 Ministry                    Men’s Fraternity Ministry, Mike Lemons         deed is better than
                             MOPS Ministry, Susan Esterline
                             Recovery Ministries, Darrell Bell
                             Salt and Light Ministry, Vacant
                                                                               the grandest
                             Sewing Ministry, Arceal Morgan
                             Swap Meet Ministry, John Hale                      intention.
                             Usher Ministry, David Johnson
                             Women’s Ministry, Lynda Kaiser
                             YACS, Odena Jones

Volume 3, Issue 5                                                                                                  Page 3

Church Family Update
                                                                   If you would know the greatest sum in
       When shall we all learn
    that the good news needs the
                                                                        addition, count your blessings!
                                                                                      —- unknown —-
       telling, and that all men                                                 Taken from Apples of Gold
            need to know it?

•     Charles Carroll              •   Albert Gutierrez        •    Peter Teuis
•     Robert Devone, Jr.           •   Elizabeth Gutierrez     •    Sabra Waggoner
•     Kristina Hedburg             •   Dee Hamlin              •    Cindy Wells
•     Rachel Jacobs                •   Cody Mason              •    Carol Wilson                                It isn’t the
•     Randy Keen                   •   Eddie Rodriguez         •    Don Wilson
•     Anthony Kull                 •   Diane Salka                                                              load that
•     Adriano Rodriguez            •   Michael Salka                                                            weights us
•     Mitchell White               •   Katherine Smith                                                          down —- it’s
                                                                                                                the way we

With Deepest Sympathy . . .                                                                                     carry it.
                                                                                                                   —- unknown—-
Sorrow with his pick mines         Church Members                                                                 Taken from
    the heart, but he is a                                                                                       Apples of Gold
                                   •   Otto Lampman                                                               complied by
  cunning workman. He                                                                                               Jo Petty
   deepens the channels
  whereby happiness may
 enter, and he hollows out
  new chambers for joy to                                      Family Members
 abide in, when he is gone.
            —- unknown —-                                      •    Father of Luis Garcia
             Taken from                                        •    Sister of Wanda Anderson
            Apples of Gold
             complied by
                Jo Petty

Autumn Peace                       Words that are sacred as
                                                               Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty

Take with you words,               healing waters,                                                                      with
strong words of courage:           Pure as light, and                                                                   you
Words that have wings!             beautiful as morning,                                                                holy
Take with you holy                 Take with you tall words,                                                           words
words, words that know             words that reach up,                                                                 that
God;                               And growing words, with                                                             know
                                   deep life within them.                                                              God.
Page 4

              Ladies Annual Tea
                  September 26, 2009
              12:30 o’clock in the afternoon
Reservations can be made at the Connection Center
                Sept. 6th, 13th, and 20th
                   Cost —- $10.00
                  Guest Speaker: Robin Martin
Bring a friend and colour your day in a rainbow of pleasures that are
weaved together with the threads of a—-
    Radiant afterglow from warm and loving fellowship and . . .
    Opulent fare to delight the palette; where . . .
    Yesterday’s elegance is revived in a . . .
    Gorgeous, inviting atmosphere complete with
    Beautiful melodious treats to please the ear and . . .
    Inspirational, encouraging words —- all of which will give you . . .
    Very wonderful memories to keep and cherish.
Volume 3, Issue 5                                                                                              Page 5
MOPS is a group for Mothers of Pre-Schoolers.
That means that any mother with a child who is 0-
5 years of age can join us. Our goal is to provide            We will
a safe, fun environment for both mother and child        laugh together,
where we can uplift, support, love and encourage
one another. We have wonderful mentor moms
                                                           cry together,
to lend a sympathetic ear and offer wise input           learn together,
when we need it. Starting in September we will
                                                             and even
be exploring life on planet mom. Each month we
will be looking at the different roles that we            play together.
mothers fill. We meet 2 weeks out of each month
and offer play dates on a regular basis. Each
meeting will feature either a speaker, a fun activity or a                                 Attention!!
craft. The children will be cared for and involved in a fun                 Operation Christmas Child Season!!
educational program while the moms rejuvenate. Please
come and join us to unwind in a safe atmosphere where              Our annual drive to support children in need around the
you can find yourself again.                                       world and share the gospel with them is upon us! Start
                                                                   collecting your shoe boxes and items NOW while school
      Our 2009—-2010 meeting dates are as follows:                 supplies are on sale, many for less than 50 cents a piece!
     September 8th and 22nd / October 6th and 20th                 Remember that plastic shoe boxes work well for the
     November 3rd and 16th / December 1st and 15th                 children since they can be used again and again to carry
       February 2nd and 16th / March 2nd and 16th
                                                                   water. Our goal this year is 400 boxes. We can easily
           April 6th and 20th / May 4th and 18th
                                                                   meet that goal if we start collecting now! Our collection
                                                                   dates      w i ll    be
       For more information contact Susan Esterline                November 1    st, 8th &
                      at (760)243-4468
                                                                   15th, so get a jump
          or email us at .
                We look forward to seeing you                      on things in order to
                        in September!                              avoid the rush.

      Two little eyes to look to God;
    Two little ears to hear his word;
  Two little feet to walk in his ways;
    Two little lips to sing his praise;
     Two little hands to do his will;
 And one little heart to love him still.
                                      —- Old Welsh Prayer
                       Unit Studies for the Year
                       Unit 1: All Around My Church
                       Unit 2: All Around My Home
                       Unit 3: All Around My Body and God’s World
                       Unit 4: All Around My Friends
                       Unit 5: All Around in Bible Times
                       Unit 6: All Around My Feelings
                       Unit 7: All Around with God
                       Unit 8: All Around My Town
                       Begins Sunday, August 31st at 6:00 pm

                                                         EVENING —-
                                                         ELEVATE JR.
                                                         September: Impact
                                                         October: Dr. Tomorrow’s Robot Repair Shop
                                                         Begins Wednesday, September 2nd at 6:30 pm
Policy for participation:
•   Children must be at least 3 years old by
    December 2, 2009 to participate
•   Children must be potty-trained to participate
•   For safety reasons, children should wear tennis
•   Girls must wear shorts under dresses or skirts
•   Only those listed on your child’s registration/
    emergency card will be eligible to pick up your
    child from TeamKid
Preschoolers and Parents Pumpkin Patch and Picnic
Planning to go to Apple Valley or Live Oak Canyon in late September or early October on a weekday if
possible in conjunction with our MOPS group. Please see Brandy Smith asap if you are interested in
participating in this event.
Preschool Open House
October 18th
9:30 am
Please plan to come and discover what your child has been doing and learning. As always we will have
several fun activities in each classroom along with some mouth-watering goodies for all who attend!
                                            Preschool Ministry BLOG coming soon!!
                                       A great way to keep up with all the exciting things happening
                                                         in the Preschool Ministry.
                               If you are involved with one of our many programs and have information or
                                     pictures we can use on our BLOG, get the to Brandy Smith asap!!
                                            Thanks to Fidel Gonzales for putting together our BLOG.
    A special thank you to Stacy Padgett for putting together the wonderful, recent preschool slide presentation.
Page 7

                                       October 10th
                             11:30 am—2:00 pm
                         14725 Seventh St., #600
                            Victorville, CA 92395

                                               For more info,
                                              please contact
                                            Deborah Lemons
                                            Beverly Scarpace
                                            (760) 243-5006.

Men's Fraternity is a series of three one-year-long studies, beginning
               with The Quest for Authentic Manhood,
              followed by Winning at Work and Home,
                and ends with The Great Adventure.
  Men’s Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that
teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by
           Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God.
          For more information, contact Mike Lemons at 245-7767.
Page 8                                               Get involved with
                                                                 Children’s Ministry!!!
                                                                 Children’s Worship needs
                                                                 small group time workers!

                                                                Knight School needs leaders
                                                                  to listen to children recite verses and selections
                                                                                from their handbooks!

                                                                      Image Shoppe needs helpers in puppetry,
                                                                         arts and crafts, music and drama!
                                                                Contact Sherry Cleveland (760-245-4600) if you are interested in
                                                                        becoming involved with the Children’s Ministry.

Sunday Morning 9:30 am / every week
Bible Study: Children learn the truths from
God’s Word through Bible lessons and
activities that are age appropriate; Bible
                                                                   The hardest job that people
study is the foundation toward spiritual
growth and development.
                                                                  have to do is to move religion
Sunday Morning 11:00 am / every week                                    from their throats
Children’s Worship: Children learn to worship
God through praise songs, Bible lessons,                                 to their muscles.
drama and group activities; during September
and October they will discover truths from
God’s Word through Adventures in Science.
Sunday Evening 6:15 pm                                           You are writing a gospel,
Knight School: August 30-November 15
          A time for learning and memorizing God’s word          A chapter each day,
          as well as a time for games and fellowship;
          children are preparing for spiritual battle as         By deeds that you do,
          they learn to put on the whole armor of God
          that they might be able to stand against Satan’s       By words that you say.
          fiery darts; they earn jewels for their shields and
sashes as they prepare for knighthood.                           Men read what you write,
Wednesday Evening 6:00 pm
Image Shoppe: September 2-December 2
                                                                 Whether faithless or true,
A time for children to be creative through —-
    Arts/Crafts (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm / 1st-2nd-3rd grade)
                                                                 Say, what is the gospel
     Puppetry (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm / 4th-5th-6th grade)
       Music/Drama (7:00 pm - 8:00 pm /grades 1-6)                             according to you?
     —- Preparation for the Christmas musical will begin —-

                                                                       We’ve got to build
                                                                  better people before we build
                                                                         a better society.
                                                                       Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty
Volume 3, Issue 5                                                             Page 9

                                        October 31st
                                       6:00 - 8:00 pm

        For more information about this event, please contact:
             Beverly Norris / Cindy Howell / Carl Brewster

      Everyone is encouraged to bring and donate a non-perishable food item
                     to help feed the needy of our community.

                      Bounce House
                        Giant Slide
                      Cotton Candy
                      Face Painting
                      Cupcake Walk
                         Book Walk
                        Empty Crypt
                      Tricycle Races
                       Trunk ‘r Treat
Page 10
                                   Jesus —-Take the Wheel
                                    Esther: It’s Tough Be-
                                        ing a Woman
                                             Fall 2009 Bible Study
                                    Sunday evening — Facilitated by Lynda Kaiser
                                    Monday evening — Facilitated by Brandy Smith
                                     Thursday morning — Facilitated by Rita Amos

                                       Friday Single Women’s Bible Study
                                              Facilitated by Judi Gleason

Upcoming Events
Pantry Sunday: August 30
Bring various kinds of non-perishable foods to be used to feed people in
need in our community

Women of Faith: September 11-12
Family Mission Bank Day: September 19
Bring a large jar. Glass paint will be provided. We will be collecting silver
coins to present to the Lord in December as a Family Missions Offering.
Meet in room #115 from 10:00 am until noon. Cost is $1.00.

Women’s Retreat: October 9-10
Location —- Jenness Park; sign up now at the Connection Center. $50.00
to reserve your spot.

Ladies Christmas Shopping Day: October 24
Meet at the church for a down-the-hill shopping trip and lunch. We will
leave at 10:00 am.

                     For more info about any of these events,
         contact Lynda Kaiser at (760) 947-9004 /
Page 11

                                                                              home. To that end, we would like to
                                                                              see another Good News Club
                                                                              established in our community to
                                                                              share the gospel with children in
                                                                              our public schools.       We often
                                                                              complain about the moral decay
                                                                              and crime in our community, but
                                                                              that will only change as we let Jesus
                                                                              use us to change hearts —- one
                                                                              heart at a time. Children are the
                                                                              most receptive audience for the
                                                                              gospel, so we are asking for you to
                                                                              pray about and consider taking the
                                                                              Teaching Children Effectively course
                                                                              to qualify you to help launch a new
                                                                              Good News Club.             Without
                                                                              additional leadership, these
                                                                              children in our community may not
                                                                              have the opportunity to hear the
                                                                              gospel and follow Jesus.

                                                                              If you have any questions or advice
                                                                              on any of these, or other missions
We are about to embark on an          We will be working in the area
                                                                              issues, please contact your FBCH
exciting adventure in missions and    surrounding Tarma, which is 6-7
                                                                              Missions Team and please keep us
we would like you to come along!      hours east of Lima, Peru. The area
                                                                              in your prayers.
                                      has cities, towns and villages at
God has opened the door for us to     elevations ranging from 7000 to
adopt a segment of the North Junin    12000 feet. The Quechua people
Quechua people of the central         are the descendants of the original
Andes region of Peru. This means      inhabitants of Peru (including the
that we will be given both the        Inca) and are skilled textile makers.
responsibility and the privilege of   Many retain the belief in a “mother
sharing the gospel, discipling new    earth” type god and other gods.
believers, and bring those new        Many who claim to be Christian
believers together to form a new      retain pagan spiritual practices
church.     What could be more        alongside their Christian beliefs.
exciting than that?
                                      Please pray with us that God will
                                                                              FBCH MISSIONS TEAM
                                      open the hearts of the North Junin
                                      Quechua to the gospel. Also, dust       David Toews (760-244-0894)
                                      off your passport, or apply for a new
                                      passport, so that you will be           Carlos Briceno (760-947-9505)
                                      prepared to serve the Lord through
                                                                              Lane Way (760-947-7739)
                                      missions in Peru next year.
                                                                              Linda Trowbridge (760-244-3232)
                                      Along with our desire to serve the
                                      Lord abroad, we also desire to see
 Quehua people having coca tea        the gospel proclaimed here at
Page 12
                      Congratulations July / August Scripture Scholars !!
                                                                                  Correctly answering 5 of 5:
                                                                                        Ann Jennings
                                                                                  Correctly answering 4 of 5:
                                                                            Fran Gee; Melody Lynch; Lillian Watson
                                                                                Question #2 stumped everyone this time!

                                                                               Answers from the July/August 2009 edition of the
                                                                                         “Scripture Smarts” quiz are:

             1. Eden (Genesis 2:8)
             2. places with towers (Genesis 11:5-9; Luke 13:4; 2 Chronicles 26:9)
             3. the cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23:19)
             4. D (Ezra 4:19)
             5. False (Israel was no longer an independent nation but a province of a larger empire.)

                                         This challenge is open to Bible students of all ages!
                 Honesty is expected in that you search the Scriptures on your own to discover the correct answers.
               Find the answers to the five questions below, write them on a piece of paper, along with your first and
                      last name, and turn it in at the Information Center or church office before October21st.
                                  Stats for those giving correct answers will be in the next edition.
                                       Turn on your brain power and crack open those Bibles!

             1.   What substance appeared on Gideon’s fleece one night —- but not the next —- to convince him he
                  was working in God’s will?
             2.   Match: Hazael . . .
                       A) was told by Elisha that he would die
                       B) was told by Elisha that he would be king of Judah
                       C) asked Elisha if the king of Aram would get well
             3.   True or False: Although Rahab’s story is recorded in the Old Testament, she is mentioned at least
                  twice in the New Testament.
             4.   Connect the Thots:
                       the father of lies / the accuser of the brethren / Beelzebub
             5.   Who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews?

I thoroughly believe in a university education for both
   men and women, but I believe a knowledge of the
Bible without a college course is more valuable than a
   college course without a knowledge of the Bible.
                         Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty

Volume 3, Issue 5                                                                                         Page 13

 Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight
 and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our
 eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross
 and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne.

                     September                                @ the student center
                  Hallelujah Jubilee                    Sunday Mornings
                  Magic Mountain                        8:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study
                                                        9:30 a.m. = Worship (wc)
                                                        11:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study
                Revolve Conference
                                                        Sunday Evenings
                             (girls)                    6:00 - 7:30 pm
                                                                                           An opportunity to express
                                                                                                worship through
                    November                                                              creative movement, drama,

               Feed the Community                                                         singing, black light routines,
                                                                                                  signing, etc.
                 Scavenger Hunt
                                                        Wednesday Evenings
                                                        6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
                  Christmas Parties                     Junior High Ministry
                                                                                           Taking the time to . . .

                                                                                                     Senior High Ministry

                                                            . . . get fueled up for the
Page 14

Help Your Teen Respond to Liberal Science
Here is an article you may find interesting as the school year begins. Pastor Rich
Written by Gary Oliver

Your student may have opportunities to respond to a liberal science teacher, but do you know how to respond when it’s your
teen who announces that he no longer believes that God created the world? Here is how to handle this opportunity to reveal
the truth.

Live Out Truth
Many parents in such a situation give in to panic and bombard their children with
intellectual arguments in support of creation, but their good intentions only create more
division, distance, and distrust between them and their kids.
Instead, start by focusing on your love relationship with Christ. Consider the ways you
demonstrate Christ to your family. According to John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 13, and
Ephesians 5:1-2, the ultimate apologetic for the claims of Christ is not primarily
intellectual but relational.
As people see Jesus in our lives, they are brought face-to-face with the reality of an
infinite and personal God. How your student sees God’s love lived out in your home will
always be more powerful than any book, apologetic, or attempts to make him believe
Don’t ignore the problem, but seize this unique opportunity to engage him, listen to him,
and understand him. Let him know that you value who he is in the process of becoming.

Seek Outside Help
I encourage you and your student to watch the DVD Expelled by Ben Stein. This documentary, by a Jewish social commentator
who became alarmed at the scientific community’s blatant attack on intelligent design, exposes the astonishing and pervasive
anti-supernatural bias and closed-mindedness of the bulk of scientific community. This movie will give your student some new
questions to consider about the pseudo-science that masquerades as legitimate science.
How Great Is Our God by Louie Giglio is another DVD that will challenge your student to reconsider God’s creation of the world
as opposed to it being a random result of unknown factors. This amazing documentation looks at recent discoveries in the
field of astronomy, both asking and answering questions that you and your student may never have considered.

                                                                             Teach Your Children Well
                                                                             One of the greatest gifts we can give our children
                                                                             is to teach them how to think, ask questions, to
                                                                             deal with doubt, and to grapple with uncertainty.
                                                                             Great parents give the gift of both what to think
                                                                             and how to think.
                                                                             What looks like a problem may be used of God to
                                                                             help your student make the “faith of our fathers”
                                                                             become his own faith. By God’s grace and with
                                                                             your prayers and patience, he may emerge from
                                                                             this with a clearer conviction and confidence than
                                                                             ever. When your student goes to college, he will
                                                                             be prepared to face and pseudo-scientific attack
                                                                             based on his personal faith and what he has
                                                                             resolved for himself through the help and prayers
                                                                             of parents who allowed him to doubt and ask the
                                                                             hard questions and, in the process, modeled the
                                                                             reality of the presence of the living Lord.
Volume 3, Issue 5                                                                                      Page 15

A Stitch in Time . . . .
The FBCH Sewing Fellowship meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 8:00 am
until 12:00 pm. There are many things to be done —- cutting fabric, sewing,
ironing which result in the variety of items we are able to produce for hospice,
the homeless and newborn babies as well as for our own church. We have a
very enjoyable time in fellowship as we work. Often our church staff comes in to
visit which affords us the opportunity to get to know them better. Pastor Wayne
comes in from time to time and has prayer with us; we enjoy that very much.
There are always refreshments on hand, provided by one of our own group, for
our enjoyment.
Visit us and join in this ministry. It’s a great way to do something for someone

             Fall/Winter Discipleship Training Classes
  Book of Matthew                                                      Life of Paul
  Facilitated by Don Park                                              Facilitated by Richard Miller
  Meets in (wc)                                                        Meets in #223
  Esther —-                                                            The Quest for Authentic Manhood
  It’s Tough Being a Woman                                             Facilitated by Mike Lemons
  Facilitated by Lynda Kaiser                                          Meets in #127
  Meets in #225
                                                                       Teaching Children Effectively
  Crazy Love                                                           Child Evangelism Fellowship
  Facilitated by Pastor Rich Spring                                    Myra Marquez
  Meets in #227                                                        Meets in #125

  Way of the Master                                                    Probing Prophecy
  Facilitated by Nathan/Aimara                                         Facilitated by Cindy Miller
  Freeman                                                              Meets in #119
  Meets in #220

                                          Judgement House is a walk-through drama that shows the
                                              consequences of what we decide to do with Jesus.
                                             We will be taking a group from our church to Arbor
                                          Christian Fellowship in Lake Forest, CA on October 30th
                                               to view the presentation of this amazing drama.
                                                   Please join us. Your life will be changed.
                                                       Sign up at the Connection Center
                                                 starting September 6th to reserve your spot.
                                                    For more information about this event,
                                               please contact Carl Brewster at (205) 807-7114.
Look for us on the web!

Looking Ahead ————-

                November 2009
   1: Daylight Savings Times Ends

   7: Men’s Ministry Breakfast                    December 2009
                                           5: Men’s Ministry Breakfast
   7: Toward a Growing Marriage
                                           12: Splendor of Christmas
  14: Home for the Holidays                   (Christmas Musical)

  15: Operation Christmas Child            20: Mission Emphasis
      (last day to turn in your shoebox)
                                           24: Candlelight Service
  22: Thanksgiving Service
                                           27: Joint Morning Worship

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FBCH Magazine 20090910

  • 1. Helping people connect to God . . . . . . and discover His purpose for their lives! FBCH Special Points FBConnection V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 5 S e p t / O c t 2 0 0 9 of Interest • Ladies Annual Tea • MOPS • Rose of Sharon • Fall Festival • Missions • Discipleship • Judgement House
  • 2. Page 2 FBConnection: A ministry information publication Published by: First Baptist Church 9280 Maple Avenue / Hesperia, CA 92345 (760) 244-4109 Pastoral Staff Wayne Stockstill, Senior Pastor (ext. 108) Richard Spring, Pastor of Church Development (ext. 104) Robert Grissom, Pastor of Administration/Stewardship (ext. 105) Brian Kaiser, Pastor of Worship Arts (ext. 107) Jim and Wanda Mole, Directors of Student Ministry (ext. 201) Sherry Cleveland, Director of Children’s Ministry (leave messages at ext. 106) Brandy Smith, Director of Preschool Ministry (ext. 120) Bill Trott, Pastor of Hospital Visitation Ministry (leave messages at ext. 106) Administrative Staff Richard Amos, Facilities Manager (ext. 102) Staff Lucy Flood, Accountant (ext. 101) Doris Groveunder, Financial Secretary (ext. 103) Pastoral Claudia Kingston, Executive Secretary (ext. 106) Administrative Robin Martin, Data / Publications Manager (ext. 100) Ron Murphy, Audio/Visual Coordinator (leave messages at ext. 106) Support June Warwick, Special Events: Coordination/Planning (leave messages at ext. 106) Support Staff Preschool Ministry Staff Computer Network Ministry Team Maygan Bartosh Sammy Martin, Systems Administrator Gail Barwise Fidel Gonzales, Webmaster Emily Isaccs Cherish Kangas Every Sharon Perry Audio/Visual Ministry Team Richard Amos Sarah Sanders calling is Children’s Ministry Leadership Team David Anderson Travis Dickerson Dawna Avery El Kingston great when Stacy Padgett Robin Martin Sammy Martin greatly Student Ministry Leadership Team Dawna Avery Roger Sanders Reba Champoux pursued. Nathan Freeman Custodial Staff Fidel Gonzales Ted Holmes Ron and Carolyn Heyward Russell James —- unknown—- Odena Jones Darron Price Brenda Kraus Glenn Trowbridge Taken from Dave and Cheryl Olson Stacy Padgett Apples of Gold Jeannie Rash complied by Lance Way Jo Petty FBCH Ministry Contacts Baptism Assistance Ministry, Judy Cutright Deacon Ministry, Duane Thompson Greeters Ministry, Arceal Morgan Harmony Ministry, DeWayne Williams Kitchen Ministry, Ron and Julie Murphy The smallest good Library Ministry, Ann Bender Ministry Men’s Fraternity Ministry, Mike Lemons deed is better than MOPS Ministry, Susan Esterline Contacts Recovery Ministries, Darrell Bell Salt and Light Ministry, Vacant the grandest Sewing Ministry, Arceal Morgan Swap Meet Ministry, John Hale intention. Usher Ministry, David Johnson Women’s Ministry, Lynda Kaiser YACS, Odena Jones FBConnection
  • 3. Volume 3, Issue 5 Page 3 Church Family Update If you would know the greatest sum in When shall we all learn that the good news needs the addition, count your blessings! —- unknown —- telling, and that all men Taken from Apples of Gold need to know it? • Charles Carroll • Albert Gutierrez • Peter Teuis • Robert Devone, Jr. • Elizabeth Gutierrez • Sabra Waggoner • Kristina Hedburg • Dee Hamlin • Cindy Wells • Rachel Jacobs • Cody Mason • Carol Wilson It isn’t the • Randy Keen • Eddie Rodriguez • Don Wilson • Anthony Kull • Diane Salka load that • Adriano Rodriguez • Michael Salka weights us • Mitchell White • Katherine Smith down —- it’s the way we With Deepest Sympathy . . . carry it. —- unknown—- Sorrow with his pick mines Church Members Taken from the heart, but he is a Apples of Gold • Otto Lampman complied by cunning workman. He Jo Petty deepens the channels whereby happiness may enter, and he hollows out new chambers for joy to Family Members abide in, when he is gone. —- unknown —- • Father of Luis Garcia Taken from • Sister of Wanda Anderson Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty Autumn Peace Words that are sacred as Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty Take Take with you words, healing waters, with strong words of courage: Pure as light, and you Words that have wings! beautiful as morning, holy words, Take with you holy Take with you tall words, words words, words that know words that reach up, that God; And growing words, with know deep life within them. God.
  • 4. Page 4 Ladies Annual Tea September 26, 2009 12:30 o’clock in the afternoon Reservations can be made at the Connection Center Sept. 6th, 13th, and 20th Cost —- $10.00 Guest Speaker: Robin Martin Bring a friend and colour your day in a rainbow of pleasures that are weaved together with the threads of a—- Radiant afterglow from warm and loving fellowship and . . . Opulent fare to delight the palette; where . . . Yesterday’s elegance is revived in a . . . Gorgeous, inviting atmosphere complete with Beautiful melodious treats to please the ear and . . . Inspirational, encouraging words —- all of which will give you . . . Very wonderful memories to keep and cherish.
  • 5. Volume 3, Issue 5 Page 5 MOPS is a group for Mothers of Pre-Schoolers. That means that any mother with a child who is 0- 5 years of age can join us. Our goal is to provide We will a safe, fun environment for both mother and child laugh together, where we can uplift, support, love and encourage one another. We have wonderful mentor moms cry together, to lend a sympathetic ear and offer wise input learn together, when we need it. Starting in September we will and even be exploring life on planet mom. Each month we will be looking at the different roles that we play together. mothers fill. We meet 2 weeks out of each month and offer play dates on a regular basis. Each meeting will feature either a speaker, a fun activity or a Attention!! craft. The children will be cared for and involved in a fun Operation Christmas Child Season!! educational program while the moms rejuvenate. Please come and join us to unwind in a safe atmosphere where Our annual drive to support children in need around the you can find yourself again. world and share the gospel with them is upon us! Start collecting your shoe boxes and items NOW while school Our 2009—-2010 meeting dates are as follows: supplies are on sale, many for less than 50 cents a piece! September 8th and 22nd / October 6th and 20th Remember that plastic shoe boxes work well for the November 3rd and 16th / December 1st and 15th children since they can be used again and again to carry February 2nd and 16th / March 2nd and 16th water. Our goal this year is 400 boxes. We can easily April 6th and 20th / May 4th and 18th meet that goal if we start collecting now! Our collection dates w i ll be For more information contact Susan Esterline November 1 st, 8th & at (760)243-4468 15th, so get a jump or email us at . We look forward to seeing you on things in order to in September! avoid the rush. Two little eyes to look to God; Two little ears to hear his word; Two little feet to walk in his ways; Two little lips to sing his praise; Two little hands to do his will; And one little heart to love him still. —- Old Welsh Prayer
  • 6. SUNDAY EVENING —- TEAM KID Unit Studies for the Year Unit 1: All Around My Church Unit 2: All Around My Home Unit 3: All Around My Body and God’s World Unit 4: All Around My Friends Unit 5: All Around in Bible Times Unit 6: All Around My Feelings Unit 7: All Around with God Unit 8: All Around My Town Begins Sunday, August 31st at 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY EVENING —- ELEVATE JR. September: Impact October: Dr. Tomorrow’s Robot Repair Shop Begins Wednesday, September 2nd at 6:30 pm Policy for participation: • Children must be at least 3 years old by December 2, 2009 to participate • Children must be potty-trained to participate • For safety reasons, children should wear tennis shoes • Girls must wear shorts under dresses or skirts • Only those listed on your child’s registration/ emergency card will be eligible to pick up your child from TeamKid UPCOMING EVENTS !!! Preschoolers and Parents Pumpkin Patch and Picnic Planning to go to Apple Valley or Live Oak Canyon in late September or early October on a weekday if possible in conjunction with our MOPS group. Please see Brandy Smith asap if you are interested in participating in this event. Preschool Open House October 18th 9:30 am Please plan to come and discover what your child has been doing and learning. As always we will have several fun activities in each classroom along with some mouth-watering goodies for all who attend! Preschool Ministry BLOG coming soon!! A great way to keep up with all the exciting things happening in the Preschool Ministry. If you are involved with one of our many programs and have information or pictures we can use on our BLOG, get the to Brandy Smith asap!! Thanks to Fidel Gonzales for putting together our BLOG. A special thank you to Stacy Padgett for putting together the wonderful, recent preschool slide presentation. Awesome!!
  • 7. Page 7 Saturday October 10th 11:30 am—2:00 pm 14725 Seventh St., #600 Victorville, CA 92395 For more info, please contact Deborah Lemons or Beverly Scarpace at (760) 243-5006. Men's Fraternity is a series of three one-year-long studies, beginning with The Quest for Authentic Manhood, Manhood followed by Winning at Work and Home, Home and ends with The Great Adventure. Adventure Men’s Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God. For more information, contact Mike Lemons at 245-7767.
  • 8. Page 8 Get involved with Children’s Ministry!!! Children’s Worship needs small group time workers! Knight School needs leaders to listen to children recite verses and selections from their handbooks! Image Shoppe needs helpers in puppetry, arts and crafts, music and drama! Contact Sherry Cleveland (760-245-4600) if you are interested in becoming involved with the Children’s Ministry. Sunday Morning 9:30 am / every week Bible Study: Children learn the truths from God’s Word through Bible lessons and activities that are age appropriate; Bible The hardest job that people study is the foundation toward spiritual growth and development. have to do is to move religion Sunday Morning 11:00 am / every week from their throats Children’s Worship: Children learn to worship God through praise songs, Bible lessons, to their muscles. drama and group activities; during September and October they will discover truths from God’s Word through Adventures in Science. Science Sunday Evening 6:15 pm You are writing a gospel, Knight School: August 30-November 15 A time for learning and memorizing God’s word A chapter each day, as well as a time for games and fellowship; children are preparing for spiritual battle as By deeds that you do, they learn to put on the whole armor of God that they might be able to stand against Satan’s By words that you say. fiery darts; they earn jewels for their shields and sashes as they prepare for knighthood. Men read what you write, Wednesday Evening 6:00 pm Image Shoppe: September 2-December 2 Whether faithless or true, A time for children to be creative through —- Arts/Crafts (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm / 1st-2nd-3rd grade) Say, what is the gospel Puppetry (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm / 4th-5th-6th grade) Music/Drama (7:00 pm - 8:00 pm /grades 1-6) according to you? —- Preparation for the Christmas musical will begin —- We’ve got to build better people before we build a better society. Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty
  • 9. Volume 3, Issue 5 Page 9 October 31st 6:00 - 8:00 pm For more information about this event, please contact: Beverly Norris / Cindy Howell / Carl Brewster Everyone is encouraged to bring and donate a non-perishable food item to help feed the needy of our community. Bounce House Giant Slide Cotton Candy Popcorn Face Painting Cupcake Walk Book Walk Empty Crypt Tricycle Races Maze Trunk ‘r Treat
  • 10. Page 10 Jesus —-Take the Wheel Esther: It’s Tough Be- ing a Woman Fall 2009 Bible Study Sunday evening — Facilitated by Lynda Kaiser Monday evening — Facilitated by Brandy Smith Thursday morning — Facilitated by Rita Amos Friday Single Women’s Bible Study Facilitated by Judi Gleason Upcoming Events Pantry Sunday: August 30 Bring various kinds of non-perishable foods to be used to feed people in need in our community Women of Faith: September 11-12 Family Mission Bank Day: September 19 Bring a large jar. Glass paint will be provided. We will be collecting silver coins to present to the Lord in December as a Family Missions Offering. Meet in room #115 from 10:00 am until noon. Cost is $1.00. Women’s Retreat: October 9-10 Location —- Jenness Park; sign up now at the Connection Center. $50.00 to reserve your spot. Ladies Christmas Shopping Day: October 24 Meet at the church for a down-the-hill shopping trip and lunch. We will leave at 10:00 am. For more info about any of these events, contact Lynda Kaiser at (760) 947-9004 /
  • 11. Page 11 home. To that end, we would like to see another Good News Club established in our community to share the gospel with children in our public schools. We often complain about the moral decay and crime in our community, but that will only change as we let Jesus use us to change hearts —- one heart at a time. Children are the most receptive audience for the gospel, so we are asking for you to pray about and consider taking the Teaching Children Effectively course to qualify you to help launch a new Good News Club. Without additional leadership, these children in our community may not have the opportunity to hear the gospel and follow Jesus. If you have any questions or advice on any of these, or other missions We are about to embark on an We will be working in the area issues, please contact your FBCH exciting adventure in missions and surrounding Tarma, which is 6-7 Missions Team and please keep us we would like you to come along! hours east of Lima, Peru. The area in your prayers. has cities, towns and villages at God has opened the door for us to elevations ranging from 7000 to adopt a segment of the North Junin 12000 feet. The Quechua people Quechua people of the central are the descendants of the original Andes region of Peru. This means inhabitants of Peru (including the that we will be given both the Inca) and are skilled textile makers. responsibility and the privilege of Many retain the belief in a “mother sharing the gospel, discipling new earth” type god and other gods. believers, and bring those new Many who claim to be Christian believers together to form a new retain pagan spiritual practices church. What could be more alongside their Christian beliefs. exciting than that? Please pray with us that God will FBCH MISSIONS TEAM open the hearts of the North Junin Quechua to the gospel. Also, dust David Toews (760-244-0894) off your passport, or apply for a new passport, so that you will be Carlos Briceno (760-947-9505) prepared to serve the Lord through Lane Way (760-947-7739) missions in Peru next year. Linda Trowbridge (760-244-3232) Along with our desire to serve the Lord abroad, we also desire to see Quehua people having coca tea the gospel proclaimed here at
  • 12. Page 12 Congratulations July / August Scripture Scholars !! Correctly answering 5 of 5: Ann Jennings Correctly answering 4 of 5: Fran Gee; Melody Lynch; Lillian Watson Question #2 stumped everyone this time! Answers from the July/August 2009 edition of the “Scripture Smarts” quiz are: 1. Eden (Genesis 2:8) 2. places with towers (Genesis 11:5-9; Luke 13:4; 2 Chronicles 26:9) 3. the cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23:19) 4. D (Ezra 4:19) 5. False (Israel was no longer an independent nation but a province of a larger empire.) This challenge is open to Bible students of all ages! Honesty is expected in that you search the Scriptures on your own to discover the correct answers. Find the answers to the five questions below, write them on a piece of paper, along with your first and last name, and turn it in at the Information Center or church office before October21st. Stats for those giving correct answers will be in the next edition. Turn on your brain power and crack open those Bibles! 1. What substance appeared on Gideon’s fleece one night —- but not the next —- to convince him he was working in God’s will? 2. Match: Hazael . . . A) was told by Elisha that he would die B) was told by Elisha that he would be king of Judah C) asked Elisha if the king of Aram would get well 3. True or False: Although Rahab’s story is recorded in the Old Testament, she is mentioned at least twice in the New Testament. 4. Connect the Thots: the father of lies / the accuser of the brethren / Beelzebub 5. Who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews? I thoroughly believe in a university education for both men and women, but I believe a knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without a knowledge of the Bible. Taken from Apples of Gold complied by Jo Petty FBConnection
  • 13. Volume 3, Issue 5 Page 13 Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne. September @ the student center Hallelujah Jubilee Sunday Mornings Magic Mountain 8:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study 9:30 a.m. = Worship (wc) 11:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study October Revolve Conference Sunday Evenings (girls) 6:00 - 7:30 pm Campout (boys) An opportunity to express worship through November creative movement, drama, Feed the Community singing, black light routines, signing, etc. Scavenger Hunt Wednesday Evenings December 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Christmas Parties Junior High Ministry Taking the time to . . . Senior High Ministry . . . get fueled up for the competition!
  • 14. Page 14 Help Your Teen Respond to Liberal Science Here is an article you may find interesting as the school year begins. Pastor Rich Written by Gary Oliver Your student may have opportunities to respond to a liberal science teacher, but do you know how to respond when it’s your teen who announces that he no longer believes that God created the world? Here is how to handle this opportunity to reveal the truth. Live Out Truth Many parents in such a situation give in to panic and bombard their children with intellectual arguments in support of creation, but their good intentions only create more division, distance, and distrust between them and their kids. Instead, start by focusing on your love relationship with Christ. Consider the ways you demonstrate Christ to your family. According to John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 13, and Ephesians 5:1-2, the ultimate apologetic for the claims of Christ is not primarily intellectual but relational. As people see Jesus in our lives, they are brought face-to-face with the reality of an infinite and personal God. How your student sees God’s love lived out in your home will always be more powerful than any book, apologetic, or attempts to make him believe something. Don’t ignore the problem, but seize this unique opportunity to engage him, listen to him, and understand him. Let him know that you value who he is in the process of becoming. Seek Outside Help I encourage you and your student to watch the DVD Expelled by Ben Stein. This documentary, by a Jewish social commentator who became alarmed at the scientific community’s blatant attack on intelligent design, exposes the astonishing and pervasive anti-supernatural bias and closed-mindedness of the bulk of scientific community. This movie will give your student some new questions to consider about the pseudo-science that masquerades as legitimate science. How Great Is Our God by Louie Giglio is another DVD that will challenge your student to reconsider God’s creation of the world as opposed to it being a random result of unknown factors. This amazing documentation looks at recent discoveries in the field of astronomy, both asking and answering questions that you and your student may never have considered. Teach Your Children Well One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to teach them how to think, ask questions, to deal with doubt, and to grapple with uncertainty. Great parents give the gift of both what to think and how to think. What looks like a problem may be used of God to help your student make the “faith of our fathers” become his own faith. By God’s grace and with your prayers and patience, he may emerge from this with a clearer conviction and confidence than ever. When your student goes to college, he will be prepared to face and pseudo-scientific attack based on his personal faith and what he has resolved for himself through the help and prayers of parents who allowed him to doubt and ask the hard questions and, in the process, modeled the reality of the presence of the living Lord.
  • 15. Volume 3, Issue 5 Page 15 A Stitch in Time . . . . The FBCH Sewing Fellowship meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm. There are many things to be done —- cutting fabric, sewing, ironing which result in the variety of items we are able to produce for hospice, the homeless and newborn babies as well as for our own church. We have a very enjoyable time in fellowship as we work. Often our church staff comes in to visit which affords us the opportunity to get to know them better. Pastor Wayne comes in from time to time and has prayer with us; we enjoy that very much. There are always refreshments on hand, provided by one of our own group, for our enjoyment. Visit us and join in this ministry. It’s a great way to do something for someone else! Fall/Winter Discipleship Training Classes Book of Matthew Life of Paul Facilitated by Don Park Facilitated by Richard Miller Meets in (wc) Meets in #223 Esther —- The Quest for Authentic Manhood It’s Tough Being a Woman Facilitated by Mike Lemons Facilitated by Lynda Kaiser Meets in #127 Meets in #225 Teaching Children Effectively Crazy Love Child Evangelism Fellowship Facilitated by Pastor Rich Spring Myra Marquez Meets in #227 Meets in #125 Way of the Master Probing Prophecy Facilitated by Nathan/Aimara Facilitated by Cindy Miller Freeman Meets in #119 Meets in #220 Judgement House is a walk-through drama that shows the consequences of what we decide to do with Jesus. We will be taking a group from our church to Arbor Christian Fellowship in Lake Forest, CA on October 30th to view the presentation of this amazing drama. Please join us. Your life will be changed. Sign up at the Connection Center starting September 6th to reserve your spot. For more information about this event, please contact Carl Brewster at (205) 807-7114.
  • 16. Look for us on the web! Looking Ahead ————- November 2009 1: Daylight Savings Times Ends 7: Men’s Ministry Breakfast December 2009 5: Men’s Ministry Breakfast 7: Toward a Growing Marriage 12: Splendor of Christmas 14: Home for the Holidays (Christmas Musical) 15: Operation Christmas Child 20: Mission Emphasis (last day to turn in your shoebox) 24: Candlelight Service 22: Thanksgiving Service 27: Joint Morning Worship