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Ahmed Fawzy El-Sayed MSc.
Eygptian fellowship of Plastic surgery In
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Department,
Tanta University
A thorough
knowledge of the
layers, planes, and
structures of
facial anatomy is
critical when
aesthetic surgery.
*The youthful
face is inherently
attractive as it
conveys an
overall look of
freshness .
*It is the primary
structure for
both nonverbal
and verbal
*In fact, aged or
tired faces often
falsely express a
emotion (anger,
The entire face is similar
to the scalp in being
composed of five basic
(1) the skin.
(2) the subcutaneous
(3) the
(4) loose areolar
tissue(ie, spaces and
retaining ligaments).
(5) the fixed periosteum
and deep fascia
Layer 2: subcutaneous
The subcutaneous layer
has two components: the
subcutaneous fat
(discussed later)
, which provides volume,
and the fibrous
retinacular cutis that
binds the dermis to the
underlying SMAS.
the musculoaponeurotic layer (layer 3)
is described as the (SMAS).
The SMAS contains the intrinsic
muscles of the cheek, which have a
limited attachment to skeleton and a
more extensive attachment to
the soft tissues that they move.
The musculoaponeurotic layer (layer
3) is attached by retinacular cutis
fibers within the subcutaneous layer
(layer 2) to the skin (layer 1).
• The fascia of the
platysma muscle is
part of the superficial
cervical fascia and is
continuous with the
SMAS below.
• The temporoparietal
fascia (superficial
temporal fascia) is an
extension of the SMAS
over the temporal
region above.
• The SMAS is a well-defined portion of the superficial
facial fascia.
• SMAS thickness varies by patient and region of the face. It
is thickest over the parotid and becomes thinner medially.
Forms a continuous sheath through the face and neck
Extends into malar region, lip, and nose, covering the
mimetic muscles
*Facial muscles
*flat muscles forming the superficial layer that covers
the anterior aspect of the face.
*The frontalis covers the upper, orbicularis oculi,the
middle and the platysma, cover lower thirds
*frontalis is fixed by the superior temporal septum.
orbicularis oculi by lateral orbital thickening and the
main zygomatic ligament .
*the platysma at its upper border by the lower
masseteric ligament
*The deeper muscles in
layer 3 provide greater
functional control of the
sphincters over the bony
*For the upper third,
these are the
corrugators and
around the oral cavity,
the elevators (zygomaticus major and minor, levator labii
superioris, levator anguli oris), and
the depressors (depressor anguli oris, depressor labii
inferioris) around the oral sphincter and the mentalis.
The facial mimetic
muscles are protected
in deep plane facelift
surgery because they
are innervated from
their inferior
(under)surfaces. The
exception is the
buccinator, levator
labii superioris, and the
mentalis, which are the
deepest lying muscles
and are innervated on
their outer surfaces.
The fourth layer
*In the scalp, this layer is formed by the galea and flat
muscles, the occipitofrontalis. The outer three layers are
fused and form a functional unit, which is seen when a
scalp flap is elevated
*loose areolar tissue (layer 4) permits gliding movement
of the composite scalp over the fixed deep fascia
(periosteum and deep temporal fascia, layer 5)
The fourth layer
the plane of dissection in subSMAS facelifts.
contains the following structures:
(1) soft tissue spaces.
(2) retaining ligaments.
(3) deep layers of the intrinsic muscles passing from their
bone attachment to their more superficial soft tissue
(4) facial nerve branches, passing from deep to
The fourth layer
has two opposing functions.
 Within this layer are the
facial ligaments that fix the
overlying composite soft
tissue to the facial skeleton.
 is more than a simple areolar
tissue seen in the scalp, but
it being a glide plane also
 The ligaments within the
midcheek are the orbicularis
retaining, zygomatic, and the
upper masseteric ligaments.
Retaining Ligaments
A highly organized
and consistent
connective tissue
framework supports
the overlying skin
and soft tissues.
The retaining ligaments of the face can be likened to a tree. The
ligaments attach the soft tissues to the facial skeleton or deep muscle
fascia, passing through all five layers of the soft tissues. It fans out in
a series of branches and inserts into the dermis. At different levels of
dissection, it is given different names, such as the retinacular cutis in
the subcutaneous layer and ligaments in the subSMAS level .
The regional nerves and
vessels display constant
relationships with both
the fascial planes and
their ligamentous
*The orbitomalar ligament and zygomaticocutaneous ligament
have been referred to as the orbital retaining ligament and
malar membrane, respectively. Both structures are important
in development of the tear trough deformity and malar bags.
*1. Osteocutaneous
extends from the
zygomatic arch
and body, through
the malar fat pad,
to the overlying
patch: Part of the
ligament over the
zygomatic body
extends from the
mandibular region
to the overlying
2. Parotid and
masseteric cutaneous
Formed by coalescence of the
superficial and deep facial
fascia Fixes these facial
layers to the parotid and
masseter, and attaches to the
overlying dermis by fibrous
Weakening of the
Causes downward
migration of the
cheek tissue,
thereby creating
and jowls
(descent below
the mandibular
Jowls formed
from tethering by
the mandibular
ligament Stigmata of facial aging as they relate to retaining
ligaments of the face in the form of grooves.
Jowl formation
is a result of
weakening of the
septum and the
shifting of fat in
the lower face as
well as generalized
soft tissue ptosis.
marionette lines
The orbicularis oculi muscle is fixed to the bone by the orbicularis
retaining ligament. the area of convergence of both orbicularis
retaining ligament and zygomatico-cutaneous ligament is tear trough
ligament . The angular vein lies inferior to it at the level of the
nasojugal groove.
The facial nerve
branches, spaces
and retaining
The nerves stay deep to
and outside of the
spaces at all times in
the lateral face. In the
boundary between the
lateral and anterior
face, the facial nerve
branches transition
from under layer 5 to
enter layer 3, always in
close association
with the retaining
ligaments of the face.
branches of the
facial nerve pass
just medial and
parallel to The
inferior temporal
septum .
the zygomatic
br of facial nerve
has an intimate
relationship to
main Zygomatic
ligament and
The masseteric ligaments are
important landmarks for the buccal
facial nerve branches.
It guard the nerves, which
penetrate the deep fascia and
become superficial on top of the
buccal fat pad, just distal to the
masseteric ligaments.
Releasing the masseteric retaining
ligaments in a sub-SMAS plane
may cause herniation and
exposure of the buccal fat pad,
with the buccal facial branches
lying superficial to it.
The marginal mandibular
nerve run just posterior to
the mandibular ligament.
The great auricular nerve
related to the subcutaneous
extension of the platysma-
auricular ligament.
PAL separates the lateral
temporal–cheek fat
compartment from the
postauricular compartment,
and the great auricular nerve
travels through this septum.
A representation of facial
ligaments (1) the
zygomatic and
(3) the masseteric
retaining ligament and (4)
the parotid retaining
ligament join deeper soft-
tissue structures to the
Collectively, these
ligaments support the
facial structures and facial
nerve branches that may
be violated during facelift
Regions of the face
 The mobile anterior face is
adapted for facial expressions
 the relatively fixed lateral face
(shaded), which overlies masticatory
separated by
A vertical line of retaining ligaments (red)
from above:
temporal, lateral orbital, zygomatic,
masseteric, and mandibular ligaments.
In the anterior face, the mid-
cheek is split obliquely into two
separate functional parts by the mid-
cheek groove (dotted line) related to two
1. the periorbital part above
2. the perioral part below
Spatial anatomy of the
midcheek showing :
The orbicularis retaining
ligament (above)
the preseptal space of the lower
from the prezygomatic
The zygomaticocutaneous
ligaments (below)
the prezygomatic space from the
masticator space.
Facial Fat Compartments
Superficial Facial Fat
1.Nasolabial fat compartment
2.Cheek fat compartments
3.Forehead and temporal fat
4.Orbital fat compartments
5.Jowl fat compartment
Deep Facial Fat
*are anterior or posterior to the
mimetic muscles, and enable
sliding during animation or
1.Deep medial fat
2. Suborbicularis oculi fat
3. Retroorbicularis oculi fat
4.buccal fat pads
Nasolabial fat
 anterior to
medial cheek fat.
overlaps jowl fat.
 Orbicularis
retaining ligament
is superior border.
 adherent to lower
border of
zygomaticus major.
Medial cheek fat
*Middle cheek fat
Anterior and superficial
to the parotid gland
At its superior portion,
the zygomaticus major
muscle is adherent.
A confluence of septa is
present at this location,
where the zygomatic
ligament has been
Lateral temporal-cheek
 superficial to the
parotid gland,
connecting the temporal
fat to cervical
subcutaneous fat.
The lateral cheek
located anterior to it.(a
true septum, and is the
first septal boundary
encountered during a face
*Forehead and
temporal fat
*• Composed of three
*1. Central
2. Middle
on either side of it
(superior temporal
septum forms
the lateral border)
3. Lateral
(described above)
*Orbital fat compartments
*• Composed of three
*1. Superior compartment,
bounded by orbital retaining
ligament (ORL) above and
*canthi medially and
2. Inferior
bounded by ORL
inferiorly and
the canthi
medially and
3. Lateral
bounded superiorly
by the inferior
temporal septum,
inferiorly by
the superior cheek
septum, where the
zygomaticus major
muscle is adherent
Jowl fat compartment
• Adheres to the
depressor anguli oris
• Bounded medially by
the depressor labii,
superiorly and laterally
by the cheek
Bounded inferiorly by
the membranous fusion
of the platysma
muscle. This occurs at
the region of the
mandibular retaining
Malar Fat Pad
refers to the youthful cheek.
the nasolabial and medial cheek
fat compartments.
The inferior orbital fat
Triangular in shape, overlies the
zygomaticus major, the
zygomaticus minor, and the
lower orbicularis oculi.
Its base is along the nasolabial
sulcus, and its apex is toward
the zygomatic prominence.
With age the fat pad descends
and loses volume, which creates
fullness and deepening of the
nasolabial sulcus.
Deep compartments
These include
the sub– orbicularis oculi and oris, buccal fat
pads, deep medial cheek fat, and lateral deep
cheek compartment.
*The deep
medialcheek fat
is stained with
methylene blue.
*This fat lies beneath
the superficial
subcutaneous fat
*The zygomaticus
major (ZM) and
buccal fat (B)
represent the lateral
*Deep medial cheek fat
(DMCF) surrounds the
levator anguli oris
muscle (LAO). Buccal
fat (B) and
* suborbicularis fat
(SOOF) are distinct
from the deep medial
cheek fat.
(Above) The main blood supply to
the deep medial cheek fat was noted
to be the infraorbital
artery (IOF).
The transverse facial (TFA) and
the angular arteries provided small
branches to this fat pad
(Left) Photograph of a deflated midface (arrow). (Right) Saline injected
into the deep medial cheek fat
restores anterior projection, diminishes the nasolabial fold,
effaces the nasojugal trough, and improves the malar region.
the cheek has a natural appearance, the reason being that the deep
medial fat boundaries determine the anatomical position of the cheek.
IF fat is injected deep and medial to the zygomaticus
major muscle,This technique improves midface
projection and recreates a youthful cheek. In addition,
the V-deformity of the lower lid is improved and the
prominence of the nasolabial fold is diminished.
Buccal Fat Pad
The buccal fat pad is an
important structure that
contributes to cheek and
facial contour.
It consists of a central
body and three
extensions: Temporal,
pterygoid, and buccal.
The central body and
buccal extensions
contribute to cheek contour.
The buccal fat pad is
similar to an egg yolk in
color, size, and consistency.
The zygomatic and buccal
branches of the facial nerve
lie superficial to the buccal
extension, with the parotid
duct passing through it.
In select cases, the buccal
extension can be removed
using an intraoral approach
with alongitudinal incision
in the buccal sulcus to
reduce cheek fullness and
enhance the malar
Key fat compartments for
pathophysiology of the aging face
• These ligaments attenuate and relax with
age, causing creases by pivoting facial tissue.
• The characteristics of facial aging are the
result of these ligaments relaxing, along
with loss of skin elasticity and atrophy of
soft tissues.
Weakening of
the zygomatic
migration of the
malar soft
tissues Creates
redundant skin
that hangs over
the fixed
nasolabial fold .
* the
All tissues change
characteristics with age
tissues are subject to
redistribution, and sagging.
The skin loses some
collagen and elastin in the
dermis, and the dermis
loses some hyaluronic acid,
becoming dry, inelastic,
and wrinkly.
Understanding the
characteristics of aging is
the key foundation for fi
ller and botulinum toxin
Fat tissue shows different aging processes
In the superfi cial fat, drooping appears due to gravity.
In the deep fat, relocation and atrophy due to the
unbalanced change of the volume of fat compartments.
Face lipofilling
Indications were simplified by
Shiffman, (2010) into three main
The first to fill defects such
 Congenital disease as Romberg
Disease as acne .
Iatrogenic (e.g following drug
*The second group is
for cosmetic
 furrows or
 acne scars.
enhancement and
refill lost supportive
tissue due to aging
the third group is for non cosmetic purposes,
 migraine headache
vocal cord problems
lipoinjection was used in treating sphincteric
incontinence (Shafik, 1995),
 filling first web space atrophy in ulnar nerve
 pacemaker pocket neuralgia and
restoration of planter fat pad
Fawzy a fat compartments  and retaining ligaments  of the face
Fawzy a fat compartments  and retaining ligaments  of the face

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Fawzy a fat compartments and retaining ligaments of the face

  • 1. By Ahmed Fawzy El-Sayed MSc. Eygptian fellowship of Plastic surgery In Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Department, Tanta University
  • 2. A thorough knowledge of the layers, planes, and structures of facial anatomy is critical when performing aesthetic surgery.
  • 3. *The youthful face is inherently attractive as it conveys an overall look of freshness . *It is the primary structure for both nonverbal and verbal communication. *In fact, aged or tired faces often falsely express a negative emotion (anger, fatigue, disappointment)
  • 4. The entire face is similar to the scalp in being composed of five basic layers: (1) the skin. (2) the subcutaneous layer. (3) the musculoaponeurotic layer. (4) loose areolar tissue(ie, spaces and retaining ligaments). (5) the fixed periosteum and deep fascia
  • 5. Layer 2: subcutaneous tissue The subcutaneous layer has two components: the subcutaneous fat (discussed later) , which provides volume, and the fibrous retinacular cutis that binds the dermis to the underlying SMAS.
  • 6. the musculoaponeurotic layer (layer 3) is described as the (SMAS). The SMAS contains the intrinsic muscles of the cheek, which have a limited attachment to skeleton and a more extensive attachment to the soft tissues that they move. The musculoaponeurotic layer (layer 3) is attached by retinacular cutis fibers within the subcutaneous layer (layer 2) to the skin (layer 1).
  • 7. • The fascia of the platysma muscle is part of the superficial cervical fascia and is continuous with the SMAS below. • The temporoparietal fascia (superficial temporal fascia) is an extension of the SMAS over the temporal region above.
  • 8.
  • 9. SMAS • The SMAS is a well-defined portion of the superficial facial fascia. • SMAS thickness varies by patient and region of the face. It is thickest over the parotid and becomes thinner medially. Forms a continuous sheath through the face and neck Extends into malar region, lip, and nose, covering the mimetic muscles
  • 10. *Facial muscles *flat muscles forming the superficial layer that covers the anterior aspect of the face. *The frontalis covers the upper, orbicularis oculi,the middle and the platysma, cover lower thirds *frontalis is fixed by the superior temporal septum. orbicularis oculi by lateral orbital thickening and the main zygomatic ligament . *the platysma at its upper border by the lower masseteric ligament
  • 11. *The deeper muscles in layer 3 provide greater functional control of the sphincters over the bony cavities. *For the upper third, these are the corrugators and procerus
  • 12. around the oral cavity, the elevators (zygomaticus major and minor, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris), and the depressors (depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris) around the oral sphincter and the mentalis.
  • 13. The facial mimetic muscles are protected in deep plane facelift surgery because they are innervated from their inferior (under)surfaces. The exception is the buccinator, levator labii superioris, and the mentalis, which are the deepest lying muscles and are innervated on their outer surfaces.
  • 14. The fourth layer *In the scalp, this layer is formed by the galea and flat muscles, the occipitofrontalis. The outer three layers are fused and form a functional unit, which is seen when a scalp flap is elevated *loose areolar tissue (layer 4) permits gliding movement of the composite scalp over the fixed deep fascia (periosteum and deep temporal fascia, layer 5)
  • 15. The fourth layer the plane of dissection in subSMAS facelifts. contains the following structures: (1) soft tissue spaces. (2) retaining ligaments. (3) deep layers of the intrinsic muscles passing from their bone attachment to their more superficial soft tissue origin (4) facial nerve branches, passing from deep to superficial.
  • 16. The fourth layer has two opposing functions.  Within this layer are the facial ligaments that fix the overlying composite soft tissue to the facial skeleton.  is more than a simple areolar tissue seen in the scalp, but it being a glide plane also  The ligaments within the midcheek are the orbicularis retaining, zygomatic, and the upper masseteric ligaments.
  • 17. Retaining Ligaments A highly organized and consistent three-dimensional connective tissue framework supports the overlying skin and soft tissues.
  • 18. The retaining ligaments of the face can be likened to a tree. The ligaments attach the soft tissues to the facial skeleton or deep muscle fascia, passing through all five layers of the soft tissues. It fans out in a series of branches and inserts into the dermis. At different levels of dissection, it is given different names, such as the retinacular cutis in the subcutaneous layer and ligaments in the subSMAS level .
  • 19. The regional nerves and vessels display constant and Predictable relationships with both the fascial planes and their ligamentous attachments.
  • 20. *
  • 21. *The orbitomalar ligament and zygomaticocutaneous ligament have been referred to as the orbital retaining ligament and malar membrane, respectively. Both structures are important in development of the tear trough deformity and malar bags.
  • 22. *1. Osteocutaneous ligaments Zygomatic osteocutaneous ligament extends from the zygomatic arch and body, through the malar fat pad, to the overlying dermis McGregor’s patch: Part of the ligament over the zygomatic body
  • 24. 2. Parotid and masseteric cutaneous ligaments Formed by coalescence of the superficial and deep facial fascia Fixes these facial layers to the parotid and masseter, and attaches to the overlying dermis by fibrous septa
  • 25.
  • 26. Weakening of the masseteric ligaments Causes downward migration of the cheek tissue, thereby creating marionette lines and jowls (descent below the mandibular margin) Jowls formed from tethering by the mandibular ligament Stigmata of facial aging as they relate to retaining ligaments of the face in the form of grooves.
  • 27. Jowl formation is a result of weakening of the mandibular septum and the shifting of fat in the lower face as well as generalized soft tissue ptosis.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. The orbicularis oculi muscle is fixed to the bone by the orbicularis retaining ligament. the area of convergence of both orbicularis retaining ligament and zygomatico-cutaneous ligament is tear trough ligament . The angular vein lies inferior to it at the level of the nasojugal groove.
  • 32. The facial nerve branches, spaces and retaining ligaments. The nerves stay deep to and outside of the spaces at all times in the lateral face. In the boundary between the lateral and anterior face, the facial nerve branches transition from under layer 5 to enter layer 3, always in close association with the retaining ligaments of the face.
  • 33. temporal branches of the facial nerve pass just medial and parallel to The inferior temporal septum . the zygomatic br of facial nerve has an intimate relationship to main Zygomatic ligament and masseteric ligament.
  • 34. The masseteric ligaments are important landmarks for the buccal facial nerve branches. It guard the nerves, which penetrate the deep fascia and become superficial on top of the buccal fat pad, just distal to the masseteric ligaments. Releasing the masseteric retaining ligaments in a sub-SMAS plane may cause herniation and exposure of the buccal fat pad, with the buccal facial branches lying superficial to it.
  • 35. The marginal mandibular nerve run just posterior to the mandibular ligament. The great auricular nerve related to the subcutaneous extension of the platysma- auricular ligament. PAL separates the lateral temporal–cheek fat compartment from the postauricular compartment, and the great auricular nerve travels through this septum.
  • 36. A representation of facial ligaments (1) the zygomatic and (2)mandibular, (3) the masseteric retaining ligament and (4) the parotid retaining ligament join deeper soft- tissue structures to the dermis. Collectively, these ligaments support the facial structures and facial nerve branches that may be violated during facelift dissection.
  • 37. Regions of the face  The mobile anterior face is adapted for facial expressions  the relatively fixed lateral face (shaded), which overlies masticatory structures. separated by A vertical line of retaining ligaments (red) from above: temporal, lateral orbital, zygomatic, masseteric, and mandibular ligaments. In the anterior face, the mid- cheek is split obliquely into two separate functional parts by the mid- cheek groove (dotted line) related to two cavities: 1. the periorbital part above (blue) 2. the perioral part below (yellow).
  • 38. Spatial anatomy of the midcheek showing : The orbicularis retaining ligament (above) Separates the preseptal space of the lower lid from the prezygomatic space. The zygomaticocutaneous ligaments (below) Separate the prezygomatic space from the masticator space.
  • 40. *
  • 41.
  • 42. Superficial Facial Fat Compartments 1.Nasolabial fat compartment 2.Cheek fat compartments 3.Forehead and temporal fat compartments 4.Orbital fat compartments 5.Jowl fat compartment
  • 43.
  • 44. Deep Facial Fat Compartments *are anterior or posterior to the mimetic muscles, and enable sliding during animation or mastication 1.Deep medial fat compartment 2. Suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) 3. Retroorbicularis oculi fat (ROOF) 4.buccal fat pads
  • 45.
  • 46. Nasolabial fat compartment  anterior to medial cheek fat. overlaps jowl fat.  Orbicularis retaining ligament is superior border.  adherent to lower border of zygomaticus major.
  • 48. *Middle cheek fat Anterior and superficial to the parotid gland At its superior portion, the zygomaticus major muscle is adherent. A confluence of septa is present at this location, where the zygomatic ligament has been described.
  • 49. Lateral temporal-cheek compartment  superficial to the parotid gland, connecting the temporal fat to cervical subcutaneous fat. The lateral cheek septum located anterior to it.(a true septum, and is the first septal boundary encountered during a face lift).
  • 50. *Forehead and temporal fat compartments *• Composed of three compartments *1. Central
  • 51. 2. Middle on either side of it (superior temporal septum forms the lateral border) 3. Lateral temporal-cheek compartment (described above)
  • 52. *Orbital fat compartments *• Composed of three compartments *1. Superior compartment, bounded by orbital retaining ligament (ORL) above and the *canthi medially and laterally
  • 53. 2. Inferior compartment, bounded by ORL inferiorly and the canthi medially and laterally
  • 54. 3. Lateral compartment, bounded superiorly by the inferior temporal septum, inferiorly by the superior cheek septum, where the zygomaticus major muscle is adherent
  • 55. Jowl fat compartment • Adheres to the depressor anguli oris muscle • Bounded medially by the depressor labii, superiorly and laterally by the cheek compartments.
  • 56. Bounded inferiorly by the membranous fusion of the platysma muscle. This occurs at the region of the mandibular retaining ligament.
  • 57. Malar Fat Pad refers to the youthful cheek. the nasolabial and medial cheek fat compartments. The inferior orbital fat Triangular in shape, overlies the zygomaticus major, the zygomaticus minor, and the lower orbicularis oculi. Its base is along the nasolabial sulcus, and its apex is toward the zygomatic prominence. With age the fat pad descends and loses volume, which creates fullness and deepening of the nasolabial sulcus.
  • 59. These include the sub– orbicularis oculi and oris, buccal fat pads, deep medial cheek fat, and lateral deep cheek compartment.
  • 60. *The deep medialcheek fat is stained with methylene blue. *This fat lies beneath the superficial subcutaneous fat compartments. *The zygomaticus major (ZM) and buccal fat (B) represent the lateral boundaries
  • 61. *Deep medial cheek fat (DMCF) surrounds the levator anguli oris muscle (LAO). Buccal fat (B) and * suborbicularis fat (SOOF) are distinct from the deep medial cheek fat.
  • 62. (Above) The main blood supply to the deep medial cheek fat was noted to be the infraorbital artery (IOF). The transverse facial (TFA) and the angular arteries provided small branches to this fat pad
  • 63. (Left) Photograph of a deflated midface (arrow). (Right) Saline injected specifically into the deep medial cheek fat restores anterior projection, diminishes the nasolabial fold, effaces the nasojugal trough, and improves the malar region. the cheek has a natural appearance, the reason being that the deep medial fat boundaries determine the anatomical position of the cheek.
  • 64. SO IF fat is injected deep and medial to the zygomaticus major muscle,This technique improves midface projection and recreates a youthful cheek. In addition, the V-deformity of the lower lid is improved and the prominence of the nasolabial fold is diminished.
  • 65.
  • 66. Buccal Fat Pad The buccal fat pad is an important structure that contributes to cheek and facial contour. It consists of a central body and three extensions: Temporal, pterygoid, and buccal. The central body and buccal extensions contribute to cheek contour.
  • 67. The buccal fat pad is similar to an egg yolk in color, size, and consistency. The zygomatic and buccal branches of the facial nerve lie superficial to the buccal extension, with the parotid duct passing through it. In select cases, the buccal extension can be removed using an intraoral approach with alongitudinal incision in the buccal sulcus to reduce cheek fullness and enhance the malar eminence.
  • 68. Key fat compartments for augmentation.
  • 69. pathophysiology of the aging face • These ligaments attenuate and relax with age, causing creases by pivoting facial tissue. • The characteristics of facial aging are the result of these ligaments relaxing, along with loss of skin elasticity and atrophy of soft tissues.
  • 70. Weakening of the zygomatic ligaments Causes downward migration of the malar soft tissues Creates redundant skin that hangs over the fixed nasolabial fold .
  • 72. All tissues change characteristics with age tissues are subject to atrophoderma, redistribution, and sagging. The skin loses some collagen and elastin in the dermis, and the dermis loses some hyaluronic acid, becoming dry, inelastic, and wrinkly. Understanding the characteristics of aging is the key foundation for fi ller and botulinum toxin treatment
  • 73. Fat tissue shows different aging processes In the superfi cial fat, drooping appears due to gravity. In the deep fat, relocation and atrophy due to the unbalanced change of the volume of fat compartments.
  • 74. Face lipofilling Indications were simplified by Shiffman, (2010) into three main groups. The first to fill defects such as  Congenital disease as Romberg disease. Traumatic. Disease as acne . Iatrogenic (e.g following drug injection).
  • 75. *The second group is for cosmetic indications  furrows or wrinkles,  acne scars. enhancement and refill lost supportive tissue due to aging
  • 76. the third group is for non cosmetic purposes,  migraine headache vocal cord problems lipoinjection was used in treating sphincteric incontinence (Shafik, 1995),  filling first web space atrophy in ulnar nerve palsies,  pacemaker pocket neuralgia and restoration of planter fat pad

Editor's Notes

  1. The fascial layer of deep connective tissue that includes: the galea over the cranium, the temporalis fascia, the SMAS fascia in the cheek, and the superior cervical fascia in the neck.
  2. Loss of volume in the deep medial fat may be responsible for the loss of fullness seen in the aging midface
  3. Deep medial cheek fat (DMCF) surrounds the levator anguli oris muscle (LAO). Buccal fat (B) and suborbicularis fat (SOOF) are distinct from the deep medial cheek fat.
  4. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Parry-Romberg syndrome is an extremely rare autoimmune disorder One side of her face was developing normally while the other side was deteriorating The relocated tissue will grow along with Christine as she matures
  5. When the disease is more severe, enophthalmos and subsequent ocular movement impairment can be present. Cases in which an eye was lost have been reported [14]. Our fifth case showed severe enophthalmos; however, she did not experience Table 4 Three-dimensional cephalometrics and volumetrics comparing the affected side to the nonaffected side at the follow-up consultation. ..