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Factual Research.
Jake Whattam-Smith
Existing Products Research
The main reasoning behind why I had first discovered, watched and then included this in my existing products research is
primarily because it demonstrates a very engaging, informative and yet personally captivating documentary to ourselves
being the consumer; something which having recognized after recapping it excessively has been demonstrated very
Context – What is being called ‘hyper reality’ is easier know as a type of augmented reality, this being an interactive
experience of a real world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced or altered by computer
generated information. This can included a range of different sensory modalities, consisting of either visual, auditory, haptic,
somatosensory and olfactory, or a mix of two or more together to creates these more intensified experiences to real life
scenarios. First being mentioned in 1901 by L. Frank Baum, augmented reality was first acknowledged to be possible when
in 1957 – 62 Morton Heilig creates the first ever immersive simulator called Sensorama which had visuals, sound, vibration
and smell all in one imitation; moving to 1990 Augmented reality was further researched to be possible, by which in 1992
Louis Rosenburg developed the first augmented reality system, called Virtual Fixtures, that was created to demonstrate a
benefit to human perception. Following technological advances, they were improved becoming tetherless in 2000, upgraded
to help support jobs such as with being a travel guide in 2008, wearable augmented gear for everyday use and gaming in
2012 – 2015, and finally the most advanced augmented reality gear was announced by Microsoft with ‘significant
improvements’ called HoloLens 2.
Content – When starting off the short documentary we are first introduced to the person who is explaining the topic of the
video (Augmented ‘Hyper’ Reality) in a series of little facts, which are relevant to us knowing, about ‘Keiichi Matsuda’, his past
history in education, and what he does; this is a very effective beginning to the broadcast, giving ourselves the consumer
some information about the person narrating which fulfills more of a connection that envelops into a stronger engagement
towards the video rather than not offering any information as in some other circumstances. Furthermore he endeavors into
#1 – The future of AR
the work he produces, what interests him on it, and what should be expected on the future of this topic through a series of video clips
and images representing what he is mentioning to focus on a greater understanding in their audience. Its evident that this was done
for a better judgement on ‘hyper reality’, because of how diverse and complex the subject can be, but this is done exceptionally for
the extra overlaying clips also working as an engagement method along with its other reasonings.
Style – One of the most recognizable aspects in this video was the way its narration was expressed (in the use of language), and
performed (through his use of body posture/actions) throughout the video when explaining different ideologies and interests the
designer wanted to disclose in the ‘Hyper Reality World’ and numerous concepts displayed. Nonetheless he was extremely clear in
his vocabulary, meaning its ease of perception was understandable; but a mix of both personal and professional interactions with the
user, in the numerous as some would say ‘slang’ wordings (such as ‘sort of’ and ‘kind of like’) makes it more of a relaxed and
enjoyable atmosphere to really engage their audience as he talks personally and almost directly to you as a person would normally.
Additionally, a lot of hand movements and gestures is pleasant to the environment being made, for the backing music, smooth and
steady talk through doesn’t make the scene too erratic which is more suiting to the topic being suggested as they want their viewers
to feel engaged on the topic and not the extras to the video.
Techniques – It's evident that with most documentary's, including this one, the main interview is taken place first with little structure
to it, with having questions being asked and for the subject to answer in reply to these queries; by doing so and then removing the
interviewer’s speech replying and asking ‘Keiichi Matsuda’ (the main narrator), this makes it much shorter and more the less
engaging to its consumers as its more directed towards themselves rather than the exterior voices behind the camera (interviewer).
In addition to this we have a series of both photos and video files in relation to what is being mentioned throughout the video; this is
clear during moments of talking about the work he produces, as overlaying images and video examples are to be shown, or when he
introduces himself at the beginning when stating his career/place of work, as shots of himself at his workstation and exterior to the
building proceed to be advertised. With the inclusion of these denotations it not only advocates more information to its user, but
makes it equally as engaging; whilst this is all good, it also creates more of a connection between ourselves (the consumer) and the
person being interviewed (‘Keiichi Matsuda’) as he's formally addressing us with not only an approachable attitude, but with following
images and clips to support what is being mentioned, furthering our knowledge of this character and flourishing our interest.
Furthering their methods and processes in the short documentary, having also included music throughout the video, the disclosed
process of cutting the numerous clips to the beat of the audio narration and music is present and rarely recognized. The choice of
music consistently fluctuates with lower and higher up beats, both creating a very suiting environment for the style of the
documentary they're going for (friendly, joyful and engaging) whilst being extremely beneficial for this technique to be implemented
(as it offers frequent opportunities to manipulate their video files to suit).
This documentary was more distinctive than others and chosen for its close relation to what I aspire to cover, being VR (Virtual
Realty) capability and progression, whilst maintaining a very low budget in the making of it, as speculated through video titles,
overlays, differentiating sound qualities and reoccurring environments with little variety when shooting the documentary.
Context – Covering what's known as ‘virtual reality’, this involves wearing a piece of attire that conceals your vision, and then
replacing it with a simulated experience that can be like or completely different from the real world. This is also usually an interactive
program where controllers individually are held in each hand to make it more immersive as you can then grab, move and use
whatever objects are placed in the simulation; these simulations in the headset are primarily used for entertainment purposes (i.e
video games and movies etc) or to excel educational needs (as such with medical or military training), but can be also used across
many other possibilities involved around jobs in the near future. The first ever type of virtual reality was created in 1962, a prototype
called the sensorama in which 5 short film were displayed on a screen covering the personnel's vision, this also engaged multiple
other senses, including sound, smell and touch in addition to sight. From then on virtual reality was looked upon as an incredible
technology that really strived from 2010 – present day as they became even more powerful, portable and immersive with technology's
such as hand tracking which eliminates the need for controllers and more.
Content – Beginning the documentary we are immediately introduced to some brief information on virtual reality, what it is and some
of the history behind its evolution; covering the first 38 seconds of the video this effectively interprets what to expect in the upcoming
documentary, narrowing down their audience immediately to suit themselves, but in doing so this also limits their chances of gaining
possible new users to the virtual reality world, especially given the fact that VR is still growing and not yet fully recognized across the
globe, so this could have been improved with either facts, statistics or some persuasive techniques to grab the attention of its
customers before lapsing their interest. Moving onwards, after a short title sequence, two people being interviewed are introduced to
the documentary with a series of questions being asked and answered on the main topic of vr, this goes on until the end of the video
covering a total approximation of 4 -5 separate theorems over a total of just under 5 minutes. Holding a very structured and common
practice in documentaries, having interviewed these people makes it more directed towards the consumer, especially given the fact
#2 – VR: Where will it take us?
that the interviewer's position in asking these question is cut out, making it more the less engaging; nonetheless by having more than
one person interviewed, it gives off a persuasive need to believe what is being said, as insightful judgements from two personnel's is
more believable than a standalone opinion, creating a stronger connection to the video as its more trustworthy given that multiple
experiences on the topic are viewed upon.
Style – Throughout the short documentary we had 3 people speaking at different moments in the video, but it's acknowledged that a
clear and formal use of language was at a constant in all of the participants, more for the narrator who uses a wider vocabulary range
and structural way to his speaking, possibly hinting at a use of script which is most common across other narrations, audio projects
and other general occasions where an anonymous voice is overheard in the background. Overall though everything is pronounced
well and with an effect and interpretation that benefits the context of the documentary, as speculations, ideologies and ‘myths’ in the
VR world are explained which is suiting as a sense of mystery comes from their vocals and in the atmosphere is present.
It's also worth mentioning that in some circumstances when explaining their own thoughts, being the person being interviewed, it is
quite hard to understand what they’re trying to clarify and justify through their choice or words, especially with ‘Brittany’, as she would
speak quieter at times more than others, so it's important to identify and counter this when doing my own.
Additionally, a lot of non-verbal codes in their facial expressions helps emphasize what they are trying to pronounce, this is most
commonly present with ‘Bill Collins’ who uses this to counter the fact that hand movements wouldn't be visible regarding the shot
being so close up; not only this but when wanting to clarify or justify a point he has made, these non-verbal codes will spike with
maybe a lift in the eyebrows, widening of the eyes or shrug of shoulders suggesting an importance in what he's saying and making
the viewer focus more on his dialogue at these key moments. Its also worth acknowledging that with the atmosphere mainly being
around uncertainty and mystery on the subject, these non-verbal codes support it extremely well and suit to environment being
Techniques – It seems that in the creation of this documentary, a camera rig with a tripod, as presumed with such stable and eye
level footage, is used amongst other equipment, and when observing Brittany’s interview, we are inclined to think that some lighting
equipment is also used with such harsh white light illuminating the side of her face, background, and multiple products on the table
that creates shadows indefinitely. With the gear being used, its clear some methods around filming interviews are underway, as such
with the shot being eye level, having a small enough gap between the top of the shot and interviewee's head, and placement of the
person on the right; by having this strategic placement of Brittany, it follows greatly in the rule of thirds (and general interview
characteristics), with having her consistent across the middle right vertical line, and her eyes at the joining part in the top right, this
balances the shot which makes it nonetheless captivating and satisfying to the viewers – especially given the fact that both the
products and background present in the clip add more of a unique factor. Following on with the interviews, having the camera eye
level makes it much more direct and engaging to the consumer as we are on the same ‘level’ as the person speaking, which also
infers that they're talking to you on a more personal approach which likewise evokes a trustworthy connection and atmosphere
towards the video from the viewers perspective.
The difference, and reason why I had chosen this documentary to cover was because of its unique style and concept on making a
documentary, nonetheless with how relatable and emotional impacting it is additionally; with not including stereotypical features as
such with interviews and focusing more in the information, statistics, facts, and cinematics reel of video clips to help represent what is
being mentioned, this is effective and doesn’t distract you from the main subject they want to comprehend.
Context – Starting back in early December China, the first cases appeared after the disease supposedly transmitted from somebody
eating a wild animal. Since then it began on the uprise, reaching the whole of the city of Wuhan, then country, and now world, after
having infected more than 33.4 million people across 188 countries and territories with more than 1 million deaths. People have
recovered, 23 million, but the chance of death makes it deadly and frightening to the world, making it now the msot notorious disease
above all since this has never happened before. With symptoms like a cough or loss of taste or smell, it has now entered daily life
and will be part of normality for decades. Up to current day, written at the 29th of September, this has lasted almost a year, and with
having previous lockdowns, and the virus fluctuating from now and again, its expected another lockdown could appear soon, once
again affecting social lives, jobs, mental states and lives on people.
Content – Covering a very sensitive topic at the time of publishing and watching it, Covid 19 is the main interest here. Focusing
more on the evolution of its growth in Australia (where the presumed film makers and creators of the documentary are from), it goes
in depth around its expansion around the country, what it has impacted on its journey, how we as the human race have adapted
to counter its growing problems and issues, and how we have benefited from its occurrence to infer some inspirational and
emotionally compelling feeling in ourselves the viewers. Beginning right from where covid started, in December 2019 China, up to
present day where we are all still managing around the virus, it covers everything to know about the topic in Australia and what more
we can expect to see in the future of the country – as its dedicated to this specific community. Its also worth mentioning that
throughout the video there is a consistent rate of statistics and facts being told to add effect to the story, this is throughout the whole
video and makes it more emotionally compelling, especially given that its has impacted billions of people worldwide which makes it
evermore so relatable and interesting.
#3 – VIRUS (2020)
Research Summary
What common features do the existing products have?
Having reviewed each short documentary that I had investigated, across its use of 'techniques', 'style', 'content' and 'context' involved,
its evident that some reoccurring themes are noticeable; even though similarities are present, it's worth mentioning that a lot of
differences are additionally recognizable, given why these documentaries were researched in the first place.
Simularities – One of the most recognisable features in two of the exisitng products researched was the inclusion of interviews.
When encountering documentrys, interviews are the most used and stereotypical features in these products, making it an expected
inclusion amoungst the media industry and its viewers; seeing this in both products makes it no different, following stereotypical
values, and working well with the purpose of a documentrry – to instruct, educate or maintain a historical record through giving
When a narration is present with moving images being observed as the main video source, this is know as being an 'essayistick'
method/process which is used across all of the documentrys ive researched, more the obvious in 'VIRUS' which holds this technique
throughout the whole documentry being the single handed only procedure.
Differences – It was said that interviews was used across both documentry that I researched, but they hold a difference in how many
were present, with 'The future of ar' having a solo interview, whereas 'VR: Where will it take us?' includes two separate individuals.
This isnt much of a difference, but there are clear reasons and benefits from the two; as such with having multiple referances makes
it more trustworthy of a documentry, but makes it extensively longer of a documentry, meaning its purely choice over preferance.
. Dezeen (2014) The future of augmented reality
(accessed 15/09/2020)
. Tristan Kassam (2017) VR: Where will it take us?
(accessed 15/09/2020)
. Luminosity Entertainment (2020) VIRUS
(accessed 24/09/2020)
. Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia
(accessed 29/09/2020)
. Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia
(accessed 29/09/2020)
. Keiichi Matsuda (2016) Hyper-Reality
(accessed 15/09/2020)
. Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia,record%22%20%2D%20compare%20documentary%20theatre.
(accessed 30/09/2020)
Content Research
Short statistics
. As of 4th September 2020, approximately 1.277 billion learners are currently affected due to
school closures in response to the pandemic.
. According to UNICEF, 46 countries are currently implementing nationwide closures, and 27 are
implementing local closures, impacting about 72.9% of the worlds student population.
. 72 countries schools are currently open
. 89% children and youth are out of school due to covid-19 closures, approximately 1.5 billion
. It has impacted education across over 100 countries
. As of 29th March, nearly 90% of the worlds learners were impacted by closures
. School closure's lasting as long as 10 weeks
. 74% of teachers and school staff agreed that schools being closed to most students over the
period of lockdown has had a negative impact on the mental health of young people
. In Los Angeles (United States), the nation’s second-largest school district, around 13% of high
school students still had not had any contact with teaching staff three weeks following the
. From the satrt of the year up untill the end of the week ending march 20th, 138,916 deaths
had been registered, roughly 60,000 more than the five-year average.
. Recorded, 623.2 deaths per 100,000 persons in England, and 495.1 in Wales in April 2020.
. 345,320 deaths had been registered ini the weeks 13 to 42 of the year 2020
. Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia
(accessed 29/09/2020)
. Young Minds (2020) Young Minds
(accessed 30/09/2020)
. UKGov (2020) Office For National Statistics
tionsanddiseases/articles/anewnormalhowpeoplespenttheirtimeafterthemarch2020coronaviruslockdown/2020-12-09 (accessed 30/09/2020)

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  • 3. The main reasoning behind why I had first discovered, watched and then included this in my existing products research is primarily because it demonstrates a very engaging, informative and yet personally captivating documentary to ourselves being the consumer; something which having recognized after recapping it excessively has been demonstrated very effectively. Context – What is being called ‘hyper reality’ is easier know as a type of augmented reality, this being an interactive experience of a real world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced or altered by computer generated information. This can included a range of different sensory modalities, consisting of either visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory, or a mix of two or more together to creates these more intensified experiences to real life scenarios. First being mentioned in 1901 by L. Frank Baum, augmented reality was first acknowledged to be possible when in 1957 – 62 Morton Heilig creates the first ever immersive simulator called Sensorama which had visuals, sound, vibration and smell all in one imitation; moving to 1990 Augmented reality was further researched to be possible, by which in 1992 Louis Rosenburg developed the first augmented reality system, called Virtual Fixtures, that was created to demonstrate a benefit to human perception. Following technological advances, they were improved becoming tetherless in 2000, upgraded to help support jobs such as with being a travel guide in 2008, wearable augmented gear for everyday use and gaming in 2012 – 2015, and finally the most advanced augmented reality gear was announced by Microsoft with ‘significant improvements’ called HoloLens 2. Content – When starting off the short documentary we are first introduced to the person who is explaining the topic of the video (Augmented ‘Hyper’ Reality) in a series of little facts, which are relevant to us knowing, about ‘Keiichi Matsuda’, his past history in education, and what he does; this is a very effective beginning to the broadcast, giving ourselves the consumer some information about the person narrating which fulfills more of a connection that envelops into a stronger engagement towards the video rather than not offering any information as in some other circumstances. Furthermore he endeavors into #1 – The future of AR
  • 4. the work he produces, what interests him on it, and what should be expected on the future of this topic through a series of video clips and images representing what he is mentioning to focus on a greater understanding in their audience. Its evident that this was done for a better judgement on ‘hyper reality’, because of how diverse and complex the subject can be, but this is done exceptionally for the extra overlaying clips also working as an engagement method along with its other reasonings. Style – One of the most recognizable aspects in this video was the way its narration was expressed (in the use of language), and performed (through his use of body posture/actions) throughout the video when explaining different ideologies and interests the designer wanted to disclose in the ‘Hyper Reality World’ and numerous concepts displayed. Nonetheless he was extremely clear in his vocabulary, meaning its ease of perception was understandable; but a mix of both personal and professional interactions with the user, in the numerous as some would say ‘slang’ wordings (such as ‘sort of’ and ‘kind of like’) makes it more of a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere to really engage their audience as he talks personally and almost directly to you as a person would normally. Additionally, a lot of hand movements and gestures is pleasant to the environment being made, for the backing music, smooth and steady talk through doesn’t make the scene too erratic which is more suiting to the topic being suggested as they want their viewers to feel engaged on the topic and not the extras to the video. Techniques – It's evident that with most documentary's, including this one, the main interview is taken place first with little structure to it, with having questions being asked and for the subject to answer in reply to these queries; by doing so and then removing the interviewer’s speech replying and asking ‘Keiichi Matsuda’ (the main narrator), this makes it much shorter and more the less engaging to its consumers as its more directed towards themselves rather than the exterior voices behind the camera (interviewer). In addition to this we have a series of both photos and video files in relation to what is being mentioned throughout the video; this is clear during moments of talking about the work he produces, as overlaying images and video examples are to be shown, or when he introduces himself at the beginning when stating his career/place of work, as shots of himself at his workstation and exterior to the building proceed to be advertised. With the inclusion of these denotations it not only advocates more information to its user, but makes it equally as engaging; whilst this is all good, it also creates more of a connection between ourselves (the consumer) and the person being interviewed (‘Keiichi Matsuda’) as he's formally addressing us with not only an approachable attitude, but with following images and clips to support what is being mentioned, furthering our knowledge of this character and flourishing our interest. Furthering their methods and processes in the short documentary, having also included music throughout the video, the disclosed process of cutting the numerous clips to the beat of the audio narration and music is present and rarely recognized. The choice of
  • 5. music consistently fluctuates with lower and higher up beats, both creating a very suiting environment for the style of the documentary they're going for (friendly, joyful and engaging) whilst being extremely beneficial for this technique to be implemented (as it offers frequent opportunities to manipulate their video files to suit).
  • 6. This documentary was more distinctive than others and chosen for its close relation to what I aspire to cover, being VR (Virtual Realty) capability and progression, whilst maintaining a very low budget in the making of it, as speculated through video titles, overlays, differentiating sound qualities and reoccurring environments with little variety when shooting the documentary. Context – Covering what's known as ‘virtual reality’, this involves wearing a piece of attire that conceals your vision, and then replacing it with a simulated experience that can be like or completely different from the real world. This is also usually an interactive program where controllers individually are held in each hand to make it more immersive as you can then grab, move and use whatever objects are placed in the simulation; these simulations in the headset are primarily used for entertainment purposes (i.e video games and movies etc) or to excel educational needs (as such with medical or military training), but can be also used across many other possibilities involved around jobs in the near future. The first ever type of virtual reality was created in 1962, a prototype called the sensorama in which 5 short film were displayed on a screen covering the personnel's vision, this also engaged multiple other senses, including sound, smell and touch in addition to sight. From then on virtual reality was looked upon as an incredible technology that really strived from 2010 – present day as they became even more powerful, portable and immersive with technology's such as hand tracking which eliminates the need for controllers and more. Content – Beginning the documentary we are immediately introduced to some brief information on virtual reality, what it is and some of the history behind its evolution; covering the first 38 seconds of the video this effectively interprets what to expect in the upcoming documentary, narrowing down their audience immediately to suit themselves, but in doing so this also limits their chances of gaining possible new users to the virtual reality world, especially given the fact that VR is still growing and not yet fully recognized across the globe, so this could have been improved with either facts, statistics or some persuasive techniques to grab the attention of its customers before lapsing their interest. Moving onwards, after a short title sequence, two people being interviewed are introduced to the documentary with a series of questions being asked and answered on the main topic of vr, this goes on until the end of the video covering a total approximation of 4 -5 separate theorems over a total of just under 5 minutes. Holding a very structured and common practice in documentaries, having interviewed these people makes it more directed towards the consumer, especially given the fact #2 – VR: Where will it take us?
  • 7. that the interviewer's position in asking these question is cut out, making it more the less engaging; nonetheless by having more than one person interviewed, it gives off a persuasive need to believe what is being said, as insightful judgements from two personnel's is more believable than a standalone opinion, creating a stronger connection to the video as its more trustworthy given that multiple experiences on the topic are viewed upon. Style – Throughout the short documentary we had 3 people speaking at different moments in the video, but it's acknowledged that a clear and formal use of language was at a constant in all of the participants, more for the narrator who uses a wider vocabulary range and structural way to his speaking, possibly hinting at a use of script which is most common across other narrations, audio projects and other general occasions where an anonymous voice is overheard in the background. Overall though everything is pronounced well and with an effect and interpretation that benefits the context of the documentary, as speculations, ideologies and ‘myths’ in the VR world are explained which is suiting as a sense of mystery comes from their vocals and in the atmosphere is present. It's also worth mentioning that in some circumstances when explaining their own thoughts, being the person being interviewed, it is quite hard to understand what they’re trying to clarify and justify through their choice or words, especially with ‘Brittany’, as she would speak quieter at times more than others, so it's important to identify and counter this when doing my own. Additionally, a lot of non-verbal codes in their facial expressions helps emphasize what they are trying to pronounce, this is most commonly present with ‘Bill Collins’ who uses this to counter the fact that hand movements wouldn't be visible regarding the shot being so close up; not only this but when wanting to clarify or justify a point he has made, these non-verbal codes will spike with maybe a lift in the eyebrows, widening of the eyes or shrug of shoulders suggesting an importance in what he's saying and making the viewer focus more on his dialogue at these key moments. Its also worth acknowledging that with the atmosphere mainly being around uncertainty and mystery on the subject, these non-verbal codes support it extremely well and suit to environment being created. Techniques – It seems that in the creation of this documentary, a camera rig with a tripod, as presumed with such stable and eye level footage, is used amongst other equipment, and when observing Brittany’s interview, we are inclined to think that some lighting equipment is also used with such harsh white light illuminating the side of her face, background, and multiple products on the table that creates shadows indefinitely. With the gear being used, its clear some methods around filming interviews are underway, as such with the shot being eye level, having a small enough gap between the top of the shot and interviewee's head, and placement of the person on the right; by having this strategic placement of Brittany, it follows greatly in the rule of thirds (and general interview
  • 8. characteristics), with having her consistent across the middle right vertical line, and her eyes at the joining part in the top right, this balances the shot which makes it nonetheless captivating and satisfying to the viewers – especially given the fact that both the products and background present in the clip add more of a unique factor. Following on with the interviews, having the camera eye level makes it much more direct and engaging to the consumer as we are on the same ‘level’ as the person speaking, which also infers that they're talking to you on a more personal approach which likewise evokes a trustworthy connection and atmosphere towards the video from the viewers perspective.
  • 9. The difference, and reason why I had chosen this documentary to cover was because of its unique style and concept on making a documentary, nonetheless with how relatable and emotional impacting it is additionally; with not including stereotypical features as such with interviews and focusing more in the information, statistics, facts, and cinematics reel of video clips to help represent what is being mentioned, this is effective and doesn’t distract you from the main subject they want to comprehend. Context – Starting back in early December China, the first cases appeared after the disease supposedly transmitted from somebody eating a wild animal. Since then it began on the uprise, reaching the whole of the city of Wuhan, then country, and now world, after having infected more than 33.4 million people across 188 countries and territories with more than 1 million deaths. People have recovered, 23 million, but the chance of death makes it deadly and frightening to the world, making it now the msot notorious disease above all since this has never happened before. With symptoms like a cough or loss of taste or smell, it has now entered daily life and will be part of normality for decades. Up to current day, written at the 29th of September, this has lasted almost a year, and with having previous lockdowns, and the virus fluctuating from now and again, its expected another lockdown could appear soon, once again affecting social lives, jobs, mental states and lives on people. Content – Covering a very sensitive topic at the time of publishing and watching it, Covid 19 is the main interest here. Focusing more on the evolution of its growth in Australia (where the presumed film makers and creators of the documentary are from), it goes in depth around its expansion around the country, what it has impacted on its journey, how we as the human race have adapted to counter its growing problems and issues, and how we have benefited from its occurrence to infer some inspirational and emotionally compelling feeling in ourselves the viewers. Beginning right from where covid started, in December 2019 China, up to present day where we are all still managing around the virus, it covers everything to know about the topic in Australia and what more we can expect to see in the future of the country – as its dedicated to this specific community. Its also worth mentioning that throughout the video there is a consistent rate of statistics and facts being told to add effect to the story, this is throughout the whole video and makes it more emotionally compelling, especially given that its has impacted billions of people worldwide which makes it evermore so relatable and interesting. #3 – VIRUS (2020)
  • 10. Research Summary What common features do the existing products have? Having reviewed each short documentary that I had investigated, across its use of 'techniques', 'style', 'content' and 'context' involved, its evident that some reoccurring themes are noticeable; even though similarities are present, it's worth mentioning that a lot of differences are additionally recognizable, given why these documentaries were researched in the first place. Simularities – One of the most recognisable features in two of the exisitng products researched was the inclusion of interviews. When encountering documentrys, interviews are the most used and stereotypical features in these products, making it an expected inclusion amoungst the media industry and its viewers; seeing this in both products makes it no different, following stereotypical values, and working well with the purpose of a documentrry – to instruct, educate or maintain a historical record through giving infromation. When a narration is present with moving images being observed as the main video source, this is know as being an 'essayistick' method/process which is used across all of the documentrys ive researched, more the obvious in 'VIRUS' which holds this technique throughout the whole documentry being the single handed only procedure. Differences – It was said that interviews was used across both documentry that I researched, but they hold a difference in how many were present, with 'The future of ar' having a solo interview, whereas 'VR: Where will it take us?' includes two separate individuals. This isnt much of a difference, but there are clear reasons and benefits from the two; as such with having multiple referances makes it more trustworthy of a documentry, but makes it extensively longer of a documentry, meaning its purely choice over preferance.
  • 11. . Dezeen (2014) The future of augmented reality (accessed 15/09/2020) . Tristan Kassam (2017) VR: Where will it take us? (accessed 15/09/2020) . Luminosity Entertainment (2020) VIRUS (accessed 24/09/2020) . Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia (accessed 29/09/2020) . Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia (accessed 29/09/2020) . Keiichi Matsuda (2016) Hyper-Reality (accessed 15/09/2020) . Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia,record%22%20%2D%20compare%20documentary%20theatre. (accessed 30/09/2020) Bibliography
  • 13. Short statistics . As of 4th September 2020, approximately 1.277 billion learners are currently affected due to school closures in response to the pandemic. . According to UNICEF, 46 countries are currently implementing nationwide closures, and 27 are implementing local closures, impacting about 72.9% of the worlds student population. . 72 countries schools are currently open . 89% children and youth are out of school due to covid-19 closures, approximately 1.5 billion . It has impacted education across over 100 countries . As of 29th March, nearly 90% of the worlds learners were impacted by closures . School closure's lasting as long as 10 weeks . 74% of teachers and school staff agreed that schools being closed to most students over the period of lockdown has had a negative impact on the mental health of young people . In Los Angeles (United States), the nation’s second-largest school district, around 13% of high school students still had not had any contact with teaching staff three weeks following the lockdown . From the satrt of the year up untill the end of the week ending march 20th, 138,916 deaths had been registered, roughly 60,000 more than the five-year average. . Recorded, 623.2 deaths per 100,000 persons in England, and 495.1 in Wales in April 2020. . 345,320 deaths had been registered ini the weeks 13 to 42 of the year 2020
  • 14. Bibliography . Wikipedia (2020) Wikipedia (accessed 29/09/2020) . Young Minds (2020) Young Minds (accessed 30/09/2020) . UKGov (2020) Office For National Statistics tionsanddiseases/articles/anewnormalhowpeoplespenttheirtimeafterthemarch2020coronaviruslockdown/2020-12-09 (accessed 30/09/2020)

Editor's Notes

  1. Style: The way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed. The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance  characterizing a particular person, group, school, or era. For example, a podcast could be two people talking, it could be interviews and a voice over, it could just be a recording of a teaching session… how it is done, is the style. Techniques: How are these things being made? What methods are being used? Find out and also use your own experience. For example, is a fanzine being hand written or word processed? How do people making a web series set up their shooting spaces? The more you can find out about technique, the more you can get ideas for your own work. Content: The material, including text and images, that constitutes a publication or document. What is actually in this product? Break it down. Is it interviews, monologues, reviews, instructions… Identify the different types of content in the items you research, to help your own ideas.
  2. Context affects what is produced, how it is produced and who can produce it. Technology is part of the context. Early fanzines were hand made because there was no InDesign or Photoshop. Web-series simply didn’t existing because the web didn’t exist. People who don’t have access to jobs in mainstream media, to become journalists or editors, might produce work independently of that system. People who don’t see themselves or their interests being represented in main stream media, might produce something that represents them or their social group. The political situation will influence what someone decides to make. The cultural situation will influence what people make. Every media text is a product of its environment, just like people. Style: The way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed. The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance  characterizing a particular person, group, school, or era. For example, a podcast could be two people talking, it could be interviews and a voice over, it could just be a recording of a teaching session… how it is done, is the style. Techniques: How are these things being made? What methods are being used? Find out and also use your own experience. For example, is a fanzine being hand written or word processed? How do people making a web series set up their shooting spaces? The more you can find out about technique, the more you can get ideas for your own work. Content: The material, including text and images, that constitutes a publication or document. What is actually in this product? Break it down. Is it interviews, monologues, reviews, instructions… Identify the different types of content in the items you research, to help your own ideas.
  3. Techniques: How are these things being made? What methods are being used? Find out and also use your own experience. For example, is a fanzine being hand written or word processed? How do people making a web series set up their shooting spaces? The more you can find out about technique, the more you can get ideas for your own work.
  4. Write down a summary of the key things you have learned in this research, that will help you with your project. Short sentences and bullet points are acceptable.
  5. Harvard Referenced and in alphabetical order.