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White Star Capital
Sector Overview:
Artificial Intelligence
From the eyes of an
international investor
Q3 2020
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Section 1 AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Section 2 Sector Focus
Industry & Robotics
Communication & Collaboration
Section 3 Geographic Outlook
North America
Section 4 Partnering with White Star Capital
White Star Capital
Fintech Mobility Healthtech Industry &
Communication &
Foodtech Wellbeing
2014 2020 YTD (Q3)
The Age of AI
Sources: Pew Research, Pitchbook, IDC “The Digital Universe in 2020”
(1) The validity of the result has been challenged by several observers who claimed that the achievement was exaggerated. At any rate, this event is
still recognized as a turning point in AI history and is a great testimony of the progress made by technology over the last few decades
(2) The Turing test has received criticisms from both scientists and philosophers regarding its capacity to measure machines ability to think
(3) Gigaflops are a measure of computer speed, equal to one billion floating-point operations per second.
(4) Visions under which machines intellect greatly exceeds the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains of interest
(5) Artificial intelligence systems that specifically perform singular or limited task
White Star Capital raised its first transatlantic fund in 2014, the same year in which a
chatbot finally passed the Turing Test1 – an experiment designed to determine whether
a computer is capable of thinking like a human being2. Since 2014, AI has come a long
way and so has White Star Capital, having backed enterprises leveraging AI
throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
In this report, we will explore the commercial use cases enabled by the technology that
we are most excited about and share ways in which we believe AI will disrupt
traditional value chains and business processes.
Today, most experts agree that AI and related technology systems will enhance
human capacities and empower them over the next 10 years. The number of papers
published on AI in arXiv (a renowned open-source databases of pre-print and scientific
papers) has increased by a factor of 4x between 2014 and 2018. AI is everywhere and
despite a slow start driven by an important lag between initial investments and
financially attractive business application developments, we believe that the technology
has now reached a tipping point where numerous projects with promising commercial
applicability are being developed by companies across geographies, sizes and sectors.
AI’s recent rise to ubiquity has been driven by three important catalysts:
1) The significant growth in the amount of data created and stored – around 40
trillion gigabytes of data (40 zettabytes) are currently populating the digital
universe vs 1.2 zettabytes in 2010 (a 33x increase)
2) The increased computation capabilities of processing units – computation cost
fell from $1.80 per GFLOPS3 in 2011 to $0.03 in 2020 (a 98% decrease)
3) The increasingly digital nature of businesses, regardless of sector of operation
While we are still far from artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence4,
numerous narrow AI5 use cases already have a profound economical and societal
impact on the world. At White Star Capital, we believe that the Age of AI is now
and look forward to continue supporting the companies building it.
AI is becoming ubiquitous across sectors and is now part of a significant
number of companies’ DNA across White Star Capital verticals of interest
Share of sector deal volume driven by AI-enabled companies
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI Ecosystem: An
White Star Capital
Report Methodology
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
AI is rapidly breaking grounds across all industries and the lines between
AI-first, AI-enabled, and AI-supported companies are becoming
increasingly blurry
Whereas other reports published by White Star Capital as part of this series focused
on specific sectors, this report focuses on a technology1. Hence, the approach to
determine market size and categorization has been adapted to accurately reflect
this reality.
Given that a wide variety of businesses are leveraging AI in one way or another, it
is a challenging task to draft a categorization that is mutually exclusive and
collectively exhaustive. Several technologies are often intertwined to create
solutions for individual problems and market approaches are done on both a vertical
(sector specific) and horizontal (product specific) basis.
Consequently, the segmentation proposed herein is made by choice rather than
default, and is reflective of the way in which White Star analyses the AI landscape.
The following criteria have been used to support our methodology in creating this
• Inclusiveness: The topic of whether start-ups are really using AI in the way they
claim to be has been widely debated. Are there real tech capabilities or is AI just
used as a buzzword for marketing purposes? As this report aims to provide
insights from a macro perspective and given the impossible practicability that
performing due diligence on every company mentioned would involve, we
decided to account in our data for all companies operating in the Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning vertical according to Pitchbook – applying no
discrimination on a micro level and focusing on macro outputs, trends and
• Vertical segmentation: At White Star Capital, we are thematic-driven, sectorial
investors. Hence, we decided to segment the AI landscape vertically according to
our core sectors of interest. We also added a first sub-section on AI-first
companies, which we define as the ones building the AI productization value
chain in a sector agnostic way (i.e. making AI available for companies looking to
build / use AI in their respective verticals)
• Impartiality: All data has been collected from independent third-party sources
We believe that the approach used provides numerous insightful conclusions and
accurately reflects several trends that we are witnessing firsthand in the market as
global investors.
(1) Note that the appellation “sector” is still employed throughout this report. Macro data presented includes companies deemed as operating in
the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning vertical according to Pitchbook. This nomenclature englobes companies that are using AI
technology in a meaningful enough way to represent this characteristic as a primary defining element of their business operations
White Star Capital
Key Definitions
Source: IBM Watson Health Perspectives, IBM Cloud, IBM Design for AI
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Any system capable of simulating human intelligence and thought
processes is said to have Artificial Intelligence.
AI can take many forms…
Big Data
Big Data defines very large and
complex datasets that exceed the
ability of traditional data
processing applications to deal
with them. Big data has one or
more of the following
characteristics: high volume, high
velocity, or high variety. Much of it
is generated in real time and at a
very large scale, by sensors or
networks, for example.
Natural Language Processing is
an interdisciplinary field that
spans techniques to process,
understand, and analyze human
language. NLP strives to build
machines that understand and
respond to text or voice data—
and respond with text or speech
of their own—in much the same
way humans do.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is the application
of computer algorithms that improve
automatically through experience
and have the capacity to perform
tasks that aren’t explicitly
Computer Vision
Computer vision is a field of AI
that enables computers and
systems to derive meaningful
information from visual inputs
such as images or videos — and
take actions or make
recommendations based on that
Deep Learning
Deep learning is a subset of
Machine Learning where neural
networks learn from large
amounts of data creating
increasingly smarter conclusions.
Deep learning systems can
prioritize the criteria most
important to reaching a decision.
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI History
Source: Harvard Research, BBC,
(1) Rules initially introduced in Runaround (1942) and included in the 1950 collection I, Robot
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
The 1950s: WW2 triggers fresh thinking…
1949 – ‘The Tortoises’
American-born British neurophysiologist, cybernetician and robotician William Grey
Walter creates some of the first ever robots with complex behavior
1950 – Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics
American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University Isaac Asimov
publishes his thought-provoking work, I Robot, a founding document regarding
ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence1
1950 – The Turing Test
Mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical
biologist Alan Mathison Turing considers the question ‘Can machines think?’. If a
machine can trick humans into thinking it is human, then it has intelligence. Turing also
built a machine to decrypt German Enigma’s messages during WWII
1951 – Ferranti Mark 1
The first AI-based programs were written to run on the Ferranti
Mark 1 leading to the creation of the two first self-learning game-
playing programs: a checkers and a chess-playing program
1966 - 1977 – Shakey The Robot
First general-purpose robot making decisions about its own actions given its
surroundings. It was painfully slow and made apparent that AI was lagging far
behind lofty predictions made by advocates like Minsky
1965 – ELIZA
The pioneer of NLP computer programs, ELIZA was the first
chatbot able to hold conversations with humans. ELIZA was developed
at MIT by the German American computer scientist and professor at MIT
Joseph Weizenbaum
1956: The Introduction of AI
The term 'artificial intelligence’ is coined during a summer conference at Dartmouth
University by the American computer scientist and cognitive scientist John McCarthy.
Top scientists debated how to approach AI: Some, like the renowned American
cognitive and computer scientist who co-founded the MIT’s AI laboratory, Marvin, Minsky,
favored a ‘top-down’ approach, where AI development would be inspired by the rules that
govern human behavior. Others preferred a ‘bottom-up’ approach where AI would
simulate brain cells that could learn new behaviors, which led to neural networks. Over
time Minsky's views dominated, and alongside McCarthy, he won substantial funding from
the US government, who hoped AI might give them the upper hand in the Cold War.
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI History
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
The 1970s: The AI Winter…
By the end of the 70s, millions had been spent on AI for little commercial progress.
Funding for the industry was slashed on the back of the Lighthill Report (AI: A General
Survey) published in 1973 on the state of AI in the UK in which he stated that machines
would only ever be capable of an "experienced amateur" level of chess.
The 1980s: AI commercial value attracts new
In the 80s, several commercial systems with more tangible applications saw daylight.
Instead of aiming for the silver lining of general intelligence, expert systems focused on
much narrower tasks. One of the first successful commercial expert system, known as
the R1, began operation at the Digital Equipment Corporation. The R1 was a production-
rule-based system automatically selecting computer components based on customers’
requirements. By 1986, R1 was reportedly saving the company an estimated $40m a year.
The 1990s: Back to ‘bottom-up’ approach
Australian roboticist and former director of the MIT Computer Science and AI Lab
Rodney Brooks was inspired by advances in neuroscience starting to explain human
cognition and showing that different 'modules' in the brain work together to recognise
patterns, with no central control. He argued that the ‘top-down’ approach of pre-
programming a computer was wrong. He helped drive a revival of the bottom-up
approach to AI, including the long unfashionable field of neural networks.
1997 – Deep Blue
IBM Supercomputer defeats world chess champion Garry Kasparov
2002 – Roomba, first home-robot
An autonomous vacuum cleaner introduced by iRobot
2011 – IBM's Watson
The computer beats the human brain on US
quiz show Jeopardy
2011 – Apple integrates Siri
The intelligent virtual assistant with a
voice interface
2017 – Google’s AI Alpha Go
Defeats world champion in the game of Go, notable for its vast number of possible
2016 – Microsoft’s Chatbot Tay
The chatbot makes inflammatory and
offensive racist comments on social media
2014 – Eugene Goostman
A chatbot finally passes the Turing Test with
a third of judges believing Eugene is human1
Are machines intelligent now?
Narrow AI allows to assist or take over specific tasks. General AI on the other end means that
machines have cognitive capabilities similar to humans. While based on those definitions and
the current state of technology we cannot proclaim that machines are fully intelligent today, we
can confirm that they are getting smarter by the day and that when coupled with human insight
and creativity, they have already enabled an array of opportunities that were fundamentally
unconceivable just a few years ago.
Source: Harvard Research, BBC,
(1) The validity of the result has been challenged by several observers who claimed that the achievement was exaggerated. Anyhow this event is
still recognized as a turning point in AI history and is a great testimony of the progress made by technology over the last few years
White Star Capital
ML101 - An Introduction
Source: Imperva, IBM, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Sutton, Barto)
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
ML can be segmented into several categories depending on the nature
of the data and the type of algorithms used to perform specific tasks
ML enables computers to detect patterns and
establish baseline behavior using algorithms
that learn through training or observation. The
approach has the capability to process and
analyze vast amounts of data that are simply
impractical for humans. ML can take three
Supervised learning starts with an established
labeled dataset and an understanding of how
that data is classified. The model then maps the
labeled inputs to the known outputs.
Unsupervised learning draws inferences from
datasets consisting of input data without labeled
responses. This approach requires clustering
and dimensionality reduction algorithms
which enables the machine to understand
patterns and discover the output.
Clustering is the assignment of objects to
homogeneous groups (clusters) based on
shared characteristics (features).
Dimensionality reduction is the reduction of
the number of features under consideration.
This approach protects the assignment from the
curse of dimensionality which arises when
analyzing and organizing data in high-
dimensional spaces
Reinforcement learning enables algorithms to
learn to react rationally to an environment on
their own. By effectively mapping more
situations to actions, the agent aims to
maximize a numerical reward signal.
Supervised learning
▪ Input and output are provided
to the machine, which finds out
the rules
▪ Suited for classification and
regression tasks
Unsupervised learning
▪ Output data are not provided
▪ Machine interprets the input
data in order to find information
from the data.
▪ Operates via clustering and
dimensionality reduction
Reinforcement learning
▪ Machine improves from its
learning errors and adjusts its
approach to maximize reward
▪ The machine remembers its
previous behavior and corrects
it iteratively
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
ML 201 – One Layer Further
Source: Global Engage, Dataflair, Emily Barry
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Deep learning simulates the human brain, enabling systems that learn to
identify objects and perform complex tasks with increasing accuracy—all
without human intervention
Some widely used ML algorithms: Selection of the appropriate approach depends
on the size, structure and purpose of the dataset, among other things
Deep Learning
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in which multi-layered neural
networks - inspired to work like the human brain - learn from large amounts of data.
Within each layer of the neural network, deep learning algorithms perform calculations
and make predictions repeatedly, progressively learning and gradually improving the
accuracy of the outcome over time.
Deep learning can be supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised and even used in
relation with reinforcement learning.
Simple Neural Network
Input Layer
Hidden Layer(s)
Output Layer
Basic Regression
Linear – Lots of numerical data
Logistic – Target variable is categorical
Neural Net – Complex relationship
K-NN – Grouping based on proximity
Decision Tree – If/then/else
Random Forest – Can also be regression
SVM – Maximum margin classifier
Naïve Bayes – Updating knowledge
progressively with new info
K-Means – Groups based on centroids
Anomaly Detection – Outliers through grouping
Dimensionality Reduction
T-SNE – Convert similarity to joint probabilities
PCA – Distil feature space into components that
describe greatest variance
CCA – Cross-correlation matrices
LDA – Linear combination of features that
separates classes
Note that while dimensionality reduction mostly
applies to unsupervised learning, some variations /
combinations of those algorithms can also be applied
to supervised learning (i.e. Labelled-LDA, Multi-Grain
LDA, S2CCA, etc.)
Complex Neural Network
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Quantum Computing 101
Sources: IBM, CB Insights, Nature
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Quantum computing is a technological advancement that holds lots of
promises in expanding the boundaries of computational power
Ordinary computer chips use bits and act as switches that can either be in the ”off” position (0)
or in the “on” position (1). Universal quantum computers leverage the quantum mechanical
phenomena of superposition and entanglement to create states that scale with number of
qubits (or quantum bits). The technology was initially developed in 1998 at Oxford University
and has since been pushed forward by technology giants such as IBM, Google, Alibaba, and
specialized players like D-wave, Rigetti, and Xanadu. Progress in the quantum computing
space is happening fast and in 2020, Honeywell announced that it had built the most powerful
quantum machine in history with a quantum volume (IBM-created standardized performance
benchmark) of 64, twice as powerful as the next best alternative in the industry.
• Metaheuristic for finding the optimum of a given objective function over a given finite set of
solutions (candidate states)
• In 2011, D-Wave announced the first commercial quantum annealer on the market by the
name D-Wave One and published a paper in Nature on its performance
Quantum computing can be divided in 3 categories based on the amount
of processing power (qubits) needed, the number of possible
applications, and the time required to become commercially viable
Qubit: Typically represents subatomic particles such as electrons or photons.
Some approaches use cooled superconducting circuits, while others trap
individual atoms in electromagnetic fields on a silicon chip in ultra-high-vacuum
chambers. In both cases, the goal is to isolate the qubits in a controlled
quantum state
Superposition: Qubits can represent numerous possible combinations of 0 and
1 at the same time. This ability to simultaneously be in multiple states is called
Entanglement: Researchers can generate pairs of qubits that are “entangled”
which means the two members of a pair exist in a single quantum state
• Quantum simulation is focused on the problems in quantum physics that are beyond the
capacity of classical systems
• Quantum simulation promises to have concrete applications in the study of many
problems in, e.g., condensed-matter physics, high-energy physics, atomic physics,
quantum chemistry and cosmology
• Universal quantum computers leverage the phenomena of superposition and entanglement to
create states that scale exponentially with number of qubits
• Several dozens of algorithms that are only possible on a universal quantum computer have
already been designed, including Shor’s (factoring) and Grover’s algorithms (quickly searching
unstructured and massive sets of data)
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
▪ In Nov-18, Xanadu, which has
been a pioneer in the quantum
machine learning field,
introduced PennyLane, a
software framework for
quantum programming
▪ NASA Quantum Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL)
focuses on the impact that
quantum computers could have
in solving computational
challenges faced by the agency
▪ In Mar-20, Google announced
TensorFlow Quantum, an open
source library for QML
▪ Allows researchers to construct
quantum datasets/models, and
classical control parameters
When Quantum Meets AI
Sources: MIT, Google, IBM, Supervised Learning with Quantum Computers (M. Schuld, F. Petruccione), Highlighting Quantum Computing for
Machine Learning (R. Louriz), Parameterized quantum circuits as machine learning models (M. Benedetti, E. Lloyd, S. Sack, M. Fiorentini)
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Quantum machine learning (QML) is an emerging interdisciplinary field
that sits at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning
QML focuses on finding synergies between two important fields that play a central role into
determining how society deals with information and data more generally. While definitions
and applications of QML are broad, the key questions behind the emergence of the field are:
can quantum mechanics be used in a way that improves how machines recognize patterns
in data? Can quantum computers help solving problems faster? Can machines learn from
fewer data samples or deal with higher levels of noise? The preliminary answers to these
questions so far seems to be yes, they can.
Early signs of traction
Several approaches in the QML space are based on the premise that quantum algorithms
can speed up ML-related linear algebra and/or sampling tasks. While the field is still nascent
and applications will continue to be developed, exponential speed-up is the primary
argument in support of QML as of today. The technology is built on two pillars: quantum data
and hybrid quantum-classical models.
Quantum data: Any data source that occurs in a natural or artificial quantum system.
Quantum data exhibits superposition and entanglement, leading to joint probability
distributions that could require an exponential amount of classical computational resources
Hybrid quantum-classical models: These hybrid models rely on the intuition that by
implementing some subroutines on classical hardware, the requirement of quantum
resources is significantly reduced, particularly the number of qubits, circuit depth, and
coherence time
Time required
processing Pattern
Time required
White Star Capital 13
AI bias happens when algorithms produce results that are systematically
prejudiced due to the recognition of erroneous patterns in data
For example, a system for spotting skin cancer might be paying more attention to
whether a photo is taken in a doctor’s office, than to the actual skin area at risk,
systemically biasing results.
That’s because AI cannot think or understand
As discussed earlier in this report, AI systems are provided with huge amounts of data
and use statistical algorithms to generate models that can make conclusions based on
patterns detected in data. This is fundamentally different to traditional software where
rules are directly inputted to generate a desired answer.
If the data provided is not representative or is inherently biased, the output and
decisions of AI systems will be wrong. An AI model is only as good as the data its
being fed. This reality can have major consequences. Data about human diversity for
instance can come with many embedded biases and generate results that
systematically discriminate against certain types of skin pigmentation. This explains
why companies like Amazon, IBM, and more recently Microsoft, decided to ban police
use of their facial-recognition technology to avoid racially biased surveillance and
“We will not sell facial-recognition technology to police departments in the US
until we have a national law in place, grounded in human rights, that will govern
this technology” Brad Smith – President and CLO of Microsoft
Another ethical question raised by the very own nature of AI is its unevenly
distributed force favoring companies with large data banks. Network-effect driven
businesses are often better positioned to capture the full extent of the transformative
force of AI and this reality will ultimately reinforce oligopolistic market structures in
several verticals. As Peter Thiel said, while crypto is libertarian, AI is communist.
Whether we accept this reality or not is a societal question that will be addressed
based on each countries’ jurisdiction. However, as innovation has no boundaries, the
decisions made by various states will need to be analysed in a global context as local
restriction might create an uneven playing field that will have a major influence of
tomorrow’s AI landscape.
A future of regulations
Tools and processes to regulate organizations and educate consumers so that AI
systems are included in decision processes rather than used as decision making tools
are needed. While several private initiatives such as OpenAI have seen daylight,
regulations will need to go further to ensure that the technology doesn’t stand in the
way of basic human rights as it grows in popularity and adoption.
Rules Data
Answers Rules
Sources: Benedict Evans, Washington Post,
AI & Ethics: Beware of Bias
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
White Star Capital 14
AI’s disruptive potential is tremendous and at White Star we’ve put our actions behind
our words by investing in leading companies such as Meero, Mnubo, KeyMe, Red Sift
and Mindsay
AI companies differ from traditional software businesses in many ways. Understanding this
difference is a tool for entrepreneurs and investors alike to successfully navigate the space
and assess the inherent operational attributes and limitations of AI-enabled business
models. Below are a few elements that explain why investing in AI comes with its fair share
of challenges and why ultimately, building a clear value proposition with a feasible path to
profitability should never be overlooked.
Lower gross margins businesses
Defensibility is often overstated
Technical differentiation: AI getting increasingly commoditized
(1) Data drift represents the sum of data changes over time
Sources: a16z, Benedict Evans
AI from an Investor Point of View
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
▪ Humans-in-the-loop are often
required for models to operate at
a high levels of accuracy
▪ Cleaning and labelling is a
heavily labour-intensive
▪ Reducing human costs by
automating actions results in
increasing infrastructure spend,
meaning that costs can be
transferred but not removed
▪ 25%+ of revenue of AI companies
are spent on cloud resources
▪ Training AI models can cost
hundreds of thousands of dollars in
compute resources due to data
drift1 as well as the complexity of
matrix-based calculations
▪ Media rich content (images,
video, audio) are more predominant
in AI-model training than in
traditional software
▪ Traditional software solutions have
really high margins because they
can be produced once and sold
many times to various customers
▪ On the other end, AI solutions are
based on trained models that need
to be maintained, updated,
tailored, and improved with data
that becomes increasingly
expensive to acquire on the edge
AI vs software Infrastructure costs Humans in the loop
AI companies generally have gross margins that are 10-30% below traditional SaaS
businesses due to the inherent nature of their business model
“Our moat resides in the data we have, which differentiates
us from competitors”. Sometimes true, often false. Unless
data is proprietary, the reality is that in most instances, the
bulk of capabilities that AI models will offer can be achieved
with limited amounts of data residing in the heavy head of
the distribution. Reaching a minimum viable corpus of data
is, for example, generally easier than breaking the cold start
problem in marketplaces meaning that even companies with
a head start in their respective field should expect to face
growing competition down the line.
Building differentiated AI solutions is difficult. New frameworks and architectures are often publicly
available in open source libraries. Pre-trained models can easily be found on the net. Data is either
(i) expensive (drift, hard to capture on the edge), (ii) public (no moat) or (iii) owned by customers.
This reality creates a dynamic in which several AI solutions are commoditized and not significantly
technically differentiated or are, on the opposite, able to successfully manage edge cases but suffer
from diseconomies of scales where the costs associated with each new data point acquired,
processed, and maintained significantly outweighs the marginal benefit of it.
In summary, profitability, defensibility, and differentiation are three elements that need to be
thoroughly reflected on when building / investing in AI. The positive note is that through our
first hand conversations with entrepreneurs across the globe, we see an increasing number of
founders approaching AI with a business builder mindset, paving the way for more
entrepreneurial successes in the field.
Heavy Head
Low cost / High use
Total Inventory of Data
Chunky Middle
Medium cost / Medium use
Long Tail
High cost / Low use
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI Highlights as of Q3 2020
(1) Pitchbook: AI & Machine Learning VC-backed start-ups as of 30.09.2020. AI & Machine Learning start-ups are defined by Pitchbook as
follows: “Companies developing technologies that enable computers to autonomously learn, deduce and act, through utilization of large
data sets. The technology enables development of systems that collect and store massive amounts of data, and analyze that content to
make decisions based on probability and statistical analysis. Applications for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning include speech
recognition, computer vision, robotic control and accelerating processes in the empirical sciences where large data sets are essential.”
(2) Pitchbook: Rounds >$100m
(3) According to Pitchbook
Forecasted CAGR of the
AI sector through 20233
AI deals in 2019
AI funding since 2017
AI VC-backed
AI IPOs since 2011
AI mega rounds since
Share price performance of the Global X Robotics &
Artificial Intelligence ETF, one the largest AI ETFs,
since 2017
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Funding has grown c.40% yoy since 2011 as AI
use cases become ubiquitous across industries
Source: Pitchbook
North America and Asia have led the world from a deal value perspective
2020 YTD deal value almost at 2019 levels, while deal volume is lagging
YoY, reflecting larger average deal sizes as investors focuses on follow-
on and later stage rounds amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Deal Value
Deal Volume
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
$1.3bn $1.4bn $2.8bn
$8.0bn $8.5bn
$5.6bn $13.3bn
$2.0bn $1.7bn
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD
North America Europe Asia Rest of World
246 370 628 924 1,195
2,723 2,566
1,545 1,536
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD
North America Europe Asia Rest of World
White Star Capital
Growth in share of
deals from 17-19
Globally, the AI ecosystem is primarily early stage, with
funding concentrated in Seed and Series A rounds
However, the US and China are showing signs of maturation with a
sustained growth in funding for deals at the Series B stage and beyond
USA Canada UK France Germany China SEA
Seed share
of deals 54% 59% 55% 33% 63% 23% 48%
(0.8)% (5.4)% (4.6)% (23.8)% 12.4% (17.9)% (6.4)%
Series A
share of
25% 29% 32% 39% 29% 48% 34%
(4.6%) 17.8% 7.8% 15.1% (12.1)% 7.6% 6.3%
Series B
share of
12% 8% 10% 18% 5% 19% 11%
9.3% (10.4)% 23.1% 83.4% (35.1)% 5.3% 46.4%
Series C
share of
5% 3% 2% 9% 3% 7% 4%
4.5% (10.4)% 10.1% NA NA 9.0% NA
Series D
share of
2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 3% 4%
11.0% NA (100.0)% NA NA 38.8% (40.2)%
Series E+
share of
3% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%
13.6% NA (10.1)% NA NA 3.4% NA
Source: Pitchbook
Share of deal volume by deal stage type (2019)
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
$14.1m $22.4m $5.6m
Valuations have been growing at an impressive pace
across the globe, with Asia seeing the steepest
increase, especially at the Seed and Series A stages
Source: Pitchbook
Note: Please note Pitchbook valuation data has limitations and only considers rounds that have officially announced
Europe valuations in the AI ecosystem are between 50% and 70% lower
than the rest of the world
Outsized rounds are becoming common place as investors are looking to
back companies with the potential to become category killer
Series A
Series B
North America Asia Europe
Series D: $224m (2020)
Series C: $230m (2019)
Series B: $151m (2019)
Series B: $940m (2019)
Series A: $150m (2018)
Series D: $1bn (2017)
Growth: $20bn (2018)
Median pre-money valuation
Selected outsized funding rounds
+16.1% +75.9% +23.4%
+25.3% +66.3%
Growth in
from 14-19
Growth: $3bn (2020)
Series D: $162m (Feb-20)
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
White Star Capital
Series D (May-20)
Megarounds in US and China have become
common given market sizes
Source: Pitchbook
Note: Mega round refers to a round of $100m+.
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Mature ecosystems are now seeing $1bn+ deals happen multiple times
per year
North America Asia Europe South America
Series C (May-19)
Series C (Aug-19)
Series C (Jun-19)
Series D (May-19)
Series A (Oct-19)
Series D (Mar-19)
Series C (Mar-19)
Series D (Dec-18)
Series B (Jul-18)
Series E (Jun-18)
Series D (Aug-17)
Series D (Mai-18)
Series C+ (Mai-18)
Growth (Apr-18)
Series C (Apr-18)
Series B (Apr-18)
Series B (Mar-18)
Series D (Dec-17)
Series B (Jul-17)
Series B (Jul-17)
Growth (Dec-17)
Series D (Apr-17)
Series C (Mar-17)
Series C (Jan-16)
Series A (Jul-16)
Series K (Jan-16)
Series B (Nov-16)
Series A (Feb-16)
Seed (Oct-16)
Series A (Aug-16)
Growth (Feb-20)
Series B (Feb-19)
Series B (Feb-19)
Series F (May-20)
Growth (May-20)
Series B (Feb-20)
Series B2 (Jan-20)
Selected megarounds by region
• The European market is slowly accelerating, supported by the
new European Strategy for Data. However, the geography
is still lagging globally as investors underspends on tech and
R&D compared to the US and China.
• Autonomous
vehicles remain
among the most
funded AI-based
projects, followed by
healthtech, fintech
and industrial
• Increasing deal sizes
over time as category
winners are
attracting growing
levels of funding
Series A (Jun-18)
Pre-IPO (Apr-20)
Series C+ (May-20)
Series D2 (Feb-20)
Series E (Sep-18)
Growth (Nov-19)
Series B (Sep-19)
Series B (Oct-16)
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Strategic M&A drives the vast majority of exits
Source: Pitchbook. Note that Pitchbook data for China are usually less reliable than for North America
Embracing AI has become a focus, not just for digital native enterprises,
but for all companies looking to find more efficient ways to compete, cut
costs and deal with data overload
Exits by type
Selected VC-backed exits
IPO (Sep-19)
Acq. By Apple (Jan-20)
Acq. by Aurora Innovation (May-19)
Aq. By Amazon (Jun-20)
Acq. by AspenTech (Jun-19)
CNY 2.8bn
IPO (Nov-14)
Acq. By Intel (Dec-19)
IPO (Sep-18)
Acq. By Roche (Apr-18)
Acq. by Intel (Apr-18)
Acq. By Splunk (Oct-19)
Acq. by Salesforce (Aug-18)
Acq. by Livongo (Aug-20)
Acq. By Facebook (Sep-19)
YTD (Q3)
YTD (Q3)
YTD (Q3)
YTD (Q3)
IPO (Jun-19)
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
There are a number of
other AI-enabled start-ups
that have raised a
significant amount of
capital and are
approaching unicorn
territory too…2
Selected VC-backed unicorns using AI globally
Source: Pitchbook
(1) Amount shown corresponds to the last reported valuation.
(2) Amount shown corresponds to total amount raised.
Note: Unicorn: a vc-backed company that has publicly announced a fund raising round at a valuation at or above $1bn.
AI Ecosystem: An Overview
Asia 1
Europe 1
Middle East 1
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Sector Focus
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI-first solution providers encompass all companies
building the AI value chain, from data creation and
capture to model design and implementation, often in
an industry agnostic way
Source: Pitchbook,, theFintechtimes
Sector Focus: AI-First
AI-First: An Introduction
The significant growth in megarounds has driven a 12x increase in funding
allocated to AI-First companies since 2011
AI-First deal value & volume
AI has gone through numerous phases since the term was coined in 1956. First, it flourished until
the mid-1970’s, supported by early demonstrations of success like Newell and Simon’s General
Problem Solver and the advocacy of leading scientists. Then, the limited commercial applicability of
the technology, which was mostly driven by the lack of computational power at the time, initiated the
period known as the AI winter. In the 1980’s, valuable commercial systems were introduced and since
then, AI has consistently gained popularity, driven in one part by Moore’s law and on another by
the digitalization of everything. Today, most of the elements that were holding back AI in the
previous generations are mostly faded: data is omnipresent and computing power, although still
limited, is widely available.
The current context and the increasing desire of organizations to embrace technological change led
to the widespread corporate interest in the technology that we are currently witnessing.
Companies from all sizes and sectors are conscious of the benefits that AI can bring to their
organization and are looking to benefit from the technology in one way or another.
Several challenges remain and AI is still not within reach of all enterprises. Data capture and
cleaning, talent concentration, limited computing capabilities, complex algorithm design and solution
implementation are all pain-points that need to be addressed. For AI to reach ubiquity, AI-first
companies will have to ensure that the technology is effective, available and easily leverageable
and must continue improving the ways by which AI solutions are brought to market.
$4.7bn $4.4bn
$5.7bn $6.7bn
$1.1bn $1.2bn
$5.0bn $4.8bn
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North America Europe South East Asia
235 886364 625 941 1,253 1,679 2,423 2,326 1,810
White Star Capital
Challenges at all stages of the AI value chain are
being tackled by a wide variety of companies
Sources: Unite Ai, IEEE, McKinsey, Deloitte
Sector Focus: AI-First
The pace of innovation of AI-first companies has been accelerating over
the last decade as core technological advances have transformed all
stages of the AI value chain
• AI-first companies in the data
generation portion of the value chain
span across three categories:
providers of off-the-shelf structured
datasets, providers of tailored
structured datasets, and providers
of synthetic environments
• Those companies mostly address the
needs of verticals where quality
data is scarce, sensitive, or costly
AI Value Chain
• Two complementary / intertwined
trends involving AI-first companies in
the data capture portion of the value
chain are edge AI and the AIoT
• AIoT is the juncture between AI and
the Internet of Things which
represents the interconnection via
the Internet of computing devices
embedded in everyday objects• The vast majority of the world’s
data is unstructured and unusable
for training AI models in its raw form
• Data enrichment companies solve
this pain-point by providing data
labelling / wrangling services
• Other companies in this segment
offer efficiency tools to data
annotation providers
• AI systems depend on massive
amounts of data that
algorithms ingest, classify, and
• The development of highly
synergistic technologies in AI
such as quantum computing
and the growing use of AI-
specific processing units are
two dimensions in which AI-first
companies are effecting the data
processing part of the value
• Finally, the value is ultimately
rendered to end-users when AI-
driven solutions are implemented
• This step is often led by vertically
integrated companies operating in
at least one other dimension of the
AI value chain
• Advances in algorithm design involve
technological developments such as
deep learning, federated learning,
and reinforcement learning
• Under this portion of the value-chain,
open-source frameworks such as
TensorFlow, PyTorch and Theano
have played a key role in
democratizing AI
• Some start-ups are also offering
tools to data scientists and teams
to track, compare, explain and
optimize experiments and models
White Star Capital
AI-first unicorns are emerging at all stages of the
value chain
Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
Sector Focus: AI-First
$431m raised to date
Selected Investors
DataRobot (US) developed a machine learning automation
platform designed to deploy accurate predictive models
DataRobot has been instrumental in democratizing access to AI
to a wide array of enterprises through its automated machine
learning solution
$123m raised to date
Selected Investors
Scale AI (US) developed some of the most advanced data
annotation capabilities in the world which it offers via APIs to
companies across all industries
Scale AI’s annotation solution has been able to reduce human
involvement to a minimum while maintaining high accuracy
$339m raised to date
Selected Investors
Coveo (Canada) has built a relevance platform for intelligent
enterprise search and predictive insights platforms for
Coveo is leveraging data and AI to deliver a recommendation
and search platform that is personalized and predictive.
$2.6bn raised to date
Selected Investors
SenseTime (China) developed AI-driven facial recognition
platforms and deep learning systems used across a wide-array
of verticals including smart cities, finance, security and others
SenseTime is among the world’s most valuable AI start-up and
is partly known for its controversial facial recognition solution
powering China’s government surveillance efforts
$258m raised to date
Selected Investors
Element AI (Canada) is a Montreal-based artificial intelligence
incubator that turns AI research into real-world business
Element AI co-founder Yoshua Bengio won the Turing Award in
2018 along with Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun
White Star Capital 27
• Although society is generating data at an
unprecedented rate, some use cases
require specific datasets that are not easily
accessible to today’s data-hungry algorithms
• Synthetic data can replicate all important
statistical properties of real data while
overcoming key restrictions such as privacy,
availability, feasibility and cost
• Generative Adversarial Network has been
a key enabler of synthetic data advancement
• AIoT is based on the premise that AI can be
used to transform IoT data into useful
information for improved decision-making
• Applying AI algorithms on edge devices vs on
central cloud / server gives devices the ability
to process information locally and to
respond more quickly to situations
• Particularly caters use cases where real-
time decision is crucial and where latency
can prove fatal (i.e. autonomous vehicles)
Source: Deloitte, McKinsey, MarketsandMarkets, IBM, Forbes
(1) O’Reilly - Artificial Intelligence Adoption in the Enterprise, 2019
(2) MarketsandMarkets
(3) IBM – The future of cognitive computing
(4) Appen – Company presentation
(5) Forbes - Cleaning Big Data: Most Time-Consuming, Least Enjoyable Data Science Task, Survey Says
• Organizations across industries
accumulated enormous amounts of data
and are now looking to leverage this asset
in the form of AI-driven applications
• While the data accumulated is valuable, it is
often not suited to fuel AI models in its
raw form and needs to be “prepared”
• Firms such as Appen, Mechanical Turk and
Samasource are tackling the data cleaning
pain-point with varying degree of accuracy,
automation and specialization
Sector Focus: AI-First
Creating data in a scalable way
Sensors are becoming intelligent
Solving AI’s biggest pain point
As significant industry pain points like data
collection and preparation are being solved…
Of the data used in ML
models requires at least
monthly refreshes(4)
of the world’s data is
categorized as dark data(3)
of the time of data scientists
is spent cleaning and
prepping data(5)
Factors holding back AI adoption by
companies’ stage of AI adoption(1)
2020 2024
Smartphone Tablet Speaker
Wearable Enterprise Edge
Edge AI chips by device, 2020 and 2024
(millions of units)(2)
Evaluation Stage Mature Practice
Company culture 22% 10%
Lack of data or data
20% 26%
Lack of skilled people 18% 24%
Difficulties identifying
use cases
21% 11%
Technical infrastructure
7% 11%
Legal / compliance risk 4% 11%
Other 8% 7%
White Star Capital 28
• AI algorithms are improving fast, mostly
driven by the field’s growing popularity and
a significant amount of money invested on
both the corporate and academic fronts
• Key advances such as federated learning
and reinforcement learning are showing
great promise and techniques such neural
architecture search are playing a key role
in making machine learning available to
the masses
• While GPUs have been an important
enabler of AI’s rise to ubiquity over the
last few years, tensor processing units,
neural network processors, vision
processing units, intelligent processing
units and dataflow processing units are
all innovations that are set to enable the
next era of AI computation
• QML is also a rapidly evolving field
holding lots of promise
• AI-solutions come in all forms and
substance, and are usually either offered on
a horizontal basis (i.e. industry agnostic ,
NLP, speech and computer vision
capabilities), or on a vertical basis (i.e.
integrated fintech solutions)
• Adoption plans from organizations
across all categories are increasing and
the penetration of the technology is still in
its early innings
Sector Focus: AI-First
Average AI projects per
Academic advances and open-source
frameworks have played a key role in
democratizing access to AI
Core technological advances are
redefining computational capabilities
And interest for AI-driven applications is
emerging from companies across all
sizes and sectors
… AI-driven applications are seeing an increased
interest from organizations across all verticals
2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E
Source: IBM, Forbes, AI Impact
(1) Appen – Company presentation
(2) AI Impact – History of GFLOPS costs
Computing cost keeps falling(2)
2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
Adoption plans for AI across
- 25% 50% 75% 100%
No plans
Moving to
Predictive analystics Computer vision
NLP Chatbot
White Star Capital
Despite progress, there still exists a number of challenges
that present opportunities to create significant value
(1) Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2019
(2) Company documents
(3) Charles Brun - “Is Simulated Data the Great Equalizer in the AI race?“
Sector Focus: AI-First
Democratizing AI
• Data is unevenly distributed, and
big tech players are collecting the
lion’s share of it globally
• Everyday, 350m images are uploaded
on Facebook, 65bn messages are
sent on WhatsApp, and 5bn+
searches are made on Google2
• As data becomes a new barrier to
entry in several sectors, alternatives
are being built to ensure that value
creation from the AI flywheel (most
data → best models → best
product → best traction → most
data) is not exclusively captured by
a handful of players
Empowering Data Scientists
• Nearly half of CIOs claim suffering from
skilled employee shortage in big data
& analytics. AI is identified as the
second most important shortage
category with about 38%1 of CIOs
claiming a lack of adequate staff
• While data scientists are a rare asset,
their time is systematically lost on
limited value-added activities
• Growing frustrations on data
quality, availability and structure
are creating significant turnover and
• As AI grows in popularity, the need for
data scientists to be provided with the
right tools is only increasing
• As a gigantic amount of data is being
captured by network-effect driven
businesses and technology giants
(namely FAGMA and BATX),
synthetic data presents itself as a
technology that has the potential to
act as an important equalizer of AI3
• In addition to its democratization
potential, synthetic data has the
potential to address sampling
bias, black swan events,
scarcity, privacy, and data
labelling pain points
• Synthetic data operating leverage
can be up to 600x the current
market price for image
• WSC believes that innovative
companies building synthetic
datasets to support real world data
through an industry agnostic
approach will play an increasingly
growing role in the AI ecosystem
• This challenge is inherent to the life
cycle stage in which AI is and will likely
be addressed over the next few years
• As organizations realizes the cost of
not providing the appropriate
infrastructure to their data scientists,
budget offered to tooling solutions
should increase across organisations
• WSC is keen to see start-ups that have
a focus on simplifying ML model
creation and increasing collaboration,
tracking and management capabilities
for data scientists
• GitHub and GitLab have offered
appropriate tools and infrastructure
to software developers to collaborate
and we believe that a comparable
set of solutions to AI solutions
development is needed
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
As fintech companies unbundled the banking industry
over the last decade, the quest to improve customer
experiences and business processes has made AI a
weapon of choice across many sub-verticals
Sources: Pitchbook, China Banking News
Sector Focus: Fintech
AI in Fintech: An Introduction
AI representation in the fintech sector as steadily increased since 2011,
across geographies
AI / ML and Fintech deal value & volume
Fintech is broad and encompasses a wide array of sub-verticals which can be regrouped into
consumer facing solutions, enterprise finance solutions, and infrastructure. All those areas have
been transformed by AI over the last few years. As Du Xiaoman Financial’s (former fintech unit of
Baidu) CEO Zhu Guang said: “the application of AI technology in the financial sphere has already left
the laboratory phase, and officially entered the standardized application phase”. Finance is among
the most rapid channel for achieving commercialization of AI technology and the bourgeoning
landscape of emerging start-ups is a clear testimony of that.
On the consumer facing solutions side, AI has had a profound impact. Digital banking, bill
management, insurance, credit and loans, remittance, trading, investment, and advisory have all been
transformed in one way or another by AI.
The same applies for enterprise finance solutions and infrastructure where AI has found applications in
fraud detection and compliance, customer support, money laundering prevention, data-driven
customer acquisition and many other relevant use cases.
We are still at the early innings of AI’s penetration into the fintech space and as the graph below
suggests, the pace of adoption is poised to continue accelerating.
$532m $698m
$1,718m $1,769m
$334m $449m
$67m $126m $200m
4.3% 3.6%
6.1% 6.5%
14.1% 14.7% 14.8% 13.0%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North America Europe Southeast Asia % of AI driven deal volume
19928 37 91 121 211 361 436 42110
White Star Capital
AI has found ways to reduce risk, increase customer
engagement, optimize spend effectiveness, and
alleviate cost structures across many use cases
Sources: CB Insight, McKinsey, Pitchbook
Sector Focus: Fintech
AI is redefining how we save, invest, pay, insure, borrow, protect, and
control financial services
Facing Solutions
Finance Solutions
Personal Finance
An armada of AI-supported solution providers are reshaping and optimizing the ways in which
the most basic financial operations are performed today. Value chains are being streamlined,
optimized and increasingly automatized
Business Operations Tools
Financing and Lending
Payment: PoS and Checkout
Payment: Infrastructure
Security, Analytics, Compliance
BorrowSave and invest Pay Protect and control
public bodies,
Hedge Funds,
Fund providers
security &
Hedge Funds,
MGA: Managing General Agent
$$$ $ $ $
White Star Capital
Fintech start-ups are leveraging AI across a wide
variety of subsectors
Sector Focus: Fintech
$228m raised to date
Selected Investors
MoneyLion (US) is a mobile personal finance platform offering
products spanning from borrowing to saving and investing
The company uses advanced analytics and AI to gain a
complete view of personal finances of its users and build
consumer financial products
$1.9bn raised to date
Selected Investors
Du Xiaoman Financial (China) is the former Baidu fintech unit
and is among the most innovative fintech company globally on
the AI front
The company’s financial platform uses AI to provide services
including financial management, credit business, wealth
management and digital payment
$225m raised to date
Selected Investors
Figure (US) is a provider of consumer financial solutions
intended for home improvement, debt consolidation and
retirement planning
Figure uses blockchain and AI to streamline the home loan
process by finding access points for consumer credit products
$480m raised to date
Selected Investors
Lemonade (US) is a licensed carrier providing digital home
insurance products to consumers
Lemonade uses AI to optimize risks underwriting, claim
management and customer communication (through its chatbot
$100m raised to date
Selected Investors
Using artificial intelligence, Shift (France) provides solutions for
claims automation and to combat insurance fraud
Shift helps insurance players reduce fraud through its AI
powered detection models that automates claim reviews, which
to date has been a very manual process
Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
White Star Capital 34
• As new regulations, such as PSD2, 5AMLD,
and GPDR are raising the compliance bar to
tackle financial crime, corporations are
looking for ways to improve their KYC and
AML capabilities
• Failure to stay on top of this has resulted in
over $350bn worth of fines over the past
• Security and compliance has already seen
significant penetration of AI-driven fintech
• According to the 2018 Growth Readiness
Study, asset managers who are embracing
big data and analytics are found to be
growing their revenue 1.5x faster than the
rest of financial services
• Asset management related AI transformation
include alpha generation, operational
efficiency improvement, product design,
content distribution, and risk management
• AI algorithm trading is also a use case that
has gained in popularity recently
Sources: PwC, Deloitte, McKinsey, IBM
(1) Medici – The Regtech Effect
(2) Medici – RegTech Companies in the US Driving Down Compliance
Costs to Enable Innovation
(3) The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report
(4) AlternativeDataOrg
(5) Juniper Research
(6) IBM
• Interest for chatbots and financial assistants
has been strong in the financial services
sector and is now part of the playbook of both
fintech companies and incumbents
• BofA’s Erica, HDFC’s EVA, Lemonade’s
Maya, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and many
other financial institution have made chatbots
central to their modus operandi
• Chatbot’s widely spread use cases include
lead generation, customer support,
feedback collection and back-office
operations streamlining
Sector Focus: Fintech
Seeking alpha
Talk the talk
Wherever data overload is an issue, AI has found
ways to integrate the tech stack...
Total buy-side spend on
alternative data(4)
(In $m)
of banks interactions with
clients could be automated
by chatbots by 2022(5)
in savings will be generated by
chatbots globally by 2022(5)
of routine questions can be
answered by chatbots on
2016A 2017A 2018E 2019E 2020E
Amount of global
compliance spending by
of staff dedicate their time to
of regtech companies are
employing machine
White Star Capital 35
• Potential to offer smarter and more nimble
workflows to improve the productivity and
reach of lending operations
• The use of alternative data analysis allows a
deeper assessment of applicants'
creditworthiness, especially in situations where
limited history is available
• Advanced credit-decision models have the
potential to provide lenders with the confidence
to expand reach and broaden inclusion
• Automated decision-making can adjudicate
customers in real-time and at low cost, allowing
tailored lending at the point of purchase
• On the insurance front, devices connected to
actuarial databases can calculate consumers’
risk score based on daily activities as well as
the probability and severity of potential events
• AI is anticipated to replace the vast majority
of manual underwriting for personal and SMB
products across life and P&C insurance
Sector Focus: Fintech
Redefining credit worthiness
Pricing risk accurately
Other fintech-related relevant use cases
… and by doing so, AI has increased financial
inclusion and enabled risk to be better assessed
Source: Fannie Mae, McKinsey, Chatbot Guide, World Economic Forum
(1) Fannie Mae – Mortgage lender sentiment survey
(2) Transforming Paradigms A Global AI in Financial Services Survey
Relative interest levels of
AI/ML applications for lenders
(average = 100)(1)
Social trust score
Customer service
digital assistants
Customer relationship
Property valuation
Borrower status
Borrower default
risk assessment
Anomaly detection
Higher priorities
• Back office automation: JPMorgan’s chatbot
COIN is focused on analyzing commercial-loan
agreements and reduced work from 360,000
hours down to seconds
• Report generation: Automate report
generation from structured datasets
• Image recognition: Used for enhancing
customer experience or security
• Narrative science: Generation of narrative
reports from structured data, such as sales
records, using natural language generation
% of total R&D spend
Fintech R&D expenditure
spent on AI(2)
White Star Capital
Trends and Challenges
Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
AI has the potential to address some of fintechs and financial incumbents’
most important pain-points while broadening financial inclusion
Sector Focus: Fintech
Infrastructure shift
Strong focus on the development
of core banking infrastructures and
enabling technologies, allowing
both incumbent to reimagine their
back ends and non financial
companies to deploy financial
Increased specialization
Financial and insurance offerings
are increasingly specialized to
their targeted group’s needs and
single product players are rapidly
expanding their offering to cater
for all needs and diversify revenue
From competition to
While the bulk of fintechs were
initially positioning themselves as
challengers to the banks, we are now
seeing growing levels of collaboration
across emerging technology
companies and incumbents
Changing regulations
Companies are struggling to cope
with the ever-evolving regulatory
landscape. Failure to stay on top
of this has resulted in over $350bn
worth of fines over the past
Financial education
Fintechs have so far made their
products accessible to a wide
audience. However, trusted
financial advice is often only
limited to the wealthier members
of society
Big tech in finance
Big tech growing involvement in
financial services could potentially
represent a threat to banks and
emerging fintechs alike
Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital
Financial solutions are getting
increasingly commoditized…
• The lending market is slowly showing
signs of commoditization as most of the
differentiation levers (access to capital,
credit decisioning, customer acquisition,
and customer experience) are reaching the
point of diminishing returns
• Lack of perceived relevance, lower
brand loyalty, low NPS scores and lack
of trust of emerging institutions compared
to established brands have been a major
road block to scaling insurtechs and has
significantly impacted unit economics
…And emerging players are looking to
capitalize on AI’s capabilities to differentiate
• By using alternative data and a wider array of
risk pricing methodologies, lenders and insurers
have the potential to expand their reach to
underserved niche markets and benefit from
increased visibility by becoming the #1
reference in specific market segments
• AI has the potential to broaden financial
• In industries where customer loyalty and NPS
are extremely low, AI technologies offer more
personalized and effective customer
• WSC believes that there is a significant
opportunity for fintech companies to use AI to
create a deeper engagement and sense of
belonging by offering solutions to segments
where none were previously available
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI is transforming mobility as we know it today
Sources: Accenture, Pitchbook
Sector Focus: Mobility
Megarounds have been an important part of AI-mobility related deals,
explaining the important level of lumpiness in funding history of the sector
AI / ML and Mobility Tech deal value & volume
We are about to enter a new era where cars are increasingly connected
and where drivers of today will become riders of the future. Mobility as a
Service and AI will optimize travel routes and safety, but also our lives
and cities globally
Technology, with AI at the forefront, is transforming the mobility sector. By 2025, a
forecasted 40% of new vehicles will have embedded telematics according to Accenture.
Software and electronics will be at the center of the revolutionized automotive value chain
as well as at the center of mobility services in general.
The status quo of universal individual car ownership era will be challenged over the
coming years. By 2045, Victoria Transport Policy Institute estimates that at least 50% of
newly sold cars will be at least partially autonomous which will change out current
consumption patterns around mobility. As vehicles and their accompanying technologies
evolve, they will continue to disrupt mobility-related industries, making possible entirely new
business models and spurring even greater AI enabled inventions, which will make owning
a car less relevant and relatively expensive.
Individual Car Ownership
Mobility as a
$4.6bn $4.7bn $5.2bn
$0.5bn $0.1bn
$0.0bn $0.1bn
$5.1bn $4.9bn
8.4% 8.4%
12.6% 13.7% 15.8%
19.3% 21.4%
21.5% 20.3%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North America Europe South East Asia % of AI driven deal volume
11 5915 33 52 75 99 143 166 139
White Star Capital
Are vehicles autonomous yet?
Source: McKinsey, Benedict Evans
In 2016, only about 1% of vehicles sold were equipped with basic partial-
autonomous-driving technology. Today, 80% of the top ten OEMs have
announced plans for highly autonomous technology to be ready for the
road by 2025.
Sector Focus: Mobility
Vehicles are categorized according to what type of advanced driver assistance systems
features they offer. These different types of features are defined into 6 levels of automation
(including level 0 which represents no automation). The difference between the ratings
depends on the level of driver intervention and attentiveness needed to operate the vehicle.
Automated vehicleDriver control
That being said, it is very unlikely that there will be a defined moment in the next decade when the
‘first’ L4 operating autonomous vehicle goes on sale. The level of autonomy will be different from
one area to another. This variability applies not just across different cities and countries but also in
different parts of each urban landscape: freeways are easier than city centers, which might be easier
or harder than suburbs. The “first” deployed autonomous vehicles might be L4 or L5 on highways but
only L2 or L3 on city streets.
The ‘when’ of autonomous cars highly depends on the “where” and “what”, and these are a
matter of incremental deployments of different models in different areas over time.
Full self-driving
Assistance systems
Lane departure assist
Adaptive cruise control
White Star Capital
The rise of AI introduces prominent new actors in
the autonomous vehicles value chain
Source: Freescale / NXP, Andreessen Horowitz, UBS
Sector Focus: Mobility
Electronic systems as % of total car cost
Advanced driver
Active-passive safety
Radar / vision
fuel injection
LG only started to call out revenues from the
auto industry in 2015. In 2017, 56% of the
vehicle components of the Chevy Bolt were
supplied by LG.
This example points the way to the future by
showing that new entrants in the value chain will
become central in future vehicles value chains.
Value shifting into unexpected players’ hands…
Software and electronics
are now at the heart of the
automotive value chain
Freescale, a semi-conductor
company has forecasted that
by 2030, 50% of the total cost
of manufacturing a car will go
to electronics and software
providers as opposed to the
traditional metal class
Building blocks of tomorrow’s mobility landscape
Currently, incumbents invest in software systems, but they also invest across the whole
panel of AI-enabled technologies that will shape autonomous vehicles. In the future, we
may see the emergence of more full stack companies compared to modular ones we see
today (where car manufacturers currently assemble components from thousands of
different providers)
Proprietary vs. Open source
Full stack vs modular
Incumbent vs start-ups
Currently, it is difficult to know whether the software of self driving cars will be proprietary
and become a type of environment in which one dominant company licences its operating
systems to OEMs, or will if it will be open source
Future fleets sales of autonomous vehicles can be won by current incumbents such as
Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, etc., or by emerging start-ups. The likely result will probably be
a mix of both
White Star Capital
A complex ecosystem with frontier innovation
happening in both hardware and software
Source: Pitchbook
Sector Focus: Mobility
Full stack
These companies develop their entire
autonomous mobility ecosystem including self-
driving vehicles fleets, control systems, and
most of the time, rise-sharing service and
mobility optimization systems
Perception software
Crunch data from sensors to direct the car’s
movements. Represents the “brain” of the
vehicle and receives information from various
components and directs the vehicle overall.
Manipulates steering, accelerator and brakes
by understanding the rule of the road.
Radar sensors
Send radio waves that are able to detect short
& long-range depth. The short-range radar
detects objects, pedestrians and vehicles near
the car. The long-range radar detects and
measures velocity of traffic down the road.
Such sensors are already used in adaptive
cruise-control systems.
Lidar (light detection and ranging)
Measures the distance by illuminating the
target with pulsed laser light and measures the
reflected pulses with sensors to create a 3D
map of the surrounding area. These pulses are
analysed to identify lane marking and the
edges of roads.
Provide real-time 360-degree obstacle
detection to facilitate lane departure and track
roadway information. They detect traffic lights,
read road signs, keep track of the position of
other vehicles and look out for pedestrians and
obstacles on the road.
V2X (Vehicle-to-everything)
Allows vehicles to communicate with moving
parts of the traffic system around them. One
component of this technology is called vehicle-
to-vehicle (V2V) which allows vehicles to
communicate with one another. Another
component is vehicle to infrastructure (V2I)
which allows vehicles to communicate with
external systems such as street lights,
buildings, and even cyclists or pedestrians.
Autonomous vehicles
White Star Capital
A complex ecosystem with frontier innovation
happening in both hardware and software (cont’d)
Source: Pitchbook
Sector Focus: Mobility
Connectivity & Data Management
Some companies develop AI-powered mobility
operating systems enabling transport
infrastructure, mobility services and cities to
optimize traveling by human mobility analysis.
Other companies provide software tools that
enable collection, sharing and management of
Fleet management
Companies in this subsector provide mobile
workforce platforms and solutions for service-
based businesses operating fleets. These
companies develop tracking systems through
IoT and AI allowing to monitor, schedule, and
optimize factors such as driver behaviors, fuel
consumption. They develop data-based
predictive analytics, enabling fleet managers to
optimize overall fleet management, improving
safety and minimizing operational costs.
Passenger safety
Passenger safety tools include systems
which employ machine vision and sensor
fusion algorithms to detect hazards and AI
systems to reduce car accidents and provide
accident reports. Computer vision and deep
learning technology is also used to eradicate
the distracted driving by tracking gaze
direction, eye openness and head position of
Cybersecurity systems are intended to detect
and eliminate cyber threats faced by connected
and autonomous vehicles. Hardware and AI-
powered software systems are combined to
defend against any type of cyber-attacks and
prevent cars from being hacked, enabling
automotive companies to protect connected
vehicles against threats that can endanger their
physical safety and information safety
Fleet management & connectivity solutions providers create the bridge
between vehicles and people, networks and infrastructure. New players
emerging in the sector include connectivity and data management
platforms, fleet management platforms and tools, parking applications,
passenger safety tools and automotive cybersecurity technology.
White Star Capital
The road to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and
optimized environments through ridesharing
Sources: McKinsey, RethinkX, Medium, Andreessen Horowitz
As autonomous vehicles become commonplace across the mobility
industry, ridesharing platforms and connectivity will challenge the
individual car ownership status and launch the era of Travel as a Service
(TaaS) and global mobility optimization embedded in future smart cities
Sector Focus: Mobility
Economics will drive the adoption of TaaS
Fleets & ridesharing platforms
Smart cities & environment optimization
Forecasted 2030 costs per mile
0.03 $
0.10 $
0.31 $
0.62 $
0.78 $
TaaS Pool TaaS Operating
cost of
ICE vehicle
Buy a new
Buy a new
ICE vehicle
• By 2030, consumers will be facing the
option of spending about $3,400/year on
driverless TaaS journeys (or $1,700 on
TaaS Pool – or shared TaaS), rather
than an average of approximately
$9,000/year on a personally owned
vehicle which will challenge the current
status of individual car ownership.
• Individually owned cars are used only
4% of the time. While there will be fewer
cars, TaaS vehicles will be available on-
demand 24 hours per day, providing
door-to-door transport to passengers.
TaaS vehicles will be utilized 10 times
more than individually owned vehicles.
• In major regional and local markets, large shared-mobility providers
dominate, with combined market shares of up to 90%.
• As of this writing, in 2017, at least $32bn had been invested in
ridesharing start-ups alone. There is strong growth potential as less
than 1% of passenger miles traveled today are carried out using
shared-mobility services, and US customers expect usage of shared
mobility to increase by around 80% once robo-taxis are available.
adoption rate of
ridesharing apps
by 2030
250 million
cars connected
through V2X
systems to
infrastructure and
direct environment
• Smart cities will have clean and efficient transportation of goods
through optimized mobility. Ubiquitous MaaS and use of
ridesharing platforms will ease traffic congestion and provide users
with real-time updates to avoid waiting times and provide ideal
match of supply and demand for traffic fluidity.
• Smart cities and mobility tech also pave the way for AI-enabled
drones and autonomous flying that will be used for people and
goods transportation.
White Star Capital
Series B raised in February 2020
Incumbent Investors
Developer of an autonomous driving technology leveraging AI
to accurately perceive the vehicle's surroundings, enabling
vehicle companies to improve their car functionality and safety
Incumbents heavily invest in the future of mobility
through AI systems and technologies
Sector Focus: Mobility
M&A deal completed in June 2020
Developer of an autonomous mobility ecosystem that includes
self-driving vehicles (automated fully-electric vehicle fleets
providing MaaS in urban environments), control systems, AI,
and a ride-sharing service all designed to improve urban
M&A deal completed in February
Developer of AI software technology and robotics for self-
driving vehicles, enabling its users to avail effective self-
driving technology
M&A deal completed in April 2018
Developer of collision avoidance system designed to reduce
vehicle injuries and fatalities by using computer vision and ML,
data analysis, localization, and mapping for advanced driver
assistance systems and autonomous driving
Series B and B1 raised in 2019
Incumbent Investors
Developer of an autonomous car technology designed to
create self driving cars. The company's technology uses
advanced AI to power self driving cars by leveraging a
combination of camera, radar, and LiDAR
Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
White Star Capital
Trends and Challenges
Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
AI is one of the core technologies driving mobility forward as vehicles and
cities are getting increasingly connected
Sector Focus: Mobility
Autonomous vehicles
Synthetic environment are a core
part of autonomous vehicles’
training. Waymo says it drives 20
million miles a day in its Carcraft
simulation platform — the
equivalent of over 100 years of
real-world driving on public roads
Smart cities
Smart cities put data and digital
technology to work to make better
decisions and improve quality of
life by understanding how patterns
are changing and responding
Trends towards aggregation of
various forms of transport into a
consolidated system that offers
commuters a single application
allowing them to select their
preferred mobility mode
There has been several self-
driving vehicles related fatalities
over the last few years that have
underlined the need for safety
While the US federal government
states voluntary guidelines, self-
driving vehicles regulations are
made on state by state basis and
vary significantly across regions in
the US
Latency remains a key challenge
to widespread rollout of self-driving
Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital
Mobility behaviours are poised to
change drastically over the coming
• New generations of urbanites have no
interest in owning assets, but look for the
most seamless and affordable solutions
for their mobility needs
• Citizens have come to value convenience
over car ownership. With this comes a
strong market pull for MaaS, its first
incarnations being in the form of fleet-
sharing and ride-hailing services
• Commercially viable Level-5 autonomy has
proven harder to crack than some experts
anticipated and outcomes of investments
in the space have been highly binary
…And AI is well positioned to become a
core elements of our new reality
• We see tremendous opportunities in the
shift towards MaaS and in players
offering integrated end-to-end and
multi-modal solutions
• We also see strong potential in companies
leveraging AI in the self-driving space for
current pain-points with clear and
immediate commercial applicability
• Finally, we have a strong interest for
companies that will present creative ways
to reduce congestion and pollution and
present new opportunities for a greener
and more sustainable mobility
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
The digitalization of healthcare has opened the door
for a wider application of AI, both inside and outside
the hospital
Source: Pitchbook, China Banking News
Sector Focus: Healthtech
AI in Healthcare: An introduction
2018 has been a turning point for AI-enabled companies in healthtech, with
funding reaching $1.5bn, more than 2x the level reached in 2017
AI / ML and Healthtech deal value & volume
AI was first used in the healthcare space with the creation of Dendral in the 1960s. Developed by
Stanford researchers, it was the first problem solving program, used to identify samples of organic
molecules. Dendral paved the way for several other systems to be developed such as MYCIN in the
1970s which used AI to identify blood-born infections and recommend antibiotics to patients.
Up until the 1990s, scientists were trying to develop completely autonomous programs. Due to the lack
of notable advancements, approaches ultimately shifted to recognize AI’s limitation and started
focusing on AI as a tool rather than an holistic solution. Following that shift, the technology’s incursion
into the health sector has accelerated. Surgical robots were approved by the FDA in 2000 and the first
fully automated surgery by AI-powered robot was performed no later than in 2006 in Italy to correct
heart arrythmia.
Today, global annual healthcare expenditure is close to $9tn (10% of the world’s GDP), with the US
representing about $3.5tn of that amount. Healthcare services have grown in complexity and cost
for governments and patients alike over the last decades and this trend has been exacerbated by the
recent COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the industry is increasingly turning towards technology-
driven solutions to improve processes, reduce costs, and enhance care quality. Predictive analytics
and AI application focused on automating administrative functions, supporting diagnosis and
treatment. and facilitating patient interactions are seeing increasing adoption.
As the sharing of data required to develop AI tools speeds up, driven by a transition to Electric Medical
Records, a stronger data infrastructures will emerge, supporting healthcare organizations and
addressing the current challenges of data silos that have historically weighed on the sector.
$232m $240m
$678m $573m
$164m $839m
$37m $67m
$182m $245m $262m
$732m $702m
3.6% 4.4%
6.3% 6.6%
15.7% 14.9% 15.4%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North America Europe Southeast Asia % of AI driven deal volume
18 17029 62 78 130 187 250 306 278
White Star Capital
AI has been at the core of the value proposition of
several healthtech unicorns
$620m raised to date
Selected Investors
$874m raised to date
Selected Investors
$235m raised before IPO
Selected Investors
Livongo (US) leverages technology to help customers detect
and manage diabetes and other chronic diseases
Livongo’s AI and data science powered technologies has proven
to be a game changer to better manage chronic conditions at a
lower cost
$635m raised to date
Selected Investors
Babylon Health (UK) develops digital healthcare applications for
people to get access to affordable care through phones
Babylon Health has been a leader in using AI to provide affordable,
personalized, and interactive healthcare through its AI-powered
chatbot, with over 4 millions patients registered
$237m raised before IPO
Selected Investors
Accolade (US) offers a personalized health and benefits
platform, designed to improve experience, outcomes and
costs for employers
Accolade’s use of AI to provide customized solutions designed
to increase consumer engagement gave the company a
leading position in the ongoing healthcare market revolution
Tempus (US) provides a data analytics platform designed to
improve patient outcomes through the application of AI
Tempus transformed collaborative research by building the world’s
largest library of clinical and molecular data to the benefits of
researchers and doctors
Zymergen (US) develops molecular technologies to search the
molecular genome and provides biology-driven solutions
Zymergen disrupted the biotech industry by developing
revolutionary new products across industries from electronics to
Sector Focus: Healthtech
Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
White Star Capital
Diagnosis and treatment applications
Combinations of robotics, NLP, and computer vision to augment diagnostics and treatment
capabilities with applications in:
• AI powered surgical
• Creation, understanding,
and classification of
clinical documentation
• Aggregation of data to
reduce silo effects
• Predictive and early
detection medicine
• Computation-based
rational drugs design
Patient engagement and adherence applications
Tools designed to improve patients’ experience, both inside and outside of the hospital,
and to provide faster and more effective outcomes.
As trends such as the digitalization of the value chain, the consumerization
of healthcare, and the shift towards value-based care are taking place, AI is
reinventing how we treat, interact and manage patients globally
• Conversational AI for
triage and preparation
for care
• AI-powered programs to
help track progress and
improve quality of care
• Real time remote care
• Chatbots for patient
interactions in mental
health and wellness
• Support solutions
providing diagnostic
recommendations to
primary care providers
Administrative applications
Use on AI to optimize regulatory and administrative processes and
accelerate revenue cycle.
• RPA and IPA for
administrative tasks
• AI-driven solutions
offered to health insurers
to optimize workflow and
claim management
• Health predictions used
by insurers to develop
personalized life
insurance package
• Optimization of revenue
cycle and medical
records management
Sector Focus: Healthtech
Key Sub-Sectors
White Star Capital
Trends and Challenges
Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
AI’s adoption in healthcare has accelerated in light of the recent
COVID-19 pandemic and a proactive attitudes from authorities
Sector Focus: Healthtech
Telehealth – the new norm
Medicine is shifting towards AI-
powered products for immediate
care, accessible through software
and virtual platforms
Value-based care
In hospitals, AI-based
management solution have
accelerated the development of
the value-based service model
which will be key in driving costs
of care down
Playing the momentum
Increasing efforts from Big Tech
and start-ups to develop AI
programs designed for clinical use
as many regulatory institutions
across the world are offering faster
tracks of approval due to the
COVID-19 pandemic
Data usability
Less than 20% of available
healthcare data is structured.
Major investments will be required
to integrate current information in
clinical workflows and EHR
Trust and ethics
Patients’ concerns about privacy,
reliability, medical ethics, and poor
usability is a major roadblock to
automated diagnostics
AI for all?
Smaller institutions and rural
healthcare providers might not be
able to immediately adopt costly AI
solutions which might increase
inequality gaps
Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital
The overall cost of healthcare and data
integration challenges remains major
industry pain points
• Health spending in the U.S. increased by
4.6% in 2018 to $3.6 trillion or $11,172
per capita
• Legacy healthcare networks must
improve the exchange of member,
payer, patient and provider data on a
near real-time basis to meet modern care
• Lack of system interoperability is the
biggest operational challenges for
healthcare, holding substantive
advances in the patient experience
Technology is rapidly growing in adoption
in the health space both inside and outside
the hospital
• With 4 trillions gigabytes available, health data
has exploded and triggered recent regulatory
changes proposals for more transparency and
integrated data sharing to eliminate silos. We
see strong potential in companies solving for
medical data normalization, integration,
and secure data search and retrieval
• Amid one of the most important health crisis of
recent history, we’ve seen how telemedicine
has been a vital to broadening access to
care. We see strong potential in businesses
democratizing access to and affordability
of healthcare in a world where the cost of
healthcare is rising disproportionately faster
than the average income
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
Industry and Robotics
White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital
AI is at the heart of the next Industrial Revolution
Source: RBC Capital Markets, Pitchbook
Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics
Industry 1.0
Steam Power
Industry 2.0
Mass production,
Assembly Lines
Industry 4.0
IoT, Cyber Physical
Systems & Networks
Industry 3.0
IT & Electronics
AI-enabled companies operating in the industrial & robotics sector have
consistently attracted more than $2bn in funding annually since 2014
AI / ML and Industrial Technology deal value & volume
Escalating artificial intelligence capabilities are driving the adoption of
Industrial Automation, referred to as Industry 4.0.
AI & Industrial Automation will affect global supply chains in three immediate ways:
1) Demand-Driven Production – The implementation of an intelligence layer allowing
business to predict and automate an entire supply chain based on both macro (market)
and micro (consumer) conditions.
2) Smarter Robots and Adaptive Manufacturing – most industrial robots today are
designed for simple, repetitive tasks like lifting, drilling, assembling, etc. The next
generation of robots will be General Process robots, flexible in their use cases and
adaptable to changing environments, constraints, and sectors.
3) Automated Quality Control and Predictive Maintenance – The introduction of
sensors, smart instrumentation and data analytics enables enterprises to create digital
twins of a machine, production process, or entire business. These models are being
used to monitor and adjust different nodes of the system in real-time.
$3.0bn $3.2bn
$0.3bn $0.2bn $0.6bn
$3.1bn $3.3bn
1.6% 2.4% 3.0% 3.8% 4.9%
11.3% 13.0% 12.6% 12.7%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North America Europe South East Asia % of AI driven deal volume
33 23661 96 156 230 339 510 524 436
White Star Capital 53
Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics
AI use cases enabling greater efficiency, control,
and flexibility
Supply Chain
• As digital and physical products grow in complexity, AI can be
applied to accelerate the design process and facilitate
product engineering and manufacturing
• With generative design, clients and product designers can
specify a product by its constraints, and allow a machine
learning algorithm to produce design alternatives that optimize
qualities such as weight or performance
• AI-powered supply chain optimization can dynamically
adapt to changes in product mix or distribution network
due to unforeseen events
• Future systems will address the entire value chain from
suppliers of raw materials to end customer. AI enables fully
automated, self-adjusting decision making systems for supply
chain management connecting all actors
• AI systems can predict demand spikes and automatically
adjust routes and volumes of material flows, allowing inventory
reductions of 20 to 50%
• Quality assurance systems require high upfront investment and
extensive calibration. Current automated approaches for visual
inspection compare products up for testing to reference images.
Under this approach, ideal preconditions need to be met for the
process to be reliable
• Operators’ trust in the results of the automated inspection process
is critical. A large number of false positives may reduce trust,
thereby eroding any benefits from automation. Methodologies based
on computer vision and ML can overcome these challenges
• In AI-enabled visual quality inspection, machine learning abstracts
from differences in illumination, surface orientation, or presence of
irregular background and focuses on defects only. AI will enable
the detection of defects much earlier than it currently does
Quality Testing
Distributor Customer
Supplier Customer
Supply chain democratization enabled with AI
UK citizens polled
expressed interest in
personalized goods
Smart manufacturing market
to reach $1 trillion by
2030, with the number of
connected endpoints to
increase by 100x
White Star Capital 54
Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics
AI use cases enabling greater efficiency, control
and flexibility
Robots and
• Today, industrial robots can’t react effectively to changes in
their environment and need to follow predefined steps.
Advancements in AI are enabling a new generation of non-
special-purpose automation robots that are easier to
incorporate into specific environments, including robots and
humans collaboration.
• Advances in computer vision drive the developments of
collaborative robots. Fully context-aware robots can safely
and autonomously interact with the real world.
• Deep learning allows contextual object identification and
enables robots to handle objects without requiring
predefined positions. It is also now possible to “program” a
robot by simply showing the desired movements to it.
• Yield losses due to disposed products or products with
defects play an important role in manufacturing. Testing cost
and yield losses can constitute up to 20 to 30% of the total
production cost in some industries.
• Yield losses as well as the root causes of quality loss can be
identified by linking process control data with quality control
and yield data. AI will be used to determine the optimized
product operating conditions or process conditions to
significantly reduce products defects.
…creating downstream market effectsRobot demand is increasing…
Decline in robot
prices over next 5
years results in
Demand for
General Purpose
robots over next 5
General Purpose
robot market
share in 2025
Increase in
demand for non-
robot end-market
by 2025
• Failure forecasting is complex due to external influencing
factors. As new sensors and IoT devices get integrated in
production processes and operations, data availability will
continuously increase.
• AI-based algorithms recognize errors and are able to
consider only relevant information among all data
available to predict breakdowns and guide future
maintenance and investment decisions.
• Machine-learning techniques will be essential to examine
the relationship between data records and failures and then
create data-driven models for maintenance and
breakdown predictions, reducing downtime by up to 20%.
White Star Capital
Significant investments have been made in
industry and robotics start-ups by VCs globally
$706m raised to date
Selected InvestorsHive Box provides a self-service platform for express delivery
companies and e-commerce logistics. It operates a network of
self-service package drop-off and pick-up stations in residential
areas across China, enabling customers to store and pick up
their packages anytime.
$1bn raised to date
Selected InvestorsNuro develops a suite of robotics including autonomous vehicle
for local goods transportation enabling autonomous delivery.
$1.3bn raised to date
Selected Investors
Flexport develops a freight forwarding platform designed to
provide visibility and control over the entire supply chain. The
platform arranges goods to be transported and subsequently
tracks the inventory in real-time in orders carried by ocean, air,
and road freight, enabling logistics companies to optimize
transportation routes and inventory management.
$174m raised to date
Selected InvestorsAera Technology developed a cloud-based supply chain
intelligence software solution. The company offers prescriptive
analytics functionalities capable of predicting demand,
diagnosing root cause issues and detecting problems at each
step in the supply chain by turning raw data into contextualized
$666m raised to date
Selected Investors
Convoy provides an efficient digital freight network that
connects shippers and carriers. The company's technology
and data solve the problem of carbon waste and inefficiency
in the trucking industry by matching trucking companies with
shippers that need to move freight.
Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics
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Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
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Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector
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Exploring the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Sector

  • 1. White Star Capital Sector Overview: Artificial Intelligence 1 From the eyes of an international investor Q3 2020
  • 2. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Contents 2 Section 1 AI Ecosystem: An Overview Section 2 Sector Focus AI-First Fintech Mobility Healthtech Industry & Robotics Communication & Collaboration Foodtech Wellbeing Section 3 Geographic Outlook North America Europe Asia Section 4 Partnering with White Star Capital 4 22 73 80
  • 3. White Star Capital 6.1% 13.7% 6.6% 3.8% 9.2% 1.9% 5.1% 13.0% 20.3% 15.4% 12.7% 18.6% 5.9% 10.7% Fintech Mobility Healthtech Industry & Robotics Communication & Collaboration Foodtech Wellbeing 2014 2020 YTD (Q3) The Age of AI 3 Sources: Pew Research, Pitchbook, IDC “The Digital Universe in 2020” (1) The validity of the result has been challenged by several observers who claimed that the achievement was exaggerated. At any rate, this event is still recognized as a turning point in AI history and is a great testimony of the progress made by technology over the last few decades (2) The Turing test has received criticisms from both scientists and philosophers regarding its capacity to measure machines ability to think (3) Gigaflops are a measure of computer speed, equal to one billion floating-point operations per second. (4) Visions under which machines intellect greatly exceeds the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains of interest (5) Artificial intelligence systems that specifically perform singular or limited task White Star Capital raised its first transatlantic fund in 2014, the same year in which a chatbot finally passed the Turing Test1 – an experiment designed to determine whether a computer is capable of thinking like a human being2. Since 2014, AI has come a long way and so has White Star Capital, having backed enterprises leveraging AI throughout North America, Europe and Asia. In this report, we will explore the commercial use cases enabled by the technology that we are most excited about and share ways in which we believe AI will disrupt traditional value chains and business processes. Today, most experts agree that AI and related technology systems will enhance human capacities and empower them over the next 10 years. The number of papers published on AI in arXiv (a renowned open-source databases of pre-print and scientific papers) has increased by a factor of 4x between 2014 and 2018. AI is everywhere and despite a slow start driven by an important lag between initial investments and financially attractive business application developments, we believe that the technology has now reached a tipping point where numerous projects with promising commercial applicability are being developed by companies across geographies, sizes and sectors. AI’s recent rise to ubiquity has been driven by three important catalysts: 1) The significant growth in the amount of data created and stored – around 40 trillion gigabytes of data (40 zettabytes) are currently populating the digital universe vs 1.2 zettabytes in 2010 (a 33x increase) 2) The increased computation capabilities of processing units – computation cost fell from $1.80 per GFLOPS3 in 2011 to $0.03 in 2020 (a 98% decrease) 3) The increasingly digital nature of businesses, regardless of sector of operation While we are still far from artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence4, numerous narrow AI5 use cases already have a profound economical and societal impact on the world. At White Star Capital, we believe that the Age of AI is now and look forward to continue supporting the companies building it. AI is becoming ubiquitous across sectors and is now part of a significant number of companies’ DNA across White Star Capital verticals of interest Share of sector deal volume driven by AI-enabled companies 2.2x 1.5x 2.3x 3.3x 2.0x 3.1x 2.1x
  • 4. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI Ecosystem: An Overview 4
  • 5. White Star Capital Report Methodology 5 AI Ecosystem: An Overview AI is rapidly breaking grounds across all industries and the lines between AI-first, AI-enabled, and AI-supported companies are becoming increasingly blurry Whereas other reports published by White Star Capital as part of this series focused on specific sectors, this report focuses on a technology1. Hence, the approach to determine market size and categorization has been adapted to accurately reflect this reality. Given that a wide variety of businesses are leveraging AI in one way or another, it is a challenging task to draft a categorization that is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. Several technologies are often intertwined to create solutions for individual problems and market approaches are done on both a vertical (sector specific) and horizontal (product specific) basis. Consequently, the segmentation proposed herein is made by choice rather than default, and is reflective of the way in which White Star analyses the AI landscape. The following criteria have been used to support our methodology in creating this report: • Inclusiveness: The topic of whether start-ups are really using AI in the way they claim to be has been widely debated. Are there real tech capabilities or is AI just used as a buzzword for marketing purposes? As this report aims to provide insights from a macro perspective and given the impossible practicability that performing due diligence on every company mentioned would involve, we decided to account in our data for all companies operating in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning vertical according to Pitchbook – applying no discrimination on a micro level and focusing on macro outputs, trends and insights • Vertical segmentation: At White Star Capital, we are thematic-driven, sectorial investors. Hence, we decided to segment the AI landscape vertically according to our core sectors of interest. We also added a first sub-section on AI-first companies, which we define as the ones building the AI productization value chain in a sector agnostic way (i.e. making AI available for companies looking to build / use AI in their respective verticals) • Impartiality: All data has been collected from independent third-party sources We believe that the approach used provides numerous insightful conclusions and accurately reflects several trends that we are witnessing firsthand in the market as global investors. (1) Note that the appellation “sector” is still employed throughout this report. Macro data presented includes companies deemed as operating in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning vertical according to Pitchbook. This nomenclature englobes companies that are using AI technology in a meaningful enough way to represent this characteristic as a primary defining element of their business operations
  • 6. White Star Capital Key Definitions 6 Source: IBM Watson Health Perspectives, IBM Cloud, IBM Design for AI AI Ecosystem: An Overview Any system capable of simulating human intelligence and thought processes is said to have Artificial Intelligence. AI can take many forms… Big Data Big Data defines very large and complex datasets that exceed the ability of traditional data processing applications to deal with them. Big data has one or more of the following characteristics: high volume, high velocity, or high variety. Much of it is generated in real time and at a very large scale, by sensors or networks, for example. NLP Natural Language Processing is an interdisciplinary field that spans techniques to process, understand, and analyze human language. NLP strives to build machines that understand and respond to text or voice data— and respond with text or speech of their own—in much the same way humans do. Machine Learning Machine learning is the application of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and have the capacity to perform tasks that aren’t explicitly programed. Computer Vision Computer vision is a field of AI that enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from visual inputs such as images or videos — and take actions or make recommendations based on that information. Deep Learning Deep learning is a subset of Machine Learning where neural networks learn from large amounts of data creating increasingly smarter conclusions. Deep learning systems can prioritize the criteria most important to reaching a decision.
  • 7. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI History 7 Source: Harvard Research, BBC, (1) Rules initially introduced in Runaround (1942) and included in the 1950 collection I, Robot AI Ecosystem: An Overview The 1950s: WW2 triggers fresh thinking… 1949 – ‘The Tortoises’ American-born British neurophysiologist, cybernetician and robotician William Grey Walter creates some of the first ever robots with complex behavior 1950 – Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University Isaac Asimov publishes his thought-provoking work, I Robot, a founding document regarding ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence1 1950 – The Turing Test Mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical biologist Alan Mathison Turing considers the question ‘Can machines think?’. If a machine can trick humans into thinking it is human, then it has intelligence. Turing also built a machine to decrypt German Enigma’s messages during WWII 1951 – Ferranti Mark 1 The first AI-based programs were written to run on the Ferranti Mark 1 leading to the creation of the two first self-learning game- playing programs: a checkers and a chess-playing program 1966 - 1977 – Shakey The Robot First general-purpose robot making decisions about its own actions given its surroundings. It was painfully slow and made apparent that AI was lagging far behind lofty predictions made by advocates like Minsky 1965 – ELIZA The pioneer of NLP computer programs, ELIZA was the first chatbot able to hold conversations with humans. ELIZA was developed at MIT by the German American computer scientist and professor at MIT Joseph Weizenbaum 1956: The Introduction of AI The term 'artificial intelligence’ is coined during a summer conference at Dartmouth University by the American computer scientist and cognitive scientist John McCarthy. Top scientists debated how to approach AI: Some, like the renowned American cognitive and computer scientist who co-founded the MIT’s AI laboratory, Marvin, Minsky, favored a ‘top-down’ approach, where AI development would be inspired by the rules that govern human behavior. Others preferred a ‘bottom-up’ approach where AI would simulate brain cells that could learn new behaviors, which led to neural networks. Over time Minsky's views dominated, and alongside McCarthy, he won substantial funding from the US government, who hoped AI might give them the upper hand in the Cold War.
  • 8. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI History 8 AI Ecosystem: An Overview The 1970s: The AI Winter… By the end of the 70s, millions had been spent on AI for little commercial progress. Funding for the industry was slashed on the back of the Lighthill Report (AI: A General Survey) published in 1973 on the state of AI in the UK in which he stated that machines would only ever be capable of an "experienced amateur" level of chess. The 1980s: AI commercial value attracts new investment In the 80s, several commercial systems with more tangible applications saw daylight. Instead of aiming for the silver lining of general intelligence, expert systems focused on much narrower tasks. One of the first successful commercial expert system, known as the R1, began operation at the Digital Equipment Corporation. The R1 was a production- rule-based system automatically selecting computer components based on customers’ requirements. By 1986, R1 was reportedly saving the company an estimated $40m a year. The 1990s: Back to ‘bottom-up’ approach Australian roboticist and former director of the MIT Computer Science and AI Lab Rodney Brooks was inspired by advances in neuroscience starting to explain human cognition and showing that different 'modules' in the brain work together to recognise patterns, with no central control. He argued that the ‘top-down’ approach of pre- programming a computer was wrong. He helped drive a revival of the bottom-up approach to AI, including the long unfashionable field of neural networks. 1997 – Deep Blue IBM Supercomputer defeats world chess champion Garry Kasparov 2002 – Roomba, first home-robot An autonomous vacuum cleaner introduced by iRobot 2011 – IBM's Watson The computer beats the human brain on US quiz show Jeopardy 2011 – Apple integrates Siri The intelligent virtual assistant with a voice interface 2017 – Google’s AI Alpha Go Defeats world champion in the game of Go, notable for its vast number of possible positions 2016 – Microsoft’s Chatbot Tay The chatbot makes inflammatory and offensive racist comments on social media 2014 – Eugene Goostman A chatbot finally passes the Turing Test with a third of judges believing Eugene is human1 Are machines intelligent now? Narrow AI allows to assist or take over specific tasks. General AI on the other end means that machines have cognitive capabilities similar to humans. While based on those definitions and the current state of technology we cannot proclaim that machines are fully intelligent today, we can confirm that they are getting smarter by the day and that when coupled with human insight and creativity, they have already enabled an array of opportunities that were fundamentally unconceivable just a few years ago. Source: Harvard Research, BBC, (1) The validity of the result has been challenged by several observers who claimed that the achievement was exaggerated. Anyhow this event is still recognized as a turning point in AI history and is a great testimony of the progress made by technology over the last few years
  • 9. White Star Capital ML101 - An Introduction 9 Source: Imperva, IBM, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Sutton, Barto) AI Ecosystem: An Overview ML can be segmented into several categories depending on the nature of the data and the type of algorithms used to perform specific tasks ML enables computers to detect patterns and establish baseline behavior using algorithms that learn through training or observation. The approach has the capability to process and analyze vast amounts of data that are simply impractical for humans. ML can take three forms: Supervised learning starts with an established labeled dataset and an understanding of how that data is classified. The model then maps the labeled inputs to the known outputs. Unsupervised learning draws inferences from datasets consisting of input data without labeled responses. This approach requires clustering and dimensionality reduction algorithms which enables the machine to understand patterns and discover the output. Clustering is the assignment of objects to homogeneous groups (clusters) based on shared characteristics (features). Dimensionality reduction is the reduction of the number of features under consideration. This approach protects the assignment from the curse of dimensionality which arises when analyzing and organizing data in high- dimensional spaces Reinforcement learning enables algorithms to learn to react rationally to an environment on their own. By effectively mapping more situations to actions, the agent aims to maximize a numerical reward signal. Supervised learning ▪ Input and output are provided to the machine, which finds out the rules ▪ Suited for classification and regression tasks Unsupervised learning ▪ Output data are not provided ▪ Machine interprets the input data in order to find information from the data. ▪ Operates via clustering and dimensionality reduction Reinforcement learning ▪ Machine improves from its learning errors and adjusts its approach to maximize reward (trial-and-error) ▪ The machine remembers its previous behavior and corrects it iteratively EnvironmentAgent Actions Rewards Observations 1 2 3 3 2 1
  • 10. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital ML 201 – One Layer Further 10 Source: Global Engage, Dataflair, Emily Barry AI Ecosystem: An Overview Deep learning simulates the human brain, enabling systems that learn to identify objects and perform complex tasks with increasing accuracy—all without human intervention Some widely used ML algorithms: Selection of the appropriate approach depends on the size, structure and purpose of the dataset, among other things Deep Learning Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in which multi-layered neural networks - inspired to work like the human brain - learn from large amounts of data. Within each layer of the neural network, deep learning algorithms perform calculations and make predictions repeatedly, progressively learning and gradually improving the accuracy of the outcome over time. Deep learning can be supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised and even used in relation with reinforcement learning. Simple Neural Network Input Layer Hidden Layer(s) Output Layer Supervised Unsupervised Reinforcement Basic Regression Classification Clustering Linear – Lots of numerical data Logistic – Target variable is categorical Neural Net – Complex relationship K-NN – Grouping based on proximity Decision Tree – If/then/else Random Forest – Can also be regression SVM – Maximum margin classifier Naïve Bayes – Updating knowledge progressively with new info K-Means – Groups based on centroids Anomaly Detection – Outliers through grouping Dimensionality Reduction T-SNE – Convert similarity to joint probabilities PCA – Distil feature space into components that describe greatest variance CCA – Cross-correlation matrices LDA – Linear combination of features that separates classes Note that while dimensionality reduction mostly applies to unsupervised learning, some variations / combinations of those algorithms can also be applied to supervised learning (i.e. Labelled-LDA, Multi-Grain LDA, S2CCA, etc.) Complex Neural Network
  • 11. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Quantum Computing 101 11 Sources: IBM, CB Insights, Nature AI Ecosystem: An Overview Quantum computing is a technological advancement that holds lots of promises in expanding the boundaries of computational power Ordinary computer chips use bits and act as switches that can either be in the ”off” position (0) or in the “on” position (1). Universal quantum computers leverage the quantum mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement to create states that scale with number of qubits (or quantum bits). The technology was initially developed in 1998 at Oxford University and has since been pushed forward by technology giants such as IBM, Google, Alibaba, and specialized players like D-wave, Rigetti, and Xanadu. Progress in the quantum computing space is happening fast and in 2020, Honeywell announced that it had built the most powerful quantum machine in history with a quantum volume (IBM-created standardized performance benchmark) of 64, twice as powerful as the next best alternative in the industry. Quantum Simulation • Metaheuristic for finding the optimum of a given objective function over a given finite set of solutions (candidate states) • In 2011, D-Wave announced the first commercial quantum annealer on the market by the name D-Wave One and published a paper in Nature on its performance Quantum computing can be divided in 3 categories based on the amount of processing power (qubits) needed, the number of possible applications, and the time required to become commercially viable Qubit: Typically represents subatomic particles such as electrons or photons. Some approaches use cooled superconducting circuits, while others trap individual atoms in electromagnetic fields on a silicon chip in ultra-high-vacuum chambers. In both cases, the goal is to isolate the qubits in a controlled quantum state Superposition: Qubits can represent numerous possible combinations of 0 and 1 at the same time. This ability to simultaneously be in multiple states is called superposition Entanglement: Researchers can generate pairs of qubits that are “entangled” which means the two members of a pair exist in a single quantum state QC • Quantum simulation is focused on the problems in quantum physics that are beyond the capacity of classical systems • Quantum simulation promises to have concrete applications in the study of many problems in, e.g., condensed-matter physics, high-energy physics, atomic physics, quantum chemistry and cosmology • Universal quantum computers leverage the phenomena of superposition and entanglement to create states that scale exponentially with number of qubits • Several dozens of algorithms that are only possible on a universal quantum computer have already been designed, including Shor’s (factoring) and Grover’s algorithms (quickly searching unstructured and massive sets of data)
  • 12. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital ▪ In Nov-18, Xanadu, which has been a pioneer in the quantum machine learning field, introduced PennyLane, a software framework for quantum programming ▪ NASA Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) focuses on the impact that quantum computers could have in solving computational challenges faced by the agency ▪ In Mar-20, Google announced TensorFlow Quantum, an open source library for QML ▪ Allows researchers to construct quantum datasets/models, and classical control parameters When Quantum Meets AI 12 Sources: MIT, Google, IBM, Supervised Learning with Quantum Computers (M. Schuld, F. Petruccione), Highlighting Quantum Computing for Machine Learning (R. Louriz), Parameterized quantum circuits as machine learning models (M. Benedetti, E. Lloyd, S. Sack, M. Fiorentini) AI Ecosystem: An Overview Quantum machine learning (QML) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that sits at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning QML focuses on finding synergies between two important fields that play a central role into determining how society deals with information and data more generally. While definitions and applications of QML are broad, the key questions behind the emergence of the field are: can quantum mechanics be used in a way that improves how machines recognize patterns in data? Can quantum computers help solving problems faster? Can machines learn from fewer data samples or deal with higher levels of noise? The preliminary answers to these questions so far seems to be yes, they can. Early signs of traction Several approaches in the QML space are based on the premise that quantum algorithms can speed up ML-related linear algebra and/or sampling tasks. While the field is still nascent and applications will continue to be developed, exponential speed-up is the primary argument in support of QML as of today. The technology is built on two pillars: quantum data and hybrid quantum-classical models. Quantum data: Any data source that occurs in a natural or artificial quantum system. Quantum data exhibits superposition and entanglement, leading to joint probability distributions that could require an exponential amount of classical computational resources Hybrid quantum-classical models: These hybrid models rely on the intuition that by implementing some subroutines on classical hardware, the requirement of quantum resources is significantly reduced, particularly the number of qubits, circuit depth, and coherence time Algorithms Traditional processing (CPU/GPU) Pattern recognition Time required Algorithms `Quantum processing Pattern recognition Time required ClassicalMLClassicalML QuantumML
  • 13. White Star Capital 13 AI bias happens when algorithms produce results that are systematically prejudiced due to the recognition of erroneous patterns in data For example, a system for spotting skin cancer might be paying more attention to whether a photo is taken in a doctor’s office, than to the actual skin area at risk, systemically biasing results. That’s because AI cannot think or understand As discussed earlier in this report, AI systems are provided with huge amounts of data and use statistical algorithms to generate models that can make conclusions based on patterns detected in data. This is fundamentally different to traditional software where rules are directly inputted to generate a desired answer. If the data provided is not representative or is inherently biased, the output and decisions of AI systems will be wrong. An AI model is only as good as the data its being fed. This reality can have major consequences. Data about human diversity for instance can come with many embedded biases and generate results that systematically discriminate against certain types of skin pigmentation. This explains why companies like Amazon, IBM, and more recently Microsoft, decided to ban police use of their facial-recognition technology to avoid racially biased surveillance and arrestations. “We will not sell facial-recognition technology to police departments in the US until we have a national law in place, grounded in human rights, that will govern this technology” Brad Smith – President and CLO of Microsoft Another ethical question raised by the very own nature of AI is its unevenly distributed force favoring companies with large data banks. Network-effect driven businesses are often better positioned to capture the full extent of the transformative force of AI and this reality will ultimately reinforce oligopolistic market structures in several verticals. As Peter Thiel said, while crypto is libertarian, AI is communist. Whether we accept this reality or not is a societal question that will be addressed based on each countries’ jurisdiction. However, as innovation has no boundaries, the decisions made by various states will need to be analysed in a global context as local restriction might create an uneven playing field that will have a major influence of tomorrow’s AI landscape. A future of regulations Tools and processes to regulate organizations and educate consumers so that AI systems are included in decision processes rather than used as decision making tools are needed. While several private initiatives such as OpenAI have seen daylight, regulations will need to go further to ensure that the technology doesn’t stand in the way of basic human rights as it grows in popularity and adoption. Classical Programming Supervised Machine Learning AnswersData Rules Data Answers Rules Sources: Benedict Evans, Washington Post, AI & Ethics: Beware of Bias AI Ecosystem: An Overview
  • 14. White Star Capital 14 AI’s disruptive potential is tremendous and at White Star we’ve put our actions behind our words by investing in leading companies such as Meero, Mnubo, KeyMe, Red Sift and Mindsay AI companies differ from traditional software businesses in many ways. Understanding this difference is a tool for entrepreneurs and investors alike to successfully navigate the space and assess the inherent operational attributes and limitations of AI-enabled business models. Below are a few elements that explain why investing in AI comes with its fair share of challenges and why ultimately, building a clear value proposition with a feasible path to profitability should never be overlooked. Lower gross margins businesses Defensibility is often overstated Technical differentiation: AI getting increasingly commoditized (1) Data drift represents the sum of data changes over time Sources: a16z, Benedict Evans AI from an Investor Point of View AI Ecosystem: An Overview 1 ▪ Humans-in-the-loop are often required for models to operate at a high levels of accuracy ▪ Cleaning and labelling is a heavily labour-intensive ▪ Reducing human costs by automating actions results in increasing infrastructure spend, meaning that costs can be transferred but not removed ▪ 25%+ of revenue of AI companies are spent on cloud resources ▪ Training AI models can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in compute resources due to data drift1 as well as the complexity of matrix-based calculations ▪ Media rich content (images, video, audio) are more predominant in AI-model training than in traditional software ▪ Traditional software solutions have really high margins because they can be produced once and sold many times to various customers ▪ On the other end, AI solutions are based on trained models that need to be maintained, updated, tailored, and improved with data that becomes increasingly expensive to acquire on the edge AI vs software Infrastructure costs Humans in the loop AI companies generally have gross margins that are 10-30% below traditional SaaS businesses due to the inherent nature of their business model 2 “Our moat resides in the data we have, which differentiates us from competitors”. Sometimes true, often false. Unless data is proprietary, the reality is that in most instances, the bulk of capabilities that AI models will offer can be achieved with limited amounts of data residing in the heavy head of the distribution. Reaching a minimum viable corpus of data is, for example, generally easier than breaking the cold start problem in marketplaces meaning that even companies with a head start in their respective field should expect to face growing competition down the line. 3 Building differentiated AI solutions is difficult. New frameworks and architectures are often publicly available in open source libraries. Pre-trained models can easily be found on the net. Data is either (i) expensive (drift, hard to capture on the edge), (ii) public (no moat) or (iii) owned by customers. This reality creates a dynamic in which several AI solutions are commoditized and not significantly technically differentiated or are, on the opposite, able to successfully manage edge cases but suffer from diseconomies of scales where the costs associated with each new data point acquired, processed, and maintained significantly outweighs the marginal benefit of it. In summary, profitability, defensibility, and differentiation are three elements that need to be thoroughly reflected on when building / investing in AI. The positive note is that through our first hand conversations with entrepreneurs across the globe, we see an increasing number of founders approaching AI with a business builder mindset, paving the way for more entrepreneurial successes in the field. Heavy Head Low cost / High use Frequencyofuse Total Inventory of Data Chunky Middle Medium cost / Medium use Long Tail High cost / Low use
  • 15. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI Highlights as of Q3 2020 15 Sources: (1) Pitchbook: AI & Machine Learning VC-backed start-ups as of 30.09.2020. AI & Machine Learning start-ups are defined by Pitchbook as follows: “Companies developing technologies that enable computers to autonomously learn, deduce and act, through utilization of large data sets. The technology enables development of systems that collect and store massive amounts of data, and analyze that content to make decisions based on probability and statistical analysis. Applications for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning include speech recognition, computer vision, robotic control and accelerating processes in the empirical sciences where large data sets are essential.” (2) Pitchbook: Rounds >$100m (3) According to Pitchbook 25%+ Forecasted CAGR of the AI sector through 20233 5,861 AI deals in 2019 $138bn AI funding since 2017 69 AI VC-backed unicorns1 108 AI IPOs since 2011 174 AI mega rounds since 20112 +73% Share price performance of the Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF, one the largest AI ETFs, since 2017 AI Ecosystem: An Overview
  • 16. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Funding has grown c.40% yoy since 2011 as AI use cases become ubiquitous across industries 16 Source: Pitchbook North America and Asia have led the world from a deal value perspective 2020 YTD deal value almost at 2019 levels, while deal volume is lagging YoY, reflecting larger average deal sizes as investors focuses on follow- on and later stage rounds amid the COVID-19 pandemic Deal Value Deal Volume AI Ecosystem: An Overview $1.3bn $1.4bn $2.8bn $8.0bn $8.5bn $13.6bn $9.6bn $18.8bn $21.8bn $18.4bn $1.1bn $1.8bn $2.9bn $4.2bn $3.2bn $2.6bn $5.6bn $13.3bn $21.6bn $9.8bn $11.5bn $2.0bn $1.7bn $3.3bn $9.4bn $11.7bn $20.2bn $24.9bn $43.5bn $36.1bn $33.1bn 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD North America Europe Asia Rest of World 246 370 628 924 1,195 1,621 2,348 2,723 2,566 1,404 134 229 394 581 852 1,310 1,545 1,536 724 144 289 573 901 1,377 1,724 1,640 820 393 594 1,006 1,618 2,367 3,418 5,113 6,086 5,861 2,984 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD North America Europe Asia Rest of World
  • 17. White Star Capital +[xx]% Growth in share of deals from 17-19 Globally, the AI ecosystem is primarily early stage, with funding concentrated in Seed and Series A rounds 17 However, the US and China are showing signs of maturation with a sustained growth in funding for deals at the Series B stage and beyond USA Canada UK France Germany China SEA Seed share of deals 54% 59% 55% 33% 63% 23% 48% (0.8)% (5.4)% (4.6)% (23.8)% 12.4% (17.9)% (6.4)% Series A share of deals 25% 29% 32% 39% 29% 48% 34% (4.6%) 17.8% 7.8% 15.1% (12.1)% 7.6% 6.3% Series B share of deals 12% 8% 10% 18% 5% 19% 11% 9.3% (10.4)% 23.1% 83.4% (35.1)% 5.3% 46.4% Series C share of deals 5% 3% 2% 9% 3% 7% 4% 4.5% (10.4)% 10.1% NA NA 9.0% NA Series D share of deals 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 3% 4% 11.0% NA (100.0)% NA NA 38.8% (40.2)% Series E+ share of deals 3% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13.6% NA (10.1)% NA NA 3.4% NA Source: Pitchbook Share of deal volume by deal stage type (2019) AI Ecosystem: An Overview
  • 18. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital $14.1m $22.4m $5.6m $40.8m $86.7m $21.4m $96.8m $195.9m $73.3m Valuations have been growing at an impressive pace across the globe, with Asia seeing the steepest increase, especially at the Seed and Series A stages 18 Source: Pitchbook Note: Please note Pitchbook valuation data has limitations and only considers rounds that have officially announced valuations. Europe valuations in the AI ecosystem are between 50% and 70% lower than the rest of the world Outsized rounds are becoming common place as investors are looking to back companies with the potential to become category killer Seed Series A Series B North America Asia Europe Series D: $224m (2020) France Series C: $230m (2019) France Series B: $151m (2019) Canada Series B: $940m (2019) USA Series A: $150m (2018) China Series D: $1bn (2017) China Growth: $20bn (2018) China Median pre-money valuation Selected outsized funding rounds +16.1% +75.9% +23.4% +25.3% +66.3% +18.4% +20.4% +12.1% +5.8% +[xx]% Growth in valuations from 14-19 Growth: $3bn (2020) USA Series D: $162m (Feb-20) UK AI Ecosystem: An Overview
  • 19. White Star Capital $224m Series D (May-20) France Megarounds in US and China have become common given market sizes 19 Source: Pitchbook Note: Mega round refers to a round of $100m+. AI Ecosystem: An Overview Mature ecosystems are now seeing $1bn+ deals happen multiple times per year North America Asia Europe South America $175m Series C (May-19) Brazil 2019 2017 2016 2018 2020 $550m Series C (Aug-19) UK $230m Series C (Jun-19) France $750m Series D (May-19) China $1.4bn Series A (Oct-19) China $2.8bn Series D (Mar-19) China $446m Series C (Mar-19) China $222m Series D (Dec-18) UK $500m Series B (Jul-18) US $392m Series E (Jun-18) US $140m Series D (Aug-17) US $145m Series D (Mai-18) US $620m Series C+ (Mai-18) China $1.9bn Growth (Apr-18) China $4.3bn Series C (Apr-18) China $1bn Series B (Apr-18) China $153m Series B (Mar-18) US $203m Series D (Dec-17) US $159m Series B (Jul-17) US $410m Series B (Jul-17) China $2bn Growth (Dec-17) China $1bn Series D (Apr-17) China $600m Series C (Mar-17) China $190m Series C (Jan-16) US $250m Series A (Jul-16) US $880m Series K (Jan-16) US $600m Series B (Nov-16) China $1.4bn Series A (Feb-16) China $1.2bn Seed (Oct-16) China $1bn Series A (Aug-16) China $3bn Growth (Feb-20) China $600m Series B (Feb-19) US $940m Series B (Feb-19) US $700m Series F (May-20) US $3bn Growth (May-20) US $462m Series B (Feb-20) US $263m Series B2 (Jan-20) US Selected megarounds by region • The European market is slowly accelerating, supported by the new European Strategy for Data. However, the geography is still lagging globally as investors underspends on tech and R&D compared to the US and China. • Autonomous vehicles remain among the most funded AI-based projects, followed by healthtech, fintech and industrial technology • Increasing deal sizes over time as category winners are attracting growing levels of funding $250m Series A (Jun-18) US $1.4bn Pre-IPO (Apr-20) China $2.5bn Series C+ (May-20) China $162m Series D2 (Feb-20) UK $50m Series E (Sep-18) UK $227m Growth (Nov-19) Canada $151m Series B (Sep-19) Canada $130m Series B (Oct-16) US
  • 20. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Strategic M&A drives the vast majority of exits globally 20 Source: Pitchbook. Note that Pitchbook data for China are usually less reliable than for North America Embracing AI has become a focus, not just for digital native enterprises, but for all companies looking to find more efficient ways to compete, cut costs and deal with data overload Exits by type Selected VC-backed exits $648m IPO (Sep-19) USA $200m Acq. By Apple (Jan-20) USA $230m Acq. by Aurora Innovation (May-19) Sweden $1.3bn Aq. By Amazon (Jun-20) USA C$100m Acq. by AspenTech (Jun-19) Canada CNY 2.8bn IPO (Nov-14) China $2bn Acq. By Intel (Dec-19) USA $1.8bn IPO (Sep-18) China $1.9bn Acq. By Roche (Apr-18) USA $15.3bn Acq. by Intel (Apr-18) Israel $961m Acq. By Splunk (Oct-19) USA $766m Acq. by Salesforce (Aug-18) USA $18.5bn Acq. by Livongo (Aug-20) Canada $1bn Acq. By Facebook (Sep-19) USA 1 4 5 10 9 1 12 10 15 15 47 94 154 172 99 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD (Q3) NorthAmerica 7 13 28 31 11 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD (Q3) SouthAmerica&Africa 2 2 5 1 3 1 4 5 2 6 22 44 44 73 57 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD (Q3) Europe 16 3 4 10 5 - 2 2 7 11 26 28 11 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD (Q3) Asia $610m IPO (Jun-19) USA AI Ecosystem: An Overview
  • 21. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital There are a number of other AI-enabled start-ups that have raised a significant amount of capital and are approaching unicorn territory too…2 Selected VC-backed unicorns using AI globally 21 Source: Pitchbook (1) Amount shown corresponds to the last reported valuation. (2) Amount shown corresponds to total amount raised. Note: Unicorn: a vc-backed company that has publicly announced a fund raising round at a valuation at or above $1bn. AI Ecosystem: An Overview $7.6bn US $43.2bn US $2.0bn US $3.6bn US $2.0bn US $9.7bn US $1.3bn US $8.2bn US $3.0bn US $4.4bn US $13.9bn US $6.7bn US $2.6bn US $3.0bn US $1.9bn US $2.0bn US $1.6bn US $3.0bn US $3.3bn US $1.6bn US $28.9bn US $1.6bn US $3.7bn US $1.5bn US $1.5bn US $1.3bn Canada $1.7bn US $1.1bn Canada $9.0bn US $2.3bn US $4.0bn US $1.7bn US $3.0bn US $2.3bn US $2.1bn US $2.6bn UK $2.1bn UK $1.3bn France $2.2bn UK $1.0bn France $139bn China $6.4bn China $37bn China $5.4bn China $20bn China $16bn China $26bn China $4.7bn China $11bn China $2.8bn China $1.6bn Singapore Asia 1 Europe 1 Americas1 $4.1bn US $966m US $416m France $886m US $882m US $991m US $592m UK $949m US $982m China $973m US $586m Germany $903m US $908m China $4.0bn China Middle East 1 $4.0bn Israel $1.2bn Israel $1.3bn Israel
  • 22. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Sector Focus 22
  • 23. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI-First
  • 24. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI-first solution providers encompass all companies building the AI value chain, from data creation and capture to model design and implementation, often in an industry agnostic way 24 Source: Pitchbook,, theFintechtimes Sector Focus: AI-First AI-First: An Introduction The significant growth in megarounds has driven a 12x increase in funding allocated to AI-First companies since 2011 AI-First deal value & volume AI has gone through numerous phases since the term was coined in 1956. First, it flourished until the mid-1970’s, supported by early demonstrations of success like Newell and Simon’s General Problem Solver and the advocacy of leading scientists. Then, the limited commercial applicability of the technology, which was mostly driven by the lack of computational power at the time, initiated the period known as the AI winter. In the 1980’s, valuable commercial systems were introduced and since then, AI has consistently gained popularity, driven in one part by Moore’s law and on another by the digitalization of everything. Today, most of the elements that were holding back AI in the previous generations are mostly faded: data is omnipresent and computing power, although still limited, is widely available. The current context and the increasing desire of organizations to embrace technological change led to the widespread corporate interest in the technology that we are currently witnessing. Companies from all sizes and sectors are conscious of the benefits that AI can bring to their organization and are looking to benefit from the technology in one way or another. Several challenges remain and AI is still not within reach of all enterprises. Data capture and cleaning, talent concentration, limited computing capabilities, complex algorithm design and solution implementation are all pain-points that need to be addressed. For AI to reach ubiquity, AI-first companies will have to ensure that the technology is effective, available and easily leverageable and must continue improving the ways by which AI solutions are brought to market. $1.8bn $4.7bn $4.4bn $5.7bn $6.7bn $10.3bn $11.3bn $9.5bn $0.7bn $1.1bn $1.8bn $2.2bn $1.4bn $1.1bn $1.2bn $2.0bn $5.0bn $4.8bn $6.4bn $7.9bn $12.2bn $13.6bn $10.9bn 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 North America Europe South East Asia 235 886364 625 941 1,253 1,679 2,423 2,326 1,810
  • 25. White Star Capital Challenges at all stages of the AI value chain are being tackled by a wide variety of companies 25 Sources: Unite Ai, IEEE, McKinsey, Deloitte Sector Focus: AI-First The pace of innovation of AI-first companies has been accelerating over the last decade as core technological advances have transformed all stages of the AI value chain • AI-first companies in the data generation portion of the value chain span across three categories: providers of off-the-shelf structured datasets, providers of tailored structured datasets, and providers of synthetic environments • Those companies mostly address the needs of verticals where quality data is scarce, sensitive, or costly AI Value Chain Data Generation Data Capture • Two complementary / intertwined trends involving AI-first companies in the data capture portion of the value chain are edge AI and the AIoT • AIoT is the juncture between AI and the Internet of Things which represents the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects• The vast majority of the world’s data is unstructured and unusable for training AI models in its raw form • Data enrichment companies solve this pain-point by providing data labelling / wrangling services • Other companies in this segment offer efficiency tools to data annotation providers • AI systems depend on massive amounts of data that algorithms ingest, classify, and analyze • The development of highly synergistic technologies in AI such as quantum computing and the growing use of AI- specific processing units are two dimensions in which AI-first companies are effecting the data processing part of the value chain • Finally, the value is ultimately rendered to end-users when AI- driven solutions are implemented • This step is often led by vertically integrated companies operating in at least one other dimension of the AI value chain Data Enrichment Solution Implementation Computing Algorithms • Advances in algorithm design involve technological developments such as deep learning, federated learning, and reinforcement learning • Under this portion of the value-chain, open-source frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch and Theano have played a key role in democratizing AI • Some start-ups are also offering tools to data scientists and teams to track, compare, explain and optimize experiments and models
  • 26. White Star Capital AI-first unicorns are emerging at all stages of the value chain 26 Source: Company websites, Crunchbase Sector Focus: AI-First $431m raised to date Selected Investors DataRobot (US) developed a machine learning automation platform designed to deploy accurate predictive models DataRobot has been instrumental in democratizing access to AI to a wide array of enterprises through its automated machine learning solution $123m raised to date Selected Investors Scale AI (US) developed some of the most advanced data annotation capabilities in the world which it offers via APIs to companies across all industries Scale AI’s annotation solution has been able to reduce human involvement to a minimum while maintaining high accuracy $339m raised to date Selected Investors Coveo (Canada) has built a relevance platform for intelligent enterprise search and predictive insights platforms for businesses Coveo is leveraging data and AI to deliver a recommendation and search platform that is personalized and predictive. $2.6bn raised to date Selected Investors SenseTime (China) developed AI-driven facial recognition platforms and deep learning systems used across a wide-array of verticals including smart cities, finance, security and others SenseTime is among the world’s most valuable AI start-up and is partly known for its controversial facial recognition solution powering China’s government surveillance efforts $258m raised to date Selected Investors Element AI (Canada) is a Montreal-based artificial intelligence incubator that turns AI research into real-world business applications Element AI co-founder Yoshua Bengio won the Turing Award in 2018 along with Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun
  • 27. White Star Capital 27 • Although society is generating data at an unprecedented rate, some use cases require specific datasets that are not easily accessible to today’s data-hungry algorithms • Synthetic data can replicate all important statistical properties of real data while overcoming key restrictions such as privacy, availability, feasibility and cost • Generative Adversarial Network has been a key enabler of synthetic data advancement • AIoT is based on the premise that AI can be used to transform IoT data into useful information for improved decision-making processes • Applying AI algorithms on edge devices vs on central cloud / server gives devices the ability to process information locally and to respond more quickly to situations • Particularly caters use cases where real- time decision is crucial and where latency can prove fatal (i.e. autonomous vehicles) Source: Deloitte, McKinsey, MarketsandMarkets, IBM, Forbes (1) O’Reilly - Artificial Intelligence Adoption in the Enterprise, 2019 (2) MarketsandMarkets (3) IBM – The future of cognitive computing (4) Appen – Company presentation (5) Forbes - Cleaning Big Data: Most Time-Consuming, Least Enjoyable Data Science Task, Survey Says • Organizations across industries accumulated enormous amounts of data and are now looking to leverage this asset in the form of AI-driven applications • While the data accumulated is valuable, it is often not suited to fuel AI models in its raw form and needs to be “prepared” • Firms such as Appen, Mechanical Turk and Samasource are tackling the data cleaning pain-point with varying degree of accuracy, automation and specialization Sector Focus: AI-First Creating data in a scalable way Sensors are becoming intelligent Solving AI’s biggest pain point As significant industry pain points like data collection and preparation are being solved… 1/3rd Of the data used in ML models requires at least monthly refreshes(4) 80% of the world’s data is categorized as dark data(3) 80% of the time of data scientists is spent cleaning and prepping data(5) Factors holding back AI adoption by companies’ stage of AI adoption(1) 500 1,00075 100 75 150 50 100 50 250 2020 2024 Smartphone Tablet Speaker Wearable Enterprise Edge Edge AI chips by device, 2020 and 2024 (millions of units)(2) Evaluation Stage Mature Practice Company culture 22% 10% Lack of data or data quality 20% 26% Lack of skilled people 18% 24% Difficulties identifying use cases 21% 11% Technical infrastructure challenges 7% 11% Legal / compliance risk 4% 11% Other 8% 7%
  • 28. White Star Capital 28 • AI algorithms are improving fast, mostly driven by the field’s growing popularity and a significant amount of money invested on both the corporate and academic fronts • Key advances such as federated learning and reinforcement learning are showing great promise and techniques such neural architecture search are playing a key role in making machine learning available to the masses • While GPUs have been an important enabler of AI’s rise to ubiquity over the last few years, tensor processing units, neural network processors, vision processing units, intelligent processing units and dataflow processing units are all innovations that are set to enable the next era of AI computation • QML is also a rapidly evolving field holding lots of promise • AI-solutions come in all forms and substance, and are usually either offered on a horizontal basis (i.e. industry agnostic , NLP, speech and computer vision capabilities), or on a vertical basis (i.e. integrated fintech solutions) • Adoption plans from organizations across all categories are increasing and the penetration of the technology is still in its early innings Sector Focus: AI-First Average AI projects per organisation(1) Academic advances and open-source frameworks have played a key role in democratizing access to AI Core technological advances are redefining computational capabilities And interest for AI-driven applications is emerging from companies across all sizes and sectors … AI-driven applications are seeing an increased interest from organizations across all verticals 4 10 20 35 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E Source: IBM, Forbes, AI Impact (1) Appen – Company presentation (2) AI Impact – History of GFLOPS costs Computing cost keeps falling(2) - $0.30 $0.60 $0.90 $1.20 $1.50 $1.80 $2.10 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 $/GFLOPS Adoption plans for AI across organizations(1) - 25% 50% 75% 100% No plans Pilot Moving to production Scaled Predictive analystics Computer vision NLP Chatbot RPA
  • 29. White Star Capital Despite progress, there still exists a number of challenges that present opportunities to create significant value 29 (1) Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2019 (2) Company documents (3) Charles Brun - “Is Simulated Data the Great Equalizer in the AI race?“ Sector Focus: AI-First Democratizing AI • Data is unevenly distributed, and big tech players are collecting the lion’s share of it globally • Everyday, 350m images are uploaded on Facebook, 65bn messages are sent on WhatsApp, and 5bn+ searches are made on Google2 • As data becomes a new barrier to entry in several sectors, alternatives are being built to ensure that value creation from the AI flywheel (most data → best models → best product → best traction → most data) is not exclusively captured by a handful of players Empowering Data Scientists • Nearly half of CIOs claim suffering from skilled employee shortage in big data & analytics. AI is identified as the second most important shortage category with about 38%1 of CIOs claiming a lack of adequate staff • While data scientists are a rare asset, their time is systematically lost on limited value-added activities • Growing frustrations on data quality, availability and structure are creating significant turnover and dissatisfaction • As AI grows in popularity, the need for data scientists to be provided with the right tools is only increasing Opportunity • As a gigantic amount of data is being captured by network-effect driven businesses and technology giants (namely FAGMA and BATX), synthetic data presents itself as a technology that has the potential to act as an important equalizer of AI3 • In addition to its democratization potential, synthetic data has the potential to address sampling bias, black swan events, scarcity, privacy, and data labelling pain points • Synthetic data operating leverage can be up to 600x the current market price for image annotations • WSC believes that innovative companies building synthetic datasets to support real world data through an industry agnostic approach will play an increasingly growing role in the AI ecosystem Opportunity • This challenge is inherent to the life cycle stage in which AI is and will likely be addressed over the next few years • As organizations realizes the cost of not providing the appropriate infrastructure to their data scientists, budget offered to tooling solutions should increase across organisations • WSC is keen to see start-ups that have a focus on simplifying ML model creation and increasing collaboration, tracking and management capabilities for data scientists • GitHub and GitLab have offered appropriate tools and infrastructure to software developers to collaborate and we believe that a comparable set of solutions to AI solutions development is needed
  • 30. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Fintech
  • 31. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital As fintech companies unbundled the banking industry over the last decade, the quest to improve customer experiences and business processes has made AI a weapon of choice across many sub-verticals 31 Sources: Pitchbook, China Banking News Sector Focus: Fintech AI in Fintech: An Introduction AI representation in the fintech sector as steadily increased since 2011, across geographies AI / ML and Fintech deal value & volume Fintech is broad and encompasses a wide array of sub-verticals which can be regrouped into consumer facing solutions, enterprise finance solutions, and infrastructure. All those areas have been transformed by AI over the last few years. As Du Xiaoman Financial’s (former fintech unit of Baidu) CEO Zhu Guang said: “the application of AI technology in the financial sphere has already left the laboratory phase, and officially entered the standardized application phase”. Finance is among the most rapid channel for achieving commercialization of AI technology and the bourgeoning landscape of emerging start-ups is a clear testimony of that. On the consumer facing solutions side, AI has had a profound impact. Digital banking, bill management, insurance, credit and loans, remittance, trading, investment, and advisory have all been transformed in one way or another by AI. The same applies for enterprise finance solutions and infrastructure where AI has found applications in fraud detection and compliance, customer support, money laundering prevention, data-driven customer acquisition and many other relevant use cases. We are still at the early innings of AI’s penetration into the fintech space and as the graph below suggests, the pace of adoption is poised to continue accelerating. $532m $698m $350m $644m $1,718m $1,769m $1,350m $172m $331m $334m $449m $642m $162m $67m $126m $200m $589m $730m $527m $1,000m $2,127m $2,380m $2,063m 2.2% 4.3% 3.6% 6.1% 6.5% 9.9% 14.1% 14.7% 14.8% 13.0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 North America Europe Southeast Asia % of AI driven deal volume 19928 37 91 121 211 361 436 42110
  • 32. White Star Capital AI has found ways to reduce risk, increase customer engagement, optimize spend effectiveness, and alleviate cost structures across many use cases Sources: CB Insight, McKinsey, Pitchbook Sector Focus: Fintech AI is redefining how we save, invest, pay, insure, borrow, protect, and control financial services Consumer Facing Solutions Enterprise Finance Solutions Infrastructure Personal Finance An armada of AI-supported solution providers are reshaping and optimizing the ways in which the most basic financial operations are performed today. Value chains are being streamlined, optimized and increasingly automatized Business Operations Tools Insurance Financing and Lending Payment: PoS and Checkout Payment: Infrastructure Fintech-as-a-service Security, Analytics, Compliance BorrowSave and invest Pay Protect and control Insurer/ Carrier Re-insurer Broker Quasi-Carrier Traditional MGA Distribution partners Balance sheet lenders Asset-light lenders Institutional, public bodies, supranational, retail Institutional, Hedge Funds, VC Lending platforms Fund providers Regulatory affairs Identity verification & KYC Data security & transaction monitoring Institutional, Hedge Funds, VC Borrowers Investment Bank Security Exchange Corporates Bank Issuing Bank MerchantMerchant Acquiring Bank Acquiring Bank Payment processing network Insure MGA: Managing General Agent Blockchain $$$ $ $ $ 32
  • 33. White Star Capital Fintech start-ups are leveraging AI across a wide variety of subsectors 33 Sector Focus: Fintech $228m raised to date Selected Investors MoneyLion (US) is a mobile personal finance platform offering products spanning from borrowing to saving and investing The company uses advanced analytics and AI to gain a complete view of personal finances of its users and build consumer financial products $1.9bn raised to date Selected Investors Du Xiaoman Financial (China) is the former Baidu fintech unit and is among the most innovative fintech company globally on the AI front The company’s financial platform uses AI to provide services including financial management, credit business, wealth management and digital payment $225m raised to date Selected Investors Figure (US) is a provider of consumer financial solutions intended for home improvement, debt consolidation and retirement planning Figure uses blockchain and AI to streamline the home loan process by finding access points for consumer credit products $480m raised to date Selected Investors Lemonade (US) is a licensed carrier providing digital home insurance products to consumers Lemonade uses AI to optimize risks underwriting, claim management and customer communication (through its chatbot Maya) $100m raised to date Selected Investors Using artificial intelligence, Shift (France) provides solutions for claims automation and to combat insurance fraud Shift helps insurance players reduce fraud through its AI powered detection models that automates claim reviews, which to date has been a very manual process Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
  • 34. White Star Capital 34 • As new regulations, such as PSD2, 5AMLD, and GPDR are raising the compliance bar to tackle financial crime, corporations are looking for ways to improve their KYC and AML capabilities • Failure to stay on top of this has resulted in over $350bn worth of fines over the past decade • Security and compliance has already seen significant penetration of AI-driven fintech solution • According to the 2018 Growth Readiness Study, asset managers who are embracing big data and analytics are found to be growing their revenue 1.5x faster than the rest of financial services • Asset management related AI transformation include alpha generation, operational efficiency improvement, product design, content distribution, and risk management • AI algorithm trading is also a use case that has gained in popularity recently Sources: PwC, Deloitte, McKinsey, IBM (1) Medici – The Regtech Effect (2) Medici – RegTech Companies in the US Driving Down Compliance Costs to Enable Innovation (3) The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report (4) AlternativeDataOrg (5) Juniper Research (6) IBM • Interest for chatbots and financial assistants has been strong in the financial services sector and is now part of the playbook of both fintech companies and incumbents • BofA’s Erica, HDFC’s EVA, Lemonade’s Maya, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and many other financial institution have made chatbots central to their modus operandi • Chatbot’s widely spread use cases include lead generation, customer support, feedback collection and back-office operations streamlining Sector Focus: Fintech KYC and AML Seeking alpha Talk the talk Wherever data overload is an issue, AI has found ways to integrate the tech stack... Total buy-side spend on alternative data(4) (In $m) 90% of banks interactions with clients could be automated by chatbots by 2022(5) $8bn in savings will be generated by chatbots globally by 2022(5) 80% of routine questions can be answered by chatbots on average(6) $232 $400 $656 $1,088 $1,708 2016A 2017A 2018E 2019E 2020E $120bn Amount of global compliance spending by 2022(2) 10-15% of staff dedicate their time to compliance(1) 56% of regtech companies are employing machine learning(3)
  • 35. White Star Capital 35 • Potential to offer smarter and more nimble workflows to improve the productivity and reach of lending operations • The use of alternative data analysis allows a deeper assessment of applicants' creditworthiness, especially in situations where limited history is available • Advanced credit-decision models have the potential to provide lenders with the confidence to expand reach and broaden inclusion • Automated decision-making can adjudicate customers in real-time and at low cost, allowing tailored lending at the point of purchase • On the insurance front, devices connected to actuarial databases can calculate consumers’ risk score based on daily activities as well as the probability and severity of potential events • AI is anticipated to replace the vast majority of manual underwriting for personal and SMB products across life and P&C insurance Sector Focus: Fintech Redefining credit worthiness Pricing risk accurately Other fintech-related relevant use cases … and by doing so, AI has increased financial inclusion and enabled risk to be better assessed Source: Fannie Mae, McKinsey, Chatbot Guide, World Economic Forum (1) Fannie Mae – Mortgage lender sentiment survey (2) Transforming Paradigms A Global AI in Financial Services Survey Relative interest levels of AI/ML applications for lenders (average = 100)(1) 51 60 65 95 110 136 182 Social trust score Customer service digital assistants Customer relationship management Property valuation Borrower status assessment Borrower default risk assessment Anomaly detection automation Higher priorities • Back office automation: JPMorgan’s chatbot COIN is focused on analyzing commercial-loan agreements and reduced work from 360,000 hours down to seconds • Report generation: Automate report generation from structured datasets • Image recognition: Used for enhancing customer experience or security • Narrative science: Generation of narrative reports from structured data, such as sales records, using natural language generation 8% 6% 12% 14% 31% 25% 4% % of total R&D spend Fintech R&D expenditure spent on AI(2)
  • 36. White Star Capital Trends and Challenges Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 36 AI has the potential to address some of fintechs and financial incumbents’ most important pain-points while broadening financial inclusion Sector Focus: Fintech Infrastructure shift Strong focus on the development of core banking infrastructures and enabling technologies, allowing both incumbent to reimagine their back ends and non financial companies to deploy financial products Increased specialization Financial and insurance offerings are increasingly specialized to their targeted group’s needs and single product players are rapidly expanding their offering to cater for all needs and diversify revenue streams From competition to cooperation While the bulk of fintechs were initially positioning themselves as challengers to the banks, we are now seeing growing levels of collaboration across emerging technology companies and incumbents Changing regulations Companies are struggling to cope with the ever-evolving regulatory landscape. Failure to stay on top of this has resulted in over $350bn worth of fines over the past decade Financial education Fintechs have so far made their products accessible to a wide audience. However, trusted financial advice is often only limited to the wealthier members of society Big tech in finance Big tech growing involvement in financial services could potentially represent a threat to banks and emerging fintechs alike Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital Financial solutions are getting increasingly commoditized… • The lending market is slowly showing signs of commoditization as most of the differentiation levers (access to capital, credit decisioning, customer acquisition, and customer experience) are reaching the point of diminishing returns • Lack of perceived relevance, lower brand loyalty, low NPS scores and lack of trust of emerging institutions compared to established brands have been a major road block to scaling insurtechs and has significantly impacted unit economics …And emerging players are looking to capitalize on AI’s capabilities to differentiate themselves • By using alternative data and a wider array of risk pricing methodologies, lenders and insurers have the potential to expand their reach to underserved niche markets and benefit from increased visibility by becoming the #1 reference in specific market segments • AI has the potential to broaden financial inclusion • In industries where customer loyalty and NPS are extremely low, AI technologies offer more personalized and effective customer approaches • WSC believes that there is a significant opportunity for fintech companies to use AI to create a deeper engagement and sense of belonging by offering solutions to segments where none were previously available
  • 37. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Mobility
  • 38. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI is transforming mobility as we know it today 38 Sources: Accenture, Pitchbook Sector Focus: Mobility Megarounds have been an important part of AI-mobility related deals, explaining the important level of lumpiness in funding history of the sector AI / ML and Mobility Tech deal value & volume We are about to enter a new era where cars are increasingly connected and where drivers of today will become riders of the future. Mobility as a Service and AI will optimize travel routes and safety, but also our lives and cities globally Technology, with AI at the forefront, is transforming the mobility sector. By 2025, a forecasted 40% of new vehicles will have embedded telematics according to Accenture. Software and electronics will be at the center of the revolutionized automotive value chain as well as at the center of mobility services in general. The status quo of universal individual car ownership era will be challenged over the coming years. By 2045, Victoria Transport Policy Institute estimates that at least 50% of newly sold cars will be at least partially autonomous which will change out current consumption patterns around mobility. As vehicles and their accompanying technologies evolve, they will continue to disrupt mobility-related industries, making possible entirely new business models and spurring even greater AI enabled inventions, which will make owning a car less relevant and relatively expensive. Individual Car Ownership Connectivity Ubiquitous Mobility as a Service Fully-Autonomous Vehicles Today… Transforming into… $0.4bn $2.8bn $3.8bn $8.2bn $1.8bn $4.6bn $4.7bn $5.2bn $0.3bn $0.5bn $0.1bn $0.4bn $0.0bn $0.1bn $0.4bn $2.8bn $3.8bn $8.3bn $2.0bn $5.1bn $4.9bn $5.5bn 8.4% 8.4% 12.6% 13.7% 15.8% 19.3% 21.4% 25.7% 21.5% 20.3% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 North America Europe South East Asia % of AI driven deal volume 11 5915 33 52 75 99 143 166 139
  • 39. White Star Capital Are vehicles autonomous yet? 39 Source: McKinsey, Benedict Evans In 2016, only about 1% of vehicles sold were equipped with basic partial- autonomous-driving technology. Today, 80% of the top ten OEMs have announced plans for highly autonomous technology to be ready for the road by 2025. Sector Focus: Mobility Vehicles are categorized according to what type of advanced driver assistance systems features they offer. These different types of features are defined into 6 levels of automation (including level 0 which represents no automation). The difference between the ratings depends on the level of driver intervention and attentiveness needed to operate the vehicle. Automated vehicleDriver control That being said, it is very unlikely that there will be a defined moment in the next decade when the ‘first’ L4 operating autonomous vehicle goes on sale. The level of autonomy will be different from one area to another. This variability applies not just across different cities and countries but also in different parts of each urban landscape: freeways are easier than city centers, which might be easier or harder than suburbs. The “first” deployed autonomous vehicles might be L4 or L5 on highways but only L2 or L3 on city streets. The ‘when’ of autonomous cars highly depends on the “where” and “what”, and these are a matter of incremental deployments of different models in different areas over time. Full self-driving autopilot Assistance systems Lane departure assist Adaptive cruise control
  • 40. White Star Capital The rise of AI introduces prominent new actors in the autonomous vehicles value chain 40 Source: Freescale / NXP, Andreessen Horowitz, UBS Sector Focus: Mobility 5% 10% 15% 22% 35% 50% 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2030E Electronic systems as % of total car cost Advanced driver assist Active-passive safety Powertrain Radar / vision Infotrainment Airbag ABS / ESP Electronic fuel injection LG only started to call out revenues from the auto industry in 2015. In 2017, 56% of the vehicle components of the Chevy Bolt were supplied by LG. This example points the way to the future by showing that new entrants in the value chain will become central in future vehicles value chains. Value shifting into unexpected players’ hands… Software and electronics are now at the heart of the automotive value chain Freescale, a semi-conductor company has forecasted that by 2030, 50% of the total cost of manufacturing a car will go to electronics and software providers as opposed to the traditional metal class providers. Building blocks of tomorrow’s mobility landscape Currently, incumbents invest in software systems, but they also invest across the whole panel of AI-enabled technologies that will shape autonomous vehicles. In the future, we may see the emergence of more full stack companies compared to modular ones we see today (where car manufacturers currently assemble components from thousands of different providers) Proprietary vs. Open source Full stack vs modular Incumbent vs start-ups Currently, it is difficult to know whether the software of self driving cars will be proprietary and become a type of environment in which one dominant company licences its operating systems to OEMs, or will if it will be open source Future fleets sales of autonomous vehicles can be won by current incumbents such as Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, etc., or by emerging start-ups. The likely result will probably be a mix of both
  • 41. White Star Capital A complex ecosystem with frontier innovation happening in both hardware and software 41 Source: Pitchbook Sector Focus: Mobility Full stack These companies develop their entire autonomous mobility ecosystem including self- driving vehicles fleets, control systems, and most of the time, rise-sharing service and mobility optimization systems Perception software Crunch data from sensors to direct the car’s movements. Represents the “brain” of the vehicle and receives information from various components and directs the vehicle overall. Manipulates steering, accelerator and brakes by understanding the rule of the road. Radar sensors Send radio waves that are able to detect short & long-range depth. The short-range radar detects objects, pedestrians and vehicles near the car. The long-range radar detects and measures velocity of traffic down the road. Such sensors are already used in adaptive cruise-control systems. Lidar (light detection and ranging) Measures the distance by illuminating the target with pulsed laser light and measures the reflected pulses with sensors to create a 3D map of the surrounding area. These pulses are analysed to identify lane marking and the edges of roads. Cameras Provide real-time 360-degree obstacle detection to facilitate lane departure and track roadway information. They detect traffic lights, read road signs, keep track of the position of other vehicles and look out for pedestrians and obstacles on the road. V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) Allows vehicles to communicate with moving parts of the traffic system around them. One component of this technology is called vehicle- to-vehicle (V2V) which allows vehicles to communicate with one another. Another component is vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) which allows vehicles to communicate with external systems such as street lights, buildings, and even cyclists or pedestrians. Autonomous vehicles components
  • 42. White Star Capital A complex ecosystem with frontier innovation happening in both hardware and software (cont’d) 42 Source: Pitchbook Sector Focus: Mobility Connectivity & Data Management Some companies develop AI-powered mobility operating systems enabling transport infrastructure, mobility services and cities to optimize traveling by human mobility analysis. Other companies provide software tools that enable collection, sharing and management of data. Fleet management Companies in this subsector provide mobile workforce platforms and solutions for service- based businesses operating fleets. These companies develop tracking systems through IoT and AI allowing to monitor, schedule, and optimize factors such as driver behaviors, fuel consumption. They develop data-based predictive analytics, enabling fleet managers to optimize overall fleet management, improving safety and minimizing operational costs. Passenger safety Passenger safety tools include systems which employ machine vision and sensor fusion algorithms to detect hazards and AI systems to reduce car accidents and provide accident reports. Computer vision and deep learning technology is also used to eradicate the distracted driving by tracking gaze direction, eye openness and head position of drivers. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity systems are intended to detect and eliminate cyber threats faced by connected and autonomous vehicles. Hardware and AI- powered software systems are combined to defend against any type of cyber-attacks and prevent cars from being hacked, enabling automotive companies to protect connected vehicles against threats that can endanger their physical safety and information safety Fleet management & connectivity solutions providers create the bridge between vehicles and people, networks and infrastructure. New players emerging in the sector include connectivity and data management platforms, fleet management platforms and tools, parking applications, passenger safety tools and automotive cybersecurity technology.
  • 43. White Star Capital The road to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and optimized environments through ridesharing 43 Sources: McKinsey, RethinkX, Medium, Andreessen Horowitz As autonomous vehicles become commonplace across the mobility industry, ridesharing platforms and connectivity will challenge the individual car ownership status and launch the era of Travel as a Service (TaaS) and global mobility optimization embedded in future smart cities Sector Focus: Mobility Economics will drive the adoption of TaaS Fleets & ridesharing platforms Smart cities & environment optimization Forecasted 2030 costs per mile 0.03 $ 0.10 $ 0.31 $ 0.62 $ 0.78 $ TaaS Pool TaaS Operating cost of existing ICE vehicle Buy a new EV Buy a new ICE vehicle • By 2030, consumers will be facing the option of spending about $3,400/year on driverless TaaS journeys (or $1,700 on TaaS Pool – or shared TaaS), rather than an average of approximately $9,000/year on a personally owned vehicle which will challenge the current status of individual car ownership. • Individually owned cars are used only 4% of the time. While there will be fewer cars, TaaS vehicles will be available on- demand 24 hours per day, providing door-to-door transport to passengers. TaaS vehicles will be utilized 10 times more than individually owned vehicles. • In major regional and local markets, large shared-mobility providers dominate, with combined market shares of up to 90%. • As of this writing, in 2017, at least $32bn had been invested in ridesharing start-ups alone. There is strong growth potential as less than 1% of passenger miles traveled today are carried out using shared-mobility services, and US customers expect usage of shared mobility to increase by around 80% once robo-taxis are available. 90% adoption rate of smartphone ridesharing apps by 2030 250 million cars connected through V2X systems to infrastructure and direct environment • Smart cities will have clean and efficient transportation of goods through optimized mobility. Ubiquitous MaaS and use of ridesharing platforms will ease traffic congestion and provide users with real-time updates to avoid waiting times and provide ideal match of supply and demand for traffic fluidity. • Smart cities and mobility tech also pave the way for AI-enabled drones and autonomous flying that will be used for people and goods transportation.
  • 44. White Star Capital $462m Series B raised in February 2020 Incumbent Investors Developer of an autonomous driving technology leveraging AI to accurately perceive the vehicle's surroundings, enabling vehicle companies to improve their car functionality and safety Incumbents heavily invest in the future of mobility through AI systems and technologies 44 Sector Focus: Mobility $1.3bn M&A deal completed in June 2020 Acquirer Developer of an autonomous mobility ecosystem that includes self-driving vehicles (automated fully-electric vehicle fleets providing MaaS in urban environments), control systems, AI, and a ride-sharing service all designed to improve urban mobility $1bn M&A deal completed in February 2017 Acquirer Developer of AI software technology and robotics for self- driving vehicles, enabling its users to avail effective self- driving technology $15.3bn M&A deal completed in April 2018 Acquirer Developer of collision avoidance system designed to reduce vehicle injuries and fatalities by using computer vision and ML, data analysis, localization, and mapping for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving $600m Series B and B1 raised in 2019 Incumbent Investors Developer of an autonomous car technology designed to create self driving cars. The company's technology uses advanced AI to power self driving cars by leveraging a combination of camera, radar, and LiDAR Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
  • 45. White Star Capital Trends and Challenges Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 45 AI is one of the core technologies driving mobility forward as vehicles and cities are getting increasingly connected Sector Focus: Mobility Autonomous vehicles Synthetic environment are a core part of autonomous vehicles’ training. Waymo says it drives 20 million miles a day in its Carcraft simulation platform — the equivalent of over 100 years of real-world driving on public roads Smart cities Smart cities put data and digital technology to work to make better decisions and improve quality of life by understanding how patterns are changing and responding accordingly Mobility-as-a-Service Trends towards aggregation of various forms of transport into a consolidated system that offers commuters a single application allowing them to select their preferred mobility mode Safety There has been several self- driving vehicles related fatalities over the last few years that have underlined the need for safety improvements Regulations While the US federal government states voluntary guidelines, self- driving vehicles regulations are made on state by state basis and vary significantly across regions in the US Connectivity Latency remains a key challenge to widespread rollout of self-driving vehicles Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital Mobility behaviours are poised to change drastically over the coming decade… • New generations of urbanites have no interest in owning assets, but look for the most seamless and affordable solutions for their mobility needs • Citizens have come to value convenience over car ownership. With this comes a strong market pull for MaaS, its first incarnations being in the form of fleet- sharing and ride-hailing services • Commercially viable Level-5 autonomy has proven harder to crack than some experts anticipated and outcomes of investments in the space have been highly binary …And AI is well positioned to become a core elements of our new reality • We see tremendous opportunities in the shift towards MaaS and in players offering integrated end-to-end and multi-modal solutions • We also see strong potential in companies leveraging AI in the self-driving space for current pain-points with clear and immediate commercial applicability • Finally, we have a strong interest for companies that will present creative ways to reduce congestion and pollution and present new opportunities for a greener and more sustainable mobility
  • 46. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Healthtech
  • 47. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital The digitalization of healthcare has opened the door for a wider application of AI, both inside and outside the hospital 47 Source: Pitchbook, China Banking News Sector Focus: Healthtech AI in Healthcare: An introduction 2018 has been a turning point for AI-enabled companies in healthtech, with funding reaching $1.5bn, more than 2x the level reached in 2017 AI / ML and Healthtech deal value & volume AI was first used in the healthcare space with the creation of Dendral in the 1960s. Developed by Stanford researchers, it was the first problem solving program, used to identify samples of organic molecules. Dendral paved the way for several other systems to be developed such as MYCIN in the 1970s which used AI to identify blood-born infections and recommend antibiotics to patients. Up until the 1990s, scientists were trying to develop completely autonomous programs. Due to the lack of notable advancements, approaches ultimately shifted to recognize AI’s limitation and started focusing on AI as a tool rather than an holistic solution. Following that shift, the technology’s incursion into the health sector has accelerated. Surgical robots were approved by the FDA in 2000 and the first fully automated surgery by AI-powered robot was performed no later than in 2006 in Italy to correct heart arrythmia. Today, global annual healthcare expenditure is close to $9tn (10% of the world’s GDP), with the US representing about $3.5tn of that amount. Healthcare services have grown in complexity and cost for governments and patients alike over the last decades and this trend has been exacerbated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the industry is increasingly turning towards technology- driven solutions to improve processes, reduce costs, and enhance care quality. Predictive analytics and AI application focused on automating administrative functions, supporting diagnosis and treatment. and facilitating patient interactions are seeing increasing adoption. As the sharing of data required to develop AI tools speeds up, driven by a transition to Electric Medical Records, a stronger data infrastructures will emerge, supporting healthcare organizations and addressing the current challenges of data silos that have historically weighed on the sector. $232m $240m $678m $573m $1,376m $1,086m $1,439m$128m $164m $839m $37m $67m $182m $245m $262m $732m $702m $1,546m $1,925m $1,548m 3.6% 4.4% 6.3% 6.6% 8.3% 10.7% 12.9% 15.7% 14.9% 15.4% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 North America Europe Southeast Asia % of AI driven deal volume 18 17029 62 78 130 187 250 306 278
  • 48. White Star Capital AI has been at the core of the value proposition of several healthtech unicorns 48 $620m raised to date Selected Investors $874m raised to date Selected Investors $235m raised before IPO Selected Investors Livongo (US) leverages technology to help customers detect and manage diabetes and other chronic diseases Livongo’s AI and data science powered technologies has proven to be a game changer to better manage chronic conditions at a lower cost $635m raised to date Selected Investors Babylon Health (UK) develops digital healthcare applications for people to get access to affordable care through phones Babylon Health has been a leader in using AI to provide affordable, personalized, and interactive healthcare through its AI-powered chatbot, with over 4 millions patients registered $237m raised before IPO Selected Investors Accolade (US) offers a personalized health and benefits platform, designed to improve experience, outcomes and costs for employers Accolade’s use of AI to provide customized solutions designed to increase consumer engagement gave the company a leading position in the ongoing healthcare market revolution Tempus (US) provides a data analytics platform designed to improve patient outcomes through the application of AI Tempus transformed collaborative research by building the world’s largest library of clinical and molecular data to the benefits of researchers and doctors Zymergen (US) develops molecular technologies to search the molecular genome and provides biology-driven solutions Zymergen disrupted the biotech industry by developing revolutionary new products across industries from electronics to pharmaceutical Sector Focus: Healthtech Source: Company websites, Crunchbase
  • 49. White Star Capital Diagnosis and treatment applications Combinations of robotics, NLP, and computer vision to augment diagnostics and treatment capabilities with applications in: • AI powered surgical robots • Creation, understanding, and classification of clinical documentation • Aggregation of data to reduce silo effects • Predictive and early detection medicine • Computation-based rational drugs design Patient engagement and adherence applications Tools designed to improve patients’ experience, both inside and outside of the hospital, and to provide faster and more effective outcomes. As trends such as the digitalization of the value chain, the consumerization of healthcare, and the shift towards value-based care are taking place, AI is reinventing how we treat, interact and manage patients globally 49 • Conversational AI for triage and preparation for care • AI-powered programs to help track progress and improve quality of care • Real time remote care delivery • Chatbots for patient interactions in mental health and wellness • Support solutions providing diagnostic recommendations to primary care providers Administrative applications Use on AI to optimize regulatory and administrative processes and accelerate revenue cycle. • RPA and IPA for administrative tasks • AI-driven solutions offered to health insurers to optimize workflow and claim management • Health predictions used by insurers to develop personalized life insurance package • Optimization of revenue cycle and medical records management Sector Focus: Healthtech Key Sub-Sectors
  • 50. White Star Capital Trends and Challenges Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 50 AI’s adoption in healthcare has accelerated in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and a proactive attitudes from authorities Sector Focus: Healthtech Telehealth – the new norm Medicine is shifting towards AI- powered products for immediate care, accessible through software and virtual platforms Value-based care In hospitals, AI-based management solution have accelerated the development of the value-based service model which will be key in driving costs of care down Playing the momentum Increasing efforts from Big Tech and start-ups to develop AI programs designed for clinical use as many regulatory institutions across the world are offering faster tracks of approval due to the COVID-19 pandemic Data usability Less than 20% of available healthcare data is structured. Major investments will be required to integrate current information in clinical workflows and EHR systems Trust and ethics Patients’ concerns about privacy, reliability, medical ethics, and poor usability is a major roadblock to automated diagnostics AI for all? Smaller institutions and rural healthcare providers might not be able to immediately adopt costly AI solutions which might increase inequality gaps Opportunities of Interest to White Star Capital The overall cost of healthcare and data integration challenges remains major industry pain points • Health spending in the U.S. increased by 4.6% in 2018 to $3.6 trillion or $11,172 per capita • Legacy healthcare networks must improve the exchange of member, payer, patient and provider data on a near real-time basis to meet modern care needs • Lack of system interoperability is the biggest operational challenges for healthcare, holding substantive advances in the patient experience Technology is rapidly growing in adoption in the health space both inside and outside the hospital • With 4 trillions gigabytes available, health data has exploded and triggered recent regulatory changes proposals for more transparency and integrated data sharing to eliminate silos. We see strong potential in companies solving for medical data normalization, integration, and secure data search and retrieval • Amid one of the most important health crisis of recent history, we’ve seen how telemedicine has been a vital to broadening access to care. We see strong potential in businesses democratizing access to and affordability of healthcare in a world where the cost of healthcare is rising disproportionately faster than the average income
  • 51. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital Industry and Robotics
  • 52. White Star CapitalWhite Star Capital AI is at the heart of the next Industrial Revolution 52 Source: RBC Capital Markets, Pitchbook Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics Industry 1.0 Mechanization, Steam Power Industry 2.0 Mass production, Assembly Lines Industry 4.0 IoT, Cyber Physical Systems & Networks Industry 3.0 Automation, IT & Electronics AI-enabled companies operating in the industrial & robotics sector have consistently attracted more than $2bn in funding annually since 2014 AI / ML and Industrial Technology deal value & volume Escalating artificial intelligence capabilities are driving the adoption of Industrial Automation, referred to as Industry 4.0. AI & Industrial Automation will affect global supply chains in three immediate ways: 1) Demand-Driven Production – The implementation of an intelligence layer allowing business to predict and automate an entire supply chain based on both macro (market) and micro (consumer) conditions. 2) Smarter Robots and Adaptive Manufacturing – most industrial robots today are designed for simple, repetitive tasks like lifting, drilling, assembling, etc. The next generation of robots will be General Process robots, flexible in their use cases and adaptable to changing environments, constraints, and sectors. 3) Automated Quality Control and Predictive Maintenance – The introduction of sensors, smart instrumentation and data analytics enables enterprises to create digital twins of a machine, production process, or entire business. These models are being used to monitor and adjust different nodes of the system in real-time. $0.5bn $3.0bn $3.2bn $6.7bn $2.0bn $4.7bn $5.5bn $3.3bn $0.2bn $0.2bn $0.3bn $0.3bn $0.3bn $0.3bn $0.2bn $0.6bn $3.1bn $3.3bn $6.9bn $2.3bn $5.1bn $5.8bn $3.6bn 1.6% 2.4% 3.0% 3.8% 4.9% 7.4% 11.3% 13.0% 12.6% 12.7% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 North America Europe South East Asia % of AI driven deal volume 33 23661 96 156 230 339 510 524 436
  • 53. White Star Capital 53 Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics AI use cases enabling greater efficiency, control, and flexibility AI-enhanced Supply Chain Management Product Customization • As digital and physical products grow in complexity, AI can be applied to accelerate the design process and facilitate product engineering and manufacturing • With generative design, clients and product designers can specify a product by its constraints, and allow a machine learning algorithm to produce design alternatives that optimize qualities such as weight or performance • AI-powered supply chain optimization can dynamically adapt to changes in product mix or distribution network due to unforeseen events • Future systems will address the entire value chain from suppliers of raw materials to end customer. AI enables fully automated, self-adjusting decision making systems for supply chain management connecting all actors • AI systems can predict demand spikes and automatically adjust routes and volumes of material flows, allowing inventory reductions of 20 to 50% / • Quality assurance systems require high upfront investment and extensive calibration. Current automated approaches for visual inspection compare products up for testing to reference images. Under this approach, ideal preconditions need to be met for the process to be reliable • Operators’ trust in the results of the automated inspection process is critical. A large number of false positives may reduce trust, thereby eroding any benefits from automation. Methodologies based on computer vision and ML can overcome these challenges • In AI-enabled visual quality inspection, machine learning abstracts from differences in illumination, surface orientation, or presence of irregular background and focuses on defects only. AI will enable the detection of defects much earlier than it currently does Automated Quality Testing Producer Distributor Customer Supplier Supplier Customer DistributorProducer SCM Supply chain democratization enabled with AI 50-60% UK citizens polled expressed interest in personalized goods Smart manufacturing market to reach $1 trillion by 2030, with the number of connected endpoints to increase by 100x
  • 54. White Star Capital 54 Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics AI use cases enabling greater efficiency, control and flexibility Robots and Collaboration • Today, industrial robots can’t react effectively to changes in their environment and need to follow predefined steps. Advancements in AI are enabling a new generation of non- special-purpose automation robots that are easier to incorporate into specific environments, including robots and humans collaboration. • Advances in computer vision drive the developments of collaborative robots. Fully context-aware robots can safely and autonomously interact with the real world. • Deep learning allows contextual object identification and enables robots to handle objects without requiring predefined positions. It is also now possible to “program” a robot by simply showing the desired movements to it. • Yield losses due to disposed products or products with defects play an important role in manufacturing. Testing cost and yield losses can constitute up to 20 to 30% of the total production cost in some industries. • Yield losses as well as the root causes of quality loss can be identified by linking process control data with quality control and yield data. AI will be used to determine the optimized product operating conditions or process conditions to significantly reduce products defects. Yield Enhancement …creating downstream market effectsRobot demand is increasing… 10% Decline in robot prices over next 5 years results in 2x Demand for General Purpose robots over next 5 years 60% General Purpose robot market share in 2025 2x Increase in demand for non- conventional robot end-market by 2025 • Failure forecasting is complex due to external influencing factors. As new sensors and IoT devices get integrated in production processes and operations, data availability will continuously increase. • AI-based algorithms recognize errors and are able to consider only relevant information among all data available to predict breakdowns and guide future maintenance and investment decisions. • Machine-learning techniques will be essential to examine the relationship between data records and failures and then create data-driven models for maintenance and breakdown predictions, reducing downtime by up to 20%. AI-enhanced Predictive Maintenance
  • 55. White Star Capital Significant investments have been made in industry and robotics start-ups by VCs globally 55 $706m raised to date Selected InvestorsHive Box provides a self-service platform for express delivery companies and e-commerce logistics. It operates a network of self-service package drop-off and pick-up stations in residential areas across China, enabling customers to store and pick up their packages anytime. $1bn raised to date Selected InvestorsNuro develops a suite of robotics including autonomous vehicle for local goods transportation enabling autonomous delivery. $1.3bn raised to date Selected Investors Flexport develops a freight forwarding platform designed to provide visibility and control over the entire supply chain. The platform arranges goods to be transported and subsequently tracks the inventory in real-time in orders carried by ocean, air, and road freight, enabling logistics companies to optimize transportation routes and inventory management. $174m raised to date Selected InvestorsAera Technology developed a cloud-based supply chain intelligence software solution. The company offers prescriptive analytics functionalities capable of predicting demand, diagnosing root cause issues and detecting problems at each step in the supply chain by turning raw data into contextualized infographics $666m raised to date Selected Investors Convoy provides an efficient digital freight network that connects shippers and carriers. The company's technology and data solve the problem of carbon waste and inefficiency in the trucking industry by matching trucking companies with shippers that need to move freight. Source: Company websites, Crunchbase Sector Focus: Industry and Robotics