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Economic Survey 2011
18th edition
Economic Survey 2011
                                             18th edition

     Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     Executive.Summary .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

     Business.Confidence.&.Economic.Indicators. . . . . 9
     Business Confidence                              10
     Total Turnover                                   11
     Domestic Sales                                   12
     Export Sales                                     13
     Employment                                       14
     Investment                                       15

     Participating Regions                                        16

     European.Regions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

     Euro Zone vs Non Euro Zone                                   30
     Candidate Countries                                          31

     Methodology                                                  32
     List of Chambers                                             33

                                                                    Economic Survey 2011

                  I am pleased to present the latest edition of EUROCHAM-                                                 Europe 2020 frames the EU’s competitiveness agenda for,
                  BRES’ annual Economic Survey EES 2011 comes at a crucial                                                not just the year ahead, but the whole decade This plan
                  juncture, with Europe slowly emerging from the worst eco-                                               must deliver where its predecessor, the Lisbon Strategy, fell
                  nomic crisis since World War II The survey results, based on                                            short To do so, it is critically important that the business
                  over 70 000 responses from across Europe, indicate that,                                                community has a say in its implementation, monitoring
                  while businesses can now see the light, they are not yet                                                and evaluation
                  out of the tunnel
                                                                                                                          It is also vital that the strategic objectives of Europe 2020
                  EES 2011 underlines that policy makers should remain                                                    are supported by adequate financial resources The discus-
                  acutely aware of the business community’s cautious opti-                                                sions on the EU budget and the forthcoming review of
                  mism, tempered by an ongoing sense of uncertainty about                                                 longer term financial perspectives will therefore be a lit-
                  the economic outlook The EU institutions and member                                                     mus test of the member states’ commitment to a coherent
                  states must thus redouble their efforts to ensure that fa-                                              European approach to delivering jobs and growth Busi-
                  vourable conditions are in place for businesses of all sec-                                             nesses from the Chamber network made their position
                  tors and sizes, that access to European and international                                               clear in more than doubling the current level allocated to
                  markets is increased and that the necessary human, natu-                                                competitiveness actions when setting out their ‘EU Dream
                  ral and financial resources are more readily available                                                  Budget’ during the October 2010 European Parliament of
                                                                                                                          Enterprises EUROCHAMBRES will be looking to EU leaders
                  EUROCHAMBRES is convinced that the response to these                                                    to demonstrate a similarly strong appetite for reform dur-
                  challenges must be coordinated at EU level Major Europe-                                                ing the months ahead EES 2011 serves to remind all of us
                  an framework initiatives such as the Small Business Act, the                                            of what is at stake
                  Single Market Act and the economic governance package
                  are potentially influential in this process, if strongly sup-                                                                                 Alessandro Barberis
                  ported and effectively implemented by member states                                                                                       EUROCHAMBRES PRESiDEnt

                  Business ConfidenCe expeCtations / read gdp growth

                                                          40                                                                                                              4
                                                                                        Real GDP Growth
                                                          30                                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                              Business Confidence
                   Business Confidence (Balance Figure)

                                                          20                                                                                                              2
                                                                                                                                                                               Real GDP Growth (%)

                                                          10                                                                                                              1
                                                           0                                                                                                              0
                                                          -10                                                                                                             -1
                                                          -20                                                                                                             -2
                                                          -30                                                                                                             -3
                                                          -40                                                                                                             -4
                                                          -50                                                                                                             -5
                                                                1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008 2009* 2010* 2011*

                                                                                                                                *European Commision (DGECFIN) Estimates

Economic Survey 2011
executive summary

Executive Summary
The EES 2011 indicates that businesses are confident that          Greece, Spain and Croatia are the three countries where
the worst is behind them and that the economic situa-              companies are least positive for 2011 In Greece, two-thirds
tion will improve next year Indeed, economic activity has          of companies expect worsening business conditions for
picked up better than foreseen throughout 2010, which is           the coming year, due to the austerity measures imposed
reflected in respondents overall mood of optimism for the          by the national government Croatian businesses are not
year ahead                                                         sure that the crisis is over for them yet

Nonetheless, confidence is not yet back to pre-crisis levels,      Business confidence decreased the most in Greece, Poland
and some uncertainty remains In 2011, more of the spe-             and Slovenia; in Slovenia, it is not expected to improve
cial public economic crisis measures will come to an end           markedly before 2012
(some schemes have actually terminated already), and EU
governments will be obliged to implement the austerity/            Total.turnover forecasts are clearly up, compared to last
fiscal consolidation measures foreseen in the framework of         year’s The fragile signs of recovery that the European
the new European economic governance Meanwhile, ac-                economy witnessed throughout 2010 are increasing busi-
cess to credit for businesses remains restricted                   nesses’ expectations

All economic indicators show a clear upturn in forecasts,          total turnover
the biggest progression being noted in export sales ex-
pectations This is a logical result, considering that in 2010,      2011
thanks in part to a revived demand from emerging econo-             2010
mies, European exporters have regained confidence                   2009
Business. confidence continues its slow recovery Over-              2007
all, more than 30% of respondents think that next year’s            2006
business climate will improve, while more than half of the          2005
respondents consider that it will remain unchanged Ger-             2004
many and France are the main positive drivers among the             2003
five largest EU economies In Italy and the UK, forecasts are        2002
lower than last year, Spanish forecasts improve somewhat,           2001
but remain negative                                                 2000
Business ConfidenCe
                                                                           -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45

 2010                                                              In France, over 40% of businesses expect total turnover to
 2009                                                              increase further next year These positive expectations are
 2008                                                              fuelled by better domestic and export sales in the current
 2007                                                              year In Germany, the situation is similar, with export sales
 2006                                                              forecasts dominating While Italian businesses believe that
 2005                                                              recovery is underway, UK businesses are more cautious
 2004                                                              than the previous year Spanish businesses expect a mod-
 2003                                                              erate recovery in 2011
 2001                                                              Sweden, Estonia and Poland register the most positive turn-
 2000                                                              over forecasts In both Estonia and Poland, about two-thirds
 1999                                                              of respondents anticipate higher turnover levels for 2011

        -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45
                                                                   The only country survey wide where the upswing is not re-
                                                                   flected in positive forecasts is Greece Besides having the
Swedish, Estonian and Belgian companies are the most               lowest balance figure for total turnover, it also registers the
confident for the coming year survey wide, while Slovak,           steepest decrease
Latvian and German businesses witness the highest posi-
tive changeover

                                                                                                                                      Economic Survey 2011
executive summary

                  On average, across the surveyed countries, domestic.sales              German companies are very upbeat about their export
                  forecasts continue recovering slowly, yet participating                prospects, and the rapid recovery of Germany is having a
                  countries demonstrate a wide range of differing trends                 positive influence on many of its neighbouring countries
                                                                                         Over half of French respondents expect higher export
                  domestiC sales                                                         sales levels next year In the UK, over half of the respond-
                                                                                         ents do not anticipate any change for 2011, and there is
                       2011                                                              great hope that the UK economy will continue to benefit
                       2010                                                              from the weakness of the pound About two-thirds of Ital-
                   2009                                                                  ian respondents consider that the situation will remain un-
                   2008                                                                  changed in 2011, leading to a weaker balance figure than
                   2007                                                                  last year, while prospects in Spain are much more positive
                   2006                                                                  for 2011
                   2004                                                                  export sales
                   2002                                                                   2011
                   2001                                                                   2010
                   2000                                                                   2009
                   1999                                                                   2008
                              -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45
                  France is the most positive among the big member states                 2004
                  In the UK and Spain, forecasts are slightly improving, yet              2003
                  the UK balance figure for 2011 remains negative In Italy,               2002
                  after a weak 2010, two-thirds of respondents believe that               2001
                  the situation will not change in 2011                                   2000
                  Survey wide, Poland, Sweden and Denmark have the high-
                                                                                                 -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45
                  est balance figures The three countries, overall, seem to
                  have been less affected by the economic crisis than other
                  EU member states                                                       Survey wide, Latvia, Denmark and Portugal have the high-
                                                                                         est export sales balance figures Hungary, Slovakia and
                  In Greece, Portugal and Romania, balance figures for do-               Germany register the biggest year-on-year increase in ex-
                  mestic sales weaken the most compared to last year’s sur-              pectations
                  vey Along the UK, Greece and Romania also have the low-
                  est forecasts for this indicator                                       Businesses in Greece, Estonia and Romania are less con-
                                                                                         fident about their export sales prospects, as the balance
                  Having witnessed a positive development in 2010, Turk-                 figures decrease most markedly year-on-year
                  ish businesses remain upbeat about their domestic sales
                  expectations Domestic demand in Croatia throughout                     For both participating candidate countries, balance figures
                  2010 was weak, and companies are cautious in their fore-               progress slightly, pointing towards better prospects in
                  casts for 2011                                                         2011 in a somewhat better global environment

                  Based on the survey results, exports are the main driver of            The employment balance is positive again, showing signs
                  Europe’s economic recovery, as all participating countries             of recovery In 23 out of the 26 participating countries, bal-
                  show positive balance figures The export sales indicator is            ance figures are increasing compared to last year’s results
                  also the one that has increased most year-on-year In total,            However, this should not mask considerable differences
                  over 40% of respondents expect their exports to increase               between the participating countries
                  next year

Economic Survey 2011
executive summary


 2010                                                              Latvian, Maltese and Polish businesses are most upbeat
 2009                                                              about their investment prospects for 2011, while those re-
 2008                                                              cording the biggest progression compared to last year can
 2007                                                              be found in Germany, Estonia and Latvia
 2005                                                              Spain, Greece and Croatia are at the low end of investment
 2004                                                              prospects with negative balance figures The latter two, to-
 2003                                                              gether with Portugal, also witnessed the sharpest year-on-
 2002                                                              year regression in balance figures
 2000                                                              Turkish businesses expect an increase in investment ex-
 1999                                                              penditure in 2011 Nevertheless, the result remains below
                                                                   the long term average
        -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45

Employment forecasts in the larger European economies
are improving, although in Italy and Spain, balance figures         2011
remain negative In Germany, unemployment forecasts for              2010
2011 are much better than before the crisis The value is            2009
in fact the lowest since 1991 In both France and the UK,            2008
two-thirds of the respondents plan to maintain their cur-           2007
rent work force levels next year                                    2006
Among EU member states, Belgian, Estonian and Latvian               2004
businesses register the most positive employment fore-              2003
casts Estonia, Germany and Sweden witness the biggest               2002
progression in balance figures Estonian businesses are up-          2001
beat about joining the euro zone next year and anticipate           2000
higher employment levels                                            1999

                                                                           -10   -5   0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45
The three countries that have the most negative balance
figures are Greece, Spain and Slovenia, which are still feeling
the consequences of the economic crisis                            Business.confidence in the euro zone is progressing much
                                                                   more markedly than in the non euro zone Still non euro
Greece also has the steepest drop in employment pros-              zone countries are overall more optimistic than their euro
pects, together with Croatia and Portugal                          zone counterparts Also noteworthy is the fact that the
                                                                   2011 business confidence forecast for the non euro zone
Turkey is the most positive country survey wide in terms of        is worse than in all surveys before the 2008 credit crunch
employment prospects The Turkish labour market remains
strong, which translates into positive forecasts for the com-      Businesses in Estonia are highly optimistic about the posi-
ing year                                                           tive effect of their country’s adhesion to the euro zone next
The investment climate is improving and the balance is re-
turning to a positive result Overall, half of the respondents      Business confidence expectations in the candidate coun-
expect the situation to remain the same for 2011, while            tries are more positive than in EU member states At the
about 30% of respondents anticipate higher investments             same time, while optimism is growing in Turkey, Croatian
for the coming year                                                companies’ business confidence forecasts remain low for
                                                                   2011, so the gap between the two countries is widening
The two major euro zone countries, Germany and France,
have positive balance figures again Italian businesses are
very optimistic for 2011, as over half of the respondents
forecast an increase in investments, thanks to improved
domestic demand Investment expectations in Spain and
the UK are slowly rising, yet they remain negative

                                                                                                                                      Economic Survey 2011
Economic Survey 2011
    confidence and
economic indicators

                Economic Survey 2011
Business confidence

                     Business Confidence
                       The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter

                     Business confidence is recovering from its low level in 2010,    sequently, businesses are somewhat more optimistic, even
                     and the balance for 2011 is positive again. Overall, more than   though over 40% do not anticipate any change next year In
                     30% think that next year’s business climate will improve,        both the UK and Italy businesses are less confident in their
                     while more than half of the respondents consider that it will    forecasts than last year In the UK, the lower forecasts are
                     be unchanged.                                                    not only the result of the economic crisis but also budget
                                                                                      cuts set out by the government Italian businesses 2010
                                                                                      expectations were not met, and they are more cautious in
                     The situation in the major European economies varies con-        their 2011 forecasts Italy’s production structure has not yet
                     siderably Germany’s balance figure increases significantly       overcome the difficulties that it is currently facing Spanish
                     compared to last year In Germany, the economy is return-         forecasts are improving; nevertheless the balance remains
                     ing to solid ground Not only its export industry, but also in-   negative Over half of Spanish respondents expect the situ-
                     vestment and consumer-oriented branches have improved            ation to be unchanged next year The results continue to
                     significantly throughout 2010 and the trend is set to con-       reflect the country’s precarious economic situation
                     tinue next year In France, after two unprecedentedly un-
                     favourable years, the situation stabilised in 2010, and con-     Sweden, Belgium and Estonia demonstrate the highest lev-
                                                                                      els of business confidence The Belgian economy entered
                                                                                      into positive territory again in the second half of 2009 and
Business ConfidenCe expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009                  fared rather well throughout 2010, leading to very upbeat
*BalanCe figures                                           2009     2010      2011    confidence forecasts for 2011 The main drivers for the up-
                                                                                      swing are export activities and private consumption In
               -60   -40     -20      0      20      40      60      80      100      Estonia, businesses agree that the worst is over and reso-
       Sweden                                                                         lutely believe in a better 2011
       Belgium                                                                        Slovakia, Latvia and Malta’s business confidence forecasts
         Latvia                                                                       for 2011 have increased most when compared to 2010
         Turkey                                                                       The three most negative countries are Greece, Croatia and
       Bulgaria                                                                       Spain Greek business confidence is the lowest among
      Denmark                                                                         surveyed countries Two-thirds of companies expect a
        Cyprus                                                                        further decrease in business development in 2011 The
      Germany                                                                         pessimism is evident across sectors, identical for manufac-
        France                                                                        turing and services In Croatia, the economic downturn is
        Austria                                                                       continuing, but at a slower pace This is partly the result of
       Portugal                                                                       somewhat improved foreign demand, which was to some
       Slovakia                                                                       extent generated by the slight economic recovery in most
Survey.average                                                                        EU countries
 Czech Republic                                                                       Greece, Poland and Slovenia are the three countries with
United Kingdom                                                                        the largest year-on-year drop in business confidence In Po-
The Netherlands                                                                       land, most companies do not expect any further improve-
       Hungary                                                                        ments in business confidence, while almost 30% expect
           Italy                                                                      the situation to deteriorate In Slovenia, business confi-
       Slovenia                                                                       dence has not yet returned, and two thirds of respondents
       Romania                                                                        believe that the situation will be unchanged next year
        Poland                                                                        In Turkey, for almost half of companies, the business cli-
   Luxembourg                                                                         mate was much better this year than anticipated last year
         Spain                                                                        And they believe that the trend will continue in 2011 The
        Croatia                                                                       main reasons for the positive mood are an improved do-
        Greece                                                                        mestic business environment, macroeconomic stability
                                                                                      and optimistic domestic sales expectations

Economic Survey 2011
total turnover

Total Turnover
 Improving prospects

Businesses overall anticipate a higher turnover for the coming   total turnover expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009
year. The fragile signs of recovery that the European economy    *BalanCe figures                                         2009      2010    2011
witnessed throughout 2010 is spurring businesses expecta-
tions upwards.                                                                  -40    -20       0       20       40       60       80     100
Among the big European economies, France is the one                      Poland
with the highest balance figure Total turnover in 2010                 Denmark
went beyond last year’s expectations and over 40% of busi-              Belgium
nesses expect it to increase further next year French fore-               Latvia
casts are fuelled by both better domestic and export sales               Cyprus
prospects, even if the country still needs a more significant           Bulgaria
improvement of its labour market and a stabilisation of the               Turkey
euro at a lower level The situation in Germany is similar,              Portugal
where positive export forecasts dominate Italian compa-                 Slovakia
nies believe that recovery is underway and are positive for             Slovenia
the coming year, with over 60% predicting a stabilisation                 Malta
of the situation The Italian manufacturing sector is more                Austria
positive than the services one for 2011 In the UK as well,       The Netherlands
the manufacturing sector is expecting better results next                France
year than the services sector Overall, UK businesses are         Survey.average
somewhat more cautious than the previous year, as the                EU.average
balance figure for 2011 is lower Spanish companies expect                   Italy
a moderate recovery in 2011; here too, positive results in       United Kingdom
industry exceed those of the services sector                        Luxembourg
                                                                  Czech Republic
Sweden, Estonia and Poland provide the most positive                     Croatia
forecasts Swedish and Estonian businesses believe that                  Hungary
the positive trend from 2010 will continue next year, as                  Spain
nearly two-thirds expect higher turnovers in 2011 External              Romania
and domestic demand gradually improved during 2010 in                    Finland
Poland (except in housing and transport), and two-thirds               Germany
of respondents anticipate this to continue                               Greece

The Estonian, Bulgarian and Hungarian forecasts for 2011
increase most compared to last year In Bulgaria, respon-         While the balance figure in Turkey is going up, Croatia’s
dents took advantage of the improving global economic            balance figure is decreasing In Turkey, thanks to fiscal and
climate in 2010 and expect further progress in the coming        monetary measures, domestic demand and economic
year Bulgarian industry, too, is more upbeat than services       growth stabilised during 2010 and businesses expect the
                                                                 positive trend to continue in 2011, thanks largely to higher
The only country where the upswing is not reflected in           private consumption and investments and decreased in-
positive forecasts is Greece Besides having the lowest           terest rates In Croatia, last year’s expectations were not
balance figure survey wide for the indicator, it is also the     met, and businesses witnessed a significant reduction in
country witnessing the steepest decrease in total turnover       consumption on the domestic market and a minor reco-
forecasts Portuguese companies are also much more cau-           very of exports throughout 2010 Consequently, they are
tious in their forecasts for 2011 Nonetheless, half of the       less positive about their total turnover forecasts for 2011
respondents expect total turnover to improve next year,          than they were one year ago
with positive expectations being fuelled much more by
export prospects than domestic sales

                                                                                                                           Economic Survey 2011
domestic sales

                    Domestic Sales
                       Recovery is starting

                    On average, across the surveyed countries, the mood contin-      nies do not expect their domestic sales levels to change
                    ues recovering slowly. Yet a wide range of differing trends in   in 2011 The construction sector recovery remains particu-
                    the different countries can be observed.                         larly fragile For Italy, expectations for 2011 are worse than
                                                                                     last year’s; after a weak 2010, the balance is still on the pos-
                                                                                     itive side, yet two-thirds of respondents believe that the
                    Among the big member states, France is the most positive         situation will not change in 2011
                    Last year, most French businesses were hoping to stabilise
                    their domestic sales for 2010 The results this year were         Poland, Sweden and Denmark have the highest balance
                    better than expected, and this positive trend continues          figures Even though Danish companies’ 2010 expecta-
                    for 2011 The situation in Germany is similar, as domestic        tions were not met, they remain very optimistic, with near-
                    sales are recovering faster than expected one year ago           ly two-thirds anticipating improved sales levels for 2011
                    The mood in the UK is improving slightly, yet the balance        Polish households regained trust in the national economy
                    for 2011 remains negative, indicating a relatively weak do-      during 2010, resulting in higher consumption, and compa-
                    mestic demand Expectations are improving somewhat in             nies expect this trend to continue in 2011 In Sweden, hav-
                    Spain, starting from a low level Half of Spanish compa-          ing fared quite strongly throughout the economic crisis,
                                                                                     the strong consumption climate is fostered by a decrease
                                                                                     in interest rates and in employment taxes The three coun-
domestiC sales expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009                      tries were overall less affected by the economic crisis than
*BalanCe figures                                          2009     2010      2011    other EU member states

              -60   -40     -20      0      20      40      60      80      100      Estonia, Latvia and France indicate the strongest year-on-
        Poland                                                                       year progress In both Estonia and Latvia, over half of the
       Sweden                                                                        respondents expect increased domestic sales for 2011
       Estonia                                                                       In Greece, Portugal and Romania, the balance for domes-
        Cyprus                                                                       tic sales has weakened the most compared to last year
      Belgium                                                                        These countries were particularly affected by the crisis
        Turkey                                                                       and have now to adjust to structural economic problems
         Latvia                                                                      Greek businesses, having witnessed a bleak 2010, do not
        France                                                                       yet believe that a recovery is in sight, with over half of the
       Bulgaria                                                                      respondents foreseeing worse sales prospects for 2011 In
        Austria                                                                      Romania also, due to the programmed fiscal adjustment
         Malta                                                                       and weak labour market, prospects for the coming year are
       Slovakia                                                                      negative Portuguese businesses are much more cautious
      Portugal                                                                       than in previous surveys, partly no doubt because their
   Luxembourg                                                                        expectations for 2010 were not met, but also because the
Survey.average                                                                       country’s economic situation remains fragile
        Croatia                                                                      Having witnessed a positive development in 2010, Turkish
      Slovenia                                                                       businesses remain upbeat about domestic sales expecta-
          Italy                                                                      tions Domestic demand in Croatia during 2010 was weak,
Czech Republic                                                                       with borrowing levels low, wages falling and unemploy-
         Spain                                                                       ment rising This context is reflected by the fact that com-
       Finland                                                                       panies are also cautious in their forecasts for 2011
United Kingdom

Economic Survey 2011
export sales

Export Sales
 High hopes for exports

Survey results suggest that exports are the main drivers of       export sales expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009
the economic recovery, as all participating countries show        *BalanCe figures                                          2009    2010    2011
positive balance figures. The overall balance is higher than
the 2006 result, yet it remains below the buoyant 2007 and                       -40    -20       0        20       40      60      80     100
2008 forecasts. In total over 40% of respondents expect their              Latvia
exports to increase next year. Nonetheless, exports are not yet          Portugal
back to full speed, due to uncertainty about global economic            Denmark
development, linked to the fact that stimulus packages are                Austria
coming to an end throughout the world.                                   Slovenia
Thanks to an upturn in world trade, European exporters                   Sweden
have witnessed a favourable environment throughout                      Germany
2010, especially in the emerging markets German com-                     Belgium
panies are very upbeat about their export prospects The                   Poland
German focus on investment goods is particularly advan-                  Bulgaria
tageous in the current upswing The rapid recovery of Ger-                  Spain
many is having a positive influence on many of its neigh-                 Cyprus
bouring countries, the French economy in particular Over                  Estonia
half of French respondents expect higher export sales                 EU.average
levels next year, leading to a considerable increase of the       Survey.average
balance figure A potential upswing in Spain would stem                   Hungary
more from exports than from domestic sales, as shown by                    Turkey
the noticeable increase in export prospects for 2011 There           Luxembourg
is great hope that the UK economy will continue to ben-                  Slovakia
efit from the weakness of the pound, and that an export           The Netherlands
led recovery is still a reality Based on this, UK businesses                 Italy
are more optimistic than last year and the balance, unlike                Greece
last year, is positive Italian businesses have also benefited      Czech Republic
from the positive global environment in 2010, and about           United Kingdom
two-thirds anticipate that this trend will continue in the                Croatia
coming year, while about one quarter expect further in-                  Romania
creases in export sales                                                   Finland

Survey wide, Latvia, Denmark and Portugal have the high-
est balance figures Latvian exporters experienced a good          Slovakia are also benefiting from Germany’s growth In the
2010 and three-quarters of respondents expect their               case of Slovakia, companies expect the export climate to
exports to grow further next year Danish exports were             improve further in 2011
boosted in 2010 by the favourable economic development
of its main export markets, notably Germany and Sweden,           The countries witnessing the largest decrease in export
and two-thirds of respondents expect next year’s climate          forecasts are Greece, Romania and Italy Greek exporters
to improve further The high expectations of Portuguese            adopt a much more cautious attitude after two weak years
exporters were not met this year, yet they remain optimis-        Romanian companies are very cautious in their export
tic about 2011 export sales                                       forecasts for 2011, despite the introduction of new Roma-
                                                                  nian products and services to international markets
Hungary, Slovakia and Germany show the biggest increase
in balance figures compared to last year In Hungary, ex-          Both Croatia and Turkey anticipate a somewhat better glo-
port optimism has returned; the balance figure increase is        bal environment in 2011, as the balance figures for both
the highest in the survey This result is in stark contrast to     countries have increased slightly In Turkey, the stronger
last year, when Hungarian respondents were the most pes-          national currency is affecting export sales and there are
simistic Expanding export demand is contributing strong-          fears that a further appreciation will have a negative effect
ly to the country’s economic recovery Both Hungary and            in 2011
                                                                                                                             Economic Survey 2011

                          Workforce expected to grow again

                      Employment forecasts are positive again, even though ex-         year, as over two-thirds believe that they have enough ca-
                      pectations remain well below those expressed in 2007. Busi-      pacity within their existing workforce to respond to any
                      nesses in 23 of 26 countries anticipate an improvement in the    increase in demand Even though they have improved, the
                      employment situation overall for 2011, while only 3 countries    balance figures for Italy and Spain remain negative The
                      anticipate a worsening.                                          Spanish recovery is proceeding at a sluggish pace, with a
                                                                                       substantial increase in unemployment In Italy, employ-
                                                                                       ment is forecast to increase slightly in 2011, while unem-
                      The large European economies witness improved employ-            ployment is expected to remain stable
                      ment forecasts, yet to greatly varying degrees Thanks to
                      strong growth in 2010 and labour market reforms, the             The three member states with the most positive employ-
                      2011 unemployment forecast in Germany is much better             ment forecast for 2011 are Belgium, Estonia and Latvia In
                      than before the crisis, and is actually the lowest value since   Estonia, 37% of businesses in the manufacturing sector
                      1991 In France, unemployment started to ease in 2010 and         and 51% of services providers believe that their workforce
                      the employment situation is stabilising Over two-thirds of       will increase The positive expectations are motivated by
                      French respondents anticipate that they will maintain their      the current sound fiscal policies introduced by the Esto-
                      current workforce level next year In the UK, employment          nian government and by euro zone accession in 2011 In
                      prospects are increasing only marginally compared to last        Belgium, the forecast for 2011 builds on a positive result
                                                                                       in 2010, when 34% of businesses hired new employees,
                                                                                       almost twice as many as those scaling back The positive
employment expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009                            attitude in Latvia is to be attributed more to the relief that
*BalanCe figures                                            2009        2010   2011    the situation will not worsen further than to expectations
                                                                                       of a real upswing in employment levels in 2011
              -40   -30    -20   -10    0     10    20     30      40     50   60
         Turkey                                                                        The three countries with the most positive employment
         Latvia                                                                        year-on-year increase are Estonia, Germany and Sweden
       Belgium                                                                         Employment recovered slightly in Sweden in 2010, and
        Estonia                                                                        given the very positive outlook for 2011, businesses pre-
       Sweden                                                                          dict a more rapid increase in employment next year
      Denmark                                                                          The three countries with the lowest balance figures are
        Cyprus                                                                         Greece, Slovenia and Spain Slovenian businesses express a
        Poland                                                                         very cautious attitude, taking into account the unfavoura-
       Bulgaria                                                                        ble economic conditions Greek businesses do not believe
        Austria                                                                        that they hit the bottom in 2010 in terms of employment
        France                                                                         losses The negative balance for 2011 indicates that
The Netherlands
   Luxembourg                                                                          Greece, Croatia and Portugal are the countries with the
       Slovakia                                                                        most negative year-on-year trend While Portuguese com-
      Germany                                                                          panies were exceedingly confident last year in their fore-
Survey.average                                                                         casts for 2010, the reality throughout the year has been far
    EU.average                                                                         less positive, and almost 70% of respondents now antici-
United Kingdom                                                                         pate the situation to remain the same in 2011 In Croatia,
       Portugal                                                                        unemployment continued to rise in 2010, while the
       Hungary                                                                         number of employed people dropped to the lowest level
        Finland                                                                        for four years The fact that over two-thirds of businesses
        Croatia                                                                        anticipate retaining their existing workforce next year can
           Italy                                                                       thus be interpreted positively
 Czech Republic
       Romania                                                                         The Turkish labour market remains strong and its overall
         Spain                                                                         performance is quite positive Results show that Turkish
       Slovenia                                                                        companies witnessed higher employment levels in 2010
        Greece                                                                         than anticipated the year before, and they foresee that the
14                                                                                     trend will continue in 2011

Economic Survey 2011

 Businesses are ready to invest again

The investment climate is improving and the balance has            investment expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009
returned to a positive result. In 2010, the investment climate     *BalanCe figures                                           2009    2010    2011
was cautious, as anticipated at the end of last year, with over
half of respondents indicating constant levels. Overall, half of                  -40     -20       0       20       40       60      80     100
the respondents also forecast constant investment levels for                Latvia
next year, while about 30% anticipate higher investments.                   Malta
Compared to the 2009 and 2010 forecasts, this clearly points               Poland
to 2011 as a decisive year in Europe’s economic recovery.                     Italy
The two major euro zone economies, Gemany and France,                     Belgium
have positive balance figures again In Germany, the in-                   Sweden
crease can be explained thanks to high foreign and do-                    Slovakia
mestic demand for German products and companies’ con-                     Bulgaria
fidence in their increased competiveness In France, the                  Denmark
gradual investment recovery that started in 2010 is set to                Slovenia
continue next year, with over half of the respondents an-                  Cyprus
ticipating constant investment levels, and more than one-                Germany
quarter forecasting an increase The fact that financing                   Hungary
conditions in France have eased due to the fall in interest        Survey.average
rates is highlighted as a key factor                                   EU.average
Italian businesses are very optimistic for 2011, as over half         Luxembourg
of the respondents forecast an increase in investments,                   Portugal
thanks to improved domestic demand Investment ex-                  The Netherlands
pectations in Spain and the UK are slowly progressing, yet                Romania
they remain negative In Spain, bank lending conditions                     Finland
continue to be tight and uncertainties about the sustain-                  Austria
ability of the recovery persist In the UK, there is increas-       United Kingdom
ing evidence that there is enough spare capacity in the UK          Czech Republic
economy to respond to an increase in demand This would                      Spain
explain the “wait and see” attitude of many UK businesses                  Croatia
towards investments                                                        Greece

Investment forecast balances are most positive in Latvia,
Malta and Poland In Poland, companies are increasing their         Investment levels are mostly influenced by domestic and
production capacities in response to growing demand This           foreign demand, revenues and the availability and price of
relates however more to exporters It is noteworthy that            capital In Croatia, none of these factors is positively influ-
even investors with a good financial standing prefer to en-        encing investment forecasts In Greece, the balance for in-
gage their own resources rather than to take a bank loan           vestment has significantly decreased compared to that of
In Latvia, the situation is due to a positive trend in exports,    2010, mainly due to the current economic situation
a gradual increase in private consumption, improved busi-
ness confidence and stabilisation of the labour market             In Turkey, almost half of the Turkish businesses expect an
                                                                   increase in investment levels for 2011 Businesses’ ten-
The biggest positive year-on-year change is in Germany,            dency to invest is growing, but still below its long-term
Estonia and Latvia                                                 average

The three countries with the lowest balance figures are
Spain, Greece, and Croatia The latter two are also regress-
ing most, together with Portugal

                                                                                                                               Economic Survey 2011
list of regions

Participating Regions
95. participating. regions. in. EURO-    •. GERMANY.(DE)                 •. PORTUGAL.(PT)
CHAMBRES.Economic.Survey.2011             Baden-Württemberg (DE1)
                                                                         •. ROMANIA.(RO)
                                          Bayern (DE2)
                                                                          Macroregiunea Unu (RO1)
Each region has its own code (be-         Berlin (DE3)
                                                                          Macroregiunea Doi (RO2)
tween brackets), which is used for        Brandenburg (DE4)
                                                                          Macroregiunea Trei (RO3)
identification in the maps located in     Bremen (DE5)
                                                                          Macroregiunea Patru (RO4)
the part “European Regions”               Hamburg (DE6)
                                          Hessen (DE7)                   •. SLOVAKIA.(SK)
NUTS1 regional classification is used     Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (DE8)
                                                                         •. SLOVENIA.(SI)
for most countries with the exception     Niedersachsen (DE9)
of Spain, which uses NUTS2 Some           Nordrhein-Westfalen (DEA)      •. SPAIN.(ES)
participating countries are treated as    Rheinland-Pfalz (DEB)           Galicia (ES11)
one single region                         Saarland (DEC)                  Asturias (ES12)
                                          Sachsen (DED)                   Cantabria (ES13)
                                          Sachsen-Anhalt (DEE)            País Vasco (ES21)
•. AUSTRIA.(AT)                           Schleswig-Holstein (DEF)        Navarra (ES22)
 East (AT1)                               Thüringen (DEG)                 La Rioja (ES23)
 South (AT2)                                                              Aragón (ES24)
                                         •. GREECE.(GR)
 West (AT3)                                                               Madrid (ES3)
                                         •. HUNGARY.(HU)                  Castilla y León (ES41)
                                          Közép-Magyarország (HU1)        Castilla-La Mancha (ES42)
 Brussels Capital (BE1)
                                          Dunántúl (HU2)                  Extremadura (ES43)
 Flanders (BE2)
                                          Alföld és Észak (HU3)           Cataluña (ES51)
 Wallonia (BE3)
                                                                          C Valenciana (ES52)
                                         •. IRELAND.(IE)
•. BULGARIA.(BG)                                                          Baleares (ES53)
                                         •. ITALY.(IT)                    Andalucía (ES61)
                                          Nord Ovest (ITC)                Murcia (ES62)
•. CYPRUS.(CY)                            Nord Est (ITD)                  Ceuta (ES63)
                                          Centro (ITE)                    Canarias (ES7)
                                          Sud (ITF)
                                                                         •. SWEDEN.(SE)
•. DENMARK.(DK)                           Isole (ITG)
                                                                          Östra Sverige (SE1)
•. ESTONIA.(EE)                          •. LATVIA.(LV)                   Södra Sverige (SE2)
                                                                          Norra Sverige (SE3)
•. FINLAND.(FI)                          •. LITHUANIA.(LT)
                                                                         •. TURKEY.(TR)
•. FRANCE.(FR)                           •. LUXEMBOURG.(LU)
 Île-de-France (FR1)                                                     •. UNITED.KINGDOM.(UK)
                                         •. MALTA.(MT)
 Bassin parisien (FR2)                                                    North East (UKC)
 Nord (FR3)                              •. THE.NETHERLANDS.(NL)          North West (UKD)
 Est (FR4)                                North (NL1)                     Yorkshire & Humberside (UKE)
 Ouest (FR5)                              East (NL2)                      East Midlands (UKF)
 Sud Ouest (FR6)                          West (NL3)                      West Midlands (UKG)
 Centre Est (FR7)                         South (NL4)                     East of England (UKH)
 Méditerranée (FR8)                                                       London (UKI)
                                         •. POLAND.(PL)
                                                                          South East (UKJ)
                                                                          South West (UKK)
                                                                          Wales (UKL)
                                                                          Scotland (UKM)
                                                                          Northern Ireland (UKN)

Economic Survey 2011

     Economic Survey 2011
Business Confidence for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       SE   Sweden                72 9    21 5     56
                       EE   Estonia               59 3    33 3     74
                       LV   Latvia                58 0    31 0    11 0
                       BE   Belgium               56 6    34 3     91
                       BG   Bulgaria              53 4    27 9    18 7
                       TR   Turkey                51 0    37 0    12 0
                       MT   Malta                 49 0    43 0     80
                       PT   Portugal              48 9    22 3    28 8
                       DK   Denmark               46 0    40 4    13 5
                       CY   Cyprus                44 0    43 7    12 3
                       FR   France                41 7    43 5    14 8
                       UK   United Kingdom        39 8    30 4    30 0
                       AT   Austria               38 2    46 1    15 7
                       RO   Romania               36 4    31 2    32 4
                       CZ   Czech Republic        35 8    38 8    25 3
                       SK   Slovakia              35 1    47 4    17 5
                       .    Survey.average.       34 3.   46 7.   18 9
                       .    EU.average.           33 7.   47 2.   19 1
                       DE   Germany               33 0    56 0    11 0
                       PL   Poland                27 7    43 6    28 7
                       HU   Hungary               27 5    52 3    20 2
                       IT   Italy                 23 8    59 6    16 6
                       HR   Croatia               22 7    37 8    39 5
                       LU   Luxembourg            20 2    57 2    22 6
                       SI   Slovenia              19 6    66 7    13 7
                       NL   The Netherlands       19 0    71 0    10 0
                       ES   Spain                  17 0   52 0    31 0
                       GR   Greece                  72    28 4    64 4

Economic Survey 2011
Business confidence for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                              Economic Survey 2011
Total Turnover for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       PL   Poland                66 7    23 3    10 0
                       SE   Sweden                65 7    26 8     75
                       EE   Estonia               64 6    28 5     69
                       LV   Latvia                63 0    25 0    12 0
                       DK   Denmark               62 8    29 8     74
                       BE   Belgium               61 2    31 1     78
                       CY   Cyprus                56 2    30 6    13 2
                       SK   Slovakia              55 7    25 8    18 5
                       PT   Portugal              55 4    26 6    18 0
                       BG   Bulgaria              53 2    36 0    10 8
                       AT   Austria               51 7    33 3    15 0
                       SI   Slovenia              50 6    35 9    13 5
                       UK   United Kingdom        47 2    29 2    24 0
                       MT   Malta                 47 0    43 0    10 0
                       TR   Turkey                47 0    46 0     70
                       FR   France                46 2    42 3    11 5
                       NL   The Netherlands       44 0    47 0     90
                       .    Survey.average.       43 5.   41 3.   15 2
                       .    EU.average.           43 4.   41 1.   15 6
                       CZ   Czech Republic        40 3    34 9    24 8
                       HR   Croatia               39 4    36 4    24 2
                       LU   Luxembourg            34 9    52 3    12 8
                       RO   Romania               34 1    35 8    30 1
                       HU   Hungary               32 2    45 4    22 4
                       IT   Italy                 31 1    61 6     74
                       ES   Spain                 30 0    47 0    23 0
                       GR   Greece                15 4    33 4    51 2
                       DE   Germany                00      00      00

Economic Survey 2011
total turnover for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                        Economic Survey 2011
Domestic Sales for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       PL   Poland                63 2    26 5    10 4
                       SE   Sweden                59 3    33 6     71
                       DK   Denmark               58 9    33 4     76
                       CY   Cyprus                57 3    29 9    12 8
                       EE   Estonia               54 4    39 2     64
                       LV   Latvia                52 0    36 0    12 0
                       BE   Belgium               51 9    38 0    10 1
                       FR   France                50 0    38 8    11 2
                       TR   Turkey                48 0    45 0     70
                       AT   Austria               47 8    37 5    14 6
                       BG   Bulgaria              46 6    41 8    11 6
                       PT   Portugal              44 0    35 1    20 9
                       SK   Slovakia              43 3    37 1    19 6
                       MT   Malta                 41 0    49 0    10 0
                       .    Survey.average.       36 9.   44 8.   18 4
                       .    EU.average.           36 3.   44 8.   18 9
                       HR   Croatia               35 3    37 4    27 3
                       CZ   Czech Republic        34 3    36 7    28 9
                       LU   Luxembourg            34 0    53 4    12 5
                       RO   Romania               32 3    32 6    35 1
                       UK   United Kingdom        27 4    41 9    31 0
                       SI   Slovenia              26 9    53 2    19 9
                       ES   Spain                 26 0    50 0    24 0
                       HU   Hungary               23 9    51 4    24 7
                       IT   Italy                 19 9    66 7    13 4
                       GR   Greece                12 7    31 9    55 4
                       DE   Germany
                       NL   The Netherlands

Economic Survey 2011
domestic sales for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                        Economic Survey 2011
Export Sales for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       LV   Latvia                74 0    22 0     40
                       DK   Denmark               63 5    30 0     64
                       PT   Portugal              62 8    31 9     53
                       AT   Austria               55 7    34 3     99
                       SI   Slovenia              53 3    35 8    10 9
                       FR   France                52 3    35 8    11 9
                       MT   Malta                 50 0    42 0     80
                       SE   Sweden                49 0    41 3     97
                       BG   Bulgaria              47 5    40 5    12 1
                       SK   Slovakia              47 4    30 9    21 7
                       PL   Poland                45 2    46 5     83
                       CY   Cyprus                45 1    44 6    10 3
                       ES   Spain                 45 0    45 0    10 0
                       DE   Germany               44 0    49 0     70
                       BE   Belgium               43 9    49 2     69
                       .    EU.average.           41 0.   48 1.   10 8
                       HU   Hungary               41 0    46 6    12 4
                       .    Survey.average.       40 8.   48 4.   10 8
                       GR   Greece                40 6    36 3    23 1
                       EE   Estonia               38 5    55 5     60
                       LU   Luxembourg            38 4    49 0    12 5
                       TR   Turkey                36 0    55 0     90
                       CZ   Czech Republic        33 3    47 7    18 9
                       NL   The Netherlands       31 0    61 0     80
                       RO   Romania               29 5    44 5    26 1
                       IT   Italy                 26 9    65 3     78
                       UK   United Kingdom        26 6    54 3    19 0
                       HR   Croatia               25 7    53 8    20 4

Economic Survey 2011
export sales for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                     Economic Survey 2011
Employment for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       TR   Turkey                45 0    48 0     70
                       LV   Latvia                37 0    55 0     80
                       SE   Sweden                36 8    52 9    10 3
                       BE   Belgium               36 3    55 7     80
                       PL   Poland                35 1    49 9    15 0
                       CY   Cyprus                33 4    55 1    11 5
                       DK   Denmark               32 8    58 7     85
                       EE   Estonia               32 6    62 0     53
                       MT   Malta                 31 0    64 0     50
                       AT   Austria               30 2    53 3    16 5
                       BG   Bulgaria              28 1    61 5    10 5
                       SK   Slovakia              25 8    56 7    17 5
                       FR   France                23 1    67 2     96
                       NL   The Netherlands       23 0    64 0    13 0
                       RO   Romania               21 3    50 2    28 5
                       .    Survey.average.       20 2.   66 5.   13 4
                       .    EU.average.           19 2.   67 2.   13 6
                       UK   United Kingdom        19 1    67 4    14 0
                       DE   Germany               19 0    69 0    12 0
                       LU   Luxembourg            18 7    70 9    10 4
                       HU   Hungary               18 1    64 6    17 3
                       PT   Portugal              18 0    69 1    12 9
                       CZ   Czech Republic        16 8    60 3    22 9
                       SI   Slovenia              15 9    55 4    28 7
                       HR   Croatia               14 9    68 4    16 6
                       ES   Spain                 14 0    62 0    24 0
                       GR   Greece                 66     56 1    37 3
                       IT   Italy                  41     86 2     97

Economic Survey 2011
employment for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                     Economic Survey 2011
Investment for 2011

                            eU coUntry        %
                       IT   Italy                 55 4    21 1    23 5
                       LV   Latvia                47 0    43 0    10 0
                       PO   Poland                46 7    40 1    13 2
                       SK   Slovakia              44 3    35 1    20 6
                       MT   Malta                 42 0    50 0     80
                       TR   Turkey                42 0    46 0    12 0
                       EE   Estonia               40 1    50 3     96
                       BE   Belgium               40 1    48 4    11 5
                       BG   Bulgaria              37 2    46 8    16 0
                       SE   Sweden                37 2    50 2    12 6
                       SI   Slovenia              36 3    42 0    21 7
                       CY   Cyprus                31 4    51 6    17 0
                       DK   Denmark               31 4    56 0    12 6
                       RO   Romania               30 2    42 1    27 7
                       .    Survey.average.       30 2.   50 5.   19 4
                       .    EU.average.           29 8.   50 7.   19 6
                       HU   Hungary               29 6    52 8    17 6
                       DE   Germany               29 0    56 0    15 0
                       FR   France                27 2    55 0    17 9
                       PT   Portugal              25 7    55 7    18 6
                       CZ   Czech Republic        25 6    41 8    32 6
                       LU   Luxembourg            22 7    63 1    14 2
                       NL   The Netherlands       22 0    63 0    15 0
                       AT   Austria               21 6    56 2    22 2
                       HR   Croatia               20 8    41 1    38 1
                       ES   Spain                 17 0    54 0    29 0
                       UK   United Kingdom        17 0    62 2    21 0
                       GR   Greece                13 5    48 6    37 9

Economic Survey 2011
investment for 2011

          55 to 100%
          40 to 55%
          20 to 40%
          0 to 20%
          negative percentage
          no data available

Net balance figures obtained by
deducting the percentage of com-
panies giving a negative answer
from the percentage of companies
responding positively

                                     Economic Survey 2011
focus on Business confidence

                          Focus on Business Confidence
                                                                                euro Zone vs non euro Zone
                                      31.0%                             42.0%

                                                                                Business confidence for 2011 is growing; more than 40% of
    17.2%                                     25.1%
                                                                                non euro zone companies are positive about the develop-
                    euro Zone                           non euro Zone           ment of business confidence, as are one-third of the euro
                     average                              average               zone respondents Only 17% of the companies from the
                                                                                euro zone and 25% of those from the non euro zone fore-
      51.8%                                    32.8%                            cast a decrease in business confidence for 2011

                                                                                The balance for the non euro zone is similar to that forecast
euro Zone                                                                       last year, while in the euro zone the balance has increased
                                                                                significantly Business confidence is traditionally higher in
              Belgium                                                           non euro zone countries This gap has been decreasing sig-
                Malta                                                           nificantly over the last two years after slight declines in the
              Portugal                                                          years before the crisis
               France                                                           In the non euro zone, the 2011 expectations for business
               Austria                                                          confidence are worse than in all surveys before the credit
              Slovakia                                                          crunch in 2008 On the other hand, the Euro area results are
              Germany                                                           more optimistic expectations than expressed in forecasts                                                           for 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006
         Luxembourg                                                             The most positive countries in the euro zone are Belgium,
              Slovenia                                                          Malta and Cyprus The most optimistic countries concern-
      The Netherlands                                                           ing business confidence from the non euro zone are Swe-
                Spain                                                           den, Latvia and Estonia Estonia, which is about to join euro
               Greece                                                           zone in 2011, is especially optimistic 60% of Estonian com-
                          0%       20%        40%      60%      80%      100%   panies forecast an increase in business confidence

                                                                                Companies from only three euro zone countries indicate
non euro Zone                                                                   low levels of business confidence in 2011 In Greece and
                                                                                Spain, balance forecasts are negative, whereas in Lux-
              Sweden                                                            embourg the share of respondents expecting a decrease
               Estonia                                                          is only 2% points higher than those who forecast an in-
                Latvia                                                          crease In the countries of the non euro zone, the majority
              Bulgaria                                                          of companies is optimistic about business confidence in
              Denmark                                                           2011, apart from Poland where companies expecting an                                                           increase/decrease are more or less in equilibrium
      United Kingdom
              Romania                                                           Expectations among companies in the major economies of
       Czech Republic                                                           the euro zone vary Respondents from France and Germa-
               Poland                                                           ny are more positive in their forecasts than in recent years,
              Hungary                                                           while companies in the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain
                          0%        20%       40%      60%      80%      100%   are far more pessimistic than in 2010

                               Favourable        Constant      Unfavourable

Economic Survey 2011
focus on Business confidence

Candidate Countries
                                                                                                        33.7%                                    48.4%

Business confidence expectations in the candidate countries
                                                                    19.1%                                        14.6%
are more positive than in EU member states At the same
time, while optimism is growing in Turkey, Croatian compa-                           eu member                                      accession
nies’ business confidence remains low for 2011 This means                              states                                       Candidates
that the gap between Turkey and Croatia is widening
                                                                       47.1%                                          37.1%
Almost half of the companies in the candidate countries
expect a positive business development in 2011, while the
figure decreases to one-third of respondents in the Euro-      eu memBer states
pean Union In Turkey, 51% of the respondents anticipate
improved business conditions in 2011                                        Sweden
The Turkish recovery was fuelled by an increase in house-                      Latvia
hold consumption and private investment As a result, Tur-                   Belgium
key is back on track after recession Like all other emerging                Bulgaria
market economies, the Turkish economy was tested by the                         Malta
global turmoil and has proven its strength and resilience                   Portugal
However, Turkey not only recovered quickly from the crisis                  Denmark
but was also able to sustain a significantly higher rate of                    Cyprus
growth All signs now indicate that the economy has re-                         France
bounded quickly and is headed towards renewed growth                United Kingdom
and an improving fiscal balance                                                Austria
The resilience of the Turkish corporate and financial sec-           Czech Republic
tors has turned out to be a considerable asset in manag-                    Slovakia
ing the recent crisis In particular, a better than expected             EU.average
recovery in economic activity, upgrades from credit rating                  Germany
agencies, easing political uncertainty with the comple-                        Poland
tion of a referendum process, and the signal given by the                   Hungary
updated Medium Term Program that the fiscal discipline                           Italy
would be maintained, have all contributed to Turkey’s rela-             Luxembourg
tively better performance                                                   Slovenia
                                                                    The Netherlands
The stable and sound structure of the financial system in                       Spain
Turkey is the main element which enhances the resilience                       Greece
of the economy against the global crisis Turkey’s banking                                0%       20%           40%           60%       80%      100%
system demonstrates a much stronger structure thanks to
the legal regulations implemented in the past few years
                                                               aCCession Candidates
Recovery in domestic demand is more stable and has be-
come widespread The increase in wages alongside em-
ployment growth has been supporting the recovery in                      Accession. .
private consumption demand                                      Candidates.average
                                                                                         0%       20%           40%           60%       80%      100%
In Croatia almost 40% of companies expect an unfavour-
able business development next year Due to a severe drop
in private consumption and investments during the crisis,                                     Favourable              Constant          Unfavourable
all sectors were affected Recovery is slowest in the con-
struction sector which was affected by the recession some-
what later than other industries
                                                               the recovery in foreign demand and the favourable climate
Forthcoming state investments in the energy and trans-         concerning EU accession, should however contribute to
port sectors, water management and tourism, along with         improving the mood throughout 2011
                                                                                                                                       Economic Survey 2011

                  About the Survey
                  EUROCHAMBRES’ Economic Survey is an annual, qualita-            companies responded Data have been aggregated at re-
                  tive regional survey of business expectations in Europe         gional level, with 95 European regions included The 2011
                  The survey is implemented by the European Chambers              survey is the eighteenth edition of this yearly report More
                  of Commerce and Industry and co-ordinated by EURO-              detailed analyses of each of the participating countries
                  CHAMBRES It is based on a harmonised questionnaire              can be found in the “National Reports” published on EURO-
                  sent to entrepreneurs from 24 EU member states as well as       CHAMBRES’ website: www eurochambres eu
                  Croatia and Turkey during the autumn 2010 Over 70 500

                  Organisation and Methodology
                  Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry through-             In most countries, all regions participated in the survey In
                  out Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech      some smaller states, the country as a whole was regarded as
                  Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece,            “a region” The regional results have then been centralised in
                  Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,     each country, a national weighted aggregate was calculated
                  Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swe-      and extensive comments on the results were prepared Sub-
                  den, Turkey, and the United Kingdom have posed compa-           sequently, EUROCHAMBRES brought the national reports
                  nies a set of 12 questions on their past, current and short     and regional data together, and prepared a European report
                  term business expectations (total turnover, domestic sales,     on the main trends resulting from the survey
                  export sales, employment, investment and business confi-
                  dence) Entrepreneurs were asked to give a qualitative re-       National and European results presented in the analysis
                  sponse, i e “better than the previous year”, “the same as the   were weighted according to national GDPs Also, when
                  previous year” or “worse than the previous year” Responses      calculating averages or other aggregates (euro zone coun-
                  from entrepreneurs were collected and aggregated using          tries, survey average etc ), GDP was used for weighting
                  random and representative sampling techniques, thereby          Statistical methodologies used in the national surveys all
                  guaranteeing representativity by size, sector and region        ensure reliable results A more detailed description of the
                                                                                  methodology for each country is included in the National
                                                                                  Reports that are available on EUROCHAMBRES’ website:
                                                                                  www eurochambres eu

                  Guidance when reading maps, graphs and tables
                  In.“Executive.Summary”.and..                                    In.“European.Regions”
                                                                                  •   The tables in the section “European regions”, show “per-
                  •    The graphs in the “Executive Summary” and “Business            centage shares” of the total number of responses given
                       Confidence and Economic Indicators” of the analysis            to a question They reflect the percentage of compa-
                       show ‘balance figures’ These are obtained by deduct-           nies that answered positively to a question (increase),
                       ing the percentage of companies giving a negative              negatively (decrease) or opted for a neutral answer (un-
                       response from the percentage of companies giving a             changed) Please note that they do not show “balance
                       positive response, thereby obtaining the “net response”        figures” as is the case in the “Executive Summary” and
                  •    Blanks in graphs reflect the absence of data for some          “Business Confidence and Economic Indicators”
                       countries and/or years, or reflect a score of zero         •   The maps in the section “European regions” indicate the
                                                                                      regional ranking across the surveyed zone, based on the
                                                                                      “balance figures” obtained from the percentage shares
                                                                                      of the total number of responses given to a question
                                                                                  •   Blanks in tables reflect the absence of data for some
                                                                                      countries or regions

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Eurochambres Economic Survey 2011
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Eurochambres Economic Survey 2011

  • 2.
  • 3. EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011 18th edition Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Executive.Summary .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Business.Confidence.&.Economic.Indicators. . . . . 9 Business Confidence 10 Total Turnover 11 Domestic Sales 12 Export Sales 13 Employment 14 Investment 15 Participating Regions 16 European.Regions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Focus.on.Business.Confidence:.. Euro Zone vs Non Euro Zone 30 Candidate Countries 31 Methodology 32 List of Chambers 33 3 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 4. foreword Foreword I am pleased to present the latest edition of EUROCHAM- Europe 2020 frames the EU’s competitiveness agenda for, BRES’ annual Economic Survey EES 2011 comes at a crucial not just the year ahead, but the whole decade This plan juncture, with Europe slowly emerging from the worst eco- must deliver where its predecessor, the Lisbon Strategy, fell nomic crisis since World War II The survey results, based on short To do so, it is critically important that the business over 70 000 responses from across Europe, indicate that, community has a say in its implementation, monitoring while businesses can now see the light, they are not yet and evaluation out of the tunnel It is also vital that the strategic objectives of Europe 2020 EES 2011 underlines that policy makers should remain are supported by adequate financial resources The discus- acutely aware of the business community’s cautious opti- sions on the EU budget and the forthcoming review of mism, tempered by an ongoing sense of uncertainty about longer term financial perspectives will therefore be a lit- the economic outlook The EU institutions and member mus test of the member states’ commitment to a coherent states must thus redouble their efforts to ensure that fa- European approach to delivering jobs and growth Busi- vourable conditions are in place for businesses of all sec- nesses from the Chamber network made their position tors and sizes, that access to European and international clear in more than doubling the current level allocated to markets is increased and that the necessary human, natu- competitiveness actions when setting out their ‘EU Dream ral and financial resources are more readily available Budget’ during the October 2010 European Parliament of Enterprises EUROCHAMBRES will be looking to EU leaders EUROCHAMBRES is convinced that the response to these to demonstrate a similarly strong appetite for reform dur- challenges must be coordinated at EU level Major Europe- ing the months ahead EES 2011 serves to remind all of us an framework initiatives such as the Small Business Act, the of what is at stake Single Market Act and the economic governance package are potentially influential in this process, if strongly sup- Alessandro Barberis ported and effectively implemented by member states EUROCHAMBRES PRESiDEnt Business ConfidenCe expeCtations / read gdp growth 40 4 Real GDP Growth 35 30 3 Business Confidence 25 Business Confidence (Balance Figure) 20 2 15 Real GDP Growth (%) 10 1 5 0 0 -5 -10 -1 -15 -20 -2 -25 -30 -3 -35 -40 -4 -45 -50 -5 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009* 2010* 2011* *European Commision (DGECFIN) Estimates 4 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 5. executive summary Executive Summary The EES 2011 indicates that businesses are confident that Greece, Spain and Croatia are the three countries where the worst is behind them and that the economic situa- companies are least positive for 2011 In Greece, two-thirds tion will improve next year Indeed, economic activity has of companies expect worsening business conditions for picked up better than foreseen throughout 2010, which is the coming year, due to the austerity measures imposed reflected in respondents overall mood of optimism for the by the national government Croatian businesses are not year ahead sure that the crisis is over for them yet Nonetheless, confidence is not yet back to pre-crisis levels, Business confidence decreased the most in Greece, Poland and some uncertainty remains In 2011, more of the spe- and Slovenia; in Slovenia, it is not expected to improve cial public economic crisis measures will come to an end markedly before 2012 (some schemes have actually terminated already), and EU governments will be obliged to implement the austerity/ Total.turnover forecasts are clearly up, compared to last fiscal consolidation measures foreseen in the framework of year’s The fragile signs of recovery that the European the new European economic governance Meanwhile, ac- economy witnessed throughout 2010 are increasing busi- cess to credit for businesses remains restricted nesses’ expectations All economic indicators show a clear upturn in forecasts, total turnover the biggest progression being noted in export sales ex- pectations This is a logical result, considering that in 2010, 2011 thanks in part to a revived demand from emerging econo- 2010 mies, European exporters have regained confidence 2009 2008 Business. confidence continues its slow recovery Over- 2007 all, more than 30% of respondents think that next year’s 2006 business climate will improve, while more than half of the 2005 respondents consider that it will remain unchanged Ger- 2004 many and France are the main positive drivers among the 2003 five largest EU economies In Italy and the UK, forecasts are 2002 lower than last year, Spanish forecasts improve somewhat, 2001 but remain negative 2000 1999 Business ConfidenCe -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2011 2010 In France, over 40% of businesses expect total turnover to 2009 increase further next year These positive expectations are 2008 fuelled by better domestic and export sales in the current 2007 year In Germany, the situation is similar, with export sales 2006 forecasts dominating While Italian businesses believe that 2005 recovery is underway, UK businesses are more cautious 2004 than the previous year Spanish businesses expect a mod- 2003 erate recovery in 2011 2002 2001 Sweden, Estonia and Poland register the most positive turn- 2000 over forecasts In both Estonia and Poland, about two-thirds 1999 of respondents anticipate higher turnover levels for 2011 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 The only country survey wide where the upswing is not re- flected in positive forecasts is Greece Besides having the Swedish, Estonian and Belgian companies are the most lowest balance figure for total turnover, it also registers the confident for the coming year survey wide, while Slovak, steepest decrease Latvian and German businesses witness the highest posi- tive changeover 5 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 6. executive summary On average, across the surveyed countries, domestic.sales German companies are very upbeat about their export forecasts continue recovering slowly, yet participating prospects, and the rapid recovery of Germany is having a countries demonstrate a wide range of differing trends positive influence on many of its neighbouring countries Over half of French respondents expect higher export domestiC sales sales levels next year In the UK, over half of the respond- ents do not anticipate any change for 2011, and there is 2011 great hope that the UK economy will continue to benefit 2010 from the weakness of the pound About two-thirds of Ital- 2009 ian respondents consider that the situation will remain un- 2008 changed in 2011, leading to a weaker balance figure than 2007 last year, while prospects in Spain are much more positive 2006 for 2011 2005 2004 export sales 2003 2002 2011 2001 2010 2000 2009 1999 2008 2007 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2006 2005 France is the most positive among the big member states 2004 In the UK and Spain, forecasts are slightly improving, yet 2003 the UK balance figure for 2011 remains negative In Italy, 2002 after a weak 2010, two-thirds of respondents believe that 2001 the situation will not change in 2011 2000 1999 Survey wide, Poland, Sweden and Denmark have the high- -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 est balance figures The three countries, overall, seem to have been less affected by the economic crisis than other EU member states Survey wide, Latvia, Denmark and Portugal have the high- est export sales balance figures Hungary, Slovakia and In Greece, Portugal and Romania, balance figures for do- Germany register the biggest year-on-year increase in ex- mestic sales weaken the most compared to last year’s sur- pectations vey Along the UK, Greece and Romania also have the low- est forecasts for this indicator Businesses in Greece, Estonia and Romania are less con- fident about their export sales prospects, as the balance Having witnessed a positive development in 2010, Turk- figures decrease most markedly year-on-year ish businesses remain upbeat about their domestic sales expectations Domestic demand in Croatia throughout For both participating candidate countries, balance figures 2010 was weak, and companies are cautious in their fore- progress slightly, pointing towards better prospects in casts for 2011 2011 in a somewhat better global environment Based on the survey results, exports are the main driver of The employment balance is positive again, showing signs Europe’s economic recovery, as all participating countries of recovery In 23 out of the 26 participating countries, bal- show positive balance figures The export sales indicator is ance figures are increasing compared to last year’s results also the one that has increased most year-on-year In total, However, this should not mask considerable differences over 40% of respondents expect their exports to increase between the participating countries next year 6 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 7. executive summary employment 2011 2010 Latvian, Maltese and Polish businesses are most upbeat 2009 about their investment prospects for 2011, while those re- 2008 cording the biggest progression compared to last year can 2007 be found in Germany, Estonia and Latvia 2006 2005 Spain, Greece and Croatia are at the low end of investment 2004 prospects with negative balance figures The latter two, to- 2003 gether with Portugal, also witnessed the sharpest year-on- 2002 year regression in balance figures 2001 2000 Turkish businesses expect an increase in investment ex- 1999 penditure in 2011 Nevertheless, the result remains below the long term average -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 investment Employment forecasts in the larger European economies are improving, although in Italy and Spain, balance figures 2011 remain negative In Germany, unemployment forecasts for 2010 2011 are much better than before the crisis The value is 2009 in fact the lowest since 1991 In both France and the UK, 2008 two-thirds of the respondents plan to maintain their cur- 2007 rent work force levels next year 2006 2005 Among EU member states, Belgian, Estonian and Latvian 2004 businesses register the most positive employment fore- 2003 casts Estonia, Germany and Sweden witness the biggest 2002 progression in balance figures Estonian businesses are up- 2001 beat about joining the euro zone next year and anticipate 2000 higher employment levels 1999 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 The three countries that have the most negative balance figures are Greece, Spain and Slovenia, which are still feeling the consequences of the economic crisis Business.confidence in the euro zone is progressing much more markedly than in the non euro zone Still non euro Greece also has the steepest drop in employment pros- zone countries are overall more optimistic than their euro pects, together with Croatia and Portugal zone counterparts Also noteworthy is the fact that the 2011 business confidence forecast for the non euro zone Turkey is the most positive country survey wide in terms of is worse than in all surveys before the 2008 credit crunch employment prospects The Turkish labour market remains strong, which translates into positive forecasts for the com- Businesses in Estonia are highly optimistic about the posi- ing year tive effect of their country’s adhesion to the euro zone next year The investment climate is improving and the balance is re- turning to a positive result Overall, half of the respondents Business confidence expectations in the candidate coun- expect the situation to remain the same for 2011, while tries are more positive than in EU member states At the about 30% of respondents anticipate higher investments same time, while optimism is growing in Turkey, Croatian for the coming year companies’ business confidence forecasts remain low for 2011, so the gap between the two countries is widening The two major euro zone countries, Germany and France, have positive balance figures again Italian businesses are very optimistic for 2011, as over half of the respondents forecast an increase in investments, thanks to improved domestic demand Investment expectations in Spain and the UK are slowly rising, yet they remain negative 7 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 9. Business confidence and economic indicators 9 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 10. Business confidence Business Confidence The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter Business confidence is recovering from its low level in 2010, sequently, businesses are somewhat more optimistic, even and the balance for 2011 is positive again. Overall, more than though over 40% do not anticipate any change next year In 30% think that next year’s business climate will improve, both the UK and Italy businesses are less confident in their while more than half of the respondents consider that it will forecasts than last year In the UK, the lower forecasts are be unchanged. not only the result of the economic crisis but also budget cuts set out by the government Italian businesses 2010 expectations were not met, and they are more cautious in The situation in the major European economies varies con- their 2011 forecasts Italy’s production structure has not yet siderably Germany’s balance figure increases significantly overcome the difficulties that it is currently facing Spanish compared to last year In Germany, the economy is return- forecasts are improving; nevertheless the balance remains ing to solid ground Not only its export industry, but also in- negative Over half of Spanish respondents expect the situ- vestment and consumer-oriented branches have improved ation to be unchanged next year The results continue to significantly throughout 2010 and the trend is set to con- reflect the country’s precarious economic situation tinue next year In France, after two unprecedentedly un- favourable years, the situation stabilised in 2010, and con- Sweden, Belgium and Estonia demonstrate the highest lev- els of business confidence The Belgian economy entered into positive territory again in the second half of 2009 and Business ConfidenCe expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 fared rather well throughout 2010, leading to very upbeat *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 confidence forecasts for 2011 The main drivers for the up- swing are export activities and private consumption In -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Estonia, businesses agree that the worst is over and reso- Sweden lutely believe in a better 2011 Estonia Belgium Slovakia, Latvia and Malta’s business confidence forecasts Latvia for 2011 have increased most when compared to 2010 Malta Turkey The three most negative countries are Greece, Croatia and Bulgaria Spain Greek business confidence is the lowest among Denmark surveyed countries Two-thirds of companies expect a Cyprus further decrease in business development in 2011 The Germany pessimism is evident across sectors, identical for manufac- France turing and services In Croatia, the economic downturn is Austria continuing, but at a slower pace This is partly the result of Portugal somewhat improved foreign demand, which was to some Slovakia extent generated by the slight economic recovery in most Survey.average EU countries EU.average Czech Republic Greece, Poland and Slovenia are the three countries with United Kingdom the largest year-on-year drop in business confidence In Po- The Netherlands land, most companies do not expect any further improve- Hungary ments in business confidence, while almost 30% expect Italy the situation to deteriorate In Slovenia, business confi- Slovenia dence has not yet returned, and two thirds of respondents Romania believe that the situation will be unchanged next year Finland Poland In Turkey, for almost half of companies, the business cli- Luxembourg mate was much better this year than anticipated last year Spain And they believe that the trend will continue in 2011 The Croatia main reasons for the positive mood are an improved do- Greece mestic business environment, macroeconomic stability and optimistic domestic sales expectations 10 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 11. total turnover Total Turnover Improving prospects Businesses overall anticipate a higher turnover for the coming total turnover expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 year. The fragile signs of recovery that the European economy *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 witnessed throughout 2010 is spurring businesses expecta- tions upwards. -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sweden Estonia Among the big European economies, France is the one Poland with the highest balance figure Total turnover in 2010 Denmark went beyond last year’s expectations and over 40% of busi- Belgium nesses expect it to increase further next year French fore- Latvia casts are fuelled by both better domestic and export sales Cyprus prospects, even if the country still needs a more significant Bulgaria improvement of its labour market and a stabilisation of the Turkey euro at a lower level The situation in Germany is similar, Portugal where positive export forecasts dominate Italian compa- Slovakia nies believe that recovery is underway and are positive for Slovenia the coming year, with over 60% predicting a stabilisation Malta of the situation The Italian manufacturing sector is more Austria positive than the services one for 2011 In the UK as well, The Netherlands the manufacturing sector is expecting better results next France year than the services sector Overall, UK businesses are Survey.average somewhat more cautious than the previous year, as the EU.average balance figure for 2011 is lower Spanish companies expect Italy a moderate recovery in 2011; here too, positive results in United Kingdom industry exceed those of the services sector Luxembourg Czech Republic Sweden, Estonia and Poland provide the most positive Croatia forecasts Swedish and Estonian businesses believe that Hungary the positive trend from 2010 will continue next year, as Spain nearly two-thirds expect higher turnovers in 2011 External Romania and domestic demand gradually improved during 2010 in Finland Poland (except in housing and transport), and two-thirds Germany of respondents anticipate this to continue Greece The Estonian, Bulgarian and Hungarian forecasts for 2011 increase most compared to last year In Bulgaria, respon- While the balance figure in Turkey is going up, Croatia’s dents took advantage of the improving global economic balance figure is decreasing In Turkey, thanks to fiscal and climate in 2010 and expect further progress in the coming monetary measures, domestic demand and economic year Bulgarian industry, too, is more upbeat than services growth stabilised during 2010 and businesses expect the positive trend to continue in 2011, thanks largely to higher The only country where the upswing is not reflected in private consumption and investments and decreased in- positive forecasts is Greece Besides having the lowest terest rates In Croatia, last year’s expectations were not balance figure survey wide for the indicator, it is also the met, and businesses witnessed a significant reduction in country witnessing the steepest decrease in total turnover consumption on the domestic market and a minor reco- forecasts Portuguese companies are also much more cau- very of exports throughout 2010 Consequently, they are tious in their forecasts for 2011 Nonetheless, half of the less positive about their total turnover forecasts for 2011 respondents expect total turnover to improve next year, than they were one year ago with positive expectations being fuelled much more by export prospects than domestic sales 11 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 12. domestic sales Domestic Sales Recovery is starting On average, across the surveyed countries, the mood contin- nies do not expect their domestic sales levels to change ues recovering slowly. Yet a wide range of differing trends in in 2011 The construction sector recovery remains particu- the different countries can be observed. larly fragile For Italy, expectations for 2011 are worse than last year’s; after a weak 2010, the balance is still on the pos- itive side, yet two-thirds of respondents believe that the Among the big member states, France is the most positive situation will not change in 2011 Last year, most French businesses were hoping to stabilise their domestic sales for 2010 The results this year were Poland, Sweden and Denmark have the highest balance better than expected, and this positive trend continues figures Even though Danish companies’ 2010 expecta- for 2011 The situation in Germany is similar, as domestic tions were not met, they remain very optimistic, with near- sales are recovering faster than expected one year ago ly two-thirds anticipating improved sales levels for 2011 The mood in the UK is improving slightly, yet the balance Polish households regained trust in the national economy for 2011 remains negative, indicating a relatively weak do- during 2010, resulting in higher consumption, and compa- mestic demand Expectations are improving somewhat in nies expect this trend to continue in 2011 In Sweden, hav- Spain, starting from a low level Half of Spanish compa- ing fared quite strongly throughout the economic crisis, the strong consumption climate is fostered by a decrease in interest rates and in employment taxes The three coun- domestiC sales expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 tries were overall less affected by the economic crisis than *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 other EU member states -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Estonia, Latvia and France indicate the strongest year-on- Poland year progress In both Estonia and Latvia, over half of the Sweden respondents expect increased domestic sales for 2011 Denmark Estonia In Greece, Portugal and Romania, the balance for domes- Cyprus tic sales has weakened the most compared to last year Belgium These countries were particularly affected by the crisis Turkey and have now to adjust to structural economic problems Latvia Greek businesses, having witnessed a bleak 2010, do not France yet believe that a recovery is in sight, with over half of the Bulgaria respondents foreseeing worse sales prospects for 2011 In Austria Romania also, due to the programmed fiscal adjustment Malta and weak labour market, prospects for the coming year are Slovakia negative Portuguese businesses are much more cautious Portugal than in previous surveys, partly no doubt because their Luxembourg expectations for 2010 were not met, but also because the Survey.average country’s economic situation remains fragile EU.average Croatia Having witnessed a positive development in 2010, Turkish Slovenia businesses remain upbeat about domestic sales expecta- Italy tions Domestic demand in Croatia during 2010 was weak, Czech Republic with borrowing levels low, wages falling and unemploy- Spain ment rising This context is reflected by the fact that com- Finland panies are also cautious in their forecasts for 2011 Hungary Romania United Kingdom Greece 12 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 13. export sales Export Sales High hopes for exports Survey results suggest that exports are the main drivers of export sales expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 the economic recovery, as all participating countries show *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 positive balance figures. The overall balance is higher than the 2006 result, yet it remains below the buoyant 2007 and -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 2008 forecasts. In total over 40% of respondents expect their Latvia exports to increase next year. Nonetheless, exports are not yet Portugal back to full speed, due to uncertainty about global economic Denmark development, linked to the fact that stimulus packages are Austria coming to an end throughout the world. Slovenia Malta France Thanks to an upturn in world trade, European exporters Sweden have witnessed a favourable environment throughout Germany 2010, especially in the emerging markets German com- Belgium panies are very upbeat about their export prospects The Poland German focus on investment goods is particularly advan- Bulgaria tageous in the current upswing The rapid recovery of Ger- Spain many is having a positive influence on many of its neigh- Cyprus bouring countries, the French economy in particular Over Estonia half of French respondents expect higher export sales EU.average levels next year, leading to a considerable increase of the Survey.average balance figure A potential upswing in Spain would stem Hungary more from exports than from domestic sales, as shown by Turkey the noticeable increase in export prospects for 2011 There Luxembourg is great hope that the UK economy will continue to ben- Slovakia efit from the weakness of the pound, and that an export The Netherlands led recovery is still a reality Based on this, UK businesses Italy are more optimistic than last year and the balance, unlike Greece last year, is positive Italian businesses have also benefited Czech Republic from the positive global environment in 2010, and about United Kingdom two-thirds anticipate that this trend will continue in the Croatia coming year, while about one quarter expect further in- Romania creases in export sales Finland Survey wide, Latvia, Denmark and Portugal have the high- est balance figures Latvian exporters experienced a good Slovakia are also benefiting from Germany’s growth In the 2010 and three-quarters of respondents expect their case of Slovakia, companies expect the export climate to exports to grow further next year Danish exports were improve further in 2011 boosted in 2010 by the favourable economic development of its main export markets, notably Germany and Sweden, The countries witnessing the largest decrease in export and two-thirds of respondents expect next year’s climate forecasts are Greece, Romania and Italy Greek exporters to improve further The high expectations of Portuguese adopt a much more cautious attitude after two weak years exporters were not met this year, yet they remain optimis- Romanian companies are very cautious in their export tic about 2011 export sales forecasts for 2011, despite the introduction of new Roma- nian products and services to international markets Hungary, Slovakia and Germany show the biggest increase in balance figures compared to last year In Hungary, ex- Both Croatia and Turkey anticipate a somewhat better glo- port optimism has returned; the balance figure increase is bal environment in 2011, as the balance figures for both the highest in the survey This result is in stark contrast to countries have increased slightly In Turkey, the stronger last year, when Hungarian respondents were the most pes- national currency is affecting export sales and there are simistic Expanding export demand is contributing strong- fears that a further appreciation will have a negative effect ly to the country’s economic recovery Both Hungary and in 2011 13 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 14. employment Employment Workforce expected to grow again Employment forecasts are positive again, even though ex- year, as over two-thirds believe that they have enough ca- pectations remain well below those expressed in 2007. Busi- pacity within their existing workforce to respond to any nesses in 23 of 26 countries anticipate an improvement in the increase in demand Even though they have improved, the employment situation overall for 2011, while only 3 countries balance figures for Italy and Spain remain negative The anticipate a worsening. Spanish recovery is proceeding at a sluggish pace, with a substantial increase in unemployment In Italy, employ- ment is forecast to increase slightly in 2011, while unem- The large European economies witness improved employ- ployment is expected to remain stable ment forecasts, yet to greatly varying degrees Thanks to strong growth in 2010 and labour market reforms, the The three member states with the most positive employ- 2011 unemployment forecast in Germany is much better ment forecast for 2011 are Belgium, Estonia and Latvia In than before the crisis, and is actually the lowest value since Estonia, 37% of businesses in the manufacturing sector 1991 In France, unemployment started to ease in 2010 and and 51% of services providers believe that their workforce the employment situation is stabilising Over two-thirds of will increase The positive expectations are motivated by French respondents anticipate that they will maintain their the current sound fiscal policies introduced by the Esto- current workforce level next year In the UK, employment nian government and by euro zone accession in 2011 In prospects are increasing only marginally compared to last Belgium, the forecast for 2011 builds on a positive result in 2010, when 34% of businesses hired new employees, almost twice as many as those scaling back The positive employment expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 attitude in Latvia is to be attributed more to the relief that *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 the situation will not worsen further than to expectations of a real upswing in employment levels in 2011 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Turkey The three countries with the most positive employment Latvia year-on-year increase are Estonia, Germany and Sweden Belgium Employment recovered slightly in Sweden in 2010, and Estonia given the very positive outlook for 2011, businesses pre- Sweden dict a more rapid increase in employment next year Malta Denmark The three countries with the lowest balance figures are Cyprus Greece, Slovenia and Spain Slovenian businesses express a Poland very cautious attitude, taking into account the unfavoura- Bulgaria ble economic conditions Greek businesses do not believe Austria that they hit the bottom in 2010 in terms of employment France losses The negative balance for 2011 indicates that The Netherlands Luxembourg Greece, Croatia and Portugal are the countries with the Slovakia most negative year-on-year trend While Portuguese com- Germany panies were exceedingly confident last year in their fore- Survey.average casts for 2010, the reality throughout the year has been far EU.average less positive, and almost 70% of respondents now antici- United Kingdom pate the situation to remain the same in 2011 In Croatia, Portugal unemployment continued to rise in 2010, while the Hungary number of employed people dropped to the lowest level Finland for four years The fact that over two-thirds of businesses Croatia anticipate retaining their existing workforce next year can Italy thus be interpreted positively Czech Republic Romania The Turkish labour market remains strong and its overall Spain performance is quite positive Results show that Turkish Slovenia companies witnessed higher employment levels in 2010 Greece than anticipated the year before, and they foresee that the 14 trend will continue in 2011 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 15. investment Investment Businesses are ready to invest again The investment climate is improving and the balance has investment expeCtations* for 2011 Compared to 2010 and 2009 returned to a positive result. In 2010, the investment climate *BalanCe figures 2009 2010 2011 was cautious, as anticipated at the end of last year, with over half of respondents indicating constant levels. Overall, half of -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 the respondents also forecast constant investment levels for Latvia next year, while about 30% anticipate higher investments. Malta Compared to the 2009 and 2010 forecasts, this clearly points Poland to 2011 as a decisive year in Europe’s economic recovery. Italy Estonia Turkey The two major euro zone economies, Gemany and France, Belgium have positive balance figures again In Germany, the in- Sweden crease can be explained thanks to high foreign and do- Slovakia mestic demand for German products and companies’ con- Bulgaria fidence in their increased competiveness In France, the Denmark gradual investment recovery that started in 2010 is set to Slovenia continue next year, with over half of the respondents an- Cyprus ticipating constant investment levels, and more than one- Germany quarter forecasting an increase The fact that financing Hungary conditions in France have eased due to the fall in interest Survey.average rates is highlighted as a key factor EU.average France Italian businesses are very optimistic for 2011, as over half Luxembourg of the respondents forecast an increase in investments, Portugal thanks to improved domestic demand Investment ex- The Netherlands pectations in Spain and the UK are slowly progressing, yet Romania they remain negative In Spain, bank lending conditions Finland continue to be tight and uncertainties about the sustain- Austria ability of the recovery persist In the UK, there is increas- United Kingdom ing evidence that there is enough spare capacity in the UK Czech Republic economy to respond to an increase in demand This would Spain explain the “wait and see” attitude of many UK businesses Croatia towards investments Greece Investment forecast balances are most positive in Latvia, Malta and Poland In Poland, companies are increasing their Investment levels are mostly influenced by domestic and production capacities in response to growing demand This foreign demand, revenues and the availability and price of relates however more to exporters It is noteworthy that capital In Croatia, none of these factors is positively influ- even investors with a good financial standing prefer to en- encing investment forecasts In Greece, the balance for in- gage their own resources rather than to take a bank loan vestment has significantly decreased compared to that of In Latvia, the situation is due to a positive trend in exports, 2010, mainly due to the current economic situation a gradual increase in private consumption, improved busi- ness confidence and stabilisation of the labour market In Turkey, almost half of the Turkish businesses expect an increase in investment levels for 2011 Businesses’ ten- The biggest positive year-on-year change is in Germany, dency to invest is growing, but still below its long-term Estonia and Latvia average The three countries with the lowest balance figures are Spain, Greece, and Croatia The latter two are also regress- ing most, together with Portugal 15 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 16. list of regions Participating Regions 95. participating. regions. in. EURO- •. GERMANY.(DE) •. PORTUGAL.(PT) CHAMBRES.Economic.Survey.2011 Baden-Württemberg (DE1) •. ROMANIA.(RO) Bayern (DE2) Macroregiunea Unu (RO1) Each region has its own code (be- Berlin (DE3) Macroregiunea Doi (RO2) tween brackets), which is used for Brandenburg (DE4) Macroregiunea Trei (RO3) identification in the maps located in Bremen (DE5) Macroregiunea Patru (RO4) the part “European Regions” Hamburg (DE6) Hessen (DE7) •. SLOVAKIA.(SK) NUTS1 regional classification is used Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (DE8) •. SLOVENIA.(SI) for most countries with the exception Niedersachsen (DE9) of Spain, which uses NUTS2 Some Nordrhein-Westfalen (DEA) •. SPAIN.(ES) participating countries are treated as Rheinland-Pfalz (DEB) Galicia (ES11) one single region Saarland (DEC) Asturias (ES12) Sachsen (DED) Cantabria (ES13) Sachsen-Anhalt (DEE) País Vasco (ES21) •. AUSTRIA.(AT) Schleswig-Holstein (DEF) Navarra (ES22) East (AT1) Thüringen (DEG) La Rioja (ES23) South (AT2) Aragón (ES24) •. GREECE.(GR) West (AT3) Madrid (ES3) •. HUNGARY.(HU) Castilla y León (ES41) •. BELGIUM.(BE) Közép-Magyarország (HU1) Castilla-La Mancha (ES42) Brussels Capital (BE1) Dunántúl (HU2) Extremadura (ES43) Flanders (BE2) Alföld és Észak (HU3) Cataluña (ES51) Wallonia (BE3) C Valenciana (ES52) •. IRELAND.(IE) •. BULGARIA.(BG) Baleares (ES53) •. ITALY.(IT) Andalucía (ES61) •. CROATIA.(HR) Nord Ovest (ITC) Murcia (ES62) •. CYPRUS.(CY) Nord Est (ITD) Ceuta (ES63) Centro (ITE) Canarias (ES7) •. CZECH.REPUBLIC.(CZ) Sud (ITF) •. SWEDEN.(SE) •. DENMARK.(DK) Isole (ITG) Östra Sverige (SE1) •. ESTONIA.(EE) •. LATVIA.(LV) Södra Sverige (SE2) Norra Sverige (SE3) •. FINLAND.(FI) •. LITHUANIA.(LT) •. TURKEY.(TR) •. FRANCE.(FR) •. LUXEMBOURG.(LU) Île-de-France (FR1) •. UNITED.KINGDOM.(UK) •. MALTA.(MT) Bassin parisien (FR2) North East (UKC) Nord (FR3) •. THE.NETHERLANDS.(NL) North West (UKD) Est (FR4) North (NL1) Yorkshire & Humberside (UKE) Ouest (FR5) East (NL2) East Midlands (UKF) Sud Ouest (FR6) West (NL3) West Midlands (UKG) Centre Est (FR7) South (NL4) East of England (UKH) Méditerranée (FR8) London (UKI) •. POLAND.(PL) South East (UKJ) Centralny South West (UKK) Poludniowy Wales (UKL) Wschodni Scotland (UKM) Pólnocno-Zachodni Northern Ireland (UKN) Poludniowo-Zachodni Pólnocny 16 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 17. european regions 17 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 18. Business Confidence for 2011 eU coUntry % SE Sweden 72 9 21 5 56 EE Estonia 59 3 33 3 74 LV Latvia 58 0 31 0 11 0 BE Belgium 56 6 34 3 91 BG Bulgaria 53 4 27 9 18 7 TR Turkey 51 0 37 0 12 0 MT Malta 49 0 43 0 80 PT Portugal 48 9 22 3 28 8 DK Denmark 46 0 40 4 13 5 CY Cyprus 44 0 43 7 12 3 FR France 41 7 43 5 14 8 UK United Kingdom 39 8 30 4 30 0 AT Austria 38 2 46 1 15 7 RO Romania 36 4 31 2 32 4 CZ Czech Republic 35 8 38 8 25 3 SK Slovakia 35 1 47 4 17 5 . Survey.average. 34 3. 46 7. 18 9 . EU.average. 33 7. 47 2. 19 1 DE Germany 33 0 56 0 11 0 PL Poland 27 7 43 6 28 7 HU Hungary 27 5 52 3 20 2 IT Italy 23 8 59 6 16 6 HR Croatia 22 7 37 8 39 5 LU Luxembourg 20 2 57 2 22 6 SI Slovenia 19 6 66 7 13 7 NL The Netherlands 19 0 71 0 10 0 ES Spain 17 0 52 0 31 0 GR Greece 72 28 4 64 4 18 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 19. Business confidence for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 19 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 20. Total Turnover for 2011 eU coUntry % PL Poland 66 7 23 3 10 0 SE Sweden 65 7 26 8 75 EE Estonia 64 6 28 5 69 LV Latvia 63 0 25 0 12 0 DK Denmark 62 8 29 8 74 BE Belgium 61 2 31 1 78 CY Cyprus 56 2 30 6 13 2 SK Slovakia 55 7 25 8 18 5 PT Portugal 55 4 26 6 18 0 BG Bulgaria 53 2 36 0 10 8 AT Austria 51 7 33 3 15 0 SI Slovenia 50 6 35 9 13 5 UK United Kingdom 47 2 29 2 24 0 MT Malta 47 0 43 0 10 0 TR Turkey 47 0 46 0 70 FR France 46 2 42 3 11 5 NL The Netherlands 44 0 47 0 90 . Survey.average. 43 5. 41 3. 15 2 . EU.average. 43 4. 41 1. 15 6 CZ Czech Republic 40 3 34 9 24 8 HR Croatia 39 4 36 4 24 2 LU Luxembourg 34 9 52 3 12 8 RO Romania 34 1 35 8 30 1 HU Hungary 32 2 45 4 22 4 IT Italy 31 1 61 6 74 ES Spain 30 0 47 0 23 0 GR Greece 15 4 33 4 51 2 DE Germany 00 00 00 20 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 21. total turnover for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 21 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 22. Domestic Sales for 2011 eU coUntry % PL Poland 63 2 26 5 10 4 SE Sweden 59 3 33 6 71 DK Denmark 58 9 33 4 76 CY Cyprus 57 3 29 9 12 8 EE Estonia 54 4 39 2 64 LV Latvia 52 0 36 0 12 0 BE Belgium 51 9 38 0 10 1 FR France 50 0 38 8 11 2 TR Turkey 48 0 45 0 70 AT Austria 47 8 37 5 14 6 BG Bulgaria 46 6 41 8 11 6 PT Portugal 44 0 35 1 20 9 SK Slovakia 43 3 37 1 19 6 MT Malta 41 0 49 0 10 0 . Survey.average. 36 9. 44 8. 18 4 . EU.average. 36 3. 44 8. 18 9 HR Croatia 35 3 37 4 27 3 CZ Czech Republic 34 3 36 7 28 9 LU Luxembourg 34 0 53 4 12 5 RO Romania 32 3 32 6 35 1 UK United Kingdom 27 4 41 9 31 0 SI Slovenia 26 9 53 2 19 9 ES Spain 26 0 50 0 24 0 HU Hungary 23 9 51 4 24 7 IT Italy 19 9 66 7 13 4 GR Greece 12 7 31 9 55 4 DE Germany NL The Netherlands 22 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 23. domestic sales for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 23 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 24. Export Sales for 2011 eU coUntry % LV Latvia 74 0 22 0 40 DK Denmark 63 5 30 0 64 PT Portugal 62 8 31 9 53 AT Austria 55 7 34 3 99 SI Slovenia 53 3 35 8 10 9 FR France 52 3 35 8 11 9 MT Malta 50 0 42 0 80 SE Sweden 49 0 41 3 97 BG Bulgaria 47 5 40 5 12 1 SK Slovakia 47 4 30 9 21 7 PL Poland 45 2 46 5 83 CY Cyprus 45 1 44 6 10 3 ES Spain 45 0 45 0 10 0 DE Germany 44 0 49 0 70 BE Belgium 43 9 49 2 69 . EU.average. 41 0. 48 1. 10 8 HU Hungary 41 0 46 6 12 4 . Survey.average. 40 8. 48 4. 10 8 GR Greece 40 6 36 3 23 1 EE Estonia 38 5 55 5 60 LU Luxembourg 38 4 49 0 12 5 TR Turkey 36 0 55 0 90 CZ Czech Republic 33 3 47 7 18 9 NL The Netherlands 31 0 61 0 80 RO Romania 29 5 44 5 26 1 IT Italy 26 9 65 3 78 UK United Kingdom 26 6 54 3 19 0 HR Croatia 25 7 53 8 20 4 24 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 25. export sales for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 25 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 26. Employment for 2011 eU coUntry % TR Turkey 45 0 48 0 70 LV Latvia 37 0 55 0 80 SE Sweden 36 8 52 9 10 3 BE Belgium 36 3 55 7 80 PL Poland 35 1 49 9 15 0 CY Cyprus 33 4 55 1 11 5 DK Denmark 32 8 58 7 85 EE Estonia 32 6 62 0 53 MT Malta 31 0 64 0 50 AT Austria 30 2 53 3 16 5 BG Bulgaria 28 1 61 5 10 5 SK Slovakia 25 8 56 7 17 5 FR France 23 1 67 2 96 NL The Netherlands 23 0 64 0 13 0 RO Romania 21 3 50 2 28 5 . Survey.average. 20 2. 66 5. 13 4 . EU.average. 19 2. 67 2. 13 6 UK United Kingdom 19 1 67 4 14 0 DE Germany 19 0 69 0 12 0 LU Luxembourg 18 7 70 9 10 4 HU Hungary 18 1 64 6 17 3 PT Portugal 18 0 69 1 12 9 CZ Czech Republic 16 8 60 3 22 9 SI Slovenia 15 9 55 4 28 7 HR Croatia 14 9 68 4 16 6 ES Spain 14 0 62 0 24 0 GR Greece 66 56 1 37 3 IT Italy 41 86 2 97 26 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 27. employment for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 27 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 28. Investment for 2011 eU coUntry % IT Italy 55 4 21 1 23 5 LV Latvia 47 0 43 0 10 0 PO Poland 46 7 40 1 13 2 SK Slovakia 44 3 35 1 20 6 MT Malta 42 0 50 0 80 TR Turkey 42 0 46 0 12 0 EE Estonia 40 1 50 3 96 BE Belgium 40 1 48 4 11 5 BG Bulgaria 37 2 46 8 16 0 SE Sweden 37 2 50 2 12 6 SI Slovenia 36 3 42 0 21 7 CY Cyprus 31 4 51 6 17 0 DK Denmark 31 4 56 0 12 6 RO Romania 30 2 42 1 27 7 . Survey.average. 30 2. 50 5. 19 4 . EU.average. 29 8. 50 7. 19 6 HU Hungary 29 6 52 8 17 6 DE Germany 29 0 56 0 15 0 FR France 27 2 55 0 17 9 PT Portugal 25 7 55 7 18 6 CZ Czech Republic 25 6 41 8 32 6 LU Luxembourg 22 7 63 1 14 2 NL The Netherlands 22 0 63 0 15 0 AT Austria 21 6 56 2 22 2 HR Croatia 20 8 41 1 38 1 ES Spain 17 0 54 0 29 0 UK United Kingdom 17 0 62 2 21 0 GR Greece 13 5 48 6 37 9 28 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 29. investment for 2011 55 to 100% 40 to 55% 20 to 40% 0 to 20% negative percentage no data available Net balance figures obtained by deducting the percentage of com- panies giving a negative answer from the percentage of companies responding positively 29 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 30. focus on Business confidence Focus on Business Confidence euro Zone vs non euro Zone 31.0% 42.0% Business confidence for 2011 is growing; more than 40% of 17.2% 25.1% non euro zone companies are positive about the develop- euro Zone non euro Zone ment of business confidence, as are one-third of the euro average average zone respondents Only 17% of the companies from the euro zone and 25% of those from the non euro zone fore- 51.8% 32.8% cast a decrease in business confidence for 2011 The balance for the non euro zone is similar to that forecast euro Zone last year, while in the euro zone the balance has increased significantly Business confidence is traditionally higher in Belgium non euro zone countries This gap has been decreasing sig- Malta nificantly over the last two years after slight declines in the Portugal years before the crisis Cyprus France In the non euro zone, the 2011 expectations for business Austria confidence are worse than in all surveys before the credit Slovakia crunch in 2008 On the other hand, the Euro area results are Germany more optimistic expectations than expressed in forecasts for 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006 Italy Luxembourg The most positive countries in the euro zone are Belgium, Slovenia Malta and Cyprus The most optimistic countries concern- The Netherlands ing business confidence from the non euro zone are Swe- Spain den, Latvia and Estonia Estonia, which is about to join euro Greece zone in 2011, is especially optimistic 60% of Estonian com- 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% panies forecast an increase in business confidence Companies from only three euro zone countries indicate non euro Zone low levels of business confidence in 2011 In Greece and Spain, balance forecasts are negative, whereas in Lux- Sweden embourg the share of respondents expecting a decrease Estonia is only 2% points higher than those who forecast an in- Latvia crease In the countries of the non euro zone, the majority Bulgaria of companies is optimistic about business confidence in Denmark 2011, apart from Poland where companies expecting an increase/decrease are more or less in equilibrium United Kingdom Romania Expectations among companies in the major economies of Czech Republic the euro zone vary Respondents from France and Germa- Poland ny are more positive in their forecasts than in recent years, Hungary while companies in the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% are far more pessimistic than in 2010 Favourable Constant Unfavourable 30 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 31. focus on Business confidence Candidate Countries 33.7% 48.4% Business confidence expectations in the candidate countries 19.1% 14.6% are more positive than in EU member states At the same time, while optimism is growing in Turkey, Croatian compa- eu member accession nies’ business confidence remains low for 2011 This means states Candidates that the gap between Turkey and Croatia is widening 47.1% 37.1% Almost half of the companies in the candidate countries expect a positive business development in 2011, while the figure decreases to one-third of respondents in the Euro- eu memBer states pean Union In Turkey, 51% of the respondents anticipate improved business conditions in 2011 Sweden Estonia The Turkish recovery was fuelled by an increase in house- Latvia hold consumption and private investment As a result, Tur- Belgium key is back on track after recession Like all other emerging Bulgaria market economies, the Turkish economy was tested by the Malta global turmoil and has proven its strength and resilience Portugal However, Turkey not only recovered quickly from the crisis Denmark but was also able to sustain a significantly higher rate of Cyprus growth All signs now indicate that the economy has re- France bounded quickly and is headed towards renewed growth United Kingdom and an improving fiscal balance Austria Romania The resilience of the Turkish corporate and financial sec- Czech Republic tors has turned out to be a considerable asset in manag- Slovakia ing the recent crisis In particular, a better than expected EU.average recovery in economic activity, upgrades from credit rating Germany agencies, easing political uncertainty with the comple- Poland tion of a referendum process, and the signal given by the Hungary updated Medium Term Program that the fiscal discipline Italy would be maintained, have all contributed to Turkey’s rela- Luxembourg tively better performance Slovenia The Netherlands The stable and sound structure of the financial system in Spain Turkey is the main element which enhances the resilience Greece of the economy against the global crisis Turkey’s banking 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% system demonstrates a much stronger structure thanks to the legal regulations implemented in the past few years aCCession Candidates Recovery in domestic demand is more stable and has be- come widespread The increase in wages alongside em- Turkey ployment growth has been supporting the recovery in Accession. . private consumption demand Candidates.average Croatia 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% In Croatia almost 40% of companies expect an unfavour- able business development next year Due to a severe drop in private consumption and investments during the crisis, Favourable Constant Unfavourable all sectors were affected Recovery is slowest in the con- struction sector which was affected by the recession some- what later than other industries the recovery in foreign demand and the favourable climate Forthcoming state investments in the energy and trans- concerning EU accession, should however contribute to port sectors, water management and tourism, along with improving the mood throughout 2011 31 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011
  • 32. methodology Methodology About the Survey EUROCHAMBRES’ Economic Survey is an annual, qualita- companies responded Data have been aggregated at re- tive regional survey of business expectations in Europe gional level, with 95 European regions included The 2011 The survey is implemented by the European Chambers survey is the eighteenth edition of this yearly report More of Commerce and Industry and co-ordinated by EURO- detailed analyses of each of the participating countries CHAMBRES It is based on a harmonised questionnaire can be found in the “National Reports” published on EURO- sent to entrepreneurs from 24 EU member states as well as CHAMBRES’ website: www eurochambres eu Croatia and Turkey during the autumn 2010 Over 70 500 Organisation and Methodology Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry through- In most countries, all regions participated in the survey In out Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech some smaller states, the country as a whole was regarded as Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, “a region” The regional results have then been centralised in Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, each country, a national weighted aggregate was calculated Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swe- and extensive comments on the results were prepared Sub- den, Turkey, and the United Kingdom have posed compa- sequently, EUROCHAMBRES brought the national reports nies a set of 12 questions on their past, current and short and regional data together, and prepared a European report term business expectations (total turnover, domestic sales, on the main trends resulting from the survey export sales, employment, investment and business confi- dence) Entrepreneurs were asked to give a qualitative re- National and European results presented in the analysis sponse, i e “better than the previous year”, “the same as the were weighted according to national GDPs Also, when previous year” or “worse than the previous year” Responses calculating averages or other aggregates (euro zone coun- from entrepreneurs were collected and aggregated using tries, survey average etc ), GDP was used for weighting random and representative sampling techniques, thereby Statistical methodologies used in the national surveys all guaranteeing representativity by size, sector and region ensure reliable results A more detailed description of the methodology for each country is included in the National Reports that are available on EUROCHAMBRES’ website: www eurochambres eu Guidance when reading maps, graphs and tables In.“Executive.Summary”.and.. In.“European.Regions” “Business.Confidence.and.Economic.Indicators” • The tables in the section “European regions”, show “per- • The graphs in the “Executive Summary” and “Business centage shares” of the total number of responses given Confidence and Economic Indicators” of the analysis to a question They reflect the percentage of compa- show ‘balance figures’ These are obtained by deduct- nies that answered positively to a question (increase), ing the percentage of companies giving a negative negatively (decrease) or opted for a neutral answer (un- response from the percentage of companies giving a changed) Please note that they do not show “balance positive response, thereby obtaining the “net response” figures” as is the case in the “Executive Summary” and • Blanks in graphs reflect the absence of data for some “Business Confidence and Economic Indicators” countries and/or years, or reflect a score of zero • The maps in the section “European regions” indicate the regional ranking across the surveyed zone, based on the “balance figures” obtained from the percentage shares of the total number of responses given to a question • Blanks in tables reflect the absence of data for some countries or regions 32 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey 2011