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Establishing a Robust Data
 Readiness Methodology

          Prepared by:
           James Chi
Our Recommended Solution
                                                                   The data readiness strategy and methodology
 The planning, execution, verification, and
                                                                   described below is the result of an evolutionary
 documentation of the migration of application data
                                                                   process developed over many SAP
 from legacy or source systems to SAP are critical
                                                                   implementations with multiple clients in various
 components to any successful SAP project
                                                                   industry verticals. This methodology is intended to
 implementation. SAP requires and expects master
                                                                   not only deliver repeatable, predictable, and
 and transactional data of high quality for the
                                                                   demonstrate results; but also bring visibility to
 intended process integration benefits to be
                                                                   data quality issues early enough in the project to
                                                                   mitigate them.
 Data Readiness is, however, one of the most
 overlooked aspects of an implementation project.
                                                                   Data Readiness Components
 This is partly because so much emphasis is placed                 Let us first introduce the distinct components that
 on re-engineering the business processes that the                 make up a data migration landscape. As
 quality and accuracy of data often takes a lesser                 illustrated in Figure 1, our recommended
 priority. However, based on our experience, we                    methodology follows the traditional Extract,
 would suggest that many SAP implementation                        Transform, and Load (ETL) data migration
 projects simply lack the tools and methodologies                  component model.
 to systematically identify and perform data
 readiness and conversion activities and resolve
 data quality issues.

                                           Data Conversion Component Overview

                                                                                               Data Export
                  Data Input Source                     Data Staging

                   Applications                                                  LSMW

          Manual Data Collection                                              BDC BDC Direct

          via data construction
          Manual Data Collection
          via Excel and Flat File
                                                                               Custom ABAP
                                                     Central Data Staging
                                                    And Transformation Tool
         Manual Data Collection
               via SAP                                                         Manual Input

                                                                                               SAP Systems

                      Extract                         Transform                                Load

                                                            Figure 1

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.         -2
Data Input Sources                                                         These data are subsequently provided to the
                                                                            central Data Staging & Transformation tool
 Data for the project implementation come from
 sources as identified in the functional                                    Manual Data Collection in Excel and Flat File – In
 specifications. The data for loading into SAP either                       some cases the need to collect data manually that
 already exists in an electronic format or are                              does not exist in the source system(s) is served by
 manually captured in an approved electronic                                MS-Excel Spreadsheets or Flat Text File. Based on
 format. Import programs need to be kept as                                 the complexity of the data that is needed, the
 simple as possible for faster implementation and                           project team develops and distributes an Excel
 easier traceability. Import data can come from the                         spreadsheet application to help facilitate the
 following sources:                                                         manual data collection process. The data is
                                                                            subsequently uploaded to the central Data Staging
 Source Application Data – Data from source                                 & Transformation tool.
 systems are either exported into a comma
 delimited text file or copied tables when ODBC                             Manual Data Collection in SAP – In certain
 database connections are available. Data are                               functional areas, the project can manually collect
 extracted out of source applications following the                         data for SAP where data do not exist in source
 principle of “all data and records” without data                           systems directly in the SAP system. It is
 filtering, filtering, translation, or formatting.                          sometimes advantageous to build SAP data directly
                                                                            in the SAP environment and take advantage of
 Manual Data Collection – Data may be manually                              existing pre-defined data value tables and
 collected in situations where source data does not                         validation logic. The data is subsequently
 exist. Based on the complexity and referential
                                                                            extracted from SAP and provided to the central
 dependency of the collected data, a data                                   Data Staging & Transformation tool.
 construction application can be developed to help
 facilitate the manual data collection and validation
                                           Data Readiness Process Overview

              Extract                                      Transform                                                  Load

                              1                                                                                    7

                                                  2                                 4
              SOURCE                           Staged                                                       s
                                                                                Target                                 TARGET
             SYSTEMS          Process        Source Data                                                               SYSTEMS

                                                           DATA STAGING                                                 Uploaded

                                                           APPLICATION                                                 Target Data






                                                                                Target Data
                                             Source Data                         Kickouts
                                  3           Kickouts
                Data Owner                                   Referential
                                                                 &              Target Data
                                                            Supplemential        Kickouts
                                                                                                                Data Owner


                                                              Figure 2

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.         -3
Data Staging                                           Comprehensive Data Readiness Process
 All master and transactional data loaded into the      Let us now describe the steps involved in a robust
 SAP system should be staged in a central Data          and comprehensive data readiness process. The
 Staging & Transformation tool. This repository         overall process is illustrated in Figure 2.
 receives source data and outputs transformed
                                                        In order to ensure ongoing execution,
 target data. It contains source data in its
                                                        troubleshooting, and problem resolution
 originally supplied form, all the rules to convert,
                                                        throughout the data conversion test cycles
 translate, supplement and format this data into the
                                                        described in the next section “Data Conversion
 destination format, and intermediate tables
                                                        Approach and Methodology”, the Systematic Data
 required for data readiness processing. The output
                                                        Readiness Process is followed for each data test
 from the central Data Staging & Transformation
                                                        run. Following is a high-level overview of the
 tool is used as the source of data loads into SAP.
 Commercial ETL tools are designed for the purpose
 of extracting, transforming, and loading data.
 These tools should be leveraged on projects where
 available. On projects where a commercial ETL
                                                        Step 1: Extraction of Source Data
 tool is not available, native database tools such as   The conversion starts with the extraction of source
 Microsoft’s DTS or Oracle’s Warehouse Builder can      data. This extraction, depending upon its source
 be used as well.                                       may be a direct ODBC connection, a spreadsheet
                                                        or flat file created programmatically, or a manually
 Once staged in their original or approved collection
                                                        loaded spreadsheet. Original spreadsheets and
 format, all data is filtered, translated, and
                                                        flat files must be secured in a centralized location
 formatted in a traceable and reportable fashion via
                                                        for audit and validation purposes. In all cases, the
 execution of individual data rules in the central
                                                        extract of source data must be accompanied by a
 Data Staging & Transformation Tool. Exceptions to
                                                        report that details the contents. A Source Data
 this rule should only be permitted for manually
                                                        Reconciliation Report should be produced for each
 entered data objects.
                                                        extract and must indicate the total number of
                                                        records contained in the source. Other metrics
 Data Export Destination Programs                       should be supplied for key data fields such as
                                                        sums, totals, or hash totals of data columns
 Data is exported from the central Data Staging &
                                                        contained in the source. This information will be
 Transformation tool into SAP via standard SAP
                                                        very important in demonstrating that the source
 data conversion methods and tools. Data
                                                        data has been completely and accurately imported
 programs must be kept as simple as possible to
                                                        into the central Data Staging & Transformation
 ensure quick development and better traceability
 for troubleshooting and reconciliation purposes.
 These conversion methods and tools are:
         LSMW – Legacy System Migration                 Step 2–3: Upload, Process, and
         Workbench                                      Verification of Extracted Data & Data
         BDC Programs – Binary Direct Connection        Quality Checkpoint One
         CATT – Computer Aided Test Tool
         Post Load Custom ABAP                          The next step in the process begins the upload of
         Post Load Manual Input                         data from source applications and manual
                                                        collection repositories in their native format into
                                                        the central Data Staging & Transformation tool. It
                                                        is critical for all data to be imported into the
                                                        staging tool in an “as-is” format. All source

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.   -4
application tables and/or spreadsheet rows and           source data from its original record format to a
 columns are imported into the staging tool without       format that can be read by the SAP data upload
 any filtering and manipulation. This ensures that        programs for loading into SAP. These data staging
 all data record filtering, translation, harmonization,   rules, define the main transformation of the
 and formatting operations are performed in the           filtered source data into data that is coded and
 staging tool in an approved, auditable, traceable,       formatted for SAP upload purposes. All data
 and reportable fashion via execution of business         formatting, filtering, and translation rules are
 rules at individual source level.                        based on criteria documented in the functional
                                                          specifications. Data reconciliation activities are
 Once the data has been successfully extracted into
                                                          performed to verify that all required business rules
 the central Data Staging & Transformation tool,
                                                          defined in the functional specifications have been
 the source data is modified according to data
                                                          completely and accurately applied.
 filtering rules. Data filtering refers to reducing the
 dataset based upon rules documented in the               Step 5: Data Quality Checkpoint Two
 functional specifications and business relevancy
 parameters. This filtering is performed in order to      Once the data has been successfully filtered,
 ensure that only active and relevant data are            translated, and formatted, the resulting dataset
 loaded into SAP. Additionally, source data can           can be subject to another set of quality and
 now be subject to a variety of quality and integrity     integrity checks aimed at identifying target data
 checks to identify source data issues that can           integrity and completeness issues. These issues
 either be resolved in the staging tool as a              can be resolved in the staging tool as a
                                                          transformation rule, resolved in SAP, resolved in
 transformation rule or be resolved back in the
 source system. Data records that do not pass key         the data construction application, or resolved back
 quality or integrity checks should be flagged as         in the source system. Data records which do not
 such and omitted from subsequent transformation          pass key quality or integrity checks should be
 and loading steps, and directed to Data Owners for       flagged as such and omitted from subsequent
 correction or clarification.                             loading steps, and directed to data owners and
                                                          configuration team for correction or clarification.
 Data reconciliation activities are also performed.
 All results are gathered and compared to the             Data reconciliation activities are also performed
 Source Data Reconciliation Report. Results and           from the target SAP environment perspective. All
 Kickouts are provided to Data Owners for review,         results are gathered and compared to verify that
 approval and correction.                                 all required business rules defined in the functional
                                                          specifications have been completely and accurately
 Step 4: Transformation of Staged Data                    applied. Results and kickouts reports are provided
                                                          to Data Owners and Configuration Team for review
 Once the source data has been filtered, all source
                                                          and correction.
 data are combined into a single staged target SAP
 data for translation, supplementation and                Step 6: Data Supplementation
 formatting rules specifically designed for the target
 environment per Design Specifications. Data              Following review of target data results and
 translation refers to replacing source system            kickouts reports, data owners have the opportunity
 coding, groupings, and other source system               to inject additional data into the transformation
 application data characteristics to corresponding        process of staged data. Additional data refers to
 SAP coding, groupings, and data characteristics.         missing data component that is required according
                                                          to functional or SAP system specifications and
 Supplementation refers to supplying additional
 referential or required data according to Design         cross reference data that mapping legacy data into
 Specifications that are not available from source        new SAP data per Design Specifications.
 data. Data formatting refers to converting the           Configuration team has the opportunity to verify,
                                                          validate and correct data value needed in target

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.   -5
SAP system in order to load approved staged             Project Preparation – This phase is to provide
 target data without errors.                             initial preparation and planning for the SAP
                                                         implementation project, the important data
 Step 7-8: Loading of Target Data into SAP               readiness issues addressed during the project
 & Final Verification                                    preparation phase are:
 Subsequent to the successful completion of data            Finalization of data migration scope and data
 quality checks, translated and formatted data will         readiness strategy
 be loaded into SAP via any of the mechanism                On-boarding of data team
 described under the “Data Export Destination               Installation of ETL toolset
 Programs” section of this document and verified            Initiation of legacy system connection and
 for accuracy and completeness. This verification           extraction
 will involve a combination of visual inspection and
 technical checks including record counts, sums,         Business Blueprint – Define the business
 and or hash totals of data columns contained in         processes to be supported by the SAP system and
 the export files and SAP tables.                        the functional requirements, data conversion and
                                                         readiness activities begins with the identification of
 Data Readiness Approach and                             data objects which require conversion from the
 Methodology                                             source application to the SAP system. During this
                                                         phase, all data and records will be extracted and
                                                         profiled from source systems, business and SAP
 Now that we have introduced both data readiness         readiness requirements will be defined, and
 landscape components and process, we can finally        Mapping Documentation completed in order for
 position how this all fits in the lifecycle of an SAP   data quality report development. The quality and
 implementation project.                                 integrity of the source data will assessed
 What follows is a description of the various data       repeatedly during this period.
 readiness activities as they are executed               Realization (Build) – Build the system based
 throughout the Grom’s Best Practice Data                upon the requirements described in the functional
 Readiness Approach. Grom’s Data Readiness               specifications, included in this phase are several
 Approach is an enhanced, refined and                    data readiness process development and individual
 complementary to ASAP methodology that SAP              data object testing cycles. During the early part of
 implementation project is typically followed.           realization, functional specifications are developed
                                                         for the data conversion objects identified during
                                                         requirements gathering. These design
 Project Definition – The purpose of this phase is       specifications serve as the basis for determining
 to understand and define data quality baseline and      which conversion mechanisms are used and
 a path forward with respect to data readiness for       provide additional functional conversion program
 SAP implementation. Once data quality baseline          development and testing details for a given data
 has been defined and understood, data migration         object. The project team develops all required data
 and readiness scope can be derived and estimated        conversion rules and programs. These conversion
 in alignment with business objectives of SAP            rules and programs are tested repeatedly in the
 implementation. Toolset selection can be                Q/A or Unit Test environments as illustrated in
 accomplished based on scope of the conversion.          Figure 3.
 Finally, the effort and cost of the conversion can
 be estimated for approval.

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.   -6
Continual Improvement Iterative Process

                                                                                                        Unit Test
                                                                                                                                Integration Test


                                                                       ing E
                            Pull On Demand

                                             Data Staging
                                             Application          Go-Live


                                      Resolutions User Reports
                                                            Figure 3
 Realization (Test) – The purpose of this phase is                 Level prior to Go-Live as illustrated below in figure
 dedicated for testing and refinement of conversion                4. By the end of this realization test phase, the
 rules and programs of the central Data Staging                    central Data Staging & Transformation tool will be
 and Transformation tool. As source data evolves                   tested with full data conversions in 2 to 3 rounds
 in the course of normal business operation over                   of Unit Testing and 2 to 3 rounds of Integration
 the project timeline, new data issues may surface                 Testing.
 and conversion rules may need to be updated or
 refined through the Continual Improvement                         Data Quality with Continual Improvement Process
 Interactive Process. As the target SAP system in                                                                          Transactionable Data Quality Level
 each environments continue to mature into “To-

 Be” production system, data readiness will be                                                                                   Qua
 measured and reported against environment to
 confirm alignment of design and functional
                                                                                 Business Blueprint


 specifications. Through this iterative testing and
                                                                                                                                                        Final Preparation
                                                                                                                                Da Act

 repeatable process, data quality with respect to
                                                                                                                                  ta ivit
                                                                                                                                    Re ies

 readiness will elevate closer toward

 Transactionable Data Quality

                                                                                                          Realization              Realization
                                                                                                            (Build)                  (Test)
                                                                                                                        Project Time Line

                                                                                                                           Figure 4

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.   -7
Final Preparation – Development of the central        About the Author
 Data Staging & Transformation tool is completed
 and cutover activities will be rehearsed 2 to 3       James Chi is the Director of the GROM’s Business
 rounds during this phase. As part of final            Consulting Group Enterprise Solutions Practice and
 production cutover, final source data extractions     has overall delivery responsibilities for all GROM-
 and preparations will be performed and all master     led projects. James joined GROM after spending
 and transactional data will be loaded into the        the last seventeen years delivering SAP solutions
 production environment. Production data               in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and
 reconciliation and validation reports will be         consumer products industries. James’ strong
 prepared to ensure all records are accounted for.     functional background in Supply Chain Planning
 Any additional manual data conversion activities      and Manufacturing Execution has blended to create
 and manual configuration steps in SAP will            a well-rounded business expert with more than
 executed according to conversion plan. Finally,       fifteen years of Project Management experience.
 data owners sign-off the production load and          James has a BE in Electrical Engineering from
 validation reports as required by the SAP             Stevens Institute of Technology.
 implementation project.
 Install / Run / Support – As the purpose of this
 phase is the transition from the pre-production
 environment to live production operation, this
 phase is used to closely monitor system
 transactions, and to optimize system performance.
 From a data conversion perspective, any post go-
 live issues related to data should be investigated,
 resolved, and closed.

Confidential GROM Associates, Inc.   -8

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Establishing A Robust Data Migration Methodology - White Paper

  • 1. Establishing a Robust Data Readiness Methodology Prepared by: James Chi
  • 2. Our Recommended Solution Summary The data readiness strategy and methodology The planning, execution, verification, and described below is the result of an evolutionary documentation of the migration of application data process developed over many SAP from legacy or source systems to SAP are critical implementations with multiple clients in various components to any successful SAP project industry verticals. This methodology is intended to implementation. SAP requires and expects master not only deliver repeatable, predictable, and and transactional data of high quality for the demonstrate results; but also bring visibility to intended process integration benefits to be data quality issues early enough in the project to realized. mitigate them. Data Readiness is, however, one of the most overlooked aspects of an implementation project. Data Readiness Components This is partly because so much emphasis is placed Let us first introduce the distinct components that on re-engineering the business processes that the make up a data migration landscape. As quality and accuracy of data often takes a lesser illustrated in Figure 1, our recommended priority. However, based on our experience, we methodology follows the traditional Extract, would suggest that many SAP implementation Transform, and Load (ETL) data migration projects simply lack the tools and methodologies component model. to systematically identify and perform data readiness and conversion activities and resolve data quality issues. Data Conversion Component Overview Data Export Data Input Source Data Staging Destination Source Applications LSMW Manual Data Collection BDC BDC Direct / iMac via data construction application CATT Manual Data Collection - via Excel and Flat File Custom ABAP Central Data Staging And Transformation Tool Manual Data Collection via SAP Manual Input SAP Systems Extract Transform Load Figure 1 Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -2
  • 3. Data Input Sources These data are subsequently provided to the central Data Staging & Transformation tool Data for the project implementation come from sources as identified in the functional Manual Data Collection in Excel and Flat File – In specifications. The data for loading into SAP either some cases the need to collect data manually that already exists in an electronic format or are does not exist in the source system(s) is served by manually captured in an approved electronic MS-Excel Spreadsheets or Flat Text File. Based on format. Import programs need to be kept as the complexity of the data that is needed, the simple as possible for faster implementation and project team develops and distributes an Excel easier traceability. Import data can come from the spreadsheet application to help facilitate the following sources: manual data collection process. The data is subsequently uploaded to the central Data Staging Source Application Data – Data from source & Transformation tool. systems are either exported into a comma delimited text file or copied tables when ODBC Manual Data Collection in SAP – In certain database connections are available. Data are functional areas, the project can manually collect extracted out of source applications following the data for SAP where data do not exist in source principle of “all data and records” without data systems directly in the SAP system. It is filtering, filtering, translation, or formatting. sometimes advantageous to build SAP data directly in the SAP environment and take advantage of Manual Data Collection – Data may be manually existing pre-defined data value tables and collected in situations where source data does not validation logic. The data is subsequently exist. Based on the complexity and referential extracted from SAP and provided to the central dependency of the collected data, a data Data Staging & Transformation tool. construction application can be developed to help facilitate the manual data collection and validation process. Data Readiness Process Overview Extract Transform Load 1 1 7 2 4 SOURCE Staged s Proces Target TARGET SYSTEMS Process Source Data SYSTEMS Data DATA STAGING Uploaded Up Up APPLICATION Target Data rt rt da po dat po 5 te Re Re e 8 Target Data Source Data Kickouts 3 Kickouts Configuration Team Team Data Owner Referential & Target Data Supplemential Kickouts Data Data Owner 6 Figure 2 Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -3
  • 4. Data Staging Comprehensive Data Readiness Process All master and transactional data loaded into the Let us now describe the steps involved in a robust SAP system should be staged in a central Data and comprehensive data readiness process. The Staging & Transformation tool. This repository overall process is illustrated in Figure 2. receives source data and outputs transformed In order to ensure ongoing execution, target data. It contains source data in its troubleshooting, and problem resolution originally supplied form, all the rules to convert, throughout the data conversion test cycles translate, supplement and format this data into the described in the next section “Data Conversion destination format, and intermediate tables Approach and Methodology”, the Systematic Data required for data readiness processing. The output Readiness Process is followed for each data test from the central Data Staging & Transformation run. Following is a high-level overview of the tool is used as the source of data loads into SAP. process. Commercial ETL tools are designed for the purpose of extracting, transforming, and loading data. These tools should be leveraged on projects where available. On projects where a commercial ETL Step 1: Extraction of Source Data tool is not available, native database tools such as The conversion starts with the extraction of source Microsoft’s DTS or Oracle’s Warehouse Builder can data. This extraction, depending upon its source be used as well. may be a direct ODBC connection, a spreadsheet or flat file created programmatically, or a manually Once staged in their original or approved collection loaded spreadsheet. Original spreadsheets and format, all data is filtered, translated, and flat files must be secured in a centralized location formatted in a traceable and reportable fashion via for audit and validation purposes. In all cases, the execution of individual data rules in the central extract of source data must be accompanied by a Data Staging & Transformation Tool. Exceptions to report that details the contents. A Source Data this rule should only be permitted for manually Reconciliation Report should be produced for each entered data objects. extract and must indicate the total number of records contained in the source. Other metrics Data Export Destination Programs should be supplied for key data fields such as sums, totals, or hash totals of data columns Data is exported from the central Data Staging & contained in the source. This information will be Transformation tool into SAP via standard SAP very important in demonstrating that the source data conversion methods and tools. Data data has been completely and accurately imported programs must be kept as simple as possible to into the central Data Staging & Transformation ensure quick development and better traceability tool. for troubleshooting and reconciliation purposes. These conversion methods and tools are: LSMW – Legacy System Migration Step 2–3: Upload, Process, and Workbench Verification of Extracted Data & Data BDC Programs – Binary Direct Connection Quality Checkpoint One CATT – Computer Aided Test Tool Post Load Custom ABAP The next step in the process begins the upload of Post Load Manual Input data from source applications and manual collection repositories in their native format into the central Data Staging & Transformation tool. It is critical for all data to be imported into the staging tool in an “as-is” format. All source Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -4
  • 5. application tables and/or spreadsheet rows and source data from its original record format to a columns are imported into the staging tool without format that can be read by the SAP data upload any filtering and manipulation. This ensures that programs for loading into SAP. These data staging all data record filtering, translation, harmonization, rules, define the main transformation of the and formatting operations are performed in the filtered source data into data that is coded and staging tool in an approved, auditable, traceable, formatted for SAP upload purposes. All data and reportable fashion via execution of business formatting, filtering, and translation rules are rules at individual source level. based on criteria documented in the functional specifications. Data reconciliation activities are Once the data has been successfully extracted into performed to verify that all required business rules the central Data Staging & Transformation tool, defined in the functional specifications have been the source data is modified according to data completely and accurately applied. filtering rules. Data filtering refers to reducing the dataset based upon rules documented in the Step 5: Data Quality Checkpoint Two functional specifications and business relevancy parameters. This filtering is performed in order to Once the data has been successfully filtered, ensure that only active and relevant data are translated, and formatted, the resulting dataset loaded into SAP. Additionally, source data can can be subject to another set of quality and now be subject to a variety of quality and integrity integrity checks aimed at identifying target data checks to identify source data issues that can integrity and completeness issues. These issues either be resolved in the staging tool as a can be resolved in the staging tool as a transformation rule, resolved in SAP, resolved in transformation rule or be resolved back in the source system. Data records that do not pass key the data construction application, or resolved back quality or integrity checks should be flagged as in the source system. Data records which do not such and omitted from subsequent transformation pass key quality or integrity checks should be and loading steps, and directed to Data Owners for flagged as such and omitted from subsequent correction or clarification. loading steps, and directed to data owners and configuration team for correction or clarification. Data reconciliation activities are also performed. All results are gathered and compared to the Data reconciliation activities are also performed Source Data Reconciliation Report. Results and from the target SAP environment perspective. All Kickouts are provided to Data Owners for review, results are gathered and compared to verify that approval and correction. all required business rules defined in the functional specifications have been completely and accurately Step 4: Transformation of Staged Data applied. Results and kickouts reports are provided to Data Owners and Configuration Team for review Once the source data has been filtered, all source and correction. data are combined into a single staged target SAP data for translation, supplementation and Step 6: Data Supplementation formatting rules specifically designed for the target environment per Design Specifications. Data Following review of target data results and translation refers to replacing source system kickouts reports, data owners have the opportunity coding, groupings, and other source system to inject additional data into the transformation application data characteristics to corresponding process of staged data. Additional data refers to SAP coding, groupings, and data characteristics. missing data component that is required according to functional or SAP system specifications and Supplementation refers to supplying additional referential or required data according to Design cross reference data that mapping legacy data into Specifications that are not available from source new SAP data per Design Specifications. data. Data formatting refers to converting the Configuration team has the opportunity to verify, validate and correct data value needed in target Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -5
  • 6. SAP system in order to load approved staged Project Preparation – This phase is to provide target data without errors. initial preparation and planning for the SAP implementation project, the important data Step 7-8: Loading of Target Data into SAP readiness issues addressed during the project & Final Verification preparation phase are: Subsequent to the successful completion of data Finalization of data migration scope and data quality checks, translated and formatted data will readiness strategy be loaded into SAP via any of the mechanism On-boarding of data team described under the “Data Export Destination Installation of ETL toolset Programs” section of this document and verified Initiation of legacy system connection and for accuracy and completeness. This verification extraction will involve a combination of visual inspection and technical checks including record counts, sums, Business Blueprint – Define the business and or hash totals of data columns contained in processes to be supported by the SAP system and the export files and SAP tables. the functional requirements, data conversion and readiness activities begins with the identification of Data Readiness Approach and data objects which require conversion from the Methodology source application to the SAP system. During this phase, all data and records will be extracted and profiled from source systems, business and SAP Now that we have introduced both data readiness readiness requirements will be defined, and landscape components and process, we can finally Mapping Documentation completed in order for position how this all fits in the lifecycle of an SAP data quality report development. The quality and implementation project. integrity of the source data will assessed What follows is a description of the various data repeatedly during this period. readiness activities as they are executed Realization (Build) – Build the system based throughout the Grom’s Best Practice Data upon the requirements described in the functional Readiness Approach. Grom’s Data Readiness specifications, included in this phase are several Approach is an enhanced, refined and data readiness process development and individual complementary to ASAP methodology that SAP data object testing cycles. During the early part of implementation project is typically followed. realization, functional specifications are developed for the data conversion objects identified during requirements gathering. These design Project Definition – The purpose of this phase is specifications serve as the basis for determining to understand and define data quality baseline and which conversion mechanisms are used and a path forward with respect to data readiness for provide additional functional conversion program SAP implementation. Once data quality baseline development and testing details for a given data has been defined and understood, data migration object. The project team develops all required data and readiness scope can be derived and estimated conversion rules and programs. These conversion in alignment with business objectives of SAP rules and programs are tested repeatedly in the implementation. Toolset selection can be Q/A or Unit Test environments as illustrated in accomplished based on scope of the conversion. Figure 3. Finally, the effort and cost of the conversion can be estimated for approval. Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -6
  • 7. Continual Improvement Iterative Process Business Blueprint Unit Test Environments Integration Test Test Environments ing E Pull On Demand entsv Sources Data Staging Application Go-Live Cutover Rehearsal Environments Results Resolutions User Reports SAP Production Figure 3 Realization (Test) – The purpose of this phase is Level prior to Go-Live as illustrated below in figure dedicated for testing and refinement of conversion 4. By the end of this realization test phase, the rules and programs of the central Data Staging central Data Staging & Transformation tool will be and Transformation tool. As source data evolves tested with full data conversions in 2 to 3 rounds in the course of normal business operation over of Unit Testing and 2 to 3 rounds of Integration the project timeline, new data issues may surface Testing. and conversion rules may need to be updated or refined through the Continual Improvement Data Quality with Continual Improvement Process Interactive Process. As the target SAP system in Transactionable Data Quality Level High each environments continue to mature into “To- Data Go-Live Be” production system, data readiness will be Qua lity measured and reported against environment to confirm alignment of design and functional Business Blueprint Install/Run/Support specifications. Through this iterative testing and Final Preparation Da Act repeatable process, data quality with respect to ta ivit Re ies readiness will elevate closer toward ad Transactionable Data Quality ine ss Realization Realization (Build) (Test) Low Project Time Line Figure 4 Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -7
  • 8. Final Preparation – Development of the central About the Author Data Staging & Transformation tool is completed and cutover activities will be rehearsed 2 to 3 James Chi is the Director of the GROM’s Business rounds during this phase. As part of final Consulting Group Enterprise Solutions Practice and production cutover, final source data extractions has overall delivery responsibilities for all GROM- and preparations will be performed and all master led projects. James joined GROM after spending and transactional data will be loaded into the the last seventeen years delivering SAP solutions production environment. Production data in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and reconciliation and validation reports will be consumer products industries. James’ strong prepared to ensure all records are accounted for. functional background in Supply Chain Planning Any additional manual data conversion activities and Manufacturing Execution has blended to create and manual configuration steps in SAP will a well-rounded business expert with more than executed according to conversion plan. Finally, fifteen years of Project Management experience. data owners sign-off the production load and James has a BE in Electrical Engineering from validation reports as required by the SAP Stevens Institute of Technology. implementation project. Install / Run / Support – As the purpose of this phase is the transition from the pre-production environment to live production operation, this phase is used to closely monitor system transactions, and to optimize system performance. From a data conversion perspective, any post go- live issues related to data should be investigated, resolved, and closed. Confidential GROM Associates, Inc. -8