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Essay on Memorable Day
Memorable Day
Drip, drop, drip, drop; it's the sound of light rain on the window of my small, cramped hotel room in New York City. I pray that the sound will just
drift away to nothingness and bring back the heavy sounds of the city. I wait patiently in the early morning darkness, which the rain has brought to
my window waiting for some kind of sign of a hot New York day. Of all the days to rain, why did it have to be this day? The one full day I have to
spend in New York and get to know the city. The plans of walking, sightseeing, and browsing the many stores have come to an end due to the loud
sounds of big fat rain drops hitting the pavement. The rain, which only moments before was small with a promise of stopping soon, was
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I could hardly control my anticipation while we were standing in line to pay. After purchasing our tickets I was given a small pin as proof that yes, I
was apart of the history that is protected by four strong cemented walls. Just being in the museum is like being in a candy store with every tempting
piece of history begging to be looked at and touched if permitted. I was eager to begin my quest as an explorer of new territory just waiting to put my
claim on the exhibit that caught my attention the most.
The first exhibit that started the day was the Ancient Egyptians. My husband and I entered a structure of an old Ancient Egyptian Pyramid. I can
only imagine what it really would be like to actually have been apart Egyptian history. The wall of the pyramid had many different hieroglyphs in a
language I wish I could read and understand. There are signs posted that give a translation of what is being said, but I would have preferred to be
able to read it on my own. As we continued on our tour we entered room after room of writings, pictures and statues of Egyptian art. One of the great
rooms we entered had a single Egyptian building on a small island of water. I could picture people living or working by the Nile River. The structure
of the stone was incredible; I have never seen anything grander than this single building.
After leaving the Egyptians behind I began to realize that the Met is not just a museum of
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The most memorable day of my life is the day I came to America from Sierra Leona. I remember that day just like it was yesterday. I was 13 years
old when I first heard that I was coming to United States. One day I was in my room sitting down thinking about going to my best friend`s house
for some girls talk with her when I heard my aunt calling my name saying that my daddy`s on the phone asking to talk to me. I was kind of
surprised at first, because I always had the feeling that my dad had forgotten about me. I went in the living room and took the phone from my
aunty so I can respond to my daddy`s call. My dad all of the sudden starts apologizing to me and later on said baby guess what. I responded with what
dad. I was very curious at that time, than he said in a very low, baby you are coming to America. I was so shocked and was in tears for at least 5
seconds, but they were tears of joy. The next day was the greatest day of my life; I got my coming to America heir style done by my aunt's friend
miss Angelo's. She offers to braid my hair for free and not only that but also offers to take me out for shopping. I felt like I was the luckiest girl in
the world, I felt like I was going to heaven. I thought I would never be poor again in my life, to me back in the days, coming to America is like
going to haven, but I guess my mind was deceiving me. Everybody in the whole house where I used to leave at honored me for the first time, and all
that was just because they found out
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What Is The Most Memorable Day Of My Life
One memorable day in my life was when my grandmother threw me a big surprise birthday party on my birthday which was Aug,19th . My party was
at chuckycheeses by east point mall so my sister help my grandma out she act like we was going to the mall to go shopping and I was like no I don't
want to go shopping I want to go to chuckycheeses and my sister kept saying no your too old for chuckycheeses now I was mad. So she went to the
mall and was walking around for like 2 hours I was like is this all we going do today then somebody call my sister phone and was like meet me a
chuckycheeses so we got in the car and drove down the street .when we arrived at chuckycheeses it was empty like it probably was only like a good 10
people sister friend came up to the car and was like lets go play so games and order some pizza so we went in the building .when we got in
chuckycheeses all the people that was in there stop what they was doing and was looking at us like a celebrity just walked in the door well it was one
me the birthday girl .so I sat down at a table while my sister and her friend went to order some coins and pizza but instead she bought a big cake out
that said happy 7th birthday Karena all my cousins and my grandma and some other people jumped out and more content...
I cut everybody a slice a cake my brother came behind me a smash a piece of cake right in my face I started to cry it got in my hair but my grandma
got it out and try to cheer me up by saying lets open all the gifts . I opened the biggest one which was from my grandma and it was a doll baby
playhouse the all pink and white that came with two dolls and I also got a life–size doll baby she was light skin with brown hair she was almost my we packed all my gifts up and we was on my home
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Essay about The Most Memorable Day of My Life
Gisela Lopez
Ms. S. Nylander
English 1A
August 26, 2012
The Most Memorable Day of my Life
The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high
school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think
of is the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the mean teachers, the hard tests, and of course being a freshman does not help
either. The bus ride to the school was only 30 minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day
ahead of me was about to get a lot more content...
Their names were Susan and Alicia. I called them over and I talked with Susan and Alicia. That is when I introduced myself, then they did the
same and we began to know more about each other, Susan and Alicia asked me where I was from and I said, "I am from Puerto Rico." Then I
asked Susan and Alicia where they were from and Susan said, "She was from New York" and Alicia said, "She was from Indiana". After that, we
spent the rest of the day together until the class was over. I will always remember that day because I had a chance to meet new friends. In addition, I
met the most important friends that I have ever had.
As the school year progressed, I made many more friends that are new and even joined a club. This club was just for members of the football team,
the student staff, and the cheerleaders. My friends and I became members because we were the team equipment managers. The name of our club was
the dog pound. We had t–shirts and worked all the school events when the football team was involved, such as the home coming game and pep rallies,
we had fun all year long. My friends and I were even members of the food service program. We cooked and served meals for different events and for
different people in the school all year long. We also had cooking competitions were we won different types of awards and sometimes we were offered
scholarships to different cooking schools. My friend Asia and I also joined the JROTC class where we were
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A Memorable Day Essay : A Memorable Day
A Memorable Day
4:00 am, August, 3,2017 I remember that day, every day of the week. It was a day never to forget forever. The day I found out my world turned in
around just a second. I was in a deep sleep and I heard a deep cry from my mom. Right when I heard that immediately thought of the worse I
thought my dad had died. So my body felt empty inside. But then my mom came and told my brother and me and the terrible news. I was so sad
when she told me I thought I just lost half of my heart. And that was the day we were supposed to spend a whole week with him. My whole week
was going to be filled with many different places. My Uncle Joel was a special part of my life and that was just taken from me in a more
On Sunday my aunt and her kids went to get my uncle's ashes to show and bring to the family but then they left. So the rest of us planned to go
somewhere and to get a hotel because there would be too many people at my aunt's house. But that last night we went to get ice cream and then we
went home the next day. But the funny thing is that my dad got a flat tire on our way home. A couple days later we went up on Friday to go to six
flags because we had really been sad the whole week and we wanted to have a little fun and my uncle loved six flags. After that we went to my
aunt's house to hang out with her before we had to go to the hotel. We did not do much other than just sit around and talk I did not do a lot I talked
to my cousin most of the time and other family members and played with people's dogs. Some of the dogs were so cute and adorable.In additon,
we had a late night swim in there pool.Then we headed back to the hotel and we swam again and my grandma actually went in the hot tub with us
it was weird.Then we went to sleep to end the day we were staying at a fancy hotel. The day of my uncle's funeral was here.They brought his bike to
the place to drive it with my aunt and they put in front of the door with a wood board that said my uncle's name and a motorcycle.After that we had
to go and put up boards with pictures of my uncle on it.The people setting up for the funeral had lots of food and it was very good food.And
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My Day With My Family
I believe that I feel the most comfortable when I am home with my family. Any activity we do together is amazing. Whether it's watching a movie
together, having dinner, or having something to talk about. There is always a time of the day where we just have a good laugh about something
that happened throughout the day. I know my family will always be there for me and I will do the same for them. I believe that I am blessed to
have such a loving, caring, and compassionate family. I believe when times are tough, my family is my true comfort. Even if it's the smallest thing
like a headache or stomachache I feel better with just my mom doing anything for me to feel better. I don't need medicine to heal the smallest
pains; all I need is my family's love. I've never looked at another family and thought, "wow they have an amazing relationship, i am jealous".
Sometimes I do the opposite because I never had thought wrong about my family even when we're aggravated sometimes. I remember during the
summer we would have a cookout every single Saturday and Sunday. We would all get together and have my dads "special asadas". Which are a
special steak well done with allot of lime and spices. We would sit there for hours eating and having a beer. We would call close friends that we even
call family. I believe there is no perfect life or perfect family. I believe my family will overcome anything that causes pain or misery. I believe that we
are in full control of our own wellness, both
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The Most Memorable Days Of My Life
"It'll all be fine" I kept telling myself throughout one of the most memorable days of my life. I had been training for my "Open Water Certificate"
in order to be able to dive 18 meters: opening up my eyes to a whole new world under the water. A series of turn in events made what I had expected
to be a pleasant experience, similar to my previous dives, turned into one of the most tormenting experiences of my life. An important event in one's
life can transpire to create emotional, or physical scars which teach one to trust their instincts, and learn when it is appropriate to be assertive. My
trainer, Assad, said that the other boat was too crowded, and even though me and partner, James, were booked to go on that scuba trip, he said it'd be
more enjoyable if he take another boat just the three of us. We packed up the boat with all the necessary equipment and an excessive amount of
refreshments to quench our relentless thirst that consumes you in the 43ВєC heat of the summer Arabian sun. Assad also said he would prefer to not
do the long boat ride we had previously scheduled, and instead we could explore a closer dive site, even though he, nor anyone in the dive school had
ever tested it before. We anchored the boat, and began the detailed process of assembling our equipment, something we had practiced exactly twelve
times in the weeks before, so we were well experienced. Then came putting on our wetsuits, when I found out my instructor had brought along the
wrong one,
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The Most Memorable Day Of A Wedding
Three Weeks After a Wedding, the Bride Can't Remember Him. Then, the Groom Does One Amazing Thing.
Their wedding was the most memorable day of their life. After a tragic accident, the bride forgot everything about the event. The disappointment turned
to joy after the groom did one surprising thing.
Patrick and Justice met five years ago. Their romance had seemed like a fairytale. From the moment they met, it was love at first sight. Patrick felt
butterflies in his stomach as he realized that she was the woman for him. Unfortunately, both of their families disapproved of the relationship. Despite
everyone's disapproval, the couple stayed together. Three weeks ago, Patrick and Justice tied the knot at a beautiful wedding ceremony.
They were supposed to live happily ever after, but fate had something else in store for them. Shortly after the wedding, Justice was driving home
alone. A different driver failed to stop at the red light and slammed into the driver's side of Justice's car. The accident left her with minor injuries and a
cracked rib. After the accident, Patrick patiently nursed his lovely wife back to health.
– Insert a picture of Justice and Patrick holding hands at their wedding.
Life would be easier, but their families did not get along. Long ago, Justice's mother and Patrick's father had had an affair. The affair nearly ruined their
marriages, and it left a lasting resentment between the families. When their parents
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The Most Memorable Days Of My Life
This one is not entirely my fault. Embarrassing moments stay with you for a long time, filed in a folder named "Why did this have to happen."
My embarrassing moment in particular, I will never live down. How was I supposed to know Disney Junior isn 't as popular among twelve year
olds as it is five year olds? Or that multiple people could have a similar name that could easily get mixed up? All I know is that somebody should
have warned me prior to commencing my journey to what would soon become one of the most memorable days of my life.
It was a warm, cloudy afternoon. I was on my way to Gilbert High School, for play practice. On my way to the high school I was accompanied by the
Mesquite theatre participants. There was a buzz through more content...
Multi – colored lights were shining every which way. As I walked through the aisle, I could tell that I wasn 't the only one who thought that what we
all were experiencing an incredible moment together. Looking around I spotted Max a few feet ahead of me.
"Hey!" I shouted, "Wait up!"
"Did you guys hear something?" murmured Sarabella, Max 's best friend.
"I didn 't." replied Max. "It was probably just some little kid."
"Yeah," agreed the rest of the group. Apparently, they hadn 't heard me, which made me feel exceedingly frustrated.
Following them closely, I couldn 't hear anything due to the noise. Wanting to convince everyone around me that I was part of the group, I began to
mirror everything that everyone in the group was doing. I laughed, gasped, and booed when they did. We quickly reachedthe stage and began to climb
the steel steps. I was tired of being left out of the conversation. Finally, I built up the courage to actually join the group. Pushing, shoving, and
elbowing people out of my way. I reached my destination in the middle. I got to the center of the group just in time to hear Max say shockingly "Can
you believe Mateo did that?
"Oh, you watch 'Elena of Avalor'?" I blurted out without thinking.
Almost simultaneously, everyone turned towards me with the same "what–are–you–talking–about" look. I stared right back at them puzzled about why
I was receiving these looks. "What are you talking about?" Max questioned.
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Memorable Experience Essay
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being
the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my
drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me
and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just
knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to more
Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and
hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat
every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved
driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a
broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered
forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of
driving has dulled significantly since I receive many traffic tickets and went through a period of license suspension. But, still, that day remains the
best day of my life. The day I received my drivers' license will never be forgotten for as long as I
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Most Memorable Day Of My Life Essay
Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The most difficult paths often lead to the most beautiful destinations". (Emerson, 2007, p.213) The happiest, most
memorable day of my life was also the hardest day of my life. That day started with a regular doctor's appointment, then the Labor and Delivery
Ward, and finishing with a happy and healthy baby boy. A regular day, a regular appointment nothing out of the ordinary; but some how, out of what
had become a weekly routine, an unimaginable nightmare happened. Then a hospital, the Labor and Delivery Ward, becomes a prison that I couldn't
escape. Finally, through it all a happy and healthy baby gets to go home. From the beginning to the end, this is a memory that I love but can send a
shiver down my spine, a reminder that no matter how hard a person can try, no one has complete control. January 19th seemed like an normal day, with
the exception of a doctor's appointment. This was something I had become accustomed to by my 34th week of pregnancy. Once I had gotten to the
doctors office and had checked myself in, I was called back to the examination room. A nurse who I have never seen before comes in to check my
vitals, a typical routine visit. Then she asked me the question that would change my life forever, something no one had asked me in a very long
time. "Have you felt your baby move today?" Such a simple question. As I thought back I realized I hadn't felt him move at all that day, which was
very odd for my little football player. Without another word the nurse left the room. I had found the look on her face concerning but before I could
think anymore into it, my doctor came in. She seemed mildly concerned but didn't lead on much more. She told me she wanted me to do a fetal
stress test just to make sure he wasn't soundly sleeping. A fetal stress test is basically drink an ice cold super concentrated Gatorade. After drinking
this diabetes in a bottle, they take me back to the ultrasound tech to see if she could see him moving. After several attempts of her pushing on my
stomach, I was sure she would have bruised me, he still wouldn't budge. My doctor came in and I could see the worry and almost shear panic in her
face. She told me that she couldn't see anything wrong
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Most Memorable Day Of Life Essay
The most memorable day of life was when my cousin, Dwayne, and I decided we were going to see a movie. The new Fast and Furious movie had
just come out, and we thought it would be nice to take our girlfriends. Before we went to the movies, we took a drive which we call "the eastern
ride." It's a very pleasant ride with nice wind beautiful night skies. We put on some romantic music and when we got to this spot called "Point
Udall," there were some guys over there at the time that we didn't know, but we really didn't pay them no mind. That is just how my cousin and I
were at the time. We never paid attention because we never caused trouble at all. But when It came to us, we were ready for it. So when one of the
guys started talking nonsense to my cousin, I was standing there and just smiling in my head. I was like who is this guy really talking to? I told my
cousin, "don't bother with that." That is not the match we usually look for and we left.
On our way to the movies, he was heated about it because he is one person that when he is ready to do something, it's over– just like me. Especially for
the type of people we are, but anyway, we arrived to the movies and before we came out the car, I told him "we came out to have a good time. Don't let more content...
He was still made, so he was cursing at the police asking them why he was getting in trouble when all he did was sit down and watch a movie and
have people mess with him. So the officer asked "how did they messed with you ?" He said "they was throwing stuff after us." So the officers started
laughing and asked if we wanted to go to jail for people throwing stuff. My cousin asked the police officer how he would feel if people threw stuff at
him and he said he didn't know. And my cousin said, "exactly." Then they turned to me and asked me where thegun was. I didn't know what they were
talking about, so he told me " you want to play stupid, I can put you in cuffs and play stupid
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Describe A Memorable Day In Your Life
Shante Fox Exam: 98609801 Student Id: 21803485 Describe a memorable day in your life. п»їTo choose one memorable time in my life is not an easy
task. There are many occasions in my life that stand out, many even prepared me to be the woman I am today. One of those moments, the day my
daughter was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That day was my first lesson in patience and fueled my ability in research.
Yes, I admit I was very nervous and concerned. I educated myself by reading numerous books. You could even go as far as to say I was obsessed
with everything I heard and read about ADHD. I wanted to become knowledgeable and not just take the word of others. I became so involved in the
research I felt as though I knew everything there was to know about the disorder, not true; each child is unique in their own right, everything I could
get my hands on, no measure of research could explain or prepare me for what my daughter was dealing with. In turn, I put the instruction guide away
and learned from my daughter, her feelings, her actions, her triggers, and her frustrations. I wanted to allow Taylor, my daughter, to teach me her
Mother, what she needed from me, no longer what her diagnosis needed. I will say this, the journey has been long and rough. Various medications,
issues at school, many trips to various Doctors, change of diet, isolation, and even Taylor's declination of self–worth at times. I blamed myself a lot of
times, especially when
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A Memorable Day
A Memorable day in my life, was, when I went to Walt Disney World. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My Trip to Disney World was the
most joyous time in my life. There were so, many things to do, for the whole family to enjoy. My trip Walt Disney World was like a fantasy.
Visiting Walt Disney World was more like, an escape from the real world. Visiting Walt Disney World Was an experience. I had the chance to see all
of the Disney Characters , That, I've seen on television come to life there.
b.When I went to Walt Disney World, My family and I, stayed at a beautiful Resort, Which was "Old Key West". The Resort more content...
If you want to escape from reality Walt Disney World is the place to be. For a moment there, During my stay at Walt Disney World, I forgot about the
real world. I forgot about home. Thats how much fun I had at Disney World.
f.During My Visit to Walt Disney World I bought so, many souvenirs back. I bought a beautiful souvenir from a place called Morocco, inWalt Disney
World. Morocco is a replica of the Real Country In the Middle East. I bought a beautiful Moroccan top and skirt, that, I bought for my self. Moroccan
food was very delicious as well. I also bought a souvenir back for my Nephew, who was 2 years old at the time. I have to tell you, the Price of food
there was so, expensive.
g.Animal kingdom is another one of my favorite place at Walt Disney World. There is a big beautiful tree called, The "Tree Of Life" The trunk of
the tree are carves of all different types of animals . Animal Kingdom at Disney World has a beautiful Safari Ride , that takes you on a journey
through the Safari. The Jeep was so, much fun. we rode through the safari and had a chance to see all of the live animals. All of the Animals were
roaming free. That was a beautiful sight to
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My Most Memorable Moment In My Life
The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. One of
my most memorable moments of my life was the first time I went to Disney Land I was terrified but because of this trip I found out how to face my
The loud sounds of flying planes over me reminded me one of the scariest things I've seen on tv crashing in a plane. I didn't want to even go near
the plane but I had to my parents paid thousands for me to go on this trip so I stepped forward on the flimsy bridge that connects the loud airport to
the metal coffin plane. I knew I was a wimp but I had enough respect to do what my parents wanted me to do. "Flight to Las Angeles now
departing." Were those the last words I would hear besides me screaming to my death? The plane took off it wasn't bad at all maybe I wouldn't die
but time will tell. After an hour on the plane I realized I was going to be ok. Two hours had passed and I really enjoyed this then over the loud
speaker, "Now landing in Las Angeles please tighten seat belts as we land." The pilot stated. The landing, the death of me? But when we touched the
ground it wasn't bad felt a mild bump that was all more fun than scary. On the way off the plane I looked into the cockpit that might be me one day.
That was the day I came over my fear of planes and actually made me want to be a pilot soaring over the skies seeing the tiny people this became my
We checked into our hotel and stayed their for the night thinking about the experince I had on the plane, and thinking about the rides I would go on
tomorrow. Most kids would be excited and thrilled but my ten–year–old self a coward self was scared. The next day we went on a bus to the front gates
of Disney Land. I entered very anxious for if I would puke or as my mind seemed set on dyeing. They said this place was magical I made up this
stupid thing where if I would step on certain tiles on the road I would be fine. I stepped up to Splash Mountain still only stepping on the red tiles of
the road. I climbed the walk way to the top of the "mountain" and stepped into the log flume ride. I thought I might drown in the foot of water fall off
the ride and
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The Most Memorable Day Of The Day
A tomato, crispy bacon, barbecue sauce, these are just a few of the names I was called on this horrible day. In my family, the beach is our more
preferred, second home. However, this day didn't leave a good mark on that statement. The main points of this horrible day were that I got horrendously
sunburned, I ruined my clothes, and only slept for 3 hours.
If you've ever had a sunburn you know it's not pleasant. Imagine my pain when I could barely walk or lie down for days. It all started when my
family decided to go to the beach for the day. We took my friend and my sister's boyfriend with us. It was a relatively cloudy day with the exception
of some sun, so when we realized we had no sunscreen we thought it would be okay. Even with the sun being covered, the heat and humidity was
overwhelming. Getting in the water wasn't any better due to the extreme heat, it felt like a hot tub. Surprisingly, few people were there, seeing as
AMI is a really popular beach, we were confused. It was a beautiful day despite the fact that my body was roasting. I knew I was going to be burned,
however to what extent was left unknown. Towards the end of the day, at 6pm my family and I began to pack up our things and head out. We decided
it would be a good idea to get something to eat, we were all starved. Little did I know what was awaiting me at the restaurant.
We arrive at the restaurant and we are immediately seated. Witnessing the wince on everybody's faces, including mine,
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The Most Memorable Day Of My Life
I remember this day like it was yesterday! The most memorable day of my life was becoming an uncle! The night before, I got from work around
ten and I had the next couple days off from work. So I decided to buy some pizza rolls, Red Bull, and play video games all night. That night I went
to bed around 4 in the morning. Two hours later my mom got a call that will forever make the most memorable day of my entire life. At six o'clock
in the morning, the most unexpected thing happened. My mother got a call from my brother Brian who lives down in West Palm Beach saying
that Lindsey my sister in law is in labor and the baby is possibly due today. As soon as my mom found out, she ran out of my bed and woke up my
two brothers and I. My mom barged in into my room turned on the light and told me to get up. But I didn't understand why she wanted to get up.
With the light shining bright at my face, I went back to bed. A couple minutes later my mom came yelling, "Get up! Lindsey is in labor, pack some
clothes and we are leaving in 20 minutes!" When she told me that, I couldn't believe it! It took me a minute to get it wrapped around my head. I
hopped right out of bed pack a change of clothes and toiletries and we headed out the door. There we were on the road, he hoped on I 75 but
something horribly went wrong, my father missed the exit to get on I 4 and he was unaware that he missed it. So we were driving for the past twenty
minutes on I75 south. My dad started to question himself
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What Is Working For Me Essay
WHY ISN'T ANYTHING WORKING FOR ME TODAY was my one and only thought as I sat through the usual boredom of math. From this event,
I learned that one must be always responsible for his or her items. Otherwise, he or she might have to live through a day like mine, which would be
remembered as one of the most memorable day ever in my life. I will always be responsible for my things, and always check to see if I have everything.
"Make sure to brainstorm ideas for your essay by Monday," Mrs.Jones, my language art teacher, said, "and please read." As I packed my stuff and
headed toward the science class in the C–Pod, which wasn't so far away from the A–Pod, I didn't know anything of the fact that would trouble me
throughout the last period. more content...
When Mrs.Khor unlocked the door to let us in, I walked over to my seat, slumped down on it, took out a book from my backpack, and began to
read. When the bell rang, indicating that SSR was over, I grudgingly put my AR, or Accelerated Reader, book back into my backpack. Mrs.Khor
told the class to write answers to the four reflection questions based on the activity assigned over Wednesday(school day) and Thursday(no school),
so that's what I did, on journal page 28. When she told us to get a Chromebook and begin working on a new assignment, I followed her instructions
and did so, until the end of class. I hurriedly picked up my stuff, or my backpack and my lunchbox, and ran toward my next and last class of the week,
J8, for 7–8 math.
I walked over to my seat and bent down to put my lunchbox and my P.E. bag under the chair. Suddenly, something hit me. I didn't have my P.E. bag! I
frantically retraced on my memories for the previous hour, but there weren't only one possibility. There were three possibilities! As Ithought about my
three options, which was the stairs by the tree, the benches by the C–Pod, and Classroom J2, my computer science class, I took out my agenda to write
down my homework. However, when I did, the agenda bookmark, also my only handy ruler, was gone, too! I have more important things to think
about, I told myself, as I took out my pencil case to write down the
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My Most Memorable Day Of My Life
Easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung: thanks Google for the definition of nervous, but according to my first date that's
an understatement. My first date was not only the most memorable day of my life ,but also the most embarrassing. From the first kiss to the
hospital, December 20th was no typical first date. Even though I love a crowd, this is a little difficult to share, nevertheless i'm going to tell you
guys about the most memorable day of my life, My dreadful most disastrous, yet astounding first time that I went on a date with a boy. December
20th 2016 seven forty five pm, I was sitting in my room contemplating on what to wear, meanwhile i couldn't get out of my mind that i was going
on a date with a popular, very attractive, yet very reserved guy. After long hours of searching for the best outfit ever i finally found out what i was
wearing.Once i got it on, i remember my brother knocking on my room door, once i opened the door he had squirted red water out of his nerf gun
all over my wonderful first date outfit. I was so enraged with him, after hours of searching for the right outfit it was all covered in red dyed water.
Within the next few minutes my phone rang, and there he was my date saying he was on his way, i started diving into my sloppy closet searching
and searching and i couldn't find not one thing to wear. I started to get nervous and panicky. I called my friend Meagan and asked her if she had a
cute outfit that i could borrow she showed me this most beautiful dress, it was all black lace, long ,sleek and fitted, I would most definitely be the
most stunning girl at the restaurant. Meanwhile, I could not believe my eyes, I looked absolutely stunning. I shined like a black moon on
beautiful,gleamy summer night, my hair blew in the winds breeze like a gusty autumn day. "Beep Beep", there he was outside ready and waiting
for me to come outside, it was like my prince charming arriving in his magical mystical chariot to pick up me the princess. When i got into his car,
he wouldn't stop staring at me and he offered me a can of coke. Knowing me ofcourse i took the drink, I cracked a crooked smile and said "sure". Once
he gave me the soda he started making
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Essay On Memorable Day

  • 1. Essay on Memorable Day Memorable Day Drip, drop, drip, drop; it's the sound of light rain on the window of my small, cramped hotel room in New York City. I pray that the sound will just drift away to nothingness and bring back the heavy sounds of the city. I wait patiently in the early morning darkness, which the rain has brought to my window waiting for some kind of sign of a hot New York day. Of all the days to rain, why did it have to be this day? The one full day I have to spend in New York and get to know the city. The plans of walking, sightseeing, and browsing the many stores have come to an end due to the loud sounds of big fat rain drops hitting the pavement. The rain, which only moments before was small with a promise of stopping soon, was more content... I could hardly control my anticipation while we were standing in line to pay. After purchasing our tickets I was given a small pin as proof that yes, I was apart of the history that is protected by four strong cemented walls. Just being in the museum is like being in a candy store with every tempting piece of history begging to be looked at and touched if permitted. I was eager to begin my quest as an explorer of new territory just waiting to put my claim on the exhibit that caught my attention the most. The first exhibit that started the day was the Ancient Egyptians. My husband and I entered a structure of an old Ancient Egyptian Pyramid. I can only imagine what it really would be like to actually have been apart Egyptian history. The wall of the pyramid had many different hieroglyphs in a language I wish I could read and understand. There are signs posted that give a translation of what is being said, but I would have preferred to be able to read it on my own. As we continued on our tour we entered room after room of writings, pictures and statues of Egyptian art. One of the great rooms we entered had a single Egyptian building on a small island of water. I could picture people living or working by the Nile River. The structure of the stone was incredible; I have never seen anything grander than this single building. After leaving the Egyptians behind I began to realize that the Met is not just a museum of Get more content on
  • 2. The most memorable day of my life is the day I came to America from Sierra Leona. I remember that day just like it was yesterday. I was 13 years old when I first heard that I was coming to United States. One day I was in my room sitting down thinking about going to my best friend`s house for some girls talk with her when I heard my aunt calling my name saying that my daddy`s on the phone asking to talk to me. I was kind of surprised at first, because I always had the feeling that my dad had forgotten about me. I went in the living room and took the phone from my aunty so I can respond to my daddy`s call. My dad all of the sudden starts apologizing to me and later on said baby guess what. I responded with what dad. I was very curious at that time, than he said in a very low, baby you are coming to America. I was so shocked and was in tears for at least 5 seconds, but they were tears of joy. The next day was the greatest day of my life; I got my coming to America heir style done by my aunt's friend miss Angelo's. She offers to braid my hair for free and not only that but also offers to take me out for shopping. I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world, I felt like I was going to heaven. I thought I would never be poor again in my life, to me back in the days, coming to America is like going to haven, but I guess my mind was deceiving me. Everybody in the whole house where I used to leave at honored me for the first time, and all that was just because they found out Get more content on
  • 3. What Is The Most Memorable Day Of My Life One memorable day in my life was when my grandmother threw me a big surprise birthday party on my birthday which was Aug,19th . My party was at chuckycheeses by east point mall so my sister help my grandma out she act like we was going to the mall to go shopping and I was like no I don't want to go shopping I want to go to chuckycheeses and my sister kept saying no your too old for chuckycheeses now I was mad. So she went to the mall and was walking around for like 2 hours I was like is this all we going do today then somebody call my sister phone and was like meet me a chuckycheeses so we got in the car and drove down the street .when we arrived at chuckycheeses it was empty like it probably was only like a good 10 people sister friend came up to the car and was like lets go play so games and order some pizza so we went in the building .when we got in chuckycheeses all the people that was in there stop what they was doing and was looking at us like a celebrity just walked in the door well it was one me the birthday girl .so I sat down at a table while my sister and her friend went to order some coins and pizza but instead she bought a big cake out that said happy 7th birthday Karena all my cousins and my grandma and some other people jumped out and more content... I cut everybody a slice a cake my brother came behind me a smash a piece of cake right in my face I started to cry it got in my hair but my grandma got it out and try to cheer me up by saying lets open all the gifts . I opened the biggest one which was from my grandma and it was a doll baby playhouse the all pink and white that came with two dolls and I also got a life–size doll baby she was light skin with brown hair she was almost my we packed all my gifts up and we was on my home Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about The Most Memorable Day of My Life Gisela Lopez Ms. S. Nylander English 1A Narrative August 26, 2012 The Most Memorable Day of my Life The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of is the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the mean teachers, the hard tests, and of course being a freshman does not help either. The bus ride to the school was only 30 minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day ahead of me was about to get a lot more content... Their names were Susan and Alicia. I called them over and I talked with Susan and Alicia. That is when I introduced myself, then they did the same and we began to know more about each other, Susan and Alicia asked me where I was from and I said, "I am from Puerto Rico." Then I asked Susan and Alicia where they were from and Susan said, "She was from New York" and Alicia said, "She was from Indiana". After that, we spent the rest of the day together until the class was over. I will always remember that day because I had a chance to meet new friends. In addition, I met the most important friends that I have ever had. As the school year progressed, I made many more friends that are new and even joined a club. This club was just for members of the football team, the student staff, and the cheerleaders. My friends and I became members because we were the team equipment managers. The name of our club was the dog pound. We had t–shirts and worked all the school events when the football team was involved, such as the home coming game and pep rallies, we had fun all year long. My friends and I were even members of the food service program. We cooked and served meals for different events and for different people in the school all year long. We also had cooking competitions were we won different types of awards and sometimes we were offered scholarships to different cooking schools. My friend Asia and I also joined the JROTC class where we were Get more content on
  • 5. A Memorable Day Essay : A Memorable Day A Memorable Day 4:00 am, August, 3,2017 I remember that day, every day of the week. It was a day never to forget forever. The day I found out my world turned in around just a second. I was in a deep sleep and I heard a deep cry from my mom. Right when I heard that immediately thought of the worse I thought my dad had died. So my body felt empty inside. But then my mom came and told my brother and me and the terrible news. I was so sad when she told me I thought I just lost half of my heart. And that was the day we were supposed to spend a whole week with him. My whole week was going to be filled with many different places. My Uncle Joel was a special part of my life and that was just taken from me in a more content... On Sunday my aunt and her kids went to get my uncle's ashes to show and bring to the family but then they left. So the rest of us planned to go somewhere and to get a hotel because there would be too many people at my aunt's house. But that last night we went to get ice cream and then we went home the next day. But the funny thing is that my dad got a flat tire on our way home. A couple days later we went up on Friday to go to six flags because we had really been sad the whole week and we wanted to have a little fun and my uncle loved six flags. After that we went to my aunt's house to hang out with her before we had to go to the hotel. We did not do much other than just sit around and talk I did not do a lot I talked to my cousin most of the time and other family members and played with people's dogs. Some of the dogs were so cute and adorable.In additon, we had a late night swim in there pool.Then we headed back to the hotel and we swam again and my grandma actually went in the hot tub with us it was weird.Then we went to sleep to end the day we were staying at a fancy hotel. The day of my uncle's funeral was here.They brought his bike to the place to drive it with my aunt and they put in front of the door with a wood board that said my uncle's name and a motorcycle.After that we had to go and put up boards with pictures of my uncle on it.The people setting up for the funeral had lots of food and it was very good food.And Get more content on
  • 6. My Day With My Family I believe that I feel the most comfortable when I am home with my family. Any activity we do together is amazing. Whether it's watching a movie together, having dinner, or having something to talk about. There is always a time of the day where we just have a good laugh about something that happened throughout the day. I know my family will always be there for me and I will do the same for them. I believe that I am blessed to have such a loving, caring, and compassionate family. I believe when times are tough, my family is my true comfort. Even if it's the smallest thing like a headache or stomachache I feel better with just my mom doing anything for me to feel better. I don't need medicine to heal the smallest pains; all I need is my family's love. I've never looked at another family and thought, "wow they have an amazing relationship, i am jealous". Sometimes I do the opposite because I never had thought wrong about my family even when we're aggravated sometimes. I remember during the summer we would have a cookout every single Saturday and Sunday. We would all get together and have my dads "special asadas". Which are a special steak well done with allot of lime and spices. We would sit there for hours eating and having a beer. We would call close friends that we even call family. I believe there is no perfect life or perfect family. I believe my family will overcome anything that causes pain or misery. I believe that we are in full control of our own wellness, both Get more content on
  • 7. The Most Memorable Days Of My Life "It'll all be fine" I kept telling myself throughout one of the most memorable days of my life. I had been training for my "Open Water Certificate" in order to be able to dive 18 meters: opening up my eyes to a whole new world under the water. A series of turn in events made what I had expected to be a pleasant experience, similar to my previous dives, turned into one of the most tormenting experiences of my life. An important event in one's life can transpire to create emotional, or physical scars which teach one to trust their instincts, and learn when it is appropriate to be assertive. My trainer, Assad, said that the other boat was too crowded, and even though me and partner, James, were booked to go on that scuba trip, he said it'd be more enjoyable if he take another boat just the three of us. We packed up the boat with all the necessary equipment and an excessive amount of refreshments to quench our relentless thirst that consumes you in the 43ВєC heat of the summer Arabian sun. Assad also said he would prefer to not do the long boat ride we had previously scheduled, and instead we could explore a closer dive site, even though he, nor anyone in the dive school had ever tested it before. We anchored the boat, and began the detailed process of assembling our equipment, something we had practiced exactly twelve times in the weeks before, so we were well experienced. Then came putting on our wetsuits, when I found out my instructor had brought along the wrong one, Get more content on
  • 8. The Most Memorable Day Of A Wedding Headline: Three Weeks After a Wedding, the Bride Can't Remember Him. Then, the Groom Does One Amazing Thing. Summary: Their wedding was the most memorable day of their life. After a tragic accident, the bride forgot everything about the event. The disappointment turned to joy after the groom did one surprising thing. Introduction: Patrick and Justice met five years ago. Their romance had seemed like a fairytale. From the moment they met, it was love at first sight. Patrick felt butterflies in his stomach as he realized that she was the woman for him. Unfortunately, both of their families disapproved of the relationship. Despite everyone's disapproval, the couple stayed together. Three weeks ago, Patrick and Justice tied the knot at a beautiful wedding ceremony. They were supposed to live happily ever after, but fate had something else in store for them. Shortly after the wedding, Justice was driving home alone. A different driver failed to stop at the red light and slammed into the driver's side of Justice's car. The accident left her with minor injuries and a cracked rib. After the accident, Patrick patiently nursed his lovely wife back to health. – Insert a picture of Justice and Patrick holding hands at their wedding. Life would be easier, but their families did not get along. Long ago, Justice's mother and Patrick's father had had an affair. The affair nearly ruined their marriages, and it left a lasting resentment between the families. When their parents
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  • 10. The Most Memorable Days Of My Life This one is not entirely my fault. Embarrassing moments stay with you for a long time, filed in a folder named "Why did this have to happen." My embarrassing moment in particular, I will never live down. How was I supposed to know Disney Junior isn 't as popular among twelve year olds as it is five year olds? Or that multiple people could have a similar name that could easily get mixed up? All I know is that somebody should have warned me prior to commencing my journey to what would soon become one of the most memorable days of my life. It was a warm, cloudy afternoon. I was on my way to Gilbert High School, for play practice. On my way to the high school I was accompanied by the Mesquite theatre participants. There was a buzz through more content... Multi – colored lights were shining every which way. As I walked through the aisle, I could tell that I wasn 't the only one who thought that what we all were experiencing an incredible moment together. Looking around I spotted Max a few feet ahead of me. "Hey!" I shouted, "Wait up!" "Did you guys hear something?" murmured Sarabella, Max 's best friend. "I didn 't." replied Max. "It was probably just some little kid." "Yeah," agreed the rest of the group. Apparently, they hadn 't heard me, which made me feel exceedingly frustrated. Following them closely, I couldn 't hear anything due to the noise. Wanting to convince everyone around me that I was part of the group, I began to mirror everything that everyone in the group was doing. I laughed, gasped, and booed when they did. We quickly reachedthe stage and began to climb the steel steps. I was tired of being left out of the conversation. Finally, I built up the courage to actually join the group. Pushing, shoving, and elbowing people out of my way. I reached my destination in the middle. I got to the center of the group just in time to hear Max say shockingly "Can you believe Mateo did that? "Oh, you watch 'Elena of Avalor'?" I blurted out without thinking. Almost simultaneously, everyone turned towards me with the same "what–are–you–talking–about" look. I stared right back at them puzzled about why I was receiving these looks. "What are you talking about?" Max questioned. "I Get more content on
  • 11. Memorable Experience Essay Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to more content... Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive many traffic tickets and went through a period of license suspension. But, still, that day remains the best day of my life. The day I received my drivers' license will never be forgotten for as long as I Get more content on
  • 12. Most Memorable Day Of My Life Essay Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The most difficult paths often lead to the most beautiful destinations". (Emerson, 2007, p.213) The happiest, most memorable day of my life was also the hardest day of my life. That day started with a regular doctor's appointment, then the Labor and Delivery Ward, and finishing with a happy and healthy baby boy. A regular day, a regular appointment nothing out of the ordinary; but some how, out of what had become a weekly routine, an unimaginable nightmare happened. Then a hospital, the Labor and Delivery Ward, becomes a prison that I couldn't escape. Finally, through it all a happy and healthy baby gets to go home. From the beginning to the end, this is a memory that I love but can send a shiver down my spine, a reminder that no matter how hard a person can try, no one has complete control. January 19th seemed like an normal day, with the exception of a doctor's appointment. This was something I had become accustomed to by my 34th week of pregnancy. Once I had gotten to the doctors office and had checked myself in, I was called back to the examination room. A nurse who I have never seen before comes in to check my vitals, a typical routine visit. Then she asked me the question that would change my life forever, something no one had asked me in a very long time. "Have you felt your baby move today?" Such a simple question. As I thought back I realized I hadn't felt him move at all that day, which was very odd for my little football player. Without another word the nurse left the room. I had found the look on her face concerning but before I could think anymore into it, my doctor came in. She seemed mildly concerned but didn't lead on much more. She told me she wanted me to do a fetal stress test just to make sure he wasn't soundly sleeping. A fetal stress test is basically drink an ice cold super concentrated Gatorade. After drinking this diabetes in a bottle, they take me back to the ultrasound tech to see if she could see him moving. After several attempts of her pushing on my stomach, I was sure she would have bruised me, he still wouldn't budge. My doctor came in and I could see the worry and almost shear panic in her face. She told me that she couldn't see anything wrong Get more content on
  • 13. Most Memorable Day Of Life Essay The most memorable day of life was when my cousin, Dwayne, and I decided we were going to see a movie. The new Fast and Furious movie had just come out, and we thought it would be nice to take our girlfriends. Before we went to the movies, we took a drive which we call "the eastern ride." It's a very pleasant ride with nice wind beautiful night skies. We put on some romantic music and when we got to this spot called "Point Udall," there were some guys over there at the time that we didn't know, but we really didn't pay them no mind. That is just how my cousin and I were at the time. We never paid attention because we never caused trouble at all. But when It came to us, we were ready for it. So when one of the guys started talking nonsense to my cousin, I was standing there and just smiling in my head. I was like who is this guy really talking to? I told my cousin, "don't bother with that." That is not the match we usually look for and we left. On our way to the movies, he was heated about it because he is one person that when he is ready to do something, it's over– just like me. Especially for the type of people we are, but anyway, we arrived to the movies and before we came out the car, I told him "we came out to have a good time. Don't let more content... He was still made, so he was cursing at the police asking them why he was getting in trouble when all he did was sit down and watch a movie and have people mess with him. So the officer asked "how did they messed with you ?" He said "they was throwing stuff after us." So the officers started laughing and asked if we wanted to go to jail for people throwing stuff. My cousin asked the police officer how he would feel if people threw stuff at him and he said he didn't know. And my cousin said, "exactly." Then they turned to me and asked me where thegun was. I didn't know what they were talking about, so he told me " you want to play stupid, I can put you in cuffs and play stupid Get more content on
  • 14. Describe A Memorable Day In Your Life Shante Fox Exam: 98609801 Student Id: 21803485 Describe a memorable day in your life. п»їTo choose one memorable time in my life is not an easy task. There are many occasions in my life that stand out, many even prepared me to be the woman I am today. One of those moments, the day my daughter was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That day was my first lesson in patience and fueled my ability in research. Yes, I admit I was very nervous and concerned. I educated myself by reading numerous books. You could even go as far as to say I was obsessed with everything I heard and read about ADHD. I wanted to become knowledgeable and not just take the word of others. I became so involved in the research I felt as though I knew everything there was to know about the disorder, not true; each child is unique in their own right, everything I could get my hands on, no measure of research could explain or prepare me for what my daughter was dealing with. In turn, I put the instruction guide away and learned from my daughter, her feelings, her actions, her triggers, and her frustrations. I wanted to allow Taylor, my daughter, to teach me her Mother, what she needed from me, no longer what her diagnosis needed. I will say this, the journey has been long and rough. Various medications, issues at school, many trips to various Doctors, change of diet, isolation, and even Taylor's declination of self–worth at times. I blamed myself a lot of times, especially when Get more content on
  • 15. A Memorable Day A Memorable day in my life, was, when I went to Walt Disney World. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My Trip to Disney World was the most joyous time in my life. There were so, many things to do, for the whole family to enjoy. My trip Walt Disney World was like a fantasy. Visiting Walt Disney World was more like, an escape from the real world. Visiting Walt Disney World Was an experience. I had the chance to see all of the Disney Characters , That, I've seen on television come to life there. b.When I went to Walt Disney World, My family and I, stayed at a beautiful Resort, Which was "Old Key West". The Resort more content... If you want to escape from reality Walt Disney World is the place to be. For a moment there, During my stay at Walt Disney World, I forgot about the real world. I forgot about home. Thats how much fun I had at Disney World. f.During My Visit to Walt Disney World I bought so, many souvenirs back. I bought a beautiful souvenir from a place called Morocco, inWalt Disney World. Morocco is a replica of the Real Country In the Middle East. I bought a beautiful Moroccan top and skirt, that, I bought for my self. Moroccan food was very delicious as well. I also bought a souvenir back for my Nephew, who was 2 years old at the time. I have to tell you, the Price of food there was so, expensive. g.Animal kingdom is another one of my favorite place at Walt Disney World. There is a big beautiful tree called, The "Tree Of Life" The trunk of the tree are carves of all different types of animals . Animal Kingdom at Disney World has a beautiful Safari Ride , that takes you on a journey through the Safari. The Jeep was so, much fun. we rode through the safari and had a chance to see all of the live animals. All of the Animals were roaming free. That was a beautiful sight to Get more content on
  • 16. My Most Memorable Moment In My Life The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. One of my most memorable moments of my life was the first time I went to Disney Land I was terrified but because of this trip I found out how to face my fears. The loud sounds of flying planes over me reminded me one of the scariest things I've seen on tv crashing in a plane. I didn't want to even go near the plane but I had to my parents paid thousands for me to go on this trip so I stepped forward on the flimsy bridge that connects the loud airport to the metal coffin plane. I knew I was a wimp but I had enough respect to do what my parents wanted me to do. "Flight to Las Angeles now departing." Were those the last words I would hear besides me screaming to my death? The plane took off it wasn't bad at all maybe I wouldn't die but time will tell. After an hour on the plane I realized I was going to be ok. Two hours had passed and I really enjoyed this then over the loud speaker, "Now landing in Las Angeles please tighten seat belts as we land." The pilot stated. The landing, the death of me? But when we touched the ground it wasn't bad felt a mild bump that was all more fun than scary. On the way off the plane I looked into the cockpit that might be me one day. That was the day I came over my fear of planes and actually made me want to be a pilot soaring over the skies seeing the tiny people this became my dream. We checked into our hotel and stayed their for the night thinking about the experince I had on the plane, and thinking about the rides I would go on tomorrow. Most kids would be excited and thrilled but my ten–year–old self a coward self was scared. The next day we went on a bus to the front gates of Disney Land. I entered very anxious for if I would puke or as my mind seemed set on dyeing. They said this place was magical I made up this stupid thing where if I would step on certain tiles on the road I would be fine. I stepped up to Splash Mountain still only stepping on the red tiles of the road. I climbed the walk way to the top of the "mountain" and stepped into the log flume ride. I thought I might drown in the foot of water fall off the ride and Get more content on
  • 17. The Most Memorable Day Of The Day A tomato, crispy bacon, barbecue sauce, these are just a few of the names I was called on this horrible day. In my family, the beach is our more preferred, second home. However, this day didn't leave a good mark on that statement. The main points of this horrible day were that I got horrendously sunburned, I ruined my clothes, and only slept for 3 hours. If you've ever had a sunburn you know it's not pleasant. Imagine my pain when I could barely walk or lie down for days. It all started when my family decided to go to the beach for the day. We took my friend and my sister's boyfriend with us. It was a relatively cloudy day with the exception of some sun, so when we realized we had no sunscreen we thought it would be okay. Even with the sun being covered, the heat and humidity was overwhelming. Getting in the water wasn't any better due to the extreme heat, it felt like a hot tub. Surprisingly, few people were there, seeing as AMI is a really popular beach, we were confused. It was a beautiful day despite the fact that my body was roasting. I knew I was going to be burned, however to what extent was left unknown. Towards the end of the day, at 6pm my family and I began to pack up our things and head out. We decided it would be a good idea to get something to eat, we were all starved. Little did I know what was awaiting me at the restaurant. We arrive at the restaurant and we are immediately seated. Witnessing the wince on everybody's faces, including mine, Get more content on
  • 18. The Most Memorable Day Of My Life I remember this day like it was yesterday! The most memorable day of my life was becoming an uncle! The night before, I got from work around ten and I had the next couple days off from work. So I decided to buy some pizza rolls, Red Bull, and play video games all night. That night I went to bed around 4 in the morning. Two hours later my mom got a call that will forever make the most memorable day of my entire life. At six o'clock in the morning, the most unexpected thing happened. My mother got a call from my brother Brian who lives down in West Palm Beach saying that Lindsey my sister in law is in labor and the baby is possibly due today. As soon as my mom found out, she ran out of my bed and woke up my two brothers and I. My mom barged in into my room turned on the light and told me to get up. But I didn't understand why she wanted to get up. With the light shining bright at my face, I went back to bed. A couple minutes later my mom came yelling, "Get up! Lindsey is in labor, pack some clothes and we are leaving in 20 minutes!" When she told me that, I couldn't believe it! It took me a minute to get it wrapped around my head. I hopped right out of bed pack a change of clothes and toiletries and we headed out the door. There we were on the road, he hoped on I 75 but something horribly went wrong, my father missed the exit to get on I 4 and he was unaware that he missed it. So we were driving for the past twenty minutes on I75 south. My dad started to question himself Get more content on
  • 19. What Is Working For Me Essay WHY ISN'T ANYTHING WORKING FOR ME TODAY was my one and only thought as I sat through the usual boredom of math. From this event, I learned that one must be always responsible for his or her items. Otherwise, he or she might have to live through a day like mine, which would be remembered as one of the most memorable day ever in my life. I will always be responsible for my things, and always check to see if I have everything. "Make sure to brainstorm ideas for your essay by Monday," Mrs.Jones, my language art teacher, said, "and please read." As I packed my stuff and headed toward the science class in the C–Pod, which wasn't so far away from the A–Pod, I didn't know anything of the fact that would trouble me throughout the last period. more content... When Mrs.Khor unlocked the door to let us in, I walked over to my seat, slumped down on it, took out a book from my backpack, and began to read. When the bell rang, indicating that SSR was over, I grudgingly put my AR, or Accelerated Reader, book back into my backpack. Mrs.Khor told the class to write answers to the four reflection questions based on the activity assigned over Wednesday(school day) and Thursday(no school), so that's what I did, on journal page 28. When she told us to get a Chromebook and begin working on a new assignment, I followed her instructions and did so, until the end of class. I hurriedly picked up my stuff, or my backpack and my lunchbox, and ran toward my next and last class of the week, J8, for 7–8 math. I walked over to my seat and bent down to put my lunchbox and my P.E. bag under the chair. Suddenly, something hit me. I didn't have my P.E. bag! I frantically retraced on my memories for the previous hour, but there weren't only one possibility. There were three possibilities! As Ithought about my three options, which was the stairs by the tree, the benches by the C–Pod, and Classroom J2, my computer science class, I took out my agenda to write down my homework. However, when I did, the agenda bookmark, also my only handy ruler, was gone, too! I have more important things to think about, I told myself, as I took out my pencil case to write down the Get more content on
  • 20. My Most Memorable Day Of My Life Easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung: thanks Google for the definition of nervous, but according to my first date that's an understatement. My first date was not only the most memorable day of my life ,but also the most embarrassing. From the first kiss to the hospital, December 20th was no typical first date. Even though I love a crowd, this is a little difficult to share, nevertheless i'm going to tell you guys about the most memorable day of my life, My dreadful most disastrous, yet astounding first time that I went on a date with a boy. December 20th 2016 seven forty five pm, I was sitting in my room contemplating on what to wear, meanwhile i couldn't get out of my mind that i was going on a date with a popular, very attractive, yet very reserved guy. After long hours of searching for the best outfit ever i finally found out what i was wearing.Once i got it on, i remember my brother knocking on my room door, once i opened the door he had squirted red water out of his nerf gun all over my wonderful first date outfit. I was so enraged with him, after hours of searching for the right outfit it was all covered in red dyed water. Within the next few minutes my phone rang, and there he was my date saying he was on his way, i started diving into my sloppy closet searching and searching and i couldn't find not one thing to wear. I started to get nervous and panicky. I called my friend Meagan and asked her if she had a cute outfit that i could borrow she showed me this most beautiful dress, it was all black lace, long ,sleek and fitted, I would most definitely be the most stunning girl at the restaurant. Meanwhile, I could not believe my eyes, I looked absolutely stunning. I shined like a black moon on beautiful,gleamy summer night, my hair blew in the winds breeze like a gusty autumn day. "Beep Beep", there he was outside ready and waiting for me to come outside, it was like my prince charming arriving in his magical mystical chariot to pick up me the princess. When i got into his car, he wouldn't stop staring at me and he offered me a can of coke. Knowing me ofcourse i took the drink, I cracked a crooked smile and said "sure". Once he gave me the soda he started making Get more content on