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The Scarcity Of Fossil Fuels
The purpose of this paper is to provide an environmental scan and explore issues pertaining to the
scarcity of fossil fuels. It will briefly explore the transition from historical energy sources to the
primary use fossil fuels. Why is this a dangerous global issue? What are the effects of said issue as it
pertains to the social, economic, and political landscapes? It will also assert how Abraham Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs (1943) is impacted by fossil fuel depletion. Finally, some recommendations will
be offered regarding fossil fuels and future exploration, implementation, and utilization of more
renewable energy resources.
Discussion of Global Issue
From the dawn of civilization, mankind has sought after some sort of power source more
As technologies advanced and more inventions became widely available, societies began to move
away from use of those sources and towards fossil fuels for a variety of reasons. In England, for
example. even prior to the Industrial Revolution, demand was so great and coal so much more
efficient than traditional energy sources, it quickly replaced the use of biomass (wood) as the
primary energy source (Allen, 2012). In addition, building upon what was already known about
combustion energy and coupling that with new discoveries such as the steam engine, fossil fuels
were a ticket towards progress all over the world (Mumford, 1935, p. 156). As these processes were
streamlined, the 18th century saw a huge growth in transportation initiatives, urbanization and
population, and the physiological needs of food, water, and shelter, all on the bottom of Maslow's
pyramid (1943), were met with greater ease. An example of this growth can be found in the United
States westward expansion. The United States, still a relatively young independent country in the
19th century, would not have experienced such swift westward development without the steam
engine. Although groups of people attempted to take advantage of available land out West, it was not
until the first coal powered transcontinental railroads were established that the largest
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A Report On Fossil Fuels Essay
Fossil Fuels
Year 8 Semester 2 Technology Mandatory Assignment 2016
Matthew Kearney
In the past Australia has been known as 'The lucky country' due to its climate, size and abundance
of natural resources such as coal. For many years Australia has mined these resources and exported
them all over the world for use in energy production. Mining accounted for 9.6% of Australia's total
$1451.1 billion dollar gross domestic profit (GDP) in the financial year 2011–2012. This means that
almost 1 in every 10 dollars made by Australia came from mining our natural resources, but what
impact does this have? And what will happen if/when they run out?
Describe in detail what fossil fuels are and how they are formed.
A 'fossil fuel' is a general term for organic materials that decayed and buried millions of years ago.
These fuels can be burnt to process or extract high quantities of energy, the main reason behind their
prevalence in society. When burnt however, fossil fuels produce greenhouse gasses, making them a
harm to the Earth's natural balance and health.
The creation of fossil fuels occurs when a large quantity of plankton (microscopic organisms) fall to
the bottom of the sea and are covered in layers of mud. As the layers became thicker, the temperature
begins to rise, solidifying the mud and creating rocks that contain fossil fuels, being coal or crude oil.
These two main fossil fuels can then be used to create or form other products.
List three examples of fossil fuels and
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Fossil Fuels Essay
The Crisis with Fossil Fuels
Have you ever thought about where your electricity comes from? What the petroleum your car runs
on is made of? What produces all the energy you see?
Coal, oil, and natural gas make up the list of major fossil fuels. Almost all energy produced in the
United States comes from burning these highly important fuels. That energy powers almost all of
our electricity and all of our transportation. We as the people of this very planet are currently in a
crisis because fossil fuels are non–renewable; once they are gone, they are gone. There is no chance
of recreating them for more use. To be able to rest easy about losing these fossil fuels, alternative
fuel sources need to be found that can substitute more content...
and causes greenhouse gases. Therefore, even though fossil fuels are needed and depended on, they
also destroy the Earth.
Burning any kind of fossil fuel, means pollution of some sort. –The use of fossil fuels in this high
rate is causing substantial amounts of harmful effects on the Earth. Many people think about the
animals of the sea because the way we use the fuel is harming fresh water supply causing people to
really worry about the fish, but take a larger look at the economically–important living systems that
are depleting like forests. Let my research also add, fossil fuels are the largest emitters of
greenhouse gases in the world. This has led to global warming (greenhouse effect– "The greenhouse
effect is a natural phenomenon that is responsible for the relatively high temperature maintained on
Earth's surface and in its atmosphere. The name comes from the process by which greenhouses are
thought to collect and hold heat" UXL Encyclopedia of Science) and the depletion of resources. At
present, the worldwide burning of coal, oil, and natural gas releases billions of tons of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Even if the fuel is low in sulfur, the atmosphere contains
nitrogen, which combines with oxygen at the high burning temperatures found in boilers or car
engines. This yields nitrogen oxides, which like sulfur dioxide, dissolves in rain to form nitric acid.
Some of these include air and water pollution
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Persuasive Essay On Fossil Fuels
According to the World Bank Data, 93% of the world's energy resources is supplied by fossil fuels.
One of the problems is that fossil fuels are non–renewable. They are limited in supply and will one
day be depleted.
Fossil fuels are formed from plants and animals that lived hundreds of million of years ago died and
were gradually buried by layers of rock.
Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. Oil powers most of the transportation sector. Coal and
natural gas power most of our electricity. At the rate of our consumption, these fuels cannot occur
fast enough to meet our current of future energy demands.
Now, in the first couple decades of the 21st century, in order to sustain our dependence on fossil
fuels we're going to very risky, very extreme new sources. You see this, in things like mountain top
removal for coal, fracking for natural gas, offshore drilling for oil, and the tar sands, which is the
most devastating form of producing fossil fuels. They take away massive forests, the water in the
streams, and rivers is poisoned. It has severe impacts on the wildlife, on native communities, and it
requires a huge amount of energy to simply get it to our fuel tanks.
All our modes of transportation, boats, trains, planes, cars, the way we produce our food, the way
we build our cities, almost everything we do releases carbon dioxide and that leads to climate
change. The polar ice caps will melt, the seas will start to rise, there will be more dangerous weather
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Fossil Fuels Essay
Fossil Fuels
In the world today the environment affects everything. The environment affects what buildings can
be built to what the climate will be and even fossil fuels. The environment affects fossil fuels in a
variety of ways. Without the environment we would have no fossil fuels. Then because of the fossil
fuels that are created, they pollute and harm the environment. Interesting how something that is
created by the environment can damage itself. Fossil fuels can even cause personal health issues to
arise. Fossil Fuels are important to our economy but someway we should find them to only benefit
the environment positively.
The process of how fossil fuels are created is very interesting. It all starts with an animal
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Fossil fuel, in the form of fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanization, is what is holding this system
together. Unfortunately it is also a major factor in what's undermining it, causing problems such as a
decline in biodiversity, and environmental problems and human health issues relating to released
toxins (Young). We need to figure something out.
What do all fossil fuels have in common? They must be transported. When this occurs accidents
can happen. For example, when oil is spilled into the sea how horrific is that. Just don't think of the
short term such as animals dying and the economical loses, but how bout long term. The oil can
stay in the sea for decades. You just can't clean it up like a Kool–Aide spill. It has traumatic effects
(Rabalis). When we find coal what are we doing to the ground. The top soil is being skinned and
not used for anything. Due to the stripping on top soil, its possible for acidic water to run off into
creeks. Not only is the land being destroyed but even the water is being affected. All the pollutants in
the air cause some harmful chemicals. The chemicals that can be created are carbon monoxide (CO)
and unburnt hydrocarbons and sulfur and nitrogen oxides.
In conclusion fossil fuels bring much more negatives to the table than positives when it comes to the
environment. Certain Fossil Fuels can cause health issues and all I know is that I don't want to die
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Fossil Fuels And The Global Warming
When a person walk into a room, flip a switch and the light is turned on, this is due to fossil fuels.
When a person up your computer or laptop to surf the web or do homework, this is also due to
fossil fuels. Fossil fuels control the world as we know it today from powering our electronic
devices, running our cars, improving our health and taking us into the depths of space. Without
fossil fuels, society would inversely live like the people before the industrial era. However, as
revealed just a few decades ago, fossil fuels are not without unintentional negative consequences.
Even though fossil fuels have transformed the world as we know it, fossil fuels are scarce and
causes ecological destruction through pollution, fracking and global warming.
Before explaining the hazards of fossil fuels, we must investigate what fossil fuels are and what
fossil fuels yield. Fossil fuels are "non–renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and
animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock" (Department Of Energy). These fuels
are mined from the earth using methods like oil derricks and coal mines. When these fuels are
burned off in plants, they produce power which is converted into energy and is sent on via power
lines to millions of people. In cars and airplanes, oil is combusted in the cylinders which propels the
crankshafts and runs the vehicle. As a consequence of these fuels being burned, the residues are
dispersed into the air and more fuel is required to
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Energy and the Environment: Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuels are one of the most important things on this planet to the human race. Without fossil
fuels we wouldn't have today's current means of transportation, we would have less heating for the
general population, energy uses would be more expensive, and overall the economy and the world
would not be able to sustain themselves. Even still, the fact that fossil fuels are on this planet will
never change, but how we use them and what impacts their use has will always be an issue.
Even though fossil fuels provide for the most percentage of energy usage in the world, there is still
the issue of pollution and other environmental impacts. Just oil and natural gas alone provide for
more than more content...
Global warming is mainly caused due to carbon dioxide trapping the sun's radiation and keeping it
within the Earth's atmosphere. The fact that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide is why their
use has such an impact on global warming. "Over the last 150 years, burning fossil fuels has resulted
in more than a 25 percent increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere" (union of
concerned scientists). This statistic gives enough support to the fact that fossil fuels and their use are
fueling the global warming situation.
Another issue related to the use of fossil fuels is acid rain. Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxides
in the air and has been increasing due to the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, which
ultimately pollutes the waterways. The main fact is that "burning coal produces sulfur dioxide, an
acidic gas that contributes to the formation of acid rain" (Darvill). Coal is used to produce about
30 percent of the energy in the US. With this very large number, it can be seen that the amount of
acid rain will be greatly reduced if we can burn less amounts or use cleaner burning methods in order
to protect the environment.
After learning a great deal about fossil fuels one can see that they are obviously NEEDED by the
human population and that their use is inevitable. On the other hand, fossil fuels may lead to
substantial, and irreversible,
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Essay on Fossil Fuels
Part One – Introduction Fossil Fuels are the most important energy sources in our world today. The
overwhelming majority of the huge amount of energy used in the world comes from the burning of
three major fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are a non–renewable source of
energy, and there is no other . They are formed over a very long period of time; the fossil fuels on
earth today were formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago. These
fossil fuels are found in deposits deep beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to release the
chemical energy that is stored within this resource. Energy is essential to modern society as we
know it. Over 85% of our energy demands are met by more content...
Bituminous coal is jet black, very dense, and brittle. This type of coal has high heating value.
The main point of this is that all of these fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. It may come as a
surprise that these two elements, hydrogen and carbon, can create many, many different compounds
with unique characteristics. What makes hydrocarbons valuable to our society is the stored energy
stored within them. The original source of this energy is all the solar energy the prehistoric
organisms trapped in their bodies millions of years ago, and the energy is released by simply
burning the fossil fuels.
Part Three В– Uses of Fossil Fuels: Combustion, Drilling, and Refining
While Fossil fuels have been around long before humans even discovered fire, our prehistoric
ancestors had no use for them. Fossil fuels first major use was to produce heat and light in the late
1800's, as well as running steam locomotives. There were early automobiles too, but these vehicles
were more of a luxury than a way of life. It wasn't until the 1940's that fossil fuels were used for
technological processes. The reason fossil fuels uses were developed is that engineers and inventors
had government support and extra incentive to develop fossil fuel technologies, this incentive was
war. World War II because it was fought nearly exclusively by mechanized warfare fossil fuel had to
be developed to run the thousands of tanks and planes that dominated the war. From then on, usage
and development
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Fossil Fuel : Fossil Fuels Essay
Fossil fuels play a huge part in our nations backup power. While clean energy is becoming popular
for main energy, fossil fuels are relied on for backup energy for industry and commercial buildings.
Different types of fossil fuels have been used throughout history. Coal and its byproduct has been
used to fuel and improve industry. While green energy is becoming the newest and cleanest form of
energy, the transition between the two will have be dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels play an
important role in emergency energy.
In industry and commercial business, power is crucial to function. From simple things like time
clocks, to equipment, power is needed for production. Even after the transition from fossil fuels to
clean renewable energy we may still rely on fossil fuels as a last resort. We are already seeing the
automotive industry beginning the transition, yet still relying on fossil fuels. Cars today are being
made to use generated electricity to power an automobile. When that electricity becomes low,
whether it is from long distance driving or a problem with the system the fossil fuel backup kicks in
to power the car. In our advancement between the two energy's, this thought process could be used
with industrial and commercial buildings. A hospital is a building that needs to be powered 24
hours a day 7 days a week. Without power their capabilities would be severely limited and could be
catastrophic. We can look at other buildings that rely on power to
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The Causes And Effects Of Fossil Fuels
Humanity has had thousands of years on Planet Earth to indulge in the many resources Earth has to
offer. Over the years of trial and error within industry, innovation, and creation, humanity began to
destroy the planet without recognizing the dangers that would come to be in later years. Causes and
effects of pollution became increasingly aware to the population, as respiratory diseases began to rise
in numbers. Pollution is the product of human industry. Innovators are forced to find new ways to
keep up with the rapid growth of the population by any means resulting in the deterioration of Earth
and its exhaustible resources. The environment and the population has suffered from many negative
influences that must be prevented in order to ensure the existence of future generations. Industry and
the population is highly dependent upon fossil fuels. Though greener alternatives to the burning of
fossil fuels have been presented, none have been nearly as efficient enough as the burning of fossil
fuels. Emission testing for gas–powered forms of transportation have helped to reduce excessive
carbon dioxide levels into the atmosphere, though total emissions increased in the United States
from 1990 to 2007 (Rogers). The burning of fossil fuels has remained the most efficient source of
energy for years. As the population continues to grow, an increased dependency on fossil fuels will
also continue to grow. According to a source from Bizfluent from the U.S Energy Information
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Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewable Energy Essay
Abstract – The world can't be imagined without IC Engines ,as their applications are wider in
various fields. And mainly used input for this engines are fossil fuels. But the challenge in this is
decreasing rate of resources. The fossil fuels may not be available after some years if they used in
the same way .Not only the fossil but also the electric power is the non renewable energy, This paper
concentrates to run the engine without fossil fuels or electricity.
Keywords – IC Engines, fossil fuels , non renewable energy
In today's motorized life , It's difficult to live without motor (Engines) and the main source of it's
input power is fossil fuels & partly electric power. In future these fuels or electricity may not be
available widely as they are non renewable energies. So, it may be difficult to use engine with the
fuels. Not only the problem of lack of resources but also but also they pollutes the environment. If
the fossil fuels are used in this way for some more years ,It may difficult to breath in the future and
many things which are harmful to the earth may happen like global warming .this may leads in
danger to the lives of creatures. To solve this problems compressed air technology (CAT) was
invented, and again the problem in this is input power. The air may be freely available in the
atmosphere , but it needs to be compressed to use and the power it needs for compression is
electrical energy , which is also a non– renewable energy.
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Essay on Fossil Fuel Leads to Pollution
INTRODUCTION With the increase in population, there has been consistent demand in every arena
for fuel. Human life is largely dependent on material things. These material things are produced and
transported with the help of fuel driven mediums, but fuel is largely amassed in very few countries
of the world especially middle– East countries. With the growth of the economy and consumption,
the governments of many countries of the world are striving hard to find an alternative to the fossil
fuel which is slow & gradually depleting .Moreover, the fossil fuel leads to pollution and bad effects
on human health. Keeping this into mind, bio–diesel would be natural choice for countries largely
dependent on import so as to utilize the more content...
Waste cooking oil (WCO), which is cheaper than edible vegetable oil, is a promising alternative to
edible vegetable oil (6). Waste cooking oil and animal oils set forth significant disposal problems in
many parts of the world. This environmentally–threatening problem could be turned into all the
economical, waste management and environmental benefit by properly using and management of
waste cooking oil as a fuel replacement. Many developed countries have set policies that punish
the disposal of waste cooking oil into waste drainage (7, 8). The Energy Information
Administration (EIA) in the United States (USA) estimated that around 100 million gallons of
waste cooking oil are produced per day in the USA, where about 9 pounds of waste cooking
oil(WCO) are generated per person per year [9]. The estimated amount of waste cooking oil collected
in Europe is about 0.49 – 0.7 million gallons/day [10]. Waste cooking oil, as an alternative
feed–stock for bio–diesel, was studied with different aspects such as optimization using supercritical
methanol (SCM) trans–esterification, process design and technological assessment, fuel property
analysis and cost estimation approaches [11–13].In this work, we have carried out experiments for
the bio–diesel production from waste cooking oil(WCO) using conventional trans–esterification
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Fossil Fuels And Renewable Energy Essay
Finding energy sources is an issue that polarizes scientists, politicians and citizens alike. The most
critical points of this debate are at fossil fuels and renewable energy. Energy efficiency is arguably
the most dire concern facing the planet, because it significantly impacts all areas of everyday life.
Common ground can be found in this controversy because both parties do agree that humans have a
responsibility to future generations. That responsibility is to preserve the resources of the Earth,
while offering this generation energy that is affordable and accessible.
Many people contend that fossil fuels, while being the most cost effective source of energy, have
detrimental effects on the environment. Others argue that fossil fuels have little negative
environmental impact and that producing alternative energy is too economically prohibitive to be
feasible. In 2010, the Gallup Poll conducted a national poll that found half of the Americans
surveyed favored expanding energy production via fossil fuels even if it harms the environment.
This was the case in nearly every major demographic subgroup, although self–identified liberals
remained constant in supporting environmental protection as the higher priority (McDermott).
Of these two types of energy production, fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal make up about ninety
percent of the world's energy usage. Nuclear power takes up five percent of this equation, with the
remaining renewable energy resources splitting
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Fossil fuels are an important part of life. When you turn on the lights, watch TV, or take a shower,
the electricity that you are using is being generated by fossil fuels. The three types of fossil fuels
are coal, crude oil, and natural gas. They all take millions of years to form, so they are considered to
be "non–renewable"– eventually, the fossil fuels will all be used up. One dangerous biological
effect of using fossil fuels is ocean acidification. Extracting and transporting fossil fuels can also be
very dangerous. Environmentally damaging accidents such as groundwater contamination, land
subsidence, and oil spills occur frequently. Global warming is another possible environmental effect.
Fossil fuels have a crucial role in more content...
Lignite is the softest coal. Further compression and aging caused the lignite coal to change into
bituminous coal. Bituminous is a soft, black, brittle material that is extremely flammable and
produces a lot of ash and sulfur when burned. This is the type of coal that is mined in the
Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, and the Colorado Plateau. Heat and pressure then turn
bituminous into anthracite. Anthracite is the final stage of coal, and is composed almost entirely of
carbon. Lignite and bituminous coal are sedimentary, while anthracite is metamorphic. Anthracite is
only found where pressure and heat were very great. It doesn't produce as much heat as bituminous
coal, but it burns longer without as much residue. There are anthracite fields in Pennsylvania and
Great Britain (U.S Energy Information Administration).
The formation of the other two fossil fuels (crude oil and natural gas) took millions of years just like
coal. Oil and gas come from the remains of small animals and plants. Long ago, when the animals
and plants died, they sank to the bottom of the sea. The dead matter formed a large mass, which
over time was covered by layers of sand, silt, and mud. As the weight of the sediment increased, the
mass became more and more compressed. Then, the heat and pressure of the Earth eventually turned
the mass into oil and gas. If the heat applied during the formation was low, then more oil was
produced than gas. If the temperature was
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The World's Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay
Fossil Fuels
The day was Black Friday. Around the world people are purchasing goods and services that they
may or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to
change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I
found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means
that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How
will the world function without crude oil? I believe our driving habits, consumption of goods,
technological research and emphasis on conserving crude oil plus finding a substitute must be
addressed now by the world.
Oil was not more content...
With the world having a higher dependency on coal, it will likely not last as long as predicted.
If the population of the United States wants crude oil to last longer, its going to take men, women
and children to contribute to the issue. Making fewer trips to the store, vacation choices closer to
home, finding a job closer to your home and so on. One clear solution is for people to drive
smaller fuel efficient cars. Hybrids like the Prius are a good example. The Prius may be more
pricier than other cars, but in the long run it will save you money on gas (Micheline Maynard).
Plus because it is running on electricity part of the time, if not all the time, so it is better for our
air quality. Carpooling has and is also a great way to save fuel. Everyday I drive to Northgate by
myself. I was able to find three others people at school to carpool with and we could save 75% of
the fuel needed each day. Another solution is to ride bikes more often, walk more, or use mass
transit like BART whenever possible. Conserving energy at home and in the workplace is also a
great solution to saving gas. Like putting up solar panels on your roof and using energy efficient
appliances like refrigerators and dryers. Better yet, when the weather is warm hang your clothes out
to dry. All of the
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Persuasive Essay On Fossil Fuels
In today's world, we use an extreme amount of energy and electricity which is created by fossil
fuels as they are an efficient and fast way to receive this energy, but we do not have an infinite
amount of fossil fuels to use. The economic decision being made is to continue using fossil fuels
even though it is harming our environment which involves the people in it.
Fossil fuels are a non–renewable natural resource. Formed over thousand years ago, they were
created by the remains of other living organisms. They are things like oil, natural gas, and coal which
we use to make our energy to power transportation, heating and cooking. This use of fossil fuels has
caused a degradation in our environment but we continue to use this resource in our homes because
it is an easy alternative. Something needs to be done, we need to take action before our atmosphere
implodes and we are left with nothing.
Since fossil fuels are such a big part of how we live our lives, companies like BP, Shell, and Mobil
have used this to their advantage. For these places selling fossil fuels is how they earn their
income. These companies are supported by politicians in the American government which can
cause a very biased vote when people are trying to put a stop to the severe use of fossil fuels in our
world. Scientists around the world have found facts and released statements on how the use of fossil
fuels has caused climate change. Our dependence on burning greenhouse gases which are fossil
fuels has allowed us to release the carbon dioxide which was being held into the air, causing our
earth to heat up dramatically. Affecting all countries, with some in danger of being succumbed with
water, while others are lacking crops, polar ice caps are melting and wildlife fires. The UN
concludes, "limiting the impacts of global warming, is necessary to achieve sustainable development
and equity, including poverty eradication". We are in a fight against humanity as so much money is
being made from this resource that people don't want to put a stop to the use of fossil fuels as
majority of the world uses these every day.
Our standard of living would not be possible to continue without energy. As we continue to use our
homes, cars and services
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Essay on Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels
Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels cause pollution, smog, and the greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels really do negatively impact
our environment, especially when it comes to global warming,
Although there is controversy over whether or not fossil fuels are causing the planet to warm, or
whether it is warming naturally, there is significant research that supports the former hypothesis.
When fossil fuels are burned, they emit different levels of carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil
fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a staggering twenty– five
percent. It has also been implied that fossil fuels are associated with increased levels of nitrous
oxide and methane, more content...
Fingerprints are "direct manifestations of a widespread and long–term trend toward warmer global
temperatures" (Global Warming). The Harbingers category included effects such as spreading
disease, differing populations of plants and animals, coral bleaching and droughts and fires among
others. The Fingerprints category included things such as heat waves, glacial melting, and rising sea
levels (Global Warming). This map enabled me to see the effects that global warming would have
on me personally, and the country as a whole, as well as continents all over the world.
Although an obvious solution to the problem of global warming would be to stop using fossil fuels,
that would cause significant damage to the economy of the United States as well as many other
countries that rely on fossil fuels heavily for industry and transportation. According to the National
Resources Defense Council, people can take many steps to reduce the effects of fossil fuels on the
environment. Some of these steps include buying a car that gets good gas mileage, only driving
when necessary, carpooling and buying energy–efficient appliances. Replacing light bulbs with
compact fluorescent light bulbs, and weather–proofing homes and apartments can also help (NRDC).
A single person can greatly affect the effects fossil fuels have on our climate. By obtaining
knowledge about the effects of fossil fuels on our environment, and more specifically global
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Fossil Fuels Essay
Fossil Fuels
Energy, whether it was sunlight or heat from a wood fire, has always been important to society.
However, with the onset of the industrial revolution over 200 years ago, wood alone could no
longer support the increasing energy demand. The world quickly turned to coal to satisfy its energy
needs, and it has been reliant on fossil fuels ever since. Despite the inroads renewable and nuclear
energies have made in recent decades, the vast majority of energy used by society still comes from
the three main fossil fuels: petroleum, natural gas, and coal. As a result, it is important to know how
these fuels were formed, the rates at which they are produced and consumed, and how much is
economically recoverable for future more content...
However, when temperatures exceed 160ВўВЄC, all of the oil in the sources rock burns off to form
natural gas. So source rock that is exposed to these high temperatures accounts for the formation of
natural gas wells in which there is no oil.
The source rock is often times buried beneath a layer of porous sedimentary rock. The pores in
this rock are filled with water, so it is called the reservoir rock. Since oil and gas float on water,
the hydrocarbons in the source rock rise through the reservoir rock. They continued to rise until
they encountered an impermeable layer of rock, where they stop and form a reserve. The natural
gas, since it is lighter, will always rest on top of any oil in the reserve(Marshak 433–4).
Oil has become the most widely used energy source in the world. This is because oil is both easy to
transport and flexible in its uses, unlike natural gas, which is costly to transport, and coal, which
currently has limited applications. The result is that thirty–eight percent of energy used in the United
States comes from the burning of oil(Ristinen 17). Transportation, which gets almost ninety–eight
percent of its energy from oil, accounts for most of the oil use in the US(Ristinen 20). This is due
to the fact that the price of oil in the US does not reflect its true cost. With the combination of high
subsidies and low taxes on oil, the US government has produced a market in which gasoline is cheap
and abundant. When compared to other
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Fossil Fuel Vs. Fossil Fuels
Opening Scientists say that the earth has existed for over 4.5 billion years (Sarfati, Jonathan). In
fact, if we condensed the entire history of the earth into a 1 year period it would show that
humans would only have existed in its final hour. Over these billions of years plant and animal
remains have decayed from exposure to heat and pressure to form natural deposits of fossil fuels
(Science Daily). There are 3 types of fossil fuels that we use today. Oil, coal, andnatural gas make up
the majority of our energy source. These resources have been developing in the earth's crust for
billions of years before humans came into existence. Without fossil fuels the world would not be
where it is today. The purpose of this paper is to explain the fundamentals of each fossil fuel, the
advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels as an energy source, and how they shape the
world we live in today.
Non–Renewable Energy Fossil fuels are one of the hot topics of the modern world. Perhaps the
biggest problem we face today is the shortage of fossil fuels, and the lack of new energy sources to
replace them. Fossil fuels are considered non–renewable. Oil, coal, and natural gas have
revolutionized the world we live in. These fossil fuels have ignited an economic and social boom
that has never been seen before. It has allowed industrialization to grow the population exponentially.
In 1875, just before the first industrial revolution, the world's population was roughly 1.325 billion.
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Fossil Fuels and Climate Change Essay
In this paper, we focus on using fossil fuels causing climate change. Fossil fuels are fuels formed
natural resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas, which are the most widely used fuel and
industrial chemicals in the world. Since industrial revolution, fossil fuels bring a very great quantity
convenience and technological products. So we can use cars, planes and all modern products. But
fossil fuels cause climate change at the same time. Greenhouse gas, nitrous oxides and a great deal
of harmful gas which are from fossil fuels are causing serious environmental problems. Therefore we
need to be concerned about the problems caused by fossil fuels and the solutions. From human
entered industrial civilization era. Our human more content...
Some nitrous oxides sulfur oxides lead to acid rain. It can have harmful effects on plants, animals
and buildings. Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico this year caused ecological disaster. "An explosion
occurred on the semi–submersible offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico,
killing 11 rig workers and injuring 17 others. On April 24, it was found that the wellhead was
damaged and was leaking oil into the Gulf. This significant spill poses a serious threat to wildlife,
affecting as many as 400 species along the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and
Florida." (Curry L. Hagerty, 2010) The number of fossil fuels is limited. Even they are enough
now. Are they still enough in 50 years? So it is a time for our human beings to decide how to deal
with the relationship with fossil fuels. When I am writing this essay, Jiangsu province is suffering
from the most serious drought from last 50 years. Suzhou, a city should have been rainy. But I
almost have not seen rain since I come to Suzhou. "Climate changes caused by human activities,
most importantly the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and deforestation, are
superimposed on, and to some extent masked by, natural fluctuations."(Hamburg, S. et al, 1997) Due
to these violent human activities, those kinds of extreme phenomena are becoming much more
popular than before. Human burning countless fossil fuels recklessly lead to too
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Essay On Fossil Fuels

  • 1. The Scarcity Of Fossil Fuels The purpose of this paper is to provide an environmental scan and explore issues pertaining to the scarcity of fossil fuels. It will briefly explore the transition from historical energy sources to the primary use fossil fuels. Why is this a dangerous global issue? What are the effects of said issue as it pertains to the social, economic, and political landscapes? It will also assert how Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1943) is impacted by fossil fuel depletion. Finally, some recommendations will be offered regarding fossil fuels and future exploration, implementation, and utilization of more renewable energy resources. Discussion of Global Issue From the dawn of civilization, mankind has sought after some sort of power source more content... As technologies advanced and more inventions became widely available, societies began to move away from use of those sources and towards fossil fuels for a variety of reasons. In England, for example. even prior to the Industrial Revolution, demand was so great and coal so much more efficient than traditional energy sources, it quickly replaced the use of biomass (wood) as the primary energy source (Allen, 2012). In addition, building upon what was already known about combustion energy and coupling that with new discoveries such as the steam engine, fossil fuels were a ticket towards progress all over the world (Mumford, 1935, p. 156). As these processes were streamlined, the 18th century saw a huge growth in transportation initiatives, urbanization and population, and the physiological needs of food, water, and shelter, all on the bottom of Maslow's pyramid (1943), were met with greater ease. An example of this growth can be found in the United States westward expansion. The United States, still a relatively young independent country in the 19th century, would not have experienced such swift westward development without the steam engine. Although groups of people attempted to take advantage of available land out West, it was not until the first coal powered transcontinental railroads were established that the largest Get more content on
  • 2. A Report On Fossil Fuels Essay Fossil Fuels Year 8 Semester 2 Technology Mandatory Assignment 2016 Matthew Kearney In the past Australia has been known as 'The lucky country' due to its climate, size and abundance of natural resources such as coal. For many years Australia has mined these resources and exported them all over the world for use in energy production. Mining accounted for 9.6% of Australia's total $1451.1 billion dollar gross domestic profit (GDP) in the financial year 2011–2012. This means that almost 1 in every 10 dollars made by Australia came from mining our natural resources, but what impact does this have? And what will happen if/when they run out? Describe in detail what fossil fuels are and how they are formed. A 'fossil fuel' is a general term for organic materials that decayed and buried millions of years ago. These fuels can be burnt to process or extract high quantities of energy, the main reason behind their prevalence in society. When burnt however, fossil fuels produce greenhouse gasses, making them a harm to the Earth's natural balance and health. The creation of fossil fuels occurs when a large quantity of plankton (microscopic organisms) fall to the bottom of the sea and are covered in layers of mud. As the layers became thicker, the temperature begins to rise, solidifying the mud and creating rocks that contain fossil fuels, being coal or crude oil. These two main fossil fuels can then be used to create or form other products. List three examples of fossil fuels and Get more content on
  • 3. Fossil Fuels Essay The Crisis with Fossil Fuels Have you ever thought about where your electricity comes from? What the petroleum your car runs on is made of? What produces all the energy you see? Coal, oil, and natural gas make up the list of major fossil fuels. Almost all energy produced in the United States comes from burning these highly important fuels. That energy powers almost all of our electricity and all of our transportation. We as the people of this very planet are currently in a crisis because fossil fuels are non–renewable; once they are gone, they are gone. There is no chance of recreating them for more use. To be able to rest easy about losing these fossil fuels, alternative fuel sources need to be found that can substitute more content... and causes greenhouse gases. Therefore, even though fossil fuels are needed and depended on, they also destroy the Earth. Burning any kind of fossil fuel, means pollution of some sort. –The use of fossil fuels in this high rate is causing substantial amounts of harmful effects on the Earth. Many people think about the animals of the sea because the way we use the fuel is harming fresh water supply causing people to really worry about the fish, but take a larger look at the economically–important living systems that are depleting like forests. Let my research also add, fossil fuels are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. This has led to global warming (greenhouse effect– "The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that is responsible for the relatively high temperature maintained on Earth's surface and in its atmosphere. The name comes from the process by which greenhouses are thought to collect and hold heat" UXL Encyclopedia of Science) and the depletion of resources. At present, the worldwide burning of coal, oil, and natural gas releases billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Even if the fuel is low in sulfur, the atmosphere contains nitrogen, which combines with oxygen at the high burning temperatures found in boilers or car engines. This yields nitrogen oxides, which like sulfur dioxide, dissolves in rain to form nitric acid. Some of these include air and water pollution Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Fossil Fuels According to the World Bank Data, 93% of the world's energy resources is supplied by fossil fuels. One of the problems is that fossil fuels are non–renewable. They are limited in supply and will one day be depleted. Fossil fuels are formed from plants and animals that lived hundreds of million of years ago died and were gradually buried by layers of rock. Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. Oil powers most of the transportation sector. Coal and natural gas power most of our electricity. At the rate of our consumption, these fuels cannot occur fast enough to meet our current of future energy demands. Now, in the first couple decades of the 21st century, in order to sustain our dependence on fossil fuels we're going to very risky, very extreme new sources. You see this, in things like mountain top removal for coal, fracking for natural gas, offshore drilling for oil, and the tar sands, which is the most devastating form of producing fossil fuels. They take away massive forests, the water in the streams, and rivers is poisoned. It has severe impacts on the wildlife, on native communities, and it requires a huge amount of energy to simply get it to our fuel tanks. All our modes of transportation, boats, trains, planes, cars, the way we produce our food, the way we build our cities, almost everything we do releases carbon dioxide and that leads to climate change. The polar ice caps will melt, the seas will start to rise, there will be more dangerous weather Get more content on
  • 5. Fossil Fuels Essay Fossil Fuels In the world today the environment affects everything. The environment affects what buildings can be built to what the climate will be and even fossil fuels. The environment affects fossil fuels in a variety of ways. Without the environment we would have no fossil fuels. Then because of the fossil fuels that are created, they pollute and harm the environment. Interesting how something that is created by the environment can damage itself. Fossil fuels can even cause personal health issues to arise. Fossil Fuels are important to our economy but someway we should find them to only benefit the environment positively. The process of how fossil fuels are created is very interesting. It all starts with an animal more content... Fossil fuel, in the form of fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanization, is what is holding this system together. Unfortunately it is also a major factor in what's undermining it, causing problems such as a decline in biodiversity, and environmental problems and human health issues relating to released toxins (Young). We need to figure something out. What do all fossil fuels have in common? They must be transported. When this occurs accidents can happen. For example, when oil is spilled into the sea how horrific is that. Just don't think of the short term such as animals dying and the economical loses, but how bout long term. The oil can stay in the sea for decades. You just can't clean it up like a Kool–Aide spill. It has traumatic effects (Rabalis). When we find coal what are we doing to the ground. The top soil is being skinned and not used for anything. Due to the stripping on top soil, its possible for acidic water to run off into creeks. Not only is the land being destroyed but even the water is being affected. All the pollutants in the air cause some harmful chemicals. The chemicals that can be created are carbon monoxide (CO) and unburnt hydrocarbons and sulfur and nitrogen oxides. In conclusion fossil fuels bring much more negatives to the table than positives when it comes to the environment. Certain Fossil Fuels can cause health issues and all I know is that I don't want to die Get more content on
  • 6. Fossil Fuels And The Global Warming When a person walk into a room, flip a switch and the light is turned on, this is due to fossil fuels. When a person up your computer or laptop to surf the web or do homework, this is also due to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels control the world as we know it today from powering our electronic devices, running our cars, improving our health and taking us into the depths of space. Without fossil fuels, society would inversely live like the people before the industrial era. However, as revealed just a few decades ago, fossil fuels are not without unintentional negative consequences. Even though fossil fuels have transformed the world as we know it, fossil fuels are scarce and causes ecological destruction through pollution, fracking and global warming. Before explaining the hazards of fossil fuels, we must investigate what fossil fuels are and what fossil fuels yield. Fossil fuels are "non–renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock" (Department Of Energy). These fuels are mined from the earth using methods like oil derricks and coal mines. When these fuels are burned off in plants, they produce power which is converted into energy and is sent on via power lines to millions of people. In cars and airplanes, oil is combusted in the cylinders which propels the crankshafts and runs the vehicle. As a consequence of these fuels being burned, the residues are dispersed into the air and more fuel is required to Get more content on
  • 7. Energy and the Environment: Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels are one of the most important things on this planet to the human race. Without fossil fuels we wouldn't have today's current means of transportation, we would have less heating for the general population, energy uses would be more expensive, and overall the economy and the world would not be able to sustain themselves. Even still, the fact that fossil fuels are on this planet will never change, but how we use them and what impacts their use has will always be an issue. Even though fossil fuels provide for the most percentage of energy usage in the world, there is still the issue of pollution and other environmental impacts. Just oil and natural gas alone provide for more than more content... Global warming is mainly caused due to carbon dioxide trapping the sun's radiation and keeping it within the Earth's atmosphere. The fact that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide is why their use has such an impact on global warming. "Over the last 150 years, burning fossil fuels has resulted in more than a 25 percent increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere" (union of concerned scientists). This statistic gives enough support to the fact that fossil fuels and their use are fueling the global warming situation. Another issue related to the use of fossil fuels is acid rain. Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxides in the air and has been increasing due to the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, which ultimately pollutes the waterways. The main fact is that "burning coal produces sulfur dioxide, an acidic gas that contributes to the formation of acid rain" (Darvill). Coal is used to produce about 30 percent of the energy in the US. With this very large number, it can be seen that the amount of acid rain will be greatly reduced if we can burn less amounts or use cleaner burning methods in order to protect the environment. After learning a great deal about fossil fuels one can see that they are obviously NEEDED by the human population and that their use is inevitable. On the other hand, fossil fuels may lead to substantial, and irreversible, Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Fossil Fuels Part One – Introduction Fossil Fuels are the most important energy sources in our world today. The overwhelming majority of the huge amount of energy used in the world comes from the burning of three major fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are a non–renewable source of energy, and there is no other . They are formed over a very long period of time; the fossil fuels on earth today were formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago. These fossil fuels are found in deposits deep beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to release the chemical energy that is stored within this resource. Energy is essential to modern society as we know it. Over 85% of our energy demands are met by more content... Bituminous coal is jet black, very dense, and brittle. This type of coal has high heating value. The main point of this is that all of these fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. It may come as a surprise that these two elements, hydrogen and carbon, can create many, many different compounds with unique characteristics. What makes hydrocarbons valuable to our society is the stored energy stored within them. The original source of this energy is all the solar energy the prehistoric organisms trapped in their bodies millions of years ago, and the energy is released by simply burning the fossil fuels. Part Three В– Uses of Fossil Fuels: Combustion, Drilling, and Refining While Fossil fuels have been around long before humans even discovered fire, our prehistoric ancestors had no use for them. Fossil fuels first major use was to produce heat and light in the late 1800's, as well as running steam locomotives. There were early automobiles too, but these vehicles were more of a luxury than a way of life. It wasn't until the 1940's that fossil fuels were used for technological processes. The reason fossil fuels uses were developed is that engineers and inventors had government support and extra incentive to develop fossil fuel technologies, this incentive was war. World War II because it was fought nearly exclusively by mechanized warfare fossil fuel had to be developed to run the thousands of tanks and planes that dominated the war. From then on, usage and development Get more content on
  • 9. Fossil Fuel : Fossil Fuels Essay Fossil fuels play a huge part in our nations backup power. While clean energy is becoming popular for main energy, fossil fuels are relied on for backup energy for industry and commercial buildings. Different types of fossil fuels have been used throughout history. Coal and its byproduct has been used to fuel and improve industry. While green energy is becoming the newest and cleanest form of energy, the transition between the two will have be dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels play an important role in emergency energy. In industry and commercial business, power is crucial to function. From simple things like time clocks, to equipment, power is needed for production. Even after the transition from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy we may still rely on fossil fuels as a last resort. We are already seeing the automotive industry beginning the transition, yet still relying on fossil fuels. Cars today are being made to use generated electricity to power an automobile. When that electricity becomes low, whether it is from long distance driving or a problem with the system the fossil fuel backup kicks in to power the car. In our advancement between the two energy's, this thought process could be used with industrial and commercial buildings. A hospital is a building that needs to be powered 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Without power their capabilities would be severely limited and could be catastrophic. We can look at other buildings that rely on power to Get more content on
  • 10. The Causes And Effects Of Fossil Fuels Humanity has had thousands of years on Planet Earth to indulge in the many resources Earth has to offer. Over the years of trial and error within industry, innovation, and creation, humanity began to destroy the planet without recognizing the dangers that would come to be in later years. Causes and effects of pollution became increasingly aware to the population, as respiratory diseases began to rise in numbers. Pollution is the product of human industry. Innovators are forced to find new ways to keep up with the rapid growth of the population by any means resulting in the deterioration of Earth and its exhaustible resources. The environment and the population has suffered from many negative influences that must be prevented in order to ensure the existence of future generations. Industry and the population is highly dependent upon fossil fuels. Though greener alternatives to the burning of fossil fuels have been presented, none have been nearly as efficient enough as the burning of fossil fuels. Emission testing for gas–powered forms of transportation have helped to reduce excessive carbon dioxide levels into the atmosphere, though total emissions increased in the United States from 1990 to 2007 (Rogers). The burning of fossil fuels has remained the most efficient source of energy for years. As the population continues to grow, an increased dependency on fossil fuels will also continue to grow. According to a source from Bizfluent from the U.S Energy Information Get more content on
  • 11. Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewable Energy Essay Abstract – The world can't be imagined without IC Engines ,as their applications are wider in various fields. And mainly used input for this engines are fossil fuels. But the challenge in this is decreasing rate of resources. The fossil fuels may not be available after some years if they used in the same way .Not only the fossil but also the electric power is the non renewable energy, This paper concentrates to run the engine without fossil fuels or electricity. Keywords – IC Engines, fossil fuels , non renewable energy I.INTRODUCTION In today's motorized life , It's difficult to live without motor (Engines) and the main source of it's input power is fossil fuels & partly electric power. In future these fuels or electricity may not be available widely as they are non renewable energies. So, it may be difficult to use engine with the fuels. Not only the problem of lack of resources but also but also they pollutes the environment. If the fossil fuels are used in this way for some more years ,It may difficult to breath in the future and many things which are harmful to the earth may happen like global warming .this may leads in danger to the lives of creatures. To solve this problems compressed air technology (CAT) was invented, and again the problem in this is input power. The air may be freely available in the atmosphere , but it needs to be compressed to use and the power it needs for compression is electrical energy , which is also a non– renewable energy. Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Fossil Fuel Leads to Pollution INTRODUCTION With the increase in population, there has been consistent demand in every arena for fuel. Human life is largely dependent on material things. These material things are produced and transported with the help of fuel driven mediums, but fuel is largely amassed in very few countries of the world especially middle– East countries. With the growth of the economy and consumption, the governments of many countries of the world are striving hard to find an alternative to the fossil fuel which is slow & gradually depleting .Moreover, the fossil fuel leads to pollution and bad effects on human health. Keeping this into mind, bio–diesel would be natural choice for countries largely dependent on import so as to utilize the more content... Waste cooking oil (WCO), which is cheaper than edible vegetable oil, is a promising alternative to edible vegetable oil (6). Waste cooking oil and animal oils set forth significant disposal problems in many parts of the world. This environmentally–threatening problem could be turned into all the economical, waste management and environmental benefit by properly using and management of waste cooking oil as a fuel replacement. Many developed countries have set policies that punish the disposal of waste cooking oil into waste drainage (7, 8). The Energy Information Administration (EIA) in the United States (USA) estimated that around 100 million gallons of waste cooking oil are produced per day in the USA, where about 9 pounds of waste cooking oil(WCO) are generated per person per year [9]. The estimated amount of waste cooking oil collected in Europe is about 0.49 – 0.7 million gallons/day [10]. Waste cooking oil, as an alternative feed–stock for bio–diesel, was studied with different aspects such as optimization using supercritical methanol (SCM) trans–esterification, process design and technological assessment, fuel property analysis and cost estimation approaches [11–13].In this work, we have carried out experiments for the bio–diesel production from waste cooking oil(WCO) using conventional trans–esterification Get more content on
  • 13. Fossil Fuels And Renewable Energy Essay Finding energy sources is an issue that polarizes scientists, politicians and citizens alike. The most critical points of this debate are at fossil fuels and renewable energy. Energy efficiency is arguably the most dire concern facing the planet, because it significantly impacts all areas of everyday life. Common ground can be found in this controversy because both parties do agree that humans have a responsibility to future generations. That responsibility is to preserve the resources of the Earth, while offering this generation energy that is affordable and accessible. Many people contend that fossil fuels, while being the most cost effective source of energy, have detrimental effects on the environment. Others argue that fossil fuels have little negative environmental impact and that producing alternative energy is too economically prohibitive to be feasible. In 2010, the Gallup Poll conducted a national poll that found half of the Americans surveyed favored expanding energy production via fossil fuels even if it harms the environment. This was the case in nearly every major demographic subgroup, although self–identified liberals remained constant in supporting environmental protection as the higher priority (McDermott). Of these two types of energy production, fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal make up about ninety percent of the world's energy usage. Nuclear power takes up five percent of this equation, with the remaining renewable energy resources splitting Get more content on
  • 14. Fossil fuels are an important part of life. When you turn on the lights, watch TV, or take a shower, the electricity that you are using is being generated by fossil fuels. The three types of fossil fuels are coal, crude oil, and natural gas. They all take millions of years to form, so they are considered to be "non–renewable"– eventually, the fossil fuels will all be used up. One dangerous biological effect of using fossil fuels is ocean acidification. Extracting and transporting fossil fuels can also be very dangerous. Environmentally damaging accidents such as groundwater contamination, land subsidence, and oil spills occur frequently. Global warming is another possible environmental effect. Fossil fuels have a crucial role in more content... Lignite is the softest coal. Further compression and aging caused the lignite coal to change into bituminous coal. Bituminous is a soft, black, brittle material that is extremely flammable and produces a lot of ash and sulfur when burned. This is the type of coal that is mined in the Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, and the Colorado Plateau. Heat and pressure then turn bituminous into anthracite. Anthracite is the final stage of coal, and is composed almost entirely of carbon. Lignite and bituminous coal are sedimentary, while anthracite is metamorphic. Anthracite is only found where pressure and heat were very great. It doesn't produce as much heat as bituminous coal, but it burns longer without as much residue. There are anthracite fields in Pennsylvania and Great Britain (U.S Energy Information Administration). The formation of the other two fossil fuels (crude oil and natural gas) took millions of years just like coal. Oil and gas come from the remains of small animals and plants. Long ago, when the animals and plants died, they sank to the bottom of the sea. The dead matter formed a large mass, which over time was covered by layers of sand, silt, and mud. As the weight of the sediment increased, the mass became more and more compressed. Then, the heat and pressure of the Earth eventually turned the mass into oil and gas. If the heat applied during the formation was low, then more oil was produced than gas. If the temperature was Get more content on
  • 15. The World's Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay Fossil Fuels The day was Black Friday. Around the world people are purchasing goods and services that they may or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How will the world function without crude oil? I believe our driving habits, consumption of goods, technological research and emphasis on conserving crude oil plus finding a substitute must be addressed now by the world. Oil was not more content... With the world having a higher dependency on coal, it will likely not last as long as predicted. If the population of the United States wants crude oil to last longer, its going to take men, women and children to contribute to the issue. Making fewer trips to the store, vacation choices closer to home, finding a job closer to your home and so on. One clear solution is for people to drive smaller fuel efficient cars. Hybrids like the Prius are a good example. The Prius may be more pricier than other cars, but in the long run it will save you money on gas (Micheline Maynard). Plus because it is running on electricity part of the time, if not all the time, so it is better for our air quality. Carpooling has and is also a great way to save fuel. Everyday I drive to Northgate by myself. I was able to find three others people at school to carpool with and we could save 75% of the fuel needed each day. Another solution is to ride bikes more often, walk more, or use mass transit like BART whenever possible. Conserving energy at home and in the workplace is also a great solution to saving gas. Like putting up solar panels on your roof and using energy efficient appliances like refrigerators and dryers. Better yet, when the weather is warm hang your clothes out to dry. All of the Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Fossil Fuels In today's world, we use an extreme amount of energy and electricity which is created by fossil fuels as they are an efficient and fast way to receive this energy, but we do not have an infinite amount of fossil fuels to use. The economic decision being made is to continue using fossil fuels even though it is harming our environment which involves the people in it. Fossil fuels are a non–renewable natural resource. Formed over thousand years ago, they were created by the remains of other living organisms. They are things like oil, natural gas, and coal which we use to make our energy to power transportation, heating and cooking. This use of fossil fuels has caused a degradation in our environment but we continue to use this resource in our homes because it is an easy alternative. Something needs to be done, we need to take action before our atmosphere implodes and we are left with nothing. Since fossil fuels are such a big part of how we live our lives, companies like BP, Shell, and Mobil have used this to their advantage. For these places selling fossil fuels is how they earn their income. These companies are supported by politicians in the American government which can cause a very biased vote when people are trying to put a stop to the severe use of fossil fuels in our world. Scientists around the world have found facts and released statements on how the use of fossil fuels has caused climate change. Our dependence on burning greenhouse gases which are fossil fuels has allowed us to release the carbon dioxide which was being held into the air, causing our earth to heat up dramatically. Affecting all countries, with some in danger of being succumbed with water, while others are lacking crops, polar ice caps are melting and wildlife fires. The UN concludes, "limiting the impacts of global warming, is necessary to achieve sustainable development and equity, including poverty eradication". We are in a fight against humanity as so much money is being made from this resource that people don't want to put a stop to the use of fossil fuels as majority of the world uses these every day. Our standard of living would not be possible to continue without energy. As we continue to use our homes, cars and services Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels cause pollution, smog, and the greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels really do negatively impact our environment, especially when it comes to global warming, Although there is controversy over whether or not fossil fuels are causing the planet to warm, or whether it is warming naturally, there is significant research that supports the former hypothesis. When fossil fuels are burned, they emit different levels of carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a staggering twenty– five percent. It has also been implied that fossil fuels are associated with increased levels of nitrous oxide and methane, more content... Fingerprints are "direct manifestations of a widespread and long–term trend toward warmer global temperatures" (Global Warming). The Harbingers category included effects such as spreading disease, differing populations of plants and animals, coral bleaching and droughts and fires among others. The Fingerprints category included things such as heat waves, glacial melting, and rising sea levels (Global Warming). This map enabled me to see the effects that global warming would have on me personally, and the country as a whole, as well as continents all over the world. Although an obvious solution to the problem of global warming would be to stop using fossil fuels, that would cause significant damage to the economy of the United States as well as many other countries that rely on fossil fuels heavily for industry and transportation. According to the National Resources Defense Council, people can take many steps to reduce the effects of fossil fuels on the environment. Some of these steps include buying a car that gets good gas mileage, only driving when necessary, carpooling and buying energy–efficient appliances. Replacing light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, and weather–proofing homes and apartments can also help (NRDC). A single person can greatly affect the effects fossil fuels have on our climate. By obtaining knowledge about the effects of fossil fuels on our environment, and more specifically global Get more content on
  • 18. Fossil Fuels Essay Fossil Fuels Energy, whether it was sunlight or heat from a wood fire, has always been important to society. However, with the onset of the industrial revolution over 200 years ago, wood alone could no longer support the increasing energy demand. The world quickly turned to coal to satisfy its energy needs, and it has been reliant on fossil fuels ever since. Despite the inroads renewable and nuclear energies have made in recent decades, the vast majority of energy used by society still comes from the three main fossil fuels: petroleum, natural gas, and coal. As a result, it is important to know how these fuels were formed, the rates at which they are produced and consumed, and how much is economically recoverable for future more content... However, when temperatures exceed 160ВўВЄC, all of the oil in the sources rock burns off to form natural gas. So source rock that is exposed to these high temperatures accounts for the formation of natural gas wells in which there is no oil. The source rock is often times buried beneath a layer of porous sedimentary rock. The pores in this rock are filled with water, so it is called the reservoir rock. Since oil and gas float on water, the hydrocarbons in the source rock rise through the reservoir rock. They continued to rise until they encountered an impermeable layer of rock, where they stop and form a reserve. The natural gas, since it is lighter, will always rest on top of any oil in the reserve(Marshak 433–4). Oil has become the most widely used energy source in the world. This is because oil is both easy to transport and flexible in its uses, unlike natural gas, which is costly to transport, and coal, which currently has limited applications. The result is that thirty–eight percent of energy used in the United States comes from the burning of oil(Ristinen 17). Transportation, which gets almost ninety–eight percent of its energy from oil, accounts for most of the oil use in the US(Ristinen 20). This is due to the fact that the price of oil in the US does not reflect its true cost. With the combination of high subsidies and low taxes on oil, the US government has produced a market in which gasoline is cheap and abundant. When compared to other Get more content on
  • 19. Fossil Fuel Vs. Fossil Fuels Opening Scientists say that the earth has existed for over 4.5 billion years (Sarfati, Jonathan). In fact, if we condensed the entire history of the earth into a 1 year period it would show that humans would only have existed in its final hour. Over these billions of years plant and animal remains have decayed from exposure to heat and pressure to form natural deposits of fossil fuels (Science Daily). There are 3 types of fossil fuels that we use today. Oil, coal, andnatural gas make up the majority of our energy source. These resources have been developing in the earth's crust for billions of years before humans came into existence. Without fossil fuels the world would not be where it is today. The purpose of this paper is to explain the fundamentals of each fossil fuel, the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels as an energy source, and how they shape the world we live in today. Non–Renewable Energy Fossil fuels are one of the hot topics of the modern world. Perhaps the biggest problem we face today is the shortage of fossil fuels, and the lack of new energy sources to replace them. Fossil fuels are considered non–renewable. Oil, coal, and natural gas have revolutionized the world we live in. These fossil fuels have ignited an economic and social boom that has never been seen before. It has allowed industrialization to grow the population exponentially. In 1875, just before the first industrial revolution, the world's population was roughly 1.325 billion. Get more content on
  • 20. Fossil Fuels and Climate Change Essay In this paper, we focus on using fossil fuels causing climate change. Fossil fuels are fuels formed natural resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas, which are the most widely used fuel and industrial chemicals in the world. Since industrial revolution, fossil fuels bring a very great quantity convenience and technological products. So we can use cars, planes and all modern products. But fossil fuels cause climate change at the same time. Greenhouse gas, nitrous oxides and a great deal of harmful gas which are from fossil fuels are causing serious environmental problems. Therefore we need to be concerned about the problems caused by fossil fuels and the solutions. From human entered industrial civilization era. Our human more content... Some nitrous oxides sulfur oxides lead to acid rain. It can have harmful effects on plants, animals and buildings. Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico this year caused ecological disaster. "An explosion occurred on the semi–submersible offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 rig workers and injuring 17 others. On April 24, it was found that the wellhead was damaged and was leaking oil into the Gulf. This significant spill poses a serious threat to wildlife, affecting as many as 400 species along the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida." (Curry L. Hagerty, 2010) The number of fossil fuels is limited. Even they are enough now. Are they still enough in 50 years? So it is a time for our human beings to decide how to deal with the relationship with fossil fuels. When I am writing this essay, Jiangsu province is suffering from the most serious drought from last 50 years. Suzhou, a city should have been rainy. But I almost have not seen rain since I come to Suzhou. "Climate changes caused by human activities, most importantly the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and deforestation, are superimposed on, and to some extent masked by, natural fluctuations."(Hamburg, S. et al, 1997) Due to these violent human activities, those kinds of extreme phenomena are becoming much more popular than before. Human burning countless fossil fuels recklessly lead to too Get more content on