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Essay On Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital heart disease is a cardiovascular condition resulting from an abnormality in the structure of the heart. The exact time this defect forms is
unknown but it is during the fetal development in the womb. Researchers think the defect could be case partially by genetics and medical conditions
of the fetus and the parents. If the baby's mother had rubella, while pregnant or other conditions such as diabetes could have caused the defect. Some
medications that were taken by a pregnant mother could also have caused birth defects. An error on chromosome 22 could also have caused the heart
defect. Some symptoms that a person may have a congenital heart may not show up until later in life but many children also have the symptoms.
Symptoms of a congenital heart defect are abnormal heartbeat, bluish tint to skin, shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting, and swelling of body
tissues and more content...
They may start with a physical exam and listening to the patient's heart. If an abnormal heartbeat is heard the doctor may recommend an
electrocardiogram. This procedure monitors the electrical impulses of the heart to detect irregular heart beat. Chest X–rays may also be used to better
evaluate the heart and lungs. There are also many other ways to detect defects such as an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, cardiac catheterization,
CT scan, or MRI. Congenital heart disease can be minor or severe, so depending on the case there are many different treatment options. For minor
cases medications and regular exams will do. For severe cases, implantable heart devices, catheter procedures, and even open–heart surgery may be
needed. In rare cases a heart transplant may be required. Congenital heart disease can affect both children and
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The Human Heart
The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage bones, i.e., in the center of
the chest. Usually it is slightly on the left side of the chest but in rare cases, it can be found on the right side. Heart is responsible for the blood flow
to every single part of the body by constant contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles. This is the reason why we hear rhythmic beats all the time.
Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation.
Normally in a minute the heart beats 72 times. Well, let 's check out heart diagram for kids as well as for adults which can help more
This maintains a proper one directional blood flow through out the process. Bicuspid valve is present between the left atrium and left ventricle
whereas tricuspid valve is present between the right atrium and right ventricle. Pulmonary valve behaves as a gate which stops the back flow of
blood from right ventricle to the pulmonary artery which takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs for purification. Lastly the aortic valve, this valve
plays an important role in stopping the back flow of the blood from left ventricle to the aorta. Once the blood is transferred to the aorta it supplies the
oxygenated blood to different parts of the body.
Blood Vessels
Blood vessels are the blood carriers in a human body. These play a very vital role in the supply of blood to various parts of the body. Blood vessels
can be of two types, veins and arteries. All the veins (except pulmonary vein) are involved in carrying the deoxygenated blood from various parts of
the body to the heart whereas all the arteries (except pulmonary artery) are involved in supplying oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of
the body.
Functioning of the Heart
After getting familiar with the part let 's check out the functions of the heart. Well, as we all know we need oxygen to survive, but have you ever
thought how this oxygen is supplied to different parts of the body? This work is done with the help of heart. Heart plays a very important role in the
supply of oxygenated
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The Human Heart Essays
Introduction In our world organisms occupy a sliding scale of complexity. On one hand we have the single cell organisms, where all necessary
functions for their life are carried out within that one cell. At the other extreme we have extremely complex multicellular organisms, of which humans
are perhaps the cardinal member. Obviously, with increased capacity comes increased abilities. Complex organisms are able to manipulate their
environment to a greater extent then their simpler cousins. While this has a lot of advantages, it also presents interesting biological problems. With the
increased complexity multicellular organisms must have systems to deliver nutrients, signaling molecules, and biochemical building blocks to every
cell. more content...
While contraction in skeletal muscle is triggered by motor neurons under central control, certain cardiac muscle variants exhibit autorhythmicity. This
means that that they are capable of producing their own depolarizing electrical potential. The cardiomyocytes that are capable of producing their own
electrical potentials are found in what is referred to as the electrical condition system of the heart. This system is comprised of specializes
cardiomyocytes that are autorhythmic and are able to conduct electrical potentials rapidly. These specialized structures include the sinoatrial node,
atrioventricular node and bundle, and Purkinje fibers. While the bulk of the heart is myocardium, there are structural components that are pertinent.
The four cardiac valves can be seen in a transverse section of the heart at the base of the ventricles.
Figure – grey's cardiac skeleton
Surrounding each of these valves are dense fibrous rings or annuli made of connective tissue that forms the cardiac skeleton. The annuli of the aortic
valve forms the base for the other annuli as it is located central to the other valves. Fibrous extensions from the annuli of the aortic valve extends
outwardly and anchors the other three valves. In addition to the four annuli there are other fibrous components of the cardiac skeleton such as the right
and left fibrous trigones, and the membranous septum. The right fibrous trigone is also know as the central
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Heart Research Paper Outline
Heart Research Paper Outline Did you know that your heart is the same size as both your hands clasped together? Well it's true when you are a kid
your heart is the size of your fist, but when you are an adult your heart is like your two hands together. The heart is an organ that keeps you alive. It is
in your chest and is protected by the rib cage. First, there is a lot of information about the heart. The organ works ceaselessly, beating 100,000 times a
day, 40 million times a year–in total clocking up three billion heartbeats over an average lifetime. It keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen and
nutrients, while clearing away harmful waste matter. The fetal heart evolves through several different stages inside the womb, more content...
Almost 80% of people die from heart disease. The only way to know your level of risk is to be assessed by a healthcare professional and to be checked
for factors such as your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, waist measurement and BMI. Once you know your overall risk, agree with
your healthcare professional on a plan for specific actions you should take to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. The Circulatory System
is made up of three main parts: The heart, the blood vessels and the blood. Sometimes the watery fluid called lymph and the vessels that carry it are
considered to be part of the Circulatory System. The heart is a special pump that pumps the blood around the body. The purpose of this paper was to
summarize information about the heart, explain how it works, and discuss its purpose. It was said that the heart evolves through several different stages
inside the womb, first resembling a fish's heart, then a frog's, which has two chambers, than a snake's, with three, before finally adopting the
four–chambered structure of the human heart. I also told you how the heart works. When the heart contracts, the chambers become smaller,
forcing blood first out of the atria into the ventricles, then from each ventricle into a large blood vessel connected to the top of the heart. Now the
purpose of the heart is the size of its owner's clenched fist, the organ sits in the middle of the chest, behind 1the breastbone and between the lungs,
in a moistened chamber that is protected all round by the rib cage. It can also be easy to fix the heart. The only way to know your level of risk is to be
assessed by a healthcare professional and to be checked for factors such as your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, waist measurement and
BMI. The heart is very important for your
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College Admissions Essay: The Human Heart
Looking at her face, pressing her feet with my fingers as she rests, I fossick through my conscience; in a silent escape from my dreams, I bank
solitons of possibilities, holding the burning expectations, I need to deliver to, in a velodrome of recursive thought. This is the fastest way I take a
turn and my face derives glow as I retrospect. The human heart is not designed to beat outside the human body, yet, I am that– my mother's heart, bared,
beating forever outside her chest. Whenever I yearn to hold her hands, my fingers can see in the dark. She is a powerful source of energy even in her
My mother's life has wavered between stifling penury and tough decisions, including the one to continue her education after her marriage. As
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The Cardiovascular System Essay
The heart, blood and blood vessels make up the basis of the cardiovascular system also known as the circulatory system. The average human body
contains approximately 5 litres of blood which is carried around the body via a network of blood vessels split into three types; arteries, veins and
capillaries. The arteries are the largest of the three vessels and carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart and are smaller than
arteries, then finally the smallest vessels known as capillaries distribute the oxygen rich blood to organs whilst simultaneously picking up the waste
carbon dioxide and water from the organs to transport back to the heart where it can be pumped into the lungs to be exhaled.
Blood actually has more content...
Blood has many functions and is a complex structure of cells and fluid. It helps fight bacteria, protect the body from infection, carry valuable sources of
minerals and nutrients around the body, dispose of waste materials, keeps the body temperature regulated and helps with glandular distribution of
hormones and enzymes.
Oxygen and nutrients the body requires for function are pumped around this complex network of blood vessels by the heart. At roughly the size of a
human fist, the heart is a four–chambered muscle and performs two functions of circulation simultaneously and continuously. Systemic and pulmonary
circulation. The heart is made up from three separate layers of cardiac tissue; the outer layer called the pericardium, which is a double sac–like outer
covering with serous fluid inside to keep the middle layer, the myocardium from adhering to the outer layer. This middle layer of the heart is the heart
muscle which is thicker on the left side, to aid with the pressure needed to sustain systemic circulation. The inner layer of the heart is the endocardium.
It's lining is smooth to help prevent the blood which circulates around the inside of the heart from clotting. The heart is the human body's in–built
pacemaker, and the electrical signals sent through the it cause the heart to contract and relax. This process is triggered by the autonomic nervous
system and the contraction and relaxing cycle is
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The Heart And The Heart Of The Human Heart
The human heart is the one organ that powers the entire body. Without it we wouldn't be able to do the simplest functions. Simple things like talking,
walking, and even breathing relies on the heart pumping. Pumping blood into all the different parts of the body allows the circulatory system to supply
oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide and other wastes.
The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body's circulatory pump. There are four chambers that make up the
heart. The upper chambers are called the atrium and the lower chambers are the ventricle. A wall of muscle called the septum separates the two
sides of the heart. Attached to each chamber is a valve. The valves open and close to let the blood flow in only one direction. These valves are
actual flaps that are located on each end of the two ventricles. The right side of the heart is responsible for taking all the deprived oxygen blood and
making it rich again. The left side pumps all the oxygenated blood out into the rest of the body.
All the great things the heart does for the body and it only takes one wrong thing to happen to the heart to affect the entire body. Heart attacks is the
leading enemy against the heart, it affects more than a million Americans each year. The heart needs a constant supply of oxygen–rich blood to nourish
it. The coronary arteries provide the heart with oxygen supply. The body produces Calcium, fatty matter, proteins, and
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Function Of Heart: Functions Of The Heart
Function of the Heart
The heart is the pump that propels the blood around the body providing essential nutrition to cells and tissues.
The heart is the most important muscle in the human body. It is about the size of the owner's fist. The heart is the pump that drives the whole
circulatory system. It receives and propels blood, rhythmically contracting with every heartbeat and forcing the blood through a system of arteries
veins and capillaries, where it eventually reaches cells and tissues. Blood contains essential nutrients, oxygen, hormones and enzymes. Without the heart
pumping blood, cells would not receive any nutrition and would die, thus in order to sustain life one must have a heartbeat.
The heart circulates blood through two pathways: the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. In the pulmonary circuit, deoxygenated blood leaves
the right ventricle of the heart via the pulmonary artery and travels to the lungs, then returns as oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart via the
pulmonary vein. In the systemic circuit, oxygenated blood leaves the body via the left ventricle to the aorta, and from there enters the arteries and
capillaries where it supplies the body's tissues with oxygen. more content...
The atria then relax but the ventricles contract, emptying their contents into the arteries. The ventricles then relax and the heart is at rest. While resting
the heart dilates and fills with blood. The period of rest (diastole) equals the period of contraction (systole). The cardiac cycle starts at a point in the
right atrium called the pacemaker (sino–atrial node). This consists of specialised neuromuscular tissue which is supplied by the autonomic nervous
system. From here the contraction of the heart muscle spreads through the atria and then down the septum to the walls of the
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The human heart is arguably the most important organ in the body. The absence of the heart would be detrimental to the human body. In collaboration
with other human organs, the human heart serves one main purpose; to pump blood throughout the body so that requiring cells can obtain oxygen (O2)
and eliminate carbon dioxide (C02). The heart contracts in a specific manner to pump blood through the human body. Heart rate is referred to the speed
of the beating heart which is measured by the contractions of the heart per minute. The average human resting heart rate estimates to be around 60 –
100 beats per minute (bpm). However, there are many variations to this calculation. Some individuals have soaring heart rate's and some may have their
heart rate much less than 60 bpm. Many factors possess leverage over the human heart rate.
Health factors are one of the main causes of elevated heart rates. In many cases, an elevated heart rate may possibly signify a serious health situation.
Anemia, a disease that results in fewer red blood cells (erythrocytes) than normal is a prime example of elevated heart rate. Anemic patients usually
lack the normal number of erythrocytes. The response of the human body to anemia is an increase in cardiac output, or heart rate. Anemia forces the
heart to pump blood to the required region more excessively since there is not enough O2 to go around. This overtime pumping can elevate an
individual's heart rate to as much as 100 bpm or higher. This
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You are now entering the human heart
The short story "You are now entering the human heart", written by Janet Frame is a short story focused on the fear of something strange, to overstep
boundaries and to be under pressure. I think the feeling is something, that we all know how feels. My definition on fear would be something about, that
it is an emotional response to a threat. We all know the feeling, when you sweat like you have accomplished a marathon race, the adrenaline pumps
inside your body and you're extremely nervous.
The story is written in a very objective angle, which you can see through the whole story. You don't get into the narrator, even though he is one of the
most important minor characters in the story – neither more content...
It is my impression that she is about the pensionable age, but she's still teaching very young children and has a fear of snakes, which is based on her
experiences and her beliefs, about that "All snakes were creatures to kill, to be protected from, alike the rattler, the copperhead, king snake, grass snake
– venom and victims", described on page 2, line 6–8. Miss Aitcheson is in the story described as "a city woman born and bread", also on page 2, line 6
and the attendant is described as a guy, who knows a lot about snakes, and that not any of the snakes are dangerous. He expects, that Miss Aitcheson
would have a relaxed attitude towards the snake, and he says to her class "See, she's not afraid. Miss Aitcheson can stand there with a beautiful snake
around her neck and touch it and stroke it and not be afraid", written on page 3, line 3–5. And that's because his purpose with it was to get respectively
Miss Aitcheson and the children to realise that snakes aren't dangerous.
Before Miss Aitcheson get near the snake, you hear about that she's very afraid of the. On page 2, line 1–3 it says, "Her face was pale. She just
managed to drag the fear from her eyes to some place in their depths, where it lurked like a dark stain." and then when she get's the snake around her
neck, I thought every single reader mean that the suspense rise and you'll as a reader with to what happen on the bottom of page 3, where it says
"Suddenly the snake moved around to face Miss Aitcheson
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Essay about Heart
Coronary Artery Disease
Heart Disease
Heart disease can take many forms. The form of heart disease I am focusing on is coronary disease. Different arteries supply different areas of the
heart with oxygenated blood. If one or more of these arteries become narrowed or clogged as a result of coronary artery disease, or atherscelorosis the
artery cannot fully supply the part of the heart it is responsible for. The heart is an effective pump only when good blood supply is maintained to all
heart muscles.
If an artery becomes so clogged that blood cannot flow through it, the result is chest pain which could progress to a heart attack, or myocardial infarction
(MI). "Myocardial" is a medical term that means "having to do more content...
When a blockage occurs, heart cells use stored energy for pumping. By–products, such as lactic acid, build up and are not removed efficiently because
of the blocked blood flow that caused the problem initially. Waste product build up is thought to be the cause of pain. The pain may be similar to the
pain experienced when you overwork your muscles, which is also due to lactic acid buildup. The heart cells can rely on stored energy only for a short
time before the cells become damaged permanently. This temporary injury is called ischemia. Permanent damage is called infarction or tissue death.
There are two types of angina associated with coronary artery disease: stable and unstable. Whereas stable angina has a predictable pattern that
occurs over time, unstable angina is different from the patient's usual pattern of chest pain. Typical symptoms of angina include a variety of
sensations. For example, angina may involve only mild, vague discomfort that is not really perceived as pain but as more an ache. Or it may be a
severe, intense, crushing pain in the center of the chest. The location of pain may differ, however, pain is usually felt beneath the breastbone. In
addition to chest pain, there may be associated pain that radiates to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, or back. Patients are often pale,
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Essay about A Healthy Heart
From the very first time the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than 3.5 billion times. The center of the circulatory system
is the heart. The average heart beats 100,000 times each day, pushing around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body. With a life span of 70
–90, the
heart will beat two to three billion times and circulate 50–65 million gallons of blood.
The hearts role is to pump oxygenated blood to every cell in the body by having a continuous beat. Throughout time the heart has created mystery,
however current technology has solved most of the mystery, there still remains an enchantment and eagerness to learn more.
In this article, we will learn the involvement of the hearts more content...
Home: Where the Heart Is – An outline and tour of the heart from Franklin Institute.
The Role of the Heart
The heart is described as the most valuable organ in the body. The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. The heart works to
pump and circulate all of the materials our body needs to operate properly. The right side of the heart receives de–oxygenated blood from the body.
The blood rides through the Tricuspid Valve into the Right Ventricle. After that, it pumps through the Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery. This
is where the de–oxygenated blood is taken to the lungs to get oxygen.
What Does My Heart Do? – Information on how the heart pumps blood around the body.
Function of the Heart – Information on how the heart functions.
The Cardiovascular System– Information on the role the heart plays in the cardiovascular system.
What Does the Heart Do All Day?– A description of how your heart functions everyday.
An Overview of The Human Heart– Information on what the human heart is and how it functions.
Heart Contractions and Blood Flow – An animation of the showing how the heart pumps.
Keeping Your Heart Healthy
It is important that we do everything we can to keep our heart healthy. In America, heart disease is the greatest cause of death. An estimate of 64
million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. Creating simple changes in your life can prevent cardiovascular problems and assist in
living a
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The Heart and Circulation of Blood
The Heart and Circulation of Blood
In this research paper, I will be analyzing the process of blood circulation within the human body. I will be focusing on the pulmonary circuit and the
systemic circuit, as well as the relationship with the hepatic portal system. The combination of these systems allows the body to function properly and
maintain unconscious homeostasis. I will also be talking about the effects that fitness and diet have on these processes.
The pulmonary circuit passes already–used, deoxygenated and carbon dioxide–rich blood from the heart to the lungs in order for that the blood to
become oxygenized. Once oxygenized, the blood is distributed throughout the body via the systemic circuit, being transported more content...
In addition to the systemic circuit, there is a path that the blood can take through the mesenteric artery that allows it to pass through the hepatic portal
system. The mesenteric artery runs the blood to the gastrointestinal tract and spleen and then to the liver. The blood's oxygen is exchanged with
carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the gastrointestinal tract, but some of the blood does not take part in this exchange, and instead travels through the
hepatic portal vein to the liver. The liver is particularly special, as it receives both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The liver then cleanses the
blood of bacteria and any other harmful substance that may be in it (King, 2010). From here, the blood flows to the hepatic vein, which is then joined
into the inferior vena cava, and ultimately back to the heart.
It is vital that these processes are carried out without fault. They are all important to maintaining homeostasis, and one of the ways to keep the blood
flowing healthily is with exercise and a balanced diet. Proper eating and exercise are important for allowing our bodies to fight problems such as
pulmonary hypertension, which an individual can get due to high blood pressure, and causes the victim to have a shortness of breath (Fagard, 1999). In
addition, studies have shown that exercise
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Heart Review Sheet 30
R E V I E W S H E E T 30 Anatomy of the Heart
Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart
1. An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Match each structure listed on the left with the correct letter in the figure. g j r u b k d n a 1. right
atrium 2. right ventricle 3. left atrium c a b
4. left ventricle 5. superior vena cava 6. inferior vena cava 7. ascending aorta 8. aortic arch 9. brachiocephalic artery 10. left common carotid artery
11. left subclavian artery 12. pulmonary trunk 13. right pulmonary artery 14. left pulmonary artery 15. ligamentum arteriosum 16. right pulmonary
veins 17. left pulmonary veins 18. right coronary artery 19. anterior cardiac vein t s w x v 20. left coronary artery 21. circumflex artery 22. anterior more content...
They contain intercellular junctions that link adjacent cells both
electronically and mechanically, effectively allowing the muscle muscle fibers to act as one.
Review Sheet 30
Dissection of the Sheep Heart
13. During the sheep heart dissection, you were asked initially to identify the right and left ventricles without cutting into the heart. During this
procedure, what differences did you observe between the two chambers? The left ventricle is think and solid as it pumps blood through the body, the
right walls are thinner
When you measured thickness of ventricular walls, was the right or left ventricle thicker?
the left
Knowing that structure and function are related, how would you say this structural difference reflects the relative functions of these two heart
chambers? the left ventricle is responsible for systemic circulation, it is larger because it needs to
force blood through the entire body and meets resistance. R side only does pulmonary, where it meets less res 14. Semilunar valves prevent backflow
into the atria venticles ; AV valves prevent backflow into the
. Using your own observations, explain how the operation of the semilunar valves The AV valve is close during compression so blood is forced from
the heart.
differs from that of the AV valves.
The semilunar closes the heart so the chambers can fill.
15. Compare and contrast the structure of the right and left
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The Heart and Blood Circulation Essay
The Heart and Blood Circulation The heart is a four chambered muscular pump around the size of a fist. It beats about 100,000 times a day pumping
around 2,000 gallons of blood through about 100,000 miles of organic tubing.
The heart is a big muscle with four valves connected together to make a two–stage pump. The heart gets its energy by oxidizing blood sugars. This
released energy, contracts the heart's many muscle cells, and the four chambers squeeze blood out into the arteries.
The arteries are thick walled muscular tubes which carry blood away from the heart. The heart has two sides – the left ventricle and the right ventricle.
The artery from the right ventricle pumps blood more content...
The venae cavae collects oxygen depleted blood from the body and routes the blood to the right atrium in the heart. When the right atrium squeezes,
it pushes blood through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Like the other three heart valves this is a one way valve (blood can only flow in
one direction). When the right ventricle contracts, it pushes blood through the pulmonary valve and on into the lungs. Because it does not take much
pressure to get blood to the lungs and back, the right side is smaller than the left. The left side has to work harder pumping blood to the rest of the
body. Blood in our arteries is at a high pressure, blood in our veins is at low pressure. The blood, rich in oxygen, returns from the lungs through the
pulmonary veins into the left atrium. To get all the way round blood has to go through the heart twice and this is why it is called a double circulation.
Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets floating in a liquid called plasma. The red blood cells contain haemoglobin and carry
oxygen. Haemoglobin is a protein which becomes oxyhaemoglobin in the lungs. The white blood cells fight disease by making antibodies and fighting
Blood transports these vital materials around the body. Blood plasma contains nutrients, hormones and waste products. Oxygen is carried
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The Heart Of A Heart: The Beauty Of The Heart
In our search for knowledge our world is filled with constant shifts and changes, and the beauty of itself is often left in silence while we're engulfed
with constant experiences. This essay from the London Review of Books explores such beauty through the existence of a heartbeat. The essay is
written from the experiences of a doctor towards a general audience who may not understand scientific jargon by embedding imagery alongside his
own experiences, and explores his enlightenment of the beauty within hearing the heartbeat of others.
This essay is written in first person in the perspective of the author through the usage of personal pronouns within the text such as "I". This is used to
bring about a sense of intimacy to the audience with the author, and distinguishes itself from a regular essay as the author attempts more
"Healthy cardiac valves close with a soft percussive noise, like a gloved finger tapping on a leather–topped desk". The usage of musical jargon is
followed by the use of simile within the text to illustrate this. The example here is used to reveal movement, and its links to the beauty of the heart.
Movement is constantly revealed throughout this, when the author alludes to the fact that the movement within the heart resembles a child. "...
Murmurs that can be high–pitched or low, loud or soft...". The word murmur presents a vocal direction when personified represents the murmur of a
child as the murmurs of children contain similar qualities as in the example. The example of a new born child is again used by the author, to
describe the beauty and distinctiveness of the heartbeat. "The foetal heartbeat was distinct, fluttering fast like a bird over the oceanic swell of the
mother's pulse, an allegro played over an adagio". The author here uses vivid imagery, accompanied by a simile to reveal the beauty within a
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Human Heart Research Paper
The human heart is one of the most important organs that are in the human body. This organ is necessary for people to be able to live. There are a
couple of functions that the heart does that makes it so important. It is responsible for circulating blood in the body, as well as ensuring that the blood
pressure is kept at a constant rate. Yourheart can be found in the center of your chest. The human heart is divided into four quarters by a strong
muscle. The upper portion of the heart is known as the atria, and the lower portion is known as the ventricle.
The human heart is kept well protected by a sac and fluid that cushions it. The sac that the heart is housed in is called the pericardium. Inside the
walls of this sac is pericardial fluid, and this fluid is responsible for cushioning the heart. There are three layers that the walls of the human heart are
made up of. The wall that is closest to the heart is called the endocardium, and this is the portion that is in contact with the blood. The middle wall is more content...
This is because the ventricles are responsible for pushing blood out, and therefore, they need to have enough pressure to be able to accomplish this
task. The left ventricle is stronger than the right because it needs to be able to push the blood out into the
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Essay On Congenital Heart Disease

  • 1. Essay On Congenital Heart Disease Congenital heart disease is a cardiovascular condition resulting from an abnormality in the structure of the heart. The exact time this defect forms is unknown but it is during the fetal development in the womb. Researchers think the defect could be case partially by genetics and medical conditions of the fetus and the parents. If the baby's mother had rubella, while pregnant or other conditions such as diabetes could have caused the defect. Some medications that were taken by a pregnant mother could also have caused birth defects. An error on chromosome 22 could also have caused the heart defect. Some symptoms that a person may have a congenital heart may not show up until later in life but many children also have the symptoms. Symptoms of a congenital heart defect are abnormal heartbeat, bluish tint to skin, shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting, and swelling of body tissues and more content... They may start with a physical exam and listening to the patient's heart. If an abnormal heartbeat is heard the doctor may recommend an electrocardiogram. This procedure monitors the electrical impulses of the heart to detect irregular heart beat. Chest X–rays may also be used to better evaluate the heart and lungs. There are also many other ways to detect defects such as an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, cardiac catheterization, CT scan, or MRI. Congenital heart disease can be minor or severe, so depending on the case there are many different treatment options. For minor cases medications and regular exams will do. For severe cases, implantable heart devices, catheter procedures, and even open–heart surgery may be needed. In rare cases a heart transplant may be required. Congenital heart disease can affect both children and Get more content on
  • 2. The Human Heart The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage bones, i.e., in the center of the chest. Usually it is slightly on the left side of the chest but in rare cases, it can be found on the right side. Heart is responsible for the blood flow to every single part of the body by constant contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles. This is the reason why we hear rhythmic beats all the time. Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation. Normally in a minute the heart beats 72 times. Well, let 's check out heart diagram for kids as well as for adults which can help more content... This maintains a proper one directional blood flow through out the process. Bicuspid valve is present between the left atrium and left ventricle whereas tricuspid valve is present between the right atrium and right ventricle. Pulmonary valve behaves as a gate which stops the back flow of blood from right ventricle to the pulmonary artery which takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs for purification. Lastly the aortic valve, this valve plays an important role in stopping the back flow of the blood from left ventricle to the aorta. Once the blood is transferred to the aorta it supplies the oxygenated blood to different parts of the body. Blood Vessels Blood vessels are the blood carriers in a human body. These play a very vital role in the supply of blood to various parts of the body. Blood vessels can be of two types, veins and arteries. All the veins (except pulmonary vein) are involved in carrying the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body to the heart whereas all the arteries (except pulmonary artery) are involved in supplying oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body. Functioning of the Heart After getting familiar with the part let 's check out the functions of the heart. Well, as we all know we need oxygen to survive, but have you ever thought how this oxygen is supplied to different parts of the body? This work is done with the help of heart. Heart plays a very important role in the supply of oxygenated
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  • 4. The Human Heart Essays Introduction In our world organisms occupy a sliding scale of complexity. On one hand we have the single cell organisms, where all necessary functions for their life are carried out within that one cell. At the other extreme we have extremely complex multicellular organisms, of which humans are perhaps the cardinal member. Obviously, with increased capacity comes increased abilities. Complex organisms are able to manipulate their environment to a greater extent then their simpler cousins. While this has a lot of advantages, it also presents interesting biological problems. With the increased complexity multicellular organisms must have systems to deliver nutrients, signaling molecules, and biochemical building blocks to every cell. more content... While contraction in skeletal muscle is triggered by motor neurons under central control, certain cardiac muscle variants exhibit autorhythmicity. This means that that they are capable of producing their own depolarizing electrical potential. The cardiomyocytes that are capable of producing their own electrical potentials are found in what is referred to as the electrical condition system of the heart. This system is comprised of specializes cardiomyocytes that are autorhythmic and are able to conduct electrical potentials rapidly. These specialized structures include the sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node and bundle, and Purkinje fibers. While the bulk of the heart is myocardium, there are structural components that are pertinent. The four cardiac valves can be seen in a transverse section of the heart at the base of the ventricles. Figure – grey's cardiac skeleton Surrounding each of these valves are dense fibrous rings or annuli made of connective tissue that forms the cardiac skeleton. The annuli of the aortic valve forms the base for the other annuli as it is located central to the other valves. Fibrous extensions from the annuli of the aortic valve extends outwardly and anchors the other three valves. In addition to the four annuli there are other fibrous components of the cardiac skeleton such as the right and left fibrous trigones, and the membranous septum. The right fibrous trigone is also know as the central Get more content on
  • 5. Heart Research Paper Outline Heart Research Paper Outline Did you know that your heart is the same size as both your hands clasped together? Well it's true when you are a kid your heart is the size of your fist, but when you are an adult your heart is like your two hands together. The heart is an organ that keeps you alive. It is in your chest and is protected by the rib cage. First, there is a lot of information about the heart. The organ works ceaselessly, beating 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year–in total clocking up three billion heartbeats over an average lifetime. It keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, while clearing away harmful waste matter. The fetal heart evolves through several different stages inside the womb, more content... Almost 80% of people die from heart disease. The only way to know your level of risk is to be assessed by a healthcare professional and to be checked for factors such as your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, waist measurement and BMI. Once you know your overall risk, agree with your healthcare professional on a plan for specific actions you should take to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. The Circulatory System is made up of three main parts: The heart, the blood vessels and the blood. Sometimes the watery fluid called lymph and the vessels that carry it are considered to be part of the Circulatory System. The heart is a special pump that pumps the blood around the body. The purpose of this paper was to summarize information about the heart, explain how it works, and discuss its purpose. It was said that the heart evolves through several different stages inside the womb, first resembling a fish's heart, then a frog's, which has two chambers, than a snake's, with three, before finally adopting the four–chambered structure of the human heart. I also told you how the heart works. When the heart contracts, the chambers become smaller, forcing blood first out of the atria into the ventricles, then from each ventricle into a large blood vessel connected to the top of the heart. Now the purpose of the heart is the size of its owner's clenched fist, the organ sits in the middle of the chest, behind 1the breastbone and between the lungs, in a moistened chamber that is protected all round by the rib cage. It can also be easy to fix the heart. The only way to know your level of risk is to be assessed by a healthcare professional and to be checked for factors such as your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, waist measurement and BMI. The heart is very important for your Get more content on
  • 6. College Admissions Essay: The Human Heart Looking at her face, pressing her feet with my fingers as she rests, I fossick through my conscience; in a silent escape from my dreams, I bank solitons of possibilities, holding the burning expectations, I need to deliver to, in a velodrome of recursive thought. This is the fastest way I take a turn and my face derives glow as I retrospect. The human heart is not designed to beat outside the human body, yet, I am that– my mother's heart, bared, beating forever outside her chest. Whenever I yearn to hold her hands, my fingers can see in the dark. She is a powerful source of energy even in her sleep. My mother's life has wavered between stifling penury and tough decisions, including the one to continue her education after her marriage. As Get more content on
  • 7. The Cardiovascular System Essay The heart, blood and blood vessels make up the basis of the cardiovascular system also known as the circulatory system. The average human body contains approximately 5 litres of blood which is carried around the body via a network of blood vessels split into three types; arteries, veins and capillaries. The arteries are the largest of the three vessels and carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart and are smaller than arteries, then finally the smallest vessels known as capillaries distribute the oxygen rich blood to organs whilst simultaneously picking up the waste carbon dioxide and water from the organs to transport back to the heart where it can be pumped into the lungs to be exhaled. Blood actually has more content... Blood has many functions and is a complex structure of cells and fluid. It helps fight bacteria, protect the body from infection, carry valuable sources of minerals and nutrients around the body, dispose of waste materials, keeps the body temperature regulated and helps with glandular distribution of hormones and enzymes. Oxygen and nutrients the body requires for function are pumped around this complex network of blood vessels by the heart. At roughly the size of a human fist, the heart is a four–chambered muscle and performs two functions of circulation simultaneously and continuously. Systemic and pulmonary circulation. The heart is made up from three separate layers of cardiac tissue; the outer layer called the pericardium, which is a double sac–like outer covering with serous fluid inside to keep the middle layer, the myocardium from adhering to the outer layer. This middle layer of the heart is the heart muscle which is thicker on the left side, to aid with the pressure needed to sustain systemic circulation. The inner layer of the heart is the endocardium. It's lining is smooth to help prevent the blood which circulates around the inside of the heart from clotting. The heart is the human body's in–built pacemaker, and the electrical signals sent through the it cause the heart to contract and relax. This process is triggered by the autonomic nervous system and the contraction and relaxing cycle is Get more content on
  • 8. The Heart And The Heart Of The Human Heart The human heart is the one organ that powers the entire body. Without it we wouldn't be able to do the simplest functions. Simple things like talking, walking, and even breathing relies on the heart pumping. Pumping blood into all the different parts of the body allows the circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide and other wastes. The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body's circulatory pump. There are four chambers that make up the heart. The upper chambers are called the atrium and the lower chambers are the ventricle. A wall of muscle called the septum separates the two sides of the heart. Attached to each chamber is a valve. The valves open and close to let the blood flow in only one direction. These valves are actual flaps that are located on each end of the two ventricles. The right side of the heart is responsible for taking all the deprived oxygen blood and making it rich again. The left side pumps all the oxygenated blood out into the rest of the body. All the great things the heart does for the body and it only takes one wrong thing to happen to the heart to affect the entire body. Heart attacks is the leading enemy against the heart, it affects more than a million Americans each year. The heart needs a constant supply of oxygen–rich blood to nourish it. The coronary arteries provide the heart with oxygen supply. The body produces Calcium, fatty matter, proteins, and Get more content on
  • 9. Function Of Heart: Functions Of The Heart Function of the Heart The heart is the pump that propels the blood around the body providing essential nutrition to cells and tissues. The heart is the most important muscle in the human body. It is about the size of the owner's fist. The heart is the pump that drives the whole circulatory system. It receives and propels blood, rhythmically contracting with every heartbeat and forcing the blood through a system of arteries veins and capillaries, where it eventually reaches cells and tissues. Blood contains essential nutrients, oxygen, hormones and enzymes. Without the heart pumping blood, cells would not receive any nutrition and would die, thus in order to sustain life one must have a heartbeat. The heart circulates blood through two pathways: the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. In the pulmonary circuit, deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle of the heart via the pulmonary artery and travels to the lungs, then returns as oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart via the pulmonary vein. In the systemic circuit, oxygenated blood leaves the body via the left ventricle to the aorta, and from there enters the arteries and capillaries where it supplies the body's tissues with oxygen. more content... The atria then relax but the ventricles contract, emptying their contents into the arteries. The ventricles then relax and the heart is at rest. While resting the heart dilates and fills with blood. The period of rest (diastole) equals the period of contraction (systole). The cardiac cycle starts at a point in the right atrium called the pacemaker (sino–atrial node). This consists of specialised neuromuscular tissue which is supplied by the autonomic nervous system. From here the contraction of the heart muscle spreads through the atria and then down the septum to the walls of the Get more content on
  • 10. The human heart is arguably the most important organ in the body. The absence of the heart would be detrimental to the human body. In collaboration with other human organs, the human heart serves one main purpose; to pump blood throughout the body so that requiring cells can obtain oxygen (O2) and eliminate carbon dioxide (C02). The heart contracts in a specific manner to pump blood through the human body. Heart rate is referred to the speed of the beating heart which is measured by the contractions of the heart per minute. The average human resting heart rate estimates to be around 60 – 100 beats per minute (bpm). However, there are many variations to this calculation. Some individuals have soaring heart rate's and some may have their heart rate much less than 60 bpm. Many factors possess leverage over the human heart rate. Health factors are one of the main causes of elevated heart rates. In many cases, an elevated heart rate may possibly signify a serious health situation. Anemia, a disease that results in fewer red blood cells (erythrocytes) than normal is a prime example of elevated heart rate. Anemic patients usually lack the normal number of erythrocytes. The response of the human body to anemia is an increase in cardiac output, or heart rate. Anemia forces the heart to pump blood to the required region more excessively since there is not enough O2 to go around. This overtime pumping can elevate an individual's heart rate to as much as 100 bpm or higher. This Get more content on
  • 11. You are now entering the human heart The short story "You are now entering the human heart", written by Janet Frame is a short story focused on the fear of something strange, to overstep boundaries and to be under pressure. I think the feeling is something, that we all know how feels. My definition on fear would be something about, that it is an emotional response to a threat. We all know the feeling, when you sweat like you have accomplished a marathon race, the adrenaline pumps inside your body and you're extremely nervous. The story is written in a very objective angle, which you can see through the whole story. You don't get into the narrator, even though he is one of the most important minor characters in the story – neither more content... It is my impression that she is about the pensionable age, but she's still teaching very young children and has a fear of snakes, which is based on her experiences and her beliefs, about that "All snakes were creatures to kill, to be protected from, alike the rattler, the copperhead, king snake, grass snake – venom and victims", described on page 2, line 6–8. Miss Aitcheson is in the story described as "a city woman born and bread", also on page 2, line 6 and the attendant is described as a guy, who knows a lot about snakes, and that not any of the snakes are dangerous. He expects, that Miss Aitcheson would have a relaxed attitude towards the snake, and he says to her class "See, she's not afraid. Miss Aitcheson can stand there with a beautiful snake around her neck and touch it and stroke it and not be afraid", written on page 3, line 3–5. And that's because his purpose with it was to get respectively Miss Aitcheson and the children to realise that snakes aren't dangerous. Before Miss Aitcheson get near the snake, you hear about that she's very afraid of the. On page 2, line 1–3 it says, "Her face was pale. She just managed to drag the fear from her eyes to some place in their depths, where it lurked like a dark stain." and then when she get's the snake around her neck, I thought every single reader mean that the suspense rise and you'll as a reader with to what happen on the bottom of page 3, where it says "Suddenly the snake moved around to face Miss Aitcheson Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Heart Coronary Artery Disease Heart Disease Heart disease can take many forms. The form of heart disease I am focusing on is coronary disease. Different arteries supply different areas of the heart with oxygenated blood. If one or more of these arteries become narrowed or clogged as a result of coronary artery disease, or atherscelorosis the artery cannot fully supply the part of the heart it is responsible for. The heart is an effective pump only when good blood supply is maintained to all heart muscles. If an artery becomes so clogged that blood cannot flow through it, the result is chest pain which could progress to a heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI). "Myocardial" is a medical term that means "having to do more content... When a blockage occurs, heart cells use stored energy for pumping. By–products, such as lactic acid, build up and are not removed efficiently because of the blocked blood flow that caused the problem initially. Waste product build up is thought to be the cause of pain. The pain may be similar to the pain experienced when you overwork your muscles, which is also due to lactic acid buildup. The heart cells can rely on stored energy only for a short time before the cells become damaged permanently. This temporary injury is called ischemia. Permanent damage is called infarction or tissue death. Angina There are two types of angina associated with coronary artery disease: stable and unstable. Whereas stable angina has a predictable pattern that occurs over time, unstable angina is different from the patient's usual pattern of chest pain. Typical symptoms of angina include a variety of sensations. For example, angina may involve only mild, vague discomfort that is not really perceived as pain but as more an ache. Or it may be a severe, intense, crushing pain in the center of the chest. The location of pain may differ, however, pain is usually felt beneath the breastbone. In addition to chest pain, there may be associated pain that radiates to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, or back. Patients are often pale, Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about A Healthy Heart From the very first time the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than 3.5 billion times. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. The average heart beats 100,000 times each day, pushing around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body. With a life span of 70 –90, the heart will beat two to three billion times and circulate 50–65 million gallons of blood. The hearts role is to pump oxygenated blood to every cell in the body by having a continuous beat. Throughout time the heart has created mystery, however current technology has solved most of the mystery, there still remains an enchantment and eagerness to learn more. In this article, we will learn the involvement of the hearts more content... Home: Where the Heart Is – An outline and tour of the heart from Franklin Institute. The Role of the Heart The heart is described as the most valuable organ in the body. The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. The heart works to pump and circulate all of the materials our body needs to operate properly. The right side of the heart receives de–oxygenated blood from the body. The blood rides through the Tricuspid Valve into the Right Ventricle. After that, it pumps through the Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery. This is where the de–oxygenated blood is taken to the lungs to get oxygen. What Does My Heart Do? – Information on how the heart pumps blood around the body. Function of the Heart – Information on how the heart functions. The Cardiovascular System– Information on the role the heart plays in the cardiovascular system. What Does the Heart Do All Day?– A description of how your heart functions everyday. An Overview of The Human Heart– Information on what the human heart is and how it functions. Heart Contractions and Blood Flow – An animation of the showing how the heart pumps. Keeping Your Heart Healthy It is important that we do everything we can to keep our heart healthy. In America, heart disease is the greatest cause of death. An estimate of 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. Creating simple changes in your life can prevent cardiovascular problems and assist in
  • 14. living a Get more content on
  • 15. The Heart and Circulation of Blood The Heart and Circulation of Blood In this research paper, I will be analyzing the process of blood circulation within the human body. I will be focusing on the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit, as well as the relationship with the hepatic portal system. The combination of these systems allows the body to function properly and maintain unconscious homeostasis. I will also be talking about the effects that fitness and diet have on these processes. The pulmonary circuit passes already–used, deoxygenated and carbon dioxide–rich blood from the heart to the lungs in order for that the blood to become oxygenized. Once oxygenized, the blood is distributed throughout the body via the systemic circuit, being transported more content... In addition to the systemic circuit, there is a path that the blood can take through the mesenteric artery that allows it to pass through the hepatic portal system. The mesenteric artery runs the blood to the gastrointestinal tract and spleen and then to the liver. The blood's oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the gastrointestinal tract, but some of the blood does not take part in this exchange, and instead travels through the hepatic portal vein to the liver. The liver is particularly special, as it receives both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The liver then cleanses the blood of bacteria and any other harmful substance that may be in it (King, 2010). From here, the blood flows to the hepatic vein, which is then joined into the inferior vena cava, and ultimately back to the heart. It is vital that these processes are carried out without fault. They are all important to maintaining homeostasis, and one of the ways to keep the blood flowing healthily is with exercise and a balanced diet. Proper eating and exercise are important for allowing our bodies to fight problems such as pulmonary hypertension, which an individual can get due to high blood pressure, and causes the victim to have a shortness of breath (Fagard, 1999). In addition, studies have shown that exercise Get more content on
  • 16. Heart Review Sheet 30 R E V I E W S H E E T 30 Anatomy of the Heart Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart 1. An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Match each structure listed on the left with the correct letter in the figure. g j r u b k d n a 1. right atrium 2. right ventricle 3. left atrium c a b o 4. left ventricle 5. superior vena cava 6. inferior vena cava 7. ascending aorta 8. aortic arch 9. brachiocephalic artery 10. left common carotid artery 11. left subclavian artery 12. pulmonary trunk 13. right pulmonary artery 14. left pulmonary artery 15. ligamentum arteriosum 16. right pulmonary veins 17. left pulmonary veins 18. right coronary artery 19. anterior cardiac vein t s w x v 20. left coronary artery 21. circumflex artery 22. anterior more content... They contain intercellular junctions that link adjacent cells both electr electronically and mechanically, effectively allowing the muscle muscle fibers to act as one. 203 Review Sheet 30 Dissection of the Sheep Heart 13. During the sheep heart dissection, you were asked initially to identify the right and left ventricles without cutting into the heart. During this procedure, what differences did you observe between the two chambers? The left ventricle is think and solid as it pumps blood through the body, the right walls are thinner
  • 17. When you measured thickness of ventricular walls, was the right or left ventricle thicker? the left Knowing that structure and function are related, how would you say this structural difference reflects the relative functions of these two heart chambers? the left ventricle is responsible for systemic circulation, it is larger because it needs to force blood through the entire body and meets resistance. R side only does pulmonary, where it meets less res 14. Semilunar valves prevent backflow into the atria venticles ; AV valves prevent backflow into the . Using your own observations, explain how the operation of the semilunar valves The AV valve is close during compression so blood is forced from the heart. differs from that of the AV valves. The semilunar closes the heart so the chambers can fill. 15. Compare and contrast the structure of the right and left Get more content on
  • 18. The Heart and Blood Circulation Essay The Heart and Blood Circulation The heart is a four chambered muscular pump around the size of a fist. It beats about 100,000 times a day pumping around 2,000 gallons of blood through about 100,000 miles of organic tubing. The heart is a big muscle with four valves connected together to make a two–stage pump. The heart gets its energy by oxidizing blood sugars. This released energy, contracts the heart's many muscle cells, and the four chambers squeeze blood out into the arteries. The arteries are thick walled muscular tubes which carry blood away from the heart. The heart has two sides – the left ventricle and the right ventricle. The artery from the right ventricle pumps blood more content... The venae cavae collects oxygen depleted blood from the body and routes the blood to the right atrium in the heart. When the right atrium squeezes, it pushes blood through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Like the other three heart valves this is a one way valve (blood can only flow in one direction). When the right ventricle contracts, it pushes blood through the pulmonary valve and on into the lungs. Because it does not take much pressure to get blood to the lungs and back, the right side is smaller than the left. The left side has to work harder pumping blood to the rest of the body. Blood in our arteries is at a high pressure, blood in our veins is at low pressure. The blood, rich in oxygen, returns from the lungs through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. To get all the way round blood has to go through the heart twice and this is why it is called a double circulation. Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets floating in a liquid called plasma. The red blood cells contain haemoglobin and carry oxygen. Haemoglobin is a protein which becomes oxyhaemoglobin in the lungs. The white blood cells fight disease by making antibodies and fighting germs. Blood transports these vital materials around the body. Blood plasma contains nutrients, hormones and waste products. Oxygen is carried Get more content on
  • 19. The Heart Of A Heart: The Beauty Of The Heart In our search for knowledge our world is filled with constant shifts and changes, and the beauty of itself is often left in silence while we're engulfed with constant experiences. This essay from the London Review of Books explores such beauty through the existence of a heartbeat. The essay is written from the experiences of a doctor towards a general audience who may not understand scientific jargon by embedding imagery alongside his own experiences, and explores his enlightenment of the beauty within hearing the heartbeat of others. This essay is written in first person in the perspective of the author through the usage of personal pronouns within the text such as "I". This is used to bring about a sense of intimacy to the audience with the author, and distinguishes itself from a regular essay as the author attempts more content... "Healthy cardiac valves close with a soft percussive noise, like a gloved finger tapping on a leather–topped desk". The usage of musical jargon is followed by the use of simile within the text to illustrate this. The example here is used to reveal movement, and its links to the beauty of the heart. Movement is constantly revealed throughout this, when the author alludes to the fact that the movement within the heart resembles a child. "... Murmurs that can be high–pitched or low, loud or soft...". The word murmur presents a vocal direction when personified represents the murmur of a child as the murmurs of children contain similar qualities as in the example. The example of a new born child is again used by the author, to describe the beauty and distinctiveness of the heartbeat. "The foetal heartbeat was distinct, fluttering fast like a bird over the oceanic swell of the mother's pulse, an allegro played over an adagio". The author here uses vivid imagery, accompanied by a simile to reveal the beauty within a Get more content on
  • 20. Human Heart Research Paper The human heart is one of the most important organs that are in the human body. This organ is necessary for people to be able to live. There are a couple of functions that the heart does that makes it so important. It is responsible for circulating blood in the body, as well as ensuring that the blood pressure is kept at a constant rate. Yourheart can be found in the center of your chest. The human heart is divided into four quarters by a strong muscle. The upper portion of the heart is known as the atria, and the lower portion is known as the ventricle. The human heart is kept well protected by a sac and fluid that cushions it. The sac that the heart is housed in is called the pericardium. Inside the walls of this sac is pericardial fluid, and this fluid is responsible for cushioning the heart. There are three layers that the walls of the human heart are made up of. The wall that is closest to the heart is called the endocardium, and this is the portion that is in contact with the blood. The middle wall is more content... This is because the ventricles are responsible for pushing blood out, and therefore, they need to have enough pressure to be able to accomplish this task. The left ventricle is stronger than the right because it needs to be able to push the blood out into the Get more content on