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  and Exercises
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1                                        อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
                                                    Unit 1 Nouns

       คํานาม คือ คํา ที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว สิ่งของ เชน student, dog, cat, house, man, etc.

   คํานามแบงตามการใชได 2 แบบ คือ Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun

1. Countable Nouns (คํานามนับได)

   เปนคํานามที่มีทั้งรูปเอกพจน และ พหูพจน และ ใชกับ indefinite article (a/an) ได

       เชน         a book         เปน      books

                    a dog          เปน      dogs

                    a pen          เปน      pens

                    a house        เปน      houses

2. Uncountable Nouns (คํานามนับไมได)

   เปนคํานามที่มีแตรูปเอกพจน และจะใช a/an นําหนาไมได เชน

              furniture        bread             hope              salt                 air

              sleep            sugar             milk              snow                 courage

              fun              grass
2                                         อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
     วิธีทําใหคํานามเอกพจนกลายเปนคํานามพหูพจน ก็คือ เติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’ โดยมีกฏเกณฑ ดังนี้

1. เติม ‘s’ ทายคํานามเอกพจนทั่วไป ยกเวนเมื่อคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘ch’ หรือ ‘sh’ จะเติม

     ‘es’ เชน

           girl                  เปน      girls                fox         เปน       foxes

           month                 เปน      months               class       เปน       classes

           tree                  เปน      trees                wish        เปน       wishes

           book                  เปน      books                quiz        เปน       quizes

2.   ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘y’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘y’ เปน ‘i’ แลวเติม ‘es’ เชน

           lady                  เปน      ladies               fly         เปน       flies

           duty                  เปน      duties               baby        เปน       babies

3.   ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘y’ จะเติม ‘s’ เฉย ๆ เชน

     day                  เปน          days                    key         เปน       keys

     boy                  เปน          boys                    monkey      เปน       monkeys

4. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘es’ เชน

     hero          เปน          heroes                  tomato           เปน     tomatoes

     potato        เปน          potatoes                echo             เปน     echoes
3                                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

         piano               เปน      pianos                         solo     เปน   solos

         memo                เปน      memos                          photo    เปน   photos

5.   ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘s’ เชน

         radio               เปน      radios                         studio   เปน   studios

         video               เปน      videos

6.   คํานามที่ลงทายดวย ‘f’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘f’ เปน ‘ve’ แลวเติม   ‘s’

         knife               เปน      knives                         shelf    เปน   shelves

         wife                เปน      wives                          life     เปน   lives

         half                เปน      halves


         roof                เปน      roofs                          chief    เปน   chiefs

         belief              เปน      beliefs                        cliff    เปน   cliffs
4                                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7.   คํานามผสม (Compound Nouns) ที่เขียนโดยมีเครื่องหมาย – คั่นกลาง จะเติม ‘s’ ที่คําแรก เชน

           mother-in-law                 เปน   mothers-in-law

           passer-by                     เปน   passers-by

           lady-in-waiting               เปน   ladies-in-waiting

           maid-of-honor                 เปน   maids-of-honor


(1) คํานามบางคําเมื่อเปนพหูพจนจะเปลี่ยนรูปไปเลย (ไมเติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’) ไดแก

     man           เปน          men                                    tooth       เปน          teeth

     woman         เปน          women                                  goose       เปน          geese

     child         เปน          children                               mouse       เปน          mice

     foot          เปน          feet                                   louse       เปน          lice

     (2)   คํานามบางคําที่มาจากภาษาลาติน/กรีก จะมีรูปพหูพจนตามแบบภาษาดั้งเดิม ไดแก

     crisis               เปน      crises                              datum              เปน          data

     basis                เปน      bases                               criterion          เปน          criteria

     thesis               เปน      theses                              agendum            เปน          agenda

     analysis             เปน      analyses
5                                  อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

(1) คํานามบางคําคงรูปเดิม เมื่อเปนเอกพจน/พหูพจน ไดแก

         species                                            Chinese

         fish                                               Japanese

         sheep                                              Swiss

         deer                                               Series

         He gave a series of lectures.

         There are several series of programmes.

         I caught a fish.

         They caught several fish.

(2) คํานามบางคําเมื่อใชในความหมาย “ชื่อวิชา” จะมีความหมายเปนเอกพจน ใชคํากริยาเอกพจนแตเมื่อใชในความหมายของ

    สวนประกอบของกิจกรรม จะเปนพหูพจน ไดแก

         mathematics                                        economics

         statistics                                         politics

    Statistics is very interesting.

    These statistics are useful.
6                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
(3) คําสมุหนาม (Collective Nouns) ประเภท ‘class, group, family, committee, club, company’

   จะใชในความหมายเปน หนึ่งหนวย จะใชกริยาเอกพจน และเมื่อใชในความหมายของแตละอยางหรือสมาชิกแตละคน


          The committee has produced its final report.

          The committee are celebrating their victory.

   คํานามที่มีรูปพหูพจน (ลงทายดวย “s”) แตมีความหมายเอกพจน

          คํานามที่เปนชื่อโรค ชื่อเกมส หรือ ขาวจะลงทายดวย “s” แตถือเปนเอกพจน ไดแก

              news                         measles                      mumps

              dominoes                     darts

   เชน       No news is good news.

              Mumps is not common in England.

              Dominoes is my favorite game.

   คํานามที่มีรูปเอกพจน แตมีความหมายพหูพจน

              people                                                      clergy

              police                                                      the rich

              cattle                                                      the poor

   เชน       They are poor people.

              The police have arrested the thieves.

              Those cattle are the best.
7                                   อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
คํานามนับไมไดในความหมายพหูพจน จะเติมคําที่บอกจํานวนหรือปริมาณลงไป แตกริยาเปนเอกพจนเสมอ เชน

        a large amount of                                    a lot of

        a great deal of                                      a little

        plenty of                                            a bit of

        lots of                                              some

เชน    Lots of time is wasted.

        I’ve got a little money; it should be enough to live on.

        There is still a lot of snow.
8                อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A.   จงทําใหรูปพหูพจนของคํานามในวงเล็บ

     1. I am proud of my (son-in-law)__________.

     2. I have been here for three (day) __________.

     3. She has just finished her (song) __________.

     4. I think we need two (radio) __________.

     5. Those were their (watch) __________.

     6. Have you seen those (ox) __________?

     7. Whose (knife) __________are these?

     8. These (photo) __________are mine.

     9. My (foot) __________really hurt!

     10. We saw several (deer) __________in the park.

B. Make these sentences plural.

     1. A dog is an animal.


     2. A potato is a vegetable.


     3. A girl likes a sweet.


     4. A teacher is a man or a woman.


     5. A fly is an insect.

9              อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
6. A dog hates a cat.


7. A student is not always good.


8. A cow gives milk.


9. We can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg.


10. A mother is kind to a little child.


11. A box has a lid.


12. A chicken is a bird.


13. A chair is made of wood.


14. We fill our pen with ink.


15. A writer writes a book.


16. A picture is pretty.


17. We can read a book.

10             อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
18. A garden had a tree.


19. We drink tea out of a cup.


20. An apple grows on a tree.


21. A boy likes a game.


22. An eye is blue or brown.


23. A fish can swim.


24. A pencil is like a pen.


25. A cat eats meat.

11                อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
     C.   จงเขียน C หนาคํานามที่นับได และ U หนาคํานามที่นับไมได

          1. ________advice

          2. ________animal

          3. ________tomato

          4. ________intelligence

          5. ________freedom

          6. ________hero

          7. ________gold

          8. ________cup

          9. ________garden

D.   จงขีดเสนใตคํากริยาที่ถูกตองในวงเล็บ

     1. Politics (is, are) Pom’s field of study.

     2. Your trousers (is, are) brown.

     3. The news (depresses, depress) me.

     4. The police (has, have) arrested the criminals.

     5. Here (is, are) two answers.

     6. Measles (is, are) dangerous.

     7. The rich (is, are) lucky.

     8. There (is, are) 150 species of butterfly.

     9. How many fish (is, are) there in the pond?
1                                           อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
                                             Unit 2 Prounouns


     หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ

          ประธาน        กรรม          Possessive Pronoun                  Reflexive Pronoun

            I            me                     mine                              myself
           We             us                     ours                           ourselves
           You           you                    yours                    yourselves(yourself)
           He            him                     his                             himself
           She           her                     hers                             herself
            It            it                      its                              itself
          They          them                    theirs                         themselves
           One           one                    one’s                             oneself
2                          อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงขีดเสนใตคํา pronoun.

1. The dog chased its tail and finally caught it.

2. The painter prepared his brushes, and then he finally got to use them.

3. Teachers and students agreed that they had the same interests.

4. Extraction of a wisdom tooth can cause great pain if it is impacted.

5. Zebras are prized for the beauty they display.

6. The doctor removed John’s tonsils when he was five years old.

7. Ruth is bound to sell some antiques if she tries long enough.

8. Two atomic bombs ended World War II, but they are still discussed today.

9. San Francisco is a beautiful city; it is near to New York.

10. The state of Vermout imposes heavy income taxes when it needs funds.

B. จงเปลี่ยนคําที่ขีดเสนใตใหเปนสรรพนามใหถูกตอง

1. Mary is diligent. Mary studies her lessons every night.

2. John and Mary study in the same class. John and Mary are classmates.

3. Helen and I are neighbors. Helen and I live next to each other.

4. Jack is a good student. Jack never goes to school late.

5.   Monty is Mary’s dog. Monty is an Alsatian.
3                          อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C.   จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง “I, we, you, he, she, they, it”

1. Tom and I are friends. ___________ go to the same school. He goes to school by car.

     ___________ go by bus. Helen and Mary are sisters. __________have a dog. Helen likes

     ________ but Mary doesn’t. __________ always teases it.

2. Jim:      Where do ___________ live?

     Suda: _______________live in Chiengmai.

     Jim:    Where do your parents live?

     Suda: __________live in Lampang.

3. Tom: Where is Somsak?

     Winai: __________ is in the library with Pramote. __________ are studying for the exam


4. Customer:        How much are these birds?

     Shopkeeper: ____________are 50 baht each.

     Customer:      And what about this one?

     Shopkeeper: 100 bath. __________ is a nice bird and ________ sings beautifully.
4                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D.   จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง me, you, us, him, her, them, it

1. Mrs. Smith is very kind. She is our neighbor. She likes my sister and __________. Yesterday

     she gave _________ some cookies and we thanked _________.

2. John:         Do you know _________?

     Som:        I know ________ but I don’t know his wife. I’ve never met _______.

3. Mary:         What will you buy for Jim and Jane?

     Susan:      I will buy some presents for ________. I will buy a tennis racket and I will buy

                 ________ a beautiful doll.

4. Mary:         What did your father give ___________ on your birthday?

     Suda:       He gave __________a bicycle.

5. Jack:         Where are Wichai and Danai?

     Wimon:      I don’t know. Why do you want to see ________?

     Jack:       I want to tell ___________ good news.
5                                           อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
คํา Pronoun

         หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ

         1. Personal Pronoun                            2. Possessive Pronoun

         3. Reflexive Pronoun                           4. Indefinite Pronouns

         5. Relative Pronoun                            6. Demonstrative

         7. Other Pronouns

Personal Pronoun คือ คําสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคน สัตว และสิ่งของ แบงเปน 2 สวน คือ

    A.   สรรพนามที่ใชเปนประธาน ของประโยค เชน

         I am a student.                                                     She has four brothers.

         We are boys.                                                        They go to school.

         You have three pens.                                                It has two legs.

         He has ten dogs.

    B. สรรพนามที่ใชเปนกรรม ตามหลังกริยาและตามหลังบุพบท เชน

         Mary likes me.                                                      I will see her tomorrow.

         I told him a story.                                                 Did you see the snake? Yes. I saw it.

         Helen bought a big cake for us.                                     Tom dislikes them.
6                                             อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Possessive Pronoun

        คือ คํานามที่แสดงความเปนเจาของทําหนาที่ไดทั้งเปนประธานและกรรม ไดแก mine, yours, his, hers, theirs,

ours, its เชน

    That is your book; this is mine.

    This is my bag. Where is yours?

    Are those your clothes?                No, they are his.

    I parked my car behind hers.

    My parents work in Bangkok.           Theirs work in Phuket.

    Can I borrow your pen?                 Yours works better than mine.

    These pictures are ours.
7                               อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

In the following sentences, supply the missing personal and impersonal pronouns as shown in

the examples.

   Example: The governor signed the proclamation.

                She signed it.

1. Has the cat made a mess of dinner again?

   Has ________ made a mess of dinner again?

2. No one but John can do that job properly.

   No one but _______ can do that job properly.

3. Franklin and Eleanor Poosevelt had several children.

   __________ had several children.

4. Your view of London and my view differ widely.

   Your view of London and________differ widely.

5. Do you know when Dubliners was first published?

   Do you know when ________ was first published?

6. Does this book belong to Norman and Susie?

   Does this book belong to ____________?

7. Whatever preference you may have, there is a suitable wine.

   Whatever your preference, there is a wine suitable for ________.

8. Was the portrait of his wife?

   Was the portrait of _________?

9. Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but Joe.

   Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but_________
8                                            อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Reflexive Pronoun

       คือ คําสรรพนามที่แสดงใหเห็นถึงการกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้นแกตนเอง ไดแก myself, himself, herself, itself,

yourself (yourselves), ourselves, themselves

   A. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเมื่อประธานและกรรมเปนตัวเดียวกัน ในกรณีนี้สรรพนามพวกนี้จะทําหนาที่เปนกรรม ของกริยา

       หรือบางครั้งจะตามบุพบท เชน

       I cut myself.

       He shaved himself.

       They blamed themselves for the accident.

       She spoke to herself.

       Make yourself at home.

       Take care of yourselves.

       We enjoyed ourselves very much.

       The dog got up and stretched itself.

   B. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเพื่อเนนวาประธานเปนผูทํากริยานั้น ๆ หรือบางครั้งอาจใชเนนกรรม เชน

       I opened the door myself.

       She herself told me the news.

       He himself says so.

       He says so himself.

       I spoke to the students themselves.

       She likes the diamond itself but not the setting.

       We should see the house ourselves.
9                                          อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A.   จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, ourselves,


1. A:      Don’t exercise too much. You will hurt ______________.

     B:    Don’t worry. I will stop now. I don’t want to hurt ___________.

2. A:      May is very proud of _____________. She has got an A in Physics.

     B:    John is very proud of ________ too. He has got an A in Geography.

3. A:      Did you eat all those oranges ___________?

     B:    Yes, they were very good.

4. A:      Who painted your house?

     B:    We painted our house ___________.

5. A:      Why do you think that Mrs. Jones is crazy?

     B:    It’s because she often talks to ___________.

6. A:      Are Susan and Carol going out for dinner with us?

     B:    No, they are going to fix dinner by _____________.

7. The dog got up and stretched _____________.

8. Gary helped ______________ to another large piece of cake.

9. You owe ______________ a long vacation.

10. Our wishes ______________are to blame for our faults.

11. Nancy washed ______________ in the stream.

12. I usually give ______________ the benefit of the doubt; doesn’t one always give_____________

     the same advantage?

13. God helps those who help ______________.

14. After each meal, Louise blesses ______________.

15. You should stop fooling ______________ about your health.

16. Mr. Sauders made ______________ successful through hard work.
10                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
17. Pam taught ______________ Spanish and French.

18. We are forcing ______________ to lose weight.

19. You should not blame ______________ for what went wrong.

20. She ______________will end up hurting.

21. Many a writer has found ______________ at loose ends after completing her first novel.

22. The town was ruining ______________ by permitting neighboring towns to discharge waste into

   its sewage system.
11                                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer.

1. Any student who does not do __________homework will be punished.

   a) his                    b) their                c) her           d) one’s

2. They went to visit a friend ________________in Chieng Mai.

   a) of my                  b) of us                c) of them       d) of their

3. Some of the boys are in the room, but where are ____________?

   a) other                  b) the others           c) the other     d) another

4. ____________ children like watching TV.

   a) Almost                 b) The most             c) Most of       d) Most

5. As my bicycle was broken, I borrowed __________.

   a) John                   b) John’s one           c) John’s        d) one of John

6. “Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?”

   “Thank you, but I am very tired. We should go ____________time.”

   a) other                  b) the other            c) at other      d) another

7. Your composition is too short. Write _________ page or two.

   a) other                  b) another              c) others        d) the other

8. The manager wanted to see John and __________.

   a) me                     b) I                    c) mine          d) my

9. “Paul has a knife.”

   “Don’t let him cut ___________”

   a) himself                b) itself               c) him           d) self

10. “Wantana can’t find her umbrella.”

   “Is this red one___________?”

   a) of her                 b) her’s                c) hers          d) her

11. “Is your new dress blue?” Yes, it’s ____________.

   a) my                     b) my one               c) of mine       d) mine
12                                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. She lent her pen to _________ girl.

   a) another                 b) the other             c) the one        d) others

13. Say what type _______ of them is.

   a) all                     b) some                  c) each           d) most

14. When I was in Phuket, I saw a good friend of _________.

   a) they                    b) me                    c) her            d) yours

15. Which girl is your daughter?”

   “ _________ with a pony tail.”

   a) The one                 b) One                   c) She            d) Another

16. ____________of my sisters is a nurse.

   a) Other                   b) Others                c) One            d) Ones

17. I prefer red roses to yellow ___________.

   a) others                  b) one                   c) anothers       d) ones

18. The twins look alike. It is difficult to tell one from __________.

   a) the other               b) other                 c) others         d) one

19. My seat is next to __________of the chairman.

   a) this                    b) that                  c) those          d) one

20. Why did you do __________ to me?

   a) one                     b) these                 c) this           d) those

21. Which do you want to give me, this or ___________?

   a) one                     b) another               c) this           d) that

22. I gave him some of my books in exchange for some of ____________.

   a) his                     b) her                   c) them           d) your

23. Peter shaves ___________every day.

   a) him                     b) myself                c) himself        d) oneself
13                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
24. She bought _________ a new dress.

   a) herself                b) myself                  c) himself        d) itself

25. The two sisters love each ____________.

   a) another                b) one                     c) others         d) other

26. The teacher was pleased because __________of her students failed the test.

   a) all                    b) some                    c) most           d) none

27. I have to go shopping because there’s _____________left in the refrigerator.

   a) something              b) nothing                 c) everything     d) anything

28. Excuse me, Mr. Johns __________wants to see you now.

   a) somebody               b) nobody                  c) one            d) none

29. He is very sad because he thinks that ___________ loves him.

   a) somebody               b) everybody               c) nobody         d) anybody

30. __________of the boys has a lot of toys.

   a) All                    b) Most                    c) Some           d) Each

31. The babies hurt ___________ when they fell.

   a) itself                 b) themselves              c) himself        d) ourselves

32. __________ of us like Winai.

   a) Each                   b) One                     c) All            d) Every

33. __________ hopes that I will certainly come.

   a) Everyone               b) All                     c) Some           d) Most of them

34. ___________ of the oranges I bought are sweet.

   a) Each                   b) Every                   c) One            d) Most

35. Anne didn’t tell ________ about her secret.

   a) someone                b) anyone                  c) no one         d) none

36. Did you say ______________ to Mr. Jones about our plans?

   a) any                    b) anything                c) nothing        d) all
14                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
37. _____________ knows a thing about this except you and me.

   a) No one                b) Anyone               c) Some            d) Many

38. My mother bought two dresses for me, but I didn’t want ___________ of them.

   a) all                   b) neither              c) either          d) some

39. Those two books are interesting. I want to buy ________ of them.

   a) neither               b) all                  c) some            d) both

40. You can ask Somchai or Winai. I think ________ of them can help you.

   a) either                b) neither              c) none            d) all
15           อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Indefinite Pronouns

   หมายถึง สรรพนามที่ไมเฉพาะเจาะจง ใชกับกริยารูปเอกพจนเสมอ

A. everybody, everyone, everything

               Everybody likes you.

               Everyone is ready.

               Tell me everything about it.

B. somebody, someone, something

               There’s someone at the door.

               Somebody gave me this old book.

               There’s something on the floor.

C. Each

               Each of the boys wants this toy.

               He wants to speak to each of us.

D. anybody, anyone, anything

               Does anyone know that man?

               Would anybody like a drink?

               Don’t you have anything for me to do?

               I don’t like anything here.

               I didn’t see anybody there.

E. nobody, no one, nothing

               Nobody likes him.

               I want nothing from you.

               No one will come here tomorrow.
16       อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. either, neither, each, every

               Either of these boys will help you.

               Neither of these two girls is my sister.

               Every car needs petrol.

               Each student has a bag.

               Take either half.

               Neither book gives the correct answer.
17                                         อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. Choose the best answer.

1. A: Why is Dara sad?

   B: It’s because _______ likes her.

   a) nothing                 b) everyone             c) anything          d) no one

2. A: Where are you going?

   B: I’m going to the drugstore. Do you want me to buy _________ for you?

   a) anybody                 b) anything             c) nothing           d) everything

3. A: Is there _________ to eat here?

   B: No. You have to go to a restaurant.

   a) nothing                 b) either               c) anything          d) neither

4. A: Which book do you want?

   B: _________ of them. Both are good.

   a) Either                  b) Neither              c) Every             d) Nothing

5. We are sorry. There’s _________ that we can do to help you.

   a) something               b) anything             c) nothing           d) no one

6. __________ room in this hotel has a private bathroom.

   a) Every                   b) Either               c) Neither           d) No one

7. I am hungry. Give me ______________ to eat.

   a) nothing                 b) something            c) neither           d) either

8. The teacher invited _________ student in his class to his birthday party.

   a) every                   b) neither              c) either            d) each

9. A: Why was she angry with her two sisters?

   B: __________ of them helped her with her homework.

   a) Either                  b) No one               c) Neither           d) Each
18                                  อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
10. A: Why is Tom lucky?

   B: His uncle loves him and buys ________ that he wants for him.

   a) nothing               b) everything           c) something     d) each
19                                  อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer to fill in the banks. no one, anyone, everyone, nothing, everything,

   anything, something, someone.

1. A: Is there anyone in Room 543?

   B: No, there isn’t __________ in Room 543, but there’s ____________ in Room 544.

2. A: Is there ___________ I can buy for you in the town?

   B: Yes, I want some writing paper.

3. A: Who can mend my watch?

   B: I’m sorry. ___________ here can mend your watch.

4. A: What shall we do this evening?

   B: There’s ___________ to do this evening. We have finished all our work.

5. A: Is there __________ here who wants to play tennis?

   B: Yes, Jack wants to play tennis.

6. A: Did you buy anything here?

   B: No, I didn’t like __________ here.

7. A: Carol will bring _______________for you to drink.

   B: That’s good. I’m very thirsty.

8. A: Why do you always come to this shop?

   B: It sells __________.

9. A: Who can take Sally to the airport?

   B: There isn’t ___________ here who can take her there. __________ here has a car.

10. A: Who went to her birthday party last night?

   B: ____________ did. She is a popular girl.
20                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. Choose one of the following words to fill in the banks. Each, every, either, neither

1. A: Which of those two houses did Bill buy?

   B: He bought ________________of them. They were too expensive.

2. A: Which of the two books will you choose?

   B: I won’t choose ______________ of them. They are not interesting.

3. A: Why is Mr.Ross happy?

   B: It’s because ______________ of his students has passed the test.

4. __________ student here has to wear a uniform.

5. A: We saw everything in the city.

   B: Did you see ___________ museum?

   A: Yes, we saw every one of them.

6. A: Can I invite Susan, or must I invite Kathy?

   B: You can invite _________of them. Both of them are nice.

7. A: Do you prefer the blue car or the red one?

   B: I prefer _____________of them. There are ugly.

8. ___________ girl in this class is studying hard.
21                                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Relative Pronoun

      คือ สรรพนามที่ใชเปนเสมือนตัวเชื่อม ไดแก who, whom, whose, which, what, where, when, why, that

      Who (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และบุคคลนั้นตองเปนผูกระทําดวยจึงจะใช who ไปเปนสรรพนาม เชน

      He is the postman who brings a letter for us at home.

      The boy who studies hard can pass the examination easily.

      Whom (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และเมื่อไปแทนแลว Whom อยูในฐานะเปนผูถูกกระทําตลอดไป เชน

      This is the student whom his teacher punished.

      The singer whom I saw at Chicago is Michael Jackson.

      Whose (ผูซึ่ง…ของเขา) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล เพื่อแสดงความเปนเจาของของนามที่ตามหลัง และ ใหสังเกตไวดวยวา

      หลัง whose ตองมีนามเสมอ เชน

      John is the boy whose father died in the war.

      The girl whose mother has gone to Japan is my cousin.

      Which, that (ที่, ซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนสัตว, สิ่งของ ทั้งในรูปที่เปนประธานและกรรมไดทั้งนั้น เชน

      The animal which/that has wings is a bird.

      That is the ticket which/that I bought for you.
22                                   อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. In the following sentences, supply the missing relative pronouns as shown in this examples.

   Example: The table that you refinished is standing in the study.

   1. This essay, __________ is the best I can write, will surely be judged worthy of publication.

   2. The story __________ I told you must not be reported.

   3. Actresses __________ are good enough for the Broadway stage must surely be good enough

       for regional theaters.

   4. The antique of __________ you are so proud are worthless.

   5. Plays __________ plots are obvious cannot hold the interest of an audience.

   6. Horses __________ find their way home cannot be thought of as dumb animals.

   7. My house, __________ is for sale, sits on a large plot.

   8. The partners __________ signed the agreement lived to regret doing so.

   9. Young men __________ you see in bars may not be spending their time wisely.

   10. To __________ shall I address the letter?
23                                    อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer.

1. This is the school ________ I used to study.

   a) where                  b) which                  c) that           d) there

2. This test is for students ________________ native language is not English.

   a) that                   b) whose                  c) which          d) of whom

3. We saw a new play at the theatre, ___________we had supper at a restaurant.

   a) after which            b) which after            c) then which     d) and that after

4. The student ___________ lost his bag is waiting in the office.

   a) what                   b) whose                  c) who            d) which

5. The house _________ they live needs repairing.

   a) where                  b) which                  c) whose          d) what

6. The supermarket ___________ I shop does not accept checks.

   a) when                   b) which                  c) that           d) where

7. This is the biggest shopping center ____________ I have ever seen.

   a) where                  b) what                   c) that           d) whom

8. This is the only road __________ takes us to Henry’s house.

   a) where                  b) whose                  c) who            d) which

9. I could not understand ____________ the speaker said.

   a) that                   b) what                   c) which          d) whose

10. I’m going to see my uncle ____________ is in hospital.

   a) who                    b) whom                   c) whose          d) that

11. I have read the book __________ you lent me.

   a) whom                   b) who                    c) that           d) whose

12. Children _________ eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.

   a) which                  b) what                   c) who            d) whom
24                                       อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. The girl __________ pen you borrowed needs it.

   a) what                    b) whose                 c) who               d) which

14. Go and find the guests ___________ arrived here yesterday.

   a) who                     b) whom                  c) which             d) what

15. Look at the horses ____________ are drinking in the river.

   a) whom                    b) who                   c) which             d) what

16. The student ____________ father is sick does not come to school today.

   a) who                     b) which                 c) what              d) whose

17. I ate all the cake __________ you gave me.

   a) what                    b) that                  c) when              d) whom

18. My brother Tom, __________ hates fishing, will stay at home.

   a) who                     b) whom                  c) that              d) which

19. A man, ____________ name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday.

   a) whom                    b) which                 c) whose             d) what

20. I put everything in my suitcase,_________ is under my bed.

   a) what                    b) who                   c) that              d) which

21. The teacher, ____________ every student is afraid of, is really very nice.

   a) whose                   b) which                 c) that              d) whom

22. She will go to visit her hometown, ___________ she always talks about.

   a) that                    b) which                 c) whom              d) where

23. This is the town ____________ I was born.

   a) that                    b) which                 c) where             d) when

24. I’m staying here with my eldest sister, ___________ you met last night.

   a) whom                    b) who                   c) that              d) which

25. The man___________ car was stolen was killed by the robbers.

   a) who                     b) which                 c) what              d) whose
25                                            อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. Do you know Stephen King ______________ is the author of this novel?

   a) who                         b) whom                   c) which                 d) whose

27. John lent me his new car _____________ he bought only last month.

   a) what                        b) when                   c) that                  d) whom

28. Some of the friends ___________ did not come.

   a) I invited                                             b) I invited them

   c) whom I invited them                                   d) which I invited

29. The movie _____________ was a good one.

   a) which we saw last night                               b) what we saw last night

   c) that we saw it last night                             d) which we saw it last night

30. The man ______________ told the police.

   a) found it                    b) he found it            c) who found it          d) who found

31. The magazine ____________ is not in the library.

   a) I need it                   b) which I need it        c) I need                d) that I need it

32. The woman ____________ was young and pretty.

   a) I spoke to her                                        b) whom I spoke to her

   c) I spoke to                                            d) that I spoke

33. The key ___________ has disappeared.

   a) opens the office                                      b) it opens the office

   c) that opens the office by                              d) that opens the office

34. The boys ____________ are very good students.

   a) that you met here                                     b) that you met them there

   c) whom you met them here                                d) whom you met here

35. I can’t remember ____________ John told me about the accident.

   a) whose                       b) what                   c) which                 d) who
26                           อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

       คําชนิดนี้ไดแก “this, that, these, those” มีหนาที่ 2 อยาง คือ

   A. ใชขยายคํานาม เรียกวา “Determiner” อยูหนานาม

           this และ that ใชขยายคํานามเอกพจน

           these และ those ใชขยายคํานามพหูพจน

           this girl                                                these girls

           this boy                                                 these boys

           that student                                             those students

           that house                                               those houses

           หมายเหตุ       this และ these ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูใกลตัวผูพูด

                          that และ those ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูไกลตัวผูพูด

   B. ใชแบบคํานาม เรียกวา “Demonstrative Pronouns” ทําหนาที่เปนประธานและกรรม

       ประธาน             This is my car.

                          That is yours.

                          This is not good.

                          These are your shirts.

                          Those are mine.

       กรรม               I like this. I don’t like that.

                          I want these, but he wants those.
27                   อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ใชหลัง Verb to be

                     What is this?     It’s a calculator.

                     What is that?     It’s a photocopier.

                     What is these?    They are rubies.

                     What are those?   They are parrots.
28                                         อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงดูวาคํา this, that, these, those ในประโยคตอไปนี้ เปน Pronoun (P) หรือ Determiner (D) เขียน P หรือ D

    ไวที่ชองวาง ทายประโยค

1. This girl is pretty.                         ___________

2. That is Susan’s house.                       ___________

3. This is my father’s office.                  ___________

4. What is that boy doing?                      ___________

5. These are my books.                          ___________

6. What are those?                              ___________

7. Do you want to buy those roses?              ___________

8. I don’t want to eat this.                    ___________

9. Those are good books.                        ___________

10. What is that?                               ___________

11. Is that man your friend?                    ___________

12. Are those your pens?                        ___________

13. These boys are diligent.                    ___________

14. Whose students are those girls?             ___________

15. Do you want to drive that car?              ___________
29                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเติม this, that, these, those ลงในประโยคตอไปนี้

1. This is my umbrella. Is ___________ yours?

2. This is my sister. _________ are Bill’s sisters.

3. _____________ are the old typewriters. Those are the new ones.

4. What is ___________ thing in the sky? Is it a flying saucer?

5. I don’t like these vases. I like ___________ on the shelf.

6. Which will you have, these or _____________?

7. Indeed, if it were not ___________, I would not have told you.

8. I sewed a few of ___________ before I went on to ___________.

9. Let ___________ stand at best effort.

10. He decided to sell me ___________ instead of these.

11. Picture ___________ standing in your living room.

12. When you consider famous thoroughbreds of all time, it is doubtful that Secretariat would be the

    ___________ comes to mind.

13. We ate a little of ___________ and a little of ___________.

14. We ate a few of ___________ and a few of ___________.

15. When conditions are ___________ that Eastern Airlines closes down shuttle flights to

    Washington, you know that no other airlines will be flying either.

16. ___________ who are willing to stand for office must be willing to debate in public.
30                                             อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Other Pronouns

        สรรพนามอื่นๆ ที่ควรรูจัก ไดแก both, all, none, one, ones, another, other, others

A. Both ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งสอง

    สรรพนาม       He has two sons. Both are taller than he is.

                  Both of those books are mine.

                  I want to buy both.

    คุณศัพท      Both banks of the river are covered with snow.

                  Both boys are naughty.

                  I want to mail both letters.

B. All ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งหมด ใชกับนามที่นับไมไดและนับไดทั้งสองอยางสําหรับนาม


    สรรพนาม       Is all of this money yours?

                  All of my brothers are good at sport.

                  All of us want to go.

    คุณศัพท      All six boys arrived late.

                  All oranges are not sweet.

                  He drank all the water that I gave him.
31                                              อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. None เปนสรรพนาม แปลวา ไมมีสักอัน, ไมมีใครเลย, ไมเลย ใชไดกับทั้งคํานามที่นับไดและนับไมได

    1. A: Is there any beer in the refrigerator?

        B: No, there’s none left.

    2. A: Why were you angry with them?

        B: None of them wanted to help me.

        หมายเหตุ neither หมายถึงไมใชสิ่งหนึ่งสิ่งใดในจํานวนสอง สวน none หมายถึงไมมีสักสิ่งเดียวหรือคนเดียวในจํานวน


D. One-Ones

    1. One         เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามเอกพจนที่กลาวถึงแลว

      Ones         เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามพหูพจนที่กลาวถึงมากอน

        สวนใหญในกรณีนี้ one และ ones จะใชในประโยคเปรียบเทียบ หรือ ในประโยคที่เกี่ยวกับการเลือก

                   This chair is too low. I’ll sit in that one.

                   I don’t like this red car. I like that grey one.

                   I want these blue pens. I don’t want those red ones.

                   This one is better than that.

                   These ones are more beautiful than those.

                   Which one (ones) do you like best?
32                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
   2. One      หมายถึง หนึ่ง, คนหนึ่ง, อันหนึ่ง ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนาม และ คุณศัพท

   สรรพนาม     I want to borrow one of your books.

               One of the students failed the test.

               One of my friends came late.

   คุณศัพท    I bought one kilo of oranges.

               This trip will take one month.

               One night there was a terrible storm.

E. Another เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อีก

   สรรพนาม     One student wanted to see a play.

               Another wanted to go to a concert.

               I don’t like this hat. Please show me another.

   คุณศัพท    I want another cup of tea.

               She will have another child next year.

               Please give me another pen.
33                                            อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. Other          เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อื่น, อื่น ๆ

   สรรพนาม        the other ใชกับ article “the” แปลวา อีกคนหนึ่ง, อีกอันหนึ่ง มีความหมายเปนเอกพจนมักจะใช

   เมื่อรูจํานวนคน หรือสิ่งของแนนอน และมักใชคูกับ one

                  I have two sisters.

                  One is a teacher; the other is a nurse.

                  He has three bags.

                  One is black; another is blue. The other is brown.

   คุณศัพท       other ใชขยายนามทั้งที่เปนเอกพจนและพหูพจน

                  Where are the other boys?

                  The post office is on the other side of the street.

                  I know Wichai, but I don’t know your other sons.

G. Others-The others

   Others     เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ มักใชคูกับ some

                  Some students go to school by bus; others go by car.

                  Some are rich; others are poor.

                  Some people eat rice; others eat bread.

   The others เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ ตางจาก others เพราะ the others มีความหมายเฉพาะ

   เจาะจงกวา เชน

                  Some of my students are good at English; the others (the other students of mine) are

                  good at Maths.

                  There are twenty guests. Fifteen are here.

                  Where are the others(5 left)?
34                                    อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงเลือกคํามาเติมในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. These apples are mine; ______________ are yours.

    a) others                       b) the others             c) both         d) another

2. Some students are lazy. ___________ students are diligent.

    a) Others                       b) The other              c) Other        d) All

3. There is a hotel on Rose Street. And there’s __________ hotel on Queen Street.

    a) other                        b) others                 c) none         d) another

4. Some people drive carefully; ____________ drive dangerously.

    a) others                       b) the others             c) another      d) all

5. Some of the students here are obedient; ___________ are disobedient.

    a) others                       b) the others             c) both         d) another

6. Hendry has two cars. One is blue, and _________ is white.

    a) other                        b) the other              c) both         d) one

7. I have three close friends, ____________is a doctor; another is a teacher, and _________ is an


    a) one – the other              b) another – other        c) one – none   d) another – the other

8. Mary has two children. _________________are studying in my school.

    a) all                          b) another                c) others       d) both

9. I wanted some string, but there was ___________ in the house.

    a) one                          b) none                   c) all          d) another

10. A: I have five tickets for the concert. How many of you want to go?

    B: ____________ of us want to go.

    a) All                          b) Both                   c) Others       d) The others
35                                อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. Ed: I have 300 baht. If you need money, take ___________ of it.

    Bill: Thank you.

    a) none                       b) one                     c) ones      d) all

12. Don:      You have 500 baht. Please lend me 100 baht.

    John:     I’m sorry. _____________ of this money is mine.

    a) all                        b) other                   c) none      d) one

13. Suda: Do you want a blue pen or a red one?

    Ann:      I want __________.

    a) both                      b) all                      c) another   d) others

14. Ben:      Of all these three boys, which one do you like best?

    Tom: I like___________. All of them are unkind to my dog.

    a) all                        b) none                    c) others    d) both

B. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง one, ones, both, all, none

1. A: Have you got a red pen?

    B: Yes, I’ve got _____________.

2. A: How much are these oranges?

    B: Ten baht a kilo.

    A: I want two kilos. Give me big juicy _____________.

3. A: Can they all speak English?

    B: Yes. ___________ of them can.

4. A: Do your two brothers drink whisky?

    B: Yes. ___________ of them do.

5. A: Did the four women sing?

    B: No, _________of them did.
36   อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก

6. A: Which of these notebooks do you want?

   B: I want this yellow ___________.

7. A: Will Kanya and Wilai stay for tea?

   B: Yes. ___________ of them will.

8. A: Can your three sons drive?

   B: Yes. ____________ of them can.

9. A: Do those four men smoke?

   B: No, ________________ of them do.

10. A: Can I have some more orange juice?

   B: I’m sorry. There’s _____________ left.
1                                             อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
                                                     Unit 3 Articles

         เปนคําที่ใชนําหนาคํานาม แบงเปน 2 ชนิด คือ

1. Indefinite Article

         ไดแก a, an ใชนําหนาคํานามนับไดเอกพจน เพื่อแสดงจํานวน หรือทําใหคํานามนั้นมีความหมายทั่วไป ไมชี้เฉพาะ


         A ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจน ซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยพยัญชนะ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย สระ แตออกเสียงเหมือน

         พยัญชนะ เชน

             a mouse                            a school                a book

             a university                       a uniform               a union

         นอกจากนี้ a ยังใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับการเจ็บปวย ความถี่

             to have        a cold                                        Twice a week

                            a headache

                            a fever

                  Once a week

             An ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจนซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยสระ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย พยัญชนะ “h” แตออก

         เสียงเหมือนสระ เชน

             An elephant                                                  An hour

             An umbrella                                                  An apple
2                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. Make these sentences singular, using the Indefinite Article.

   1. Coats have collars.


   2. Nouns are words.


   3. Houses have roofs.


   4. Horses are animals.


   5. Balls are toys.


   6. Bullocks are useful animals.


   7. Boots are kinds of shoes.


   8. Watches are small clocks.


   9. Farmers use ploughs.


   10. Roses are beautiful flowers.


   11. Frenchmen are Europeans.


   12. Girls wear dresses.

3                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. Postmen wear caps.


14. Oranges are good to eat.


1. Classrooms have blackboards.


2. Dogs are good friends to men.


17. Children are not always good.


18. There are always tables and chairs in dining - rooms.


19. Long sentences are hard for beginners.


20. Hungry boys eat large dinners.


21. Ants are insects.


22. Soldiers are brave men.


23. Pounds buy more than shillings.


24. Cities are big towns.


25. Schools are large buildings.

4                                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Add “a” or “an” where necessary.

   1. __________ cow eats __________ grass in __________ summer.

   2. I like __________ jam on __________ piece of __________ bread.

   1. I can write __________ letter in __________ ink or with __________ pencil.

   4. __________ milk comes from __________ cow.

   5. __________ cat has __________ tail.

   2. __________ cat eats __________ meat.

   7. __________ ring is made of __________ gold or silver.

   8. We make __________ butter and __________ cheese from __________ milk.

   3. __________ cigarette is made of __________ tobacco and __________ paper.

   10. __________ child must have __________ food.

   11. __________ sugar is nice in __________ cup of tea.

   12. We eat __________ soup with __________ spoon.

   13. __________ knife is made of __________ metal.

   14. __________ window is made of __________ glass.

   15. __________ handkerchief is made of __________ piece of cloth.

   16. __________ grass always grows in __________English field.

   17. __________ chair is made of __________ wood.

   18. __________ coffee is __________ drink.

   19. __________ coat is made of __________ wool.

   20. __________ fish swims in __________ water.

   21. We can write __________ letter on __________ paper.

   22. __________ piano makes __________ music.

   23. __________ iron is metal.

   24. __________bread is made from __________ flour, and __________flour is made from

5                                                อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
    25. __________ orange grows on __________ tree.

1. Definite Article

         ไดแก the ใชนําหนาคํานามที่เฉพาะเจาะจง

         Could I see the book about England?

         Please give me the grapes on the table.

         I have an orange and some apples. Who wants the orange?

         คํานามที่ถูกกลาวถึงเปนครั้งที่สอง จะใช the นอกจากนี้ the ยังใชกับคําที่แสดงขั้นสูงสุดในการเปรียบเทียบ หรือคําที่


         the best                                                            the first

         the lowest                                                          the second

         the most                                                            the third

         หรือ the ใชกับคํานามที่มีอยูเพียงสิ่งเดียวในโลก

         the world                                                           the north

         the sun                                                             the east

         the earth                                                           the south

         the moon                                                            the west

         “the” ใชกับชื่อประเทศที่มีคําวา “union, united, republic, kingdom” เชน

                   the Republic of Panama

                   the Soviet Union

                   the United States of America

                   the Kingdom of Thailand
6                         อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
the ใชกับเครื่องดนตรี

          play the piano (the violin)

the ใชกับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะตาง ๆ พวกมหาสมุทร ชองแคบ คลอง เทือกเขา เชน

          the Atlantic Ocean

          the Black Forest

          the Red sea

          the Suez Canal

          the Rocky Mountains

          the Sahara Desert

          the Himalayas

the ใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับเวลา และสถานที่ เชน

          in the morning

          the day before yesterday

          in the bedroom

          on the beach

          down the stairs

the ใชกับสถานที่ หรืออนุสาวรียที่รูจักอยางดี

          the Taj Mahal

          the Empire State Building

          the White House

the ใชกับโรงแรม, โรงหนัง

          the Hilton (Hotel)

          the Ambassador (Hotel)

          the Fox (Theater)

          the Playhouse (Theater)
7                                               อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

           1. สําหรับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะบางอยางไมใช the เชน ชื่อสวนสาธารณะ ชื่อถนน ชื่อทวีป เปนตน เชน

                    Central Park                                            Asia

                    Hyde Park                                               Europe

                    Fifth Avenue                                            America

           2. ในสํานวนบางอยางจะไมใช the หรือ article อื่น ๆ เลย เชน

                    go to bed, church, work

                    go by bus, car, train

                    be at home, school, work

                    play football, tennis, cards

                    to have breakfast, lunch, dinner


A. Fill in the articles where needed.

    1. ________ poor man we met yesterday had ________ little food.

    2. I had ________ lunch with ________ old friend of mine near ________Lumpini Park


    3. ________ chair which you are sitting on is not comfortable.

    4. ________ fire which destroyed ________ building started from Dang’s room.

    5. I bought ________ new hat yesterday. They said that it was ________ new style from

           ________ United States.

    6. We had ________ dinner together at ________ good restaurant yesterday.

    7. ________ Chao Praya is ________ best known river in Thailand.

    8. We all had ________ good time at ________ dance last night.

    9. Please open ________ windows because air in this room is not good.

    10. ________ horse is ________ useful animal.
8                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
   11. He painted ________ front door of his house with ________ green paint.

   12. Put your bag in ________ back of ________ car.

   1. ________ Indian tigers are ________ fierce animals.

   2. ________cat caught ________ mouse yesterday but ________ lucky mouse escaped.

   15. Which is ________ quickest way to ________ Royal Hotel?

   16. Would you like ________ cup of tea and ________ cake?

   3. ________ cheese and ________ butter are substances.

   18. ________Alps are ________ highest mountains in ________Europe.

   19. Take ________ chair and make yourself at ________ home; I shall be back in ________


   4. He went to ________ bed with ________ bad cold.

B. Add “a”, “an”, “some” or “the” where necessary.

   1. ________ children love ________ fruit.
   2. It is pleasant to read ________ book in ________ afternoon.
   3. ________ books are interesting for ________ child.
   4. There is ________ garden behind ________ house.
   5. I have ________ pen and ________ pencil.
   6. ________ tea is very hot. I must put ________ milk in it.
   7. ________ postman has just put ________ letter under ________ door.
   8. You must give him ________ food and ________ cup of coffee.
   9. ________ door of ________ garage is broken.
   10. There are ________ beautiful flowers in ________ park.
   11. I want ________ glass of ________ milk.
   12. ________ student at back of ________ class is reading ________ newspaper.
   13. It is not good to smoke ________ cigarette before ________ meal.
   14. ________ page of ________ book is torn.
   15. There is ________ fly in ________ lemonade.
   16. ________ luggage is on ________ platform.
   17. ________ butcher opposite ________ library always sells ________ good meat.
   18. ________ cat may look at ________ king.
   19. ________ donkeys are ________ stupid animals.
9                                    อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
20. Put ________ butter on ________ potatoes.
21. I am fond of ________ apples with _______ cheese.
22. He always smokes ________ cigarette with ________ cup of ________ coffee.
1. Take________ umbrella with you to ________ office, it may rain.
2. ________ car is ready now.
25. I want ________ tin of ________ peaches, ________ sugar, and ________ pound of
   ________ raspberry jam.
1                                      อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
                                      Exercise Unit3 Articles

Choose the most appropriate alternative.

1. She will be here in ___________ hour.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

2. He likes __________ chess but I like __________ basketball.

   a) a-a                                            b) an-an

   c) the-the                                        d) no article needed

1. __________ elephant never forgets.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

4. Have you got ___________ New York Times?

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

5. Do you want __________ tea?

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

6. This semester I’m going to study __________life of Beethoven.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

7. Jack wants to learn ___________ guitar.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

8. How did you like __________ film?

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

9. Jack was elected ___________ President for the second time.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

10. He has got ___________ strange look in his eye.

   a) no article needed      b) the                  c) an                  d) a

11. A: What would you like to order?

   B: Let me see ___________ menu first.

   a) a                      b) some                 c) the                 d) an
2                                        อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. She lives in ______________ United States now.

     a) the                      b) a                   c) an                  d) no article needed

1. Paul likes ___________.

     a) music and pretty girls                          b) a music and pretty girls

     c) a music and a pretty girl                       d) music and pretty girl

2. Is ___________ Mt. Everest __________ highest peak of ______________ Himalayas?

     a) the – the – the                                 b) a – the – no article needed

     c) no article needed – the – the                   d) no article needed – a - the

2. We’re going to ______________ work now.

     a) a                        b) the                 c) no article needed   d) some

2. I like John. He is ___________ honest man.

     a) a                        b) the                 c) an                  d) no article needed

2. _________________ Englishman we met at the conference was married.

     a) no article needed        b) the                 c) an                  d) a

3. Have you ever been to ____________ Soviet Union?

     a) no article needed        b) the                 c) an                  d) a

3.   ___________ always unwelcome.

     a) The bad news is          b) A bad news is       c) The bad news are d) Bad news is

3. We stopped for ________ breakfast at a restaurant nearby.

     a) no article needed        b) the                 c) an                  d) a

3. I want to take _________ walk.

     a) no article needed        b) the                 c) some                d) a

3. One of ___________ elephants ran away from the zoo.

     a) no article needed        b) the                 c) an                  d) a
3                             อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
23. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is ______________ exciting film.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

24. The boys will be here in ___________ few hours.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

4. Many tourists come to _________ Bangkok for their holidays.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

5. My father is _____________ kind and honest man.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

27. ____________ Republic of Singapore is well known for her cleanliness.

   a) no article needed      b) The                     c) An          d) A

28. I am going on ____________ European holiday next month.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

29. The hens have laid half ____________ dozen eggs this morning.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

30. Jane’s house is only_____________ hour’s drive.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

31. The government will build ____________ university here.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

32. Mount Everest is ____________ highest mountain in the world.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a

33. ___________ Chinese are hard-working people.

   a) no article needed      b) The                     c) Every       d) A

34. _____________ book on that shelf is not the one I want.

   a) no article needed      b) The                     c) An          d) A

35. John is __________ best runner in the school.

   a) no article needed      b) the                     c) an          d) a
4                                          อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

36. ___________ dogs are bigger than mice.

   a) no article needed         b) The                    c) Every               d) A

5. He swam across ___________ Chao Praya River.

   a) no article needed         b) the                    c) an                  d) a

5. ___________ swimming is a good exercise.

   a) no article needed         b) the                    c) an                  d) a

5. The earth goes around ___________ sun.

   a) no article needed         b) the                    c) an                  d) a

5. Winai and Weera will travel in __________ Europe next year.

   a) a                         b) an                     c) the                 d) no article needed

6. I came here by ________ car.

   a) the                       b) a                      c) an                  d) no article needed

6. __________ doctor whose clinic is next door attends his patients twice __________ day.

   a) a–a                                                 b) the–no article needed

   c) a–the                                               d) the–a

6. Jane is __________ English teacher in ____________ Art Faculty.

   a) no article needed–a                                 b) the–an

   c) a–no article needed                                 d) an-the

6. __________ Erawan Hotel is one of ___________ famous hotels in Bangkok.

   a) the – the                                           b) a – the

   c) the – no article needed                             d) no article needed – the

6. Bangkok is _________ in Thailand.

   a) a large city              b) the largest city       c) a largest city      d) large city

6. Please write out the answer at the end of _________________.

   a) first chapter             b) chapter one            c) chapter first       d) the chapter first
5                                 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

47. __________ rich are often unhappier than the poor.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) Every        d) a

48. ___________ honest is a good quality.

   a) no article needed       b) The                   c) An           d) A

7. ____________ egg for breakfast is good for you.

   a) Some                    b) The                   c) An           d) A

50. I’ll meet you on _________ Phaya Thai Road.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

51. This is __________ last show.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

52. English is _________ difficult language.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

53. He is collecting money for ____________ blind.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

54. What ___________ lovely dress!

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

55. _____________ statistics is the most difficult subject for me.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

56. All right, ___________ mother, I’ll do what you say.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

57. I have ____________ friend who is ___________ interior designer.

   a) a-a                     b) the-an                c) the-the      d) no article needed

58. Peter spoke to me in ____________ very friendly way.

   a) no article needed       b) the                   c) an           d) a

59. ____________ soup tastes wonderful.

   a) no article needed       b) The                   c) an           d) A
6                                     อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

60. Don’t talk so loud. You’ll wake___________ whole street.

   a) no article needed     b) the                  c) an               d) a

7. We get up early to catch __________ early bus.

   a) no article needed     b) the                  c) an               d) a

8. Jack is ___________ English teacher.

   a) no article needed     b) the                  c) an               d) a

8. Mary is from ___________ Union of Africa.

   a) no article needed     b) the                  c) an               d) a

9. Have you finished ______________?

   a) the chapter second    b) chapter second       c) second chapter   d) the second chapter
1                                                อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
                                       Unit 4 Adjectives (คําคุณศัพท)


      เปนคําที่ใชขยายคํานาม เพื่อบอกรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับนามตัวนั้น เชน a beautiful girl, a useful book

               The thin man can run very quickly. (เรียงไวหนานาม)

               The soup smells good. (ตามหลัง verb to be, look, feel, seem, get, taste, smell, turn, go,

      appear, keep, become, sound, grow, etc. โดยทําหนาที่ขยายประธาน แตวางไวหลังกริยา)

               He made his wife happy. (ตามหลังคํานามที่เปนกรรม เพื่อขยายกรรม)

               I have known the manager suitable for his position. (เปน Adjective Clause ขยายนาม)

      คํา Adjectives สังเกตไดจากคําลงทาย ดังตอไปนี้

      0. –ABLE          acceptable, admirable, lovable, reliable, washable

      0. –AN            African, Brazilian, Asian, Russian

      0. –AL            historical, continual, economical, national

      0. –ED            blue-eyed, long-haired, open-minded, left-handed

      1. –FUL           careful, beautiful, wonderful

      1. –IBLE          possible, visible, horrible

      1. –IC historic, economic, electric

      1. –ISH           foolish, childish, Spanish, youngish

      1. –IVE           destructive, attentive, attractive

      1. –LESS          careless, hopeless, useless

      1. –LIKE          childlike, godlike, businesslike

      1. –LY            friendly, lively, daily, yearly

      1. –OUS           previous, serious, continuous

      1. –Y             thirsty, lucky, hungry
2                                         อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ            participles ซึ่งลงทายดวย ED/ING สามารถใชเปน adjective แตความหมายจะตางกัน

           เชน     exciting (นาตื่นเตน)          excited (รูสึกตื่นเตน)

                    interesting (นาสนใจ)           interested (รูสึกสนใจ)

                    boring (นาเบื่อ)               bored (รูสึกเบื่อ)

ประเภทของคํา Adjective

    0. Descriptive Adjective ใชบอกลักษณะ หรือคุณภาพ เพื่อใหรูวานามนั้นมีลักษณะอยางไร

           good                         bad                    tall                  short

           black                        white                  fat                   thin

           clever                       foolish                poor                  rich

           brave                        cowardly               pretty                ugly

           happy                        sorry

                    The rich man lives in the big house.

                    A clever pupil can answer the difficult problem.

                    The black cat caught a small bird.

    0. Proper Adjective ใชบอก สัญชาติ

           English                      American               Thai                  Indian

           German                       Italian                Japanese              Chinese

                    He employs a Chinese cook.

                    Do you learn the French literature?

                    The English language is used by every nation.
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  • 1. English Grammar and Exercises for Thai Students
  • 2. collected and compiled by DJCrystaL
  • 3. 1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Unit 1 Nouns คํานาม คือ คํา ที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว สิ่งของ เชน student, dog, cat, house, man, etc. คํานามแบงตามการใชได 2 แบบ คือ Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun 1. Countable Nouns (คํานามนับได) เปนคํานามที่มีทั้งรูปเอกพจน และ พหูพจน และ ใชกับ indefinite article (a/an) ได เชน a book เปน books a dog เปน dogs a pen เปน pens a house เปน houses 2. Uncountable Nouns (คํานามนับไมได) เปนคํานามที่มีแตรูปเอกพจน และจะใช a/an นําหนาไมได เชน furniture bread hope salt air sleep sugar milk snow courage fun grass
  • 4. 2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) วิธีทําใหคํานามเอกพจนกลายเปนคํานามพหูพจน ก็คือ เติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’ โดยมีกฏเกณฑ ดังนี้ 1. เติม ‘s’ ทายคํานามเอกพจนทั่วไป ยกเวนเมื่อคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘ch’ หรือ ‘sh’ จะเติม ‘es’ เชน girl เปน girls fox เปน foxes month เปน months class เปน classes tree เปน trees wish เปน wishes book เปน books quiz เปน quizes 2. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘y’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘y’ เปน ‘i’ แลวเติม ‘es’ เชน lady เปน ladies fly เปน flies duty เปน duties baby เปน babies 3. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘y’ จะเติม ‘s’ เฉย ๆ เชน day เปน days key เปน keys boy เปน boys monkey เปน monkeys 4. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘es’ เชน hero เปน heroes tomato เปน tomatoes potato เปน potatoes echo เปน echoes
  • 5. 3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) ยกเวน piano เปน pianos solo เปน solos memo เปน memos photo เปน photos 5. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘s’ เชน radio เปน radios studio เปน studios video เปน videos 6. คํานามที่ลงทายดวย ‘f’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘f’ เปน ‘ve’ แลวเติม ‘s’ knife เปน knives shelf เปน shelves wife เปน wives life เปน lives half เปน halves ยกเวน roof เปน roofs chief เปน chiefs belief เปน beliefs cliff เปน cliffs
  • 6. 4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 7. คํานามผสม (Compound Nouns) ที่เขียนโดยมีเครื่องหมาย – คั่นกลาง จะเติม ‘s’ ที่คําแรก เชน mother-in-law เปน mothers-in-law passer-by เปน passers-by lady-in-waiting เปน ladies-in-waiting maid-of-honor เปน maids-of-honor คํานามที่มีรูปพหูพจนพิเศษ (1) คํานามบางคําเมื่อเปนพหูพจนจะเปลี่ยนรูปไปเลย (ไมเติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’) ไดแก man เปน men tooth เปน teeth woman เปน women goose เปน geese child เปน children mouse เปน mice foot เปน feet louse เปน lice (2) คํานามบางคําที่มาจากภาษาลาติน/กรีก จะมีรูปพหูพจนตามแบบภาษาดั้งเดิม ไดแก crisis เปน crises datum เปน data basis เปน bases criterion เปน criteria thesis เปน theses agendum เปน agenda analysis เปน analyses
  • 7. 5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) คํานามที่เปนไดทั้งคํานามเอกพจนและพหูพจน (1) คํานามบางคําคงรูปเดิม เมื่อเปนเอกพจน/พหูพจน ไดแก species Chinese fish Japanese sheep Swiss deer Series He gave a series of lectures. There are several series of programmes. I caught a fish. They caught several fish. (2) คํานามบางคําเมื่อใชในความหมาย “ชื่อวิชา” จะมีความหมายเปนเอกพจน ใชคํากริยาเอกพจนแตเมื่อใชในความหมายของ สวนประกอบของกิจกรรม จะเปนพหูพจน ไดแก mathematics economics statistics politics Statistics is very interesting. These statistics are useful.
  • 8. 6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) (3) คําสมุหนาม (Collective Nouns) ประเภท ‘class, group, family, committee, club, company’ จะใชในความหมายเปน หนึ่งหนวย จะใชกริยาเอกพจน และเมื่อใชในความหมายของแตละอยางหรือสมาชิกแตละคน จะใชกริยาพหูพจน The committee has produced its final report. The committee are celebrating their victory. คํานามที่มีรูปพหูพจน (ลงทายดวย “s”) แตมีความหมายเอกพจน คํานามที่เปนชื่อโรค ชื่อเกมส หรือ ขาวจะลงทายดวย “s” แตถือเปนเอกพจน ไดแก news measles mumps dominoes darts เชน No news is good news. Mumps is not common in England. Dominoes is my favorite game. คํานามที่มีรูปเอกพจน แตมีความหมายพหูพจน people clergy police the rich cattle the poor เชน They are poor people. The police have arrested the thieves. Those cattle are the best.
  • 9. 7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) คํานามนับไมไดในความหมายพหูพจน จะเติมคําที่บอกจํานวนหรือปริมาณลงไป แตกริยาเปนเอกพจนเสมอ เชน a large amount of a lot of a great deal of a little plenty of a bit of lots of some เชน Lots of time is wasted. I’ve got a little money; it should be enough to live on. There is still a lot of snow.
  • 10. 8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. จงทําใหรูปพหูพจนของคํานามในวงเล็บ 1. I am proud of my (son-in-law)__________. 2. I have been here for three (day) __________. 3. She has just finished her (song) __________. 4. I think we need two (radio) __________. 5. Those were their (watch) __________. 6. Have you seen those (ox) __________? 7. Whose (knife) __________are these? 8. These (photo) __________are mine. 9. My (foot) __________really hurt! 10. We saw several (deer) __________in the park. B. Make these sentences plural. 1. A dog is an animal. _____________________________________. 2. A potato is a vegetable. _____________________________________. 3. A girl likes a sweet. _____________________________________. 4. A teacher is a man or a woman. _____________________________________. 5. A fly is an insect. _____________________________________.
  • 11. 9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 6. A dog hates a cat. _____________________________________. 7. A student is not always good. _____________________________________. 8. A cow gives milk. _____________________________________. 9. We can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg. _____________________________________. 10. A mother is kind to a little child. _____________________________________. 11. A box has a lid. _____________________________________. 12. A chicken is a bird. _____________________________________. 13. A chair is made of wood. _____________________________________. 14. We fill our pen with ink. _____________________________________. 15. A writer writes a book. _____________________________________. 16. A picture is pretty. _____________________________________. 17. We can read a book. _____________________________________.
  • 12. 10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 18. A garden had a tree. _____________________________________. 19. We drink tea out of a cup. _____________________________________. 20. An apple grows on a tree. _____________________________________. 21. A boy likes a game. _____________________________________. 22. An eye is blue or brown. _____________________________________. 23. A fish can swim. _____________________________________. 24. A pencil is like a pen. _____________________________________. 25. A cat eats meat. _____________________________________.
  • 13. 11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) C. จงเขียน C หนาคํานามที่นับได และ U หนาคํานามที่นับไมได 1. ________advice 2. ________animal 3. ________tomato 4. ________intelligence 5. ________freedom 6. ________hero 7. ________gold 8. ________cup 9. ________garden D. จงขีดเสนใตคํากริยาที่ถูกตองในวงเล็บ 1. Politics (is, are) Pom’s field of study. 2. Your trousers (is, are) brown. 3. The news (depresses, depress) me. 4. The police (has, have) arrested the criminals. 5. Here (is, are) two answers. 6. Measles (is, are) dangerous. 7. The rich (is, are) lucky. 8. There (is, are) 150 species of butterfly. 9. How many fish (is, are) there in the pond?
  • 14. 1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Unit 2 Prounouns Pronoun หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ ประธาน กรรม Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun I me mine myself We us ours ourselves You you yours yourselves(yourself) He him his himself She her hers herself It it its itself They them theirs themselves One one one’s oneself
  • 15. 2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. จงขีดเสนใตคํา pronoun. 1. The dog chased its tail and finally caught it. 2. The painter prepared his brushes, and then he finally got to use them. 3. Teachers and students agreed that they had the same interests. 4. Extraction of a wisdom tooth can cause great pain if it is impacted. 5. Zebras are prized for the beauty they display. 6. The doctor removed John’s tonsils when he was five years old. 7. Ruth is bound to sell some antiques if she tries long enough. 8. Two atomic bombs ended World War II, but they are still discussed today. 9. San Francisco is a beautiful city; it is near to New York. 10. The state of Vermout imposes heavy income taxes when it needs funds. B. จงเปลี่ยนคําที่ขีดเสนใตใหเปนสรรพนามใหถูกตอง 1. Mary is diligent. Mary studies her lessons every night. 2. John and Mary study in the same class. John and Mary are classmates. 3. Helen and I are neighbors. Helen and I live next to each other. 4. Jack is a good student. Jack never goes to school late. 5. Monty is Mary’s dog. Monty is an Alsatian.
  • 16. 3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) C. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง “I, we, you, he, she, they, it” 1. Tom and I are friends. ___________ go to the same school. He goes to school by car. ___________ go by bus. Helen and Mary are sisters. __________have a dog. Helen likes ________ but Mary doesn’t. __________ always teases it. 2. Jim: Where do ___________ live? Suda: _______________live in Chiengmai. Jim: Where do your parents live? Suda: __________live in Lampang. 3. Tom: Where is Somsak? Winai: __________ is in the library with Pramote. __________ are studying for the exam tomorrow. 4. Customer: How much are these birds? Shopkeeper: ____________are 50 baht each. Customer: And what about this one? Shopkeeper: 100 bath. __________ is a nice bird and ________ sings beautifully.
  • 17. 4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) D. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง me, you, us, him, her, them, it 1. Mrs. Smith is very kind. She is our neighbor. She likes my sister and __________. Yesterday she gave _________ some cookies and we thanked _________. 2. John: Do you know _________? Som: I know ________ but I don’t know his wife. I’ve never met _______. 3. Mary: What will you buy for Jim and Jane? Susan: I will buy some presents for ________. I will buy a tennis racket and I will buy ________ a beautiful doll. 4. Mary: What did your father give ___________ on your birthday? Suda: He gave __________a bicycle. 5. Jack: Where are Wichai and Danai? Wimon: I don’t know. Why do you want to see ________? Jack: I want to tell ___________ good news.
  • 18. 5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) คํา Pronoun หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ 1. Personal Pronoun 2. Possessive Pronoun 3. Reflexive Pronoun 4. Indefinite Pronouns 5. Relative Pronoun 6. Demonstrative 7. Other Pronouns Personal Pronoun คือ คําสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคน สัตว และสิ่งของ แบงเปน 2 สวน คือ A. สรรพนามที่ใชเปนประธาน ของประโยค เชน I am a student. She has four brothers. We are boys. They go to school. You have three pens. It has two legs. He has ten dogs. B. สรรพนามที่ใชเปนกรรม ตามหลังกริยาและตามหลังบุพบท เชน Mary likes me. I will see her tomorrow. I told him a story. Did you see the snake? Yes. I saw it. Helen bought a big cake for us. Tom dislikes them.
  • 19. 6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Possessive Pronoun คือ คํานามที่แสดงความเปนเจาของทําหนาที่ไดทั้งเปนประธานและกรรม ไดแก mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, its เชน That is your book; this is mine. This is my bag. Where is yours? Are those your clothes? No, they are his. I parked my car behind hers. My parents work in Bangkok. Theirs work in Phuket. Can I borrow your pen? Yours works better than mine. These pictures are ours.
  • 20. 7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise In the following sentences, supply the missing personal and impersonal pronouns as shown in the examples. Example: The governor signed the proclamation. She signed it. 1. Has the cat made a mess of dinner again? Has ________ made a mess of dinner again? 2. No one but John can do that job properly. No one but _______ can do that job properly. 3. Franklin and Eleanor Poosevelt had several children. __________ had several children. 4. Your view of London and my view differ widely. Your view of London and________differ widely. 5. Do you know when Dubliners was first published? Do you know when ________ was first published? 6. Does this book belong to Norman and Susie? Does this book belong to ____________? 7. Whatever preference you may have, there is a suitable wine. Whatever your preference, there is a wine suitable for ________. 8. Was the portrait of his wife? Was the portrait of _________? 9. Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but Joe. Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but_________
  • 21. 8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Reflexive Pronoun คือ คําสรรพนามที่แสดงใหเห็นถึงการกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้นแกตนเอง ไดแก myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself (yourselves), ourselves, themselves A. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเมื่อประธานและกรรมเปนตัวเดียวกัน ในกรณีนี้สรรพนามพวกนี้จะทําหนาที่เปนกรรม ของกริยา หรือบางครั้งจะตามบุพบท เชน I cut myself. He shaved himself. They blamed themselves for the accident. She spoke to herself. Make yourself at home. Take care of yourselves. We enjoyed ourselves very much. The dog got up and stretched itself. B. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเพื่อเนนวาประธานเปนผูทํากริยานั้น ๆ หรือบางครั้งอาจใชเนนกรรม เชน I opened the door myself. She herself told me the news. He himself says so. He says so himself. I spoke to the students themselves. She likes the diamond itself but not the setting. We should see the house ourselves.
  • 22. 9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, ourselves, yourselves 1. A: Don’t exercise too much. You will hurt ______________. B: Don’t worry. I will stop now. I don’t want to hurt ___________. 2. A: May is very proud of _____________. She has got an A in Physics. B: John is very proud of ________ too. He has got an A in Geography. 3. A: Did you eat all those oranges ___________? B: Yes, they were very good. 4. A: Who painted your house? B: We painted our house ___________. 5. A: Why do you think that Mrs. Jones is crazy? B: It’s because she often talks to ___________. 6. A: Are Susan and Carol going out for dinner with us? B: No, they are going to fix dinner by _____________. 7. The dog got up and stretched _____________. 8. Gary helped ______________ to another large piece of cake. 9. You owe ______________ a long vacation. 10. Our wishes ______________are to blame for our faults. 11. Nancy washed ______________ in the stream. 12. I usually give ______________ the benefit of the doubt; doesn’t one always give_____________ the same advantage? 13. God helps those who help ______________. 14. After each meal, Louise blesses ______________. 15. You should stop fooling ______________ about your health. 16. Mr. Sauders made ______________ successful through hard work.
  • 23. 10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 17. Pam taught ______________ Spanish and French. 18. We are forcing ______________ to lose weight. 19. You should not blame ______________ for what went wrong. 20. She ______________will end up hurting. 21. Many a writer has found ______________ at loose ends after completing her first novel. 22. The town was ruining ______________ by permitting neighboring towns to discharge waste into its sewage system.
  • 24. 11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) B. Choose the best answer. 1. Any student who does not do __________homework will be punished. a) his b) their c) her d) one’s 2. They went to visit a friend ________________in Chieng Mai. a) of my b) of us c) of them d) of their 3. Some of the boys are in the room, but where are ____________? a) other b) the others c) the other d) another 4. ____________ children like watching TV. a) Almost b) The most c) Most of d) Most 5. As my bicycle was broken, I borrowed __________. a) John b) John’s one c) John’s d) one of John 6. “Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?” “Thank you, but I am very tired. We should go ____________time.” a) other b) the other c) at other d) another 7. Your composition is too short. Write _________ page or two. a) other b) another c) others d) the other 8. The manager wanted to see John and __________. a) me b) I c) mine d) my 9. “Paul has a knife.” “Don’t let him cut ___________” a) himself b) itself c) him d) self 10. “Wantana can’t find her umbrella.” “Is this red one___________?” a) of her b) her’s c) hers d) her 11. “Is your new dress blue?” Yes, it’s ____________. a) my b) my one c) of mine d) mine
  • 25. 12 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 12. She lent her pen to _________ girl. a) another b) the other c) the one d) others 13. Say what type _______ of them is. a) all b) some c) each d) most 14. When I was in Phuket, I saw a good friend of _________. a) they b) me c) her d) yours 15. Which girl is your daughter?” “ _________ with a pony tail.” a) The one b) One c) She d) Another 16. ____________of my sisters is a nurse. a) Other b) Others c) One d) Ones 17. I prefer red roses to yellow ___________. a) others b) one c) anothers d) ones 18. The twins look alike. It is difficult to tell one from __________. a) the other b) other c) others d) one 19. My seat is next to __________of the chairman. a) this b) that c) those d) one 20. Why did you do __________ to me? a) one b) these c) this d) those 21. Which do you want to give me, this or ___________? a) one b) another c) this d) that 22. I gave him some of my books in exchange for some of ____________. a) his b) her c) them d) your 23. Peter shaves ___________every day. a) him b) myself c) himself d) oneself
  • 26. 13 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 24. She bought _________ a new dress. a) herself b) myself c) himself d) itself 25. The two sisters love each ____________. a) another b) one c) others d) other 26. The teacher was pleased because __________of her students failed the test. a) all b) some c) most d) none 27. I have to go shopping because there’s _____________left in the refrigerator. a) something b) nothing c) everything d) anything 28. Excuse me, Mr. Johns __________wants to see you now. a) somebody b) nobody c) one d) none 29. He is very sad because he thinks that ___________ loves him. a) somebody b) everybody c) nobody d) anybody 30. __________of the boys has a lot of toys. a) All b) Most c) Some d) Each 31. The babies hurt ___________ when they fell. a) itself b) themselves c) himself d) ourselves 32. __________ of us like Winai. a) Each b) One c) All d) Every 33. __________ hopes that I will certainly come. a) Everyone b) All c) Some d) Most of them 34. ___________ of the oranges I bought are sweet. a) Each b) Every c) One d) Most 35. Anne didn’t tell ________ about her secret. a) someone b) anyone c) no one d) none 36. Did you say ______________ to Mr. Jones about our plans? a) any b) anything c) nothing d) all
  • 27. 14 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 37. _____________ knows a thing about this except you and me. a) No one b) Anyone c) Some d) Many 38. My mother bought two dresses for me, but I didn’t want ___________ of them. a) all b) neither c) either d) some 39. Those two books are interesting. I want to buy ________ of them. a) neither b) all c) some d) both 40. You can ask Somchai or Winai. I think ________ of them can help you. a) either b) neither c) none d) all
  • 28. 15 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Indefinite Pronouns หมายถึง สรรพนามที่ไมเฉพาะเจาะจง ใชกับกริยารูปเอกพจนเสมอ A. everybody, everyone, everything Everybody likes you. Everyone is ready. Tell me everything about it. B. somebody, someone, something There’s someone at the door. Somebody gave me this old book. There’s something on the floor. C. Each Each of the boys wants this toy. He wants to speak to each of us. D. anybody, anyone, anything Does anyone know that man? Would anybody like a drink? Don’t you have anything for me to do? I don’t like anything here. I didn’t see anybody there. E. nobody, no one, nothing Nobody likes him. I want nothing from you. No one will come here tomorrow.
  • 29. 16 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) F. either, neither, each, every Either of these boys will help you. Neither of these two girls is my sister. Every car needs petrol. Each student has a bag. Take either half. Neither book gives the correct answer.
  • 30. 17 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. Choose the best answer. 1. A: Why is Dara sad? B: It’s because _______ likes her. a) nothing b) everyone c) anything d) no one 2. A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to the drugstore. Do you want me to buy _________ for you? a) anybody b) anything c) nothing d) everything 3. A: Is there _________ to eat here? B: No. You have to go to a restaurant. a) nothing b) either c) anything d) neither 4. A: Which book do you want? B: _________ of them. Both are good. a) Either b) Neither c) Every d) Nothing 5. We are sorry. There’s _________ that we can do to help you. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) no one 6. __________ room in this hotel has a private bathroom. a) Every b) Either c) Neither d) No one 7. I am hungry. Give me ______________ to eat. a) nothing b) something c) neither d) either 8. The teacher invited _________ student in his class to his birthday party. a) every b) neither c) either d) each 9. A: Why was she angry with her two sisters? B: __________ of them helped her with her homework. a) Either b) No one c) Neither d) Each
  • 31. 18 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 10. A: Why is Tom lucky? B: His uncle loves him and buys ________ that he wants for him. a) nothing b) everything c) something d) each
  • 32. 19 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) B. Choose the best answer to fill in the banks. no one, anyone, everyone, nothing, everything, anything, something, someone. 1. A: Is there anyone in Room 543? B: No, there isn’t __________ in Room 543, but there’s ____________ in Room 544. 2. A: Is there ___________ I can buy for you in the town? B: Yes, I want some writing paper. 3. A: Who can mend my watch? B: I’m sorry. ___________ here can mend your watch. 4. A: What shall we do this evening? B: There’s ___________ to do this evening. We have finished all our work. 5. A: Is there __________ here who wants to play tennis? B: Yes, Jack wants to play tennis. 6. A: Did you buy anything here? B: No, I didn’t like __________ here. 7. A: Carol will bring _______________for you to drink. B: That’s good. I’m very thirsty. 8. A: Why do you always come to this shop? B: It sells __________. 9. A: Who can take Sally to the airport? B: There isn’t ___________ here who can take her there. __________ here has a car. 10. A: Who went to her birthday party last night? B: ____________ did. She is a popular girl.
  • 33. 20 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) C. Choose one of the following words to fill in the banks. Each, every, either, neither 1. A: Which of those two houses did Bill buy? B: He bought ________________of them. They were too expensive. 2. A: Which of the two books will you choose? B: I won’t choose ______________ of them. They are not interesting. 3. A: Why is Mr.Ross happy? B: It’s because ______________ of his students has passed the test. 4. __________ student here has to wear a uniform. 5. A: We saw everything in the city. B: Did you see ___________ museum? A: Yes, we saw every one of them. 6. A: Can I invite Susan, or must I invite Kathy? B: You can invite _________of them. Both of them are nice. 7. A: Do you prefer the blue car or the red one? B: I prefer _____________of them. There are ugly. 8. ___________ girl in this class is studying hard.
  • 34. 21 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Relative Pronoun คือ สรรพนามที่ใชเปนเสมือนตัวเชื่อม ไดแก who, whom, whose, which, what, where, when, why, that Who (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และบุคคลนั้นตองเปนผูกระทําดวยจึงจะใช who ไปเปนสรรพนาม เชน He is the postman who brings a letter for us at home. The boy who studies hard can pass the examination easily. Whom (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และเมื่อไปแทนแลว Whom อยูในฐานะเปนผูถูกกระทําตลอดไป เชน This is the student whom his teacher punished. The singer whom I saw at Chicago is Michael Jackson. Whose (ผูซึ่ง…ของเขา) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล เพื่อแสดงความเปนเจาของของนามที่ตามหลัง และ ใหสังเกตไวดวยวา หลัง whose ตองมีนามเสมอ เชน John is the boy whose father died in the war. The girl whose mother has gone to Japan is my cousin. Which, that (ที่, ซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนสัตว, สิ่งของ ทั้งในรูปที่เปนประธานและกรรมไดทั้งนั้น เชน The animal which/that has wings is a bird. That is the ticket which/that I bought for you.
  • 35. 22 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. In the following sentences, supply the missing relative pronouns as shown in this examples. Example: The table that you refinished is standing in the study. 1. This essay, __________ is the best I can write, will surely be judged worthy of publication. 2. The story __________ I told you must not be reported. 3. Actresses __________ are good enough for the Broadway stage must surely be good enough for regional theaters. 4. The antique of __________ you are so proud are worthless. 5. Plays __________ plots are obvious cannot hold the interest of an audience. 6. Horses __________ find their way home cannot be thought of as dumb animals. 7. My house, __________ is for sale, sits on a large plot. 8. The partners __________ signed the agreement lived to regret doing so. 9. Young men __________ you see in bars may not be spending their time wisely. 10. To __________ shall I address the letter?
  • 36. 23 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) B. Choose the best answer. 1. This is the school ________ I used to study. a) where b) which c) that d) there 2. This test is for students ________________ native language is not English. a) that b) whose c) which d) of whom 3. We saw a new play at the theatre, ___________we had supper at a restaurant. a) after which b) which after c) then which d) and that after 4. The student ___________ lost his bag is waiting in the office. a) what b) whose c) who d) which 5. The house _________ they live needs repairing. a) where b) which c) whose d) what 6. The supermarket ___________ I shop does not accept checks. a) when b) which c) that d) where 7. This is the biggest shopping center ____________ I have ever seen. a) where b) what c) that d) whom 8. This is the only road __________ takes us to Henry’s house. a) where b) whose c) who d) which 9. I could not understand ____________ the speaker said. a) that b) what c) which d) whose 10. I’m going to see my uncle ____________ is in hospital. a) who b) whom c) whose d) that 11. I have read the book __________ you lent me. a) whom b) who c) that d) whose 12. Children _________ eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth. a) which b) what c) who d) whom
  • 37. 24 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 13. The girl __________ pen you borrowed needs it. a) what b) whose c) who d) which 14. Go and find the guests ___________ arrived here yesterday. a) who b) whom c) which d) what 15. Look at the horses ____________ are drinking in the river. a) whom b) who c) which d) what 16. The student ____________ father is sick does not come to school today. a) who b) which c) what d) whose 17. I ate all the cake __________ you gave me. a) what b) that c) when d) whom 18. My brother Tom, __________ hates fishing, will stay at home. a) who b) whom c) that d) which 19. A man, ____________ name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday. a) whom b) which c) whose d) what 20. I put everything in my suitcase,_________ is under my bed. a) what b) who c) that d) which 21. The teacher, ____________ every student is afraid of, is really very nice. a) whose b) which c) that d) whom 22. She will go to visit her hometown, ___________ she always talks about. a) that b) which c) whom d) where 23. This is the town ____________ I was born. a) that b) which c) where d) when 24. I’m staying here with my eldest sister, ___________ you met last night. a) whom b) who c) that d) which 25. The man___________ car was stolen was killed by the robbers. a) who b) which c) what d) whose
  • 38. 25 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 26. Do you know Stephen King ______________ is the author of this novel? a) who b) whom c) which d) whose 27. John lent me his new car _____________ he bought only last month. a) what b) when c) that d) whom 28. Some of the friends ___________ did not come. a) I invited b) I invited them c) whom I invited them d) which I invited 29. The movie _____________ was a good one. a) which we saw last night b) what we saw last night c) that we saw it last night d) which we saw it last night 30. The man ______________ told the police. a) found it b) he found it c) who found it d) who found 31. The magazine ____________ is not in the library. a) I need it b) which I need it c) I need d) that I need it 32. The woman ____________ was young and pretty. a) I spoke to her b) whom I spoke to her c) I spoke to d) that I spoke 33. The key ___________ has disappeared. a) opens the office b) it opens the office c) that opens the office by d) that opens the office 34. The boys ____________ are very good students. a) that you met here b) that you met them there c) whom you met them here d) whom you met here 35. I can’t remember ____________ John told me about the accident. a) whose b) what c) which d) who
  • 39. 26 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Demonstrative คําชนิดนี้ไดแก “this, that, these, those” มีหนาที่ 2 อยาง คือ A. ใชขยายคํานาม เรียกวา “Determiner” อยูหนานาม this และ that ใชขยายคํานามเอกพจน these และ those ใชขยายคํานามพหูพจน this girl these girls this boy these boys that student those students that house those houses หมายเหตุ this และ these ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูใกลตัวผูพูด that และ those ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูไกลตัวผูพูด B. ใชแบบคํานาม เรียกวา “Demonstrative Pronouns” ทําหนาที่เปนประธานและกรรม ประธาน This is my car. That is yours. This is not good. These are your shirts. Those are mine. กรรม I like this. I don’t like that. I want these, but he wants those.
  • 40. 27 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) ใชหลัง Verb to be What is this? It’s a calculator. What is that? It’s a photocopier. What is these? They are rubies. What are those? They are parrots.
  • 41. 28 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. จงดูวาคํา this, that, these, those ในประโยคตอไปนี้ เปน Pronoun (P) หรือ Determiner (D) เขียน P หรือ D ไวที่ชองวาง ทายประโยค 1. This girl is pretty. ___________ 2. That is Susan’s house. ___________ 3. This is my father’s office. ___________ 4. What is that boy doing? ___________ 5. These are my books. ___________ 6. What are those? ___________ 7. Do you want to buy those roses? ___________ 8. I don’t want to eat this. ___________ 9. Those are good books. ___________ 10. What is that? ___________ 11. Is that man your friend? ___________ 12. Are those your pens? ___________ 13. These boys are diligent. ___________ 14. Whose students are those girls? ___________ 15. Do you want to drive that car? ___________
  • 42. 29 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) B. จงเติม this, that, these, those ลงในประโยคตอไปนี้ 1. This is my umbrella. Is ___________ yours? 2. This is my sister. _________ are Bill’s sisters. 3. _____________ are the old typewriters. Those are the new ones. 4. What is ___________ thing in the sky? Is it a flying saucer? 5. I don’t like these vases. I like ___________ on the shelf. 6. Which will you have, these or _____________? 7. Indeed, if it were not ___________, I would not have told you. 8. I sewed a few of ___________ before I went on to ___________. 9. Let ___________ stand at best effort. 10. He decided to sell me ___________ instead of these. 11. Picture ___________ standing in your living room. 12. When you consider famous thoroughbreds of all time, it is doubtful that Secretariat would be the ___________ comes to mind. 13. We ate a little of ___________ and a little of ___________. 14. We ate a few of ___________ and a few of ___________. 15. When conditions are ___________ that Eastern Airlines closes down shuttle flights to Washington, you know that no other airlines will be flying either. 16. ___________ who are willing to stand for office must be willing to debate in public.
  • 43. 30 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Other Pronouns สรรพนามอื่นๆ ที่ควรรูจัก ไดแก both, all, none, one, ones, another, other, others A. Both ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งสอง สรรพนาม He has two sons. Both are taller than he is. Both of those books are mine. I want to buy both. คุณศัพท Both banks of the river are covered with snow. Both boys are naughty. I want to mail both letters. B. All ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งหมด ใชกับนามที่นับไมไดและนับไดทั้งสองอยางสําหรับนาม ที่นับไดตองมีรูปพหูพจน สรรพนาม Is all of this money yours? All of my brothers are good at sport. All of us want to go. คุณศัพท All six boys arrived late. All oranges are not sweet. He drank all the water that I gave him.
  • 44. 31 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) C. None เปนสรรพนาม แปลวา ไมมีสักอัน, ไมมีใครเลย, ไมเลย ใชไดกับทั้งคํานามที่นับไดและนับไมได 1. A: Is there any beer in the refrigerator? B: No, there’s none left. 2. A: Why were you angry with them? B: None of them wanted to help me. หมายเหตุ neither หมายถึงไมใชสิ่งหนึ่งสิ่งใดในจํานวนสอง สวน none หมายถึงไมมีสักสิ่งเดียวหรือคนเดียวในจํานวน มากกวาสองขึ้นไป D. One-Ones 1. One เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามเอกพจนที่กลาวถึงแลว Ones เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามพหูพจนที่กลาวถึงมากอน สวนใหญในกรณีนี้ one และ ones จะใชในประโยคเปรียบเทียบ หรือ ในประโยคที่เกี่ยวกับการเลือก This chair is too low. I’ll sit in that one. I don’t like this red car. I like that grey one. I want these blue pens. I don’t want those red ones. This one is better than that. These ones are more beautiful than those. Which one (ones) do you like best?
  • 45. 32 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 2. One หมายถึง หนึ่ง, คนหนึ่ง, อันหนึ่ง ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนาม และ คุณศัพท สรรพนาม I want to borrow one of your books. One of the students failed the test. One of my friends came late. คุณศัพท I bought one kilo of oranges. This trip will take one month. One night there was a terrible storm. E. Another เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อีก สรรพนาม One student wanted to see a play. Another wanted to go to a concert. I don’t like this hat. Please show me another. คุณศัพท I want another cup of tea. She will have another child next year. Please give me another pen.
  • 46. 33 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) F. Other เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อื่น, อื่น ๆ สรรพนาม the other ใชกับ article “the” แปลวา อีกคนหนึ่ง, อีกอันหนึ่ง มีความหมายเปนเอกพจนมักจะใช เมื่อรูจํานวนคน หรือสิ่งของแนนอน และมักใชคูกับ one I have two sisters. One is a teacher; the other is a nurse. He has three bags. One is black; another is blue. The other is brown. คุณศัพท other ใชขยายนามทั้งที่เปนเอกพจนและพหูพจน Where are the other boys? The post office is on the other side of the street. I know Wichai, but I don’t know your other sons. G. Others-The others Others เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ มักใชคูกับ some Some students go to school by bus; others go by car. Some are rich; others are poor. Some people eat rice; others eat bread. The others เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ ตางจาก others เพราะ the others มีความหมายเฉพาะ เจาะจงกวา เชน Some of my students are good at English; the others (the other students of mine) are good at Maths. There are twenty guests. Fifteen are here. Where are the others(5 left)?
  • 47. 34 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. จงเลือกคํามาเติมในชองวางใหถูกตอง 1. These apples are mine; ______________ are yours. a) others b) the others c) both d) another 2. Some students are lazy. ___________ students are diligent. a) Others b) The other c) Other d) All 3. There is a hotel on Rose Street. And there’s __________ hotel on Queen Street. a) other b) others c) none d) another 4. Some people drive carefully; ____________ drive dangerously. a) others b) the others c) another d) all 5. Some of the students here are obedient; ___________ are disobedient. a) others b) the others c) both d) another 6. Hendry has two cars. One is blue, and _________ is white. a) other b) the other c) both d) one 7. I have three close friends, ____________is a doctor; another is a teacher, and _________ is an engineer. a) one – the other b) another – other c) one – none d) another – the other 8. Mary has two children. _________________are studying in my school. a) all b) another c) others d) both 9. I wanted some string, but there was ___________ in the house. a) one b) none c) all d) another 10. A: I have five tickets for the concert. How many of you want to go? B: ____________ of us want to go. a) All b) Both c) Others d) The others
  • 48. 35 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 11. Ed: I have 300 baht. If you need money, take ___________ of it. Bill: Thank you. a) none b) one c) ones d) all 12. Don: You have 500 baht. Please lend me 100 baht. John: I’m sorry. _____________ of this money is mine. a) all b) other c) none d) one 13. Suda: Do you want a blue pen or a red one? Ann: I want __________. a) both b) all c) another d) others 14. Ben: Of all these three boys, which one do you like best? Tom: I like___________. All of them are unkind to my dog. a) all b) none c) others d) both B. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง one, ones, both, all, none 1. A: Have you got a red pen? B: Yes, I’ve got _____________. 2. A: How much are these oranges? B: Ten baht a kilo. A: I want two kilos. Give me big juicy _____________. 3. A: Can they all speak English? B: Yes. ___________ of them can. 4. A: Do your two brothers drink whisky? B: Yes. ___________ of them do. 5. A: Did the four women sing? B: No, _________of them did.
  • 49. 36 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก 6. A: Which of these notebooks do you want? B: I want this yellow ___________. 7. A: Will Kanya and Wilai stay for tea? B: Yes. ___________ of them will. 8. A: Can your three sons drive? B: Yes. ____________ of them can. 9. A: Do those four men smoke? B: No, ________________ of them do. 10. A: Can I have some more orange juice? B: I’m sorry. There’s _____________ left.
  • 50. 1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Unit 3 Articles เปนคําที่ใชนําหนาคํานาม แบงเปน 2 ชนิด คือ 1. Indefinite Article ไดแก a, an ใชนําหนาคํานามนับไดเอกพจน เพื่อแสดงจํานวน หรือทําใหคํานามนั้นมีความหมายทั่วไป ไมชี้เฉพาะ เจาะจง A ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจน ซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยพยัญชนะ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย สระ แตออกเสียงเหมือน พยัญชนะ เชน a mouse a school a book a university a uniform a union นอกจากนี้ a ยังใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับการเจ็บปวย ความถี่ to have a cold Twice a week a headache a fever Once a week An ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจนซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยสระ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย พยัญชนะ “h” แตออก เสียงเหมือนสระ เชน An elephant An hour An umbrella An apple
  • 51. 2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise A. Make these sentences singular, using the Indefinite Article. 1. Coats have collars. _____________________________________. 2. Nouns are words. _____________________________________. 3. Houses have roofs. _____________________________________. 4. Horses are animals. _____________________________________. 5. Balls are toys. _____________________________________. 6. Bullocks are useful animals. _____________________________________. 7. Boots are kinds of shoes. _____________________________________. 8. Watches are small clocks. _____________________________________. 9. Farmers use ploughs. _____________________________________. 10. Roses are beautiful flowers. _____________________________________. 11. Frenchmen are Europeans. _____________________________________. 12. Girls wear dresses. _____________________________________.
  • 52. 3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 13. Postmen wear caps. _____________________________________. 14. Oranges are good to eat. _____________________________________. 1. Classrooms have blackboards. _____________________________________. 2. Dogs are good friends to men. _____________________________________. 17. Children are not always good. _____________________________________. 18. There are always tables and chairs in dining - rooms. _____________________________________. 19. Long sentences are hard for beginners. _____________________________________. 20. Hungry boys eat large dinners. _____________________________________. 21. Ants are insects. _____________________________________. 22. Soldiers are brave men. _____________________________________. 23. Pounds buy more than shillings. _____________________________________. 24. Cities are big towns. _____________________________________. 25. Schools are large buildings. _____________________________________.
  • 53. 4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) B. Add “a” or “an” where necessary. 1. __________ cow eats __________ grass in __________ summer. 2. I like __________ jam on __________ piece of __________ bread. 1. I can write __________ letter in __________ ink or with __________ pencil. 4. __________ milk comes from __________ cow. 5. __________ cat has __________ tail. 2. __________ cat eats __________ meat. 7. __________ ring is made of __________ gold or silver. 8. We make __________ butter and __________ cheese from __________ milk. 3. __________ cigarette is made of __________ tobacco and __________ paper. 10. __________ child must have __________ food. 11. __________ sugar is nice in __________ cup of tea. 12. We eat __________ soup with __________ spoon. 13. __________ knife is made of __________ metal. 14. __________ window is made of __________ glass. 15. __________ handkerchief is made of __________ piece of cloth. 16. __________ grass always grows in __________English field. 17. __________ chair is made of __________ wood. 18. __________ coffee is __________ drink. 19. __________ coat is made of __________ wool. 20. __________ fish swims in __________ water. 21. We can write __________ letter on __________ paper. 22. __________ piano makes __________ music. 23. __________ iron is metal. 24. __________bread is made from __________ flour, and __________flour is made from wheat.
  • 54. 5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 25. __________ orange grows on __________ tree. 1. Definite Article ไดแก the ใชนําหนาคํานามที่เฉพาะเจาะจง Could I see the book about England? Please give me the grapes on the table. I have an orange and some apples. Who wants the orange? คํานามที่ถูกกลาวถึงเปนครั้งที่สอง จะใช the นอกจากนี้ the ยังใชกับคําที่แสดงขั้นสูงสุดในการเปรียบเทียบ หรือคําที่ แสดงลําดับที่ the best the first the lowest the second the most the third หรือ the ใชกับคํานามที่มีอยูเพียงสิ่งเดียวในโลก the world the north the sun the east the earth the south the moon the west “the” ใชกับชื่อประเทศที่มีคําวา “union, united, republic, kingdom” เชน the Republic of Panama the Soviet Union the United States of America the Kingdom of Thailand
  • 55. 6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) the ใชกับเครื่องดนตรี play the piano (the violin) the ใชกับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะตาง ๆ พวกมหาสมุทร ชองแคบ คลอง เทือกเขา เชน the Atlantic Ocean the Black Forest the Red sea the Suez Canal the Rocky Mountains the Sahara Desert the Himalayas the ใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับเวลา และสถานที่ เชน in the morning the day before yesterday in the bedroom on the beach down the stairs the ใชกับสถานที่ หรืออนุสาวรียที่รูจักอยางดี the Taj Mahal the Empire State Building the White House the ใชกับโรงแรม, โรงหนัง the Hilton (Hotel) the Ambassador (Hotel) the Fox (Theater) the Playhouse (Theater)
  • 56. 7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) หมายเหตุ 1. สําหรับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะบางอยางไมใช the เชน ชื่อสวนสาธารณะ ชื่อถนน ชื่อทวีป เปนตน เชน Central Park Asia Hyde Park Europe Fifth Avenue America 2. ในสํานวนบางอยางจะไมใช the หรือ article อื่น ๆ เลย เชน go to bed, church, work go by bus, car, train be at home, school, work play football, tennis, cards to have breakfast, lunch, dinner Exercise A. Fill in the articles where needed. 1. ________ poor man we met yesterday had ________ little food. 2. I had ________ lunch with ________ old friend of mine near ________Lumpini Park yesterday. 3. ________ chair which you are sitting on is not comfortable. 4. ________ fire which destroyed ________ building started from Dang’s room. 5. I bought ________ new hat yesterday. They said that it was ________ new style from ________ United States. 6. We had ________ dinner together at ________ good restaurant yesterday. 7. ________ Chao Praya is ________ best known river in Thailand. 8. We all had ________ good time at ________ dance last night. 9. Please open ________ windows because air in this room is not good. 10. ________ horse is ________ useful animal.
  • 57. 8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 11. He painted ________ front door of his house with ________ green paint. 12. Put your bag in ________ back of ________ car. 1. ________ Indian tigers are ________ fierce animals. 2. ________cat caught ________ mouse yesterday but ________ lucky mouse escaped. 15. Which is ________ quickest way to ________ Royal Hotel? 16. Would you like ________ cup of tea and ________ cake? 3. ________ cheese and ________ butter are substances. 18. ________Alps are ________ highest mountains in ________Europe. 19. Take ________ chair and make yourself at ________ home; I shall be back in ________ minute. 4. He went to ________ bed with ________ bad cold. B. Add “a”, “an”, “some” or “the” where necessary. 1. ________ children love ________ fruit. 2. It is pleasant to read ________ book in ________ afternoon. 3. ________ books are interesting for ________ child. 4. There is ________ garden behind ________ house. 5. I have ________ pen and ________ pencil. 6. ________ tea is very hot. I must put ________ milk in it. 7. ________ postman has just put ________ letter under ________ door. 8. You must give him ________ food and ________ cup of coffee. 9. ________ door of ________ garage is broken. 10. There are ________ beautiful flowers in ________ park. 11. I want ________ glass of ________ milk. 12. ________ student at back of ________ class is reading ________ newspaper. 13. It is not good to smoke ________ cigarette before ________ meal. 14. ________ page of ________ book is torn. 15. There is ________ fly in ________ lemonade. 16. ________ luggage is on ________ platform. 17. ________ butcher opposite ________ library always sells ________ good meat. 18. ________ cat may look at ________ king. 19. ________ donkeys are ________ stupid animals.
  • 58. 9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 20. Put ________ butter on ________ potatoes. 21. I am fond of ________ apples with _______ cheese. 22. He always smokes ________ cigarette with ________ cup of ________ coffee. 1. Take________ umbrella with you to ________ office, it may rain. 2. ________ car is ready now. 25. I want ________ tin of ________ peaches, ________ sugar, and ________ pound of ________ raspberry jam.
  • 59. 1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Exercise Unit3 Articles Choose the most appropriate alternative. 1. She will be here in ___________ hour. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 2. He likes __________ chess but I like __________ basketball. a) a-a b) an-an c) the-the d) no article needed 1. __________ elephant never forgets. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 4. Have you got ___________ New York Times? a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 5. Do you want __________ tea? a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 6. This semester I’m going to study __________life of Beethoven. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 7. Jack wants to learn ___________ guitar. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 8. How did you like __________ film? a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 9. Jack was elected ___________ President for the second time. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 10. He has got ___________ strange look in his eye. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 11. A: What would you like to order? B: Let me see ___________ menu first. a) a b) some c) the d) an
  • 60. 2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 12. She lives in ______________ United States now. a) the b) a c) an d) no article needed 1. Paul likes ___________. a) music and pretty girls b) a music and pretty girls c) a music and a pretty girl d) music and pretty girl 2. Is ___________ Mt. Everest __________ highest peak of ______________ Himalayas? a) the – the – the b) a – the – no article needed c) no article needed – the – the d) no article needed – a - the 2. We’re going to ______________ work now. a) a b) the c) no article needed d) some 2. I like John. He is ___________ honest man. a) a b) the c) an d) no article needed 2. _________________ Englishman we met at the conference was married. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 3. Have you ever been to ____________ Soviet Union? a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 3. ___________ always unwelcome. a) The bad news is b) A bad news is c) The bad news are d) Bad news is 3. We stopped for ________ breakfast at a restaurant nearby. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 3. I want to take _________ walk. a) no article needed b) the c) some d) a 3. One of ___________ elephants ran away from the zoo. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a
  • 61. 3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 23. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is ______________ exciting film. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 24. The boys will be here in ___________ few hours. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 4. Many tourists come to _________ Bangkok for their holidays. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 5. My father is _____________ kind and honest man. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 27. ____________ Republic of Singapore is well known for her cleanliness. a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A 28. I am going on ____________ European holiday next month. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 29. The hens have laid half ____________ dozen eggs this morning. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 30. Jane’s house is only_____________ hour’s drive. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 31. The government will build ____________ university here. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 32. Mount Everest is ____________ highest mountain in the world. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 33. ___________ Chinese are hard-working people. a) no article needed b) The c) Every d) A 34. _____________ book on that shelf is not the one I want. a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A 35. John is __________ best runner in the school. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a
  • 62. 4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 36. ___________ dogs are bigger than mice. a) no article needed b) The c) Every d) A 5. He swam across ___________ Chao Praya River. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 5. ___________ swimming is a good exercise. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 5. The earth goes around ___________ sun. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 5. Winai and Weera will travel in __________ Europe next year. a) a b) an c) the d) no article needed 6. I came here by ________ car. a) the b) a c) an d) no article needed 6. __________ doctor whose clinic is next door attends his patients twice __________ day. a) a–a b) the–no article needed c) a–the d) the–a 6. Jane is __________ English teacher in ____________ Art Faculty. a) no article needed–a b) the–an c) a–no article needed d) an-the 6. __________ Erawan Hotel is one of ___________ famous hotels in Bangkok. a) the – the b) a – the c) the – no article needed d) no article needed – the 6. Bangkok is _________ in Thailand. a) a large city b) the largest city c) a largest city d) large city 6. Please write out the answer at the end of _________________. a) first chapter b) chapter one c) chapter first d) the chapter first
  • 63. 5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 47. __________ rich are often unhappier than the poor. a) no article needed b) the c) Every d) a 48. ___________ honest is a good quality. a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A 7. ____________ egg for breakfast is good for you. a) Some b) The c) An d) A 50. I’ll meet you on _________ Phaya Thai Road. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 51. This is __________ last show. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 52. English is _________ difficult language. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 53. He is collecting money for ____________ blind. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 54. What ___________ lovely dress! a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 55. _____________ statistics is the most difficult subject for me. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 56. All right, ___________ mother, I’ll do what you say. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 57. I have ____________ friend who is ___________ interior designer. a) a-a b) the-an c) the-the d) no article needed 58. Peter spoke to me in ____________ very friendly way. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 59. ____________ soup tastes wonderful. a) no article needed b) The c) an d) A
  • 64. 6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) 60. Don’t talk so loud. You’ll wake___________ whole street. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 7. We get up early to catch __________ early bus. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 8. Jack is ___________ English teacher. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 8. Mary is from ___________ Union of Africa. a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a 9. Have you finished ______________? a) the chapter second b) chapter second c) second chapter d) the second chapter
  • 65. 1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) Unit 4 Adjectives (คําคุณศัพท) Adjectives เปนคําที่ใชขยายคํานาม เพื่อบอกรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับนามตัวนั้น เชน a beautiful girl, a useful book The thin man can run very quickly. (เรียงไวหนานาม) The soup smells good. (ตามหลัง verb to be, look, feel, seem, get, taste, smell, turn, go, appear, keep, become, sound, grow, etc. โดยทําหนาที่ขยายประธาน แตวางไวหลังกริยา) He made his wife happy. (ตามหลังคํานามที่เปนกรรม เพื่อขยายกรรม) I have known the manager suitable for his position. (เปน Adjective Clause ขยายนาม) คํา Adjectives สังเกตไดจากคําลงทาย ดังตอไปนี้ 0. –ABLE acceptable, admirable, lovable, reliable, washable 0. –AN African, Brazilian, Asian, Russian 0. –AL historical, continual, economical, national 0. –ED blue-eyed, long-haired, open-minded, left-handed 1. –FUL careful, beautiful, wonderful 1. –IBLE possible, visible, horrible 1. –IC historic, economic, electric 1. –ISH foolish, childish, Spanish, youngish 1. –IVE destructive, attentive, attractive 1. –LESS careless, hopeless, useless 1. –LIKE childlike, godlike, businesslike 1. –LY friendly, lively, daily, yearly 1. –OUS previous, serious, continuous 1. –Y thirsty, lucky, hungry
  • 66. 2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก) หมายเหตุ participles ซึ่งลงทายดวย ED/ING สามารถใชเปน adjective แตความหมายจะตางกัน เชน exciting (นาตื่นเตน) excited (รูสึกตื่นเตน) interesting (นาสนใจ) interested (รูสึกสนใจ) boring (นาเบื่อ) bored (รูสึกเบื่อ) ประเภทของคํา Adjective 0. Descriptive Adjective ใชบอกลักษณะ หรือคุณภาพ เพื่อใหรูวานามนั้นมีลักษณะอยางไร good bad tall short black white fat thin clever foolish poor rich brave cowardly pretty ugly happy sorry The rich man lives in the big house. A clever pupil can answer the difficult problem. The black cat caught a small bird. 0. Proper Adjective ใชบอก สัญชาติ English American Thai Indian German Italian Japanese Chinese He employs a Chinese cook. Do you learn the French literature? The English language is used by every nation.