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Elixir Formatter Internals
How that works under the hood to
make your code pretty.
Pedro Medeiros
About Me
- 10 years of experience in programming
- Computer Scientist @ Universidade
Católica de Brasília
- Currently @ Shopify
- /pedrosnk
- /pesnk
- Has Deployed an Elixir App Before Phoenix
Fun Fact
• Previous release of Elixir 1.5

• What is the Formatter

• Formatter internals

• Questions
State of Elixir 1.5
• Shipped features to help
developers and

• Breakpoints

• Exception Blame

• @impl
• A set of functions available on iex to help debug

• break!/2, break!/4, breaks/0, continue/0, open/0,
remove_breaks/0, remove_breaks/1, reset_break/1,
reset_break/3, respawn/0, whereiam/1
Iex breakpoint
Exception Blame
iex(1)> Access.fetch :foo, :bar
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Access.fetch/2
The following arguments were given to Access.fetch/2:
# 1
# 2
Attempted function clauses (showing 5 out of 5):
def fetch(%struct{} = container, key)
def fetch(map, key) when is_map(map)
def fetch(list, key) when is_list(list) and is_atom(key)
def fetch(list, key) when is_list(list)
def fetch(nil, _key)
(elixir) lib/access.ex:261: Access.fetch/2
Add ability to mark which function
in a module is a implementation of
a call back.
defmodule Stack do
use GenServer
@impl GenServer
def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h | t]) do
{:reply, h, t}
@impl GenServer
def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do
{:noreply, [item | state]}
defmodule MyApp do
@behaviour Plug
@impl Plug
def init(_opts) do
@impl Plug
def call(conn, _opts) do
Plug.Conn.send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")
Elixir Goals


Elixir Goals
• Formats your code to maintain a consistency style for all
elixir projects

• Community code standards and a common guide for

• Maintain the same AST as the original code. Formatter is
not a Linter
• Built in inside mix
Run the formatter
defmodule MessedCode do
use GenServer
@default_list [
def say_hello first_name, last_name do
"Hello #{first_name} #{last_name}"
@impl GenServer
def handle_call { :add_to_list, value}, _from,%{values: list,stage: stage }=_state do
stage = case stage do
"initial" -> "processing"
"progress" -> "final"
"final" -> "final"
_unkown -> "unkown"
{:reply, :ok,
%{value: list ++ [value],
stage: stage}}
Run the formatter
$ mix format _
Run the formatter
defmodule MessedCode do
use GenServer
@default_list [
def say_hello(first_name, last_name) do
"Hello #{first_name} #{last_name}"
@impl GenServer
def handle_call({:add_to_list, value}, _from, %{values: list, stage: stage} = _state) do
stage =
case stage do
"initial" -> "processing"
"progress" -> "final"
"final" -> "final"
_unkown -> "unkown"
{:reply, :ok, %{value: list ++ [value], stage: stage}}
What happened?
What happened?
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition
def fac n do
n * fac n - 1
What happened?> raw =!("lib/fac.ex")
> formated = Code.format_string!(raw)
["defmodule", " ", "Fac", " do", "n ", "@spec", " ", "fac", "(", "",
"pos_integer", "", ")", " ::", " ", "pos_integer", "n ", "@doc", " ", """,
"Compute factorial", """, "n ", "# stop condition", "n ", …]
> formated |> Enum.join() |> IO.puts()
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
# stop condition
def fac(1) do
def fac(n) do
n * fac(n - 1)
> raw =!("lib/fac.ex")
> Code.Formatter.to_algebra(raw, opts)
Deeper inside
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "defmodule", 9},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, "Fac", :cursor, :break}}, " do"},
{:doc_cons, :doc_nil,
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@spec", 5},
{:doc_cons, " ",
{:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, {...}, ...}, :cursor, :break}},
:doc_nil}, :self}}, :self},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@doc", 4},
{:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {...}}, :doc_nil},
:self}}, :self}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, "# stop condition", :self}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, ...}, :self},
{:doc_nest, {...}, ...}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, "end"}}}},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_collapse, 2}, {:doc_break, "", :strict}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_break, "", :strict},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3},
Deeper inside
Deeper inside
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition
def fac n do
n * fac n - 1
Deeper inside
How an algebra is build for the formatter
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :defmodule},
{:alias, {1, 11, nil}, :Fac},
{:do, {1, 15, nil}},
{:eol, {1, 17, 1}},
{:at_op, {2, 3, nil}, :@},
{:identifier, {2, 4, nil}, :spec},
{:paren_identifier, {2, 9, nil}, :fac},
{:"(", {2, 12, nil}},
{:identifier, {2, 13, nil}, :pos_integer},
{:")", {2, 24, nil}},
{:type_op, {2, 26, nil}, :::},
{:identifier, {2, 29, nil}, :pos_integer},
{:eol, {2, 40, 1}},
{:at_op, {3, 3, nil}, :@},
{:identifier, {3, 4, nil}, :doc},
{:bin_string, {3, 8, nil}, ["Compute factorial"]},
{:eol, {3, 27, 1}},
{:identifier, {4, 3, nil}, :def},
{:identifier, {4, 7, nil}, :fac},
{:int, {4, 11, 1}, '1'},
{:do, {4, 13, nil}},
{:";", {4, 15, 0}},
{:int, {4, 17, 1}, '1'},
{:";", {4, 19, 0}},
{:end, {4, 20, nil}},
{:eol, {4, 24, 1}},
{:identifier, {5, 3, nil}, :def},
{:identifier, {5, 7, nil}, :fac},
{:do_identifier, {5, 11, nil}, :n},
{:do, {5, 13, nil}},
{:eol, {5, 15, 1}},
{:identifier, {6, 5, nil}, :n},
{:mult_op, {6, 7, nil}, :*},
{:identifier, {6, 9, nil}, :fac},
{:identifier, {6, 13, nil}, :n},
{:dual_op, {6, 15, nil}, :-},
{:int, {6, 17, 1}, '1'},
{:eol, {6, 18, 1}},
{:end, {7, 3, nil}},
{:eol, {7, 6, 1}},
{:end, {8, 1, nil}},
{:eol, {8, 4, 1}}
Deeper inside
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :defmodule},
{:alias, {1, 11, nil}, :Fac},
{:do, {1, 15, nil}},
{:eol, {1, 17, 1}},
{:at_op, {2, 3, nil}, :@},
{:identifier, {2, 4, nil}, :spec},
{:paren_identifier, {2, 9, nil}, :fac},
{:"(", {2, 12, nil}},
{:identifier, {2, 13, nil}, :pos_integer},
{:")", {2, 24, nil}},
{:type_op, {2, 26, nil}, :::},
{:identifier, {2, 29, nil}, :pos_integer},
{:eol, {2, 40, 1}},
{:at_op, {3, 3, nil}, :@},
{:identifier, {3, 4, nil}, :doc}, ...
Deeper inside
{:defmodule, [no_parens: true, line: 1],
{:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Fac]},
{{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 8, line: 1], [:do]},
{:__block__, [],
{:@, [line: 2],
{:spec, [no_parens: true, line: 2],
{:::, [line: 2],
{:fac, [end_line: 2, line: 2],
[{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}]},
{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}
{:@, [newlines: 1, line: 3],
{:doc, [no_parens: true, line: 3],
[{:__block__, [format: :string, line: 3], ["Compute factorial"]}]}
{:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 4],
{:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 4],
[{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}]},
{{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 4, line: 4], [:do]},
{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}}
Deeper inside
quote do
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition
def fac n do
n * fac n - 1
{:defmodule, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fac]},
do: {:__block__, [],
{:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
{:spec, [context: Elixir],
{:::, [],
{:fac, [], [{:pos_integer, [], Elixir}]},
{:pos_integer, [], Elixir}
{:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
[{:doc, [context: Elixir], ["Compute factorial"]}]},
{:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
[{:fac, [context: Elixir], [1]}, [do: 1]]},
{:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
{:fac, [context: Elixir], [{:n, [], Elixir}]},
do: {:*, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
{:n, [], Elixir},
{:fac, [],
{:-, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
[{:n, [], Elixir}, 1]}
{:defmodule, [no_parens: true, line: 1],
{:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Fac]},
{{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 8, line: 1], [:do]},
{:__block__, [],
{:@, [line: 2],
{:spec, [no_parens: true, line: 2],
{:::, [line: 2],
{:fac, [end_line: 2, line: 2],
[{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}]},
{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}
{:@, [newlines: 1, line: 3],
{:doc, [no_parens: true, line: 3],
[{:__block__, [format: :string, line: 3], ["Compute factorial"]}]}
{:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 4],
{:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 4],
[{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}]},
{{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 4, line: 4], [:do]},
{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}}
{:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 5],
{:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 5],
[{:n, [no_parens: true, line: 5], nil}]},
{{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 7, line: 5], [:do]},
{:*, [line: 6], ...
Normal Quoted Code Formatter Quoted
Deeper inside
Deeper inside
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "defmodule", 9},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, "Fac", :cursor, :break}}, " do"},
{:doc_cons, :doc_nil,
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@spec", 5},
{:doc_cons, " ",
{:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, {...}, ...}, :cursor, :break}},
:doc_nil}, :self}}, :self},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@doc", 4},
{:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {...}}, :doc_nil},
:self}}, :self}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, "# stop condition", :self}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, ...}, :self},
{:doc_nest, {...}, ...}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, "end"}}}},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_collapse, 2}, {:doc_break, "", :strict}}},
{:doc_cons, :doc_line,
{:doc_cons, {:doc_break, "", :strict},
{:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3},
Deeper inside
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
# stop condition
def fac(1) do
def fac(n) do
n * fac(n - 1)
defmodule Fac do
@spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer
@doc "Compute factorial"
def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition
def fac n do
n * fac n - 1
Deeper inside
# insert comments to the quoted code here
Deeper inside
%% elixir.erl
'string_to_quoted!'(String, StartLine, File, Opts) ->
case string_to_tokens(String, StartLine, File, Opts) of
{ok, Tokens} ->
case tokens_to_quoted(Tokens, File, Opts) of
{ok, Forms} ->
{error, {Line, Error, Token}} ->
elixir_errors:parse_error(Line, File, Error, Token)
{error, {Line, Error, Token}} ->
elixir_errors:parse_error(Line, File, Error, Token)
$ echo 'IO.puts "Hello World" | mix format -
IO.puts("Hello World”)
$ mix format --check-formatted
** (Mix) mix format failed due to --check-formatted.
The following files were not formatted:
* lib/fac.ex
Useful tools wit the

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Elixir formatter Internals

  • 1. Elixir Formatter Internals How that works under the hood to make your code pretty. Pedro Medeiros
  • 2. About Me - 10 years of experience in programming - Computer Scientist @ Universidade Católica de Brasília - Currently @ Shopify - /pedrosnk - /pesnk - Has Deployed an Elixir App Before Phoenix Fun Fact
  • 3. Briefing • Previous release of Elixir 1.5 • What is the Formatter • Formatter internals • Questions
  • 4. State of Elixir 1.5 • Shipped features to help developers and documentation • Breakpoints • Exception Blame • @impl
  • 5. breakpoint • A set of functions available on iex to help debug • break!/2, break!/4, breaks/0, continue/0, open/0, remove_breaks/0, remove_breaks/1, reset_break/1, reset_break/3, respawn/0, whereiam/1
  • 7. Exception Blame iex(1)> Access.fetch :foo, :bar ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Access.fetch/2 The following arguments were given to Access.fetch/2: # 1 :foo # 2 :bar Attempted function clauses (showing 5 out of 5): def fetch(%struct{} = container, key) def fetch(map, key) when is_map(map) def fetch(list, key) when is_list(list) and is_atom(key) def fetch(list, key) when is_list(list) def fetch(nil, _key) (elixir) lib/access.ex:261: Access.fetch/2
  • 8. @impl Add ability to mark which function in a module is a implementation of a call back. defmodule Stack do use GenServer @impl GenServer def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h | t]) do {:reply, h, t} end @impl GenServer def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do {:noreply, [item | state]} end end defmodule MyApp do @behaviour Plug @impl Plug def init(_opts) do opts end @impl Plug def call(conn, _opts) do Plug.Conn.send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world") end end
  • 9.
  • 12. Formatter • Formats your code to maintain a consistency style for all elixir projects • Community code standards and a common guide for newcomers • Maintain the same AST as the original code. Formatter is not a Linter • Built in inside mix
  • 13. Run the formatter defmodule MessedCode do use GenServer @default_list [ 1,2,3, 4,5 ] def say_hello first_name, last_name do "Hello #{first_name} #{last_name}" end @impl GenServer def handle_call { :add_to_list, value}, _from,%{values: list,stage: stage }=_state do stage = case stage do "initial" -> "processing" "progress" -> "final" "final" -> "final" _unkown -> "unkown" end {:reply, :ok, %{value: list ++ [value], stage: stage}} end end
  • 14. Run the formatter $ mix format _
  • 15. Run the formatter defmodule MessedCode do use GenServer @default_list [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] def say_hello(first_name, last_name) do "Hello #{first_name} #{last_name}" end @impl GenServer def handle_call({:add_to_list, value}, _from, %{values: list, stage: stage} = _state) do stage = case stage do "initial" -> "processing" "progress" -> "final" "final" -> "final" _unkown -> "unkown" end {:reply, :ok, %{value: list ++ [value], stage: stage}} end end
  • 17. What happened? defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition def fac n do n * fac n - 1 end end
  • 18. What happened?> raw =!("lib/fac.ex") > formated = Code.format_string!(raw) ["defmodule", " ", "Fac", " do", "n ", "@spec", " ", "fac", "(", "", "pos_integer", "", ")", " ::", " ", "pos_integer", "n ", "@doc", " ", """, "Compute factorial", """, "n ", "# stop condition", "n ", …] > formated |> Enum.join() |> IO.puts() defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" # stop condition def fac(1) do 1 end def fac(n) do n * fac(n - 1) end end
  • 19. > raw =!("lib/fac.ex") > Code.Formatter.to_algebra(raw, opts) Deeper inside Code.format_string! {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "defmodule", 9}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, "Fac", :cursor, :break}}, " do"}, :self}, {:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, :doc_nil, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@spec", 5}, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, {...}, ...}, :cursor, :break}}, :doc_nil}, :self}}, :self}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@doc", 4}, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {...}}, :doc_nil}, :self}}, :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, "# stop condition", :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, ...}, :self}, {:doc_nest, {...}, ...}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, "end"}}}}, {:doc_cons, {:doc_collapse, 2}, {:doc_break, "", :strict}}}, :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_break, "", :strict}, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons,...
  • 21. Deeper inside Code.format_string! :elixir.string_to_tokens/4 defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition def fac n do n * fac n - 1 end end
  • 22. Deeper inside How an algebra is build for the formatter :elixir.string_to_tokens :elixir.tokens_to_quoted [ {:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :defmodule}, {:alias, {1, 11, nil}, :Fac}, {:do, {1, 15, nil}}, {:eol, {1, 17, 1}}, {:at_op, {2, 3, nil}, :@}, {:identifier, {2, 4, nil}, :spec}, {:paren_identifier, {2, 9, nil}, :fac}, {:"(", {2, 12, nil}}, {:identifier, {2, 13, nil}, :pos_integer}, {:")", {2, 24, nil}}, {:type_op, {2, 26, nil}, :::}, {:identifier, {2, 29, nil}, :pos_integer}, {:eol, {2, 40, 1}}, {:at_op, {3, 3, nil}, :@}, {:identifier, {3, 4, nil}, :doc}, {:bin_string, {3, 8, nil}, ["Compute factorial"]}, {:eol, {3, 27, 1}}, {:identifier, {4, 3, nil}, :def}, {:identifier, {4, 7, nil}, :fac}, {:int, {4, 11, 1}, '1'}, {:do, {4, 13, nil}}, {:";", {4, 15, 0}}, {:int, {4, 17, 1}, '1'}, {:";", {4, 19, 0}}, {:end, {4, 20, nil}}, {:eol, {4, 24, 1}}, {:identifier, {5, 3, nil}, :def}, {:identifier, {5, 7, nil}, :fac}, {:do_identifier, {5, 11, nil}, :n}, {:do, {5, 13, nil}}, {:eol, {5, 15, 1}}, {:identifier, {6, 5, nil}, :n}, {:mult_op, {6, 7, nil}, :*}, {:identifier, {6, 9, nil}, :fac}, {:identifier, {6, 13, nil}, :n}, {:dual_op, {6, 15, nil}, :-}, {:int, {6, 17, 1}, '1'}, {:eol, {6, 18, 1}}, {:end, {7, 3, nil}}, {:eol, {7, 6, 1}}, {:end, {8, 1, nil}}, {:eol, {8, 4, 1}} ]
  • 23. Deeper inside Code.format_string! :elixir.tokens_to_quoted/3 [ {:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :defmodule}, {:alias, {1, 11, nil}, :Fac}, {:do, {1, 15, nil}}, {:eol, {1, 17, 1}}, {:at_op, {2, 3, nil}, :@}, {:identifier, {2, 4, nil}, :spec}, {:paren_identifier, {2, 9, nil}, :fac}, {:"(", {2, 12, nil}}, {:identifier, {2, 13, nil}, :pos_integer}, {:")", {2, 24, nil}}, {:type_op, {2, 26, nil}, :::}, {:identifier, {2, 29, nil}, :pos_integer}, {:eol, {2, 40, 1}}, {:at_op, {3, 3, nil}, :@}, {:identifier, {3, 4, nil}, :doc}, ...
  • 24. Deeper inside Code.format_string! {:defmodule, [no_parens: true, line: 1], [ {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Fac]}, [ {{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 8, line: 1], [:do]}, {:__block__, [], [ {:@, [line: 2], [ {:spec, [no_parens: true, line: 2], [ {:::, [line: 2], [ {:fac, [end_line: 2, line: 2], [{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}]}, {:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil} ]} ]} ]}, {:@, [newlines: 1, line: 3], [ {:doc, [no_parens: true, line: 3], [{:__block__, [format: :string, line: 3], ["Compute factorial"]}]} ]}, {:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 4], [ {:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 4], [{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}]}, [ {{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 4, line: 4], [:do]}, {:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}} ] ]}, …
  • 25. Deeper inside Code.format_string! quote do defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition def fac n do n * fac n - 1 end end end
  • 26. {:defmodule, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [ {:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fac]}, [ do: {:__block__, [], [ {:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [ {:spec, [context: Elixir], [ {:::, [], [ {:fac, [], [{:pos_integer, [], Elixir}]}, {:pos_integer, [], Elixir} ]} ]} ]}, {:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:doc, [context: Elixir], ["Compute factorial"]}]}, {:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:fac, [context: Elixir], [1]}, [do: 1]]}, {:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [ {:fac, [context: Elixir], [{:n, [], Elixir}]}, [ do: {:*, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [ {:n, [], Elixir}, {:fac, [], [ {:-, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:n, [], Elixir}, 1]} ]} ]} ] ]} ]} ] ]} {:defmodule, [no_parens: true, line: 1], [ {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Fac]}, [ {{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 8, line: 1], [:do]}, {:__block__, [], [ {:@, [line: 2], [ {:spec, [no_parens: true, line: 2], [ {:::, [line: 2], [ {:fac, [end_line: 2, line: 2], [{:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil}]}, {:pos_integer, [no_parens: true, line: 2], nil} ]} ]} ]}, {:@, [newlines: 1, line: 3], [ {:doc, [no_parens: true, line: 3], [{:__block__, [format: :string, line: 3], ["Compute factorial"]}]} ]}, {:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 4], [ {:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 4], [{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}]}, [ {{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 4, line: 4], [:do]}, {:__block__, [original: '1', line: 4], [1]}} ] ]}, {:def, [newlines: 1, no_parens: true, line: 5], [ {:fac, [no_parens: true, line: 5], [{:n, [no_parens: true, line: 5], nil}]}, [ {{:__block__, [format: :block, end_line: 7, line: 5], [:do]}, {:*, [line: 6], ... Normal Quoted Code Formatter Quoted
  • 28. Deeper inside Code.format_string! {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "defmodule", 9}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, "Fac", :cursor, :break}}, " do"}, :self}, {:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, :doc_nil, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@spec", 5}, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {:doc_nest, {:doc_cons, {...}, ...}, :cursor, :break}}, :doc_nil}, :self}}, :self}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "@doc", 4}, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, " ", {...}}, :doc_nil}, :self}}, :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, "# stop condition", :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons, {:doc_cons, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, ...}, :self}, {:doc_nest, {...}, ...}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, "end"}}}}, {:doc_cons, {:doc_collapse, 2}, {:doc_break, "", :strict}}}, :self}}}, {:doc_cons, :doc_line, {:doc_group, {:doc_cons, {:doc_break, "", :strict}, {:doc_cons, {:doc_string, "def", 3}, {:doc_force, {:doc_cons,...
  • 30.
  • 31. Deeper inside Code.format_string! defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" # stop condition def fac(1) do 1 end def fac(n) do n * fac(n - 1) end end defmodule Fac do @spec fac(pos_integer) :: pos_integer @doc "Compute factorial" def fac 1 do; 1 ;end # stop condition def fac n do n * fac n - 1 end end
  • 33. Deeper inside Code.format_string! %% elixir.erl 'string_to_quoted!'(String, StartLine, File, Opts) -> case string_to_tokens(String, StartLine, File, Opts) of {ok, Tokens} -> case tokens_to_quoted(Tokens, File, Opts) of {ok, Forms} -> Forms; {error, {Line, Error, Token}} -> elixir_errors:parse_error(Line, File, Error, Token) end; {error, {Line, Error, Token}} -> elixir_errors:parse_error(Line, File, Error, Token) end.
  • 34.
  • 35. $ echo 'IO.puts "Hello World" | mix format - IO.puts("Hello World”) $ mix format --check-formatted ** (Mix) mix format failed due to --check-formatted. The following files were not formatted: * lib/fac.ex Useful tools wit the formatter