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Global Desk: Students Technology
                        Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA
                        Crofton Cowichan May 14
                        2013 Global Desk

                                          By P. Anna Paddon email: paz4tunnel@otm
Text Books shouldn't be inaccessible.
Free our students with a lighter load.
Agenda or Summary Layout
Possible Legislature Draft Meeting Discussion
          Discussion Item One – Students Require Advanced Technology to Read Textbooks,
10:00am   Research, and Perform Homework. Placeholders won't be held for students
          nationally and internationally as they compete scholastically and for employment.
          Discussion Item Two – Legislation to change the BC Education Act: 100 & 200 Level
11:00am   Tuition Free; BC Government Student Academic Grades

          Discussion Item Three – BC Students Require Advanced Technology and Ways &
1:00pm    Means To Technology Ownership, Internet, and Online LINKS, without their families
          incurring great costs.
          Discussion Item Four – Schools Budgets Should Cover School Technology: From K-
2:00pm    University, 100 & 200 Level, BC Government Student Academic Grades

          Discussion Item Five – BC Education act Legislation to Implementation: Planning
          Schools, Courses, to Implementation.
 BC Education Act
                                                                     ··1 Etymology
                                                                     ··2 History
                                                        •            ··2.1 Structuralism
   BC Education Act Revision
                                                        •            ··2.2 Functionalism

                                                        •            ··2.3 Psychoanalysis
                                                        •            ··2.4 Behaviorism
                                                        •            ··2.5 Humanism
                                                                     ··2.6 Gestalt
                                                                     ··2.7 Existentialism
                                                                     ··2.8 Cognitivism
                                                        •            ··3 Subfields
                                                                                                 accident through
This is a placeholder.
                                                        •            ··3.1 Biological

                                                        •            ··3.2 Clinical
                                                        •            ··3.3 Cognitive
                                                        •            ··3.4 Comparative
                                                        •            ··3.5 Developmental
                                                        •            ··3.6 Educational and school
                                                        •            ··3.7 Evolutionary

Here is the second level.
                                                        •            ··3.8 Industrial–organizational
                                                        •            ··3.9 Personality
                                                        •            ··3.10 Social
                                                        •            ··3.11 Positive
                                                        •            ··4 Research methods
                                                        •            ··4.1 Qualitative and quantitative research

                                    Students can use the computer to generate the image without u
You may change this text
                                                        •            ··4.2 Controlled experiments
                                                        •            ··4.3 Survey questionnaires
                                                        •            ··4.4 Longitudinal studies
                                                        •            ··4.5 Observation in natural settings
                                                        •            ··4.6 Qualitative and descriptive research
                                                        •            ··4.7 Neuropsychological methods
                                                        •            ··4.8 Computational modeling

Here is the third level                                 •
                                                                     ··4.9 Animal studies
                                                                     ··5 Criticism
                                                                     ··5.1 Theory
                                                                     ··5.2 Practice
                                                        •            ··5.3 Systemic bias

Controlled layout of the changes..
                                                                     ··5.4 Critical psychology

The Third Level
Fourth Level Reading and Revision

    BC Education Act
                                                                                                            •            ··1 Etymology
                                                                                                            •            ··2 History
                                                                                                            •            ··2.1 Structuralism

        BC Education Act Revision
                                                                                                            •            ··2.2 Functionalism
                                                                                                            •            ··2.3 Psychoanalysis
                                                                                                            •            ··2.4 Behaviorism
                                                                                                            •            ··2.5 Humanism
                                                                            Students can use the computer to generate the image without usin
                                                                                                                         ··2.6 Gestalt
                                                                                                            •            ··2.7 Existentialism
       Adlerian Analytical Behaviorism Cognitive behavioral therapy Descriptive Ecological systems theory   •            ··2.8 Cognitivism
           Family therapy Gestalt psychology HumanisticNarrative therapy Philosophy Psychoanalysis          •            ··3 Subfields
                                                                                                            •            ··3.1 Biological
           Rational emotive behavior therapy Transpersonal                                                  •            ··3.2 Clinical
                                                                                                            •            ··3.3 Cognitive
                                                          I'm planting my flag in that                      •            ··3.4 Comparative
    Critical psychology wikipedia                                    scientist!
                                                                                                            •            ··3.5 Developmental
                                                                                                            •            ··3.6 Educational and school
                                                                                                            •            ··3.7 Evolutionary
                                                                                                            •            ··3.8 Industrial–organizational
    Critical psychology is a sub-discipline aimed at evaluating mainstream                                  •            ··3.9 Personality
                                                                                                            •            ··3.10 Social
          psychology and attempts to apply psychology in more progressive ways,                             •            ··3.11 Positive
                                                                                                            •            ··4 Research methods
          often looking towards social change as a means of preventing                                      •            ··4.1 Qualitative and quantitative research
                                                                                                            •            ··4.2 Controlled experiments
          and treating psychopathology. One of critical psychology's main                                   •
                                                                                                                         ··4.3 Survey questionnaires
                                                                                                                         ··4.4 Longitudinal studies
          objections to conventional psychology is that it ignores the way power                            •
                                                                                                                         ··4.5 Observation in natural settings
                                                                                                                         ··4.6 Qualitative and descriptive research

          differences between social classes and groups can affect the                                      •
                                                                                                                         ··4.7 Neuropsychological methods
                                                                                                                         ··4.8 Computational modeling
                                                                                                            •            ··4.9 Animal studies
          mental and physical well-being of individuals or groups of                                        •            ··5 Criticism
                                                                                                            •            ··5.1 Theory
          people.                                                                                           •
                                                                                                                         ··5.2 Practice
                                                                                                                         ··5.3 Systemic bias
                                                                                                            •            ··5.4 Critical psychology

part of society and are psychologically adept, therefore, they all must be subjected to mass programming based on creating sociable people and PRE - treating
this or to go to school free of being used as a guinea pig, people must go through a very difficult judiciary system that originates from this form of society build
No Tuition! Free 100 200 levels, not open research on                                                                           Students!          100 & 200 Levels University No Tui

    Comparison of Item One                                                                Comparison of Item Two
       Psychological knowledge applied to understanding and                                 Wikipedia   Psychological Knowledge Applied To Your Children or You.
           solving problems in many different spheres of
           government and human activity: education, elections,                             Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to
           economic improvement, or Government, Bank of                                         mental processes and behavior, and typically work in
           Canada financial economic stimulus uses The majority                                 university psychology departments or teach in other
           of psychologists are involved in some kind of                                        academic settings. Some are employed in elementary
           therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counselling, or                            educational settings, and these are sometimes the students
           school settings.                                                                     of students that were experimenting within a universities
                                                                                                paychology department and with motives that were induced
                                                                                                by the instructor or other questionable motivators:
    Here is level two                                                                           industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas[9]
                                                                                                such as human development and aging, sports, health, and
    Here is level three                                                                         the media, as well as in forensic analysis and other aspects of
    Level 4
                                                                                         Here is level two
ructure is typical of the damage introduced by these departments. Students write and process facts because are given the process inaccurately. It is up to the parent to protect the child from the
                                                No Tuition! Free 100 200 levels, not open research on students!
    Level 4, you may add more text or delete this text.

                                                                                         Here is level three

rom the typical work presented to them from university psychology departments or teachers in other academic settings. Legislation must have evolv
One Column: BC Education Layout
  Second Line BC Parents.
BC Parents Content & Placeholder.
Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs.
You can change and provide support for
this BC Education Legislation.

BC Schools are psychological placeholders.
Placeholders Must Provide For Students
Technology in the Classroom                        A    Update Technology changing
                                                   and adding to the learning of BC
Up-Dating Technology Resources in the Classroom.   Students.

                                                       A    Do you have a good idea of
                                                       how to fund-raise and add to BC
                                                       Schools and Classroom

           A     BC Education
           Needs a Bailout.
Three Picture Page Layout
 A second line of text may go here.

 A description of the   A description of the      A description of the
 first picture. You     second picture. You may   third picture. You may
 may change this        change this text.         change this text.
                        A description of the
 A description of the   second picture. You may
                        change this text.         Images from
 first picture. You
 may change this
British Columbia Demographics                                  Relative to its population overall, Mainland/ Southwest
                                                                  has the largest number of working-aged residents of
                                                                  any region in B.C
Population Working and University Age
In every region of British Columbia at 2/3rds of                                                                                                           BC Statistics
                                                                                        Geographic Region                 Q1           Q2           Q3            Q4

    the population is between the age of 15 and                                                                                                            percent of
    64.                                                                                 United States                    1254         1254         1254          1254
                                                                                                                                                           live in the
                 Source: BC Stats
                                                                                        Europe and Asia
                                                                                                                        324          324         324          324
                                                                                                                                                           corner of the

                                                                                                                         32           32          32           32
 “The largest share of the population in every region is
      of working age – that is, between 15 and 64
      years. In 2008, the largest percentages of
                                                                                        South America
                                                                                                                          2            2           2            2
      working-aged         residents      were       in
      Mainland/Southwest (71%) and Cariboo (70%).
                                                                                                                          1            1           1            1
      Proportionally smaller working-aged populations
      were in Thompson-Okanagan (66%) and                                               Mexico
                                                                                                                          1            1           1            1
      Kootenay (67%), both having large senior
      populations.”                                                                     TOTALS                           1614         1614        1614         1614
                                                              Nineteen percent of the population in
This bar graph shows we need tuition free university           British Columbia           Back to top
                                                              Thompson-Okanagan is 65 years and
                                                              older, compared with 15% for B.C. as a
and trade equivalence for experience. Seventy percent      The British Columbia development regions are:
of the population in BC is University/Work Age, 15 to 64       •             Vancouver Island/Coast
years of age. Job growth is not keeping up with the            •             Mainland/Southwest
                                                               •             Thompson-Okanagan
work force.                                                    •             Kootenay
                                                               •             Cariboo
                                                               •             North Coast & Nechako
                                                               •             Northeast
                                                           Each development region is made up of a number of regional districts. There are 29 regional districts in the prov

Here is a description of the demographic of BC.
Changing the Education Act will allow the working-age
residents to continue their education and allow
students from secondary and post secondary schools to
Power 1997 through 2007/12 Compatible
              Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are part
                 of the Human Brain and Person. Education fulfils a part
                 of the Human Spirit. Educational & Social Deprivation
                 by Mass Movement Programming is a responsibility that
                 government must be responsible for and transparency
                 must be part of the government. Accepting this
                                                    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. J. Fimkelstein.
                 responsibility and providing each citizen and BC
                 Resident with ownership of all education and represents various needs that motivate human behavior. The hierarchy is often displayed as a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid represent basic needs, while more c
                                                    Maslow's hierarchy material
                 they formulated and achieved isMaslow emphasized the importance of self-actualization, which is a process of growing and developing as a person in order to a
                                                     making responsible
             Abraham Maslow: “Types of Needs”
 Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a
    major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and
    esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known as D-needs),
    meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation. Satisfying these                          Here is the description of the chart. You may change or
    lower-level needs is important in order to avoid unpleasant feelings                         delete this text as you wish.                                                               Wilhelm WUNDT
    or consequences.
 Maslow termed the highest-level of the pyramid as growth needs (also                                                                                                     ...Structuralism focus' on studying human
                                                                                                 This chart is compatible with Power 1991-97 to 2007-2012.                   consciousness by breaking it down to the
    known as being needs or B-needs). Growth needs do not stem from
    a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person.                                                                                                                 smallest possible elements.
                                                                                                       Here is a placeholder: Education Professionals Must Be Held
                                                                                                                                                            BC Students and the Public Must be
             Pioneers of Psychology: Wilhelm Wundt                                                     Responsible. You the Parent, protect your child or children and their education Belong to
   Thursday July 12, 2012 Kendra Cherry page of                                              but this is in the system according to Government                 Them.
   If you've ever taken an introductory psychology class, then                                         Leadership
        you have probably spent at least a little time learning
        about Wilhelm Wundt. This German psychologist,
        physician and philosopher is best known for establishing
        the first psychology lab in Liepzig, Germany, officially                                   SELF ACTUALIZATION
        marking the beginning of psychology as a field of science
        distinct from philosophy and physiology. In addition to
        being considered one of the founders of contemporary
        psychology, Wundt is also frequently referred to as the                                   ESTEEM SELF-ESTEEM
        father of experimental psychology.
   Originally a professor of physiology, Wundt wanted to apply
        the same experimental methods used in science to the                                      SOCIAL NEEDS
        study of the human mind. Wundt also had an influence
        on his students, including Edward Titchener who went on                                    SAFETY SECURITY NEEDS
        to establish a school of thought known as structuralism.
        Structuralism focused on studying human consciousness
        by breaking it down to the smallest possible elements.                                    PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS

Autocratic Leadership - Psychology Definition of the Week Friday July 13, 2012 Definition: Autocratic
leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic
leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Learn more about some of the characteristics, benefits and
downsides of autocratic leadership. More About Leadership Styles LINKS           ··Lewin's Leadership Styles ··Democratic Leadership ··Laissez-Faire Leadership
Elect P Anna Paddon May 14. 2012. MLA Crofton/Cowichan Independent.[July 14, 2012.]
Power 1997 through 2007/12 Compatible
nsible Government
n...they're very similar... one of the biggest differences between the two is repression is subconscious, and suppression is conscious. Both repression and suppression are a denial o

                                                                                                            a conscious choice.

    The chart: J Finklesteins Abram Maslow Chart of Human Needs. Kendra Cherry
   says Maslow said that these needs surfaced when deprived of the need.
                                                                                                                [GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, MARKETERS]
                                                                                                              “People want their children to accept their ideals or
   Government is Responsible for Budgets. They also use psychological marketing to                                           ideas...” Fendleman
   suppress and encourage spending, movement and employment, and they do it to
   control circulation of money.                                                                                                              Wilhelm WUNDT

                                                                                                                         ...Structuralism focus' on studying human consciousness by
   Here is a placeholder: Education Professionals Must Be Held Responsible. You the
                                                                                                                               breaking it down to the smallest possible elements.
   Parent, protect your child or children but this is in the system according to
   Government Leadership                                                                                                    BC Students and the Public Must be Supported and their
                                                                                                                                         education Belong to Them.
                Physiological, security, social, and esteem
                   needs are part of the Human Brain and
                   Person. Education fulfils a part of the
                   Human Spirit. Educational & Social
                   Deprivation by Mass Movement
                   Programming is a responsibility that
                   government must be responsible for and
                                                                                      SELF ACTUALIZATION
                   transparency must be part of the
                   government. Accepting this
                   responsibility and providing each citizen
                   and BC Resident with ownership of all                              ESTEEM SELF-ESTEEM
                   education and material they formulated
                   and achieved is making responsible
                                                                                      SOCIAL NEEDS
               Abraham Maslow: “Types of Needs”
    Maslow Kendra Cherry,” Growth needs do not stem                                   SAFETY SECURITY NEEDS
       from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to
       grow as a person.”                                                             PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS

  Autocratic Leadership - Psychology Definition of the Week Friday July 13, 2012 Definition: Autocratic
  leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic
  leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Learn more about some of the characteristics, benefits and
  downsides of autocratic leadership. More About Leadership Styles LINKS           ··Lewin's Leadership Styles ··Democratic Leadership ··Laissez-Faire Leadership
  Elect P Anna Paddon May 14. 2012. MLA Crofton/Cowichan Independent.[July 14, 2012.]
Line Graph Page Layout
     Economy Building & Mega Public Transportation Power Projects

  With just a few more positive job
       reports, President Obama could                                                                                  Economic Star Burst!
       stand a chance at ending his first
       term as a job creator.

America's Jobs Crisis“Obama's
jobs countdown” By Annalyn Censky
@CNNMoneyApril 6, 2012: 12:26 PM ET
                                                                         Obama battles job crisis The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs
  BC can increase our economy by                                         in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his
       investing in large transportation                                 progress since then.
       projects that will result in economic
       growth. Our employment will
       increase, wages will be more likely
       to increase when industry has the
       opportunity for Value Added
       Manufacturing, and Secondary
       Industries investment. Public
       Service Sector Labour Force,
BC Stats A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market 2010 Edition “What do you mean when you say…” page 4.
What do you mean when you say... Economists use a lot of jargon: terms like GDP, production, output, productivity, and
   unemployment, to name just a few. It's important to understand what's meant when these terms are used, so we've included
some definitions and examples in this section:               BC Statistics Economic Terminology LINKS:
Capital, Constant (Real) Dollar Estimates, Economic Growth, Employment (Work Force), Establishment, Full-Time and Part-Time
   Employment, Goods Sector, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or Value Added, Imputed Rental Income, Indices, Industries, Inputs,
   Labour, Labour Force, Labour Income, Measuring GDP, The New Economy: Tourism and High Tech, Occupations, Primary
   Industries, Production and Output, Productivity, The Production Process, Regions, Relationships Between Industries: Direct and
   Indirect Effects, Secondary Industries, Self Employment, Service Sector, Unemployment, Unemployment Rate, Union Coverage,
   Value-Added Manufacturing, Wage Rates
Bar Graph Page Layout                                      Callout large transportation projects and have business hire to get the US E

   Transportation Projects
Increasing BC's Economy by the Indirect
Method of Free 100 and 200 Level
University will result in a more
educated and skilled Labour force in BC
and Nationally.

This chart utilizes these two economic
building features as they track the US
                                           Obama battles job crisis The
Here is BC's Budget for 2011/12. The       U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in
                                           President Obama's first 13 months
deficit is detailed and a placeholder is   in office. Track his progress since
given for budgeted shortfalls, blue, HST   then.
rebate, purple, Contingency Amounts,
red, and a Forecast allowance, lime

BC can improve on our budget
shortfalls by increasing large multi
dollar projects, Crofton-Richmond High
Speed Rail & Highway Tunnel Crossing,
which will increase industry and realty             BC Budget 2011/12
development, business, and
Graph Page Layout                                                                                                                        Revision of the standards for exams, courses, and grades
                                                                                                                                                  and levels, are negotiated frequently. Tuition Free 100
                                                                                                                                                  and 200 level will cause structure revisions and
      Education Budget Enhanced Revision                                                                                                          Handbook revisions: K to 7, 8 to 11, and 12 to 200 level,
Education; Budget;                            Education
                                                                                                                                                  or 12 to 14.
                                                                                                      Course Information for the Graduation Program
                                                                                    Course Information for the Graduation Program: Grade 10, 11 and 12 Courses ("the
                                                                                                                                                                     New Location
                                                                                                                                                                     The Course Registry is the most up-to-date and accurate source of course
                                                                                    Course Information Book") was a document produced annually by the Ministry of             information for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. It contains details
                                                                                    Education to provide information to schools about Ministry Authorized and                 course titles, descriptions, credit values, and the associated graduation
                                                                                    Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) courses for which students could receive credit toward   program. Step-by-step videos and search tips are also available to provide
 BC’s E conomy still Vulnerable Following an estimated increase of 2.0 per cent     graduation, as well as Locally Developed non-credit courses.                              instruction on the three search options so that anyone can easily view
           in 2011, the Ministry of Finance forecasts BritishColumbia’s             2010/11 was the final school year for which the Course Information Book was produced.     information on existing, future, and closed courses.
           economy to grow by 1.8 per cent in 2012, 2.2 per cent in 2013 and 2.5    In order to provide access to current information and at the same time reduce the         To facilitate the transition from the Course Information Book to the online
           per cent per year in the medium term. The Ministry’s outlook for         Ministry's carbon footprint, the Course Information Book was replaced with the online
           BC’s real GDP growth is 0.4 percentage points lower in 2012 and 0.3                                                                                                Course Registry and other Ministry websites, the table below details where
                                                                                    Course Registry and updated Ministry websites, as listed below. In addition, reporting    the information previously contained in the Course Information Book can
           percentage points lower in 2013 than the outlook provided by the         requirements information previously contained in the Course Information Book was
           E conomic ForecastCouncil. This level of prudence for both years                                                                                                   now be found. Course information book chapter.
                                                                                    moved to the Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program. the table below
           acknowledges the significant downside risks to the forecast. These       details where the information previously contained in the Course Information Book can
           downside risks, largely due to ongoing uncertainty around global         now be found.
           economic activity, include: • a return to recession in the US            Course Information Book Chapter
           ( characterized by weaker consumer spending, widespread
           deleveraging causing slower investment, a very slow job market           Introduction: Courses Opening, Closing, Changing                                          Course Registry Home Page
           recovery, continued weakness in the housing market and further
           fiscal restraint by federal, state and local governments) ; the
           sovereign debt crisis in Greece, I reland and Portugal spreading to      Chapter 1: Required Courses                                                               Course Registry
           larger E uropean economies like I taly and Spain, and threatening the
           stability of global financial markets as well as another global credit   Chapter 2: Ministry Courses                                                               Course Registry
           crisis; slower than anticipated Asian demand resulting in weaker
           demand for BC’s exports; exchange rate volatility; and further           Chapter 3: External Credentials
           weakening of the US dollar, resulting in significant disruptions to                                                                                                External Credentials Web Site and Course Registry
           global financial and commodity markets. I f one or more of these
           risks materialize in a significant way it may create pressures that      Chapter 4: Board/Authority Authorized Courses
           cannot be accommodated in the fiscal plan.                                                                                                                         Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses Web Site

                                                                 Chapter 5: Career Programs                                  Handbook of Procedures and
 Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program: outlines                                                                 Career Programs Web Site
       procedures for sharing student data between schools
       and the Ministry of Education; answers questions          Chapter 6: Locally Developed Courses                        Handbook of Procedures and Graduation Web Site
       pertaining to provincial examinations and the
       graduation program; The Ministry Distributes this
       publication to schools, by August 31.           Free
       2011-2012 Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program
        (PDF, 1.67MB) Students who have met all scholarship
       requirements under the old rules but have not
       graduated prior to August 31, 2011 and do not qualify
       for scholarship under the new rules will be awarded a
       scholarship based on the work done prior to August
                                                                     Budget and Fiscal Plan
       31, 2011. See Page 95 of the 2010-2011 Handbook.
       (PDF, 50KB) For students graduating on or before              2012/13 – 2014/15
                                                                     F ebruary 21 , 201 2
       August 31, 2011, AP and IB exam scores will meet the
       qualifications towards eligibility for the Grade 12
       Provincial Exam Scholarship. See
       Page 96 of the 2010-2011 Handbook. (PDF, 50KB) The
       Post Secondary Institution Additions Form.−PSIs can              2012/ 2012_Budget_F iscal_Plan.pd
       be selected by students via the online PSI Selectionsf
       Form on the ··Student Secure Web.-If a student can't
Smart Budget and Fiscal Plan – 2012/13 to
                                                                                         Enhanced Version
                                                             Budget and Fiscal Plan – 2012/13 to 2014/15 Appendices 147 Table A14 Capital Spending – 2005/06
This is the Budget and Fiscal Plan –                                 to 2014/15
                                                             ($ millions) Actual2005/06 Actual2006/07 Actual2007/08 Actual2008/09
2012/13 to 2014/15.                                          Actual2009/10 Actual2010/11 UpdatedForecast2011/12 BudgetEstimate2012/13 Plan2013/14
                                                                     Plan2014/15 Averageannual change (per cent)
                                                             Taxpayer-supported: (per cent)
Taxpayer-supported: (per cent)                               Schools districts …………………………… 286 322 380 413 449 433 530 486 456 454 5.3
                                                             Post-secondary institutions ……………… 790 874 782 658 672 925 779 688 548 561 -3.7
                                                             Health ………………………………………… 848 760 881 892 927 916 841 879 700 685 -2.3
                                                             BC Transportation Financing Authority …… 713 821 884 881 918 1,080 958 1,069 1,143 1,062 4.5
 Education Schools districts                                 BC Transit ……………………………………… 24 13 37 77 150 39 50 90 87 110 18.4
                                                             Rapid Transit Project 2000 …………………… 16 15 - - - - - - - - n/a
     …………………………… 286 322 380 413                             Vancouver Convention Centre expansion … 85 105 251 242 41 10 3 - - - n/a
                                                             BC Place redevelopment …………………… - - - 45 75 197 249 - 12 - n/a
     449 433 530 486 456 454 5.3                             Government direct (ministries) ……………… 320 355 335 430 306 261 318 454 439 482 4.7
                                                             Other …………………………………………… 71 144 122 140 190 252 269 91 92 75 0.6
                                                             3,153 3,409 3,672 3,778 3,728 4,113 3,997 3,757 3,477 3,429 0.9
                                                             BC Hydro ……………………………………… 610 807 1,076 1,397 2,406 1,519 2,082 2,361 2,150 2,222
 Post-secondary institutions ………………                                  15.4
                                                             BC Transmission Corporation ……………… 21 50 70 19 12 - - - - - n/a
      790 874 782 658 672 925 779 688                        Columbia River power projects ……………… 30 19 29 32 16 67 89 122 64 26 -1.6
                                                             Transportation Invest. Corp. (Port Mann) … - - - 215 777 738 742 606 94 147 n/a
      548 561 -3.7                                           BC Railway Company ………………………… 15 19 20 10 14 6 13 13 9 1 -26.0
                                                             ICBC …………………………………………… 27 22 23 22 22 48 86 101 98 69 11.0
                                                             BC Lotteries …………………………………… 83 44 60 97 92 81 107 116 110 105 2.6
                                                             Liquor Distribution Branch …………………… 19 22 18 17 19 18 25 27 28 36 7.4
 Transportation Invest. Corp. (Port Mann)                    805 983 1,296 1,809 3,358 2,477 3,144 3,346 2,553 2,606 13.9
                                                             Total capital spending ………………… 3,958 4,392 4,968 5,587 7,086 6,590 7,141 7,103 6,030 6,035
      … - - - 215 777 738 742 606 94 147                             4.8
                                                             Per cent of nominal GDP: 1
                                                             Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 -2.8
      n/a                                                    Self-supported ………………………………… 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 9.7
                                                             Total ……………………………………… 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.2 2.6 2.5 0.9
                                                             Growth rates:
                                                             Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 33.4 8.1 7.7 2.9 -1.3 10.3 -2.8 -6.0 -7.5 -1.4 4.3
 Per cent of nominal GDP: 1                                  Self-supported ………………………………… 3.7 22.1 31.8 39.6 85.6 -26.2 26.9 6.4 -23.7 2.1 16.8
                                                             Total ……………………………………… 26.1 11.0 13.1 12.5 26.8 -7.0 8.4 -0.5 -15.1 0.1 7.5
                                                             Per capita: 2
                                                             Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 751 803 852 862 836 908 874 813 743 723 -0.4
 Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 1.9                           Self-supported ………………………………… 192 232 301 413 753 547 687 724 545 549 12.4
                                                             Total ……………………………………… 943 1,035 1,153 1,274 1,589 1,455 1,561 1,537 1,288 1,273 3.4
      1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4                    Real Per Capita Capital Spending (2014 $) 3… 1,090 1,177 1,288 1,395 1,739 1,571 1,647 1,590 1,314
                                                                     1,273 1.7
      -2.8                                                   Growth rate (per cent) ………………………… 22.1 7.9 9.5 8.3 24.7 -9.6 4.8 -3.5 -17.3 -3.1 4.4
                                                             12 3 Capital spending as a per cent of GDP is calculated using nominal GDP for the calendar year
                                                                     ending in the fiscal year (e.g. 2012/13 amounts divided by nominal GDP for the 2012 calendar
                                                             year). Totals may not add due to rounding. Per capita capital spending is calculated using July 1
                                                                     population (e.g. 2012/13 amounts divided by population on July 1, 2012). Totals may not add due to
 Self-supported ………………………………… 0.5                                    rounding.
                                                             Capital spending is converted to real (inflation-adjusted) terms using the consumer price index (CPI) for
       0.5 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1                           the corresponding calendar year (e.g. 2012 CPI for 2012/13 capital spending).

 Total ……………………………………… 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.2 2.6
         2.5 0.9
Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA
                 Crofton Cowichan May 14
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  • 2. Text Books shouldn't be inaccessible. Free our students with a lighter load.
  • 3. Agenda or Summary Layout Possible Legislature Draft Meeting Discussion Discussion Item One – Students Require Advanced Technology to Read Textbooks, 10:00am Research, and Perform Homework. Placeholders won't be held for students nationally and internationally as they compete scholastically and for employment. Discussion Item Two – Legislation to change the BC Education Act: 100 & 200 Level 11:00am Tuition Free; BC Government Student Academic Grades Discussion Item Three – BC Students Require Advanced Technology and Ways & 1:00pm Means To Technology Ownership, Internet, and Online LINKS, without their families incurring great costs. Discussion Item Four – Schools Budgets Should Cover School Technology: From K- 2:00pm University, 100 & 200 Level, BC Government Student Academic Grades Discussion Item Five – BC Education act Legislation to Implementation: Planning 12:00pm Schools, Courses, to Implementation.
  • 4. Psychology PhineasGage,1868 BC Education Act Contents [hide] • • ··1 Etymology ··2 History . • ··2.1 Structuralism Skull BC Education Act Revision • ··2.2 Functionalism diagram • ··2.3 Psychoanalysis • ··2.4 Behaviorism • ··2.5 Humanism • • • ··2.6 Gestalt ··2.7 Existentialism ··2.8 Cognitivism survived • ··3 Subfields accident through This is a placeholder. • ··3.1 Biological brain • ··3.2 Clinical • ··3.3 Cognitive • ··3.4 Comparative • ··3.5 Developmental • ··3.6 Educational and school • ··3.7 Evolutionary Here is the second level. • ··3.8 Industrial–organizational • ··3.9 Personality • ··3.10 Social • ··3.11 Positive • ··4 Research methods • ··4.1 Qualitative and quantitative research Students can use the computer to generate the image without u You may change this text • ··4.2 Controlled experiments • ··4.3 Survey questionnaires • ··4.4 Longitudinal studies • ··4.5 Observation in natural settings • ··4.6 Qualitative and descriptive research • ··4.7 Neuropsychological methods • ··4.8 Computational modeling Here is the third level • • • • ··4.9 Animal studies ··5 Criticism ··5.1 Theory ··5.2 Practice • ··5.3 Systemic bias • Controlled layout of the changes.. ··5.4 Critical psychology The Third Level Fourth Level Reading and Revision
  • 5. Psychology BC Education Act Contents [hide] • ··1 Etymology • ··2 History • ··2.1 Structuralism BC Education Act Revision • ··2.2 Functionalism • ··2.3 Psychoanalysis • ··2.4 Behaviorism • ··2.5 Humanism • Students can use the computer to generate the image without usin ··2.6 Gestalt • ··2.7 Existentialism Adlerian Analytical Behaviorism Cognitive behavioral therapy Descriptive Ecological systems theory • ··2.8 Cognitivism Family therapy Gestalt psychology HumanisticNarrative therapy Philosophy Psychoanalysis • ··3 Subfields • ··3.1 Biological Rational emotive behavior therapy Transpersonal • ··3.2 Clinical • ··3.3 Cognitive I'm planting my flag in that • ··3.4 Comparative Critical psychology wikipedia scientist! • ··3.5 Developmental • ··3.6 Educational and school • ··3.7 Evolutionary • ··3.8 Industrial–organizational Critical psychology is a sub-discipline aimed at evaluating mainstream • ··3.9 Personality • ··3.10 Social psychology and attempts to apply psychology in more progressive ways, • ··3.11 Positive • ··4 Research methods often looking towards social change as a means of preventing • ··4.1 Qualitative and quantitative research • ··4.2 Controlled experiments and treating psychopathology. One of critical psychology's main • • ··4.3 Survey questionnaires ··4.4 Longitudinal studies objections to conventional psychology is that it ignores the way power • • ··4.5 Observation in natural settings ··4.6 Qualitative and descriptive research differences between social classes and groups can affect the • • ··4.7 Neuropsychological methods ··4.8 Computational modeling • ··4.9 Animal studies mental and physical well-being of individuals or groups of • ··5 Criticism • ··5.1 Theory people. • • ··5.2 Practice ··5.3 Systemic bias • ··5.4 Critical psychology part of society and are psychologically adept, therefore, they all must be subjected to mass programming based on creating sociable people and PRE - treating this or to go to school free of being used as a guinea pig, people must go through a very difficult judiciary system that originates from this form of society build
  • 6. No Tuition! Free 100 200 levels, not open research on Students! 100 & 200 Levels University No Tui Comparison of Item One Comparison of Item Two Psychological knowledge applied to understanding and Wikipedia Psychological Knowledge Applied To Your Children or You. solving problems in many different spheres of government and human activity: education, elections, Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to economic improvement, or Government, Bank of mental processes and behavior, and typically work in Canada financial economic stimulus uses The majority university psychology departments or teach in other of psychologists are involved in some kind of academic settings. Some are employed in elementary therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counselling, or educational settings, and these are sometimes the students school settings. of students that were experimenting within a universities paychology department and with motives that were induced by the instructor or other questionable motivators: Here is level two industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas[9] such as human development and aging, sports, health, and Here is level three the media, as well as in forensic analysis and other aspects of law. Level 4 Here is level two ructure is typical of the damage introduced by these departments. Students write and process facts because are given the process inaccurately. It is up to the parent to protect the child from the No Tuition! Free 100 200 levels, not open research on students! Level 4, you may add more text or delete this text. Here is level three rom the typical work presented to them from university psychology departments or teachers in other academic settings. Legislation must have evolv
  • 7. One Column: BC Education Layout Second Line BC Parents. BC Parents Content & Placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change and provide support for this BC Education Legislation. BC Schools are psychological placeholders. Placeholders Must Provide For Students Education.
  • 8. Technology in the Classroom A Update Technology changing and adding to the learning of BC Up-Dating Technology Resources in the Classroom. Students. A Do you have a good idea of how to fund-raise and add to BC Schools and Classroom Technology? A BC Education Needs a Bailout.
  • 9. Three Picture Page Layout A second line of text may go here. A description of the A description of the A description of the first picture. You second picture. You may third picture. You may may change this change this text. change this text. text. A description of the A description of the second picture. You may change this text. Images from first picture. You may change this text.
  • 10. British Columbia Demographics Relative to its population overall, Mainland/ Southwest has the largest number of working-aged residents of any region in B.C Population Working and University Age In every region of British Columbia at 2/3rds of BC Statistics Seventy-seven Geographic Region Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 the population is between the age of 15 and percent of British 64. United States 1254 1254 1254 1254 Columbians live in the southwestern Source: BC Stats Europe and Asia 324 324 324 324 corner of the province Australia 32 32 32 32 “The largest share of the population in every region is of working age – that is, between 15 and 64 years. In 2008, the largest percentages of South America 2 2 2 2 working-aged residents were in Mainland/Southwest (71%) and Cariboo (70%). Canada 1 1 1 1 Proportionally smaller working-aged populations were in Thompson-Okanagan (66%) and Mexico 1 1 1 1 Kootenay (67%), both having large senior populations.” TOTALS 1614 1614 1614 1614 Nineteen percent of the population in This bar graph shows we need tuition free university British Columbia Back to top Thompson-Okanagan is 65 years and older, compared with 15% for B.C. as a and trade equivalence for experience. Seventy percent The British Columbia development regions are: whole of the population in BC is University/Work Age, 15 to 64 • Vancouver Island/Coast years of age. Job growth is not keeping up with the • Mainland/Southwest • Thompson-Okanagan work force. • Kootenay • Cariboo • North Coast & Nechako • Northeast Each development region is made up of a number of regional districts. There are 29 regional districts in the prov Here is a description of the demographic of BC. Changing the Education Act will allow the working-age residents to continue their education and allow students from secondary and post secondary schools to
  • 11. Power 1997 through 2007/12 Compatible Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are part of the Human Brain and Person. Education fulfils a part of the Human Spirit. Educational & Social Deprivation by Mass Movement Programming is a responsibility that government must be responsible for and transparency must be part of the government. Accepting this Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. J. Fimkelstein. responsibility and providing each citizen and BC Resident with ownership of all education and represents various needs that motivate human behavior. The hierarchy is often displayed as a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid represent basic needs, while more c Maslow's hierarchy material they formulated and achieved isMaslow emphasized the importance of self-actualization, which is a process of growing and developing as a person in order to a making responsible government. Abraham Maslow: “Types of Needs” Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known as D-needs), meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation. Satisfying these Here is the description of the chart. You may change or lower-level needs is important in order to avoid unpleasant feelings delete this text as you wish. Wilhelm WUNDT or consequences. Maslow termed the highest-level of the pyramid as growth needs (also ...Structuralism focus' on studying human This chart is compatible with Power 1991-97 to 2007-2012. consciousness by breaking it down to the known as being needs or B-needs). Growth needs do not stem from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person. smallest possible elements. Here is a placeholder: Education Professionals Must Be Held BC Students and the Public Must be Pioneers of Psychology: Wilhelm Wundt Responsible. You the Parent, protect your child or children and their education Belong to Supported Thursday July 12, 2012 Kendra Cherry page of but this is in the system according to Government Them. If you've ever taken an introductory psychology class, then Leadership you have probably spent at least a little time learning about Wilhelm Wundt. This German psychologist, physician and philosopher is best known for establishing the first psychology lab in Liepzig, Germany, officially SELF ACTUALIZATION marking the beginning of psychology as a field of science distinct from philosophy and physiology. In addition to being considered one of the founders of contemporary psychology, Wundt is also frequently referred to as the ESTEEM SELF-ESTEEM father of experimental psychology. Originally a professor of physiology, Wundt wanted to apply the same experimental methods used in science to the SOCIAL NEEDS study of the human mind. Wundt also had an influence on his students, including Edward Titchener who went on SAFETY SECURITY NEEDS to establish a school of thought known as structuralism. Structuralism focused on studying human consciousness by breaking it down to the smallest possible elements. PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS Autocratic Leadership - Psychology Definition of the Week Friday July 13, 2012 Definition: Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Learn more about some of the characteristics, benefits and downsides of autocratic leadership. More About Leadership Styles LINKS ··Lewin's Leadership Styles ··Democratic Leadership ··Laissez-Faire Leadership Elect P Anna Paddon May 14. 2012. MLA Crofton/Cowichan Independent.[July 14, 2012.]
  • 12. Power 1997 through 2007/12 Compatible nsible Government n...they're very similar... one of the biggest differences between the two is repression is subconscious, and suppression is conscious. Both repression and suppression are a denial o a conscious choice. The chart: J Finklesteins Abram Maslow Chart of Human Needs. Kendra Cherry says Maslow said that these needs surfaced when deprived of the need. [GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, MARKETERS] “People want their children to accept their ideals or Government is Responsible for Budgets. They also use psychological marketing to ideas...” Fendleman suppress and encourage spending, movement and employment, and they do it to control circulation of money. Wilhelm WUNDT ...Structuralism focus' on studying human consciousness by Here is a placeholder: Education Professionals Must Be Held Responsible. You the breaking it down to the smallest possible elements. Parent, protect your child or children but this is in the system according to Government Leadership BC Students and the Public Must be Supported and their education Belong to Them. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are part of the Human Brain and Person. Education fulfils a part of the Human Spirit. Educational & Social Deprivation by Mass Movement Programming is a responsibility that government must be responsible for and SELF ACTUALIZATION transparency must be part of the government. Accepting this responsibility and providing each citizen and BC Resident with ownership of all ESTEEM SELF-ESTEEM education and material they formulated and achieved is making responsible SOCIAL NEEDS government. Abraham Maslow: “Types of Needs” Maslow Kendra Cherry,” Growth needs do not stem SAFETY SECURITY NEEDS from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person.” PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS Autocratic Leadership - Psychology Definition of the Week Friday July 13, 2012 Definition: Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Learn more about some of the characteristics, benefits and downsides of autocratic leadership. More About Leadership Styles LINKS ··Lewin's Leadership Styles ··Democratic Leadership ··Laissez-Faire Leadership Elect P Anna Paddon May 14. 2012. MLA Crofton/Cowichan Independent.[July 14, 2012.]
  • 13. Line Graph Page Layout Economy Building & Mega Public Transportation Power Projects With just a few more positive job reports, President Obama could Economic Star Burst! stand a chance at ending his first term as a job creator. America's Jobs Crisis“Obama's jobs countdown” By Annalyn Censky @CNNMoneyApril 6, 2012: 12:26 PM ET Obama battles job crisis The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs BC can increase our economy by in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his investing in large transportation progress since then. projects that will result in economic growth. Our employment will increase, wages will be more likely to increase when industry has the opportunity for Value Added Manufacturing, and Secondary Industries investment. Public Service Sector Labour Force, BC Stats A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market 2010 Edition “What do you mean when you say…” page 4. What do you mean when you say... Economists use a lot of jargon: terms like GDP, production, output, productivity, and unemployment, to name just a few. It's important to understand what's meant when these terms are used, so we've included some definitions and examples in this section: BC Statistics Economic Terminology LINKS: Capital, Constant (Real) Dollar Estimates, Economic Growth, Employment (Work Force), Establishment, Full-Time and Part-Time Employment, Goods Sector, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or Value Added, Imputed Rental Income, Indices, Industries, Inputs, Labour, Labour Force, Labour Income, Measuring GDP, The New Economy: Tourism and High Tech, Occupations, Primary Industries, Production and Output, Productivity, The Production Process, Regions, Relationships Between Industries: Direct and Indirect Effects, Secondary Industries, Self Employment, Service Sector, Unemployment, Unemployment Rate, Union Coverage, Value-Added Manufacturing, Wage Rates
  • 14. Bar Graph Page Layout Callout large transportation projects and have business hire to get the US E Transportation Projects Increasing BC's Economy by the Indirect Method of Free 100 and 200 Level University will result in a more educated and skilled Labour force in BC and Nationally. This chart utilizes these two economic building features as they track the US Pres.. Obama battles job crisis The Here is BC's Budget for 2011/12. The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in President Obama's first 13 months deficit is detailed and a placeholder is in office. Track his progress since given for budgeted shortfalls, blue, HST then. rebate, purple, Contingency Amounts, red, and a Forecast allowance, lime green. BC can improve on our budget shortfalls by increasing large multi dollar projects, Crofton-Richmond High Speed Rail & Highway Tunnel Crossing, which will increase industry and realty BC Budget 2011/12 development, business, and employment.
  • 15. Graph Page Layout Revision of the standards for exams, courses, and grades and levels, are negotiated frequently. Tuition Free 100 and 200 level will cause structure revisions and Education Budget Enhanced Revision Handbook revisions: K to 7, 8 to 11, and 12 to 200 level, Education; Budget; Education ● or 12 to 14. Course Information for the Graduation Program Course Information for the Graduation Program: Grade 10, 11 and 12 Courses ("the New Location The Course Registry is the most up-to-date and accurate source of course Course Information Book") was a document produced annually by the Ministry of information for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. It contains details Education to provide information to schools about Ministry Authorized and course titles, descriptions, credit values, and the associated graduation Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) courses for which students could receive credit toward program. Step-by-step videos and search tips are also available to provide BC’s E conomy still Vulnerable Following an estimated increase of 2.0 per cent graduation, as well as Locally Developed non-credit courses. instruction on the three search options so that anyone can easily view in 2011, the Ministry of Finance forecasts BritishColumbia’s 2010/11 was the final school year for which the Course Information Book was produced. information on existing, future, and closed courses. economy to grow by 1.8 per cent in 2012, 2.2 per cent in 2013 and 2.5 In order to provide access to current information and at the same time reduce the To facilitate the transition from the Course Information Book to the online per cent per year in the medium term. The Ministry’s outlook for Ministry's carbon footprint, the Course Information Book was replaced with the online BC’s real GDP growth is 0.4 percentage points lower in 2012 and 0.3 Course Registry and other Ministry websites, the table below details where Course Registry and updated Ministry websites, as listed below. In addition, reporting the information previously contained in the Course Information Book can percentage points lower in 2013 than the outlook provided by the requirements information previously contained in the Course Information Book was E conomic ForecastCouncil. This level of prudence for both years now be found. Course information book chapter. moved to the Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program. the table below acknowledges the significant downside risks to the forecast. These details where the information previously contained in the Course Information Book can downside risks, largely due to ongoing uncertainty around global now be found. economic activity, include: • a return to recession in the US Course Information Book Chapter ( characterized by weaker consumer spending, widespread deleveraging causing slower investment, a very slow job market Introduction: Courses Opening, Closing, Changing Course Registry Home Page recovery, continued weakness in the housing market and further fiscal restraint by federal, state and local governments) ; the sovereign debt crisis in Greece, I reland and Portugal spreading to Chapter 1: Required Courses Course Registry larger E uropean economies like I taly and Spain, and threatening the stability of global financial markets as well as another global credit Chapter 2: Ministry Courses Course Registry crisis; slower than anticipated Asian demand resulting in weaker demand for BC’s exports; exchange rate volatility; and further Chapter 3: External Credentials weakening of the US dollar, resulting in significant disruptions to External Credentials Web Site and Course Registry global financial and commodity markets. I f one or more of these risks materialize in a significant way it may create pressures that Chapter 4: Board/Authority Authorized Courses cannot be accommodated in the fiscal plan. Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses Web Site Chapter 5: Career Programs Handbook of Procedures and Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program: outlines Career Programs Web Site procedures for sharing student data between schools and the Ministry of Education; answers questions Chapter 6: Locally Developed Courses Handbook of Procedures and Graduation Web Site pertaining to provincial examinations and the graduation program; The Ministry Distributes this publication to schools, by August 31. Free download: 2011-2012 Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program (PDF, 1.67MB) Students who have met all scholarship requirements under the old rules but have not graduated prior to August 31, 2011 and do not qualify for scholarship under the new rules will be awarded a scholarship based on the work done prior to August Budget and Fiscal Plan 31, 2011. See Page 95 of the 2010-2011 Handbook. (PDF, 50KB) For students graduating on or before 2012/13 – 2014/15 F ebruary 21 , 201 2 August 31, 2011, AP and IB exam scores will meet the qualifications towards eligibility for the Grade 12 Provincial Exam Scholarship. See Page 96 of the 2010-2011 Handbook. (PDF, 50KB) The Post Secondary Institution Additions Form.−PSIs can 2012/ 2012_Budget_F iscal_Plan.pd bfp/ be selected by students via the online PSI Selectionsf Form on the ··Student Secure Web.-If a student can't
  • 16. Smart Budget and Fiscal Plan – 2012/13 to Enhanced Version Budget and Fiscal Plan – 2012/13 to 2014/15 Appendices 147 Table A14 Capital Spending – 2005/06 This is the Budget and Fiscal Plan – to 2014/15 ($ millions) Actual2005/06 Actual2006/07 Actual2007/08 Actual2008/09 2012/13 to 2014/15. Actual2009/10 Actual2010/11 UpdatedForecast2011/12 BudgetEstimate2012/13 Plan2013/14 Plan2014/15 Averageannual change (per cent) Taxpayer-supported: (per cent) Education Taxpayer-supported: (per cent) Schools districts …………………………… 286 322 380 413 449 433 530 486 456 454 5.3 Post-secondary institutions ……………… 790 874 782 658 672 925 779 688 548 561 -3.7 Health ………………………………………… 848 760 881 892 927 916 841 879 700 685 -2.3 BC Transportation Financing Authority …… 713 821 884 881 918 1,080 958 1,069 1,143 1,062 4.5 Education Schools districts BC Transit ……………………………………… 24 13 37 77 150 39 50 90 87 110 18.4 Rapid Transit Project 2000 …………………… 16 15 - - - - - - - - n/a …………………………… 286 322 380 413 Vancouver Convention Centre expansion … 85 105 251 242 41 10 3 - - - n/a BC Place redevelopment …………………… - - - 45 75 197 249 - 12 - n/a 449 433 530 486 456 454 5.3 Government direct (ministries) ……………… 320 355 335 430 306 261 318 454 439 482 4.7 Other …………………………………………… 71 144 122 140 190 252 269 91 92 75 0.6 3,153 3,409 3,672 3,778 3,728 4,113 3,997 3,757 3,477 3,429 0.9 Self-supported: BC Hydro ……………………………………… 610 807 1,076 1,397 2,406 1,519 2,082 2,361 2,150 2,222 Post-secondary institutions ……………… 15.4 BC Transmission Corporation ……………… 21 50 70 19 12 - - - - - n/a 790 874 782 658 672 925 779 688 Columbia River power projects ……………… 30 19 29 32 16 67 89 122 64 26 -1.6 Transportation Invest. Corp. (Port Mann) … - - - 215 777 738 742 606 94 147 n/a 548 561 -3.7 BC Railway Company ………………………… 15 19 20 10 14 6 13 13 9 1 -26.0 ICBC …………………………………………… 27 22 23 22 22 48 86 101 98 69 11.0 BC Lotteries …………………………………… 83 44 60 97 92 81 107 116 110 105 2.6 Liquor Distribution Branch …………………… 19 22 18 17 19 18 25 27 28 36 7.4 Transportation Invest. Corp. (Port Mann) 805 983 1,296 1,809 3,358 2,477 3,144 3,346 2,553 2,606 13.9 Total capital spending ………………… 3,958 4,392 4,968 5,587 7,086 6,590 7,141 7,103 6,030 6,035 … - - - 215 777 738 742 606 94 147 4.8 Per cent of nominal GDP: 1 Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 -2.8 n/a Self-supported ………………………………… 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 9.7 Total ……………………………………… 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.2 2.6 2.5 0.9 Growth rates: Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 33.4 8.1 7.7 2.9 -1.3 10.3 -2.8 -6.0 -7.5 -1.4 4.3 Per cent of nominal GDP: 1 Self-supported ………………………………… 3.7 22.1 31.8 39.6 85.6 -26.2 26.9 6.4 -23.7 2.1 16.8 Total ……………………………………… 26.1 11.0 13.1 12.5 26.8 -7.0 8.4 -0.5 -15.1 0.1 7.5 Per capita: 2 Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 751 803 852 862 836 908 874 813 743 723 -0.4 Taxpayer-supported ………………………… 1.9 Self-supported ………………………………… 192 232 301 413 753 547 687 724 545 549 12.4 Total ……………………………………… 943 1,035 1,153 1,274 1,589 1,455 1,561 1,537 1,288 1,273 3.4 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 Real Per Capita Capital Spending (2014 $) 3… 1,090 1,177 1,288 1,395 1,739 1,571 1,647 1,590 1,314 1,273 1.7 -2.8 Growth rate (per cent) ………………………… 22.1 7.9 9.5 8.3 24.7 -9.6 4.8 -3.5 -17.3 -3.1 4.4 12 3 Capital spending as a per cent of GDP is calculated using nominal GDP for the calendar year ending in the fiscal year (e.g. 2012/13 amounts divided by nominal GDP for the 2012 calendar year). Totals may not add due to rounding. Per capita capital spending is calculated using July 1 population (e.g. 2012/13 amounts divided by population on July 1, 2012). Totals may not add due to Self-supported ………………………………… 0.5 rounding. Capital spending is converted to real (inflation-adjusted) terms using the consumer price index (CPI) for 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 the corresponding calendar year (e.g. 2012 CPI for 2012/13 capital spending). 9.7 Total ……………………………………… 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.2 2.6 2.5 0.9
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