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Executive Summary
entertainment marketing union primarily servicing the needs of industry related individuals both
independent and primarily corporate markets worldwide. It consists of professionals and experts
in all markets that agreed to come as one union and captivate the industry with technology and
years of collective experience.
Our main approach is to become the world's first and only entertainment company owning its
own cyber network company. With that being said, it would not only put us in position of
massive power, it will also allow us to draw revenue streams that has never happened to any
other entertainment company in history. We are talking Bit-Coin revenue. The technology gives
us the advantage of displaying our clients business to the world in real time (example- every
country on earth can see a music video on the same channel at the same time all over the world
in real time giving it worldwide syndication instead of nationally). That's WALLSTREET money
everyday for the union.
The union is able to facilitate any services such as P.R. Relations, Production (film & music),
Marketing, Social Media Campaigns,Viral Marketing, etc.. and fulfill any clients needs, freeing
up their time to develop value for themselves. Clients will welcome our services while they
provide other forms of conveniences used to attract more qualified businesses.
The most important objectives for the first three years include: Establishing our own cyber
network, massively making our services corner the markets like Uber and Fiverr did, and to
increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through superior performance,
advertising and word-of-mouth referrals.
The​ ​Company
This is a nationally-based business with J. Johnson as the CEO. The staff consist of contracting
employees working full-time for E.I.U.M.T. The company intends to hire at least 30 full time
employees by the end of year 1. As this is an industry that demands high quality individuals,
E.I.U.M.T intends to offer higher wages to insure quality performance. E.I.U.M.T will provide an
extensive employee training program on an ongoing basis.
E.I.U.M.T will provide a wide range of services for our customers. The tasks for the employees
will range considerably; however, the underlying need will be for services/errands made during
most business hours, the hours clients are needing us the most and if any late hours are
requested by any client for services, our service charges will increase for running late errands,
the handlings of any business endeavors, etc...
The Market
Corporations recognize that their companies have less free time than they used to, so they have
begun to contract with marketing companies to provide them a wide range of services as an
additional way to create more new revenue streams. Some of the large corporations that we will
target are record labels and studios, concerts, marketing firms, management companies, film
production crews, independent entertainers and businesses, etc.
While some corporations already offer internal services for their companies, they typically do
this through an in-house contracting company. In the eyes of businesses, having the union
in-house is as much of a perk, but it is less efficient for the company. E.I.U.M.T can provide
multiple services to companies and individuals at a lower rate.
We will also service individuals who recognize the value in having someone else to do tasks
that they do not have the time for, or, after cost/benefit analysis, decide it is not worth their time
to complete the task. We will attract this segment of the market through word-of-mouth
marketing and testimonials.
Currently, there are two entertainment style companies, both primarily servicing individuals.
E.I.U.M.T will be targeting companies because the market has been overbooked and we
provide larger volume, and more consistent work with greater turnarounds.
These are projections to prove out points!
Financial​ ​Considerations
E.I.U.M.T start-up costs will include all the equipment needed for the home-based offices (NYC
& Atlanta), cyber network platforms, outsourcing marketing expenses, legal fees, an upgrade on
website creations, app development, and extreme public advertising (radio and tv). The
projected growth rate for E.I.U.M.T is over 100% per year, with strong operating margins.
E.I.U.M.T expects to have sales in the millions by year 1. The company plans to bill its clients on
a per contract basis as well as some custom packages.
This is a projection of only one phase that our Cyber Network can and will potentially
This clearly shows why we are in the business for selling services utilizing technology. The
supply and demand is ENDLE$$
Our business expenses​ (We are seeking $150,000-$500,000 as a Start to Max
The ROI’s are to be determined by negotiations!
The objectives for the first three years of operations includes:
We created a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customers'
expectations. The utilization of E.I.U.M.T intends to be the only conglomerate entertainment
union listed in all the local newspapers in its annual business listings.To increase our number of
clients served by 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals and
of course our cyber technology advantages.
To develop a sustainable business, it must survive off of its own cash flow residually.
The mission of the company is to provide the customer with whatever type of legitimate service
he/she desires. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim,
everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.
We will foster a workplace where clients take pride and ownership in their contributions, which
empowers them to do their best!
Company​ ​Summary
E.I.U.M.T will offer unlimited marketing & business services for companies and individuals.
E.I.U.M.T will provide a wide range of services for clients, from purchasing commercial ads,
chaperoning entertainment entities, video shoots, producing multiple campaigns, to event
planning and promoting. The only limit to what we will do is the customer's imagination and the
legality of the task.
The business will be based out of the owner's business offices and within 3 months will employ
additional people. After our business set-up goes per the forecasted plans, after month one it
will be making a profit, and will grow steadily each consecutive month.
Start-up​ ​Summary
E.I.U.M.T marketing & business service's startup costs will include all the equipment needed for
the business-based offices, cyber set-ups, legal fees, website creation, vehicles, social media
and viral marketing, utilities, overhead expenses and start-up advertising.
The cyber network platform will be the largest chunk of the start-up expenses. This equipment
includes a computer system set with cyber programs, data machines, special high-powered
servers, office supplies, cellular phones and tech teams. The office spaces will also require
furniture to transform into elegance. Lastly, additional (land) phone lines will be required.
The legal fees are used for the formation of the business as well as for reviewing/generating
standard client contracts and the Web creation fees at start-up are for design and creation of the
website. The advertising costs are based on the need to communicate our service to
prospective customers. The bulk of the "advertising" will be communications with corporations
and setting up full-service contracts.
Lastly, as we achieve an increase in clients and need to bring on more people, there will be
training costs for each employee. We will not bring on new employees initially, and therefore the
start-up costs will not reflect this expense.
Market​ ​Analysis Summary
We would like to do private equity shares before going partially public with some phases of our
business. Currently in Atlanta and NYC, there are two marketing & business style companies,
both primarily servicing individuals. E.I.U.M.T will be targeting entertainment companies
the market has been overlooked, and it provides larger volume, and more consistent work.
Market​ ​Segmentation
Our customers can be divided into two general groups, corporate/company clients, and
individuals. The corporate customer is a company that contracts with E.I.U.M.T to perform
services for its employees. Presumably the corporation has a policy with its organizational
members that provides guidelines for usage. When employees are in need of E.I.U.M.T, they
contact us directly and we bill the company. We will be soliciting contracts from large
corporations as well as medium-size businesses. Dividing the companies into smaller
subgroups is not required, as the needs of the employees are fairly similar between dissimilar
The tasks for the clients will range considerably; however, the underlying need will be for
services/errands made during normal business hours. The second group of customers are
individuals. This group has similar needs to the employees of companies, however, we will be
contracting with them directly. This group can be further broken down into three subgroups:
those who are at work and do not have the ability to accomplish the needed tasks, those that
have done a cost benefit analysis and decided it is a worthy, timesaving service, choose not to
for a multitude of reasons, (example-people who are not from Atlanta or NYC, but need
something done in Atlanta or NYC).
E.I.U.M.T intends to target people who need service during the day but do not have the time to
perform necessary tasks. We are focusing on corporations/companies because they have a
large number of employees who would find a marketing & business service attractive as a part
of their compensation package, and the employer would prefer to pay our service to perform the
employee's task, allowing the employee to stay at work and remain productive. Even though we
will offer the companies a discount over our standard rates, our revenue will continue to
increase because we will see an increase in usage without the normal costs of attracting the
individual customers. We would bill the corporation monthly, decreasing the labor costs for
processing the invoices.
Service​ ​Business​ ​Analysis
The marketing & business industry in Atlanta and NYC is relatively huge, especially in the
entertainment industry. It is currently serviced by companies that cater primarily to individual
clients first. Medium to large-size companies that offer a marketing & business service to their
employees typically create innovative solutions. Additionally, there is the ever-present pressure
from stakeholders to go public with their business. This pressure will fuel company's use of
marketing & business as efficiencies can be accomplished by having the employees present at
work, developing value instead of out of the office pursuing personal maintenance.
Competition​ ​and​ ​Buying​ ​Patterns
Currently, there are two competitors in the marketing & business service space. These services
are listed under "errands & miscellaneous services" headings of the yellow pages and they
target individuals as opposed to corporations. In the eyes of our clients, having the marketing &
business professionals with proprietary technology advances the entire industry, but it also
provides a surging of jobs and business opportunities.
Strategy​ ​and​ ​Implementation​ ​Summary
E.I.U.M.T will be aggressively courting corporate contracts. Administrative details, such as
billing, are streamlined when we are performing on contracts with an entire company. With this
in mind, we will structure our service for the corporate customer. This will be done through our
investment of human capital. We will win contracts from corporations through our compelling
quantitative analysis that will prove increased efficiencies through the use of a marketing &
business service. Also, we will be attracting individual clients through our website
Competitive​ ​Edge
Our competitive advantage will be based on two factors: our concentration on
corporate/company clients, and our investment in human capital. Since we are concentrating
on the corporate market, we will be able to best meet the needs of this market. We will become
aware of what these special needs are and offer them. These special needs are flexibility,
monthly billing, and the ability to handle a decent number of transactions.
Our other competitive advantage is based on our investment in human capital. E.I.U.M.T will be
developing a fairly extensive training program to provide the clients staff with the tools
necessary to perform at a level that the founder alone would otherwise be offering. It can be
difficult to maintain a high level of customer service if you are relying on employees. This
problem can be overcome and turned into a competitive advantage by providing employees with
the tools to offer the same high level of service that E.I.U.M.T provides. While this costs money,
and takes time up front, it will pay off in the long run. This is based on our mission statement
that it is our goal to attract and maintain customers. It is difficult to expect a mission statement
which demands high levels of service to become organizational behavior unless you provide the
organization with the tools to achieve this high standard. To develop good business strategies,
we will perform a SWOT analysis of our business.
Sales​ ​Strategy
Our sales strategy will be targeted at obtaining the corporate/company clients. It is our belief
that the individual customers will be obtained through word of mouth. It is likely that they will
have spoken to a previous client about E.I.U.M.T and the referral of our services will speak for
Our sales strategy will be to use a cost benefit analysis when trying to close the sale of a
prospect. We will use quantitative and strategic information to illustrate the value the company
will receive by offering a marketing & business service towards their staff.
The value in keeping the workers productive on contracts creates longevity and ensures more
promising business. Additionally, we will provide companies with several different options in
which they could offer services to employees ranging as a no-cost-to-the-employee perk to a
partially-subsidized service. The different options will be attractive to the companies based on a
number of different variables, from the cost they are willing to invest into the program to the
amount they are willing to spend on the different employees within the company.
Our sales strategy for individuals will be based on our Web presence. Through our marketing
efforts, we will be driving people to our website. Once on our website, people will see the wide
range of services that we offer and can then contact us for a service request. The website will
be especially useful for out-of-town clients who are in need of multi-based marketing & business
Please note that E.I.U.M.T will be accepting credit from the corporations. This is based on the
assumption that the corporations would find this option a major benefit so that they only had to
reconcile their account once a month, as opposed to every time a transaction occurs.
Sales​ ​Forecast
The first month will be spent setting up the business. It is unlikely that there will be much sales
activity. In addition to dealing with legal and accounting issues for the business, equipment will
need to be purchased and set up. Once the physical office is set up, we will then develop a
manual for future employees. The manual will cover topics such as company policies and
procedures, the training program (which covers ways to handle clients, tips on efficiencies,
principles of empowerment, etc.), and other necessary kernels of information. This will take time
so it is important to take care of this initially before the real business gets underway, otherwise
the document would be likely produced under time constraints affecting the quality of the
The second month will begin to see some activity. The clients will be served by the founder and
service reps, as there will not yet be a need to bring on new employees. During these few
months, at least half of the administrative details (scheduling, answering phones, etc.) will be
done from remote locations while serving clients. The remainder of the administrative details will
be completed at the office. After month three, E.I.U.M.T will bring on another employee to serve
the clients, and the founder will then be able to perform the bulk of the administrative details
from the office. Month seven will see the addition of a second employee, and by month 12 we
will plateau to 25-30 additional employees, allowing Johnson to remain in the office 95% of the
time (of course there will be exigent circumstances requiring Johnson services in the field).
Having the ability to operate the office remotely (with an office and cellular phone) will provide
the necessary flexibility to accommodate a wide range of needs.
The first employee will be needed by the second month, as E.I.U.M.T will be receiving at least
12-14 hours of jobs a day. This, coupled with required administrative time, will necessitate an
employee. By the third month, we will see an increase in our corporate program and will utilize a
second employee. By month 12, we will likely be at a level that will plateau for the foreseeable
future. Years two and three will be similar to the activity in month 12 and very profitable.
Business​ ​Plan​ ​Completion
This will be done as a road map for the organization. While we do not need a business plan to
raise capital, it will be an indispensable tool for the ongoing performance and improvement of
the company and office set up. This will done within the first month.
Training program- This will be the development of a training program for the employees. The
employees will receive initial sessions of training all at once, and then training will become an
ongoing process. Continual learning is key.
Quarterly training- This is basically a check up to make sure that the employees are still learning
skills and developing.
Management​ ​Summary
E.I.U.M.T is an industry union that serves promotional, marketing and distribution that generates
clientele for entertaining and production purposes WORLDWIDE! We are structured for
appealing to a variety of multi-cultural events and audiences. Unlike the competition, we
specialize in our abilities for a multi-cultural and mainstreaming market, customizing very unique
service entertainment marketing and promotional company specializing in electronic and
grassroots service platforms. With a combination of over 85 years of industry experience, all
clients benefit from the blueprints of E.I.U.M.T’s marketing, branding, promoting and technology
Personnel​ ​Plan
The staff will consist of hard working full-time professionals. E.I.U.M.T has decided to
compensate it staff at a per contract basis, which is a fair concept within the industry standards.
This arrangement was chosen to attract higher-quality staff members than what minimum wage
typically attracts, it will also increase employee morale, and decrease turnovers. We thank you
for taking our plan into consideration and we that we are able to increase your revenue streams,

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Music Distribution_MVT-SUGO


  • 1. E.I.U.M.T​ ​BUSINESS & INVESTMENT PLAN Executive Summary Introduction. E.I.U.M.T​ ( ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY UNITY MOVEMENT TEAM) is a full-service entertainment marketing union primarily servicing the needs of industry related individuals both independent and primarily corporate markets worldwide. It consists of professionals and experts in all markets that agreed to come as one union and captivate the industry with technology and years of collective experience. Our main approach is to become the world's first and only entertainment company owning its own cyber network company. With that being said, it would not only put us in position of massive power, it will also allow us to draw revenue streams that has never happened to any other entertainment company in history. We are talking Bit-Coin revenue. The technology gives us the advantage of displaying our clients business to the world in real time (example- every country on earth can see a music video on the same channel at the same time all over the world in real time giving it worldwide syndication instead of nationally). That's WALLSTREET money everyday for the union. The union is able to facilitate any services such as P.R. Relations, Production (film & music), Marketing, Social Media Campaigns,Viral Marketing, etc.. and fulfill any clients needs, freeing up their time to develop value for themselves. Clients will welcome our services while they provide other forms of conveniences used to attract more qualified businesses. The most important objectives for the first three years include: Establishing our own cyber network, massively making our services corner the markets like Uber and Fiverr did, and to increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through superior performance, advertising and word-of-mouth referrals.
  • 2. The​ ​Company This is a nationally-based business with J. Johnson as the CEO. The staff consist of contracting employees working full-time for E.I.U.M.T. The company intends to hire at least 30 full time employees by the end of year 1. As this is an industry that demands high quality individuals, E.I.U.M.T intends to offer higher wages to insure quality performance. E.I.U.M.T will provide an extensive employee training program on an ongoing basis. Services E.I.U.M.T will provide a wide range of services for our customers. The tasks for the employees will range considerably; however, the underlying need will be for services/errands made during most business hours, the hours clients are needing us the most and if any late hours are requested by any client for services, our service charges will increase for running late errands, the handlings of any business endeavors, etc... The Market Corporations recognize that their companies have less free time than they used to, so they have begun to contract with marketing companies to provide them a wide range of services as an additional way to create more new revenue streams. Some of the large corporations that we will target are record labels and studios, concerts, marketing firms, management companies, film production crews, independent entertainers and businesses, etc. While some corporations already offer internal services for their companies, they typically do this through an in-house contracting company. In the eyes of businesses, having the union in-house is as much of a perk, but it is less efficient for the company. E.I.U.M.T can provide multiple services to companies and individuals at a lower rate. We will also service individuals who recognize the value in having someone else to do tasks that they do not have the time for, or, after cost/benefit analysis, decide it is not worth their time to complete the task. We will attract this segment of the market through word-of-mouth marketing and testimonials. Currently, there are two entertainment style companies, both primarily servicing individuals. E.I.U.M.T will be targeting companies because the market has been overbooked and we provide larger volume, and more consistent work with greater turnarounds.
  • 3. These are projections to prove out points! Financial​ ​Considerations E.I.U.M.T start-up costs will include all the equipment needed for the home-based offices (NYC & Atlanta), cyber network platforms, outsourcing marketing expenses, legal fees, an upgrade on website creations, app development, and extreme public advertising (radio and tv). The projected growth rate for E.I.U.M.T is over 100% per year, with strong operating margins. E.I.U.M.T expects to have sales in the millions by year 1. The company plans to bill its clients on a per contract basis as well as some custom packages.
  • 4. This is a projection of only one phase that our Cyber Network can and will potentially GROSS$$$ This clearly shows why we are in the business for selling services utilizing technology. The supply and demand is ENDLE$$
  • 5. Our business expenses​ (We are seeking $150,000-$500,000 as a Start to Max Investment) The ROI’s are to be determined by negotiations! DIGITAL BILLBOARDS COMPANY VEHICLES WEBSITE TRAILERS PHOTOGRAPHERS BUSINESS RECRUITER BROCHURES RADIO CAMPAIGNS COMMERCIALS MERCHANDISING FINANCIAL OVERHEAD FILM CREWS P.R's GRAPHICS TEAMS INSURANCE PUBLICATIONS SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS VIRAL MARKETING APP WEBSITE TRAILERS LAWYERS SUPPLIES FOR STAFF CPA’S STAFF APPAREL EVENT PLANNERS AND COORDINATORS TRAVEL HOTELS COMPANY CELL PHONES BADGES OFFICES Objectives The objectives for the first three years of operations includes: We created a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customers' expectations. The utilization of E.I.U.M.T intends to be the only conglomerate entertainment union listed in all the local newspapers in its annual business listings.To increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals and of course our cyber technology advantages. To develop a sustainable business, it must survive off of its own cash flow residually. Mission The mission of the company is to provide the customer with whatever type of legitimate service he/she desires. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.
  • 6. We will foster a workplace where clients take pride and ownership in their contributions, which empowers them to do their best! Company​ ​Summary E.I.U.M.T will offer unlimited marketing & business services for companies and individuals. E.I.U.M.T will provide a wide range of services for clients, from purchasing commercial ads, chaperoning entertainment entities, video shoots, producing multiple campaigns, to event planning and promoting. The only limit to what we will do is the customer's imagination and the legality of the task. The business will be based out of the owner's business offices and within 3 months will employ additional people. After our business set-up goes per the forecasted plans, after month one it will be making a profit, and will grow steadily each consecutive month. Start-up​ ​Summary E.I.U.M.T marketing & business service's startup costs will include all the equipment needed for the business-based offices, cyber set-ups, legal fees, website creation, vehicles, social media and viral marketing, utilities, overhead expenses and start-up advertising. The cyber network platform will be the largest chunk of the start-up expenses. This equipment includes a computer system set with cyber programs, data machines, special high-powered servers, office supplies, cellular phones and tech teams. The office spaces will also require furniture to transform into elegance. Lastly, additional (land) phone lines will be required. The legal fees are used for the formation of the business as well as for reviewing/generating standard client contracts and the Web creation fees at start-up are for design and creation of the website. The advertising costs are based on the need to communicate our service to prospective customers. The bulk of the "advertising" will be communications with corporations and setting up full-service contracts. Lastly, as we achieve an increase in clients and need to bring on more people, there will be training costs for each employee. We will not bring on new employees initially, and therefore the start-up costs will not reflect this expense. Market​ ​Analysis Summary We would like to do private equity shares before going partially public with some phases of our business. Currently in Atlanta and NYC, there are two marketing & business style companies, both primarily servicing individuals. E.I.U.M.T will be targeting entertainment companies because
  • 7. the market has been overlooked, and it provides larger volume, and more consistent work. Market​ ​Segmentation Our customers can be divided into two general groups, corporate/company clients, and individuals. The corporate customer is a company that contracts with E.I.U.M.T to perform services for its employees. Presumably the corporation has a policy with its organizational members that provides guidelines for usage. When employees are in need of E.I.U.M.T, they contact us directly and we bill the company. We will be soliciting contracts from large corporations as well as medium-size businesses. Dividing the companies into smaller subgroups is not required, as the needs of the employees are fairly similar between dissimilar companies. The tasks for the clients will range considerably; however, the underlying need will be for services/errands made during normal business hours. The second group of customers are individuals. This group has similar needs to the employees of companies, however, we will be contracting with them directly. This group can be further broken down into three subgroups: those who are at work and do not have the ability to accomplish the needed tasks, those that have done a cost benefit analysis and decided it is a worthy, timesaving service, choose not to for a multitude of reasons, (example-people who are not from Atlanta or NYC, but need something done in Atlanta or NYC). E.I.U.M.T intends to target people who need service during the day but do not have the time to perform necessary tasks. We are focusing on corporations/companies because they have a large number of employees who would find a marketing & business service attractive as a part of their compensation package, and the employer would prefer to pay our service to perform the employee's task, allowing the employee to stay at work and remain productive. Even though we will offer the companies a discount over our standard rates, our revenue will continue to increase because we will see an increase in usage without the normal costs of attracting the individual customers. We would bill the corporation monthly, decreasing the labor costs for processing the invoices. Service​ ​Business​ ​Analysis The marketing & business industry in Atlanta and NYC is relatively huge, especially in the entertainment industry. It is currently serviced by companies that cater primarily to individual clients first. Medium to large-size companies that offer a marketing & business service to their employees typically create innovative solutions. Additionally, there is the ever-present pressure from stakeholders to go public with their business. This pressure will fuel company's use of marketing & business as efficiencies can be accomplished by having the employees present at
  • 8. work, developing value instead of out of the office pursuing personal maintenance. Competition​ ​and​ ​Buying​ ​Patterns Currently, there are two competitors in the marketing & business service space. These services are listed under "errands & miscellaneous services" headings of the yellow pages and they target individuals as opposed to corporations. In the eyes of our clients, having the marketing & business professionals with proprietary technology advances the entire industry, but it also provides a surging of jobs and business opportunities. Strategy​ ​and​ ​Implementation​ ​Summary E.I.U.M.T will be aggressively courting corporate contracts. Administrative details, such as billing, are streamlined when we are performing on contracts with an entire company. With this in mind, we will structure our service for the corporate customer. This will be done through our investment of human capital. We will win contracts from corporations through our compelling quantitative analysis that will prove increased efficiencies through the use of a marketing & business service. Also, we will be attracting individual clients through our website “GUARANTEED”. Competitive​ ​Edge Our competitive advantage will be based on two factors: our concentration on corporate/company clients, and our investment in human capital. Since we are concentrating on the corporate market, we will be able to best meet the needs of this market. We will become aware of what these special needs are and offer them. These special needs are flexibility, monthly billing, and the ability to handle a decent number of transactions. Our other competitive advantage is based on our investment in human capital. E.I.U.M.T will be developing a fairly extensive training program to provide the clients staff with the tools necessary to perform at a level that the founder alone would otherwise be offering. It can be difficult to maintain a high level of customer service if you are relying on employees. This problem can be overcome and turned into a competitive advantage by providing employees with the tools to offer the same high level of service that E.I.U.M.T provides. While this costs money, and takes time up front, it will pay off in the long run. This is based on our mission statement that it is our goal to attract and maintain customers. It is difficult to expect a mission statement which demands high levels of service to become organizational behavior unless you provide the organization with the tools to achieve this high standard. To develop good business strategies, we will perform a SWOT analysis of our business.
  • 9. Sales​ ​Strategy Our sales strategy will be targeted at obtaining the corporate/company clients. It is our belief that the individual customers will be obtained through word of mouth. It is likely that they will have spoken to a previous client about E.I.U.M.T and the referral of our services will speak for itself. Our sales strategy will be to use a cost benefit analysis when trying to close the sale of a prospect. We will use quantitative and strategic information to illustrate the value the company will receive by offering a marketing & business service towards their staff. The value in keeping the workers productive on contracts creates longevity and ensures more promising business. Additionally, we will provide companies with several different options in which they could offer services to employees ranging as a no-cost-to-the-employee perk to a partially-subsidized service. The different options will be attractive to the companies based on a number of different variables, from the cost they are willing to invest into the program to the amount they are willing to spend on the different employees within the company. Our sales strategy for individuals will be based on our Web presence. Through our marketing efforts, we will be driving people to our website. Once on our website, people will see the wide range of services that we offer and can then contact us for a service request. The website will be especially useful for out-of-town clients who are in need of multi-based marketing & business services. Please note that E.I.U.M.T will be accepting credit from the corporations. This is based on the assumption that the corporations would find this option a major benefit so that they only had to reconcile their account once a month, as opposed to every time a transaction occurs. Sales​ ​Forecast The first month will be spent setting up the business. It is unlikely that there will be much sales activity. In addition to dealing with legal and accounting issues for the business, equipment will need to be purchased and set up. Once the physical office is set up, we will then develop a manual for future employees. The manual will cover topics such as company policies and procedures, the training program (which covers ways to handle clients, tips on efficiencies, principles of empowerment, etc.), and other necessary kernels of information. This will take time so it is important to take care of this initially before the real business gets underway, otherwise the document would be likely produced under time constraints affecting the quality of the document. The second month will begin to see some activity. The clients will be served by the founder and service reps, as there will not yet be a need to bring on new employees. During these few months, at least half of the administrative details (scheduling, answering phones, etc.) will be done from remote locations while serving clients. The remainder of the administrative details will
  • 10. be completed at the office. After month three, E.I.U.M.T will bring on another employee to serve the clients, and the founder will then be able to perform the bulk of the administrative details from the office. Month seven will see the addition of a second employee, and by month 12 we will plateau to 25-30 additional employees, allowing Johnson to remain in the office 95% of the time (of course there will be exigent circumstances requiring Johnson services in the field). Having the ability to operate the office remotely (with an office and cellular phone) will provide the necessary flexibility to accommodate a wide range of needs. The first employee will be needed by the second month, as E.I.U.M.T will be receiving at least 12-14 hours of jobs a day. This, coupled with required administrative time, will necessitate an employee. By the third month, we will see an increase in our corporate program and will utilize a second employee. By month 12, we will likely be at a level that will plateau for the foreseeable future. Years two and three will be similar to the activity in month 12 and very profitable. Business​ ​Plan​ ​Completion This will be done as a road map for the organization. While we do not need a business plan to raise capital, it will be an indispensable tool for the ongoing performance and improvement of the company and office set up. This will done within the first month. Training program- This will be the development of a training program for the employees. The employees will receive initial sessions of training all at once, and then training will become an ongoing process. Continual learning is key. Quarterly training- This is basically a check up to make sure that the employees are still learning skills and developing. Management​ ​Summary E.I.U.M.T is an industry union that serves promotional, marketing and distribution that generates clientele for entertaining and production purposes WORLDWIDE! We are structured for appealing to a variety of multi-cultural events and audiences. Unlike the competition, we specialize in our abilities for a multi-cultural and mainstreaming market, customizing very unique marketing strategies. ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY UNITY MOVEMENT TEAM is a full service entertainment marketing and promotional company specializing in electronic and grassroots service platforms. With a combination of over 85 years of industry experience, all clients benefit from the blueprints of E.I.U.M.T’s marketing, branding, promoting and technology platforms! Personnel​ ​Plan The staff will consist of hard working full-time professionals. E.I.U.M.T has decided to compensate it staff at a per contract basis, which is a fair concept within the industry standards. This arrangement was chosen to attract higher-quality staff members than what minimum wage typically attracts, it will also increase employee morale, and decrease turnovers. We thank you
  • 11. for taking our plan into consideration and we that we are able to increase your revenue streams, FOREVER!