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Putting the Pureness Back in Your Water
Who are EcoAeon?
Have you ever found yourself wondering what a world without
clean water in its natural state would look like?
It goes without saying that you wouldn’t have to wonder for very long,
because without clean usable water, life on our planet would simply
cease to exist.
All living things on earth rely on water to survive; there is no alternative,
and there probably never will be.
So why do we take something so essential for our very being so
overly for granted?
The answer to that is easy: because it has always been there!
We, as humans have never known a life without water, so the very
possibility of our supply continually degrading is something almost
un-imaginable to us.
Saiseiko understand that the water we have must be clean, pure
and healthy.
Which is why they have dedicated over 18 years to researching and
developing new green water technologies.
After years of developing their unique technologies, Saiseiko were
pleasantly surprised to find that these resonated with the beliefs of
inventor and scientist, Viktor Schauberger whose inventions were
focused on natural restoration and rejuvenation of water through
nature’s preferred form of implosion.
As consistently shown through the use of products created by Saiseiko,
the technology used offers substantial health benefits to those who
use them, as well as having a significant positive impact on the
As the new Marketing Division for Saiseiko, EcoAeon is proud to be
associated with a company who prides itself on creating the best
quality products that actually offer real benefits, which we can then
pass on to our customers worldwide.
If you’re interested in discovering the amazing benefits the
Saiseiko products can bring to you and your family, then simply
keep reading.
A Simple Science
To make these products give the best possible results, Saiseiko
have developed their technology by going back to the very
basics of natural science; by making water work the way it was
always intended to.
A great example of this science can be found within the SEM
and AVS systems.
AVS Water Activator:
Both homes and commercial buildings around the world are faced with the problem of red rust
build up in their pipes. Red rust is a major problem – and a very expensive one, as when the issue
isn’t tackled, it can lead to large amounts of red rust getting into and polluting our water supplies;
and posing a health hazard to humans, marine life and animals.
The buildup of limescale is also a major issue for many people around the world. The effects vary;
one example is that scale buildup can reduce the life expectancy of our appliances.
Dishwashers, washing machines and other appliances that we use daily can be badly affected by
limescale, and depending on how hard the water is where you live, this can occur quicker than in
other places.
Customers have reported that the AVS Water Activator has helped to reduce the buildup of
limescale* in their pipes without the use of harsh chemicals or expensive water filters.
The AVS is a triple vortex pipe used for activating water ensuring that the water still remains clean,
fresh and helps to reduce bacteria.
Fitting an AVS Water Pipe to your water system offers the perfect solution, not only in combating
red rust by converting it to black rust, which serves to protect the pipes, the AVS can also help
reduce bacteria and limescale without the use of chemicals which usually end up finding their
way into drinking or bathing water.
A Simple Science
AVS works by allowing the standard tap water to travel through the Triple Spiral Chamber at an
incredibly faster rate than it would without the AVS, which, in turn, causes the breakdown of the
larger water molecules into much smaller ones, causing the water to become more hydrating by
changing its surface tension.
This process also increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which has a significant
effect on reducing anaerobic bacteria. (Bacteria that do not like higher levels of oxygen).
What this means for you and your family is far fresher, cleaner, and safer water, regardless of
whether you live in a soft or hard water area.
Once you have the AVS installed, there is no additional maintenance required – ensuring a cost-
effective, and environmentally friendly solution to ensure that the water coming out of the taps is
as clean and fresh as nature intended.
AVS systems can also be used in the industrial and agricultural environments, such as farms,
allotments, and greenhouses.
* For very hard water, we would recommend one of our optional scale reduction water pipes.
A Simple Science
SEM Water Activator:
The SEM is attached at the water source and works as a permanent water activator, much like the
AVS, but with the added benefit of the patented ceramic media bed to treat the water passing
through in two ways, leaving you with the freshest water possible and providing amazing health
Using a unique, specially developed Triple Spiral Chamber and Ceramic Ball layer that jointly
create centripetal and a centrifugal force, causing the effect of the water hardness to be reduced.
The whole process is done without using any chemicals and is a very cost-effective solution
which can result in fresh, natural, healthy water. SEM, unlike other products, is beyond filtration
and essentially changes the structure of the water leaving your skin and hair feeling softer and
more refreshed.
The SEM has the same benefits as the AVS, but with the additional ceramics that accompany the
triple vortex water pipe, making it the perfect solution for domestic and commercial use where
the water will be used primarily for human consumption, plants or animals.
The SEM is also perfect for places like hotels, hospitals and offices where people need access to
cleaner drinking and bathing water.
Like the AVS, SEM works to strengthen the pipes through its anti-corrosion effects, which convert
harmful red rust into harmless black rust. They also may help to reduce limescale* in pipes.
The SEM, along with the
Ceramic Ball Layer activates
and refreshes the water to
provide life-preserving
water filled with beneficial
* For very hard water, we would
recommend one of our optional scale
reduction water pipes.
design by GANN
Water at its Natural Best
Many of the benefits include
Some people have reported noticeably softer skin and hair; especially noticed by those who
suffer from dry skin due to living in hard water areas.
These ionic shower heads are easy to install, and are perfect for use in the home, hotels, and spas.
The (Far Infrared Ray*) heat properties within the ceramic balls has been shown to increase blood
flow, promote healthy circulation and help with removing toxins from the body, all without using
*Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the
human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate bodily functions.
Feelings of relaxation and stress-release, due to the release of negative ions; imagine standing
next to, or even bathing under a rushing mountain waterfall.
Less water use due to the Saiseiko ionic shower heads producing just the right amount of water
needed, resulting in less waste and lower energy costs.
Reduced limescale build up. Ionized water is released from the shower heads, increasing the
ability for soap or shampoo to lather more effectively, therefore, allowing for less, but more
effective use. In areas with hard water, the water will feel softer and less harsh on the skin and
hair; this is due to the surface tension reduction in the water.
We generally absorb about 8-10 glasses of water through our skin every time we take a shower or
bath. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko ionic shower heads, which contain the
Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine, therefore,
making showering and bathing more beneficial for us, while at the same time allowing the
chlorine to serve its intended purpose of killing bacteria and keeping the water clean.
Shower Heads & Accessories
Through a unique range of Saiseiko ionic shower heads and accessories you can benefit from an
experience like no other, at home – whenever you wish. The sensations described by those who
have used the Saiseiko shower heads are what you may expect from bathing directly under a
pure mountain spring.
Water at its Natural Best
Various independent studies carried out around the
world have shown that people who have showered
using a Saiseiko ionic shower head have stated
that they instantly noticed many positive benefits
from using these shower heads that use the same
Ceramic Balls found in the SEM.
Water at its Natural Best
AVS and SEM Water Activators:
These products are perfect for both, domestic and commercial use, and have been used in hotels,
offices, homes, hospitals, lawns, farms, restaurants, spas, swimming pools and fitness centers
around the world.
Through the activation process, the water that is delivered through the tap is fundamentally
restored to its natural state; the way it was always intended to be – not with all the nasty extras
that make their way in along the way.
Many benefits of these water activators are:
Better quality water that improves over time which tastes much better and
makes the skin look and feel great. This has been especially found in areas
where the water is very hard and normally where the tap water cannot be
consumed straight from the tap without boiling or filtering.
Better quality water also reduces the corrosive effects on your pipes.
These activators ensure that no replacements are ever needed, combined
with no high maintenance or recurring costs, you’re saving money overall.
We do, however, recommend the use of a reusable sediment filter in areas where
particulates such as sand, mud or rust are present to protect the ceramic media of the SEM.
Additionally, we recommend that the SEM units are checked and cleaned every 3-5 years
for optimum benefits.
Easy installation and various sizes mean that regardless of whether you’re
a home owner, a private renter, or a corporation, you can always find the
perfect solution for your needs; ensuring you, your family, and even your
employees will always be able to enjoy crystal clear, fresh healthy water.
design by GANN
Water at its Natural Best
Regardless of where you live, you can always benefit from natural water that
you know is not only safe, but will result in lower overall costs, and will benefit
the environment, too.
Water at its Natural Best
Saiseiko Ceramic Plate:
In today’s world, with an ever-increasing population and food shortages becoming ever more
likely, scientists are constantly seeking new ways to address the issue and make sure that food is
created in alternative ways.
This is something that also concerns many people, as they don’t want to eat food that is,
essentially, made in a lab, so they look to nature to provide its second most natural resource.
Rising food costs, along with decreasing quality causes many people to source only organic
and bio-produce; however, when you bring home some fresh grown vegetables from your local
farmers market and wash them with water that is full of chlorine, your efforts have been pretty
much wasted.
The Saiseiko Ceramic Plate is a
simple to use product that will help
you to cook with cleaner water and
keep your food natural and
healthy while also ensuring
that the water remains clean.
Benefits of the Saiseiko Ceramic Plate are:
The water or oil is heated more quickly meaning less energy is
used for cooking.
When cooking with oil or water, the Saiseiko plate works as a
catalyst to ensure that what you eat is as healthy as possible.
Water at its Natural Best
Saiseiko Ceramic Balls:
Saiseiko have developed a range of ceramic balls that serve various purposes to both domestic
homes and commercial establishments.
The Saiseiko BA Ball will make the perfect addition to swimming pools, Jacuzzis, and water
tanks where harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, E-Coli, and other nasty germs need to be
kept at bay.
The anti-bacterial effects of the BA Balls can help reduce the amount of chlorine required
therefore saving you money.
By activating and ionizing the water of a swimming pool or Jacuzzi, the Saiseiko Balls help you
to enjoy a rejuvenating experience.
The SE ceramic balls release negative ions into the water, which is known for boosting feelings
of relaxation and happiness: similar to what you would feel when walking beside the ocean, or
standing near a rushing waterfall.
Additionally, Saiseiko understand that the need for clean, safe water doesn’t just stop with
swimming pools or public places, but that you may want to enjoy purer water in your own
home, and have, therefore, developed the Saiseiko SE Ball.
These balls can also be used to activate your bath water and generate Far Infrared Ray* heat.
*Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of
penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface
temperature and activate bodily functions.
Water at its Natural Best
Saiseiko Ceramic Balls (cont):
Both the BA and SE ceramic balls come in large and small sizes to suit your requirements, and can
even be customized to incorporate half BA and half SE for those of you who want to enjoy the
best of both worlds.
This could be the perfect option if you
only require the SE ball for personal
use, but would like to benefit from the
additional anti-bacterial qualities of the
BA ball.
The BA type Saiseiko Balls are ideal for
rainwater harvesting tanks or water
tanks that contain stagnant water.
Benefits of the Saiseiko Ceramic Balls are:
Through the patented ceramic technology used in the BA and SE balls customer feedback indicates
that some of the irritating qualities of chlorine were reduced. The anti-bacterial qualities found in the
BA ball also retain the initial purpose of the chlorine, which is to keep the water free from bacteria and
infections that can cause water-related illness.
Using Saiseiko BA Balls may help to reduce the amount of chlorine required therefore saving you money.
Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a result of
using the Saiseiko Balls.
People have stated that through using the Saiseiko balls in places like swimming pools and Jacuzzis, the
quality of the water is improved.
User feedback has indicated that the Saiseiko balls leave less chemical residue on the body after being
in a Jacuzzi, or swimming – making for an overall more enjoyable, relaxing experience through reducing
the over powering smell of chlorine used to treat the water in these environments.
Meet the Products
Showerheads and accessories:
The Cerabloom is the ideal showerhead to be installed on a fixed shower fitting and is the
perfect way to easily create your own piece of nature within your own home. Stand under
your personal mountain waterfall and let the stresses of the day evaporate. Unlike regular
showerheads, thanks to the patented Air Water Mixing technology used, the Cerabloom
reduces water use by approximately 30%, despite offering a fuller flow that ensures you have
the best showering experience possible.
Whether you want to use this at home, or offer your guests the ultimate refreshing shower,
the Cerabloom is a no-fuss installation that you can start using immediately within your home,
hotels, gyms, and many more places.
Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko
patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.
Join the many people already seeing the positive benefits from using the Cerabloom shower
The Ceramild creates the effect of a rushing waterfall, even down to the sound of the water as
it pours by perfectly combining water and air.
A truly relaxing showering experience that leaves your mind and body feeling relaxed,
cleansed, re-energized, and full of life.
The patented Air Water Mixing technology within the shower head uses approximately 30%
less water, but without sacrificing on the force in which it’s produced – meaning that your
showering experience is not only going to feel better, but will save water, and save you money.
Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko
patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.
Meet the Products
As a handheld showerhead, the Ceraelite is great for daily showers; revitalize and energize
yourself before heading for a busy day at work, or simply indulge yourself after a long day.
Although this is a handheld showerhead, when used in conjunction with the Saiseiko Hose
and Holder, it can also be attached to a fixed shower fitting and used without having to hold it.
With three settings to choose from, including mist, normal, or massage, you will always find the
perfect sensation to suit your mood.
Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko
patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.Try Ceraelite for
yourself to really see what all the fuss is about.
Meet the Products
For any salon, the Cerasalon shower head is an absolute must. Most people admit that one of
the most relaxing aspects of visiting a hair salon is having their hair washed; so why not make
it even more so?
The Cerasalon shower head treats the water through a bed of activated ceramic balls that
ensure the water coming out is soft and fresh; leaving your clients feeling relaxed, and with
softer, shinier hair.
Due to the resulting softness of the water, the shampoo lathers much better, so you don’t have
to use as much of it.
Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko
patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.
This shower head takes care of your skin, your clients’skin, and your wallet.
Saiseiko hose and holder kit:
Requirements change, and Saiseiko know this, which is why they have created the Saiseiko
hose and holder kit.
This flexible adapter is extremely simple to fit and allows you to attach your handheld shower
head to a fixed shower fitting without any fuss.
Meet the Products
Ceramic Balls:
Saiseiko BA Ball:
The Saiseiko BA Ball is a must-have for any swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or even water treatment
facilities where the risk of bacteria entering the water is high.
The Patented ceramic balls are available in both large and small sizes that, when used, may
activate and ionize the water, soften and revitalize your skin while still maintaining the original
purpose of keeping the water clean through the BA ball’s anti-bacterial qualities.
These balls can generate Far Infrared Ray* heat.
*Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating
deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and
activate bodily functions.
Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a
result of using the Saiseiko Balls.
The Saiseiko BA Balls may help reduce the
amount of chlorine required and save on
See the difference the BA Ball can make to
your water, body, and mind.
Meet the Products
Saiseiko SE Ball:
As with the BA Ball, the SE Ball from Saiseiko is available in both large and small sizes, depending
on your requirements and is best used to activate bath water.
Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a
result of using the Saiseiko Balls.
Simply drop the Saiseiko SE Ball into your bath, lay back and relax. The release of Negative Ions
and Far Infrared Rays into the water is what really make the SE Ball special; these create feelings
of relaxation and happiness similar to what you feel when near a waterfall or even beside the
*Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating
deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and
activate bodily functions.
A sure way to create your very own spa-like experience at home.
Meet the Products
Saiseiko Plate:
The Saiseiko Plate is a must-have for any household who values healthy cooking and energy
Using the activating properties found in other Saiseiko products, the ceramic plate is intended
to be used during food preparation to speed up the heating process during boiling, steaming,
and deep fat frying and also ensures that less energy is used and wasted during cooking.
Working as a catalyst when cooking with water or oil, the ceramic plate ensures the food you’re
eating is healthier.
This is surely one item you can’t afford to not have.
Meet the Products
Saiseiko Ceramic Stone Activator Set:
The perfect combination of innovative Japanese green technology and
world famous German quality design make this kit a must-have for any
health-conscious household today.
Measuring 25mm, (1inch), these little stones are a simple, effective, and
inexpensive way to enjoy the freshest water possible, regardless of the water
quality in your area.
The Saiseiko Ceramic Stone should be carefully placed into the BlomusWater
Carafe, filled with water and gently swirled around to instantly neutralize tap
water and bring it back to its purest form; leaving you with water that tastes
amazing and is, above, all, fresh, clean, and tasty.
Meet the Products
Water Activators
Domestic AVS:
Installing the Domestic AVS in your home is a very easy, cost-effective way to ensure that you
and your family can constantly benefit from fresh, activated water straight from your taps
without the need for expensive water filters or chemical softening agents.
The Domestic AVS works by reducing the surface tension of water that may be hard by allowing
it to pass through theTriple Spiral Chamber at a much faster rate than it would without the AVS
by causing the larger water molecules to be broken down into much smaller ones.
Additionally, this process also keeps unwanted bacteria at bay by increasing the amounts of
oxygen entering the water, as bacteria cannot thrive in water with higher levels of oxygen.
Overall, the Domestic AVS will provide you with water that is cleaner, fresher, softer, and more
hydrating without the use of nasty chemicals – regardless of whether you live in a soft or hard
water area.
design by GANN
Meet the Products
Commercial AVS:
The importance of clean water in agriculture is as important today as it’s ever been. The use
of pesticides in farming to keep bacteria from growing on fruit and vegetables has increased
significantly over the past 20 years, and with more people realizing the dangers of these
pesticides, they are now looking for alternative ways to keep their produce fresh without the
use of chemicals that can pose a threat to human health and the environment.
The Commercial AVS works in the same way as the Domestic AVS. It’s easy to install, and
requires no further maintenance; probably the best thing about this system, though, is that
it requires absolutely no chemicals whatsoever, meaning that the water used will be as clean,
fresh, pure and soft as nature intended, allowing you to pass on chemical-free produce to your
customers, with big savings for all.
Commercial trials carried out in various parts of the world indicate that the use of AVS can help
reduce water consumption in agriculture, reduce evaporation (plant transpiration), increase
yields and also to help increase the shelf life of the produce.
In Swimming pools, an AVS may also help reduce the amount of chlorine required.
design by GANN
AVS Specifications
AVS 10 AVS 15 AVS 20 AVS 25 AVS 40 AVS 50 AVS 65 AVS 80 AVS 100
Connector Size 10mm 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4"
Use Garden/Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial
Dimensions 20mm x 220mm 47mm x 207mm 50mm x 230mm 60mm x 310mm 140mm x 370mm 155mm x 510mm 175mm x 700mm 180mm x 795mm 210mm x 995mm
Weight 0.4kg 0.60kg 0.80kg 1.50kg 8.00kg 11.00kg 15.50kg 18.50kg 24.00kg
European Safety Directive 2001/95/EC
design by GANN
Meet the Products
Domestic SEM:
For homes around the world, the problem of red rust caused by corroding pipes and limescale
from hard water can be quite an issue.
Both red rust and limescale affect the taste and texture of the water we use for drinking,
bathing and cooking, which can lead to dry skin and even water that can’t be consumed
straight from the tap without boiling it first. In most cases, expensive filters or chemical water
treatments are required.
Like the AVS system, the Domestic SEM is very easy to install in your home by simply
attaching at the water source; it requires very little maintenance, and the whole process
is chemical-free.
What sets the Domestic SEM apart from the AVS is that it uses a specially developed
Ceramic Ball Layer in addition to the Triple Spiral Chamber to activate the water.
When these two work together, they create a centrifugal and centripetal force that
can enable the hardness of the water to be reduced.
The Domestic SEM makes the perfect solution for those living in hard water
areas, as the water will, over time, become noticeably softer, cleaner, and fresher.
design by GANN
Meet the Products
Commercial SEM:
Places such as hospitals, hotels, and offices are in need of a constant supply of fresh water;
whether for bathing, preparing food, or cleaning, the water must be able to meet certain safety
standards according to regional and national health and safety laws.
However, due to the fact that many of these buildings are quite old, the pipes may suffer from
high levels of corrosion, or even limescale, if the water in that area is particularly hard. The cost
of changing pipes every few years can be high and is also not the most practical thing to do
when people rely on the fresh water every single day.
The Commercial SEM offers a practical, affordable and safe solution to this growing problem
without the use of expensive filters and chemical water treatments.
The added ceramics that accompany the triple vortex water pipe work together to create
a centrifugal and centripetal force that can cause a reduction in water hardness. The anti-
corrosion effects of the SEM work to ensure that the pipes are strengthened, and convert
harmful red rust into harmless black rust. The Commercial SEM may also be able to reduce
limescale and its effects on the water.
Commercial trials carried out in various parts of the world indicate that the use of SEM can help
reduce water consumption in agriculture, reduce evaporation (plant transpiration), increase
yields and also help to increase the shelf life of the produce.
design by GANN
SEM Specifications
SEM 300 SEM 500 SEM 1000 SEM 2000 SEM 3000 SEM 5000
Connector Size 3/8" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2"
Use Undersink Domestic Domestic Commercial Commercial Commercial
Dimensions 75mm x 270mm 75mm x 330mm 90mm x 425mm 140mm x 565mm 160mm x 700mm 165mm x 900mm
Weight 2.50kg 3.50kg 5.50kg 13.00kg 20.00kg 35.00kg
European Safety Directive 2001/95/EC
design by GANN
1. Safe water must be free of pollutants, including heavy metals,
pesticide residues, solvents, hormone and drug residues,
chlorine, chloramine, fluoride and pathogens.
The development of new chemical cocktails is further increasing
the pollution load on our water supplies, often with unknown
2. WatershouldhaveanalkalinepHtoaidneutralizationofexcess
body tissue acidity caused by diet, stress and environmental
pollution due to the fact that alkaline water contains higher
levels of oxygen.
3. Water should be micro-clustered, as water does not naturally
exist as single molecules in isolation; it consists of groups of
water molecules weakly bonded together.
Typically most tap water is found to have clusters of upwards of
12 molecules; such large clusters are not particularly beneficial
for the hydration of body cells, and lack vital energy.
Ideally water should have 5 to 6 molecules in a cluster and a
lower surface tension, giving rise to significantly increased
electron activity and energized water. Most of our tap water is in
this sense‘dead’and lacks vital energy.
4. Water should have a negative oxidation/reduction potential
(ORP). Typical tap water has an ORP reading in the order of
250mV upwards which makes it an oxidant.
Good healthy water should have a negative ORP typically in the
order of -100 to -300mV, thus demonstrating beneficial anti-
oxidant properties and helping to neutralize tissue damage
caused by harmful free radicals.
5. Water should incorporate the use of Far Infrared Rays. Far
infrared energy is extensively used in the Far East because of its
therapeutic properties.
Power of Water
As the water passes through it ‘picks up’ this beneficial energy.
Infrared mineral balls vibrate at a frequency similar to that of the
human body.
They are able to penetrate the body and activate cells which then
reactivate as well as strengthen the micro-circulatory systems.
They help to regulate blood flow and reactivate the vital energy
in the body.
6. Water should have Negative ions to help improve the immune
system and boost our energy levels.
7. Water should be Vortexed – Water passing through a vortex
further activates the water molecules and results in rejuvenated
life-enhancing water.
Providing quality revitalised water to any population
can have a dramatic impact on health, both in
developed societies and developing countries. The
following are some of the possible benefits:
1. Increased body hydration ensuring water drunk has the
maximum beneficial effect.
2. Improved immunity by the elimination of toxic
metabolic wastes and negating the adverse impacts of
stress and environmental pollution. Also by creating a
favourable and alkaline inner environment pathogenic
organisms are more easily neutralised and have less
adverse effects.
3. A longer lifespan and improved quality of life.
“ In one drop of water are found
all the secrets of all the oceans;
in one aspect of You are found all
the aspects of existence. “
Overall, Saiseiko provide easy access to fresh, healthy
water at a very low cost that ensures the biggest natural
resource available to us on this planet is used to its full
potential, and to enjoy the full benefits that water was
always intended to offer us.
Try these wonderful products for yourself
and see the amazing results they bring to
you and your family.
Summary •

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EcoAeon UAE English Brochure

  • 1. Putting the Pureness Back in Your Water
  • 2. Who are EcoAeon? Have you ever found yourself wondering what a world without clean water in its natural state would look like? It goes without saying that you wouldn’t have to wonder for very long, because without clean usable water, life on our planet would simply cease to exist. All living things on earth rely on water to survive; there is no alternative, and there probably never will be. So why do we take something so essential for our very being so overly for granted? The answer to that is easy: because it has always been there! We, as humans have never known a life without water, so the very possibility of our supply continually degrading is something almost un-imaginable to us. Saiseiko understand that the water we have must be clean, pure and healthy. Which is why they have dedicated over 18 years to researching and developing new green water technologies.
  • 3. After years of developing their unique technologies, Saiseiko were pleasantly surprised to find that these resonated with the beliefs of inventor and scientist, Viktor Schauberger whose inventions were focused on natural restoration and rejuvenation of water through nature’s preferred form of implosion. As consistently shown through the use of products created by Saiseiko, the technology used offers substantial health benefits to those who use them, as well as having a significant positive impact on the environment. As the new Marketing Division for Saiseiko, EcoAeon is proud to be associated with a company who prides itself on creating the best quality products that actually offer real benefits, which we can then pass on to our customers worldwide. If you’re interested in discovering the amazing benefits the Saiseiko products can bring to you and your family, then simply keep reading.
  • 4. A Simple Science To make these products give the best possible results, Saiseiko have developed their technology by going back to the very basics of natural science; by making water work the way it was always intended to. A great example of this science can be found within the SEM and AVS systems. AVS Water Activator: Both homes and commercial buildings around the world are faced with the problem of red rust build up in their pipes. Red rust is a major problem – and a very expensive one, as when the issue isn’t tackled, it can lead to large amounts of red rust getting into and polluting our water supplies; and posing a health hazard to humans, marine life and animals. The buildup of limescale is also a major issue for many people around the world. The effects vary; one example is that scale buildup can reduce the life expectancy of our appliances. Dishwashers, washing machines and other appliances that we use daily can be badly affected by limescale, and depending on how hard the water is where you live, this can occur quicker than in other places. Customers have reported that the AVS Water Activator has helped to reduce the buildup of limescale* in their pipes without the use of harsh chemicals or expensive water filters. The AVS is a triple vortex pipe used for activating water ensuring that the water still remains clean, fresh and helps to reduce bacteria. Fitting an AVS Water Pipe to your water system offers the perfect solution, not only in combating red rust by converting it to black rust, which serves to protect the pipes, the AVS can also help reduce bacteria and limescale without the use of chemicals which usually end up finding their way into drinking or bathing water.
  • 5. A Simple Science AVS works by allowing the standard tap water to travel through the Triple Spiral Chamber at an incredibly faster rate than it would without the AVS, which, in turn, causes the breakdown of the larger water molecules into much smaller ones, causing the water to become more hydrating by changing its surface tension. This process also increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which has a significant effect on reducing anaerobic bacteria. (Bacteria that do not like higher levels of oxygen). What this means for you and your family is far fresher, cleaner, and safer water, regardless of whether you live in a soft or hard water area. Once you have the AVS installed, there is no additional maintenance required – ensuring a cost- effective, and environmentally friendly solution to ensure that the water coming out of the taps is as clean and fresh as nature intended. AVS systems can also be used in the industrial and agricultural environments, such as farms, allotments, and greenhouses. * For very hard water, we would recommend one of our optional scale reduction water pipes.
  • 6. A Simple Science SEM Water Activator: The SEM is attached at the water source and works as a permanent water activator, much like the AVS, but with the added benefit of the patented ceramic media bed to treat the water passing through in two ways, leaving you with the freshest water possible and providing amazing health benefits. Using a unique, specially developed Triple Spiral Chamber and Ceramic Ball layer that jointly create centripetal and a centrifugal force, causing the effect of the water hardness to be reduced. The whole process is done without using any chemicals and is a very cost-effective solution which can result in fresh, natural, healthy water. SEM, unlike other products, is beyond filtration and essentially changes the structure of the water leaving your skin and hair feeling softer and more refreshed. The SEM has the same benefits as the AVS, but with the additional ceramics that accompany the triple vortex water pipe, making it the perfect solution for domestic and commercial use where the water will be used primarily for human consumption, plants or animals. The SEM is also perfect for places like hotels, hospitals and offices where people need access to cleaner drinking and bathing water. Like the AVS, SEM works to strengthen the pipes through its anti-corrosion effects, which convert harmful red rust into harmless black rust. They also may help to reduce limescale* in pipes. The SEM, along with the Ceramic Ball Layer activates and refreshes the water to provide life-preserving water filled with beneficial resonance. * For very hard water, we would recommend one of our optional scale reduction water pipes. design by GANN
  • 7. Water at its Natural Best ShowerHeads&Accessories Many of the benefits include Some people have reported noticeably softer skin and hair; especially noticed by those who suffer from dry skin due to living in hard water areas. These ionic shower heads are easy to install, and are perfect for use in the home, hotels, and spas. The (Far Infrared Ray*) heat properties within the ceramic balls has been shown to increase blood flow, promote healthy circulation and help with removing toxins from the body, all without using chemicals. *Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate bodily functions. Feelings of relaxation and stress-release, due to the release of negative ions; imagine standing next to, or even bathing under a rushing mountain waterfall. Less water use due to the Saiseiko ionic shower heads producing just the right amount of water needed, resulting in less waste and lower energy costs. Reduced limescale build up. Ionized water is released from the shower heads, increasing the ability for soap or shampoo to lather more effectively, therefore, allowing for less, but more effective use. In areas with hard water, the water will feel softer and less harsh on the skin and hair; this is due to the surface tension reduction in the water. We generally absorb about 8-10 glasses of water through our skin every time we take a shower or bath. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko ionic shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine, therefore, making showering and bathing more beneficial for us, while at the same time allowing the chlorine to serve its intended purpose of killing bacteria and keeping the water clean. Shower Heads & Accessories Through a unique range of Saiseiko ionic shower heads and accessories you can benefit from an experience like no other, at home – whenever you wish. The sensations described by those who have used the Saiseiko shower heads are what you may expect from bathing directly under a pure mountain spring.
  • 8. SPECIFICATIONS ShowerHeads&Accessories Water at its Natural Best Various independent studies carried out around the world have shown that people who have showered using a Saiseiko ionic shower head have stated that they instantly noticed many positive benefits from using these shower heads that use the same Ceramic Balls found in the SEM. STANDARD MIST MASSAGE
  • 9. Water at its Natural Best AVS and SEM Water Activators: These products are perfect for both, domestic and commercial use, and have been used in hotels, offices, homes, hospitals, lawns, farms, restaurants, spas, swimming pools and fitness centers around the world. Through the activation process, the water that is delivered through the tap is fundamentally restored to its natural state; the way it was always intended to be – not with all the nasty extras that make their way in along the way. AVSandSEMWaterAvctivators Many benefits of these water activators are: Better quality water that improves over time which tastes much better and makes the skin look and feel great. This has been especially found in areas where the water is very hard and normally where the tap water cannot be consumed straight from the tap without boiling or filtering. Better quality water also reduces the corrosive effects on your pipes. These activators ensure that no replacements are ever needed, combined with no high maintenance or recurring costs, you’re saving money overall. We do, however, recommend the use of a reusable sediment filter in areas where particulates such as sand, mud or rust are present to protect the ceramic media of the SEM. Additionally, we recommend that the SEM units are checked and cleaned every 3-5 years for optimum benefits. Easy installation and various sizes mean that regardless of whether you’re a home owner, a private renter, or a corporation, you can always find the perfect solution for your needs; ensuring you, your family, and even your employees will always be able to enjoy crystal clear, fresh healthy water. design by GANN
  • 10. AVSandSEMWaterAvctivators Water at its Natural Best Regardless of where you live, you can always benefit from natural water that you know is not only safe, but will result in lower overall costs, and will benefit the environment, too.
  • 11. Water at its Natural Best Saiseiko Ceramic Plate: In today’s world, with an ever-increasing population and food shortages becoming ever more likely, scientists are constantly seeking new ways to address the issue and make sure that food is created in alternative ways. This is something that also concerns many people, as they don’t want to eat food that is, essentially, made in a lab, so they look to nature to provide its second most natural resource. Rising food costs, along with decreasing quality causes many people to source only organic and bio-produce; however, when you bring home some fresh grown vegetables from your local farmers market and wash them with water that is full of chlorine, your efforts have been pretty much wasted. The Saiseiko Ceramic Plate is a simple to use product that will help you to cook with cleaner water and keep your food natural and healthy while also ensuring that the water remains clean. CeramicPlate Benefits of the Saiseiko Ceramic Plate are: The water or oil is heated more quickly meaning less energy is used for cooking. When cooking with oil or water, the Saiseiko plate works as a catalyst to ensure that what you eat is as healthy as possible.
  • 12. Water at its Natural Best Saiseiko Ceramic Balls: Saiseiko have developed a range of ceramic balls that serve various purposes to both domestic homes and commercial establishments. The Saiseiko BA Ball will make the perfect addition to swimming pools, Jacuzzis, and water tanks where harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, E-Coli, and other nasty germs need to be kept at bay. The anti-bacterial effects of the BA Balls can help reduce the amount of chlorine required therefore saving you money. By activating and ionizing the water of a swimming pool or Jacuzzi, the Saiseiko Balls help you to enjoy a rejuvenating experience. The SE ceramic balls release negative ions into the water, which is known for boosting feelings of relaxation and happiness: similar to what you would feel when walking beside the ocean, or standing near a rushing waterfall. Additionally, Saiseiko understand that the need for clean, safe water doesn’t just stop with swimming pools or public places, but that you may want to enjoy purer water in your own home, and have, therefore, developed the Saiseiko SE Ball. These balls can also be used to activate your bath water and generate Far Infrared Ray* heat. *Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate bodily functions. CeramicBalls
  • 13. Water at its Natural Best Saiseiko Ceramic Balls (cont): Both the BA and SE ceramic balls come in large and small sizes to suit your requirements, and can even be customized to incorporate half BA and half SE for those of you who want to enjoy the best of both worlds. This could be the perfect option if you only require the SE ball for personal use, but would like to benefit from the additional anti-bacterial qualities of the BA ball. The BA type Saiseiko Balls are ideal for rainwater harvesting tanks or water tanks that contain stagnant water. Benefits of the Saiseiko Ceramic Balls are: Through the patented ceramic technology used in the BA and SE balls customer feedback indicates that some of the irritating qualities of chlorine were reduced. The anti-bacterial qualities found in the BA ball also retain the initial purpose of the chlorine, which is to keep the water free from bacteria and infections that can cause water-related illness. Using Saiseiko BA Balls may help to reduce the amount of chlorine required therefore saving you money. Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a result of using the Saiseiko Balls. People have stated that through using the Saiseiko balls in places like swimming pools and Jacuzzis, the quality of the water is improved. User feedback has indicated that the Saiseiko balls leave less chemical residue on the body after being in a Jacuzzi, or swimming – making for an overall more enjoyable, relaxing experience through reducing the over powering smell of chlorine used to treat the water in these environments. CeramicBalls
  • 14. Meet the Products Showerheads and accessories: Cerabloom The Cerabloom is the ideal showerhead to be installed on a fixed shower fitting and is the perfect way to easily create your own piece of nature within your own home. Stand under your personal mountain waterfall and let the stresses of the day evaporate. Unlike regular showerheads, thanks to the patented Air Water Mixing technology used, the Cerabloom reduces water use by approximately 30%, despite offering a fuller flow that ensures you have the best showering experience possible. Whether you want to use this at home, or offer your guests the ultimate refreshing shower, the Cerabloom is a no-fuss installation that you can start using immediately within your home, hotels, gyms, and many more places. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine. Join the many people already seeing the positive benefits from using the Cerabloom shower head. Ceramild The Ceramild creates the effect of a rushing waterfall, even down to the sound of the water as it pours by perfectly combining water and air. A truly relaxing showering experience that leaves your mind and body feeling relaxed, cleansed, re-energized, and full of life. The patented Air Water Mixing technology within the shower head uses approximately 30% less water, but without sacrificing on the force in which it’s produced – meaning that your showering experience is not only going to feel better, but will save water, and save you money. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.
  • 15. Meet the Products Ceraelite: As a handheld showerhead, the Ceraelite is great for daily showers; revitalize and energize yourself before heading for a busy day at work, or simply indulge yourself after a long day. Although this is a handheld showerhead, when used in conjunction with the Saiseiko Hose and Holder, it can also be attached to a fixed shower fitting and used without having to hold it. With three settings to choose from, including mist, normal, or massage, you will always find the perfect sensation to suit your mood. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine.Try Ceraelite for yourself to really see what all the fuss is about.
  • 16. Meet the Products Cerasalon: For any salon, the Cerasalon shower head is an absolute must. Most people admit that one of the most relaxing aspects of visiting a hair salon is having their hair washed; so why not make it even more so? The Cerasalon shower head treats the water through a bed of activated ceramic balls that ensure the water coming out is soft and fresh; leaving your clients feeling relaxed, and with softer, shinier hair. Due to the resulting softness of the water, the shampoo lathers much better, so you don’t have to use as much of it. Customer feedback indicates that using the Saiseiko shower heads, which contain the Saiseiko patented ceramic technology, reduces the smell and drying effect of chlorine. This shower head takes care of your skin, your clients’skin, and your wallet. Saiseiko hose and holder kit: Requirements change, and Saiseiko know this, which is why they have created the Saiseiko hose and holder kit. This flexible adapter is extremely simple to fit and allows you to attach your handheld shower head to a fixed shower fitting without any fuss.
  • 17. Meet the Products Ceramic Balls: Saiseiko BA Ball: The Saiseiko BA Ball is a must-have for any swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or even water treatment facilities where the risk of bacteria entering the water is high. The Patented ceramic balls are available in both large and small sizes that, when used, may activate and ionize the water, soften and revitalize your skin while still maintaining the original purpose of keeping the water clean through the BA ball’s anti-bacterial qualities. These balls can generate Far Infrared Ray* heat. *Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate bodily functions. Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a result of using the Saiseiko Balls. The Saiseiko BA Balls may help reduce the amount of chlorine required and save on costs. See the difference the BA Ball can make to your water, body, and mind.
  • 18. Meet the Products Saiseiko SE Ball: As with the BA Ball, the SE Ball from Saiseiko is available in both large and small sizes, depending on your requirements and is best used to activate bath water. Clients have reported that the the smell of chlorine, itchiness and dryness was reduced as a result of using the Saiseiko Balls. Simply drop the Saiseiko SE Ball into your bath, lay back and relax. The release of Negative Ions and Far Infrared Rays into the water is what really make the SE Ball special; these create feelings of relaxation and happiness similar to what you feel when near a waterfall or even beside the ocean. *Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and activate bodily functions. A sure way to create your very own spa-like experience at home.
  • 19. Meet the Products Saiseiko Plate: The Saiseiko Plate is a must-have for any household who values healthy cooking and energy efficiency. Using the activating properties found in other Saiseiko products, the ceramic plate is intended to be used during food preparation to speed up the heating process during boiling, steaming, and deep fat frying and also ensures that less energy is used and wasted during cooking. Working as a catalyst when cooking with water or oil, the ceramic plate ensures the food you’re eating is healthier. This is surely one item you can’t afford to not have.
  • 20. Meet the Products Saiseiko Ceramic Stone Activator Set: The perfect combination of innovative Japanese green technology and world famous German quality design make this kit a must-have for any health-conscious household today. Measuring 25mm, (1inch), these little stones are a simple, effective, and inexpensive way to enjoy the freshest water possible, regardless of the water quality in your area. The Saiseiko Ceramic Stone should be carefully placed into the BlomusWater Carafe, filled with water and gently swirled around to instantly neutralize tap water and bring it back to its purest form; leaving you with water that tastes amazing and is, above, all, fresh, clean, and tasty.
  • 21. Meet the Products Water Activators Domestic AVS: Installing the Domestic AVS in your home is a very easy, cost-effective way to ensure that you and your family can constantly benefit from fresh, activated water straight from your taps without the need for expensive water filters or chemical softening agents. The Domestic AVS works by reducing the surface tension of water that may be hard by allowing it to pass through theTriple Spiral Chamber at a much faster rate than it would without the AVS by causing the larger water molecules to be broken down into much smaller ones. Additionally, this process also keeps unwanted bacteria at bay by increasing the amounts of oxygen entering the water, as bacteria cannot thrive in water with higher levels of oxygen. Overall, the Domestic AVS will provide you with water that is cleaner, fresher, softer, and more hydrating without the use of nasty chemicals – regardless of whether you live in a soft or hard water area. design by GANN
  • 22. Meet the Products Commercial AVS: The importance of clean water in agriculture is as important today as it’s ever been. The use of pesticides in farming to keep bacteria from growing on fruit and vegetables has increased significantly over the past 20 years, and with more people realizing the dangers of these pesticides, they are now looking for alternative ways to keep their produce fresh without the use of chemicals that can pose a threat to human health and the environment. The Commercial AVS works in the same way as the Domestic AVS. It’s easy to install, and requires no further maintenance; probably the best thing about this system, though, is that it requires absolutely no chemicals whatsoever, meaning that the water used will be as clean, fresh, pure and soft as nature intended, allowing you to pass on chemical-free produce to your customers, with big savings for all. Commercial trials carried out in various parts of the world indicate that the use of AVS can help reduce water consumption in agriculture, reduce evaporation (plant transpiration), increase yields and also to help increase the shelf life of the produce. In Swimming pools, an AVS may also help reduce the amount of chlorine required. design by GANN
  • 23. Specifications AVS Specifications AVS 10 AVS 15 AVS 20 AVS 25 AVS 40 AVS 50 AVS 65 AVS 80 AVS 100 Connector Size 10mm 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" Use Garden/Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Dimensions 20mm x 220mm 47mm x 207mm 50mm x 230mm 60mm x 310mm 140mm x 370mm 155mm x 510mm 175mm x 700mm 180mm x 795mm 210mm x 995mm Weight 0.4kg 0.60kg 0.80kg 1.50kg 8.00kg 11.00kg 15.50kg 18.50kg 24.00kg European Safety Directive 2001/95/EC design by GANN
  • 24. Meet the Products Domestic SEM: For homes around the world, the problem of red rust caused by corroding pipes and limescale from hard water can be quite an issue. Both red rust and limescale affect the taste and texture of the water we use for drinking, bathing and cooking, which can lead to dry skin and even water that can’t be consumed straight from the tap without boiling it first. In most cases, expensive filters or chemical water treatments are required. Like the AVS system, the Domestic SEM is very easy to install in your home by simply attaching at the water source; it requires very little maintenance, and the whole process is chemical-free. What sets the Domestic SEM apart from the AVS is that it uses a specially developed Ceramic Ball Layer in addition to the Triple Spiral Chamber to activate the water. When these two work together, they create a centrifugal and centripetal force that can enable the hardness of the water to be reduced. The Domestic SEM makes the perfect solution for those living in hard water areas, as the water will, over time, become noticeably softer, cleaner, and fresher. design by GANN
  • 25. Meet the Products Commercial SEM: Places such as hospitals, hotels, and offices are in need of a constant supply of fresh water; whether for bathing, preparing food, or cleaning, the water must be able to meet certain safety standards according to regional and national health and safety laws. However, due to the fact that many of these buildings are quite old, the pipes may suffer from high levels of corrosion, or even limescale, if the water in that area is particularly hard. The cost of changing pipes every few years can be high and is also not the most practical thing to do when people rely on the fresh water every single day. The Commercial SEM offers a practical, affordable and safe solution to this growing problem without the use of expensive filters and chemical water treatments. The added ceramics that accompany the triple vortex water pipe work together to create a centrifugal and centripetal force that can cause a reduction in water hardness. The anti- corrosion effects of the SEM work to ensure that the pipes are strengthened, and convert harmful red rust into harmless black rust. The Commercial SEM may also be able to reduce limescale and its effects on the water. Commercial trials carried out in various parts of the world indicate that the use of SEM can help reduce water consumption in agriculture, reduce evaporation (plant transpiration), increase yields and also help to increase the shelf life of the produce. design by GANN
  • 26. SEM Specifications SEM 300 SEM 500 SEM 1000 SEM 2000 SEM 3000 SEM 5000 Connector Size 3/8" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" Use Undersink Domestic Domestic Commercial Commercial Commercial Dimensions 75mm x 270mm 75mm x 330mm 90mm x 425mm 140mm x 565mm 160mm x 700mm 165mm x 900mm Weight 2.50kg 3.50kg 5.50kg 13.00kg 20.00kg 35.00kg European Safety Directive 2001/95/EC Specifications design by GANN
  • 27. 1. Safe water must be free of pollutants, including heavy metals, pesticide residues, solvents, hormone and drug residues, chlorine, chloramine, fluoride and pathogens. The development of new chemical cocktails is further increasing the pollution load on our water supplies, often with unknown consequences. 2. WatershouldhaveanalkalinepHtoaidneutralizationofexcess body tissue acidity caused by diet, stress and environmental pollution due to the fact that alkaline water contains higher levels of oxygen. 3. Water should be micro-clustered, as water does not naturally exist as single molecules in isolation; it consists of groups of water molecules weakly bonded together. Typically most tap water is found to have clusters of upwards of 12 molecules; such large clusters are not particularly beneficial for the hydration of body cells, and lack vital energy. Ideally water should have 5 to 6 molecules in a cluster and a lower surface tension, giving rise to significantly increased electron activity and energized water. Most of our tap water is in this sense‘dead’and lacks vital energy. 4. Water should have a negative oxidation/reduction potential (ORP). Typical tap water has an ORP reading in the order of 250mV upwards which makes it an oxidant. Good healthy water should have a negative ORP typically in the order of -100 to -300mV, thus demonstrating beneficial anti- oxidant properties and helping to neutralize tissue damage caused by harmful free radicals. 5. Water should incorporate the use of Far Infrared Rays. Far infrared energy is extensively used in the Far East because of its therapeutic properties. Power of Water As the water passes through it ‘picks up’ this beneficial energy. Infrared mineral balls vibrate at a frequency similar to that of the human body. They are able to penetrate the body and activate cells which then reactivate as well as strengthen the micro-circulatory systems. They help to regulate blood flow and reactivate the vital energy in the body. 6. Water should have Negative ions to help improve the immune system and boost our energy levels. 7. Water should be Vortexed – Water passing through a vortex further activates the water molecules and results in rejuvenated life-enhancing water.
  • 28. Providing quality revitalised water to any population can have a dramatic impact on health, both in developed societies and developing countries. The following are some of the possible benefits: 1. Increased body hydration ensuring water drunk has the maximum beneficial effect. 2. Improved immunity by the elimination of toxic metabolic wastes and negating the adverse impacts of stress and environmental pollution. Also by creating a favourable and alkaline inner environment pathogenic organisms are more easily neutralised and have less adverse effects. 3. A longer lifespan and improved quality of life. “ In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence. “
  • 29. Overall, Saiseiko provide easy access to fresh, healthy water at a very low cost that ensures the biggest natural resource available to us on this planet is used to its full potential, and to enjoy the full benefits that water was always intended to offer us. Try these wonderful products for yourself and see the amazing results they bring to you and your family. Summary