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Cognitive studies meet education

Its meaning

Its reasons


What’s new

     Birth of a new field
Policy-making needs
science. (Alberts 2010)

        2002-             2000-
        2006              2005         2008   2011

      Birth of a new field

Mind, Brain, Education   USA:                Internationally:

                         Harvard             1999-2006 OECD-CERI:
2003 Conference at       Graduate School     Brain and Learning
the Accademia            of Education        Project (Della Chiesa)
Pontificia               (Gardner &
2006-2012 Annual         MBE Teachings in    Battro (Argentina),
Summer School,           Graduate            Koizumi (Japan),
Biannual Conference      Schools in the      Goswami (UK), Spitzer
                         USA,(Texas          (Germany), Léna
                         Austin, …)          (France), Dehaene
2007 MBE International                       (France), Wolf (USA),
Society and Journal      McDonnel            Geake (Australia),
                         Foundation          Strauss (Israel), …

     Birth of a new field

Educational         Educational         Neuroscience & Education USA
                    Neuroscience UK
Neuroscience                            Vanderbilt University
                    Cambridge           (McCandliss)
Trends in           University
                    Graduate School     Oregon Institute of
Neuroscience        (Goswami)
and education                           Neuroscience (Posner)
Journal (Spitzer)   Center for
                    Neuroscience –
                    Birbeck, IOE, UCL
                    (Bell, Thomas,
                    Butterworth, …)

  Birth of a new field
Neuroeducation UK   Neuroeducation   Neuroeducation USA
2000-2008 Seminar                    Dana Foundation Art
TLRP                EARLI Sig 22     & Brain Initiative/
                    (Biannual        Neuroeducation
2011 Royal          Conferences)
Institution                          Johns Hopkins
                                     University Graduate
Bristol (Howard-                     School (Hardiman)*
Jones), UCL         Neuroeducation
London (Frith,      Quebec:          NY University
Blakemore,                           (Brabeck)
Butterworth, …),    Neuroeducation
Cambridge           Quebec –
                    Conferences,     SfN – Neuroeducation
(Goswami), …        Journal          Summit (Carew)

    Birth of a new field

Science of Learning    New Learning       Learning
Centers Program NSF    Sciences           Sciences
                       Istitute for       ISLI
Life Center            learning and       International
(Bransford, Kuhl, …)   brain sciences,    Society of the
                       Washington         learning
                       (Kuhl, Meltzoff)   sciences

Biology        Cognitive           Education          Technology
Neuroscience   Cognitive           Educational        Computer
               psychology,         psychology         science
Cognitive      Information         Social sciences    Robotics
neuroscience   sciences
Genetics       Developmental       Learning and       Emerging
neuroscience   psychology          transfer studies   technologies
               Social              Instructional
               psychology,         design, wisdom
               anthropology        of practice

¤  (Fischer et al. 2007)

   ¤  Human beings are unique in their ability to learn through
       schooling and diverse kinds of cultural instruction.
   ¤  Education plays a key role in cultural transformations: it
       allows members of a society, the young in particular, to
       efficiently acquire an ever-evolving body of knowledge and
       skills that took thousands of years to invent.
   ¤  It is time for education, biology, and cognitive science to join
       together to create a new science and practice of learning
       and development. The remarkable new tools of biology and
       cognitive science open vast possibilities for this emerging

¤  (Meltzoff et al. 2009)

   ¤  Homo sapiens is also the only species that has developed
       formal ways to enhance learning: teachers, schools, and
   ¤  Neuroscientists are beginning to understand the brain
       mechanisms underlying learning and how shared brain
       systems for perception and action support social learning.
       Machine learning algorithms are being developed that
       allow robots and computers to learn autonomously. New
       insights from many different fields are converging to create a
       new science of learning that may transform educational

¤  Learning sciences is an interdisciplinary field that studies
    teaching and learning.

¤  Learning scientists study learning in a variety of settings,
    including not only the more formal learning of school
    classrooms but also the informal learning that takes place at
    home, on the job, and among peers. The goal of the
    learning sciences is to better understand the cognitive and
    social processes that result in the most effective learning,
    and to use this knowledge to redesign classrooms and other
    learning environments so that people learn more deeply
    and more effectively.

¤  The sciences of learning include cognitive science,
    educational psychology, computer science, anthropology,
    sociology, information sciences, neurosciences, education,
    design studies, instructional design, and other fields.

¤  (Sawyer 2008, p. xi)

¤  (Bransford et al 2000, p. 4)
   ¤  Research from cognitive psychology has increased understanding of the
       nature of competent performance and the principles of knowledge
       organization that underlie people's abilities to solve problems in a wide
       variety of areas
   ¤  Developmental researchers have shown that young children understand a
       great deal about basic principles of biology and physical causality, about
       number, narrative, and personal intent,
   ¤  Research on learning and transfer has uncovered important principles for
       structuring learning experiences that enable people to use what they have
       learned in new settings.
   ¤  Work in social psychology, cognitive psychology, and anthropology is
       making clear that all learning takes place in settings that have particular
       sets of cultural and social norms and expectations and that these settings
       influence learning and transfer in powerful ways.
   ¤  Neuroscience is beginning to provide evidence for many principles of
       learning that have emerged from laboratory research, and it is showing
       how learning changes the physical structure of the brain and, with it, the
       functional organization of the brain.
   ¤  Emerging technologies are leading to the development of many new
       opportunities to guide and enhance learning that were unimagined even
       a few years ago.


Knowledge       & Design         For better    Everywhere
Understanding   Design better    Learn more    Learning that
of cognitive    environments     deeply        takes place at
processes       for learning                   home
Understanding                    Learn more    At school
of social                        effectively
Underlying                                     On the job
                                               Among peers

¤  Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at
    changing existing situations into preferred ones. The
    intellectual activity that produces material artifacts is no
    different fundamentally from the one that prescribes
    remedies for a sick patient… The natural sciences are
    concerned with how things are …. Design, on the other
    hand, is concerned with how things ought to be, with
    devising artifacts to attain goals.

¤  (Simon 1988, p. 67)

1.  Learning as a

¤  (Bransford et al 2000)

   ¤  Learning is a basic, adaptive function of humans.
   ¤  More than any other species, people are designed to be
       flexible learners and active agents in acquiring knowledge
       and skills.
   ¤  Much of what people learn occurs without formal instruction,
       but highly systematic and organized information systems—
       reading, mathematics, the sciences, literature, and the
       history of a society—require formal training, usually in

Learning and
teaching as both
natural and cultural

Humans have
created a special
technology for
promoting learning
when learning does
not come naturally

¤  (Pinker 2002, p. 222)
   ¤  Education is neither writing on a blank slate nor allowing a child's
       nobility to flower. 
   ¤  Rather education is a technology that tries to make up for what the
       human mind is innately bad at. 
   ¤  Children don't have to go to school to learn to walk, talk, recognize
       objects, or remember the personalities of their friends even though
       these tasks are much harder than reading, adding, or remembering
       dates in history...
   ¤  Because much of the content of education is not cognitively
       natural, the process of mastering it may not always be easy or
       pleasant, notwithstanding the mantra that learning is fun... they are
       not necessarily motivated in their cognitive faculties to unnatural
       tasks like formal mathematics.

2. Societal
have occurred
that pose new
problems to

e.g. information

•  Preoccupation about
   international competition to

•  Crisis of ideologies

    •  From standards to
       “what works policies”
    •  and Evidence-Based
       Education approaches

¤  (US Department of Education 1983)
  ¤  sIf an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on
      America the mediocre educational performance that exists
      today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it
      stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We
      have even squandered the gains in student achievement
      made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we
      have dismantled essential support systems which helped
      make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been
      committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational

¤  (US Department of Education 2008)
  ¤  If we were “at risk” in 1983, we are at even greater risk now. 
      The rising demands of our global economy, together with
      demographic shifts, require that we educate more students
      to higher levels than ever before.  Yet, our education system
      is not keeping pace with these growing demands”… “The
      pace of change in the global economy poses an already
      enormous and growing challenge for educators.  As
      Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said, “You need to
      understand things in order to invent beyond them.

¤  (Sawyer 2006, p. 1-2)
  ¤  In the knowledge economy memorization of facts and
      procedures is not enough for success.
  ¤  Educated graduates need a deep conceptual
      understanding of complex concepts, and the ability to work
      with them creatively to generate new ideas, new products,
      and new knowledge.
  ¤  They need to be able to critically evaluate what they read,
      to be capable of express themselves clearly, … to learn
      integrated and usable knowledge, … to take responsibility
      for their continuing, lifelong learning.

3. Bounded rationality,
cognitive biases and the
fallacies of intuition

•  Confirmation

•  Probability

•  Causal bias

•  Correlation bias

•  Hindsight

•  …

of knowledge

¤  (Simon 1988, p. 116)
  ¤  We have new top-down research techniques that enable us
      to observe and model the step-by-step progress of thinking
      and learning with shorter and shorter steps, even on the
      scale of seconds and fractions of a second.
  ¤  We have new bottom-up research techniques, such as
      magnetic resonance imaging and single-cell recording, that
      enable us to study the localization of the neural processes
      that occur during thought and learning and to study the
      chemistry of neurons.
  ¤  With the help of these new tools, we are even beginning to
      forge links between bottom-up and top-down advances,
      gaining glimpses of the neurologic bases for human symbolic

¤  Just as the revolution in molecular biology changed the
    whole face of medicine by providing both new
    understanding of physiological processes and new means of
    intervention when the processes are out of kilter, so the
    revolution in the study of the mind, usually called the
    cognitive revolution, is allowing us to enter a new era of
    human learning and teaching.
¤  This era does not reject the practical knowledge that has
    built up over millennia but greatly improves and enriches it.
    Good teachers and good learners may be born, but they
    cannot reach their potential, or anything close to it, without
    a deep understanding of the learning processes and how to
    enhance them. We are becoming more and more able to
    provide that understanding.

Larger meaning

Cognitive studies meet education

Its meaning

Its reasons


What’s new

William James’ mild optimism
William James 1899: Talks
to teachers on psychology

Philosopher - pragmatism

Psychology – scientific vs

¤  Psychology ought certainly to give the teacher radical help. And
    yet I confess that, acquainted as I am with the height of some of
    your expectations, I feel a little anxious lest, at the end of these
    simple talks of mine, not a few of you may experience some
    disappointment at the net results. In other words, I am not sure
    that you may not be indulging fancies that are just a shade
¤  That would not be altogether astonishing, for we have been
    having something like a 'boom' in psychology in this country.
    Laboratories and professorships have been founded, and reviews
    established. The air has been full of rumors. The editors of
    educational journals and the arrangers of conventions have had
    to show themselves enterprising and on a level with the novelties
    of the day. Some of the professors have not been unwilling to co-
    operate, and I am not sure even that the publishers have been
    entirely inert. 'The new psychology' has thus become a term to
    conjure up portentous ideas withal; and you teachers, docile and
    receptive and aspiring as many of you are, have been plunged in
    an atmosphere of vague talk about our science, which to a great
    extent has been more mystifying than enlightening.
ECC 2012

¤  There is nothing but the old psychology, which began in
    Locke’s time, plus a little physiology of the brain and senses
    and the theory of evolution
¤  I say moreover that you make a great, a very great mistake, if
    you think that psychology, being the science of the mind's
    laws, is something from which you can deduce definite
    programs and schemes and methods of instruction for
    immediate schoolroom use. Psychology is a science, and
    teaching is an art; and sciences never generate arts directly
    out of themselves. An intermediary inventive mind must make
    the application, by using its originality.
ECC 2012

¤  … the use of psychological principles certainly narrows the
    path for experiments and trials. We know in advance, if we
    are psychologists, that certain methods will be wrong, so our
    psychology saves us from mistakes.
¤  It makes us, moreover, more clear as to what we are about.
    We gain confidence in respect to any method which we are
    using as soon as we believe that it has theory as well as
    practice at its back.
¤  it fructifies our independence, and it reanimates our interest,
    to see our subject at two different angles,—to get a
    stereoscopic view, … to be able, at the same time, to
    represent to ourselves the curious inner elements of his
    mental machine
ECC 2012

   Thorndike’s optimism
Edward Thorndike 1910: The
contribution of psychology to

The first to apply principles of
psychology to learning, and to

His theories have been very
influential in education in the

Laws of learning: readiness,
exercise, effect (positive)

¤  Psychology is the science that backs education, like agriculture
    depends on botany
¤  Just as the science and art of agriculture depend upon
    chemistry and botany, so the art of education depends upon
    physiology and psychology.
¤  The foundation upon which education builds is the equipment
    of instincts and capacity given by nature apart from training.
¤  Just as knowledge of the peculiar inheritance characteristic of
    any individual is necessary to efficient treatment of him, so
    knowledge of the unlearned tendencies of man as a species is
    necessary to efficient planning for education in general.

¤  Psychology contributes to a better understanding of the aims
    of education by defining them, making them clearer; by
    limiting them, showing us what can be done and what can
    not; and by suggesting new features that should be made
    parts of them.
¤  …in all cases psychology, by its methods of measuring
    knowledge and skill, may suggest means to test and verify or
    refute the claims of any method.
¤  Experts in education studying the responses to school
    situations for the sake of practical control will advance
    knowledge not only of the mind as a learner under school
    conditions but also of the mind for every point of view.

¤  I hope that it is obvious and needless, and that the relation
    between psychology and education is not, in the mind of any
    competent thinker, in any way an exception to the general
    case that action in the world should be guided by the truth
    about the world; and that any truth about it will directly or
    indirectly, soon or late, benefit action.

      Watson’s plan
J.B. Watson 1913:
Psychology as the
behaviorist views it

Full-fledged behaviorism is a
reaction to the use of introspection,
to the absence of controlled
experiments, and to the focus on
consciousness that characterized
psychology at the turn of the XX

¤  Behaviorism had the aim of making of psychology a science
    that can be applied
¤  If psychology would follow the plan I suggest, the educator, the
    physician, the jurist and the business man could utilize our data
    in a practical way, as soon as we are able, experimentally, to
    obtain them.
¤  Those who have occasion to apply psychological principles
    practically would find no need to complain as they do at the
    present time. Ask any physician or jurist today whether scientific
    psychology plays a practical part in his daily routine and you
    will hear him deny that the psychology of the laboratories finds
    a place in his scheme of work. I think the criticism is extremely
    just. One of the earliest conditions which made me dissatisfied
    with psychology was the feeling that there was no realm of
    application for the principles which were being worked out in
    content terms.

¤  The psychology which I should attempt to build up would take
    as a starting point, first, the observable fact that organisms,
    man and animal alike, do adjust themselves to their
    environment by means of hereditary and habit equipments.
    These adjustments may be very adequate or they may be so
    inadequate that the organism barely maintains its existence;
    secondly, that certain stimuli lead the organisms to make the
    responses. In a system of psychology completely worked out,
    given the response the stimuli can be predicted; given the
    stimuli the response can be predicted.
¤  In experimental pedagogy especially one can see the
    desirability of keeping all of the results on a purely objective
    plane. If this is done, work there on the human being will be
    comparable directly with the work upon animals. … We need
    to have similar experiments made upon man…

       Skinner’s teaching machines
J.B. Watson 1913:
Psychology as the
behaviorist views it

Centrality of learning in radical

Theory of operant conditioning,

Behaviorism allows to control learning,
not just describing it

¤  The learning process is now much better understood.
¤  Much of what we know has come from studying the behavior of
    lower organisms, but the results hold surprisingly well for human
¤  The emphasis in this research has not been on proving or
    disproving theories but on discovering and controlling the
    variables of which learning is a function. This practical
    orientation has paid off, for a surprising degree of control has
    been achieved.

¤  By arranging appropriate “contingencies of reinforcement,”
    specific forms of behavior can be set up and brought under the
    control of specific classes of stimuli.
¤  The resulting behavior can be maintained in strength for long
    periods of time. A technology based on this work has already
    been put to use in neurology, pharmacology, nutrition,
    psychophysics, psychiatry, and elsewhere. The analysis is also
    relevant to education. A student can be “taught” in the sense
    that he is induced to engage in new forms of behavior and in
    specific forms upon specific occasions.

Behaviorist’s assumptions & limits

¤  implicit assumption:
  ¤  nothing interesting is going on “inside” (mind is like a blank
  ¤  in theory, and as a matter of exaggeration, virtually anything
      can be taught

  ¤  As a matter of fact even radical behaviorism recognizes that
      the animal is not a blank slate: only behaviors that are
      possible, that are spontaneously realized by the animal can
      be reinforced. Skinner considers that anything the child is
      ready to learn given her development stage can be taught,
      not anything in general.

¤  (Bruer 1993 p. 3)
   ¤  In the mid 1950s, behaviorism was the prevailing orthodoxy in
       American psychological science.
   ¤  In education, behaviorist learning theory emphasized
       arranging the student’s environment so that stimuli occurred in
       a way that would instill the desired stimulus‐response chains.
       Teachers would present lessons in small, manageable pieces
       (stimuli), ask students to give answers (responses), and then
       dispense reinforcement (preferably positive rather than
       negative) until their students became conditioned to give the
       right answers.

¤  (Bransford et al. 2000 p. 6‐8)
   ¤  A limitation of early behaviorism stemmed from its focus on
       observable stimulus conditions and the behaviors associated
       with those conditions. This orientation made it difficult to study
       such phenomena as understanding, reasoning, and thinking—
       phenomena that are of paramount importance for

   The cognitive revolution
1956 Cambridge MIT

        Miller: The magic number 7

        Chomsky: A review of B.F.
        Skinner Verbal Behavior

        Bruner: A study of thinking

1958 Herbert, Shaw, Simon: Elements of
a theory of human problem solving

1960 Harvard Center for Cognitive
Studies (Bruner & Miller)

¤  Noam Chomsky: A review of BF Skinner Verbal Language

  ¤  One would naturally expect that prediction of the behavior of a
      complex organism (or machine) would require, in addition to
      information about external stimulation, knowledge of the internal
      structure of the organism, the ways in which it processes input
      information and organizes its own behavior.

  ¤  … Every time an adult reads a newspaper, he undoubtedly comes
      upon countless new sentences which are not at all similar, in a
      simple, physical sense, to any that he has heard before, and
      which he will recognize as sentences and understand; he will also
      be able to detect slight distortions or misprints.
  ¤  Talk of "stimulus generalization" in such a case simply perpetuates
      the mystery under a new title.
  ¤  These abilities indicate that there must be fundamental processes
      at work quite independently of "feedback" from the environment.

¤  Insofar as independent neurophysiological evidence is
    not available, it is obvious that inferences concerning the
    structure of the organism are based on observation of
    behavior and outside events.

¤  The differences that arise between those who affirm and
    those who deny the importance of the specific
    "contribution of the organism" to learning and
    performance concern the particular character and
    complexity of this function, and the kinds of observations
    and research necessary for arriving at a precise
    specification of it.

¤  If the contribution of the organism is complex, the only
    hope of predicting behavior even in a gross way will be
    through a very indirect program of research that begins
    by studying the detailed character of the behavior itself
    and the particular capacities of the organism involved.

¤  (Simon 2000 p. 115)

  ¤  Exciting research in cognition today combines computer
      modeling with neuropsychological studies of the functioning of
      the brain and with the experimental study of human learning
      and problem solving.
  ¤  This research is helping to test and improve detailed theories of
      the human symbolic processes used in learning and thinking
      and to build theories of how skills and knowledge can be taught
      effectively and efficiently.

The cognitive revolution

•  inherits the interest for learning
   manifested by behaviorism,

•  broadens the view (innate capacities,
   a larger number of learning processes)

•  states the necessity of developing new
   methods for peeping into the black box

•  Looks at constructivism

Lev Vygotsky

•  Role of social interaction in
   cognitive development

•  Zone of proximal development

•  Link between development of
   language and thinking

Jean Piaget

•  Children are like scientists

•  Children explain the world on the basis of
   their innate structures

•  Equilibration between cognitive structures
   and environment: Accomodation and
   assimilation mechanisms

•  Stages of development: Qualitatively
   different ways of making sense of the

Jerome Bruner 1960: The
process of education

1959 Woods Hole
Conference (NSF) – reform
of science and
mathematics curriculum

    Situated cognition and the Learning
Very soon after the cognitive
revolution, many cognitivists became
dissatisfied with the computational,
representational view of cognition put
forward by the classical cognitive

Dissatisfaction concerned the vision of
learning, as well

The first conference of the Learning
Sciences Institute, 1987 (stems from the
Artificial Intelligence and education
previous series of conferences)

Related visions of cognition:

•  Embodied Situated Cognition
   (Brooks 1991)

•  Distributed cognition (Hutchins

•  …Criticism towards GOFAI,
   computationalism ….

¤  (Anderson Reder Simon 1996)
  ¤  Situated learning … emphasizes the idea that much of what
      is learned is specific to the situation in which it is learned.
      learning takes places in concrete situations and it is there
      that must be studied

¤  Artificial intelligence research has foundered on the issue of
    representation. When intelligence is approached in an
    incremental manner, with strict reliance on interfacing to the
    real world through perception and action, reliance on
    representation disappears. In this paper we outline our
    approach to incrementally building complete intelligent
    Creatures. The fundamental decomposition of the intelligent
    system is not into independent information processing units
    which must interface with each other via representations.
    Instead, the intelligent system is decomposed into
    independent and parallel activity producers which all
    interface directly to the world through perception and action,
    rather than interface to each other particularly much. The
    notions of central and peripheral systems evaporate
    everything is both central and peripheral. Based on these
    principles we have built a very successful series of mobile
    robots which operate without supervision as Creatures in
    standard office environments. (Brooks 1991)

¤  (Hutchins 1995)

   ¤  I will attempt to show that the classical cognitive science
       approach can be applied with little modification to a unit of
       analysis that is larger than an individual person.
   ¤  One can still ask the same questions of a larger socio-technical
       system that one would ask of the individual. That is, we wish to
       characterize the behavioral properties of the unit of analysis in
       terms of the structure and processing of representations that are
       internal to the system. With the new unit of analysis, many of the
       representations can be observed directly, so in some respects, this
       may be a much easier task than trying to determine the
       processes internal to the individual that account for the
       individual's behavior.
   ¤  Posing these questions in this way reveals how systems that are
       larger than an individual may have cognitive properties in their
       own right that cannot be reduced to the cognitive properties of
       individual persons (Hutchins, 1995). Many of the outcomes that
       concern us on a daily basis are produced by cognitive systems of
       this sort.

Learning and the brain
1990 Decade of the brain

1994 Cognitive neuroscience

1990s Brain-based education

End 1990s Neuroeducation/Mind,
Brain and Education

Pseudo-science and soft science

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Ecc2013 1

  • 1. ECC2012-13 Cognitive studies meet education A NEW FIELD OF APPLIED RESEARCH TO EDUCATION AND ITS PERIMETER Its meaning Its reasons A BIT OF HISTORY What’s new
  • 2. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Birth of a new field Policy-making needs science. (Alberts 2010) 2009- 2010 2002- 2000- 2006 2005 2008 2011
  • 3. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Birth of a new field Mind, Brain, Education USA: Internationally: Harvard 1999-2006 OECD-CERI: 2003 Conference at Graduate School Brain and Learning the Accademia of Education Project (Della Chiesa) Pontificia (Gardner & Fischer) 2006-2012 Annual MBE Teachings in Battro (Argentina), Summer School, Graduate Koizumi (Japan), Biannual Conference Schools in the Goswami (UK), Spitzer USA,(Texas (Germany), Léna Austin, …) (France), Dehaene 2007 MBE International (France), Wolf (USA), Society and Journal McDonnel Geake (Australia), Foundation Strauss (Israel), … (Bruer)
  • 4. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Birth of a new field Educational Educational Neuroscience & Education USA Neuroscience UK Neuroscience Vanderbilt University Cambridge (McCandliss) Trends in University Graduate School Oregon Institute of Neuroscience (Goswami) and education Neuroscience (Posner) Journal (Spitzer) Center for Educational Neuroscience – Birbeck, IOE, UCL (Bell, Thomas, Butterworth, …)
  • 5. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Birth of a new field Neuroeducation UK Neuroeducation Neuroeducation USA Europe: 2000-2008 Seminar Dana Foundation Art TLRP EARLI Sig 22 & Brain Initiative/ Neuroeducation (Biannual Neuroeducation 2011 Royal Conferences) Institution Johns Hopkins University Graduate Bristol (Howard- School (Hardiman)* Jones), UCL Neuroeducation London (Frith, Quebec: NY University Blakemore, (Brabeck) Butterworth, …), Neuroeducation Cambridge Quebec – Conferences, SfN – Neuroeducation (Goswami), … Journal Summit (Carew)
  • 6. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Birth of a new field Science of Learning New Learning Learning Centers Program NSF Sciences Sciences USA Istitute for ISLI Life Center learning and International (Bransford, Kuhl, …) brain sciences, Society of the Washington learning (Kuhl, Meltzoff) sciences (Sawyer) …
  • 7. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Perimeter Biology Cognitive Education Technology science Neuroscience Cognitive Educational Computer psychology, psychology science evolutionary psychology Cognitive Information Social sciences Robotics neuroscience sciences Genetics Developmental Learning and Emerging neuroscience psychology transfer studies technologies Social Instructional psychology, design, wisdom anthropology of practice
  • 8. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (Fischer et al. 2007) ¤  Human beings are unique in their ability to learn through schooling and diverse kinds of cultural instruction. ¤  Education plays a key role in cultural transformations: it allows members of a society, the young in particular, to efficiently acquire an ever-evolving body of knowledge and skills that took thousands of years to invent. ¤  It is time for education, biology, and cognitive science to join together to create a new science and practice of learning and development. The remarkable new tools of biology and cognitive science open vast possibilities for this emerging field.
  • 9. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (Meltzoff et al. 2009) ¤  Homo sapiens is also the only species that has developed formal ways to enhance learning: teachers, schools, and curricula. ¤  Neuroscientists are beginning to understand the brain mechanisms underlying learning and how shared brain systems for perception and action support social learning. Machine learning algorithms are being developed that allow robots and computers to learn autonomously. New insights from many different fields are converging to create a new science of learning that may transform educational practices.
  • 10. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  Learning sciences is an interdisciplinary field that studies teaching and learning. ¤  Learning scientists study learning in a variety of settings, including not only the more formal learning of school classrooms but also the informal learning that takes place at home, on the job, and among peers. The goal of the learning sciences is to better understand the cognitive and social processes that result in the most effective learning, and to use this knowledge to redesign classrooms and other learning environments so that people learn more deeply and more effectively. ¤  The sciences of learning include cognitive science, educational psychology, computer science, anthropology, sociology, information sciences, neurosciences, education, design studies, instructional design, and other fields. ¤  (Sawyer 2008, p. xi)
  • 11. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (Bransford et al 2000, p. 4) ¤  Research from cognitive psychology has increased understanding of the nature of competent performance and the principles of knowledge organization that underlie people's abilities to solve problems in a wide variety of areas ¤  Developmental researchers have shown that young children understand a great deal about basic principles of biology and physical causality, about number, narrative, and personal intent, ¤  Research on learning and transfer has uncovered important principles for structuring learning experiences that enable people to use what they have learned in new settings. ¤  Work in social psychology, cognitive psychology, and anthropology is making clear that all learning takes place in settings that have particular sets of cultural and social norms and expectations and that these settings influence learning and transfer in powerful ways. ¤  Neuroscience is beginning to provide evidence for many principles of learning that have emerged from laboratory research, and it is showing how learning changes the physical structure of the brain and, with it, the functional organization of the brain. ¤  Emerging technologies are leading to the development of many new opportunities to guide and enhance learning that were unimagined even a few years ago.
  • 12. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Perimeter Knowledge & Design For better Everywhere learning Understanding Design better Learn more Learning that of cognitive environments deeply takes place at processes for learning home Understanding Learn more At school of social effectively processes Underlying On the job learning Among peers
  • 13. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones. The intellectual activity that produces material artifacts is no different fundamentally from the one that prescribes remedies for a sick patient… The natural sciences are concerned with how things are …. Design, on the other hand, is concerned with how things ought to be, with devising artifacts to attain goals. ¤  (Simon 1988, p. 67)
  • 14. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Reasons 1.  Learning as a natural, pervasive cognitive function.
  • 15. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (Bransford et al 2000) ¤  Learning is a basic, adaptive function of humans. ¤  More than any other species, people are designed to be flexible learners and active agents in acquiring knowledge and skills. ¤  Much of what people learn occurs without formal instruction, but highly systematic and organized information systems— reading, mathematics, the sciences, literature, and the history of a society—require formal training, usually in schools.
  • 16. ECC2012-13 Reasons Learning and teaching as both natural and cultural Humans have created a special technology for promoting learning when learning does not come naturally
  • 17. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (Pinker 2002, p. 222) ¤  Education is neither writing on a blank slate nor allowing a child's nobility to flower.  ¤  Rather education is a technology that tries to make up for what the human mind is innately bad at.  ¤  Children don't have to go to school to learn to walk, talk, recognize objects, or remember the personalities of their friends even though these tasks are much harder than reading, adding, or remembering dates in history... ¤  Because much of the content of education is not cognitively natural, the process of mastering it may not always be easy or pleasant, notwithstanding the mantra that learning is fun... they are not necessarily motivated in their cognitive faculties to unnatural tasks like formal mathematics.
  • 18. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Reasons 2. Societal transformations have occurred that pose new problems to education e.g. information revolution
  • 19. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Reasons •  Preoccupation about international competition to standards •  Crisis of ideologies •  From standards to “what works policies” •  and Evidence-Based Education approaches
  • 20. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (US Department of Education 1983) ¤  sIf an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we have dismantled essential support systems which helped make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament.
  • 21. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 ¤  (US Department of Education 2008) ¤  If we were “at risk” in 1983, we are at even greater risk now.  The rising demands of our global economy, together with demographic shifts, require that we educate more students to higher levels than ever before.  Yet, our education system is not keeping pace with these growing demands”… “The pace of change in the global economy poses an already enormous and growing challenge for educators.  As Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said, “You need to understand things in order to invent beyond them.
  • 22. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Sawyer 2006, p. 1-2) ¤  In the knowledge economy memorization of facts and procedures is not enough for success. ¤  Educated graduates need a deep conceptual understanding of complex concepts, and the ability to work with them creatively to generate new ideas, new products, and new knowledge. ¤  They need to be able to critically evaluate what they read, to be capable of express themselves clearly, … to learn integrated and usable knowledge, … to take responsibility for their continuing, lifelong learning.
  • 23. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Reasons 3. Bounded rationality, cognitive biases and the fallacies of intuition
  • 24. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Reasons •  Confirmation bias •  Probability biases •  Causal bias •  Correlation bias •  Hindsight •  …
  • 26. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Simon 1988, p. 116) ¤  We have new top-down research techniques that enable us to observe and model the step-by-step progress of thinking and learning with shorter and shorter steps, even on the scale of seconds and fractions of a second. ¤  We have new bottom-up research techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging and single-cell recording, that enable us to study the localization of the neural processes that occur during thought and learning and to study the chemistry of neurons. ¤  With the help of these new tools, we are even beginning to forge links between bottom-up and top-down advances, gaining glimpses of the neurologic bases for human symbolic processes.
  • 27. ECC2012-13 ¤  Just as the revolution in molecular biology changed the whole face of medicine by providing both new understanding of physiological processes and new means of intervention when the processes are out of kilter, so the revolution in the study of the mind, usually called the cognitive revolution, is allowing us to enter a new era of human learning and teaching. ¤  This era does not reject the practical knowledge that has built up over millennia but greatly improves and enriches it. Good teachers and good learners may be born, but they cannot reach their potential, or anything close to it, without a deep understanding of the learning processes and how to enhance them. We are becoming more and more able to provide that understanding.
  • 28. ECC2012-13 ECC2012 Larger meaning
  • 29. ECC2012-13 Cognitive studies meet education A NEW FIELD OF APPLIED RESEARCH TO EDUCATION AND ITS PERIMETER Its meaning Its reasons A BIT OF HISTORY What’s new
  • 30. ECC2012-13 William James’ mild optimism William James 1899: Talks to teachers on psychology Philosopher - pragmatism Psychology – scientific vs introspection
  • 31. ECC2012-13 ¤  Psychology ought certainly to give the teacher radical help. And yet I confess that, acquainted as I am with the height of some of your expectations, I feel a little anxious lest, at the end of these simple talks of mine, not a few of you may experience some disappointment at the net results. In other words, I am not sure that you may not be indulging fancies that are just a shade exaggerated. ¤  That would not be altogether astonishing, for we have been having something like a 'boom' in psychology in this country. Laboratories and professorships have been founded, and reviews established. The air has been full of rumors. The editors of educational journals and the arrangers of conventions have had to show themselves enterprising and on a level with the novelties of the day. Some of the professors have not been unwilling to co- operate, and I am not sure even that the publishers have been entirely inert. 'The new psychology' has thus become a term to conjure up portentous ideas withal; and you teachers, docile and receptive and aspiring as many of you are, have been plunged in an atmosphere of vague talk about our science, which to a great extent has been more mystifying than enlightening.
  • 32. ECC 2012 ¤  There is nothing but the old psychology, which began in Locke’s time, plus a little physiology of the brain and senses and the theory of evolution ¤  I say moreover that you make a great, a very great mistake, if you think that psychology, being the science of the mind's laws, is something from which you can deduce definite programs and schemes and methods of instruction for immediate schoolroom use. Psychology is a science, and teaching is an art; and sciences never generate arts directly out of themselves. An intermediary inventive mind must make the application, by using its originality.
  • 33. ECC 2012 ¤  … the use of psychological principles certainly narrows the path for experiments and trials. We know in advance, if we are psychologists, that certain methods will be wrong, so our psychology saves us from mistakes. ¤  It makes us, moreover, more clear as to what we are about. We gain confidence in respect to any method which we are using as soon as we believe that it has theory as well as practice at its back. ¤  it fructifies our independence, and it reanimates our interest, to see our subject at two different angles,—to get a stereoscopic view, … to be able, at the same time, to represent to ourselves the curious inner elements of his mental machine
  • 34. ECC 2012 Thorndike’s optimism Edward Thorndike 1910: The contribution of psychology to education The first to apply principles of psychology to learning, and to education. His theories have been very influential in education in the USA Laws of learning: readiness, exercise, effect (positive)
  • 35. ECC2012-13 ¤  Psychology is the science that backs education, like agriculture depends on botany ¤  Just as the science and art of agriculture depend upon chemistry and botany, so the art of education depends upon physiology and psychology. ¤  The foundation upon which education builds is the equipment of instincts and capacity given by nature apart from training. ¤  Just as knowledge of the peculiar inheritance characteristic of any individual is necessary to efficient treatment of him, so knowledge of the unlearned tendencies of man as a species is necessary to efficient planning for education in general.
  • 36. ECC2012-13 ¤  Psychology contributes to a better understanding of the aims of education by defining them, making them clearer; by limiting them, showing us what can be done and what can not; and by suggesting new features that should be made parts of them. ¤  …in all cases psychology, by its methods of measuring knowledge and skill, may suggest means to test and verify or refute the claims of any method. ¤  Experts in education studying the responses to school situations for the sake of practical control will advance knowledge not only of the mind as a learner under school conditions but also of the mind for every point of view.
  • 37. ECC2012-13 ¤  I hope that it is obvious and needless, and that the relation between psychology and education is not, in the mind of any competent thinker, in any way an exception to the general case that action in the world should be guided by the truth about the world; and that any truth about it will directly or indirectly, soon or late, benefit action.
  • 38. ECC2012-13 Watson’s plan J.B. Watson 1913: Psychology as the behaviorist views it Full-fledged behaviorism is a reaction to the use of introspection, to the absence of controlled experiments, and to the focus on consciousness that characterized psychology at the turn of the XX century
  • 39. ECC2012-13 ¤  Behaviorism had the aim of making of psychology a science that can be applied ¤  If psychology would follow the plan I suggest, the educator, the physician, the jurist and the business man could utilize our data in a practical way, as soon as we are able, experimentally, to obtain them. ¤  Those who have occasion to apply psychological principles practically would find no need to complain as they do at the present time. Ask any physician or jurist today whether scientific psychology plays a practical part in his daily routine and you will hear him deny that the psychology of the laboratories finds a place in his scheme of work. I think the criticism is extremely just. One of the earliest conditions which made me dissatisfied with psychology was the feeling that there was no realm of application for the principles which were being worked out in content terms.
  • 40. ECC2012-13 ¤  The psychology which I should attempt to build up would take as a starting point, first, the observable fact that organisms, man and animal alike, do adjust themselves to their environment by means of hereditary and habit equipments. These adjustments may be very adequate or they may be so inadequate that the organism barely maintains its existence; secondly, that certain stimuli lead the organisms to make the responses. In a system of psychology completely worked out, given the response the stimuli can be predicted; given the stimuli the response can be predicted. ¤  In experimental pedagogy especially one can see the desirability of keeping all of the results on a purely objective plane. If this is done, work there on the human being will be comparable directly with the work upon animals. … We need to have similar experiments made upon man…
  • 41. ECC2012-13 Skinner’s teaching machines J.B. Watson 1913: Psychology as the behaviorist views it Centrality of learning in radical behaviorism Theory of operant conditioning, Reinforcement Behaviorism allows to control learning, not just describing it
  • 42. ECC2012-13 ¤  The learning process is now much better understood. ¤  Much of what we know has come from studying the behavior of lower organisms, but the results hold surprisingly well for human subjects. ¤  The emphasis in this research has not been on proving or disproving theories but on discovering and controlling the variables of which learning is a function. This practical orientation has paid off, for a surprising degree of control has been achieved.
  • 44. ECC2012-13 ¤  By arranging appropriate “contingencies of reinforcement,” specific forms of behavior can be set up and brought under the control of specific classes of stimuli. ¤  The resulting behavior can be maintained in strength for long periods of time. A technology based on this work has already been put to use in neurology, pharmacology, nutrition, psychophysics, psychiatry, and elsewhere. The analysis is also relevant to education. A student can be “taught” in the sense that he is induced to engage in new forms of behavior and in specific forms upon specific occasions.
  • 46. ECC2012-13 Behaviorist’s assumptions & limits ¤  implicit assumption: ¤  nothing interesting is going on “inside” (mind is like a blank slate) ¤  in theory, and as a matter of exaggeration, virtually anything can be taught ¤  As a matter of fact even radical behaviorism recognizes that the animal is not a blank slate: only behaviors that are possible, that are spontaneously realized by the animal can be reinforced. Skinner considers that anything the child is ready to learn given her development stage can be taught, not anything in general.
  • 47. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Bruer 1993 p. 3) ¤  In the mid 1950s, behaviorism was the prevailing orthodoxy in American psychological science. ¤  In education, behaviorist learning theory emphasized arranging the student’s environment so that stimuli occurred in a way that would instill the desired stimulus‐response chains. Teachers would present lessons in small, manageable pieces (stimuli), ask students to give answers (responses), and then dispense reinforcement (preferably positive rather than negative) until their students became conditioned to give the right answers. ¤  (Bransford et al. 2000 p. 6‐8) ¤  A limitation of early behaviorism stemmed from its focus on observable stimulus conditions and the behaviors associated with those conditions. This orientation made it difficult to study such phenomena as understanding, reasoning, and thinking— phenomena that are of paramount importance for education...
  • 48. ECC2012-13 The cognitive revolution 1956 Cambridge MIT Miller: The magic number 7 Chomsky: A review of B.F. Skinner Verbal Behavior Bruner: A study of thinking 1958 Herbert, Shaw, Simon: Elements of a theory of human problem solving 1960 Harvard Center for Cognitive Studies (Bruner & Miller)
  • 49. ECC2012-13 ¤  Noam Chomsky: A review of BF Skinner Verbal Language ¤  One would naturally expect that prediction of the behavior of a complex organism (or machine) would require, in addition to information about external stimulation, knowledge of the internal structure of the organism, the ways in which it processes input information and organizes its own behavior. ¤  … Every time an adult reads a newspaper, he undoubtedly comes upon countless new sentences which are not at all similar, in a simple, physical sense, to any that he has heard before, and which he will recognize as sentences and understand; he will also be able to detect slight distortions or misprints. ¤  Talk of "stimulus generalization" in such a case simply perpetuates the mystery under a new title. ¤  These abilities indicate that there must be fundamental processes at work quite independently of "feedback" from the environment.
  • 50. ECC2012-13 ¤  Insofar as independent neurophysiological evidence is not available, it is obvious that inferences concerning the structure of the organism are based on observation of behavior and outside events. ¤  The differences that arise between those who affirm and those who deny the importance of the specific "contribution of the organism" to learning and performance concern the particular character and complexity of this function, and the kinds of observations and research necessary for arriving at a precise specification of it. ¤  If the contribution of the organism is complex, the only hope of predicting behavior even in a gross way will be through a very indirect program of research that begins by studying the detailed character of the behavior itself and the particular capacities of the organism involved.
  • 51. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Simon 2000 p. 115) ¤  Exciting research in cognition today combines computer modeling with neuropsychological studies of the functioning of the brain and with the experimental study of human learning and problem solving. ¤  This research is helping to test and improve detailed theories of the human symbolic processes used in learning and thinking and to build theories of how skills and knowledge can be taught effectively and efficiently.
  • 52. ECC2012-13 Constructivism The cognitive revolution •  inherits the interest for learning manifested by behaviorism, •  broadens the view (innate capacities, a larger number of learning processes) •  states the necessity of developing new methods for peeping into the black box •  Looks at constructivism
  • 53. ECC2012-13 Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky •  Role of social interaction in cognitive development •  Zone of proximal development •  Link between development of language and thinking
  • 54. ECC2012-13 Piaget Jean Piaget •  Children are like scientists •  Children explain the world on the basis of their innate structures •  Equilibration between cognitive structures and environment: Accomodation and assimilation mechanisms •  Stages of development: Qualitatively different ways of making sense of the world
  • 55. ECC2012-13 Bruner Jerome Bruner 1960: The process of education 1959 Woods Hole Conference (NSF) – reform of science and mathematics curriculum
  • 56. ECC2012-13 Situated cognition and the Learning Sciences Very soon after the cognitive revolution, many cognitivists became dissatisfied with the computational, representational view of cognition put forward by the classical cognitive sciences. Dissatisfaction concerned the vision of learning, as well The first conference of the Learning Sciences Institute, 1987 (stems from the Artificial Intelligence and education previous series of conferences)
  • 57. ECC2012-13 Related visions of cognition: •  Embodied Situated Cognition (Brooks 1991) •  Distributed cognition (Hutchins 1995) •  …Criticism towards GOFAI, representationalism, computationalism ….
  • 58. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Anderson Reder Simon 1996) ¤  Situated learning … emphasizes the idea that much of what is learned is specific to the situation in which it is learned. learning takes places in concrete situations and it is there that must be studied
  • 59. ECC2012-13 ¤  Artificial intelligence research has foundered on the issue of representation. When intelligence is approached in an incremental manner, with strict reliance on interfacing to the real world through perception and action, reliance on representation disappears. In this paper we outline our approach to incrementally building complete intelligent Creatures. The fundamental decomposition of the intelligent system is not into independent information processing units which must interface with each other via representations. Instead, the intelligent system is decomposed into independent and parallel activity producers which all interface directly to the world through perception and action, rather than interface to each other particularly much. The notions of central and peripheral systems evaporate everything is both central and peripheral. Based on these principles we have built a very successful series of mobile robots which operate without supervision as Creatures in standard office environments. (Brooks 1991)
  • 60. ECC2012-13 ¤  (Hutchins 1995) ¤  I will attempt to show that the classical cognitive science approach can be applied with little modification to a unit of analysis that is larger than an individual person. ¤  One can still ask the same questions of a larger socio-technical system that one would ask of the individual. That is, we wish to characterize the behavioral properties of the unit of analysis in terms of the structure and processing of representations that are internal to the system. With the new unit of analysis, many of the representations can be observed directly, so in some respects, this may be a much easier task than trying to determine the processes internal to the individual that account for the individual's behavior. ¤  Posing these questions in this way reveals how systems that are larger than an individual may have cognitive properties in their own right that cannot be reduced to the cognitive properties of individual persons (Hutchins, 1995). Many of the outcomes that concern us on a daily basis are produced by cognitive systems of this sort.
  • 61. ECC2012-13 Learning and the brain 1990 Decade of the brain 1994 Cognitive neuroscience society 1990s Brain-based education End 1990s Neuroeducation/Mind, Brain and Education