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Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
A Economia do Valor Partilhado
novos modelos de negócio e novas oportunidades
para o 3º sector em Portugal
Filipe Moreira Alves
Lisbon, Portugal
23rd October 1984
Scorpio & Taurus
- Degree in Economics (ISCTE-IUL and Ekonomska Fakulteta, 4 years)
- Masters in Economic and Public Policies (ISCTE,2 years)
- PhD in Sustainable Development Policies and Climate Change (FFCUL, PUC)
- Researcher in CCIAM/FCUL since 2012 (BASE; CLimaAdaPT and SIRCLE)
Social Entrepreneurship:
- Founding member and President of Biovilla – Sustainability Co-op (6 years)
- Founding member and Treasurer at Coopérnico – renewable energy co-op (2y)
- Founding member and Treasurer of Conexão Lusófona (6 years)
- Founding member and President of ECOLUTION (8 years)
- Member of the board of the Portuguese network of Social Entrepreneurship (ESLIDER) since 2013
- Official EU Trainer on Youth Policies and Youth Engagement for 4 years
- Invited lecturer in ISG, FFCUL and ISEG
- Trainer in Permaculture and Sustainability since 2009
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
1. Novos paradigmas económicos: economia colaborativa e
economia de partilha
2. Novos modelos de negócios para organizações do 3º setor
3. Financiamento colaborativo, títulos de investimento comunitário e
fundos de impacto social
4. Metodologia ABCD (Asset-based Community Development)
O que é a Economia?
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
“Economics is a science that studies human behaviour
resulting from the relationship between unlimited needs and
scarce resources, which can be used in multiple ways”.
Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984)
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Scarcity (dictionary) :
- Insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth
- Rarity; infrequency
- Insufficient to satisfy the need or demand; not abundant
Lynne Twist (The Soul of Money) on the Scarcity Paradigm:
1) There isn’t enough
2) More is better
3) That’s just the way it it
“The scarcity mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a difficult time
sharing recognition, power or profit – even those who help in prduction. They also have a very hard time being
genuinely happy for the success of other people.”
Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Abundance (dictionary) :
- And extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply;
- Overflowing fullness
- Affluence, wealth
- The number of atoms of one isotope of an element divided by the total number of atoms in
a mixture of the isotopes
Abundatia as the divine personification of plenty and prosperity..
of ‘virtue in action’!
Is it what we really want?
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
(King Bhumibol’s Philosophy)
“It is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as the overridding principle for appropriate
conduct and a way of life by the populace at all levels. Sufficiency means moderation and due
consideration in all modes of conduct together with the need for sufficient resilience from
internal and external shocks. (..)
At the same time, it is essential to strenghten the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone,
particularly public official, academics or theoreticians, businessmen and financiers, will
adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity.”
Ways of Learning Sufficiency Economy (1999)
“Economics is a science that studies human behaviour
resulting from the relationship between unlimited needs and
scarce resources, which can be used in multiple ways”.
Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984)
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Ciência com
um método
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
• Fenómenos
• Gestão • Dinheiro
• Decisões
In “O que é a Economia?”
João César das Neves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Political economy
Public economy
Financial Economy
Economics of Happiness
Family economics
Law economics
Macro Mezzo Micro Monetary
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Normative Economics and Positive Economics
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Kate Raworth
Donut Economy
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module I
Filipe Moreira Alves
Rockstrom, J et al. (2009), Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the
Safe Operating Space for Humanity, Ecology and Society, Vol. 14
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
A Economia encontra-se no
cruzamento entre a ecologia
e a sociedade observando,
analisando e modelando os
fluxos e as interacções de
energia entre os sistemas
humanos e naturais de forma
a desenvolver relações de
prosperidade mútua.
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Value and
The Pilars of an Economic System
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
‘The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and
found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of
civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many
horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling
up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of
listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of
the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody’.
Jean-Jaques Rosseau, Discourse on Inequality (1854)
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Public Private
Who controls the means of production?
(K, Kh, Kn, etc)
How are they managed?
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
C1: Freedom
C2: Freedom
C3: Freedom
C4: Freedom
C5: Central control
C6: Central Control
C7: Central control
C8: Central Control
Public ‘Small is Beautiful’, (1971) E.F. Schumacher
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Value and
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
 Genuine Progress Indicator (EUA, Internalização)
 Genuine Wealth Assessment (Dr. Mark Anielski)
 Green Gross Domestic Product (Rio1992)
 Living Planet Index (WWF)
 Happy Planet Index (nef)
 Human Development Index (Amartya Sem ’90)
 Global Peace Index
 Gross Domestic Happines Index (Bhutan)
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Externalities and true accounting – who’s paying the real price?
Market price for 250 gr of argentina bief: 5-8 €
Real price?
CO2 emissions: + 0,72 € - 1,53 €
Obesity-related costs: 1,40 €
Other externalities: 0,72 €
“Meat consumption costs the world $140 billion plus per year, totaling between $4 trillion and $15 trillion from
2010 to 2040”
Livestock Long Shadow, FAO Report 2007
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module I
Filipe Moreira Alves
Value and
Economic Week – Module I, Session II
Filipe Moreira Alves
To design things
Economic Week – Module I, Session II
Filipe Moreira Alves
It’s not about re-
inventing the wheel
but more about re-
designinig the wheel..
If a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then
that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a
government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that
government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves … there’s
so much talk about the system. And so little understanding.’
- Robert Pirsig, writer and philosopher
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
1. The Great Revaluing
2. The Great Redistribution
3. The Great Rebalancing
4. The Great Relocalization and Engagement
5. The Great Reskilling
6. The Great Economic Irrigation
7. The Great Interdependence
A tale of how it turned out right
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
ego-nomical framework “no-self”
Dharma economics: the ‘means’ are as important as the ‘ends’
and they are both intertwined in the causal relation of life.
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Tim Jackson, Prosperity without growth (2010)
Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics (2010)
James Robertson, Transforming Economic Life
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
The one-third hypothesis (OTH)
is a sociodynamic idea (hypothesis) —advanced by Hugo O. Engelmann in 1967 —that asserts that a group's
prominence increases as it approaches one-third of the population and diminishes when it exceeds or falls
below one-third of the population.
"...we would expect that the most persistent subgroups in any group would be those which approximate
one-third or, by similar reasoning, a multiple of [i.e., a power of] one-third of the total group. Being the most
persistent, these groups also should be the ones most significantly implicated in ongoing sociocultural
transformation. This does not mean that these groups need to be dominant, but they play prominent roles."
The OTH involves two mathematical curves. One represents the likelihood that a subgroup of a specific size
will emerge; the other is the probability that it will persist. The product of the two curves is the one-third
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module III
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module III
Filipe Moreira Alves
Largest Community
Garden on the Planet
25 million square feet
Economic Week – Module III
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module III
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Tea Break
15 min
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
‘Sharing Economy’
‘Peer Economy’
‘Collaborative Consumption’
‘Collaborative Economy’
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
An economy built on distributed networks of connected individuals and communities versus
centralized institutions, transforming how we can produce, consumer, finance and learn.
An economic model based on sharing, swapping, trading or renting products and services enabling
access over ownership. It is reinventing not just what we consume but how we consume.
An economic model based on sharing underutilized assets from spaces to skills to stuff for
monetary or non-monetary benefits.
Person-to-person marketplaces that facilitate the sharing and direct trade of products and services
built on peer trust.
‘Sharing Economy’
‘Peer Economy’
‘Collaborative Consumption’
‘Collaborative Economy’
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module I, Session II
Filipe Moreira Alves
13h00 – 14h00
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
A Economia do Valor Partilhado
novos modelos de negócio e novas oportunidades
para o 3º sector em Portugal
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Money is an information system
we use to deploy human effort.
Michel Linton
(originator of LETS)
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
JAK: Interest-free Loan Pioneer
Co-operative Bank (1931) – Denmark
Local Enterprise Banks (LEBs)
JAK Sweden: 35,000 members,
20 workers and 300 volunteers
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module II
Filipe Moreira Alves
FEBEA is the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks
(FEBEA – Fédération Européenne des banques Ethiques et Alternatives),
a non profitorganisation incorporated under belgian law, created in
Brussels in 2001 by Crédit Coopératif (France), Caisse Solidaire du Nord
Pas-de-Calais (France), Crédal (Belgium),Hefboom (Belgium), Banca
Etica (Italy) and TISE (Poland).
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Comunidades Auto-financiadas
Auto-financed communties
Groups of 6 to 25 of people within a community
Full-reserve system
Mutual lending
Ratio 1:4
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Any sizable group anywhere, any day, could
start a nonpolitical monetary unit and
system. There is no law against it, and no
legislation need to be invoked.
E.C. Riegel
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
5.1. - Granja
5.2. - Solidário
5.3. - Justa
5.4. - Torga
5.5. - Sorriso
5.6. - Sol
5.7. - Campino
5.8. - Esito
5.9. - Diabitas
5.10. - Saurius
5.11. - Beijinho
5.12. - Crialito
5.13. - Morango
5.14. - Swap
5.15. - Feijão
5.16. - ESECO
5.17. - Pomba
5.18. - Pombalino
5.19. - Aleixo
5.20. – Jardim
5.21. - Giro
5.22. - Rio
5.23. - Virtas
Moedas Locais
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Points / Miles /Credit Systems
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Tea Break
15 min
1. Community Begins With Gifts
2. Gifts Create Possibilities
3. Connected Gifts Create Associations
4. Associations Are the Workhorses of
5. Connectors are vital
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Food insecurity Hunger
Poor infra
Corruption Lack of basic Education
Health crisis
Physical Space
Pasture grazing fields – Kadengoi,
Kataruk, Kasarani, Loru plains, Silale,
Hills – Kalangol, Lotiruk, Loriu, Silale,
morwakiring, kamarok
Farms – Morulem, Lokubae, Elelea
Seasonal streams
Water source e.g. wells, boreholes
and water pan
Women groups
Youth groups
Development committee
Group ranches
Family Support Groups
Health Advocacy and
Fitness Groups
Youth groups
Business groups
Religious groups
Elderly groups
Community Animal health
worker groups
Dong’a Cultural Groups
Men’s Groups
Youth Mentoring Groups
Mutual Support Groups
Neighborhood Improvement
Political Organizations
Recreation Groups
Religious Groups
Social Groups
Water users Groups
CAHWs vet shop groups
Former livestock rustlers group
assosciat Local Economy
Livestock trade (small scale)
Charcoal burning
Sale of animal
Drugs shops by CAHWS
For-Profit Businesses
Business Associations
Village banks
Micro enterprises
Business trade
Small scale farming
Sand harvesting
Quarry harvesting
Honey harvesting
Hides and skin products
Eco – tourism
Small arms trade
Livestock rustling
Of Burning of prosopys Juliflora by the women
Of Ashes from trees burning acts as manure to
the soil
Of background and personal history
Of what we like to do and contribute
Of existing and ongoing skills and capacities
Of successful community development
Of economic growth
Of addressing discrimination
Of including those who are marginalized
Of recognizing the value of everyone
Of a time when we felt appreciated and valued
Of a time the community was at its best
Physical Space
Local Economy
MWUA / LWUA (food security)
LOMEDS (micro credit, peace, livestock
LCRC – meeting facilities
Schools (primary) Nginyang, Amaya, Ngoron,
Chesawach,Kokwototo, Natan )
Secondary (Chemolingot, Barpello and Churo
Nginyang Polytechnic
Health facilities
Needs Analysis
Community Building Questions
Creating a community culture often requires neighbors to begin by asking some new questions. A few of
these pioneering questions that can spark a community vision are:
1. What are the gifts of the people in the neighborhood and how are they given?
2. Where are the places in our community where people gather or could gather if a welcome was
3. What do people in this neighborhood create together?
4. What are the reasons that have gotten neighbors together?
5. What is it in this neighborhood that creates community and how did that happen? Who was involved?
6. How does our neighborhood show that we care about each other?
7. What do we do to help keep our streets clean?
8. Where do we spend money that stays in the community?
9. What does our community do to provide learning opportunities for our children?
10. How do we show our neighborhood children how to be effective citizens?
11. What do we do that involves youth, our older people, and strangers of all kinds?
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module I, Session II
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economic Week – Module I, Session II
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
You can’t know what you need…..
…till you know what you have!
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves
Economia do Valor Partilhado
UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro
Filipe Moreira Alves

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Eapn 08 10_2015_evp

  • 1. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves A Economia do Valor Partilhado novos modelos de negócio e novas oportunidades para o 3º sector em Portugal
  • 2. Filipe Moreira Alves Lisbon, Portugal 23rd October 1984 Scorpio & Taurus Academic: - Degree in Economics (ISCTE-IUL and Ekonomska Fakulteta, 4 years) - Masters in Economic and Public Policies (ISCTE,2 years) - PhD in Sustainable Development Policies and Climate Change (FFCUL, PUC) - Researcher in CCIAM/FCUL since 2012 (BASE; CLimaAdaPT and SIRCLE) Social Entrepreneurship: - Founding member and President of Biovilla – Sustainability Co-op (6 years) - Founding member and Treasurer at Coopérnico – renewable energy co-op (2y) - Founding member and Treasurer of Conexão Lusófona (6 years) - Founding member and President of ECOLUTION (8 years) - Member of the board of the Portuguese network of Social Entrepreneurship (ESLIDER) since 2013 Training: - Official EU Trainer on Youth Policies and Youth Engagement for 4 years - Invited lecturer in ISG, FFCUL and ISEG - Trainer in Permaculture and Sustainability since 2009
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  • 6. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 7. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 8. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves 1. Novos paradigmas económicos: economia colaborativa e economia de partilha 2. Novos modelos de negócios para organizações do 3º setor 3. Financiamento colaborativo, títulos de investimento comunitário e fundos de impacto social 4. Metodologia ABCD (Asset-based Community Development)
  • 9. O que é a Economia? Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 10. “Economics is a science that studies human behaviour resulting from the relationship between unlimited needs and scarce resources, which can be used in multiple ways”. Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984) Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 11. Scarcity (dictionary) : - Insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth - Rarity; infrequency - Insufficient to satisfy the need or demand; not abundant Lynne Twist (The Soul of Money) on the Scarcity Paradigm: 1) There isn’t enough 2) More is better 3) That’s just the way it it “The scarcity mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a difficult time sharing recognition, power or profit – even those who help in prduction. They also have a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.” Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 12. Abundance (dictionary) : - And extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply; - Overflowing fullness - Affluence, wealth - The number of atoms of one isotope of an element divided by the total number of atoms in a mixture of the isotopes Abundatia as the divine personification of plenty and prosperity.. of ‘virtue in action’! Is it what we really want? Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 13. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves Sufficiency (King Bhumibol’s Philosophy) “It is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as the overridding principle for appropriate conduct and a way of life by the populace at all levels. Sufficiency means moderation and due consideration in all modes of conduct together with the need for sufficient resilience from internal and external shocks. (..) At the same time, it is essential to strenghten the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public official, academics or theoreticians, businessmen and financiers, will adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity.” Ways of Learning Sufficiency Economy (1999)
  • 14. “Economics is a science that studies human behaviour resulting from the relationship between unlimited needs and scarce resources, which can be used in multiple ways”. Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984) Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 15. Ciência com um método Ciência Social Decisões, escolhas.. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 16. • Fenómenos económicos • Gestão • Dinheiro • Decisões financeiras In “O que é a Economia?” João César das Neves Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 17. Political economy Public economy Financial Economy Economics of Happiness Family economics Law economics Macro Mezzo Micro Monetary Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 18. Normative Economics and Positive Economics Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 19. Kate Raworth Donut Economy Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 20. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I Filipe Moreira Alves Rockstrom, J et al. (2009), Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity, Ecology and Society, Vol. 14
  • 21. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 22. A Economia encontra-se no cruzamento entre a ecologia e a sociedade observando, analisando e modelando os fluxos e as interacções de energia entre os sistemas humanos e naturais de forma a desenvolver relações de prosperidade mútua. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 23. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 24. Property Exchange systems Value and Indicators The Pilars of an Economic System Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 25. ‘The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody’. Jean-Jaques Rosseau, Discourse on Inequality (1854) Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 26. Public Private Who controls the means of production? (K, Kh, Kn, etc) How are they managed? Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 27. C1: Freedom Market Private C2: Freedom Planned Private C3: Freedom Market Public C4: Freedom Planned Public C5: Central control Market Private C6: Central Control Planned Private C7: Central control Market Public C8: Central Control Planned Public ‘Small is Beautiful’, (1971) E.F. Schumacher Plutocracy Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 28. Property Exchange systems Value and Indicators Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 29. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 30. TINA There IS NO ALTERNATIVE  Genuine Progress Indicator (EUA, Internalização)  Genuine Wealth Assessment (Dr. Mark Anielski)  Green Gross Domestic Product (Rio1992)  Living Planet Index (WWF)  Happy Planet Index (nef)  Human Development Index (Amartya Sem ’90)  Global Peace Index  Gross Domestic Happines Index (Bhutan) Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 31. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 32. Externalities and true accounting – who’s paying the real price? Market price for 250 gr of argentina bief: 5-8 € Real price? CO2 emissions: + 0,72 € - 1,53 € Obesity-related costs: 1,40 € Other externalities: 0,72 € “Meat consumption costs the world $140 billion plus per year, totaling between $4 trillion and $15 trillion from 2010 to 2040” Livestock Long Shadow, FAO Report 2007 Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 33. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I Filipe Moreira Alves Property Exchange systems Value and Indicators
  • 34. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I, Session II Filipe Moreira Alves To design things DIFFERENTLY
  • 35. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I, Session II Filipe Moreira Alves It’s not about re- inventing the wheel but more about re- designinig the wheel..
  • 36. If a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves … there’s so much talk about the system. And so little understanding.’ - Robert Pirsig, writer and philosopher Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 37. Property Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 38. Property 1. The Great Revaluing 2. The Great Redistribution 3. The Great Rebalancing 4. The Great Relocalization and Engagement 5. The Great Reskilling 6. The Great Economic Irrigation 7. The Great Interdependence A tale of how it turned out right Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 39. ego-nomical framework “no-self” Dharma economics: the ‘means’ are as important as the ‘ends’ and they are both intertwined in the causal relation of life. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 40. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves Tim Jackson, Prosperity without growth (2010) Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics (2010) James Robertson, Transforming Economic Life (2009)
  • 41. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 42. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 43. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 44. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 46. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 47. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 49. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 50. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 51. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves The one-third hypothesis (OTH) is a sociodynamic idea (hypothesis) —advanced by Hugo O. Engelmann in 1967 —that asserts that a group's prominence increases as it approaches one-third of the population and diminishes when it exceeds or falls below one-third of the population. "...we would expect that the most persistent subgroups in any group would be those which approximate one-third or, by similar reasoning, a multiple of [i.e., a power of] one-third of the total group. Being the most persistent, these groups also should be the ones most significantly implicated in ongoing sociocultural transformation. This does not mean that these groups need to be dominant, but they play prominent roles." [1] The OTH involves two mathematical curves. One represents the likelihood that a subgroup of a specific size will emerge; the other is the probability that it will persist. The product of the two curves is the one-third hypothesis.
  • 52. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 53. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 54. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 55. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 56. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 57. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 58. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 59. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 60. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 61. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module III Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 62. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 63. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module III Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 64. Largest Community Garden on the Planet 25 million square feet
  • 65. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module III Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 66. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 67. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 68. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 70. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module III Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 71. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 72. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves Tea Break 15 min
  • 73. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 74. ‘Sharing Economy’ ‘Peer Economy’ ‘Collaborative Consumption’ ‘Collaborative Economy’ Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 80. COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY An economy built on distributed networks of connected individuals and communities versus centralized institutions, transforming how we can produce, consumer, finance and learn. COLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION An economic model based on sharing, swapping, trading or renting products and services enabling access over ownership. It is reinventing not just what we consume but how we consume. SHARING ECONOMY An economic model based on sharing underutilized assets from spaces to skills to stuff for monetary or non-monetary benefits. PEER ECONOMY Person-to-person marketplaces that facilitate the sharing and direct trade of products and services built on peer trust.
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  • 90. ‘Sharing Economy’ ‘Peer Economy’ ‘Collaborative Consumption’ ‘Collaborative Economy’ Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 99. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I, Session II Filipe Moreira Alves Almoço 13h00 – 14h00
  • 100. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves A Economia do Valor Partilhado novos modelos de negócio e novas oportunidades para o 3º sector em Portugal
  • 101. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 102. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 103. Money is an information system we use to deploy human effort. Michel Linton (originator of LETS) Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 104. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 109. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 110. JAK: Interest-free Loan Pioneer Co-operative Bank (1931) – Denmark NO INTEREST BANK FULL-RESERVE SYSTEM Local Enterprise Banks (LEBs) JAK Sweden: 35,000 members, 20 workers and 300 volunteers Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 111. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module II Filipe Moreira Alves FEBEA is the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA – Fédération Européenne des banques Ethiques et Alternatives), a non profitorganisation incorporated under belgian law, created in Brussels in 2001 by Crédit Coopératif (France), Caisse Solidaire du Nord Pas-de-Calais (France), Crédal (Belgium),Hefboom (Belgium), Banca Etica (Italy) and TISE (Poland).
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  • 123. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 124. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 125. Comunidades Auto-financiadas Auto-financed communties Groups of 6 to 25 of people within a community Full-reserve system Mutual lending Self-organizing Ratio 1:4 Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 127. Any sizable group anywhere, any day, could start a nonpolitical monetary unit and system. There is no law against it, and no legislation need to be invoked. E.C. Riegel Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 128. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves 5.1. - Granja 5.2. - Solidário 5.3. - Justa 5.4. - Torga 5.5. - Sorriso 5.6. - Sol 5.7. - Campino 5.8. - Esito 5.9. - Diabitas 5.10. - Saurius 5.11. - Beijinho 5.12. - Crialito 5.13. - Morango 5.14. - Swap 5.15. - Feijão 5.16. - ESECO 5.17. - Pomba 5.18. - Pombalino 5.19. - Aleixo 5.20. – Jardim 5.21. - Giro 5.22. - Rio 5.23. - Virtas Moedas Locais
  • 129. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 131. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves Tea Break 15 min
  • 132. 1. Community Begins With Gifts 2. Gifts Create Possibilities 3. Connected Gifts Create Associations 4. Associations Are the Workhorses of Communities 5. Connectors are vital Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 133. Food insecurity Hunger Poverty Poor infra -structure AIDS/HIV Drought Corruption Lack of basic Education Health crisis Malaria Crime Gender inequality Individuals Physical Space Rangelands Pasture grazing fields – Kadengoi, Kataruk, Kasarani, Loru plains, Silale, Aroo Hills – Kalangol, Lotiruk, Loriu, Silale, morwakiring, kamarok Farms – Morulem, Lokubae, Elelea Seasonal streams Water source e.g. wells, boreholes and water pan Women groups Youth groups Development committee VICOBA Group ranches Conservancies Family Support Groups Health Advocacy and Fitness Groups PFS Youth groups Business groups Religious groups Elderly groups Community Animal health worker groups Dong’a Cultural Groups Men’s Groups Youth Mentoring Groups Mutual Support Groups Neighborhood Improvement Groups Political Organizations Recreation Groups Religious Groups Social Groups Water users Groups CAHWs vet shop groups Former livestock rustlers group assosciat Local Economy Livestock trade (small scale) Charcoal burning Sale of animal Drugs shops by CAHWS For-Profit Businesses Business Associations Village banks Micro enterprises pasture Livestock Business trade Small scale farming Sand harvesting Quarry harvesting Honey harvesting Charcoal Mining Hides and skin products Eco – tourism Small arms trade Livestock rustling Stories Of Burning of prosopys Juliflora by the women Of Ashes from trees burning acts as manure to the soil Of background and personal history Of what we like to do and contribute Of existing and ongoing skills and capacities Of successful community development Of economic growth Of addressing discrimination Of including those who are marginalized Of recognizing the value of everyone Of a time when we felt appreciated and valued Of a time the community was at its best Physical Space Local Economy StoriesInstitutions Associations Individuals Institutions MWUA / LWUA (food security) LOMEDS (micro credit, peace, livestock marketing) LCRC – meeting facilities Schools (primary) Nginyang, Amaya, Ngoron, Chesawach,Kokwototo, Natan ) Secondary (Chemolingot, Barpello and Churo AIC) Nginyang Polytechnic Health facilities Churches Needs Analysis
  • 134. Community Building Questions Creating a community culture often requires neighbors to begin by asking some new questions. A few of these pioneering questions that can spark a community vision are: 1. What are the gifts of the people in the neighborhood and how are they given? 2. Where are the places in our community where people gather or could gather if a welcome was offered? 3. What do people in this neighborhood create together? 4. What are the reasons that have gotten neighbors together? 5. What is it in this neighborhood that creates community and how did that happen? Who was involved? 6. How does our neighborhood show that we care about each other? 7. What do we do to help keep our streets clean? 8. Where do we spend money that stays in the community? 9. What does our community do to provide learning opportunities for our children? 10. How do we show our neighborhood children how to be effective citizens? 11. What do we do that involves youth, our older people, and strangers of all kinds? Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves
  • 135. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I, Session II Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 137. EDE AZORES Economic Week – Module I, Session II Filipe Moreira Alves
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  • 141. You can’t know what you need….. …till you know what you have!
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  • 146. Economia do Valor Partilhado UDIPSSS – 08 de Outubro Filipe Moreira Alves