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Issue 293 - 6th May19 October 2007
   Issue #126 - Friday 2011                                                                                    newsletter
Regional Cooperation and integration started way back-Ngwenya
                                                  America.                                                 efforts by African countries through regional
                                                                                                           organisations to address the historical legacy
                                                  He pointed out that the history of the East              of fragmentation and small economies
                                                  African Community for example can be                     through regional integration.
                                                  traced as far back as1900, when Customs
                                                  collection centre for uganda was established             Finally the Secretary General told the
                                                  in Mombasa, Kenya due to the fact that                   meeting that the Fourth Wave of Regional
                                                  Kenya and Uganda were all British colonies.              Integration in Africa can be traced to the
                                                  In order to achieve efficiency it did not make           mid 1990’s and the first decade of the
                                                  sense to the colonial power to have different            twenty first century, which has witnessed
                                                  institutions in the two countries setting                the implementation of regional integration,
                                                  up their own administrative institutions to              programmes in the form of Free Trade Area’s,
                                                  administer common programmes.                            Customs Unions and Common Markets.
                                                                                                           “ There is also progress in sub-regions, such
                                                  Mr. Ngwenya added that following the                     as, East Africa towards the establishment of

                                                  establishment of this Custom collection                  a political federation,” Ngwenya said.; “The
       OMESA Secretary General Sindiso            centre the institutions bellow; were                     prospects for regional integration have never
       Ngwenya says that Regional                 established to serve the two countries at                been as good as now, not only in Africa but
       cooperation and integration traces         different period as indicated: 1905 the East             globally”. He added
way back to the colonial era as evidenced by      African Currency Board was set up to issue
the various schemes and arrangements that         currency for Kenya and Uganda; in 1917 a                 In conclusion Secretary General Ngwenya,
were put in place then.                           Custom Union was established between                     said that there is evidence that the prospects
                                                  Kenya and Uganda- Tanganyika [a former                   of regional integration as a vehicle for
Speaking when he presented a Key Note             Germany colony] joined in1922 after the                  the structural transformation of African
Address on “Regional Integration in African       second world war as a Protectorate of                    economies are better than at any time since
Context and Global Perspective” during            the League of Nations administered by                    independence.
the 2nd EAC Symposium, held in Arusha,            the British; later The East African High
Tanzania on 28th April, 2011 Mr. Ngwenya,         Commission and The East African Common                   He identified the following factors as the
said that Regional integration in Africa has      Services organization were established.                  current key drivers to integration :
undergone four phases.
                                                  He further pointed out that, other examples              •        Evidence of increased cross-
He identified the ironical colonial attempt       of regional co-operation influenced by the                        border investments by investors in
to govern some countries together despite         colonial masters include the establishment                        manufacturing and services sectors
having balkanised them, as the first wave         of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland                       within and between regional
of regional cooperation and integration.          which was established in 1953, comprising                         economic communities.
The second wave as the one that took place        what was then Northern Rhodesia[now                      •        Investments in infrastructure
immediately during the post independence          Zambia] ,Nyasaland [now Malawi] and                               interconnectivity between and
where African tried to come together              Southern Rhodesia[ now Zimbabwe].                                 among countries are taking place
including the formation of OAU; the                                                                                 and will facilitate intra-African trade
third wave Mr Ngwenya adds , is closely           He said the Second wave of Regional                               and investments.
intertwined with the second wave and can          integration came after the launching of the              •        Evidence for the first time that
be traced to the 1990’s after the collapse of     Organisation of African Union[OAU] in 1963                        Africa and the eastern and southern
the Soviet empire .This period witnessed the      which witnessed intense debates between                           Africa region in particular is
end of ideological polarisation and bi-polar      two schools of thought of how to realise                          attracting investment in green field
world in that capitalism had triumphed            African political and economic unity as a                         investments in manufacturing.
over socialism and communism which also           basis for sustainable development.                       •        The inclusion of industrial strategies
witnessed the beginning of the process                                                                              and policies in regional integration
of rapid and intense globalisation that is        The third wave according to Secretary                             programmes to complement trade
aided by information , and communication          general Ngwenya, can be discerned from                            driven integration is a refreshing
technology ICT) . The fourth wave of regional     the late 1980’s when bilateral donors                             departure from the concentration
integration is the shift in political and         and most importantly the Breton Woods                             on trade policy as a catalyst for
economic power that we are witnessing with        Institutions[World Bank and International                         national development and regional
the shift from the West to the East and Latin     Monetary Fund] started paying attention to                        integration.
    This bulletin is published by the COMESA Secretariat Public Relations Unit but does not necessarily represent views of the Secretariat.
                                                         For Feedback:
                                           Contact Address : COMESA SECRETARIAT, COMESA Center , Ben Bella Road
                                                        P.O. Box 30051, 260 1 229 725, 260 1 225 107
COMESA Monetary                          African Leaders Pledge to “Speak with One
    Institute (CMI)
    conducts Training on                     Voice” at Durban Climate Change Talks

    Macroeconomic Modeling                            ape Town, South Africa – At       a Team Africa approach to make
    and Forecasting                                   the World Economic Forum          this a success.” But, he added,
                                                      on Africa, the leaders of South   “Whatever agreement is reached by
     The COMESA Monetary Institute           Africa, Gabon and Kenya pledged            governments must not compromise
    (CMI) housed at the Kenyan School        to work together and take a united         competitiveness, growth and the
    of Monetary Studies in Nairobi,          stance at the 17th Conference of           alleviation of unemployment and
    Kenya, recently organized a training     the Parties (COP 17) of the United         poverty.” It is important to balance
    for senior experts from Member           Nations Framework Convention on            mitigation and adaptation efforts with
    States’ Ministries of Finance and        Climate Change in Durban, South            economic development and growth,
                                             Africa, in November. “The question         he said, warning against setting
    Central Banks on Macroeconomic
                                             for us leaders is how committed we         hard targets for greenhouse gas
    Modeling and Forecasting. The            are to be a little less selfish and to     emission reductions without a clear
    training that took place on 2-6          think of the community as a whole,”        understanding of their impact.
    May, 2011 was attended by 27             said Gabon’s President Ali Bongo           South Africa should lead the talks in
    participants from 13 member              Ondimba, in a session on the second        Durban with the principle of putting
    countries. The training is one of the    day of the meeting. “It is important       people first. “We have to look at the
    work programmes of the Institute         for us as Africans to get together.        social dimensions of climate change,”
                                             We will be determined to speak with        Sheila Sisulu, Deputy Executive
    which was approved by the 15th
                                             one voice.” COP 17 will aim to shape       Director of the United Nations World
    Meeting of the COMESA Committee          a legally binding agreement on             Food Programme (WFP), stressed,
    of Central Banks Governors, which        global warming to replace the Kyoto        underscoring the need to address
    was held in November in 2010 in          Protocol, which is set to end next year.   the impact of global warming
    Khartoum, Sudan.                                                                    on women and children. “If Team
                                             “There are parts of the world where        Africa fails to fight for the inclusion
    The main objective of the training       the challenge [of climate change] is       of people, it would be more than
                                             very severe,” explained South African      unfortunate.” Said Sisulu, “The point is
    is to help participants have
                                             President Jacob G. Zuma. “For some,        to act now – not to act after Durban
    hands on capacity on the use of
                                             it is a question of life or death. The     and an agreement is reached. This
    quantitative analytical methods          question that faces all of us is how       is not about what will happen. It is
    of macroeconomic modeling and            we respond: Are we ready to have a         happening now.”
    forecasting which would enable the       legally binding agreement that would
    formulation and implementation           try to accommodate all of us?”             Noting that Africa’s potential as
    of better-informed and more                                                         a global breadbasket could be
                                             Failure at Durban is not an option,        compromised by climate change,
    consistent development policies. It
                                             warned Raila Amolo Odinga, Prime           Anand Sharma, India’s Minister
    will also enable the development of
                                             Minister of Kenya. Rising food and         of Commerce and Industry, told
    consistency frameworks for policy        energy prices due in part to climate       participants that, as the international
    coherence and harmonization              conditions are adding to the urgency.      community aims to agree on a post-
    among COMESA Member States.              “There is a need to act now; there is      Kyoto framework, “equity is vitally
                                             no need to wait,” Odinga declared.         important.” There must be equitable
    CMI strongly believes that capacity      To succeed in Durban and in the            sharing of technology and resources,
                                             broader fight against global warming,      he declared. “Responsibilities cannot
    building in policy oriented
                                             governments must work with both            be compartmentalized. It has to be
    research is crucial to foster regional
                                             business and civil society, the leaders    a team effort, a global partnership.
    integration, monitor convergence         agreed. “It is important to get the        No country or group of countries can
    criteria, harmonise development          business community on board                address a problem of this magnitude.”
    policies of Member States and to         because financing is important,”           He concluded: “Those with the
    create an adequate environment           Ondimba observed. “Government              technology must share them with the
    for private investment, value            cannot shoulder the whole burden.”         rest of humankind
                                             The business community is prepared
    addition, export promotion and
                                             to play its part, said Pat Davies,         Source: Richard Elliott: World economic
    macroeconomic stability.
                                             Chief Executive of Sasol. “We need         Forum
COMESA Council of Ministers Chair Person joins
Israel Diamond Institute League of Honour                                                                                                                               3
                                                                                                                            diamond production in Swaziland will
                                                                                                                            reach about 80,000 carats per year, and
                                                                                                                            that the diamonds will be of a good

                                                                                                                            The kingdom’s admittance to the
                                                                                                                            Kimberley Process Certification Scheme,
                                                                                                                            initiated in 2010 when Israel chaired the
                                                                                                                            process, is also proceeding and will be
                                                                                                                            complete when the local legislation is
                                                                                                                            finalized. “We expect a decision shortly
                                                                                                                            regarding the Kimberley Process,”
                                                                                                                            explained the Minister, who provided
                                                                                                                            further insight into the progress
                                                                                                                            regarding the recommencement of
                                                                                                                            diamond production in Swaziland. The
                                                                                                                            issue of the marketing of the kingdom’s
                                                                                                                            diamonds was also raised during the

Hon. Jabulile Mashwama, Chair of COMESA Council of Ministers and Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade in the            Zizwe Vilane, the Director of Foreign
Kingdom of Swaziland being conferred upon the League of Honour certificate by Eli Avidar, Managing Director of the          Direct Investments at the Swaziland
Israel Diamond Institute, and Moti Ganz, Chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute, President of the International Diamond
Manufacturers Association and President of the Israel Diamond Manufacturers Association. Photo courtesy of the Israel       Investment Promotion Authority,
Diamond Institute Photographer: Chen Willner; Three Photographers Ltd                                                       gave an overview of the investment
                                                                                                                            climate - and investment potential – in
                                                                                                                            the Kingdom, which excels in various
                                                                                                                            sectors such as coal, energy and sugar

                                                                                                                            Others in the delegation led by the
                                                                                                                            Minister included Dr. Chungu Mwila,
                                                                                                                            COMESA Director of Investment,
                                                                                                                            Promotion and Private Sector
                                                                                                                            Development; Mr. Andrew Ngone,
                                                                                                                            COMESA Senior Trade Advisor; Mr.
                                                                                                                            Willis .W. Osemo, COMESA Webmaster,
                                                                                                                            Mr. Nathaniel .H. Mahluza, Principal
                                                                                                                            Secretary, Ministry of Information,
                                                                                                                            Communication and Technology,
Leaders of the Israeli diamond industry with Hon. Jabulile Mashwama, COMESA Council of Ministers Chairperson and
Dr. Chungu Mwila, COMESA Director, Investment Promotion & Private Sector Development. Photo courtesy of the Israel          Kingdom of Swaziland and Mr.
Diamond Institute Photographer: Chen Willner; Three Photographers Ltd                                                       Dorrington Matiwane, CEO, SME

      enator Jabulile Mashwama, the                             Moti Ganz, Chairman of the Israel                           Development, Kingdom of Swaziland.
      COMESA Council of Minsters                               Diamond Institute, President of the
      Chairperson and Minister of                              International Diamond Manufacturers                          Among the representatives of the Israeli
Commerce, Industry and Trade in the                            Association and President of the Israel                      diamond sector were Avi Paz, President
Kingdom of Swaziland, has joined the                           Diamond Manufacturers Association,                           of the World Federation of Diamond
Israeli Diamond Institute’s (IDI) League                       welcomed the Minister and her                                Bourses (WFDB) and the Israel Diamond
of Honour. The IDI League of Honour                            delegation to the Israeli diamond centre.                    Exchange, who invited the Minister
was established as a symbol of tribute                         “We are very pleased to welcome you to                       to the upcoming WFDB meeting, and
                                                                                                                            Shmuel Schnitzer, Honorary President
and appreciation to Heads of State                             the Israeli Diamond Industry,” he said, in
                                                                                                                            of the WFDB and Chairman of the Harry
and Government ministers who have                              the presence of the leaders of the Israeli
                                                                                                                            Oppenheimer Diamond Museum, who
acted to promote mutual cooperation                            diamond sector.
                                                                                                                            led the delegation on a tour of the
between their nations and the Israeli
Diamond Industry.                                              During her visit, the Minister was given
                                                               a presentation by diamond industry                           Other recipients of the IDI League of
The Minister was presented with the                            analyst Chaim-Even-Zohar, who                                Honour include, Vice President of Sierra
League of Honour certificate during a                          focused on Swaziland’s place in the                          Leone Samuel Sam-Sumana, Dr. Eugene
visit to the Israeli Diamond Centre on                         diamond sector. Diamonds were first                          H. Shannon, Minister of Lands, Mines
24th April, 2011, where she headed a 7                         discovered in Swaziland in the 1970s,                        & Energy in Liberia, Mr Ponatshego
member delegation from the Common                              and while diamond production in the                          Kedikilwe, Minister of Minerals Energy &
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa                         kingdom has largely ceased, there are                        Water Resources in Botswana, Minister
(COMESA),which promotes regional                               plans that diamond production there                          of Mines and Energy in Namibia Erkki
economic integration through trade and                         will recommence later this year in the                       Nghimtina and Mr Ricardo Martinelli,
investment.                                                    Dokolwayo region. Even-Zohar estimates                       President of the Republic of Panama.
Israel commits to support COMESA in different development fields
                                                                                                                        Elaborating on the issues of SMEs,
                                                                                                                        the Minister said that the Israeli
                                                                                                                        government will be pleased to
                                                                                                                        assist in the areas of marketing
                                                                                                                        and financing of the sector. The
                                                                                                                        Israeli Government, he said, will
                                                                                                                        share its’ knowledge and assist
                                                                                                                        in setting up structures that will
                                                                                                                        help SMEs in the COMESA region
                                                                                                                        to thrive.

                                                                                                                        Minister Simhon assured the
        Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Hon. Shalom Simhon (third from left) with the delegations from

                                            COMESA and the Kingdom of Swaziland                                         delegation that the support
           he Israeli Government is                             suitable partner in this venture.
                                                                                                                        agreement to COMESA will be
           willing to support COMESA                            I have no doubt that we will
                                                                                                                        signed a before October, this year.
           initiatives in the field of                          join forces to achieve common
                                                                                                                        “I will instruct my technical team
    science & technology, agriculture,                          goals that require a common
                                                                                                                        to move with speed to ensure
    mining and small and medium                                 denominator”
                                                                                                                        that this support agreement is
    enterprises development. This
                                                                                                                        signed on time”.
    was revealed by the Israeli                                 Mr Simhon also pointed out that
    Minister of Industry, Trade                                 Israel had learnt from experience,
                                                                                                                        Speaking at the same function,
    and Labor, Shalom Simhon,                                   that building advanced telecom
                                                                                                                        Senator Mashwama who si the
    when he received a 7 member                                 infrastructure and linking into it
                                                                                                                        Chairperson of the COMESA
    delegation from the Common                                  is a big boost to development.
                                                                                                                        Council of minister, thanked
    Market for Eastern and Southern                             “In Israel you can find the world’s
                                                                                                                        the Israel Government for its
    Africa (COMESA) , and from the                              leading telecom companies that
                                                                                                                        willingness to support not only
    Kingdom of Swaziland, which                                 specialise in telecom solutions
                                                                                                                        science & technology but also
    paid him a courtesy call at his                             appropriate to Africa, especially
                                                                                                                        SMEs, agriculture and mining .
    office in Tel Aviv, Israel.                                 in accessing remote areas.” In this
                                                                                                                        “We are glad that you are willing
                                                                regard, he underscored that Africa
                                                                                                                        to support SMEs. We have learnt
    The Minster Simhon noted that                               has a lot to learn from Israel since
                                                                                                                        that here in Israel, SMEs are well
    the Government of the State                                 it is the only country in the world
                                                                                                                        groomed and supported by the
    of Israel has deep interest in                              that has managed to conquer the
                                                                                                                        government. We have also learnt
    extending its cooperation with                              desert. “More than half of Israel’s
                                                                                                                        and seen that there are other
    African states and cooperating                              exports in agriculture originate
                                                                                                                        initiatives that Israel has and
    with COMESA will definitely                                 from the desert areas and 70%
                                                                                                                        from MATIMOP we have learnt
    enhance this.                                               of the fruits and vegetables are
                                                                                                                        of some existing relationships
                                                                grown in the desert.” He pointed
                                                                                                                        and agreements with non-
    The Minister emphasized that,                               out.
                                                                                                                        African countries and similar
    “One of the problems that hinders
                                                                                                                        relationships and agreements
    the leap forward is finding the                             The Minister also expressed his
                                                                                                                        can be beneficial to Africa and
    right partner. The State of Israel                          country’s interest in pursuing
                                                                                                                        COMESA in particular; in terms of
    would be an appropriate partner                             mining in Africa, especially in the
                                                                                                                        capacity building and exchange
    in the field of telecoms and                                area of jewellery and gem stones
                                                                                                                        of expertise in information and
    other fields as well, and COMESA                            mining. He looked forward to
    being a regional organization, is                           detailed discussion on the mining
COMESA and IOC Gender Divisions to collaborate in three areas
                                                                                   have lapses and therefore there
                                                                                   is need for the two RECS to learn         5
                                                                                   from each other’s weaknesses and

                                                                                   “ We have notices that our
                                                                                   colleagues have certain weaknesses
                                                                                   and strengths that we can learn from
                                                                                   and they too can learn form ours”
                                                                                   Mrs. Tembo Said.

                                                                                   She said that there is need for
                                                                                   COMESA to strengthen advocacy in
                                                                                   the gender programmes in terms of
                                                                                   resource mobilization and capacity
                                                                                   “ We need to be very aggressive
From left: Ms.Maria D. Phiri, Gender Focal Person for Agriculture and Climate      when it come to advocacy, we need
Change, Mrs Fatoumia Ali Bazi, IOC Gender Unit Officer in Charge, Mrs Tembo        to find money for capacity building
COMESA Gender Director and Mrs. Aline Wong, Consultant for IOC,                    so that we learn how to tackle some

       OMESA and the Indian Ocean          because they have a national            of the challenges we are facing as
       Community gender divisions          programme which makes it very easy      gender division’” Mrs. Tembo added.
       have agreed on three areas of       for us (IOC) to implement any project   She said that COMESA is very
collaboration.                             of that nature’” She said.              optimistic about the collaboration
                                                                                   and that COMESA will share
The three areas are violence against       Mrs. Bazi further said that her         information in areas where it is
women, women entrepreneurs and             organization hopes to learn a lot in    strong like female farmers and
women in climate change.                   climate change related programmes       climate change.
                                           because COMESA has made
Speaking in an interview with              tremendous achievements and is          Mrs. Tembo retaliated the
e-comesa news, after a consultative        currently leading way in the field.     importance of women’s involvement
                                                                                   in climate change programmes,
meeting at the COMESAE secretariat         “ We hope to learn from you in the
                                                                                   as they are the most affected by
on the 6th May 2011, Charges d’            area of climate change because
                                                                                   challenges that come with climate
affaires responsible for Gender at         we realize that you have workable
the Indian Ocean Community, Mrs            examples of the climate change
Fatoumia Bazi said that IOC finds it       projects that involve women”.
                                                                                   “ Women are the one who go to
best to work with COMESA because
                                                                                   look for food, look after the sick and
of the long standing relationships         Mrs Bazi expressed hope that the
                                                                                   so on, and so you can see just how
between the two RECS.                      joint effort will yield the desired
                                                                                   they come face to face with climate
                                           results especially that the two         change challenges”, she echoed.
“ This relationship we are building        secretary-generals from both            Mrs. Tembo r employed Women
started way back, but it is the first      COMESA and IOC are spearheading         from the IOC and COMESA to take
time that my organization is working       the programme.                          centre stage and build their capacity
with the gender division and I                                                     to know how to adapt and adopt
am very excited to work with this          And speaking later the Director         the challenges that Climate change
division “, Mrs. Bazi said.                of Gender and Social affairs at the     brings.
She said that her organization will        COMESA Secretariat Mrs. Emiliana
spearhead some projects dealing            Tembo said that the collaboration       “ As women in the two RECs, we
with women entrepreneurship                will help enhance regional              need to know the new technological
because of the organization’s vast         integration especially that OIC and     advances that will help mitigate
knowledge and experience in the            COMESA have cross membership            these challenges so that we
field.                                     states in both RECS.                    can apply the them” she gave,
                                                                                   conservation agriculture as an
“ As you may know, Mauritius is            Mrs. Tembo revealed that both the       example that could enhance food
leading in women entrepreneurship          IOC and COMESA Gender Divisions         security in the two regions.

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E comesa newsletter-294

  • 1. newsletter 1 Issue 293 - 6th May19 October 2007 Issue #126 - Friday 2011 newsletter Regional Cooperation and integration started way back-Ngwenya America. efforts by African countries through regional organisations to address the historical legacy He pointed out that the history of the East of fragmentation and small economies African Community for example can be through regional integration. traced as far back as1900, when Customs collection centre for uganda was established Finally the Secretary General told the in Mombasa, Kenya due to the fact that meeting that the Fourth Wave of Regional Kenya and Uganda were all British colonies. Integration in Africa can be traced to the In order to achieve efficiency it did not make mid 1990’s and the first decade of the sense to the colonial power to have different twenty first century, which has witnessed institutions in the two countries setting the implementation of regional integration, up their own administrative institutions to programmes in the form of Free Trade Area’s, administer common programmes. Customs Unions and Common Markets. “ There is also progress in sub-regions, such Mr. Ngwenya added that following the as, East Africa towards the establishment of C establishment of this Custom collection a political federation,” Ngwenya said.; “The OMESA Secretary General Sindiso centre the institutions bellow; were prospects for regional integration have never Ngwenya says that Regional established to serve the two countries at been as good as now, not only in Africa but cooperation and integration traces different period as indicated: 1905 the East globally”. He added way back to the colonial era as evidenced by African Currency Board was set up to issue the various schemes and arrangements that currency for Kenya and Uganda; in 1917 a In conclusion Secretary General Ngwenya, were put in place then. Custom Union was established between said that there is evidence that the prospects Kenya and Uganda- Tanganyika [a former of regional integration as a vehicle for Speaking when he presented a Key Note Germany colony] joined in1922 after the the structural transformation of African Address on “Regional Integration in African second world war as a Protectorate of economies are better than at any time since Context and Global Perspective” during the League of Nations administered by independence. the 2nd EAC Symposium, held in Arusha, the British; later The East African High Tanzania on 28th April, 2011 Mr. Ngwenya, Commission and The East African Common He identified the following factors as the said that Regional integration in Africa has Services organization were established. current key drivers to integration : undergone four phases. He further pointed out that, other examples • Evidence of increased cross- He identified the ironical colonial attempt of regional co-operation influenced by the border investments by investors in to govern some countries together despite colonial masters include the establishment manufacturing and services sectors having balkanised them, as the first wave of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland within and between regional of regional cooperation and integration. which was established in 1953, comprising economic communities. The second wave as the one that took place what was then Northern Rhodesia[now • Investments in infrastructure immediately during the post independence Zambia] ,Nyasaland [now Malawi] and interconnectivity between and where African tried to come together Southern Rhodesia[ now Zimbabwe]. among countries are taking place including the formation of OAU; the and will facilitate intra-African trade third wave Mr Ngwenya adds , is closely He said the Second wave of Regional and investments. intertwined with the second wave and can integration came after the launching of the • Evidence for the first time that be traced to the 1990’s after the collapse of Organisation of African Union[OAU] in 1963 Africa and the eastern and southern the Soviet empire .This period witnessed the which witnessed intense debates between Africa region in particular is end of ideological polarisation and bi-polar two schools of thought of how to realise attracting investment in green field world in that capitalism had triumphed African political and economic unity as a investments in manufacturing. over socialism and communism which also basis for sustainable development. • The inclusion of industrial strategies witnessed the beginning of the process and policies in regional integration of rapid and intense globalisation that is The third wave according to Secretary programmes to complement trade aided by information , and communication general Ngwenya, can be discerned from driven integration is a refreshing technology ICT) . The fourth wave of regional the late 1980’s when bilateral donors departure from the concentration integration is the shift in political and and most importantly the Breton Woods on trade policy as a catalyst for economic power that we are witnessing with Institutions[World Bank and International national development and regional the shift from the West to the East and Latin Monetary Fund] started paying attention to integration. This bulletin is published by the COMESA Secretariat Public Relations Unit but does not necessarily represent views of the Secretariat. For Feedback: Contact Address : COMESA SECRETARIAT, COMESA Center , Ben Bella Road P.O. Box 30051, 260 1 229 725, 260 1 225 107,
  • 2. COMESA Monetary African Leaders Pledge to “Speak with One Institute (CMI) 2 conducts Training on Voice” at Durban Climate Change Talks C Macroeconomic Modeling ape Town, South Africa – At a Team Africa approach to make and Forecasting the World Economic Forum this a success.” But, he added, on Africa, the leaders of South “Whatever agreement is reached by The COMESA Monetary Institute Africa, Gabon and Kenya pledged governments must not compromise (CMI) housed at the Kenyan School to work together and take a united competitiveness, growth and the of Monetary Studies in Nairobi, stance at the 17th Conference of alleviation of unemployment and Kenya, recently organized a training the Parties (COP 17) of the United poverty.” It is important to balance for senior experts from Member Nations Framework Convention on mitigation and adaptation efforts with States’ Ministries of Finance and Climate Change in Durban, South economic development and growth, Africa, in November. “The question he said, warning against setting Central Banks on Macroeconomic for us leaders is how committed we hard targets for greenhouse gas Modeling and Forecasting. The are to be a little less selfish and to emission reductions without a clear training that took place on 2-6 think of the community as a whole,” understanding of their impact. May, 2011 was attended by 27 said Gabon’s President Ali Bongo South Africa should lead the talks in participants from 13 member Ondimba, in a session on the second Durban with the principle of putting countries. The training is one of the day of the meeting. “It is important people first. “We have to look at the work programmes of the Institute for us as Africans to get together. social dimensions of climate change,” We will be determined to speak with Sheila Sisulu, Deputy Executive which was approved by the 15th one voice.” COP 17 will aim to shape Director of the United Nations World Meeting of the COMESA Committee a legally binding agreement on Food Programme (WFP), stressed, of Central Banks Governors, which global warming to replace the Kyoto underscoring the need to address was held in November in 2010 in Protocol, which is set to end next year. the impact of global warming Khartoum, Sudan. on women and children. “If Team “There are parts of the world where Africa fails to fight for the inclusion The main objective of the training the challenge [of climate change] is of people, it would be more than very severe,” explained South African unfortunate.” Said Sisulu, “The point is is to help participants have President Jacob G. Zuma. “For some, to act now – not to act after Durban hands on capacity on the use of it is a question of life or death. The and an agreement is reached. This quantitative analytical methods question that faces all of us is how is not about what will happen. It is of macroeconomic modeling and we respond: Are we ready to have a happening now.” forecasting which would enable the legally binding agreement that would formulation and implementation try to accommodate all of us?” Noting that Africa’s potential as of better-informed and more a global breadbasket could be Failure at Durban is not an option, compromised by climate change, consistent development policies. It warned Raila Amolo Odinga, Prime Anand Sharma, India’s Minister will also enable the development of Minister of Kenya. Rising food and of Commerce and Industry, told consistency frameworks for policy energy prices due in part to climate participants that, as the international coherence and harmonization conditions are adding to the urgency. community aims to agree on a post- among COMESA Member States. “There is a need to act now; there is Kyoto framework, “equity is vitally no need to wait,” Odinga declared. important.” There must be equitable CMI strongly believes that capacity To succeed in Durban and in the sharing of technology and resources, broader fight against global warming, he declared. “Responsibilities cannot building in policy oriented governments must work with both be compartmentalized. It has to be research is crucial to foster regional business and civil society, the leaders a team effort, a global partnership. integration, monitor convergence agreed. “It is important to get the No country or group of countries can criteria, harmonise development business community on board address a problem of this magnitude.” policies of Member States and to because financing is important,” He concluded: “Those with the create an adequate environment Ondimba observed. “Government technology must share them with the for private investment, value cannot shoulder the whole burden.” rest of humankind The business community is prepared addition, export promotion and to play its part, said Pat Davies, Source: Richard Elliott: World economic macroeconomic stability. Chief Executive of Sasol. “We need Forum
  • 3. COMESA Council of Ministers Chair Person joins Israel Diamond Institute League of Honour 3 diamond production in Swaziland will reach about 80,000 carats per year, and that the diamonds will be of a good quality. The kingdom’s admittance to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, initiated in 2010 when Israel chaired the process, is also proceeding and will be complete when the local legislation is finalized. “We expect a decision shortly regarding the Kimberley Process,” explained the Minister, who provided further insight into the progress regarding the recommencement of diamond production in Swaziland. The issue of the marketing of the kingdom’s diamonds was also raised during the visit. Hon. Jabulile Mashwama, Chair of COMESA Council of Ministers and Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade in the Zizwe Vilane, the Director of Foreign Kingdom of Swaziland being conferred upon the League of Honour certificate by Eli Avidar, Managing Director of the Direct Investments at the Swaziland Israel Diamond Institute, and Moti Ganz, Chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute, President of the International Diamond Manufacturers Association and President of the Israel Diamond Manufacturers Association. Photo courtesy of the Israel Investment Promotion Authority, Diamond Institute Photographer: Chen Willner; Three Photographers Ltd gave an overview of the investment climate - and investment potential – in the Kingdom, which excels in various sectors such as coal, energy and sugar production. Others in the delegation led by the Minister included Dr. Chungu Mwila, COMESA Director of Investment, Promotion and Private Sector Development; Mr. Andrew Ngone, COMESA Senior Trade Advisor; Mr. Willis .W. Osemo, COMESA Webmaster, Mr. Nathaniel .H. Mahluza, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology, Leaders of the Israeli diamond industry with Hon. Jabulile Mashwama, COMESA Council of Ministers Chairperson and Dr. Chungu Mwila, COMESA Director, Investment Promotion & Private Sector Development. Photo courtesy of the Israel Kingdom of Swaziland and Mr. Diamond Institute Photographer: Chen Willner; Three Photographers Ltd Dorrington Matiwane, CEO, SME S enator Jabulile Mashwama, the Moti Ganz, Chairman of the Israel Development, Kingdom of Swaziland. COMESA Council of Minsters Diamond Institute, President of the Chairperson and Minister of International Diamond Manufacturers Among the representatives of the Israeli Commerce, Industry and Trade in the Association and President of the Israel diamond sector were Avi Paz, President Kingdom of Swaziland, has joined the Diamond Manufacturers Association, of the World Federation of Diamond Israeli Diamond Institute’s (IDI) League welcomed the Minister and her Bourses (WFDB) and the Israel Diamond of Honour. The IDI League of Honour delegation to the Israeli diamond centre. Exchange, who invited the Minister was established as a symbol of tribute “We are very pleased to welcome you to to the upcoming WFDB meeting, and Shmuel Schnitzer, Honorary President and appreciation to Heads of State the Israeli Diamond Industry,” he said, in of the WFDB and Chairman of the Harry and Government ministers who have the presence of the leaders of the Israeli Oppenheimer Diamond Museum, who acted to promote mutual cooperation diamond sector. led the delegation on a tour of the between their nations and the Israeli museum. Diamond Industry. During her visit, the Minister was given a presentation by diamond industry Other recipients of the IDI League of The Minister was presented with the analyst Chaim-Even-Zohar, who Honour include, Vice President of Sierra League of Honour certificate during a focused on Swaziland’s place in the Leone Samuel Sam-Sumana, Dr. Eugene visit to the Israeli Diamond Centre on diamond sector. Diamonds were first H. Shannon, Minister of Lands, Mines 24th April, 2011, where she headed a 7 discovered in Swaziland in the 1970s, & Energy in Liberia, Mr Ponatshego member delegation from the Common and while diamond production in the Kedikilwe, Minister of Minerals Energy & Market for Eastern and Southern Africa kingdom has largely ceased, there are Water Resources in Botswana, Minister (COMESA),which promotes regional plans that diamond production there of Mines and Energy in Namibia Erkki economic integration through trade and will recommence later this year in the Nghimtina and Mr Ricardo Martinelli, investment. Dokolwayo region. Even-Zohar estimates President of the Republic of Panama.
  • 4. Israel commits to support COMESA in different development fields sector.” 4 Elaborating on the issues of SMEs, the Minister said that the Israeli government will be pleased to assist in the areas of marketing and financing of the sector. The Israeli Government, he said, will share its’ knowledge and assist in setting up structures that will help SMEs in the COMESA region to thrive. Minister Simhon assured the Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Hon. Shalom Simhon (third from left) with the delegations from T COMESA and the Kingdom of Swaziland delegation that the support he Israeli Government is suitable partner in this venture. agreement to COMESA will be willing to support COMESA I have no doubt that we will signed a before October, this year. initiatives in the field of join forces to achieve common “I will instruct my technical team science & technology, agriculture, goals that require a common to move with speed to ensure mining and small and medium denominator” that this support agreement is enterprises development. This signed on time”. was revealed by the Israeli Mr Simhon also pointed out that Minister of Industry, Trade Israel had learnt from experience, Speaking at the same function, and Labor, Shalom Simhon, that building advanced telecom Senator Mashwama who si the when he received a 7 member infrastructure and linking into it Chairperson of the COMESA delegation from the Common is a big boost to development. Council of minister, thanked Market for Eastern and Southern “In Israel you can find the world’s the Israel Government for its Africa (COMESA) , and from the leading telecom companies that willingness to support not only Kingdom of Swaziland, which specialise in telecom solutions science & technology but also paid him a courtesy call at his appropriate to Africa, especially SMEs, agriculture and mining . office in Tel Aviv, Israel. in accessing remote areas.” In this “We are glad that you are willing regard, he underscored that Africa to support SMEs. We have learnt The Minster Simhon noted that has a lot to learn from Israel since that here in Israel, SMEs are well the Government of the State it is the only country in the world groomed and supported by the of Israel has deep interest in that has managed to conquer the government. We have also learnt extending its cooperation with desert. “More than half of Israel’s and seen that there are other African states and cooperating exports in agriculture originate initiatives that Israel has and with COMESA will definitely from the desert areas and 70% from MATIMOP we have learnt enhance this. of the fruits and vegetables are of some existing relationships grown in the desert.” He pointed and agreements with non- The Minister emphasized that, out. African countries and similar “One of the problems that hinders relationships and agreements the leap forward is finding the The Minister also expressed his can be beneficial to Africa and right partner. The State of Israel country’s interest in pursuing COMESA in particular; in terms of would be an appropriate partner mining in Africa, especially in the capacity building and exchange in the field of telecoms and area of jewellery and gem stones of expertise in information and other fields as well, and COMESA mining. He looked forward to technology. being a regional organization, is detailed discussion on the mining
  • 5. COMESA and IOC Gender Divisions to collaborate in three areas have lapses and therefore there is need for the two RECS to learn 5 from each other’s weaknesses and strengths. “ We have notices that our colleagues have certain weaknesses and strengths that we can learn from and they too can learn form ours” Mrs. Tembo Said. She said that there is need for COMESA to strengthen advocacy in the gender programmes in terms of resource mobilization and capacity building. “ We need to be very aggressive From left: Ms.Maria D. Phiri, Gender Focal Person for Agriculture and Climate when it come to advocacy, we need Change, Mrs Fatoumia Ali Bazi, IOC Gender Unit Officer in Charge, Mrs Tembo to find money for capacity building COMESA Gender Director and Mrs. Aline Wong, Consultant for IOC, so that we learn how to tackle some C OMESA and the Indian Ocean because they have a national of the challenges we are facing as Community gender divisions programme which makes it very easy gender division’” Mrs. Tembo added. have agreed on three areas of for us (IOC) to implement any project She said that COMESA is very collaboration. of that nature’” She said. optimistic about the collaboration and that COMESA will share The three areas are violence against Mrs. Bazi further said that her information in areas where it is women, women entrepreneurs and organization hopes to learn a lot in strong like female farmers and women in climate change. climate change related programmes climate change. because COMESA has made Speaking in an interview with tremendous achievements and is Mrs. Tembo retaliated the e-comesa news, after a consultative currently leading way in the field. importance of women’s involvement in climate change programmes, meeting at the COMESAE secretariat “ We hope to learn from you in the as they are the most affected by on the 6th May 2011, Charges d’ area of climate change because challenges that come with climate affaires responsible for Gender at we realize that you have workable change. the Indian Ocean Community, Mrs examples of the climate change Fatoumia Bazi said that IOC finds it projects that involve women”. “ Women are the one who go to best to work with COMESA because look for food, look after the sick and of the long standing relationships Mrs Bazi expressed hope that the so on, and so you can see just how between the two RECS. joint effort will yield the desired they come face to face with climate results especially that the two change challenges”, she echoed. “ This relationship we are building secretary-generals from both Mrs. Tembo r employed Women started way back, but it is the first COMESA and IOC are spearheading from the IOC and COMESA to take time that my organization is working the programme. centre stage and build their capacity with the gender division and I to know how to adapt and adopt am very excited to work with this And speaking later the Director the challenges that Climate change division “, Mrs. Bazi said. of Gender and Social affairs at the brings. She said that her organization will COMESA Secretariat Mrs. Emiliana spearhead some projects dealing Tembo said that the collaboration “ As women in the two RECs, we with women entrepreneurship will help enhance regional need to know the new technological because of the organization’s vast integration especially that OIC and advances that will help mitigate knowledge and experience in the COMESA have cross membership these challenges so that we field. states in both RECS. can apply the them” she gave, conservation agriculture as an “ As you may know, Mauritius is Mrs. Tembo revealed that both the example that could enhance food leading in women entrepreneurship IOC and COMESA Gender Divisions security in the two regions.