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1. Mysteries of The Quantum World : The Great
Bohr/Einstein Debate & The Quantum Enigma.
2. On Black Power & Reverse Racism : Avoiding The
Myth Of Black Superiority.
3. Western Racist Mental Pathology & The Suppression
Of The Egyptian Origins Of Judaism, Christianity &
Islam : Confronting The Beast.
4. Unity : Whats That? Africans & The Crabs in a Bucket
5. Almost Uhuru : The Myth Of The United African Anti-
Colonial Mass Struggle.
6. The American Revolution : The ‘Revolution’ that
forgot its Slaves.
5 | P a g e
‘Thus, it may be seen that if imperialist domination has the
vital need to practice cultural oppression, national
liberation is necessarily an act of culture’ : (Amilcar
The future of Civilization as we know it is at stake.
There’s a war raging for the control of the Paradigm which
will next dominate Human Consciousness. The outcome of
this battle really depends on our own individual choice to
firstly, actively engage in it by familiarising ourselves with
the issues, and secondly, by finding our own unique way of
making a personal contribution to this global conversation.
As for me, I was personally Intrigued by developments in
Quantum Physics which go to the root of the nature of
‘Reality’ itself. I believe these hold an important key that
can help us unlock our full potential in order to become
better individuals, and ultimately to shape a better and
more unified Humanity.
The current ‘Meta-Meme’ symbolised by Capitalism,
Consumerism, Atheism and outdated Religious concepts
has reached its limits, and the process of moving beyond it
is inevitable. The only question is what Paradigm are we
going to adopt next?
This is where it gets exciting, and we can all play a part in
this very open dialogue, whose final conclusions are far
from drawn.
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As an African partaking in this conversation, I would be
remiss if I did not offer a contribution that also advanced
the current understanding of ‘African’ or ‘Black’ identity as
a subset of Human identity.
As such, the first part of this work is dedicated to advancing
a Post-Colonial Theory of ‘Black’ or ‘New Afrikan’
Consciousness. It builds on the established understanding
espoused by such luminaries as Steve Biko, Frantz Fanon
and Amilcar Cabral.
The purpose is to advance a concept of ‘Afrikan
Consciousness’ which in a Post-Colonial Africa is
concerned with more than just offering resistance to
Colonial rule, whilst also facilitating the integration of the
‘New Afrikan’ as a unique and respected member of the
rising Global Community.
It is this ‘New Afrikan’ that will be suited and equipped to
be part of the Collective Consciousness built around the
‘New Man’ currently being forged in the fire of ongoing
Global debate, out of whose ashes the new Paradigm to
be adopted by Mankind will emerge.
However, any honest integration of the ‘New Afrikan’ into
this imagined Global Community comprised of the ‘New
Man’ must first be preceded by a process of self-reflection,
correction and validation, amongst Africans themselves in
which the concepts of ‘Blackness’ and ‘Africanness’ are
understood in terms that both affirm the intrinsic value of
African identity, and simultaneously facilitate the
integration of the ‘New Afrikan’ into a Global Community
guided by a different, and more inclusive Paradigm.
The ‘New Afrikan’ will not pay allegiance to what is
essentially today’s dominant alien Paradigm imposed for
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the purposes of subjugating his Consciousness in order to
achieve exploitation under Colonial and Neo-Colonial
The new ‘Global Paradigm’ must by necessity respect the
‘New Afrikan’s’ individuality, and the value of his Culture
and Heritage in informing the content of this new ‘Global
For this reason, the ‘New Afrikan’ will not respect or accede
to a Paradigm that dehumanises and undermines the
worth of his culture.
In essence, if the ‘New Afrikan’s’ culture is not integrated,
recognised and practiced as part of the new Global
Meme, then we as Africans will still not be free because as
noted by Amilcar Cabral, the practice of one’s culture is
the true sign of liberation.
‘Culture’ in this sense is broad, and refers to the set of
values, ideas and conventions eg tradition, literature,
music, dance or other unique expression through which our
sense of ‘Africanness’ is experienced and communicated.
Thus the ‘New Afrikan’ seeks the consideration and
integration of his culture into the new Global Meme, and
will no longer countenance the contemptuous dismissal of
his culture as ‘primitive’ and consequently ‘useless’ to
Humanity without any consideration being paid to its merit
in a given context, or towards resolving a particular
In light of the foregoing, the next question that necessarily
follows is to whom are we referring to when using the term
‘New Afrikan’? More particularly, does the term apply to
Black Africans only?
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We now turn to the next chapter in order to explore this
vexed question.
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Black Self-Awareness and Pride have been at the core of
‘Black Consciousness’ theory. However, in a Post-Colonial
setting, it is perhaps necessary to consider whether ‘Black
Consciousness’ can continue to be applied in its Pre-
Colonial form, or whether the conditions of a Post-Colonial
Africa require a revision or rather an elaboration of its basic
In order to appreciate the importance of the above, it is
necessary to appreciate that theories of ‘Black
Consciousness’ were developed primarily as a
counterblast to the dehumanising effect of Colonialism on
the African Psyche.
In such circumstances, the framing of ‘African
Consciousness’ in terms of Race i.e. as ‘Black
Consciousness’ was in itself already pre-determined by
Colonialism, whose own starting point was the definition
and casting relations of Political and Social Power in terms
of ‘Race’.
This in-effect already dictated the nature of what would
and could be an effective Antithesis to this Race
Conscious Theory of ‘White Supremacy’. (i.e. Black
In such circumstances, its only natural that the Antithesis to
White Supremacy was a philosophy that also emphasised
Race in itself i.e. ‘Black Consciousness’.
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Despite this state of affairs, its also important to appreciate
that ‘Black Consciousness’ was primarily about Black Self-
Awareness or what Cabral termed ‘Re-Africanization’.
It served as a philosophy by which a Black person under
Colonialism could navigate his/her way back to the ‘True
Self’ imbued with a sense of dignity which the Colonial
system sought to deliberately deprive him of at every turn.
This Psychological dimension of Black Consciousness,
which I think can also be understood as Spiritual, is best
expressed by Biko when he notes that:
‘It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you
realise that the only vehicle for change are these people
who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to
make the black man come to himself; to pump back life
into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to
remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing
himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign
supreme in the country of his birth’.
As such, ‘Black Consciousness’ was never meant purely as
a Race Conscious, superficial response to White
Supremacist ideology, with a focus only on skin colour. Skin
colour i.e. ‘Blackness’ was in reality a metaphor for the
Black Soul.
Consequently, ‘Black Consciousness’ properly understood,
is a remedy for the Black man’s Soul, that utilises and inverts
the ‘meaning’ of Skin colour, as the external symbol and
‘justification’ of Colonial State repression to instead affirm,
and thus nourish the ravaged Black Soul/Spirit.
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However, in a Post-Colonial setting, it is perhaps necessary
to emphasise this most important aspect ‘Black
Consciousness’ i.e. The Soul. The character of this Soul in a
Post-Colonial Africa is not only Black, it is multi-racial.
Thus in a Post-Colonial Africa, a new inclusive Proto-
Consciousness which I will term ‘New Afrikan
Consciousness’ finds expression.
It stems from the realisation that in a Post-Colonial Africa,
the Continent is home to a multi-racial people. As such, the
‘Soul’ of Post-Colonial Africa cannot be regarded as purely
Black. It is so diverse it can only be termed ‘Afrikan’.
For instance, in her essay ‘Shifting White Identities In South
Africa’, Sally Matthews notes that White South Africans
possess three claims to ‘Africanness’, one of which includes
their own Psychological self-identification as ‘African’
because Africa is their only home and place of primary life
This perspective can be extended to all other ethnic and
racial groups in Africa, and by necessary implication
demands that we form a more inclusive concept of the
constituent peoples that make up today’s ‘African Soul’.
These people are the ones we refer to as the ‘New
It is for this reason, that this work is not meant for ‘Black
Africans’ alone because I sincerely believe its time a theory
recognising the multi-ethnic and racial character of the
Post-Colonial African Soul is fashioned.
Therefore this book makes use of the term ‘New Afrikan’ as
a means of denoting this multi-racial and multi-ethnic Post-
Colonial African ‘Community’.
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Its message is meant for the Black people of Africa, and
everyone else with a claim to ‘Africanness’ that is not
necessarily based on the colour of their skin, but remains as
legitimate and valid as that of any Black person.
This is the reality of Post-Colonial Africa, and its absolutely
imperative that we acknowledge it in order that we may
forge ahead constructively by moving beyond
understanding ‘Africanness’ purely in terms of ‘Blackness’.
People of so many different shades resonate with the
rhythm of this Continent, and we recognise whosever
resonates with it as being amongst the ‘New Afrikans’
regardless of the colour of their skin.
The next part of this voyage now leads us into the perilous
waters of Quantum Physics, as we consider its key
observations, and what they mean for the realisation of the
‘New Afrikan’s’ full potential, as well as that of the broader
Global community to which the ‘New Afrikan’ seeks to
contribute and belong as an equal member who gains
and maintains recognition within it without selling his Soul.
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What is ‘Reality’ anyway? Is it the objective outside world
we experience as separate from ourselves, or rather is it
nothing but a construct of our own minds masquerading
as a representation of the external world? Should we be so
quick to unquestioningly assume that the picture of the
world we see and experience in our minds is in-fact a
reflection of the external world? Do we ever experience
anything except in our minds?
In order to resolve the question of whether reality is internal
or external, one of the most famous experiments ever
conducted and which shed enormous light on this issue is
the ‘Double Slit Experiment’.
First conducted by Thomas Young in 1801, it demonstrated
that an individual electron (Particle) could be both a
wave/energy or a particle. Most importantly, the simple
act of observing the electron as it travelled through space
during the course of the experiment could alter the way in
which the electron represented itself i.e. It could either be
a wave or a particle depending on whether it was being
observed during the experiment.
If unobserved, the electron presented itself as a wave,
when observed it presented itself as a particle. This means
that electrons as a representation of the ‘matter’ in what
we generally regard as the external objective world/reality
do not actually have a fixed predetermined form but
rather that the form they take depends purely on the act
of our observation.
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The implications are significant because what it means is
that because we are essentially always observing, what
we call ‘reality’ or ‘the external world’ we perceive or
‘observe’ is in-fact a product of our own observation, and
not a product of a permanent external ‘fixed’ reality.
As such, when we speak of ‘Reality’ what are we actually
talking about? Are we talking about the Matter/Particles
created by our observation or are we thinking of the
primordial waves of energy which our observation impacts
to create the particles in our mind which we assume to be
‘reality’ rather than the simple effect of our observation on
essentially formless and shapeless energy?
In my view, the findings of Quantum Theory compel us to
accept that ‘Reality’ is in-fact not fixed and external to us,
but is instead merely an incidence of the image of ‘matter
or particles’ created in our own minds from our observation
of this formless primordial wave energy at a given point in
We now turn to the next important aspect of Quantum
Theory, the concept of ‘Quantum Entanglement’.
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that
occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or
interact in ways such that the state of each particle cannot
be described independently of the others, even when the
particles are separated by a large distance.
In short, what this means is that all particles in the Universe
are forever paired, linked and bound together. The result
is that any change in one particle, automatically affects its
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‘pair particle’ no-matter how far in space and time the
particles appear to be separated or apart from each
other. In essence, therefore if all particles are linked, it
follows that every observed particle forms part of a single
unified system, since any change to one part of the system
automatically extends to other ‘pair particles’, and is
expressed instantly throughout the entire system.
The idea of separation and ‘individuality’ is therefore an
illusion, and is another figment of the ‘Image Reality’ we
create in our minds as Observers in the Universe. Instead of
simply assuming the validity of the individuality or ‘I-ness’
presented to us by our minds in ‘Image Reality’, and also
taking it for a self-evident ‘truth’, we must learn to step
away from ‘Image Reality’ and realise it for what it
is………An image………An image of what though?
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Its one thing to describe our version of reality as ‘Image
Reality’, and quite another to describe the ‘Fundamental
Reality’ upon which this ‘Image Reality’ is based. I’ll
attempt to illustrate by using the example below:
Next time you’re looking at a flower. Ask yourself whether
you’re really looking at a flower?
Could it be possible that the image of the flower in your
mind is not because the flower itself really exists, but rather
because your mind interprets a particular sequence of
energy as ‘a flower’……What is actually ‘real’? Is it the
underlying sequence of energy itself or is it that sequenced
energy’s chosen meaning of it in your mind as ‘a flower’?
The underlying sequence of energy is the ‘Fundamental
Reality’, whilst the image of that sequence of energy,
which is pictured in your mind as ‘a flower’, is simply a
translation of that sequenced energy or ‘Fundamental
The sequence of energy which contains all possibilities,
and which can also be affected by the actions of the
Observer as shown in Young’s ‘Double Slit Experiment’, is
what I will term ‘Quantum Reality’. The mind is always
translating this ‘Quantum Reality’ into ‘Image Reality’,
thereby creating the Space and Time in which our lives
Now, as we sit confronted by this unfamiliar version of
‘Reality’, we necessarily ask ourselves what are the
implications, and what does it mean for the purposes of our
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journey in this life and for Society as a whole? I would
submit that this new ‘Quantum Reality’ as opposed to our
previous ‘Image Reality’, although unfamiliar, provides a
better means of resolving these ultimate questions.
Although at first glance, a shift to ‘Quantum Reality’
appears to snip the thread we’ve tied so neatly around the
present of the ‘Image Reality’ which we gift ourselves at
every moment, continuously and unconsciously mistaking
it for ‘Fundamental Quantum Reality’.
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Quantum Mechanics as described above, has had the
result of gifting us with the enduring legacy of the great
Bohr/Einstein debate which widened the gap between
'Traditional' Physics and Quantum Theory.
On the one hand, we had Bohr demonstrating that
‘Reality’ was not made up of ‘fixed’ particles but was
instead constituted of ‘Quanta’ in the form of ‘waves of
infinite potential or possibility’ which only turned into
particles at a specific point in Space-Time when Observed
as in the Double Slit Experiment. This means everything is
present everywhere at all times, ready to materialise as
particles or ‘matter’ at the particular point of observation
in Space-Time.
Einstein simply regarded this as absurd, and could not bring
himself to accept the logical implications of Quantum
Mechanics because he believed ‘Reality’ was made up of
fixed particles of matter such as Atoms. As a result, he tried
to come up with a ‘Unified Field Theory’ to resolve what he
perceived as a contradiction, and regrettably went to his
grave without achieving success.
‘Quantum Mechanics’ therefore remained intact.
However, the issue did not rest with Einstein’s death, so
work into how we could reconcile these 2 seemingly
distinct and contradictory ‘Universes’( i.e The Quantum
World and The World of Traditional Physics) carried on.
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I would say equations developed by De Broglie and
Schrodinger were absolutely fundamental to solving the
apparent ‘contradiction’ that Einstein could not come to
terms with.
By providing a means for modelling or describing the wave
motion of Quanta, it became possible to integrate
Quantum Theory with Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
This integration is quite pronounced in explaining the
Space/Time Continuum and how 'Space/Time' is actually
created and experienced by us as ‘Consciousness’ i.e.
'Space/Time' is merely our subjective labelling of the
intervals in which changes to the pattern of Wave motions
generated by Quanta is observed.
The Quanta themselves which we observe, and use to
denote 'Time', do not themselves possess a sense of 'Time'
like we have in our own minds.
They merely vibrate at a rate and in a pattern we choose
to call 'Time', whenever a change in the pattern of Wave
motion of the Quanta we are observing occurs.
'Space-Time' is therefore an artificial construct of the Mind
which is inherently tied to the concept of variation or
change, without which it cannot exist or ceases to be
Therefore if 'Space/Time' exists purely as a product of
Quantum Interactions which can be modelled
mathematically, what are the implications as far as the
'Reality' we perceive is concerned?
Is it too just a Mathematical Vector, the content of which
can be derived from the same equations used to denote
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or 'create' the idea of 'Space/Time' out of what are
essentially patterns observed out of the purely random
changes in the Wave Patterns of Quanta?
Could this potentially be the code needed to produce the
Matrix? A 3D Holographic simulation based on
understanding the true mathematical nature of
Space/Time, and by implication 'Reality' itself?
Is our 'Reality' therefore potentially just a virtual information
based simulation built using Mathematical Vectors and
Equations so as to produce our subjective experience of
Well some people argue just that, most notably Professor
Gates (Who I’m also proud to say is an African-American’)
who has produced a 3 D Computer Binary Model of
‘Reality’ he has dubbed ‘The Adinkra’.
‘Adinkra’ are originally visual symbols of West African origin
that represent concepts, used extensively in fabrics and
pottery. They are also incorporated into walls and used in
many ways as a decorative feature. In essence, they
represent objects that carry messages which convey
traditional wisdom, aspects of life or the environment, and
are often linked with proverbs.
As a homage to my African Culture and Professor Gates,
the cover image I have selected for this book is this 3 D
‘Adinkra’ image structure of our ‘Reality’ that Professor
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Gates has constructed from the Mathematical Equations
developed out of his research into Quantum Theory and
These equations can be used to produce the 3D
Holographic Image we experience as 'Reality',
‘Awareness’ or ‘Consciousness’.
Entering the fray and adding to the conversation with his
own 'Unified Field Theory' and also hoping to succeed
where Einstein failed is Nassim Haramein.
In short, Nassim’s Theory combines the progress made by
De Broglie and Schrodinger with Ancient Knowledge to
conclude that our Universe is constructed around a
spinning Black Hole whose structure was depicted by the
Ancients in the form of Sacred Geometry such as the
Tetragram or 'Flower of Life'.
This he contends can be traced to Ancient Texts like, ‘The
It is for this reason he argues that the God 'Yahweh' of The
Old Testament was actually originally spelt as 'YWHW" with
only 4 letters that cannot be pronounced due to the
absence of vowels.
This can be understood and seen by the fact that originally
'God' or YWHW was originally portrayed in Ancient art and
literature as a 'Force' shown in the shape of radiating
Triangle/Tetragram, and not as the ‘God Man’ of later
Western Civilization commonly depicted as an Old man
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with a Beard. This later construction of God is not based on
the Hebrew Texts he argues.
Due to its Metaphysical aspects, Nassim’s Theory isn’t
readily accepted by the mainstream Scientific community,
but I refer to it nevertheless for your consideration.
Athene's 'Theory of Everything' also sheds immense light on
how ‘Quantum Mechanics’ can assist us in understanding
the nature of Consciousness.
Whilst it explicitly denies the intention to draw to
Metaphysical conclusions from its purely Neuroscience
and Quantum Mechanics based approach to
‘Consciousness’, it nevertheless acknowledges that
Metaphysical conclusions can be drawn from it, although
these may not be as ‘grand’ as is commonly thought within
Pop Culture.
Athene’s Theory is quite significant and enlightening in as
far as it details the reconciliation of the Bohr/Einstein
debate using Neuroscience, De Broglie’s, Schroedinger
and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity together with some of the
latest insights in Quantum Physics gained thus far from the
Cern Particle Accelerator.
It is comprehensive and its implications are as profound as
they are staggering and inspiring.
The essence of it is that, if Brain activity is accepted as
consisting of electrical Neuron activity, then it must be
accepted that the Brain waves that make up our
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‘Consciousness’, represent Electrons involved in Quantum
interactions to produce ‘Consciousness’ which can be
understood in mathematical terms using the Equation:
C = HF.
C (Consciousness) is a product of Quantum activity within
the electrons produced by the firing of Brain neurons
moving at a particular speed and frequency in
'Space/Time' represented by the letters 'H' and 'F'.
Athene demonstrates that our ‘Consciousness’ or
'Awareness' actually occurs every time the matter and
anti-matter Wave forms produced simultaneously in the
electrons produced by our Brain neurons whenever they
fire interact and cancel each other out at the Quantum
level within our Brains.
This Wave cancellation produces every single 'now
moment' that makes up our awareness or 'Consciousness',
and occurs at a rate of perhaps 30 Trillion Times a second.
In other words, we shift in and out of 'Awareness' or
'Consciousness' 30 Trillion times a second according to the
rate and speed at which Quantum interactions occur
within the electrons fired by the Brain's Neurons.
The illusion of continuity and thus 'Space/Time' results from
the fact that the interruptions in our awareness are so small
as to be expressed in 'Planck Time' (Very small fractions of
a second) we do not ever notice.
Athene also observes there is no single ‘Centre of
Consciousness’ in the Brain or Mind.
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Rather ‘Consciousness’ arises out of the combined effect
of the neural activity in our Brains to form a single merged
picture from the separate parts of our neural network.
It is the continuous interaction and convergence of the
oscillating electrical signals discharged by the Neurons in
our Brain’s Neural network that expresses itself as
However, it all occurs without a central ‘Core’ guiding
and/or mediating these ongoing random Neural patterns
and cycles.
Building on the idea that ‘Quantum Mechanics’ can be
used to explain the nature of ‘Reality’ at the Quantum
level, Carlton Cole, likewise proposes that a framework of
‘Consciousness Mechanics’ can be developed and
utilised to explain the nature of ‘Consciousness’.
‘Consciousness Mechanics’, in this regard is very consistent
with Athene’s theory of everything. For instance, Cole
contends that ‘Time’ does not exist in of itself, but is
essentially an illusion created within timelessness, and arises
out of the perceived but false ‘momentum’ or ‘movement’
of our Consciousness through the ‘Past’, ‘Present’ and
In reality, all our Consciousness actually experiences is
rapid, successive but nevertheless distinctly separate ‘Right
Now’ moments.
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Much like the separate images printed on Film which
portrays the illusion of continuous motion when the
separate images printed on the Film are played in quick
succession by a Projector, and then reflected on a screen
as ‘motion’.
There is no actual ‘motion’ recorded on the Film, only
separate images that create the illusion of motion when
played or ‘processed’ sequentially by a Projector.
Cole observes that all our experiences including that of
which appears to us as ‘External Reality’ are processed
and interpreted by the Brain to produce what I have
described earlier as ‘Image Reality’.
Thus ‘Consciousness Mechanics’ contends that all
‘external reality observation’ can only ever be an
experience of ‘Reality’ within Consciousness itself.
As such, our ‘Reality Experience’ or ‘Time’ are merely
instances of our Consciousness reflecting upon itself to
observe and give meaning to what our own Consciousness
is experiencing within itself at a particular moment.
Our reality experience therefore only ever actually occurs
in the mind, and is observed simultaneously by our own
Consciousness within the same mind as it occurs.
This Cole contends is the only empirical type of ‘reality
experience’ possible in our Universe, and is an inescapable
Principle or Law of Nature dubbed ‘Cole’s Paradox’.
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For these reasons, ‘Conscious Mechanics’ regards the
phenomena of ‘Continuity’, ‘Momentum’ or ‘Time’ as mere
‘special effects’ produced by our Consciousness in order
to provide us with convenient labels like ‘past’ and ‘future’
so that we may be able to explain the series of rapid,
continuous but separate Multi-Dimensional ‘Right Now’
moments occurring within our own Consciousness’ internal
‘Reality Experience’ in a simplified and continuous linear
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Since the actions of the Observer can affect how a
particle manifests itself as shown in the ‘Double Slit
Experiment’, what is immediately apparent is that a shift in
our Consciousness to an understanding of ‘Reality’ away
from ‘Image Reality’ to ‘Quantum Reality’, would instantly
empower us as the Observers.
As Observers, we possess the power to interact with the
Quantum Reality and influence outcomes by affecting the
patterns of the ‘Energy Sequences’ that form
‘Fundamental Quantum Reality’, and eventually end up as
‘Image Reality’ in ordinary Space and Time.
To me, this means that ‘Quantum Reality’ offers all
possibilities by directing our effect on the sequences of
energy in Quantum Reality as Observers before they
manifest themselves as Image Reality in ordinary Space
and Time i.e. the unfolding of our daily lives.
This is a golden opportunity that allows us to create the
World we desire as Individuals, and ultimately as a Global
Armed with this understanding, we’ll start by considering
the possible implications of a Quantum Reality for the
individual who is the basic building block of any
community or society.
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Experienced Image Reality is a function of observation, so
it immediately becomes clear that appreciating Reality
from a Quantum perspective is empowering to you, as the
Observer. No longer does one have to contend and labour
in an effort to ‘change’ fixed reality. Life instead becomes
a continuously creative act by you as the Observer.
The ability to experience and create Reality on the
Quantum Level is inseparable from the sense of individual
responsibility that comes with the realisation that your life is
merely a mirror of your own thoughts and the manner of
interacting with the world. Once you appreciate this basic
fact, it means you should not hesitate to take responsibility
for your own thoughts, interactions and the overall state of
your life.
There are an infinite number of outcomes for any situation,
which means similarly, there are an infinite number of
thoughts that can be had. As a result, a particular
outcome cannot be divorced from your own thoughts that
gave birth to it.
This is the true power of living in a Quantum Reality. Its
complete freedom, coupled with complete responsibility.
You cannot shift your responsibility towards yourself, God
and Society by passing it onto someone else whether its
your Spouse, Parent, Sibling or Priest. It begins and ends
with you.
The good news is that this is the most empowering
approach to life one could possibly have. It does not suit
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the cowardly however because there is no room for
escaping responsibility for the outcomes of your own
thoughts and attitude since ‘Reality Experience’ is always
empirically a reflection or ‘Mirror’ of what our own
Consciousness is experiencing within itself.
Therefore, by altering our focus of Consciousness, we can
affect the nature of our individual ‘Reality Experience’
within our own Consciousness, and thus the shape and
outcome of our everyday individual and ultimately
collective ‘Reality Experience’.
Flowing from the above is the necessary realisation that all
‘New Afrikans’ are responsible for the reality they
experience. As such, even the experience of one’s
‘Oppression’ or ‘Limitation’ is completely alterable by a
change in Perspective.
We are therefore responsible for ensuring the continuation
of our liberation by engaging in the experience of enjoying
and practicing our Culture without diminishing the value of
other cultures and what we may learn from them. We
simply cannot continue to blame others for any unpleasant
reality we create or experience over an extended period
of time.
Secondly, because the enjoyment of our own Culture
permits the ‘New Afrikan’ to partake in the cultural
experiences of others, we can only enrich and enhance
our own Culture and life experience by engaging in these
different cultural experiences without judgment,
meanwhile staying true to our own.
It is also for this reason that cultural isolation is not
compatible with the ‘New Afrikan’ Paradigm.
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The possibility of an ‘Afrikan Consciousness’ at this level
was recognised by Cabral when he stated that :
“A people who free themselves from foreign domination
will be free culturally only if, without complexes and
without underestimating the importance of positive
accretions from oppressor and other cultures, they return
to the upward paths of their own culture, which is nourished
by the living reality of its environment, and which negates
both harmful influences and any kind of subjection to
foreign culture.”
Such an approach to one’s life would in essence be the
everyday manifestation of the ‘New Afrikan’
Consciousness advocated in this work.
This would announce the emergence of Africans who
recognise the limitless nature of their potential as human
beings, and who also respect their own Culture without
taking away from themselves the opportunity to learn from
and to teach others, as equals.
31 | P a g e
A Quantum Society would be characterised by a high
level of self-actualisation amongst its members. In such a
Society, it is inconceivable that things such as Money, Law,
Politics and State Authority would even be required.
All these exist in Society today not because they are
necessary and that Human Civilization cannot exist without
them. Far from it, and to the contrary, they only exist
because of our current limited concepts of both ‘Self’ and
These misconceptions create the idea of separation
fuelled by a primitive Reptilian ego. However, once we
access our Higher Consciousness beyond the Reptilian
‘survivalist’ aspects of our Brain, it will in-fact be more
natural for us to create a Society which is mutually
supportive and enabling to its members in a Quantum
In-fact, such a Society would be so Transcendent I don’t
think that at the ordinary level of Consciousness, we
possess the ability to either imagine it in our mind’s eye or
express it in ordinary language.
A Quantum Society represents the graduation of mankind
into a different realm of infinite possibility, love, community
and responsibility. The end result is a new Social Meme that
will hopefully take the next generation beyond the
vagaries of our unequal, violent, war-stricken and violent
32 | P a g e
Whilst it may sound Utopian, a Quantum Society built by a
‘New Quantum Man’ is a good proposition as far as the
future of mankind is concerned. We must not forget, the
war for our Consciousness and the future of Civilization is
As such, we must understand why it is important for us to
begin to conceive of a future for ourselves at the Quantum
level of Consciousness because if we don’t, a future that is
not of our choosing or our making will most certainly be
imposed on us by those that understand its importance.
Without doubt, the future will be determined by the level
and form of Consciousness that will prevail.
It is simply a question of whether a Quantum or Reptilian
Consciousness prevail.
The above is by no means an exaggeration, and we will
briefly consider ‘The Singularity Hypothesis’,
‘Trans-Humanism’ and ‘Post-Humanism’ as competing
disguised forms of Reptilian Consciousness which are on
the rise, and are in reality, a threat to the evolution of
Consciousness along a healthy trajectory.
The stakes are definitely high, and it is the ultimate purpose
of this book to make some contribution, no matter how
small in today’s ‘Consciousness War’ by making what I
believe to be a positive entry in the ongoing dialogue on
the nature and future of Consciousness.
I would much rather aspire to this vision of our
interconnectedness as observed in Athene’s ‘Theory of
Everything’ :
“We are a global network of neurochemical reactions. And
the self-amplifying cycle of acceptance and
33 | P a g e
acknowledgment, sustained by the daily choices in our
interactions, is the chain-reaction that will ultimately define
our collective ability to overcome imagined differences
and look at life in the grand scheme of things…”
34 | P a g e
The 'Singularity Hypothesis' credited to Ray Kurzweil,
proposes that the exponential advancement in
technology we are presently experiencing will eventually
lead to the invention of artificial superintelligence which
will in turn abruptly trigger even faster runaway
technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes
to human civilization.
As a result, unless humans can process information at the
same rate as the technology of the time, we will be left
behind to dwell as second class Citizens in a world where
the technology we developed and once-controlled is now
independent of our will...Its the ultimate turning of the
tables and has been dubbed the 'TechnoCalyps' by some.
In essence, we will arrive at a technology driven
Apocalypse much more sinister than the one imagined in
the Book of Revelations.
One of the main consequences of the singularity is that
unless we can process information as fast as the machines,
we will be left behind. Under these conditions, our only
option will be to 'upgrade' our natural Consciousness and
This will lead to an intermediary phase called
'Trans-Humanism' when we are transitioning from Man to
Machine, and it will be characterised by the increased
integration of technology into our bodies eg Computer
chips, just so we can keep up with the machines.
After this transitional phase, a 'Post-Human' era will
eventually arrive in which Consciousness can only exist as
35 | P a g e
part of a computer network. We will essentially have to
upload our minds into a 'Super Mind Network' where we will
continue to exist purely as information.
Its important to note that not everyone agrees with
Kurzweil's Singularity hypothesis, but it certainly merits
debate and consideration, particularly because
underlying his hypothesis is the idea that our Reality can
essentially be reduced to Binary Computer information
which can then be uploaded into a computer network like
all other Binary information to create a simulated 3D
Not so far-fetched, if you still remember Professor Gates’
‘Adinkra’ which is essentially a 3 D Binary Model of ‘Reality’
derived purely from the mathematical equations observed
within our ‘Reality’ as we presently experience and
understand it.
‘Fringe’ is one of my favourite TV Shows of all time (Its
probably a tie with ‘The Wire’ but that’s a debate for
another day ).
Anyway, over time I’ve come to appreciate how
significant and relevant the issues raised in ‘Fringe’ are.
Prior to ‘Fringe’, a picture of what a 'Post-Singularity' world
may look like, was best represented by 'The Matrix' which
painted a stark portrait of a machine dominated world in
terms where Consciousness exists only in relation to
information and experiences generated in a virtual
computer network.
36 | P a g e
'Fringe' then came along, and I think it’s a real gem that
raises significant questions as it explores the nature of a
'Post-Human' world.
Ultimately, in 'Fringe', Director JJ Abrams appears to
conclude that our human qualities such as ‘Love’ are too
unique to ever be extinguished or reduced to Binary
computer code.
Therefore, the human spirit will ultimately triumph over the
a sterile Post-human world dominated by the ‘Observers’.
The term ‘Observer’ itself is interesting because it harkens
back to the ‘Double Slit’ experiment, the initial source of
the Quantum Enigma and the great Bohr/Einstein debate.
The term ‘Observers’, rather than simply denoting an Elite
literally just ‘observing’ human beings, it may actually point
to the fact that the ‘Observers’ have mastered the
Quantum nature of reality.
This would explain their ability to easily navigate Parallel
Universes, and different dimensions of ‘Space-Time’ by the
simple act of ‘Observing’ Quantum waves of infinite
potential, and turning them into the particles or ‘Reality’
they desire at any given point in time.
Therefore, they can literally be anywhere at anytime as
required through the simple act of ‘Observation’.
Much like the ‘Observer’ in the initial Double Slit Experiment
determines the appearance of Particles or ‘Matter’ at the
point of observation whenever he observes the Electron
Wave during the experiment.
37 | P a g e
In the final analysis, I’m not as certain as JJ Abrams
appears to be in ’Fringe’ that the triumph of mankind over
Post-Humanism is so assured.
However, in all fairness, it must be accepted that ‘Fringe’ is
a TV Show, and the ‘Happy Ending’ may have been
necessary for this reason.
Perhaps the difficulties the characters in ‘Fringe’ face in
defeating the Observers, reflect an alternative perspective
which could not be fully expressed with an ending of the
show that leaves us in a sterile and hopeless ‘Post-Human’
Observer controlled world from which mankind will never
Whilst this sort of optimistic ending was excluded by
Cinematic conventions in ‘Fringe’ as a TV Show, it does not
mean that life itself will be so forgiving, since its not bound
by the same Cinematic conventions.
Only the outcome of the battle of wills waged by the Post-
humanists and ‘the People’ for the control of the next
‘Global Meme’ will determine the actual reality we will end
up with.
For this reason all of Humanity must unite and remain
vigilant on the issue.
It is a fallacy for Post-Humanists to argue that humans will
need to ‘enhance’ themselves in order to cope
adequately in a Post-Singularity world, if we appreciate
that the human mind and our ‘Consciousness’ in its natural
38 | P a g e
state is already limitless given its Quantum nature and
Therefore, there’s no need to ’enhance’ it with external
machines and devices. Rather we must look inward within
ourselves in order to unleash the potential we already
It is precisely because the Post-Human movement
fundamentally denies the limitless inner potential we
already possess in our natural state of Quantum
Consciousness, that it should be regarded with suspicion as
a lower form of Reptilian Consciousness.
We have only ever needed to know ourselves better, and
that is the simple truth.
‘The solution has always lain with the people’ as Max Igan
reminds us in ‘Trance-Formation’.
We must therefore remain wary of the Trans-Humanists,
Post-Humanists and their allies, in order to preserve our
Liberty and Humanity so that we may exercise our freedom
of choice in an informed way to freely create the
Civilization we wish to experience in future.
Max Igan once again delivers a vivid warning against the
Trans-Humanist and Post-Humanist agenda by describing it
as today’s ‘Technological Era’ version of the familiar
“Heaven’ and ‘Afterlife’ Judeo-Christian myth.
The only difference is that the ‘Heaven’ and ‘God’ of that
familiar myth, have been replaced by a misguided, self-
serving and dehumanising Ego driven ‘Technological
39 | P a g e
We must therefore remain alert to the covert means by
which the Trans-Humanist agenda is being implemented
via Chemtrails, Nanotechnology, and other clandestine
40 | P a g e
The objection to enhancing our Consciousness in the
previous Chapter is not a blanket objection to all efforts
aimed at enhancing our Natural Consciousness.
The exploration of the ‘Inner Self’ through Spiritual practices
like Meditation, and the Ritualistic consumption and
experience of natural Consciousness expanding
substances like DMT as well as Psychedelics like the natural
Native American Traditional Plant ‘Ayahuasca’, are all
means of exploring the depths of the ‘Inner Self’ in such a
manner that deepens our own understanding of ourselves,
and the true inner power we already possess in our
As famous American Ethnobotanist, Mystic, Psychonaut,
Lecturer, and Author Terence McKenna (R.I.P.) so astutely
“I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic
experience like going to the grave without ever having
sex. It means that you never figured out what it is all about.
The mystery is in the body and the way the body works itself
into nature.”
The above are merely observations as to how our
Consciousness can be naturally enhanced without resort
to the artificial bodily alterations and additions in the name
of ‘enhancement’ as the Trans-Humanists and Post-
Humanists would have us do without so much as a pause.
41 | P a g e
Ultimately, the natural expansion of Consciousness remains
largely uncharted territory, and with the results from recent
Medical ‘DMT’ or ‘Spirit Molecule’ Consciousness
experiments showing promising results, it looks like we’re
well on our way to understanding and enhancing our
natural capability without making any mechanical
modifications or alterations to our Bodies and/or Minds.
It nevertheless remains each person’s responsibility (as it
always is), to continue the quest in this area, and for a
summation of the nature of this burden, I’ll defer once
again to Terrence McKenna:
“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and
the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea,
because our world is endangered by the absence of good
ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of
Its therefore up to each one of us to pick up the mantle,
with the full knowledge of what the implications of our
failure to find this ‘Inner Path’ will be for the future of our
Species….a sterile Posthuman ‘The Matrix’, ‘Fringe’ or ‘The
Terminator’ type world dominated by ‘Conscious’
Machines running a Computer Simulation in which our
Consciousness is ‘Uploaded’.
It will only be within this Computer simulation that we will
experience a new, permanent and inescapable version of
‘Reality’ which will be purely virtual in nature.
Apparently, it wont make a difference as long as we stay
plugged into The Matrix. At some point, we must all decide
if we would be satisfied with this state of affairs, and then
actually act on that decision.
42 | P a g e
Unfortunately, Its impossible to avoid choosing sides
because there is no ‘intermediate’ position. So make up
your mind and act……Pronto!!!   .
43 | P a g e
In concluding, I emphasise that none of what is stated in
this book should be regarded as absolute and
unassailable. I certainly don’t think it is. This work is
essentially my own contribution firstly to the evolution of
‘Black Consciousness’ into a more Transcendent form of
‘New Afrikan’ Consciousness.
In my opinion, this is a vital first step in this long journey for
those of us who are Africans, because our current local
Paradigm does not adequately Unite and equip us as a
cohesive Unit that can contribute meaningfully to the
broader challenges in the ongoing battle for the new
Global Paradigm.
We simply cannot contribute meaningfully on the broader
subjects of global proportions, if we don’t even know who
we are in our own backyard. Some housekeeping is thus in
order before we join the rest of Humanity in the long march
to freedom ahead.
Our contribution and involvement as ‘New Afrikans’ is
nevertheless both necessary and desirable because
African Culture is soaked in a richness of knowledge and
ideas that can assist in the resolution of the pressing issues
faced by the World today.
These include the required further exploration of the ‘Inner
Self’ as well as in the area of Ethics where African concepts
like ‘Ubuntu’ which espouse the equality and dignity of all
men can be integrated into the value system of the new
‘Global Meme’ which will guide the future Civilization we
seek to create.
44 | P a g e
In this regard, our aspirations as universal ‘New Afrikans’ are
captured well in these elegant words courtesy of Frantz
“I am black; I am in total fusion with the world, in
sympathetic affinity with the earth, losing my id (Ego) in the
heart of the cosmos –“.
Likewise, the seriousness of the mission for all Humanity is
best conveyed by Amilcar Cabral, whose words I leave
you with as a parting gift:
‘We must act as if we answer to, and only answer to, our
Ancestors, our children, and the unborn.’
45 | P a g e
Amilcar Cabral : Unity & Struggle
Frantz Fanon : Black Skin, White Masks
Steve Biko : I Write What I Like
Ray Kurzweil : The Age Of Spiritual Machines
Sally Matthews : Shifting White Identities In South Africa :
White Africanness & The Struggle For Racial Justice :
Vhedza’s Culture Lounge : Extracts From Various Essays
Published @
Professor Jim Al-Khalili : ‘The Secrets Of Quantum Physics’
Roger Penrose : ‘The Emperor’s New Mind’
Nassim Haramein : ‘The Black Whole’
Carlton Cole : ‘Consciousness Mechanics’
Athene Wins : ‘Athene’s Theory Of Everything’
TheDeJaVu434 : ‘TechnoCalyps’
Dig Philosophy : ‘Building Gods : Transhumanism, Artificial
Intelligence & Nano Technology’
Fox Broadcasting Network : ‘Fringe’ Television Series
46 | P a g e
Max Igan : ‘Trance-Formation’
Terence McKenna : ‘The Transcendental Object At The End
Of Time’
Enigmas Of The Universe : ‘DMT : The Spirit Molecule’
Leminno : ‘Simulated Reality’
Fair Wind Films : ‘The Simulation Hypothesis’
StuOH : ‘The Holographic Universe’
47 | P a g e
1. Mysteries of The Quantum World : The Great
Bohr/Einstein Debate & The Quantum Enigma
The Quantum World has captivated the finest and most
curious minds because what it teaches us about the
nature of the Universe is truly mind-bending. It goes against
our basic intuition about what makes up 'Reality'....Is it
made up of solid particles like Atoms or pure Energy
expressed in Waveform?
The mystery only deepens when one considers that at the
most basic Quantum Level, everything occurs randomly,
and yet this produces a stable superstructure we call the
'Universe' with constant predictable Physical Laws eg
Newton's Laws of Motion.
How this is even possible triggered one of the most fierce
Scientific debates between Einstein & Danish Physicist Neils
Bohr. Einstein was so disturbed by the logical implications
of Quantum Theory, he made it his life work to create a
'Counter' theory he termed 'The Unified Field Theory' to
prove that the Universe was made up of particles that
acted predictably according to Universal Laws.
Einstein failed in his bid to dislodge the basic ideas of
Quantum Mechanics as argued by Bohr, and they remain
a key to unlocking other deeper mysteries such as what
drives the patterns and behaviour on the Quantum level
which produces the Universe and its predictable Laws?
48 | P a g e
Its one thing to describe Quantum behaviour using
mathematical equations, but quite another to explain
what and why produces and sustains the Quantum
actions, interactions and behaviour in the first place?
Today, this great mystery continues to be explored, and
provides useful insights in the fields of Science and most
recently, the nature of Spirituality and Consciousness which
may be potentially explained using the ideas and methods
of Quantum Mechanics.
The quest continues, and the more we dig deeper into this
strange Quantum World, the more important truths we
learn, which always challenge us to expand our
understanding of both ourselves and the Universe we
happen to call 'home'.
To find out more about the Wonders of the Quantum
World, the great Einstein/Bohr debate as well as Einstein's
abortive 'Unified Field Theory', you can check out the links
below. Einstein, lost this one, but he did it with grace.
Respect to Neils Bohr. We owe you one for pointing us in
this brave new direction!
So what will it be....The Red or the Blue Pill?
New Scientist Article : Wonders of the Quantum World:
The Great Einstein/Bohr Debate:
49 | P a g e
2. On Black Power & Reverse Racism : Avoiding The
Myth Black Superiority
'That race is everything, is simply a fact, the most
remarkable, the most comprehensive, which philosophy
has ever announced. Race is everything: literature,
science, art — in a word, civilization depends on it' (Robert
Knox, The Races of Man, London, 1850, P. 7)
These words are quite ironic and perhaps best illustrate the
seriousness of Racist Pathology. Published in London at the
height of the British Colonial Project, the words shaped the
attitude of the British Empire towards the 'lesser' non-White
peoples it enslaved across the Globe. Even Charles
Dickens, the celebrated English author expressed his
admiration of these words.
The British were inherently superior, and all other people's
inferior, it was a Scientific fact and that was all there was
to it!
The Racists' reliance on the truth of his own false statement
reveals the depth of his affliction. More particularly in that,
if the statement were indeed true, its not true in relation to
the White race. So if the author was really committed to
the 'truth' as he saw it, he would agree that the statement
is true in relation to Africans because Africa through
Ancient Egypt is the cradle of Civilization and not Europe.
So followed to its logical conclusion, the statement would
actually mean that Blacks are 'superior' to Whites.
The need for the author and the Racist to hide from this
fact, and yet at the same time derive a false sense of
'Being' i.e. 'superiority' from what is in-fact a factual
distortion is the most disturbing aspect of Racist Pathology.
50 | P a g e
The need to create a Historical distortion and then
mythologise it as 'Reality' in order to derive a sense of
'superiority' through self-serving denial, is quite tragic if not
pitiful. For this reason, it means ANYONE who relies on this
Psychological device for a sense of 'Being' has fallen into
the same trap and is equally tragic and pitiful as those who
presently excel in its practice.
As such, 'Black Power' and 'Black Pride' movements should
not go beyond Self-Awareness by creating an equally false
and self-serving delusional myth of Black 'superiority'.
This is a trap a lot of 'Pro-Black' movements have fallen into
perhaps due to the pressing need to counteract the
Psychic effects of Racism by developing an equally false
'Black' mythology. It would be equally neurotic however,
to find ourselves in a world where Blacks regard themselves
as 'superior' and Whites 'inferior'.....It would simply be a
reversal of the same Pathology we've already seen.
Its true that as Africans, our sense of 'Self' has been
violated. However, in restoring it, let us not resort to the
same Psychological devices that attempted to destroy us.
Our Self-Awareness cannot be measured in reference to
another Human being's perceived sense of worth.
Look at what kind of World that sort of thinking has already
created? Its not our intention to create our own self-serving
incarnation of this nightmare.
51 | P a g e
3. Western Racist Mental Pathology & The Suppression
Of The Egyptian Origins Of Judaism, Christianity &
Islam : Confronting The Beast
“The Negro enslaved by his inferiority, the white man
enslaved by his superiority alike behave in accordance
with a neurotic orientation.”― (Frantz Fanon, Black Skin,
White Masks)
Fanon's portrayal of Racism as consisting of a reciprocal
relationship of Co-dependency between the Racist and
his victim, is one of the most profound insights that made
'Black Skin, White Masks' my favourite book.
Instead of focusing purely on the negative effect of racism
on its victims, Fanon also went as far as analysing its
negative Psychological effect on the Perpetrator as well.
In other words, he observed that it is equally neurotic and
psychologically dysfunctional for a Black person to
consider themselves 'inferior' as it is for a White person to
consider themselves 'superior'.
Racism is in effect sustained by this dysfunctional dynamic
between Perpetrator and Victim who in reality both suffer
from a form of Psychological neurosis because it is a
distortion for either one to regard himself as either 'superior'
or 'inferior'. These are not facts but mere perceptions of the
I believe understanding Racism as a form of Pathology,
particularly on that part of the perpetrator is significant. It
explains a lot!!
It explains the excessive need to look for external
validation of this 'superiority' through the systematic
destruction of the self-esteem and spirit of the Black man
52 | P a g e
through Racist propaganda by carrying out a programme
of systematic annihilation of the Black man's 'Self'.
This annihilation has occurred and continues to occur
through the destruction and denigration of our Cultural
values, Religion and Language, a process that began in
earnest with Colonialism and continues in various shapes
and forms today.
Nowhere in my view has Western Racist Pathology played
itself out more excessively than through the appropriation,
distortion and integration of Egyptian culture in the major
World Religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The
extent is truly shocking, and one wonders what the driving
force behind the need to destroy another people's sense
of self to such a degree could be?
The only reason is the Psychological neurosis that Racism is
as Fanon observed. In reality, its not any different from any
other disorder of the mind like Schizophrenia. It has been
the driving force behind so much cruelty as well as a
systematic and persistent programme to ultimately sustain
the pathological Psychological reward mechanism that
provides the sweet Elixir of 'superiority' to the Racist.
The true extent to which Judaism, Christianity & Islam are
based on Kemetic tradition is astonishing. The fact that this
has been deliberately hidden from view and distorted for
so long, can only point to the neurotic desire to deny
Africans our true contributions to Civilization.
Greek Philosophy, the Renaissance and all the major
Religions would not exist without Egypt. It provided the
conceptual framework within which all these ideas and
beliefs were developed. Without Horus there would be no
Moses, Christ or Mohammed....Please believe that....If you
53 | P a g e
disagree, please go through the 6 Hour Lecture by The Real
Merkabah at the end of the article.
The decision to at least open yourself up to this information
is entirely yours...I only ask that the following words by Steve
Biko may assist in helping you understand the importance
of rediscovering the true self:
“It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you
realise that the only vehicle for change are these people
who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to
make the black man come to himself; to pump back life
into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to
remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing
himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign
supreme in the country of his birth.”- (I Write What I Like,
Fanon Article : http://www.thecritique.comwhy-frantz-
Real Merkabah Documentary : Kemetic Origins of Major
Religions :
54 | P a g e
4. Unity : Whats That? Africans & The Crabs in a Bucket
"There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it,
I have the burden of proving it.” ― Frantz Fanon .
The above is one of my favourite Fanon quotes, and these
words were his answer when asked why he wrote his first
classic book on Black Identity & Race Relations-'Black Skins
: White Masks', which is probably my favourite book.
My own reason for admiring this quote is that it reflects a
deep sense of moral and intellectual responsibility on
Fanon's part that we could all learn immensely from if
adopted in our everyday approach to issues, questions
and debates.
The point is, there is nothing wrong in making claims or
stating opinions that appear grandiose to people, as long
as you can provide logical reasoning to support it.
From the start, I was always resistant to the idea that our
problem as Africans may be our own inability to work
together, but of late, I'm really beginning to think that Unity
and Commonality of purpose do not seem to come as
easily as I may have perhaps assumed.
I thank you all for supporting this Page, but as its audience
has increased, I've begun to notice an increasing trend of
people who are very quick to post whatever caustic
opinion they may have but without feeling the need to
provide any real reasons or evidence to support it.
This is of concern as a reflection of the way we seem to
approach problems. Our ability to approach issues and
debates constructively appears to be lacking in a
55 | P a g e
significant number of us, and I really wonder what this
bodes for the future when the very same people now hold
the reigns of power and are tasked with dealing with
problems much more significant and complex than
anything on this Page.
At the end of the day, one can always say perhaps its
stretching things too far when you attempt to extend
people's online behaviour to their real world interactions,
and in a sense, I really do hope this criticism is valid,
because if its not valid, then I've gained an uncomfortable
insight into the state of our culture today.
The problem is not calling someone an idiot.....Its calling
someone an idiot and not feeling the burden to prove it
whatsoever. If this is really where we are, then all we are
exhibiting is the 'crabs in a bucket' syndrome.
The 'crabs in a bucket' syndrome does little else except to
sow the seeds of destruction. I therefore dont mind you
calling me an idiot for posting this or anything else, as long
as you accept and bear the responsibility of proving it.
Most importantly though, is Africa a place full of people
calling each other idiots with no-one bearing the
responsibility of proving it?.
Well that would explain a lot wouldnt it?
56 | P a g e
5. Almost Uhuru : The Myth Of The United African Anti-
Colonial Mass Struggle
Kwame Krumah : Doctor
Julius Nyerere : Master of Arts
Kenneth Kaunda : Doctor
Robert Mugabe : Master of Laws
Nelson Mandela : Bachelor of Arts
Men that have been most revered on this mighty
Continent, and regarded as harbingers of light who
brought us forth from the darkness of eternal bondage that
was Colonialism.....The focal point of our united effort
towards a common goal...The dislodgement of Colonial
Rule...Or so we are told..
I would describe the above as the 'Independent African
State' narrative stretching across the entire Continent. In its
primordial form, its best mirrored by other 'Nation Founding
Narratives' like the American and French Revolutions.
These narratives are at the Soul of entire Nations, indeed a
whole Continent, fuelling Post-Colonial internal strife such
as Civil Wars. This Internal strife had itself been temporarily
deferred until the 'common enemy' i.e. Colonialism had
been expelled. However, it had been lurking in the
shadows all along, only to emerge when the common
enemy had now been conquered, and there was on the
face of it, no reason to continue the fighting.
But why has the fighting continued, only that it is now
directed by the 'Independent' people against one
57 | P a g e
Therefore, we ask the question did Africans really act as a
single united front against Colonialism as we have been
made to believe by the 'Independent African State'
The reason we started by stating the Educational
Qualifications of our esteemed leaders, is to illustrate one
very significant and critical point, overlooked by the
current popular narrative, which is that the leaders of the
majority of what we can call 'Independent African
Movements' which later evolved into the dominant Post-
Independence Political Parties, were members of the Black
Middle Professional Class and Intelligentsia.
A lot of them were Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers etc
simply trying to build a life according to their talent within
the Colonial State. It is their frustration as ambitious
Professionals whose progress and potential was restrained
by the Colonial system, that they felt most bitterly the need
to overturn the system.
Perhaps moreso than the guy who was working in the
Bakery next door....
However, the overthrow of the entire Colonial State was a
massive undertaking, and so they had to recruit the
'Masses' or 'Povo' (that's us) to get the job done....So they
sold us a story, and we took up arms, went to war assuming
our motivations were all the same, until we finally got
It is then that the African Professionals and Intelligentsia
emerged as the leaders of the newly formed Post-Colonial
States, and slowly but surely, the Elitist Agenda they had
along to advance their own interest, in which we had only
been temporary recruits, now became more pronounced.
58 | P a g e
This led to at best, massive Socio-Economic disparities
between the newly installed 'Haves' and the rest who
realise that even in this supposed 'New Order' called
'Independence', they'll still be the 'Have nots'. At its worst, it
provoked Civil Wars between these unanticipated newly
emergent and distinct African classes within the Post-
Independent Colonial State.
So Americans and the rest of the World are not the only
ones who have to go back to re-thinking the reasons for
their existence and creation as Nations...We are all at a
point where we must now question what have always
been regarded as fundamental unalterable 'Truths'....
It is then that we will begin to sow the seed of a new
Consciousness which will enable us to understand the
problems of the past as we try and work towards a better
Its also time to kill the victim mentality, since we've now had
time to learn from our own mistakes as well as those of
others, and to also realise that no-one will help us but us,
because its our future at the end of the day.
Almost Uhuru!
59 | P a g e
6. The American Revolution : The ‘Revolution’ that
forgot its Slaves
'Give me liberty or give me death!!'
Patrick Henry's famous words that inspired a Revolution
and led to the creation of the United States as a Republic.
These words have been thoughtlessly repeated since then,
and used by others in support of their own battles against
Henry's words were followed by the Declaration of
Independence which supposedly acknowledged the
Equality of all Men who possess inalienable rights for which
they were entitled to fight and preserve.
It is these core values that we are told underpinned
America's War of Independence against Britain, and which
also spurred Revolutions elsewhere particularly in France
leading up to the French Revolution.
However, lost in the mist of revolutionary euphoria is the
simple truth that the American Revolution was not a
Universal Revolution espousing liberty for all Men because
it did not care about the freedom of Slaves.
The American Revolution did not end Slavery. In-fact,
Eminent American Leaders such as George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson amongst others widely regarded as
America's 'Founding Fathers' continued making use of
Slaves on their own Plantations after the War.
It was only almost 100 years later during the Presidency of
Abraham Lincoln that Slavery faced real abolishment.
Even then, it ignited a Civil War, and one can reasonably
60 | P a g e
say if Lincoln could have won the Presidency without
playing the Slavery card, it would have taken much longer
for Slavery to be abolished in America.
We cannot therefore blindly accept the American
Revolution as a true democratic revolution, and we should
also not be misled by American Propaganda
disseminating the 'Land of the free' myth.
The American Revolution was a class struggle between
newly Rich Upper Class Colonists, and the established
Nobility of England. The creation of the United States
resulted in a new American Elite which still dominates
America, and has gradually overtaken Britain in the world
Therefore, in looking to America for inspiration, we should
be careful to distinguish fact from fiction by seeing the
current American 'Land of the free' national narrative for
what it is...A myth.
If America’s Founding Fathers really understood what it
meant when Henry said 'Give me Liberty or give me
death!!', then the first thing they should have done was free
their own Slaves.
After all, charity always begins at home.

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E Book Quantum Consciousness

  • 4. 4 | P a g e APPENDIX : SELECTED 2016 ‘VHEDZA’S CULTURE LOUNGE’ BLOG ESSAYS 1. Mysteries of The Quantum World : The Great Bohr/Einstein Debate & The Quantum Enigma. 2. On Black Power & Reverse Racism : Avoiding The Myth Of Black Superiority. 3. Western Racist Mental Pathology & The Suppression Of The Egyptian Origins Of Judaism, Christianity & Islam : Confronting The Beast. 4. Unity : Whats That? Africans & The Crabs in a Bucket Syndrome. 5. Almost Uhuru : The Myth Of The United African Anti- Colonial Mass Struggle. 6. The American Revolution : The ‘Revolution’ that forgot its Slaves.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e INTRODUCTION : THE NEED FOR A REVISED THEORY ON ‘AFRIKAN CONSCIOUSNESS’ & THE BATTLE FOR THE NEW HUMAN PARADIGM ‘Thus, it may be seen that if imperialist domination has the vital need to practice cultural oppression, national liberation is necessarily an act of culture’ : (Amilcar Cabral). The future of Civilization as we know it is at stake. There’s a war raging for the control of the Paradigm which will next dominate Human Consciousness. The outcome of this battle really depends on our own individual choice to firstly, actively engage in it by familiarising ourselves with the issues, and secondly, by finding our own unique way of making a personal contribution to this global conversation. As for me, I was personally Intrigued by developments in Quantum Physics which go to the root of the nature of ‘Reality’ itself. I believe these hold an important key that can help us unlock our full potential in order to become better individuals, and ultimately to shape a better and more unified Humanity. The current ‘Meta-Meme’ symbolised by Capitalism, Consumerism, Atheism and outdated Religious concepts has reached its limits, and the process of moving beyond it is inevitable. The only question is what Paradigm are we going to adopt next? This is where it gets exciting, and we can all play a part in this very open dialogue, whose final conclusions are far from drawn.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e As an African partaking in this conversation, I would be remiss if I did not offer a contribution that also advanced the current understanding of ‘African’ or ‘Black’ identity as a subset of Human identity. As such, the first part of this work is dedicated to advancing a Post-Colonial Theory of ‘Black’ or ‘New Afrikan’ Consciousness. It builds on the established understanding espoused by such luminaries as Steve Biko, Frantz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral. The purpose is to advance a concept of ‘Afrikan Consciousness’ which in a Post-Colonial Africa is concerned with more than just offering resistance to Colonial rule, whilst also facilitating the integration of the ‘New Afrikan’ as a unique and respected member of the rising Global Community. It is this ‘New Afrikan’ that will be suited and equipped to be part of the Collective Consciousness built around the ‘New Man’ currently being forged in the fire of ongoing Global debate, out of whose ashes the new Paradigm to be adopted by Mankind will emerge. However, any honest integration of the ‘New Afrikan’ into this imagined Global Community comprised of the ‘New Man’ must first be preceded by a process of self-reflection, correction and validation, amongst Africans themselves in which the concepts of ‘Blackness’ and ‘Africanness’ are understood in terms that both affirm the intrinsic value of African identity, and simultaneously facilitate the integration of the ‘New Afrikan’ into a Global Community guided by a different, and more inclusive Paradigm. The ‘New Afrikan’ will not pay allegiance to what is essentially today’s dominant alien Paradigm imposed for
  • 7. 7 | P a g e the purposes of subjugating his Consciousness in order to achieve exploitation under Colonial and Neo-Colonial rule. The new ‘Global Paradigm’ must by necessity respect the ‘New Afrikan’s’ individuality, and the value of his Culture and Heritage in informing the content of this new ‘Global Meme’. For this reason, the ‘New Afrikan’ will not respect or accede to a Paradigm that dehumanises and undermines the worth of his culture. In essence, if the ‘New Afrikan’s’ culture is not integrated, recognised and practiced as part of the new Global Meme, then we as Africans will still not be free because as noted by Amilcar Cabral, the practice of one’s culture is the true sign of liberation. ‘Culture’ in this sense is broad, and refers to the set of values, ideas and conventions eg tradition, literature, music, dance or other unique expression through which our sense of ‘Africanness’ is experienced and communicated. Thus the ‘New Afrikan’ seeks the consideration and integration of his culture into the new Global Meme, and will no longer countenance the contemptuous dismissal of his culture as ‘primitive’ and consequently ‘useless’ to Humanity without any consideration being paid to its merit in a given context, or towards resolving a particular problem. In light of the foregoing, the next question that necessarily follows is to whom are we referring to when using the term ‘New Afrikan’? More particularly, does the term apply to Black Africans only?
  • 8. 8 | P a g e We now turn to the next chapter in order to explore this vexed question.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e CHAPTER 2 BEYOND BLACKNESS TOWARDS THE NEW AFRIKAN Black Self-Awareness and Pride have been at the core of ‘Black Consciousness’ theory. However, in a Post-Colonial setting, it is perhaps necessary to consider whether ‘Black Consciousness’ can continue to be applied in its Pre- Colonial form, or whether the conditions of a Post-Colonial Africa require a revision or rather an elaboration of its basic precepts. In order to appreciate the importance of the above, it is necessary to appreciate that theories of ‘Black Consciousness’ were developed primarily as a counterblast to the dehumanising effect of Colonialism on the African Psyche. In such circumstances, the framing of ‘African Consciousness’ in terms of Race i.e. as ‘Black Consciousness’ was in itself already pre-determined by Colonialism, whose own starting point was the definition and casting relations of Political and Social Power in terms of ‘Race’. This in-effect already dictated the nature of what would and could be an effective Antithesis to this Race Conscious Theory of ‘White Supremacy’. (i.e. Black Consciousness). In such circumstances, its only natural that the Antithesis to White Supremacy was a philosophy that also emphasised Race in itself i.e. ‘Black Consciousness’.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Despite this state of affairs, its also important to appreciate that ‘Black Consciousness’ was primarily about Black Self- Awareness or what Cabral termed ‘Re-Africanization’. It served as a philosophy by which a Black person under Colonialism could navigate his/her way back to the ‘True Self’ imbued with a sense of dignity which the Colonial system sought to deliberately deprive him of at every turn. This Psychological dimension of Black Consciousness, which I think can also be understood as Spiritual, is best expressed by Biko when he notes that: ‘It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realise that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign supreme in the country of his birth’. As such, ‘Black Consciousness’ was never meant purely as a Race Conscious, superficial response to White Supremacist ideology, with a focus only on skin colour. Skin colour i.e. ‘Blackness’ was in reality a metaphor for the Black Soul. Consequently, ‘Black Consciousness’ properly understood, is a remedy for the Black man’s Soul, that utilises and inverts the ‘meaning’ of Skin colour, as the external symbol and ‘justification’ of Colonial State repression to instead affirm, and thus nourish the ravaged Black Soul/Spirit.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e However, in a Post-Colonial setting, it is perhaps necessary to emphasise this most important aspect ‘Black Consciousness’ i.e. The Soul. The character of this Soul in a Post-Colonial Africa is not only Black, it is multi-racial. Thus in a Post-Colonial Africa, a new inclusive Proto- Consciousness which I will term ‘New Afrikan Consciousness’ finds expression. It stems from the realisation that in a Post-Colonial Africa, the Continent is home to a multi-racial people. As such, the ‘Soul’ of Post-Colonial Africa cannot be regarded as purely Black. It is so diverse it can only be termed ‘Afrikan’. For instance, in her essay ‘Shifting White Identities In South Africa’, Sally Matthews notes that White South Africans possess three claims to ‘Africanness’, one of which includes their own Psychological self-identification as ‘African’ because Africa is their only home and place of primary life experience. This perspective can be extended to all other ethnic and racial groups in Africa, and by necessary implication demands that we form a more inclusive concept of the constituent peoples that make up today’s ‘African Soul’. These people are the ones we refer to as the ‘New Afrikans’. It is for this reason, that this work is not meant for ‘Black Africans’ alone because I sincerely believe its time a theory recognising the multi-ethnic and racial character of the Post-Colonial African Soul is fashioned. Therefore this book makes use of the term ‘New Afrikan’ as a means of denoting this multi-racial and multi-ethnic Post- Colonial African ‘Community’.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e Its message is meant for the Black people of Africa, and everyone else with a claim to ‘Africanness’ that is not necessarily based on the colour of their skin, but remains as legitimate and valid as that of any Black person. This is the reality of Post-Colonial Africa, and its absolutely imperative that we acknowledge it in order that we may forge ahead constructively by moving beyond understanding ‘Africanness’ purely in terms of ‘Blackness’. People of so many different shades resonate with the rhythm of this Continent, and we recognise whosever resonates with it as being amongst the ‘New Afrikans’ regardless of the colour of their skin. The next part of this voyage now leads us into the perilous waters of Quantum Physics, as we consider its key observations, and what they mean for the realisation of the ‘New Afrikan’s’ full potential, as well as that of the broader Global community to which the ‘New Afrikan’ seeks to contribute and belong as an equal member who gains and maintains recognition within it without selling his Soul.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e CHAPTER 3 THE QUANTUM ENIGMA What is ‘Reality’ anyway? Is it the objective outside world we experience as separate from ourselves, or rather is it nothing but a construct of our own minds masquerading as a representation of the external world? Should we be so quick to unquestioningly assume that the picture of the world we see and experience in our minds is in-fact a reflection of the external world? Do we ever experience anything except in our minds? In order to resolve the question of whether reality is internal or external, one of the most famous experiments ever conducted and which shed enormous light on this issue is the ‘Double Slit Experiment’. First conducted by Thomas Young in 1801, it demonstrated that an individual electron (Particle) could be both a wave/energy or a particle. Most importantly, the simple act of observing the electron as it travelled through space during the course of the experiment could alter the way in which the electron represented itself i.e. It could either be a wave or a particle depending on whether it was being observed during the experiment. If unobserved, the electron presented itself as a wave, when observed it presented itself as a particle. This means that electrons as a representation of the ‘matter’ in what we generally regard as the external objective world/reality do not actually have a fixed predetermined form but rather that the form they take depends purely on the act of our observation.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e The implications are significant because what it means is that because we are essentially always observing, what we call ‘reality’ or ‘the external world’ we perceive or ‘observe’ is in-fact a product of our own observation, and not a product of a permanent external ‘fixed’ reality. As such, when we speak of ‘Reality’ what are we actually talking about? Are we talking about the Matter/Particles created by our observation or are we thinking of the primordial waves of energy which our observation impacts to create the particles in our mind which we assume to be ‘reality’ rather than the simple effect of our observation on essentially formless and shapeless energy? In my view, the findings of Quantum Theory compel us to accept that ‘Reality’ is in-fact not fixed and external to us, but is instead merely an incidence of the image of ‘matter or particles’ created in our own minds from our observation of this formless primordial wave energy at a given point in time. We now turn to the next important aspect of Quantum Theory, the concept of ‘Quantum Entanglement’. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT : THE ILLUSION OF INDIVIDUALITY & SEPARATION Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance. In short, what this means is that all particles in the Universe are forever paired, linked and bound together. The result is that any change in one particle, automatically affects its
  • 15. 15 | P a g e ‘pair particle’ no-matter how far in space and time the particles appear to be separated or apart from each other. In essence, therefore if all particles are linked, it follows that every observed particle forms part of a single unified system, since any change to one part of the system automatically extends to other ‘pair particles’, and is expressed instantly throughout the entire system. The idea of separation and ‘individuality’ is therefore an illusion, and is another figment of the ‘Image Reality’ we create in our minds as Observers in the Universe. Instead of simply assuming the validity of the individuality or ‘I-ness’ presented to us by our minds in ‘Image Reality’, and also taking it for a self-evident ‘truth’, we must learn to step away from ‘Image Reality’ and realise it for what it is………An image………An image of what though?
  • 16. 16 | P a g e CHAPTER 4 THE NATURE OF FUNDAMENTAL QUANTUM REALITY Its one thing to describe our version of reality as ‘Image Reality’, and quite another to describe the ‘Fundamental Reality’ upon which this ‘Image Reality’ is based. I’ll attempt to illustrate by using the example below: Next time you’re looking at a flower. Ask yourself whether you’re really looking at a flower? Could it be possible that the image of the flower in your mind is not because the flower itself really exists, but rather because your mind interprets a particular sequence of energy as ‘a flower’……What is actually ‘real’? Is it the underlying sequence of energy itself or is it that sequenced energy’s chosen meaning of it in your mind as ‘a flower’? The underlying sequence of energy is the ‘Fundamental Reality’, whilst the image of that sequence of energy, which is pictured in your mind as ‘a flower’, is simply a translation of that sequenced energy or ‘Fundamental Reality’. The sequence of energy which contains all possibilities, and which can also be affected by the actions of the Observer as shown in Young’s ‘Double Slit Experiment’, is what I will term ‘Quantum Reality’. The mind is always translating this ‘Quantum Reality’ into ‘Image Reality’, thereby creating the Space and Time in which our lives unfold. Now, as we sit confronted by this unfamiliar version of ‘Reality’, we necessarily ask ourselves what are the implications, and what does it mean for the purposes of our
  • 17. 17 | P a g e journey in this life and for Society as a whole? I would submit that this new ‘Quantum Reality’ as opposed to our previous ‘Image Reality’, although unfamiliar, provides a better means of resolving these ultimate questions. Although at first glance, a shift to ‘Quantum Reality’ appears to snip the thread we’ve tied so neatly around the present of the ‘Image Reality’ which we gift ourselves at every moment, continuously and unconsciously mistaking it for ‘Fundamental Quantum Reality’.
  • 18. 18 | P a g e CHAPTER 5 OUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE OF SPACE-TIME & AWARENESS (‘CONSCIOUSNESS’) WITHIN FUNDAMENTAL QUANTUM REALITY. Quantum Mechanics as described above, has had the result of gifting us with the enduring legacy of the great Bohr/Einstein debate which widened the gap between 'Traditional' Physics and Quantum Theory. On the one hand, we had Bohr demonstrating that ‘Reality’ was not made up of ‘fixed’ particles but was instead constituted of ‘Quanta’ in the form of ‘waves of infinite potential or possibility’ which only turned into particles at a specific point in Space-Time when Observed as in the Double Slit Experiment. This means everything is present everywhere at all times, ready to materialise as particles or ‘matter’ at the particular point of observation in Space-Time. Einstein simply regarded this as absurd, and could not bring himself to accept the logical implications of Quantum Mechanics because he believed ‘Reality’ was made up of fixed particles of matter such as Atoms. As a result, he tried to come up with a ‘Unified Field Theory’ to resolve what he perceived as a contradiction, and regrettably went to his grave without achieving success. ‘Quantum Mechanics’ therefore remained intact. However, the issue did not rest with Einstein’s death, so work into how we could reconcile these 2 seemingly distinct and contradictory ‘Universes’( i.e The Quantum World and The World of Traditional Physics) carried on.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e I would say equations developed by De Broglie and Schrodinger were absolutely fundamental to solving the apparent ‘contradiction’ that Einstein could not come to terms with. By providing a means for modelling or describing the wave motion of Quanta, it became possible to integrate Quantum Theory with Einstein's Theory of Relativity. This integration is quite pronounced in explaining the Space/Time Continuum and how 'Space/Time' is actually created and experienced by us as ‘Consciousness’ i.e. 'Space/Time' is merely our subjective labelling of the intervals in which changes to the pattern of Wave motions generated by Quanta is observed. The Quanta themselves which we observe, and use to denote 'Time', do not themselves possess a sense of 'Time' like we have in our own minds. They merely vibrate at a rate and in a pattern we choose to call 'Time', whenever a change in the pattern of Wave motion of the Quanta we are observing occurs. 'Space-Time' is therefore an artificial construct of the Mind which is inherently tied to the concept of variation or change, without which it cannot exist or ceases to be meaningful. Therefore if 'Space/Time' exists purely as a product of Quantum Interactions which can be modelled mathematically, what are the implications as far as the 'Reality' we perceive is concerned? Is it too just a Mathematical Vector, the content of which can be derived from the same equations used to denote
  • 20. 20 | P a g e or 'create' the idea of 'Space/Time' out of what are essentially patterns observed out of the purely random changes in the Wave Patterns of Quanta? Could this potentially be the code needed to produce the Matrix? A 3D Holographic simulation based on understanding the true mathematical nature of Space/Time, and by implication 'Reality' itself? ‘REALITY’ AS PURE INFORMATION THE ADINKRA, SIMULATION HYPOTHESIS & HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE THEORY Is our 'Reality' therefore potentially just a virtual information based simulation built using Mathematical Vectors and Equations so as to produce our subjective experience of Space/Time? Well some people argue just that, most notably Professor Gates (Who I’m also proud to say is an African-American’) who has produced a 3 D Computer Binary Model of ‘Reality’ he has dubbed ‘The Adinkra’. ‘Adinkra’ are originally visual symbols of West African origin that represent concepts, used extensively in fabrics and pottery. They are also incorporated into walls and used in many ways as a decorative feature. In essence, they represent objects that carry messages which convey traditional wisdom, aspects of life or the environment, and are often linked with proverbs. As a homage to my African Culture and Professor Gates, the cover image I have selected for this book is this 3 D ‘Adinkra’ image structure of our ‘Reality’ that Professor
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Gates has constructed from the Mathematical Equations developed out of his research into Quantum Theory and Consciousness. These equations can be used to produce the 3D Holographic Image we experience as 'Reality', ‘Awareness’ or ‘Consciousness’. NASSIM HARAMIEN’S ‘UNIFIED FIELD THEORY’ AND THE TRUE NATURE OF ‘REALITY’ Entering the fray and adding to the conversation with his own 'Unified Field Theory' and also hoping to succeed where Einstein failed is Nassim Haramein. In short, Nassim’s Theory combines the progress made by De Broglie and Schrodinger with Ancient Knowledge to conclude that our Universe is constructed around a spinning Black Hole whose structure was depicted by the Ancients in the form of Sacred Geometry such as the Tetragram or 'Flower of Life'. This he contends can be traced to Ancient Texts like, ‘The Kabbalah’. It is for this reason he argues that the God 'Yahweh' of The Old Testament was actually originally spelt as 'YWHW" with only 4 letters that cannot be pronounced due to the absence of vowels. This can be understood and seen by the fact that originally 'God' or YWHW was originally portrayed in Ancient art and literature as a 'Force' shown in the shape of radiating Triangle/Tetragram, and not as the ‘God Man’ of later Western Civilization commonly depicted as an Old man
  • 22. 22 | P a g e with a Beard. This later construction of God is not based on the Hebrew Texts he argues. Due to its Metaphysical aspects, Nassim’s Theory isn’t readily accepted by the mainstream Scientific community, but I refer to it nevertheless for your consideration. ATHENE’S THEORY OF EVERYTHING : ‘REALITY’ IS IN THE NEURONS Athene's 'Theory of Everything' also sheds immense light on how ‘Quantum Mechanics’ can assist us in understanding the nature of Consciousness. Whilst it explicitly denies the intention to draw to Metaphysical conclusions from its purely Neuroscience and Quantum Mechanics based approach to ‘Consciousness’, it nevertheless acknowledges that Metaphysical conclusions can be drawn from it, although these may not be as ‘grand’ as is commonly thought within Pop Culture. Athene’s Theory is quite significant and enlightening in as far as it details the reconciliation of the Bohr/Einstein debate using Neuroscience, De Broglie’s, Schroedinger and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity together with some of the latest insights in Quantum Physics gained thus far from the Cern Particle Accelerator. It is comprehensive and its implications are as profound as they are staggering and inspiring. The essence of it is that, if Brain activity is accepted as consisting of electrical Neuron activity, then it must be accepted that the Brain waves that make up our
  • 23. 23 | P a g e ‘Consciousness’, represent Electrons involved in Quantum interactions to produce ‘Consciousness’ which can be understood in mathematical terms using the Equation: C = HF. C (Consciousness) is a product of Quantum activity within the electrons produced by the firing of Brain neurons moving at a particular speed and frequency in 'Space/Time' represented by the letters 'H' and 'F'. Athene demonstrates that our ‘Consciousness’ or 'Awareness' actually occurs every time the matter and anti-matter Wave forms produced simultaneously in the electrons produced by our Brain neurons whenever they fire interact and cancel each other out at the Quantum level within our Brains. This Wave cancellation produces every single 'now moment' that makes up our awareness or 'Consciousness', and occurs at a rate of perhaps 30 Trillion Times a second. In other words, we shift in and out of 'Awareness' or 'Consciousness' 30 Trillion times a second according to the rate and speed at which Quantum interactions occur within the electrons fired by the Brain's Neurons. The illusion of continuity and thus 'Space/Time' results from the fact that the interruptions in our awareness are so small as to be expressed in 'Planck Time' (Very small fractions of a second) we do not ever notice. Athene also observes there is no single ‘Centre of Consciousness’ in the Brain or Mind.
  • 24. 24 | P a g e Rather ‘Consciousness’ arises out of the combined effect of the neural activity in our Brains to form a single merged picture from the separate parts of our neural network. It is the continuous interaction and convergence of the oscillating electrical signals discharged by the Neurons in our Brain’s Neural network that expresses itself as ‘Consciousness’. However, it all occurs without a central ‘Core’ guiding and/or mediating these ongoing random Neural patterns and cycles. CONSCIOUSNESS MECHANICS : A SCIENTIFIC FRAMEWORK FOR UNDERSTANDING THE PHENOMENON OF CONSCIOUSNESS Building on the idea that ‘Quantum Mechanics’ can be used to explain the nature of ‘Reality’ at the Quantum level, Carlton Cole, likewise proposes that a framework of ‘Consciousness Mechanics’ can be developed and utilised to explain the nature of ‘Consciousness’. ‘Consciousness Mechanics’, in this regard is very consistent with Athene’s theory of everything. For instance, Cole contends that ‘Time’ does not exist in of itself, but is essentially an illusion created within timelessness, and arises out of the perceived but false ‘momentum’ or ‘movement’ of our Consciousness through the ‘Past’, ‘Present’ and ‘Future’. In reality, all our Consciousness actually experiences is rapid, successive but nevertheless distinctly separate ‘Right Now’ moments.
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Much like the separate images printed on Film which portrays the illusion of continuous motion when the separate images printed on the Film are played in quick succession by a Projector, and then reflected on a screen as ‘motion’. There is no actual ‘motion’ recorded on the Film, only separate images that create the illusion of motion when played or ‘processed’ sequentially by a Projector. COLE’S PARADOX Cole observes that all our experiences including that of which appears to us as ‘External Reality’ are processed and interpreted by the Brain to produce what I have described earlier as ‘Image Reality’. Thus ‘Consciousness Mechanics’ contends that all ‘external reality observation’ can only ever be an experience of ‘Reality’ within Consciousness itself. As such, our ‘Reality Experience’ or ‘Time’ are merely instances of our Consciousness reflecting upon itself to observe and give meaning to what our own Consciousness is experiencing within itself at a particular moment. Our reality experience therefore only ever actually occurs in the mind, and is observed simultaneously by our own Consciousness within the same mind as it occurs. This Cole contends is the only empirical type of ‘reality experience’ possible in our Universe, and is an inescapable Principle or Law of Nature dubbed ‘Cole’s Paradox’.
  • 26. 26 | P a g e For these reasons, ‘Conscious Mechanics’ regards the phenomena of ‘Continuity’, ‘Momentum’ or ‘Time’ as mere ‘special effects’ produced by our Consciousness in order to provide us with convenient labels like ‘past’ and ‘future’ so that we may be able to explain the series of rapid, continuous but separate Multi-Dimensional ‘Right Now’ moments occurring within our own Consciousness’ internal ‘Reality Experience’ in a simplified and continuous linear form.
  • 27. 27 | P a g e CHAPTER 6 THE BROADER IMPLICATIONS OF RECOGNISING THAT WE ARE IN A QUANTUM REALITY Since the actions of the Observer can affect how a particle manifests itself as shown in the ‘Double Slit Experiment’, what is immediately apparent is that a shift in our Consciousness to an understanding of ‘Reality’ away from ‘Image Reality’ to ‘Quantum Reality’, would instantly empower us as the Observers. As Observers, we possess the power to interact with the Quantum Reality and influence outcomes by affecting the patterns of the ‘Energy Sequences’ that form ‘Fundamental Quantum Reality’, and eventually end up as ‘Image Reality’ in ordinary Space and Time. To me, this means that ‘Quantum Reality’ offers all possibilities by directing our effect on the sequences of energy in Quantum Reality as Observers before they manifest themselves as Image Reality in ordinary Space and Time i.e. the unfolding of our daily lives. This is a golden opportunity that allows us to create the World we desire as Individuals, and ultimately as a Global Society. Armed with this understanding, we’ll start by considering the possible implications of a Quantum Reality for the individual who is the basic building block of any community or society.
  • 28. 28 | P a g e IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LIBERATED ‘NEW AFRIKAN’ CONSCIOUSNESS ; THE DEATH OF THE VICTIM MENTALITY AND CULTURAL ISOLATION Experienced Image Reality is a function of observation, so it immediately becomes clear that appreciating Reality from a Quantum perspective is empowering to you, as the Observer. No longer does one have to contend and labour in an effort to ‘change’ fixed reality. Life instead becomes a continuously creative act by you as the Observer. The ability to experience and create Reality on the Quantum Level is inseparable from the sense of individual responsibility that comes with the realisation that your life is merely a mirror of your own thoughts and the manner of interacting with the world. Once you appreciate this basic fact, it means you should not hesitate to take responsibility for your own thoughts, interactions and the overall state of your life. There are an infinite number of outcomes for any situation, which means similarly, there are an infinite number of thoughts that can be had. As a result, a particular outcome cannot be divorced from your own thoughts that gave birth to it. This is the true power of living in a Quantum Reality. Its complete freedom, coupled with complete responsibility. You cannot shift your responsibility towards yourself, God and Society by passing it onto someone else whether its your Spouse, Parent, Sibling or Priest. It begins and ends with you. The good news is that this is the most empowering approach to life one could possibly have. It does not suit
  • 29. 29 | P a g e the cowardly however because there is no room for escaping responsibility for the outcomes of your own thoughts and attitude since ‘Reality Experience’ is always empirically a reflection or ‘Mirror’ of what our own Consciousness is experiencing within itself. Therefore, by altering our focus of Consciousness, we can affect the nature of our individual ‘Reality Experience’ within our own Consciousness, and thus the shape and outcome of our everyday individual and ultimately collective ‘Reality Experience’. Flowing from the above is the necessary realisation that all ‘New Afrikans’ are responsible for the reality they experience. As such, even the experience of one’s ‘Oppression’ or ‘Limitation’ is completely alterable by a change in Perspective. We are therefore responsible for ensuring the continuation of our liberation by engaging in the experience of enjoying and practicing our Culture without diminishing the value of other cultures and what we may learn from them. We simply cannot continue to blame others for any unpleasant reality we create or experience over an extended period of time. Secondly, because the enjoyment of our own Culture permits the ‘New Afrikan’ to partake in the cultural experiences of others, we can only enrich and enhance our own Culture and life experience by engaging in these different cultural experiences without judgment, meanwhile staying true to our own. It is also for this reason that cultural isolation is not compatible with the ‘New Afrikan’ Paradigm.
  • 30. 30 | P a g e The possibility of an ‘Afrikan Consciousness’ at this level was recognised by Cabral when he stated that : “A people who free themselves from foreign domination will be free culturally only if, without complexes and without underestimating the importance of positive accretions from oppressor and other cultures, they return to the upward paths of their own culture, which is nourished by the living reality of its environment, and which negates both harmful influences and any kind of subjection to foreign culture.” Such an approach to one’s life would in essence be the everyday manifestation of the ‘New Afrikan’ Consciousness advocated in this work. This would announce the emergence of Africans who recognise the limitless nature of their potential as human beings, and who also respect their own Culture without taking away from themselves the opportunity to learn from and to teach others, as equals.
  • 31. 31 | P a g e CHAPTER 7 A FUTURE QUANTUM SOCIETY & THE DEFEAT OF REPTILIAN CONSCIOUSNESS A Quantum Society would be characterised by a high level of self-actualisation amongst its members. In such a Society, it is inconceivable that things such as Money, Law, Politics and State Authority would even be required. All these exist in Society today not because they are necessary and that Human Civilization cannot exist without them. Far from it, and to the contrary, they only exist because of our current limited concepts of both ‘Self’ and ‘Reality’. These misconceptions create the idea of separation fuelled by a primitive Reptilian ego. However, once we access our Higher Consciousness beyond the Reptilian ‘survivalist’ aspects of our Brain, it will in-fact be more natural for us to create a Society which is mutually supportive and enabling to its members in a Quantum Reality. In-fact, such a Society would be so Transcendent I don’t think that at the ordinary level of Consciousness, we possess the ability to either imagine it in our mind’s eye or express it in ordinary language. A Quantum Society represents the graduation of mankind into a different realm of infinite possibility, love, community and responsibility. The end result is a new Social Meme that will hopefully take the next generation beyond the vagaries of our unequal, violent, war-stricken and violent world.
  • 32. 32 | P a g e Whilst it may sound Utopian, a Quantum Society built by a ‘New Quantum Man’ is a good proposition as far as the future of mankind is concerned. We must not forget, the war for our Consciousness and the future of Civilization is raging. As such, we must understand why it is important for us to begin to conceive of a future for ourselves at the Quantum level of Consciousness because if we don’t, a future that is not of our choosing or our making will most certainly be imposed on us by those that understand its importance. Without doubt, the future will be determined by the level and form of Consciousness that will prevail. It is simply a question of whether a Quantum or Reptilian Consciousness prevail. The above is by no means an exaggeration, and we will briefly consider ‘The Singularity Hypothesis’, ‘Trans-Humanism’ and ‘Post-Humanism’ as competing disguised forms of Reptilian Consciousness which are on the rise, and are in reality, a threat to the evolution of Consciousness along a healthy trajectory. The stakes are definitely high, and it is the ultimate purpose of this book to make some contribution, no matter how small in today’s ‘Consciousness War’ by making what I believe to be a positive entry in the ongoing dialogue on the nature and future of Consciousness. I would much rather aspire to this vision of our interconnectedness as observed in Athene’s ‘Theory of Everything’ : “We are a global network of neurochemical reactions. And the self-amplifying cycle of acceptance and
  • 33. 33 | P a g e acknowledgment, sustained by the daily choices in our interactions, is the chain-reaction that will ultimately define our collective ability to overcome imagined differences and look at life in the grand scheme of things…”
  • 34. 34 | P a g e CHAPTER 8 : THOUGHTS ON THE SINGULARITY, TRANSHUMANISM & POSTHUMANISM The 'Singularity Hypothesis' credited to Ray Kurzweil, proposes that the exponential advancement in technology we are presently experiencing will eventually lead to the invention of artificial superintelligence which will in turn abruptly trigger even faster runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. As a result, unless humans can process information at the same rate as the technology of the time, we will be left behind to dwell as second class Citizens in a world where the technology we developed and once-controlled is now independent of our will...Its the ultimate turning of the tables and has been dubbed the 'TechnoCalyps' by some. In essence, we will arrive at a technology driven Apocalypse much more sinister than the one imagined in the Book of Revelations. One of the main consequences of the singularity is that unless we can process information as fast as the machines, we will be left behind. Under these conditions, our only option will be to 'upgrade' our natural Consciousness and capabilities. This will lead to an intermediary phase called 'Trans-Humanism' when we are transitioning from Man to Machine, and it will be characterised by the increased integration of technology into our bodies eg Computer chips, just so we can keep up with the machines. After this transitional phase, a 'Post-Human' era will eventually arrive in which Consciousness can only exist as
  • 35. 35 | P a g e part of a computer network. We will essentially have to upload our minds into a 'Super Mind Network' where we will continue to exist purely as information. Its important to note that not everyone agrees with Kurzweil's Singularity hypothesis, but it certainly merits debate and consideration, particularly because underlying his hypothesis is the idea that our Reality can essentially be reduced to Binary Computer information which can then be uploaded into a computer network like all other Binary information to create a simulated 3D ’Reality’. Not so far-fetched, if you still remember Professor Gates’ ‘Adinkra’ which is essentially a 3 D Binary Model of ‘Reality’ derived purely from the mathematical equations observed within our ‘Reality’ as we presently experience and understand it. LESSONS COURTESY OF TV SHOW ‘FRINGE’ ‘Fringe’ is one of my favourite TV Shows of all time (Its probably a tie with ‘The Wire’ but that’s a debate for another day ). Anyway, over time I’ve come to appreciate how significant and relevant the issues raised in ‘Fringe’ are. Prior to ‘Fringe’, a picture of what a 'Post-Singularity' world may look like, was best represented by 'The Matrix' which painted a stark portrait of a machine dominated world in terms where Consciousness exists only in relation to information and experiences generated in a virtual computer network.
  • 36. 36 | P a g e 'Fringe' then came along, and I think it’s a real gem that raises significant questions as it explores the nature of a 'Post-Human' world. Ultimately, in 'Fringe', Director JJ Abrams appears to conclude that our human qualities such as ‘Love’ are too unique to ever be extinguished or reduced to Binary computer code. Therefore, the human spirit will ultimately triumph over the a sterile Post-human world dominated by the ‘Observers’. The term ‘Observer’ itself is interesting because it harkens back to the ‘Double Slit’ experiment, the initial source of the Quantum Enigma and the great Bohr/Einstein debate. The term ‘Observers’, rather than simply denoting an Elite literally just ‘observing’ human beings, it may actually point to the fact that the ‘Observers’ have mastered the Quantum nature of reality. This would explain their ability to easily navigate Parallel Universes, and different dimensions of ‘Space-Time’ by the simple act of ‘Observing’ Quantum waves of infinite potential, and turning them into the particles or ‘Reality’ they desire at any given point in time. Therefore, they can literally be anywhere at anytime as required through the simple act of ‘Observation’. Much like the ‘Observer’ in the initial Double Slit Experiment determines the appearance of Particles or ‘Matter’ at the point of observation whenever he observes the Electron Wave during the experiment.
  • 37. 37 | P a g e In the final analysis, I’m not as certain as JJ Abrams appears to be in ’Fringe’ that the triumph of mankind over Post-Humanism is so assured. However, in all fairness, it must be accepted that ‘Fringe’ is a TV Show, and the ‘Happy Ending’ may have been necessary for this reason. Perhaps the difficulties the characters in ‘Fringe’ face in defeating the Observers, reflect an alternative perspective which could not be fully expressed with an ending of the show that leaves us in a sterile and hopeless ‘Post-Human’ Observer controlled world from which mankind will never recover. Whilst this sort of optimistic ending was excluded by Cinematic conventions in ‘Fringe’ as a TV Show, it does not mean that life itself will be so forgiving, since its not bound by the same Cinematic conventions. Only the outcome of the battle of wills waged by the Post- humanists and ‘the People’ for the control of the next ‘Global Meme’ will determine the actual reality we will end up with. For this reason all of Humanity must unite and remain vigilant on the issue. THE INHERENT FALLACY IN TRANS-HUMANISM & POST-HUMANISM. It is a fallacy for Post-Humanists to argue that humans will need to ‘enhance’ themselves in order to cope adequately in a Post-Singularity world, if we appreciate that the human mind and our ‘Consciousness’ in its natural
  • 38. 38 | P a g e state is already limitless given its Quantum nature and capability. Therefore, there’s no need to ’enhance’ it with external machines and devices. Rather we must look inward within ourselves in order to unleash the potential we already possess. It is precisely because the Post-Human movement fundamentally denies the limitless inner potential we already possess in our natural state of Quantum Consciousness, that it should be regarded with suspicion as a lower form of Reptilian Consciousness. We have only ever needed to know ourselves better, and that is the simple truth. ‘The solution has always lain with the people’ as Max Igan reminds us in ‘Trance-Formation’. We must therefore remain wary of the Trans-Humanists, Post-Humanists and their allies, in order to preserve our Liberty and Humanity so that we may exercise our freedom of choice in an informed way to freely create the Civilization we wish to experience in future. Max Igan once again delivers a vivid warning against the Trans-Humanist and Post-Humanist agenda by describing it as today’s ‘Technological Era’ version of the familiar “Heaven’ and ‘Afterlife’ Judeo-Christian myth. The only difference is that the ‘Heaven’ and ‘God’ of that familiar myth, have been replaced by a misguided, self- serving and dehumanising Ego driven ‘Technological Utopia’.
  • 39. 39 | P a g e We must therefore remain alert to the covert means by which the Trans-Humanist agenda is being implemented via Chemtrails, Nanotechnology, and other clandestine means.
  • 40. 40 | P a g e CHAPTER 9 : THE ALTERNATIVE INNER PATH TO EXPANDING NATURAL CONSCIOUSNESS : MEDITATION, PSYCHEDELICS, DMT & THE CONSEQUENCES OF A FAILURE TO FIND THE ‘INNER PATH’. The objection to enhancing our Consciousness in the previous Chapter is not a blanket objection to all efforts aimed at enhancing our Natural Consciousness. The exploration of the ‘Inner Self’ through Spiritual practices like Meditation, and the Ritualistic consumption and experience of natural Consciousness expanding substances like DMT as well as Psychedelics like the natural Native American Traditional Plant ‘Ayahuasca’, are all means of exploring the depths of the ‘Inner Self’ in such a manner that deepens our own understanding of ourselves, and the true inner power we already possess in our Consciousness. As famous American Ethnobotanist, Mystic, Psychonaut, Lecturer, and Author Terence McKenna (R.I.P.) so astutely observed: “I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic experience like going to the grave without ever having sex. It means that you never figured out what it is all about. The mystery is in the body and the way the body works itself into nature.” The above are merely observations as to how our Consciousness can be naturally enhanced without resort to the artificial bodily alterations and additions in the name of ‘enhancement’ as the Trans-Humanists and Post- Humanists would have us do without so much as a pause.
  • 41. 41 | P a g e Ultimately, the natural expansion of Consciousness remains largely uncharted territory, and with the results from recent Medical ‘DMT’ or ‘Spirit Molecule’ Consciousness experiments showing promising results, it looks like we’re well on our way to understanding and enhancing our natural capability without making any mechanical modifications or alterations to our Bodies and/or Minds. It nevertheless remains each person’s responsibility (as it always is), to continue the quest in this area, and for a summation of the nature of this burden, I’ll defer once again to Terrence McKenna: “You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” Its therefore up to each one of us to pick up the mantle, with the full knowledge of what the implications of our failure to find this ‘Inner Path’ will be for the future of our Species….a sterile Posthuman ‘The Matrix’, ‘Fringe’ or ‘The Terminator’ type world dominated by ‘Conscious’ Machines running a Computer Simulation in which our Consciousness is ‘Uploaded’. It will only be within this Computer simulation that we will experience a new, permanent and inescapable version of ‘Reality’ which will be purely virtual in nature. Apparently, it wont make a difference as long as we stay plugged into The Matrix. At some point, we must all decide if we would be satisfied with this state of affairs, and then actually act on that decision.
  • 42. 42 | P a g e Unfortunately, Its impossible to avoid choosing sides because there is no ‘intermediate’ position. So make up your mind and act……Pronto!!!   .
  • 43. 43 | P a g e CHAPTER 10 : EPILOGUE In concluding, I emphasise that none of what is stated in this book should be regarded as absolute and unassailable. I certainly don’t think it is. This work is essentially my own contribution firstly to the evolution of ‘Black Consciousness’ into a more Transcendent form of ‘New Afrikan’ Consciousness. In my opinion, this is a vital first step in this long journey for those of us who are Africans, because our current local Paradigm does not adequately Unite and equip us as a cohesive Unit that can contribute meaningfully to the broader challenges in the ongoing battle for the new Global Paradigm. We simply cannot contribute meaningfully on the broader subjects of global proportions, if we don’t even know who we are in our own backyard. Some housekeeping is thus in order before we join the rest of Humanity in the long march to freedom ahead. Our contribution and involvement as ‘New Afrikans’ is nevertheless both necessary and desirable because African Culture is soaked in a richness of knowledge and ideas that can assist in the resolution of the pressing issues faced by the World today. These include the required further exploration of the ‘Inner Self’ as well as in the area of Ethics where African concepts like ‘Ubuntu’ which espouse the equality and dignity of all men can be integrated into the value system of the new ‘Global Meme’ which will guide the future Civilization we seek to create.
  • 44. 44 | P a g e In this regard, our aspirations as universal ‘New Afrikans’ are captured well in these elegant words courtesy of Frantz Fanon: “I am black; I am in total fusion with the world, in sympathetic affinity with the earth, losing my id (Ego) in the heart of the cosmos –“. Likewise, the seriousness of the mission for all Humanity is best conveyed by Amilcar Cabral, whose words I leave you with as a parting gift: ‘We must act as if we answer to, and only answer to, our Ancestors, our children, and the unborn.’ ALUTA CONTINUA!!! (THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES)
  • 45. 45 | P a g e REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY Amilcar Cabral : Unity & Struggle Frantz Fanon : Black Skin, White Masks Steve Biko : I Write What I Like Ray Kurzweil : The Age Of Spiritual Machines Sally Matthews : Shifting White Identities In South Africa : White Africanness & The Struggle For Racial Justice : Vhedza’s Culture Lounge : Extracts From Various Essays Published @ Culture-Lounge-269167643251268/ VIDEOGRAPHY Professor Jim Al-Khalili : ‘The Secrets Of Quantum Physics’ Roger Penrose : ‘The Emperor’s New Mind’ Nassim Haramein : ‘The Black Whole’ Carlton Cole : ‘Consciousness Mechanics’ Athene Wins : ‘Athene’s Theory Of Everything’ TheDeJaVu434 : ‘TechnoCalyps’ Dig Philosophy : ‘Building Gods : Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence & Nano Technology’ Fox Broadcasting Network : ‘Fringe’ Television Series
  • 46. 46 | P a g e Max Igan : ‘Trance-Formation’ Terence McKenna : ‘The Transcendental Object At The End Of Time’ Enigmas Of The Universe : ‘DMT : The Spirit Molecule’ Leminno : ‘Simulated Reality’ Fair Wind Films : ‘The Simulation Hypothesis’ StuOH : ‘The Holographic Universe’ (LINKS TO ALL VIDEOS AVAILABLE ON VHEDZA’S CULTURE LOUNGE YOUTUBE CHANNEL @ npFLlGug)
  • 47. 47 | P a g e APPENDIX : SELECTED 2016 ‘VHEDZA’S CULTURE LOUNGE’ BLOG ESSAYS 1. Mysteries of The Quantum World : The Great Bohr/Einstein Debate & The Quantum Enigma The Quantum World has captivated the finest and most curious minds because what it teaches us about the nature of the Universe is truly mind-bending. It goes against our basic intuition about what makes up 'Reality'....Is it made up of solid particles like Atoms or pure Energy expressed in Waveform? The mystery only deepens when one considers that at the most basic Quantum Level, everything occurs randomly, and yet this produces a stable superstructure we call the 'Universe' with constant predictable Physical Laws eg Newton's Laws of Motion. How this is even possible triggered one of the most fierce Scientific debates between Einstein & Danish Physicist Neils Bohr. Einstein was so disturbed by the logical implications of Quantum Theory, he made it his life work to create a 'Counter' theory he termed 'The Unified Field Theory' to prove that the Universe was made up of particles that acted predictably according to Universal Laws. Einstein failed in his bid to dislodge the basic ideas of Quantum Mechanics as argued by Bohr, and they remain a key to unlocking other deeper mysteries such as what drives the patterns and behaviour on the Quantum level which produces the Universe and its predictable Laws?
  • 48. 48 | P a g e Its one thing to describe Quantum behaviour using mathematical equations, but quite another to explain what and why produces and sustains the Quantum actions, interactions and behaviour in the first place? Today, this great mystery continues to be explored, and provides useful insights in the fields of Science and most recently, the nature of Spirituality and Consciousness which may be potentially explained using the ideas and methods of Quantum Mechanics. The quest continues, and the more we dig deeper into this strange Quantum World, the more important truths we learn, which always challenge us to expand our understanding of both ourselves and the Universe we happen to call 'home'. To find out more about the Wonders of the Quantum World, the great Einstein/Bohr debate as well as Einstein's abortive 'Unified Field Theory', you can check out the links below. Einstein, lost this one, but he did it with grace. Respect to Neils Bohr. We owe you one for pointing us in this brave new direction! So what will it be....The Red or the Blue Pill? New Scientist Article : Wonders of the Quantum World: quantum The Great Einstein/Bohr Debate: ates
  • 49. 49 | P a g e 2. On Black Power & Reverse Racism : Avoiding The Myth Black Superiority 'That race is everything, is simply a fact, the most remarkable, the most comprehensive, which philosophy has ever announced. Race is everything: literature, science, art — in a word, civilization depends on it' (Robert Knox, The Races of Man, London, 1850, P. 7) These words are quite ironic and perhaps best illustrate the seriousness of Racist Pathology. Published in London at the height of the British Colonial Project, the words shaped the attitude of the British Empire towards the 'lesser' non-White peoples it enslaved across the Globe. Even Charles Dickens, the celebrated English author expressed his admiration of these words. The British were inherently superior, and all other people's inferior, it was a Scientific fact and that was all there was to it! The Racists' reliance on the truth of his own false statement reveals the depth of his affliction. More particularly in that, if the statement were indeed true, its not true in relation to the White race. So if the author was really committed to the 'truth' as he saw it, he would agree that the statement is true in relation to Africans because Africa through Ancient Egypt is the cradle of Civilization and not Europe. So followed to its logical conclusion, the statement would actually mean that Blacks are 'superior' to Whites. The need for the author and the Racist to hide from this fact, and yet at the same time derive a false sense of 'Being' i.e. 'superiority' from what is in-fact a factual distortion is the most disturbing aspect of Racist Pathology.
  • 50. 50 | P a g e The need to create a Historical distortion and then mythologise it as 'Reality' in order to derive a sense of 'superiority' through self-serving denial, is quite tragic if not pitiful. For this reason, it means ANYONE who relies on this Psychological device for a sense of 'Being' has fallen into the same trap and is equally tragic and pitiful as those who presently excel in its practice. As such, 'Black Power' and 'Black Pride' movements should not go beyond Self-Awareness by creating an equally false and self-serving delusional myth of Black 'superiority'. This is a trap a lot of 'Pro-Black' movements have fallen into perhaps due to the pressing need to counteract the Psychic effects of Racism by developing an equally false 'Black' mythology. It would be equally neurotic however, to find ourselves in a world where Blacks regard themselves as 'superior' and Whites 'inferior'.....It would simply be a reversal of the same Pathology we've already seen. Its true that as Africans, our sense of 'Self' has been violated. However, in restoring it, let us not resort to the same Psychological devices that attempted to destroy us. Our Self-Awareness cannot be measured in reference to another Human being's perceived sense of worth. Look at what kind of World that sort of thinking has already created? Its not our intention to create our own self-serving incarnation of this nightmare.
  • 51. 51 | P a g e 3. Western Racist Mental Pathology & The Suppression Of The Egyptian Origins Of Judaism, Christianity & Islam : Confronting The Beast “The Negro enslaved by his inferiority, the white man enslaved by his superiority alike behave in accordance with a neurotic orientation.”― (Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks) Fanon's portrayal of Racism as consisting of a reciprocal relationship of Co-dependency between the Racist and his victim, is one of the most profound insights that made 'Black Skin, White Masks' my favourite book. Instead of focusing purely on the negative effect of racism on its victims, Fanon also went as far as analysing its negative Psychological effect on the Perpetrator as well. In other words, he observed that it is equally neurotic and psychologically dysfunctional for a Black person to consider themselves 'inferior' as it is for a White person to consider themselves 'superior'. Racism is in effect sustained by this dysfunctional dynamic between Perpetrator and Victim who in reality both suffer from a form of Psychological neurosis because it is a distortion for either one to regard himself as either 'superior' or 'inferior'. These are not facts but mere perceptions of the mind. I believe understanding Racism as a form of Pathology, particularly on that part of the perpetrator is significant. It explains a lot!! It explains the excessive need to look for external validation of this 'superiority' through the systematic destruction of the self-esteem and spirit of the Black man
  • 52. 52 | P a g e through Racist propaganda by carrying out a programme of systematic annihilation of the Black man's 'Self'. This annihilation has occurred and continues to occur through the destruction and denigration of our Cultural values, Religion and Language, a process that began in earnest with Colonialism and continues in various shapes and forms today. Nowhere in my view has Western Racist Pathology played itself out more excessively than through the appropriation, distortion and integration of Egyptian culture in the major World Religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The extent is truly shocking, and one wonders what the driving force behind the need to destroy another people's sense of self to such a degree could be? The only reason is the Psychological neurosis that Racism is as Fanon observed. In reality, its not any different from any other disorder of the mind like Schizophrenia. It has been the driving force behind so much cruelty as well as a systematic and persistent programme to ultimately sustain the pathological Psychological reward mechanism that provides the sweet Elixir of 'superiority' to the Racist. The true extent to which Judaism, Christianity & Islam are based on Kemetic tradition is astonishing. The fact that this has been deliberately hidden from view and distorted for so long, can only point to the neurotic desire to deny Africans our true contributions to Civilization. Greek Philosophy, the Renaissance and all the major Religions would not exist without Egypt. It provided the conceptual framework within which all these ideas and beliefs were developed. Without Horus there would be no Moses, Christ or Mohammed....Please believe that....If you
  • 53. 53 | P a g e disagree, please go through the 6 Hour Lecture by The Real Merkabah at the end of the article. The decision to at least open yourself up to this information is entirely yours...I only ask that the following words by Steve Biko may assist in helping you understand the importance of rediscovering the true self: “It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realise that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign supreme in the country of his birth.”- (I Write What I Like, 1978). Fanon Article : http://www.thecritique.comwhy-frantz- fanon-still-matters/ Real Merkabah Documentary : Kemetic Origins of Major Religions :
  • 54. 54 | P a g e 4. Unity : Whats That? Africans & The Crabs in a Bucket Syndrome "There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have the burden of proving it.” ― Frantz Fanon . The above is one of my favourite Fanon quotes, and these words were his answer when asked why he wrote his first classic book on Black Identity & Race Relations-'Black Skins : White Masks', which is probably my favourite book. My own reason for admiring this quote is that it reflects a deep sense of moral and intellectual responsibility on Fanon's part that we could all learn immensely from if adopted in our everyday approach to issues, questions and debates. The point is, there is nothing wrong in making claims or stating opinions that appear grandiose to people, as long as you can provide logical reasoning to support it. From the start, I was always resistant to the idea that our problem as Africans may be our own inability to work together, but of late, I'm really beginning to think that Unity and Commonality of purpose do not seem to come as easily as I may have perhaps assumed. I thank you all for supporting this Page, but as its audience has increased, I've begun to notice an increasing trend of people who are very quick to post whatever caustic opinion they may have but without feeling the need to provide any real reasons or evidence to support it. This is of concern as a reflection of the way we seem to approach problems. Our ability to approach issues and debates constructively appears to be lacking in a
  • 55. 55 | P a g e significant number of us, and I really wonder what this bodes for the future when the very same people now hold the reigns of power and are tasked with dealing with problems much more significant and complex than anything on this Page. At the end of the day, one can always say perhaps its stretching things too far when you attempt to extend people's online behaviour to their real world interactions, and in a sense, I really do hope this criticism is valid, because if its not valid, then I've gained an uncomfortable insight into the state of our culture today. The problem is not calling someone an idiot.....Its calling someone an idiot and not feeling the burden to prove it whatsoever. If this is really where we are, then all we are exhibiting is the 'crabs in a bucket' syndrome. The 'crabs in a bucket' syndrome does little else except to sow the seeds of destruction. I therefore dont mind you calling me an idiot for posting this or anything else, as long as you accept and bear the responsibility of proving it. Most importantly though, is Africa a place full of people calling each other idiots with no-one bearing the responsibility of proving it?. Well that would explain a lot wouldnt it?
  • 56. 56 | P a g e 5. Almost Uhuru : The Myth Of The United African Anti- Colonial Mass Struggle Kwame Krumah : Doctor Julius Nyerere : Master of Arts Kenneth Kaunda : Doctor Robert Mugabe : Master of Laws Nelson Mandela : Bachelor of Arts Men that have been most revered on this mighty Continent, and regarded as harbingers of light who brought us forth from the darkness of eternal bondage that was Colonialism.....The focal point of our united effort towards a common goal...The dislodgement of Colonial Rule...Or so we are told.. I would describe the above as the 'Independent African State' narrative stretching across the entire Continent. In its primordial form, its best mirrored by other 'Nation Founding Narratives' like the American and French Revolutions. These narratives are at the Soul of entire Nations, indeed a whole Continent, fuelling Post-Colonial internal strife such as Civil Wars. This Internal strife had itself been temporarily deferred until the 'common enemy' i.e. Colonialism had been expelled. However, it had been lurking in the shadows all along, only to emerge when the common enemy had now been conquered, and there was on the face of it, no reason to continue the fighting. But why has the fighting continued, only that it is now directed by the 'Independent' people against one another?
  • 57. 57 | P a g e Therefore, we ask the question did Africans really act as a single united front against Colonialism as we have been made to believe by the 'Independent African State' Paradigm? The reason we started by stating the Educational Qualifications of our esteemed leaders, is to illustrate one very significant and critical point, overlooked by the current popular narrative, which is that the leaders of the majority of what we can call 'Independent African Movements' which later evolved into the dominant Post- Independence Political Parties, were members of the Black Middle Professional Class and Intelligentsia. A lot of them were Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers etc simply trying to build a life according to their talent within the Colonial State. It is their frustration as ambitious Professionals whose progress and potential was restrained by the Colonial system, that they felt most bitterly the need to overturn the system. Perhaps moreso than the guy who was working in the Bakery next door.... However, the overthrow of the entire Colonial State was a massive undertaking, and so they had to recruit the 'Masses' or 'Povo' (that's us) to get the job done....So they sold us a story, and we took up arms, went to war assuming our motivations were all the same, until we finally got independence. It is then that the African Professionals and Intelligentsia emerged as the leaders of the newly formed Post-Colonial States, and slowly but surely, the Elitist Agenda they had along to advance their own interest, in which we had only been temporary recruits, now became more pronounced.
  • 58. 58 | P a g e This led to at best, massive Socio-Economic disparities between the newly installed 'Haves' and the rest who realise that even in this supposed 'New Order' called 'Independence', they'll still be the 'Have nots'. At its worst, it provoked Civil Wars between these unanticipated newly emergent and distinct African classes within the Post- Independent Colonial State. So Americans and the rest of the World are not the only ones who have to go back to re-thinking the reasons for their existence and creation as Nations...We are all at a point where we must now question what have always been regarded as fundamental unalterable 'Truths'.... It is then that we will begin to sow the seed of a new Consciousness which will enable us to understand the problems of the past as we try and work towards a better tomorrow. Its also time to kill the victim mentality, since we've now had time to learn from our own mistakes as well as those of others, and to also realise that no-one will help us but us, because its our future at the end of the day. Almost Uhuru!
  • 59. 59 | P a g e 6. The American Revolution : The ‘Revolution’ that forgot its Slaves 'Give me liberty or give me death!!' Patrick Henry's famous words that inspired a Revolution and led to the creation of the United States as a Republic. These words have been thoughtlessly repeated since then, and used by others in support of their own battles against Tyranny. Henry's words were followed by the Declaration of Independence which supposedly acknowledged the Equality of all Men who possess inalienable rights for which they were entitled to fight and preserve. It is these core values that we are told underpinned America's War of Independence against Britain, and which also spurred Revolutions elsewhere particularly in France leading up to the French Revolution. However, lost in the mist of revolutionary euphoria is the simple truth that the American Revolution was not a Universal Revolution espousing liberty for all Men because it did not care about the freedom of Slaves. The American Revolution did not end Slavery. In-fact, Eminent American Leaders such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson amongst others widely regarded as America's 'Founding Fathers' continued making use of Slaves on their own Plantations after the War. It was only almost 100 years later during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln that Slavery faced real abolishment. Even then, it ignited a Civil War, and one can reasonably
  • 60. 60 | P a g e say if Lincoln could have won the Presidency without playing the Slavery card, it would have taken much longer for Slavery to be abolished in America. We cannot therefore blindly accept the American Revolution as a true democratic revolution, and we should also not be misled by American Propaganda disseminating the 'Land of the free' myth. The American Revolution was a class struggle between newly Rich Upper Class Colonists, and the established Nobility of England. The creation of the United States resulted in a new American Elite which still dominates America, and has gradually overtaken Britain in the world today. Therefore, in looking to America for inspiration, we should be careful to distinguish fact from fiction by seeing the current American 'Land of the free' national narrative for what it is...A myth. If America’s Founding Fathers really understood what it meant when Henry said 'Give me Liberty or give me death!!', then the first thing they should have done was free their own Slaves. After all, charity always begins at home. *END*