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A Driver’s Guide to RTQMR Rules
Before Race Day
Make sure that you have ALL your driving gear ready for race day
You should have
Helmet - needs to be full face, clean, have tear-off buttons and tear-offs, ready to go. No flip-ups.
Must conform to one of the following standards: Snell M 2005, Snell M 2010, Snell SA-2005, Snell SA-2010,
BS 6658 – 85 Type A/FR
Balaclava must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000
Neck restraint – can be a “horse collar” type or Hans.
Driving Suit – minimum standard of either SFI 3.2A/1, FIA 8856-2000, must be a one (1) piece suit.
Driving boots - must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000
Driving gloves - must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000
Arm Restraints
Flameproof top and bottom (and socks)
Make sure everything gets packed into your race bag, as part of your lead up to race day
RTQMR can check your race gear at any time. If you don’t have all your safety gear, we can disqualify
you from the race results. Nobody wants to do that. Ask first, if you lose safety gear or wreck it. Even if
you forget something, we can normally find a spare or give you an opportunity to fix the problem.
Neck Restraint Arm Restraints Balaclava Flameproof
Driving gloves Driving boots Race suit Flameproof undershirt
On Race Day
Make sure you have all your race gear to take to the track. If you’ve put it all in your race bag ready to
go, there should be no problems!! Don’t let the adults forget!!!
Make sure you arrive at the track nice and early – RTQMR race days start at 10am and we aim to be
starting races by 10:30.
Before you go on the track
You must sign in and pay your RACE FEE – you should NOT be on the track until you (or your adult) have
done this!!
Come to the sign-in table in the pits!
Why? Because RTQMR need to pay our bills too!
And we will not put you in the DRAW, unless you have signed in.
That means you start off the back all day!!!
Also if you are new, or haven’t been for a while, RTQMR may want to check your safety gear and your
car, to make sure you are legal and safe. You may want to refer the adults to the “Guide to RTQMR
Rules” available from the sign-in table or the Rolling Thunder Quarter Midget Raceway Facebook page.
Then, you’ll need to get changed into your safety gear so that you can do the DRAW and be at the
DRIVERS MEETING. There is a changing room and toilets inside the shed with the quarter midget on top.
What’s the DRAW mean??
RTMQR day race meetings normally have 4 “HEAT” races. “HEAT” races are 10 laps each.
A HEAT race gives you your qualifying points for the 20 lap “FEATURE” race. The FEATURE is the main
race – that’s the one everyone wants to win!!!
But we have to do a DRAW to determine positions for the HEAT races.
We will get all of the drivers in each class – Novice, 120, 160 to come to the sign in table and DRAW a
starting position.
So if there are 6 cars in 160 class, we will have 6 tags that we put face down on the table, mix them up
and then each driver has to pick a number. That number is their start position for one heat.
Normally, we DRAW two races and INVERT the other two. What’s INVERT mean? See the “Example of a
Normal draw”.
Sometimes we may change this, if there are 4 cars and 4 heats for example, we will give every car a go in
every position. We will let you know at the DRAW, if we are going to do it a different way.
Please remember to tell your adults, if they don’t come with you to the DRAW!
Example of a normal draw:
Car 5, DRAWS position 1 in Heat One – so in the INVERTED Heat Two, he goes to position 6.
Car 88, DRAWS position 6 in Heat One – so in the INVERTED Heat two, he is on POLE (position 1)
Heat One Heat Two
5 15 88 10
18 11 11 18
10 88 15 5
Then we draw Heat Three
This time, Car 5, draws position 4 in Heat Three, so in the INVERTED Heat Four, he goes to position 3.
Car 15, draws position 5 in Heat Three, so in the INVERTED Heat Four, she goes to position 2
Heat Three Heat Four
10 11 18 15
88 5 5 88
15 18 11 10
These positions will be written on the whiteboard at the sign-in table.
You should make sure that you know your starting position, for each race, before you go on the track.
If you forget, you can look at the whiteboard.
The easy way to do it, is to remember the number of the car directly in front of you.
So…if you are Car 88 in Heat One, you start behind Car 11, for Heat One. More about FORM UP, later.
Drivers Meeting
After the DRAW, you still need to pay attention. There will normally be a DRIVERS MEETING. This is held
either at the sign-in table, or out on the track.
It might be held on the track so that we can show you stuff you need to see on the track before you
Or it might be to tell you about changes to the race format – if we have a Front Row Challenge, or
changes to the points.
It is important that you go to the DRIVERS MEETING and listen – the CHIEF STEWARD is the person who
decides if you have broken the rules. At RTQMR the CHIEF STEWARD will usually operate the flags and
work with spotters & scorers in the infield to make the decisions.
The CHIEF STEWARD will warn you of rules that are being broken and the rules there might be a focus
on, during the race day. If you don’t listen, you might be punished for breaking the rules. The CHIEF
STEWARD can send you to the rear of the field or disqualify you from the race. Not listening is not an
excuse. Nobody wants to do this, so you must listen and pay attention.
The CHIEF STEWARD will also tell you what WARM UP laps we will be doing. WARM UP laps are when
you can warm the car up, maybe try some different lines on the track, before you go racing.
Sometimes – usually if the track is really wet – ALL cars will go out together and WHEELPACK. That
means just going slowly around the track. The idea is to squeeze some water out of the track and get it
ready for racing. There is no racing or drifting during WHEELPACK. WHEELPACK is done under a YELLOW
flag. There should be NO passing under a YELLOW flag!
You may be sent out for WARM UP laps with your class. WARM UP is NOT a race, you go fast to get the
car ready to race. It’s just a practice.
In WARM UP, you will all go out on the track, run some GREEN flag laps and when WARM UP is finished
the YELLOW flag will come out and the signal will be given to FORM UP, and get ready for your race.
Again, it is really important that you listen to the CHIEF STEWARD, so you know what is going on.
Green Flag – GO!!!
Remember that you must start racing at the start line. NOT in
the back straight or in Turn 4. If you cannot see the start line,
ask before the racing starts! You cannot pass cars before you
cross the start line to start racing.
Yellow Flag – NO PASSING.
SLOW DOWN but do not brake (unless you need to avoid a crash)
Crossed Yellow & Green flags – FORM UP
Get into your position ready for the race to start.
Black Flag –
Red Flag – STOP as soon as it is safe.
Usually the red flag means the track is blocked ahead somewhere.
White Flag – One lap to go!!
Chequered Flag – the end of the race…if you get to it first, you WIN!!!!
Stay on the gas until the YELLOW flag comes out
If you slow down too quick, someone may hit you from behind.
If the black flag comes out and the Chief
Steward (or other Steward) points at you,
you are out of the race. Your number may
also be put on a board.
Go to the infield and stop where safe.
Two arms crossed – FORM UP
When we FORM UP, that means we get into our correct starting position for the race. Look for the car
that is supposed to be in front of you and stay behind that car. If that car cannot make the start, you will
be directed to move up one spot.
In our example Heat One, if car 5 could not make the start, Car 18 would move to the pole – See below.
Heat One With Car 5 out
5 15 18 15
18 11 10 11
10 88 88
1 finger held up – Next lap start.
The CHIEF STEWARD in the flag stand will hold up one finger to say “Everyone is in their right place, we
will start next lap, if everyone stays in position”
Try not to leave any big gaps between you and the car in front of you.
If the cars don’t stay in position, the yellow flag will come out and the signal will be given to form up
If you are the one out of position – like if you jump the start, or pass cars before the line, you may be
moved to REAR OF FIELD.
Or if you caused other cars to move out of position by bashing repeatedly into the car in front of you or
attempting to push it during starts, you can be directed to go REAR OF FIELD.
ROF Board – Normally with a finger pointed at you, or a board with your number on it.
It means go to the rear of the field.
Slap on the backside
– This also means go to the rear of field.
During the race
Yellow flag on the first lap – COMPLETE RESTART
You will be asked to form up again, in the same position as your draw for that race. This is called a
BUT, if you were the cause of the yellow flag – so if you stopped on the track, spun out or crashed or
jumped the start, the CHIEF STEWARD may direct you to go to the REAR OF FIELD.
It is the CHIEF STEWARD’s call – you cannot protest during the race. You may approach the CHIEF
STEWARD after the race has finished. They will want to explain the decision to you anyway so that you
can learn from it. Even if they have made a mistake in your eyes, remember that someone has to do the
job, and without them, there would be no racing! Their decision is final.
Yellow flag after the first lap – SINGLE FILE RESTART
A cone will be placed on the track. Now this is called SINGLE FILE RESTART.
So if we take our example Heat One again.
They started as below
18 15
10 11
Now, let’s pretend that the running order when the yellow flag came out was 18,10,15,11 and car 88
brought the YELLOW FLAG out, trying to pass car 11.
The cars will now start in ONE row NOT TWO!! – that’s what SINGLE FILE means!
And they will go back to the LAST SCORED LAP – so there’s no point in passing under a YELLOW FLAG, as
you will be put back into the position you were in, when you last passed the finish line under GREEN
FLAG (racing) conditions.
SO it’s…
If both 11 & 88 stopped, they would go to REAR OF FIELD. The driver who the CHIEF STEWARD believes
is the main cause of the YELLOW FLAG would go last. In this case, car 88. The CHIEF STEWARD also has
the power to put a car that they see as totally not at fault back in its position from the last scored lap.
Now you are ready to face the GREEN FLAG at a slow, steady pace.
During the race (continued)
The lead car must start the race at the start line.
All cars must go between the cone and the outside fence. If you go between the cone and the infield,
the YELLOW FLAG can be brought out and you can be directed to go REAR OF FIELD.
During the restart, any driver who passes a car before they reach the start line to start racing, can be put
back any positions that they gain. If they pass one car, one spot – two cars, two spots and so on.
Again, you can be put to the REAR OF FIELD if your actions bring out the YELLOW FLAG.
Passing should be done without contact wherever possible. Quarter Midgets are open wheel racecars.
Banging wheels and leaning on each other in a speedcar or sprintcar can see you upside down or over
the fence – not a good habit to learn!!!
If you gain a position by “UNLOADING” a car, the CHIEF STEWARD can put you back that position, either
at the next stoppage or at the end of the race
“UNLOADING” is defined as running into the left rear of the car in front, causing that car to lose traction
and therefore speed.
A “SLIDE JOB” or “SLIDER” is ok. You MUST NOT go under the POLE LINE to deliver a SLIDER.
In a SLIDER, both cars are roughly parallel at or before the apex of the corner. The inside car then makes
the pass.
The POLE LINE is marked by tyres at RTQMR.
The CHIEF STEWARD will make the decision on what is a fair pass.
Leave the track when directed, or the YELLOW FLAG comes out.
Drive around the track, then cut your engine and stop at the VICTORY LANE sign, behind Turn Four.
Do not continue to motor through the pit area.
You will be advised if your car needs to be weighed or fuel checked. If that is the case, do not get out of
the car.
If not, you can push the car back to your pit area, when it is safe to do so.
Then get ready for your next race, or presentations at the end of the day.
Your starting position for the feature is determined by two factors. We add together
1. The finishing points you earn during the four heats
2. Any passing points you earn during the four heats
Finishing Points
First place is 17 points, second 14, third 11, fourth 9, fifth 7, sixth 5, seventh 3, eighth 1.
(this may change with increased entries)
Passing Points
Are calculated simply. If you start a heat in position 3 and finish in position 1 – you get 2 passing points.
And if you start a heat in position 1 and finish in position 3 – you get minus 2 passing points.
This helps avoid drivers being on equal points. If that happens it will be settled with a coin toss.
Leave the track when directed, or the YELLOW FLAG comes out.
Drive around the track, then cut your engine and stop at the VICTORY LANE sign, behind Turn Four.
Do not continue to motor through the pit area.
You will be advised if your car needs to be weighed or fuel checked. If that is the case, do not get out of
the car.
If not, you can push the car back to your pit area, when it is safe to do so.
Then get ready for your next race, or presentations at the end of the day.
Your starting position for the feature is determined by two factors. We add together
1. The finishing points you earn during the four heats
2. Any passing points you earn during the four heats
Finishing Points
First place is 17 points, second 14, third 11, fourth 9, fifth 7, sixth 5, seventh 3, eighth 1.
(this may change with increased entries)
Passing Points
Are calculated simply. If you start a heat in position 3 and finish in position 1 – you get 2 passing points.
And if you start a heat in position 1 and finish in position 3 – you get minus 2 passing points.
This helps avoid drivers being on equal points. If that happens it will be settled with a coin toss.

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Drivers guide

  • 1. A Driver’s Guide to RTQMR Rules Before Race Day Make sure that you have ALL your driving gear ready for race day You should have Helmet - needs to be full face, clean, have tear-off buttons and tear-offs, ready to go. No flip-ups. Must conform to one of the following standards: Snell M 2005, Snell M 2010, Snell SA-2005, Snell SA-2010, BS 6658 – 85 Type A/FR Balaclava must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 Neck restraint – can be a “horse collar” type or Hans. Driving Suit – minimum standard of either SFI 3.2A/1, FIA 8856-2000, must be a one (1) piece suit. Driving boots - must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 Driving gloves - must comply with SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 Arm Restraints Flameproof top and bottom (and socks) Make sure everything gets packed into your race bag, as part of your lead up to race day RTQMR can check your race gear at any time. If you don’t have all your safety gear, we can disqualify you from the race results. Nobody wants to do that. Ask first, if you lose safety gear or wreck it. Even if you forget something, we can normally find a spare or give you an opportunity to fix the problem. Neck Restraint Arm Restraints Balaclava Flameproof Driving gloves Driving boots Race suit Flameproof undershirt
  • 2. On Race Day Make sure you have all your race gear to take to the track. If you’ve put it all in your race bag ready to go, there should be no problems!! Don’t let the adults forget!!! Make sure you arrive at the track nice and early – RTQMR race days start at 10am and we aim to be starting races by 10:30. Before you go on the track You must sign in and pay your RACE FEE – you should NOT be on the track until you (or your adult) have done this!! Come to the sign-in table in the pits! Why? Because RTQMR need to pay our bills too! And we will not put you in the DRAW, unless you have signed in. That means you start off the back all day!!! Also if you are new, or haven’t been for a while, RTQMR may want to check your safety gear and your car, to make sure you are legal and safe. You may want to refer the adults to the “Guide to RTQMR Rules” available from the sign-in table or the Rolling Thunder Quarter Midget Raceway Facebook page. Then, you’ll need to get changed into your safety gear so that you can do the DRAW and be at the DRIVERS MEETING. There is a changing room and toilets inside the shed with the quarter midget on top. What’s the DRAW mean?? RTMQR day race meetings normally have 4 “HEAT” races. “HEAT” races are 10 laps each. A HEAT race gives you your qualifying points for the 20 lap “FEATURE” race. The FEATURE is the main race – that’s the one everyone wants to win!!! But we have to do a DRAW to determine positions for the HEAT races. We will get all of the drivers in each class – Novice, 120, 160 to come to the sign in table and DRAW a starting position. So if there are 6 cars in 160 class, we will have 6 tags that we put face down on the table, mix them up and then each driver has to pick a number. That number is their start position for one heat. Normally, we DRAW two races and INVERT the other two. What’s INVERT mean? See the “Example of a Normal draw”. Sometimes we may change this, if there are 4 cars and 4 heats for example, we will give every car a go in every position. We will let you know at the DRAW, if we are going to do it a different way. Please remember to tell your adults, if they don’t come with you to the DRAW!
  • 3. Example of a normal draw: Car 5, DRAWS position 1 in Heat One – so in the INVERTED Heat Two, he goes to position 6. Car 88, DRAWS position 6 in Heat One – so in the INVERTED Heat two, he is on POLE (position 1) Heat One Heat Two 5 15 88 10 18 11 11 18 10 88 15 5 Then we draw Heat Three This time, Car 5, draws position 4 in Heat Three, so in the INVERTED Heat Four, he goes to position 3. Car 15, draws position 5 in Heat Three, so in the INVERTED Heat Four, she goes to position 2 Heat Three Heat Four 10 11 18 15 88 5 5 88 15 18 11 10 These positions will be written on the whiteboard at the sign-in table. You should make sure that you know your starting position, for each race, before you go on the track. If you forget, you can look at the whiteboard. The easy way to do it, is to remember the number of the car directly in front of you. So…if you are Car 88 in Heat One, you start behind Car 11, for Heat One. More about FORM UP, later.
  • 4. Drivers Meeting After the DRAW, you still need to pay attention. There will normally be a DRIVERS MEETING. This is held either at the sign-in table, or out on the track. It might be held on the track so that we can show you stuff you need to see on the track before you race. Or it might be to tell you about changes to the race format – if we have a Front Row Challenge, or changes to the points. It is important that you go to the DRIVERS MEETING and listen – the CHIEF STEWARD is the person who decides if you have broken the rules. At RTQMR the CHIEF STEWARD will usually operate the flags and work with spotters & scorers in the infield to make the decisions. The CHIEF STEWARD will warn you of rules that are being broken and the rules there might be a focus on, during the race day. If you don’t listen, you might be punished for breaking the rules. The CHIEF STEWARD can send you to the rear of the field or disqualify you from the race. Not listening is not an excuse. Nobody wants to do this, so you must listen and pay attention. The CHIEF STEWARD will also tell you what WARM UP laps we will be doing. WARM UP laps are when you can warm the car up, maybe try some different lines on the track, before you go racing. Sometimes – usually if the track is really wet – ALL cars will go out together and WHEELPACK. That means just going slowly around the track. The idea is to squeeze some water out of the track and get it ready for racing. There is no racing or drifting during WHEELPACK. WHEELPACK is done under a YELLOW flag. There should be NO passing under a YELLOW flag! You may be sent out for WARM UP laps with your class. WARM UP is NOT a race, you go fast to get the car ready to race. It’s just a practice. In WARM UP, you will all go out on the track, run some GREEN flag laps and when WARM UP is finished the YELLOW flag will come out and the signal will be given to FORM UP, and get ready for your race. Again, it is really important that you listen to the CHIEF STEWARD, so you know what is going on.
  • 5. FLAGS Green Flag – GO!!! Remember that you must start racing at the start line. NOT in the back straight or in Turn 4. If you cannot see the start line, ask before the racing starts! You cannot pass cars before you cross the start line to start racing. Yellow Flag – NO PASSING. SLOW DOWN but do not brake (unless you need to avoid a crash) Crossed Yellow & Green flags – FORM UP Get into your position ready for the race to start. Black Flag – DISQUALIFIED Red Flag – STOP as soon as it is safe. Usually the red flag means the track is blocked ahead somewhere. White Flag – One lap to go!! KEEP RACING!!! Chequered Flag – the end of the race…if you get to it first, you WIN!!!! Stay on the gas until the YELLOW flag comes out If you slow down too quick, someone may hit you from behind. If the black flag comes out and the Chief Steward (or other Steward) points at you, you are out of the race. Your number may also be put on a board. Go to the infield and stop where safe.
  • 6. Signals Two arms crossed – FORM UP When we FORM UP, that means we get into our correct starting position for the race. Look for the car that is supposed to be in front of you and stay behind that car. If that car cannot make the start, you will be directed to move up one spot. In our example Heat One, if car 5 could not make the start, Car 18 would move to the pole – See below. Heat One With Car 5 out 5 15 18 15 18 11 10 11 10 88 88 1 finger held up – Next lap start. The CHIEF STEWARD in the flag stand will hold up one finger to say “Everyone is in their right place, we will start next lap, if everyone stays in position” Try not to leave any big gaps between you and the car in front of you. If the cars don’t stay in position, the yellow flag will come out and the signal will be given to form up again. If you are the one out of position – like if you jump the start, or pass cars before the line, you may be moved to REAR OF FIELD. Or if you caused other cars to move out of position by bashing repeatedly into the car in front of you or attempting to push it during starts, you can be directed to go REAR OF FIELD. ROF Board – Normally with a finger pointed at you, or a board with your number on it. It means go to the rear of the field. Slap on the backside – This also means go to the rear of field.
  • 7. During the race Yellow flag on the first lap – COMPLETE RESTART You will be asked to form up again, in the same position as your draw for that race. This is called a COMPLETE RESTART. BUT, if you were the cause of the yellow flag – so if you stopped on the track, spun out or crashed or jumped the start, the CHIEF STEWARD may direct you to go to the REAR OF FIELD. It is the CHIEF STEWARD’s call – you cannot protest during the race. You may approach the CHIEF STEWARD after the race has finished. They will want to explain the decision to you anyway so that you can learn from it. Even if they have made a mistake in your eyes, remember that someone has to do the job, and without them, there would be no racing! Their decision is final. Yellow flag after the first lap – SINGLE FILE RESTART A cone will be placed on the track. Now this is called SINGLE FILE RESTART. So if we take our example Heat One again. They started as below 18 15 10 11 88 Now, let’s pretend that the running order when the yellow flag came out was 18,10,15,11 and car 88 brought the YELLOW FLAG out, trying to pass car 11. The cars will now start in ONE row NOT TWO!! – that’s what SINGLE FILE means! And they will go back to the LAST SCORED LAP – so there’s no point in passing under a YELLOW FLAG, as you will be put back into the position you were in, when you last passed the finish line under GREEN FLAG (racing) conditions. SO it’s… 18 10 15 11 88 If both 11 & 88 stopped, they would go to REAR OF FIELD. The driver who the CHIEF STEWARD believes is the main cause of the YELLOW FLAG would go last. In this case, car 88. The CHIEF STEWARD also has the power to put a car that they see as totally not at fault back in its position from the last scored lap. Now you are ready to face the GREEN FLAG at a slow, steady pace.
  • 8. During the race (continued) GREEN FLAG for SINGLE FILE RESTARTS. The lead car must start the race at the start line. All cars must go between the cone and the outside fence. If you go between the cone and the infield, the YELLOW FLAG can be brought out and you can be directed to go REAR OF FIELD. During the restart, any driver who passes a car before they reach the start line to start racing, can be put back any positions that they gain. If they pass one car, one spot – two cars, two spots and so on. Again, you can be put to the REAR OF FIELD if your actions bring out the YELLOW FLAG. UNDER RACE CONDITIONS Passing should be done without contact wherever possible. Quarter Midgets are open wheel racecars. Banging wheels and leaning on each other in a speedcar or sprintcar can see you upside down or over the fence – not a good habit to learn!!! If you gain a position by “UNLOADING” a car, the CHIEF STEWARD can put you back that position, either at the next stoppage or at the end of the race “UNLOADING” is defined as running into the left rear of the car in front, causing that car to lose traction and therefore speed. A “SLIDE JOB” or “SLIDER” is ok. You MUST NOT go under the POLE LINE to deliver a SLIDER. In a SLIDER, both cars are roughly parallel at or before the apex of the corner. The inside car then makes the pass. The POLE LINE is marked by tyres at RTQMR. The CHIEF STEWARD will make the decision on what is a fair pass.
  • 9. AFTER THE RACE Leave the track when directed, or the YELLOW FLAG comes out. Drive around the track, then cut your engine and stop at the VICTORY LANE sign, behind Turn Four. Do not continue to motor through the pit area. You will be advised if your car needs to be weighed or fuel checked. If that is the case, do not get out of the car. If not, you can push the car back to your pit area, when it is safe to do so. Then get ready for your next race, or presentations at the end of the day. Qualification Your starting position for the feature is determined by two factors. We add together 1. The finishing points you earn during the four heats 2. Any passing points you earn during the four heats Finishing Points First place is 17 points, second 14, third 11, fourth 9, fifth 7, sixth 5, seventh 3, eighth 1. (this may change with increased entries) Passing Points Are calculated simply. If you start a heat in position 3 and finish in position 1 – you get 2 passing points. And if you start a heat in position 1 and finish in position 3 – you get minus 2 passing points. This helps avoid drivers being on equal points. If that happens it will be settled with a coin toss.
  • 10. AFTER THE RACE Leave the track when directed, or the YELLOW FLAG comes out. Drive around the track, then cut your engine and stop at the VICTORY LANE sign, behind Turn Four. Do not continue to motor through the pit area. You will be advised if your car needs to be weighed or fuel checked. If that is the case, do not get out of the car. If not, you can push the car back to your pit area, when it is safe to do so. Then get ready for your next race, or presentations at the end of the day. Qualification Your starting position for the feature is determined by two factors. We add together 1. The finishing points you earn during the four heats 2. Any passing points you earn during the four heats Finishing Points First place is 17 points, second 14, third 11, fourth 9, fifth 7, sixth 5, seventh 3, eighth 1. (this may change with increased entries) Passing Points Are calculated simply. If you start a heat in position 3 and finish in position 1 – you get 2 passing points. And if you start a heat in position 1 and finish in position 3 – you get minus 2 passing points. This helps avoid drivers being on equal points. If that happens it will be settled with a coin toss.