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urbantales                                                                                                                                                                         dna.sunday                                 Mumbai, March 8, 2009               2

  Whole lotta noise                                                                                                                                                                             Deblina Chakrabarty

                                                                                                                                                                                                No bread? Some
                                                                                                                                                                                                cake then...
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ill recently, recession was like the pink elephant in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        room but no one was supposed to talk about. But suddenly
                                                                                                                                                                                                        it’s rather fashionable to do so. So you have everyone from
                                                                                                                                                                                                business professionals to professional girlfriends all dropping an
                                                                                                                                                                                                erudite word or two about the ‘market forces’. All the while flash-
                                                                                                                                                                                                ing their multi-crore deals, solitaire rocks, and high value horse-
                                                                                                                                                                                                trading (aka IPL!) stressing how their fees/projects remain unal-
                                                                                                                                                                                                tered because true value always finds its rightful price! Ahem!
                                                                                                                                                                                                   But even among real people, recession has wrought some in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                teresting changes. For one, the cautious Indian spender is mak-
                                                                                                                                                                                                ing a slow comeback. Sure, shopping, eating out and the movies
                                                                                                                                                                                                remain the chief pastimes but reckless high-value purchases
                                                                                                                                                                                                have made way for savvy buys. Indeed, VFM is the acronym of
                                                                                                                                                                                                the times, be it multi-tiered ticket prices at multiplexes or sensi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                bly priced restaurants running to packed houses. Indeed my fave
                                                                                                                                                                                                VFM comfort Chinese joint in Colaba, Ling’s Pavilion still has a
                                                                                                                                                                                                queue if you turn up sans a reservation while 10 minutes down
                                                                                                                                                                                                the road, the crusty reservation policy of Indigo has softened
 Whistleblowers: Volunteers of                                                                                                                                                                  considerably; a friend of mine actually got a table for dinner on
 the SITA Sena gear up for a                                                                                                                                                                    the same day that she called; no one-week wait!
 busy day                                                                                                                                                                                          The shopping scene isn’t that different either. I read somewhere

                                                                                                                                                                                                in one of the gossip rags (written rather disdainfully) that Deepika
                                                                                                                                                                    PRAKASH PARSEKAR. DNA
                                                                                                                                                                                                Padukone was seen shopping at the Mango sale. If it’s true, I’d say
                               am not your chamcham, coconut, apple,         The suburb is the preferred destination for single      tion,” clarifies founder, Harish Iyer who has al-          Ms. Padukone is being pragmatic, sharp and thoroughly trendset-
                               butter chicken or whatever else you           women, living independently in the city That is
                                                                                                                        .            ready faced flak for using the acronym. The or-            ting. It’s time the false snobbery against sales disappeared anyway   ,
                               might want to eat,’ reads a food chart that   why Divya Bhaskar, an executive in an event             ganisation plans to register a video protest,              because the maximum crowd I have ever seen at über-luxe design-
                               is up on the Blank Noise website. The         management company chose to live here when              where people will be shot at different locations           er stores like Galleria at the Trident is either when there is an
                               chart — an attempt to revise the relation-    she moved from Dehradun two years ago. “I pay           across the city giving their views on eve-teasing          event (i.e. free wine and cheese) or at the 70% sales!
                               ship between image, words and meaning         through my nose for space here, but when I step         and the Mangalore incident. A final video will be             But while the materi-
                    — grew out of songs, names and phrases sent in           out at Bandra station at midnight, there are four       compiled and put online by the end of the day      .       al world is being careful-
                    by women that they have been eve-teased with.            other women walking out with me. At the same            “The volunteers will be carrying whistles and              ly reconfigured, the spir-
                    This is just one of the projects Blank Noise, a          time if I step out in a party outfit I am perceived     distributing them to women on the street. Every            itual world is on a
                    Bangalore based organisation that has been               as ‘easy’”.                                             time a woman is eve-teased or assaulted in public          steroid boom! Pretty
                    working against sexual harassment, has taken                                                                     we hope she blows the whistle. It attracts atten-          much everyone I know is
                    up. All these initiatives will be used as a rallying                                                             tion and is the easiest thing to do. We hope this          either on a quest for in-
The Ram Sene
                    point for women’s rights today “The idea is to
                    generate dialogue and get more and more people
                                                                                      STAGE A PROTEST                                campaign sparks off a trend,” he says. Iyer plans
                                                                                                                                     to start a SOS helpline for eve-teasing victims af-
                                                                                                                                                                                                ner peace or has found it
                                                                                                                                                                                                already From tarot read-
workers’ attack     involved,” says Jasmeen Patheja, originator.
                        The recent attacks on women in Mangalore
                                                                                                        Woman’s Day                  ter the campaign. “The project is a platform for
                                                                                                                                     people to voice their opinion. We hope the mes-
                                                                                                                                                                                                ing to past-life therapy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                bio-energy         healing,
on pub-going        have pushed her organisation to take a stronger                                     Rally                        sage reaches the policy makers and brings about            there is a mojo for every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               It’s time the false snob-
                    stand. On the occasion of International                                                                          a change,” says Kaizad Bhamgara.                           type of tormented soul.
women has           Women’s Day, a number of activities have been
                                                                                                        Over 15 women’s
                                                                                                        organisations from               Harish Sadani, honorary secretary and                  But new-age spirituality       bery against sales disap-
spurred a num-      planned by people linked with Blank Noise
                    across the country. “What happened in Manga-
                                                                                                        the city will be             founder member, Men Against Violence and
                                                                                                                                     Abuse is trying to fight a different battle. “You
                                                                                                                                                                                                is a bit like couture fash-
                                                                                                                                                                                                ion and what was hot           peared because the maxi-
                                                                                                        protesting against
ber of initia-      lore has given a license or a sanction to attack a                                  Muthalik’s cultural          can’t call the men perpetrators and leave it at            last season is so not right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               mum crowd I have ever
                    certain type of woman because of where she                                                                       that,” he says. For the past 15 years, his organisa-       now. Thus while Art of
tives across the    goes, what she wears etc. The fact that some peo-
                                                                                                        terrorism. The rally
                                                                                                        will start at 3pm,           tion has been a part of the women’s movement               Living was the big thing       seen at über-luxe design-
country, includ-    ple actually supported the attack suggests that it                                  opposite Plaza               and he, a man, rarely feels left out, he says. MAVA        a few years back, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               er stores is either when
                    is considered acceptable. Such initiatives can                                      Cinema, Dadar.               is the city’s only organisation that works towards         mantra of the moment is
ing Mumbai.         make a difference.”                                                                                              sensitising men towards women’s issues. This               Soka Gakkai Buddhism           there is an event or at the
                        Pukar’s Gender and Space project, a similar                                                                  year, along with a group of volunteers, he will be         with its signature nam-
Most of these       initiative, researched women’s access to public            SITA Sena                                             joining the Women’s Day rally that will kick off           myoho-renge-kyo chanti-        70 per cent sales!
will come           spaces in the city The project wrapped up almost
                                       .                                       Upload a video talking against the pub inci-          from Plaza cinema, Dadar, at 3pm today Sadani is
                                                                                                                                                                                .               ng. Maybe it’s just coin-
                    a year ago, but the recent attacks in Mangalore            dent in Mangalore on YouTube today. Visit             clear that women’s issues cannot be resolved               cidence that this frantic
together today      have only convinced the researchers of their con- for details.                   without taking the men into account. “A women’s            quest for peace comes at a time when the economy and the world
to become a         clusions. The project undertaken by Shilpa Phad-
                    ke, Shilpa Ranade and Sameera Khan covered dif-
                                                                                                                                     movement, by the women, for the women will not
                                                                                                                                     work. Our involvement is vital,” he says. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                at large is going down the tube but it’s a fact that I see a lot less
                                                                                                                                                                                                perturbed people, whether they are jobless, retrenched or just
larger voice.       ferent localities of varied demographics across
                                                                               I never ask for it                                    year after the Ram Sene attacks, Sadani has de-            plain undecided about the course of life. I, of course feel terribly
                    the city conducting extensive interviews in each
                             ,                                                 Send in an outfit you were eve-teased in.             cided to focus on cultural terrorism. “At the rally        out of place with my ready stream of angst!
Radhika Raj         part of the city .                                         Visit for details                  we will be protesting against all these outfits who           And fortunately (or unfortunately) sexual transgressions are
tells you why           A part of the project was understanding how                                                                  assault women in the name of ‘Indian culture’.”            on the backburner as well. With job uncertainty, dwindling in-
                    working women who were required to stay out                                                                          As a part of a larger initiative, Sadani has           vestment returns and rising costs, casual sex and affairs are the
this year,          till late handled situations. “Women told us that           Phadke insists that women should have the le-        started work with male students in four colleges           last thing on people’s mind. Not to mention that the dating and
                    it was acceptable as long as they were out till late     gitimacy to ‘play’. “If a woman is assaulted at         in Mumbai. The programme includes a constant               mating game is getting to be an expensive proposition. With the
International       for ‘work’, but they were not allowed to ‘play’,”        night nobody should question her right to be            dialogue with women, putting up street plays and           average price of drinks at Rs. 600 in any decent bar, getting a girl
Women’s Day         emphasises Phadke. Working till late is some-            there. Women should have the right to take              gender-based exercises. The boys are encouraged            drunk to get lucky just doesn’t seem VFM anymore! However
                    thing the city has come to terms with but staying        risks,” she says.                                       to take up household chores and are asked to in-           cheesy it sounds, people are resorting to true love in these lean
will be nothing     out for leisure is seen as unnecessary and loose.           A book titled Why Loiter? Women and Risk on          volve the women at home in decision making.                times. So while the married are turning to their spouses with
like the previ-     “The family turns against you, people who usu-
                    ally would have protected you on the street start
                                                                             Mumbai Streets, based on the project, will be pub-
                                                                             lished by Penguin by the end of 2009. Ranade and
                                                                                                                                         The Sita Sena is set in action in Mumbai,
                                                                                                                                     women are travelling across metros to join Take
                                                                                                                                                                                                new enthusiasm (the sugar daddies are suddenly AWOL), the se-
                                                                                                                                                                                                rial daters are all hastily finding life partners and tying the knot
ous ones            questioning the need to ‘party’. The Muthalik in-        Phadke are on their way to Hyderabad where              Back the Night initiatives in Ahmedabad, Banga-            (economies of scale to keep the home fires burning darling!).
                    cident is a reflection of this attitude,” she adds.      they have been invited to present their project at      lore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune and Kolkatta.                  And what about my tribe, aka the singletons? The last word on
                        When women were asked what makes them                a Woman’s Day event. “The Ram Sene incident             Blogs are humming with supporters, the Pink                surviving recession is the NY blog DABA (aka Dating A Banker
                    feel safe, a large percentage admitted the more          has clearly woken up a lot of people. The govern-       Chaddi campaign has been resurrected. Activists            Anonymous). Those girls are apparently now slowly eyeing LA in
                    crowded the place, the safer they feel. “Lights          ment’s lack of initiative to take action has en-        believe this is just the beginning. “The Manga-            search of the media moguls now that the bankers have tanked,
                    make the city safe. Open shops make the city             raged citizens even further. Hence the activism,”       lore incident has shaken people up. We need to             and entertainment is a recession-proof industry Smart idea ex-
                    safe. This idea of closing down places, pubs,            adds Ranade.                                            keep this momentum going. This is just the be-             cept that unfortunately for us in Bombay movies and money are
                    restaurants early is ridiculous. You are empty-             ‘Seeti bajao. Sach Sunao.’ is clearly a result of    ginning, there is more to come,” says Iyer as he           in the same city! But I’d say there is no harm in trying to go a bit
                    ing the city and making the space unfriendly       .”    this agitation. Their floating group is called ‘SITA    walks off with a bunch of whistles in one hand.            north . . . . from Nariman Point to Bandra perhaps; you never
                        The suburb of Bandra is a classic example.           Sena’. “SITA stand for Sensitivity In True Ac-                                       R_RADHIKA@DNAINDIA.NET        know who you may find!                             DEBLINA@DNAINDIA.NET

                                           Rohena Gera                                      them. Aren’t we lucky to be born where           what does that mean for those who aren’t
                                                                                            we are? It’s true we are. And we should          feeling lucky?

                                                                                            feel guilty and question the injustice              While Slumdog reached millions across
                                               t’s curious the kind of love and hate        built into the system that affords us our        the globe, Barah Aana has had trouble
                                               that Slumdog inspired in India when          comforts. This is what Slumdog does so           finding distribution; most likely because it
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Treat off the street
                                               it was first released. So many arti-         effectively: it appeals to our conscience as     doesn’t have the kind of happy ending that
                                           cles, blogs, comments… It spoke to the           the script wends its way around various          allows us to get away from what makes us
                                           conscience of the multiplex elite, partic-       social ills-from domestic violence to com-       deeply uncomfortable about our society     .
                                           ularly sensitised after the horrors of late      munalism to classism-and it simply does-         Although it is definitely a less miserable     Ranjona Banerji

                                           November. But it seemed to annoy those           n’t allow us to turn a blind eye.                film than Slumdog, it doesn’t force a hokey
                                           who may have felt that ‘our’ misery was                                                           happy ending to save our protagonist and           t’s a quintessentially Bom-
                                           being cashed in on by the west. Or that                                                           make us feel good. Because everyone does-          bay thing — that is, you

could have                                 the chest-thumping Arcelor-buying India
                                           was having its dirty laundry washed in
                                           front of the world.
                                              Now that ‘we’ have won all these Os-
                                                                                                                                             n’t get saved. At least not by getting a
                                                                                                                                             crore, and the girl. But it suggests that
                                                                                                                                             there is redemption within real life. And
                                                                                                                                             happiness without the crore. Unlike Slum-
                                                                                                                                                                                                can eat it elsewhere but it
                                                                                                                                                                                            just won’t taste the same. It
                                                                                                                                                                                            has all the cliché symbolism
                                                                                                                                                                                            you want, see? A seemingly ran-

given the                                  cars, the enthusiasm may wash away all
                                           traces of the initial indifference the audi-
                                           ence showed. Despite the hype, Slumdog
                                                                                                                                             dog, Barah Aana is an insider’s view. It
                                                                                                                                             does not fear poverty as some kind of
                                                                                                                                             awful third world disease. Yes, there is
                                                                                                                                                                                            dom mixture of puffed rice,
                                                                                                                                                                                            onions, green chillies, coriander,
                                                                                                                                                                                            boiled potatoes, a sweet and sour

                                           (millionaire and crorepati combined)                                                              poverty misery and hardship. But there
                                                                                                                                                     ,                                      chutney a hot chutney and a gar-
                                           earned approximately 9 crore rupees in                                                            are also friendships and laughter, hope        licky chutney sev and when in sea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,                          Of course, you choose your
                                           the first week of its release; and although                                                       and flirtation...                              son, tiny bits of unripe mango, but       roadside bhel wallahs
                                           60 per cent of the 350 prints released were                                                          Barah Aana actually enters the homes        when it all comes together, boy           according to your location
                                           in Hindi, only 30 per cent of the collec-                                                         of our protagonists. And in their kholis       does it work. The paper cone in           and your childhood memories
                                           tions came from the Hindi version. For                                                            we see the relationships that make India       which it is served should best be a

                                           some reason, Indian audiences, particu-             Yet, for us to leave our seats satisfied,     India. The forced intimacy of a shared         company balance sheet — this, to-      try Swati Snacks. No balance
                                           larly the Hindi audiences, were not swept        Slumdog needs to show the protagonist            space that grows into a real friendship,       gether with the deepfried puri and     sheet paper cone, but in return
                                           away by the film.                                escape forever the grime and squalor that        the sentimental outburst that shows real       the tiny bits of kairi gives you the   you get high quality ingredients
                                              There is a small independent film re-         have turned our insides for the first hour       vulnerability and despair, the handing         feeling that this is Mumbai.           and guaranteed cleanliness.
                                           leasing this week that serves as an inter-       or so. When you leave singing Jai Ho, you        over of one’s savings without so much as         Of course, you choose your           Soam is another option and
                                           esting counterpoint to Slumdog and may           can leave far behind you the kids who are        a word said…                                   roadside bhel wallahs accord-          Kailash Parbat is a reasonable
                                           address this question of what Slumdog            still waiting in line to use that vile toilet.      The happiness it allows is happiness        ing to your location and your          bet. If you want to do it make it at
                                           missed. Set in Dharavi, Barah Aana is               To be fair to the film, it is a story, and    that is possible. It values small gestures     childhood memories. So I think         home, although sadly Shetty’s of
                                           also about faceless India: a driver, a           it has a right to a happy ending. It             between friends, tenderness towards an         fondly of Malabar Hill and have        Tardeo no longer exists to give
                                           watchman and a waiter. The people who            shouldn’t be forced to carry the burden          unrequited love... and the winning of re-      no problem with the man who            you a neatly packed set of plastic
                                           surround us but whom we may not recog-           of societal problems that persist. With-         spect by standing up for oneself. The ulti-    comes to my current building far       dabbas with all the chutneys care-
        Unlike Slumdog                     nise if we saw them on the street. They          out its happy ending, it may not have            mate difference is that it respects the        far awar every Sunday evening.         fully separated, but ready packs
                                           are all migrants, fatigued to the bone, but      reached the millions that it did. And            miserable lives that slumdog wants to es-      Some swear by Ram and Shyam            like Raghuvanshi are available.
        Millionaire, Barah                 with dreams in their eyes. Not far from          Azharuddin and Rubina wouldn’t have              cape. The question is, do we, for some rea-    in Santa Cruz, others by Juhu          But don’t be squeamish. Some-
                                           slumdog, in that they dream big. But             walked the red carpet.                           son, prefer to believe in impossible happy     Beach or Chowpatty or Girgaum          times you have to live a little and
        Aana, a small inde-                that’s where the parallel ends…                     But that happy ending may be exactly          endings instead of seeing joy in the lives     or Colaba or anywhere at all.          hit the road.
        pendent is an insider’s               Slumdog is an an outsider’s view of           why the single screen audiences have not         we live? Or did a section of Bombay re-           If the roadside is not for you,                 B_RANJONA@DNAINDIA.NET
                                           Bombay, the slums, and poverty. It fears         loved the film. Jamal gets to rise above         ject slumdog because it missed what sus-
        view of Dharavi                    poverty, and therefore portrays the slum         his misfortunes because he is destined to.       tains us: a bindaas attitude, humour and            Our new feature is the definitive guide to places that offer
                                           kids’ lives as unmitigated misery It’s how
                                                                              .             Just as some of us were destined or lucky        friendships?                                                 the best finger-licking treats in the city
                                           we, the privileged, see the lives of the         enough to be born where we were. So                                      SUNDAY@DNAINDIA.NET

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DNA March 08, 2009

  • 1. urbantales dna.sunday Mumbai, March 8, 2009 2 GIRLUNINTERRUPTED Whole lotta noise Deblina Chakrabarty No bread? Some cake then... T ill recently, recession was like the pink elephant in the room but no one was supposed to talk about. But suddenly it’s rather fashionable to do so. So you have everyone from business professionals to professional girlfriends all dropping an erudite word or two about the ‘market forces’. All the while flash- ing their multi-crore deals, solitaire rocks, and high value horse- trading (aka IPL!) stressing how their fees/projects remain unal- tered because true value always finds its rightful price! Ahem! But even among real people, recession has wrought some in- teresting changes. For one, the cautious Indian spender is mak- ing a slow comeback. Sure, shopping, eating out and the movies remain the chief pastimes but reckless high-value purchases have made way for savvy buys. Indeed, VFM is the acronym of the times, be it multi-tiered ticket prices at multiplexes or sensi- bly priced restaurants running to packed houses. Indeed my fave VFM comfort Chinese joint in Colaba, Ling’s Pavilion still has a queue if you turn up sans a reservation while 10 minutes down the road, the crusty reservation policy of Indigo has softened Whistleblowers: Volunteers of considerably; a friend of mine actually got a table for dinner on the SITA Sena gear up for a the same day that she called; no one-week wait! busy day The shopping scene isn’t that different either. I read somewhere I in one of the gossip rags (written rather disdainfully) that Deepika PRAKASH PARSEKAR. DNA Padukone was seen shopping at the Mango sale. If it’s true, I’d say am not your chamcham, coconut, apple, The suburb is the preferred destination for single tion,” clarifies founder, Harish Iyer who has al- Ms. Padukone is being pragmatic, sharp and thoroughly trendset- butter chicken or whatever else you women, living independently in the city That is . ready faced flak for using the acronym. The or- ting. It’s time the false snobbery against sales disappeared anyway , might want to eat,’ reads a food chart that why Divya Bhaskar, an executive in an event ganisation plans to register a video protest, because the maximum crowd I have ever seen at über-luxe design- is up on the Blank Noise website. The management company chose to live here when where people will be shot at different locations er stores like Galleria at the Trident is either when there is an chart — an attempt to revise the relation- she moved from Dehradun two years ago. “I pay across the city giving their views on eve-teasing event (i.e. free wine and cheese) or at the 70% sales! ship between image, words and meaning through my nose for space here, but when I step and the Mangalore incident. A final video will be But while the materi- — grew out of songs, names and phrases sent in out at Bandra station at midnight, there are four compiled and put online by the end of the day . al world is being careful- by women that they have been eve-teased with. other women walking out with me. At the same “The volunteers will be carrying whistles and ly reconfigured, the spir- This is just one of the projects Blank Noise, a time if I step out in a party outfit I am perceived distributing them to women on the street. Every itual world is on a Bangalore based organisation that has been as ‘easy’”. time a woman is eve-teased or assaulted in public steroid boom! Pretty working against sexual harassment, has taken we hope she blows the whistle. It attracts atten- much everyone I know is up. All these initiatives will be used as a rallying tion and is the easiest thing to do. We hope this either on a quest for in- The Ram Sene point for women’s rights today “The idea is to . generate dialogue and get more and more people STAGE A PROTEST campaign sparks off a trend,” he says. Iyer plans to start a SOS helpline for eve-teasing victims af- ner peace or has found it already From tarot read- . workers’ attack involved,” says Jasmeen Patheja, originator. The recent attacks on women in Mangalore Woman’s Day ter the campaign. “The project is a platform for people to voice their opinion. We hope the mes- ing to past-life therapy to bio-energy healing, on pub-going have pushed her organisation to take a stronger Rally sage reaches the policy makers and brings about there is a mojo for every It’s time the false snob- stand. On the occasion of International a change,” says Kaizad Bhamgara. type of tormented soul. women has Women’s Day, a number of activities have been Over 15 women’s organisations from Harish Sadani, honorary secretary and But new-age spirituality bery against sales disap- spurred a num- planned by people linked with Blank Noise across the country. “What happened in Manga- the city will be founder member, Men Against Violence and Abuse is trying to fight a different battle. “You is a bit like couture fash- ion and what was hot peared because the maxi- protesting against ber of initia- lore has given a license or a sanction to attack a Muthalik’s cultural can’t call the men perpetrators and leave it at last season is so not right mum crowd I have ever certain type of woman because of where she that,” he says. For the past 15 years, his organisa- now. Thus while Art of tives across the goes, what she wears etc. The fact that some peo- terrorism. The rally will start at 3pm, tion has been a part of the women’s movement Living was the big thing seen at über-luxe design- country, includ- ple actually supported the attack suggests that it opposite Plaza and he, a man, rarely feels left out, he says. MAVA a few years back, the er stores is either when is considered acceptable. Such initiatives can Cinema, Dadar. is the city’s only organisation that works towards mantra of the moment is ing Mumbai. make a difference.” sensitising men towards women’s issues. This Soka Gakkai Buddhism there is an event or at the Pukar’s Gender and Space project, a similar year, along with a group of volunteers, he will be with its signature nam- Most of these initiative, researched women’s access to public SITA Sena joining the Women’s Day rally that will kick off myoho-renge-kyo chanti- 70 per cent sales! will come spaces in the city The project wrapped up almost . Upload a video talking against the pub inci- from Plaza cinema, Dadar, at 3pm today Sadani is . ng. Maybe it’s just coin- a year ago, but the recent attacks in Mangalore dent in Mangalore on YouTube today. Visit clear that women’s issues cannot be resolved cidence that this frantic together today have only convinced the researchers of their con- for details. without taking the men into account. “A women’s quest for peace comes at a time when the economy and the world to become a clusions. The project undertaken by Shilpa Phad- ke, Shilpa Ranade and Sameera Khan covered dif- movement, by the women, for the women will not work. Our involvement is vital,” he says. This at large is going down the tube but it’s a fact that I see a lot less perturbed people, whether they are jobless, retrenched or just larger voice. ferent localities of varied demographics across I never ask for it year after the Ram Sene attacks, Sadani has de- plain undecided about the course of life. I, of course feel terribly the city conducting extensive interviews in each , Send in an outfit you were eve-teased in. cided to focus on cultural terrorism. “At the rally out of place with my ready stream of angst! Radhika Raj part of the city . Visit for details we will be protesting against all these outfits who And fortunately (or unfortunately) sexual transgressions are tells you why A part of the project was understanding how assault women in the name of ‘Indian culture’.” on the backburner as well. With job uncertainty, dwindling in- working women who were required to stay out As a part of a larger initiative, Sadani has vestment returns and rising costs, casual sex and affairs are the this year, till late handled situations. “Women told us that Phadke insists that women should have the le- started work with male students in four colleges last thing on people’s mind. Not to mention that the dating and it was acceptable as long as they were out till late gitimacy to ‘play’. “If a woman is assaulted at in Mumbai. The programme includes a constant mating game is getting to be an expensive proposition. With the International for ‘work’, but they were not allowed to ‘play’,” night nobody should question her right to be dialogue with women, putting up street plays and average price of drinks at Rs. 600 in any decent bar, getting a girl Women’s Day emphasises Phadke. Working till late is some- there. Women should have the right to take gender-based exercises. The boys are encouraged drunk to get lucky just doesn’t seem VFM anymore! However thing the city has come to terms with but staying risks,” she says. to take up household chores and are asked to in- cheesy it sounds, people are resorting to true love in these lean will be nothing out for leisure is seen as unnecessary and loose. A book titled Why Loiter? Women and Risk on volve the women at home in decision making. times. So while the married are turning to their spouses with like the previ- “The family turns against you, people who usu- ally would have protected you on the street start Mumbai Streets, based on the project, will be pub- lished by Penguin by the end of 2009. Ranade and The Sita Sena is set in action in Mumbai, women are travelling across metros to join Take new enthusiasm (the sugar daddies are suddenly AWOL), the se- rial daters are all hastily finding life partners and tying the knot ous ones questioning the need to ‘party’. The Muthalik in- Phadke are on their way to Hyderabad where Back the Night initiatives in Ahmedabad, Banga- (economies of scale to keep the home fires burning darling!). cident is a reflection of this attitude,” she adds. they have been invited to present their project at lore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune and Kolkatta. And what about my tribe, aka the singletons? The last word on When women were asked what makes them a Woman’s Day event. “The Ram Sene incident Blogs are humming with supporters, the Pink surviving recession is the NY blog DABA (aka Dating A Banker feel safe, a large percentage admitted the more has clearly woken up a lot of people. The govern- Chaddi campaign has been resurrected. Activists Anonymous). Those girls are apparently now slowly eyeing LA in crowded the place, the safer they feel. “Lights ment’s lack of initiative to take action has en- believe this is just the beginning. “The Manga- search of the media moguls now that the bankers have tanked, make the city safe. Open shops make the city raged citizens even further. Hence the activism,” lore incident has shaken people up. We need to and entertainment is a recession-proof industry Smart idea ex- . safe. This idea of closing down places, pubs, adds Ranade. keep this momentum going. This is just the be- cept that unfortunately for us in Bombay movies and money are , restaurants early is ridiculous. You are empty- ‘Seeti bajao. Sach Sunao.’ is clearly a result of ginning, there is more to come,” says Iyer as he in the same city! But I’d say there is no harm in trying to go a bit ing the city and making the space unfriendly .” this agitation. Their floating group is called ‘SITA walks off with a bunch of whistles in one hand. north . . . . from Nariman Point to Bandra perhaps; you never The suburb of Bandra is a classic example. Sena’. “SITA stand for Sensitivity In True Ac- R_RADHIKA@DNAINDIA.NET know who you may find! DEBLINA@DNAINDIA.NET Rohena Gera them. Aren’t we lucky to be born where what does that mean for those who aren’t FOODCHAIN Because we are? It’s true we are. And we should feeling lucky? I feel guilty and question the injustice While Slumdog reached millions across t’s curious the kind of love and hate built into the system that affords us our the globe, Barah Aana has had trouble that Slumdog inspired in India when comforts. This is what Slumdog does so finding distribution; most likely because it Treat off the street Jamal it was first released. So many arti- effectively: it appeals to our conscience as doesn’t have the kind of happy ending that cles, blogs, comments… It spoke to the the script wends its way around various allows us to get away from what makes us conscience of the multiplex elite, partic- social ills-from domestic violence to com- deeply uncomfortable about our society . ularly sensitised after the horrors of late munalism to classism-and it simply does- Although it is definitely a less miserable Ranjona Banerji I November. But it seemed to annoy those n’t allow us to turn a blind eye. film than Slumdog, it doesn’t force a hokey who may have felt that ‘our’ misery was happy ending to save our protagonist and t’s a quintessentially Bom- being cashed in on by the west. Or that make us feel good. Because everyone does- bay thing — that is, you could have the chest-thumping Arcelor-buying India was having its dirty laundry washed in front of the world. Now that ‘we’ have won all these Os- n’t get saved. At least not by getting a crore, and the girl. But it suggests that there is redemption within real life. And happiness without the crore. Unlike Slum- can eat it elsewhere but it just won’t taste the same. It has all the cliché symbolism you want, see? A seemingly ran- given the cars, the enthusiasm may wash away all traces of the initial indifference the audi- ence showed. Despite the hype, Slumdog dog, Barah Aana is an insider’s view. It does not fear poverty as some kind of awful third world disease. Yes, there is dom mixture of puffed rice, onions, green chillies, coriander, boiled potatoes, a sweet and sour wrong (millionaire and crorepati combined) poverty misery and hardship. But there , chutney a hot chutney and a gar- , earned approximately 9 crore rupees in are also friendships and laughter, hope licky chutney sev and when in sea- , Of course, you choose your the first week of its release; and although and flirtation... son, tiny bits of unripe mango, but roadside bhel wallahs 60 per cent of the 350 prints released were Barah Aana actually enters the homes when it all comes together, boy according to your location in Hindi, only 30 per cent of the collec- of our protagonists. And in their kholis does it work. The paper cone in and your childhood memories tions came from the Hindi version. For we see the relationships that make India which it is served should best be a answer some reason, Indian audiences, particu- Yet, for us to leave our seats satisfied, India. The forced intimacy of a shared company balance sheet — this, to- try Swati Snacks. No balance larly the Hindi audiences, were not swept Slumdog needs to show the protagonist space that grows into a real friendship, gether with the deepfried puri and sheet paper cone, but in return away by the film. escape forever the grime and squalor that the sentimental outburst that shows real the tiny bits of kairi gives you the you get high quality ingredients There is a small independent film re- have turned our insides for the first hour vulnerability and despair, the handing feeling that this is Mumbai. and guaranteed cleanliness. leasing this week that serves as an inter- or so. When you leave singing Jai Ho, you over of one’s savings without so much as Of course, you choose your Soam is another option and esting counterpoint to Slumdog and may can leave far behind you the kids who are a word said… roadside bhel wallahs accord- Kailash Parbat is a reasonable address this question of what Slumdog still waiting in line to use that vile toilet. The happiness it allows is happiness ing to your location and your bet. If you want to do it make it at missed. Set in Dharavi, Barah Aana is To be fair to the film, it is a story, and that is possible. It values small gestures childhood memories. So I think home, although sadly Shetty’s of , also about faceless India: a driver, a it has a right to a happy ending. It between friends, tenderness towards an fondly of Malabar Hill and have Tardeo no longer exists to give watchman and a waiter. The people who shouldn’t be forced to carry the burden unrequited love... and the winning of re- no problem with the man who you a neatly packed set of plastic surround us but whom we may not recog- of societal problems that persist. With- spect by standing up for oneself. The ulti- comes to my current building far dabbas with all the chutneys care- Unlike Slumdog nise if we saw them on the street. They out its happy ending, it may not have mate difference is that it respects the far awar every Sunday evening. fully separated, but ready packs are all migrants, fatigued to the bone, but reached the millions that it did. And miserable lives that slumdog wants to es- Some swear by Ram and Shyam like Raghuvanshi are available. Millionaire, Barah with dreams in their eyes. Not far from Azharuddin and Rubina wouldn’t have cape. The question is, do we, for some rea- in Santa Cruz, others by Juhu But don’t be squeamish. Some- slumdog, in that they dream big. But walked the red carpet. son, prefer to believe in impossible happy Beach or Chowpatty or Girgaum times you have to live a little and Aana, a small inde- that’s where the parallel ends… But that happy ending may be exactly endings instead of seeing joy in the lives or Colaba or anywhere at all. hit the road. pendent is an insider’s Slumdog is an an outsider’s view of why the single screen audiences have not we live? Or did a section of Bombay re- If the roadside is not for you, B_RANJONA@DNAINDIA.NET Bombay, the slums, and poverty. It fears loved the film. Jamal gets to rise above ject slumdog because it missed what sus- view of Dharavi poverty, and therefore portrays the slum his misfortunes because he is destined to. tains us: a bindaas attitude, humour and Our new feature is the definitive guide to places that offer kids’ lives as unmitigated misery It’s how . Just as some of us were destined or lucky friendships? the best finger-licking treats in the city we, the privileged, see the lives of the enough to be born where we were. So SUNDAY@DNAINDIA.NET