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The Gospel of John has a central objective and that can be found in
the 31st verse of the 20th chapter, where it is stated, “…these were
written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ is the Son of
 An accurate knowledge of who Jesus is, is necessary because it is
that knowledge and its confession that guarantees salvation and
eternal life (Acts 8:37).
I have stated elsewhere that there is an intrinsic mystery given to the
Jews with regards to the term ‘Christ’ and the phrase ‘Son of GOD’.
This innate mystery is revealed ab initio from the first chapter of the
book to drive home the importance of the mystery.
To buttress the enormity of this revelation, the first four verses of the
Gospel of John are devoted to it:
 “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with GOD and
the word was GOD. The same was in the beginning with GOD. All
things were made by Him and without Him was nothing made that
was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men…”
Before we continue our journey into the heart of the Gospel of John, it
is import-+ant to refresh our understanding of the introduction to the
Mystery of GOD:
Revelation describes Jesus Christ as the beginning of the creation of
GOD, or as Colossians 1:15 puts it, the first born over all creation.
Matthew Henry undertakes to explain these passages thus: “That He
was brought forth as to His Being, and set up as to Divine Counsels
concerning His Office, before the world was made (Prov. 8:22-25,
30), is here set forth in a great variety of expressions, much the same
with those by which the eternity of God Himself is expressed (Psalm
90:2)…Before the mountains were brought forth…Before the earth
was, and that was made in the beginning, before man was made;
therefore the Second Adam had a Being the first, for the first Adam
was made of the earth, The Second had a Being before the earth, and
therefore is not of the earth (John 3:31)”. The passages above are
therefore an insight into how GOD has always been or an elucidation
of how He formed “Himself from Himself” – As the “Incorporeal and
Formless Essence” (invisible to all creation), GOD also had His
“Spiritual Material Essence” (visible to only the hosts of Heaven and
men of vision) Colossians 1:15 calls this the Image of the invisible
GOD, and Isaiah 43:10 and 44:6 refer to Him as the First and Last
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GOD to be so formed. These portions of Isaiah had the duty of
showing that there is no other GOD that can be formed again because
there is no other God-substance left; thus the only GOD is The Word
(the Spiritual Material Essence) – which encapsulates The Invisible
Essence. In the simplest terms, The Word is that aspect of GOD that
He allows to be seen, the rest is hidden in The Word. See, to have any
hope of comprehending Jesus, you have to see Him as not limited to
that humble soul that walked this Earth to the Cross of Calvary; He
had to assume that form in order to do what He had to do. But see
Him as His physical brothers (James and Jude) did after His
resurrection – they saw Him as the only Potentate and invisible GOD,
and they, His servants. Without any prejudice to what has been
discoursed so far, by divine permission it was granted me to use this
mathematical analogy to illustrate thus: The Father = The Holy Spirit
+ His Humanity, The Son = His Humanity alone and The Holy Spirit
= GOD’s Eternal Essence alone. If in doubt, have you ever wondered
why Jesus said, The Holy Spirit will not come except He, Jesus goes
back to Heave? Or why He said, in His second coming, He will come
in His Father’s Glory? I can safely add in response to the second
question that when Jesus comes back, we will see Him in His fullness
as The LORD GOD. So the Carpenter’s Son was the Father in human
form; we called Him the Son because that was who we saw. Probably,
Israel never really understood why that Man was called Immanu El;
now they should know. At His crucifixion and death the Son was
alone, but on the third day the Holy Spirit came back, and was again
with His Covering, and hence the Father was ready to go back the
way He came (Luke 1:35, Proverbs 30:4, and Acts 1:9-10).
Armed with these introductory facts about Jesus, we then move on to
obtain the message contained in John 1:1-4:
   i.    In the beginning was The Word: from the beginning of
         GOD, His visible form existed.
   ii. The Word was with GOD: The Visible was pregnant or
         filled with the invisible GOD.
   iii. The Word was GOD: the visible GOD was the only GOD.
   iv. The Word was in the beginning with GOD: right from the
         beginning, the Visible and Invisible were inseparable. They
         started together because they are one, as a Man’s Soul and
   v.    All things were made by Him: In His Visible form, the
         Invisible created the visible worlds – spiritual and physical.
   vi. In The Word is Life: the visible GOD is the source of all
visible spiritual and physical life.
   vii. His Life is Light: the visible GOD is the illumination on the
         way into the invisible GOD.
The foregoing is the key to understanding the Gospel of John and it
was important that the Holy Spirit inspire the author, John to give this
key at the very onset, because it is in this book that Jesus personally
leads us into the mystery of the Kingdom. Decoding this key is one
major way of comprehending, albeit, fairly the guided tour that Jesus
intended John’s Gospel to be.
Going back again to the opening verses of John; the opening
phraseology reminds one of the wording of the first verse of Genesis
chapter one, “In the beginning”. GOD obviously wanted us to draw a
line from the first book of the Bible to the book that unveils who that
Creator is. The “GOD who created” in Genesis 1:1 is revealed as
“The Word” in John 1:1, and as that Creator in (1:3).
Having known that The Word is GOD the creator, we go to the next
phase which is when The Word became flesh or human – a crucial
necessity if the Creator was to come to the world He created (1:10).
Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ, the GOD of Heaven and Earth
for inspiring His servant John the Baptist to proclaim, “ the one who
comes after me is greater than me…the one who is the beginning is
greater than all…and He is the grace” (1:15-16).
The purpose of Jesus as The Word and a human is introduced in 1:18.
This means that only the manifested Image of GOD, who carries
GOD and is immersed in GOD, has declared GOD by simply
appearing. Note the phrase, “hath declared Him” or “has explained
Him” (NASB). It didn’t say He will declare or explain at a later date
but that He has already declared Him. So we can safely say that the
Invisible Existence, the Source of all life became known and seen
through the birth of Jesus. All that He had been saying about Himself
right from the time of Abraham were manifested by the Incarnation.
This submission is in itself very enlightening: if by seeing somebody
near you, you know and understand completely, another person far
away from you; then this was a literary device that meant that the
person here is the same one over there.
When GOD Himself manifested as His Image, He (Word) had in
Himself the entire creation of GOD; of spiritual and temporal forms –
of things creatable, created and to be created, all were in Him.
Digressing a bit, it means that apart from GOD’s physical Image, any
object in His created universe chosen by men or angels as God’s
representation or object of devotion is less than God and a great insult
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to His Divine Transcendence – His Being, being of unreachable and
unsearchable infinity. Is it any wonder that He frowns seriously when
the people He created make for themselves graven images for
worship?(Exodus 20:4-5). This is so serious that unless a family
discontinues the practice they amass for themselves, punishments ad
GOD took man’s form when He had to deal with Adam and his
descendants. In making man the crown of His physical world and
setting him as the domineer of all His creation, He communicated
from the beginning that He intended that we do His will (purpose) just
as every genius will desire His best invention to perform according to
its design specifications. However because of His desire not to afflict
us with His Unquestionable Might, He gave us the power of choice –
being responsible for cause and effect; the rest as they say is history.
To get the friendship back on line, He had to pay the price for justice
because by the Statutes of His Righteous Judgment, when sin is
involved there must be justice obtained for the Honour of God. If we
injure God through sin, it is only fitting that He should accurately
exact from us, the consequence – thus He decreed that sin must
demand and get justice. That was one truth, Satan never told our
mum, Eve.
But Jesus Christ by His death showed publicly that at all time, God
must get the justice our sin demands. And so in former times, animals
were sacrificed as a token of repentance and payment for justice; this
was grossly inadequate – it neither gave forgiveness, sustained
repentance nor restore man to his pre-rebellion status. In fact nothing
could restore us to that state, for even the Temple of Heaven is not
holy enough to stand before the Ancient of Days, the same one who
mandated that every sin must be fully paid for, in order to restore all
things to their original ‘good’ state. The only payment for justice that
was sufficient and perpetually sustaining, was the one the Holy One
of Israel paid by Himself with Himself. Can you imagine the owner of
Heaven and Earth and the entire universe agreeing to submit Himself
to sin’s malicious demand for justice, so that any malaria, typhoid,
HIV, cancer or diabetes infested soul who believes in His atoning
death would be as if he/she never sinned? He could have just thrown
Adam and hence every crippled, deaf, dumb, paralyzed lots of us
away. But He knew if He ever needed man in the form He created
Adam, for a friend; He must pay dearly for it and He did just that in
the most humiliating manner.
Thank GOD for His Eternal Holy Essence who facilitated the
resurrection of His human form, thus giving man the hope of eternal
and multidirectional communion with his Creator. That is the greatest
joy of the believer, that one day he/she will be able to worship and
shake hands with his Creator, Saviour, Friend and GOD.
LORD, have mercy on the people of your love that we may be found
worthy at your glorious home coming.
Hang on people of GOD for the revelation of salvation to you is a
privilege (Matthew 13:11); do not flunk it.
It is because GOD paid the price by Himself that He, the Holy Spirit
can look at you with all your imperfections and still accept you, come
close to you and live in you. When He looks at you, He is actually
looking at you covered with Jesus and everything He stands for – He
is looking at you covered with GOD. In other words, the Holy Spirit
is looking at, and relating with you as GOD to god! Just imagine the
many good things we will be able to do when our transformation is
While you are still on that, remember the parable of the King’s son?
Every one was invited for the marriage feast but not a every one made
the right choice of dressing for such an important occasion. Those
without the right attire were bundled and thrown out. That right attire
is Jesus Himself; that’s who the Holy Spirit must see on you before
you are allowed to stay on for the divine communion of He, who is
both The Shepherd and The Lamb, with His Sheep.
If you like wear ten tons of morality and philanthropy – these are
necessary no doubt but the only garment that is sufficient and
guarantees that you will stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit is
Jesus Christ. By wearing Jesus, you have voluntarily agreed that He
should transform your being and will to His own.
Wearing Jesus Christ makes you one with the Holy Spirit of the
Father (Matthew 10:20), and therefore qualified for the Kingdom.
Let’s go back to our tour of John. John the Baptist confessed that the
Image is before all (1:30) even though he, John Baptist was born
before Jesus. Here John the Baptist, a representative of Adam was
confirming that Jesus has pre-human existence which is older than
any created being. John did not know Him before now because he
(John) had just been brought into existence a few years back; but that
it might be possible for men to know why GOD came down, he
(John) was given the revelation and mandate to introduce the King of
Kings. The symbol of the introduction was a call to repentance, or put
differently, since the GOD of Heaven and Earth was coming to
prepare man for and to give mankind repentance, it was only fitting
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that mankind should be told exactly why its GOD was manifesting.
John also hints on the end product of Jesus’ manifestation (1:33). The
aim of repentance is to prepare mankind to receive the Holy Spirit;
that was what GOD breathed on Adam before he became a living
soul, and that is what He wants to breathe on every soul who repents.
Here is another way to learn the mystery of GOD: you can not give
what you do not have, Jesus can give the Holy Spirit He because has
enough of the Holy Spirit, He has enough because He is the Holy
Spirit (1 Cor. 10:4, John 4:24, 2 Cor. 3:17)
When humanity sinned, its first outpouring of the Holy Spirit left and
man became dead (for more than 4000 years) – the same death that
GOD predicted in Genesis 3:3. Forget what Satan said in Genesis 3:5
because the man has no shame if his double talk or outright lies will
be discovered. Recall that it was when GOD breathed the Holy Spirit
on Adam that He became a living soul. This means the Holy Spirit is
the source of life, little wonder then that Jesus claimed He is The Life.
It is necessary that every believer receives the Holy Spirit because if
we must live as GOD, we must have the life of GOD in us. That is
what the doctrine of the Trinity is trying to accomplish.
A very important aspect of Jesus is introduced by His mother: of Him,
she said to His disciples, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, that ye do”.
This great woman of faith realized quite early in her relationship with
Jesus that He is the “whatsoever being” or more precisely, the
Almighty. That can only mean that Mary was proclaiming Jesus was
the LORD GOD who can use whatsoever to do whatsoever.
This great woman knew she was standing before the whatsoever GOD
– the GOD of provision in the hour of need, and by that confession
she provoked Him to action (John 2:3-4, 7-9). Now I see why GOD
chose her to be His incubator – she knew her part in the divine
arrangement and limited herself to just that. And just like every other
mortal, she knew she had to request the Almighty to intervene; thus
for recognizing she was standing before the LORD GOD, her womb
is called the most blessed of all women. Through her declaration of
faith, the disciples soon had a taste of whom they were befriending
Jesus often said that the Father will raise Him from the dead; the
apostles including Paul and Peter also said the Father raised Him, but
here (2:19) Jesus is claiming that He is the one to raise Himself. This
is not usurpation; He was simply letting it be known that no one will
be wrong if such called Him the Father, and this was in response to
the demand that He showed His source of authority – He was
answering them to the effect, “I am using my authority as the GOD of
 In 3:11, Jesus used the Royal Pronoun, the same that He used in
Genesis 1:26. This was because there was need for the true Master
and King to address an impostor. In 3:8, Jesus decided to introduce a
little geography into His discourse with Nicodemus, but the man
displayed a total lack of understanding of this easy physical subject.
In 3:4, he (Nicodemus) had shown he had no idea of spiritual matters,
now he confirmed he had none of the physical either, yet he was a
master in Israel! Nicodemus, a representative of the philosophers,
priests, scientists and astronomers of this world scored zero when the
Master gave him a simple quiz; and thus proves that all we claim to
know as science is a little drop taken from the Jesus’ unlimited store
of knowledge. Little wonder then that He is called The Wisdom of
God (1 Cor. 1:24). What better way was there to show who was
Master and King than to use the Royal Pronoun, employed by
Sovereigns to address subjects? And doesn’t this interaction expose
our folly that while we are still grappling with simple physical
phenomena such as cancer and tsunamis; we claim there is no God or
that we can not see GOD, just because He is too big to fit into our test
tubes? What insult to the Creator!
Why should men spend billions of dollars every year sending probes
or should I say hopping from planet to planet hoping to find GOD,
when Jesus – the GOD of Heaven and Earth had made it clear no one
can do that except though Him (3:13); doesn’t man realize that the
best of the best rockets or shuttles can not take him to the Temple of
Heaven where the Court of Heaven sits? Has sin totally obliterated
man’s ability to reason? Who has ever seen the spiritual with physical
device? Man can not see or hold air yet he wants to see the Eternal
Holy Spirit who even righteous Moses could not see. Why is it that
man prefers elaborate lies to simple truths? GOD has always placed
sign posts to Himself, instead of man to go to Him who can take away
his sin and usher him back to GOD, he prefers to rigmarole in
darkness because he loves evil deeds. Jesus knew that because we live
in a world of forms, we desire a token for adulation and His physical
Essence was the answer to our desires but men of wickedness prefer
elephants, wood, stones or eight-armed monsters. Or do we slight
Him because He made us in His Image? One day every body will
give account of what he worshipped.
Jesus said something in 3:13 that should baffle humanity but which
provides illumination to the sons of righteousness (compare this to the
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inspired words in Proverbs 30:4); have you ever asked yourself how
possible it was for the Son of Man who descended from Heaven to be
present there at the same time? May GOD have mercy on your soul if
you refuse to accept the right answer taking shape in your hearts right
John the Baptist summarized the whole debate between man and
GOD thus, “he that hath received His testimony hath set to his seal
that GOD is true”. There is only one thing that any man can do to
prove that he believes that GOD exists; believing in its entirety the
testimony of Jesus. Any addition or subtraction from the things that
Jesus taught and died for is tantamount to self condemnation (3:18).
Sadly for all religious and philosophical bodies who teach otherwise,
there is no place for their doctrines; it is either they believe, accept
and worship Jesus or agree their organization is Satan inspired. In this
matter, there is no middle ground, it is either all for Him or eternal
damnation (3:35-36).
In 3:34 John the Baptist revealed important information. The Eternal
Holy Essence of GOD, the substance of Godness – the life and power
of GOD, must be given to a man before he can act as GOD. Unto
Jesus, the Holy Spirit was not given by measurement because He had
the full measure in Himself. He was not given in measures because
He is The Holy Spirit.
What is the implication of this?
Humanly speaking, no king will, while still reigning (no matter how
he loves his queen, prince or princess) reveal all the secrets of his
kingdom to them, not to talk of handing over all that makes him the
king – his life and power!
Is it therefore possible that GOD, after the experience He had with
Lucifer, would risk empowering another being with all that makes
Him GOD, especially one in the form of unpredictable humans?
Jesus could only have the full measure of GOD if He was already
That was why He could prove He was greater than Jacob or any of the
ancient fathers and prophets. At the well in Samaria, the woman asked
a fundamental question: “art thou greater than our father Jacob”.
To qualify to be the Messiah, any claimant must prove he is greater
than those men of excellence whom GOD had sealed and attested to.
He must give more than physical provision; his gift must last for
eternity (for instance, Jacob drank from that well and many
generations down the line, it was still there), thus the Messiah’s gift
must outlast that of Jacob – any one whose gift will not last that long
is an impostor and an antichrist. First and foremost, the Messiah’s gift
must be spiritual. To cap up a captivating evening, the men of
Samaria proclaimed belief in the man who had proven beyond doubt
that He was the Messiah. Note that these men believed after
reviewing the scriptures with Jesus, they didn’t wait for signs and
wonders, or other external proofs whether archeological or
anthropological (4:41-42). For those who are waiting for signs and
wonders, here is one for you:
Between John 4:46 and 4:53, Jesus proved beyond doubt that His
compassion, power and grace is not limited by place, time or space.
He knew where the boy was, his conditions and what He had to do to
heal him. He knew because He was with the boy at that instant, being
with the boy’s father notwithstanding. He could heal that boy from
where He stood because His power as the manifested GOD is the
same as the Omnipresent GOD seated in Heaven. In performing this
miracle Jesus showed the other side of Him – His life as the Holy
Spirit; that aspect of GOD that is somewhere and everywhere at the
same time, but performing specialized jobs in the same time frame.
Soon after this, He showed the compassion He has towards His
creation by healing a man bedridden for 38 years. There are some
lessons to be gotten here: He knows our problems but requires us to
trust Him by telling Him to help (5:5-9), secondly He showed that
some of our problems are occasioned by living in sin (5:14).
As always, Jesus’ work was an opportunity to show who was doing
the work – the Father or Holy Spirit in Him (5:17), though this more
often than not, left the Jewish leaders livid with anger for they could
not come to terms with a carpenter’s son being GOD.
They could understand the full weight of Jesus’ claims because it was
given them to know that the Son of GOD equals the GOD of Heaven
(5:18). But never once did it cross their minds that this well worn
preacher man was the expected Messiah. Well, may you should join
me to beg for mercy for those who looked down on Him because the
Creator did not make Himself different from anyone of them. Hence
they could not desire Him or think of Him in any other light. Jesus
understood the importance of them getting beyond this point in their
spiritual understanding, hence He sought to explain to them but it is
obvious they were not listening else they would have understood.
For instance He told them His vitality was the immeasurable Holy
Spirit in him; that His unfathomable knowledge was because the
GOD of revelation was manifested in Him; that He was the God of
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resurrection, the GOD of justice; that He was worthy of worship in
the same measure as the one given to the invisible Holy Spirit. He
made it clear that the only source of life is the Holy Spirit and that the
Image has this same privilege of being life in Himself (or more
precisely, that the Image is the Holy Spirit Himself) Since they
already knew that there is only one GOD of life, He was here teaching
them that He is that GOD of life because the Image is inseparable
from the one who took the Image (John 5:19-30).
Why did the Holy Spirit lived in a Material Form before He started
creating material things? In addition to ones adduced elsewhere, He is
so pervasive that everything He would create would touch Him, and
so holy they dare not touch Him or they die (remember the symbolic
example of Uzzah’s case, II Samuel 6:6-8). He knew the kind of
relationship He wanted with man because His delight was with the
sons of men (Prov. 8:31), He foresaw the obstacles to that friendship
and the exact permutation to restore it. Jesus Christ knows exactly
who He is, whether we believe Him or not, He can not deny Himself
or regret that He came so low to create visible forms, of which He
made man the crown. He doesn’t need anybody to tell Him that He is
GOD, in fact all His labour is that we do not get caught between the
judgment of eternal damnation soon to be meted to that renegade
minister called Satan (John 5:34,41). His love for us made Him pay
for an opportunity for us to see and choose to either obey the man
who wanted to be the Most High or the Most High Himself. About
2009 years ago we saw the Most High, now we have seen the Man of
To prove that these two needed physical forms to complete their
relationship with men, Jesus said in 5:43, “I came after I had spent so
much time teaching you about me; with various miraculous workings,
starting from the call of your father Abraham, the redemption from
Egypt, the Promised Land, your sins, punishment, up to the
restoration before my coming…I spent so much educating you about
my inextricable relationship with the Eternal Holy Essence, hoping
that with a simple declaration that I came in His name, it will ignite
your spiritual antenna to acknowledge who you have in your midst,
but your rebellious hearts will not let you receive me” (paraphrased)
“LORD, open their eyes that they may repent in ashes and sackcloth;
they are the people of your love and the custodian of the revelation,
therefore were they more blinded and hardened than other races. I
make no excuse for them, LORD, for I trust your love and judgment”
In a bid to help Israel escape the coming damnation, He sought to
provoke their knowledge of the scriptures as delivered to them by
Moses and the other Prophets; He reminded them that all the
scriptures testified about Him, this they clearly knew. And to take
lecture to an advanced level, He introduced a dimension that, if they
could comprehend, they should never miss the implication:
Moses, it was that expounded the mysteries of the Divine known as
the “I AM” to the House of Israel, so it was expected that he knew
enough of this Man, but in 5:37, Jesus said no body has ever heard or
seen the Father’s shape! Yes! Not even Moses has ever heard the
Father speaking, yet the Bible records that GOD spoke with him face
to face as friend (Exodus 33:8-14, Deuteronomy 34:10). Sit up get
understanding. The aspect of GOD that can never be seen or heard
(through human sense organs) is the Holy Spirit, but the Image has
seen and heard Him just as a man knows (hears and sees) the thoughts
of his heart. This is an exclusive privilege of every creature – to
understand the thoughts of its hearts perfectly and exclusively and
was designed based on the nature of the Creator.
So who was Moses talking with in the bush? Here it can be seen that
Jesus was trying to rouse them to use their power of logic to arrive at
the conclusion that the I AM, who was speaking in the bush with
Moses is the same one standing with them right there! To drive home
the point, Jesus reminded them that Moses wrote all he did about
Him. I supposed the Jews would have pointed out to Jesus that Moses
wrote about YHWH, the LORD GOD, but such argument would have
given Jesus opportunity to give an important revelation, and hence
take them inside the letters of the scriptures – because before them
stood The Most Dread YHWH - ‘I AM”. Revelation Knowledge
confirmed by physical fact! (5:37-47).
It’s just for a moment until the House of Israel accepts this universal
truth that has been hidden from them; their eyes have been held until
the time of the Gentiles is complete. An inquisitive mind may ask,
from what or who was their eyes held from? The answer to that is
another path to understanding the true personality of Jesus masked
behind that humble human visage. Try as Satan may, the House of
Israel, will one day, as a nation proclaim that Jesus Christ was the
expected Messiah – the humanity of the LORD GOD who brought
them out of Egypt, spoke with Moses, fed them for 40 years in the
wilderness, gave them the Promised Land, and ultimately died and
resurrected for their eternal redemption, and then shall the end come
(Hosea 3:4-5, Romans 11:25-26).
Let it be so by your mercy, LORD.
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Because He was there from the beginning, He knew that it was food
(fruit) that brought death upon the human race – of course they
remained dead for more than 4000 years, until the one who is Life
Himself came to offer them a choice to live or remain dead. Herein, it
is said that those who repent, i.e. accept Jesus as our Saviour, we have
been transformed from death to life.
Food brought down the human kingdom, food will restore it.
When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they took upon
themselves certain information they could not control and were better
off without, and were thus restricted from eating from the tree that
yields eternal life (Genesis 3:22). But in John 6:33-58, Jesus
proclaims that He is the Bread of Life. In fact in verse 48, He says, “I
am that Bread of Life” This is just like He was saying, “I am that
Tree of Life of Genesis 3:22” As it was in the Garden, so it is now,
until you are prepared to let go of your knowledge of evil, you can not
eat of the Tree or Bread of Life. Coming to Jesus Christ is preparing
to let go of evil because His light reproaches evil deeds – His light
and evil knowledge are incompatible; one must be in charge at a time.
What insight can you get from the teaching that you can not eat or
drink of Him except you are dwelling in Him? To have hope of
having eternal life, you must eat eternal life. Jesus claims that He is
eternal life, but the Holy Spirit, as we know, is the eternal life of
GOD; hence Jesus was in essence saying, “I am the Holy Spirit, you
can not have me except you eat and digest the words that I speak to
you by in Visible Form” (6:56-57)
When Jesus had ended teaching with the analogy of food, the House
of Israel said that His teaching was too hard to be understood, and so
the Master of all wisdom sought to explain by asking a defining
rhetorical, “how hard will it be then, when Jesus, the son of Joseph
and Mary, the carpenter, of the stock of David, ascends to where He
was before He descended?” This was a simple declaration of who He
was, but the House of Israel thought He was trying to make an already
complex problem, harder. Because they could not see beyond the
humble man of Nazareth, they could not comprehend His descent
from the Throne of Glory to the Manger of Grace. Thank GOD, Mary
His human incubator understood and she blessed GOD for the
privilege of sharing maternal affection with the Saviour of the House
of Israel, and Universal Israel(Luke 1:46-55)
The difference between Mary and the rest of the House of Israel was
what the Master pointed out in 6:63: living in the flesh and living in
the spirit. Sadly, the flesh can not comprehend anything spiritual but
the spiritual gives life to all human and spiritual knowledge. Its
enlightenment gives eternal life. Before the spirit can give life, he has
to have life in himself; and so when the Teacher made the uncommon
and priceless assertion that His words are spirit and life, we
understand that He was saying that what ever He speaks has the
ability to live on its own – it was complete with vitality and matter.
This man could be no one else but the Creator, remember the Creator
spoke everything into existence – even man was designed with the
 If this man whose very words, Peter said is eternal life is not your
God, then you have no God (6:68-69)
As if the line of descent of the Messiah was well not documented, the
House of Israel, by not investigating with an open mind the genealogy
of the man in their midst, missed out from direct national relationship
with the GOD of Heaven and Earth; blinded as it were, by their
supposed knowledge of His paternity. This kind of attitude could only
move the Master to tears from a broken heart; the many years of
revelation and teaching He has invested on them was without
commensurate returns. What was the use of the ministries of
Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel and
others to them, if they could not decode the simplest truth; and so the
Most High cried!!
But that did not stop Him from re-affirming to them that He was the
Holy One of Israel. Note how He encoded this in the phrases:
“coming from Him” and “sent from Him”. Looking closely one can
see that these have the combine meaning, “this flesh came out from
Him on a mission or purpose”, and since His humanity prior to the
crucifixion (at which point our transposed sin on Jesus cause the Holy
Spirit to depart His covering) was inextricable from His Essence,
Jesus was stating, “I am the Holy One on a mission” (7:27-29).
Many no doubt believed that He was the Christ, for they reckoned,
“when the ‘Christ’ comes will he do more than this man?” On the
surface, this rhetorical seems an inconsistency, to believe on Jesus as
the Christ and also expecting another Christ. They were speaking by
the spirit of prophecy about the Anti-Christ, a man who shall with
lying wonders seek to undo all that Jesus Christ suffered for. But
Jesus Christ has made sure he (Anti-Christ) will not always have his
way. First, Jesus has documented that His second coming will be
universal (Matthew 24:27), this is to ensure that the claims of any
false Christ can be easily debunked. Secondly, the character and seat
of government of the anti-Christ has been fully accounted for, so that
The Seal of His DivinityPage 13
those with the spirit of discernment may recognize him when the
restrain on him is lifted:
The anti-Christ will be a man of fierce countenance (investigate the
original meaning of fierce countenance and the tribe with perpetually
fierce outlook, and you will discover who the anti-Christ is), a man
that understands dark sentences, operating in an atmosphere of
sodomy, an atheist by concession, thinking himself God and shall
enter into league with apostate church leaders to suppress the truth –
look around you now!
Of the nation from where he shall run his government, the following
is instructive:
In Revelation 17:9, we are enlightened about the seven empires which
have influenced the history of the nation of Israel before and after the
first coming of Jesus Christ to Earth. As at the time of Jesus, the sixth
one was in operation, after which came the seventh, from which the
eighth took root. In order of appearance, these are: Egypt →Assyria
→Babylon →Persia →Greece →Rome →Britain →America
(America is of the seventh and thus the eighth).
The American empire is popularly called the Anglo-American empire
because it is a continuation of the seventh empire. The seventh empire
never really ended, it only mutated. It has been ruling with its
foremost political parties (the Republican and Democratic parties), the
two horns of Revelation 13:11, which can also represent apostate
Christianity and Islam, the two powers by which Lucifer is controlling
the machinery of government. Thus the USA while professing
democracy and human rights like a harmless lamb, the two horns
strikes ferociously at foundations of the Bible and therefore of the
Truth, seeking to erode all vestiges of natural, sane and righteous
living and exporting this apostasy around the world. Revelation 13:18
confirms that the Anti-Christ shall be one of the presidents of the
United States of America. American Christians please beware of the
caricature of the lamb for he shall pretend to be weak and persecuted.
Again I say, look around you!
Now that the identity of the Anti-Christ has been made known, let us
return to the subject of our study; the GOD of Heaven and Earth.
Before the digression, Jesus said He was on a mission, one of which
was to prepare a dwelling for the Holy Spirit. When He said that,
many believed on Him, but some said there was no way the Christ
could be born in any other place except in Bethlehem, the City of
Sometimes it baffles me why men will just choose to remain ignorant,
even of things they could find out for themselves. I agree with
Matthew Henry in this when He said, “there are none so incurably
blind as those that resolve they will not see…the plainest things are
riddles and parables to those who are resolved to hold fast their
prejudices; day and night are alike to the blind”. All they needed to
do was to research on the place of His nativity, if that was the cause
of unbelief – every one except these people knew that Jesus is from
Bethlehem and was indeed born there!!
Thank GOD that they didn’t care to research before talking, because
by their unpremeditated confession, they inadvertently but directly
affirm that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ (7:40-42).
There are two other things that can be deducted from this chapter; the
confession of the soldiers and the Pharisees.
The soldiers, even with their regimented minds, could not help but
accede to the spirit and life that emanated from the words of the
Master (7:45-46)
By chiding Nicodemus, the Pharisees agreed that He (Jesus) was more
than a prophet. Jesus, by migration and resettlement became a
Galilean and so when the Pharisees cited this as evidence-in-chief for
rejecting Him, they were right up to the point where they said Jesus
was not a prophet, because Jesus Himself said He was more than that!
The Pharisees; they were good custodians of traditions and history!
(7:52). However, they were wrong to say nothing good comes out of
Galilee because everywhere the Creator stepped on becomes ‘good’
and its fruits good.
In 8:3-11, the custodian of the Mosaic Law gave Jesus an opportunity
to reveal another mystery about Him to them:
First lesson here was that, by taking the woman to Jesus, the Pharisees
were trying to see how the GOD of righteousness and justice will
balance His teaching on love and mercy, when ruling on a case were
the accused was caught in the very act. That singular action by these
men of Law were accepting indirectly that Jesus’ standard was above
and superior to the ordinances of Moses; they knew He preached love,
forgiveness and righteousness all at the same time, now they wanted
to find out how He will juggle these issues in arriving at a judgment.
They thought that the All Wise was about to be trapped by His own
standards! But He remains The All Wise.
Rather than rush to make a pronouncement, He used the opportunity
to lead them into deeper understanding of the Law as given by the
“Finger of GOD”, the very one used to write the Mosaic Law on the
tablets of stone. They heard about the Finger of GOD from Moses,
The Seal of His DivinityPage 15
now they were about to see “It” in action decreeing on matters of the
Law (8:6), and thus prove to them that the original tablets of Laws
were with the Finger of GOD. The Law of the first tablets were the
Law of the New Testament which Jesus the author was now re-stating
in their time. Hence Jesus seized the occasion given to Him to show
that the First tablets of Law came from His Finger (Exodus 31:18,
32:16) compared to the Second set of Laws (Exodus 34:27-28).
By the writing on the sands He was telling them, “with this Finger I
wrote the First Law – of justice, repentance, mercy and love…with
this Finger I will explain what I told Moses to write in the Second”
He wrote, but the Jewish leaders and Lawyers could not understand
His writing because they were used to Moses’ way of ‘writing’ when
deciding a case, and so they continued to pester Him to decree the
spilling of blood made innocent by repentance. How I wish Moses
was there to tell them that he deliberately removed repentance and
mercy peradventure that would make the House of Israel to be more
afraid of sin – but we know better with the benefit of hindsight. They
could not decipher the hand writing of the Master because they were
neither operating at the frequency of the Master nor the level granted
Moses. As a result, the All Wise had to come down a notch to verbal
interpretation and explanation of what He had written, and His Word
– the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin, worked wonders in the lives of
those who had came to accuse the poor woman, by convicting them of
their own sin.
If they had decoded when Jesus wrote, “she is sorry” on the ground,
they would not have brought judgment on their consciences; their
unconnected hearts demanded justice, and justice they got! When the
woman was left alone, the Master interpreted to her the meaning of
the second scribbling on the ground, “since you are sorry, I will not
condemn you, go and sin no more” That is the man who is GOD; slow
to anger, quick to forgive. If this action doesn’t represent the God you
serve, then you have no God at all.
When the Pharisees questioned the admissibility of His testimony
given that no other person corroborated Him, He told them that
though that may appear to be true but in His case, it was because they
could not see the other person; it is said that no one can call Him
LORD except this Most Accomplished Witness open that person’s
eyes to see the Majesty of the Man of Sorrows – now that is testimony
most exclusive! This means that you have to belong to the privileged
club before you can understand the mystery of the Jewish Carpenter.
Do not get me wrong! You do not have to pay any price to belong to
this group! Just tell Him you are tired of sin and that you realise He is
the only one who can pay the price for cleansing your conscience,
then stand back and watch Him do His thing! If you have just done
this, welcome to the club granted to understand His testimony.
To prove that He knew the position of the Law on such matters, He
told them, “…the testimony of even two men is true” (8:17). Though
here, there was only one man talking. So where was the other Man He
had in view? He answers this in 8:18-19. If you recall when He said
no man had ever heard the Father speak, then you will understand
what Jesus was teaching here! His testimony was complete in itself
because He was complete in Himself!
CeCe Winans in her album “The Alabaster Box, track nine ” was led
by the Holy Spirit to define the Trinity, when she sang, “ can I
begin to speak about the GOD I can never comprehend, how the Son
of GOD is still the Son of Man, the Father and only Son, the healer
and the wounded, both the Shepherd and the Lamb…they are one and
the same…#” In the same vein you can never fully understand how
the Son is the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit except it is revealed
to you. Some Bible academics have argued that Jesus Christ was
another Holy man because it is not possible for GOD to be on Earth
while He was still in Heaven. You may have to forgive and excuse
them; the flesh profits nothing, it is the Spirit that quickens our human
intellect to understand things that seem incomprehensible; I am sorry
scientists, this one is beyond your intellectual capacity and is a
privileged Holy Spiritual experiment! (I Corinthians 2:14-16,
Come on people, to expect GOD to cease to be in His Temple simply
because His Manifestation is one Earth is gross underestimation of
what you call God, and a denial of His Deity and Divine
Omnipresence. An insult to The Divine Mind.
GOD will cease to be God the moment He can not retain His presence
in Heaven while still manifesting Himself in other time and space.
Since that can never happen, He will remain forever the Eternal Holy
One, the LORD Jesus Christ!
O man, can you not understand?
In the October 2007 Edition of the Rhapsody of Realities, Pastor
Chris of the Christ Embassy Ministry helps, with his teaching of the
9th day, to make the concept of the Manifestation of GOD clear. Hear
him as explains Colossians 2:9-10, he says, “…all the divinity resides
in you. You’ve become GOD’s operating centre! You’re loaded with
the maximum load of GOD…” May I refer to the underlined as the
The Seal of His DivinityPage 17
“Godness of GOD”, that is, everything that makes GOD, God – His
Eternal Life-force, His creative and redemptive powers. As a
Christian, the Holy Spirit can not dwell in you without a full dose of
His creative and redemptive natures; little wonder Jesus said “…we
will come and abide in you”
GOD remains one in any of His Divine natures (I Corinthians
When He had explained to them He was the One, the Jews retorted,
“and who are you?” His reply was cute, loaded and precise: “the same
that I told you in the beginning” (8:25)
It was a simple code that meant: “if you can remember the beginning
of my relationship with you, then you can understand who I am…if
you can remember what Moses told you about creation then you will
understand why the Word is the GOD of creation…I told you in the
beginning that I am the GOD of salvation…I told you in the
beginning that I am the Spirit that moved upon the waters designing,
measuring and quantity-surveying the materials I needed for all my
creation…I told you in the beginning that I am the LORD GOD”
That was Jesus proclaiming His Majesty, but as a frail human who
had set aside His Glory as The Father (Phil. 2:5-11) form He never
failed to remind His disciples that it was the Holy Spirit in Him that
was actually the GOD and Father (8:26-29), the Father was extremely
pleased that Jesus’ humanity was completely inhabited and used by
the Holy Spirit of Truth (at any point in time the independent mind of
Jesus’ human nature could have rebelled against the Holy Spirit but
He didn’t), to buttress this point, He told the Jewish multitude they
would have loved Him if GOD were their Father. This is because He
was at that moment the GOD they claim to love (8:42). If He was not
the GOD of life, there is no way He could have countered the
murderer called the Beast. Jesus said he (Satan) was a murderer right
from the beginning; how could He have known the antecedent of the
enemy if He was not from the beginning. The first mass murder was
committed in Heaven when Satan tricked the other angels of GOD
into rebellion – by that singular act, he ensured that they are damned
for ever. This of course, is the type of death GOD is more concerned
about. When he double-tongued Adam and Eve into eating the fruit,
he killed them instantly spiritually (he knew exactly what he had
done) while promising them they will not die – of course they did not
die instantly physically; that is the kind of truth Satan specialises in
telling, giving shadows instead of the substance. But we all know that
eventually every dead spirit must die physically.
The GOD of Life and Truth retained the attributes that give eternal
life even though He was human, because the seed of death, otherwise
called sin was not in Him neither did He acquire it while here on
Earth because with the Word of Life He kept Himself from that
destroyer of the human form ( Psalms 17:4)
Jesus said earlier that there was none righteous or without sin except
the Father, but in 8:46 He claimed He had no sin, and even challenged
the people to convict Him of one if they could, since no one could, He
wasn’t happy that they could not arrive at the conclusion that He was
claiming to be the Father, He could not understand why His people
could not understand that they were standing before the Ancient of
Days. In 8:50 sought to help us know when He is talking as a human
being and when He is talking as the GOD of Heaven and Earth. For
mercy’s sake, it is now an established fact who is the GOD of Justice,
thus Jesus the human was simply referring to Jesus the LORD GOD.
To drive home this fact, He told them in 8:51, “…if a man keeps my
saying, he shall never see death”. Jesus knew how to choose His
words because He knew that the response of the people will offer Him
another opportunity to show who He was. The people, after a careful
historical analysis asked Him, “Who are you implying you are?
(8:52-53) It was a rhetorical, because they perfectly understood the
honour Jesus was claiming; the GOD of Life – an honour reserved for
the Eternal Holy Spirit.
A careful study of John 8 will show that Jesus Christ is the Master of
theological exposition. Just look at the way He rounded off the debate
with a carefully worded abstract on the subject of Abraham; the father
of all that is Jewish and Arabic! (8:56)
Here was a young man in His early thirties revealing a mystery that
was 42 generations old – this was unmistakable, He was claiming to
be the GOD of everlasting omniscience! And without mincing words,
He told them that He is the I AM, the one who is before all, the
ageless, timeless and unchangeable I AM; by that proclamation He
was saying, “I AM the Being as Being”. Even Abraham, that great
patron of faith, pales into insignificance when you compare 42
generations with timeless eternity (8:58). Rather than seek further
clarification or believe outright on the I AM, they gave Him another
opportunity to show the other side of Him – He simply walked
through them as the untouchable, invincible and invisible Essence
Now tell me, if GOD had come to us in this form, would redemption
have been possible?
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As you are still blessing the name of the LORD for coming to us in
our own form, let us move to other evidence of His Godness as
recorded in the 9th chapter:
  In the very first verse, Jesus saw a man that was born with defects,
not because he was an active sinner but just because he had been
contaminated with the general curse of the Earth. Whereas the
disciples saw that as an opportunity to pour recriminations, Jesus
called that case an opportunity for GOD to show His abilities and as it
turned to be, it was His premier ability that was to be displayed – the
Creator was about to show the greatest reason He is God; creation!
  “When He had thus spoken, He spat on the ground and made clay of
the spittle and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay”
Do you remember Genesis 2:6-7? That is it!
GOD was here replicating with the same materials how He molded
every organ of Adam’s entire human systems. With this He proved
that He bore the formula for designing man in His members – the
Father was truly here!
If in doubt read Psalms 95:6-11 and I Corinthians 10:9.
The story of the blind man in 9:11 helped postulate an everlasting
truth: GOD has never hidden the substances with which He created
man; water and the elements of the Earth. but the formula for making
man a spiritual being is the exclusive preserve of the Almighty
Creator, maker of the visible and invisible parts of man (Genesis 2:7)
If men have learnt the how to mix ‘water’ and the elements of the
Earth to make parts of a man, will that make GOD angry? That would
be dependent on motive.
GOD was the one that allowed men to discover that much about itself,
He may also allow the discovery of the formula and procedure for a
reason. But if the motive of such knowledge is to water down the
relevance of GOD as Creator, then GOD will soon allow them
(satanic scientists) to use their discoveries to the hurt of unsuspecting
humanity, and thus bring down human civilization from where we
know it.
And if used in that sense, it is advisable for every true Christian to
stay clear from whatever will make him give voice to those who have
risen to speak mighty things to blaspheme the GOD of Heaven.
Watch it, the anti-Christ will seek to replicate creation using people
our brother John the Beloved, in Revelation, referred to as ‘workers of
miracles in the sight of men’ but we have been warned!
Not only will he seek to duplicate creation, he will also align
unrepentant humans in open deviance and rebellion against the GOD
of Heaven and Earth:
When Jesus was here on His first mission Satan tried to convince Him
that the problems of the world were economic, religious and political
(Matthew 4:3-9)
The problem of the world is not political, religious nor economic,
though Satan has been trying to prove these to be the case. He
successfully convinced the Jews that all they needed was a political
and economic messiah to deliver them from the Roman yoke; that was
why they could not recognize their Redeemer when He came to save
them from the problem of the world – separation from GOD.
Now that the GOD of Heaven and Earth is planning to come again,
Satan is again doing all he can to tell the world that all will be well if
he can fix their political, religious and economic problems – he has
successfully convinced them that these are their only problems.
The wise will take heed.
Sure enough, his anti-Christ will provide all these, and hence become
humanity’s champion. Alas! It will be a temporary illusion designed
to keep man from re-uniting with his Creator and GOD. But GOD still
wants to take a walk with us in the cool of the evening! Think about
this, GOD and man hand in hand strolling round the gardens of the
Think about that and make a wise choice.
Now let’s go back to our analysis; 9:25-38 help answer the question
how to differentiate between someone who has been healed by the
Almighty Creator or by Satan’s lying wonders: after a healing
encounter with the Creator, the healed will be converted (saved from
sin), new life given and lived, he will become a witness and will
publicly worship Jesus as the LORD GOD.
In that context, let us observe how this particular healing incidence
helped the case of the Godness of Jesus Christ.
A typical Jew gives worship to one person only – the LORD their
GOD, but this blind man in 9:38 worshipped Jesus Christ. The
implication is that he (blind man) was convinced of who Jesus is. To
support this, Jesus proclaimed that all those who desire to know the
LORD their GOD will be granted their desires but those who think
they have already known GOD will remain blind in their ignorance
and sin; the blind man desired and got his share of the discovery!
If the glory from a miracle is not given to Jesus Christ or if the
purpose of a miracle is not to increase faith in Jesus Christ as the
LORD GOD, then that miracle is one of the lying wonders of Satan.
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Be careful!
Jesus emphasises this theme in 10:1-9. For those who seek miracles as
an end in its self, be careful because some miracles are meant to draw
you away from GOD so you could be destroyed eternally. To be on
the safe side, seek the Giver not the gift because the presence of the
Giver in you avails much – it transforms, strengthens and gives
In 10:28-30, Jesus takes the teaching about His position as the only
wise GOD to a deeper realm; He said He is the GOD of eternal life,
from whose hand no one can pluck anything, even as no one can
pluck anything from the Holy Spirit’s. By this declaration, if His
Father were different from Jesus, it means they have the same level of
power; or as Jesus was trying to let us know, His flesh and the Holy
Spirit refer to the same God The Father!
To further complicate an already complicated matter, Jesus told them,
“My Father is greater than I” (10:29, 14:12 and 28). This apparent
difficulty is quickly resolved by asking just one question: in which
partnership can a junior partner have equal legislative, adjudicative
and executive powers with the senior partner? It is not obtainable any
where in Heaven or Earth. Jesus was here teaching a deeper mystery
about Himself. In fact He was quick to put their worries and
confusion to rest by stating in the plainest terms the ultimate
demystification of the Trinity as recorded in 10:30 – examine the
identity of the numbers for easy recollection that the Trinity is One
GOD with three natures. You may call this the verse, the Trinity
Verse because from the mouth of the Ancient One, herein is the Seal
of the Trinity. In this sense we should be able to tell when the Father
is speaking as the Son or as the Eternal Holy One. This will also help
us to understand that when Jesus talks about the Father, He is talking
about His ageless, formless, holy and all powerful Essence. That is
why He could say, “The Father is greater than I”. by that declaration
He was in essence saying,
 “I am restricting me with this physical body because of my
redemptive mission…in this flesh, I limit my simultaneity and supra-
material manifestation…what I can do is greater than what you are
seeing me do…my scope of influence is greater than the few I have
shown…in this human body I have place restrictions on myself in
order to fit into what this body is allowed to do…you should be
happy that I am going away because as long as I remain in this body
on this Earth no one will have my Eternal Essence…be happy
because I will come back to you as the Eternal Holy Spirit…I will
come with all my majesty, power and glory…I go away as a physical
body but I will come into you as the Eternal One…rejoice because
after that what you have seen me do will be little compared to what I
shall empower you to do…I shall live in you in my fullest form after
your redemption ”(14:23, 28-29). When He talks about The Son, He
refers to The GOD who became Man and chose to reject all Divine
Privileges in order to be truly 100% man; that aspect of His Natures
that was just like any other man but now fully glorified as The Most
Mighty GOD (Phil. 29-11). An understanding of Jesus’ hypostatic
nature can be gleaned from Zechariah 10:12 and 11:10; here the two
natures refer to each other as one and the same.
Jesus having known in advance the kind of unnatural power that will
be at our disposal after He unleashes His full powers on us declared,
“I am taking pains to tell you now, so that when you begin to
experience the power, you might believe and worship the one who
told you before hand; that He is the power behind your power”
In the presence of the multitudes, He shrewdly questioned the Jews,
and their answer proved that they understood every nuance He used to
describe His Godness (10:32-33). Moreover, they knew the foretold
Messiah was the Manifestation of GOD and the LORD GOD Himself
but they could not just accept that Jesus, the son of Joseph an obscure
carpenter, and Mary a poor housewife was He; but He had already
told them, “It is I” (Isaiah 40:22, 41:4, 42:8, 43:11-13). Even as He
also said that those who do not believe He Is The One would die in
their sin of unbelief (8:24). As should be expected Jesus seized that
moment to enlightened them further. This time around, Jesus switched
the focus of the analysis from Himself to them, by proving from the
scriptures that they themselves were gods! (10:34-35) Why was the
House of Israel gods?
Israel was called out from among the nations, set apart to receive the
divine revelations, the Messiah and ultimately the Holy Spirit; all
climaxed at the Holy Ghost festival called the Pentecost. Being set
apart to hear and receive GOD made Israel gods. In the same vein,
true believers are carriers of GOD and therefore gods themselves. To
show that His own Godness was different from ours, He said, “if
because the Word came to you, you have become gods, how much
more God is the one who carries all that is GOD – the Essence,
Creator and Saviour?” (10:36)
“Come on gods…” He said, “… do not say I blaspheme because I
said I am the Son of GOD, well, even if the circumstance of my birth
will not let you believe me, you have seen my work, it is the work of
The Seal of His DivinityPage 23
the Son of GOD…believe the work, peradventure it might be revealed
to you through them, that the GOD who was revealed to your fathers
through Moses, is the same one standing before you” (10:37-38).
The world will have no excuse for rejecting its Creator because the
Man has taken time and with numerous examples to show that He is
the One.
The events that took place in Bethany will give us another opportunity
to see through the words of Jesus that He is the only GOD.
It was reported to Jesus in the town beyond the Jordan, where He had
gone for His winter holiday that Lazarus, His friend was sick
(10:40-11:4). Because He could see far into the future, He saw the
number of people that will believe on Him there. Because of this
prospect there was need for Jesus to take their belief level to a higher
plane, with a miracle so unusual it will take a cursed man to reject or
attempt to refute (11:15).
Never in the history of humanity had anybody raised someone who
had been dead for four days to life. Jesus calls such a miracle an
opportunity for GOD to be glorified, nay an opportunity for the Son to
be glorified (11:4, 13:31-32).
This is where we have to pause and listen to what Jesus was saying:
The LORD GOD as revealed to Israel through Moses, starting from
the Ten Commandment has in various instances proclaimed, “I am a
jealous GOD, my glory I will share with no other”.
Jesus was a Jew and understood the Law perfectly; especially the part
where no one should contend for attention with GOD; but here He
saying that Lazarus’ death was an opportunity for both the Father and
the Son to be glorified. At first sight, it might appear that Jesus was
contending for GOD’s glory or trying to take what was not His – He
wasn’t. He was only stating matter of fact, that the GOD to be
glorified was the Son of Man standing before them.
Jesus knew that if it could be proven to the multitude that He was the
expected Messiah, He would have proven for all time that He is the
LORD GOD, because the Jews knew the mystery of the inextricable
union of the Messiah and the LORD GOD (it was like the union
between a person’s blood, his muscles and skeleton)
Therefore whatever He did in the name of GOD was equivalent to
Him showing forth His Godness. As it was with the glory, so it was
with the one who did the miracle – the one who did the miracle in the
spiritual was the same one confirming it in the physical. (11:41-42).
 The purpose of all true miracles was achieved in this instance (11:18,
19, 45), but it also gave us an opportunity to learn more about Him,
the Jewish multitude and the priestly class.
In 11:23-26, Jesus spoke about His power to raise the dead in the
present, gave an insight into the power behind His own resurrection
and therefore, of all believers at the last day. He also hinted at the fate
of believers who shall be alive at His second coming. When the
people saw the material confirmation of His claims, they reacted
differently. Of the Jewish multitude, while Mary, Martha and others
believed on Him and confessed He was the Christ, others chose to
play politics (11:27, 32, 45, 46). This episode also showed that
whereas love for His creatures would cause GOD to weep for their
sufferings and pains (11:35-36), accepting Him as the cure for our
spiritual deformity and restorer of our dominion is entirely a personal
As it was in the days of old, the name and ministry of Jesus always
causes the rulers to think about politics and economics (John 11:48,
Hosea 2:5). Something is pertinent to note here: rather than believe
on the Source of all things, hapless humanity would choose to please
Satan to ensure their wealth and influence is not taken away by the
most vindictive businessman – Lucifer, GOD has ever created. Come
on people, nothing Satan gives today can be compared to what GOD
is prepared to give you in this life and in the life to come. Remember
Satan spent many eons enjoying the presence of GOD before pride
and rebellion cost him his place as the Chief Composer and
Conductor of the Temple of Heaven. Do you think that Satan will be
glad to see David take his place in the Orchestra of Heaven?
That is one of the reasons he is out to confuse us in this era, and just
like he was able to manipulate the priests of Jerusalem to misplace
their priorities, he is feeding wavering Christians the lie that their life
is an inconsequential boredom!
If this were so, then the original purpose of GOD would have been to
create people who will be tired of His world. But clearly, as
evidenced by the creation account, when GOD created man, He gave
him activities to occupy his time. First He gave man physical and
mental activities – that of tilling, cultivating and naming all the plants
and animals. I hope modern day biologists will realize where it all
When GOD saw that Adam was lonely and much envied the animals,
He gave him Eve for companion; He did not make another Adam for
Adam, didn’t give him one of the animals or asked him to help
himself any way he could. Thus when men accuse the Most High of
creating them with depravities, I quickly point them to Romans
The Seal of His DivinityPage 25
1:18-32. GOD gives apostate humanity over to these base desires
when Europe despised the revelation He gave to them about Him.
Now we know the root of the unreasonableness among men. We had
been warned even before things got out of hand.
Euro-America and apostate copycat Africans, this is your last
The coming of Eve was dual-purposed; she added emotional and
social activities to Adam’s itinerary. How then can man accuse GOD
of stifling his happiness and pleasures when He is the one who gave
everything Satan has perverted today? Or does man call His request
that he eats everything according to the rules of sincere natural
affection and inter-dependent existence a burden? Can any sane
society seriously contemplate lawlessness? How has man’s so called
freedom from GOD help to solve the problems of strives, racism, war,
discrimination, hatred, divorces, broken hearts, criminality, and
GOD’s rules were really guidelines to help us live purposeful lives,
take Him out of the equation of world existence, then man’s end is
guaranteed because he has the sad tendency to always want to press
the self-destruct button.
May I for curiosity sake venture these questions: should we as
Temples of GOD live lawless lives? If you were GOD, would you
stand and watch a creature you made perfect being perverted by
another person, if you had the power to correct it? Was Jesus wrong
when He died so that our stained consciences can be wiped clean?
Why should we trust and fear the creature rather than the Creator? Is
man excusable when he fails to acknowledge his Father, Friend and
The men of ancient Jerusalem knew exactly who Jesus was but they
made their own choices. I hope some one will get wise today and
choose Christ.
Now, GOD is a life time study in merciful warnings. He baffles me at
all times with His brand of love – there is no way any other being
would have revealed divine mysteries to a group that were bent on
rejecting Him, in order to sustain their own class. But GOD did,
having known that a few would change their minds and believe in the
one they were about to crucify (11:49-53). While the debate was
raging on how best to eliminate Jesus, GOD passed through the High
Priest Caiaphas (remember it was the duty of the High Priest to certify
an animal fit for sacrifice) to reveal the mystery of the nature of death
Jesus was to die. Does this not ring as significant that it was the High
Priest of that year that certified Jesus fit to die to avert the punishment
that was to befall spiritual Israel for their wickedness? Isn’t it
significant that the High Priest proclaimed that Jesus’ death was
enough to atone for the sin of physical Israel and the adopted
members of the House of Israel scattered all over the face of the
Earth? Of significance also is the fact that this revelation in itself is a
confirmation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of GOD and therefore
the only GOD in His Only Material Presence and Form.
In 12:7 and 16:1-6, 20-22, Jesus showed an unassailable difference
between GOD and the man who wanted to be God – it had to do with
the matter of Truth. Jesus told the truth about His darkest hour, and
the pains to be endured by His followers in their walk with Him. No
other being, human or spirit can pass this test of 100% truthfulness.
Little wonder then, that the House of Israel captured His Essence with
the name, El Emet; the GOD who radiates absolute truth.
Quoting Moses’ Law, the people confirmed that the Christ lives
forever or in other words that the Christ is supposed to be the
everlasting GOD. Indeed they were right in their observation because
though His human form paid the supreme price for our redemption yet
His Holy Spirit is eternal, therefore the Christ abides for ever
according to the Law (12:34). Note that the same Law also stated that
the Christ would be led to the slaughter like a lamb prepared for
sacrifice – of course He was. Man, know your God!
We can see from this two-perspective narrative from the Law that
these were written for us to understand deeper mysteries about the
Christ The LORD GOD; the Eternal Holy Spirit whose physical form
had to taste death so that He might redeem our spirits and bodies from
eternal death. Nothing can be clearer.
John 12:12-18 records enactment of events that will take place at
Jesus second coming; first an enactment of the feast of the marriage
supper of the Lamb, and then an eternal taste and savouring of the
splendor and grandeur His inauguration as the Eternal King of
Universal Israel ruling from His Throne of Majesty in the New
Jerusalem. Come Holy Spirit, come. Selah.
As He is the GOD of Peace, His reign shall usher in universal peace
between men, between man and animals, in fact between man and all
the creatures of GOD in the entire universe, who are currently
groaning under the curse they have had to endure because of man’s
fall. The Pharisees saw the enactment of all these, and they
understood the implications and their helplessness at stopping a
moving supersonic train; they could do nothing but exclaim in
The Seal of His DivinityPage 27
exasperation, “…behold the world is gone after Him” (12:19) – why
would the world not go after Him, after all it is His world! The handy
work of His Fingers!
I hope you have too! If you have not, please get down on your knees
and do it, especially if you are a Gentile!
A Gentile is any one that is not a biological child of Israel. Yet this
were the people Jesus was waiting for to come to Israel to seek Him,
because they understood that it was in Israel that the LORD GOD had
chosen to put His name. By revelation, they understood and came to
Him there. The implication of this is that you must receive the GOD
that was revealed to the House of Israel before you can be sure of
eternal life; He is the GOD who creates, redeems and sustains.
The Gentiles as represented by the ancient Greeks came to Jerusalem
to worship. When they got there, they sought to see the one they had
come to worship and when it was told Jesus of this development, He
proclaimed, “the hour has come” (12:20-23 compared with Isaiah
The Gentiles came to seek the one who forgives without demanding
to be pacified with the lives of their sons and daughters; they came to
sacrifice for their sins, but they had heard that the Christ is both the
perfect sacrifice for their sins and the one to whom all atonement for
sins were offered, and so they sought for Him. They were in
Jerusalem to offer atonement that yields salvation for perfect worship.
When the arrival of these pilgrims was reported to the one who freely
gives salvation, He replied, “…for this cause I came into the world”
Because the Gentiles were ready for salvation; and by the single
action of searching for the true GOD, it was granted them to share in
the Commonwealth of Israel (Isaiah 63:16-19).
It is significant that Jesus had to wait for the Gentiles to be ready
before deciding that was time for His crucifixion; that date marked the
beginning of the time of the Gentiles when they were admitted
beyond The Court of the Gentiles, even into The Mercy Seat (Mal.
1:11), and from that day their spiritual timidity and the outsider tag
were taken away (Psalm 18:43-45).
Again it was significant because Israel was waiting for their
Redeemer but did not know Him when He came into their midst, but
on the other hand, the Gentiles never had such thought in their minds
but the moment they thought they needed salvation, they realized
salvation had to be found in Israel; and when they got to Jerusalem,
the City of the Great King, they asked to be introduced to Him; that
singular action reassured the King that His painful experience will not
be in vain and also signal the beginning of the preparation for the
divine sacrifice. The action of the Gentiles was a fulfillment of the
prophecy by the mouth of King David (Psalms 18:43-45). This
confirmation of faith in the GOD of Israel was necessary before the
Messiah’s death, so that through the testimony of the Gentiles, the
GOD of Israel might restore unto Himself the remnant of the House
of Israel. The preaching of salvation in the GOD of Israel, to the
House of Israel by the Gentiles will confirm to the House of Israel
that their LORD GOD walked their rugged soil to Golgotha as was
prophesied! (Romans 11:31-34)
That is the mystery of the plans of Jesus, the GOD of Israel; the ones
Satan didn’t know about when he tried to condemn Israel to
damnation with politics and economics (Hosea 2:5). That is why
Satan has been trying to engineer their extermination, when he
discovered the folly of his strategy. He will continue to fail until
millions of the House of Israel is saved, and the special 144,000
sealed as eternal Ministers-in-Council. By the way, can you beat the
Splendour and Majesty of my God – a King with 144,000 Prime
Ministers? A symbolism representing the perfect number of redeemed
humanity! You have got to be kidding if you claim you can imagine
the fullness of the coming glory!
The House of Israel must be sealed and saved before the end comes
because in them is the fullness of the revelation of redemption; and
thus an end in itself in this last days.
Just before His crucifixion, Jesus once again called the people to
accept His testimony by saying,
 “once upon a time, you believed in the GOD that gave
Commandments to you through Moses, believe now on Him who has
the power to give a new Commandment right here, because He is the
one who gave the old…some times ago, you believed in the GOD that
revealed Himself through your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The one who delivered you through Moses and kept you by the words
of the prophet; in the same manner that you believed the unseen
Eternal One, believe likewise in Him now that He has chosen to
appear in human form” (13:34 and 14:1 paraphrased)
As we bring this chapter to a close, let us read John 14:6-10 together.
Here Jesus asserts that He is the Truth in absolute terms, the Life in
absolute terms and the absolute Way to the Father. By these
declarations, He was once calling Himself the only GOD because
only GOD enjoys everything in absolute terms! This He confirms by
The Seal of His DivinityPage 29
proclaiming, “I am the Immanu El, the visible GOD of the invisible
GOD, I enclose the Father and He encloses me in a tangle that can
never be sorted out because I AM the I AM” There is no better way
GOD could have explain to us that He is the only One than this! And
so when He was rebuking Philip, He saying,
 “Is it possible that I the Father have spent 33 years with you and you
claim you not seen and known me? Get serious Philip, believe me
when I said if you seen me you have seen the Father…my dear Philip
believe me when I say you have seen the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of
Truth; the one who the world can never see, know nor receive…right
now, my presence is the only comfort you need because I am
sufficient for all needs but when I go away in this body, I will not
leave you comfortless, I will send you another form of my comfort…I
will come back to you as the other Comforter; the Holy Spirit”
From all our study on Jesus Christ, we safely say that the above
declaration by Jesus is the revelation of the nature of the Godhead; the
Trinity Matrix, and is given to those who desire the truth (14:21). It is
this Matrix that Jesus promised will dwell with the believer (14:17,
There is no greater joy than for the whole Essence of GOD to sit by
your side, and live inside of you at the same time – your friend and
GOD. That was the reason He came to die; that He may call His
People of GOD; there is no doubt that Jesus is one and the same GOD
no matter how He decides to relate with us. He is the same person
who can speak in different dimensions of His existence (14:26 and
15:26; 16:25 and 16:12-16), The Spiritual and The Physical!
John’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus is an exciting
illumination on the subject of the Deity of Jesus Christ, the only wise
However I can not conclude the analysis of this book without revising
important fallout of His claim of Divinity – the Kingship of Israel:
When Pilate asked Him, “…art thou the King of the Jews?” (18:33),
His reply was stunning, thought provoking and pointed: “this
confession that you are making Pilate, are you just making it or is it
because you are convinced I am the King of Israel? However Pilate,
my Kingdom is not of this present world else my servants; the angels
of GOD would have wipe out a whole planet to ensure no Jew laid his
hand on me…listen closely Pilate, the Israel I have in mind is not of
this present system, it is the Universal Israel of redeemed humanity…
it was for their redemption that I came to the world, to bear witness
of Him who is the true King, therefore everyone who is loyal to the
true King hears me and obeys me…you have confessed that I am the
King…you know what? You are right, I am the King that came to
bear witness to the Truth” (18:34; 36-37)
After this lecture, Pilate did something rather curious; he question
Jesus but did not wait for answers, rather he quickly went out to
confess to those outside that there was no fault in the claims of Jesus
Christ as the King of Israel – that was the truth he sought to know and
it was granted him to understand it at that very instant. That was why
he was emboldened to ask the multitude, “should I release to you the
King of the Jews?’(18:38-39). Again just before the crucifixion, Pilate
once more proclaimed Jesus as the King of Israel (19:14). Unknown
to Pilate, what he was doing, in the spiritual realm was to hand over
the rulership of Israel to the rightful owner; he was, on behalf of the
human race declaring that only GOD had the right to govern mankind.
What he was saying to the multitude, in the spiritual realm meant, “I
present to you the rightful King for His coronation, I am sorry, I had
usurped His authority”
That proclamation was done with so much conviction that at the death
of Jesus, Pilate wrote the crime for which He was put to be: “Jesus of
Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (19:19)
This guilty charge was clearly written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin –
the languages of religion, philosophy and government (19:20) Thus
even today in the spheres of religion, philosophy of science, and
politics, Jesus has remained King and a recurring decimal. Can you
beat this; The King was condemned to die because He is Jesus of
Nazareth, The King of the Jews!
When Satan; a perpetual late comer saw the implication of what he
had thought would be scorn to his Creator, he influenced the Chief
Priests to have it reversed (same old trick and method) to an
inconsequential “I am a King of the Jews”, but Pilate, for the first
time in his adult life stood up to his convictions; that Jesus is the only
King, therefore he was bold to say, “I have written it so because I
know it is so – He is the King of the Jews” (19:21-22).
Just in case you do not know the implication of this office, may I
remind you that the King of the Jews is the King of Glory; the GOD
of Israel (Psalms 29:10, 24:7-10; Ezekiel 1:26-28, 2:23, 8:4, 10:20;
Zechariah 9:9, 14:16; Malachi 1:4; Isaiah 43:15, 44:6; Revelation
1:4,8,11,17-18; 4:2-4,8; 11:16-17; John 12:13).
If Pilate missed out from being a member of Christ’ Kingdom, it was
The Seal of His DivinityPage 31
not because of ignorance but the usual suspect; crave for political and
economic power based on the standards and dictates of Satan (19:12).
Hear the conclusion of the whole matter. After Jesus had shown all
the bits and pieces of the divine puzzle of His Godness, and paid the
price for them to be accessed, He decreed, “it is finished”(19:30).
Therefore any man who seeks to know Him and the power of His
resurrection is given the permission and ability to correctly fit these
pieces together.
Little wonder then that Peter, soon after Jesus’ triumph over the
nemesis of humanity’s disobedience, re-stated what he had always
known and was now ready die for; that Jesus was the El Rohi (21:17).
Thomas the scientist-disciple put a seal upon Jesus’ Universal Deity
by proclaiming Him LORD and GOD (20:28). That was another way
of calling Him Elohim – the LORD GOD of Genesis 1:1; the very
GOD that was revealed to the Israelites through Moses.
This is the seal of the whole essence of man’s life, to discover that
Jesus Christ is the LORD GOD of Israel.
Next time you think God, think Jesus of Nazareth.

Quod Erat Demonstradum.


John 5:23, 26 (That all men should honour The Son, even as they
honour The Father. He that honoureth not The Son honoureth not
The Father which hath sent Him…For as The Son hath Life in Himself,
so hath He given to The Son to have Life in himself.)

John 8:19 (Then said they unto Him, where is thy Father? Jesus
answered; Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me,
ye should have known my Father also.)
John 12:44-45 (Jesus cried and said, he that believeth on me,
believeth not on me, but on Him that sent me. And he that seeth me
seeth Him that sent me)
1 John 5:1 (Whosoever believeth that Jesus is The Christ is born of
God: and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth Him also that
is begotten of Him)

1 John 2:22-23 (Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is The
Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth The Father and The Son.
Whosoever denieth The Son, the same hath not The Father: but he
that acknowledge The Son hath The Father also)
1 John 4:2-3 (Hereby know ye The Spirit of God: Every spirit that
confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every
spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not
of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard
that it should come; and even now already is it in the world)
N/B: As we count down to the end of days; note and observe closely,
any Emperor that resurrects and promotes the interest of this
religion that denies The Father and The Son, is The Antichrist – The
Man of Lawlessness; Satan Incarnate – Satan’s son, Lord of the 8th
Biblical Empire. Get wisdom from 1 John 2:22-23; any religion or
organization that openly opposes what The Bible says concerning
Jesus is antichristian. And any world leader in whose hands the
antichristian religion prospers is The Antichrist.
In conclusion, none of the arguments and evidence we have put
forward can fully disclose Jesus to you. Together these add up to just
a whisper of knowledge of The Most Mighty King. To know Jesus,
you must believe in Him first, thereafter He will give you further light
if you truly want to know Him.
The greatest question that will herald the end of days is, “who do
you say Jesus is?” The Bible declares that He is The LORD GOD,
YHWH. This is The Key to Eternal Life. When people begin to tell you
we are worshipping the same God, tell them except that God is Jesus
of Nazareth, there is no truth in them.
Beloved; repent of your sins, accept Jesus as your Saviour, Lord, King
and God OR oppose Him at your peril. Choose Jesus, choose life and
receive the eternal blessings that come with Jesus.
Come, Lord Jesus for all is ready.

 When you are convinced or reminded, share with others. Enquiries
The Seal of His DivinityPage 33

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divinity of Jesus seal of john

  • 1. THE SEAL OF JOHN The Gospel of John has a central objective and that can be found in the 31st verse of the 20th chapter, where it is stated, “…these were written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ is the Son of GOD…” An accurate knowledge of who Jesus is, is necessary because it is that knowledge and its confession that guarantees salvation and eternal life (Acts 8:37). I have stated elsewhere that there is an intrinsic mystery given to the Jews with regards to the term ‘Christ’ and the phrase ‘Son of GOD’. This innate mystery is revealed ab initio from the first chapter of the book to drive home the importance of the mystery. To buttress the enormity of this revelation, the first four verses of the Gospel of John are devoted to it: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with GOD and the word was GOD. The same was in the beginning with GOD. All things were made by Him and without Him was nothing made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men…” Before we continue our journey into the heart of the Gospel of John, it is import-+ant to refresh our understanding of the introduction to the Mystery of GOD: Revelation describes Jesus Christ as the beginning of the creation of GOD, or as Colossians 1:15 puts it, the first born over all creation. Matthew Henry undertakes to explain these passages thus: “That He was brought forth as to His Being, and set up as to Divine Counsels concerning His Office, before the world was made (Prov. 8:22-25, 30), is here set forth in a great variety of expressions, much the same with those by which the eternity of God Himself is expressed (Psalm 90:2)…Before the mountains were brought forth…Before the earth was, and that was made in the beginning, before man was made; therefore the Second Adam had a Being the first, for the first Adam was made of the earth, The Second had a Being before the earth, and therefore is not of the earth (John 3:31)”. The passages above are therefore an insight into how GOD has always been or an elucidation of how He formed “Himself from Himself” – As the “Incorporeal and Formless Essence” (invisible to all creation), GOD also had His “Spiritual Material Essence” (visible to only the hosts of Heaven and men of vision) Colossians 1:15 calls this the Image of the invisible GOD, and Isaiah 43:10 and 44:6 refer to Him as the First and Last The Seal of His DivinityPage 1
  • 2. GOD to be so formed. These portions of Isaiah had the duty of showing that there is no other GOD that can be formed again because there is no other God-substance left; thus the only GOD is The Word (the Spiritual Material Essence) – which encapsulates The Invisible Essence. In the simplest terms, The Word is that aspect of GOD that He allows to be seen, the rest is hidden in The Word. See, to have any hope of comprehending Jesus, you have to see Him as not limited to that humble soul that walked this Earth to the Cross of Calvary; He had to assume that form in order to do what He had to do. But see Him as His physical brothers (James and Jude) did after His resurrection – they saw Him as the only Potentate and invisible GOD, and they, His servants. Without any prejudice to what has been discoursed so far, by divine permission it was granted me to use this mathematical analogy to illustrate thus: The Father = The Holy Spirit + His Humanity, The Son = His Humanity alone and The Holy Spirit = GOD’s Eternal Essence alone. If in doubt, have you ever wondered why Jesus said, The Holy Spirit will not come except He, Jesus goes back to Heave? Or why He said, in His second coming, He will come in His Father’s Glory? I can safely add in response to the second question that when Jesus comes back, we will see Him in His fullness as The LORD GOD. So the Carpenter’s Son was the Father in human form; we called Him the Son because that was who we saw. Probably, Israel never really understood why that Man was called Immanu El; now they should know. At His crucifixion and death the Son was alone, but on the third day the Holy Spirit came back, and was again with His Covering, and hence the Father was ready to go back the way He came (Luke 1:35, Proverbs 30:4, and Acts 1:9-10). Armed with these introductory facts about Jesus, we then move on to obtain the message contained in John 1:1-4: i. In the beginning was The Word: from the beginning of GOD, His visible form existed. ii. The Word was with GOD: The Visible was pregnant or filled with the invisible GOD. iii. The Word was GOD: the visible GOD was the only GOD. iv. The Word was in the beginning with GOD: right from the beginning, the Visible and Invisible were inseparable. They started together because they are one, as a Man’s Soul and Body. v. All things were made by Him: In His Visible form, the Invisible created the visible worlds – spiritual and physical. vi. In The Word is Life: the visible GOD is the source of all
  • 3. visible spiritual and physical life. vii. His Life is Light: the visible GOD is the illumination on the way into the invisible GOD. The foregoing is the key to understanding the Gospel of John and it was important that the Holy Spirit inspire the author, John to give this key at the very onset, because it is in this book that Jesus personally leads us into the mystery of the Kingdom. Decoding this key is one major way of comprehending, albeit, fairly the guided tour that Jesus intended John’s Gospel to be. Going back again to the opening verses of John; the opening phraseology reminds one of the wording of the first verse of Genesis chapter one, “In the beginning”. GOD obviously wanted us to draw a line from the first book of the Bible to the book that unveils who that Creator is. The “GOD who created” in Genesis 1:1 is revealed as “The Word” in John 1:1, and as that Creator in (1:3). Having known that The Word is GOD the creator, we go to the next phase which is when The Word became flesh or human – a crucial necessity if the Creator was to come to the world He created (1:10). Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ, the GOD of Heaven and Earth for inspiring His servant John the Baptist to proclaim, “ the one who comes after me is greater than me…the one who is the beginning is greater than all…and He is the grace” (1:15-16). The purpose of Jesus as The Word and a human is introduced in 1:18. This means that only the manifested Image of GOD, who carries GOD and is immersed in GOD, has declared GOD by simply appearing. Note the phrase, “hath declared Him” or “has explained Him” (NASB). It didn’t say He will declare or explain at a later date but that He has already declared Him. So we can safely say that the Invisible Existence, the Source of all life became known and seen through the birth of Jesus. All that He had been saying about Himself right from the time of Abraham were manifested by the Incarnation. This submission is in itself very enlightening: if by seeing somebody near you, you know and understand completely, another person far away from you; then this was a literary device that meant that the person here is the same one over there. When GOD Himself manifested as His Image, He (Word) had in Himself the entire creation of GOD; of spiritual and temporal forms – of things creatable, created and to be created, all were in Him. Digressing a bit, it means that apart from GOD’s physical Image, any object in His created universe chosen by men or angels as God’s representation or object of devotion is less than God and a great insult The Seal of His DivinityPage 3
  • 4. to His Divine Transcendence – His Being, being of unreachable and unsearchable infinity. Is it any wonder that He frowns seriously when the people He created make for themselves graven images for worship?(Exodus 20:4-5). This is so serious that unless a family discontinues the practice they amass for themselves, punishments ad infinitum. GOD took man’s form when He had to deal with Adam and his descendants. In making man the crown of His physical world and setting him as the domineer of all His creation, He communicated from the beginning that He intended that we do His will (purpose) just as every genius will desire His best invention to perform according to its design specifications. However because of His desire not to afflict us with His Unquestionable Might, He gave us the power of choice – being responsible for cause and effect; the rest as they say is history. To get the friendship back on line, He had to pay the price for justice because by the Statutes of His Righteous Judgment, when sin is involved there must be justice obtained for the Honour of God. If we injure God through sin, it is only fitting that He should accurately exact from us, the consequence – thus He decreed that sin must demand and get justice. That was one truth, Satan never told our mum, Eve. But Jesus Christ by His death showed publicly that at all time, God must get the justice our sin demands. And so in former times, animals were sacrificed as a token of repentance and payment for justice; this was grossly inadequate – it neither gave forgiveness, sustained repentance nor restore man to his pre-rebellion status. In fact nothing could restore us to that state, for even the Temple of Heaven is not holy enough to stand before the Ancient of Days, the same one who mandated that every sin must be fully paid for, in order to restore all things to their original ‘good’ state. The only payment for justice that was sufficient and perpetually sustaining, was the one the Holy One of Israel paid by Himself with Himself. Can you imagine the owner of Heaven and Earth and the entire universe agreeing to submit Himself to sin’s malicious demand for justice, so that any malaria, typhoid, HIV, cancer or diabetes infested soul who believes in His atoning death would be as if he/she never sinned? He could have just thrown Adam and hence every crippled, deaf, dumb, paralyzed lots of us away. But He knew if He ever needed man in the form He created Adam, for a friend; He must pay dearly for it and He did just that in the most humiliating manner. Thank GOD for His Eternal Holy Essence who facilitated the
  • 5. resurrection of His human form, thus giving man the hope of eternal and multidirectional communion with his Creator. That is the greatest joy of the believer, that one day he/she will be able to worship and shake hands with his Creator, Saviour, Friend and GOD. LORD, have mercy on the people of your love that we may be found worthy at your glorious home coming. Hang on people of GOD for the revelation of salvation to you is a privilege (Matthew 13:11); do not flunk it. It is because GOD paid the price by Himself that He, the Holy Spirit can look at you with all your imperfections and still accept you, come close to you and live in you. When He looks at you, He is actually looking at you covered with Jesus and everything He stands for – He is looking at you covered with GOD. In other words, the Holy Spirit is looking at, and relating with you as GOD to god! Just imagine the many good things we will be able to do when our transformation is complete! While you are still on that, remember the parable of the King’s son? Every one was invited for the marriage feast but not a every one made the right choice of dressing for such an important occasion. Those without the right attire were bundled and thrown out. That right attire is Jesus Himself; that’s who the Holy Spirit must see on you before you are allowed to stay on for the divine communion of He, who is both The Shepherd and The Lamb, with His Sheep. If you like wear ten tons of morality and philanthropy – these are necessary no doubt but the only garment that is sufficient and guarantees that you will stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. By wearing Jesus, you have voluntarily agreed that He should transform your being and will to His own. Wearing Jesus Christ makes you one with the Holy Spirit of the Father (Matthew 10:20), and therefore qualified for the Kingdom. Let’s go back to our tour of John. John the Baptist confessed that the Image is before all (1:30) even though he, John Baptist was born before Jesus. Here John the Baptist, a representative of Adam was confirming that Jesus has pre-human existence which is older than any created being. John did not know Him before now because he (John) had just been brought into existence a few years back; but that it might be possible for men to know why GOD came down, he (John) was given the revelation and mandate to introduce the King of Kings. The symbol of the introduction was a call to repentance, or put differently, since the GOD of Heaven and Earth was coming to prepare man for and to give mankind repentance, it was only fitting The Seal of His DivinityPage 5
  • 6. that mankind should be told exactly why its GOD was manifesting. John also hints on the end product of Jesus’ manifestation (1:33). The aim of repentance is to prepare mankind to receive the Holy Spirit; that was what GOD breathed on Adam before he became a living soul, and that is what He wants to breathe on every soul who repents. Here is another way to learn the mystery of GOD: you can not give what you do not have, Jesus can give the Holy Spirit He because has enough of the Holy Spirit, He has enough because He is the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 10:4, John 4:24, 2 Cor. 3:17) When humanity sinned, its first outpouring of the Holy Spirit left and man became dead (for more than 4000 years) – the same death that GOD predicted in Genesis 3:3. Forget what Satan said in Genesis 3:5 because the man has no shame if his double talk or outright lies will be discovered. Recall that it was when GOD breathed the Holy Spirit on Adam that He became a living soul. This means the Holy Spirit is the source of life, little wonder then that Jesus claimed He is The Life. It is necessary that every believer receives the Holy Spirit because if we must live as GOD, we must have the life of GOD in us. That is what the doctrine of the Trinity is trying to accomplish. A very important aspect of Jesus is introduced by His mother: of Him, she said to His disciples, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, that ye do”. This great woman of faith realized quite early in her relationship with Jesus that He is the “whatsoever being” or more precisely, the Almighty. That can only mean that Mary was proclaiming Jesus was the LORD GOD who can use whatsoever to do whatsoever. This great woman knew she was standing before the whatsoever GOD – the GOD of provision in the hour of need, and by that confession she provoked Him to action (John 2:3-4, 7-9). Now I see why GOD chose her to be His incubator – she knew her part in the divine arrangement and limited herself to just that. And just like every other mortal, she knew she had to request the Almighty to intervene; thus for recognizing she was standing before the LORD GOD, her womb is called the most blessed of all women. Through her declaration of faith, the disciples soon had a taste of whom they were befriending (2:11). Jesus often said that the Father will raise Him from the dead; the apostles including Paul and Peter also said the Father raised Him, but here (2:19) Jesus is claiming that He is the one to raise Himself. This is not usurpation; He was simply letting it be known that no one will be wrong if such called Him the Father, and this was in response to the demand that He showed His source of authority – He was
  • 7. answering them to the effect, “I am using my authority as the GOD of creation”. In 3:11, Jesus used the Royal Pronoun, the same that He used in Genesis 1:26. This was because there was need for the true Master and King to address an impostor. In 3:8, Jesus decided to introduce a little geography into His discourse with Nicodemus, but the man displayed a total lack of understanding of this easy physical subject. In 3:4, he (Nicodemus) had shown he had no idea of spiritual matters, now he confirmed he had none of the physical either, yet he was a master in Israel! Nicodemus, a representative of the philosophers, priests, scientists and astronomers of this world scored zero when the Master gave him a simple quiz; and thus proves that all we claim to know as science is a little drop taken from the Jesus’ unlimited store of knowledge. Little wonder then that He is called The Wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24). What better way was there to show who was Master and King than to use the Royal Pronoun, employed by Sovereigns to address subjects? And doesn’t this interaction expose our folly that while we are still grappling with simple physical phenomena such as cancer and tsunamis; we claim there is no God or that we can not see GOD, just because He is too big to fit into our test tubes? What insult to the Creator! Why should men spend billions of dollars every year sending probes or should I say hopping from planet to planet hoping to find GOD, when Jesus – the GOD of Heaven and Earth had made it clear no one can do that except though Him (3:13); doesn’t man realize that the best of the best rockets or shuttles can not take him to the Temple of Heaven where the Court of Heaven sits? Has sin totally obliterated man’s ability to reason? Who has ever seen the spiritual with physical device? Man can not see or hold air yet he wants to see the Eternal Holy Spirit who even righteous Moses could not see. Why is it that man prefers elaborate lies to simple truths? GOD has always placed sign posts to Himself, instead of man to go to Him who can take away his sin and usher him back to GOD, he prefers to rigmarole in darkness because he loves evil deeds. Jesus knew that because we live in a world of forms, we desire a token for adulation and His physical Essence was the answer to our desires but men of wickedness prefer elephants, wood, stones or eight-armed monsters. Or do we slight Him because He made us in His Image? One day every body will give account of what he worshipped. Jesus said something in 3:13 that should baffle humanity but which provides illumination to the sons of righteousness (compare this to the The Seal of His DivinityPage 7
  • 8. inspired words in Proverbs 30:4); have you ever asked yourself how possible it was for the Son of Man who descended from Heaven to be present there at the same time? May GOD have mercy on your soul if you refuse to accept the right answer taking shape in your hearts right now! John the Baptist summarized the whole debate between man and GOD thus, “he that hath received His testimony hath set to his seal that GOD is true”. There is only one thing that any man can do to prove that he believes that GOD exists; believing in its entirety the testimony of Jesus. Any addition or subtraction from the things that Jesus taught and died for is tantamount to self condemnation (3:18). Sadly for all religious and philosophical bodies who teach otherwise, there is no place for their doctrines; it is either they believe, accept and worship Jesus or agree their organization is Satan inspired. In this matter, there is no middle ground, it is either all for Him or eternal damnation (3:35-36). In 3:34 John the Baptist revealed important information. The Eternal Holy Essence of GOD, the substance of Godness – the life and power of GOD, must be given to a man before he can act as GOD. Unto Jesus, the Holy Spirit was not given by measurement because He had the full measure in Himself. He was not given in measures because He is The Holy Spirit. What is the implication of this? Humanly speaking, no king will, while still reigning (no matter how he loves his queen, prince or princess) reveal all the secrets of his kingdom to them, not to talk of handing over all that makes him the king – his life and power! Is it therefore possible that GOD, after the experience He had with Lucifer, would risk empowering another being with all that makes Him GOD, especially one in the form of unpredictable humans? Hardly! Jesus could only have the full measure of GOD if He was already GOD. That was why He could prove He was greater than Jacob or any of the ancient fathers and prophets. At the well in Samaria, the woman asked a fundamental question: “art thou greater than our father Jacob”. To qualify to be the Messiah, any claimant must prove he is greater than those men of excellence whom GOD had sealed and attested to. He must give more than physical provision; his gift must last for eternity (for instance, Jacob drank from that well and many generations down the line, it was still there), thus the Messiah’s gift
  • 9. must outlast that of Jacob – any one whose gift will not last that long is an impostor and an antichrist. First and foremost, the Messiah’s gift must be spiritual. To cap up a captivating evening, the men of Samaria proclaimed belief in the man who had proven beyond doubt that He was the Messiah. Note that these men believed after reviewing the scriptures with Jesus, they didn’t wait for signs and wonders, or other external proofs whether archeological or anthropological (4:41-42). For those who are waiting for signs and wonders, here is one for you: Between John 4:46 and 4:53, Jesus proved beyond doubt that His compassion, power and grace is not limited by place, time or space. He knew where the boy was, his conditions and what He had to do to heal him. He knew because He was with the boy at that instant, being with the boy’s father notwithstanding. He could heal that boy from where He stood because His power as the manifested GOD is the same as the Omnipresent GOD seated in Heaven. In performing this miracle Jesus showed the other side of Him – His life as the Holy Spirit; that aspect of GOD that is somewhere and everywhere at the same time, but performing specialized jobs in the same time frame. Soon after this, He showed the compassion He has towards His creation by healing a man bedridden for 38 years. There are some lessons to be gotten here: He knows our problems but requires us to trust Him by telling Him to help (5:5-9), secondly He showed that some of our problems are occasioned by living in sin (5:14). As always, Jesus’ work was an opportunity to show who was doing the work – the Father or Holy Spirit in Him (5:17), though this more often than not, left the Jewish leaders livid with anger for they could not come to terms with a carpenter’s son being GOD. They could understand the full weight of Jesus’ claims because it was given them to know that the Son of GOD equals the GOD of Heaven (5:18). But never once did it cross their minds that this well worn preacher man was the expected Messiah. Well, may you should join me to beg for mercy for those who looked down on Him because the Creator did not make Himself different from anyone of them. Hence they could not desire Him or think of Him in any other light. Jesus understood the importance of them getting beyond this point in their spiritual understanding, hence He sought to explain to them but it is obvious they were not listening else they would have understood. For instance He told them His vitality was the immeasurable Holy Spirit in him; that His unfathomable knowledge was because the GOD of revelation was manifested in Him; that He was the God of The Seal of His DivinityPage 9
  • 10. resurrection, the GOD of justice; that He was worthy of worship in the same measure as the one given to the invisible Holy Spirit. He made it clear that the only source of life is the Holy Spirit and that the Image has this same privilege of being life in Himself (or more precisely, that the Image is the Holy Spirit Himself) Since they already knew that there is only one GOD of life, He was here teaching them that He is that GOD of life because the Image is inseparable from the one who took the Image (John 5:19-30). Why did the Holy Spirit lived in a Material Form before He started creating material things? In addition to ones adduced elsewhere, He is so pervasive that everything He would create would touch Him, and so holy they dare not touch Him or they die (remember the symbolic example of Uzzah’s case, II Samuel 6:6-8). He knew the kind of relationship He wanted with man because His delight was with the sons of men (Prov. 8:31), He foresaw the obstacles to that friendship and the exact permutation to restore it. Jesus Christ knows exactly who He is, whether we believe Him or not, He can not deny Himself or regret that He came so low to create visible forms, of which He made man the crown. He doesn’t need anybody to tell Him that He is GOD, in fact all His labour is that we do not get caught between the judgment of eternal damnation soon to be meted to that renegade minister called Satan (John 5:34,41). His love for us made Him pay for an opportunity for us to see and choose to either obey the man who wanted to be the Most High or the Most High Himself. About 2009 years ago we saw the Most High, now we have seen the Man of sin. To prove that these two needed physical forms to complete their relationship with men, Jesus said in 5:43, “I came after I had spent so much time teaching you about me; with various miraculous workings, starting from the call of your father Abraham, the redemption from Egypt, the Promised Land, your sins, punishment, up to the restoration before my coming…I spent so much educating you about my inextricable relationship with the Eternal Holy Essence, hoping that with a simple declaration that I came in His name, it will ignite your spiritual antenna to acknowledge who you have in your midst, but your rebellious hearts will not let you receive me” (paraphrased) “LORD, open their eyes that they may repent in ashes and sackcloth; they are the people of your love and the custodian of the revelation, therefore were they more blinded and hardened than other races. I make no excuse for them, LORD, for I trust your love and judgment” In a bid to help Israel escape the coming damnation, He sought to
  • 11. provoke their knowledge of the scriptures as delivered to them by Moses and the other Prophets; He reminded them that all the scriptures testified about Him, this they clearly knew. And to take lecture to an advanced level, He introduced a dimension that, if they could comprehend, they should never miss the implication: Moses, it was that expounded the mysteries of the Divine known as the “I AM” to the House of Israel, so it was expected that he knew enough of this Man, but in 5:37, Jesus said no body has ever heard or seen the Father’s shape! Yes! Not even Moses has ever heard the Father speaking, yet the Bible records that GOD spoke with him face to face as friend (Exodus 33:8-14, Deuteronomy 34:10). Sit up get understanding. The aspect of GOD that can never be seen or heard (through human sense organs) is the Holy Spirit, but the Image has seen and heard Him just as a man knows (hears and sees) the thoughts of his heart. This is an exclusive privilege of every creature – to understand the thoughts of its hearts perfectly and exclusively and was designed based on the nature of the Creator. So who was Moses talking with in the bush? Here it can be seen that Jesus was trying to rouse them to use their power of logic to arrive at the conclusion that the I AM, who was speaking in the bush with Moses is the same one standing with them right there! To drive home the point, Jesus reminded them that Moses wrote all he did about Him. I supposed the Jews would have pointed out to Jesus that Moses wrote about YHWH, the LORD GOD, but such argument would have given Jesus opportunity to give an important revelation, and hence take them inside the letters of the scriptures – because before them stood The Most Dread YHWH - ‘I AM”. Revelation Knowledge confirmed by physical fact! (5:37-47). It’s just for a moment until the House of Israel accepts this universal truth that has been hidden from them; their eyes have been held until the time of the Gentiles is complete. An inquisitive mind may ask, from what or who was their eyes held from? The answer to that is another path to understanding the true personality of Jesus masked behind that humble human visage. Try as Satan may, the House of Israel, will one day, as a nation proclaim that Jesus Christ was the expected Messiah – the humanity of the LORD GOD who brought them out of Egypt, spoke with Moses, fed them for 40 years in the wilderness, gave them the Promised Land, and ultimately died and resurrected for their eternal redemption, and then shall the end come (Hosea 3:4-5, Romans 11:25-26). Let it be so by your mercy, LORD. The Seal of His DivinityPage 11
  • 12. Because He was there from the beginning, He knew that it was food (fruit) that brought death upon the human race – of course they remained dead for more than 4000 years, until the one who is Life Himself came to offer them a choice to live or remain dead. Herein, it is said that those who repent, i.e. accept Jesus as our Saviour, we have been transformed from death to life. Food brought down the human kingdom, food will restore it. When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they took upon themselves certain information they could not control and were better off without, and were thus restricted from eating from the tree that yields eternal life (Genesis 3:22). But in John 6:33-58, Jesus proclaims that He is the Bread of Life. In fact in verse 48, He says, “I am that Bread of Life” This is just like He was saying, “I am that Tree of Life of Genesis 3:22” As it was in the Garden, so it is now, until you are prepared to let go of your knowledge of evil, you can not eat of the Tree or Bread of Life. Coming to Jesus Christ is preparing to let go of evil because His light reproaches evil deeds – His light and evil knowledge are incompatible; one must be in charge at a time. What insight can you get from the teaching that you can not eat or drink of Him except you are dwelling in Him? To have hope of having eternal life, you must eat eternal life. Jesus claims that He is eternal life, but the Holy Spirit, as we know, is the eternal life of GOD; hence Jesus was in essence saying, “I am the Holy Spirit, you can not have me except you eat and digest the words that I speak to you by in Visible Form” (6:56-57) When Jesus had ended teaching with the analogy of food, the House of Israel said that His teaching was too hard to be understood, and so the Master of all wisdom sought to explain by asking a defining rhetorical, “how hard will it be then, when Jesus, the son of Joseph and Mary, the carpenter, of the stock of David, ascends to where He was before He descended?” This was a simple declaration of who He was, but the House of Israel thought He was trying to make an already complex problem, harder. Because they could not see beyond the humble man of Nazareth, they could not comprehend His descent from the Throne of Glory to the Manger of Grace. Thank GOD, Mary His human incubator understood and she blessed GOD for the privilege of sharing maternal affection with the Saviour of the House of Israel, and Universal Israel(Luke 1:46-55) The difference between Mary and the rest of the House of Israel was what the Master pointed out in 6:63: living in the flesh and living in the spirit. Sadly, the flesh can not comprehend anything spiritual but
  • 13. the spiritual gives life to all human and spiritual knowledge. Its enlightenment gives eternal life. Before the spirit can give life, he has to have life in himself; and so when the Teacher made the uncommon and priceless assertion that His words are spirit and life, we understand that He was saying that what ever He speaks has the ability to live on its own – it was complete with vitality and matter. This man could be no one else but the Creator, remember the Creator spoke everything into existence – even man was designed with the word! If this man whose very words, Peter said is eternal life is not your God, then you have no God (6:68-69) As if the line of descent of the Messiah was well not documented, the House of Israel, by not investigating with an open mind the genealogy of the man in their midst, missed out from direct national relationship with the GOD of Heaven and Earth; blinded as it were, by their supposed knowledge of His paternity. This kind of attitude could only move the Master to tears from a broken heart; the many years of revelation and teaching He has invested on them was without commensurate returns. What was the use of the ministries of Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel and others to them, if they could not decode the simplest truth; and so the Most High cried!! But that did not stop Him from re-affirming to them that He was the Holy One of Israel. Note how He encoded this in the phrases: “coming from Him” and “sent from Him”. Looking closely one can see that these have the combine meaning, “this flesh came out from Him on a mission or purpose”, and since His humanity prior to the crucifixion (at which point our transposed sin on Jesus cause the Holy Spirit to depart His covering) was inextricable from His Essence, Jesus was stating, “I am the Holy One on a mission” (7:27-29). Many no doubt believed that He was the Christ, for they reckoned, “when the ‘Christ’ comes will he do more than this man?” On the surface, this rhetorical seems an inconsistency, to believe on Jesus as the Christ and also expecting another Christ. They were speaking by the spirit of prophecy about the Anti-Christ, a man who shall with lying wonders seek to undo all that Jesus Christ suffered for. But Jesus Christ has made sure he (Anti-Christ) will not always have his way. First, Jesus has documented that His second coming will be universal (Matthew 24:27), this is to ensure that the claims of any false Christ can be easily debunked. Secondly, the character and seat of government of the anti-Christ has been fully accounted for, so that The Seal of His DivinityPage 13
  • 14. those with the spirit of discernment may recognize him when the restrain on him is lifted: The anti-Christ will be a man of fierce countenance (investigate the original meaning of fierce countenance and the tribe with perpetually fierce outlook, and you will discover who the anti-Christ is), a man that understands dark sentences, operating in an atmosphere of sodomy, an atheist by concession, thinking himself God and shall enter into league with apostate church leaders to suppress the truth – look around you now! Of the nation from where he shall run his government, the following is instructive: In Revelation 17:9, we are enlightened about the seven empires which have influenced the history of the nation of Israel before and after the first coming of Jesus Christ to Earth. As at the time of Jesus, the sixth one was in operation, after which came the seventh, from which the eighth took root. In order of appearance, these are: Egypt →Assyria →Babylon →Persia →Greece →Rome →Britain →America (America is of the seventh and thus the eighth). The American empire is popularly called the Anglo-American empire because it is a continuation of the seventh empire. The seventh empire never really ended, it only mutated. It has been ruling with its foremost political parties (the Republican and Democratic parties), the two horns of Revelation 13:11, which can also represent apostate Christianity and Islam, the two powers by which Lucifer is controlling the machinery of government. Thus the USA while professing democracy and human rights like a harmless lamb, the two horns strikes ferociously at foundations of the Bible and therefore of the Truth, seeking to erode all vestiges of natural, sane and righteous living and exporting this apostasy around the world. Revelation 13:18 confirms that the Anti-Christ shall be one of the presidents of the United States of America. American Christians please beware of the caricature of the lamb for he shall pretend to be weak and persecuted. Again I say, look around you! Now that the identity of the Anti-Christ has been made known, let us return to the subject of our study; the GOD of Heaven and Earth. Before the digression, Jesus said He was on a mission, one of which was to prepare a dwelling for the Holy Spirit. When He said that, many believed on Him, but some said there was no way the Christ could be born in any other place except in Bethlehem, the City of David!! Sometimes it baffles me why men will just choose to remain ignorant,
  • 15. even of things they could find out for themselves. I agree with Matthew Henry in this when He said, “there are none so incurably blind as those that resolve they will not see…the plainest things are riddles and parables to those who are resolved to hold fast their prejudices; day and night are alike to the blind”. All they needed to do was to research on the place of His nativity, if that was the cause of unbelief – every one except these people knew that Jesus is from Bethlehem and was indeed born there!! Thank GOD that they didn’t care to research before talking, because by their unpremeditated confession, they inadvertently but directly affirm that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ (7:40-42). There are two other things that can be deducted from this chapter; the confession of the soldiers and the Pharisees. The soldiers, even with their regimented minds, could not help but accede to the spirit and life that emanated from the words of the Master (7:45-46) By chiding Nicodemus, the Pharisees agreed that He (Jesus) was more than a prophet. Jesus, by migration and resettlement became a Galilean and so when the Pharisees cited this as evidence-in-chief for rejecting Him, they were right up to the point where they said Jesus was not a prophet, because Jesus Himself said He was more than that! The Pharisees; they were good custodians of traditions and history! (7:52). However, they were wrong to say nothing good comes out of Galilee because everywhere the Creator stepped on becomes ‘good’ and its fruits good. In 8:3-11, the custodian of the Mosaic Law gave Jesus an opportunity to reveal another mystery about Him to them: First lesson here was that, by taking the woman to Jesus, the Pharisees were trying to see how the GOD of righteousness and justice will balance His teaching on love and mercy, when ruling on a case were the accused was caught in the very act. That singular action by these men of Law were accepting indirectly that Jesus’ standard was above and superior to the ordinances of Moses; they knew He preached love, forgiveness and righteousness all at the same time, now they wanted to find out how He will juggle these issues in arriving at a judgment. They thought that the All Wise was about to be trapped by His own standards! But He remains The All Wise. Rather than rush to make a pronouncement, He used the opportunity to lead them into deeper understanding of the Law as given by the “Finger of GOD”, the very one used to write the Mosaic Law on the tablets of stone. They heard about the Finger of GOD from Moses, The Seal of His DivinityPage 15
  • 16. now they were about to see “It” in action decreeing on matters of the Law (8:6), and thus prove to them that the original tablets of Laws were with the Finger of GOD. The Law of the first tablets were the Law of the New Testament which Jesus the author was now re-stating in their time. Hence Jesus seized the occasion given to Him to show that the First tablets of Law came from His Finger (Exodus 31:18, 32:16) compared to the Second set of Laws (Exodus 34:27-28). By the writing on the sands He was telling them, “with this Finger I wrote the First Law – of justice, repentance, mercy and love…with this Finger I will explain what I told Moses to write in the Second” He wrote, but the Jewish leaders and Lawyers could not understand His writing because they were used to Moses’ way of ‘writing’ when deciding a case, and so they continued to pester Him to decree the spilling of blood made innocent by repentance. How I wish Moses was there to tell them that he deliberately removed repentance and mercy peradventure that would make the House of Israel to be more afraid of sin – but we know better with the benefit of hindsight. They could not decipher the hand writing of the Master because they were neither operating at the frequency of the Master nor the level granted Moses. As a result, the All Wise had to come down a notch to verbal interpretation and explanation of what He had written, and His Word – the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin, worked wonders in the lives of those who had came to accuse the poor woman, by convicting them of their own sin. If they had decoded when Jesus wrote, “she is sorry” on the ground, they would not have brought judgment on their consciences; their unconnected hearts demanded justice, and justice they got! When the woman was left alone, the Master interpreted to her the meaning of the second scribbling on the ground, “since you are sorry, I will not condemn you, go and sin no more” That is the man who is GOD; slow to anger, quick to forgive. If this action doesn’t represent the God you serve, then you have no God at all. When the Pharisees questioned the admissibility of His testimony given that no other person corroborated Him, He told them that though that may appear to be true but in His case, it was because they could not see the other person; it is said that no one can call Him LORD except this Most Accomplished Witness open that person’s eyes to see the Majesty of the Man of Sorrows – now that is testimony most exclusive! This means that you have to belong to the privileged club before you can understand the mystery of the Jewish Carpenter. Do not get me wrong! You do not have to pay any price to belong to
  • 17. this group! Just tell Him you are tired of sin and that you realise He is the only one who can pay the price for cleansing your conscience, then stand back and watch Him do His thing! If you have just done this, welcome to the club granted to understand His testimony. To prove that He knew the position of the Law on such matters, He told them, “…the testimony of even two men is true” (8:17). Though here, there was only one man talking. So where was the other Man He had in view? He answers this in 8:18-19. If you recall when He said no man had ever heard the Father speak, then you will understand what Jesus was teaching here! His testimony was complete in itself because He was complete in Himself! CeCe Winans in her album “The Alabaster Box, track nine ” was led by the Holy Spirit to define the Trinity, when she sang, “ can I begin to speak about the GOD I can never comprehend, how the Son of GOD is still the Son of Man, the Father and only Son, the healer and the wounded, both the Shepherd and the Lamb…they are one and the same…#” In the same vein you can never fully understand how the Son is the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit except it is revealed to you. Some Bible academics have argued that Jesus Christ was another Holy man because it is not possible for GOD to be on Earth while He was still in Heaven. You may have to forgive and excuse them; the flesh profits nothing, it is the Spirit that quickens our human intellect to understand things that seem incomprehensible; I am sorry scientists, this one is beyond your intellectual capacity and is a privileged Holy Spiritual experiment! (I Corinthians 2:14-16, 3:18-20) Come on people, to expect GOD to cease to be in His Temple simply because His Manifestation is one Earth is gross underestimation of what you call God, and a denial of His Deity and Divine Omnipresence. An insult to The Divine Mind. GOD will cease to be God the moment He can not retain His presence in Heaven while still manifesting Himself in other time and space. Since that can never happen, He will remain forever the Eternal Holy One, the LORD Jesus Christ! O man, can you not understand? In the October 2007 Edition of the Rhapsody of Realities, Pastor Chris of the Christ Embassy Ministry helps, with his teaching of the 9th day, to make the concept of the Manifestation of GOD clear. Hear him as explains Colossians 2:9-10, he says, “…all the divinity resides in you. You’ve become GOD’s operating centre! You’re loaded with the maximum load of GOD…” May I refer to the underlined as the The Seal of His DivinityPage 17
  • 18. “Godness of GOD”, that is, everything that makes GOD, God – His Eternal Life-force, His creative and redemptive powers. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit can not dwell in you without a full dose of His creative and redemptive natures; little wonder Jesus said “…we will come and abide in you” GOD remains one in any of His Divine natures (I Corinthians 12:3-13) When He had explained to them He was the One, the Jews retorted, “and who are you?” His reply was cute, loaded and precise: “the same that I told you in the beginning” (8:25) It was a simple code that meant: “if you can remember the beginning of my relationship with you, then you can understand who I am…if you can remember what Moses told you about creation then you will understand why the Word is the GOD of creation…I told you in the beginning that I am the GOD of salvation…I told you in the beginning that I am the Spirit that moved upon the waters designing, measuring and quantity-surveying the materials I needed for all my creation…I told you in the beginning that I am the LORD GOD” That was Jesus proclaiming His Majesty, but as a frail human who had set aside His Glory as The Father (Phil. 2:5-11) form He never failed to remind His disciples that it was the Holy Spirit in Him that was actually the GOD and Father (8:26-29), the Father was extremely pleased that Jesus’ humanity was completely inhabited and used by the Holy Spirit of Truth (at any point in time the independent mind of Jesus’ human nature could have rebelled against the Holy Spirit but He didn’t), to buttress this point, He told the Jewish multitude they would have loved Him if GOD were their Father. This is because He was at that moment the GOD they claim to love (8:42). If He was not the GOD of life, there is no way He could have countered the murderer called the Beast. Jesus said he (Satan) was a murderer right from the beginning; how could He have known the antecedent of the enemy if He was not from the beginning. The first mass murder was committed in Heaven when Satan tricked the other angels of GOD into rebellion – by that singular act, he ensured that they are damned for ever. This of course, is the type of death GOD is more concerned about. When he double-tongued Adam and Eve into eating the fruit, he killed them instantly spiritually (he knew exactly what he had done) while promising them they will not die – of course they did not die instantly physically; that is the kind of truth Satan specialises in telling, giving shadows instead of the substance. But we all know that eventually every dead spirit must die physically.
  • 19. The GOD of Life and Truth retained the attributes that give eternal life even though He was human, because the seed of death, otherwise called sin was not in Him neither did He acquire it while here on Earth because with the Word of Life He kept Himself from that destroyer of the human form ( Psalms 17:4) Jesus said earlier that there was none righteous or without sin except the Father, but in 8:46 He claimed He had no sin, and even challenged the people to convict Him of one if they could, since no one could, He wasn’t happy that they could not arrive at the conclusion that He was claiming to be the Father, He could not understand why His people could not understand that they were standing before the Ancient of Days. In 8:50 sought to help us know when He is talking as a human being and when He is talking as the GOD of Heaven and Earth. For mercy’s sake, it is now an established fact who is the GOD of Justice, thus Jesus the human was simply referring to Jesus the LORD GOD. To drive home this fact, He told them in 8:51, “…if a man keeps my saying, he shall never see death”. Jesus knew how to choose His words because He knew that the response of the people will offer Him another opportunity to show who He was. The people, after a careful historical analysis asked Him, “Who are you implying you are? (8:52-53) It was a rhetorical, because they perfectly understood the honour Jesus was claiming; the GOD of Life – an honour reserved for the Eternal Holy Spirit. A careful study of John 8 will show that Jesus Christ is the Master of theological exposition. Just look at the way He rounded off the debate with a carefully worded abstract on the subject of Abraham; the father of all that is Jewish and Arabic! (8:56) Here was a young man in His early thirties revealing a mystery that was 42 generations old – this was unmistakable, He was claiming to be the GOD of everlasting omniscience! And without mincing words, He told them that He is the I AM, the one who is before all, the ageless, timeless and unchangeable I AM; by that proclamation He was saying, “I AM the Being as Being”. Even Abraham, that great patron of faith, pales into insignificance when you compare 42 generations with timeless eternity (8:58). Rather than seek further clarification or believe outright on the I AM, they gave Him another opportunity to show the other side of Him – He simply walked through them as the untouchable, invincible and invisible Essence (8:59). Now tell me, if GOD had come to us in this form, would redemption have been possible? The Seal of His DivinityPage 19
  • 20. As you are still blessing the name of the LORD for coming to us in our own form, let us move to other evidence of His Godness as recorded in the 9th chapter: In the very first verse, Jesus saw a man that was born with defects, not because he was an active sinner but just because he had been contaminated with the general curse of the Earth. Whereas the disciples saw that as an opportunity to pour recriminations, Jesus called that case an opportunity for GOD to show His abilities and as it turned to be, it was His premier ability that was to be displayed – the Creator was about to show the greatest reason He is God; creation! (9:3): “When He had thus spoken, He spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay” Do you remember Genesis 2:6-7? That is it! GOD was here replicating with the same materials how He molded every organ of Adam’s entire human systems. With this He proved that He bore the formula for designing man in His members – the Father was truly here! If in doubt read Psalms 95:6-11 and I Corinthians 10:9. The story of the blind man in 9:11 helped postulate an everlasting truth: GOD has never hidden the substances with which He created man; water and the elements of the Earth. but the formula for making man a spiritual being is the exclusive preserve of the Almighty Creator, maker of the visible and invisible parts of man (Genesis 2:7) If men have learnt the how to mix ‘water’ and the elements of the Earth to make parts of a man, will that make GOD angry? That would be dependent on motive. GOD was the one that allowed men to discover that much about itself, He may also allow the discovery of the formula and procedure for a reason. But if the motive of such knowledge is to water down the relevance of GOD as Creator, then GOD will soon allow them (satanic scientists) to use their discoveries to the hurt of unsuspecting humanity, and thus bring down human civilization from where we know it. And if used in that sense, it is advisable for every true Christian to stay clear from whatever will make him give voice to those who have risen to speak mighty things to blaspheme the GOD of Heaven. Watch it, the anti-Christ will seek to replicate creation using people our brother John the Beloved, in Revelation, referred to as ‘workers of miracles in the sight of men’ but we have been warned! Not only will he seek to duplicate creation, he will also align
  • 21. unrepentant humans in open deviance and rebellion against the GOD of Heaven and Earth: When Jesus was here on His first mission Satan tried to convince Him that the problems of the world were economic, religious and political (Matthew 4:3-9) The problem of the world is not political, religious nor economic, though Satan has been trying to prove these to be the case. He successfully convinced the Jews that all they needed was a political and economic messiah to deliver them from the Roman yoke; that was why they could not recognize their Redeemer when He came to save them from the problem of the world – separation from GOD. Now that the GOD of Heaven and Earth is planning to come again, Satan is again doing all he can to tell the world that all will be well if he can fix their political, religious and economic problems – he has successfully convinced them that these are their only problems. The wise will take heed. Sure enough, his anti-Christ will provide all these, and hence become humanity’s champion. Alas! It will be a temporary illusion designed to keep man from re-uniting with his Creator and GOD. But GOD still wants to take a walk with us in the cool of the evening! Think about this, GOD and man hand in hand strolling round the gardens of the Earth! Think about that and make a wise choice. Now let’s go back to our analysis; 9:25-38 help answer the question how to differentiate between someone who has been healed by the Almighty Creator or by Satan’s lying wonders: after a healing encounter with the Creator, the healed will be converted (saved from sin), new life given and lived, he will become a witness and will publicly worship Jesus as the LORD GOD. In that context, let us observe how this particular healing incidence helped the case of the Godness of Jesus Christ. A typical Jew gives worship to one person only – the LORD their GOD, but this blind man in 9:38 worshipped Jesus Christ. The implication is that he (blind man) was convinced of who Jesus is. To support this, Jesus proclaimed that all those who desire to know the LORD their GOD will be granted their desires but those who think they have already known GOD will remain blind in their ignorance and sin; the blind man desired and got his share of the discovery! If the glory from a miracle is not given to Jesus Christ or if the purpose of a miracle is not to increase faith in Jesus Christ as the LORD GOD, then that miracle is one of the lying wonders of Satan. The Seal of His DivinityPage 21
  • 22. Be careful! Jesus emphasises this theme in 10:1-9. For those who seek miracles as an end in its self, be careful because some miracles are meant to draw you away from GOD so you could be destroyed eternally. To be on the safe side, seek the Giver not the gift because the presence of the Giver in you avails much – it transforms, strengthens and gives abundantly. In 10:28-30, Jesus takes the teaching about His position as the only wise GOD to a deeper realm; He said He is the GOD of eternal life, from whose hand no one can pluck anything, even as no one can pluck anything from the Holy Spirit’s. By this declaration, if His Father were different from Jesus, it means they have the same level of power; or as Jesus was trying to let us know, His flesh and the Holy Spirit refer to the same God The Father! To further complicate an already complicated matter, Jesus told them, “My Father is greater than I” (10:29, 14:12 and 28). This apparent difficulty is quickly resolved by asking just one question: in which partnership can a junior partner have equal legislative, adjudicative and executive powers with the senior partner? It is not obtainable any where in Heaven or Earth. Jesus was here teaching a deeper mystery about Himself. In fact He was quick to put their worries and confusion to rest by stating in the plainest terms the ultimate demystification of the Trinity as recorded in 10:30 – examine the identity of the numbers for easy recollection that the Trinity is One GOD with three natures. You may call this the verse, the Trinity Verse because from the mouth of the Ancient One, herein is the Seal of the Trinity. In this sense we should be able to tell when the Father is speaking as the Son or as the Eternal Holy One. This will also help us to understand that when Jesus talks about the Father, He is talking about His ageless, formless, holy and all powerful Essence. That is why He could say, “The Father is greater than I”. by that declaration He was in essence saying, “I am restricting me with this physical body because of my redemptive mission…in this flesh, I limit my simultaneity and supra- material manifestation…what I can do is greater than what you are seeing me do…my scope of influence is greater than the few I have shown…in this human body I have place restrictions on myself in order to fit into what this body is allowed to do…you should be happy that I am going away because as long as I remain in this body on this Earth no one will have my Eternal Essence…be happy because I will come back to you as the Eternal Holy Spirit…I will
  • 23. come with all my majesty, power and glory…I go away as a physical body but I will come into you as the Eternal One…rejoice because after that what you have seen me do will be little compared to what I shall empower you to do…I shall live in you in my fullest form after your redemption ”(14:23, 28-29). When He talks about The Son, He refers to The GOD who became Man and chose to reject all Divine Privileges in order to be truly 100% man; that aspect of His Natures that was just like any other man but now fully glorified as The Most Mighty GOD (Phil. 29-11). An understanding of Jesus’ hypostatic nature can be gleaned from Zechariah 10:12 and 11:10; here the two natures refer to each other as one and the same. Jesus having known in advance the kind of unnatural power that will be at our disposal after He unleashes His full powers on us declared, “I am taking pains to tell you now, so that when you begin to experience the power, you might believe and worship the one who told you before hand; that He is the power behind your power” In the presence of the multitudes, He shrewdly questioned the Jews, and their answer proved that they understood every nuance He used to describe His Godness (10:32-33). Moreover, they knew the foretold Messiah was the Manifestation of GOD and the LORD GOD Himself but they could not just accept that Jesus, the son of Joseph an obscure carpenter, and Mary a poor housewife was He; but He had already told them, “It is I” (Isaiah 40:22, 41:4, 42:8, 43:11-13). Even as He also said that those who do not believe He Is The One would die in their sin of unbelief (8:24). As should be expected Jesus seized that moment to enlightened them further. This time around, Jesus switched the focus of the analysis from Himself to them, by proving from the scriptures that they themselves were gods! (10:34-35) Why was the House of Israel gods? Israel was called out from among the nations, set apart to receive the divine revelations, the Messiah and ultimately the Holy Spirit; all climaxed at the Holy Ghost festival called the Pentecost. Being set apart to hear and receive GOD made Israel gods. In the same vein, true believers are carriers of GOD and therefore gods themselves. To show that His own Godness was different from ours, He said, “if because the Word came to you, you have become gods, how much more God is the one who carries all that is GOD – the Essence, Creator and Saviour?” (10:36) “Come on gods…” He said, “… do not say I blaspheme because I said I am the Son of GOD, well, even if the circumstance of my birth will not let you believe me, you have seen my work, it is the work of The Seal of His DivinityPage 23
  • 24. the Son of GOD…believe the work, peradventure it might be revealed to you through them, that the GOD who was revealed to your fathers through Moses, is the same one standing before you” (10:37-38). The world will have no excuse for rejecting its Creator because the Man has taken time and with numerous examples to show that He is the One. The events that took place in Bethany will give us another opportunity to see through the words of Jesus that He is the only GOD. It was reported to Jesus in the town beyond the Jordan, where He had gone for His winter holiday that Lazarus, His friend was sick (10:40-11:4). Because He could see far into the future, He saw the number of people that will believe on Him there. Because of this prospect there was need for Jesus to take their belief level to a higher plane, with a miracle so unusual it will take a cursed man to reject or attempt to refute (11:15). Never in the history of humanity had anybody raised someone who had been dead for four days to life. Jesus calls such a miracle an opportunity for GOD to be glorified, nay an opportunity for the Son to be glorified (11:4, 13:31-32). This is where we have to pause and listen to what Jesus was saying: The LORD GOD as revealed to Israel through Moses, starting from the Ten Commandment has in various instances proclaimed, “I am a jealous GOD, my glory I will share with no other”. Jesus was a Jew and understood the Law perfectly; especially the part where no one should contend for attention with GOD; but here He saying that Lazarus’ death was an opportunity for both the Father and the Son to be glorified. At first sight, it might appear that Jesus was contending for GOD’s glory or trying to take what was not His – He wasn’t. He was only stating matter of fact, that the GOD to be glorified was the Son of Man standing before them. Jesus knew that if it could be proven to the multitude that He was the expected Messiah, He would have proven for all time that He is the LORD GOD, because the Jews knew the mystery of the inextricable union of the Messiah and the LORD GOD (it was like the union between a person’s blood, his muscles and skeleton) Therefore whatever He did in the name of GOD was equivalent to Him showing forth His Godness. As it was with the glory, so it was with the one who did the miracle – the one who did the miracle in the spiritual was the same one confirming it in the physical. (11:41-42). The purpose of all true miracles was achieved in this instance (11:18, 19, 45), but it also gave us an opportunity to learn more about Him,
  • 25. the Jewish multitude and the priestly class. In 11:23-26, Jesus spoke about His power to raise the dead in the present, gave an insight into the power behind His own resurrection and therefore, of all believers at the last day. He also hinted at the fate of believers who shall be alive at His second coming. When the people saw the material confirmation of His claims, they reacted differently. Of the Jewish multitude, while Mary, Martha and others believed on Him and confessed He was the Christ, others chose to play politics (11:27, 32, 45, 46). This episode also showed that whereas love for His creatures would cause GOD to weep for their sufferings and pains (11:35-36), accepting Him as the cure for our spiritual deformity and restorer of our dominion is entirely a personal affair. As it was in the days of old, the name and ministry of Jesus always causes the rulers to think about politics and economics (John 11:48, Hosea 2:5). Something is pertinent to note here: rather than believe on the Source of all things, hapless humanity would choose to please Satan to ensure their wealth and influence is not taken away by the most vindictive businessman – Lucifer, GOD has ever created. Come on people, nothing Satan gives today can be compared to what GOD is prepared to give you in this life and in the life to come. Remember Satan spent many eons enjoying the presence of GOD before pride and rebellion cost him his place as the Chief Composer and Conductor of the Temple of Heaven. Do you think that Satan will be glad to see David take his place in the Orchestra of Heaven? That is one of the reasons he is out to confuse us in this era, and just like he was able to manipulate the priests of Jerusalem to misplace their priorities, he is feeding wavering Christians the lie that their life is an inconsequential boredom! If this were so, then the original purpose of GOD would have been to create people who will be tired of His world. But clearly, as evidenced by the creation account, when GOD created man, He gave him activities to occupy his time. First He gave man physical and mental activities – that of tilling, cultivating and naming all the plants and animals. I hope modern day biologists will realize where it all started. When GOD saw that Adam was lonely and much envied the animals, He gave him Eve for companion; He did not make another Adam for Adam, didn’t give him one of the animals or asked him to help himself any way he could. Thus when men accuse the Most High of creating them with depravities, I quickly point them to Romans The Seal of His DivinityPage 25
  • 26. 1:18-32. GOD gives apostate humanity over to these base desires when Europe despised the revelation He gave to them about Him. Now we know the root of the unreasonableness among men. We had been warned even before things got out of hand. Euro-America and apostate copycat Africans, this is your last warning. The coming of Eve was dual-purposed; she added emotional and social activities to Adam’s itinerary. How then can man accuse GOD of stifling his happiness and pleasures when He is the one who gave everything Satan has perverted today? Or does man call His request that he eats everything according to the rules of sincere natural affection and inter-dependent existence a burden? Can any sane society seriously contemplate lawlessness? How has man’s so called freedom from GOD help to solve the problems of strives, racism, war, discrimination, hatred, divorces, broken hearts, criminality, and depressions? GOD’s rules were really guidelines to help us live purposeful lives, take Him out of the equation of world existence, then man’s end is guaranteed because he has the sad tendency to always want to press the self-destruct button. May I for curiosity sake venture these questions: should we as Temples of GOD live lawless lives? If you were GOD, would you stand and watch a creature you made perfect being perverted by another person, if you had the power to correct it? Was Jesus wrong when He died so that our stained consciences can be wiped clean? Why should we trust and fear the creature rather than the Creator? Is man excusable when he fails to acknowledge his Father, Friend and GOD? The men of ancient Jerusalem knew exactly who Jesus was but they made their own choices. I hope some one will get wise today and choose Christ. Now, GOD is a life time study in merciful warnings. He baffles me at all times with His brand of love – there is no way any other being would have revealed divine mysteries to a group that were bent on rejecting Him, in order to sustain their own class. But GOD did, having known that a few would change their minds and believe in the one they were about to crucify (11:49-53). While the debate was raging on how best to eliminate Jesus, GOD passed through the High Priest Caiaphas (remember it was the duty of the High Priest to certify an animal fit for sacrifice) to reveal the mystery of the nature of death Jesus was to die. Does this not ring as significant that it was the High
  • 27. Priest of that year that certified Jesus fit to die to avert the punishment that was to befall spiritual Israel for their wickedness? Isn’t it significant that the High Priest proclaimed that Jesus’ death was enough to atone for the sin of physical Israel and the adopted members of the House of Israel scattered all over the face of the Earth? Of significance also is the fact that this revelation in itself is a confirmation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of GOD and therefore the only GOD in His Only Material Presence and Form. In 12:7 and 16:1-6, 20-22, Jesus showed an unassailable difference between GOD and the man who wanted to be God – it had to do with the matter of Truth. Jesus told the truth about His darkest hour, and the pains to be endured by His followers in their walk with Him. No other being, human or spirit can pass this test of 100% truthfulness. Little wonder then, that the House of Israel captured His Essence with the name, El Emet; the GOD who radiates absolute truth. Quoting Moses’ Law, the people confirmed that the Christ lives forever or in other words that the Christ is supposed to be the everlasting GOD. Indeed they were right in their observation because though His human form paid the supreme price for our redemption yet His Holy Spirit is eternal, therefore the Christ abides for ever according to the Law (12:34). Note that the same Law also stated that the Christ would be led to the slaughter like a lamb prepared for sacrifice – of course He was. Man, know your God! We can see from this two-perspective narrative from the Law that these were written for us to understand deeper mysteries about the Christ The LORD GOD; the Eternal Holy Spirit whose physical form had to taste death so that He might redeem our spirits and bodies from eternal death. Nothing can be clearer. John 12:12-18 records enactment of events that will take place at Jesus second coming; first an enactment of the feast of the marriage supper of the Lamb, and then an eternal taste and savouring of the splendor and grandeur His inauguration as the Eternal King of Universal Israel ruling from His Throne of Majesty in the New Jerusalem. Come Holy Spirit, come. Selah. As He is the GOD of Peace, His reign shall usher in universal peace between men, between man and animals, in fact between man and all the creatures of GOD in the entire universe, who are currently groaning under the curse they have had to endure because of man’s fall. The Pharisees saw the enactment of all these, and they understood the implications and their helplessness at stopping a moving supersonic train; they could do nothing but exclaim in The Seal of His DivinityPage 27
  • 28. exasperation, “…behold the world is gone after Him” (12:19) – why would the world not go after Him, after all it is His world! The handy work of His Fingers! I hope you have too! If you have not, please get down on your knees and do it, especially if you are a Gentile! A Gentile is any one that is not a biological child of Israel. Yet this were the people Jesus was waiting for to come to Israel to seek Him, because they understood that it was in Israel that the LORD GOD had chosen to put His name. By revelation, they understood and came to Him there. The implication of this is that you must receive the GOD that was revealed to the House of Israel before you can be sure of eternal life; He is the GOD who creates, redeems and sustains. The Gentiles as represented by the ancient Greeks came to Jerusalem to worship. When they got there, they sought to see the one they had come to worship and when it was told Jesus of this development, He proclaimed, “the hour has come” (12:20-23 compared with Isaiah 65:1) The Gentiles came to seek the one who forgives without demanding to be pacified with the lives of their sons and daughters; they came to sacrifice for their sins, but they had heard that the Christ is both the perfect sacrifice for their sins and the one to whom all atonement for sins were offered, and so they sought for Him. They were in Jerusalem to offer atonement that yields salvation for perfect worship. When the arrival of these pilgrims was reported to the one who freely gives salvation, He replied, “…for this cause I came into the world” (12:27). Because the Gentiles were ready for salvation; and by the single action of searching for the true GOD, it was granted them to share in the Commonwealth of Israel (Isaiah 63:16-19). It is significant that Jesus had to wait for the Gentiles to be ready before deciding that was time for His crucifixion; that date marked the beginning of the time of the Gentiles when they were admitted beyond The Court of the Gentiles, even into The Mercy Seat (Mal. 1:11), and from that day their spiritual timidity and the outsider tag were taken away (Psalm 18:43-45). Again it was significant because Israel was waiting for their Redeemer but did not know Him when He came into their midst, but on the other hand, the Gentiles never had such thought in their minds but the moment they thought they needed salvation, they realized salvation had to be found in Israel; and when they got to Jerusalem, the City of the Great King, they asked to be introduced to Him; that
  • 29. singular action reassured the King that His painful experience will not be in vain and also signal the beginning of the preparation for the divine sacrifice. The action of the Gentiles was a fulfillment of the prophecy by the mouth of King David (Psalms 18:43-45). This confirmation of faith in the GOD of Israel was necessary before the Messiah’s death, so that through the testimony of the Gentiles, the GOD of Israel might restore unto Himself the remnant of the House of Israel. The preaching of salvation in the GOD of Israel, to the House of Israel by the Gentiles will confirm to the House of Israel that their LORD GOD walked their rugged soil to Golgotha as was prophesied! (Romans 11:31-34) That is the mystery of the plans of Jesus, the GOD of Israel; the ones Satan didn’t know about when he tried to condemn Israel to damnation with politics and economics (Hosea 2:5). That is why Satan has been trying to engineer their extermination, when he discovered the folly of his strategy. He will continue to fail until millions of the House of Israel is saved, and the special 144,000 sealed as eternal Ministers-in-Council. By the way, can you beat the Splendour and Majesty of my God – a King with 144,000 Prime Ministers? A symbolism representing the perfect number of redeemed humanity! You have got to be kidding if you claim you can imagine the fullness of the coming glory! The House of Israel must be sealed and saved before the end comes because in them is the fullness of the revelation of redemption; and thus an end in itself in this last days. Just before His crucifixion, Jesus once again called the people to accept His testimony by saying, “once upon a time, you believed in the GOD that gave Commandments to you through Moses, believe now on Him who has the power to give a new Commandment right here, because He is the one who gave the old…some times ago, you believed in the GOD that revealed Himself through your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The one who delivered you through Moses and kept you by the words of the prophet; in the same manner that you believed the unseen Eternal One, believe likewise in Him now that He has chosen to appear in human form” (13:34 and 14:1 paraphrased) As we bring this chapter to a close, let us read John 14:6-10 together. Here Jesus asserts that He is the Truth in absolute terms, the Life in absolute terms and the absolute Way to the Father. By these declarations, He was once calling Himself the only GOD because only GOD enjoys everything in absolute terms! This He confirms by The Seal of His DivinityPage 29
  • 30. proclaiming, “I am the Immanu El, the visible GOD of the invisible GOD, I enclose the Father and He encloses me in a tangle that can never be sorted out because I AM the I AM” There is no better way GOD could have explain to us that He is the only One than this! And so when He was rebuking Philip, He saying, “Is it possible that I the Father have spent 33 years with you and you claim you not seen and known me? Get serious Philip, believe me when I said if you seen me you have seen the Father…my dear Philip believe me when I say you have seen the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of Truth; the one who the world can never see, know nor receive…right now, my presence is the only comfort you need because I am sufficient for all needs but when I go away in this body, I will not leave you comfortless, I will send you another form of my comfort…I will come back to you as the other Comforter; the Holy Spirit” (14:16-18) From all our study on Jesus Christ, we safely say that the above declaration by Jesus is the revelation of the nature of the Godhead; the Trinity Matrix, and is given to those who desire the truth (14:21). It is this Matrix that Jesus promised will dwell with the believer (14:17, 23). There is no greater joy than for the whole Essence of GOD to sit by your side, and live inside of you at the same time – your friend and GOD. That was the reason He came to die; that He may call His friend! People of GOD; there is no doubt that Jesus is one and the same GOD no matter how He decides to relate with us. He is the same person who can speak in different dimensions of His existence (14:26 and 15:26; 16:25 and 16:12-16), The Spiritual and The Physical! John’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus is an exciting illumination on the subject of the Deity of Jesus Christ, the only wise GOD. However I can not conclude the analysis of this book without revising important fallout of His claim of Divinity – the Kingship of Israel: When Pilate asked Him, “…art thou the King of the Jews?” (18:33), His reply was stunning, thought provoking and pointed: “this confession that you are making Pilate, are you just making it or is it because you are convinced I am the King of Israel? However Pilate, my Kingdom is not of this present world else my servants; the angels of GOD would have wipe out a whole planet to ensure no Jew laid his hand on me…listen closely Pilate, the Israel I have in mind is not of this present system, it is the Universal Israel of redeemed humanity…
  • 31. it was for their redemption that I came to the world, to bear witness of Him who is the true King, therefore everyone who is loyal to the true King hears me and obeys me…you have confessed that I am the King…you know what? You are right, I am the King that came to bear witness to the Truth” (18:34; 36-37) After this lecture, Pilate did something rather curious; he question Jesus but did not wait for answers, rather he quickly went out to confess to those outside that there was no fault in the claims of Jesus Christ as the King of Israel – that was the truth he sought to know and it was granted him to understand it at that very instant. That was why he was emboldened to ask the multitude, “should I release to you the King of the Jews?’(18:38-39). Again just before the crucifixion, Pilate once more proclaimed Jesus as the King of Israel (19:14). Unknown to Pilate, what he was doing, in the spiritual realm was to hand over the rulership of Israel to the rightful owner; he was, on behalf of the human race declaring that only GOD had the right to govern mankind. What he was saying to the multitude, in the spiritual realm meant, “I present to you the rightful King for His coronation, I am sorry, I had usurped His authority” That proclamation was done with so much conviction that at the death of Jesus, Pilate wrote the crime for which He was put to be: “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (19:19) This guilty charge was clearly written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin – the languages of religion, philosophy and government (19:20) Thus even today in the spheres of religion, philosophy of science, and politics, Jesus has remained King and a recurring decimal. Can you beat this; The King was condemned to die because He is Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews! When Satan; a perpetual late comer saw the implication of what he had thought would be scorn to his Creator, he influenced the Chief Priests to have it reversed (same old trick and method) to an inconsequential “I am a King of the Jews”, but Pilate, for the first time in his adult life stood up to his convictions; that Jesus is the only King, therefore he was bold to say, “I have written it so because I know it is so – He is the King of the Jews” (19:21-22). Just in case you do not know the implication of this office, may I remind you that the King of the Jews is the King of Glory; the GOD of Israel (Psalms 29:10, 24:7-10; Ezekiel 1:26-28, 2:23, 8:4, 10:20; Zechariah 9:9, 14:16; Malachi 1:4; Isaiah 43:15, 44:6; Revelation 1:4,8,11,17-18; 4:2-4,8; 11:16-17; John 12:13). If Pilate missed out from being a member of Christ’ Kingdom, it was The Seal of His DivinityPage 31
  • 32. not because of ignorance but the usual suspect; crave for political and economic power based on the standards and dictates of Satan (19:12). Hear the conclusion of the whole matter. After Jesus had shown all the bits and pieces of the divine puzzle of His Godness, and paid the price for them to be accessed, He decreed, “it is finished”(19:30). Therefore any man who seeks to know Him and the power of His resurrection is given the permission and ability to correctly fit these pieces together. Little wonder then that Peter, soon after Jesus’ triumph over the nemesis of humanity’s disobedience, re-stated what he had always known and was now ready die for; that Jesus was the El Rohi (21:17). Thomas the scientist-disciple put a seal upon Jesus’ Universal Deity by proclaiming Him LORD and GOD (20:28). That was another way of calling Him Elohim – the LORD GOD of Genesis 1:1; the very GOD that was revealed to the Israelites through Moses. This is the seal of the whole essence of man’s life, to discover that Jesus Christ is the LORD GOD of Israel. Next time you think God, think Jesus of Nazareth. Quod Erat Demonstradum. CAVEAT EMPTOR John 5:23, 26 (That all men should honour The Son, even as they honour The Father. He that honoureth not The Son honoureth not The Father which hath sent Him…For as The Son hath Life in Himself, so hath He given to The Son to have Life in himself.) John 8:19 (Then said they unto Him, where is thy Father? Jesus answered; Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.) John 12:44-45 (Jesus cried and said, he that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on Him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth Him that sent me) 1 John 5:1 (Whosoever believeth that Jesus is The Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth Him also that is begotten of Him) 1 John 2:22-23 (Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is The Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth The Father and The Son.
  • 33. Whosoever denieth The Son, the same hath not The Father: but he that acknowledge The Son hath The Father also) 1 John 4:2-3 (Hereby know ye The Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world) N/B: As we count down to the end of days; note and observe closely, any Emperor that resurrects and promotes the interest of this religion that denies The Father and The Son, is The Antichrist – The Man of Lawlessness; Satan Incarnate – Satan’s son, Lord of the 8th Biblical Empire. Get wisdom from 1 John 2:22-23; any religion or organization that openly opposes what The Bible says concerning Jesus is antichristian. And any world leader in whose hands the antichristian religion prospers is The Antichrist. In conclusion, none of the arguments and evidence we have put forward can fully disclose Jesus to you. Together these add up to just a whisper of knowledge of The Most Mighty King. To know Jesus, you must believe in Him first, thereafter He will give you further light if you truly want to know Him. The greatest question that will herald the end of days is, “who do you say Jesus is?” The Bible declares that He is The LORD GOD, YHWH. This is The Key to Eternal Life. When people begin to tell you we are worshipping the same God, tell them except that God is Jesus of Nazareth, there is no truth in them. Beloved; repent of your sins, accept Jesus as your Saviour, Lord, King and God OR oppose Him at your peril. Choose Jesus, choose life and receive the eternal blessings that come with Jesus. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus for all is ready. When you are convinced or reminded, share with others. Enquiries The Seal of His DivinityPage 33
  • 34. to: