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Discover User Intent
Get Insights At Your Fingertips
Boost Your
1. What is intent data?
2.How is intent data collected?
3. How can I use intent data?
4. What are the challenges of using intent data?
5.What are intent signals?
1. Introduction
1. Helps Recognize Champion Prospects
2. It Bolsters Marketing Campaigns
Intent Data is in a Flux
Intent Data has Two Salient Advantages
that Has Contemporary Marketers Hooked
1. Take a Closer Look at Keywords
2. Keep an eye out for Brand Mentions
3. Be Vigilant with Website Visitors
4. Analyze Social Media Engagement
5. Employ Heat Mapping
6. There’s Nothing Wrong with Asking
How Marketers Ascertain Hidden Intent with a Shift in
Perspective and Existing Tools
1. Use what they like
2. Meet them where they are
3. Give them what they want
4. Figure out what works best
5. Determine when they are online
Use Intent Signals: Peek Into Your Prospects’
Mind and Modify Campaigns for Victory
1. Spot Early Opportunities
2. Lead Scoring
3. Using intent data for ABM
4. Intent data for direct mail
5. Targeted Advertising
Use Intent Data to Desgin Air-Tight Marketing
Campaings that Dirve ROI Through the Roof
To Summerize
• What is intent data?
Intent data is one of the most powerful tools that B2B businesses have at their
disposal today.
It allows businesses to track and understand the online behavior of their target
audiences, and use that information to create highly targeted marketing and sales
There are a few things that you need to know about intent data in order to make the
most of it. But before we get to that let’s make sure we’re on the same page.
Its data collected on the (online) behavior of users. This (data) can be used to
understand what prospects are interested in, and then alter marketing and sales
campaigns accordingly.
• How is intent data collected?
Intent data is collected via various techniques: tracking the online behavior of
users, monitoring search engine queries, and using social media data.
• How can I use intent data?
• What are the challenges of using intent data?
There are a number of ways that you can use intent data. One way is to create
highly targeted marketing and sales campaigns with the help of the data you’ve
procured. Another way is to use the data to better understand the online behav-
ior of your prospects.
There are a few challenges that you may face when using intent data. One
challenge is that it can be difficult to collect accurate data. Another challenge is
that you may not be able to use all of the data that you collect.
• What are intent signals?
Intent signals are essentially online behaviors that indicate someone's level
of interest in a particular topic.
For example, someone who searches for "content marketing tips" is likely interested
in learning more about content marketing. On the other hand, someone who
searches for "content marketing agencies" is likely further along in the buyer's
journey and is interested in finding a content marketing agency to work with. As a
marketer, you need to use intent signals to better understand your audience and
create more targeted content.
Intent data is a powerful tool that can be used to create targeted marketing and
sales campaigns. However, there are a few things that you need to know about
intent data in order to make the most of it.
Intent data helps measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and
makes sure that you are only prioritizing time and money on the campaigns that are
actually working.
In short, intent data allows you to glance at the behavior—and intent—of an
individual, or organization. This can include things like search engine queries,
website interactions, and even social media activity.
Essentially, intent data can help you understand what your target audience
is interested in and how they're engaging with your brand.
Let's take a closer look at two prominent advantages of intent data that B2B
marketers love.
One of the biggest challenges in B2B marketing is generating high-quality
leads. And while there are a number of ways to do this, intent data is a valu-
able tool in your lead generation efforts.
Understanding the behavior—and intent—of your target audience helps better iden-
tify prospects that are most likely to purchase your product or service. This in turn,
can help you focus marketing efforts on the right people, improving overall lead
quality, saving time and resources.
Intent Data Has Two Salient Advantages
That Hooks Contemporary Marketers
• Helps Recognize Champion Prospects
In addition to its valuable input that generates top-quality leads, intent data can also
be used to improve marketing campaigns.
By understanding how your target audience is engaging with your brand, you can
adjust your campaigns to better meet their needs. This can result in more effective
campaigns that generate better results.
If you're not already using intent data in your marketing efforts, now is the time to
start. It could very well be the key to unlocking better results for your business.
We all know that data is important. But when it comes to understanding the custom-
er journey, intent data is still maturing and evolving. Studies connote the following:
Lead scoring
Account-based marketing
Content personalization
Intent Data is in a Flux
The most common use cases for intent data are
The top benefits of using intent data are:
• It Bolsters Marketing Campaigns
Improved lead quality
Increased win rates
Efficient sales
Marketing alignment
Looking to the future, the top three areas where businesses see the most
opportunity for improvement with intent data are:
Real-time data
Predictive analytics
Historical data
Businesses see—and many are even harnessing—the value in using intent data as
we speak. But, scope for improvement has been chalked out by marketers and
xperts. However, the perennial evolution of technology heralds an influx of more
use cases, and benefits.
Businesses see—and many are even harnessing—the value in using intent data as
we speak. But, scope for improvement has been chalked out by marketers and
experts. However, the perennial evolution of technology heralds an influx of more
use cases, and benefits.
How Marketers Ascertain Hidden Intent
with a Shift in Perspective and Existing Tools
One of the best ways to understand intent is through keyword research.
When you research keywords, you can see what people are searching for
and the intent behind their searches.
For example, if you're selling software, you might want to target the keyword
"best software for small businesses." By understanding the intent behind
this keyword, you can create content that helps small businesses find the
best software for their needs.
• Take a Closer Look at Keywords
Mentions of your brand can also be a good indicator of intent. For example, if some-
one mentions your brand in a positive light, they might be interested in learning
more about your product or service.
On the other hand, if someone mentions your brand in a negative light, they
might have had a negative experience with your brand
Monitoring your brand mentions can give you a better understanding of the
intent behind them.
• Keep an eye out for Brand Mentions
If someone visits your pricing page, they might be interested in buying your product.
On the other hand, if someone visits your FAQ page, they might be having a
problem with your product and be looking for a solution. Looking at your
website traffic can give you a better understanding of the intent behind it.
• Be Vigilant with Website Visitors
If someone comments on one of your blog posts, they might be interested in the
topic. On the other hand, if someone shares one of your blog posts, they might think
it's valuable and worth sharing with their network.
Analyzing your social media engagement can give you a better understanding of
the intent your prospects harbor.
• Analyze Social Media Engagement
Heat mapping tools can also be helpful for understanding intent. For example, if you
use a heat mapping tool to see where people are clicking on your website, you can
get a better understanding of what they're interested in. This can reveal a great deal
of insight as to whether the lead is hot or cold.
• Employ Heat Mapping
You can always ask your customers what their intent is. For example, if you have a
contact form on your website, you can ask people (kindly) to divulge their intent.
This is a good start for gaining a better understanding of why people are visiting.
Asking your customers about their intent will give you valuable insights.
• There’s Nothing Wrong with Asking
Use Intent Signals Peek Into Your Prospects’
Mind and Modify Campaigns for Victory
Track which types of content are most popular with your audience. This can be done
by looking at things like social media engagement, time spent on page, and bounce
• Use what they like
Find out where your audience is spending most of their time online. This can be
done by looking at things like web traffic data and social media insights.
• Meet them where they are
Track which topics are most popular with your audience. This can be done by look-
ing at things like blog comments, forum posts, social media mentions, and results
from nascent campaigns.
• Give them what they want
Assess what type of marketing and content your audience prefers. This can be done
by looking at things like download rates, time spent on page, and engagement
• Figure out what works best
Another way to use intent signals is to find out what time of day your audience is
most active. This can be done by looking at things like web traffic data and social
media insights.By tracking these intent signals, you can gain valuable insights into
your audience's interests and how they want to consume your content. This, in turn,
can help you to better tailor your content marketing efforts to their needs.
• Determine when they are online
Use Intent Data to Design Air-Tight Marketing
Campaigns that Drive ROI Through the Roof
Early opportunities are those that exist before a need is fully formed. They're
based on someone's current situation and needs.
• Spot Early Opportunities
Intent data can help you understand a lot about your leads, including their inter-
ests, their needs, and their intent. This information can be extremely valu-
able when it comes to lead scoring.
For example, let's say you have a lead who's been visiting your website for the
past week. They've looked at a lot of pages, including your pricing page and your
product page.
Based on their web browsing behavior, it's clear that they're interested in your
product and are considering making a purchase. Now, let's say you have another
lead who visited your website for the first time today. They only looked at your
home page and then left. Clearly, this lead is not as progressed in the buyer's
journey as much as the first lead has. They're not as interested in your product,
and are less likely to make a purchase.
This is where lead scoring comes in. Lead scoring is a way of assigning a numeric
value to a lead, based on their likelihood of converting. The higher the score, the
more likely the lead is to convert. Lead scoring can be a complex process, but
using intent data can make it a lot easier.
• Lead Scoring
For example, imagine you're a salesperson. You know that your company offers a
product that can help your prospect with their current situation. But you also know
that they haven't yet fully formed a need for your product.
You can use intent data to identify early opportunities by understanding what your
prospect is trying to do and why they're trying to do it.
By understanding the intent of your leads, you can score them more accurately
and focus your efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert
The main reason intent is important for ABM is because intent data helps you focus
your efforts on the accounts that are most likely to convert.
Here are some other benefits:
For example, let's say you are selling a new software solution. You could use intent
data to target accounts that have been searching for keywords related to your
product. This would be a much more efficient use of your time than trying to sell to
accounts that have no interest in your product.
Intent data is a powerful tool that can be used to supercharge your ABM efforts. By
using intent data, you can focus your efforts on the accounts that are most likely to
convert. Additionally, you can use intent data to create personalized messages,
send relevant content, and even create account-based advertising.
• Using intent data for ABM
Intent data is information that can help you understand what your prospects are
looking for and how they're interacting with your brand. This data can be used to
improve your direct email campaigns in several ways.
First, you can use intent data to segment your email list. This way, you can send
more targeted and relevant emails to your prospects.
Second, you can use intent data to create more personalized emails. By under-
standing what your prospects are interested in, you can tailor your emails to their
specific needs and interests.
Third, you can use intent data to timing your emails. By understanding when your
• Intent data for direct mail
You can be more efficient with your marketing efforts
You can build stronger relationships with your most valuable accounts
You can better align your marketing and sales efforts
prospects are interested in your product or service, you can time your emails to
arrive when they're most likely to convert.
Finally, you can use intent data to track your results. By tracking how your prospects
interact with your emails, you can fine-tune your campaigns for even better results.
There are a few key reasons why you might want to use intent data for targeted ad-
First, you need to make sure that you're collecting intent data from the right sourc-
es. Intent data can be collected from a variety of sources, including online search
engines, social media, and website behavior.
Second, you need to make sure that you're using the right tools to collect and ana-
lyze intent data. There are a variety of tools available that can help you to collect
and analyze intent data.
Third, you need to make sure that you're using the right techniques to target your
ads. There are a variety of techniques you can use to target your ads, including re-
targeting, geotargeting, and demographic targeting.
Fourth, you need to make sure that you're monitoring your results. You should track
your results so that you can see how your targeted advertising is performing.
Fifth, you need to make sure that you're constantly testing and optimizing your tar-
geted advertising campaigns. You should always be looking for ways to improve
your targeted advertising campaigns.
Intent data can help you to understand what your target audience is interested in.
This information can then be used to create more targeted and effective advertis-
ing campaigns.
Intent data can help you to reach your target audience at the right time. For exam-
ple, if you know that someone is searching for a particular product or service, you
can target them with an ad for that product or service.
Intent data can help you to save money on your advertising budget. By targeting
your ads more effectively, you can avoid wasting money on ads that are not likely
to be seen by your target audience.
• Targeted Advertising
To Summarize
Intent data enables companies to watch and understand the online activity of their
target consumers, enabling them to develop highly focused marketing and sales
efforts. Intent data provides a snapshot of the behavior and intent of a person or
Account-based marketing and content personalisation strategies two places where
intent data is most widely used.
A visitor on your pricing page may be interested in purchasing. Examining website
traffic provides insight into intent.
Social media interaction analysis also provides insight into the interests of prospects.
Tracking intent signals provides useful insights into the interests of your audience and
how they like to buy from you.
Intent data is a potent resource that may be utilized to supercharge ABM initiatives.
Lead scoring is the process of assigning a quantitative score to a lead based on
conversion probability. You can then concentrate on target accounts that are most
likely to convert. This data may then be utilized to develop more targeted and efficient
advertising strategies.
Account Based Marketing
Content Syndication
Intent-Based Marketing
Opt-in List Building
Demand Research
Content Creation
Check out Digitalzone’s Blog on Intent-based Marketing.
Plus, topics like Content Syndication, Opt-in List Building,
ABM Topics, Demand Research, and Content Creation.
While you’re enjoying these, you might also want to take a
peek at our MarTech Report, Case Studies, and
Researched Whitepapers.
Harvest An Avalanche of Leads with
Intent-based Marketing, Today!
Leverage a global B2B database of 71 million companies, and
the experience of managing 46,872 successful campaigns for
US companies. We help B2B companies, just like yours, with
a variety of lead gen programs:
Get in touch with us, skyrocket sales today. Syndication

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  • 1. Discover User Intent Get Insights At Your Fingertips Boost Your Today
  • 2. Content 01 02 03 04 06 07 10 1. What is intent data? 2.How is intent data collected? 3. How can I use intent data? 4. What are the challenges of using intent data? 5.What are intent signals? 1. Introduction 1. Helps Recognize Champion Prospects 2. It Bolsters Marketing Campaigns Intent Data is in a Flux 3. Intent Data has Two Salient Advantages that Has Contemporary Marketers Hooked 2. 1. Take a Closer Look at Keywords 2. Keep an eye out for Brand Mentions 3. Be Vigilant with Website Visitors 4. Analyze Social Media Engagement 5. Employ Heat Mapping 6. There’s Nothing Wrong with Asking How Marketers Ascertain Hidden Intent with a Shift in Perspective and Existing Tools 4. 1. Use what they like 2. Meet them where they are 3. Give them what they want 4. Figure out what works best 5. Determine when they are online Use Intent Signals: Peek Into Your Prospects’ Mind and Modify Campaigns for Victory 5. 1. Spot Early Opportunities 2. Lead Scoring 3. Using intent data for ABM 4. Intent data for direct mail 5. Targeted Advertising Use Intent Data to Desgin Air-Tight Marketing Campaings that Dirve ROI Through the Roof 6. To Summerize 7.
  • 3. Introduction • What is intent data? 1 Intent data is one of the most powerful tools that B2B businesses have at their disposal today. It allows businesses to track and understand the online behavior of their target audiences, and use that information to create highly targeted marketing and sales campaigns. There are a few things that you need to know about intent data in order to make the most of it. But before we get to that let’s make sure we’re on the same page. Its data collected on the (online) behavior of users. This (data) can be used to understand what prospects are interested in, and then alter marketing and sales campaigns accordingly. • How is intent data collected? Intent data is collected via various techniques: tracking the online behavior of users, monitoring search engine queries, and using social media data. • How can I use intent data? • What are the challenges of using intent data? There are a number of ways that you can use intent data. One way is to create highly targeted marketing and sales campaigns with the help of the data you’ve procured. Another way is to use the data to better understand the online behav- ior of your prospects. There are a few challenges that you may face when using intent data. One challenge is that it can be difficult to collect accurate data. Another challenge is that you may not be able to use all of the data that you collect. • What are intent signals? Intent signals are essentially online behaviors that indicate someone's level of interest in a particular topic.
  • 4. 2 For example, someone who searches for "content marketing tips" is likely interested in learning more about content marketing. On the other hand, someone who searches for "content marketing agencies" is likely further along in the buyer's journey and is interested in finding a content marketing agency to work with. As a marketer, you need to use intent signals to better understand your audience and create more targeted content. Intent data is a powerful tool that can be used to create targeted marketing and sales campaigns. However, there are a few things that you need to know about intent data in order to make the most of it. Intent data helps measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and makes sure that you are only prioritizing time and money on the campaigns that are actually working. In short, intent data allows you to glance at the behavior—and intent—of an individual, or organization. This can include things like search engine queries, website interactions, and even social media activity. Essentially, intent data can help you understand what your target audience is interested in and how they're engaging with your brand. Let's take a closer look at two prominent advantages of intent data that B2B marketers love. One of the biggest challenges in B2B marketing is generating high-quality leads. And while there are a number of ways to do this, intent data is a valu- able tool in your lead generation efforts. Understanding the behavior—and intent—of your target audience helps better iden- tify prospects that are most likely to purchase your product or service. This in turn, can help you focus marketing efforts on the right people, improving overall lead quality, saving time and resources. Intent Data Has Two Salient Advantages That Hooks Contemporary Marketers • Helps Recognize Champion Prospects
  • 5. 3 In addition to its valuable input that generates top-quality leads, intent data can also be used to improve marketing campaigns. By understanding how your target audience is engaging with your brand, you can adjust your campaigns to better meet their needs. This can result in more effective campaigns that generate better results. If you're not already using intent data in your marketing efforts, now is the time to start. It could very well be the key to unlocking better results for your business. We all know that data is important. But when it comes to understanding the custom- er journey, intent data is still maturing and evolving. Studies connote the following: Lead scoring Account-based marketing Content personalization Intent Data is in a Flux The most common use cases for intent data are The top benefits of using intent data are: • It Bolsters Marketing Campaigns Improved lead quality Increased win rates Efficient sales Marketing alignment Looking to the future, the top three areas where businesses see the most opportunity for improvement with intent data are: Real-time data Predictive analytics Historical data
  • 6. 4 Businesses see—and many are even harnessing—the value in using intent data as we speak. But, scope for improvement has been chalked out by marketers and xperts. However, the perennial evolution of technology heralds an influx of more use cases, and benefits. Businesses see—and many are even harnessing—the value in using intent data as we speak. But, scope for improvement has been chalked out by marketers and experts. However, the perennial evolution of technology heralds an influx of more use cases, and benefits. How Marketers Ascertain Hidden Intent with a Shift in Perspective and Existing Tools One of the best ways to understand intent is through keyword research. When you research keywords, you can see what people are searching for and the intent behind their searches. For example, if you're selling software, you might want to target the keyword "best software for small businesses." By understanding the intent behind this keyword, you can create content that helps small businesses find the best software for their needs. • Take a Closer Look at Keywords Mentions of your brand can also be a good indicator of intent. For example, if some- one mentions your brand in a positive light, they might be interested in learning more about your product or service. On the other hand, if someone mentions your brand in a negative light, they might have had a negative experience with your brand Monitoring your brand mentions can give you a better understanding of the intent behind them. • Keep an eye out for Brand Mentions
  • 7. 5 If someone visits your pricing page, they might be interested in buying your product. On the other hand, if someone visits your FAQ page, they might be having a problem with your product and be looking for a solution. Looking at your website traffic can give you a better understanding of the intent behind it. • Be Vigilant with Website Visitors If someone comments on one of your blog posts, they might be interested in the topic. On the other hand, if someone shares one of your blog posts, they might think it's valuable and worth sharing with their network. Analyzing your social media engagement can give you a better understanding of the intent your prospects harbor. • Analyze Social Media Engagement Heat mapping tools can also be helpful for understanding intent. For example, if you use a heat mapping tool to see where people are clicking on your website, you can get a better understanding of what they're interested in. This can reveal a great deal of insight as to whether the lead is hot or cold. • Employ Heat Mapping You can always ask your customers what their intent is. For example, if you have a contact form on your website, you can ask people (kindly) to divulge their intent. This is a good start for gaining a better understanding of why people are visiting. Asking your customers about their intent will give you valuable insights. • There’s Nothing Wrong with Asking
  • 8. 6 Use Intent Signals Peek Into Your Prospects’ Mind and Modify Campaigns for Victory Track which types of content are most popular with your audience. This can be done by looking at things like social media engagement, time spent on page, and bounce rate. • Use what they like Find out where your audience is spending most of their time online. This can be done by looking at things like web traffic data and social media insights. • Meet them where they are Track which topics are most popular with your audience. This can be done by look- ing at things like blog comments, forum posts, social media mentions, and results from nascent campaigns. • Give them what they want Assess what type of marketing and content your audience prefers. This can be done by looking at things like download rates, time spent on page, and engagement rates. • Figure out what works best Another way to use intent signals is to find out what time of day your audience is most active. This can be done by looking at things like web traffic data and social media insights.By tracking these intent signals, you can gain valuable insights into your audience's interests and how they want to consume your content. This, in turn, can help you to better tailor your content marketing efforts to their needs. • Determine when they are online
  • 9. 7 Use Intent Data to Design Air-Tight Marketing Campaigns that Drive ROI Through the Roof Early opportunities are those that exist before a need is fully formed. They're based on someone's current situation and needs. • Spot Early Opportunities Intent data can help you understand a lot about your leads, including their inter- ests, their needs, and their intent. This information can be extremely valu- able when it comes to lead scoring. For example, let's say you have a lead who's been visiting your website for the past week. They've looked at a lot of pages, including your pricing page and your product page. Based on their web browsing behavior, it's clear that they're interested in your product and are considering making a purchase. Now, let's say you have another lead who visited your website for the first time today. They only looked at your home page and then left. Clearly, this lead is not as progressed in the buyer's journey as much as the first lead has. They're not as interested in your product, and are less likely to make a purchase. This is where lead scoring comes in. Lead scoring is a way of assigning a numeric value to a lead, based on their likelihood of converting. The higher the score, the more likely the lead is to convert. Lead scoring can be a complex process, but using intent data can make it a lot easier. • Lead Scoring For example, imagine you're a salesperson. You know that your company offers a product that can help your prospect with their current situation. But you also know that they haven't yet fully formed a need for your product. You can use intent data to identify early opportunities by understanding what your prospect is trying to do and why they're trying to do it.
  • 10. 8 By understanding the intent of your leads, you can score them more accurately and focus your efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert The main reason intent is important for ABM is because intent data helps you focus your efforts on the accounts that are most likely to convert. Here are some other benefits: For example, let's say you are selling a new software solution. You could use intent data to target accounts that have been searching for keywords related to your product. This would be a much more efficient use of your time than trying to sell to accounts that have no interest in your product. Intent data is a powerful tool that can be used to supercharge your ABM efforts. By using intent data, you can focus your efforts on the accounts that are most likely to convert. Additionally, you can use intent data to create personalized messages, send relevant content, and even create account-based advertising. • Using intent data for ABM Intent data is information that can help you understand what your prospects are looking for and how they're interacting with your brand. This data can be used to improve your direct email campaigns in several ways. First, you can use intent data to segment your email list. This way, you can send more targeted and relevant emails to your prospects. Second, you can use intent data to create more personalized emails. By under- standing what your prospects are interested in, you can tailor your emails to their specific needs and interests. Third, you can use intent data to timing your emails. By understanding when your • Intent data for direct mail You can be more efficient with your marketing efforts You can build stronger relationships with your most valuable accounts You can better align your marketing and sales efforts
  • 11. 9 prospects are interested in your product or service, you can time your emails to arrive when they're most likely to convert. Finally, you can use intent data to track your results. By tracking how your prospects interact with your emails, you can fine-tune your campaigns for even better results. There are a few key reasons why you might want to use intent data for targeted ad- vertising. First, you need to make sure that you're collecting intent data from the right sourc- es. Intent data can be collected from a variety of sources, including online search engines, social media, and website behavior. Second, you need to make sure that you're using the right tools to collect and ana- lyze intent data. There are a variety of tools available that can help you to collect and analyze intent data. Third, you need to make sure that you're using the right techniques to target your ads. There are a variety of techniques you can use to target your ads, including re- targeting, geotargeting, and demographic targeting. Fourth, you need to make sure that you're monitoring your results. You should track your results so that you can see how your targeted advertising is performing. Fifth, you need to make sure that you're constantly testing and optimizing your tar- geted advertising campaigns. You should always be looking for ways to improve your targeted advertising campaigns. Intent data can help you to understand what your target audience is interested in. This information can then be used to create more targeted and effective advertis- ing campaigns. Intent data can help you to reach your target audience at the right time. For exam- ple, if you know that someone is searching for a particular product or service, you can target them with an ad for that product or service. Intent data can help you to save money on your advertising budget. By targeting your ads more effectively, you can avoid wasting money on ads that are not likely to be seen by your target audience. • Targeted Advertising
  • 12. To Summarize 10 Intent data enables companies to watch and understand the online activity of their target consumers, enabling them to develop highly focused marketing and sales efforts. Intent data provides a snapshot of the behavior and intent of a person or organization. Account-based marketing and content personalisation strategies two places where intent data is most widely used. A visitor on your pricing page may be interested in purchasing. Examining website traffic provides insight into intent. Social media interaction analysis also provides insight into the interests of prospects. Tracking intent signals provides useful insights into the interests of your audience and how they like to buy from you. Intent data is a potent resource that may be utilized to supercharge ABM initiatives. Lead scoring is the process of assigning a quantitative score to a lead based on conversion probability. You can then concentrate on target accounts that are most likely to convert. This data may then be utilized to develop more targeted and efficient advertising strategies.
  • 13. Account Based Marketing Content Syndication Intent-Based Marketing Opt-in List Building Demand Research Content Creation Check out Digitalzone’s Blog on Intent-based Marketing. Plus, topics like Content Syndication, Opt-in List Building, ABM Topics, Demand Research, and Content Creation. While you’re enjoying these, you might also want to take a peek at our MarTech Report, Case Studies, and Researched Whitepapers. 11 Harvest An Avalanche of Leads with Intent-based Marketing, Today! Digitalzone Leverage a global B2B database of 71 million companies, and the experience of managing 46,872 successful campaigns for US companies. We help B2B companies, just like yours, with a variety of lead gen programs: Get in touch with us, skyrocket sales today. Syndication