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Discovering Django
Learning made Simpler !
Introduction | | +91 8095465880
Introduction to Django | | +91 8095465880
● It is a web framework for developing scalable, secure and maintainable applications.
● It is based on MVC pattern with a slight difference in naming. The view is referred as template
and controller is referred as view in Django so it is MTV.
● It officially supports following databases – PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle.
● It helps in faster developments.
● It is written on the powerful language Python.
● It can be used for high load projects. For eg, Instagram and Pinterest.
Django Structure | | +91 8095465880
Installation | | +91 8095465880
● Install Python
● Install virtualenv package (It provides isolated Python environments, which are more practical
than installing packages systemwide)
pip install virtualenv
● Create a new Virtual environment
virtualenv {your-venv-name}
● Activate Virtual environment
{your-venv-name} -> Scripts -> activate
● Install Django
pip install django
Setup new Django Project | | +91 8095465880
● Create a new project
django-admin startproject {project-name}
● Start new application
python startapp {app-name}
add it in
● Start server
python runserver
Model Layer | | +91 8095465880
Models | | +91 8095465880
● It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data.
● Each model is a Python class and also a sub-class of django.db.models.Model
● Each model represents a table in the database.
● Each field represents a column in the table.
● Each field has a field type which can be any of the following.
- CharField, TextField
- IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
- DateField , TimeField, DateTimeField
- EmailField, URLField
- ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and many more.
Create Model | | +91 8095465880
● Blog Model Example,
from django.db import models
class Blog(models.Model):
status_choices = (
(‘D’, ‘Draft’),
(‘P’, ‘Published’)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField()
status = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices = status_choices)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
Migrations | | +91 8095465880
● Migrations are how Django stores changes made to the database schema/models.
● The migration files can be found inside migrations directory in your app directory.
● Following command tells Django that you made changes to your models
python makemigrations {appname}
● Following command take latest migration file and updates database
python migrate {appname}
Create Model Instance | | +91 8095465880
● Run Python Interactive Shell
python shell
● Import model. For eg,
from myapp.models import Blog
● Create new Blog object. For eg,
b1 = Blog(…)
Query Data From DB | | +91 8095465880
● Run Python Interactive Shell
python shell
● Import model. For eg,
from myapp.models import Blog
● Get all from DB. For eg,
all_blogs = Blog.objects.all()
● Objects is the manager. The manager takes care of all table level operations including data
Data Lookup: filter() | | +91 8095465880
● Filter returns a QuerySet.
● For eg,
blog_with_title = Blog.objects.filter(title=‘some title’)
blog_multiple_search_param = Blog.objects.filter(title=‘title’, status=‘D’)
blog_title_containing_text = Blog.objects.filter(title__contains=‘some text’)
blog_title_containing_text_case_insensitive = Blog.objects.filter(title__icontains=‘text’)
blog_title_starts_with = Blog.objects.filter(title__startswith=‘starting text’)
blog_title_ends_with = Blog.objects.filter(title__endswith=‘ending text’)
Data Lookup: get() | | +91 8095465880
● Get() returns a single object.
● For eg,
blog_with_id = Blog.objects.get(id=‘2’)
● Exception incase of multiple objects returned. For eg,
blog_multiple_results = Blog.objects.get(title__contains=‘some text’)
● Exception incase no results found. For eg,
blog_no_results = Blog.objects.get(title=‘some text’)
Data Lookup: order-by() | | +91 8095465880
● We can get the resulting QuerySet in a specific order.
● Order-by title. For eg,
blog_by_title = Blog.objects.order_by(‘title’)
● Reverse order-by title. For eg,
blog_by_title = Blog.objects.order_by(‘-title’)
● Add default order-by in model. For eg,
class Blog(models.Model);
class Meta:
ordering = [‘-id’]
Chaining & Slicing | | +91 8095465880
● We can chain multiple lookups to get required data.
● For eg,
blog_chain_lookup = Blog.objects.filter(title__contains=“Blog”).order_by(“title”)
● We use slicing to get limited number of result.
● For eg,
blog_first = Blog.objects.all()[0]
blog_first_five = Blog.objects.all()[0:5]
blog_last = Blog.objects.order_by(‘-id’)[0]
Update Data | | +91 8095465880
● Method 1:
blog = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
blog.title = “Updated Title Blog 1”
● Method 2 (Better Performance):
Blog.objects.filter(id=1).update(title=“Updated Title Blog 1”)
● Update multiple row:
Delete Data | | +91 8095465880
● To delete data we can simple call delete().
● For eg,
blog = Blog.objects.get(id=3)
● We can also delete multiple rows. For eg,
● We can also delete all rows. For eg,
View Layer | | +91 8095465880
Views | | +91 8095465880
● View is the Business Logic Layer.
● It fetches data from your database and delivers it to a template.
● It decides what data needs to be sent to the templates.
● It handles the data received by user interactions and internal processes.
● Each view handles a specific function.
● A view can either be a Python function or a class.
Writing Our First View | | +91 8095465880
● Below are some function based view.
from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request): // prints “Hello World” on the browser
return HttpResponse(“Hello World”)
def details(request, id): prints blog object label for the given id
blog = Blog.objects.get(id=id)
return HttpResponse(blog)
Mapping our first URL | | +91 8095465880
● URLConf
from django.conf.urls import url
from blogapp.views import index
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', index),
url(r’^details/(?P<id>[-w]+)/$)’, details),
url(r’^review/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<mon>[0-9]{2})/$’, reviews)
● For eg,
“details/1/” => details(request, id=1)
“reviews/2018/08/” => reviews(request, year=2018, mon=08)
Template Layer | | +91 8095465880
Templates | | +91 8095465880
● This is the display logic layer.
● It separates application data from the way it is presented.
● These are mostly HTML files for presenting application data in web browser.
● The HTML template holds template tags to populate the data passed from views.
Writing our first Template | | +91 8095465880
● Create a directory /templates
● Create a file “index.html”
● Add following code in it:
<head><title>First Django Template</title></head>
<h1>Welcome {{ name }}</h1>
Note: The value for template variable {{ name }} is passed from view
Writing View For The Previous Template | | +91 8095465880
● Add the following view:
from django.shortcuts import render
def welcome(request):
context = {
“name”: “Qaifi Khan”
return render(request, “index.html”, context)
● Visit and add the templates directory:
'DIRS': ['templates’],
Some Template Tags: If-elif | | +91 8095465880
{% if age_more_than_18 and age_less_than_28%}
<p>Age 18-28</p>
{% elif age_less_than_38 or age_more_than_48%}
<p>Age 28-38 or more than 48</p>
{% elif not eligible %}
<p>Not eligible</p>
{% elif “xy” in “wxyz” %}
<p>In wxyz</p>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Some Template Tags: for | | +91 8095465880
{% for blog in blog_list reversed %}
<li>{{ forloop.counter }} : {{ blog.title }}</li>
{% empty %}
<p>No blogs found</p>
{% endfor %}
//forloop.counter starts with 1
//forloop.counter0 starts with 0
//forloop.revcounter starts with last but is 1-indexed
//forloop.revcounter0 starts with last but is 0-indexed
Admin | | +91 8095465880
Admin Site | | +91 8095465880
● Django provides a built-in admin panel.
● You can perform all CRUD operations on your database.
● We can control which models are accessible from Admin panel.
● To access admin panel we need to create a super user.
● Follow these steps to create a super user.
- In command prompt type “python createsuperuser”
- Enter username, email, password and confirm password.
- Start development server again and visit admin panel
- Input login credentials and login
Adding a Model for Access in Admin Panel | | +91 8095465880
● Open in the application directory
● Add the following code:
from .models import {model_name}
Showing More Data in List Display | | +91 8095465880
● You can control the fields visible in list display section.
● For that we need to create a ModelAdmin. Let’s do that.
class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’)
……, BlogAdmin)
Adding a Search Bar | | +91 8095465880
● To add a search bar we need to Edit the ModelAdmin.
● Make following changes
class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’)
search_fields = (‘title’)
……, BlogAdmin)
Adding Filters | | +91 8095465880
● To add filter functionality we need to Edit the ModelAdmin.
● Make following changes
class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’)
search_fields = (‘title’,)
list_filter = (‘status’,)
……, BlogAdmin)
Customizing Edit Form | | +91 8095465880
● We can also customize the Edit Form.
● To specify what all fields are editable, pass a list in fields as shown below.
class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’)
search_fields = (‘title’,)
list_filter = (‘status’)
fields = (‘title’, ‘description’)
……, BlogAdmin)
Forms | | +91 8095465880
Let’s Create a Basic Form GET Request | | +91 8095465880
● Create HTML form:
<form action=‘/search/’ method=“get”>
<input type=“text” placeholder=“Enter Search String” name=“q”/>
<input type=“submit” value=“Search” />
● Create request URL:
url(r’^search/$’, search)
Basic Form GET Request Continued… | | +91 8095465880
● Handling at View:
def search(request):
if 'q' in request.GET:
message = 'You searched for: %r' % request.GET['q']
message = 'You submitted an empty form.’
return HttpResponse(message)
Using Django’s Form Class | | +91 8095465880
● Django provides us with a “Form” library to manage everything from form display to validation.
● We need to define one form class for each HTML form required by us. So let’s start.
● Create a new file Add following code:
from django import forms
STATUS_CHOICES = ((‘D’, ‘Draft’), (‘P’, ‘Published’))
class CreatePostForm(forms.Form):
title = forms.CharField()
description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea())
status = form.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select(), choices= STATUS_CHOICES)
Using Django’s Form Class Continued… | | +91 8095465880
● Add following in
from blogapp.forms import CreatePostForm
def create_post(request):
if request.method == ‘POST’:
form = CreatePostForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
cd = form.cleaned_data
blog = Blog(title = cd[‘title’],
description = cd[‘descripition’],
status = cd[‘status’])
form = CreatePostForm()
return render(request, ‘create_post.html’, {‘form’: form})
Adding Validation | | +91 8095465880
● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class:
from django import forms
STATUS_CHOICES = ((‘D’, ‘Draft’), (‘P’, ‘Published’))
class CreatePostForm(forms.Form):
title = forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=True)
description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea() , required=True)
status = form.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select(), choices= STATUS_CHOICES)
Adding Custom Validation | | +91 8095465880
● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class:
class CreatePostForm(forms.Form):
def clean_description(self):
description = self.cleaned_data[‘description’]
num_words = len(description.split(‘ ‘))
if num_words < 3:
raise forms.ValidationError("Not enough words!")
return description
● Note: Django automatically call any method starting with “clean_” during validation.
Model Forms | | +91 8095465880
● Sometime we just need a form for a predefined model. In that case we can simply use
ModelForm. Let’s start.
● Add following code in
from django.forms import ModelForm
from .models import Blog
class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Blog
fields = [‘title’, ‘description’]
//exclude = [‘status’]
Overriding Labels, HelpText, Widgets, HelpText etc in ModelForm | | +91 8095465880
● Make following changes in the code:
class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
labels = {
‘title’: ‘Blog Title’,
‘description’: ‘Blog Description’}
widgets = {
description: Textarea()}
Adding Custom Validation in ModelForm | | +91 8095465880
● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class:
class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm):
def clean_description(self):
description = self.cleaned_data[‘description’]
num_words = len(description.split(‘ ‘))
if num_words < 3:
raise forms.ValidationError("Not enough words!")
return description
class Meta:
● Note: Django automatically call any method starting with “clean_” during validation.
Upload an Image | | +91 8095465880
● Configure MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '/media/’) //Path where file stores
MEDIA_URL = '/media/’ //Browser URL to access file
● Configure MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = [
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
Upload an Image Continued… | | +91 8095465880
● Make following changes in
class CreatePostForm(forms.Form):
image = forms.FileField()
● Make following changes in
def create_post(request):
form = CreatePostForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
Blog(image = cleaned_data[‘image’])
● Make following changes in HTML file
<….. enctype="multipart/form-data">
Development Process | | +91 8095465880
Settings | | +91 8095465880
● Django provides with a default settings file.
● We can create our own settings file as well.
● In case there are multiple settings file, we need to tell Django which file to use. For this we can
use the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.
export/set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproj.settings
● We can use settings variables in our code as well. For eg,
from django.conf import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
Exceptions | | +91 8095465880
● Django raises some of its own exceptions as well as standard Python exceptions.
● Some Django exceptions are:
● ObjectDoesNotExist: raised when object not found for a query.
● FieldDoesNotExist: raised when a requested field doesn’t exist.
● MultipleObjectsReturned: raised when query returns multiple object but only one was expected.
● ViewDoesNotExist: raised when requested view doesn’t exist for a url.
● FieldError: raised when there is a problem with a model field.
● ValidationError: raised when data is not what was expected in the form.
And many more…
Django-admin and | | +91 8095465880
● Both perform the same task except sets DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
environment variable to the project’s settings file.
● Syntax:
django-admin <command> [options] <command> [options]
● For eg,
django-admin makemigrations {app_name}
django-admin migrate {app_name}
django-admin runserver
django-admin shell
Thank You !!!

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Discovering Django - zekeLabs

  • 1. zekeLabs Discovering Django Learning made Simpler !
  • 3. Introduction to Django | | +91 8095465880 ● It is a web framework for developing scalable, secure and maintainable applications. ● It is based on MVC pattern with a slight difference in naming. The view is referred as template and controller is referred as view in Django so it is MTV. ● It officially supports following databases – PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle. ● It helps in faster developments. ● It is written on the powerful language Python. ● It can be used for high load projects. For eg, Instagram and Pinterest.
  • 4. Django Structure | | +91 8095465880
  • 5. Installation | | +91 8095465880 ● Install Python ● Install virtualenv package (It provides isolated Python environments, which are more practical than installing packages systemwide) pip install virtualenv ● Create a new Virtual environment virtualenv {your-venv-name} ● Activate Virtual environment {your-venv-name} -> Scripts -> activate ● Install Django pip install django
  • 6. Setup new Django Project | | +91 8095465880 ● Create a new project django-admin startproject {project-name} ● Start new application python startapp {app-name} add it in ● Start server python runserver
  • 7. Model Layer | | +91 8095465880
  • 8. Models | | +91 8095465880 ● It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data. ● Each model is a Python class and also a sub-class of django.db.models.Model ● Each model represents a table in the database. ● Each field represents a column in the table. ● Each field has a field type which can be any of the following. - CharField, TextField - IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField - DateField , TimeField, DateTimeField - EmailField, URLField - ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and many more.
  • 9. Create Model | | +91 8095465880 ● Blog Model Example, from django.db import models class Blog(models.Model): status_choices = ( (‘D’, ‘Draft’), (‘P’, ‘Published’) ) title = models.CharField(max_length=100) description = models.TextField() status = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices = status_choices) def __str__(self): return self.title
  • 10. Migrations | | +91 8095465880 ● Migrations are how Django stores changes made to the database schema/models. ● The migration files can be found inside migrations directory in your app directory. ● Following command tells Django that you made changes to your models python makemigrations {appname} ● Following command take latest migration file and updates database python migrate {appname}
  • 11. Create Model Instance | | +91 8095465880 ● Run Python Interactive Shell python shell ● Import model. For eg, from myapp.models import Blog ● Create new Blog object. For eg, b1 = Blog(…)
  • 12. Query Data From DB | | +91 8095465880 ● Run Python Interactive Shell python shell ● Import model. For eg, from myapp.models import Blog ● Get all from DB. For eg, all_blogs = Blog.objects.all() ● Objects is the manager. The manager takes care of all table level operations including data lookup.
  • 13. Data Lookup: filter() | | +91 8095465880 ● Filter returns a QuerySet. ● For eg, blog_with_title = Blog.objects.filter(title=‘some title’) blog_multiple_search_param = Blog.objects.filter(title=‘title’, status=‘D’) blog_title_containing_text = Blog.objects.filter(title__contains=‘some text’) blog_title_containing_text_case_insensitive = Blog.objects.filter(title__icontains=‘text’) blog_title_starts_with = Blog.objects.filter(title__startswith=‘starting text’) blog_title_ends_with = Blog.objects.filter(title__endswith=‘ending text’)
  • 14. Data Lookup: get() | | +91 8095465880 ● Get() returns a single object. ● For eg, blog_with_id = Blog.objects.get(id=‘2’) ● Exception incase of multiple objects returned. For eg, blog_multiple_results = Blog.objects.get(title__contains=‘some text’) ● Exception incase no results found. For eg, blog_no_results = Blog.objects.get(title=‘some text’)
  • 15. Data Lookup: order-by() | | +91 8095465880 ● We can get the resulting QuerySet in a specific order. ● Order-by title. For eg, blog_by_title = Blog.objects.order_by(‘title’) ● Reverse order-by title. For eg, blog_by_title = Blog.objects.order_by(‘-title’) ● Add default order-by in model. For eg, class Blog(models.Model); ------------------------ class Meta: ordering = [‘-id’]
  • 16. Chaining & Slicing | | +91 8095465880 ● We can chain multiple lookups to get required data. ● For eg, blog_chain_lookup = Blog.objects.filter(title__contains=“Blog”).order_by(“title”) ● We use slicing to get limited number of result. ● For eg, blog_first = Blog.objects.all()[0] blog_first_five = Blog.objects.all()[0:5] blog_last = Blog.objects.order_by(‘-id’)[0]
  • 17. Update Data | | +91 8095465880 ● Method 1: blog = Blog.objects.get(id=1) blog.title = “Updated Title Blog 1” ● Method 2 (Better Performance): Blog.objects.filter(id=1).update(title=“Updated Title Blog 1”) ● Update multiple row: Blog.objects.filter(status=‘D’).update(status=‘P’)
  • 18. Delete Data | | +91 8095465880 ● To delete data we can simple call delete(). ● For eg, blog = Blog.objects.get(id=3) blog.delete() ● We can also delete multiple rows. For eg, Blog.objects.filter(status=‘D’).delete() ● We can also delete all rows. For eg, Blog.objects.all().delete()
  • 19. View Layer | | +91 8095465880
  • 20. Views | | +91 8095465880 ● View is the Business Logic Layer. ● It fetches data from your database and delivers it to a template. ● It decides what data needs to be sent to the templates. ● It handles the data received by user interactions and internal processes. ● Each view handles a specific function. ● A view can either be a Python function or a class.
  • 21. Writing Our First View | | +91 8095465880 ● Below are some function based view. from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request): // prints “Hello World” on the browser return HttpResponse(“Hello World”) def details(request, id): prints blog object label for the given id blog = Blog.objects.get(id=id) return HttpResponse(blog)
  • 22. Mapping our first URL | | +91 8095465880 ● URLConf from django.conf.urls import url from blogapp.views import index urlpatterns = [ …. url(r'^$', index), url(r’^details/(?P<id>[-w]+)/$)’, details), url(r’^review/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<mon>[0-9]{2})/$’, reviews) ] ● For eg, “details/1/” => details(request, id=1) “reviews/2018/08/” => reviews(request, year=2018, mon=08)
  • 23. Template Layer | | +91 8095465880
  • 24. Templates | | +91 8095465880 ● This is the display logic layer. ● It separates application data from the way it is presented. ● These are mostly HTML files for presenting application data in web browser. ● The HTML template holds template tags to populate the data passed from views.
  • 25. Writing our first Template | | +91 8095465880 ● Create a directory /templates ● Create a file “index.html” ● Add following code in it: <html> <head><title>First Django Template</title></head> <body> <h1>Welcome {{ name }}</h1> </body> </html> Note: The value for template variable {{ name }} is passed from view
  • 26. Writing View For The Previous Template | | +91 8095465880 ● Add the following view: from django.shortcuts import render def welcome(request): context = { “name”: “Qaifi Khan” } return render(request, “index.html”, context) ● Visit and add the templates directory: TEMPLATES = [ { 'DIRS': ['templates’], } ]
  • 27. Some Template Tags: If-elif | | +91 8095465880 {% if age_more_than_18 and age_less_than_28%} <p>Age 18-28</p> {% elif age_less_than_38 or age_more_than_48%} <p>Age 28-38 or more than 48</p> {% elif not eligible %} <p>Not eligible</p> {% elif “xy” in “wxyz” %} <p>In wxyz</p> {% else %} <p>Else</p> {% endif %}
  • 28. Some Template Tags: for | | +91 8095465880 <ul> {% for blog in blog_list reversed %} <li>{{ forloop.counter }} : {{ blog.title }}</li> {% empty %} <p>No blogs found</p> {% endfor %} </ul> //forloop.counter starts with 1 //forloop.counter0 starts with 0 //forloop.revcounter starts with last but is 1-indexed //forloop.revcounter0 starts with last but is 0-indexed
  • 30. Admin Site | | +91 8095465880 ● Django provides a built-in admin panel. ● You can perform all CRUD operations on your database. ● We can control which models are accessible from Admin panel. ● To access admin panel we need to create a super user. ● Follow these steps to create a super user. - In command prompt type “python createsuperuser” - Enter username, email, password and confirm password. - Start development server again and visit admin panel - Input login credentials and login
  • 31. Adding a Model for Access in Admin Panel | | +91 8095465880 ● Open in the application directory ● Add the following code: from .models import {model_name}
  • 32. Showing More Data in List Display | | +91 8095465880 ● You can control the fields visible in list display section. ● For that we need to create a ModelAdmin. Let’s do that. class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’) ……, BlogAdmin)
  • 33. Adding a Search Bar | | +91 8095465880 ● To add a search bar we need to Edit the ModelAdmin. ● Make following changes class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’) search_fields = (‘title’) ……, BlogAdmin)
  • 34. Adding Filters | | +91 8095465880 ● To add filter functionality we need to Edit the ModelAdmin. ● Make following changes class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’) search_fields = (‘title’,) list_filter = (‘status’,) ……, BlogAdmin)
  • 35. Customizing Edit Form | | +91 8095465880 ● We can also customize the Edit Form. ● To specify what all fields are editable, pass a list in fields as shown below. class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (‘title’, ‘status’) search_fields = (‘title’,) list_filter = (‘status’) fields = (‘title’, ‘description’) ……, BlogAdmin)
  • 37. Let’s Create a Basic Form GET Request | | +91 8095465880 ● Create HTML form: <form action=‘/search/’ method=“get”> <input type=“text” placeholder=“Enter Search String” name=“q”/> <input type=“submit” value=“Search” /> </form> ● Create request URL: url(r’^search/$’, search)
  • 38. Basic Form GET Request Continued… | | +91 8095465880 ● Handling at View: def search(request): if 'q' in request.GET: message = 'You searched for: %r' % request.GET['q'] else: message = 'You submitted an empty form.’ return HttpResponse(message)
  • 39. Using Django’s Form Class | | +91 8095465880 ● Django provides us with a “Form” library to manage everything from form display to validation. ● We need to define one form class for each HTML form required by us. So let’s start. ● Create a new file Add following code: from django import forms STATUS_CHOICES = ((‘D’, ‘Draft’), (‘P’, ‘Published’)) class CreatePostForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField() description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea()) status = form.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select(), choices= STATUS_CHOICES)
  • 40. Using Django’s Form Class Continued… | | +91 8095465880 ● Add following in from blogapp.forms import CreatePostForm def create_post(request): if request.method == ‘POST’: form = CreatePostForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data blog = Blog(title = cd[‘title’], description = cd[‘descripition’], status = cd[‘status’]) else: form = CreatePostForm() return render(request, ‘create_post.html’, {‘form’: form})
  • 41. Adding Validation | | +91 8095465880 ● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class: from django import forms STATUS_CHOICES = ((‘D’, ‘Draft’), (‘P’, ‘Published’)) class CreatePostForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=True) description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea() , required=True) status = form.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select(), choices= STATUS_CHOICES)
  • 42. Adding Custom Validation | | +91 8095465880 ● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class: class CreatePostForm(forms.Form): ….. def clean_description(self): description = self.cleaned_data[‘description’] num_words = len(description.split(‘ ‘)) if num_words < 3: raise forms.ValidationError("Not enough words!") return description ● Note: Django automatically call any method starting with “clean_” during validation.
  • 43. Model Forms | | +91 8095465880 ● Sometime we just need a form for a predefined model. In that case we can simply use ModelForm. Let’s start. ● Add following code in from django.forms import ModelForm from .models import Blog class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Blog fields = [‘title’, ‘description’] //exclude = [‘status’]
  • 44. Overriding Labels, HelpText, Widgets, HelpText etc in ModelForm | | +91 8095465880 ● Make following changes in the code: class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm): class Meta: …… labels = { ‘title’: ‘Blog Title’, ‘description’: ‘Blog Description’} widgets = { description: Textarea()}
  • 45. Adding Custom Validation in ModelForm | | +91 8095465880 ● Make following changes in CreatePostForm class: class CreateBlogModelForm(ModelForm): def clean_description(self): description = self.cleaned_data[‘description’] num_words = len(description.split(‘ ‘)) if num_words < 3: raise forms.ValidationError("Not enough words!") return description class Meta: …….. ● Note: Django automatically call any method starting with “clean_” during validation.
  • 46. Upload an Image | | +91 8095465880 ● Configure MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '/media/’) //Path where file stores MEDIA_URL = '/media/’ //Browser URL to access file ● Configure MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls.static import static urlpatterns = [ …… ] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
  • 47. Upload an Image Continued… | | +91 8095465880 ● Make following changes in class CreatePostForm(forms.Form): …… image = forms.FileField() ● Make following changes in def create_post(request): form = CreatePostForm(request.POST, request.FILES) Blog(image = cleaned_data[‘image’]) ● Make following changes in HTML file <….. enctype="multipart/form-data">
  • 48. Development Process | | +91 8095465880
  • 49. Settings | | +91 8095465880 ● Django provides with a default settings file. ● We can create our own settings file as well. ● In case there are multiple settings file, we need to tell Django which file to use. For this we can use the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. export/set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproj.settings ● We can use settings variables in our code as well. For eg, from django.conf import settings if settings.DEBUG: ………..
  • 50. Exceptions | | +91 8095465880 ● Django raises some of its own exceptions as well as standard Python exceptions. ● Some Django exceptions are: ● ObjectDoesNotExist: raised when object not found for a query. ● FieldDoesNotExist: raised when a requested field doesn’t exist. ● MultipleObjectsReturned: raised when query returns multiple object but only one was expected. ● ViewDoesNotExist: raised when requested view doesn’t exist for a url. ● FieldError: raised when there is a problem with a model field. ● ValidationError: raised when data is not what was expected in the form. And many more…
  • 51. Django-admin and | | +91 8095465880 ● Both perform the same task except sets DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to the project’s settings file. ● Syntax: django-admin <command> [options] <command> [options] ● For eg, django-admin makemigrations {app_name} django-admin migrate {app_name} django-admin runserver django-admin shell