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Why You Must Travel to Mombasa in 2022 &
Explore Rich History & Cultures of Kenya?
Amboseli National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro.
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Kenya is a culturally diverse country made up of various tribal groups, each of
which has its own language, dress, music, and food. The Swahili people of the
coast and the Maasai warriors of the wildlife-rich grasslands are two of the more
well-known tribes. Farming communities in the north are home to as much as a
quarter of the population.
Turkana festival in Northern Kenya.
Image credit: National Museums of Kenya
The cultures of Kenya are influenced by both African customs and the colonial
era, particularly Catholicism. Kenyans value family and community. They are
creative and artistic, and the country has produced a number of well-known
authors and musicians. They also have a developed cultural scene with strong
representation in television, theatre, music, dance, and the visual arts. The vibrant
festivals of Kenya offer tourists a good opportunity to learn about the country’s
Discover Mombasa in Kenya
Dive into The Exquisite History Language & Cultures
of Kenya
Step Back in Time
Since the beginning of human history, people have lived in Kenya. The first
people to live there were hunter-gatherer tribes, then a farming civilization from
the Horn of Africa, and finally farmers from Sudan. Bantu-speaking farmers from
Nigeria brought ironworking to the region around 100 AD. In the eighth century,
Muslim traders from the Arab world built towns and mosques along the coast.
The way to Kilindini Harbour in Mombasa.
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By blending with the Bantu elements and cultures of Kenya, Arabs founded the
independent states of Mombasa, Malindi, and Zanzibar on the coast in the tenth
century. Mombasa was a major thriving port by the 15th century. Over the course
of the next 300 years, Arab traders sold 90% of the natives of the Swahili coast as
slaves, mostly to Europeans.
Construction of the Kenyan railway.
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In 1890, the Imperial British East Africa company seized control of Kenya and
started building railways with the help of Indian laborers, many of whom later
settled in Africa. The first reserves were created as a result of local resistance in
order to keep difficult tribes out of the way. The highlands of the interior were
made by European coffee and tea farmers who became wealthy and drove out
the original natives. By 1930, there were about 30,000 white settlers living there.
British police detain Kenyans suspected of Mau Mau involvement.
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When her father passed away in 1952, Queen Elizabeth II was on vacation in
Kenya. From that year until 1959, the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule
persisted. However, that year, the African Loyalist Home Guard launched an
offensive that resulted in over 4,000 deaths and the expulsion of many
supporters. Land grants were given to the loyal Africans.
Jomo Kenyatta celebrates independence and addresses the crowd.
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In elections held in 1957, the Kenya African National Union (KANU) came to
power. The creation of a new constitution led to the country’s independence at
the end of 1963 and war raged against factions that wanted to join Somalia. Since
Jomo Kenyatta, the country’s first elected president passed away in 1978, Daniel
Arap Moi was elected president three times under a single-party system until
1998. Mwai Kibai of the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) was elected president
in 2003 in what was widely regarded as a free and fair election.
Immerse Yourself in the Language
A Swahili phrase that means, “The sharpness of the eye is greater than the razor”.
Image credit: National Museums of Kenya
Kenya is a multilingual country. 62 languages are spoken in the nation, despite
the fact that Swahili and English are their official languages. The cultures of Kenya
are influenced by different languages.
Tribal African languages make up the majority of these, with a small number of
Middle Eastern and Asian languages spoken by foreign settlers (i.e. Arabic, Hindi,
etc.). The three language families that make up African languages are Bantu
(spoken in the center and southeast), Nilotic (spoken in the west), and Cushitic (in
the northeast).
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You may be familiar with the Swahili phrase “Hakuna Matata,” which
translates to “no problem/worries” and appears in the well-known Disney
film “The Lion King.”
The Culturally Diverse Architecture
Around 70% of the population lives in rural areas, though this number has
been falling as more Kenyans move to the cities for work. The majority of
people who reside in cities do so in either Nairobi or Mombasa.
Fort Jesus in Mombasa, a World Heritage Site under UNESCO.
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Mombasa, the second-largest city in the nation and the main port, is situated on
the southern coast. With roots in the first Arab colonists, Mombasa has a large
Muslim population. The Portuguese first settled in the area in 1593 and today
Fort Jesus is a museum. It is a stunning example of European Renaissance
Old Town near Fort Jesus in Mombasa.
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Old Town is just 5 minutes walking from Fort Jesus. It is a World Heritage Site
under UNESCO. The trading culture of Mombasa is reflected in the architecture of
the Old Town, where there are numerous examples of Islamic and Portuguese
architecture. Mombasa is a shining example of the diverse cultures of Kenya.
The majority of people in cities reside in contemporary apartments. The typical
housing designs in the countryside differ from tribe to tribe. In contrast to the
rundi houses, which resemble beehives and are made of reed and bark, the
chagga houses are made of sticks, and the nyamwezi are round huts with
thatched roofs.
A Flavorful Journey
Sweet Potato and Pea Recipe (Irio) is a classic Kenyan dish.
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Swahili cuisine is rich in spices and flavors of coconut, cardamom, garlic, saffron,
turmeric, and pilau masala due to Arabic and Persian influences. For Kenyans,
corn or maize is a staple food. It is made into flour and cooked as the porridge
called posho. It is occasionally combined with mashed potatoes, vegetables, and
beans to create the dish Irio. Mboga or boiled greens, and matoke or banana
porridge are typical side dishes.
Popular Swahili dishes also include biriani, mseto, haluwa, kaimati,
mahamri, pilau and boko boko.
Tea with milk and sugar is a popular beverage. Another widely consumed
beverage, particularly in Mombasa, is palm wine. The majority of the beer
consumed in Kenya is made by local breweries. Uki is the name of a unique type
of honey-based brew.
Kachori is a popular snack that originated from India but the Kenyan version is
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Not just Swahili food but Indian food also has an impact on the cultures of Kenya.
Mombasa is well-known for its Indian cuisine, which includes curries, kachoris,
samosas, and chapatti, a fried bread that was brought by many immigrants from
the subcontinent. Corn on the cob, mandazi (fried dough), potato chips, and
peanuts are some famous Indian snacks in Mombasa.
The Sound of a Community
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Locally, Taarab music, which originated from Zanzibar, is very popular Taarab
music, which originated from Zanzibar and has a local presence. The traditional
beat has a slow tempo and is borrowed from Indian and Arabic melodies. The
mellow and smooth Bango, the brisk Chakacha, and the traditional Mwanzele.
Ohangla and Benga are also very popular.
Mombasa Roots, Safari Sounds, Them Mushrooms, Anwar Juma Bhalo, and
Princess Farida are notable musicians. Sal Davies, Malika Mohammed of Vidonge
hit song, Stara Butte, and Juma Bhalo were all former greats who had homes or
bases in Mombasa.
Hip hop, reggae, soul, blues, salsa, and among young Indians bhangra have
recently gained popularity in Mombasa. Mombasa is a prime tourist destination,
home to countless nightclubs, bars, hotels, upscale restaurants, and other
entertainment venues. Mombasa’s nightlife is the most exciting in all of Kenya.
Check out some of the most famous clubs on Mombasa road.
Tharaka-Nithi cultural festival in Kenya.
Image credit: National Museums of Kenya
Dancing is a crucial part of the culture of Kenya. Usually, men and women dance
in separate groups. Male dancers often compete to see who can jump the highest
while doing line dances. Religious rituals like marriage, naming ceremonies, etc.
include dance. Both costumes and props are essential components of many
traditional dances. Dancers often wear masks and carry shields, swords, and other
Swahili People Wear Their Pride
The majority of people wear Western-style clothing in urban areas like Mombasa.
But the cultures of Kenya lie in their traditional tribal attire.
The images and Swahili texts inscribed on the Kanga are used to pass on various
Image credit: National Museums of Kenya
Many women dress in vibrant kangas, a large piece of fabric that can be worn as
a skirt or shawl and is frequently accessorized with head scarves. The Luo and the
Kikuyu are two ethnic groups that have embraced Western culture more readily
than others. Women of northern nomadic tribes wear Gorfa, sheepskin, or
goatskin that has been dyed red or black and is wrapped around the body,
keeping it in place with a leather cord and a rope belt.
Turkana Pokot married women dressed with several strands of beaded necklaces.
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Some ethnic groups, like the Rendille, believe that a woman’s hairstyle reveals her
marital status and the presence or absence of children. A man’s life stage can be
determined by the headdress or jewelry he is wearing. The Turkana Pokot and
Maasai women wear so many strands of beaded necklaces that it elongates their
necks. These customs are signs of social and marital status in Kenyan society.
The Art Scene
Ngugi Wa Thiong’o is a globally acclaimed Kenyan writer.
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Fables, stories, music, and poetry are all deeply ingrained in the cultures of Kenya.
Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, a renowned Kikuyu author, published some exquisite works
in English, including the award-winning “Weep not, Child” (1964) and “A Grain of
Wheat” (1967). The oral and written tradition of inspiring and meaningful fables is
quite amusing. The Hare is one such example of a folklore hero that inspires
fights for independence despite being weak.
Wood carving in Kenya.
Image credit: iStockphoto
Kenya is renowned for its wood carving and sculpture, much of which have
religious significance. Ancestral statues and the intricately carved amulets worn
around the necks of Kenyans are both thought to appease the spirits of the
afterlife. Sculptors also work with ivory and gold in addition to wood. Modern
sculptors frequently combine more traditional and modern aesthetics.
Black Panther, Koinet, Osborne Macharia.
Image Credit: Osborne Macharia
Other modern globally acclaimed African artists include Osborne Macharia
and Cyrus Kabiru.
Pokomo Dance with fancy headgears.
Image credit: National Museums of Kenya
The vibrant masks and headdresses worn during traditional dances, designed to
resemble birds or other animals, are also the work of artists. Jewelry, which
includes elaborate silver and gold bracelets and various kinds of vibrant
beadwork, is another form of art in Kenya. Women make pottery and elaborately
decorated baskets in some tribes, such as the Kikuyu and the Luhya.
A Religious Nation
The exquisite Mombasa Memorial Cathedral in Mombasa.
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Roman Catholics make up 28% of Kenya’s population, compared to Protestants
who make up 38%. 26% of people identify as animists, 7% as Muslims, and 1% as
practicing another religion. The Kikuyu other groups worship the god Ngai, who
is said to live on top of Mount Kenya. As Mombasa has a majority of Christian
and Muslim population, it has beautiful religious sites like Burhani Mosque, Azhar
Mosque, Mombasa Memorial Cathedral, Shiva Temple, Holy Ghost Roman
Cathedral, Jain Temple, and many more.
Burhani Masjid in Mombasa Kenya.
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Traditional religions hold the belief that diviners have the ability to communicate
with the spirit world and can use this ability to heal people of illnesses or evil
spirits. In times of drought, diviners are also asked to help bring rain. Witches and
sorcerers are also thought to possess supernatural abilities, but in contrast to
diviners, they use these abilities to harm others. The diviners’ task is to counteract
their negative effects.
Boys and girls go through different rituals before they are deemed of
marriageable age. Like Kikuyu boys are initiated at the age of eighteen. They have
pierced ears, buzzed hair, and white earth tattoos on their faces. Twelve-year-old
Pokot girls are initiated in a ceremony that involves singing, dancing, and body
art made of ocher, red clay, and animal fat.
Everywhere in the nation, weddings are significant events that are marked
by up to eight days of special music, dance, and food.
Kenyans hold the view that after passing away, one enters the spirit world, which
has a significant impact on the physical world. Children are viewed as the
manifestation of a family’s ancestors’ souls by many Kenyans who practice
Now let’s see why Mombasa is the best city if you want to explore the cultures of
Travel to Mombasa & Experience the Cultures of Kenya
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In every corner of Mombasa, you can experience the cultures of Kenya. It is a city
rich in culture with a history that dates back almost a thousand years. People
from all walks of life have passed through it because it is one of the main
entryways to the East Coast of Africa, each leaving a piece of their heritage and
culture behind.
The architecture, markets, etc. are influenced by Arab and Muslim cultures. There
are stunning mosques and temples all over the island, some of which date back
200 years to the time when the first Indian communities migrated to Africa’s east
With the beginning of colonialism, there is also a European influence, though this
is more prevalent in Kenya’s interior and along the beachfront, etc. It is a melting
pot of cultures, with residents from all over the world.
Book a Hotel in Mombasa
What is Mombasa Famous for?
The coastal city of Mombasa in Kenya.
Image credit: Carmen56 via
It offers visitors a unique taste of the African tropics infused with centuries of
maritime history. This global tourist hotspot is actually an island that is connected
to the Kenyan coast by bridges and ferries. Mombasa’s beach resorts are located
on miles-long stretches of palm-lined shoreline that are bordered on both sides
by shimmering coral reefs.
Visitors from all over the world come here to take advantage of the many
activities available, including deep-sea fishing, diving, and snorkeling at wrecks
and reefs, as well as relaxing on the sun-drenched beaches. In addition, you can
explore the cultures of Kenya. The coastal city is not just famous for its beaches
and hotels but also for its historical sites, national parks, cultural centers, water
sports, and marine life.
North & South Coast Beaches
Bamburi beach on the north coast of Mombasa.
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Nyali, Bamburi, Shanzu, and Malindi are some of the famous north coast beaches
in Mombasa. On the other hand, Tiwi, Diani, and Galu are the best south coast
beaches in Mombasa. Bamburi is the best beach in Mombasa. There are plenty of
beach hotels in Mombasa. They showcase various cultures of Kenya in terms of
food, entertainment, etc.
Mombasa’s north coast beaches are a little livelier than its south coast beaches.
There is no shortage of tourist activity thanks to the palm-lined beaches, the clear
waters, the coral reefs, and the abundance of water sports, resorts, and
entertainment options. You will easily find a hotel near Mombasa airport and the
city center.
Mombasa Historical Sites
The iconic ruins of Jumba La Mtwana in Mombasa.
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Famous historical sites in Mombasa include Fort Jesus Museum, Old Town, Jumba
La Mtwana, and Moi Avenue Tusks. Located near Fort Jesus, the stunning
epitome of European architecture – Old Town has been converted into souvenir
shops and restaurants with abundant flavors and cultures of Kenya.
Elephant tusks at Moi Avenue in Mombasa.
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Built in the 14th century, Jumba la Mtwana ruins now hold mosques, a tomb, and
houses. It is one of the best places in Mombasa. Moi Avenue is known for the
giant pair of elephant tusks that were put up in the year 1956 for Princess
Margaret’s visit to Mombasa.
National Parks
Tourists feeding giraffes at the Haller Park.
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Are you looking for the best tourist sites in Mombasa? Haller Park and Marine
National Park are the #1 tourist attractions in Mombasa. Haller park has many
birds. More than 160 species, including weaver birds, cranes, pelicans, and storks,
have been introduced to the region.
Nguni Wildlife Sanctuary is about a 15-minute drive from Haller Park if you want
to see more wildlife. You can have up-close encounters with giraffes, ostriches,
eland, oryx, and many bird species.
Marine National Park in Mombasa.
Image Credit: Jossec S via tripadvisor
Mombasa Marine National Park, one of Kenya’s busiest offshore reserves,
protects mangroves, sea grass beds, sandy beaches, and coral reefs.
Cultural Centers
Bombolulu Cultural Center in Mombasa.
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Are you looking for things to buy in Mombasa? Bombolulu Cultural Center has
four sheltered workshops, a cultural center, and a restaurant. It is a project of the
Association for the Physically Handicapped in Kenya. You can watch tribal dance
performances and tour traditional Kenyan homesteads at the cultural center.
What better way to discover the cultures of Kenya!
Rich Experiences to Try in Mombasa Kenya
Where to stay in Mombasa?
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Every second that goes by during your stay at Mombasa Travellers Beach Hotel,
adds to your memories in some way. We value the cultures of Kenya and
showcase them to our visitors in many forms and they can’t get enough of the
experience. They come to enjoy the professional service of the hotel’s staff as well
as a variety of facilities and activities. The hotel has the best pool and gym in
Indulge in Exclusive Activities
Looking for hotels in the North Coast of Mombasa? Travellers Beach Hotel &
Club offers a private beach where you can enjoy umbrellas, beach massages, and
volleyball, putting you within 0.4 km of Bamburi Beach. Being one of the best
hotels in Bamburi beach Mombasa, visitors come here to unwind, energize,
strategize and simply have fun.
Everyone can have fun in the hotel’s three outdoor pools, and those looking for
some pampering can indulge in deep-tissue massages and aromatherapy. Cold
drinks are served at the sports bar, and the coffee shop/café is a great place to
grab a bite. Two swim-up bars, a beach bar, and a health club are additional
highlights. And wait till you see the best accommodation in Mombasa Kenya.
A Home Away from Home
Which types of rooms are available at Travellers Beach
Being one of the top 4 star hotels in Mombasa, various room selections are made
to offer you a luxurious and convenient stay with views of the sea and the
exquisite gardens. We offer the most romantic honeymoon suites in Mombasa.
Our Suites, as well as Standard and Superior rooms, are furnished with
contemporary comforts like flat-screen televisions, charging cords, fruit baskets,
coffee and tea making amenities, telephones, air conditioning systems, hair
dryers, safes, and en-suite bathrooms with bathtubs and shower area.
The elegant one-bedroom suites with private patios and balconies are swept in a
lazy breeze that allows guests to relax in Mombasa’s tropical climate. These are a
beach and vacation lover’s paradise. The Swahili people value the cultures of
Kenya like staying close to your family so we offer standalone units or connecting
family rooms.
What Our Guests Say
What food and drinks options are available at Travellers
Beach Hotel?
During your stay
During your stay or visit, the highly trained chefs will treat you to a variety of
culinary experiences, from traditional Swahili dishes to Indian, Italian, and other
global cuisines. You must try mouth-watering dishes at Sher e Punjab – Indian
Restaurant Mombasa. La Pergola is the best restaurant in Mombasa for Italian
food. Suli Suli Grill serves the most exotic seafood in Mombasa.
Come out in the evenings to mingle with other visitors while taking in live music,
other entertainment, and a full bar. Our bartenders will make you a cocktail or
mocktail or provide you with a wide range of other local and foreign beverages.
Are you here to explore the cultures of Kenya and do business meetings as well?
We offer high-tech business meetings in our world-class conference and
I Am Here on Business
Wrapping Up Your Virtual Cultures of Kenya Tour
“The peoples of Kenya have an incredible richness of history and culture. Learning
from what we already have, from all the communities, is the way into the world.”
Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong’o
Music, food, dress, and art are the main features that showcase the diverse
cultures of Kenya and Mombasa is a vibrant example of it. Mombasa’s location
near South Asia, Zanzibar, and Nairobi as well as its large shipping and maritime
industries makes it a diverse mosaic of cultures in Kenya and East Africa.
If you want to experience the rich cultural diversity of Kenya, check out the events
calendar below:
 Labor Day is observed on May 1
 New Year’s Day on January 1
 The anniversary of self-rule, Madaraka Day, on June 1
 Independence Day, also known as Jamhuri Day, is celebrated on December
 Kenyatta Day, which honors Jomo Kenyatta as the nation’s hero, on October
 Harambee Day, features a huge parade in Nairobi and celebrations around
the country
 Mombasa carnival is the most popular festival in Kenya which celebrates the
traditions and ethnicity of tribes
Do you want all inclusive holidays in Mombasa Kenya? Looking for the best place
to stay in Mombasa? Call Us Today!
Read our full blog at -
Website -
Email -
Phone - +254 415 485121/6; +254 720 648 708;
+254 700 375 575
Address - P.O. Box 87649 - 80100 Mombasa, Kenya

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Discover Rich History & Cultures of Kenya in 2022

  • 1. Why You Must Travel to Mombasa in 2022 & Explore Rich History & Cultures of Kenya? Amboseli National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro. Image Credit Kenya is a culturally diverse country made up of various tribal groups, each of which has its own language, dress, music, and food. The Swahili people of the coast and the Maasai warriors of the wildlife-rich grasslands are two of the more
  • 2. well-known tribes. Farming communities in the north are home to as much as a quarter of the population. Turkana festival in Northern Kenya. Image credit: National Museums of Kenya The cultures of Kenya are influenced by both African customs and the colonial era, particularly Catholicism. Kenyans value family and community. They are creative and artistic, and the country has produced a number of well-known authors and musicians. They also have a developed cultural scene with strong representation in television, theatre, music, dance, and the visual arts. The vibrant festivals of Kenya offer tourists a good opportunity to learn about the country’s traditions. Discover Mombasa in Kenya
  • 3. Dive into The Exquisite History Language & Cultures of Kenya Step Back in Time Since the beginning of human history, people have lived in Kenya. The first people to live there were hunter-gatherer tribes, then a farming civilization from the Horn of Africa, and finally farmers from Sudan. Bantu-speaking farmers from Nigeria brought ironworking to the region around 100 AD. In the eighth century, Muslim traders from the Arab world built towns and mosques along the coast. The way to Kilindini Harbour in Mombasa. Image credit By blending with the Bantu elements and cultures of Kenya, Arabs founded the independent states of Mombasa, Malindi, and Zanzibar on the coast in the tenth century. Mombasa was a major thriving port by the 15th century. Over the course
  • 4. of the next 300 years, Arab traders sold 90% of the natives of the Swahili coast as slaves, mostly to Europeans. Construction of the Kenyan railway. Image credit In 1890, the Imperial British East Africa company seized control of Kenya and started building railways with the help of Indian laborers, many of whom later settled in Africa. The first reserves were created as a result of local resistance in order to keep difficult tribes out of the way. The highlands of the interior were made by European coffee and tea farmers who became wealthy and drove out the original natives. By 1930, there were about 30,000 white settlers living there.
  • 5. British police detain Kenyans suspected of Mau Mau involvement. Image credit When her father passed away in 1952, Queen Elizabeth II was on vacation in Kenya. From that year until 1959, the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule persisted. However, that year, the African Loyalist Home Guard launched an offensive that resulted in over 4,000 deaths and the expulsion of many supporters. Land grants were given to the loyal Africans.
  • 6. Jomo Kenyatta celebrates independence and addresses the crowd. Image credit In elections held in 1957, the Kenya African National Union (KANU) came to power. The creation of a new constitution led to the country’s independence at the end of 1963 and war raged against factions that wanted to join Somalia. Since Jomo Kenyatta, the country’s first elected president passed away in 1978, Daniel Arap Moi was elected president three times under a single-party system until 1998. Mwai Kibai of the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) was elected president in 2003 in what was widely regarded as a free and fair election.
  • 7. Immerse Yourself in the Language A Swahili phrase that means, “The sharpness of the eye is greater than the razor”. Image credit: National Museums of Kenya Kenya is a multilingual country. 62 languages are spoken in the nation, despite the fact that Swahili and English are their official languages. The cultures of Kenya are influenced by different languages. Tribal African languages make up the majority of these, with a small number of Middle Eastern and Asian languages spoken by foreign settlers (i.e. Arabic, Hindi, etc.). The three language families that make up African languages are Bantu (spoken in the center and southeast), Nilotic (spoken in the west), and Cushitic (in the northeast). Video Credit You may be familiar with the Swahili phrase “Hakuna Matata,” which translates to “no problem/worries” and appears in the well-known Disney film “The Lion King.”
  • 8. The Culturally Diverse Architecture Around 70% of the population lives in rural areas, though this number has been falling as more Kenyans move to the cities for work. The majority of people who reside in cities do so in either Nairobi or Mombasa. Fort Jesus in Mombasa, a World Heritage Site under UNESCO. Image credit Mombasa, the second-largest city in the nation and the main port, is situated on the southern coast. With roots in the first Arab colonists, Mombasa has a large Muslim population. The Portuguese first settled in the area in 1593 and today Fort Jesus is a museum. It is a stunning example of European Renaissance architecture.
  • 9. Old Town near Fort Jesus in Mombasa. Image credit: Old Town is just 5 minutes walking from Fort Jesus. It is a World Heritage Site under UNESCO. The trading culture of Mombasa is reflected in the architecture of the Old Town, where there are numerous examples of Islamic and Portuguese architecture. Mombasa is a shining example of the diverse cultures of Kenya. The majority of people in cities reside in contemporary apartments. The typical housing designs in the countryside differ from tribe to tribe. In contrast to the rundi houses, which resemble beehives and are made of reed and bark, the chagga houses are made of sticks, and the nyamwezi are round huts with thatched roofs.
  • 10. A Flavorful Journey Sweet Potato and Pea Recipe (Irio) is a classic Kenyan dish. Image credit Swahili cuisine is rich in spices and flavors of coconut, cardamom, garlic, saffron, turmeric, and pilau masala due to Arabic and Persian influences. For Kenyans, corn or maize is a staple food. It is made into flour and cooked as the porridge called posho. It is occasionally combined with mashed potatoes, vegetables, and beans to create the dish Irio. Mboga or boiled greens, and matoke or banana porridge are typical side dishes. Popular Swahili dishes also include biriani, mseto, haluwa, kaimati, mahamri, pilau and boko boko.
  • 11. Tea with milk and sugar is a popular beverage. Another widely consumed beverage, particularly in Mombasa, is palm wine. The majority of the beer consumed in Kenya is made by local breweries. Uki is the name of a unique type of honey-based brew. Kachori is a popular snack that originated from India but the Kenyan version is amazing. Image credit Not just Swahili food but Indian food also has an impact on the cultures of Kenya. Mombasa is well-known for its Indian cuisine, which includes curries, kachoris, samosas, and chapatti, a fried bread that was brought by many immigrants from the subcontinent. Corn on the cob, mandazi (fried dough), potato chips, and peanuts are some famous Indian snacks in Mombasa. The Sound of a Community Video Credit
  • 12. Locally, Taarab music, which originated from Zanzibar, is very popular Taarab music, which originated from Zanzibar and has a local presence. The traditional beat has a slow tempo and is borrowed from Indian and Arabic melodies. The mellow and smooth Bango, the brisk Chakacha, and the traditional Mwanzele. Ohangla and Benga are also very popular. Mombasa Roots, Safari Sounds, Them Mushrooms, Anwar Juma Bhalo, and Princess Farida are notable musicians. Sal Davies, Malika Mohammed of Vidonge hit song, Stara Butte, and Juma Bhalo were all former greats who had homes or bases in Mombasa. Hip hop, reggae, soul, blues, salsa, and among young Indians bhangra have recently gained popularity in Mombasa. Mombasa is a prime tourist destination, home to countless nightclubs, bars, hotels, upscale restaurants, and other entertainment venues. Mombasa’s nightlife is the most exciting in all of Kenya. Check out some of the most famous clubs on Mombasa road. Tharaka-Nithi cultural festival in Kenya. Image credit: National Museums of Kenya Dancing is a crucial part of the culture of Kenya. Usually, men and women dance in separate groups. Male dancers often compete to see who can jump the highest
  • 13. while doing line dances. Religious rituals like marriage, naming ceremonies, etc. include dance. Both costumes and props are essential components of many traditional dances. Dancers often wear masks and carry shields, swords, and other objects. Swahili People Wear Their Pride The majority of people wear Western-style clothing in urban areas like Mombasa. But the cultures of Kenya lie in their traditional tribal attire. The images and Swahili texts inscribed on the Kanga are used to pass on various messages. Image credit: National Museums of Kenya Many women dress in vibrant kangas, a large piece of fabric that can be worn as a skirt or shawl and is frequently accessorized with head scarves. The Luo and the Kikuyu are two ethnic groups that have embraced Western culture more readily than others. Women of northern nomadic tribes wear Gorfa, sheepskin, or
  • 14. goatskin that has been dyed red or black and is wrapped around the body, keeping it in place with a leather cord and a rope belt. Turkana Pokot married women dressed with several strands of beaded necklaces. Image credit Some ethnic groups, like the Rendille, believe that a woman’s hairstyle reveals her marital status and the presence or absence of children. A man’s life stage can be determined by the headdress or jewelry he is wearing. The Turkana Pokot and Maasai women wear so many strands of beaded necklaces that it elongates their necks. These customs are signs of social and marital status in Kenyan society.
  • 15. The Art Scene Ngugi Wa Thiong’o is a globally acclaimed Kenyan writer. Image credit Fables, stories, music, and poetry are all deeply ingrained in the cultures of Kenya. Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, a renowned Kikuyu author, published some exquisite works in English, including the award-winning “Weep not, Child” (1964) and “A Grain of Wheat” (1967). The oral and written tradition of inspiring and meaningful fables is quite amusing. The Hare is one such example of a folklore hero that inspires fights for independence despite being weak.
  • 16. Wood carving in Kenya. Image credit: iStockphoto Kenya is renowned for its wood carving and sculpture, much of which have religious significance. Ancestral statues and the intricately carved amulets worn around the necks of Kenyans are both thought to appease the spirits of the afterlife. Sculptors also work with ivory and gold in addition to wood. Modern sculptors frequently combine more traditional and modern aesthetics.
  • 17. Black Panther, Koinet, Osborne Macharia. Image Credit: Osborne Macharia
  • 18. Other modern globally acclaimed African artists include Osborne Macharia and Cyrus Kabiru. Pokomo Dance with fancy headgears. Image credit: National Museums of Kenya The vibrant masks and headdresses worn during traditional dances, designed to resemble birds or other animals, are also the work of artists. Jewelry, which includes elaborate silver and gold bracelets and various kinds of vibrant beadwork, is another form of art in Kenya. Women make pottery and elaborately decorated baskets in some tribes, such as the Kikuyu and the Luhya.
  • 19. A Religious Nation The exquisite Mombasa Memorial Cathedral in Mombasa. Image credit Roman Catholics make up 28% of Kenya’s population, compared to Protestants who make up 38%. 26% of people identify as animists, 7% as Muslims, and 1% as practicing another religion. The Kikuyu other groups worship the god Ngai, who is said to live on top of Mount Kenya. As Mombasa has a majority of Christian and Muslim population, it has beautiful religious sites like Burhani Mosque, Azhar Mosque, Mombasa Memorial Cathedral, Shiva Temple, Holy Ghost Roman Cathedral, Jain Temple, and many more.
  • 20. Burhani Masjid in Mombasa Kenya. Image credit Traditional religions hold the belief that diviners have the ability to communicate with the spirit world and can use this ability to heal people of illnesses or evil spirits. In times of drought, diviners are also asked to help bring rain. Witches and sorcerers are also thought to possess supernatural abilities, but in contrast to diviners, they use these abilities to harm others. The diviners’ task is to counteract their negative effects.
  • 21. Boys and girls go through different rituals before they are deemed of marriageable age. Like Kikuyu boys are initiated at the age of eighteen. They have pierced ears, buzzed hair, and white earth tattoos on their faces. Twelve-year-old Pokot girls are initiated in a ceremony that involves singing, dancing, and body art made of ocher, red clay, and animal fat. Everywhere in the nation, weddings are significant events that are marked by up to eight days of special music, dance, and food. Kenyans hold the view that after passing away, one enters the spirit world, which has a significant impact on the physical world. Children are viewed as the manifestation of a family’s ancestors’ souls by many Kenyans who practice reincarnation. Now let’s see why Mombasa is the best city if you want to explore the cultures of Kenya. Travel to Mombasa & Experience the Cultures of Kenya Video Credit In every corner of Mombasa, you can experience the cultures of Kenya. It is a city rich in culture with a history that dates back almost a thousand years. People from all walks of life have passed through it because it is one of the main entryways to the East Coast of Africa, each leaving a piece of their heritage and culture behind. The architecture, markets, etc. are influenced by Arab and Muslim cultures. There are stunning mosques and temples all over the island, some of which date back 200 years to the time when the first Indian communities migrated to Africa’s east coast. With the beginning of colonialism, there is also a European influence, though this is more prevalent in Kenya’s interior and along the beachfront, etc. It is a melting pot of cultures, with residents from all over the world. Book a Hotel in Mombasa
  • 22. What is Mombasa Famous for? The coastal city of Mombasa in Kenya. Image credit: Carmen56 via It offers visitors a unique taste of the African tropics infused with centuries of maritime history. This global tourist hotspot is actually an island that is connected to the Kenyan coast by bridges and ferries. Mombasa’s beach resorts are located on miles-long stretches of palm-lined shoreline that are bordered on both sides by shimmering coral reefs. Visitors from all over the world come here to take advantage of the many activities available, including deep-sea fishing, diving, and snorkeling at wrecks and reefs, as well as relaxing on the sun-drenched beaches. In addition, you can explore the cultures of Kenya. The coastal city is not just famous for its beaches and hotels but also for its historical sites, national parks, cultural centers, water sports, and marine life.
  • 23. North & South Coast Beaches Bamburi beach on the north coast of Mombasa. Image credit Nyali, Bamburi, Shanzu, and Malindi are some of the famous north coast beaches in Mombasa. On the other hand, Tiwi, Diani, and Galu are the best south coast beaches in Mombasa. Bamburi is the best beach in Mombasa. There are plenty of beach hotels in Mombasa. They showcase various cultures of Kenya in terms of food, entertainment, etc. Mombasa’s north coast beaches are a little livelier than its south coast beaches. There is no shortage of tourist activity thanks to the palm-lined beaches, the clear waters, the coral reefs, and the abundance of water sports, resorts, and entertainment options. You will easily find a hotel near Mombasa airport and the city center.
  • 24. Mombasa Historical Sites The iconic ruins of Jumba La Mtwana in Mombasa. Image credit Famous historical sites in Mombasa include Fort Jesus Museum, Old Town, Jumba La Mtwana, and Moi Avenue Tusks. Located near Fort Jesus, the stunning epitome of European architecture – Old Town has been converted into souvenir shops and restaurants with abundant flavors and cultures of Kenya.
  • 25. Elephant tusks at Moi Avenue in Mombasa. Image credit Built in the 14th century, Jumba la Mtwana ruins now hold mosques, a tomb, and houses. It is one of the best places in Mombasa. Moi Avenue is known for the giant pair of elephant tusks that were put up in the year 1956 for Princess Margaret’s visit to Mombasa.
  • 26. National Parks Tourists feeding giraffes at the Haller Park. Image credit Are you looking for the best tourist sites in Mombasa? Haller Park and Marine National Park are the #1 tourist attractions in Mombasa. Haller park has many birds. More than 160 species, including weaver birds, cranes, pelicans, and storks, have been introduced to the region. Nguni Wildlife Sanctuary is about a 15-minute drive from Haller Park if you want to see more wildlife. You can have up-close encounters with giraffes, ostriches, eland, oryx, and many bird species.
  • 27. Marine National Park in Mombasa. Image Credit: Jossec S via tripadvisor Mombasa Marine National Park, one of Kenya’s busiest offshore reserves, protects mangroves, sea grass beds, sandy beaches, and coral reefs.
  • 28. Cultural Centers Bombolulu Cultural Center in Mombasa. Image credit Are you looking for things to buy in Mombasa? Bombolulu Cultural Center has four sheltered workshops, a cultural center, and a restaurant. It is a project of the Association for the Physically Handicapped in Kenya. You can watch tribal dance performances and tour traditional Kenyan homesteads at the cultural center. What better way to discover the cultures of Kenya! Rich Experiences to Try in Mombasa Kenya Where to stay in Mombasa? Video Credit Every second that goes by during your stay at Mombasa Travellers Beach Hotel, adds to your memories in some way. We value the cultures of Kenya and showcase them to our visitors in many forms and they can’t get enough of the experience. They come to enjoy the professional service of the hotel’s staff as well as a variety of facilities and activities. The hotel has the best pool and gym in Mombasa.
  • 29. Indulge in Exclusive Activities Looking for hotels in the North Coast of Mombasa? Travellers Beach Hotel & Club offers a private beach where you can enjoy umbrellas, beach massages, and volleyball, putting you within 0.4 km of Bamburi Beach. Being one of the best hotels in Bamburi beach Mombasa, visitors come here to unwind, energize, strategize and simply have fun. Everyone can have fun in the hotel’s three outdoor pools, and those looking for some pampering can indulge in deep-tissue massages and aromatherapy. Cold drinks are served at the sports bar, and the coffee shop/café is a great place to grab a bite. Two swim-up bars, a beach bar, and a health club are additional highlights. And wait till you see the best accommodation in Mombasa Kenya. A Home Away from Home
  • 30. Which types of rooms are available at Travellers Beach Hotel? Being one of the top 4 star hotels in Mombasa, various room selections are made to offer you a luxurious and convenient stay with views of the sea and the exquisite gardens. We offer the most romantic honeymoon suites in Mombasa. Our Suites, as well as Standard and Superior rooms, are furnished with contemporary comforts like flat-screen televisions, charging cords, fruit baskets, coffee and tea making amenities, telephones, air conditioning systems, hair dryers, safes, and en-suite bathrooms with bathtubs and shower area. The elegant one-bedroom suites with private patios and balconies are swept in a lazy breeze that allows guests to relax in Mombasa’s tropical climate. These are a beach and vacation lover’s paradise. The Swahili people value the cultures of Kenya like staying close to your family so we offer standalone units or connecting family rooms. What Our Guests Say
  • 31. What food and drinks options are available at Travellers Beach Hotel? During your stay During your stay or visit, the highly trained chefs will treat you to a variety of culinary experiences, from traditional Swahili dishes to Indian, Italian, and other global cuisines. You must try mouth-watering dishes at Sher e Punjab – Indian Restaurant Mombasa. La Pergola is the best restaurant in Mombasa for Italian food. Suli Suli Grill serves the most exotic seafood in Mombasa.
  • 32. Come out in the evenings to mingle with other visitors while taking in live music, other entertainment, and a full bar. Our bartenders will make you a cocktail or mocktail or provide you with a wide range of other local and foreign beverages. Are you here to explore the cultures of Kenya and do business meetings as well? We offer high-tech business meetings in our world-class conference and boardrooms. I Am Here on Business Wrapping Up Your Virtual Cultures of Kenya Tour “The peoples of Kenya have an incredible richness of history and culture. Learning from what we already have, from all the communities, is the way into the world.” Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong’o
  • 33. Music, food, dress, and art are the main features that showcase the diverse cultures of Kenya and Mombasa is a vibrant example of it. Mombasa’s location near South Asia, Zanzibar, and Nairobi as well as its large shipping and maritime industries makes it a diverse mosaic of cultures in Kenya and East Africa. If you want to experience the rich cultural diversity of Kenya, check out the events calendar below:  Labor Day is observed on May 1  New Year’s Day on January 1  The anniversary of self-rule, Madaraka Day, on June 1  Independence Day, also known as Jamhuri Day, is celebrated on December 12  Kenyatta Day, which honors Jomo Kenyatta as the nation’s hero, on October 20  Harambee Day, features a huge parade in Nairobi and celebrations around the country  Mombasa carnival is the most popular festival in Kenya which celebrates the traditions and ethnicity of tribes Do you want all inclusive holidays in Mombasa Kenya? Looking for the best place to stay in Mombasa? Call Us Today! Read our full blog at - must-travel-to-mombasa-in-2022-explore-rich-history-cultures-of-kenya/ Website - Email - Phone - +254 415 485121/6; +254 720 648 708; +254 700 375 575 Address - P.O. Box 87649 - 80100 Mombasa, Kenya