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Contributed by the participants in the March 2014 INTEF Online Teacher Training Course.
Collaborative Chain Stories
March 2014
MAY 	14,	2014
Luis	Miguel	Sánchez	Sáez/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
"What's	the	matter	with	you	today,
Mary?	You	look	rather	worried?"
the	teacher	asked.
"Oh,	it's	nothing,	just	that
assignment	you	gave	us	last
Friday.	I	think	I	got	carried	away
and	the	story	makes	no	sense	at	all.
Writing	a	story	is	far	more	difficult
than	I	thought."	Mary	answered.
"Really?	It	can't	be	that	bad!	Let
me	have	a	look	at	it."	The	teacher
said	as	she	took	Mary's	notebook	in
her	hands	and	started	browsing
through	Mary's	story.
"Aha...mmmmm....mmmm.	So,	in
The	Princess	in	Pyjamas
Chain	Story	Group	A.	Digital	Storytelling	for
Teachers.	INTEF	2014
@MJGSM	•	JANUARY	30,	2014
a	nutshell,	your	story	is	about	a	girl
who	was	left	home	alone	with	her
sisters	and	a	pervert	neighbour,	at
night,	by	her	parents,	who	usually
forgot	to	turn	off	the	TV	in	their
bedroom,	and	went	on	a	drinking
spree	instead	of	picking	a	crazy
grandma,	on	an	overnight	pass,	up
from	the	asylum,	so	the	grandma
had	to	walk	her	way	-5	kms-	to
their	house	and	broke	into	it
through	a	window	to	look	for	some
odd	pills	to	take	and	ended	up
almost	choking	on	a	3-year-out-of-
date	cookie	before	vanishing	into
thin	air.	So,	they	looked	for	her	in	a
godforgotten	room	upstairs	where
the	girl	bumped	into	a	book	that
reminds	us	of	Alice	in	Wonderland
and	then..."	The	teacher	stopped	it
there	and	looked	at	Mary	in	the
eyes,	inquisitively.	"Am	I	right,
Mary	blushed,	she	felt	unbearably
ashamed.	Feeling	her	teacher's
eyes	piercing	through	her	so
intently	was	so	disquieting.	She
looked	down	and	in	a	whisper
answered,	"Yes,	that's	it,	Cheri!"
Cheri	patted	Mary's	head	gently,
Mary	looked	up	and	smile	and
Cheri	smiled	back	at	her,	"Yes,	it's
a	bit	too	much	for	my	liking
but,	what?	Who	cares?	It	is
perfect,	it	is	just	fiction.	Why
should	anyone	expect	fiction	to	be
logical?	Fiction	is	fiction	and
anything	is	possible,	the	writer	is
The	Maker	in	that	world,	it	is	the
writer	that	sets	the	rules	in	that
world,	you	may	like	it	or	not,	but
that's	another	story.	Don't	forget
that,	and	keep	it	in	mind	whenever
you	read	fiction."
Mary	thought	about	it	for	a
moment	and	couldn't	help	saying,
"But	there	must	be	some	kind	of
logic	in	everything."
Cheri	turned	back,	gave	her	the
same	look	again,	clapped	her
hands	and	said,	"Things	may	not
be	what	you	think	they	are	in	the
real	world	either,	Mary.	Never	take
things	for	granted.	There	is	more
to	things	than	appearance."	Then,
raising	her	voice	a	bit	she	shouted,
"Children	please,	may	I	have	your
attention	for	a	moment.	Listen	to
me,	there's	something	important	I
do	need	to	tell	you."	She	took	a
hankie	out	of	her	handbag	and...
MAY 	14,	2014
Javier	Garcia	Colomo	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
As	she	jumped	off	the	window,	she
discovered	that	the	red	and	white
little	dots	on	her	pyjamas	turned
black.	She	realized	that	all	this
world	that	she	was	living	in,	was	all
a	dream!
She	didn't	neither	call	the	112	nor
visited	the	library.	She	was
dreaming	about	what	would	her
world	look	like	if	she	was	a	child
again.	The	day	she	suffered	a	bad
headache	when	she	was	a	teenager
at	Gardandale	Elementary	school.
That	day,	she	went	back	home,	laid
down	in	her	enormous	bed	and	fall
All	the	books	she	had	read	that
year	at	school	where	all	coming
alive	and	transporting	her	into	a
fantastic	world...	But	what	she
didn't	realize	until	that	time	was
MAY 	12,	2014
Carmen	Soto	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
The	midday	found	her	tapping
absent-mindedly	on	the	computer
keys	as	if	she	were	rethinking	the
story	to	find	some	kind	of	logical
explanation.	The	reading	of	the
shared	tale	had	brought	her	back
strange	memories	which	she
couldn't	put	into	words.	
A	sudden	chill	ran	down	her	spine
and	she	began	shuddering
uncomfortably.	Trying	to	calm
down,	she	glanced	away	from	the
screen	for	a	while	and	skimmed
over	the	room	in	search	of
something	that	could	help	pull
herself	together.	
The	room	was	a	mess:	a	tray	with
some	left-overs	on	the	bedspread,
a	dirty	tracksuit	lying	sloppily	on
the	back	of	a	chair,	some	books
scattered	all	over	the	floor...	Her
mother	was	right.	It	was	a
complete	mess.
Suddenly,	one	of	the	books	on	the
floor	caught	her	eye.	It	was	open	to
a	random	page	where	two
underlined	words	stood	out:
"Follow	me."	-they	said.	The	words
reflected	on	the	windowpane
pierced	by	the	midday	sunbeams.
Then,	a	strange	force	made	her
briskly	open	the	window	and,
forgetting	she	was	still	wearing
that	childish	pyjamas,	she	jumped
out	into	the	unknown.
Image	"Electric	vs.	Nature"	by
Chelseyy	Rayy
MAY 	12,	2014 Eva	Gutiérrez/	My	contribution	to	the
chain	story
"Had	it	all	really	happened?	Was
her	grandma	actually	choking
before	she	disappeared?"...	"It
can't	have	been	real,	it	must	have
been	all	a	terrible	nightmare...",
she	reassured	herself.	But	still	one
question	lingered	in	her
mind...."Who	called	emergencies
in	the	middle	of	the	night?"
Feeling	a	bit	light-headed	and
reeling	at	the	confusion	in	her
head,	she	sat	down	at	her	PC	and
set	about	doing	her	homework...
"What	was	the	assignment	for
Creative	Writing?"....	"Ah,	yes...
contributing	to	her	class
collaborative	chain	story...".
Still	wearing	her	too-childish-for-
her-liking	pyjamas,	she	clicked	on
the	link	and,	to	her	astonishment,
there	it	was:	the	weird	title	of	the
story	in	progress...."The	Princess
in	Pyjamas"	while	her	mother	went
about	the	room	grunting
something	and	complaining	about
an	excruciating	headache.
"I	won't	repeat	it	again!	Tidy	your
bedroom	at	once!",	she	yelled.	"Oh
gosh,	I	think	I	had	one	too	many
last	night..."	and	having	said	that,
she	left	the	room	and	left	our	little
princess	in	a	warm	plush	pyjamas
to	a	story	that	could	have	well
happened	to	herself.
MAY 	11,	2014
Josué	Bernal	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
She	was	silent	for	a	while,	stunned.
Then	she	went	upstairs	to	her	room
and	turned	on	the	computer.
Knock,	Knock,	Honey!	said	his
mother.	Are	you	there?	Yes,	mom,
come	in,
What's	wrong?,	Asked	her	mother.	
Nothing	mom,	why?	
I	do	not	know,	you	...	Well,	It
doesn't	matter.	By	the	way:
Yesterday	there	was	a	call	to	112	on
the	phone.	Do	you	remember
anything	about	that?	
It	was	a	terrible	shock	to	Paulina.
If	it	was	a	nightmare	...	how	could
keep	that	phone	call?	and	why
Tania	had	the	same	nightmare?
MAY 	10,	2014
Voices	sounded	far	away,,,	she	
woke	up	but	didn't	know	where	
was..........	until	it	sank	in	
that	all	
has	been	a	nightmare.........
went	upstairs	jumping	for	joy	
............	There	was	her	
sleeping	placidly.	She	didn't	
to	wake	her	she	kept	
silence...,	she	wanted	to	grasp	
moment.............her	nanny	
sleeping.......	she	knew	for	
sure	that	
she'd	miss	her	one	day,	she'd	
her	nagging	.....,	her	voice,	
slurping	the	soup,	her	look,	the…
smell	of	her	skin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…
Afterwards,	she	went	downstairs	
,,,,,,,,,,	and	switched	on	the	
the	phone	rang,,,,,	it	was	one	
who	she	usually	hang	out	
she	told	her	about	a	nightmare	
she	had	the	night	before	and	a	
shiver	went	down	her	spine.,	it	
the	same	nightmare	she	had
MAY 	10,	2014
Voices	sounded	far	away,,,	she	
woke	up	but	didn't	know	where	
was..........	until	it	sank	in	
that	all	
has	been	a	nightmare.........	
went	upstairs	jumping	for	joy	
............	There	was	her	
sleeping	placidly.	She	didn't	
to	wake	her	she	kept	
silence...,	she	wanted	to	grasp	
moment.............her	nanny	
sleeping.......	she	knew	for	
sure	that	
she'd	miss	her	one	day,	she'd	
her	nagging	.....,	her	voice,	
slurping	the	soup,	her	look,	the…
smell	of	her	skin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…
Afterwards,	she	went	downstairs	
,,,,,,,,,,	and	switched	on	the	
the	phone	rang,,,,,	it	was	one	
who	she	usually	hang	out	
she	told	her	about	a	nightmare	
she	had	the	night	before	and	a	
shiver	went	down	her	spine.,	it
the	same	nightmare	she	had	
MAY 	10,	2014
PORTILLO/	My	contribution
to	the	chain	story
Pauline	got	closer	and	closer	to	the
mysterious	book	in	the	middle	of
the	little	room.	Suddenly	she
notices	the	book	contained	a
curious	image:	an	old	lady	and
three	girls...	
Little	by	little	she	was	getting	more
anxious	since	that	picture	on	the
book	made	her	suspect	something
wrong	was	happening:	was	she	just
a	fictional	character	from	that
storybook	or	rather	was	she	having
the	same	experience	as	that	Alice
who	saw	fast	rabbits	and	thick-
haired	tail	cats?
"Yeah,	that	sweet	Alice	created	by
that	Lewis	Carrol,	the	book	granny
used	to	read	us	three.	This	is	what
is	happening	to	me..."	.	"This	is
only	a	dream	or	maybe	a
nightmare,	that's	all..."	Pauline
However,	poor	Pauline	was	wrong,
since	the	set	of	strange	events	did
not	come	to	an	end...	Now,	one
book	fell	down	from	the	shelves
opened	by	a	page	with	two
underlined	words:	FOLLOW	ME...
MAY 	10,	2014
MAY 	10,	2014
Verónica	Banegas	Font	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
The	door	creaked.	She	was
trembling,	but	finally	when	the
door	was	open,	she	could	check
that	the	room	was	empty,	nobody
inside.	What	a	pity!	She	thought
that	she	was	crazy,	and	all	the
events	of	that	night	were	created	by
her	imagination,	or	maybe,	it	was	a
Suddenly,	she	noticed	that	there
was	an	open	book	on	the	floor.	She
got	close,	fear	turned	into
curiosity.	She	loved	reading,	as	her
grandmother,	who	read	her	a	book
every	night	when	she	was	alive.
And	indeed,	it	was	her	favorite
book,	that	so	often	she	asked	her	to
read	it	again	and	again.
MAY 	09,	2014
María	González	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
It	could	not	be	true.	Suddenly,
grandma	was	gone,	there	was	no
sign	of	her.	But	...	where	had	she
gone	to?	How	she	disappeared
without	anyone	noticing?
Desperately,	Pauline	started	running	around	the
house	looking	for	Philomena,	her	lovely	Granny.	She
meticulously	examined	each	and	every	corner	in
that	big	old	house	without	success.	She	was
Suddenly,	she	got	an	idea!	She	remembered	the	little
room	that	was	on	the	top	floor	where	her	sisters,
grandma	and	she	used	to	spent	long	periods	together
when	Philomena	lived	with	them.	It	was	a	kind	of	an
enchantering	library	jammed	of	old	books.	She	must
be	there.
When	she	was	in	front	of	the	door,	she	first	breath	in
deeply	and	then	she	started	to	open	it	carefully...
MAY 	09,	2014
Ángel	Jacinto	Traver	Vera
-	Pauline:	Oh	mummy,	you're
completely	drunk!	I	always	tell	you
that	I	hate	seing	in	this	way.	But
now	daddy	too.	It's	incredible.	And
these	horrible	cookies...
-	Mother:	What	wrong	with	my
oatmeal	cookies,	Pauline?
-	Pauline:	Look	at	you	mother,
mummy!	she	is	drowning	because
of	you.
-	Mother:	What	are	you	saying,
-	Pauline:	Yes,	mum.	Your	cookies
are	outdated	three	years	ago.	And
look	at	this	showcase.	It's	full	of
-	Mother:	But,	there	are	also	many
juice,	even	tomato.
-	Father:	Don't	worry,	my
princesses,	the	doctor	is	here.
-	Doctor:	Where	is	the	patient?
-	Pauline:	Right	now,	she	was
-	Mother:	I	was	sensing.	You	lost
your	grandma	again,	Pauline.
MAY 	09,	2014
María	José
-	Help!,	help!.	My	grandmother	is
in	danger.	A	piece	of	cookie	made
her	choked	-	said	Pauline	sadly.
-	Do	not	worry!.	We	are	going	to
there	right	now	-	said	the	doctor.
When	Pauline	hanged	the	mobile
up,	she	heard	a	huge	fuss	in	the
street.	She	looked	at	the	window
and	she	saw	her	parents.	They
were	singing	and	dancing.
-	Oh,	my	God!.	They	are	absolutely
drunk	-	Pauline	muttered	breaking
in	tears	down.
-	While	their	parents	were	going	to
open	the	front	door,	they	were
surprised	by	a	great	siren.	The
ambulance	was	coming.	They
looked	at	each	other	and	they	said
at	the	same	time.	What	is
MAY 	09,	2014
MAY 	08,	2014
Verica	Kovacevic	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
"Granny!	...	Granny!...",	Pauline
screamed	again	and	again,	while
the	grandmother	was	choking	and
becoming	blue	in	her	face.
"Call	the	ambulence",	finally
wispered	the	grandmother.
Shivering	and	trembling,	Pauline
picked	up	the	phone,	but...	What	is
this?	There	was	no	signal.
"What	shall	I	do?	I	don't	know.
The	grandmother	was	lying	on	the
floor,	practically	breathless,
moving	her	arms	and	legs
frenetically,	as	if	that	was	going	to
help	her	get	the	cookie	out	of	her
throat.	She	was	trying	to	say
something	to	the	girl,	but	only
strange	voices	came	out	of	her
Suddenly,	Pauline	remembered
she	had	left	her	mobile	phone
charging	in	her	room	last	night.
She	dashed	into	the	room,	grabbed
the	phone	and	dialed.
"112...	How	can	I	help	you?"
MAY 	07 ,	2014
César	De	León/My
contribution	to	the	chain
...but	she	was	voiceless	(she	had
gone	to	a	"One	direction"	concert
last	night	and	she	became	aphonic,
The	person	who	was	there,
standing	behind	her	was...her
"Calm	down",	her	grandmother
said:	"I	won't	hurt	you".
Pauline	whispered,	trembling:	"I
thought	you	were	in	the	asylum,
grandma;	what	are	you	doing
The	old	lady	explained	that,	once	a
month,	in	the	asylum	they
organised	a	contest	and	the	first
prize	was	the	chance	to	get	one	free
night	and,	against	all	odds,	she	was
the	winner	this	time.	The	problem
was	that	no	one	was	waiting	for	her
when	she	came	out	from	the
asylum,	so	she	had	to	walk	five
kilometres	to	reach	the	house.	It
got	dark	during	the	hike.
Once	in	the	house,	she	was	not	able
to	find	the	keys	and	the	doorbell
didn't	work,	so	she	tried	to	enter
through	the	window	and	she	fell
and	hit	her	head.	She	was	trying	to
find	some	medicins	when	she
found	her.	"Could	I	have	a	cup	of
tea,	darling?",	she	asked,	and	both
of	them	went	to	the	kitchen.
They	were	enjoying	the
conversation,	remembering	the	old
times	when,	suddenly,	a	piece	of
cookie	stuck	in	grandmother's
throat.	They	were	in	trouble	again!.
MAY 	06,	2014
Manuel	Castaño/My
contribution	to	the	chain
She	couldn´t	wait	any	longer.	She
breathed	deeply	and	started	going
upstairs	very	slowly.	When	she	got
to	the	upper	floor,	she	could	see	a
flickering	light	coming	out	under
her	parent´s	bedroom	door.
But...they	were	not	at	home!	She
peeped	carefully	through	the
bedroom´s	keyhole	and	realised
that	the	telly	was	On.	Very	bravely,
she	opened	the	door	and	got	closer
to	the	TV.	It	was	one	of	those	late
comercials	programmes	where	an
extremely	friendly	guy	shows	how
well	his	knives	cut.	She	switched
off	the	telly
and...Suddenly...Someone	tapped
her	on	the	shoulder.	She	screamed
MAY 	05,	2014
Carmen	Juárez/My
contribution	to	the	chain
story	...
That	was	too	much	for	her!
Definitely,	something	wrong	was
going	on.	Someone	was	making
those	smooth	noises.	They	were	not
the	creaking	sounds	of	wooden
planks,	not	the	light	touch	of	bare
feet	walking	on	the	floor,	they	were
similar	to	whispering	or	hissing
soounds.	Could	there	be	someone
talking	in	their	sleep?	Might	that
be	the	wicked	old	neighbour	next
door	sneaking	through	their
windows	again,	murmuring	that
hideous	and	unspeakable	gibberish
she	used	to	say?
MAY 	05,	2014
Angela	Izquierdo/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
She	closed	slowly	the	fridge´s	door
while	her	heart	was	beating	over
ninety	beats	per	minute,	she	could
not	breathe,	she	wanted	to	pay
attention	to	the	noise	upstairs.
Maybe,	was	one	of	her	sisters
awake?	She	did	not	safe	at	home
that	night,	she	had	a	disturbing
Pauline	waited	for	a	while	until	to
open	the	fridge	again,	and	pick	up
the	milk	but	suddenly	she	heard
the	same	noise	in	her	parents´
bedroom.	That	house	was	not	the
typical	creaky	house.	What	was
going	on?	Was	it	just	a
coincidence?	She	breathed	deeply
and	gathered	her	courage...
Image	from:
MAY 	05,	2014
Fernando	Hidalgo	/	My
contribution	to	the	chain
What	could	she	do?	She	didn't
want	to	wake	up	or	disturb	her
sisters.	She	made	up	her	mind
looking	through	the	window.	The
wind	was	blowing	and	the	trees
were	moving	left	to	right.	The	light
of	the	moon	allows	her	to	see	the
garden.	Then,	she	saw	something
moving	behind	the	bushes.	Was	it	a
rabbit?	Was	it	Herman,	her
father's	dog?	or	perhaps....	Well,
she	didn't	want	to	think	about	it.
So,	she	went	downstairs.	She
needed	to	drink	hot	milk	in	order
to	be	able	to	sleep.	The	house	was
very	quiet.	First,	she	opened	her
sister's	bedroom.	They	were	fast
asleep	but	she	couldn't	sleep	a
Once	in	the	kitchen,	she		opened
the	fridge	and	the......	she	could
hear	a	sound	coming	from
MAY 	05,	2014
José	Ramón	del	PIno	Ruiz/My
contribution	to	the	chain	story
Beauty,	peace	and	silence,	they
were	the	only	words	that	could
describe	properly	that	night.
Pauline	felt	happy.		
She	was	a	12	year	old	nice	girl,	the
eldest	of	John's	and	Becky's	three
daughters.	Her	younger	sister	were
sleeping	by	now,	and	she	could
only	feel	their	quiet	breathing.
What	was	that?	Had	it	been	a
sound?	Pauline	tried	to	fix	her	eyes
in	a	bush,	100	metres	far,	that
seems	to	be	moving	in	the	distance.
Suddenly	she	felt	cold.	She	was
usually	a	brave	young	girl,	but
something	outside	made	her	feel
uneasy	and	in	sudden	need	of	the
protection	of	her	parents,	who
were	out	in	town	that	night...
Image:	By	Terry	Robinson	from	Creative
Commons	Generic
Atributtion/Alike	2.0
The	story	starts	here!
It	was	getting	dark,	and	hundreds
of	beautiful	stars	were	sparkling
high	above,	just	like	flickering
candles.	A	shy	moon	was	trying	to
elbow	her	brightening	way	among
all	of	them.	Pauline,	wearing	her
bees	and	teddy	bears	pyjamas,	was
looking	through	her	bedroom
Image:	Dark	side	of	the	moon,	by
Chris	Isherwood.	The	image	is
licensed	under	a	Creative
Commons	Attribution-ShareAlike
2.0	Generic	License.
MAY 	15,	2014
Once	their	friends	gave	her	the	painting,
they	were	surprised	because	Paulina’s
reaction.	Paulina	ran	away	from	the
house.	Pauline’s	parents,	Tom	and
Claudia	followed	her,	but	Pauline
disapeared	in	the	forest.	Pauline,
Pauline!	All	of	them	were	shouting…but
she	didn’t	answer.	One	hour	later,
Paulina	hadn't	been	found	yet.	They
were	worried.	The	night	was	falling,	it
was	dark.	It	started	to	rain,	and	they
couldn’t	see	anything.	Eerie	sounds	were
being	heard	around	them,	it	was	a
horrible	landscape…	and	Pauline	was
still	missing…Suddenly,	between	the
high	trees,	they	saw	a	tiny	light.	They
thought	that	likely	Pauline	could	be	over
there,	but…
The	Princess	in	Pyjamas
Chain	Story	Group	B.	Digital	Storytelling	for
Teachers.	INTEF	2014
@MJGSM	•	JANUARY	30,	2014
MAY 	14,	2014
Miguel	Fernández
She	discovered	a	present	that	she	did	not
expected.	Her	face	changed	instantly
and	she	burst	into	tears.	She	left	the
room	shouting	and	crying	while	her
friends	were	absolutely	stupefied...	
-	What	is	the	problem?-	Tom	said-	
-	I	don't	known,	I	can't	understand
anything-	Claudia	answered.
Pauline's	parents	quickly	came	into	the
room	,	alarmed	by	her	daughter	cries	-
What	happend?-	her	mother	asked-
Claudia	and	Tom	didn't	know	what
could	they	answer.	When	Tom	recovered
his	breath	he	said:
-	I	don't	know,	we	only	gave	her	a
present...,	look,	we	worked	very	hard	to
make	her	happy-	
Pauline's	mother	looked	at	the	painting
and	there	wasn't	anything	strange	in	it,
in	fact,	it	was	a	really	nice	painting	of
Pauline's	and	her	friends	playing	in	the
The	image	is	licensed	under	a	Creative
Commons	Attribution-ShareAlike	2.0
Generic	License.
MAY 	14,	2014
Daniel	Redondo
Tom	and	Claudia	were	great	followers	of
Pauline's	paintings.	Because	Pauline's
birthday	was	coming	up,	they	decided	to
give	her	a	special	present	which	would
be	a	paintwork.
They	really	worked	hard	on	it	for	one
long	week,	but	all	that	effort	was	worth	it
Next	day	was	Pauline's	birthday	and
Tom	and	Claudia	went	to	see	her
-	Happy	birthday	Pauline!!	We	have
brought	a	gift	for	you	-	said	the	kids	with
a	big	smiles	on	their	faces.
Pauline	now	was	so	excited	and
intrigued	at	the	same	time	that	didn't
hesitate	for	a	second	to	open	that
mysterious	package,	but	when	she
unwrapped	it	entirely...
MAY 	13,	2014
Antonia	Mª	Moreno	Gonzalez
It	was	as	if	Pauline	had	grown	up	in	just
a	couple	of	months	that	they	were	living
there.Her	parents	were	worried	because
she	was	a	sweet	and	friendly	girl,	who
enjoyed	playing	with	her	toys	and
friends.Now	she	spent	hours	in	front	of
her	paintings	,	walking	through	the
woods,	staring	at	the	stars.Our	little
auline	was	discovering	a	new	and
wonderful	world	that	was	causing	her	a
little	bit	of	confusion	and	her	paintings
were	her	way	to	express	her	feelings.So,
though	the	doctors	and	her	parents	were
worried	about	her,	she	felt	relaxed	and
calmed.She	knew	that	this	lovely	place
far	from	the	city	was	special	and	full	of
magic	.Then,	she	turned	to	her	parents
and	with	a	smile	in	her	face	told	them
"mum,	dad,don´t	worry	,I	feel	so	happy
here".Her	parents	breathed	deeply	and
hugged	her.
MAY 	13,	2014
Esther	González
Physicists	had	not	seen	a	similar	case	in
their	life.	It	was	very	strange	because
Pauline's	paintings	revealed	a	state	of
loneliness,	fear	and	anxiety,	but	at	the
same	time,	they	showed	serenity	and
While	physicists	were	examining
Pauline's	dark	paintings,	she	started	to
wake	up.	All	the	people	that	were	in	that
room	ran	to	her	bed…	How	are	you
Pauline?	Are	you	ok?	Does	anything
hurt?	Is	anything	hurting?...
She	was	too	exhausted	even	to	think
clearly,	however,	she	started	to	talk…
‘I’ve	dreamed	a	lot.	I’m	tired	now	from
dreaming	but	not	tired	of	dreaming.	No
one	tires	of	dreaming,	because	to	dream
is	to	forget…'
Image	Photo	credit:
MAY 	12,	2014
 truth.   Music:  
MAY 	08,	2014
Asun	Villamil
After	dinner,	when	her	parents	told	her
it	was	time	to	sleep,	Pauline	was	afraid
of	climbing	up	the	stairs	to	her	room.
What	if	the	shadow	had	followed	her?	-
Pauline,	it's	high	time	you	were	in	bed	-
her	mother	reminded	her.	And	step	by
step,	she	climbed.	Her	room	was	dark,
except	for	the	soft	moon	rays	coming
through	the	window.	With	one	last
effort,	she	turned	on	the	light.	No,	the
shadow	was	not	there.	
David	Kracht.	Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike	2.0	Generic
MAY 	08,	2014
MªCarmen	Montoya	Martínez
One	day	in	one	of	her	walks	she	noticed
something	strange.	The	forest	was
extremely	quiet.	There	wasn’t	any	noise.
Suddenly,	she	felt	scared	of	being	there.
Where	were	the	rabbits?	Where	were	the
squirrels?	Pauline	asked	herself	and	she
started	to	run	as	fast	as	the	rabbits	that
usually	played	with	her.
When	she	got	home	she	ran	upstairs,
went	to	her	bedroom	and	closed	the
She	was	tired	and	afraid	of	the	forest	but
something	unusual	had	happened.
The	shadow	was	there.
Suddenly,	her	mum	called	her:	It’s
dinner	time,	Pauline!	Can	you	help	me
to	prepare	the	dinner,	please?	Image
photo	credit:
MAY 	08,	2014
Begoña	García	Álamo
And	in	her	long	walks	at	evenings,	she
was	accompanied	by	a	huge		full	moon,
the	fresh	and	clean	wind	smelled	like
forest	and	her	memories.	Pauline	had
learned	to	talk	to	herself	and	to	capture
the	answers	in	her	drawings,
demolishing	buildings	for	hanging
swings	on	the	branches	of	trees.	She		has
changed	cars	and	supermarkets	by
squirrels	,	hives	of	bees,	and	fruit	trees.
She	had	stopped	painting	noises	to	start
painting	the	singing	of	the	birds,	the
sound	of	the	wind	and	the	river.	She
realised	she	could	change	the	facilities	of
living	in	a	big	city	for	the	peace	and	the
beauty	of	the	countryside.	But	he	missed
her	friends	meetings	so	she	painted	a
terrible	monster	in	the	dark	of	the	forest
which	she	named	Loneliness.
Image	by	Begoña	García	Álamo
MAY 	08,	2014
While	she	was	amazed	looking	through
her	window,	lost	in	her	thoughts,	she
could	hear	the	soft	murmur	of	the	wind
as	it	danced	with	the	trees	under	the
fragile	bright	of	the	moon.	It	was	a	little
paradise…	more	like	her	own	little
paradise.	Sometimes	from	the	window
she	could	see	a	little	shadow	wandering
aimlessly	around	the	house.		The	first
time	she	saw	it	was	during	her	first	night
in	the	house.	What	could	it	be?	When
she	asked	her	daddy,	he	said	that	it
might	probably	be	a	rabbit	or	a	hare.		
Image:	A	Bunny	in	the	Forest
by	Ghostwalker2061.	Some	rights
reserved.	This	work	is	licensed	under
a	Creative	Commons	Attribution-
Noncommercial-No	Derivative	Works
3.0	License.
MAY 	07 ,	2014
But	it	was	even	better	when	she	ventured
inside	the	woods.	She	could	spend	long
periods	of	time	there,	just	sitting	under	a
tree	watching	everything	around	her.
That	world	was	completely	new	for	her.
When	she	left	her	city,	she	was	really
sad.	She	thought	that	it	couldn´t	be
anything	better	than	her	old
neighborhood,	but	now	she	knows	she
was	totally	wrong.	She	spent	all	her	life
at	that	place.	That	neighborhood	used	to
be	her	world,	she	didn’t	know	anything
Image:	Seat	with	a	view	by	Highlight6.
The	image	is	licensed	under	a	Creative
Commons	Attribution-ShareAlike	2.0
Generic	License
MAY 	05,	2014
The	moonlight	reflected	Pauline´s
candid	face	on	the	cold	window.	She
admired	the	uncommon	spectacle.	In
the	big	city	she	could	not	enjoy	that	deep
sea	of	stars.	Too	much	light-pollution
and	fumes	quite	unlike	at	her
grandparents’.	Here,	everything	seemed
different,	for	the	better.	How	delicious,
the	homemade	cookies		for	breakfast!
Her	room,	the	dormer	window,	was	her
favourite.	Tom	and	Claudia,	her	best
friends,	could	come	here	and	play	with
all	the	toys	and	paint.	Painting	was	the
main	hobby	for	Pauline.	She	loved
She	could	be	drawing	all	morning	in	the
wooden	porch	surrounded	by	the
beautiful	scenery.
Image:	Arte	Sacra,	by	Nicola	Baruzzi.
The	Image	is	licensed	under	a	Creative
Commons	Attribution-ShareAlike	2.0
Generic	License.
The	story	starts	here!
It	was	getting	dark,	and	hundreds	of
beautiful	stars	were	sparkling	high
above,	just	like	flickering	candles.	A	shy
moon	was	trying	to	elbow	her
brightening	way	among	all	of	them.
Pauline,	wearing	her	bees	and	teddy
bears	pyjamas,	was	looking	through	her
bedroom	window.
Image:	Dark	side	of	the	moon,	by	Chris
Isherwood.	The	image	is	licensed	under
a	Creative	Commons	Attribution-
ShareAlike	2.0	Generic	License.
MAY 	15,	2014
There	wasn´t	an	exam,	there	wasn´t	a	brother,	there
wasn´t	a	cruel	friend,	nor	family,	nothing....just	a	cold
fierce	inmense	empty	sapce	right	in	front	of	her	eyes.	She
was	about	to	make	her	dreams	come	true.	Anxiety	had
taken	its	toll.	All	the	memories,	all	she	went	through	to
get	there	passed	over	her	mind	in	a	second	long	glimpse
of	her	entire	past.	But	the	time	for	her	had	come.	Now	she
had	to	face	the	fear,	the	unknown	feeling.	Become	the
first	woman	doing	that....So	she	took	a	deep	breath,	let	it
all	go	and....jump
MAY 	14,	2014
Virginia	Claudios
But	there	it	was,	the	moon	again,	looking	intently	at	her....
She	wished	it	would	stopped	staring	at	her.	And	she
started	to	wonder....	
I'd	really	like	to	travell	that	far	and	check	by	myself	what
is	so	intriguing	that	catches	all	my	attention....I	should	do
it....	I	have	to	do	it....	I	want	to	become	an	astronaut!
Wouldn't	it	be	great	to	go	up	there	and	be	close	to	the
stars	and	grandma?
So	she	resolved	to	study	science	hard	and	pass	her	exams.
After	that	the	road	wouldn't	be	easy.	She	still	had	to	go	to
university,	pass	her	exams	with	flying	colours	and	apply
to	NASA.	No,	it	wasn't	a	piece	of	cake,	but	now	that	she
knew	what	she	really	wanted,	she	resolved	to	get	her	goal
The	Princess	in	Pyjamas
Chain	Story	Group	C.	Digital	Storytelling	for	Teachers.	INTEF	2014
@MJGSM	•	JANUARY	30,	2014
MAY 	14,	2014
Pauline	wondered	how	she	could	have	never	liked	Science
before.	It	was	much	nicer	to	see	the	stars	in	real	life	than
in	her	books.	Some	of	the	boring	lessons	she	had	attended
at	high	school	came	to	her	memory:	suns,	moons,	stars
and	planets.	Not	only	that.	She	though	of	atoms.
Everything	had	atoms,	was	she	right?	So	she	had	so	much
in	common	with	those	distant	and	long	ago	disappeared
stars	she	was	now	staring	at.	And	wasn't	that	just
magical?	Even	more	magical	than	all	the	weird	dreams
she	had	had	along	that	long	night.	Her	brother	Terry
mumbled	something	on	his	dreams.	She	looked	at	him
with	a	new	feeling:	he	was	not	only	his	brother.	They
shared	so	many	things	with	the	rest	of	the	universe...	"Ok,
focus",	she	said	to	herself.	And	she	straight	up	on	her
chair	to	go	on	studying	for	her	upcoming	exams...
MAY 	13,	2014
Lucía	Valado
Why	are	you	wearing	your	pyjamas?	asked	her	father.
-It´s	Wednesday	and	you	have	to	pass	your	Science	exam.
-Pauline,	what´s	the	matter	?Are	you	ok?.
She	was	quiet	a	while.	She	didn´t	know	the	answer.	She
couldn´t	remember	anything.
-Wait	a	minute,	Daddy!
She	decided	go	up	to	her	room	and	dress	up.
When	she	returned	her	father	had	disappeared.	
She	began	to	cry......
MAY 	13,	2014
Alicia	González
-"Come	on	in,	sweety!	"	Her	father	called	from	the	car.
Pauline	rushed	at	the	sound	of	her	father's	voice,	heart
pounding	so	fast	inside	her	chest.	At	last	something	that
seemed	familiar	and	safe.	
Why	did	her	feet	feel	so	cold?	She	stopped	for	a	second,
her	little	hand	holding	the	car	door.	She	looked	down	and
could	only	gape	when	she	saw	she	was	barefoot.
-"Pauline,	let's	go,	your	mother	can't	wait	to	see	you"
Trying	to	ignore	all	the	questions	in	her	head,	she	jumped
in	the	front	seat	of	the	car.
Only	then	she	realized	she	was	wearing	her	bees	and
teddy	bears	pyjamas....
Image:	Barefoot	in	Paris	,	by	four12.	This	image	is
licensed	under	C.C
MAY 	13,	2014
Lorena	Cano
And	suddenly,	she	woke	up	again!
		“Oh,	no!	Another	swoon…”
She	was	sweating	and	she	didn’t	feel	very	well.	She	just
wanted	this	terrible	day	to	finish.
			“What	do	all	those	dreams	mean?”	She	thought...
But	all	her	thoughts	were	interrupted	by	the	principal’s
		“Pauline,	it	seems	it’s	been	a	long	day	for	you;	you’d
better	go	to	the	hospital	and	have	a	check-up.	Your
teacher	will	phone	you	tomorrow	to	talk	about	the	exam.”
She	was	there,	in	the	hall,	waiting	for	her	father	to	pick
her	up	and	go	to	hospital.	Finally	he	appeared	in	his	white
MAY 	13,	2014
Natalia	Grova	Morodo
Allmade	sense	now.	This	was	my	destiny.	I	had	known
since	grandma	feel	ill	and	nobody	seemed	able	to	help
her.	She	has	a	rae	desease,	we're	sorry	there	is	nothing	we
can	do	for	her.	But	I	couldn't	believe	it!	They	were	not
eaven	going	to	try	to	svae	my	grandma.
Doctor,	i	think	you	cure	for	cancer	is	ready	to	be	tested	on
humans.	Pauline	are	you	listening	everything	is	ready	to
But	I'm	not	sure	this	is	ready.	Don't	worry	i'm	sure
nothing	will	go	wrong.
MAY 	13,	2014
Beatriz	Paternain
Suddenly,	I	saw	myself	wearing	a	lab	coat,	latex	gloves,
and	carrying	some	tubes	with	some	unfamiliar	liquids	in
them.	“What	am	I	doing	with	these	clothes	and	these
instruments?	What	is	going	on?”,	I	wondered.	A	man	in
his	thirties	came	towards	me	and	asked	me,	“Dr.	Pauline,
what	is	the	next	step	in	our	experiment?”.	I	was	confused.
“Is	he	talking	to	me?	why?	who	is	he?”,	I	thought.
Surprisingly,	I	was	able	to	explain	to	all	the	information
he	requested.	I	felt	strange;	I	thought	I	didn’t	know
anything	related	to	Science.	However,	the	man	seemed	to
be	satisfied	with	my	answer.	“Am	I	a	scientist?”,	I
Seconds	later,	I	realized	what	was	going	on…
MAY 	13,	2014
Antonio	Lara
And	then	a	far	soft	and	familiar	voice	brought	her	back	from	that	nightmare	(or
had	it	been	a	travel?).	Pauline	felt	thousands	of	insects	boozing	in	her	ears.
Her	mouth	was	craving	for	a	drop	of	water	and	she	felt	like	a	hammer	had
smashed	her	forehead.	The	darkness	gave	way	to	a	blurring	face	and	a	some
blinkings	later	a	well	known	(and	nervous)	smile	appeared.	
-	Darling,	are	you	OK?,	Miss	Williams	said.	She	explained	to	Pauline	Mr
Atkinson	and	some	peers	had	taken	her	to	the	principal's	after	she	fainted
during	the	Science	exam.	She	had	been	unconscious	for	a	short	while	and
murmuring	nervously	intelligible	words,	miss	Williams	explained	while	getting
off	the	wet	cloth	from	Pauline's	forehead.
-	Don't	worry	honey.	Everything	is	going	to	be...					
And	darkness	returned	again....
MAY 	12,	2014
Verónica	García	López
Then	a	girl	came	into	the	room,	she	was	sad,	disheveled,
with	old	clothes	and	holding	a	tray.	-	Come	on	girl!	Hurry
up!	We're	thirsty!	-	A	man	shouted.	But,	wait,	who's	that
girl?	I	know	her...	yes...	is...	is	it	me??	What??	The	girl
whispers	something	:	I	should	had	studied	hard,	I	don't
like	this	work...	I	always	wanted	to	be	a	teacher...		But,
where	am	I?	what's	that?	Is	this	my	future?	Where's	the
girl	or	me?	Where	is	she	going?	I'm	going	to	follow	her,	I
want	to	know	more	about	my	future...
MAY 	11,	2014
Pablo	J.	Aragón	Plaza
The	first	thing	she	saw	when	she	opened	her	eyes	was
nothing,	then	darkness,	cold	and	heartless	obscurity.	She
only	remembered	there	was	some	kind	of	accident.	To
everyone's	astonishment,	her	eyes	clouded	over.	As	best
they	could.	As	for	what	happened	to	her,	she	just	can't
-“	How	strange!	Where	am	I?	Judging	by	the	clothes,	this
must	be	the	1900.	Where	are	they	rushing	off	to?	What	if
we	are	denied	entry?	I've	never	been	so	frightened.
Remember,	the	girl	in	white	is	mine.	Where	are	you
going?	It's	cold!	Close	the	doors.	Quickly!	Quickly!	Keep
moving.	Those	officers	don't	know	the	way.	Can	it	be	that
I'm	invisible?	Or	do	they	just	not	notice	me?	Interesting.
Has	all	this	been	staged	for	me?	Am	I	expected	to	play	a
role?	What	kind	of	play	is	this?	Let's	hope	it's	not	a
tragedy.	Which	way	do	we	go?	Which	way	do	we	go?
Maybe	this	way.	No.	We'll	go	this	way.	That	man	in	black,
he's	wandering	about	too.	He	nods	to	me,	but	goes
MAY 	11,	2014
Soraya	Álvarez	Prieto
When	Caroline	turned	back	with	the	glass	of	water,
Pauline	told	her:	“You	servant,	I	know	what	you	can	do
for	me”.	Pauline’s	face	showed	a	total	feeling	of	malicious
happiness	and	Caroline	understood	right
away	Pauline	was	going	to	make	her	pay	for	all	the
horrible	things	she	had	done	to	her.	Caroline	panicked.
“To	start	with”,	Pauline	said,	“I	want	you	to	sit	my	Science
exam.	You	and	I	look	alike	so	the	teacher	won’t	realize”.
Caroline	started	to	sweat	and	tremble	with	fear.	Pauline
continued:	“You	have	twenty	minutes	to	learn	everything
by	heart	as	the	exam	will	start	in	thirty	minutes.	You’d
better	pass	my	Science	exam	because	if	you	fail…
MAY 	10,	2014
Maite	Mendióroz
she	could	not	find	her	cheat	sheet.	It	was	not	in	her	pencil
case,	not	in	her	pockets,	not	in	her	sleeves...	The	teacher
was	starting	to	look	at	her	suspiciously.	She	realised	she
was	moving	too	much.	She	started	sweating	and	her
whole	body	was	itching.	She	needed	a	miracle.	Maybe	the
fire	alarm...Maybe	she	could	pretend	she	was	ill,	she	was
not	feeling	ok,	she	was	feeling	a	little	bit	dizzy...
-Boom!-her	head	hit	the	floor.	She	did	not	remember	that
the	high	school	floor	was	so	hard...and	cold	like	stone.
Stone?	Why	was	the	floor	made	of	stone?	Where	was	she?
She	lifted	her	head	and	she	felt	her	grandmother	caress.
She	was	wearing	strange	clothes	and	a	crown.	Someone
said:"is	she	ok,	Queen	Mother?".	She	opened	her	eyes	and
she	saw	her	enemy,	Caroline,	dressed	like	a	servant	in	the
middle	ages	would.	She	had	just	said	"Queen	Mother",
hadn't	she?	"I	think	she's	coming	back"-her
grandmothers	tender	voice	said.	"Grandma?"	said
Pauline.	"Yes,	Princess	Pauline,	here	I	am.	But	remember
that	now	you	are	18	,	and	you	are	old	enough	to	call	me
"Queen	Mother".	"Yes,	grandm...errr	Queen	Mother"	said
Pauline.	Princess?	Princess...Princess	at	last!!!
"May	I	be	of	any	assistance,	Your	highness?"-asked	the
"Caroline"	servant	girl.
A	malevolent	grim	appeared	in	Pauline's	face	while	she
answer:	"Yes,	bring	me	a	glass	of	water	and	in	the
meantime	I	will	think	how	you	may	help	me".
Image	:	Frank	Cadogan	Cowper	-	Vanity	By:freeparking	:-|
Atribución-NoComercial	2.0
MAY 	10,	2014
MAY 	10,	2014
Candela	Moriana
Suddenly,	Pauline	stopped	dreaming	and	said	to	herself:
-Pauline!	You	are	too	old	to	spend	your	time	dreaming.	It
is	too	late	to	prepare	your	Science	exam...	It	is	clear	that
what	you	need	is	to	prepare	a	cheat	sheet!
She	prepared	it	carefully.	‘I	am	sure	that	everything	is
going	to	be	all	right’	she	thought.
Then,	she	took	a	shower,	she	had	her	breakfast	and	she
walked	to	the	high	school.
The	exam	started.	Paulina	were	ready	to	answer	all	the	questions	but...
MAY 	10,	2014
luis	navas
University,	the	uni,	...	again	she	started	to	dream.	She
knew	next	year	could	mean	a	time	full	of	wonderful
chances	and	new	experiences.	She	really	wanted	to	get
older	and	leave	behind	that	small	and	boring	town	where
she	had	been	living	all	her	life.	She	had	been	said	those
years	at	the	uni	were	the	best	ones	in	anybody's	life.
Pauline	had	always	been	an	excellent	student,	getting
high	marks	at	school,	except	in	Science.	However,	she
needed	to	change	something	in	her	life	and	university
would	mean	the	key	to	meet	new	friends,	to	live	on	her
own	and	get	rid	of	her	annoying	brother,	Terry.	What's
more,	she	could	stop	standing	Caroline	-	her	worst
nightmare	at	school	in	the	last	two	years-.
MAY 	10,	2014
Paula	Puerto
...	but	she	didn't	listen	because	she	was	staring	at	the
stars	and	she	was	remembering	the	story	her	mother
always	told	her	when	she	a	child.	When	a	very	dear
relative	died,	part	of	him	stayed	in	the	sky	looking	at	us
and	guiding	us	in	our	lifes.		She	remembered	her	granny,
she	had	died	one	year	ago	and	she	missed	her	a	lot
because	she	was	the	only	person	who	knew	when	she	was
Suddenly,	she	could	hear	her	granny’s	voice	from	the
bottom	of	his	heart	saying	‘Pauline,	you	need	to	pass	the
exams!	I’ll	always	be	near	you,	loving	you.	You	can	talk	to
me	whenever	you	want,	but	right	now,	you	need	to	study
to	go	to	university’.
And	Pauline…
Picture	from:
MAY 	10,	2014
MAY 	09,	2014
Laura	Martínez
She	stared	at	him,	waiting	for	him	to	go.	But	nothing
seemed	to	change.	He	was	still	looking	at	her	with	that
annoyingly	conceited	look	on	his	face.	
'Ehem',	he	said,	'Perhaps	we	could	have	some	more	light
and	discuss	it	for	a	minute?	You	are	in	a	cave	up	here.	Are
you	still	studying?'
'No',	was	the	curt	reply.
Paulina	felt	distinctly	umcomfortable.	She	knew	that
Terry	was	clearly	satisfied	to	render	her	speechless	.	She
was	eager	to	know	what	happened	but	she	was	not	going
to	budge	an	inch.	Terry	was	too	proud	for	that.
'Well,	well.	Don't	you	wanna	know?',	Terry	continued...
MAY 	08,	2014
Paqui	Prieto
And	suddenly	the	door	opened	and	there	he	was,	her	great
nightmare,	her	brother	Terry	staring	at	her	with	his	deep
blue	eyes	and	with	a	grin	of	pleasure	that	he	couldn't	take
off	his	face...	-"What	the	hell	are	you	doing	here	Terry?"
Paulina	was	really	mad,	her	brother	was	the	last	person
she	wanted	to	see	at	that	moment.	Terry	was	a	handsome
youth	of	17	who	always	was	fighting	and	competing	with
her.	-	"And	you?	You	should	be	studing...	or	do	you	Know
your	exams	yet?	-"That's	not	of	your	business	Terry"
Could	you	please	get	out	of	my	room	and	leave	me	alone?
-	"Oh	my	sweet	little	sister,	believe	me	if	I	say	that	nothing
would	be	better,	but	I'm	afraid	that	we	have	a	problem..."
MAY 	07 ,	2014
Isabel	Blanco
Suddenly	Paulina	woke	up	feeling	dizzy	and	exhausted,
she	realized	she	had	fallen	asleep	and	she	hadn’t	even
opened	her	Science	book,	the	exams	were	close	and	she
wasn’t	ready	for	them.
She	was	going	to	take	her	book	when	the	telescope
attracted	her	attention,	something	about	it	was	different,
and	she	couldn’t	work	out	what.	She	walked	to	it	and
grabbed	it	with	both	hands	and	just,	out	of	the	blue,	a
sparkling	light	appeared…	it	was	a	shooting	star!!!
Paulina	couldn’t	lose	the	opportunity	to	ask	for	a	wish,
she	had	a	very	clear	idea	about	what	she	wanted:	‘I	wish	I
were	a
princess	so	I	wouldn’t	have	to	study	and	I	could	party
Image	by	halfrain	in	Flickr.	Licensed	under	CC	BY-SA	2.0
MAY 	07 ,	2014
Jose	Mª	Collazo
She	sat	down	again	in	front	of	the	telescope.	She	laid
forward	putting	all	her	weight	on	to	her	right	hand	and
she	was	asleep.	She	did	not	dream	of		her	exams	but
instead	of	the	moon.	She	saw	herself	as	Bella	playing	her
part	in	The	Twilight	Saga,	falling	in	love	with	vampire
Edward,	a	teenage	girl	risks	everything	when	she	falls	in
love,	and	forced	to	choose	between	her	attraction	for	the
vampire	and	her	friendship	with	the	werewolf.		It	was	her
18th	birthday	and	accidentally	she	cuts	herself.	Soon,	She
was	surrounded	by	some	bloodshot	eyes		who	saw	her	as
something	edible.	..	For	God's	sake!	She	wanted	to	wake
Image:	Vampyra,	by	Kasper	Jorgensen.	The	image	is
licensed	under	a	Creative	Commons	Attribution	Non-
Commercial	Share	Alike	License	3.0
MAY 	07 ,	2014
Andrés	García
Pauline	had	never	worked	out	whether	it	was	better	to
wear	glasses	to	look	through	the	telescope	or	not.	First
she	tried	with	glasses.	She	couldn’t	see	much.	Then	she
took	her	glasses	off	and	tried	again.	I	took	her	a	while	to
realise	she	hadn’t	taken	the	telescope	lid	off.	Once	she
sorted	that	out,	she	put	her	glasses	back	on,	her	head
before	the	telescope,	closed	her	right	eye,	and	through	her
left	one,	she	felt	a	light	so	intense	that	made	her	jump
back	to	her	unmade	bed.	She	blinked	her	eyes	several
times	before	standing	up	and	walking	towards	the
window,	where	the	telescope	waited	in	silence.
MAY 	06,	2014
Diego	Arévalo
Her	brother,	Terry,	was	sleeping.	He	had	had	a	week	full
of	exams	and	he	was	very	tired.
It	was	Saturday	night	and	Pauline's	friends	were	at	the
bar.	But	she	had	to	study	because	she	had	failed	her
Science	and	Geography	exams.	She	was	18	years	old	and
her	next	step	was	going	to	the	university.
Pauline	was	bored	because	she	didn't	like	Science.	But
she	was	looking	through	her	bedroom	window	and	started
to	imagine	a	similar	world	there,	in	the	moon.	So	she
opened	an	old	box	to	get	a	telescope.	It	had	been	a	present
for	her	14th	birthday.	She	hadn't	used	it	before,	but	now
she	wanted	to	see	the	stars	nearly.	Suddenly,	she	liked	a
part	of	Science	subject.
The	story	starts	here!
It	was	getting	dark,	and	hundreds	of	beautiful	stars	were
sparkling	high	above,	just	like	flickering	candles.	A	shy
moon	was	trying	to	elbow	her	brightening	way	among	all
of	them.	Pauline,	wearing	her	bees	and	teddy	bears
pyjamas,	was	looking	through	her	bedroom	window.
Image:	Dark	side	of	the	moon,	by	Chris	Isherwood.	The
image	is	licensed	under	a	Creative	Commons	Attribution-
ShareAlike	2.0	Generic	License.
Contributed by the participants in the March 2014 INTEF Online Teacher Training Course.
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How libraries can support authors with open access requirements for UKRI fund...

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