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Excellence Academy , Chandigarh offers Best Digital Marketing Certification Course Training
in Chandigarh. We offer full time one year diploma in Digital Marketing in Chandigarh. Those
who have less interest in programming or coding can make up their career in digital marketing.
As digital marketing is growing in now days. We provide Top Digital Marketing Training Course
in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.
Days of traditional marketing are gone now. No physical marketing or door marketing is exist in
now days. As we all know that everyone have android or smart phone now days. People who
have smart phone they are also on internet and they use internet for everything. Either they want
to buy something or they want to search something.
So everyone who are selling their services or products they need to be on internet to grab the
real market. They need to promote digitally or you can say on internet. So For the promotion of
products we have some good platforms like google, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube and
many more . they need their rich appearance on above mentioned platform if they want to sell
their product or services digitally. Digital marketing is a basic necessity of every business. to
reach globally we need to do Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing Course:
Get skills that get you placed
• Designed for college students & freshers
• Hands-on course with Projects
• Case Studies in McDonalds, Uber & Salesforce
• Add-on Placement & Internship Support
Our program makes you 5x more job-
Learn SEO, SEM, Social Media and Content Marketing, Branding and
Marketing Analytics
Live classes and personalised mentorship by our experts
Faculty of Marketing Experts from Google, Ola, CRED, Airtel
Guaranteed certification that will help your CV stand out
Live Projects with interactive and hands-on sessions
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing includes all marketing efforts that use the internet and
electronic devices, connecting audiences and customers wherever they may
be online.
Professionals can gain expertise in digital marketing and improve their digital
marketing efforts through courses and content.
A few of the critical parts of digital marketing are as follows.
• Search engine optimization (SEO).
• Channels that benefit from SEO include: websites, blogs, infographics
• Content marketing.
• Channels that benefit from content marketing include: blog posts,
eBooks and whitepapers, infographics, online brochures
• Email marketing.
• Including emails that contain follow-up, customer welcome,
promotions, tips for customer nurturing, blog subscription newsletters,
• Social media marketing.
• Including marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest
• Pay-per-click (PPC).
• For example, paid ads on Facebook, promoted Tweets, sponsored
LinkedIn messages, etc.
• Affiliate marketing.
• For example, affiliate links on social media accounts and video ads on
the YouTube Partner Program
• Native advertising
• such as Instagram advertising and Facebook advertising
• Marketing automation.
• For example, the automation of lead-nurturing workflows, email
newsletters, contact list updating, social media post scheduling,
campaign tracking, and reporting
• Online PR.
• Channels that benefit from PR efforts include: reporter outreach via
social media, engagement through blogs or websites, and engagement
through online reviews
• Inbound marketing. Includes a full-funnel approach to attract, engage,
and delight customers using online content through any or all of the
methods mentioned above
Why do businesses adopt digital
Digital marketing benefits the marketer and the customer in several ways.
However, businesses adopt digital marketing strategies and tactics mostly
because it’s quantifiable, results-driven, adaptable, and faster than any other
form of marketing available to any company no matter its size.
That said, there are several specific reasons why businesses adopt digital
marketing. These reasons include:
• It provides an equal opportunity (competitiveness) for all business
regardless of size and available resources
• It’s more cost effective than traditional marketing
• It allows targeted conversion of audiences and prospects to leads,
subscribers, supporters, and customers
• It enhances revenue growth by reaching larger and niche markets
(global and local) in a more efficient way
• It facilitates interaction with targeted audiences, wherever they may be
online, including on mobile devices
• It helps build brand reputation
• It allows businesses to earn their audience’s trust
• It influences prospects to take favorable action through CTA
• It quickly provides analytics that enables businesses to grow
Recent trends in digital marketing
Digital marketing trends are constantly evolving as marketers find better
ways to reach their audiences and as audiences demand better ways to
interact with businesses.
Several trends have carried over from previous years, but the skill sets
marketers need are constantly evolving. Just look at this research from
As you can see from this research, digital marketing is both important and growing in scope.
This means you should not only grow your own skills, but you should hire employees with a
diverse group of abilities.
More resources to consider for digital marketing efforts
Skills are important, but digital marketing goes beyond knowledge: Resources are also vital to
your digital marketing efforts.
Read on to learn about aspects you can add to your future campaigns.
1. Artificial intelligence. AI can be used in an unlimited number of ways to power customer
segmentation, push notifications, retargeting, click tracking, etc., depending on your chosen
goals and channels.
2. Chatbots. Companies can have basic conversations with customers through
chatbots at any time and get referred to a customer care representative when
3. User-generated content, like customer reviews, are not only convincing to
other users, but they also cost the business almost nothing.
4. AdWords spending has been on the rise since 2016 and continues to grow
today. With the right strategy, businesses have managed to optimize and increase
their ROI on paid advertising.
5. Omnichannel marketing. It provides a consistent and seamless communication
process for customers across all channels. It’s an upgrade from multichannel
6. Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) and progressive web apps (PWA). These
technologies provide faster loading time, better web experiences, and lower app
development costs.
7. Email and marketing automation eliminates time-wastage, minimizes error, is
cost-efficient, and increases collaboration between sales and marketing.
8. Voice search is increasingly being used as the technology improves and
becomes more available to consumers through several gadgets including mobile
10 ways businesses can achieve success in their
digital marketing efforts
By combining the channels and tactics mentioned above, while keeping in mind
recent trends and technologies that make it easier to connect, businesses can
achieve success in their digital marketing in the following ways.
1. Be flexible and open to change.
Embracing the fast-paced changes in the digital marketing world and tweaking the
new tools, strategies, and tactics accordingly, is a must for businesses to succeed
and thrive in today’s world.
2. Set SMART objectives.
Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound objectives that
are consistent with your digital marketing plan is critically important. For
example, a conversion objective can be to increase the average value of orders in
online sales from $30 to $40.
3. Execute perfectly.
Once you create an objective plan for achieving your SMART objectives, you need
to execute the plan on schedule. Executing perfectly will allow you to collect data
and make changes to your plan to fit customer feedback. These changes also need
to be executed quickly.
4. Exercise creativity throughout the process.
Right from the planning stage, be innovative and creative in using the content, as
well as different integrated channels (omnichannel marketing) to reach your
audience and target customers.
Content can include images, infographics, video, modernized websites, elegant
designs, etc. Integrated channels can consist of mobile, social, web, phone, and
physical stores.
5. Target audience with market segmentation.
Understanding your target audience and reaching out to them wherever they may
be is crucial for digital marketing success. Marketing segmentation is useful in
helping marketers do this by studying audience behavior/characteristics and
grouping similar traits, so that audience needs can be prioritized accordingly.
Using AI and automation can help marketers achieve even higher levels of
granularity and accuracy in an efficient way.
6. Diversify your channels, tactics, and strategies.
By understanding that no single digital marketing strategy is perfect, you become
open to the idea that experimenting with different channels, tactics, and
strategies is a critical part of achieving success.
One benefit of this mentality is that you’ll come across different audiences and
customers that you didn’t know existed. These new audiences and customers can
help you find new revenue streams.
7. Integrate your sales and marketing.
Integrating sales and marketing allows businesses to maximize every aspect of
digital marketing because these teams will be working with a focused purpose as
opposed to working against each other (knowingly or unknowingly).
Areas of maximization include the use of data, tools, seamless customer hand-
over to different teams, etc.
The above flowchart describes the process of integrated digital marketing. Each
one serves a unique function:
• Content: Quality and relevant content helps establish authority, build trust,
engage the audience with the brand, build a tribe and spread the word with
your own customers as brand evangelists. Also helps in educating the
customers about the industry and your product or service.
• Email: The best communication tool available to online marketers today.
Works best when used with permission (opt-in subscribers). Helps send out
information about new content and follow up with the prospects to remind
them about the product or service they want to buy.
• Social Media: If email is like meeting with a prospect at his home, social
media is like meeting with a focus group. People are more authentic and
honest with feedback and suggestions in a social atmosphere. People may
not be in a mood to transact in a social environment, but it helps get honest
feedback about a product or service and listen to the needs of the
• Search: Helps potential customers to find your content and your offering by
directly searching for it. One of the most powerful tools in online marketing
and works best when you do not try to manipulate it. Doing basic on page
SEO and then doing all the other things right should be enough to get truck
loads of targeted traffic from the search engines.
• Ads: Paid ads in its various formats can help speed up the entire process.
The integrated digital marketing process is like a catalyst for ads which
maximizes the return on investment on the dollars spent.
Let’s have a deeper look at each process…
Quality Content
At the heart of integrated digital marketing is the quality content which drives the
entire process. People use the internet to find information, exchange information
and do transactions. Finding information is a major part of it.
When consumers want to buy something, they no longer blindly trust an ad and
buy. How many times have you done that? We have burnt our fingers more than
once and everyone including me do some research before buying.
The internet has just made the process easy – we can go and find reviews of
products online and ask our friends in Facebook or Twitter. The most important
point to note here is that before making a buying decision consumers collect data
and information to help them make a buying decision.
Information comes before transaction. So instead of blindly investing money in
display ads for branding and taking people to sales pages, it is much better to
educate the customer about their needs, ignite their desires and then present the
product or service in front of them when they naturally feel ready to buy and are
convinced that you are the best one in the market.
Such information can be given to the potential customers through content
marketing. Content marketing can be done via a corporate blog, a separate stand
alone blog which is a publication of its own or through the various Web 2.0
properties like YouTube, HubPages, Social Networks etc. Every brand can afford to
become a publisher today because the barriers of entry has been lowered and the
flood gates have been opened.
Creating quality content is neither easy not free. Compared to paid advertising,
content marketing may look like a free model because you are not paying for the
traffic – but creating quality content costs a lot. Even having a full time writer in
house to publish blog posts will cost a ton of money. But the investment in
content marketing is worth it because it produces long term returns.
Many bloggers have built great blogs and believed in Build it and they will come…
but the traffic never came. Marketers shouldn’t forget about the marketing part
in content marketing. Content, without marketing it is of no use and that’s where
all the other digital marketing methods can help.
Tips to do Content Marketing Right
• Start with keyword research and publish posts that people want to read.
Give what the fish wants (worms) and not what you like (bread)!
• Do not stop with keywords. Think about other forms on content that
people in your tribe may like and want to share.
• Embrace other forms of content than plain text. Videos, Infographics,
Infomovies, MEMEs, Podcasts, Whitepapers, Ebooks, Kindle Books etc. can
also help in content marketing.
• Make the content useful but incomplete when you want the user to take
some action such as subscribing for more information. Have the hook in
place. If you give away everything, there is no reason for people to connect
with you. You put the worm in the hook of the fishing rod, you just don’t
throw the worm into the water.
Social Media
Social media can be one of the most straight forward ways to share content and
spread the word. The whole social media world is built on the concept of
discovery and sharing.
If you have like minded people in your tribe in any of the social networks, sharing
the links to that content on those networks will help it go viral. When people
discover good quality content which can improve their personal or professional
lives, they are compelled to share it again with their network so that their friends
will thank them for it.
People gain good karma points when they share good quality content with their
peers. Poor content or even just mediocre content will not be shared by people
and that why I emphasize the word quality when talking about content.
If you are reading this right now and if you have a friend who may find the
concept of integrated digital marketing useful, you are more likely to share it with
her. If I post content just for the sake of it, it will just stay in the blog and nothing
will happen. As content is shared in the social media, new followers or tribe
members can be gathered through the spread of information and those new
members will come back to the blog when some fresh content is published. As
shown in the above figure, content and social media can have a symbiotic
Social media can be an uphill or or a downhill ride depending on the quality of the
content. Really good content is key to an effective social media strategy. A good
piece of content when shared in social media will have a snowball effect. You can
use your social profile just to kick start the discovery and sharing process.
Some tips to use Social Media effectively
• Integrate social sharing buttons into the content seamlessly. People will not
hunt for the sharing buttons in most of the cases, but when it is right in
front of their eyes, they are more likely to share it. Have sharing buttons in
the side of the blog posts and also at the bottom of the posts.
• Be active on social media profiles. Engage with the users. Social media is a
big listening tool than a broadcasting tool. Ask for suggestions for new
posts and respond to questions in social media. If you are more active in
Facebook, for example, your edge rank will be higher and it will help reach
more people from your fan page.
• Have a well designed social media profile. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and
almost all the other social networks give options for customization and it
doesn’t cost more than a $100 to get a good designer decorate your profile.
People can instantly differentiate between channels which care about their
followers and those who don’t.
• Use paid advertising inside the social media websites to increase followers
and engagement in those websites. For example, using Facebook you can
increase the fans to a fan page using Facebook ads which usually gives a
very high conversion rate than using Facebook to drive traffic out to your
For many businesses, traffic from the search engines contribute to a large
percentage of their revenues. Before the search engines became smart, people
used to “invest” money in SEO by hiring an SEO agency and have them do back-
linking and other optimization activity on their website. Such practices no longer
work because Google is very smart in determining the low quality and
manipulative link building activities and there are virtually no SEO agencies who
can do SEO the way it has to be done – it can be done in the right way only by the
owner of the website. The right way is link earning and not link building. When
good content is published and shared on social media it has the potential to
attract natural links and that’s off page SEO at its best.
Search engines rank websites according to their quality and relevancy. The quality
and relevancy of a certain web page for a certain keyword is determined by two
• One factor is the on-page SEO where the webmaster communicates to the
search engines about the quality and relevancy of a website.
• The other factor is off-page SEO where the users of a website communicate
to the search engines about the quality and relevancy of a website.
Though on-page SEO is an important factor in SEO, there is only so much you can
do in on-page optimization. You can have your web page elements in such a way
that the search engines can understand what your content is about. But since
webmasters have a bad history of communicating with the search engines about
what content they have, on-page SEO has a limited potential to convince the
search engines that your content is quality and relevant to certain keywords.
In Off-page SEO – the users of a website communicate to the search engines
about the quality and relevancy of a website – not directly but through their
behavior. In the above figure you can see that the search engines send some
traffic to the content but at the same time the content sends back signals to the
search engines about the quality – through user behavior. Some typical examples
of user behaviors communicated are time spent on the site after a search result is
clicked. If a user immediate clicks the back button after clicking on a search result
then it is obvious that the content on the website is either of low quality or not
Apart from the signals picked up by the user behavior, search engines also pickup
signals from the social media. Quality content when shared on social media is
public information and open for the search engines to pickup. It is an obvious
signal that the content quality should be good. Off page optimization takes care of
itself when the basic necessary on-page optimization is done, quality content is
published and a social strategy is executed properly.
Tips for Search Engine Optimization:
• Do on-page optimization for your website according to the guidelines set by
the search engines. Google, Bing and Yahoo have their web master tools
which can help you in on-page optimization. Tools like SEOmoz can be a life
saver when you need suggestions to improve your on-page optimization.
Content management systems like WordPress are optimized right out of
the box.
• Off-Page SEO optimization is a mis-anomer. You cannot off-page-optimize a
website. There are only off-page signals and those signals have to be sent
by your users and not you. If you try to send fake signals on behalf of your
users, then you will be caught by the search engines sooner or later and
penalized. Publish good content and share it. Have a good out-reach
strategy so that your website / brand gains value in the market place.
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to an online marketer
today. Emails are around since the beginning of the internet and people will
always use emails till the world ends. An email inbox is a personal space and
unlike social networks it is not easy to interrupt an Internet user with a marketing
message. But with a permission based email list where people have opted-in to
receive communication from the sender, the email subscriber will open an email
and pay her attention to the message.
Email marketing is effective only when a mix of useful content and marketing
messages are sent alternatively. If you bombard the subscriber with too many
marketing messages, the user will unsubscribe. If you send no marketing
messages at all, you can’t make any profits.
So how can we fit email marketing into the integrated marketing strategy? What
do you need to do email marketing effectively? You need qualified
leads/subscribers. These subscribers when engaged in a proper manner can turn
into long term paying customers. Usually email marketers gather leads by
advertising in other channels. But when you have your own content channel, you
can use it to gather subscribers. A lot of niche bloggers have been doing this
effectively by using tools such as subscription boxes, popup forms on the
webpage and co-subscription with comments section of the blog.
Instead of sending out useful content to the email subscribers, you can publish
that content on the blog and email your subscribers a link to that page. When
subscribers visit that blog post article, they are very likely to share it on social
media and check out your products/services again. Also this piece of content on
the blog has the potential to attract new visitors from search and social media
and those visitors may become subscribers as well.
A large percentage of subscribers can come via the search engines when the
strategy is optimized and refined. This can reduce the cost per acquisition of a
customer drastically thus helping you make more profits in your business.
Email Marketing Tips
• Optimize lead generation on your content delivery channels. A lot of tools
are available in the market place which helps you collect leads through
blogs, videos and so on.
• Use email marketing tools such as Aweber, MailChimp, GetResponse to
automate your email marketing process. Amazon SES and SendGrid are
good email sending servers for the technically inclined.
• Send a mix of marketing messages and valuable content. A good balance
depends on the tolerance level of your market. Test, test, test.
Paid Ads
Paid advertisements, whether it is digital display ads, social network ads, co-
sponsored email ads or PPC ads on search engines – all have a good potential to
ignite and speed up the entire integrated digital marketing process. Instead of
using paid ads to directly jump to sales, the traffic from the ads can be channeled
into content which will help build trust and educate the prospective customers
and in turn increase social media activity, search traffic and email subscriber list.
The Search-Social-Email trio along with powerful content is like a magic machine
for the paid ads which increases the ROI on ad-dollars spent and also gives
intangible benefits like building a tribe or community. A tribe helps in improving
the product offering, generate ideas for new products and sometimes can even
double as a free support group and a team of evangelists.
Driving the Sales
No one buys a product on the first look. Impulsive buying for many products is far
and in between. The general consensus is that it takes an average of 7 points of
contact with a prospect to turn her into a customer. With Digital marketing, the
best way to turn a prospect into a customer is to follow-up with the lead. The lead
data can be an email, a phone number or both.
Email marketing is the most cost effective tool available to marketers today and
with automated marketing tools like MailChimp and GetResponse, it is easy to
setup a sequence of automated messages to be sent to a prospect once she
subscribes to the email Newsletter.
A subscriber will open the emails and visit the blog only when there is some useful
content and a sale can happen directly by clicking on an email link or a link from
the blog. The email newsletter and the blog are the primary value delivery
platforms and the conversion is more likely to happen in this case.
The above integrated digital marketing process effectively utilizes all the digital
marketing technologies available today and in such a way that the strengths of
each method is used in the most effective manner. Content marketing always has
been and always will be one of the most effective lead generation, branding and
sales channel and this process is simply enhancing/upgrading the content
marketing to the next level. And that’s why I call this integrated digital marketing
process as Content Marketing 2.0!
Address: Plot No C-133, near Gold Gym, Phase-8, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar,
Phone: +91 93562-55522

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  • 1. Excellence Academy , Chandigarh offers Best Digital Marketing Certification Course Training in Chandigarh. We offer full time one year diploma in Digital Marketing in Chandigarh. Those who have less interest in programming or coding can make up their career in digital marketing. As digital marketing is growing in now days. We provide Top Digital Marketing Training Course in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. Days of traditional marketing are gone now. No physical marketing or door marketing is exist in now days. As we all know that everyone have android or smart phone now days. People who have smart phone they are also on internet and they use internet for everything. Either they want to buy something or they want to search something. So everyone who are selling their services or products they need to be on internet to grab the real market. They need to promote digitally or you can say on internet. So For the promotion of products we have some good platforms like google, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube and many more . they need their rich appearance on above mentioned platform if they want to sell their product or services digitally. Digital marketing is a basic necessity of every business. to reach globally we need to do Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Course: Get skills that get you placed • Designed for college students & freshers • Hands-on course with Projects • Case Studies in McDonalds, Uber & Salesforce • Add-on Placement & Internship Support
  • 2. Our program makes you 5x more job- ready! Learn SEO, SEM, Social Media and Content Marketing, Branding and Marketing Analytics Live classes and personalised mentorship by our experts Faculty of Marketing Experts from Google, Ola, CRED, Airtel Guaranteed certification that will help your CV stand out Live Projects with interactive and hands-on sessions
  • 3. What is digital marketing? Digital marketing includes all marketing efforts that use the internet and electronic devices, connecting audiences and customers wherever they may be online. Professionals can gain expertise in digital marketing and improve their digital marketing efforts through courses and content. A few of the critical parts of digital marketing are as follows. • Search engine optimization (SEO). • Channels that benefit from SEO include: websites, blogs, infographics • Content marketing. • Channels that benefit from content marketing include: blog posts, eBooks and whitepapers, infographics, online brochures • Email marketing. • Including emails that contain follow-up, customer welcome, promotions, tips for customer nurturing, blog subscription newsletters, etc. • Social media marketing. • Including marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest • Pay-per-click (PPC). • For example, paid ads on Facebook, promoted Tweets, sponsored LinkedIn messages, etc. • Affiliate marketing. • For example, affiliate links on social media accounts and video ads on the YouTube Partner Program • Native advertising • such as Instagram advertising and Facebook advertising • Marketing automation. • For example, the automation of lead-nurturing workflows, email newsletters, contact list updating, social media post scheduling, campaign tracking, and reporting • Online PR.
  • 4. • Channels that benefit from PR efforts include: reporter outreach via social media, engagement through blogs or websites, and engagement through online reviews • Inbound marketing. Includes a full-funnel approach to attract, engage, and delight customers using online content through any or all of the methods mentioned above Why do businesses adopt digital marketing? Digital marketing benefits the marketer and the customer in several ways. However, businesses adopt digital marketing strategies and tactics mostly because it’s quantifiable, results-driven, adaptable, and faster than any other form of marketing available to any company no matter its size. That said, there are several specific reasons why businesses adopt digital marketing. These reasons include: • It provides an equal opportunity (competitiveness) for all business regardless of size and available resources • It’s more cost effective than traditional marketing • It allows targeted conversion of audiences and prospects to leads, subscribers, supporters, and customers • It enhances revenue growth by reaching larger and niche markets (global and local) in a more efficient way • It facilitates interaction with targeted audiences, wherever they may be online, including on mobile devices • It helps build brand reputation • It allows businesses to earn their audience’s trust • It influences prospects to take favorable action through CTA • It quickly provides analytics that enables businesses to grow
  • 5. Recent trends in digital marketing Digital marketing trends are constantly evolving as marketers find better ways to reach their audiences and as audiences demand better ways to interact with businesses. Several trends have carried over from previous years, but the skill sets marketers need are constantly evolving. Just look at this research from McKinsey:
  • 6.
  • 7. As you can see from this research, digital marketing is both important and growing in scope. This means you should not only grow your own skills, but you should hire employees with a diverse group of abilities. More resources to consider for digital marketing efforts Skills are important, but digital marketing goes beyond knowledge: Resources are also vital to your digital marketing efforts. Read on to learn about aspects you can add to your future campaigns. 1. Artificial intelligence. AI can be used in an unlimited number of ways to power customer segmentation, push notifications, retargeting, click tracking, etc., depending on your chosen goals and channels. 2. Chatbots. Companies can have basic conversations with customers through chatbots at any time and get referred to a customer care representative when necessary. 3. User-generated content, like customer reviews, are not only convincing to other users, but they also cost the business almost nothing.
  • 8. 4. AdWords spending has been on the rise since 2016 and continues to grow today. With the right strategy, businesses have managed to optimize and increase their ROI on paid advertising. 5. Omnichannel marketing. It provides a consistent and seamless communication process for customers across all channels. It’s an upgrade from multichannel marketing. 6. Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) and progressive web apps (PWA). These technologies provide faster loading time, better web experiences, and lower app development costs. 7. Email and marketing automation eliminates time-wastage, minimizes error, is cost-efficient, and increases collaboration between sales and marketing. 8. Voice search is increasingly being used as the technology improves and becomes more available to consumers through several gadgets including mobile devices. 10 ways businesses can achieve success in their digital marketing efforts By combining the channels and tactics mentioned above, while keeping in mind recent trends and technologies that make it easier to connect, businesses can achieve success in their digital marketing in the following ways. 1. Be flexible and open to change. Embracing the fast-paced changes in the digital marketing world and tweaking the new tools, strategies, and tactics accordingly, is a must for businesses to succeed and thrive in today’s world. 2. Set SMART objectives. Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound objectives that are consistent with your digital marketing plan is critically important. For
  • 9. example, a conversion objective can be to increase the average value of orders in online sales from $30 to $40. 3. Execute perfectly. Once you create an objective plan for achieving your SMART objectives, you need to execute the plan on schedule. Executing perfectly will allow you to collect data and make changes to your plan to fit customer feedback. These changes also need to be executed quickly. 4. Exercise creativity throughout the process. Right from the planning stage, be innovative and creative in using the content, as well as different integrated channels (omnichannel marketing) to reach your audience and target customers. Content can include images, infographics, video, modernized websites, elegant designs, etc. Integrated channels can consist of mobile, social, web, phone, and physical stores. 5. Target audience with market segmentation. Understanding your target audience and reaching out to them wherever they may be is crucial for digital marketing success. Marketing segmentation is useful in helping marketers do this by studying audience behavior/characteristics and grouping similar traits, so that audience needs can be prioritized accordingly.
  • 10. Using AI and automation can help marketers achieve even higher levels of granularity and accuracy in an efficient way. 6. Diversify your channels, tactics, and strategies. By understanding that no single digital marketing strategy is perfect, you become open to the idea that experimenting with different channels, tactics, and strategies is a critical part of achieving success. One benefit of this mentality is that you’ll come across different audiences and customers that you didn’t know existed. These new audiences and customers can help you find new revenue streams. 7. Integrate your sales and marketing. Integrating sales and marketing allows businesses to maximize every aspect of digital marketing because these teams will be working with a focused purpose as opposed to working against each other (knowingly or unknowingly). Areas of maximization include the use of data, tools, seamless customer hand- over to different teams, etc.
  • 11. The above flowchart describes the process of integrated digital marketing. Each one serves a unique function: • Content: Quality and relevant content helps establish authority, build trust, engage the audience with the brand, build a tribe and spread the word with your own customers as brand evangelists. Also helps in educating the customers about the industry and your product or service. • Email: The best communication tool available to online marketers today. Works best when used with permission (opt-in subscribers). Helps send out information about new content and follow up with the prospects to remind them about the product or service they want to buy. • Social Media: If email is like meeting with a prospect at his home, social media is like meeting with a focus group. People are more authentic and honest with feedback and suggestions in a social atmosphere. People may not be in a mood to transact in a social environment, but it helps get honest feedback about a product or service and listen to the needs of the customers. • Search: Helps potential customers to find your content and your offering by directly searching for it. One of the most powerful tools in online marketing and works best when you do not try to manipulate it. Doing basic on page SEO and then doing all the other things right should be enough to get truck loads of targeted traffic from the search engines. • Ads: Paid ads in its various formats can help speed up the entire process. The integrated digital marketing process is like a catalyst for ads which maximizes the return on investment on the dollars spent. Let’s have a deeper look at each process… Quality Content At the heart of integrated digital marketing is the quality content which drives the entire process. People use the internet to find information, exchange information and do transactions. Finding information is a major part of it. When consumers want to buy something, they no longer blindly trust an ad and buy. How many times have you done that? We have burnt our fingers more than once and everyone including me do some research before buying. The internet has just made the process easy – we can go and find reviews of products online and ask our friends in Facebook or Twitter. The most important
  • 12. point to note here is that before making a buying decision consumers collect data and information to help them make a buying decision. Information comes before transaction. So instead of blindly investing money in display ads for branding and taking people to sales pages, it is much better to educate the customer about their needs, ignite their desires and then present the product or service in front of them when they naturally feel ready to buy and are convinced that you are the best one in the market. Such information can be given to the potential customers through content marketing. Content marketing can be done via a corporate blog, a separate stand alone blog which is a publication of its own or through the various Web 2.0 properties like YouTube, HubPages, Social Networks etc. Every brand can afford to become a publisher today because the barriers of entry has been lowered and the flood gates have been opened. Creating quality content is neither easy not free. Compared to paid advertising, content marketing may look like a free model because you are not paying for the traffic – but creating quality content costs a lot. Even having a full time writer in house to publish blog posts will cost a ton of money. But the investment in content marketing is worth it because it produces long term returns. Many bloggers have built great blogs and believed in Build it and they will come… but the traffic never came. Marketers shouldn’t forget about the marketing part in content marketing. Content, without marketing it is of no use and that’s where all the other digital marketing methods can help. Tips to do Content Marketing Right • Start with keyword research and publish posts that people want to read. Give what the fish wants (worms) and not what you like (bread)! • Do not stop with keywords. Think about other forms on content that people in your tribe may like and want to share. • Embrace other forms of content than plain text. Videos, Infographics, Infomovies, MEMEs, Podcasts, Whitepapers, Ebooks, Kindle Books etc. can also help in content marketing. • Make the content useful but incomplete when you want the user to take some action such as subscribing for more information. Have the hook in place. If you give away everything, there is no reason for people to connect
  • 13. with you. You put the worm in the hook of the fishing rod, you just don’t throw the worm into the water. Social Media Social media can be one of the most straight forward ways to share content and spread the word. The whole social media world is built on the concept of discovery and sharing. If you have like minded people in your tribe in any of the social networks, sharing the links to that content on those networks will help it go viral. When people discover good quality content which can improve their personal or professional lives, they are compelled to share it again with their network so that their friends will thank them for it. People gain good karma points when they share good quality content with their peers. Poor content or even just mediocre content will not be shared by people and that why I emphasize the word quality when talking about content. If you are reading this right now and if you have a friend who may find the concept of integrated digital marketing useful, you are more likely to share it with her. If I post content just for the sake of it, it will just stay in the blog and nothing will happen. As content is shared in the social media, new followers or tribe members can be gathered through the spread of information and those new members will come back to the blog when some fresh content is published. As shown in the above figure, content and social media can have a symbiotic relationship. Social media can be an uphill or or a downhill ride depending on the quality of the content. Really good content is key to an effective social media strategy. A good
  • 14. piece of content when shared in social media will have a snowball effect. You can use your social profile just to kick start the discovery and sharing process. Some tips to use Social Media effectively • Integrate social sharing buttons into the content seamlessly. People will not hunt for the sharing buttons in most of the cases, but when it is right in front of their eyes, they are more likely to share it. Have sharing buttons in the side of the blog posts and also at the bottom of the posts. • Be active on social media profiles. Engage with the users. Social media is a big listening tool than a broadcasting tool. Ask for suggestions for new posts and respond to questions in social media. If you are more active in Facebook, for example, your edge rank will be higher and it will help reach more people from your fan page. • Have a well designed social media profile. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and almost all the other social networks give options for customization and it doesn’t cost more than a $100 to get a good designer decorate your profile. People can instantly differentiate between channels which care about their followers and those who don’t. • Use paid advertising inside the social media websites to increase followers and engagement in those websites. For example, using Facebook you can increase the fans to a fan page using Facebook ads which usually gives a very high conversion rate than using Facebook to drive traffic out to your website. Search For many businesses, traffic from the search engines contribute to a large percentage of their revenues. Before the search engines became smart, people used to “invest” money in SEO by hiring an SEO agency and have them do back- linking and other optimization activity on their website. Such practices no longer work because Google is very smart in determining the low quality and manipulative link building activities and there are virtually no SEO agencies who can do SEO the way it has to be done – it can be done in the right way only by the owner of the website. The right way is link earning and not link building. When good content is published and shared on social media it has the potential to attract natural links and that’s off page SEO at its best.
  • 15. Search engines rank websites according to their quality and relevancy. The quality and relevancy of a certain web page for a certain keyword is determined by two factors. • One factor is the on-page SEO where the webmaster communicates to the search engines about the quality and relevancy of a website. • The other factor is off-page SEO where the users of a website communicate to the search engines about the quality and relevancy of a website. Though on-page SEO is an important factor in SEO, there is only so much you can do in on-page optimization. You can have your web page elements in such a way that the search engines can understand what your content is about. But since webmasters have a bad history of communicating with the search engines about what content they have, on-page SEO has a limited potential to convince the search engines that your content is quality and relevant to certain keywords. In Off-page SEO – the users of a website communicate to the search engines about the quality and relevancy of a website – not directly but through their behavior. In the above figure you can see that the search engines send some traffic to the content but at the same time the content sends back signals to the search engines about the quality – through user behavior. Some typical examples of user behaviors communicated are time spent on the site after a search result is clicked. If a user immediate clicks the back button after clicking on a search result then it is obvious that the content on the website is either of low quality or not relevant.
  • 16. Apart from the signals picked up by the user behavior, search engines also pickup signals from the social media. Quality content when shared on social media is public information and open for the search engines to pickup. It is an obvious signal that the content quality should be good. Off page optimization takes care of itself when the basic necessary on-page optimization is done, quality content is published and a social strategy is executed properly. Tips for Search Engine Optimization: • Do on-page optimization for your website according to the guidelines set by the search engines. Google, Bing and Yahoo have their web master tools which can help you in on-page optimization. Tools like SEOmoz can be a life saver when you need suggestions to improve your on-page optimization. Content management systems like WordPress are optimized right out of the box. • Off-Page SEO optimization is a mis-anomer. You cannot off-page-optimize a website. There are only off-page signals and those signals have to be sent by your users and not you. If you try to send fake signals on behalf of your users, then you will be caught by the search engines sooner or later and penalized. Publish good content and share it. Have a good out-reach strategy so that your website / brand gains value in the market place. Email Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to an online marketer today. Emails are around since the beginning of the internet and people will always use emails till the world ends. An email inbox is a personal space and unlike social networks it is not easy to interrupt an Internet user with a marketing message. But with a permission based email list where people have opted-in to
  • 17. receive communication from the sender, the email subscriber will open an email and pay her attention to the message. Email marketing is effective only when a mix of useful content and marketing messages are sent alternatively. If you bombard the subscriber with too many marketing messages, the user will unsubscribe. If you send no marketing messages at all, you can’t make any profits. So how can we fit email marketing into the integrated marketing strategy? What do you need to do email marketing effectively? You need qualified leads/subscribers. These subscribers when engaged in a proper manner can turn into long term paying customers. Usually email marketers gather leads by advertising in other channels. But when you have your own content channel, you can use it to gather subscribers. A lot of niche bloggers have been doing this effectively by using tools such as subscription boxes, popup forms on the webpage and co-subscription with comments section of the blog. Instead of sending out useful content to the email subscribers, you can publish that content on the blog and email your subscribers a link to that page. When subscribers visit that blog post article, they are very likely to share it on social media and check out your products/services again. Also this piece of content on the blog has the potential to attract new visitors from search and social media and those visitors may become subscribers as well. A large percentage of subscribers can come via the search engines when the strategy is optimized and refined. This can reduce the cost per acquisition of a customer drastically thus helping you make more profits in your business.
  • 18. Email Marketing Tips • Optimize lead generation on your content delivery channels. A lot of tools are available in the market place which helps you collect leads through blogs, videos and so on. • Use email marketing tools such as Aweber, MailChimp, GetResponse to automate your email marketing process. Amazon SES and SendGrid are good email sending servers for the technically inclined. • Send a mix of marketing messages and valuable content. A good balance depends on the tolerance level of your market. Test, test, test. Paid Ads Paid advertisements, whether it is digital display ads, social network ads, co- sponsored email ads or PPC ads on search engines – all have a good potential to ignite and speed up the entire integrated digital marketing process. Instead of using paid ads to directly jump to sales, the traffic from the ads can be channeled into content which will help build trust and educate the prospective customers and in turn increase social media activity, search traffic and email subscriber list. The Search-Social-Email trio along with powerful content is like a magic machine for the paid ads which increases the ROI on ad-dollars spent and also gives intangible benefits like building a tribe or community. A tribe helps in improving the product offering, generate ideas for new products and sometimes can even double as a free support group and a team of evangelists. Driving the Sales No one buys a product on the first look. Impulsive buying for many products is far and in between. The general consensus is that it takes an average of 7 points of contact with a prospect to turn her into a customer. With Digital marketing, the
  • 19. best way to turn a prospect into a customer is to follow-up with the lead. The lead data can be an email, a phone number or both. Email marketing is the most cost effective tool available to marketers today and with automated marketing tools like MailChimp and GetResponse, it is easy to setup a sequence of automated messages to be sent to a prospect once she subscribes to the email Newsletter. A subscriber will open the emails and visit the blog only when there is some useful content and a sale can happen directly by clicking on an email link or a link from the blog. The email newsletter and the blog are the primary value delivery platforms and the conversion is more likely to happen in this case. Conclusion The above integrated digital marketing process effectively utilizes all the digital marketing technologies available today and in such a way that the strengths of each method is used in the most effective manner. Content marketing always has been and always will be one of the most effective lead generation, branding and sales channel and this process is simply enhancing/upgrading the content marketing to the next level. And that’s why I call this integrated digital marketing process as Content Marketing 2.0!
  • 20. Address: Plot No C-133, near Gold Gym, Phase-8, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, 160055 Email: Phone: +91 93562-55522