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Demand Creation 2.0
                                 Scott Miller

                                 District Vice President of Sales - Ceridian

E-book by Scott Miller                                                         Demand Creation 2.0                                                      1 of 20
There is an old story about two salesmen that were assigned to a new
                                 territory in Africa to sell shoes for their company. The first one reported
                                 to the home office that Africa was a terrible market and that no one wore
                                 any shoes. The second one reported back that this was the perfect market
                                 because not one of his prospects even knew about his product.

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Demand Creation 2.0

                                 I am a frontline Sales Manager with nothing to sell in this e-book but
                                 observations and ideas. My team is no different from most sales teams.
                                 We have a finite number of prospects for our B2B solution and a CRM
                                 tool to help manage our activity. We can’t depend upon marketing to give
                                 us leads so we have to create our own. We have different levels of skills
                                 and enthusiasm when it comes to creating demand but like most, we have
                                 a deep reservation in picking up the phone and calling a stranger.

                                 “I think the hardest thing for sales management to understand is that
                                 their sales force is unprepared and unwilling to handle demand creation.”

                                 Without any direction outside of a mandate to get more deals – my team
                                 did what they do best. They think their industry knowledge, tenure, and
                                 high compensation required them to craft lengthy and well researched
                                 correspondence to targeted executives. (Imagine the laborious process of
                                 researching, writing and rewriting the perfectly tailored e-mail and phone
                                 script.) We were selling to VITO but VITO wasn’t buying from us.

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The problem with this approach is that when these lengthy, targeted
                                 pieces of correspondence went unanswered – my team got frustrated.
                                 They began to take on the mentality that they are closers and setting
                                 appointments only prevents them from do what they are paid so
                                 handsomely to do. In truth – my highly compensated / senior sales team
                                 rose to their station because they are very productive and demand
                                 creation activity that doesn’t generate demand is just……unproductive.

                                 What we needed to understand is that our buyers are very busy and even
                                 if we craft the perfect pitch to an individual, it could be the wrong time,
                                 the wrong approach, the wrong person, or even the wrong median.

                                 We created an approach that allows senior sales people to use their
                                 tenure, experience, and status for demand creation – but instead of
                                 spending this time focusing on an individual or company – they focus on
                                 a group of individuals. This process takes the same amount of time as
                                 traditional targeted demand creation efforts but is wildly more
                                 productive because it generates results. We created an 8 step formula
                                 based upon the wrongs of traditional demand creation.

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The 5 Wrongs with traditional Demand Creation

                                 Wrong Approach: There was a study from PWC that found a CFO
                                 receives an average of 57 solicitations a day. With all the e-mail
                                 automation tools and inside sales teams that have sprung up over the past
                                 decade, I bet that number is more like 100. So our challenge is to get
                                 above the noise. You could have the perfect solution for the perfect buyer
                                 at the perfect time, but if you are caught in a spam filter or the buyer
                                 never gets the message – what good does that do?

                                 Our remedy is to ensure our message gets above the noise by a multi-
                                 touch campaign style prospecting effort. Our friends in B2C marketing
                                 understand one and done marketing is just as effective as none and done
                                 long ago. They tell us we need to be simple, short, and persistent if we
                                 want to capture our buyer’s attention. (J-E-L-L-O) My goal is to “touch”
                                 our prospect eight times over the course of a three week campaign. That
                                 way we can feel somewhat comfortable he or she understands that we are
                                 serious about trying to get their attention.

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As someone who can influence buying decisions at my company, I am
                                 solicited every day. E-mails that have HTML or an opt out link at the
                                 bottom of the message are easily ignored. Voicemails without a follow up
                                 e-mail will never get a response.

                                 To avoid this happening to my reps, I want them to avoid the one-off
                                 targeted solicitation and spammy e-mails with multiple colors. Our
                                 approach invests the same amount of time it takes to wordsmith a letter
                                 to one individual but we write correspondence to a group of individuals
                                 that have something in common.

                                 For instance, instead of writing a specific letter to the CFO of one of our
                                 top prospects, we write a letter than would benefit any CFO. We then
                                 select 30 to 50 CFO’s from our CRM that will be the target of our

                                 Wrong Median: There are numerous ways to contact today’s buyers. We
                                 can call them directly like most of the English speaking work will do. We
                                 can e-mail them; even put a read / receipt so they know we mean
                                 business. We can work with the executive assistant who is paid to keep

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us at bay. We can use snail mail that will sit in a pile of like solicitations in
                                 its own version of purgatory. Or, we can do all of these knowing that the
                                 whole, in some cases, is greater than the sum of its parts.

                                 We know that busy executives actually do have a preferred method of
                                 communication. We just don’t know what it is yet. Our campaigns start
                                 with a piece of snail mail – except we bypass mail purgatory by sending it
                                 in a FedEx or UPS envelope. These absolved pieces of literature are
                                 guaranteed to be opened and set the campaign off on the right note
                                 because you earned the buyer’s attention. Next, we follow up with an e-
                                 mail referencing the package. The next touch is a dial directly to the
                                 prospect, working with the executive assistant. Touch four is an e-mail,
                                 five a voicemail, six an e-mail, seven voicemail, and touch eight
                                 transitions the prospect to lead nurturing.

                                 We use an e-mail aggregator called BuzzBuilder that sends the e-mails
                                 directly from the rep’s address, helping to build name recognition. We set
                                 the four e-mail touches up at the beginning of the campaign and notify
                                 the reps via Outlook when their e-mail will hit their prospects. We
                                 schedule three separate dialing sessions the day after the e-mails drop.

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What were cold calls are now much warmer with correspondence sent
                                 ahead of time, giving less phone reluctance. BuzzBuilder will let us
                                 know who has opened the e-mail or forwarded it to a colleague. This
                                 helps triage the effort for the dialing sessions. There is much less pressure
                                 on these dials because we are only solidifying the multi-touch campaign.

                                 Wrong Message: One of the fatal flaws in demand creation is that our
                                 message just isn’t compelling. Think, why would a decision maker want
                                 to see you because you are in town or you have free time? Where is the
                                 value in “checking in?” Along those same lines – today’s dialers make the
                                 mistake that their company’s credentials are going to get them in the
                                 door. Again, I fail to see how your ranking in Gartner’s magic quadrant,
                                 product differentiation, or when your company was founded will compel
                                 someone to call you back. Those superlatives are only effective if there is
                                 an active evaluation – we are just trying to spark one.

                                 To grab a decision-maker’s attention, we need to first change jobs. Put
                                 yourself in their position and forget every last thing you know about your
                                 robust product suite. What are the top things that your stakeholders care
                                 about? If you don’t know – look it up. The CFO is a key stakeholder in

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our sale so they are often the target of our campaigns. If I wanted to
                                 understand and reference their top concerns I can Google: CFO top
                                 concerns. An article from CFO magazine comes up that states the Top 10.

                                 Not all pains are created equally. If we want to gain traction in our
                                 accounts we need to take the most strategic pains and link our solution to
                                 help solve them. For our demand creation campaign – we have to be
                                 generic enough to appeal to our entire targeted list but strategic enough
                                 in our messaging to attract their attention. I wrote this blog about
                                 keeping messaging P.I.T.H.Y

                                 We also want to evolve our messaging over the course of the campaign.
                                 Again, take the CFO Magazine article that lists the top 10 concerns of the
                                 CFO. Our strategy is to take 3 of those concerns to reference and link to
                                 solving them over the course of the 8 touch campaign. If one of those
                                 pains doesn’t resonate – then perhaps one of the remaining three will.

                                 Wrong Time: The reason we selected 8 touches was we found that is
                                 about the right number of times to guarantee you got the attention of
                                 your buyer. However, when we first started doing this, we tried to

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collapse the process into one week. We learned from multiple out of office
                                 auto responders or executive assistants telling us that our prospect was
                                 out of pocket for the week – we were not taking full advantage of the

                                 We chose to spread the multi-touch campaign over the course of three
                                 weeks to make us feel as though we were going to reach our prospect at a
                                 time of convenience. After all, we ask for a specific date to meet in our
                                 solicitation and it is just too easy for the recipient to ignore the e-mail if
                                 they know they can’t make that date. That process will happen three
                                 different times with three different dates over a three week period. Our
                                 goal is for a more well-thought out decision to meet with us on a
                                 permission basis.

            Our final solicitation (or touch 8) states that we have made multiple attempts to reach the
            prospect and the lack of response must be either one of two things: they were either not
            concerned about the pains we can help solve or they just don’t have time to discuss them.
            This usually gets the best response with an apology from the buyer for being difficult to
            reach with a time they can meet.

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Wrong Person: Just like pains, not all organizations are created equally.
                                 The CFO is a key stakeholder in our sale but so is the controller, the CIO,
                                 the VP of HR, and the HR Director. When it comes to creating demand
                                 however, we let the law of gravity dictate how we navigate our
                                 prospects. We equate it to the ease of pushing a bolder down a hill. Start
                                 at the top and get sponsorship all the way down the org chart until we
                                 find the eventual business owner of our solution. By starting low and
                                 trying to cultivate an evaluation, you are doing the equivalent of trying to
                                 push a bolder up hill.

                                 To wrap it up in a nice little bow – our demand creation methodology
                                 looks like the below over the course of three weeks. We have seen results
                                 as good as 10% and as bad as 1%. We know for this to be effective, the
                                 reps have to make the phone touch 3, 5, and 7. Otherwise, they will be
                                 looked on as a spammer and the campaign will yield little fruit.

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The Eight Touch Campaign
         1.     Snail Mail Touch – In a FedEx envelope to ensure it gets to
                the recipient. Reference 3 strategic pains you can solve.
         2.     E-mail Touch – Referencing letter, Pain 1, date to meet
         3.     Phone Touch – Referencing letter, Pain 1 and date to meet
         4.     E-mail Touch – Reference Pain 2, second date to meet
         5.     Phone Touch – Reference Pain 2, second date to meet
         6.     E-mail Touch – Reference Pain 3, third date to meet
         7.     Phone Touch – Reference Pain 3, third date to meet
         8.     Transitioning E-mail Touch to Lead Nurture

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First Call:

                                 The art of weaving your demand creation efforts into an active evaluation
                                 comes in the form of the first call. As stated before, the point of the 8
                                 touch process is to push the targeted research out until the first call is
                                 secured. We take full advantage of the new found time to know as much
                                 about our prospect as possible. After all, they haven’t agreed to evaluate
                                 us, just to meet. We can’t blow this opportunity with the archaic, “what
                                 keeps you up at night” question (or if you had a magic wand.)


                                 We have to earn the right to be seen as a peer. Today’s buyer is skeptical
                                 of big-promising / know-nothing sales people that just want 20 minutes
                                 on their calendar. To be seen as a peer we need to know our buyer as well
                                 as can be expected without having met him in person. My team achieves
                                 this by creating a PICT profile; Person, Industry, Company, and Title.

                                 It is with this profile that we can paint a picture of our prospect and tailor
                                 a well researched and impactful first call script.

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Person: The old cliché is that companies don’t buy, people do. We want to
                                 know our buyers on a personal level to gain insight into who they are,
                                 what motivates them, where have they been.

                                 LinkedIn is the perfect tool to understand how someone wants the world
                                 to see them. I ask my reps to (at the very least) know where their buyer
                                 went to school, where else have they worked and how long they have
                                 worked at their current job. If the buyer is a savvy LinkedIn user then he
                                 is part of LinkedIn groups, shares the books he has read, gives and
                                 receives recommendations, and links with other professionals. What a
                                 treasure trove of information to begin a conversation!

                                 This research will let us know if we have any connection in the buyer’s
                                 network or worked with the buyer at a previous company. We can
                                 understand if they are primed for change if they are new to the company
                                 or if they were part of the team that brought in the current supplier.

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Industry: Our buyers expect us to know macro-economic trends in their
                                 industry and First Research is a great tool to help us put it all into context.
                                 We want to know how governmental regulation, foreign competition,
                                 energy costs, and technological advancements impact our buyers.

                                 Every company is subjected to their industry trends and having an
                                 understanding of them brings instant credibility to your first call. Being
                                 able to articulate how your solution can positively impact those trends
                                 sparks an instant evaluation.

                                 Company: Rick Page at the Complex Sale taught me that companies
                                 really only have 5 enterprise-wide issues they care about. Revenue is the
                                 byproduct of these issues.

                                    1.   Competitive Differentiation
                                    2.   Customer Acquisition and Retention
                                    3.   Growth
                                    4.   Governmental Regulation
                                    5.   Good Press

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When we are researching a first call we want to be not only armed with
                                 this information about our prospect but how our solution could
                                 potentially impact any of these 5 areas. I tell my team that this is what
                                 separates tellers from sellers. Our buyers can get our product portfolio,
                                 financials, and customer case studies off of the web. Conversely, we can
                                 get the information we need to have a great first call from the web as well.

                                 Public companies are required to publish an annual report or 10k and it is
                                 almost unfair the information they are required to share. You can get
                                 insight into all 5 of the above enterprise-wide issues inside of an annual
                                 report. For private companies, check the press releases section to get an
                                 idea of the newsworthy. Every press release brings some sort of “trigger
                                 event” that we could potentially link to and we should be versed in the
                                 ones that apply to our solution.

                                 But don’t stop there; companies will only put positive information on
                                 their website. Try using a Google and Google News search to see if there
                                 could be information that the prospect is not so proud of but potentially
                                 even more useful. This could be a lawsuit, security breach, labor dispute,
                                 environmental impact, service complaint, or product deficiency.

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Title: Inherent in a value proposition is a keen understanding of the pains
                                 of the non-technical buyers and a linkage of our solution to solving those
                                 pains. Many organizations make the mistake of having one generic value
                                 proposition – when in fact the value proposition must be tailored to the
                                 individual with whom we are having the appointment.

                                 Successful sales forces are able to take their operational features and
                                 functionality and translate their benefits into a compelling value
                                 proposition for non-technical buyers. As we begin to sell more complex
                                 solutions, more stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process.
                                 These stakeholders often do not have the technical expertise to
                                 distinguish our solution from the competition or other in-house

                                 I challenge my team to articulate how we have helped this title in the
                                 past. We must KNOW their pain – not assume it. This empathy builds
                                 trust and trust is what sparks evaluations.

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Lead Nurturing

                                 We made a significant investment to gain our buyers attention with the 8
                                 touch campaign but even a 10% success rate means 90% our prospects did
                                 not agree to meet. We don’t want to waste the effort on those who simply
                                 didn’t respond. After all, the 8th touch is an invitation to keep the
                                 conversation going. I tell my team that no response doesn’t mean no
                                 business. We put the non-respondents into our lead nurturing campaign
                                 to continue what we started.

                                 Brian Carroll of InTouch writes an excellent e-book entitled Lead
                                 Generation for the Complex Sale. You can download it here. In it he
                                 explains the multimodal approach to keep prospects engaged in a manner
                                 that they prefer; before they are ready speak with us individually.

                                 The webinar is a central focal point for our lead nurturing strategy. We
                                 invite all of the prospects we contacted in our previous campaigns to join
                                 us for a monthly webinar. We can keep them engaged and we gauge their
                                 level of interest in us by their attendance. Even without attendance our
                                 reps build credibility with strategic, consistent, and timely information.

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Trigger Events

                                 Jill Konrath in her bestselling book, Selling to Big Companies, coined the
                                 phrase, “use the news.” What she is referring to is allowing your
                                 prospects to tell you when they are ready to buy. Organizations offer
                                 press releases about new position appointments, quarterly earnings,
                                 partnerships, new initiatives, and many other reasons in an effort to
                                 generate public relations and investor interest.

                                 Google Alerts also allows you to set up an e-mail notification anytime
                                 your prospect is in the news. Savvy sales people take this information to
                                 be the first knock on the door linking their solution to facilitate enterprise-
                                 level changes.

                                 This is a great way to keep an eye on your prospect base so that they can
                                 tell you when there is change. It is the perfect complement to the 8-touch
                                 and monthly lead nurturing campaigns.

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About the Author

                                 Scott Miller is a District Vice President of Sales at Ceridian Corporation.
                                 He has worked in Sales, Sales Consulting, Sales Management, and Sales
                                 Training for over a decade. His passion is optimizing the sales process so
                                 that his sales team can be in front of the right buyer, to say the right thing
                                 at the right the right time. That is what Sales 2.0 is really all about.

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Demand Creation 2.0

  • 1. Demand Creation 2.0 Scott Miller District Vice President of Sales - Ceridian E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 1 of 20
  • 2. There is an old story about two salesmen that were assigned to a new territory in Africa to sell shoes for their company. The first one reported to the home office that Africa was a terrible market and that no one wore any shoes. The second one reported back that this was the perfect market because not one of his prospects even knew about his product. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 2 of 20
  • 3. Demand Creation 2.0 I am a frontline Sales Manager with nothing to sell in this e-book but observations and ideas. My team is no different from most sales teams. We have a finite number of prospects for our B2B solution and a CRM tool to help manage our activity. We can’t depend upon marketing to give us leads so we have to create our own. We have different levels of skills and enthusiasm when it comes to creating demand but like most, we have a deep reservation in picking up the phone and calling a stranger. “I think the hardest thing for sales management to understand is that their sales force is unprepared and unwilling to handle demand creation.” Without any direction outside of a mandate to get more deals – my team did what they do best. They think their industry knowledge, tenure, and high compensation required them to craft lengthy and well researched correspondence to targeted executives. (Imagine the laborious process of researching, writing and rewriting the perfectly tailored e-mail and phone script.) We were selling to VITO but VITO wasn’t buying from us. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 3 of 20
  • 4. The problem with this approach is that when these lengthy, targeted pieces of correspondence went unanswered – my team got frustrated. They began to take on the mentality that they are closers and setting appointments only prevents them from do what they are paid so handsomely to do. In truth – my highly compensated / senior sales team rose to their station because they are very productive and demand creation activity that doesn’t generate demand is just……unproductive. What we needed to understand is that our buyers are very busy and even if we craft the perfect pitch to an individual, it could be the wrong time, the wrong approach, the wrong person, or even the wrong median. We created an approach that allows senior sales people to use their tenure, experience, and status for demand creation – but instead of spending this time focusing on an individual or company – they focus on a group of individuals. This process takes the same amount of time as traditional targeted demand creation efforts but is wildly more productive because it generates results. We created an 8 step formula based upon the wrongs of traditional demand creation. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 4 of 20
  • 5. The 5 Wrongs with traditional Demand Creation Wrong Approach: There was a study from PWC that found a CFO receives an average of 57 solicitations a day. With all the e-mail automation tools and inside sales teams that have sprung up over the past decade, I bet that number is more like 100. So our challenge is to get above the noise. You could have the perfect solution for the perfect buyer at the perfect time, but if you are caught in a spam filter or the buyer never gets the message – what good does that do? Our remedy is to ensure our message gets above the noise by a multi- touch campaign style prospecting effort. Our friends in B2C marketing understand one and done marketing is just as effective as none and done long ago. They tell us we need to be simple, short, and persistent if we want to capture our buyer’s attention. (J-E-L-L-O) My goal is to “touch” our prospect eight times over the course of a three week campaign. That way we can feel somewhat comfortable he or she understands that we are serious about trying to get their attention. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 5 of 20
  • 6. As someone who can influence buying decisions at my company, I am solicited every day. E-mails that have HTML or an opt out link at the bottom of the message are easily ignored. Voicemails without a follow up e-mail will never get a response. To avoid this happening to my reps, I want them to avoid the one-off targeted solicitation and spammy e-mails with multiple colors. Our approach invests the same amount of time it takes to wordsmith a letter to one individual but we write correspondence to a group of individuals that have something in common. For instance, instead of writing a specific letter to the CFO of one of our top prospects, we write a letter than would benefit any CFO. We then select 30 to 50 CFO’s from our CRM that will be the target of our campaign. Wrong Median: There are numerous ways to contact today’s buyers. We can call them directly like most of the English speaking work will do. We can e-mail them; even put a read / receipt so they know we mean business. We can work with the executive assistant who is paid to keep E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 6 of 20
  • 7. us at bay. We can use snail mail that will sit in a pile of like solicitations in its own version of purgatory. Or, we can do all of these knowing that the whole, in some cases, is greater than the sum of its parts. We know that busy executives actually do have a preferred method of communication. We just don’t know what it is yet. Our campaigns start with a piece of snail mail – except we bypass mail purgatory by sending it in a FedEx or UPS envelope. These absolved pieces of literature are guaranteed to be opened and set the campaign off on the right note because you earned the buyer’s attention. Next, we follow up with an e- mail referencing the package. The next touch is a dial directly to the prospect, working with the executive assistant. Touch four is an e-mail, five a voicemail, six an e-mail, seven voicemail, and touch eight transitions the prospect to lead nurturing. We use an e-mail aggregator called BuzzBuilder that sends the e-mails directly from the rep’s address, helping to build name recognition. We set the four e-mail touches up at the beginning of the campaign and notify the reps via Outlook when their e-mail will hit their prospects. We schedule three separate dialing sessions the day after the e-mails drop. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 7 of 20
  • 8. What were cold calls are now much warmer with correspondence sent ahead of time, giving less phone reluctance. BuzzBuilder will let us know who has opened the e-mail or forwarded it to a colleague. This helps triage the effort for the dialing sessions. There is much less pressure on these dials because we are only solidifying the multi-touch campaign. Wrong Message: One of the fatal flaws in demand creation is that our message just isn’t compelling. Think, why would a decision maker want to see you because you are in town or you have free time? Where is the value in “checking in?” Along those same lines – today’s dialers make the mistake that their company’s credentials are going to get them in the door. Again, I fail to see how your ranking in Gartner’s magic quadrant, product differentiation, or when your company was founded will compel someone to call you back. Those superlatives are only effective if there is an active evaluation – we are just trying to spark one. To grab a decision-maker’s attention, we need to first change jobs. Put yourself in their position and forget every last thing you know about your robust product suite. What are the top things that your stakeholders care about? If you don’t know – look it up. The CFO is a key stakeholder in E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 8 of 20
  • 9. our sale so they are often the target of our campaigns. If I wanted to understand and reference their top concerns I can Google: CFO top concerns. An article from CFO magazine comes up that states the Top 10. Not all pains are created equally. If we want to gain traction in our accounts we need to take the most strategic pains and link our solution to help solve them. For our demand creation campaign – we have to be generic enough to appeal to our entire targeted list but strategic enough in our messaging to attract their attention. I wrote this blog about keeping messaging P.I.T.H.Y We also want to evolve our messaging over the course of the campaign. Again, take the CFO Magazine article that lists the top 10 concerns of the CFO. Our strategy is to take 3 of those concerns to reference and link to solving them over the course of the 8 touch campaign. If one of those pains doesn’t resonate – then perhaps one of the remaining three will. Wrong Time: The reason we selected 8 touches was we found that is about the right number of times to guarantee you got the attention of your buyer. However, when we first started doing this, we tried to E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 9 of 20
  • 10. collapse the process into one week. We learned from multiple out of office auto responders or executive assistants telling us that our prospect was out of pocket for the week – we were not taking full advantage of the system. We chose to spread the multi-touch campaign over the course of three weeks to make us feel as though we were going to reach our prospect at a time of convenience. After all, we ask for a specific date to meet in our solicitation and it is just too easy for the recipient to ignore the e-mail if they know they can’t make that date. That process will happen three different times with three different dates over a three week period. Our goal is for a more well-thought out decision to meet with us on a permission basis. Our final solicitation (or touch 8) states that we have made multiple attempts to reach the prospect and the lack of response must be either one of two things: they were either not concerned about the pains we can help solve or they just don’t have time to discuss them. This usually gets the best response with an apology from the buyer for being difficult to reach with a time they can meet. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 10 of 20
  • 11. Wrong Person: Just like pains, not all organizations are created equally. The CFO is a key stakeholder in our sale but so is the controller, the CIO, the VP of HR, and the HR Director. When it comes to creating demand however, we let the law of gravity dictate how we navigate our prospects. We equate it to the ease of pushing a bolder down a hill. Start at the top and get sponsorship all the way down the org chart until we find the eventual business owner of our solution. By starting low and trying to cultivate an evaluation, you are doing the equivalent of trying to push a bolder up hill. To wrap it up in a nice little bow – our demand creation methodology looks like the below over the course of three weeks. We have seen results as good as 10% and as bad as 1%. We know for this to be effective, the reps have to make the phone touch 3, 5, and 7. Otherwise, they will be looked on as a spammer and the campaign will yield little fruit. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 11 of 20
  • 12. The Eight Touch Campaign 1. Snail Mail Touch – In a FedEx envelope to ensure it gets to the recipient. Reference 3 strategic pains you can solve. 2. E-mail Touch – Referencing letter, Pain 1, date to meet 3. Phone Touch – Referencing letter, Pain 1 and date to meet 4. E-mail Touch – Reference Pain 2, second date to meet 5. Phone Touch – Reference Pain 2, second date to meet 6. E-mail Touch – Reference Pain 3, third date to meet 7. Phone Touch – Reference Pain 3, third date to meet 8. Transitioning E-mail Touch to Lead Nurture E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 12 of 20
  • 13. First Call: The art of weaving your demand creation efforts into an active evaluation comes in the form of the first call. As stated before, the point of the 8 touch process is to push the targeted research out until the first call is secured. We take full advantage of the new found time to know as much about our prospect as possible. After all, they haven’t agreed to evaluate us, just to meet. We can’t blow this opportunity with the archaic, “what keeps you up at night” question (or if you had a magic wand.) P.I.C.T. We have to earn the right to be seen as a peer. Today’s buyer is skeptical of big-promising / know-nothing sales people that just want 20 minutes on their calendar. To be seen as a peer we need to know our buyer as well as can be expected without having met him in person. My team achieves this by creating a PICT profile; Person, Industry, Company, and Title. It is with this profile that we can paint a picture of our prospect and tailor a well researched and impactful first call script. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 13 of 20
  • 14. Person: The old cliché is that companies don’t buy, people do. We want to know our buyers on a personal level to gain insight into who they are, what motivates them, where have they been. LinkedIn is the perfect tool to understand how someone wants the world to see them. I ask my reps to (at the very least) know where their buyer went to school, where else have they worked and how long they have worked at their current job. If the buyer is a savvy LinkedIn user then he is part of LinkedIn groups, shares the books he has read, gives and receives recommendations, and links with other professionals. What a treasure trove of information to begin a conversation! This research will let us know if we have any connection in the buyer’s network or worked with the buyer at a previous company. We can understand if they are primed for change if they are new to the company or if they were part of the team that brought in the current supplier. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 14 of 20
  • 15. Industry: Our buyers expect us to know macro-economic trends in their industry and First Research is a great tool to help us put it all into context. We want to know how governmental regulation, foreign competition, energy costs, and technological advancements impact our buyers. Every company is subjected to their industry trends and having an understanding of them brings instant credibility to your first call. Being able to articulate how your solution can positively impact those trends sparks an instant evaluation. Company: Rick Page at the Complex Sale taught me that companies really only have 5 enterprise-wide issues they care about. Revenue is the byproduct of these issues. 1. Competitive Differentiation 2. Customer Acquisition and Retention 3. Growth 4. Governmental Regulation 5. Good Press E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 15 of 20
  • 16. When we are researching a first call we want to be not only armed with this information about our prospect but how our solution could potentially impact any of these 5 areas. I tell my team that this is what separates tellers from sellers. Our buyers can get our product portfolio, financials, and customer case studies off of the web. Conversely, we can get the information we need to have a great first call from the web as well. Public companies are required to publish an annual report or 10k and it is almost unfair the information they are required to share. You can get insight into all 5 of the above enterprise-wide issues inside of an annual report. For private companies, check the press releases section to get an idea of the newsworthy. Every press release brings some sort of “trigger event” that we could potentially link to and we should be versed in the ones that apply to our solution. But don’t stop there; companies will only put positive information on their website. Try using a Google and Google News search to see if there could be information that the prospect is not so proud of but potentially even more useful. This could be a lawsuit, security breach, labor dispute, environmental impact, service complaint, or product deficiency. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 16 of 20
  • 17. Title: Inherent in a value proposition is a keen understanding of the pains of the non-technical buyers and a linkage of our solution to solving those pains. Many organizations make the mistake of having one generic value proposition – when in fact the value proposition must be tailored to the individual with whom we are having the appointment. Successful sales forces are able to take their operational features and functionality and translate their benefits into a compelling value proposition for non-technical buyers. As we begin to sell more complex solutions, more stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process. These stakeholders often do not have the technical expertise to distinguish our solution from the competition or other in-house alternatives. I challenge my team to articulate how we have helped this title in the past. We must KNOW their pain – not assume it. This empathy builds trust and trust is what sparks evaluations. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 17 of 20
  • 18. Lead Nurturing We made a significant investment to gain our buyers attention with the 8 touch campaign but even a 10% success rate means 90% our prospects did not agree to meet. We don’t want to waste the effort on those who simply didn’t respond. After all, the 8th touch is an invitation to keep the conversation going. I tell my team that no response doesn’t mean no business. We put the non-respondents into our lead nurturing campaign to continue what we started. Brian Carroll of InTouch writes an excellent e-book entitled Lead Generation for the Complex Sale. You can download it here. In it he explains the multimodal approach to keep prospects engaged in a manner that they prefer; before they are ready speak with us individually. The webinar is a central focal point for our lead nurturing strategy. We invite all of the prospects we contacted in our previous campaigns to join us for a monthly webinar. We can keep them engaged and we gauge their level of interest in us by their attendance. Even without attendance our reps build credibility with strategic, consistent, and timely information. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 18 of 20
  • 19. Trigger Events Jill Konrath in her bestselling book, Selling to Big Companies, coined the phrase, “use the news.” What she is referring to is allowing your prospects to tell you when they are ready to buy. Organizations offer press releases about new position appointments, quarterly earnings, partnerships, new initiatives, and many other reasons in an effort to generate public relations and investor interest. Google Alerts also allows you to set up an e-mail notification anytime your prospect is in the news. Savvy sales people take this information to be the first knock on the door linking their solution to facilitate enterprise- level changes. This is a great way to keep an eye on your prospect base so that they can tell you when there is change. It is the perfect complement to the 8-touch and monthly lead nurturing campaigns. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 19 of 20
  • 20. About the Author Scott Miller is a District Vice President of Sales at Ceridian Corporation. He has worked in Sales, Sales Consulting, Sales Management, and Sales Training for over a decade. His passion is optimizing the sales process so that his sales team can be in front of the right buyer, to say the right thing at the right the right time. That is what Sales 2.0 is really all about. E-book by Scott Miller Demand Creation 2.0 20 of 20