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ALLAH-beginning with the name of-the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
40 Sunnah’s(whilst sitting, standing, walking, talking, eating) and
Respects of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu Alaihi Wasalam)
1. Every good and lawful piece of work that you do should be done after you’ve recited “Bismillah”,
however never ever recite “Bismillah” if what ever you are about to do is not lawful and is haraam.
2. When you meet another Islamic brother then it’s a beautiful Sunnah to give salaam.
3. The method of musafah according to the sweet Sunnah is that when 2 islamic brothers meet then they
first give salaam to each other and then do the musafah (Shake hands).
4. Whilst doing musafah (shaking hands), the Sunnah is that you don’t have anything in your hands, both
of your hands be empty and the palms of the hands should touch.
5. It’s Sunnah to smile and talk in a polite and cheerful manner whilst you’re in a conversation.
6. Some people scream and shout when they meet some of their friends, this is against the Sunnah.
7. It’s Sunnah to say “Alhamdulillah” when you sneeze, but it’s better if you say “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil
A’alameen”. It becomes Wajib upon the one who hears to reply by saying “YarhamukAllah”. And he
should say these words loud enough for the person who has sneezed to hear them. If one deliberately
takes time to answer to the sneeze then he will be sinful, and this sin will not be forgiven just by
answering to the sneeze but he will have to do thauba as well. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
8. After hearing the answer to the sneeze the one who sneezed should reply by saying “Yaghfirullahu lana
walakum” meaning May Allah azzawajal forgive us both. Or he can say “Yahdi kumullahu wa yuslihu
balakum” meaning May Allah azzawajal show you the right path and cause your rectification.
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9. The Sunnah of the Kurta mubarak of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) is that it should be
long, loose and collarless, it’s length should be up to the shin/calf of the leg, the length of the sleeves
should be up to the knuckles of the fingers and the width of the sleeves should be roughly the length of
one hand span.
10. It’s Sunnah to tie a tehband around the waist. (a tehband is a loose sheet that is wrapped around the
lower part of the body for males, a bit like a toti). It’s also permissiable to wear pyajama (Eastern style
pants/trousers), as the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) liked it and the Sahaba-e-Kiraam
(Alaihim-u-Rizwaan) also wore them as well.
11. Always keep the tehband (sheet) and the pyjamas (trousers) above the ankles.
12. Always put your trousers on whilst sitting down and tie the Imaama Shareef whilst standing up. Anyone
who does this in a different manner will fall prey to such a disease which is incurable. (Zia-ul-Quloob Fi
13. Always put the kurta/top on first then the trousers
14. Whilst you are putting your clothes on, start from the right side, for example when you’re putting your
kurta/top on then first enter your right hand into the sleeve and then the left. Likewise when you’re
putting your trousers on then start with the right leg first and then the left leg.
15. When you are about to take you’re clothes off then recite “Bismillah” first because by doing this the
private parts of you’re body will stay hidden from the shaitaan.
16. Whilst taking you’re clothes off start with you’re left side and then your right.
17. Start to wear a new pair of clothes from Fridays as this is the Sweet Sunnah.
18. Fold all you’re clothes and you’re bedding after you have used them because if you leave them just like
that then the shaitaan uses them. (Fatawa-e-Razawiya Shareef)
19. To sit with both of your buttocks on the floor, with both of you’re knees up and having you’re arms
wrapped around you’re legs whilst holding both the hands is a very sewwt Sunnah of the Sweet and
Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam)
20. It’s also a sweet Sunnah to sit cross legged.
21. To sit where there is some sunshine and some shade is forbidden.
22. Whenever you go to an Ijthima or even a mehfil, then don’t jump over people, but instead sit down
wherever you find a place.
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23. When you’re sitting down then takes your shoes off, you’re feet will be at ease and relaxed. (Al-
24. When somebody arrives to move over or make space for them is a sweet Sunnah.
25. If it’s possible then try you’re best to always sit whilst facing the Qibla (Direction of the Holy Ka’aba)
as our Madani Master (Salalahu alaihi wasaam) oftenly used to sit on their hams (Attahiyaat position),
whilst facing Qibla and used to place their blessed hands on the knees. (There are other ways to sit
according to the sweet Sunnah that have been mention before.)
26. If there are 2 women standing in the way or walking on the path then don’t try to pass from in between
27. Whilst walking avoid looking and acting as though you’re puzzled or confused and don’t look here and
28. Whilst you are walking be cautious that your shoes don’t make any sounds/ noise.
29. Put your right shoe on first and then you’re left and when taking them off, take you’re left shoe off first
and then you’re right.
30. To wash both you’re hands up to you’re wrists before and after meals, to gargle or rinse the mouth and
to wash the front of the mouth is a sweet Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam). Some
people just wash one hand or their fingers and start to eat, this way the Sunnah is not being acted upon
properly. (Alamgeeri)
31. When you are about to eat you can sit in any of these 3 positions, either way the Sunnah will be
followed ::
1) Sit so that your left foot is under your buttocks and your right leg is folded and your knee is
2) Sit so that both of you’re buttocks are on the floor and both of you’re knees are upright,
3) Or you can sit on your hams (in the position that you sit in whilst reading Attahiyaat)
32. Hold the roti/bread in your left hand and break it with your right hand as this is the sweet Sunnah.
33. If a morsel of food, piece of bread/roti, or any other piece of food falls on the floor or table cloth then
pick it up wipe it and eat it because the one who does this then there are glad tidings for her being
forgiven of her sins. Alhamdulillah (Azzawajal).
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34. To eat with 1 finger is the way of the shaitaan, o eat with 2 fingers is the way of the proud and snobby
people and to eat with 3 fingers is Sunnat-e-Rasool (Salalahu alaihi wasalam)
35. After you have eaten clean you’re teeth with a toothpick as this is Sunnah as well.
36. Drink water whilst sitting down, and hold the glass of water in you’re right hand and recite “Bismillah”.
Then whilst looking into the glass drink the water in 3 breaths, meaning that take one sip of water then
move it away and take a breath then take your second sip and move the glass away and take a breath and
then in you’re third turn take as much sips or gulps as you wish. Once you have finished drinking the
water then say “Alhamdulillah (Azzawajal)”
37. If after you have finished drinking the water and there is still some water left over, then no matter what
don’t throw it away because to do that you’re wasting water and wasting water is sinful, instead give the
water to somebody else to drink as it is stated in a Hadeeth Shareef that the Holy Prophet (Salalahu
alaihi wasalam) said:
1) “There is cure in the remaining food or drink of a believer (Mo’moin)”
38. To do Miswak before going to sleep and to go to sleep whilst in the state of wuzu is also Sunnah of the
Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam)
39. Before getting into bed recite “Bismillah” and shake you’re bed covers 3 times just incase there are any
insects or any other harmful animals in your bed covers and by shaking them they will fall out.
40. Sometimes sleep on a palm mat, sometimes sleep on skin of an animal, sometimes sleep on you’re beds,
sometimes sleep on the floor and sometimes form a pillow out of your hands and arms as all of these
ways of sleeping are sacred and sweet Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) and if you
act upon these then you’re love for the Sweet and Madani Aka (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) will increase.
InshAllah (Azzawajal)
DUA::Oh our Pyaaray Allah (Azzawajal) give us all the ability to practice the sweet Sunnahs of the Holy
Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam), whilst sitting, standing, walking, talking, eating and all aspects of our lives.
Ameen bijahin Nabiyyil Ameen (Wa Salalahu alaihi wasalam)
Ya ELAHI* jab RAZA khawaab-e-giraa say sar uthaye
Dowlat-e-baydaar-e-ishq-e-MUSTAFA* ka saat ho
(Azzawajal wa Salalahu alaihi wasalama wa RadiAllahu Ta'al Anhu)
“Before going to eat or drink anything....think! Which foods and drinks should you avoid? (Zubair Razvi)
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NOTE: set your suitable time for work-out!
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Zubair’s Deit Chart
How to Create a Bodybuilding Diet Chart:
A frequently asked question we get is how to create the correct diet for building muscle.
This article teaches you exactly how to do it.
Ok, so you want to get huge?! You get into the gym, pound weights till you have a big red head, go home and
that’s it, you maybe think that all you have to do. Pump the weights. If only it was that simple.
Nutrition plays a very large part of recovery and growth. Without both you won’t put muscle on. Bodybuilding
diets are constantly changing due to the increase of your muscle mass; if you put muscle on you have to eat
more, if you lose muscle you need to eat less. So how do you keep an eye on what is happening inside the
Well, you have two means that would work. The first is the good old scales that sit gathering dust in the
bathroom; you should monitor your weight to see if your goal to put muscle on is causing an increase in
bodyweight. If the scales show that weight are staying the same or going down then its time to look at the diet
and eat more. If the weight is going up then is it muscle? or is the stomach getting bigger? If it’s the stomach
getting bigger then you are eating too much. But be cautious, you can expect to put some bodyfat on when
trying to put muscle on, but you want to monitor that the dreaded fat isn’t going on to much.
Another good method of checking which is going up, muscle or fat is to use a set of body fat calipers. By using
the calipers every two weeks that will show exactly what is happening, if muscle is going down due to not
eating enough then that will show with the calipers and you will need to eat more. If the calipers show that
bodyfat percentage is going up then you need to eat less. All good gyms will have a set of calipers and as long
as the same person does the measurements every time you should be able to get a true reading as to what
exactly is happening. Once you have obtained the amount of total millimeters and your bodyweight, the chart
that comes with the calipers will show what bodyfat percentage you are. Now comes the clever bit. If you take
your bodyweight in pounds and times it by the bodyfat percentage then that will come out with your total
bodyfat. Then take this figure from the total bodyweight and that will give you a figure for your fat free mass.
The figure is not all muscle but includes internal organs, bones etc. but just use the figure as muscle for our
The two figures you have just worked out, the total bodyfat and fat free mass, should be written down and kept.
Then next time you have the measurements done you will see if the bodyfat percentage has gone up. But more
importantly has the total fat stayed the same or gone down?. Has the fat free mass gone up? Which is what we
want, or gone down, which we don’t want. You will find that if your food intake is right then with your exercise
and nutrition the fat free mass will go up and the total bodyfat will go down. But if your not eating enough then
you will find that the fat free mass (muscle) is going down and the bodyfat will go up - not what you want!
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Bodyfat Calculations
Example of calculations of bodyfat, and fat free mass, using the weight as 200lb, and a bodyfat percentage of
Bodyfat Calculations Example
Bodyweight: 200lbs(90kg)
Bodyfat Percentage: 21%
The calculations...
Step1. Bodyweight x bodyfat percentage = lb bodyfat.
(200 x 0.21 = 42 lb bodyfat)
Step2. Bodyweight – 42 = fat free mass (200 – 42 = 158) (This figure is the
total amount of fat free mass).
So now we know...
Bodyweight: 200lbs(90kg)
Bodyfat Percentage: 21%
Total Bodyfat: 42lbs(19kg)
Fat Free Mass: 158lbs(71kg)
The next time you have the bodyfat percentage done ideally, you want to see that the fat free mass has gone up
and the total bodyfat has stayed the same or has gone down. That is the ideal situation. But sometimes it doesn’t
happen and the fat has gone up and the fat free mass has gone down. The reason that the fat free mass goes
down is that possibly you are losing muscle which you are not eating enough food for the amount of
work/training you are doing.
Ok, I hear you saying, what if I train at home? Well in this situation we can use the old favorites, a set of scales
and the mirror. You know, the one you use to admire yourself in!
The bathroom scales should show an increase in your bodyweight, if it's not going up then your not eating
enough. If the mirror is showing an increase of bodyfat around the middle then you are eating too much.
So how do we set about setting a nutrition plan for ourselves? Firstly we need to know how many calories we
should eat in a day, on top of the calories required for our body at rest we need to add into the diet calories we
expend on daily activities and our training.
Use This Calculator to work out your calories per day. As a basic starting point, we use a ratio of protein,
carbohydrates, and fats (PCF) of 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates and 20% fats. Remember that protein and
carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, fat contain 9 calories per gram.
An example: The calculator has given us a value of 2900 calories per day, so use the following calculation to
find the PCF ratio:
Protein: 30% of 2900 = 870 calories / 4 = 217.5g per day.
Carbohydrates: 50% of 2900 = 1450 calories / 4 calories = 362.5g per day.
Fat: 20% of 2900 = 580 calories / 9 = 64.4g per day.
So now you know exactly how much food you require per day. Now you will need to find out how much food
you require (approx) per meal. You should be using frequent feedings and as such should divide the grams of
food given above into as many meals per day as you can fit in, usually between 5-8 meals per day.
So to work the above amount of grams of food per day you use the following calculation:
Total meals required per day 6. (Figures rounded off)
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Protein: 217.5g / 6 = 36g of protein per meal x 6
Carbohydrates: 362.5g / 6 = 60g of carbohydrates per meal x 6
Fat: 64.4g / 5* = 13g of fat per meal x 5*
* Note: In the after training meal you want the nutrients to be digested quickly and fat delays the digestion of
the meal, so fat is omitted in this meal only.
Below are listings of the best foods for our nutrition plan, and for our recovery and growth from training. The
amounts have been put as per ounce (28g) of each food for easier calculation.
So to work out a meal you have to look at the lists given below and choose what foods you want to use in a
particular meal to give you the amounts required per meal.
Best Foods For Muscle Building
Below is a list of the best bodybuilding foods and their macronutrient profiles, with the information below you
can build a diet based on your own particular goals, mass building, getting lean, or just basic maintenance of
your diet.
Meat, Fish, Poultry. (per ounce, 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Atlantic Salmon 56.6 7.7 nil 2.4
Beef (mince-lean) 53.0 8.0 nil 2.1
Beef (silverside) 54.4 8.7 nil 1.8
Beef (sirloin-grilled) 64.0 9.3 nil 2.8
Beef (topside) 54.7 9.9 nil 1.5
Chicken (breast) 49.7 9.6 nil 1.2
Chicken (drumstick) 23.6 3.7 nil 0.9
Chicken (thigh) 33.6 4.3 nil 4.3
Tuna (bluefish-fresh) 57.2 9.3 nil 1.8
Tuna (canned-white) 39.8 8.0 nil 0.9
Turkey (breast) 42.9 9.3 nil nil
Dairy & Egg Products. (per ounce, 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Egg (whole-1 large) 74 6.0 trace 5.0
Egg (substitute-50ml) 53 8.0 trace 2.0
Egg (white-1 large) 18.0 4.0 trace trace
Low fat buttermilk (250ml) 98.0 8.0 12 2.0
Yogurt (plain fat-free) 15.8 1.6 2.1 trace
Cheddar Cheese (reduced fat) 54.8 7.8 1.1 2.2
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Swiss Cheese (reduced fat) 56.0 8.9 1.1 1.1
Skimmed Milk(250ml) 86 8.0 12 trace
Cottage Cheese (2%) 25.0 4.0 1.0 1
Nuts and Oils. (per ounce, 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Almonds 183 6.7 6.7 15.6
Almond Butter (1 tbsp) 101 2.5 3.5 9.5
Olive Oil (1 tbsp) 119 0.0 0.0 14
Peanut butter 96 4.0 3.0 8.5
Peanuts (dry roasted) 186 7.8 6.7 15.6
Walnuts 207 4.5 4.5 21.2
Grains, Breads, and Pasta. (per ounce, 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Bagel, plain (1 small-3”) 190 7 37 1
Barley, pearl (cooked) 33.7 7 7.7 0.1
Bran Muffin (1 small) 178 5 32 5
Brown Rice (cooked) 31.1 0.7 6.4 0.2
Corn, tortilla (1) 58 2 12 1
Couscous (cooked) 30.8 1 6.4 trace
Crumpet (1) 134 4 26 1
Flour, tortilla (8”dia) 146 4 25 3
Macaroni (wholewheat) 39.3 1.4 8 0.2
Oatmeal (cooked) 17.2 0.7 3.0 0.2
Rye bread (1 slice) 83 3.0 16 1.0
Sourdough Bread (1 slice) 88 3.0 17 1.0
Spaghetti (wholewheat) (cooked) 39.3 1.4 8.0 0.2
Wheatgerm (1tbsp) 26 2.0 4.0 0.5
White rice (cooked) 31 0.6 6.8 trace
Wholegrain Cereal 84 2.0 21.4 0.9
Wholegrain Crackers (5) 90 2.0 14 3.0
Wholemeal Bread (1 slice) 73 3.0 13 1
Wholemeal Pitta (1) 170 6.0 35 2.0
Wholemeal Pretzels 115 3.3 21.4 0.9
Wild Rice (cooked) 28.1 1.1 5.9 0.1
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Fruits (per ounce, 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Apple 1 (med) 72 trace 19 trace
Apricots (3) 50 2.0 12 trace
Avocado (1/4) 80 1.0 4.0 7.0
Banana (1 med) 105 1.0 30 trace
Blueberries 50.6 0.1 3.9 trace
Cantaloupe 9.4 0.1 2.2 trace
Cherries (tart) 14 0.3 3.4 trace
Grapefruit (1/2 Medium) 41 1.0 10 trace
Grape Juice (100 ml) 45.2 trace 19 trace
Grapes (seedless) 20 0.1 5.4 trace
Melon (cubed) Honeydew 10 0.1 5.4 trace
Mango (cubes) 18 0.1 4.7 trace
Nectarine (1 medium) 60 1.0 14 trace
Orange (1 navel) 69 1.0 18 trace
Orange Juice (100ml) 44.8 0.8 26 trace
Papaya (cubes) 10.9 0.1 2.8 trace
Peach (1 med) 38 1.0 9.0 trace
Pear (1 med) 96 1.0 26 trace
Pineapple (cubes) 13.3 1.0 20 trace
Plum (1) 30 Trace 8.0 trace
Raisins (loose) 86.3 0.7 23 trace
Raspberries 14.3 0.4 3.3 0.1
Strawberries 9.1 0.1 2.2 trace
Watermelon (cubes) 8.5 0.1 2.2 trace
Vegetables (per ounce. 28g)
Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g)
Artichokes (1 medium) 60 4.0 13 trace
Asparagus (4 large spears) 16 2.0 3.0 trace
Aubergine (cubed) 7.0 trace 1.4 trace
Beats (sliced cooked) 2.35 0.8 2.8 trace
Broccoli (florets raw) 7.7 0.6 1.2 trace
Brussels sprouts 10 1.2 2.0 trace
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Butternut squash 11.5 0.3 3.0 trace
Cabbage (shredded) 6.8 0.4 1.6 trace
Carrot (1 large) 30 1.0 7 trace
Cauliflower 7.0 0.5 2.0 trace
Chinese cabbage (cooked) 3.3 0.5 .05 trace
Collard greens (chopped) 1.6 0.1 0.3 trace
Corn, kernels 22 1.0. 5.0 0.3
Courgette (chopped) 5.0 0.4 0.9 trace
Cucumber (sliced) 4.3 0.2 1.0 trace
Garlic (1 clove) 5.0 trace 1.0 trace
Green beans 3.7 0.5 2.0 trace
Green peas (raw) 24 1.6 4.3 trace
Kale (chopped) 6.5 0.6 1.5 0.2
Mushrooms (sliced) 6.0 0.8 0.8 trace
Onion (chopped) 11.5 0.3 2.8 trace
Pepper (green) Chopped 5.6 0.2 1.3 trace
Potato (1 med) Baked 161 4.0 37 trace
Potato (boiled) 24 0.0 6.0 0.0
Potato (mashed with milk) 23 1.0 5.0 0.0
Pumpkin (fresh) 5.6 0.2 1.2 trace
Romaine lettuce (shredded) 6.2 0.6 1.2 trace
Spinach 7.0 1.0 1.0 trace
Sweet potato 1 med, baked) 103 2.0 24 trace
Tomato (1 lge) 33 2.0 7.0 trace
Tomato juice (100ml) 16 0.8 4.0 trace
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Bodybuilding Recipes:
7Delicious HomemadeWeight GainShakeRecipes With Minimum 500+ Calories
7 amazing weight gainer shake options for those of you who are having a tough time packing on size. Try
these 500 calorie plus shakes and let us know what you think!
Here are the 7 recipes contained in this article:
1. Whole Milk 250ML
2. Oats ½ cup
3. Banana 2 to 3
4. Orange or Apple Juice 1 cup
5. Honey 2 spoon
6. Cinnamon Powder 1 spoon
7. Dark Chocolate or Cocoa Powder
You can also add Protein Powder (Optional)
9 Things You Should Never Eat Or Drink
1. Oily Food
2. Spicy Food
3. Soft Drinks
4. Cold Drinks
5. Sour
6. Chinese Food
7. Junk Food
8. Tea (normal tea with milk)
9. Coffee

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Diet Chart

  • 1. Facebook: YouTube: FOLLOW THE SUNNAH & INCREASE YOUR BEAUTY ALLAH-beginning with the name of-the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful BEFORE YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE YOUR DIET OR BODYBUILDING CHART, FIRST MAKE SUNNAH'S CHART 40 Sunnah’s(whilst sitting, standing, walking, talking, eating) and Respects of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu Alaihi Wasalam) 1. Every good and lawful piece of work that you do should be done after you’ve recited “Bismillah”, however never ever recite “Bismillah” if what ever you are about to do is not lawful and is haraam. 2. When you meet another Islamic brother then it’s a beautiful Sunnah to give salaam. 3. The method of musafah according to the sweet Sunnah is that when 2 islamic brothers meet then they first give salaam to each other and then do the musafah (Shake hands). 4. Whilst doing musafah (shaking hands), the Sunnah is that you don’t have anything in your hands, both of your hands be empty and the palms of the hands should touch. 5. It’s Sunnah to smile and talk in a polite and cheerful manner whilst you’re in a conversation. 6. Some people scream and shout when they meet some of their friends, this is against the Sunnah. 7. It’s Sunnah to say “Alhamdulillah” when you sneeze, but it’s better if you say “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A’alameen”. It becomes Wajib upon the one who hears to reply by saying “YarhamukAllah”. And he should say these words loud enough for the person who has sneezed to hear them. If one deliberately takes time to answer to the sneeze then he will be sinful, and this sin will not be forgiven just by answering to the sneeze but he will have to do thauba as well. (Bahar-e-Shariat) 8. After hearing the answer to the sneeze the one who sneezed should reply by saying “Yaghfirullahu lana walakum” meaning May Allah azzawajal forgive us both. Or he can say “Yahdi kumullahu wa yuslihu balakum” meaning May Allah azzawajal show you the right path and cause your rectification.
  • 2. Facebook: YouTube: 9. The Sunnah of the Kurta mubarak of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) is that it should be long, loose and collarless, it’s length should be up to the shin/calf of the leg, the length of the sleeves should be up to the knuckles of the fingers and the width of the sleeves should be roughly the length of one hand span. 10. It’s Sunnah to tie a tehband around the waist. (a tehband is a loose sheet that is wrapped around the lower part of the body for males, a bit like a toti). It’s also permissiable to wear pyajama (Eastern style pants/trousers), as the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) liked it and the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (Alaihim-u-Rizwaan) also wore them as well. 11. Always keep the tehband (sheet) and the pyjamas (trousers) above the ankles. 12. Always put your trousers on whilst sitting down and tie the Imaama Shareef whilst standing up. Anyone who does this in a different manner will fall prey to such a disease which is incurable. (Zia-ul-Quloob Fi Libaas-ul-Mahboob) 13. Always put the kurta/top on first then the trousers 14. Whilst you are putting your clothes on, start from the right side, for example when you’re putting your kurta/top on then first enter your right hand into the sleeve and then the left. Likewise when you’re putting your trousers on then start with the right leg first and then the left leg. 15. When you are about to take you’re clothes off then recite “Bismillah” first because by doing this the private parts of you’re body will stay hidden from the shaitaan. 16. Whilst taking you’re clothes off start with you’re left side and then your right. 17. Start to wear a new pair of clothes from Fridays as this is the Sweet Sunnah. 18. Fold all you’re clothes and you’re bedding after you have used them because if you leave them just like that then the shaitaan uses them. (Fatawa-e-Razawiya Shareef) 19. To sit with both of your buttocks on the floor, with both of you’re knees up and having you’re arms wrapped around you’re legs whilst holding both the hands is a very sewwt Sunnah of the Sweet and Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) 20. It’s also a sweet Sunnah to sit cross legged. 21. To sit where there is some sunshine and some shade is forbidden. 22. Whenever you go to an Ijthima or even a mehfil, then don’t jump over people, but instead sit down wherever you find a place.
  • 3. Facebook: YouTube: 23. When you’re sitting down then takes your shoes off, you’re feet will be at ease and relaxed. (Al- Hadeeth) 24. When somebody arrives to move over or make space for them is a sweet Sunnah. 25. If it’s possible then try you’re best to always sit whilst facing the Qibla (Direction of the Holy Ka’aba) as our Madani Master (Salalahu alaihi wasaam) oftenly used to sit on their hams (Attahiyaat position), whilst facing Qibla and used to place their blessed hands on the knees. (There are other ways to sit according to the sweet Sunnah that have been mention before.) 26. If there are 2 women standing in the way or walking on the path then don’t try to pass from in between them. 27. Whilst walking avoid looking and acting as though you’re puzzled or confused and don’t look here and there. 28. Whilst you are walking be cautious that your shoes don’t make any sounds/ noise. 29. Put your right shoe on first and then you’re left and when taking them off, take you’re left shoe off first and then you’re right. 30. To wash both you’re hands up to you’re wrists before and after meals, to gargle or rinse the mouth and to wash the front of the mouth is a sweet Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam). Some people just wash one hand or their fingers and start to eat, this way the Sunnah is not being acted upon properly. (Alamgeeri) 31. When you are about to eat you can sit in any of these 3 positions, either way the Sunnah will be followed :: 1) Sit so that your left foot is under your buttocks and your right leg is folded and your knee is upright, 2) Sit so that both of you’re buttocks are on the floor and both of you’re knees are upright, 3) Or you can sit on your hams (in the position that you sit in whilst reading Attahiyaat) 32. Hold the roti/bread in your left hand and break it with your right hand as this is the sweet Sunnah. 33. If a morsel of food, piece of bread/roti, or any other piece of food falls on the floor or table cloth then pick it up wipe it and eat it because the one who does this then there are glad tidings for her being forgiven of her sins. Alhamdulillah (Azzawajal).
  • 4. Facebook: YouTube: 34. To eat with 1 finger is the way of the shaitaan, o eat with 2 fingers is the way of the proud and snobby people and to eat with 3 fingers is Sunnat-e-Rasool (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) 35. After you have eaten clean you’re teeth with a toothpick as this is Sunnah as well. 36. Drink water whilst sitting down, and hold the glass of water in you’re right hand and recite “Bismillah”. Then whilst looking into the glass drink the water in 3 breaths, meaning that take one sip of water then move it away and take a breath then take your second sip and move the glass away and take a breath and then in you’re third turn take as much sips or gulps as you wish. Once you have finished drinking the water then say “Alhamdulillah (Azzawajal)” 37. If after you have finished drinking the water and there is still some water left over, then no matter what don’t throw it away because to do that you’re wasting water and wasting water is sinful, instead give the water to somebody else to drink as it is stated in a Hadeeth Shareef that the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) said: 1) “There is cure in the remaining food or drink of a believer (Mo’moin)” 38. To do Miswak before going to sleep and to go to sleep whilst in the state of wuzu is also Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) 39. Before getting into bed recite “Bismillah” and shake you’re bed covers 3 times just incase there are any insects or any other harmful animals in your bed covers and by shaking them they will fall out. 40. Sometimes sleep on a palm mat, sometimes sleep on skin of an animal, sometimes sleep on you’re beds, sometimes sleep on the floor and sometimes form a pillow out of your hands and arms as all of these ways of sleeping are sacred and sweet Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) and if you act upon these then you’re love for the Sweet and Madani Aka (Salalahu alaihi wasalam) will increase. InshAllah (Azzawajal) DUA::Oh our Pyaaray Allah (Azzawajal) give us all the ability to practice the sweet Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (Salalahu alaihi wasalam), whilst sitting, standing, walking, talking, eating and all aspects of our lives. Ameen bijahin Nabiyyil Ameen (Wa Salalahu alaihi wasalam) Ya ELAHI* jab RAZA khawaab-e-giraa say sar uthaye Dowlat-e-baydaar-e-ishq-e-MUSTAFA* ka saat ho (Azzawajal wa Salalahu alaihi wasalama wa RadiAllahu Ta'al Anhu) Ameen...... “Before going to eat or drink anything....think! Which foods and drinks should you avoid? (Zubair Razvi)
  • 6. Facebook: YouTube: Zubair’s Deit Chart How to Create a Bodybuilding Diet Chart: A frequently asked question we get is how to create the correct diet for building muscle. This article teaches you exactly how to do it. Ok, so you want to get huge?! You get into the gym, pound weights till you have a big red head, go home and that’s it, you maybe think that all you have to do. Pump the weights. If only it was that simple. Nutrition plays a very large part of recovery and growth. Without both you won’t put muscle on. Bodybuilding diets are constantly changing due to the increase of your muscle mass; if you put muscle on you have to eat more, if you lose muscle you need to eat less. So how do you keep an eye on what is happening inside the body? Well, you have two means that would work. The first is the good old scales that sit gathering dust in the bathroom; you should monitor your weight to see if your goal to put muscle on is causing an increase in bodyweight. If the scales show that weight are staying the same or going down then its time to look at the diet and eat more. If the weight is going up then is it muscle? or is the stomach getting bigger? If it’s the stomach getting bigger then you are eating too much. But be cautious, you can expect to put some bodyfat on when trying to put muscle on, but you want to monitor that the dreaded fat isn’t going on to much. Another good method of checking which is going up, muscle or fat is to use a set of body fat calipers. By using the calipers every two weeks that will show exactly what is happening, if muscle is going down due to not eating enough then that will show with the calipers and you will need to eat more. If the calipers show that bodyfat percentage is going up then you need to eat less. All good gyms will have a set of calipers and as long as the same person does the measurements every time you should be able to get a true reading as to what exactly is happening. Once you have obtained the amount of total millimeters and your bodyweight, the chart that comes with the calipers will show what bodyfat percentage you are. Now comes the clever bit. If you take your bodyweight in pounds and times it by the bodyfat percentage then that will come out with your total bodyfat. Then take this figure from the total bodyweight and that will give you a figure for your fat free mass. The figure is not all muscle but includes internal organs, bones etc. but just use the figure as muscle for our calculations. The two figures you have just worked out, the total bodyfat and fat free mass, should be written down and kept. Then next time you have the measurements done you will see if the bodyfat percentage has gone up. But more importantly has the total fat stayed the same or gone down?. Has the fat free mass gone up? Which is what we want, or gone down, which we don’t want. You will find that if your food intake is right then with your exercise and nutrition the fat free mass will go up and the total bodyfat will go down. But if your not eating enough then you will find that the fat free mass (muscle) is going down and the bodyfat will go up - not what you want!
  • 7. Facebook: YouTube: Bodyfat Calculations Example of calculations of bodyfat, and fat free mass, using the weight as 200lb, and a bodyfat percentage of 21%. Bodyfat Calculations Example Bodyweight: 200lbs(90kg) Bodyfat Percentage: 21% The calculations... Step1. Bodyweight x bodyfat percentage = lb bodyfat. (200 x 0.21 = 42 lb bodyfat) Step2. Bodyweight – 42 = fat free mass (200 – 42 = 158) (This figure is the total amount of fat free mass). So now we know... Bodyweight: 200lbs(90kg) Bodyfat Percentage: 21% Total Bodyfat: 42lbs(19kg) Fat Free Mass: 158lbs(71kg) The next time you have the bodyfat percentage done ideally, you want to see that the fat free mass has gone up and the total bodyfat has stayed the same or has gone down. That is the ideal situation. But sometimes it doesn’t happen and the fat has gone up and the fat free mass has gone down. The reason that the fat free mass goes down is that possibly you are losing muscle which you are not eating enough food for the amount of work/training you are doing. Ok, I hear you saying, what if I train at home? Well in this situation we can use the old favorites, a set of scales and the mirror. You know, the one you use to admire yourself in! The bathroom scales should show an increase in your bodyweight, if it's not going up then your not eating enough. If the mirror is showing an increase of bodyfat around the middle then you are eating too much. So how do we set about setting a nutrition plan for ourselves? Firstly we need to know how many calories we should eat in a day, on top of the calories required for our body at rest we need to add into the diet calories we expend on daily activities and our training. Use This Calculator to work out your calories per day. As a basic starting point, we use a ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fats (PCF) of 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates and 20% fats. Remember that protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, fat contain 9 calories per gram. An example: The calculator has given us a value of 2900 calories per day, so use the following calculation to find the PCF ratio: Protein: 30% of 2900 = 870 calories / 4 = 217.5g per day. Carbohydrates: 50% of 2900 = 1450 calories / 4 calories = 362.5g per day. Fat: 20% of 2900 = 580 calories / 9 = 64.4g per day. So now you know exactly how much food you require per day. Now you will need to find out how much food you require (approx) per meal. You should be using frequent feedings and as such should divide the grams of food given above into as many meals per day as you can fit in, usually between 5-8 meals per day. So to work the above amount of grams of food per day you use the following calculation: Total meals required per day 6. (Figures rounded off)
  • 8. Facebook: YouTube: Protein: 217.5g / 6 = 36g of protein per meal x 6 Carbohydrates: 362.5g / 6 = 60g of carbohydrates per meal x 6 Fat: 64.4g / 5* = 13g of fat per meal x 5* * Note: In the after training meal you want the nutrients to be digested quickly and fat delays the digestion of the meal, so fat is omitted in this meal only. Below are listings of the best foods for our nutrition plan, and for our recovery and growth from training. The amounts have been put as per ounce (28g) of each food for easier calculation. So to work out a meal you have to look at the lists given below and choose what foods you want to use in a particular meal to give you the amounts required per meal. Best Foods For Muscle Building Below is a list of the best bodybuilding foods and their macronutrient profiles, with the information below you can build a diet based on your own particular goals, mass building, getting lean, or just basic maintenance of your diet. Meat, Fish, Poultry. (per ounce, 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Atlantic Salmon 56.6 7.7 nil 2.4 Beef (mince-lean) 53.0 8.0 nil 2.1 Beef (silverside) 54.4 8.7 nil 1.8 Beef (sirloin-grilled) 64.0 9.3 nil 2.8 Beef (topside) 54.7 9.9 nil 1.5 Chicken (breast) 49.7 9.6 nil 1.2 Chicken (drumstick) 23.6 3.7 nil 0.9 Chicken (thigh) 33.6 4.3 nil 4.3 Tuna (bluefish-fresh) 57.2 9.3 nil 1.8 Tuna (canned-white) 39.8 8.0 nil 0.9 Turkey (breast) 42.9 9.3 nil nil Dairy & Egg Products. (per ounce, 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Egg (whole-1 large) 74 6.0 trace 5.0 Egg (substitute-50ml) 53 8.0 trace 2.0 Egg (white-1 large) 18.0 4.0 trace trace Low fat buttermilk (250ml) 98.0 8.0 12 2.0 Yogurt (plain fat-free) 15.8 1.6 2.1 trace Cheddar Cheese (reduced fat) 54.8 7.8 1.1 2.2
  • 9. Facebook: YouTube: Swiss Cheese (reduced fat) 56.0 8.9 1.1 1.1 Skimmed Milk(250ml) 86 8.0 12 trace Cottage Cheese (2%) 25.0 4.0 1.0 1 Nuts and Oils. (per ounce, 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Almonds 183 6.7 6.7 15.6 Almond Butter (1 tbsp) 101 2.5 3.5 9.5 Olive Oil (1 tbsp) 119 0.0 0.0 14 Peanut butter 96 4.0 3.0 8.5 Peanuts (dry roasted) 186 7.8 6.7 15.6 Walnuts 207 4.5 4.5 21.2 Grains, Breads, and Pasta. (per ounce, 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Bagel, plain (1 small-3”) 190 7 37 1 Barley, pearl (cooked) 33.7 7 7.7 0.1 Bran Muffin (1 small) 178 5 32 5 Brown Rice (cooked) 31.1 0.7 6.4 0.2 Corn, tortilla (1) 58 2 12 1 Couscous (cooked) 30.8 1 6.4 trace Crumpet (1) 134 4 26 1 Flour, tortilla (8”dia) 146 4 25 3 Macaroni (wholewheat) 39.3 1.4 8 0.2 Oatmeal (cooked) 17.2 0.7 3.0 0.2 Rye bread (1 slice) 83 3.0 16 1.0 Sourdough Bread (1 slice) 88 3.0 17 1.0 Spaghetti (wholewheat) (cooked) 39.3 1.4 8.0 0.2 Wheatgerm (1tbsp) 26 2.0 4.0 0.5 White rice (cooked) 31 0.6 6.8 trace Wholegrain Cereal 84 2.0 21.4 0.9 Wholegrain Crackers (5) 90 2.0 14 3.0 Wholemeal Bread (1 slice) 73 3.0 13 1 Wholemeal Pitta (1) 170 6.0 35 2.0 Wholemeal Pretzels 115 3.3 21.4 0.9 Wild Rice (cooked) 28.1 1.1 5.9 0.1
  • 10. Facebook: YouTube: Fruits (per ounce, 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Apple 1 (med) 72 trace 19 trace Apricots (3) 50 2.0 12 trace Avocado (1/4) 80 1.0 4.0 7.0 Banana (1 med) 105 1.0 30 trace Blueberries 50.6 0.1 3.9 trace Cantaloupe 9.4 0.1 2.2 trace Cherries (tart) 14 0.3 3.4 trace Grapefruit (1/2 Medium) 41 1.0 10 trace Grape Juice (100 ml) 45.2 trace 19 trace Grapes (seedless) 20 0.1 5.4 trace Melon (cubed) Honeydew 10 0.1 5.4 trace Mango (cubes) 18 0.1 4.7 trace Nectarine (1 medium) 60 1.0 14 trace Orange (1 navel) 69 1.0 18 trace Orange Juice (100ml) 44.8 0.8 26 trace Papaya (cubes) 10.9 0.1 2.8 trace Peach (1 med) 38 1.0 9.0 trace Pear (1 med) 96 1.0 26 trace Pineapple (cubes) 13.3 1.0 20 trace Plum (1) 30 Trace 8.0 trace Raisins (loose) 86.3 0.7 23 trace Raspberries 14.3 0.4 3.3 0.1 Strawberries 9.1 0.1 2.2 trace Watermelon (cubes) 8.5 0.1 2.2 trace Vegetables (per ounce. 28g) Food Calories Protein(g) Carbohydrates(g) Fat(g) Artichokes (1 medium) 60 4.0 13 trace Asparagus (4 large spears) 16 2.0 3.0 trace Aubergine (cubed) 7.0 trace 1.4 trace Beats (sliced cooked) 2.35 0.8 2.8 trace Broccoli (florets raw) 7.7 0.6 1.2 trace Brussels sprouts 10 1.2 2.0 trace
  • 11. Facebook: YouTube: Butternut squash 11.5 0.3 3.0 trace Cabbage (shredded) 6.8 0.4 1.6 trace Carrot (1 large) 30 1.0 7 trace Cauliflower 7.0 0.5 2.0 trace Chinese cabbage (cooked) 3.3 0.5 .05 trace Collard greens (chopped) 1.6 0.1 0.3 trace Corn, kernels 22 1.0. 5.0 0.3 Courgette (chopped) 5.0 0.4 0.9 trace Cucumber (sliced) 4.3 0.2 1.0 trace Garlic (1 clove) 5.0 trace 1.0 trace Green beans 3.7 0.5 2.0 trace Green peas (raw) 24 1.6 4.3 trace Kale (chopped) 6.5 0.6 1.5 0.2 Mushrooms (sliced) 6.0 0.8 0.8 trace Onion (chopped) 11.5 0.3 2.8 trace Pepper (green) Chopped 5.6 0.2 1.3 trace Potato (1 med) Baked 161 4.0 37 trace Potato (boiled) 24 0.0 6.0 0.0 Potato (mashed with milk) 23 1.0 5.0 0.0 Pumpkin (fresh) 5.6 0.2 1.2 trace Romaine lettuce (shredded) 6.2 0.6 1.2 trace Spinach 7.0 1.0 1.0 trace Sweet potato 1 med, baked) 103 2.0 24 trace Tomato (1 lge) 33 2.0 7.0 trace Tomato juice (100ml) 16 0.8 4.0 trace
  • 12. Facebook: YouTube: Bodybuilding Recipes: 7Delicious HomemadeWeight GainShakeRecipes With Minimum 500+ Calories 7 amazing weight gainer shake options for those of you who are having a tough time packing on size. Try these 500 calorie plus shakes and let us know what you think! Here are the 7 recipes contained in this article: 1. Whole Milk 250ML 2. Oats ½ cup 3. Banana 2 to 3 4. Orange or Apple Juice 1 cup 5. Honey 2 spoon 6. Cinnamon Powder 1 spoon 7. Dark Chocolate or Cocoa Powder You can also add Protein Powder (Optional) 9 Things You Should Never Eat Or Drink 1. Oily Food 2. Spicy Food 3. Soft Drinks 4. Cold Drinks 5. Sour 6. Chinese Food 7. Junk Food 8. Tea (normal tea with milk) 9. Coffee