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Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter


 December 2011                                                                   Issue #30

Trail of the
The Holy Family at El Zaraniq
and Farme

   The journey of the Holy Family in Egypt is of
great importance to the Coptic Church and
it is a common practice for church groups
or specialized travel agencies, especially
during Christmas time, to arrange tours to
follow along the exact path that the Holy
Family is said to have taken.
   According to the sources of the Coptic
Orthodox Church, chief among which is the
vision documented by Pope Theophilus and
recorded in the Coptic Synexarium, the Holy
Family proceeded from Bethlehem to Gaza,
and from there to El Zaraniq (also known as
Floussiat), some 37 km west of El Arish; then
they threaded their way along northern Sinai
until they reached Farma (ancient Pelusium)
mid-way between El Arish and present day
                                                                                                                                Live Colors Egypt

   Hilton Worldwide is planning to
 open 40 new hotels across the Middle
                                             HILTON WORLDWIDE                     industry in the future.
                                                                                      “This year has been challenging,
 East & Africa in the next three to four        NEGOTIATING                       but we have continued with our
 years, declared Christian Grage,             MANAGEMENT OF                       expansion plans, including the open-
 Vice-President Operations Egypt,
 Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia. The
                                              HOTELS IN EGYPT                     ing of two new hotels within the next
                                                                                  18 months, one in Makadi Bay in
 company is aiming to reach an expansion rate of 80% in        Hurghada, and the other in Heliopolis”, added Grage. He
 the Middle East region during the coming years, added         also declared that Hilton International is looking for other
 Grage. Despite the drop in tourism due to political events,   investment opportunities in other Egyptian cities including
 Hilton Worldwide remains confident in Egypt’s tourism          Cairo.

                                                                                                     November . 2011      1
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                       Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                    Port-Said.                                                                                                                          through the valley.                                                     NOVOTEL MARSA ALAM NEW
                    The Holy Family at Basta                                                                                                            The Holy Family at Matariya and Ain Shams
                      Tel Basta is a short distance from Zagazig, the main town                                                                            Eventually, they left the desert behind them and made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT
                    in the Sharqiah Governorate about 81 km northeast of                                                                                their way southwards, crossing the Nile to the eastern bank,          SIGNED BY ACCOR HOTELS EGYPT
                    Cairo. Here, Jesus caused a water spring to well up from
                    the ground.
                                                                                                                                                        heading to Matariya and Ain Shams (ancient Heliopolis).
                                                                                                                                                        Both these adjacent districts are outlying suburbs of present-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       AND EGYPTO
                                                                                                                                                        day Cairo, only 10 km or so from the city center.                      Accor Hotels Egypt Management has signed an
                    The Holy Family at the town of Mostorod                                                                                                At the time of the Holy Family’s arrival there, Ain Shams         agreement with the Egyptian International Company for
                       In due course, they reached Mostorod (which came                                                                                 was home to a large Jewish community, that have erected              Tourism and Hotels (subsidiary of EGYPTO Group), for the
                    to be called in those days, Al Mahamma), only about 10                                                                              a temple – the Synagogue of Unias, – for their worship. In           management of the fifth Novotel hotel in Egypt, 4-star
                    km away from Cairo. Al Mahamma means “the Bathing                                                                                   Matariya, a tree still stands to this day and is still regularly     Novotel Marsa Alam. The hotel opening is scheduled
                    place,” a name given to the town because the Virgin Mary                                                                            visited. Called the “Mary’s Tree,” it is believed that the Family    by the end of 2013.
                    bathed the Christ Child there and washed His clothes. It                                                                            rested in its shade. Here, too, the Infant Jesus caused water
                    is worthy to note that, eventually, on their way back to                                                                            to flow from a spring, from which He drank and blessed, and          pain soothing properties of this balm, its essence is used in
                    Palestine, the Holy Family stopped once more at Mostorod                                                                            in which the Virgin Mary washed His clothes. She poured             the preparation of scents and perfumes of which the holy
                    and caused a spring to gush from the earth, which still flows                                                The well in Tel-Basta   the washing water on the ground, and from that spot, the            Chrism is composed.
                    to the present day.                                             which is currently known as Zagazig.                                fragrant balsam plant blossomed. Besides the healing and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Holy Family at Zeitoun
                    The Holy Family at the Town of Belbeis.                         The Holy Family at Meniet Sammanoud                                                                                                       Setting out next towards Old Cairo, the Holy Family rested
                      From Mostorod, the Holy Family made their way north-            Then they made their way to Meniet Sammanoud (known                                                                                   for a while in Zeitoun, then proceeded along a course
                    eastwards to Belbeis (ancient Philippos), back in Sharqiah      also as Meniet Genah), and passed by the town known                                                                                     which traverses what are now crowded, bustling quarters
                    Governorate, and at a distance of about 55 km from Cairo.       as Daqadous, where a church of the Virgin Mary is found.                                                                                of Cairo, within which the scene landmarks of an earlier
                    They rested there in the shade of a tree, which came to be      There is also a water-well from which the Holy Family drank.                                                                            Coptic heritage still stand, marking the paths the Holy
                    called, “The Virgin Mary’s Tree.”                               Then they crossed the Nile to the city of Sammanoud (or                                                                                 Family followed. A listing of these landmarks, at this point,
                                                                                    Enmity) in the Delta, where the local population received                                                                               may be of pertinent interest.
                    The Church of St. John                                          them with kindness and hospitality. There, to this day, a
                                                                                    large granite trough which, according to local belief, was                                                                              The Holy Family in Old Cairo
                     Having left their mark on Belbeis, the Holy Family             used by the virgin for kneading dough, and water-well                                                                                      The area now called Old Cairo, known as Misr el Kadima,
                    continued the journey to the north and passed by the town       which the Christ Child Himself blessed.                                                                                                 is among the most important locations visited by the Holy
                                                                                      Again towards the north-west, the Holy Family traveled                                                                                Family where the spiritual impact of their presence is still
                     PRIVACY AND PERSONALIZATION                                    to the city of Sakha, in the lake-district of Burullus, in the                                                                          most felt,though their stay was brief. The Governor of what
                                                                                    present-day Governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh.
                        WITH NEW ‘LADY TRAVELER’                                                                                                                                                                            was then Fustat became enraged by the tumbling of idols
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            at Jesus’s approach and sought to kill the Child. They took
                                SERVICE                                             The Holy Family at Sakha Town                                                                                                           shelter from his wrath in a cave above which, in later years,
                       To cater to the women who travel often, Four Seasons           The Coptic name of the town, “PekhaIssous” means the              St. Bishoy - Wadi Natroun                                           the Church of Abu Serga (St. Sergius) was built. This, and
                    First Residence will be offering a unique travel experi-        “Foot of Jesus” for the Holy Child’s footprint was marked                                                                               the whole area of the Fort of Babylon, is a destination of
                    ence for discerning female travelers traveling alone.           here, in bas-relief on a rock. The rock was preserved, but                                                                              pilgrimage not only for Egyptians but for Christians from
                       Offering the highest level of safety, privacy and com-       hidden for centuries for fear of robbery, and only unearthed                                                                            around the world.
                    fort to travelers, a private floor at Four Seasons Hotel         on 27 September 1984.
                    Cairo at The First Residence will be assigned in its entirety     The annual course of the Holy Family’s journey from                                                                                   The Holy Family at Maadi
                    to female guests. Guests reserving will be informed whilst      Sammanoud to Sakha would have taken them through                                                                                          After the short stay in Old Cairo, the Holy Family moved
                    making their reservation and confirmed later in writing.         many of the towns and cities now lying in both the                                                                                      in a southerly direction, reaching the modern suburb of
                       The program includes a 50% discount for round trip           Governorates of Gharbia and Kafr El –Sheikh and,                                                                                        Maadi, which in earliest Pharaonic times, was an outlying
                    transportation with a “meet and assist” service for both        according to some folk traditions, through the Belqas                                                                                   district of Memphis, the capital of Egypt then. At Maadi,
                    trips to and from the airport.                                  wastelands.                                                                                                                             they boarded a sailing boat which carried them up the
                       Single female travelers will be met at the curb-side                                                                                                                                                 Nile towards southern Egypt. The historic church built upon
                    upon checking into the hotel, and escorted to their             The Holy Family at Wadi El-Natroun                                                                                                      the spot from which they embarked, also dedicated to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Live Colors Egypt
Live Colors Egypt

                    rooms for an in-room check in. This service could be addi-         Their trail from Sakha, is recorded in the documentation of                                                                          the virgin, is further identified by the denominative, “Al
                    tionally provided by a female receptionist if preferred.        Pope Theophilus vision, and attested to by Coptic practice                                                                              Adaweya,” the Virgin’s Church “of the Ferry.” In fact, the
                    Also, Express Check Out will be made possible for our           in the Christian era. They came to Wadi El Natroun (Natroun                                                                             name of that now modern suburb, Maadi, derives from the
                    single female travelers.                                        Valley) after crossing the Rosetta branch of the Nile to the                                                                            Arabic word which means “the crossing time.”
                       Subject to availability, housekeeping and room ser-          Western Delta, and headed south into Wadi El Natroun                                                                                      The stone steps leading down to the River’s bank,
                    vice will be provided and conducted by female staff             (Scetis) in the Western Desert of Egypt. Before reaching                                                                                and believed to have been used by the Holy Family are
                    to ensure privacy and security at all times throughout          there, the Holy Family passed by the spring of Al Humra,                                                                                accessible to pilgrims through the Church courtyard.
                    the guest’s stay. Also, any private tours arranged by the       where the Infant Jesus caused a water spring to well up                                                                                   An event of miraculous importance occurred on Friday
                    hotel’s concierge service will be led by a female tour          from the ground and the well is called Beer Mariam (Mary’s                                                                              the 3rd of the Coptic month of Baramhat, the 12 of March,
                    guide to continue the special privileges provided for our       Well) to this day. In the earliest decades of Christianity,                                                                             1976. A Bible floated along the ripples of the Nile to the
                    guests.                                                         the desert expanses of Wadi El Natroun became the site                                                                                  bank below the Church. It was open to the verse of Isaiah
                       This program will run until end of December 2011.            of monastic settlements and later, of many monasteries,                                                                                 (19:25) that declares: “Blessed be Egypt My People.”
                                                                                    in spiritual commemoration of the Holy Family’s passage             Gabal Al-Teir                                                         The Bible is now behind glass in the Sanctuary of the virgin

                     2    November . 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                    Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                                                                                                                                                            THE WTM BRINGS
                    in the Church for all to see.                                                                       today. It is claimed that the tree bowed to worship Jesus
                                                                                                                        as He was passing, and the configuration of the Tree is,
                    The Holy Family at Deir El Garnous Maghagha
                       The sail-boat docked at the village of Ashnein El Nassara,
                                                                                                                        indeed, unique: all its branches incline downwards, trailing
                                                                                                                        on the ground, and then turn upwards again, covered in            EGYPT NEW RECOVERY
                    then the village of Deir el Garnous, (the later site of the
                    Monastery of Arganos) 10 km west of Ashnein El Nassara
                                                                                                                        a cloak of green leaves. They call the Tree: “al abed” or
                                                                                                                        “the Worshipper.”                                                       SIGNALS
                    (a small village near the town of Maghagha). Outside the
                    western wall of the church of the Virgin there, a deep well                                         The Holy Family at the town of Al Ashmounein                         Travco Group showcased its latest developments
                    is believed to have provided the Holy Family with the water                                             The Holy Family left Gabal El Teir and traveled southwards    which included Jaz Blumarine, a neighboring property
                    they needed.                                                                                        and passed by Beni-Hassan continued still to the town of Al       to the existing Iberotel Aquamarine Resort in Hurghada.
                                                                                                                        Ashmounein or Hermopolis Magna.                                   More interesting developments that are underway in
                                                                                                                            Leaving behind them the rubble of the fallen idols, they      Sharm El Sheikh are Jaz Alcazar Sharm and Jaz Mirabel
                                                                                                                        blessed Al Ashmounein and made their way to the south             Blue. Jaz Alcazar Sharm is a resort comprising of 609
                                                                                                                        till they reached Dairout Um Nakhla where Jesus also              guest rooms, featuring all standard amenities, and hotel
                                                                                                                        caused a spring of water to flow. From Tel Amarna, the             facilities that includes a shopping arcade, two swimming
                                                                                                                        Holy Family sailed across the Nile again and made their           pools and a kids’ pool, amphitheatre, health club and
                                                                                                                        way 10 km towards the south and then to Qussqam (or               multipurpose courts, in addition to five restaurants offer-
                                                                                                                        Qost-Qoussia). Here too, the recorded events testify that         ing different cuisines. As for Jaz Mirabel Blue, it is part of
                                                                                                                        the townsfolk were infuriated when the stone statue of their      the Jaz Mirabel complex located in Nabq Bay, Sharm El
                                                                                                                        local deity cracked and fell, and evicted the Holy Family         Sheikh. This cozy property boasts 174 guest rooms, four
                                                                                                                        from the town. A historically recorded incident dating to         restaurants and bars, three swimming pools with 12 water
                                                                                                                        that period refers to the devastation of Qussqam, and             slides, and a Spa. The company’s latest addition on the
                                                                                                                        Coptic tradition asserts that the ruin that befell the town       Nile is Jaz Yakouta. A dahabeya comprising of only six
                                                                                                                        was the consequence of its violent rejection of the gentle        cabins, this new floating hotels redefines the meaning
                                                                                                                        visitors.                                                         of cruising in luxury.

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Holy Family at Mount Qussqam
                                                                                                                                                                                            Now it was time for the Holy Family to set out for what
                                                                                                                                                                                         is, arguably, the most meaningful destination of all in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         land of Egypt, the place where there would be “an altar to
                                                                                                                                                                                         the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt” Gabal (mount)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Qussqam, which takes its name from the town nearby that
                                                                                                                                                                                         was laid waste, is 327 km south of Cairo, and stand in the
                                                                                                      Maadi Church
                                                                                                                                                                                         Governorate of Assiut, the Monastery of Al Muharraq nestles
                    Al-Muharraq Monastery                                                                                                                                                against the western foothills of the Mountain. It was built
                                                                                                                                                                                         around the area where the Holy Family remained just over
                                                                                                                                                                                         six months. Their time was spent mainly in a cave which
                    The Holy Family at Al Bahnassa                                                                                                                                       became, in the Coptic era, the altar of the Church of Virgin
                       They went on from there to a spot later named Abai                                                                                                                Mary, built at the western end of the monastery compound.
                    Issous, “the Home of Jesus,” the site of present-day Sandafa                                                                                                            The altar stone was the resting place of the Child Jesus
                    village, east of Al Bahnassa which, stands some 17 km west                                                                                                           during the months He dwelt there. The whole area – the
                    of the town of Beni Mazar.                                                                                                                                           Monastery and its surroundings – is redolent of the Coptic
                                                                                                                                                                                         Christian ethos. It was here, at the very spot where Al
                    Gabal Al Tair Samalout                                                                                                                                               Muharraq Monastery stands, that the angel of the Lord
                       On towards the south they went from Bahnassa to                                                                                                                   appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: “Arise, and take
                    Samalout, crossing the Nile again to the spot on the east                                                                                                            the young Child and His mother, and go into the land of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Live Colors Egypt
Live Colors Egypt

                    bank of the River where the Monastery of the Virgin now                                                                                                              Israel; for they are dead which sought the young Child’s
                    stands upon Gabal al Tair east of Samalout. It is known                                                                                                              life.” (Mathew 2:20)
                    by this name (Gabal Al Tair) because thousands of birds
                    gather there. The Holy Family rested in the cave which is                                                                                                            The Return Journey
                    now located inside the ancient Church there.                                                                                                                           And so they set forth on the return journey. The route
                       Coptic tradition maintains that, as the Holy Family rested                                                                                                        they took deviated slightly from the one by which they had
                    in the shade of the Mountain, Jesus stretched His little Hand                                                                                                        come. It took them to the Western Mountain, 8 km south-
                    to hold back a rock which was about to detach itself from                                                                                                            west of the city of Assiut, and their blessing of this location
                    the mountain-side and fall upon them, the imprint of His                                                                                                             was commemorated in the Christian era by the building of
                    palm is still visible. When they resumed their travels, the Holy                                                                                                     the mountain-top Convent of the Virgin Mary.
                    Family passed a laurel tree a stone’s throw south of Gabal El                                                                                                          Eventually, they arrived at Old Cairo, then Matariya, and
                    Tair, along the pathway flanking the Nile and leading from                                                                                                            on to Mahamma, retracing more or less their steps on their
                    the Mountain to Nazlet-ebeid and the new Minia Bridge of           Virgin Mary's tree in Matariya                                                                    outward journey across Sinai to Palestine.

                     4    November . 2011                                                                                                                                                                                        November . 2011      5
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                      CALENDAR                         December
                                                                                                                                                                                  Alexandria Creativity Center,
                                                                                                                                                                                  1 Horreya St.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tel: (03) 495 9155
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Time: 8 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Opera
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             La Boheme - Cairo Opera
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Company and Orchestra.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Time: 8 pm                                          • Christmas Concert                                    Main Hall, Cairo Opera House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Om El Nour Orchestra -                                 Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                                   Thursday 1st                           Time: 8 pm. Also on December 4th                    and color has gained widespread                     • Silent Auction                                    Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Sq                           Time: 8 pm
                                                                                                                              acclaim in Italy. He creates impres-                 Revolution Photos                                  Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    • Art                                                 • Opera                                             sionistic paintings with dynamic                    These historical photos will make                   Time: 8 pm
                     Sculptures by Ahmed Askalany                          Handel’s Rodelinda - Live Opera                    colors and depicting traditional                    perfect Christmas gifts by photogra-                                                                                      Monday 12th
                    - The sculptures represent the                        from Metropolitan Opera.                            Egyptian landmarks with a distinctly                pher Mahdy
                    heads of well-known Egyptian                          Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                       Italian infusion.                                   Room 201, Community Services Association, 4 Rd      • Dance                                                • Christmas Concert
                    public figures and embody the                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 Safarkhan Art Gallery, 6 Brazil St. Zamalek         21, Maadi.                                          Legacy Hip Hop - Joint perfor-                          Bells Ensemble -
                    artist’s admiration for them. For the                 Time: 8 pm                                          Tel: +2010 544 6611                                 Time: 4 - 8 pm                                      mance with local musicians                             Small Hall, Cairo Opera House
                    first time, Askalany has chosen to                                                                         Time: Exhibition until December 30th                                                                    El Sawy Culture Wheel, end 26 July St. Zamalek         Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    work entirely with bronze, which is                   • Theatre                                                                                               • Theatre                                           Tel: (02) 2736 8881                                    Time: 8 pm
                    perhaps the most appreciated of the                    Mad Forest - The play discusses                                                                         Mad Forest - The play discusses                    Time: 7 pm
                    noble materials.                                      the Romanian Revolution in 1989                                                                         the Romanian Revolution in 1989                                                                            • Music
                    Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art, 8              with its political and social repercus-                              Tuesday 6th                        with its political and social repercus-             • Opera                                                 Funky House - DJ Awadi Brothers
                    Champollion St. Downtown.                             sion on the people.                                                                                     sion on the people.                                  Faust - Live from Metropolitan                        Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza
                    Tel: (02) 2578 4494                                   Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo,   • Folklore                                          Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo,   Opera.                                                 Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    Time: Exhibition until December 15th                  New Cairo                                            Nass Makan - Legacy of musical                     New Cairo                                           Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                          Time: 10 pm
                                                                          Tel: (02) 2615 4108                                 traditions, such as Zar and gypsy                   Tel: (02) 2615 4108                                 Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                                      Friday 2nd                          Time: 5 pm                                          music from the Delta                                Time: 7 pm                                          Time: 8 pm                                             • Opera
                                                                                                                              1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.                                                                                                                     La Boheme - Cairo Opera
                    • Art                                                                                                     Tel: (02) 2792 0878                                                                                                                                            Company and Orchestra.
                     Dreams of Recovery Period                                             Sunday 4th                         Time: 9 pm                                                         Thursday 8th                                        Sunday 11th                             Main Hall, Cairo Opera House
                    - Artist Mohamed Hijji on the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    occasion of the centennial of Naguib                  • Christmas Bazaar                                  • Music                                             • Music                                             • Christmas Concert                                    Time: 8 pm
                    Mahfouz.                                               Choose the perfect Christmas gifts                  Electronic/Trip Pop/Jazz/                          Indie/Acoustic/Alternative and                      Bells Ensemble -
                    Picasso Art Gallery, 30 Hassan Assem St. Off Brazil   for family and friends and unusual                  Traditional Egyptian Fusions -                      Contemporary Arabic - Hany                          Gomhouria Theater                                      • Theater
                    St. Zamalek                                           decorations for the tree and home.                  Egyptian Project (/tour)                            Mustafa and Wust El Balad.                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                     CieLaroque - Austrian Theater
                    Tel: (02) 2736 7544                                   Community Services Association,                     Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza          Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza          Time: 8 pm                                             Group will perform with “Think
                    Time: Exhibition until December 15th                  4 Rd 21, Maadi.                                     Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                 Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                                                                        Fish” at the Creative Forum for
                                                                          Time: 9 am to 2 pm                                  Time: 10 pm                                         Time: 8 pm                                          • Classic Music                                        Independent Theater Groups
                    • Music                                                                                                                                                                                                           Major Recital - majors in music                        Conference Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
                    Quintet and String ensemble -                         • Music                                             • Theatre                                           • Opera                                             performance in solo recital                            Tel: for more info call (02) 3570 2975
                    Cairo Conservatoire                                   Latin Jazz - Cocoon.                                Mad Forest - The play discusses                     La Boheme - Cairo Opera                             Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo,      Time: 8 pm
                    French Institute in Egypt, 1 Madresset El Huquuq El   Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza          the Romanian Revolution in 1989                     Company and Orchestra.                              New Cairo
                    Ferensia, Mounira                                     Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                 with its political and social repercus-             Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                        Tel: (02) 2615 1240
                    Tel: (02) 2791 5817                                   Time: 10 pm                                         sion on the people.                                 Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 Time: 5 pm                                                             Tuesday 13th
                    Time: 7 pm                                                                                                Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo,   Time: 8 pm
                                                                          • Theatre                                           New Cairo                                                                                                Egyptian Philharmonic Society                         • Folklore
                                    Saturday 3rd                           Mad Forest - The play discusses                    Tel: (02) 2615 4108                                                                                     - Richard Wagner - Siegfried                            Nass Makan - Legacy of musical
                                                                          the Romanian Revolution in 1989                     Time: 7 pm                                                            Friday 9th                        Idyll, Sergei Prokofieff - Classical                    tradition, such as Zar and gypsy
                    • Ballet                                              with its political and social repercus-                                                                                                                     Symphony op.25 and Ludwig Van                          music from the Delta

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Live Colors Egypt
Live Colors Egypt

                     Lorkiana and El Leila El Kebira                      sion on the people.                                                                                     • Art                                               Beethoven, concerto for Piano and                      1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.
                    - Cairo Opera Ballet features both                    Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo,                 Wednesday 7th                         Art Pioneers - Sabry Ragheb,                        Orchestra No.5 in E flat major op.73.                   Tel: (02) 2792 0878
                    ballet performances in two acts.                      New Cairo                                                                                               Banani, El Zeiny, Nakhla and others.                Soloist Piano: Laura Mikkola.                          Time: 9 pm
                    Lorkiana is based on Spanish                          Tel: (02) 2615 4108                                                                                     Cordoba Art Gallery                                 Conductor, Ahmed El Saedi.
                    Malaguena and Granada themes                          Time: 7 pm                                          • Dance                                             Tel: (012) 21104699                                 Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                          • Music
                    and on poems by Garcia Lorca.                                                                              Legacy Hip Hop - Joint perfor-                     Time: Until January 15th                            Time: 8 pm                                              Rock/New Wave - Egoz
                    Salah Jahin and Sayed Mekkawi’s                                       Monday 5th                          mance with local musicians. Legacy                                                                                                                             Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza
                    puppet-dance El Leila El Kebira,                                                                          (East Orange, New Jersey), creates                                  Saturday 10th                       • Piano Recital                                        Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    choreographed and directed by                         • Art                                               music about faith, love, struggle                                                                       Magda Amara                                            Time: 10 pm
                    Abdel-Moneim Kamel                                     Artist Gamal Meleka -                              and pursuit of beauty in life and                   • Opera                                             Prince Mohamed Ali Palace, Manial
                    Sayed Darwish Theater, Alexandria                     Metamorphosis - Gamal’s unique                      art. Genre: West African percussive                 Faust - Live from Metropolitan                      Tel: (02) 2735 4234/2287                               • Opera
                    Tel: (03) 480 0138                                    experimentation with material                       music, house, jazz, and break-beat.                 Opera.                                              Time: 8 pm                                             La Boheme - Cairo Opera
                                                                                                                                                                                  Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                                                                              Company and Orchestra.

                     6      November . 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         November . 2011        7
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                                           Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                    Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                 Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square                       women play a leading role. The               Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                     Wednesday 28th                                         Thursday 29th
                    Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                    musicians are the remaining Zar              Time: 8 pm
                    Time: 8 pm. Also on Dec. 14th                Time: 8 pm                                             practitioners in Egypt. The songs                                                         • Ballet                                            • Music
                                                                                                                        are distinctly different from other          • Christmas Concerts                         The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera                        World Music and Rock/Funk/
                                 Wednesday 14th                                  Sunday 18th                            Egyptian music.                              Om El Nour Choir -                           Ballet Company and Orchestra                        Blues - Ahmed Nazmi Duo and
                                                                                                                        1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.   Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square             Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                        Screwdriver Band
                    • Folklore                                   • Art                                                  Tel: (02) 2792 0878                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Time: 8 pm               Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza
                    Mazaher - An ensemble in which                Identities - Gabriela Goronzy,                        Time: 9 pm                                                                                Time: 8 pm                                          Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    women play a leading role. The               Thomas Kleine and Ilka Volger.                                                                      Neveen Allouba - Cairo Opera Ballet                                                              Time: 8 pm
                    musicians are the remaining Zar              Three artists from Germany ask                         • Music                                      Company and Orchestra                        • Folklore
                    practitioners in Egypt. The songs            questions about forms and defini-                       Chamber Music Concert -                      Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                Mazaher - An ensemble in which                                     Saturday 31st
                    are distinctly different from other          tions of identity                                      Ashraf Sharara                               Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          women play a leading role. The
                    Egyptian music.                              Mashrabia Art Gallery, 8 Champolion St. Downtown       Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                Time: 8 pm                                   musicians are the remaining Zar                     • Music
                    1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.   Cairo                                                  Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                                                       practitioners in Egypt. The songs                   New Year’s Concert - Cairo
                    Tel: (02) 2792 0878                          Tel: (02) 27578 4494                                   Time: 8 pm                                   • Music                                      are distinctly different from other                 Symphony Orchestra
                    Time: 9 pm                                   Time: Opening at 7 pm. Exhibition until January 12th                                                Jazz/Carols - with the Riff Band             Egyptian music.                                     Main Hall, Cairo Opera House
                                                                                                                                     Thursday 22nd                   Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza   1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.          Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    • Fusion Jazz Music                          • Christmas Concert                                                                                 Tel: (02) 3346 1071                          Tel: (02) 2792 0878                                 Time: 8 pm
                     Bombie Trio (USA) - focusing                Jesus Heart Choir -                                    • Ballet                                     Time: 10 pm                                  Time: 9 pm
                    on the fusion of American musical            Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square                       The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera                                                                                                                  • Theme Party - Beach It Up
                    styles with world rhythms.                   Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                    Ballet Company and Orchestra                                Monday 26th                                                                       Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza
                    Sayed Darwish Theater, Alexandria            Time: 8 pm                                             Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                                                                                                                  Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    Tel: (03) 480 0138                                                                                  Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          • Ballet                                                                                         Time: 10 pm
                    Time: 8 pm                                                   Monday 19th                            Time: 8 pm                                   The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera
                                                                                                                                                                     Ballet Company and Orchestra
                                  Thursday 15th                  • Music                                                • Christmas Concert                          Main Hall, Cairo Opera House
                                                                  Electro - NEOBYRD and Hady                            Gala El Hadidi -                             Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    • Music                                      Tarek                                                  Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                Time: 8 pm
                     Bombie Trio (USA) - focusing on the         Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza             Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    fusion of American musical styles            Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                    Time: 8 pm                                   • Music
                    with world rhythms.                          Time: 10 pm                                                                                          Clarinet Group Recital -
                    Qubet El Ghouri, Azhar                                                                                              Friday 23rd                  Jung Kee Choi
                    Time: 8 pm                                   • Photographic Exhibition                                                                           Small Hall, Cairo Opera House
                                                                 Hassan Fathy - An Egyptian                             • Ballet                                     Tel: (02) 2739 0132
                    Rock and Blues - Jailbirds and               Ambition                                               The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera                 Time: 8 pm
                    Bad Mojo                                     Gezira Arts Center                                     Ballet Company and Orchestra                                                                            December 12th                  December 14th                December 15th

                    Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St.          Tel: (02) 2791 5817 for information                    Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                 Live Fusion Beats - The                                    Midan Abu Al                   Sayed Darwish                Qubet Al Ghouri,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hajaj in Luxor at              Theater,                     Azhar, Cairo at
                    Agouza                                                                                              Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          Percussion Show                                            4 pm                           Alexandria at                8 pm
                    Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                                                                 Time: 8 pm                                   Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza                                                8 pm

                    Time: 10 pm                                                  Tuesday 20th                                                                        Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                                                                                                                        • Music                                      Time: 10 pm
                                     Friday 16th                 • Folklore                                             Guitar Recital - Emad Hamdy                                                                   BOMBIE TRIO JAZZ BAND TO EMBARK ON
                                                                  Nass Makan - Legacy of musical                        Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                               Tuesday 27th
                    • Music                                      tradition, such as Zar and gypsy                       Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                                                                   3-CITY TOUR IN EGYPT
                    Piano Concert - Omar Khairat                 music from the Delta                                   Time: 8 pm                                   • Ballet                                            Coming to Egypt this December is the global music group the Bombie
                    Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.                                                          The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera                     Trio. The band focuses on the fusion of cultures and styles through music
                                                                                                                                      Saturday 24th                  Ballet Company and Orchestra                     and experience. It is a New York City-based trio that fuses American musi-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Live Colors Egypt
                    Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          Tel: (02) 2792 0878
Live Colors Egypt

                    Time: 8 pm                                   Time: 9 pm                                                                                          Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                     cal styles with world rhythms and melodies. Well rounded in many styles
                                                                                                                        • Christmas Concert                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132                              including Jazz, World, Latin, Pop, Folk, Rock, Blues, and also Sufi, this group
                    DJ Festival - with DJ Wezza,                 • Music                                                Om El Nour Choir -                           Time: 8 pm                                       (Drums, Bass, Guitar) is not only recognized on their skill level qualifications,
                    Ortega & Sosta, Addictive TV, Jerry          Jazz Fusion - Japanese Dup Ft.                         Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square                                                              but for their passion of world music, diversity in culture, and respect and
                    Bouthier, Shumi                              Amro Salah Trio                                        Tel: (02) 2739 0132                          • Folklore                                       acknowledgement of international musical heritage.
                    Scherazad Cabaret, Alfy Street, Downtown.    Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza             Time: 8 pm                                    Nass Makan - Legacy of musical                     During the tour, the band will collaborate with the group “The Nubian
                    Tel: (02) 2791 5817 for information          Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                                                                 tradition, such as Zar and gypsy                 Drums.” They will also present new songs that they have written for the
                    Time: 9 pm                                   Time: 10 pm                                                           Sunday 25th                   music from the Delta                             tour. They will also conduct workshops with local musicians and social
                                                                                                                                                                     1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown.       organizations.
                                   Saturday 17th                              Wednesday 21st                            • Ballet                                     Tel: (02) 2792 0878                                 The tour is courtesy of ShareTheirMic, an innovative network and com-
                                                                                                                        The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera Ballet          Time: 9 pm                                       munity platform that inspire fans, musicians, and organizations to connect
                    • Christmas Concert                          • Folklore                                             Company and Orchestra                                                                         and collaborate.
                    Jesus Heart Choir -                          Mazaher - An ensemble in which                         Main Hall, Cairo Opera House

                     8      November . 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  November . 2011       9

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December 2011 etpa

  • 1. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter EGYPTIAN TOURISM PROMOTION AUTHORITY December 2011 Issue #30 Trail of the HOLY FAMILY The Holy Family at El Zaraniq and Farme The journey of the Holy Family in Egypt is of great importance to the Coptic Church and it is a common practice for church groups or specialized travel agencies, especially during Christmas time, to arrange tours to follow along the exact path that the Holy Family is said to have taken. According to the sources of the Coptic Orthodox Church, chief among which is the vision documented by Pope Theophilus and recorded in the Coptic Synexarium, the Holy Family proceeded from Bethlehem to Gaza, and from there to El Zaraniq (also known as Floussiat), some 37 km west of El Arish; then they threaded their way along northern Sinai until they reached Farma (ancient Pelusium) mid-way between El Arish and present day Live Colors Egypt Hilton Worldwide is planning to open 40 new hotels across the Middle HILTON WORLDWIDE industry in the future. “This year has been challenging, East & Africa in the next three to four NEGOTIATING but we have continued with our years, declared Christian Grage, MANAGEMENT OF expansion plans, including the open- Vice-President Operations Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia. The HOTELS IN EGYPT ing of two new hotels within the next 18 months, one in Makadi Bay in company is aiming to reach an expansion rate of 80% in Hurghada, and the other in Heliopolis”, added Grage. He the Middle East region during the coming years, added also declared that Hilton International is looking for other Grage. Despite the drop in tourism due to political events, investment opportunities in other Egyptian cities including Hilton Worldwide remains confident in Egypt’s tourism Cairo. November . 2011 1
  • 2. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Port-Said. through the valley. NOVOTEL MARSA ALAM NEW The Holy Family at Basta The Holy Family at Matariya and Ain Shams Tel Basta is a short distance from Zagazig, the main town Eventually, they left the desert behind them and made MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT in the Sharqiah Governorate about 81 km northeast of their way southwards, crossing the Nile to the eastern bank, SIGNED BY ACCOR HOTELS EGYPT Cairo. Here, Jesus caused a water spring to well up from the ground. heading to Matariya and Ain Shams (ancient Heliopolis). Both these adjacent districts are outlying suburbs of present- AND EGYPTO day Cairo, only 10 km or so from the city center. Accor Hotels Egypt Management has signed an The Holy Family at the town of Mostorod At the time of the Holy Family’s arrival there, Ain Shams agreement with the Egyptian International Company for In due course, they reached Mostorod (which came was home to a large Jewish community, that have erected Tourism and Hotels (subsidiary of EGYPTO Group), for the to be called in those days, Al Mahamma), only about 10 a temple – the Synagogue of Unias, – for their worship. In management of the fifth Novotel hotel in Egypt, 4-star km away from Cairo. Al Mahamma means “the Bathing Matariya, a tree still stands to this day and is still regularly Novotel Marsa Alam. The hotel opening is scheduled place,” a name given to the town because the Virgin Mary visited. Called the “Mary’s Tree,” it is believed that the Family by the end of 2013. bathed the Christ Child there and washed His clothes. It rested in its shade. Here, too, the Infant Jesus caused water is worthy to note that, eventually, on their way back to to flow from a spring, from which He drank and blessed, and pain soothing properties of this balm, its essence is used in Palestine, the Holy Family stopped once more at Mostorod in which the Virgin Mary washed His clothes. She poured the preparation of scents and perfumes of which the holy and caused a spring to gush from the earth, which still flows The well in Tel-Basta the washing water on the ground, and from that spot, the Chrism is composed. to the present day. which is currently known as Zagazig. fragrant balsam plant blossomed. Besides the healing and The Holy Family at Zeitoun The Holy Family at the Town of Belbeis. The Holy Family at Meniet Sammanoud Setting out next towards Old Cairo, the Holy Family rested From Mostorod, the Holy Family made their way north- Then they made their way to Meniet Sammanoud (known for a while in Zeitoun, then proceeded along a course eastwards to Belbeis (ancient Philippos), back in Sharqiah also as Meniet Genah), and passed by the town known which traverses what are now crowded, bustling quarters Governorate, and at a distance of about 55 km from Cairo. as Daqadous, where a church of the Virgin Mary is found. of Cairo, within which the scene landmarks of an earlier They rested there in the shade of a tree, which came to be There is also a water-well from which the Holy Family drank. Coptic heritage still stand, marking the paths the Holy called, “The Virgin Mary’s Tree.” Then they crossed the Nile to the city of Sammanoud (or Family followed. A listing of these landmarks, at this point, Enmity) in the Delta, where the local population received may be of pertinent interest. The Church of St. John them with kindness and hospitality. There, to this day, a large granite trough which, according to local belief, was The Holy Family in Old Cairo Having left their mark on Belbeis, the Holy Family used by the virgin for kneading dough, and water-well The area now called Old Cairo, known as Misr el Kadima, continued the journey to the north and passed by the town which the Christ Child Himself blessed. is among the most important locations visited by the Holy Again towards the north-west, the Holy Family traveled Family where the spiritual impact of their presence is still PRIVACY AND PERSONALIZATION to the city of Sakha, in the lake-district of Burullus, in the most felt,though their stay was brief. The Governor of what present-day Governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh. WITH NEW ‘LADY TRAVELER’ was then Fustat became enraged by the tumbling of idols at Jesus’s approach and sought to kill the Child. They took SERVICE The Holy Family at Sakha Town shelter from his wrath in a cave above which, in later years, To cater to the women who travel often, Four Seasons The Coptic name of the town, “PekhaIssous” means the St. Bishoy - Wadi Natroun the Church of Abu Serga (St. Sergius) was built. This, and First Residence will be offering a unique travel experi- “Foot of Jesus” for the Holy Child’s footprint was marked the whole area of the Fort of Babylon, is a destination of ence for discerning female travelers traveling alone. here, in bas-relief on a rock. The rock was preserved, but pilgrimage not only for Egyptians but for Christians from Offering the highest level of safety, privacy and com- hidden for centuries for fear of robbery, and only unearthed around the world. fort to travelers, a private floor at Four Seasons Hotel on 27 September 1984. Cairo at The First Residence will be assigned in its entirety The annual course of the Holy Family’s journey from The Holy Family at Maadi to female guests. Guests reserving will be informed whilst Sammanoud to Sakha would have taken them through After the short stay in Old Cairo, the Holy Family moved making their reservation and confirmed later in writing. many of the towns and cities now lying in both the in a southerly direction, reaching the modern suburb of The program includes a 50% discount for round trip Governorates of Gharbia and Kafr El –Sheikh and, Maadi, which in earliest Pharaonic times, was an outlying transportation with a “meet and assist” service for both according to some folk traditions, through the Belqas district of Memphis, the capital of Egypt then. At Maadi, trips to and from the airport. wastelands. they boarded a sailing boat which carried them up the Single female travelers will be met at the curb-side Nile towards southern Egypt. The historic church built upon upon checking into the hotel, and escorted to their The Holy Family at Wadi El-Natroun the spot from which they embarked, also dedicated to Live Colors Egypt Live Colors Egypt rooms for an in-room check in. This service could be addi- Their trail from Sakha, is recorded in the documentation of the virgin, is further identified by the denominative, “Al tionally provided by a female receptionist if preferred. Pope Theophilus vision, and attested to by Coptic practice Adaweya,” the Virgin’s Church “of the Ferry.” In fact, the Also, Express Check Out will be made possible for our in the Christian era. They came to Wadi El Natroun (Natroun name of that now modern suburb, Maadi, derives from the single female travelers. Valley) after crossing the Rosetta branch of the Nile to the Arabic word which means “the crossing time.” Subject to availability, housekeeping and room ser- Western Delta, and headed south into Wadi El Natroun The stone steps leading down to the River’s bank, vice will be provided and conducted by female staff (Scetis) in the Western Desert of Egypt. Before reaching and believed to have been used by the Holy Family are to ensure privacy and security at all times throughout there, the Holy Family passed by the spring of Al Humra, accessible to pilgrims through the Church courtyard. the guest’s stay. Also, any private tours arranged by the where the Infant Jesus caused a water spring to well up An event of miraculous importance occurred on Friday hotel’s concierge service will be led by a female tour from the ground and the well is called Beer Mariam (Mary’s the 3rd of the Coptic month of Baramhat, the 12 of March, guide to continue the special privileges provided for our Well) to this day. In the earliest decades of Christianity, 1976. A Bible floated along the ripples of the Nile to the guests. the desert expanses of Wadi El Natroun became the site bank below the Church. It was open to the verse of Isaiah This program will run until end of December 2011. of monastic settlements and later, of many monasteries, (19:25) that declares: “Blessed be Egypt My People.” in spiritual commemoration of the Holy Family’s passage Gabal Al-Teir The Bible is now behind glass in the Sanctuary of the virgin 2 November . 2011 3
  • 3. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter THE WTM BRINGS in the Church for all to see. today. It is claimed that the tree bowed to worship Jesus as He was passing, and the configuration of the Tree is, The Holy Family at Deir El Garnous Maghagha The sail-boat docked at the village of Ashnein El Nassara, indeed, unique: all its branches incline downwards, trailing on the ground, and then turn upwards again, covered in EGYPT NEW RECOVERY then the village of Deir el Garnous, (the later site of the Monastery of Arganos) 10 km west of Ashnein El Nassara a cloak of green leaves. They call the Tree: “al abed” or “the Worshipper.” SIGNALS (a small village near the town of Maghagha). Outside the western wall of the church of the Virgin there, a deep well The Holy Family at the town of Al Ashmounein Travco Group showcased its latest developments is believed to have provided the Holy Family with the water The Holy Family left Gabal El Teir and traveled southwards which included Jaz Blumarine, a neighboring property they needed. and passed by Beni-Hassan continued still to the town of Al to the existing Iberotel Aquamarine Resort in Hurghada. Ashmounein or Hermopolis Magna. More interesting developments that are underway in Leaving behind them the rubble of the fallen idols, they Sharm El Sheikh are Jaz Alcazar Sharm and Jaz Mirabel blessed Al Ashmounein and made their way to the south Blue. Jaz Alcazar Sharm is a resort comprising of 609 till they reached Dairout Um Nakhla where Jesus also guest rooms, featuring all standard amenities, and hotel caused a spring of water to flow. From Tel Amarna, the facilities that includes a shopping arcade, two swimming Holy Family sailed across the Nile again and made their pools and a kids’ pool, amphitheatre, health club and way 10 km towards the south and then to Qussqam (or multipurpose courts, in addition to five restaurants offer- Qost-Qoussia). Here too, the recorded events testify that ing different cuisines. As for Jaz Mirabel Blue, it is part of the townsfolk were infuriated when the stone statue of their the Jaz Mirabel complex located in Nabq Bay, Sharm El local deity cracked and fell, and evicted the Holy Family Sheikh. This cozy property boasts 174 guest rooms, four from the town. A historically recorded incident dating to restaurants and bars, three swimming pools with 12 water that period refers to the devastation of Qussqam, and slides, and a Spa. The company’s latest addition on the Coptic tradition asserts that the ruin that befell the town Nile is Jaz Yakouta. A dahabeya comprising of only six was the consequence of its violent rejection of the gentle cabins, this new floating hotels redefines the meaning visitors. of cruising in luxury. The Holy Family at Mount Qussqam Now it was time for the Holy Family to set out for what is, arguably, the most meaningful destination of all in the land of Egypt, the place where there would be “an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt” Gabal (mount) Qussqam, which takes its name from the town nearby that was laid waste, is 327 km south of Cairo, and stand in the Maadi Church Governorate of Assiut, the Monastery of Al Muharraq nestles Al-Muharraq Monastery against the western foothills of the Mountain. It was built around the area where the Holy Family remained just over six months. Their time was spent mainly in a cave which The Holy Family at Al Bahnassa became, in the Coptic era, the altar of the Church of Virgin They went on from there to a spot later named Abai Mary, built at the western end of the monastery compound. Issous, “the Home of Jesus,” the site of present-day Sandafa The altar stone was the resting place of the Child Jesus village, east of Al Bahnassa which, stands some 17 km west during the months He dwelt there. The whole area – the of the town of Beni Mazar. Monastery and its surroundings – is redolent of the Coptic Christian ethos. It was here, at the very spot where Al Gabal Al Tair Samalout Muharraq Monastery stands, that the angel of the Lord On towards the south they went from Bahnassa to appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: “Arise, and take Samalout, crossing the Nile again to the spot on the east the young Child and His mother, and go into the land of Live Colors Egypt Live Colors Egypt bank of the River where the Monastery of the Virgin now Israel; for they are dead which sought the young Child’s stands upon Gabal al Tair east of Samalout. It is known life.” (Mathew 2:20) by this name (Gabal Al Tair) because thousands of birds gather there. The Holy Family rested in the cave which is The Return Journey now located inside the ancient Church there. And so they set forth on the return journey. The route Coptic tradition maintains that, as the Holy Family rested they took deviated slightly from the one by which they had in the shade of the Mountain, Jesus stretched His little Hand come. It took them to the Western Mountain, 8 km south- to hold back a rock which was about to detach itself from west of the city of Assiut, and their blessing of this location the mountain-side and fall upon them, the imprint of His was commemorated in the Christian era by the building of palm is still visible. When they resumed their travels, the Holy the mountain-top Convent of the Virgin Mary. Family passed a laurel tree a stone’s throw south of Gabal El Eventually, they arrived at Old Cairo, then Matariya, and Tair, along the pathway flanking the Nile and leading from on to Mahamma, retracing more or less their steps on their the Mountain to Nazlet-ebeid and the new Minia Bridge of Virgin Mary's tree in Matariya outward journey across Sinai to Palestine. 4 November . 2011 November . 2011 5
  • 4. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter CALENDAR December Alexandria Creativity Center, 1 Horreya St. Tel: (03) 495 9155 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Time: 8 pm • Opera La Boheme - Cairo Opera Company and Orchestra. Time: 8 pm • Christmas Concert Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Om El Nour Orchestra - Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Thursday 1st Time: 8 pm. Also on December 4th and color has gained widespread • Silent Auction Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Sq Time: 8 pm acclaim in Italy. He creates impres- Revolution Photos Tel: (02) 2739 0132 • Art • Opera sionistic paintings with dynamic These historical photos will make Time: 8 pm Sculptures by Ahmed Askalany Handel’s Rodelinda - Live Opera colors and depicting traditional perfect Christmas gifts by photogra- Monday 12th - The sculptures represent the from Metropolitan Opera. Egyptian landmarks with a distinctly pher Mahdy heads of well-known Egyptian Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Italian infusion. Room 201, Community Services Association, 4 Rd • Dance • Christmas Concert public figures and embody the Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Safarkhan Art Gallery, 6 Brazil St. Zamalek 21, Maadi. Legacy Hip Hop - Joint perfor- Bells Ensemble - artist’s admiration for them. For the Time: 8 pm Tel: +2010 544 6611 Time: 4 - 8 pm mance with local musicians Small Hall, Cairo Opera House first time, Askalany has chosen to Time: Exhibition until December 30th El Sawy Culture Wheel, end 26 July St. Zamalek Tel: (02) 2739 0132 work entirely with bronze, which is • Theatre • Theatre Tel: (02) 2736 8881 Time: 8 pm perhaps the most appreciated of the Mad Forest - The play discusses Mad Forest - The play discusses Time: 7 pm noble materials. the Romanian Revolution in 1989 the Romanian Revolution in 1989 • Music Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art, 8 with its political and social repercus- Tuesday 6th with its political and social repercus- • Opera Funky House - DJ Awadi Brothers Champollion St. Downtown. sion on the people. sion on the people. Faust - Live from Metropolitan Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Tel: (02) 2578 4494 Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo, • Folklore Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo, Opera. Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Time: Exhibition until December 15th New Cairo Nass Makan - Legacy of musical New Cairo Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Time: 10 pm Tel: (02) 2615 4108 traditions, such as Zar and gypsy Tel: (02) 2615 4108 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Friday 2nd Time: 5 pm music from the Delta Time: 7 pm Time: 8 pm • Opera 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. La Boheme - Cairo Opera • Art Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Company and Orchestra. Dreams of Recovery Period Sunday 4th Time: 9 pm Thursday 8th Sunday 11th Main Hall, Cairo Opera House - Artist Mohamed Hijji on the Tel: (02) 2739 0132 occasion of the centennial of Naguib • Christmas Bazaar • Music • Music • Christmas Concert Time: 8 pm Mahfouz. Choose the perfect Christmas gifts Electronic/Trip Pop/Jazz/ Indie/Acoustic/Alternative and Bells Ensemble - Picasso Art Gallery, 30 Hassan Assem St. Off Brazil for family and friends and unusual Traditional Egyptian Fusions - Contemporary Arabic - Hany Gomhouria Theater • Theater St. Zamalek decorations for the tree and home. Egyptian Project (/tour) Mustafa and Wust El Balad. Tel: (02) 2739 0132 CieLaroque - Austrian Theater Tel: (02) 2736 7544 Community Services Association, Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Time: 8 pm Group will perform with “Think Time: Exhibition until December 15th 4 Rd 21, Maadi. Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Fish” at the Creative Forum for Time: 9 am to 2 pm Time: 10 pm Time: 8 pm • Classic Music Independent Theater Groups • Music Major Recital - majors in music Conference Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Quintet and String ensemble - • Music • Theatre • Opera performance in solo recital Tel: for more info call (02) 3570 2975 Cairo Conservatoire Latin Jazz - Cocoon. Mad Forest - The play discusses La Boheme - Cairo Opera Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo, Time: 8 pm French Institute in Egypt, 1 Madresset El Huquuq El Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza the Romanian Revolution in 1989 Company and Orchestra. New Cairo Ferensia, Mounira Tel: (02) 3346 1071 with its political and social repercus- Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Tel: (02) 2615 1240 Tel: (02) 2791 5817 Time: 10 pm sion on the people. Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Time: 5 pm Tuesday 13th Time: 7 pm Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo, Time: 8 pm • Theatre New Cairo Egyptian Philharmonic Society • Folklore Saturday 3rd Mad Forest - The play discusses Tel: (02) 2615 4108 - Richard Wagner - Siegfried Nass Makan - Legacy of musical the Romanian Revolution in 1989 Time: 7 pm Friday 9th Idyll, Sergei Prokofieff - Classical tradition, such as Zar and gypsy • Ballet with its political and social repercus- Symphony op.25 and Ludwig Van music from the Delta Live Colors Egypt Live Colors Egypt Lorkiana and El Leila El Kebira sion on the people. • Art Beethoven, concerto for Piano and 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. - Cairo Opera Ballet features both Malak Gabr Theater, American University in Cairo, Wednesday 7th Art Pioneers - Sabry Ragheb, Orchestra No.5 in E flat major op.73. Tel: (02) 2792 0878 ballet performances in two acts. New Cairo Banani, El Zeiny, Nakhla and others. Soloist Piano: Laura Mikkola. Time: 9 pm Lorkiana is based on Spanish Tel: (02) 2615 4108 Cordoba Art Gallery Conductor, Ahmed El Saedi. Malaguena and Granada themes Time: 7 pm • Dance Tel: (012) 21104699 Small Hall, Cairo Opera House • Music and on poems by Garcia Lorca. Legacy Hip Hop - Joint perfor- Time: Until January 15th Time: 8 pm Rock/New Wave - Egoz Salah Jahin and Sayed Mekkawi’s Monday 5th mance with local musicians. Legacy Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza puppet-dance El Leila El Kebira, (East Orange, New Jersey), creates Saturday 10th • Piano Recital Tel: (02) 3346 1071 choreographed and directed by • Art music about faith, love, struggle Magda Amara Time: 10 pm Abdel-Moneim Kamel Artist Gamal Meleka - and pursuit of beauty in life and • Opera Prince Mohamed Ali Palace, Manial Sayed Darwish Theater, Alexandria Metamorphosis - Gamal’s unique art. Genre: West African percussive Faust - Live from Metropolitan Tel: (02) 2735 4234/2287 • Opera Tel: (03) 480 0138 experimentation with material music, house, jazz, and break-beat. Opera. Time: 8 pm La Boheme - Cairo Opera Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Company and Orchestra. 6 November . 2011 November . 2011 7
  • 5. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square women play a leading role. The Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 musicians are the remaining Zar Time: 8 pm Time: 8 pm. Also on Dec. 14th Time: 8 pm practitioners in Egypt. The songs • Ballet • Music are distinctly different from other • Christmas Concerts The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera World Music and Rock/Funk/ Wednesday 14th Sunday 18th Egyptian music. Om El Nour Choir - Ballet Company and Orchestra Blues - Ahmed Nazmi Duo and 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Screwdriver Band • Folklore • Art Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Time: 8 pm Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Mazaher - An ensemble in which Identities - Gabriela Goronzy, Time: 9 pm Time: 8 pm Tel: (02) 3346 1071 women play a leading role. The Thomas Kleine and Ilka Volger. Neveen Allouba - Cairo Opera Ballet Time: 8 pm musicians are the remaining Zar Three artists from Germany ask • Music Company and Orchestra • Folklore practitioners in Egypt. The songs questions about forms and defini- Chamber Music Concert - Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Mazaher - An ensemble in which Saturday 31st are distinctly different from other tions of identity Ashraf Sharara Tel: (02) 2739 0132 women play a leading role. The Egyptian music. Mashrabia Art Gallery, 8 Champolion St. Downtown Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Time: 8 pm musicians are the remaining Zar • Music 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. Cairo Tel: (02) 2739 0132 practitioners in Egypt. The songs New Year’s Concert - Cairo Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Tel: (02) 27578 4494 Time: 8 pm • Music are distinctly different from other Symphony Orchestra Time: 9 pm Time: Opening at 7 pm. Exhibition until January 12th Jazz/Carols - with the Riff Band Egyptian music. Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Thursday 22nd Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. Tel: (02) 2739 0132 • Fusion Jazz Music • Christmas Concert Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Time: 8 pm Bombie Trio (USA) - focusing Jesus Heart Choir - • Ballet Time: 10 pm Time: 9 pm on the fusion of American musical Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera • Theme Party - Beach It Up styles with world rhythms. Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Ballet Company and Orchestra Monday 26th Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Sayed Darwish Theater, Alexandria Time: 8 pm Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Tel: (03) 480 0138 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 • Ballet Time: 10 pm Time: 8 pm Monday 19th Time: 8 pm The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera Ballet Company and Orchestra Thursday 15th • Music • Christmas Concert Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Electro - NEOBYRD and Hady Gala El Hadidi - Tel: (02) 2739 0132 • Music Tarek Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Time: 8 pm Bombie Trio (USA) - focusing on the Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Tel: (02) 2739 0132 fusion of American musical styles Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Time: 8 pm • Music with world rhythms. Time: 10 pm Clarinet Group Recital - Qubet El Ghouri, Azhar Friday 23rd Jung Kee Choi Time: 8 pm • Photographic Exhibition Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Hassan Fathy - An Egyptian • Ballet Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Rock and Blues - Jailbirds and Ambition The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera Time: 8 pm Bad Mojo Gezira Arts Center Ballet Company and Orchestra December 12th December 14th December 15th Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Tel: (02) 2791 5817 for information Main Hall, Cairo Opera House Live Fusion Beats - The Midan Abu Al Sayed Darwish Qubet Al Ghouri, Hajaj in Luxor at Theater, Azhar, Cairo at Agouza Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Percussion Show 4 pm Alexandria at 8 pm Tel: (02) 3346 1071 Time: 8 pm Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza 8 pm Time: 10 pm Tuesday 20th Tel: (02) 3346 1071 • Music Time: 10 pm Friday 16th • Folklore Guitar Recital - Emad Hamdy BOMBIE TRIO JAZZ BAND TO EMBARK ON Nass Makan - Legacy of musical Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Tuesday 27th • Music tradition, such as Zar and gypsy Tel: (02) 2739 0132 3-CITY TOUR IN EGYPT Piano Concert - Omar Khairat music from the Delta Time: 8 pm • Ballet Coming to Egypt this December is the global music group the Bombie Main Hall, Cairo Opera House 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera Trio. The band focuses on the fusion of cultures and styles through music Saturday 24th Ballet Company and Orchestra and experience. It is a New York City-based trio that fuses American musi- Live Colors Egypt Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Live Colors Egypt Time: 8 pm Time: 9 pm Main Hall, Cairo Opera House cal styles with world rhythms and melodies. Well rounded in many styles • Christmas Concert Tel: (02) 2739 0132 including Jazz, World, Latin, Pop, Folk, Rock, Blues, and also Sufi, this group DJ Festival - with DJ Wezza, • Music Om El Nour Choir - Time: 8 pm (Drums, Bass, Guitar) is not only recognized on their skill level qualifications, Ortega & Sosta, Addictive TV, Jerry Jazz Fusion - Japanese Dup Ft. Gomhouria Theater, Abdeen Square but for their passion of world music, diversity in culture, and respect and Bouthier, Shumi Amro Salah Trio Tel: (02) 2739 0132 • Folklore acknowledgement of international musical heritage. Scherazad Cabaret, Alfy Street, Downtown. Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Time: 8 pm Nass Makan - Legacy of musical During the tour, the band will collaborate with the group “The Nubian Tel: (02) 2791 5817 for information Tel: (02) 3346 1071 tradition, such as Zar and gypsy Drums.” They will also present new songs that they have written for the Time: 9 pm Time: 10 pm Sunday 25th music from the Delta tour. They will also conduct workshops with local musicians and social 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Downtown. organizations. Saturday 17th Wednesday 21st • Ballet Tel: (02) 2792 0878 The tour is courtesy of ShareTheirMic, an innovative network and com- The Nutcracker - Cairo Opera Ballet Time: 9 pm munity platform that inspire fans, musicians, and organizations to connect • Christmas Concert • Folklore Company and Orchestra and collaborate. Jesus Heart Choir - Mazaher - An ensemble in which Main Hall, Cairo Opera House 8 November . 2011 November . 2011 9