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Dave’s Late Nite Blog
On Mobile and Making it Work for You
Service AFTER The Sale w/MMM LLC
So I was up late the other night with a bit of insomnia, and I remembered a blog post I saw
recently. The writer, whose name escapes me now, urged businesses to get to know
companies that they do business with in order to make sure they were comfortable getting
into a relationship with that company. It was specifically referring to web and mobile
marketing, and it pointed out how many companies work in a transactional style in our
And it occurred to me that my last client signed a two year contract with me based on the
level of commitment that I had demonstrated getting their project just right. And, as I
explained to them, I expect you to want to change your responsive website from time to
time, and that it’s included in what you get as part of our fees. The first rule of web/mobile
development I learned was that a static website, meaning one that never changes, is
perceived to be out of date or abandoned by the consumer.
So I want to make it clear right here and now — with Manning Mobile Media, you won’t have
to track us down after the project is complete to get us to make updates, add new
employee profiles, seasonal products images, or new logos. You won’t have to do a Google
search or hire a web researcher to find out who has your domain registration if you decide
to point other domains to it for marketing purposes. And you won’t suddenly find out that
your website has suddenly gone dark and not be able to reach us.
I encourage all my business development associates to emphasize that we are a service
organization as well as a product builder and publisher. I personally answer all the inquiries
and questions regarding development and performance of our products, and schedule
followups based on customer requests. All calls and emails are answered by the close of
business or first thing the following business day.
So, local small business owner, I’ve eliminated yet another obstacle to “Going Mobile,” and
to be honest, you’re running out of them. There’s no better time to consider Manning Mobile
Media, as we are in the midst of our 20% Off Fall Sale! Give us a call to schedule a free
mobile or web marketing consultation today.
Dave Manning
Owner, Manning Mobile Media
Don’t Let Your Mobile Site “Throw Up” on Consumers
I was doing some prospecting recently and came across multiple variables of mobile ads, industry listings
and mobile websites. When I prospect, I take the URL of a business and plug it into my mobile browser
on my phone to see where they are with their mobile marketing efforts before I call on them. You would be
surprised what some very well established businesses let pass for a mobile presence, and also what
some new businesses are doing much better than their more established competition.
But the thing that I came across with astounding frequency were very poorly designed mobile websites. It
looked like someone had take the mobile software, plugged in the home page URL, and just dropped it
into the mobile builder and published it! It was a long, scrolling nightmare of mismatched images and text,
with no formatting — not much of a step up from a standard view website in a mobile browser. So, it just
"throws up" all the content on the consumer, with no regard for format, style or standards.
If you don’t know what I mean by that, it would be as if a newspaper publisher had published every single
page of today’s edition on one long piece of paper that the reader had to scroll through, like roll of those
old fashioned cloth hand towels rolls in a public restroom dispenser. It just kept scrolling and scrolling,
and if you were looking for anything particular about the business, good luck! You can’t find specific
information, and if you scroll too fast, you won’t know what you missed, because there’s no way to tell.
To carry out the newspaper analogy, you won’t know if you’re getting close to finding the section you’re
looking for or not, because there’s no table of contents.
Now, there could only be one reason for this — the person responsible for creating it was not a
professional web or mobile developer. I can tell you from experience, that this is not what mobile software
is intended to be used for. And, I also understand that money doesn’t grow on trees, and small business
owners don’t have an unlimited marketing budget. Someone at the business obviously did this for the
business in their spare time.
But your brand — which is impacted by your mobile brand — is a reflection on you as an owner. What
you've worked to build and develop all these years. Don’t let saving a few bucks compromise that. Hire a
professional. You won’t regret it.
You wouldn’t let your next door neighbor cut your hair just because he trims a nice hedge, would you?
You wouldn’t let your mechanic pull a tooth just because he can pull a fouled spark plug, would you? Or
let the local grocery cashier do your taxes because she never makes a mistake in the checkout express
lane, would you? I didn’t think so!
Let us craft, publish and help publicize your new mobile brand. We work on a budget, and we know you
do to, so our products are priced very reasonably to fit every small business budget. So don’t let your
mobile website look like something from a failed software upgrade — call us today, and we’ll take care of
all your mobile marketing needs.
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media LLC
Are You Telling Me You're Afraid To Grow Your Business?
What do small business owners think about having or developing a website for their business? You would
be surprised.
I was reading an article in USA Today last night focused on the comments of small business owners and a
business talk radio host regarding websites. The host said every small business should have a website,
and some small business owners said they were afraid that a website would lead to so much growth that
they could not handle the increase. One owner said plainly that he was afraid of having a website
developed for him, that he literally had no more room to grow.
Huh? I can’t think of a single reason NOT to have a website — OR grow your business!
You would think that most consumers and the majority of businesses want a website, or at least have
plans to launch one. But based on industry statistics over the past 3 years, a mobile website will soon be
the minimum web standard by which all businesses are judged. Let’s not forget — mobile information is
now a customer service.
You can think of it as part of your marketing budget if you want, but the more research that is done on
consumer web browsing of all types suggests that it will become a staple of serving customers. Keeping
your customers happy is often the difference between growth and failure. However they want to spin the
logic of not having a web presence, the fact remains — your competition is slowly getting on board with
interactive web products — mobile — smartphone and table accessible views built in. Just like we build
for our clients!
Example: I have a client who customers are field personnel on drilling rigs around the globe. They said
they not only needed a new website, but one with tablet and smartphone capable views so that their
clients could interact with them to order parts or new models from the field by either a one-click "Call" or
"Email" button. This is a prime example of why our responsive design, or multi-view product, is so
valuable to small businesses trying to provide customer service.
I also understand that some brand new small businesses are essentially run by one person with some
part-time help, and they are focused on the tactical day-to-day of running a business. Some of them have
websites, some don't. What about the ones who don’t have a web site? Or a web listing at all? Ever tried
to locate one?
I did yesterday, and it took enough time to find them that I nearly gave up and went on to the next sales
call. What if your potential customers do the same? And if they don’t have time to build a standard
website, how are they going to make time to create a table and mobile version to compete in an
increasingly mobile browsing world? The answer? They usually don’t.
And, maybe they stay in business for decades, or perhaps they last less than a year. Hopefully they call
us, but either way — a professional will likely have to do it for them. Don’t believe the TV ads that tell you
can build your own website in 20 minutes. To have a professional quality one built takes more like 20
hours on average.
So, unless you’re afraid to grow your small business, why not give us a call today to have a demo and
quote built just for you?
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media
Need A New Website Before You Can "Go Mobile?”
Be honest, are you embarrassed by your website?
Is it just so 1999 that you can't stand it? Does it look really awful on tablets or smartphones? Maybe
you've lost contact with the company that built it, or you simply don't have one, or you use Facebook
instead of solving the problem? Or let's say your website is 1 to 3 pages and just doesn't get the job done
anymore, or has broken links, or maybe it's no longer up to date with your current logo and branding
efforts - now what?
If the answer is "Yes!" to any of these questions, what do you do? So many options out there - you think
it's just too confusing to deal with? Well, now we can help!
Manning Mobile Media LLC just added the capacity to create dynamic, contemporary websites, in
addition to our mobile media development. Simply contact us, and we will perform a free analysis of your
current web content and/or needs, make a product recommendation, and then prepare a custom quote to
suit your business and budget.
This will help many small businesses who want to go mobile, but aren't satisfied with their current
website, which of course is the basis of any quality mobile site or mobile app. It's as easy as calling or
emailing us today to get your quote process started. NOW what's your excuse for not stepping up to
mobile marketing?
Get a new website AND "Go Mobile" today!
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media
Point Blank Question: What Will Going Mobile Cost?
A prospective retail client I was speaking with via phone this morning just asked me a question point
blank. "So what will this cost us?"
Never having met this very busy prospect, I anticipated this question. I ran the numbers yesterday in
preparation for our schedule phone call and came up with an answer. I told him that after the initial cost to
create a custom mobile app and mobile website for his company, we can give them a mobile presence for
just a few dollars a day. His 2nd question? "When can we see a demo?"
Here's the numbers: For a standard 10 button Mobile App & Mobile Website combo package we call
"Total Mobile," you can market to the mobile consumer for around $3 per day using our current price
model (which runs through June) if you pay for 12 months hosting & maintenance up front at the
discounted rate of 20% off.
Your only other expense is our custom design and publishing cost, which can be paid in 2 installment
payments of 50%. Compare that to any other type of modern marketing, and you'll realize the potential
value of mobile.
We can quote you statistics on mobile shopping and purchasing, but you already know the trends, as any
business owner would. You may not know that it is estimated that only 15% of businesses have a mobile
presence. We can help you be part of growing cutting edge of businesses who have taken the leap to
So you don't think you have time to use mobile technology...
Don't have a Social Media person to manage the Mobile App Push Notifications? We have an app for
that! It allows you to send push notes from your smartphone or tablet.
On a deadline and don't have time to get out an urgent note? Simply text us what you want your
customers to know and we'll send the message for you!
And with a simple, secured client webpage you can update images seasonally to highlight featured
products, and if you have questions about this web based tool, just call, text or email us, we'll be glad to
The question I'll ask once I send them the demo will be "For this price, for this product, why not go
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media
Your Mobile Marketing Solution
Ode To The Digital Natives: What Are Small Businesses Waiting For?
With the "Digital Native" generation recently turning 25 this year with the anniversary of the Web, small
businesses face a marketing imperative:
What can I do to capture this demographic market? According to, the future of mobile
marketing has BEEN here, and only looking stronger in the future! Study the latest info regarding
consumer business conducted on mobile apps and ask yourself this question?
How can you AFFORD NOT to have a MOBLIE APP if we can build you an AFFORDABLE one?!!
The time when Mobile Apps were only available to large businesses like banks, large retailers,
transportation, news media and other conglomerates has long past. And we can build and maintain a
Mobile App for you that will be as cost effective as ANY marketing tool you can name.
Don't believe me? Call or email for a quote on a 10 button Apple/Android App. You'll be pleasantly
The future of your business is never going to trend away from mobile. But will businesses without mobile
be able to sustain themselves when these Digital Natives are even close to being as numerous as the
"Baby Boomers?" The day seems far away, but the future always does - when you're standing in the past.
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media, LLC
Go Mobile, Get Found, Gain Loyal Customers
At Manning Mobile Media, we design and publish custom mobile apps and mobile websites that are right
for your business or organization. We maintain the hosting for the app or website, and offer training on
how to utilize the mobile products to full marketing advantage. The app can also be used to communicate
with employees, vendors and other stakeholders, and can separate you from your competition.
Our Mobile Products -
Mobile App Package - We build the app design based on your current website and branding that allows
you to reach your customers directly via unlimited Push Notification Messaging. In addition, you may
utilize other compatible mobile marketing features, such as Customer Loyalty Tabs or !Appointment
Services, as well as Social Media integration
Mobile Website Package - We build a mobile version of your existing website allowing for easy
accessibility to you, your location, and your website, making it possible for them to do business !with you
right from their smartphone or tablet
Total Mobile Package - We build both the mobile app and website for you to insure a total !mobile
presence for all your business or organizational needs
Who needs mobile marketing? Businesses such as retailers, restaurants, personal services and other
organizations like churches or non profits are taking advantage of this powerful marketing and
communication technology. Research shows that over 60% of consumers search for local businesses on
their mobile devices, and nearly 90% of those do business with them within 24 hours.
So “Go Mobile” and contact us for the right mobile solution today!
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media
Shop Small Business This Saturday!
There are those times when you buy from "big box" retailers due to convenience factors, but it's
especially fun and rewarding to shop small businesses in your local area during the holidays. One of my
favorite things to do is park the car and walk through the neighborhood small business district and do
some holiday shopping. During most holiday seasons in Texas it's not too cold to walk from shop to shop,
so I like to take advantage of it!
And you get great customer service and a shopping experience from neighborhood entrepreneurs and
their staff, rather than a wild, frenzied one complete with customer service that only extends to a
corporate policy. While you can't find everything on your holiday shopping list in locally owned stores,
you'd be surprised how many gifts you can scratch off your list in locally owned stores. So this year, skip
the phony mall mania that is Black Friday and Shop Small Business Saturday, November 30th.
Happy Shopping!
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media, LLC
Why Mobile Media, Why Now?
Recently I was speaking with a former colleague and he asked why I focused my marketing efforts
exclusively on small businesses. I think it is a great question to answer here. Because small businesses,
unlike medium and large businesses, cannot afford to spend $10,000 or even $20,000 upfront to have a
robust mobile app built for them. My business allows them to have a custom mobile option on their
I have learned a great deal about the value of this offering since I began in the industry in the spring of
this year while working for a competitor. I love the idea of being able to build custom mobile websites and
mobile apps for small businesses, enabling them to utilize a variety of powerful marketing options to help
drive business and positively impact their bottom line. I draw on my 20+ years experience in sales and
management, and most importantly, selling to small businesses for five years in an outside sales capacity.
So why get into mobile media now? Because more small businesses now look for a cost effective way of
getting into the mobile space. According to a variety of technology, business and other news publications,
the surface of the potential of mobile marketing has just been scratched. If you have any doubt, look
around next time you are at work, in public or even at home - nearly everyone from 8 to 80 has a mobile
device with them, and many are using it to make buying decisions.
And the trend points to a steady increase in the use of mobile technology by consumers to determine
where they spend their money. So that's why the small business market is the focus of my efforts. In
Houston alone there are some 250,000 small businesses, so if you know any small business owners,
such as retail/restaurants, law firms or hair salons, or any other type of small business that you think
might need a mobile presence, please let them know about us.
Thanks for reading!
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media, LLC
Do you need to go "mobile" or go "native" - what's your marketing objective?
There is quite a bit of confusion in the small business world about which type of mobile solution to use. It
can take a minute to discern the difference between a mobile website, or "mobile site" as opposed to a
"native app." A mobile site is merely a more user friendly version of the existing website you already use,
but allows customers and clients to contact you, locate you, and refer you to others. Here's a test - pull up
your website on your smartphone - see how difficult it is to read any of the text or use any of the
hyperlinked features such as calling, emailing or navigation? A mobile site can be designed to highlight
any feature or contact at the touch of a button, without even having to dial or lookup information. It literally
puts your business at the consumers' fingertips - while they're mobile!
For some businesses, a mobile site is a sufficient addition to their marketing plans. However, a mobile
app - or "native" app - one that is created to offer all the same features and more - sits right on the
consumers smartphone screen. It can be created and published to Apple and Android platforms, giving
consumers access on which ever brand of mobile device they own - iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone or
tablet. It comes up when consumers query their app stores by key word, title, etc. So not only does it exist
in the app marketplace to further advertise your company, it also does something else that may prove
critical to your present and future marketing plans - allow you to send push notification messages to your
customers or clients, right to their smartphone. All they have to do is know that you have one, download it
for free, and then enable it to receive offers on any product, special, event or discount you want to offer
As you can see, there are differences in how your mobile media fits into your overall marketing plans. And
of course, cost is a consideration, as apps are more expensive to create, publish and maintain. However,
the real question is, do you need to advertise via your mobile marketing solution, or do you merely need
to be more accessible? So, is it a "mobile site" or a "mobile app" that you need? Which one is right for
your business, right now?
Contact me so I can help you make this decision and get started in mobile marketing today.
Dave Manning
Manning Mobile Media

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Dave's Late Nite Blog Transcripts - Manning Mobile Media LLC

  • 1. Dave’s Late Nite Blog On Mobile and Making it Work for You Service AFTER The Sale w/MMM LLC 10/09/2014 So I was up late the other night with a bit of insomnia, and I remembered a blog post I saw recently. The writer, whose name escapes me now, urged businesses to get to know companies that they do business with in order to make sure they were comfortable getting into a relationship with that company. It was specifically referring to web and mobile marketing, and it pointed out how many companies work in a transactional style in our segment. And it occurred to me that my last client signed a two year contract with me based on the level of commitment that I had demonstrated getting their project just right. And, as I explained to them, I expect you to want to change your responsive website from time to time, and that it’s included in what you get as part of our fees. The first rule of web/mobile development I learned was that a static website, meaning one that never changes, is perceived to be out of date or abandoned by the consumer. So I want to make it clear right here and now — with Manning Mobile Media, you won’t have to track us down after the project is complete to get us to make updates, add new employee profiles, seasonal products images, or new logos. You won’t have to do a Google search or hire a web researcher to find out who has your domain registration if you decide to point other domains to it for marketing purposes. And you won’t suddenly find out that your website has suddenly gone dark and not be able to reach us. I encourage all my business development associates to emphasize that we are a service organization as well as a product builder and publisher. I personally answer all the inquiries and questions regarding development and performance of our products, and schedule followups based on customer requests. All calls and emails are answered by the close of business or first thing the following business day. So, local small business owner, I’ve eliminated yet another obstacle to “Going Mobile,” and to be honest, you’re running out of them. There’s no better time to consider Manning Mobile Media, as we are in the midst of our 20% Off Fall Sale! Give us a call to schedule a free mobile or web marketing consultation today. Dave Manning Owner, Manning Mobile Media 1+832-703-8957
  • 2. Don’t Let Your Mobile Site “Throw Up” on Consumers 08/05/2014 I was doing some prospecting recently and came across multiple variables of mobile ads, industry listings and mobile websites. When I prospect, I take the URL of a business and plug it into my mobile browser on my phone to see where they are with their mobile marketing efforts before I call on them. You would be surprised what some very well established businesses let pass for a mobile presence, and also what some new businesses are doing much better than their more established competition. But the thing that I came across with astounding frequency were very poorly designed mobile websites. It looked like someone had take the mobile software, plugged in the home page URL, and just dropped it into the mobile builder and published it! It was a long, scrolling nightmare of mismatched images and text, with no formatting — not much of a step up from a standard view website in a mobile browser. So, it just "throws up" all the content on the consumer, with no regard for format, style or standards. If you don’t know what I mean by that, it would be as if a newspaper publisher had published every single page of today’s edition on one long piece of paper that the reader had to scroll through, like roll of those old fashioned cloth hand towels rolls in a public restroom dispenser. It just kept scrolling and scrolling, and if you were looking for anything particular about the business, good luck! You can’t find specific information, and if you scroll too fast, you won’t know what you missed, because there’s no way to tell. To carry out the newspaper analogy, you won’t know if you’re getting close to finding the section you’re looking for or not, because there’s no table of contents. Now, there could only be one reason for this — the person responsible for creating it was not a professional web or mobile developer. I can tell you from experience, that this is not what mobile software is intended to be used for. And, I also understand that money doesn’t grow on trees, and small business owners don’t have an unlimited marketing budget. Someone at the business obviously did this for the business in their spare time. But your brand — which is impacted by your mobile brand — is a reflection on you as an owner. What you've worked to build and develop all these years. Don’t let saving a few bucks compromise that. Hire a professional. You won’t regret it. You wouldn’t let your next door neighbor cut your hair just because he trims a nice hedge, would you? You wouldn’t let your mechanic pull a tooth just because he can pull a fouled spark plug, would you? Or let the local grocery cashier do your taxes because she never makes a mistake in the checkout express lane, would you? I didn’t think so! Let us craft, publish and help publicize your new mobile brand. We work on a budget, and we know you do to, so our products are priced very reasonably to fit every small business budget. So don’t let your mobile website look like something from a failed software upgrade — call us today, and we’ll take care of all your mobile marketing needs. Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media LLC 1+832.703.8957
  • 3. Are You Telling Me You're Afraid To Grow Your Business? 06/06/2014 What do small business owners think about having or developing a website for their business? You would be surprised. I was reading an article in USA Today last night focused on the comments of small business owners and a business talk radio host regarding websites. The host said every small business should have a website, and some small business owners said they were afraid that a website would lead to so much growth that they could not handle the increase. One owner said plainly that he was afraid of having a website developed for him, that he literally had no more room to grow. Huh? I can’t think of a single reason NOT to have a website — OR grow your business! You would think that most consumers and the majority of businesses want a website, or at least have plans to launch one. But based on industry statistics over the past 3 years, a mobile website will soon be the minimum web standard by which all businesses are judged. Let’s not forget — mobile information is now a customer service. You can think of it as part of your marketing budget if you want, but the more research that is done on consumer web browsing of all types suggests that it will become a staple of serving customers. Keeping your customers happy is often the difference between growth and failure. However they want to spin the logic of not having a web presence, the fact remains — your competition is slowly getting on board with interactive web products — mobile — smartphone and table accessible views built in. Just like we build for our clients! Example: I have a client who customers are field personnel on drilling rigs around the globe. They said they not only needed a new website, but one with tablet and smartphone capable views so that their clients could interact with them to order parts or new models from the field by either a one-click "Call" or "Email" button. This is a prime example of why our responsive design, or multi-view product, is so valuable to small businesses trying to provide customer service. I also understand that some brand new small businesses are essentially run by one person with some part-time help, and they are focused on the tactical day-to-day of running a business. Some of them have websites, some don't. What about the ones who don’t have a web site? Or a web listing at all? Ever tried to locate one? I did yesterday, and it took enough time to find them that I nearly gave up and went on to the next sales call. What if your potential customers do the same? And if they don’t have time to build a standard website, how are they going to make time to create a table and mobile version to compete in an increasingly mobile browsing world? The answer? They usually don’t. And, maybe they stay in business for decades, or perhaps they last less than a year. Hopefully they call us, but either way — a professional will likely have to do it for them. Don’t believe the TV ads that tell you can build your own website in 20 minutes. To have a professional quality one built takes more like 20 hours on average. So, unless you’re afraid to grow your small business, why not give us a call today to have a demo and quote built just for you? Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media
  • 4. 1+832.703.8957 Need A New Website Before You Can "Go Mobile?” 04/28/2014 Be honest, are you embarrassed by your website? Is it just so 1999 that you can't stand it? Does it look really awful on tablets or smartphones? Maybe you've lost contact with the company that built it, or you simply don't have one, or you use Facebook instead of solving the problem? Or let's say your website is 1 to 3 pages and just doesn't get the job done anymore, or has broken links, or maybe it's no longer up to date with your current logo and branding efforts - now what? If the answer is "Yes!" to any of these questions, what do you do? So many options out there - you think it's just too confusing to deal with? Well, now we can help! Manning Mobile Media LLC just added the capacity to create dynamic, contemporary websites, in addition to our mobile media development. Simply contact us, and we will perform a free analysis of your current web content and/or needs, make a product recommendation, and then prepare a custom quote to suit your business and budget. This will help many small businesses who want to go mobile, but aren't satisfied with their current website, which of course is the basis of any quality mobile site or mobile app. It's as easy as calling or emailing us today to get your quote process started. NOW what's your excuse for not stepping up to mobile marketing? Get a new website AND "Go Mobile" today! Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media 1+832.703.8957
  • 5. Point Blank Question: What Will Going Mobile Cost? 04/02/2014 A prospective retail client I was speaking with via phone this morning just asked me a question point blank. "So what will this cost us?" Never having met this very busy prospect, I anticipated this question. I ran the numbers yesterday in preparation for our schedule phone call and came up with an answer. I told him that after the initial cost to create a custom mobile app and mobile website for his company, we can give them a mobile presence for just a few dollars a day. His 2nd question? "When can we see a demo?" Here's the numbers: For a standard 10 button Mobile App & Mobile Website combo package we call "Total Mobile," you can market to the mobile consumer for around $3 per day using our current price model (which runs through June) if you pay for 12 months hosting & maintenance up front at the discounted rate of 20% off. Your only other expense is our custom design and publishing cost, which can be paid in 2 installment payments of 50%. Compare that to any other type of modern marketing, and you'll realize the potential value of mobile. We can quote you statistics on mobile shopping and purchasing, but you already know the trends, as any business owner would. You may not know that it is estimated that only 15% of businesses have a mobile presence. We can help you be part of growing cutting edge of businesses who have taken the leap to mobile. So you don't think you have time to use mobile technology... Don't have a Social Media person to manage the Mobile App Push Notifications? We have an app for that! It allows you to send push notes from your smartphone or tablet. On a deadline and don't have time to get out an urgent note? Simply text us what you want your customers to know and we'll send the message for you! And with a simple, secured client webpage you can update images seasonally to highlight featured products, and if you have questions about this web based tool, just call, text or email us, we'll be glad to help! The question I'll ask once I send them the demo will be "For this price, for this product, why not go mobile?" Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media Your Mobile Marketing Solution
  • 6. Ode To The Digital Natives: What Are Small Businesses Waiting For? 03/20/2014 <Picture> With the "Digital Native" generation recently turning 25 this year with the anniversary of the Web, small businesses face a marketing imperative: What can I do to capture this demographic market? According to, the future of mobile marketing has BEEN here, and only looking stronger in the future! Study the latest info regarding consumer business conducted on mobile apps and ask yourself this question? How can you AFFORD NOT to have a MOBLIE APP if we can build you an AFFORDABLE one?!! The time when Mobile Apps were only available to large businesses like banks, large retailers, transportation, news media and other conglomerates has long past. And we can build and maintain a Mobile App for you that will be as cost effective as ANY marketing tool you can name. Don't believe me? Call or email for a quote on a 10 button Apple/Android App. You'll be pleasantly surprised! The future of your business is never going to trend away from mobile. But will businesses without mobile be able to sustain themselves when these Digital Natives are even close to being as numerous as the "Baby Boomers?" The day seems far away, but the future always does - when you're standing in the past. Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media, LLC @MMM_LLC 1+832.703.8957
  • 7. Go Mobile, Get Found, Gain Loyal Customers 02/23/2014 At Manning Mobile Media, we design and publish custom mobile apps and mobile websites that are right for your business or organization. We maintain the hosting for the app or website, and offer training on how to utilize the mobile products to full marketing advantage. The app can also be used to communicate with employees, vendors and other stakeholders, and can separate you from your competition. Our Mobile Products - Mobile App Package - We build the app design based on your current website and branding that allows you to reach your customers directly via unlimited Push Notification Messaging. In addition, you may utilize other compatible mobile marketing features, such as Customer Loyalty Tabs or !Appointment Services, as well as Social Media integration Mobile Website Package - We build a mobile version of your existing website allowing for easy accessibility to you, your location, and your website, making it possible for them to do business !with you right from their smartphone or tablet Total Mobile Package - We build both the mobile app and website for you to insure a total !mobile presence for all your business or organizational needs Who needs mobile marketing? Businesses such as retailers, restaurants, personal services and other organizations like churches or non profits are taking advantage of this powerful marketing and communication technology. Research shows that over 60% of consumers search for local businesses on their mobile devices, and nearly 90% of those do business with them within 24 hours. So “Go Mobile” and contact us for the right mobile solution today! Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media
  • 8. Shop Small Business This Saturday! 11/27/2013 There are those times when you buy from "big box" retailers due to convenience factors, but it's especially fun and rewarding to shop small businesses in your local area during the holidays. One of my favorite things to do is park the car and walk through the neighborhood small business district and do some holiday shopping. During most holiday seasons in Texas it's not too cold to walk from shop to shop, so I like to take advantage of it! And you get great customer service and a shopping experience from neighborhood entrepreneurs and their staff, rather than a wild, frenzied one complete with customer service that only extends to a corporate policy. While you can't find everything on your holiday shopping list in locally owned stores, you'd be surprised how many gifts you can scratch off your list in locally owned stores. So this year, skip the phony mall mania that is Black Friday and Shop Small Business Saturday, November 30th. Happy Shopping! Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media, LLC
  • 9. Why Mobile Media, Why Now? 09/20/2013 Recently I was speaking with a former colleague and he asked why I focused my marketing efforts exclusively on small businesses. I think it is a great question to answer here. Because small businesses, unlike medium and large businesses, cannot afford to spend $10,000 or even $20,000 upfront to have a robust mobile app built for them. My business allows them to have a custom mobile option on their budget. I have learned a great deal about the value of this offering since I began in the industry in the spring of this year while working for a competitor. I love the idea of being able to build custom mobile websites and mobile apps for small businesses, enabling them to utilize a variety of powerful marketing options to help drive business and positively impact their bottom line. I draw on my 20+ years experience in sales and management, and most importantly, selling to small businesses for five years in an outside sales capacity. So why get into mobile media now? Because more small businesses now look for a cost effective way of getting into the mobile space. According to a variety of technology, business and other news publications, the surface of the potential of mobile marketing has just been scratched. If you have any doubt, look around next time you are at work, in public or even at home - nearly everyone from 8 to 80 has a mobile device with them, and many are using it to make buying decisions. And the trend points to a steady increase in the use of mobile technology by consumers to determine where they spend their money. So that's why the small business market is the focus of my efforts. In Houston alone there are some 250,000 small businesses, so if you know any small business owners, such as retail/restaurants, law firms or hair salons, or any other type of small business that you think might need a mobile presence, please let them know about us. Thanks for reading! Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media, LLC
  • 10. Do you need to go "mobile" or go "native" - what's your marketing objective? 08/25/2013 There is quite a bit of confusion in the small business world about which type of mobile solution to use. It can take a minute to discern the difference between a mobile website, or "mobile site" as opposed to a "native app." A mobile site is merely a more user friendly version of the existing website you already use, but allows customers and clients to contact you, locate you, and refer you to others. Here's a test - pull up your website on your smartphone - see how difficult it is to read any of the text or use any of the hyperlinked features such as calling, emailing or navigation? A mobile site can be designed to highlight any feature or contact at the touch of a button, without even having to dial or lookup information. It literally puts your business at the consumers' fingertips - while they're mobile! For some businesses, a mobile site is a sufficient addition to their marketing plans. However, a mobile app - or "native" app - one that is created to offer all the same features and more - sits right on the consumers smartphone screen. It can be created and published to Apple and Android platforms, giving consumers access on which ever brand of mobile device they own - iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone or tablet. It comes up when consumers query their app stores by key word, title, etc. So not only does it exist in the app marketplace to further advertise your company, it also does something else that may prove critical to your present and future marketing plans - allow you to send push notification messages to your customers or clients, right to their smartphone. All they have to do is know that you have one, download it for free, and then enable it to receive offers on any product, special, event or discount you want to offer them! As you can see, there are differences in how your mobile media fits into your overall marketing plans. And of course, cost is a consideration, as apps are more expensive to create, publish and maintain. However, the real question is, do you need to advertise via your mobile marketing solution, or do you merely need to be more accessible? So, is it a "mobile site" or a "mobile app" that you need? Which one is right for your business, right now? Contact me so I can help you make this decision and get started in mobile marketing today. Dave Manning Manning Mobile Media