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“Transportation, mobility and urban planning projects are a great
opportunity to guide urban development towards sustainable
cities and societies in Latin America”
Jessica Noriega Tantalean
Environmental Engineer from the Universidad Agraria La Molina at Lima, Peru, with a Master’s degree in Urban
Environment and Sustainability and post-graduate studies in Mobility Management from the Universitat Politecnica
de Catalunya in Barcelona. Trained in Sustainable Transport in Japan through the Japanese Cooperation, and in
Energy in the Western Hemisphere through the Federal Government of the United States. Specialization studies in
Public Administration at the Institute of Governance at the University San Martin de Porres.
Over the past 14 years, she has participated in various technical teams for the identification and assessment of the
environmental sustainability of residential, commercial, road, railroad, airport projects, both in Peru and abroad, as
well as in the public and private sectors. Noteworthy among them was her role as coordinator for the study ‘Air and
Noise Environmental Baseline for the High Capacity Segregated Corridors Project, COSAC I, as part of the
Walsh/Deuman and PROTRANSPORTE/MML team. She was manager of the Metropolitan Special Project for Non-
Motorized Transportation at the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, PEMTNM-MML, for nearly three years, earning a
recognition as best good practice in public management in the category of Public Impact, awarded to the
Expomovilidad2011 Fair by “Ciudadanos al día”. While leading the PEMTNM, she developed and implemented the
CICLODIA, an experience that helped the Peruvian Ministry of Economics to create a specific goal for its Incentives
Plan that rewards similar activities that promote the recovery of public spaces for cultural and physical activities.
In 2014 she led the team of Environmental Affairs at the Research Department of the Autoridad Autónoma del Tren
Eléctrico Metro de Lima, AATE, later becoming a member of the local team of UNDP/MINAM that was in charge of
the Strategy on Sustainable Cities for the World Climate Change Summit - COP20, which explored opportunities for
the implementation of an Agenda for the Local Management of "Sustainable Cities" ran by local governments. In
2015, she began the implementation of such Agenda at the Municipality of San Isidro, where she helped to create
and develop the Sustainability Office and its Environmental and Urban Mobility agencies. This is the first experience
of a local government unit focused on the sustainable management of a district.
Over the past 10 years she has focused on mobility and sustainable transportation in cities, as a member of a number
of teams on systems of pedestrian mobility, the configuration of public spaces (i.e. the street), the Bus Rapid Transit
(high capacity bus system), non-motorized transportation, subways and other related issues.
She is co-founder and member of the boards of directors of ASIMUS – Associations of Urban Mobility, created in
Barcelona in 2008, and of MOBILIS -- Association for Sustainable Mobility for Cities, created in Lima in 2014 as part of
the COP20. She was responsible for the overall strategy and implementation of the Sustainable Mobility Week 2014 –
2015, an event that generated a number of activities promoting public policies that encourage low-impact urban
mobility. The event was implemented under the sponsorship of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment Affairs and the
World Health Organization, among other local and international institutions.
She is currently a consultant on Environmental Sustainability for different institutions, including technical assistance
for the Regional Government of Cusco on its Mobility and Public Spaces Plan for Cusco City, an activity funded by the
World Bank.
She believes that policies that encourage land planning are the ones that define sustainable management, meaning
the strategy that finds an adequate balance between the environmental, social and economic aspects of a society
over time.
COLON 537 D - 701,
TELF. (+51) 999011159 / RPM:
# 999011159 / 4473308
Environmental Engineering, with complementary studies and experience from private and public institutions at the local
and international level of sustainable development, with an emphasis on mobility, transportation and urban
development. Enthusiastic, organized and enterprising professional with leadership and teamwork attitude. Possesses
good interdisciplinary approach, conciliatory capacity, flexibility at adaptation to different work environments. Decision
making based on common sense. Always with an innovative vision of improving the environment we live in and
maintaining the natural balance to preserve our planet.
Technical assistance
Regional Government of Cusco / Municipality of Cusco / World Bank March - present 2016
Environmental and energy balance assessment for the Mobility and Public Space Plan of the city of Cusco
Director General in July 2014 - present
Peruvian Association for Sustainable Mobility MOBILIS
One of the most significative interventions conducted by Mobilis, was the Sustainable Mobility Week which is held every
year. The last in 2015 - from 22 to 27 September - was made in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and several
collaborating institutions of the platform Mobilis, with a focus on the Local Agenda of the Week, development of the II
International Forum ‘City, Bicycle and Local governments’, the First Fair of Sustainable Mobility and Training
Workshops, etc. Currently the portfolio of programs and projects for 2017 is being designed.
Ministry of Transport and Communications in December 2015 - February 2016
Social and Environmental Assessment Profile (PIP) ‘rehabilitation and upgrading of the San Lorenzo airfield - Region
Loreto’ under the national public investment system - SNIP /Inventorying bicycle mobility infrastructure as part of the
urban mobility system.
Consultant October-December 2015
World Health Organization PAHO / WHO
Inventorying and analysis of good practices of the Meta Incentive Plan for Municipal Management Improvement and
Modernization 2012-2014, related to the implementation of recreational bikeways (CVR) in more than 200 municipalities
in the country; designing the content of ‘Ley 29593’ (Official Act to promote the use of bicycles as transportation).
Environmental sustainability specialist for October 2015
Urban Strategy Team
Responsible for analyzing the environmental situation and designing proposals for environmental sustainable development
for the Study of Recovery Cerro San Cristobal - AA.HH / Public Investment Project Proposal for the Municipality of
Director of Sustainability, jan-jul.2015
Municipality of Isidro
Leading a team responsible of the design and implementation of the Sustainability Policies for the district of San Isidro as
well as their according instruments of managerial actions. In charge of the creation of the Sustainability Management
Department and its Sub Management Departments like Environment Policy and Urban Mobility, as part of the PostCop
process; attending the needs of the demands in the district of San Isidro through the creation of a Sustainability
Management Model in a local government.
Sustainable Cities Specialist, Climate Forum COP 20 apr-dic.2014
Program for the Development of United Nations (PNUD)/Climate Ministerial of Peru MINAM
Responsible of providing the technical support needed in order for the society’s adaptation due to climate change,
achieving to immerse this subject across planning and management of the cities and preparing the national achievements in
the risk management of climate change, advancements with low carb emissions and the synergy among different
ecosystems that would be presented at COP20. In charge of the development of the strategy for the local governments from
the national government that is based on implementing the Sustainable Cities Agenda.
Environment Specialist apr-ago.2014
Study of the Restructuring of the Taxi fleet in Lima and Callao – TARYET
Environmental analysis of the Pre-Investment Study at profile and feasibility level for the Taxi service in Lima.
Obtaining samples of vehicles emissions of CO2 and noise levels in order to develop the base foundation, at the same time
estimating the reduction of the emissions with and without the restructuring.
Leader of the Team in Social Environmental Management ene-apr.2014
Unidad Gerencial de Estudios UGE – Autonomous Authority of the Electrical Train
Developing the activities, managerial instruments, coordination and attention of the environment quality based on the
specifications of the project- air quality, noise, vibrations, arqueological findings and cultural patrimony in Line 1 and 2 of
the Metro of Lima. Responsible of coordinating the last actions for having the project registered in Verified Carbon
Standard in order to have access to the C02 Bond Market.
Environmental Specialist 2014
Ambiente, Energía y Desarrollo SAC
Being part of the Technical Team in charge of developing the Study for the Design and Implementation of the Plan for
Strengthening the Environmental Management abilities of the Regional and Local Governments in the Mobility area that
was formulated in the Decentralization context for Provinces – The Ministry of Transport and Communications.
Director (General Manager), Metropolitan Non-Motorized Transport Special Program. Lima Metropolitan
Municipality (Peru) 2011 –2013
Restructuring and redesigning the strategy to develop the scenario of non-motorized travel with a comprehensive view of
promoting sustainable mobility in the city of Lima. Leader Lima responsible for introducing the public policy favoring the
use of bicycles as part of the transportation system of a city through a Technical Strategy consisting of programs and
actions in education, training and awareness building in schools, universities, and inter-sectoral spokeswoman for the state
public policy and strategy with all the Lima community. Management of the activation of the first recreational cycleway of
metropolitan Lima “Ciclolima”, and promoter of the VIII International Congress of Recreational Cycleways. Team Leader
of the formulation to implementation of the new network of cycling infrastructure, equipment and facilities for Bus Rapit
Transit cyclist intermodality. Constant coordination with the technical and political teams of the municipal corporation and
local and international institutions related to public and private policies for mobility and sustainable transport. Author and
developer of large events to promote sustainable mobility and transport , workshops , seminars , forums and more and
promoting the publication of manuals , guides and books the context of mobility. Promotion of the development of a
Private Project for Implementation of the Bike Sharing System for Lima.
Environmental Coordinator, Deuman SAC (Lima, Peru) 2010 – 2011
Project manager and responsible of the socio-environmental assessment of the railway development contract “Ferrocarril
Transandino S.A. – FETRANSA”, south and southwest railways; and “Ferrocarril Central Andino S.A. – FVCA”, central
railway, for the Supervising Agency of Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure Facilities (OSITRAN, acronym in
Environmental Specialist, Cal y Mayor and Associates (Cozumel, Mexico) 2010 – 2011
Consultant and responsible of environmental planning of the “Comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility for
Cozumel” for the Cozumel Municipality – Quintana Roo State Conzumel’s Identification, analysis, assessment of the main
environmental impacts produced by transport in the island and prospected benefits of proposed measures.
Environmental Specialist, MR Consulting Services SAC (Lima, Peru) 2010
Responsible of the environmental assessment for the technical and economic feasibility study of Tacna Region’s section of
the Southern Andean Gas Pipeline.
Environmental Consultant, Qursor S.A.(Montevideo, Uruguay) 2010
Ex-post impact assessment of environmental and social impacts of the thermal power station “Punta del Tigre.” for the
CAF Development Bank of Latin America (Andean Development Corporation).
Transport Consultant, EMAPE Municipal Toll Management Corporation (Lima, Peru) 2010
Ex-post Impact assessment of environmental and social impacts of the “Grau” expressway “Grau” in Lima. Analysis and
estimation of environmental noise and vehicle emissions.
Mobility Specialist, Municipality of Miraflores (Lima, Peru) 2010
Sub-directorship of environmental planning. Consultancy for improvement of urban mobility and environmental quality.
Design of governance tools: Non-Motorized Mobility Plan, Urban mass transport system incorporation plan. Organization
of the first Mobility and Environment Colloquium. Reporting of inspections of pedestrian mobility failures and other tasks.
Consultant, German Cooperation GTZ (Lima, Peru) 2009
Design of macro processes for Directorship of the OEFA Environmental Evaluation and Control Organization, MINAM
(Ministry of the Environment).Preparation of the OEFA’s Operation Manual, the Environmental Assessment Guides and
other tools.
Urban Mobility Specialist, CINESI S.A.(Barcelona, Spain) 2008
Participation in the studies “Assessment of developed mobility in new residential areas in Ciudad de Reus”, “Assessment of
developed mobility in the Operative Center of Management of Bus Management of the Metropolitan Transport Agency of
Barcelona (EMT)”, “Accessibility between public bus stops and metro line L9 stations in Santa Coloma de Gramenet”.
Mobility Specialist, Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) 2008
Responsible for the data update of the observatory of external costs for the terrestrial transport of Catalonia. Environmental
and social impact assessment for urban transport and monetary valuation of transport-related environmental effects.
Mobility Specialist, Metropolitan Agency for Planning and Infrastructure Development, Barcelona Regional
(Barcelona, Spain) 2007
Preparation of the study “Alternatives to Improve Transport Access to Mount Tibidabo Summit in Barcelona” analyzing
connectivity, functionality and costs of existing modes and itineraries. Participation and preparation of the baseline study
for the urban planning of the mobility generation of “Del Mar” hospital and the “Biomedical Investigation” park.
Participation in the study of the supply and demand for public transport access.
Environmental Impact Consultant, ALG ASTA Logistik Grupo (Barcelona, Spain) 2006
Responsible for the environmental assessment and valuation of the project “Rationalization of Public Transport Routes in
the City of Lima” comprising estimations and analysis of vehicle emissions and noise of the public transport fleet before
and after the project implementation.
Environmental Impact Specialist, Walsh Peru S.A. (Lima)/DeumanIntl. (Chile) 2004–005
Responsible of the study “Baseline Atmospheric Quality in the High Capacity Segregated COSAC I”, for Protransporte–
Lima Municipality.
Environmental Impact Specialist, Barriga- Dall’Orto S.A. (Lima, Peru) 2003 – 2004
Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment studies of the department stores and warehouses Tottus and Sodimac
in the San Borja, San Juan de Miraflores and La Victoria districts, and of Saga Falabella department store in the Miraflores
Environmental Impact Specialist, Geoconsult S.A. (Lima) /Getinsa y Taryet (Spain) 2003 – 2004
Participation in the study “Environmental Impact at Pre-Feasibility Stage of the High Capacity Segregated Corridor
COSAC I” for Protransporte – Lima Municipality.
Environmental Impact Consultant, Vera&Moreno/Bustamante&Williams (Peru) 2004
Member of the technical team in charge of the supervision of the periodical maintenance of the Palpa-Atico section of the
south Panamerican Highway.
Environmental Diagnosis Consultant(Lima, Peru) 2004
Participation in the elaboration and development of reports on the diagnosis of atmospheric pollution in Metropolitan Lima
and Callao for the Global Environmental Outlook project sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme
Environmental Interpretation Consultant, PA Consulting Group (Lima, Peru) 2004
Member of the technical team in charge of the development of the feasibility study of the air screening network for
“Protransporte” (Lima Municipality)and the geo-referencing and elaboration of demographic map of Lima city for air
quality screening.
Environment Team Intern, Association Skanska-Cosapi-Chizaki (Huanuco, Peru)
Intern at the Quality and Environment Department of the project “Yuncan – Paucartambo Hydroelectric Power Station 2”
in the construction stage of the feed water pipes. Development of the monitoring routines of water quality of effluents and
affluents, and design of oil traps. Development and management of solid waste plans in worker camps and work
locations.Development of environmental awareness and education plans for personnel and neighbor communities.
Environment Team Intern, C&S Company (Syracuse, USA)
Member of the supervisor team of underground water quality and the Camillus landfill in Siracuse City. Collaboration in
the international group for funding and new projects in Latin America.
Universidad San Martin de Porres
Postgrade Public Management 2014
UniversitatPolitecnica de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain .
Post grade Mobility Management 2007-2008
Master in Urban Environment and Sustainability 2006-2007
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Lima, Peru .
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Lima, Peru 1997-2003
Degree of Environmental Engineering 2006
IVLP International Visitor Leadership Program of the American Federal Government
Training Program " Energy Security in the Western Hemisphere," 2013
developed in Washigton , Burlinton , Abilene, Des Mointes , Tulsa and Denver - U.S. .
United Nations Centre for Regional Development UNCRD
Japanese International Cooperation Agency - JICA
Training Program " Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport Planning" 2012
developed in Nagoya , Yokohama , Tokyo , Kyoto, Toyama - Japan .
2013 Training Course NMTs organized by GIZ. ICLEI and ADB in Suwon, Korea.
2013 Workshop "Think Bike Worshop" organized by the Dutch Embassy.
2010 “Road Impact Assessment” Workshop. Peruvian Professional Association of Architects.
2008 “Sustainable Mobility to Work Centers and Areas”.Catalonia’s Association for the Promotion of Public Transport
2007 “Mobility Facilitatorin Industrial Areas and Economic Activity Centers” Course. GesmopiliProject of the European
Community, Provincial Government of Barcelona (Diputació)
2004 “Security, Hygiene, and Environmental Care in the Construction Industry” Course.Peruvian Professional
Association of Architects.
2001 “Introduction to Surfer, Auto CAD and Arcview software packages” Course,National AgarianUniversity “La
1998“Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies” Course.PeruvianProfessional Association of Engineers.
1998“Environmental Impact Assessment in the Petroleum, Mining and Metalurgic, Hydroenegetic and Road building
Industries” Course.Peruvian Professional Association of Engineers.
1998“Environmental Impact Assessment: Methods and Applications” Course. National Agarian University “La Molina”.
Ricardo Palma University - Lima.
Sustainable Mobility Module / Course City&Sustainability / Master Architecture&Sustainability / 2012-2013
Course Environmental Impact & Architecture / Master Architecture & Sustainability / 2013 - 2014
Association for Sustainable Urban Mobility MOBILIS 2014 - Present
Founder and head of the General / Strategy
Latin American Association for Sustainable Urban Mobility ASIMUS 2008 - Present
Association Founded in Barcelona, Spain.Co-founder and member of the board.Representative of Peru. Team Coordinator
III Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility LIMA2013
Association for the Promotion of Public Transport PTP
Ex Latin American Affairs. (Barcelona 2008). Promoter and coordinator of Iberoamerican Meeting on Urban Mobility for
Sustainability - Barcelona 2008.
Planners Society of Peru . Member 2014 - Present
 II International Congress Cities in Motion. Presentation of the progress of bicycle mobility in the city of Lima. June
2015. (Mobilis, speaker)
 III Forum on Environment and Local World Barcelona. Presentation on the experience of Peru in a COP process and
the need to create a strategy for a Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability . March 2015. (Municipality of San
Isidro, speaker).
 VI Bike Week in Bogota and International Forum. November 2013. (Asimus, representative)
 World Festival 2013 and Suwon EcomobilityEcoMobility Congress.September 2013, Suwon - Korea.(Asimus,
 International Course Development Strategies towards a Low Carbon Economy: “Non-Motorized Transport and its
Contribution Towards a Low-Carbon Economy” Peruvian National Environmental Fund – FONAM. Lima November
2012 (Municipality of Lima representative).
 Seminar Towards safe, sustainable and inclusive cities organized by the World Bank: “The Bicycle as alternative
transport: international experiences – Lima” June 2012, Cuenca Ecuador (Municipality of Lima representative).
 5th
Health National Conference Public Forum: “Air Pollution: Health Impacts and Climate Change”. November 2011,
Lima Peru (Municipality of Lima representative).
 6th
Meeting of the Network of Recreational Bicycleways (Ciclovias Recreativas)of The Americas - ICRA:“Sustainable
Transport Strategy for Lima”. November 2011, Medellin, Colombia.(Municipality of Limarepresentative).
 6th
Pan-American Congress on Sustainable Urban Transport: “Transport Socio – Environmental Impact in Lima”
October 2010, Mexico City. (Municipality of Limarepresentative).
 International Seminar,Urban Mobility and Good Governance: “Barcelona, y la estrategia para una movilidad más
sostenible y segura para Todos”Junio 2009, Lima. (ASIMUS representative)
 International Forum on Sustainable Mobility. March 2011. Villavicencio, Colombia. “Non-motorized mobility planning
in Lima” (ASIMUS representative)
 III Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility EIMUS Lima, 2013. (Host Team ) .
 II Expo of Sustainable Mobility Lima 2012.December 2012, Lima.(Responsible for all aspects of coordination,
promotion and management).
 II Forum “Cities, Bicycle and the Future of Mobility” June 2012. (Responsible for all aspects of coordination,
promotion and management).
 I Expo of Sustainable MobilityLima 2011.December 2011, Lima.(Responsible for all aspects of coordination,
promotion and management).
 II Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility EIMUS BOGOTA2011. (Host team)
 I International Seminar “From Transport to Sustainable Mobility” September 2011, Lima..(Responsible for all aspects
of coordination, promotion and management).
 I Forum “Cities, Bicycle and the Future of Mobility” June 2011. (Responsible for all aspects of coordination,
promotion and management).
 “Ciclociudades” (Cycling – cities) Course. May 2011 (Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and
 I Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Urban Mobility EIMUS BCB 2008. (Host team).
 Exposition BICISTORIAS (“Bikestories”), Sustainable Mobility and Historical Centers.University of Valencia.
October 2013.
 FIMA Peru 2011 Environmental International Fair. Noviembre 2011, Lima.(Municipality of Lima representative)
 Velo-City Global: International Cycling Planning Conference. March 2011, Sevilla.(Municipality of Lima
 16th
Pan-American Congress of Public and Urban Transport CLATP.October 2010, Mexico City.(Municipality of
 Barcelona’s Forum on Road Safety “Cities Walk”.April2009, Barcelona. (ASIMUS representative)
Tantalean, J. (Art.) (2013) Cyclists & Cycling Around the World. Artículo: Cycle Events – Teaching children for a
bikeable Lima.
Tantalean, J. (Dir.) (2012) From Transportation to Sustainable Mobility, 16 contributions from international experts to
make Lima a city for everyone. Metropolitan Municipality of Lima MML and Panamerican Health Organization
Tantalean, J. (Ed.) (2013) Manual for the Implementation and Promotion of Recreational Bikeways: Municipality of Lima,
Pan American Health Organization PAHO, MoH Ministry of Health, Red Ciclovias Recreational Americas.
Tantalean (2005) Air QualityAssessment in TheHistorical Center of Lima in February 2005 [Evaluación de la calidad del
aire en el centro histórico de lima en el mes de febrero del 2005].Thesis approved for partial fulfillment to
obtain the degree of Professional Engineer in Environmental Engineering. NationalAgrarianUniversity La
Molina. Lima, Perú.
Tantalean (2005) Analysis and proposalstopromotepublictransportbasedonsustainablemobilitytoaccess Mount
Tibidabo´ssummit, Barcelona [Análisis y propuestas para fomentar el transporte público basado en la movilidad
sostenible en la cima de la montaña del Tibidabo].Thesis approved for partial fulfillment to obtain the degree of
Master of Science in Urban Environment and Sustainability. Polytechnic University of Barcelona.Barcelona,
Spanish (native), English (advanced)
Amateur of astronomical science
Fascinated by astronomy science, since age 8.
To visit cities for to know about the different social dynamics, urban mobility system and police of public space. More
than 100 cities visited in the four continents.
Pleased with dancing and photography

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CV_J.Tantalean_2016 (ing)

  • 1. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE “Transportation, mobility and urban planning projects are a great opportunity to guide urban development towards sustainable cities and societies in Latin America” Jessica Noriega Tantalean Environmental Engineer from the Universidad Agraria La Molina at Lima, Peru, with a Master’s degree in Urban Environment and Sustainability and post-graduate studies in Mobility Management from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. Trained in Sustainable Transport in Japan through the Japanese Cooperation, and in Energy in the Western Hemisphere through the Federal Government of the United States. Specialization studies in Public Administration at the Institute of Governance at the University San Martin de Porres. Over the past 14 years, she has participated in various technical teams for the identification and assessment of the environmental sustainability of residential, commercial, road, railroad, airport projects, both in Peru and abroad, as well as in the public and private sectors. Noteworthy among them was her role as coordinator for the study ‘Air and Noise Environmental Baseline for the High Capacity Segregated Corridors Project, COSAC I, as part of the Walsh/Deuman and PROTRANSPORTE/MML team. She was manager of the Metropolitan Special Project for Non- Motorized Transportation at the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, PEMTNM-MML, for nearly three years, earning a recognition as best good practice in public management in the category of Public Impact, awarded to the Expomovilidad2011 Fair by “Ciudadanos al día”. While leading the PEMTNM, she developed and implemented the CICLODIA, an experience that helped the Peruvian Ministry of Economics to create a specific goal for its Incentives Plan that rewards similar activities that promote the recovery of public spaces for cultural and physical activities. In 2014 she led the team of Environmental Affairs at the Research Department of the Autoridad Autónoma del Tren Eléctrico Metro de Lima, AATE, later becoming a member of the local team of UNDP/MINAM that was in charge of the Strategy on Sustainable Cities for the World Climate Change Summit - COP20, which explored opportunities for the implementation of an Agenda for the Local Management of "Sustainable Cities" ran by local governments. In 2015, she began the implementation of such Agenda at the Municipality of San Isidro, where she helped to create and develop the Sustainability Office and its Environmental and Urban Mobility agencies. This is the first experience of a local government unit focused on the sustainable management of a district. Over the past 10 years she has focused on mobility and sustainable transportation in cities, as a member of a number of teams on systems of pedestrian mobility, the configuration of public spaces (i.e. the street), the Bus Rapid Transit (high capacity bus system), non-motorized transportation, subways and other related issues. She is co-founder and member of the boards of directors of ASIMUS – Associations of Urban Mobility, created in Barcelona in 2008, and of MOBILIS -- Association for Sustainable Mobility for Cities, created in Lima in 2014 as part of the COP20. She was responsible for the overall strategy and implementation of the Sustainable Mobility Week 2014 – 2015, an event that generated a number of activities promoting public policies that encourage low-impact urban mobility. The event was implemented under the sponsorship of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment Affairs and the World Health Organization, among other local and international institutions. She is currently a consultant on Environmental Sustainability for different institutions, including technical assistance for the Regional Government of Cusco on its Mobility and Public Spaces Plan for Cusco City, an activity funded by the World Bank. She believes that policies that encourage land planning are the ones that define sustainable management, meaning the strategy that finds an adequate balance between the environmental, social and economic aspects of a society over time.
  • 2. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE JESSICA TANTALEAN NORIEGA, MSC., P.E. COLON 537 D - 701, MIRAFLORES, LIMA, PERÚ TELF. (+51) 999011159 / RPM: # 999011159 / 4473308 JTANTALEAN@MOBILIS.PE JESSIEPERU@GMAIL.COM PROFILE Environmental Engineering, with complementary studies and experience from private and public institutions at the local and international level of sustainable development, with an emphasis on mobility, transportation and urban development. Enthusiastic, organized and enterprising professional with leadership and teamwork attitude. Possesses good interdisciplinary approach, conciliatory capacity, flexibility at adaptation to different work environments. Decision making based on common sense. Always with an innovative vision of improving the environment we live in and maintaining the natural balance to preserve our planet. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Technical assistance Regional Government of Cusco / Municipality of Cusco / World Bank March - present 2016 Environmental and energy balance assessment for the Mobility and Public Space Plan of the city of Cusco Director General in July 2014 - present Peruvian Association for Sustainable Mobility MOBILIS One of the most significative interventions conducted by Mobilis, was the Sustainable Mobility Week which is held every year. The last in 2015 - from 22 to 27 September - was made in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and several collaborating institutions of the platform Mobilis, with a focus on the Local Agenda of the Week, development of the II International Forum ‘City, Bicycle and Local governments’, the First Fair of Sustainable Mobility and Training Workshops, etc. Currently the portfolio of programs and projects for 2017 is being designed. Consultant Ministry of Transport and Communications in December 2015 - February 2016 Social and Environmental Assessment Profile (PIP) ‘rehabilitation and upgrading of the San Lorenzo airfield - Region Loreto’ under the national public investment system - SNIP /Inventorying bicycle mobility infrastructure as part of the urban mobility system. Consultant October-December 2015 World Health Organization PAHO / WHO Inventorying and analysis of good practices of the Meta Incentive Plan for Municipal Management Improvement and Modernization 2012-2014, related to the implementation of recreational bikeways (CVR) in more than 200 municipalities in the country; designing the content of ‘Ley 29593’ (Official Act to promote the use of bicycles as transportation). Environmental sustainability specialist for October 2015 Urban Strategy Team Responsible for analyzing the environmental situation and designing proposals for environmental sustainable development for the Study of Recovery Cerro San Cristobal - AA.HH / Public Investment Project Proposal for the Municipality of Rimac. Director of Sustainability, jan-jul.2015 Municipality of Isidro Leading a team responsible of the design and implementation of the Sustainability Policies for the district of San Isidro as well as their according instruments of managerial actions. In charge of the creation of the Sustainability Management Department and its Sub Management Departments like Environment Policy and Urban Mobility, as part of the PostCop process; attending the needs of the demands in the district of San Isidro through the creation of a Sustainability Management Model in a local government. Sustainable Cities Specialist, Climate Forum COP 20 apr-dic.2014 Program for the Development of United Nations (PNUD)/Climate Ministerial of Peru MINAM Responsible of providing the technical support needed in order for the society’s adaptation due to climate change, achieving to immerse this subject across planning and management of the cities and preparing the national achievements in the risk management of climate change, advancements with low carb emissions and the synergy among different ecosystems that would be presented at COP20. In charge of the development of the strategy for the local governments from the national government that is based on implementing the Sustainable Cities Agenda.
  • 3. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE Environment Specialist apr-ago.2014 Study of the Restructuring of the Taxi fleet in Lima and Callao – TARYET Environmental analysis of the Pre-Investment Study at profile and feasibility level for the Taxi service in Lima. Obtaining samples of vehicles emissions of CO2 and noise levels in order to develop the base foundation, at the same time estimating the reduction of the emissions with and without the restructuring. Leader of the Team in Social Environmental Management ene-apr.2014 Unidad Gerencial de Estudios UGE – Autonomous Authority of the Electrical Train Developing the activities, managerial instruments, coordination and attention of the environment quality based on the specifications of the project- air quality, noise, vibrations, arqueological findings and cultural patrimony in Line 1 and 2 of the Metro of Lima. Responsible of coordinating the last actions for having the project registered in Verified Carbon Standard in order to have access to the C02 Bond Market. Environmental Specialist 2014 Ambiente, Energía y Desarrollo SAC Being part of the Technical Team in charge of developing the Study for the Design and Implementation of the Plan for Strengthening the Environmental Management abilities of the Regional and Local Governments in the Mobility area that was formulated in the Decentralization context for Provinces – The Ministry of Transport and Communications. Director (General Manager), Metropolitan Non-Motorized Transport Special Program. Lima Metropolitan Municipality (Peru) 2011 –2013 Restructuring and redesigning the strategy to develop the scenario of non-motorized travel with a comprehensive view of promoting sustainable mobility in the city of Lima. Leader Lima responsible for introducing the public policy favoring the use of bicycles as part of the transportation system of a city through a Technical Strategy consisting of programs and actions in education, training and awareness building in schools, universities, and inter-sectoral spokeswoman for the state public policy and strategy with all the Lima community. Management of the activation of the first recreational cycleway of metropolitan Lima “Ciclolima”, and promoter of the VIII International Congress of Recreational Cycleways. Team Leader of the formulation to implementation of the new network of cycling infrastructure, equipment and facilities for Bus Rapit Transit cyclist intermodality. Constant coordination with the technical and political teams of the municipal corporation and local and international institutions related to public and private policies for mobility and sustainable transport. Author and developer of large events to promote sustainable mobility and transport , workshops , seminars , forums and more and promoting the publication of manuals , guides and books the context of mobility. Promotion of the development of a Private Project for Implementation of the Bike Sharing System for Lima. Environmental Coordinator, Deuman SAC (Lima, Peru) 2010 – 2011 Project manager and responsible of the socio-environmental assessment of the railway development contract “Ferrocarril Transandino S.A. – FETRANSA”, south and southwest railways; and “Ferrocarril Central Andino S.A. – FVCA”, central railway, for the Supervising Agency of Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure Facilities (OSITRAN, acronym in Spanish) Environmental Specialist, Cal y Mayor and Associates (Cozumel, Mexico) 2010 – 2011 Consultant and responsible of environmental planning of the “Comprehensive plan for sustainable urban mobility for Cozumel” for the Cozumel Municipality – Quintana Roo State Conzumel’s Identification, analysis, assessment of the main environmental impacts produced by transport in the island and prospected benefits of proposed measures. Environmental Specialist, MR Consulting Services SAC (Lima, Peru) 2010 Responsible of the environmental assessment for the technical and economic feasibility study of Tacna Region’s section of the Southern Andean Gas Pipeline. Environmental Consultant, Qursor S.A.(Montevideo, Uruguay) 2010 Ex-post impact assessment of environmental and social impacts of the thermal power station “Punta del Tigre.” for the CAF Development Bank of Latin America (Andean Development Corporation). Transport Consultant, EMAPE Municipal Toll Management Corporation (Lima, Peru) 2010 Ex-post Impact assessment of environmental and social impacts of the “Grau” expressway “Grau” in Lima. Analysis and estimation of environmental noise and vehicle emissions. Mobility Specialist, Municipality of Miraflores (Lima, Peru) 2010 Sub-directorship of environmental planning. Consultancy for improvement of urban mobility and environmental quality. Design of governance tools: Non-Motorized Mobility Plan, Urban mass transport system incorporation plan. Organization of the first Mobility and Environment Colloquium. Reporting of inspections of pedestrian mobility failures and other tasks. Consultant, German Cooperation GTZ (Lima, Peru) 2009 Design of macro processes for Directorship of the OEFA Environmental Evaluation and Control Organization, MINAM (Ministry of the Environment).Preparation of the OEFA’s Operation Manual, the Environmental Assessment Guides and other tools.
  • 4. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE Urban Mobility Specialist, CINESI S.A.(Barcelona, Spain) 2008 Participation in the studies “Assessment of developed mobility in new residential areas in Ciudad de Reus”, “Assessment of developed mobility in the Operative Center of Management of Bus Management of the Metropolitan Transport Agency of Barcelona (EMT)”, “Accessibility between public bus stops and metro line L9 stations in Santa Coloma de Gramenet”. Mobility Specialist, Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) 2008 Responsible for the data update of the observatory of external costs for the terrestrial transport of Catalonia. Environmental and social impact assessment for urban transport and monetary valuation of transport-related environmental effects. Mobility Specialist, Metropolitan Agency for Planning and Infrastructure Development, Barcelona Regional (Barcelona, Spain) 2007 Preparation of the study “Alternatives to Improve Transport Access to Mount Tibidabo Summit in Barcelona” analyzing connectivity, functionality and costs of existing modes and itineraries. Participation and preparation of the baseline study for the urban planning of the mobility generation of “Del Mar” hospital and the “Biomedical Investigation” park. Participation in the study of the supply and demand for public transport access. Environmental Impact Consultant, ALG ASTA Logistik Grupo (Barcelona, Spain) 2006 Responsible for the environmental assessment and valuation of the project “Rationalization of Public Transport Routes in the City of Lima” comprising estimations and analysis of vehicle emissions and noise of the public transport fleet before and after the project implementation. Environmental Impact Specialist, Walsh Peru S.A. (Lima)/DeumanIntl. (Chile) 2004–005 Responsible of the study “Baseline Atmospheric Quality in the High Capacity Segregated COSAC I”, for Protransporte– Lima Municipality. Environmental Impact Specialist, Barriga- Dall’Orto S.A. (Lima, Peru) 2003 – 2004 Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment studies of the department stores and warehouses Tottus and Sodimac in the San Borja, San Juan de Miraflores and La Victoria districts, and of Saga Falabella department store in the Miraflores district. Environmental Impact Specialist, Geoconsult S.A. (Lima) /Getinsa y Taryet (Spain) 2003 – 2004 Participation in the study “Environmental Impact at Pre-Feasibility Stage of the High Capacity Segregated Corridor COSAC I” for Protransporte – Lima Municipality. Environmental Impact Consultant, Vera&Moreno/Bustamante&Williams (Peru) 2004 Member of the technical team in charge of the supervision of the periodical maintenance of the Palpa-Atico section of the south Panamerican Highway. Environmental Diagnosis Consultant(Lima, Peru) 2004 Participation in the elaboration and development of reports on the diagnosis of atmospheric pollution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao for the Global Environmental Outlook project sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (GEO-UDEP). Environmental Interpretation Consultant, PA Consulting Group (Lima, Peru) 2004 Member of the technical team in charge of the development of the feasibility study of the air screening network for “Protransporte” (Lima Municipality)and the geo-referencing and elaboration of demographic map of Lima city for air quality screening. Environment Team Intern, Association Skanska-Cosapi-Chizaki (Huanuco, Peru) 2003 Intern at the Quality and Environment Department of the project “Yuncan – Paucartambo Hydroelectric Power Station 2” in the construction stage of the feed water pipes. Development of the monitoring routines of water quality of effluents and affluents, and design of oil traps. Development and management of solid waste plans in worker camps and work locations.Development of environmental awareness and education plans for personnel and neighbor communities. Environment Team Intern, C&S Company (Syracuse, USA) 2002 Member of the supervisor team of underground water quality and the Camillus landfill in Siracuse City. Collaboration in the international group for funding and new projects in Latin America. EDUCATION and TRAINING Universidad San Martin de Porres Postgrade Public Management 2014 UniversitatPolitecnica de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain . Post grade Mobility Management 2007-2008 Master in Urban Environment and Sustainability 2006-2007
  • 5. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Lima, Peru . Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Lima, Peru 1997-2003 Degree of Environmental Engineering 2006 IVLP International Visitor Leadership Program of the American Federal Government Training Program " Energy Security in the Western Hemisphere," 2013 developed in Washigton , Burlinton , Abilene, Des Mointes , Tulsa and Denver - U.S. . United Nations Centre for Regional Development UNCRD Japanese International Cooperation Agency - JICA Training Program " Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport Planning" 2012 developed in Nagoya , Yokohama , Tokyo , Kyoto, Toyama - Japan . COMPLEMENTARY EDUCATION 2013 Training Course NMTs organized by GIZ. ICLEI and ADB in Suwon, Korea. 2013 Workshop "Think Bike Worshop" organized by the Dutch Embassy. 2010 “Road Impact Assessment” Workshop. Peruvian Professional Association of Architects. 2008 “Sustainable Mobility to Work Centers and Areas”.Catalonia’s Association for the Promotion of Public Transport (PTP). 2007 “Mobility Facilitatorin Industrial Areas and Economic Activity Centers” Course. GesmopiliProject of the European Community, Provincial Government of Barcelona (Diputació) 2004 “Security, Hygiene, and Environmental Care in the Construction Industry” Course.Peruvian Professional Association of Architects. 2001 “Introduction to Surfer, Auto CAD and Arcview software packages” Course,National AgarianUniversity “La Molina”. 1998“Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies” Course.PeruvianProfessional Association of Engineers. 1998“Environmental Impact Assessment in the Petroleum, Mining and Metalurgic, Hydroenegetic and Road building Industries” Course.Peruvian Professional Association of Engineers. 1998“Environmental Impact Assessment: Methods and Applications” Course. National Agarian University “La Molina”. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Ricardo Palma University - Lima. Sustainable Mobility Module / Course City&Sustainability / Master Architecture&Sustainability / 2012-2013 Course Environmental Impact & Architecture / Master Architecture & Sustainability / 2013 - 2014 MEMBERSHIPS& CHAIRS Association for Sustainable Urban Mobility MOBILIS 2014 - Present Founder and head of the General / Strategy Latin American Association for Sustainable Urban Mobility ASIMUS 2008 - Present Association Founded in Barcelona, Spain.Co-founder and member of the board.Representative of Peru. Team Coordinator III Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility LIMA2013 Association for the Promotion of Public Transport PTP Ex Latin American Affairs. (Barcelona 2008). Promoter and coordinator of Iberoamerican Meeting on Urban Mobility for Sustainability - Barcelona 2008. Planners Society of Peru . Member 2014 - Present PRESENTATIONS  II International Congress Cities in Motion. Presentation of the progress of bicycle mobility in the city of Lima. June 2015. (Mobilis, speaker)  III Forum on Environment and Local World Barcelona. Presentation on the experience of Peru in a COP process and the need to create a strategy for a Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability . March 2015. (Municipality of San Isidro, speaker).  VI Bike Week in Bogota and International Forum. November 2013. (Asimus, representative)  World Festival 2013 and Suwon EcomobilityEcoMobility Congress.September 2013, Suwon - Korea.(Asimus, representative).
  • 6. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE  International Course Development Strategies towards a Low Carbon Economy: “Non-Motorized Transport and its Contribution Towards a Low-Carbon Economy” Peruvian National Environmental Fund – FONAM. Lima November 2012 (Municipality of Lima representative).  Seminar Towards safe, sustainable and inclusive cities organized by the World Bank: “The Bicycle as alternative transport: international experiences – Lima” June 2012, Cuenca Ecuador (Municipality of Lima representative).  5th Health National Conference Public Forum: “Air Pollution: Health Impacts and Climate Change”. November 2011, Lima Peru (Municipality of Lima representative).  6th Meeting of the Network of Recreational Bicycleways (Ciclovias Recreativas)of The Americas - ICRA:“Sustainable Transport Strategy for Lima”. November 2011, Medellin, Colombia.(Municipality of Limarepresentative).  6th Pan-American Congress on Sustainable Urban Transport: “Transport Socio – Environmental Impact in Lima” October 2010, Mexico City. (Municipality of Limarepresentative).  International Seminar,Urban Mobility and Good Governance: “Barcelona, y la estrategia para una movilidad más sostenible y segura para Todos”Junio 2009, Lima. (ASIMUS representative)  International Forum on Sustainable Mobility. March 2011. Villavicencio, Colombia. “Non-motorized mobility planning in Lima” (ASIMUS representative) PARTICIPATIONS AND ORGANITATION  III Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility EIMUS Lima, 2013. (Host Team ) .  II Expo of Sustainable Mobility Lima 2012.December 2012, Lima.(Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  II Forum “Cities, Bicycle and the Future of Mobility” June 2012. (Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  I Expo of Sustainable MobilityLima 2011.December 2011, Lima.(Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  II Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Mobility EIMUS BOGOTA2011. (Host team)  I International Seminar “From Transport to Sustainable Mobility” September 2011, Lima..(Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  I Forum “Cities, Bicycle and the Future of Mobility” June 2011. (Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  “Ciclociudades” (Cycling – cities) Course. May 2011 (Responsible for all aspects of coordination, promotion and management).  I Iberoamerican Meeting on Sustainable Urban Mobility EIMUS BCB 2008. (Host team).  Exposition BICISTORIAS (“Bikestories”), Sustainable Mobility and Historical Centers.University of Valencia. October 2013.  FIMA Peru 2011 Environmental International Fair. Noviembre 2011, Lima.(Municipality of Lima representative)  Velo-City Global: International Cycling Planning Conference. March 2011, Sevilla.(Municipality of Lima representative)  16th Pan-American Congress of Public and Urban Transport CLATP.October 2010, Mexico City.(Municipality of Limarepresentative).  Barcelona’s Forum on Road Safety “Cities Walk”.April2009, Barcelona. (ASIMUS representative) PUBLICATIONS Tantalean, J. (Art.) (2013) Cyclists & Cycling Around the World. Artículo: Cycle Events – Teaching children for a bikeable Lima. Tantalean, J. (Dir.) (2012) From Transportation to Sustainable Mobility, 16 contributions from international experts to make Lima a city for everyone. Metropolitan Municipality of Lima MML and Panamerican Health Organization PHO. Tantalean, J. (Ed.) (2013) Manual for the Implementation and Promotion of Recreational Bikeways: Municipality of Lima, Pan American Health Organization PAHO, MoH Ministry of Health, Red Ciclovias Recreational Americas. Tantalean (2005) Air QualityAssessment in TheHistorical Center of Lima in February 2005 [Evaluación de la calidad del aire en el centro histórico de lima en el mes de febrero del 2005].Thesis approved for partial fulfillment to obtain the degree of Professional Engineer in Environmental Engineering. NationalAgrarianUniversity La Molina. Lima, Perú. Tantalean (2005) Analysis and proposalstopromotepublictransportbasedonsustainablemobilitytoaccess Mount Tibidabo´ssummit, Barcelona [Análisis y propuestas para fomentar el transporte público basado en la movilidad sostenible en la cima de la montaña del Tibidabo].Thesis approved for partial fulfillment to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Urban Environment and Sustainability. Polytechnic University of Barcelona.Barcelona, Spain.
  • 7. CITIES | MOBILITY | SUSTAINABLE LANGUAGES Spanish (native), English (advanced) Amateur of astronomical science HOBBY Fascinated by astronomy science, since age 8. To visit cities for to know about the different social dynamics, urban mobility system and police of public space. More than 100 cities visited in the four continents. Pleased with dancing and photography