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Jim Rapanut
Part 1 Architectural Assistant
Jim Rapanut
178 Turner Road
Colchester Essex
University of Kent - RIBA Part 1 (2:1)
(30/09/2013- 20/06/2016)
Canterbury, Kent
I joined the Art Society to further developing my sketching skills and
to have the ability to look at art from an another perspective. In addi-
tion, I played for the university basketball team in the last year playing
which proved to be a nice way to clear my mind and relax.
During the last year, I mentored 1st year students which kept me
busy although not with my own projects but a topic architecture relat-
ed. This helped me improve my problem solving skills and communi-
cation working with peers to find different design solutions.
Sixth Form College
(A level)
Colchester. Essex
-Graphic Design -A
-Art -B
-Maths -B
-AS Extended Maths -B
St.Helena School
Colchester. Essex
1 - A*
7 - A’s
3 - B’s
1 - C
Sixth Form College (Teachers Assistant)
25/04/2015- 30/04/2015
I was called into my old college to give an inspiring speech to all the
graphics student in hope to inspire them to study Architecture like
myself. Moreover, for five days, I was assisting the teacher to teach
and help the scollege students understand orthographic drawings
and how to use programmes such as Photoshop and the basic tools
of SketchUp.
Mcdonalds (Team Member)
By working here throughout my degree and during half-term breaks,
I improved my time management skills, able to switch between work
and university degree. It also prepared me to work well in a team as
well as carry out tasks independently.
Ten Pin LTD (Till Counter)
07/07/2012- 07/09/2012
During the two-week work experience I was placed on the counter
and taught me how to handle different people on a daily basis and to
deal with customer complaints in a professional manner.
Work Experience
Before I had made up my mind about taking architecture as my
career path, I was interested in animation. Having done a media
diploma for my GCSE’s. I made my own animation handrawing
every frame and editing it on photoshop. Whenever I have free-
time, I will still continue this hobby of drawing illustrations.
I am also passionate about Tim Burton films as I feel he creates
his own atmosphere through drawing and characters. It proves
that a simple sketch can convey a deep atmosphere for any sub-
ject. I strongly feel that a quick sketch is an essentual tool within
the field of architecture.
I have never been an indoor person, I enjoy getting out and explor-
ing whether it is just to the town centre visiting buildings from sky-
scrapers to small museums. Although, a peaceful time at home
sounds pleasing at times, nothing beats a relaxing walk followed
by exploring the great outdoors.
Mike Richards- Director of MArch (Part 2) Programme
Design Tutor
Karl Allcoat- Part 2 Architectural Assistant
Design Mentor
Hobbies and Interests
Auto Cad
-5 Years
-3 years
-2 years
-2 years
-1 year
Urban All images are produced using Autocad, Revit, Photohop and InDesign
Project Brief:
To design a new aquatics centre in Sheerness, Isle of Shep-
pey to replace teh existing public swimming pool. As an ur-
ban proposition, we were expeted to acquire a good aware-
ness of the towns problems and potentials and pply within
our own arhitectural scheme.
Having taken the context into consideration, the proposal consists
of a collection of different buildings each with different volumes
and scale reinforcing a small sea side settlement. The buildings
are linked to the exisitng promenade beside a 7m wall erected as
part of strategy for a sea defense. This enables a new visual link
between the town and the sea. The aquatics centre spread along
from the east end of the site to stretching along to the west side
acts a bridge between the town and the sea.
Design Development
Ensure there are elements of rhythm in the geometry.
Each space, depending on its function can provide a unique and en-
hanced atmosphere that will let people feel immersed in a space. The
strive for simplicity avoids the lack of consistency in architecture which
can cause confusion
Plazas beside of an architectural interest
A public square adjacent to a building will give people more reason to
meet there and use it as a reference point.
The walkable roof can now be seen as a new
public space, the first of its kind in Sheerness
providing a new visual experience bringing tour-
ism and a continuation between the town and
sea. Here the town and the beach can be ap-
preciated at an elevated urban real.
Urban Realm Perspective
The elevated urban realm perspective
Mapping of the space
The user of the space can essentially map out the space by distinctive geometry of the
different buildings reflected on the plan. This ensures that the user can easily find their
way around yet still get lost in the space.
Blurring the division between the interior and exterior
The stone paving continues from the public square adfcent to the foyer into the interior
promoting a smooth movement from east side to the west side. This makes the foyer not
a room but a part of the site they have to go through.
Urban Square Perspective
Foyer A Perspective
A new visual link
As well as providing a new visual link between the town and sea. The
promenade will allow users to view the sunken rooms below. Therefore
the public will now have a choice between the view of the beach, the
town or the building spaces.
Enhancement of the sound of each space
Each space depending on its function can provide a unique and en-
hanced atmosphere which will allow the users to feel immersed in the
View of the pool rooms from the lower promenade
Sense of direction and
The placing of the building enhances
the main axis of east to west allowing
a smoother transition for the user.
Breaking internal spaces by courtyards
To provide for Sheerness’ community, there are internal courtyards that breaks
up the spaces of the linked rooms. This allows for natural stack ventilation to oc-
cur in the building. Moreover, as well as in the public realm, now the users can
feel like there are semi-public spaces inside the building where people can use
as a resting space.
Spa Rooms Perspective
All images are produced using Revit, Photoshop and hand drawings.Adapt and Extend
Project Brief:
To design a Naval and Aviation
Museum for the Isle of Sheppey,
through adapting and extending the
existing naval Dockyard Church in
Sheerness- on- Sea, a Grade II* list-
ed structure.
Research and analysis of the exist-
ing site is a key project requirement
and your design proposal should be
generated from an understanding
the physical, social and economic
context at both a local and regional
scale. The programme will demantd
that the existing fabric be extended
in soem way but the manner in which
this extension element is undertak-
en is at your own design discretion
Keeping History
The only urban space that has
a strong relationship contains
the naval terrace and church,
everywhere else is scattered.
Historical buildings are being
made dorment due to por ur-
ban planning. A functioning
town needs a god urban plan
to reflect it.
The church and naval terrace
have a strong relationship and
in order to respect and main-
tain this; it must be carried on
into the extension of the Geor-
gian church.
The classical language of
the naval church must be un-
derstood in order to maintain
Sheerness’ history and charac-
ter embedded in the church.
Visual appreciation of the landmark
From multiple points in Bluetown and Sheerness, the
clocktower cannot be visually appreciated. Therefore, on
the landscaping of the site there are proposed walkways
used a forced perspective to further compliment this once
lost view of the Naval Church’s clocktower.
The rhyhtm of the landscape follows the shape of the
naval terrace along with the naval church and moving at
a higher level from the ground floor. The user will feel as
if they are reaching up to the sky the closer they get to
the naval church
Site Plan
Approach to the Naval Church
Adapt and Extend
The georgian naval church con-
tains Bluetown’s character and
identity. This must be respected
therefore the style must be contin-
ued in a modern manner. Thus, the
extension must be compliment the
existing church by respecting its
classical language. Using the ver-
tical and horizontal rhythm by the
church as guidelines to the exten-
sion of the church.
Section A-A Section B-B
East Elevation
North Elevation
Although, the extension of the church must be a representative for
the future events of town. I feel that it must also hold a strong histor-
ical artifact of the town. Therefore, Rennie’s full scale plane model
used during the war, suspended from the top as if it was being used.
When entering from the second entrance, you have a straight view of
the plane and the dockyard model working together having a refer-
ence to when the two important roles were working together for a bet-
ter future of Bluetown. This reinforces the strong relationship the avi-
ation and naval had in Bluetown and the impact they had on the town.
Extension Gallery Perspective
The extension must fit the lan-
guage of the church however I felt
that it was important that they are
distinguishable to each other. This
was solved by having a different
kind of brick for the extension.
This gives the extension its own
character and still in rhythm with
the language of the naval church.
Can a vertical village in a high-rise prevent a city from declining?
Jim Rapanut
Kent School of Architecture
University of Kent
Supervisor: Don Gray
Word Count: 8407
City Densification
	 Despite the negative connotations given to cities in term of pollution, crime and disease, cities are
an urban triumph which offer endless possibility; the city highlights and provides the path towards pros-
perity. The number of people moving into our cities is still increasing as a result of thecity’s services such
as its character, informality and public spaces offering a chance to meet new people. These are common
attributes of a city which encourage the migration of people into our cities forming their densification.
Chapter 1: Disorientated city outskirts
1.1 Density population
	 As discussed in the book Triumph of the City, the density of a city is also ultimately interlinked to
its success.1 There is a strong correlation between a good human capital and the density population of
the city and its success. Cities are going through a transformation of population gain and some a pop-
ulation decline. However, the expansion of a city does not entail a direct link to an increase of density.
The abrupt increase of the human population has caused disorientation and chaos in our cities, as they
have not been ready for the vast migration of people and have been accustomed to housing the forever
expanding number of people. As a product of this, it is common for urban sprawl to occur due to the city
not being flexible or adaptable enough to match supply and demand of residential units for its users.
1 Glaeser, E, 2011, Triumph of the City, Penguin US, 5
Client experience
Clients Name:
R e s i d e n t i a l
Patrick Gallagher
23 Downs Road
Canterbury Kent
Rented student accomodation
Due to the number of people living in the
house (6 people) there is a high chance of
people waiting for the shower. Therefore
there a need of a second shower room in
the house. This was an ongoing request for
Mr. Gallagher’s from the house tenants.
Ground Floor Plan
Scale 1:100
Project Description: Shower Installation
Ground Floor
Key Plan
1-Bedroom 1
2-Bedroom 2
4-Bedroom 3
7-Living Room
9- Garden
Section A-A (Existing)
Scale 1:100
Section A-A (Proposal)
Scale 1:50
Ground Floor Plan
Scale 1:50
Design Proposal
Design Approach:
The approach of the design is based on the practicality of the student that lives there. Being a tenant in this house for a year, I used my
experience and knowledge of the place to push the scheme forward. By removing the unecessary doors in the design, this enables an un-
distrupted movement from the kitchen and living room to go outside. The introduction of another door where the shower room is splits
the spaces of the bathroom to this hallway.
All images are produced using AutoCad and Photoshop
Collective Dwelling All images are produced using Revit and Photoshop
Project Brief
We are to proposed a masterplan fix-
ing the architectural issues in Faversh-
am, Kent such as pedestrian and the
permanence of the Creek which can
be improved. The masterplan must
strengthen the life by the creekside.
Therefore analysing the context of
Faversham a total of 500 listed build-
ings within the town, it was crucial to
take in consideration the architectural
vernacular of the town.
As part of the masterplan, we are
to come up with a scheme of mix
building types including housing.
We are to pick one out of the twelve
sites to which I have picked Site 7.
Public Connection
The unconnected paths of the creek hinders the liveliness of the creek.
the marketplace is underheritage therefore my scheme is enhancing the
commercial experience in site 7 opening up potential job openings for
boat users as new docks will be involved.
Public Spaces as a catalyst for population density.
All market places in Sheerness have proved to be a catalyst for a public
space to become lively. An Introduction of a new market place in the creek
downstream will allow more circulation of the public all around the creek’s
Continity of the market to the site Fragmenting process of
Deliberate gaps between the build-
ings to frame views towards the
Different viewing poitns of the units
Site Map
Dividing leisure and commercial
By the use of a canopy provided by the residential buildings usptairs, this acts as a shelter for the
public space at the ground level.
An opening provided by the buildings provides a language that there is a different space once gone
past it. This is used from the transtion of a market place into a small marina for tourists or for market
reasons. From the commercial market to the leisure and comfort public space.
The main circulation space from SW to NE is surrounded by buildings therefore creating a space
that is safe and public. This division ensures that the this public space becomes lively by turning
the pedestrian walk.
Mixed-use- Residental + Leisure
Commercial centre square
Leisure urban realm proposition
Site Plan
Plan and material organisation
The division of the plans follows the turn point of the given site. However the
placing and the orientation of the building masses promotes a smooth flow
from east to west movement.
The plans of the flats are simple and functional which allows all the rooms
to fit within the affordable. The materiality is influenced by the context of the
buildings. The historical sheds have exposed wooden beams. This character
of the building is expressed in the rooms therefore reinforcing the genius loci
of Faversham.
In order to support the local economy of the town, local builders and construc-
tors are hired. There are several company skilled and equipped with the tools
to construct the design using brick and timber.
1- entry
2- masterbedroom
3- en- suite toilet
4- kitchen
5- dining room
6- living room
3 Bedroom- GF Studio flat
Studio flat plan
3 Bedroom - FF
Form and Structure - Case Study Report- Olympic Munich Stadium by Frei Otto All images are produced by SketchUp and edited on Photoshop
Global Equilibrium gravity load Path diagrams
Lateral Load Path Diagrams
Construction Sequence Connection Details
Step 1:
The Top soil is
removed by earth
Step 4:
The primary struc-
ture masts are
hammered down
up to 32m deep
Step 3:
The foundations
are anchored down
Step 2:
Foundations are
piled down, and the
shape of the statdi-
um takes place
The cable nets are
assembled manu-
ally on the ground
Step 6:
The cable nets are
lifted by cranes and
are assembled into
The tension mem-
branes are secured
into place onto the
foundations. The
acrylic glass are
then attached to the
buffer and sealed
with neoprene strips.
Joint Cable
Cable net
Anchor Stress
Edge Cable
Pinned Joint
Mast Elevations
All images are produced by hand drawing and edited on Photoshop
Project Brief
You are to design a culinary school
with its own garden located in
Fowlmead Country Park, Kent. You
are to imagine as if the park is open
to public and the school offers cook-
ing courses to the diverse people of
the town.
The building is to be simple such as
small country house however without
sleeping facilities. The exterior spac-
es are to be dedicated to gardening,
farming and public spaces.
Any extra spaces must be justified
or shown to express the clarity of the
design and emphasize the mood you
are trying to convey.
Architecture and Landscape All images are handrawn, the images on the right are done on SketchUp and edited on Photoshop

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  • 1. Jim Rapanut Part 1 Architectural Assistant Contact: 07503699151
  • 2. Jim Rapanut 07503699151 178 Turner Road Colchester Essex CO4 5JR University of Kent - RIBA Part 1 (2:1) (30/09/2013- 20/06/2016) Canterbury, Kent I joined the Art Society to further developing my sketching skills and to have the ability to look at art from an another perspective. In addi- tion, I played for the university basketball team in the last year playing which proved to be a nice way to clear my mind and relax. During the last year, I mentored 1st year students which kept me busy although not with my own projects but a topic architecture relat- ed. This helped me improve my problem solving skills and communi- cation working with peers to find different design solutions. Sixth Form College (A level) Colchester. Essex -Graphic Design -A -Art -B -Maths -B -AS Extended Maths -B St.Helena School (GCSE’s) Colchester. Essex 1 - A* 7 - A’s 3 - B’s 1 - C Sixth Form College (Teachers Assistant) 25/04/2015- 30/04/2015 I was called into my old college to give an inspiring speech to all the graphics student in hope to inspire them to study Architecture like myself. Moreover, for five days, I was assisting the teacher to teach and help the scollege students understand orthographic drawings and how to use programmes such as Photoshop and the basic tools of SketchUp. Mcdonalds (Team Member) 01/2013-12/2015 By working here throughout my degree and during half-term breaks, I improved my time management skills, able to switch between work and university degree. It also prepared me to work well in a team as well as carry out tasks independently. Ten Pin LTD (Till Counter) 07/07/2012- 07/09/2012 During the two-week work experience I was placed on the counter and taught me how to handle different people on a daily basis and to deal with customer complaints in a professional manner. Education Work Experience Before I had made up my mind about taking architecture as my career path, I was interested in animation. Having done a media diploma for my GCSE’s. I made my own animation handrawing every frame and editing it on photoshop. Whenever I have free- time, I will still continue this hobby of drawing illustrations. I am also passionate about Tim Burton films as I feel he creates his own atmosphere through drawing and characters. It proves that a simple sketch can convey a deep atmosphere for any sub- ject. I strongly feel that a quick sketch is an essentual tool within the field of architecture. I have never been an indoor person, I enjoy getting out and explor- ing whether it is just to the town centre visiting buildings from sky- scrapers to small museums. Although, a peaceful time at home sounds pleasing at times, nothing beats a relaxing walk followed by exploring the great outdoors. Mike Richards- Director of MArch (Part 2) Programme Design Tutor Karl Allcoat- Part 2 Architectural Assistant Design Mentor Hobbies and Interests References Skills Photoshop Revit SketchUp Auto Cad InDesign -5 Years -3 years -2 years -2 years -1 year
  • 3. Urban All images are produced using Autocad, Revit, Photohop and InDesign Project Brief: To design a new aquatics centre in Sheerness, Isle of Shep- pey to replace teh existing public swimming pool. As an ur- ban proposition, we were expeted to acquire a good aware- ness of the towns problems and potentials and pply within our own arhitectural scheme. Having taken the context into consideration, the proposal consists of a collection of different buildings each with different volumes and scale reinforcing a small sea side settlement. The buildings are linked to the exisitng promenade beside a 7m wall erected as part of strategy for a sea defense. This enables a new visual link between the town and the sea. The aquatics centre spread along from the east end of the site to stretching along to the west side acts a bridge between the town and the sea.
  • 5. Ensure there are elements of rhythm in the geometry. Each space, depending on its function can provide a unique and en- hanced atmosphere that will let people feel immersed in a space. The strive for simplicity avoids the lack of consistency in architecture which can cause confusion Plazas beside of an architectural interest A public square adjacent to a building will give people more reason to meet there and use it as a reference point. The walkable roof can now be seen as a new public space, the first of its kind in Sheerness providing a new visual experience bringing tour- ism and a continuation between the town and sea. Here the town and the beach can be ap- preciated at an elevated urban real. Urban Realm Perspective The elevated urban realm perspective
  • 6. Mapping of the space The user of the space can essentially map out the space by distinctive geometry of the different buildings reflected on the plan. This ensures that the user can easily find their way around yet still get lost in the space. Blurring the division between the interior and exterior The stone paving continues from the public square adfcent to the foyer into the interior promoting a smooth movement from east side to the west side. This makes the foyer not a room but a part of the site they have to go through. Urban Square Perspective Foyer A Perspective
  • 7. A new visual link As well as providing a new visual link between the town and sea. The promenade will allow users to view the sunken rooms below. Therefore the public will now have a choice between the view of the beach, the town or the building spaces. Enhancement of the sound of each space Each space depending on its function can provide a unique and en- hanced atmosphere which will allow the users to feel immersed in the space. View of the pool rooms from the lower promenade
  • 8. Sense of direction and movement The placing of the building enhances the main axis of east to west allowing a smoother transition for the user. Breaking internal spaces by courtyards To provide for Sheerness’ community, there are internal courtyards that breaks up the spaces of the linked rooms. This allows for natural stack ventilation to oc- cur in the building. Moreover, as well as in the public realm, now the users can feel like there are semi-public spaces inside the building where people can use as a resting space. Spa Rooms Perspective
  • 9. All images are produced using Revit, Photoshop and hand drawings.Adapt and Extend Project Brief: To design a Naval and Aviation Museum for the Isle of Sheppey, through adapting and extending the existing naval Dockyard Church in Sheerness- on- Sea, a Grade II* list- ed structure. Research and analysis of the exist- ing site is a key project requirement and your design proposal should be generated from an understanding the physical, social and economic context at both a local and regional scale. The programme will demantd that the existing fabric be extended in soem way but the manner in which this extension element is undertak- en is at your own design discretion Keeping History The only urban space that has a strong relationship contains the naval terrace and church, everywhere else is scattered. Historical buildings are being made dorment due to por ur- ban planning. A functioning town needs a god urban plan to reflect it. The church and naval terrace have a strong relationship and in order to respect and main- tain this; it must be carried on into the extension of the Geor- gian church. The classical language of the naval church must be un- derstood in order to maintain Sheerness’ history and charac- ter embedded in the church.
  • 10. Visual appreciation of the landmark From multiple points in Bluetown and Sheerness, the clocktower cannot be visually appreciated. Therefore, on the landscaping of the site there are proposed walkways used a forced perspective to further compliment this once lost view of the Naval Church’s clocktower. The rhyhtm of the landscape follows the shape of the naval terrace along with the naval church and moving at a higher level from the ground floor. The user will feel as if they are reaching up to the sky the closer they get to the naval church Site Plan Approach to the Naval Church
  • 11.
  • 12. Adapt and Extend The georgian naval church con- tains Bluetown’s character and identity. This must be respected therefore the style must be contin- ued in a modern manner. Thus, the extension must be compliment the existing church by respecting its classical language. Using the ver- tical and horizontal rhythm by the church as guidelines to the exten- sion of the church. Section A-A Section B-B East Elevation North Elevation
  • 13.
  • 14. Although, the extension of the church must be a representative for the future events of town. I feel that it must also hold a strong histor- ical artifact of the town. Therefore, Rennie’s full scale plane model used during the war, suspended from the top as if it was being used. When entering from the second entrance, you have a straight view of the plane and the dockyard model working together having a refer- ence to when the two important roles were working together for a bet- ter future of Bluetown. This reinforces the strong relationship the avi- ation and naval had in Bluetown and the impact they had on the town. Extension Gallery Perspective The extension must fit the lan- guage of the church however I felt that it was important that they are distinguishable to each other. This was solved by having a different kind of brick for the extension. This gives the extension its own character and still in rhythm with the language of the naval church.
  • 15. Can a vertical village in a high-rise prevent a city from declining? Jim Rapanut Kent School of Architecture University of Kent t Supervisor: Don Gray Word Count: 8407 City Densification Despite the negative connotations given to cities in term of pollution, crime and disease, cities are an urban triumph which offer endless possibility; the city highlights and provides the path towards pros- perity. The number of people moving into our cities is still increasing as a result of thecity’s services such as its character, informality and public spaces offering a chance to meet new people. These are common attributes of a city which encourage the migration of people into our cities forming their densification. Chapter 1: Disorientated city outskirts 1.1 Density population As discussed in the book Triumph of the City, the density of a city is also ultimately interlinked to its success.1 There is a strong correlation between a good human capital and the density population of the city and its success. Cities are going through a transformation of population gain and some a pop- ulation decline. However, the expansion of a city does not entail a direct link to an increase of density. The abrupt increase of the human population has caused disorientation and chaos in our cities, as they have not been ready for the vast migration of people and have been accustomed to housing the forever expanding number of people. As a product of this, it is common for urban sprawl to occur due to the city not being flexible or adaptable enough to match supply and demand of residential units for its users. 1 Glaeser, E, 2011, Triumph of the City, Penguin US, 5 Dissertation
  • 16. Client experience Clients Name: Location: R e s i d e n t i a l Type: Brief: Patrick Gallagher 23 Downs Road Canterbury Kent Rented student accomodation Due to the number of people living in the house (6 people) there is a high chance of people waiting for the shower. Therefore there a need of a second shower room in the house. This was an ongoing request for Mr. Gallagher’s from the house tenants. Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:100 Project Description: Shower Installation Ground Floor Key Plan 1-Bedroom 1 2-Bedroom 2 3-Toilet 4-Bedroom 3 5-Ancillary 6-Kitchen 7-Living Room 8-WC 9- Garden 10-Garage NextdoorNeighboursland Section A-A (Existing) Scale 1:100 Section A-A (Proposal) Scale 1:50 Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:50 Design Proposal Design Approach: The approach of the design is based on the practicality of the student that lives there. Being a tenant in this house for a year, I used my experience and knowledge of the place to push the scheme forward. By removing the unecessary doors in the design, this enables an un- distrupted movement from the kitchen and living room to go outside. The introduction of another door where the shower room is splits the spaces of the bathroom to this hallway. All images are produced using AutoCad and Photoshop
  • 17. Collective Dwelling All images are produced using Revit and Photoshop Project Brief We are to proposed a masterplan fix- ing the architectural issues in Faversh- am, Kent such as pedestrian and the permanence of the Creek which can be improved. The masterplan must strengthen the life by the creekside. Therefore analysing the context of Faversham a total of 500 listed build- ings within the town, it was crucial to take in consideration the architectural vernacular of the town. As part of the masterplan, we are to come up with a scheme of mix building types including housing. We are to pick one out of the twelve sites to which I have picked Site 7. Public Connection The unconnected paths of the creek hinders the liveliness of the creek. the marketplace is underheritage therefore my scheme is enhancing the commercial experience in site 7 opening up potential job openings for boat users as new docks will be involved. Public Spaces as a catalyst for population density. All market places in Sheerness have proved to be a catalyst for a public space to become lively. An Introduction of a new market place in the creek downstream will allow more circulation of the public all around the creek’s edge. Continity of the market to the site Fragmenting process of buildings Deliberate gaps between the build- ings to frame views towards the creek Different viewing poitns of the units Site Map
  • 18. Dividing leisure and commercial By the use of a canopy provided by the residential buildings usptairs, this acts as a shelter for the public space at the ground level. An opening provided by the buildings provides a language that there is a different space once gone past it. This is used from the transtion of a market place into a small marina for tourists or for market reasons. From the commercial market to the leisure and comfort public space. The main circulation space from SW to NE is surrounded by buildings therefore creating a space that is safe and public. This division ensures that the this public space becomes lively by turning the pedestrian walk. Mixed-use- Residental + Leisure Commercial centre square Leisure urban realm proposition Site Plan
  • 19. Plan and material organisation The division of the plans follows the turn point of the given site. However the placing and the orientation of the building masses promotes a smooth flow from east to west movement. The plans of the flats are simple and functional which allows all the rooms to fit within the affordable. The materiality is influenced by the context of the buildings. The historical sheds have exposed wooden beams. This character of the building is expressed in the rooms therefore reinforcing the genius loci of Faversham. In order to support the local economy of the town, local builders and construc- tors are hired. There are several company skilled and equipped with the tools to construct the design using brick and timber. Rooms 1- entry 2- masterbedroom 3- en- suite toilet 4- kitchen 5- dining room 6- living room 3 Bedroom- GF Studio flat Studio flat plan 3 Bedroom - FF
  • 20. Form and Structure - Case Study Report- Olympic Munich Stadium by Frei Otto All images are produced by SketchUp and edited on Photoshop Global Equilibrium gravity load Path diagrams Lateral Load Path Diagrams Construction Sequence Connection Details Step 1: The Top soil is removed by earth diggers Step 4: The primary struc- ture masts are hammered down up to 32m deep Step 3: The foundations are anchored down Step 2: Foundations are piled down, and the shape of the statdi- um takes place Step5: The cable nets are assembled manu- ally on the ground Step 6: The cable nets are lifted by cranes and are assembled into place Step7: The tension mem- branes are secured into place onto the foundations. The acrylic glass are then attached to the buffer and sealed with neoprene strips. Joint Cable Cable net foundation Anchor Stress Foundation Edge Cable Joint Pinned Joint Cable Mast Elevations 1 52 3 4 5 6 4 1 2 3 6
  • 21. All images are produced by hand drawing and edited on Photoshop Project Brief You are to design a culinary school with its own garden located in Fowlmead Country Park, Kent. You are to imagine as if the park is open to public and the school offers cook- ing courses to the diverse people of the town. The building is to be simple such as small country house however without sleeping facilities. The exterior spac- es are to be dedicated to gardening, farming and public spaces. Any extra spaces must be justified or shown to express the clarity of the design and emphasize the mood you are trying to convey. Architecture and Landscape All images are handrawn, the images on the right are done on SketchUp and edited on Photoshop