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Online Grocery Store Segmentation
Eric Xiong, Elaine Su, Tianhong Chu, Dannie Hu, Biying Pan
a. Identify Key Variables
b. Develop Key Behavior Dimensions
c. Segment & Profile Customers
d. Recommendations
Key Variables for Analysis
We did not use demographic
variables (most of them are
categorical variables) for our factor
analysis since we read that there
may be issues related to using
categorical variables in factor
Order Behavior
● Tenure
● Recency
● Frequency
● Average spending per order
● Percentage of purchases with
Order Category
Spending Percentage of :
● Drinks & Snacks
● Fresh Food
● Cooking Ingredients
● House & Family Care
● Health & Beauty
● Indulgence
● Dairy
● Other
Key Behavioral Dimensions
1. Long-Term Frequent High Spenders
2. Home & Health Shoppers
3. Convenience/Fast Cookers
4. Snack Lovers
5. Inactive Incentive Seekers
Segments Overview
Our Best Customers
Segments Overview
Key Take Aways:
Loyal Chris and home-loving Jenna are our top two customers in terms of frequency and average spending per order.
Segment Profiles
Loyal Chris Home-loving Jenna
● Married, MBA Graduate
● Medill professor, Data Scientist
● Best customer: purchase most
frequently, spends the most
money per order and has been
a customer for the longest time
● No strong preference of any
specific product category
● Married, 2 kids, IMC Master
● Part-time housewife, proud
● Purchases the most House &
Family Care products for her
family and Health & Beauty
products to take care of herself
● Single, College Dropout
● Full-time Uber Driver
● Loves video game and comics
● Too lazy to cook so he
purchases a lot of convenient
frozen and pre-made food but
very few fresh food
Lazy Andrew
Segment Profiles
One-time SeanFrugal Omar Snacker RushilFresh Alex
● Married, 4 kids
● Saves money to raise family
● Most inactive, purchases least
● Very price sensitive: a lot
more likely to buy products
at our store when there’s an
incentive or discount.
● Married, 2 kids
● Spends the least amount per
● Loves eating snacks and
purchases a lot of snacks for
his kids and himself
● Busy with work, rarely cooks
anything himself at home
● Married, College Graduate
● Crossfit Enthusiast
● Health-conscious: cares
about the quality of food
● Purchases the most fresh
food and tries to avoid
snacks and frozen and
pre-made food
● Only purchased at our store
once and it is most likely
because there was a special
offer or coupon given to
● Spends the least amount on
his orders
High Profit
Long Term
Accounts for 17.7% of the total customers
Highest average spending level (1.2 times compared to overall average)
3 times more frequent to shop at our store than overall frequency
Has been shopping with us for an average of over 7 years
Has the highest education levels
Are more likely to be married and have kids
Has the highest income and lives in single unit houses
Target Audience: The Loyalists
Recommendation: Loyal Chris
● Create a loyalty program to reward customers: e.g. earn points for every qualifying
purchase and get rewards
● Provide a special level of services: e.g. personal customer representatives, faster
shipping options, free gifts on special occasions.
● Reward introductions and referrals: offer rewards in return for introducing new
customers to place orders, because Loyal Chris can provide better word of mouth, and
may thus more easily introduce similar upper-level customers.
High Profit
Accounts for 15.2% of the total customers
Second highest average spending (1.07 times compared to overall average)
Second highest frequency level
Second highest percentage of high education and marriage status
High income customers
Interested in purchasing non-grocery items that are related to home, family,
beauty and health
Target Audience: The Home-Lovers
Recommendation:Home-loving Jenna
● Online automatic subscription: Household, beauty and health products with a steady
consumption rate are well suited to online purchasing. Easier for time-crunched consumers
to get the items they need.
● Influencers and social media: Partnering with bloggers to increase product awareness
and creating promotion in the social media.
● Pairing like products: Pairing complementary products with a promotional price on the
set will capitalize customers’ perceived value.
Thank you!
What questions do you have?
Final Factor Result
Final Segments Profile
One-time Customers
Final Code
libname imcdata '/projects/e30509/imc486';
proc datasets lib=imcdata; quit; run;
* data read-in;
data ordprod;
set imcdata.ordprod; run;
proc print data=ordprod(obs=20); run;
data lookup;
set imcdata.lookup; run;
proc print data=lookup(obs=20); run;
*categorize minor_cat into 8 major categories;
data lookup1;
set lookup;
if index(minor_cat, "JUICE") +
index(minor_cat, "BEVERAGES") + index(minor_cat,"SNACKS") then major_cat="Drinks & Snacks";
else if index(minor_cat, "FROZEN") + index(minor_cat, "PACK") + index(minor_cat, "REFRIG") +
index(minor_cat, "CANNED")
+ index(minor_cat, "INSTANT") + index(minor_cat, "BOXED") > 0 then major_cat = "ConvenienceFood";
else if index(minor_cat, "FRESH") > 0 then major_cat = "Fresh Food";
else if index(minor_cat, "DAIRY") > 0 then major_cat = "Dairy";
else if index(minor_cat, "GROC") > 0 then major_cat = "Cooking Ingredients";
else if index(minor_cat, "HB") > 0 then major_cat = "Health & Beauty";
else if index(minor_cat, "HH") + index(minor_cat, "HG") +
index(minor_cat,"BABY") + index(minor_cat, "PET") > 0 then major_cat = "Home & Family Care" ;
else if index(minor_cat, "ALCOHOL") + index(minor_cat, "CIGARETTES") + index(minor_cat,
"CIGARS/CHEWING") > 0 then major_cat = "Indulgence";
else major_cat = "Other";
proc freq data=lookup1;
table major_cat; run;
* join minor_cat to ordprod table;
proc sql;
create table ordprod_cat as
select ord_id, spec_cd, it_qy, it_pr_qy, tot_pr_qy, major_cat
from ordprod as o left join lookup1 as l
on o.pod_id = l.pod_id;
proc freq data=ordprod_cat;
table major_cat; run;
* join cnsm_id to ordprod table;
data order;
set imcdata.order;
if cnsm_id = "" then delete;
if it_dmnd_qy = . then delete;
if ord_seq_num = . then delete;
if sale_inct_qy = . then sale_inct_qy = 0;
proc sql;
create table ordprod_cat1 as
select cnsm_id, spec_cd, it_qy, it_pr_qy, tot_pr_qy, major_cat
from ordprod_cat as o inner join order as i
on o.ord_id = i.ord_id;
* roll - up ordprod to customer level;
proc sort data = ordprod_cat1 out = ordprod_cat_s;
by cnsm_id; run;
data ordprod_cat_cust;
set ordprod_cat_s;
by cnsm_id;
retain spec_cd_qty tot_qty spending_tot
qty_ds qty_con qty_fresh
qty_dairy qty_cooking qty_hb
qty_hf qty_indul qty_other
spending_ds spending_con spending_fresh
spending_dairy spending_cooking spending_hb
spending_hf spending_indul spending_other;
if first.cnsm_id then do;
tot_qty = 0;
spec_cd_qty = 0;
spending_tot = 0;
qty_ds = 0;
qty_con = 0;
qty_fresh = 0;
qty_dairy = 0;
qty_cooking = 0;
qty_hb = 0;
qty_hf = 0;
qty_indul = 0;
qty_other = 0;
spending_ds = 0;
spending_con = 0;
spending_fresh = 0;
spending_dairy = 0;
spending_cooking = 0;
spending_hb = 0;
spending_hf = 0;
spending_indul = 0;
spending_other = 0;
tot_qty = tot_qty + it_qy;
spending_tot = spending_tot + tot_pr_qy;
if spec_cd = "*" then do;
spec_cd_qty = spec_cd_qty + it_qy;
if major_cat = "Drinks & Snacks" then do;
qty_ds = qty_ds + it_qy;
spending_ds = spending_ds + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "ConvenienceFood" then do;
qty_con = qty_con + it_qy;
spending_con = spending_con + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Fresh Food" then do;
qty_fresh = qty_fresh + it_qy;
spending_fresh = spending_fresh + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Dairy" then do;
qty_dairy = qty_dairy + it_qy;
spending_dairy = spending_dairy + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat ="Cooking Ingredients" then do;
qty_cooking = qty_cooking + it_qy;
spending_cooking = spending_cooking + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Home & Family Care" then do;
qty_hf= qty_hf + it_qy;
spending_hf = spending_hf + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Health & Beauty" then do;
qty_hb = qty_hb + it_qy;
spending_hb = spending_hb + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Indulgence" then do;
qty_indul = qty_indul + it_qy;
spending_indul = spending_indul + tot_pr_qy;
else if major_cat = "Other" then do;
qty_other = qty_other + it_qy;
spending_other = spending_other + tot_pr_qy;
if last.cnsm_id then do;
if spending_tot = 0 then delete;
if tot_qty = 0 then delete;
qty_ds_pct = qty_ds/tot_qty;
qty_con_pct = qty_con/tot_qty;
qty_fresh_pct = qty_fresh/tot_qty;
qty_dairy_pct = qty_dairy/tot_qty;
qty_cooking_pct = qty_cooking/tot_qty;
qty_hf_pct = qty_hf/tot_qty;
qty_hb_pct = qty_hb/tot_qty;
qty_indul_pct = qty_indul/tot_qty;
qty_other_pct = qty_other/tot_qty;
spending_ds_pct = spending_ds/spending_tot;
spending_con_pct = spending_con/spending_tot;
spending_fresh_pct = spending_fresh/spending_tot;
spending_dairy_pct = spending_dairy/spending_tot;
spending_cooking_pct = spending_cooking/spending_tot;
spending_hf_pct = spending_hf/spending_tot;
spending_hb_pct = spending_hb/spending_tot;
spending_indul_pct = spending_indul/spending_tot;
spending_other_pct = spending_other/spending_tot;
spec_cd_pct = spec_cd_qty/tot_qty;
output; end;
keep it_qy cnsm_id
spending_tot tot_qty;
* order data - roll up to customer level;
proc sort data = order out = order_s;
by cnsm_id; run;
*maximum date in the table;
proc means data=order_s;
var dlv_dt; run;
data order_cust;
set order_s;
by cnsm_id;
retain frstdt lastdt freq tot_spending tot_incentive incentive_freq;
if first.cnsm_id then do;
frstdt = '31DEC2099'd;
lastdt = '31DEC1850'd;
freq = 0;
tot_spending = 0;
tot_incentive = 0;
incentive_freq = 0;
tot_spending = tot_spending + it_dmnd_qy;
tot_incentive = tot_incentive + sale_inct_qy;
if dlv_dt lt frstdt then frstdt = dlv_dt;
if dlv_dt gt lastdt then lastdt = dlv_dt;
if ord_seq_num gt freq then freq = ord_seq_num;
if sale_inct_qy < 0 then incentive_freq = incentive_freq + 1;
if last.cnsm_id then do;
tenure = (19534 - frstdt)/365.25;
recency = (19534 - lastdt)/365.25;
avg_spending = tot_spending/freq;
tot_incentive_pct = tot_incentive/tot_spending;
incentive_freq_pct = incentive_freq/freq;
cnsm_id tenure recency freq avg_spending
tot_incentive_pct incentive_freq_pct;run;
*merge order_cust with ordprod_cust;
proc sql;
create table ordprod_cust as
select o.cnsm_id, tenure, recency, freq, avg_spending,
tot_incentive_pct, incentive_freq_pct,
spec_cd_pct, qty_ds_pct, qty_con_pct,
qty_fresh_pct,qty_dairy_pct, qty_cooking_pct,
qty_hf_pct, qty_hb_pct, qty_indul_pct,
qty_other_pct, spending_ds_pct, spending_con_pct,
spending_fresh_pct, spending_dairy_pct,
spending_cooking_pct, spending_hf_pct,
spending_hb_pct, spending_indul_pct,
spending_tot, tot_qty, it_qy
from order_cust as o inner join ordprod_cat_cust as l
on o.cnsm_id = l.cnsm_id;
*digital engagement;
proc sql;
create table sessionwithid as select cnsm_id, s.ord_id,
dvce_type, s.dlv_dt, plfm, sess_num_qy,
from imcdata.session as s inner join imcdata.order as o on
proc sort data=sessionwithid;
by cnsm_id; run;
data customerlevel_session;
set sessionwithid;
by cnsm_id;
retain tot_min
if first.cnsm_id then do;
order_freq = 0;
order_freq = order_freq + 1;
if sesstype='PC' then
if sesstype='TB' then
if sesstype='SP' then
if last.cnsm_id then do;
pc_pct = tot_pc_min/tot_min;
tb_pct = tot_tb_min/tot_min;
sp_pct = tot_sp_min/tot_min;
avg_min = tot_min/order_freq;
avg_num = tot_num/order_freq;
keep it_qy cnsm_id
proc sql;
create table sessionwithord as
select *
from ordprod_cust as o inner join customerlevel_session as s
on o.cnsm_id=s.cnsm_id;
*customer demographic data clean and merge;
data clean_cust;
set imcdata.cust;
if marital_stat in ('M','A') then known_marriage=1;
else if marital_stat in ('S','B') then known_marriage=0;
else delete;
if online_dols="" then online_dols='L';
if hhincome=. then hhincome=9;
if age=. then age=47;
if dwelling='S' then singleunit=1;
else if dwelling='M' then singleunit=0;
else delete;
if prkids='Y' then havekids=1;
else havekids=0;
if educ in (2,3) then educ=1;
else if educ in (1,4) then educ=0;
else delete;
proc sort data = clean_cust out=custsort;
by cnsm_id; run;
proc sql;
create table fulldata as
select c.cnsm_id, *
from custsort as c inner join sessionwithord as s
on c.cnsm_id=s.cnsm_id;
proc freq data=fulldata;
table freq; run;
*Delete one-time customers;
data fulldata_clean;
set fulldata;
if freq > 1;
avg_qty = tot_qty/freq;
* factor analysis - qty;
proc factor data = fulldata_clean rotate=varimax out=fact nfactors=5
reorder fuzz= 0.3; *out=fact nfactors=3;
var tenure recency freq avg_spending
qty_con_pct qty_fresh_pct
qty_cooking_pct qty_hf_pct
avg_min avg_num
* factor analysis - spending;
proc factor data = fulldata_clean rotate=varimax reorder fuzz= 0.3 out=fact
var tenure recency freq avg_spending
incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct
spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct
spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct;
factor1='Long-Term Active High Spenders'
factor2='Home & Health Shoppers'
factor3='Convenience/Fast Cookers'
factor4='Snack Lovers that Rarely Cook'
factor5='Inactive Incentive Seekers';
*cluster analysis;
proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=75 maxiter =1 mean=seed;
var factor1-factor5;
proc sort data=seed;
by descending _freq_;
*Develop Multiple Cluster Solutions;
proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=7 drift seed=seed(obs=7)
maxiter=100 converge=0;
var factor1-factor5;
*Create Final Cluster Seeds;
proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=6 seed=seed(obs=6)
maxiter=100 strict=1 mean=seed;
var factor1-factor5;
proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=6 seed=seed(obs=6)
maxiter=0 replace=none out=scores;
var factor1-factor5;
*Profiling the Final Cluster Solution with PROC TABULATE;
proc tabulate data=scores format=comma8.4;
class cluster;
var factor1-factor5 tenure recency freq avg_spending
incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct
spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct
spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct hhincome age educ
known_marriage singleunit havekids;
n(factor1-factor5 tenure recency freq avg_spending
incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct
spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct
spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct hhincome age educ
known_marriage singleunit havekids)*mean, cluster all;
title2 'Cluster Profiles';

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Customer Segmentation for Peapod

  • 1. Online Grocery Store Segmentation Eric Xiong, Elaine Su, Tianhong Chu, Dannie Hu, Biying Pan
  • 2. Methodology 1. a. Identify Key Variables b. Develop Key Behavior Dimensions c. Segment & Profile Customers d. Recommendations
  • 3. Key Variables for Analysis Demographics We did not use demographic variables (most of them are categorical variables) for our factor analysis since we read that there may be issues related to using categorical variables in factor analysis Order Behavior ● Tenure ● Recency ● Frequency ● Average spending per order ● Percentage of purchases with incentives Order Category Spending Percentage of : ● Drinks & Snacks ● Fresh Food ● Cooking Ingredients ● House & Family Care ● Health & Beauty ● Indulgence ● Dairy ● Other
  • 4. Key Behavioral Dimensions 1. Long-Term Frequent High Spenders 2. Home & Health Shoppers 3. Convenience/Fast Cookers 4. Snack Lovers 5. Inactive Incentive Seekers
  • 6. Segments Overview Key Take Aways: Loyal Chris and home-loving Jenna are our top two customers in terms of frequency and average spending per order.
  • 7. Segment Profiles Loyal Chris Home-loving Jenna ● Married, MBA Graduate ● Medill professor, Data Scientist ● Best customer: purchase most frequently, spends the most money per order and has been a customer for the longest time ● No strong preference of any specific product category ● Married, 2 kids, IMC Master Graduate ● Part-time housewife, proud mom ● Purchases the most House & Family Care products for her family and Health & Beauty products to take care of herself ● Single, College Dropout ● Full-time Uber Driver ● Loves video game and comics ● Too lazy to cook so he purchases a lot of convenient frozen and pre-made food but very few fresh food Lazy Andrew
  • 8. Segment Profiles One-time SeanFrugal Omar Snacker RushilFresh Alex ● Married, 4 kids ● Saves money to raise family ● Most inactive, purchases least frequently ● Very price sensitive: a lot more likely to buy products at our store when there’s an incentive or discount. ● Married, 2 kids ● Spends the least amount per order ● Loves eating snacks and purchases a lot of snacks for his kids and himself ● Busy with work, rarely cooks anything himself at home ● Married, College Graduate ● Crossfit Enthusiast ● Health-conscious: cares about the quality of food ● Purchases the most fresh food and tries to avoid snacks and frozen and pre-made food ● Only purchased at our store once and it is most likely because there was a special offer or coupon given to him ● Spends the least amount on his orders
  • 9. High Profit Long Term Customers Accounts for 17.7% of the total customers Highest average spending level (1.2 times compared to overall average) 3 times more frequent to shop at our store than overall frequency Has been shopping with us for an average of over 7 years Upper-Class Customers Has the highest education levels Are more likely to be married and have kids Has the highest income and lives in single unit houses Target Audience: The Loyalists
  • 10. Recommendation: Loyal Chris ● Create a loyalty program to reward customers: e.g. earn points for every qualifying purchase and get rewards ● Provide a special level of services: e.g. personal customer representatives, faster shipping options, free gifts on special occasions. ● Reward introductions and referrals: offer rewards in return for introducing new customers to place orders, because Loyal Chris can provide better word of mouth, and may thus more easily introduce similar upper-level customers. RETAIN+ACQUIRE
  • 11. High Profit Frequent Customers Accounts for 15.2% of the total customers Second highest average spending (1.07 times compared to overall average) Second highest frequency level Home Caring Lovers Second highest percentage of high education and marriage status High income customers Interested in purchasing non-grocery items that are related to home, family, beauty and health Target Audience: The Home-Lovers
  • 12. Recommendation:Home-loving Jenna ● Online automatic subscription: Household, beauty and health products with a steady consumption rate are well suited to online purchasing. Easier for time-crunched consumers to get the items they need. ● Influencers and social media: Partnering with bloggers to increase product awareness and creating promotion in the social media. ● Pairing like products: Pairing complementary products with a promotional price on the set will capitalize customers’ perceived value. GROWTH
  • 18. Final Code libname imcdata '/projects/e30509/imc486'; proc datasets lib=imcdata; quit; run; * data read-in; data ordprod; set imcdata.ordprod; run; proc print data=ordprod(obs=20); run; data lookup; set imcdata.lookup; run; proc print data=lookup(obs=20); run; *categorize minor_cat into 8 major categories; data lookup1; set lookup; if index(minor_cat, "JUICE") + index(minor_cat, "BEVERAGES") + index(minor_cat,"SNACKS") then major_cat="Drinks & Snacks"; else if index(minor_cat, "FROZEN") + index(minor_cat, "PACK") + index(minor_cat, "REFRIG") + index(minor_cat, "CANNED") + index(minor_cat, "INSTANT") + index(minor_cat, "BOXED") > 0 then major_cat = "ConvenienceFood"; else if index(minor_cat, "FRESH") > 0 then major_cat = "Fresh Food"; else if index(minor_cat, "DAIRY") > 0 then major_cat = "Dairy"; else if index(minor_cat, "GROC") > 0 then major_cat = "Cooking Ingredients"; else if index(minor_cat, "HB") > 0 then major_cat = "Health & Beauty"; else if index(minor_cat, "HH") + index(minor_cat, "HG") + index(minor_cat,"BABY") + index(minor_cat, "PET") > 0 then major_cat = "Home & Family Care" ; else if index(minor_cat, "ALCOHOL") + index(minor_cat, "CIGARETTES") + index(minor_cat, "CIGARS/CHEWING") > 0 then major_cat = "Indulgence"; else major_cat = "Other"; run; proc freq data=lookup1; table major_cat; run; * join minor_cat to ordprod table; proc sql; create table ordprod_cat as select ord_id, spec_cd, it_qy, it_pr_qy, tot_pr_qy, major_cat from ordprod as o left join lookup1 as l on o.pod_id = l.pod_id; quit; proc freq data=ordprod_cat; table major_cat; run; * join cnsm_id to ordprod table; data order; set imcdata.order; if cnsm_id = "" then delete; if it_dmnd_qy = . then delete; if ord_seq_num = . then delete; if sale_inct_qy = . then sale_inct_qy = 0; run; proc sql; create table ordprod_cat1 as select cnsm_id, spec_cd, it_qy, it_pr_qy, tot_pr_qy, major_cat from ordprod_cat as o inner join order as i on o.ord_id = i.ord_id; quit;
  • 19. * roll - up ordprod to customer level; proc sort data = ordprod_cat1 out = ordprod_cat_s; by cnsm_id; run; data ordprod_cat_cust; set ordprod_cat_s; by cnsm_id; retain spec_cd_qty tot_qty spending_tot qty_ds qty_con qty_fresh qty_dairy qty_cooking qty_hb qty_hf qty_indul qty_other spending_ds spending_con spending_fresh spending_dairy spending_cooking spending_hb spending_hf spending_indul spending_other; if first.cnsm_id then do; tot_qty = 0; spec_cd_qty = 0; spending_tot = 0; qty_ds = 0; qty_con = 0; qty_fresh = 0; qty_dairy = 0; qty_cooking = 0; qty_hb = 0; qty_hf = 0; qty_indul = 0; qty_other = 0; spending_ds = 0; spending_con = 0; spending_fresh = 0; spending_dairy = 0; spending_cooking = 0; spending_hb = 0; spending_hf = 0; spending_indul = 0; spending_other = 0; end; tot_qty = tot_qty + it_qy; spending_tot = spending_tot + tot_pr_qy; if spec_cd = "*" then do; spec_cd_qty = spec_cd_qty + it_qy; end; if major_cat = "Drinks & Snacks" then do; qty_ds = qty_ds + it_qy; spending_ds = spending_ds + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "ConvenienceFood" then do; qty_con = qty_con + it_qy; spending_con = spending_con + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Fresh Food" then do; qty_fresh = qty_fresh + it_qy; spending_fresh = spending_fresh + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Dairy" then do; qty_dairy = qty_dairy + it_qy; spending_dairy = spending_dairy + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat ="Cooking Ingredients" then do; qty_cooking = qty_cooking + it_qy; spending_cooking = spending_cooking + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Home & Family Care" then do; qty_hf= qty_hf + it_qy; spending_hf = spending_hf + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Health & Beauty" then do; qty_hb = qty_hb + it_qy; spending_hb = spending_hb + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Indulgence" then do; qty_indul = qty_indul + it_qy; spending_indul = spending_indul + tot_pr_qy; end; else if major_cat = "Other" then do; qty_other = qty_other + it_qy; spending_other = spending_other + tot_pr_qy; end; if last.cnsm_id then do; if spending_tot = 0 then delete; if tot_qty = 0 then delete; qty_ds_pct = qty_ds/tot_qty; qty_con_pct = qty_con/tot_qty; qty_fresh_pct = qty_fresh/tot_qty; qty_dairy_pct = qty_dairy/tot_qty; qty_cooking_pct = qty_cooking/tot_qty; qty_hf_pct = qty_hf/tot_qty; qty_hb_pct = qty_hb/tot_qty; qty_indul_pct = qty_indul/tot_qty; qty_other_pct = qty_other/tot_qty; spending_ds_pct = spending_ds/spending_tot; spending_con_pct = spending_con/spending_tot; spending_fresh_pct = spending_fresh/spending_tot; spending_dairy_pct = spending_dairy/spending_tot; spending_cooking_pct = spending_cooking/spending_tot; spending_hf_pct = spending_hf/spending_tot; spending_hb_pct = spending_hb/spending_tot; spending_indul_pct = spending_indul/spending_tot; spending_other_pct = spending_other/spending_tot; spec_cd_pct = spec_cd_qty/tot_qty; output; end; keep it_qy cnsm_id spec_cd_pct qty_ds_pct qty_con_pct qty_fresh_pct qty_dairy_pct qty_cooking_pct qty_hf_pct qty_hb_pct qty_indul_pct qty_other_pct
  • 20. spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct spending_fresh_pct spending_dairy_pct spending_cooking_pct spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct spending_indul_pct spending_other_pct spending_tot tot_qty; run; * order data - roll up to customer level; proc sort data = order out = order_s; by cnsm_id; run; *maximum date in the table; proc means data=order_s; var dlv_dt; run; data order_cust; set order_s; by cnsm_id; retain frstdt lastdt freq tot_spending tot_incentive incentive_freq; if first.cnsm_id then do; frstdt = '31DEC2099'd; lastdt = '31DEC1850'd; freq = 0; tot_spending = 0; tot_incentive = 0; incentive_freq = 0; end; tot_spending = tot_spending + it_dmnd_qy; tot_incentive = tot_incentive + sale_inct_qy; if dlv_dt lt frstdt then frstdt = dlv_dt; if dlv_dt gt lastdt then lastdt = dlv_dt; if ord_seq_num gt freq then freq = ord_seq_num; if sale_inct_qy < 0 then incentive_freq = incentive_freq + 1; if last.cnsm_id then do; tenure = (19534 - frstdt)/365.25; recency = (19534 - lastdt)/365.25; avg_spending = tot_spending/freq; tot_incentive_pct = tot_incentive/tot_spending; incentive_freq_pct = incentive_freq/freq; output; end; keep cnsm_id tenure recency freq avg_spending tot_incentive_pct incentive_freq_pct;run; *merge order_cust with ordprod_cust; proc sql; create table ordprod_cust as select o.cnsm_id, tenure, recency, freq, avg_spending, tot_incentive_pct, incentive_freq_pct, spec_cd_pct, qty_ds_pct, qty_con_pct, qty_fresh_pct,qty_dairy_pct, qty_cooking_pct, qty_hf_pct, qty_hb_pct, qty_indul_pct, qty_other_pct, spending_ds_pct, spending_con_pct, spending_fresh_pct, spending_dairy_pct, spending_cooking_pct, spending_hf_pct, spending_hb_pct, spending_indul_pct, spending_other_pct, spending_tot, tot_qty, it_qy from order_cust as o inner join ordprod_cat_cust as l on o.cnsm_id = l.cnsm_id; quit; *digital engagement; proc sql; create table sessionwithid as select cnsm_id, s.ord_id, dvce_type, s.dlv_dt, plfm, sess_num_qy, tot_sess_min_qy,sesstype from imcdata.session as s inner join imcdata.order as o on s.ord_id=o.ord_id; proc sort data=sessionwithid; by cnsm_id; run; data customerlevel_session; set sessionwithid; by cnsm_id; retain tot_min tot_num tot_pc_min tot_tb_min tot_sp_min order_freq; if first.cnsm_id then do; tot_min=0; tot_num=0; tot_pc_min=0; tot_tb_min=0; tot_sp_min=0; order_freq = 0; end; tot_min=tot_min+tot_sess_min_qy; tot_num=tot_num+sess_num_qy; order_freq = order_freq + 1; if sesstype='PC' then tot_pc_min=tot_pc_min+tot_sess_min_qy; if sesstype='TB' then tot_tb_min=tot_tb_min+tot_sess_min_qy; if sesstype='SP' then tot_sp_min=tot_sp_min+tot_sess_min_qy; if last.cnsm_id then do; pc_pct = tot_pc_min/tot_min; tb_pct = tot_tb_min/tot_min; sp_pct = tot_sp_min/tot_min; avg_min = tot_min/order_freq; avg_num = tot_num/order_freq; output; end; keep it_qy cnsm_id tot_pc_min tot_tb_min tot_sp_min
  • 21. avg_min avg_num pc_pct tb_pct sp_pct; run; proc sql; create table sessionwithord as select * from ordprod_cust as o inner join customerlevel_session as s on o.cnsm_id=s.cnsm_id; *customer demographic data clean and merge; data clean_cust; set imcdata.cust; if marital_stat in ('M','A') then known_marriage=1; else if marital_stat in ('S','B') then known_marriage=0; else delete; if online_dols="" then online_dols='L'; if hhincome=. then hhincome=9; if age=. then age=47; if dwelling='S' then singleunit=1; else if dwelling='M' then singleunit=0; else delete; if prkids='Y' then havekids=1; else havekids=0; if educ in (2,3) then educ=1; else if educ in (1,4) then educ=0; else delete; proc sort data = clean_cust out=custsort; by cnsm_id; run; proc sql; create table fulldata as select c.cnsm_id, * from custsort as c inner join sessionwithord as s on c.cnsm_id=s.cnsm_id; proc freq data=fulldata; table freq; run; *Delete one-time customers; data fulldata_clean; set fulldata; if freq > 1; avg_qty = tot_qty/freq; run; * factor analysis - qty; proc factor data = fulldata_clean rotate=varimax out=fact nfactors=5 reorder fuzz= 0.3; *out=fact nfactors=3; var tenure recency freq avg_spending spec_cd_pct incentive_freq_pct qty_con_pct qty_fresh_pct qty_cooking_pct qty_hf_pct qty_hb_pct avg_min avg_num tb_pct sp_pct pc_pct it_qy; run; * factor analysis - spending; proc factor data = fulldata_clean rotate=varimax reorder fuzz= 0.3 out=fact nfactors=5; var tenure recency freq avg_spending incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct; label factor1='Long-Term Active High Spenders' factor2='Home & Health Shoppers' factor3='Convenience/Fast Cookers' factor4='Snack Lovers that Rarely Cook' factor5='Inactive Incentive Seekers'; run; *cluster analysis; proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=75 maxiter =1 mean=seed; var factor1-factor5; proc sort data=seed; by descending _freq_; *Develop Multiple Cluster Solutions; proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=7 drift seed=seed(obs=7) maxiter=100 converge=0; var factor1-factor5; *Create Final Cluster Seeds; proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=6 seed=seed(obs=6) maxiter=100 strict=1 mean=seed; var factor1-factor5; proc fastclus data=fact maxclusters=6 seed=seed(obs=6) maxiter=0 replace=none out=scores; var factor1-factor5; *Profiling the Final Cluster Solution with PROC TABULATE; proc tabulate data=scores format=comma8.4; class cluster; var factor1-factor5 tenure recency freq avg_spending incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct hhincome age educ known_marriage singleunit havekids; table n(factor1-factor5 tenure recency freq avg_spending incentive_freq_pct spending_ds_pct spending_con_pct spending_fresh_pct spending_cooking_pct spending_hf_pct spending_hb_pct hhincome age educ known_marriage singleunit havekids)*mean, cluster all; title2 'Cluster Profiles'; run;