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Customer engagement is simple: Talk & Listen

 “82% of customers believe that
                                          “Only 10% of UK customers
  organisations must listen and
                                          believe that companies take
   act on customer feedback in
                                            note of what they say. ”
    order to retain business.”

The best Talking and Listening technologies in the UK, used by 1/3 of the FTSE 500.

                             Multi -
   Voice         Text       Channel    Capture     Process      Present
3   things that make us stand out from the crowd…

Award winning technology

Multi-channel capabilities

Text analysis

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Voice       Text      Channel    Capture   Process   Present
Our retail clients have seen their revenues increase by over £1   million
as a direct result of using our technology.

                               We have 10 years experience helping clients engage
                               with their customers.

                               By understanding our clients’ customer
                               feedback for them we have alerted them to over
                               100,000 opportunities and threats.

                         Multi -
 Voice       Text       Channel     Capture    Process    Present
Our voice messages result in 20% marketing response rates
And a 25% increase in average customer spend.
                                                        “We couldn’t have done it without
                                                        you, thank you very much indeed.
                                                        Our customers were blown away!”

Vodafone made their customer event extra special by using Lewis Hamilton to invite each
guest personally with a Rapide voice message.

                         Multi -
  Voice       Text      Channel    Capture    Process      Present
Barclaycard sent their customers a voice message alerting them to some
       important information they would soon receive in the post…leading to a
       significant increase in revenue.

            “It’s amazing how such quick, simple solutions can be so effective.”

•   20% increase in revenue
•   100,000 customer landlines sent targeted voice message
•   21% response rate

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How flexible are you?
Our technology is capable of delivering 100,000 text messages in just five minutes.

Response rates can increase by as much as 300% if a short code is included on an
advertisement or poster.

Messages that include the option to be transferred to a customer representative have   4x
the response rates of outbound calls.

Messages can even be staggered to enable you to control the rate at which they’re

                           Multi -
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"It’s trebled our expected response rate"

                                    By sending a text to a short code
                                    customers were sent a brochure in the
                                    post, a mobile internet link to more
                                    information as well as being given the
                                    option to reserve a room.

                                                The short code was the
                                                smallest ‘call to action’ but
                                                received by far the highest
                                                response rate.

                Multi -
Voice   Text   Channel    Capture    Process    Present
Texts don’t just have to be about mass communication. They can also be a very personal
way of getting in touch.

                                              It can cost up to 7x more to acquire a new
                                              customer than to keep an existing one.
            Hi Mark, as a
            customer be the                   • Send customers info about new products relevant
            first to own the
            new Blackberry
                                              to them.
            Storm. Visit
            uk/storm for more
                                              • Maintain good customer relationships.
            details and
            exclusive deals
                                              • Increase revenue.

                                 Multi -
    Voice            Text       Channel    Capture    Process       Present
Send text messages to their 2.9 million customers when their
               service is affected.
               • Proactively keep customers informed.
               • Reduce the number of inbound calls in to their contact

               Text message reminders have reduced their no show rate by 4%
               and they estimate they are now saving £70,000 per month in
               lost appointment fees.
               “Rapide were able to offer us a reminder service which has
               greatly improved our customer service image.”

                  Multi -
Voice   Text     Channel    Capture    Process    Present
Increase revenue and traffic
                                  using text messages

£840,000 of new orders                                           Hi Joel, spend £50 at
                                                                 today and receive £30

400,000 customers contacted                                      off your order.

Average customer spend of £99.97

“Who knew a text message could be so persuasive?”

                        Multi -
  Voice      Text      Channel     Capture   Process   Present
Speak their language
Sometimes voice and text messages alone just aren’t enough. Our multi-channel solutions
let you talk to your customers in the way that best suits them, at the time that is most
valuable to you.

                                               A text message, followed up by an email
                                               or voice message can give a joined up
                                               approach to your customer engagement

                           Multi -
   Voice       Text       Channel    Capture     Process     Present
Change Channels
• Text messages to trigger mobile and email vouchers

• Email sent after purchase to capture feedback

• Increase repeat business with mobile and email marketing

• Build rich marketing databases

“In one day our average customer spend increased by
7% and we captured important customer

                          Multi -
  Voice         Text     Channel    Capture       Process    Present
Bringing it all together

                                                          Email and text

                                                          Booking reminders

                                                          Restaurant reservations

                                                          Interactive maps

                  Multi -
  Voice   Text   Channel    Capture   Process   Present
The Hotel Marketing Association’s
                                    ‘Best Use of Technology’

                                    “The effect on bottom line revenue is very

                                    Every year we help Premier Inn:

                                    Sell over 84,000 meals

                                    Keep their no show rate down by 20%

                                    Communicate with 6     million customers

                Multi -
Voice   Text   Channel    Capture     Process    Present
Keep them coming
                     Premier Inn spend millions of pound finding out what their customers
                     think – but why?

It allows them to improve satisfaction based on the needs of their customers…
Offer their customers maps to where they are staying & Freeview TV in all their rooms

As a result to constantly listening and acting on customer feedback   91% of guests
say they plan to stay again.

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But listen here this is interaction...
real listening starts hear...
 Really listening to your customers is more than gathering their thoughts in a survey.

 Sometimes your customers have more to say than fits into your predefined questions,
 and sometimes you’re just not asking the right ones!

 To truly listen you need to gather your customers’ thoughts at the ‘moment of truth’
 – the exact point at which they’re thinking them.

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Capture                             FACT: only 2% of what
                                                customers say gets listened to...
    Where you should listen to your              you're losing out on 98% of up-
         moment of truth?
                                                sell and cross-sell opportunities!

Everywhere. Organisations listen obsessively to what the
media say ... but as for what customers say? 80% of
executives think they understand it; 9 out of 10 customers
disagree. And if you're not listening, you're missing the Moment.

                          Multi -
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Process                  FACT: humans tend to miss 75%
                                                  of what's there... and
      What can you do with the info          categorise the 25% too broadly.
            once you've got it?                 That's a lot of insights lost!

By sorting signal from noise. How can your people take in
thousands of comments from customers? Often they don't:
Text message responses, web comments, and comment cards sit
around unused. But this is valuable information.

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Present                           FACT: time-specific customer data
          How can you make sense                     gets 20% less useful every 24hrs...
                                                      so you need to make sense of it
            of what it's saying?                                  TODAY!

By seeing its effects in real-time. 72% of organisational
data isn't used correctly - because it's used late or not at all.
To make the best decisions you need real-time
feedback in simple charts and graphics.

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Act                         FACT: enterprises that fail to
                                                  build effective relationships
          When should you act on
                                                 erode their customer base by
              what you find?                      15-20% ... every single year!

Whenever you can make the biggest difference. 66% of
organisations have no strategy for taking positive action at
the moment that most strongly defines your customer relationship.
Without a plan, you can't take advantage.

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Introducing the award winning…

          Capture                 Process                Present

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Two ears, one mouth... are you using them in
the right proportion?

 Our multi-channel feedback solutions let you capture all kinds of customer feedback,
 making sure you don’t miss a thing.

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Miss Selfridge use Rant & Rave to gather feedback from customers via text message
after they have visited a store.

• Managers are presented with actionable insights

• Improves customer service

• Creates a mobile marketing database

“It created a real buzz in-store and a sense
of competition amongst the team. The
support we received from Rapide was

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Break the mould
Collecting customer insight is only part of the challenge. The key to making the most out
of your feedback is to truly understand it.

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Analyse This
   The Sentiment Engine automatically analyses data using 12 intelligent steps broken
                                down into 3 stages:

 Pre-Processing: Where data is prepared, spell checked and normalised.

 Topic Discovery: Where we discover what topics and entities are being discussed

 Sentiment Analysis: where we detect positive, negative and neutral emotions from
 items of feedback. The Engine also reveals opportunities and threats.

           Giving you the information you need to make Strategic decisions
                             and take Operational action.

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Man vs Machine Challenge
     Research suggests that 75% of customer
     feedback remains unread
Warwick Business School performed an independent study to see how well the Rapide Sentiment
Engine would compare against humans.

The Sentiment Engine proved to be more accurate, consistent and thorough.

• It saved 5 days for every 1000 analysed comments
• Used the full set of categories it had available (the humans only used a few)
• Identified more opportunities and threats than humans
• Can save an organisation receiving 3000 comments per month over
 £10,000 per year

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Forrester Trends

 1) More unsolicited, unstructured              1) Increasing use of text analytics.
    feedback                                       More communication channels.
 2) Integration with social media               2) The Aggregator allows focus on
    monitoring                                     social media listening
 3) Faster responses to customer                3) Real-time alerts and integration with
    feedback                                       an organisation
 4) Wider access to customer insights           4) The Dashboard can be accessed
                                                   throughout an entire company
 5) Shift focus from metrics to
    diagnostics                                 5) Less emphasis on Net Promoter and
                                                   deeper focus on analytics
 6) More continuous feedback
    mechanisms                                  6) SWOT provides faster identification
                                                   of issues and opportunities

                         Multi -
Voice       Text        Channel      Capture   Process     Present
Moving towards more unsolicited, unstructured data
                                                           Blog posts on                “Rant and Rave is
                Customer ratings from 3rd                 third-party sites             designed to capture

                      party site                                                        and process unsolicited
                                                       Letter from a customer           and unstructured
                     Call centre agent’s                                                feedback. “
               classification of inbound calls         Verbatims of calls from
                                                             customers                  “Our sophisticated
                                                                                        Text Analysis software
                                                                                        can reveal in depth
                                                                                        customer insight about
                                                                                        what EVERYONE is

                                                       Comments on surveys              saying about you.”
                    Satisfaction and
                  Net Promoter surveys
                                                       Response to questions
                                                           by sales rep

                          Structured                        Unstructured

                                             Multi -
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Requirements from a customer insight/VoC strategy
              Firms will need to piece together a comprehensive customer
            insight and response platform (CIRP) that facilitates the four KEY
                            Voice of the Customer processes:

                Listening                Interpreting             Reacting

                 Capture                   Process                  Present

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 Voice   Text       Channel    Capture      Process     Present
Integrating multiple sources of data
                           Best Practice:
                           Develop a uniform set of customer experience categories
                           and apply it consistently to all Voice of Customer data.

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Customer feedback gets lost in organisational silos
                             Customer                         Comments                               Comments
                              Survey                         Captured via                            From Blogs
                              Ratings                       Contact Centre                           & Websites
                                                          (letters, faxes, emails)

          On-time Flight Departure                Flight Departure                      On-time Performance
           On-time Flight Arrival                   Flight Arrival
            Wait Line at Check-in                   Checking-in                           Airport Check-in
            Helpfulness of Staff
          Orderly/Efficient Boarding              Flight Boarding                           Food Service
             Quality of Meals                     In-Flight Service                    Frequent Flyer Program
          Quality of Entertainment
           Frequent Flyer Program              Frequent Flyer Program                     Aircraft Interior

               Comfort of Seats
        Cleanliness of Aircraft Interior
               Cost of a Ticket                                                             Price/Value

                                     Multi -
Voice             Text              Channel    Capture            Process            Present
“Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before
they turn into full scale problems.”

100,000 comments analysed

Our text analysis technology
‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a
threat that Honda could deal with

Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers

                            Multi -
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• Full configurability

                                                 • Drill down results

                                                 • Real-time analysis

                                                 • Unique SWOT algorithm

                                                 • Interactive tag cloud

                                                 • Multi-level categorisation

                                                 • League tables

                                                 • Sentiment graphs

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Multi -
Voice   Text   Channel    Capture   Process   Present
Multi -
Voice   Text   Channel    Capture   Process   Present
Multi -
Voice   Text   Channel    Capture   Process   Present
Challenge us!
  Send us your data and it will be automatically processed by our award winning Sentiment

  Your dashboard will include your analysis, letting you see exactly what your customers really

                            Multi -
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“Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to
issues early, letting us fix them before they turn
into full scale problems.”

100,000 comments analysed

Our text analysis technology
‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a
threat that Honda could deal with

Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers

                              Multi -
    Voice        Text        Channel    Capture      Process   Present
"Rant & Rave has helped us to develop our
 company ethos which is founded on mutual
trust and providing excellent customer service."

Outsourcery strive to listen to, and learn from
their customers, Rapide’s Rant & Rave solution
lets them do this in real-time.

On completion of a service call customers are
transferred to a feedback platform where they
can rate their experience and leave any
additional freeform comments they may have.

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Atos use emails to gather feedback
following a customer service call.

When their issue has been resolved
customers are asked to rate their
experience and to leave any free form
comments they may have.

This insight is used to improve customer
service levels and to praise success.

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“To me it’s all about recommendation and I would recommend
Rant & Rave. It does everything it suggests it will and more.”

The Crown Spa Hotel use the
Rant & Rave web widget to gather
insight via their website.

They combine this service with text and
voice solutions for a multi-channel
approach to their customer feedback.

                           Multi -
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“Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early,
letting us fix them before they turn into full scale problems.”

100,000 comments analysed

Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers

Our analysis identified and solved an
important issue

                           Multi -
   Voice       Text       Channel    Capture     Process     Present
“Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before
they turn into full scale problems.”

100,000 comments analysed
Our text analysis technology
‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a
threat that Honda could deal with

Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers

                           Multi -
    Voice       Text      Channel    Capture    Process     Present

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Customer Engagement

  • 1. Customer engagement is simple: Talk & Listen “82% of customers believe that “Only 10% of UK customers organisations must listen and believe that companies take act on customer feedback in note of what they say. ” order to retain business.” The best Talking and Listening technologies in the UK, used by 1/3 of the FTSE 500. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 2. 3 things that make us stand out from the crowd… Award winning technology Multi-channel capabilities Text analysis Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 3. Our retail clients have seen their revenues increase by over £1 million as a direct result of using our technology. We have 10 years experience helping clients engage with their customers. By understanding our clients’ customer feedback for them we have alerted them to over 100,000 opportunities and threats. opportunities. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 4. Our voice messages result in 20% marketing response rates And a 25% increase in average customer spend. “We couldn’t have done it without you, thank you very much indeed. Our customers were blown away!” Vodafone made their customer event extra special by using Lewis Hamilton to invite each guest personally with a Rapide voice message. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 5. Barclaycard sent their customers a voice message alerting them to some important information they would soon receive in the post…leading to a significant increase in revenue. “It’s amazing how such quick, simple solutions can be so effective.” • 20% increase in revenue • 100,000 customer landlines sent targeted voice message • 21% response rate Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 6. How flexible are you? Our technology is capable of delivering 100,000 text messages in just five minutes. Response rates can increase by as much as 300% if a short code is included on an advertisement or poster. Messages that include the option to be transferred to a customer representative have 4x the response rates of outbound calls. Messages can even be staggered to enable you to control the rate at which they’re delivered. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 7. "It’s trebled our expected response rate" By sending a text to a short code customers were sent a brochure in the post, a mobile internet link to more information as well as being given the option to reserve a room. The short code was the smallest ‘call to action’ but received by far the highest response rate. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 8. Personalise Texts don’t just have to be about mass communication. They can also be a very personal way of getting in touch. It can cost up to 7x more to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one. Hi Mark, as a Vodafone customer be the • Send customers info about new products relevant first to own the new Blackberry to them. Storm. Visit uk/storm for more • Maintain good customer relationships. details and exclusive deals • Increase revenue. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 9. Send text messages to their 2.9 million customers when their service is affected. • Proactively keep customers informed. • Reduce the number of inbound calls in to their contact centres. Text message reminders have reduced their no show rate by 4% and they estimate they are now saving £70,000 per month in lost appointment fees. “Rapide were able to offer us a reminder service which has greatly improved our customer service image.” Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 10. Increase revenue and traffic using text messages £840,000 of new orders Hi Joel, spend £50 at today and receive £30 400,000 customers contacted off your order. Average customer spend of £99.97 “Who knew a text message could be so persuasive?” Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 11. Speak their language Sometimes voice and text messages alone just aren’t enough. Our multi-channel solutions let you talk to your customers in the way that best suits them, at the time that is most valuable to you. A text message, followed up by an email or voice message can give a joined up approach to your customer engagement strategy. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 12. Change Channels • Text messages to trigger mobile and email vouchers • Email sent after purchase to capture feedback • Increase repeat business with mobile and email marketing • Build rich marketing databases “In one day our average customer spend increased by 7% and we captured important customer information.” Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 13. Bringing it all together Email and text confirmation Booking reminders Restaurant reservations Interactive maps Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 14. The Hotel Marketing Association’s ‘Best Use of Technology’ “The effect on bottom line revenue is very substantial” Every year we help Premier Inn: Sell over 84,000 meals Keep their no show rate down by 20% Communicate with 6 million customers Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 15. Keep them coming Premier Inn spend millions of pound finding out what their customers think – but why? It allows them to improve satisfaction based on the needs of their customers… Offer their customers maps to where they are staying & Freeview TV in all their rooms As a result to constantly listening and acting on customer feedback 91% of guests say they plan to stay again. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 16. But listen here this is interaction... real listening starts hear... Really listening to your customers is more than gathering their thoughts in a survey. Sometimes your customers have more to say than fits into your predefined questions, and sometimes you’re just not asking the right ones! To truly listen you need to gather your customers’ thoughts at the ‘moment of truth’ – the exact point at which they’re thinking them. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 17. Capture FACT: only 2% of what customers say gets listened to... Where you should listen to your you're losing out on 98% of up- moment of truth? sell and cross-sell opportunities! Everywhere. Organisations listen obsessively to what the media say ... but as for what customers say? 80% of executives think they understand it; 9 out of 10 customers disagree. And if you're not listening, you're missing the Moment. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 18. Process FACT: humans tend to miss 75% of what's there... and What can you do with the info categorise the 25% too broadly. once you've got it? That's a lot of insights lost! By sorting signal from noise. How can your people take in thousands of comments from customers? Often they don't: Text message responses, web comments, and comment cards sit around unused. But this is valuable information. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 19. Present FACT: time-specific customer data How can you make sense gets 20% less useful every 24hrs... so you need to make sense of it of what it's saying? TODAY! By seeing its effects in real-time. 72% of organisational data isn't used correctly - because it's used late or not at all. To make the best decisions you need real-time feedback in simple charts and graphics. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 20. Act FACT: enterprises that fail to build effective relationships When should you act on erode their customer base by what you find? 15-20% ... every single year! Whenever you can make the biggest difference. 66% of organisations have no strategy for taking positive action at the moment that most strongly defines your customer relationship. Without a plan, you can't take advantage. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 21. Introducing the award winning… Capture Process Present Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 22. Two ears, one mouth... are you using them in the right proportion? Our multi-channel feedback solutions let you capture all kinds of customer feedback, making sure you don’t miss a thing. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 23. Miss Selfridge use Rant & Rave to gather feedback from customers via text message after they have visited a store. • Managers are presented with actionable insights • Improves customer service • Creates a mobile marketing database “It created a real buzz in-store and a sense of competition amongst the team. The support we received from Rapide was fantastic!” Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 24. Break the mould Collecting customer insight is only part of the challenge. The key to making the most out of your feedback is to truly understand it. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 25. Analyse This The Sentiment Engine automatically analyses data using 12 intelligent steps broken down into 3 stages: Pre-Processing: Where data is prepared, spell checked and normalised. Topic Discovery: Where we discover what topics and entities are being discussed Sentiment Analysis: where we detect positive, negative and neutral emotions from items of feedback. The Engine also reveals opportunities and threats. Giving you the information you need to make Strategic decisions and take Operational action. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 26. Man vs Machine Challenge Research suggests that 75% of customer feedback remains unread Warwick Business School performed an independent study to see how well the Rapide Sentiment Engine would compare against humans. The Sentiment Engine proved to be more accurate, consistent and thorough. • It saved 5 days for every 1000 analysed comments • Used the full set of categories it had available (the humans only used a few) • Identified more opportunities and threats than humans • Can save an organisation receiving 3000 comments per month over £10,000 per year Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 27. Forrester Trends 1) More unsolicited, unstructured 1) Increasing use of text analytics. feedback More communication channels. 2) Integration with social media 2) The Aggregator allows focus on monitoring social media listening 3) Faster responses to customer 3) Real-time alerts and integration with feedback an organisation 4) Wider access to customer insights 4) The Dashboard can be accessed throughout an entire company 5) Shift focus from metrics to diagnostics 5) Less emphasis on Net Promoter and deeper focus on analytics 6) More continuous feedback mechanisms 6) SWOT provides faster identification of issues and opportunities Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 28. Moving towards more unsolicited, unstructured data Blog posts on “Rant and Rave is Customer ratings from 3rd third-party sites designed to capture Unsolicited party site and process unsolicited Letter from a customer and unstructured Call centre agent’s feedback. “ classification of inbound calls Verbatims of calls from customers “Our sophisticated Text Analysis software can reveal in depth customer insight about what EVERYONE is Solicited Comments on surveys saying about you.” Satisfaction and Net Promoter surveys Response to questions by sales rep Structured Unstructured Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 29. Requirements from a customer insight/VoC strategy Firms will need to piece together a comprehensive customer insight and response platform (CIRP) that facilitates the four KEY Voice of the Customer processes: Listening Interpreting Reacting Monitoring Capture Process Present Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 30. Integrating multiple sources of data Best Practice: Develop a uniform set of customer experience categories and apply it consistently to all Voice of Customer data. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 31. Customer feedback gets lost in organisational silos Customer Comments Comments Survey Captured via From Blogs Ratings Contact Centre & Websites (letters, faxes, emails) On-time Flight Departure Flight Departure On-time Performance On-time Flight Arrival Flight Arrival Wait Line at Check-in Checking-in Airport Check-in Helpfulness of Staff Orderly/Efficient Boarding Flight Boarding Food Service Quality of Meals In-Flight Service Frequent Flyer Program Quality of Entertainment Frequent Flyer Program Frequent Flyer Program Aircraft Interior Comfort of Seats Cleanliness of Aircraft Interior Cost of a Ticket Price/Value Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 32. “Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before they turn into full scale problems.” 100,000 comments analysed Our text analysis technology ‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a threat that Honda could deal with immediately. Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 33. • Full configurability • Drill down results • Real-time analysis • Unique SWOT algorithm • Interactive tag cloud • Multi-level categorisation • League tables • Sentiment graphs Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 34. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 35. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
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  • 37. Challenge us! Send us your data and it will be automatically processed by our award winning Sentiment Engine. Your dashboard will include your analysis, letting you see exactly what your customers really think. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 38. “Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before they turn into full scale problems.” 100,000 comments analysed Our text analysis technology ‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a threat that Honda could deal with immediately. Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 39. "Rant & Rave has helped us to develop our company ethos which is founded on mutual trust and providing excellent customer service." Outsourcery strive to listen to, and learn from their customers, Rapide’s Rant & Rave solution lets them do this in real-time. On completion of a service call customers are transferred to a feedback platform where they can rate their experience and leave any additional freeform comments they may have. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 40. Atos use emails to gather feedback following a customer service call. When their issue has been resolved customers are asked to rate their experience and to leave any free form comments they may have. This insight is used to improve customer service levels and to praise success. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 41. “To me it’s all about recommendation and I would recommend Rant & Rave. It does everything it suggests it will and more.” The Crown Spa Hotel use the Rant & Rave web widget to gather insight via their website. They combine this service with text and voice solutions for a multi-channel approach to their customer feedback. Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 42. “Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before they turn into full scale problems.” 100,000 comments analysed Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers Our analysis identified and solved an important issue Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present
  • 43. “Rant & Rave means that we’re now alerted to issues early, letting us fix them before they turn into full scale problems.” 100,000 comments analysed Our text analysis technology ‘The Sentiment Engine’ identified a threat that Honda could deal with immediately. Improved satisfaction of 20,000 customers Multi - Voice Text Channel Capture Process Present