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AUTUMN	2016	
35 NHS Trusts sign-up to
CUR during 2016/17
Clinical	Utilisation	Review	(CUR)	is	a	clinical	decision	
support	tool	that	enables	providers	and	commissioners	
to	make	objective,	evidence-based	assessments	of	
whether	patients	are	receiving	the	right	levels	of	care,	
in	the	right	setting,	at	the	right	time,	according	to	
clinical	need.		Use	of	the	tool	on	a	concurrent	basis	is	
key	to	reducing	delayed	transfers	of	care	in	provider	
CUR	was	adopted	as	national	policy	in	2007.		It	is	now	
being	incentivised	through	a	CUR	CQUIN	available	to	
providers	of	specialised	services	and	other	NHS	acute	
providers	via	the	CCG	CQUIN,	to	ensure	the	benefits	of	
CUR	can	be	levered.	
Following	the	launch	of	the	CUR	CQUN	in	2015/16,	30	
NHS	Trusts	have	now	signed	up	to	implement	CUR	
during	2016/17.			Ten	NHS	Trusts	will	be	implementing	
a	CUR	Local	Learning	Pilot	during	2016/17,	the	purpose	
of	which	is	to	“assess	whether	implementing	a	
concurrent	CUR	solution	will	provide	the	Trust	and	its	
local	stakeholders	(CCGs	and	Community	Providers)	
with	additional	data/	intelligence	to	inform	action	to	
reduce	non-qualified	/	inappropriate	admissions	and	
reduce	non-qualified	/	inappropriate	length	of	stay”.			
NHS	Trusts	are	now	at	various	stages	of	planning,	
procurement	and	implementation	of	CUR.			The	
number	of	Trusts	who	have	agreed	to	roll-out	CUR	
during	2016/17	by	Region	are:	
• London	-	8	NHS	Trusts		
• Midlands	and	East	-	6	NHS	Trusts	
• North	-	11	NHS	Trusts	
• South	–	10	NHS	Trusts	
During	2016/17	we	have	continued	to	
support	the	five	national	Early	Implementer	
Sites	(EIS)	through	procurement,	
implementation,	roll-out	and	reporting:-	
• Basildon	and	Thurrock	University	
Hospitals	NHS	Trust	
• Brighton	&	Sussex	University	Hospitals	
NHS	Trust	
• Royal	Surrey	NHS	Foundation	Trust	
• Salford	Royal	Hospitals	NHS	Foundation	
• South	Tees	Hospitals	NHS	Foundation	
We	are	now	starting	to	see	the	benefits	and	
learning	CUR	brings,	through	the	sharing	of	
lessons	learnt	and	CUR	reporting,	shared	by	
the	5	EIS	sites,	following	implementation	of	
their	preferred	CUR	solution.			We	have	
summarised	these	early	findings	below:	
• During	Quarter	1	2016/17	over	67,528	
daily	reviews	(CUR	assessments)	were	
undertaken	on	over	1,800	beds	across	
our	5	Early	Implementer	Sites	(EIS).	
• Based	on	the	data	provided,	25,703	
(38%)	of	those	daily	CUR	reviews	did	
not	meet	the	CUR	criteria	for	an	
appropriate	in-patient	stay;	with	a	
range	of	between	21%	–	66%	at	our	5	
EIS	Trusts.	
• This	means,	during	the	quarter,	that	
across	our	5	Trusts,	an	average	of	282	
beds	had	a	patient	being	cared	for	in	
them	that	did	not	meet	the	CUR	Criteria	
used	to	assess	whether	they	should	
have	been	at	that	level	of	care	
• What	are	the	costs	involved?	If	we	
assumed	that	an	average	sized	acute	
ward	(25	beds),	cost	£1m	to	provide	this	
would	equate	to	c.£11.3m	of	provision	
across	our	5	EIS	Trusts.	
EIS	Trusts	are	yet	to	complete	full	roll	out	of	
their	CUR	solutions	–	likely	to	result	in	
greater	opportunities	to	improve	patient	
In	order	for	CUR	to	be	effective,	it	is	important	that	
assessments	are	completed	for	every	patient,	in	
every	bed	for	every	day	of	their	stay.		Monitoring	
compliance	across	wards	is	critical	to	ensure	the	
benefits	of	CUR	can	be	realised.		A	compliance	rate	
of	80%	is	optimal	and	should	be	the	target	Trusts	aim	
to	achieve.			The	EIS	sites	continue	to	embed	CUR	
into	daily	operational	processes	in	order	to	achieve	
this	target.		
Most	NHS	providers,	prior	to	undertaking	CUR,	
believed	that	the	majority	of	the	reasons	for	
inappropriate	patient	stays	were	due	to	external	
rather	than	internal	reasons,	therefore	limiting	their	
ability	to	improve	patient	flow.	External	delays	are	
caused	by	issues	in	community,	primary	and	social	
care	–	these	can	be	process	issues,	capacity	
restrictions	or	because	services	do	not	exist	in	the	
first	place,	meaning	there	is	no	alternative	level	of	
care	for	these	patients.			
Early	evidence	from	our	5	EIS	sites	suggests	that	this	
is	not	always	the	case.	During	Q1	2016/17	the	
majority	of	the	reasons	(63%)	for	CUR	criteria	not	
being	met	(inappropriate	patient	bed	days)	were	
due	to	internal	delays,	within	the	control	of	Trusts,	
with	a	range	of	22%	-	88%	at	EIS	Trusts.	
SUMMER	2016		
Early Implementer Sites – Key Findings
Page	2	
is	one	of	our	five	national	CUR	Early	Implementer	
Sites.		The	CUR	national	team	recently	visited	the	
Trust	to	see	at	first	hand	the	progress	the	Trust	is	
making	in	implementing	CUR.		
Nigel	Kee,	Chief	Operating	Officer,	described	the	
complex	issues	challenging	the	Trust	which	resulted	in	
them	applying	to	be	one	of	the	Early	Implementer	
The	challenges	facing	the	Trust	include:	a	25%	
increase	in	A&E	attendances	since	2011/1;	lack	of	
primary	care	provision	across	the	region;	social	care	
capacity	with	significant	impact	on	Delayed	Transfers	
of	Care	(DTOC);	and	a	commissioner	sponsored	review	
of	ambulance	conveyancing.			The	Trust	had	embarked	
on	a	review	of	‘front	end’	processes	to	review	
bottlenecks	and	a	review	of	‘back	door’	processes	to	
identify	opportunities	for	improvement.			
The	Trust	has	established	a	project	team	to	oversee	
the	implementation	of	CUR	with	a	Project	Lead	who	is	
the	Head	of	Operations	for	the	Trust,	and	a	Clinical	
Lead	who	is	the	Head	of	the	Discharge	Team	for	the	
Since	commencing	implementation	in	November	
2015,	the	Trust	has	rolled	out	CUR	across	300	beds	
and	aims	to	roll-out	to	an	additional	250	beds	during	
2016/17.		Discharge	facilitators	are	undertaking	the	
reviews	on	behalf	of	ward	staff,	a	process	which	is	
currently	being	embedded	across	the	Trust.	
As	a	result	of	implementing	CUR,	the	Trust	identified	
approximately	447	out	of	1738	individual	bed	days	
(25%)	that	were	avoidable	relating	to	84	patients	
who	could	have	been	treated	in	a	less	intensive	care	
The	reasons	for	delay	relating	to	these	patients	
equated	to	72%	of	internal	delays	–	physician	and	
hospital	related	delays	and	27%	external	delays	–	
community	and	social	services.	
Reasons	for	internal	delay	include	awaiting	
consultation	with	the	medical	team;	and	waiting	
for	therapies.		External	delays	included	awaiting	
rehabilitation	and	social	service	review.	
Nigel	Kee	believes	that	the	CUR	data	has	
provided	momentum	to	alter	the	dialogue	with	
clinicians,	and	has	acted	as	a	catalyst	to	review	
how	organisations	operate	together	as	a	system.				
“CUR has enabled us to identify those
patients that shouldn’t be in a Trust setting
to enable wider discussion at our local SRG
For	further	information	on	CUR	at	Basildon	and	
Thurrock,	please	contact	a	member	of	the	CUR	
Watch	out	for	more…	
Salford	Trust	are	currently	developing	a	Case	
Study	on	unmet	criteria,	due	to	be	published	
September	16.	
Royal	Surrey	County	Hospital	NHS	
Foundation	Trust	
Before	implementation	of	the	CUR	system	the	Trust	
would	solely	rely	on	MDT	meetings	and	handovers	
to	plan	patient	discharges.	However,	the	role	of	
discharge	co-ordinators	was	non-existent	and	
discharge	facilitation	relied	mainly	on	nurses,	Social	
Services	and	therapy	staff.	This	could	occasionally	be	
time-consuming	for	staff	having	to	deal	with	tasks	
outside	their	job	specification	including	daily	
contacts	with	the	community	services.		
“As a team leader I strive to be aware of the teams’
caseload and support my staff with complex
rehab and discharges. This often involves a
round through the medical wards to discuss the
caseload but also for me to have a general
overview of all ward patients to check if therapy
can help facilitate discharges of more complex
“Since the introduction of CUR to the medical
wards, I am able to access first thing in the
morning the report highlighting the RFD status
of patients and therefore tailor my support to the
appropriate ward physiotherapy staff to facilitate
the relevant patient’s care, rehab and discharge”.
The	use	of	CUR	has	positively	changed	the	outlook	of	
therapists	on	the	“return	to	baseline”	concept	as	
physiotherapists	are	now	more	aware	of	community	
services	and	how	those	can	take	responsibility	for	
the	patient’s	rehabilitation,	whether	it	be	home	or	
community	hospital.			
“We are now, more than ever before, consistently
and actively aiming for our patients to work
towards rehabilitation goals from day 1 of
admission in order to effectively advise the team
on discharge destination as soon as possible to
ensure organised, prompt and safe discharges as
soon as the patients are MFFD”.
“I have found the introduction of both the CUR
system and discharge coordinators very positive
as it has helped in the discharge and rehab skills
development of my more junior members of staff
as direct results of the conversations happening
in the daily MDT handovers/ meetings”.
I believe the patients to be benefitting greatly
from this new discharge planning structure as
their current care, rehab and appropriate place of
care are reviewed daily and discharges are more
prompt from the day they are MFFD therefore
reducing their stay in an acute setting and
reducing exposure to the risks associated with
acute stay”
Clinical	Utilisation	Review	is	enabling	all	key	MDT	
members	to	work	together	resulting	in	all	staff	
aware	of	our	patients’	discharge	plans	and	therefore	
presenting	to	the	patients	and	their	relatives	an	
informative,	supportive	and	knowledgeable	team.	
Sam	Towers	
Inpatient	Head	of	Physiotherapy	
Royal	Surrey	County	Hospital	NHS	Foundation	Trust	
“Clinical Utilisation Review, and
its use on a daily basis, changes the
way professionals talk to each
other”. It enables resource allocation
on a daily basis, rather than a
reactive weekly or monthly
Karen Scott, Head of Discharge
Team, Basildon and Thurrock NHS
Foundation Trust
“CUR adds real value to the role
of the Trust Case Managers, it's
their discharge compass. The tool
is patient focused and
financially self-supporting by
reducing bed days”.
John Coleman, Director of
Operations, Royal Surrey
As	part	of	the	event,	we	were	joined	by	2	
ward	managers	and	a	staff	nurse	from	the	
wards	to	provide	an	account	of	how	they	
use	the	system	on	a	daily	basis,	and	the	
benefits	this	has	provided	to	them	as	part	of	
their	working	day.			
Rebecca	Thompson,	CUR	Analyst	provided	
an	overview	of	the	work	undertaken	to	
create	a	CUR	dashboard,	now	being	used	on	
the	wards.		The	purpose	of	the	dashboard	is	
to	provide	at	the	press	of	one	button,	an	
overview	of	the	number	of	patients	meeting	
criteria	for	their	continued	stay,	those	who	
do	not	meet	the	criteria,	the	top	internal	
reasons	for	delay,	and	compliance	rate	in	
entering	the	data.	
Feedback	from	the	event	was	very	positive	
with	the	following	comments	received:	
“Excellent event. Well organised.
Covered lots of issues and honesty
around the challenges faced”.
“A good session with plenty of thoughts
and ideas to take away to consider
around my Trust’s implementation”.
“Helped increase my awareness of CUR,
and why it’s needed; good presentations”.
Further	events	are	planned	in	September	
and	November.		If	you	would	like	further	
information	about	attending	an	event,	
please	contact	
Salford	held	its	second	open	day	on	8th	August	
2016.		The	event	was	well	attended	by	8	different	
Trusts	from	the	North	and	London	regions.		The	
purpose	of	the	event	was	to	provide	an	overview	
of	CUR,	and	to	learn	from	the	Salford	experience,	
one	of	the	5	national	CUR	Early	Implementer	
The	event	was	hosted	by	Sarah	Bridgford,	CUR	
Project	Lead,	and	Dr	Richard	Warner,	Consultant	
in	A&E	Medicine	and	CUR	Clinical	Lead.		Sarah	
described	the	journey	that	Salford	have	
undertaken	in	implementing	CUR,	and	the	
successes	and	challenges	along	the	way.		This	
included	a	number	of	lessons	learnt	from	the	
implementation	period;	Salford	Royal	have	now	
rolled	out	CUR	across	660	beds,	their	total	bed	
Dr	Richard	Warner,	Clinical	Lead	at	Salford	Royal	
Hospitals	for	CUR	described	how	CUR	provides	an	
opportunity	for	clinicians	to	fully	understand	and	
engage	in	the	quantifiable	blockers	to	flow,	and	
prompts	thought	for	where	resource	and	
investment	needs	to	be	targeted	for	change	with	
key	decision	makers.		Richard	emphasised	that	
clinical	ownership	and	accountability	for	the	data	
arising	from	CUR	is	the	key	driver	for	change	at	
One	of	the	challenges	being	addressed	by	Salford	is	
improving	compliance	of	CUR	across	the	Trust.		In	
order	to	address	this,	the	Trust	has	produced	a	weekly	
compliance	report	shared	with	all	wards.		This	report	
identifies	the	actual	compliance	rate	for	each	ward	for	
that	given	week	and	the	change	in	compliance	against	
the	previous	week.		This	allows	the	Trust	to	identify	
where	additional	support,	for	example	training,	is	
required	and	therefore	support	can	be	directed	
appropriately	at	those	wards.			
As	part	of	addressing	Length	of	Stay	across	the	Trust	
they	are	now	in	the	process	of	establishing	KPIs	for	
each	ward	to	actively	reduce	LOS	as	an	outcome	of	the	
CUR	data	produced	to	date.			
In	addition,	they	are	currently	running	a	test	of	change	
to	ensure	CUR	is	fully	embedded	and	standardised	
across	all	wards.		This	will	result	in	a	standard	
operating	procedure	(SOP)	being	produced	for	all	
wards	–	due	to	complete	by	end	of	December	2016.	
CUR	Engagement	Events	–	London	
On	5th	July	2016	a	CUR	engagement	workshop	was	
held	for	provider	Trusts	and	commissioners	across	
London.	The	purpose	of	this	half	day	event	was	to:	
• provide	an	overview	of	CUR	for	NHS	provider	Trusts	
implementing	CUR	during	2016/17;	
• to	present	data	from	the	Early	Implementer	Sites	to	
substantiate	the	benefits	to	both	providers	and	
commissioners	in	implementing	CUR;	and		
• to	explore	the	key	milestones	for	Q2	2016/17		
The	CUR	national	team	were	on	hand	to	provide	
information	and	guidance	on	getting	started	with	
implementation	and	to	answer	specific	Trust	
Feedback	from	those	attending	found	the	event	useful	
and	on	that	basis	a	further	session	is	planned	during	
October	2016	to	review	success	criteria	at	individual	
Trust	level.		This	event	is	open	to	both	commissioners	
and	providers	who	are	implementing	CUR	in	16/17	
from	the	London	region.			
Page	3	
The	Salford	
SUMMER	2016	
Page	3
Page	4	
The	network	also	presents	an	opportunity	for	
Early	Implementer	Sites	to	feedback	on	
progress,	share	learning	and	ideas,	and	to	
shape	the	future	direction	of	the	CUR	
programme	with	the	national	team.	
During	2016/2017,	we	will	be	extending	an	
invitation	to	NHS	providers	to	join	the	network	
as	they	begin	to	implement	CUR.			
What	our	EIS	sites	wish	they’d	
known	that	they	know	now…	
“CUR is a system wide
transformation tool and not just
about data entry”.
A	great	deal	of	emphasis	has	been	placed	on	
understanding	who	will	be	entering	the	data	on	
a	daily	basis.		What	we	haven’t	truly	
appreciated	is	the	work	truly	starts	when	you	
begin	to	analyse	the	data,	and	fully	appreciate	
what	it	is	telling	you.		Compliance	in	use	of	the	
system	is	important,	we	mustn’t	under-
estimate	this,	but	of	more	importance	is	
understanding	how	the	data	will	be	used	to	
effect	change	and	enhance	patient	quality.		
Start	to	engage	with	your	Transformation/QI	
team	at	your	earliest	opportunity	to	
understand	the	additional	patient	flow	working	
taking	place	within	the	Trust,	and	how	CUR	can	
add	to	this.	
The	top	internal	based	reasons	for	
delay	reported	by	our	EIS	sites	include:	
• Awaiting	‘Physiotherapy’	and	‘Other	
diagnostics	tests/	treatments’	
• ‘MDT	intervention’,	‘Awaiting	Senior	
Clinical	Decision	to	Discharge/	At	
Consultant	Request’	
• ‘Medication	Related’	and	‘Processing	of	
Transfer/	Discharge	by	Trust’.	
“Senior Sponsorship of the CUR
Programme – both clinical and
It’s	really	important	that	leadership	is	
evident	at	the	start	of	the	programme;	
both	clinically	and	operationally.		CUR	is	
a	critical	enabler	for	Trusts	to	
understand	their	blockages,	and	delays	
at	ward	level,	divisional	level	and	the	
impact	of	this	for	the	whole	
This	requires	strong	leadership	-	is	the	
Trust	ready	to	accept	what	the	data	is	
showing	–	what	are	the	key	behaviours	
and	attributes	required	by	the	
organisation	to	drive	forward	the	
changes	on	this	basis.	
Using	the	Data	
Each	of	the	CUR	systems	will	generate	
automated	reports	identifying	the	
number	of	patients	who	meet	the	
criteria	on	a	daily	basis,	and	those	
patients	who	do	not.		Working	with	the	
wards	and	departments	to	draw	off	and	
use	this	data	consistently,	as	part	of	
daily	routine	is	a	key	requirement	to	
ensure	ownership	of	the	delays	and	
blockages,	and	to	ensure	change	can	
occur	quickly.			
Take	time	to	invest	in	analysing,	
interpreting	and	educating	others	in	
what	your	data	is	showing	-		this	is	key	
for	buy-in	from	the	wider	health	system.		
Using	the	data	as	soon	as	possible	with	
clinical	staff	will	ensure	buy-in,	and	help	
to	support	increased	compliance	once	
they	understand	the	benefits	being	
derived	from	what	they	are	inputting.	
A	Learning	Network	has	
been	developed	to	
support	the	CUR	Early	
Implementer	Sites,	
additional	Trusts	are	set	
to	join!	 						
“CUR is helping us deliver improved
outcomes, including accelerated
discharge and reduced bed usage
where it is not clinically indicated,
thus improving the experience for
those using our services”
Jennifer	Slater,	Clinical	Lead	–	Case	
Management,	Operational	Services	
South	Tees	Hospitals	NHS	Foundation	
Implement	over	7	days	
To	get	the	most	benefit	out	of	the	CUR	data	
being	produced	it’s	important	to	enter	the	
data	daily	over	7	days.		By	ensuring	real-time	
data	is	input,	data	capture	on	every	patient	
can	be	realised	thus	avoiding	a	retrospective	
view,	or	missing	cohorts	of	patients	who	may	
have	been	admitted	and	discharged	over	a	
Reporting	Lessons…	
Acknowledge	Its	Importance!	The	CUR	
CQUIN	Report	is	essentially	a	high	level	
summary	of	the	data	produced	by	your	CUR	
Solution.	It	is	not	complicated.	Trusts	need	to	
ensure	that	the	data	included	in	this	report	is	
not	only	good	enough	to	comply	with	the	
reporting	requirements	of	the	CQUIN	but	also	
for	the	organisation	itself,	as	you	should	be	
using	the	CUR	data	to	plan	and	implement	
actions	that	will	improve	the	quality,	
efficiency	and	effectiveness	of	the	services	
provided.	It	is	critical	that	Trusts	ensure	that	
sufficient	analytical	capacity	and	skills	are	
included	within	their	CUR	Project	
Management	Teams.	The	CUR	programme	is	a	
transformation	programme	and	needs	to	be	
resourced	as	such.		
Data	Quality	is	key	to	making	the	right	
decisions,	not	validating	and	testing	
understanding	of	the	data	before	submitting	
can	result	in	wasted	time	and	confusion.		
Work	with	your	CUR	supplier,	who	is	
committed	to	supporting	you	with	the	
production	of	the	report,	to	ensure	that	
inappropriate	conclusions	are	not	drawn	and	
to	ensure	the	CUR	National	Team	understand	
what	sits	below	the	headlines	we	will	follow-
up	every	submission	with	every	Trust,	working	
with	both	the	Trusts	and	suppliers	to	ensure	
the	data	is	‘clean’.	
Please	ask	the	CUR	National	team	if	unsure,	
we	are	happy	to	help.	
Don’t	forget	to	visit	the	
CUR	Extranet	site	for	all	the	latest	
documents,	briefings,	case	studies	and	
supporting	information.		Please	contact	for	access.	
For	further	information	on	any	of	the	
articles	published	in	this	edition	of	CUR	
news,	please	contact	a	member	of	the	
CUR	team.	
The delivery of the CUR
programme is supported by a
national team who are:
National Programme Director
T: 07717 467483
Relationship Lead – South and Midlands &
T: 07875 363263
Relationship Lead – North and London
T: 07810 752876
PMO Lead
T: 07798 888999
Relationship Lead – South and Midlands &
T: 07806 780409
The	National	CUR	Team	are	planning	an	event	
in	the	New	Year	to	share	the	Learning	on	CUR.		
Further	details	will	be	issued	in	December	
Further	events	are:	
• Monday	26th	September	2016	
• Monday	12th	December	2016	
If	you	would	like	further	information	about	
attending	an	event,	please	contact	
All	NHS	Trusts	who	have	signed	up	to	the	
2016/17	CUR	CQUIN	(including	CUR	Local	
Learning	Pilots)	are	required	to	complete	
CUR	CQUIN	Reports	once	they	have	gone	
live	with	their	CUR	solution.	The	
information	provided	in	the	CUR	CQUIN	
Reports	will	be	used	to	understand	the	
scope	and	potential	for	improving	patient	
flow.	Depending	on	local	agreements	they	
may	also	be	used	to	highlight	
improvements	in	a	reduction	in	CUR	
Criteria	Not	Met	(Non	Qualifying)	beds	
days,	from	the	baseline.	
By	combining	the	data	from	individual	
Trusts	the	national	CUR	Programme	Team	
is	using	the	data	in	the	reports	to	
understand/	illustrate:	
• The	size,	scope,	scale	and	pace	of	
implementation	at	a	national	level	
• The	potential	for	improving	patient	
flow	across	the	national	programme	
and	the	main	reasons	for	CUR	Criteria	
Not	Being	Met	
• Reductions	in	CUR	Criteria	Not	Met	
(Non	Qualifying)	bed	days	(and	where	
appropriate	non-elective	admissions).	
Due	to	the	differences	in	local	
implementation,	local	modifications	to	CUR	
software	and	the	differing	characteristics	of	
local	systems	the	information	gathered	in	
these	reports	will	not	be	used	for	
performance	management	purposes.	As	
part	of	signing	up	to	the	CQUIN	Providers	
can	be	assured	that	the	publication	of	
identifiable	Trust	specific	data	will	only	be	
made	available	with	permission	from	their	
Trust	Board	e.g.	to	support	cases	studies	or	
good	practice	guides.	
Page	5	
SUMMER	2016	
We	would	particularly	like	to	thank	our	
colleagues	at	Basildon	&	Thurrock	
University	Hospitals,	Salford	Royal	NHS	
Foundation	Trust	and	Royal	Surrey	
County	Hospital	for	their	valuable	
contributions	to	the	CUR	Learning	
Network	and	production	of	CUR	case	
studies	as	detailed	in	this	newsletter.

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CUR Summer 2016 newsletter final

  • 1. AUTUMN 2016 35 NHS Trusts sign-up to CUR during 2016/17 Clinical Utilisation Review (CUR) is a clinical decision support tool that enables providers and commissioners to make objective, evidence-based assessments of whether patients are receiving the right levels of care, in the right setting, at the right time, according to clinical need. Use of the tool on a concurrent basis is key to reducing delayed transfers of care in provider organisations. CUR was adopted as national policy in 2007. It is now being incentivised through a CUR CQUIN available to providers of specialised services and other NHS acute providers via the CCG CQUIN, to ensure the benefits of CUR can be levered. Following the launch of the CUR CQUN in 2015/16, 30 NHS Trusts have now signed up to implement CUR during 2016/17. Ten NHS Trusts will be implementing a CUR Local Learning Pilot during 2016/17, the purpose of which is to “assess whether implementing a concurrent CUR solution will provide the Trust and its local stakeholders (CCGs and Community Providers) with additional data/ intelligence to inform action to reduce non-qualified / inappropriate admissions and reduce non-qualified / inappropriate length of stay”. NHS Trusts are now at various stages of planning, procurement and implementation of CUR. The number of Trusts who have agreed to roll-out CUR during 2016/17 by Region are: • London - 8 NHS Trusts • Midlands and East - 6 NHS Trusts • North - 11 NHS Trusts • South – 10 NHS Trusts During 2016/17 we have continued to support the five national Early Implementer Sites (EIS) through procurement, implementation, roll-out and reporting:- • Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Trust • Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust • Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust • Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust • South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust We are now starting to see the benefits and learning CUR brings, through the sharing of lessons learnt and CUR reporting, shared by the 5 EIS sites, following implementation of their preferred CUR solution. We have summarised these early findings below: • During Quarter 1 2016/17 over 67,528 daily reviews (CUR assessments) were undertaken on over 1,800 beds across our 5 Early Implementer Sites (EIS). • Based on the data provided, 25,703 (38%) of those daily CUR reviews did not meet the CUR criteria for an appropriate in-patient stay; with a range of between 21% – 66% at our 5 EIS Trusts. • This means, during the quarter, that across our 5 Trusts, an average of 282 beds had a patient being cared for in them that did not meet the CUR Criteria used to assess whether they should have been at that level of care • What are the costs involved? If we assumed that an average sized acute ward (25 beds), cost £1m to provide this would equate to c.£11.3m of provision across our 5 EIS Trusts. EIS Trusts are yet to complete full roll out of their CUR solutions – likely to result in greater opportunities to improve patient flow. In order for CUR to be effective, it is important that assessments are completed for every patient, in every bed for every day of their stay. Monitoring compliance across wards is critical to ensure the benefits of CUR can be realised. A compliance rate of 80% is optimal and should be the target Trusts aim to achieve. The EIS sites continue to embed CUR into daily operational processes in order to achieve this target. Most NHS providers, prior to undertaking CUR, believed that the majority of the reasons for inappropriate patient stays were due to external rather than internal reasons, therefore limiting their ability to improve patient flow. External delays are caused by issues in community, primary and social care – these can be process issues, capacity restrictions or because services do not exist in the first place, meaning there is no alternative level of care for these patients. Early evidence from our 5 EIS sites suggests that this is not always the case. During Q1 2016/17 the majority of the reasons (63%) for CUR criteria not being met (inappropriate patient bed days) were due to internal delays, within the control of Trusts, with a range of 22% - 88% at EIS Trusts. SUMMER 2016 Early Implementer Sites – Key Findings
  • 2. Page 2 is one of our five national CUR Early Implementer Sites. The CUR national team recently visited the Trust to see at first hand the progress the Trust is making in implementing CUR. Nigel Kee, Chief Operating Officer, described the complex issues challenging the Trust which resulted in them applying to be one of the Early Implementer Sites. The challenges facing the Trust include: a 25% increase in A&E attendances since 2011/1; lack of primary care provision across the region; social care capacity with significant impact on Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC); and a commissioner sponsored review of ambulance conveyancing. The Trust had embarked on a review of ‘front end’ processes to review bottlenecks and a review of ‘back door’ processes to identify opportunities for improvement. The Trust has established a project team to oversee the implementation of CUR with a Project Lead who is the Head of Operations for the Trust, and a Clinical Lead who is the Head of the Discharge Team for the Trust. Since commencing implementation in November 2015, the Trust has rolled out CUR across 300 beds and aims to roll-out to an additional 250 beds during 2016/17. Discharge facilitators are undertaking the reviews on behalf of ward staff, a process which is currently being embedded across the Trust. As a result of implementing CUR, the Trust identified approximately 447 out of 1738 individual bed days (25%) that were avoidable relating to 84 patients who could have been treated in a less intensive care setting. The reasons for delay relating to these patients equated to 72% of internal delays – physician and hospital related delays and 27% external delays – community and social services. Reasons for internal delay include awaiting consultation with the medical team; and waiting for therapies. External delays included awaiting rehabilitation and social service review. Nigel Kee believes that the CUR data has provided momentum to alter the dialogue with clinicians, and has acted as a catalyst to review how organisations operate together as a system. “CUR has enabled us to identify those patients that shouldn’t be in a Trust setting to enable wider discussion at our local SRG meeting”. For further information on CUR at Basildon and Thurrock, please contact a member of the CUR national Watch out for more… Salford Trust are currently developing a Case Study on unmet criteria, due to be published September 16. Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Before implementation of the CUR system the Trust would solely rely on MDT meetings and handovers to plan patient discharges. However, the role of discharge co-ordinators was non-existent and discharge facilitation relied mainly on nurses, Social Services and therapy staff. This could occasionally be time-consuming for staff having to deal with tasks outside their job specification including daily contacts with the community services. “As a team leader I strive to be aware of the teams’ caseload and support my staff with complex rehab and discharges. This often involves a round through the medical wards to discuss the caseload but also for me to have a general overview of all ward patients to check if therapy can help facilitate discharges of more complex patients”. “Since the introduction of CUR to the medical wards, I am able to access first thing in the morning the report highlighting the RFD status of patients and therefore tailor my support to the appropriate ward physiotherapy staff to facilitate the relevant patient’s care, rehab and discharge”. The use of CUR has positively changed the outlook of therapists on the “return to baseline” concept as physiotherapists are now more aware of community services and how those can take responsibility for the patient’s rehabilitation, whether it be home or community hospital. “We are now, more than ever before, consistently and actively aiming for our patients to work towards rehabilitation goals from day 1 of admission in order to effectively advise the team on discharge destination as soon as possible to ensure organised, prompt and safe discharges as soon as the patients are MFFD”. “I have found the introduction of both the CUR system and discharge coordinators very positive as it has helped in the discharge and rehab skills development of my more junior members of staff as direct results of the conversations happening in the daily MDT handovers/ meetings”. I believe the patients to be benefitting greatly from this new discharge planning structure as their current care, rehab and appropriate place of care are reviewed daily and discharges are more prompt from the day they are MFFD therefore reducing their stay in an acute setting and reducing exposure to the risks associated with acute stay” Clinical Utilisation Review is enabling all key MDT members to work together resulting in all staff aware of our patients’ discharge plans and therefore presenting to the patients and their relatives an informative, supportive and knowledgeable team. Sam Towers Inpatient Head of Physiotherapy Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust “Clinical Utilisation Review, and its use on a daily basis, changes the way professionals talk to each other”. It enables resource allocation on a daily basis, rather than a reactive weekly or monthly schedule” Karen Scott, Head of Discharge Team, Basildon and Thurrock NHS Foundation Trust “CUR adds real value to the role of the Trust Case Managers, it's their discharge compass. The tool is patient focused and financially self-supporting by reducing bed days”. John Coleman, Director of Operations, Royal Surrey Hospital SUMMER 2016
  • 3. As part of the event, we were joined by 2 ward managers and a staff nurse from the wards to provide an account of how they use the system on a daily basis, and the benefits this has provided to them as part of their working day. Rebecca Thompson, CUR Analyst provided an overview of the work undertaken to create a CUR dashboard, now being used on the wards. The purpose of the dashboard is to provide at the press of one button, an overview of the number of patients meeting criteria for their continued stay, those who do not meet the criteria, the top internal reasons for delay, and compliance rate in entering the data. Feedback from the event was very positive with the following comments received: “Excellent event. Well organised. Covered lots of issues and honesty around the challenges faced”. “A good session with plenty of thoughts and ideas to take away to consider around my Trust’s implementation”. “Helped increase my awareness of CUR, and why it’s needed; good presentations”. Further events are planned in September and November. If you would like further information about attending an event, please contact Salford held its second open day on 8th August 2016. The event was well attended by 8 different Trusts from the North and London regions. The purpose of the event was to provide an overview of CUR, and to learn from the Salford experience, one of the 5 national CUR Early Implementer Sites. The event was hosted by Sarah Bridgford, CUR Project Lead, and Dr Richard Warner, Consultant in A&E Medicine and CUR Clinical Lead. Sarah described the journey that Salford have undertaken in implementing CUR, and the successes and challenges along the way. This included a number of lessons learnt from the implementation period; Salford Royal have now rolled out CUR across 660 beds, their total bed base. Dr Richard Warner, Clinical Lead at Salford Royal Hospitals for CUR described how CUR provides an opportunity for clinicians to fully understand and engage in the quantifiable blockers to flow, and prompts thought for where resource and investment needs to be targeted for change with key decision makers. Richard emphasised that clinical ownership and accountability for the data arising from CUR is the key driver for change at Salford. One of the challenges being addressed by Salford is improving compliance of CUR across the Trust. In order to address this, the Trust has produced a weekly compliance report shared with all wards. This report identifies the actual compliance rate for each ward for that given week and the change in compliance against the previous week. This allows the Trust to identify where additional support, for example training, is required and therefore support can be directed appropriately at those wards. As part of addressing Length of Stay across the Trust they are now in the process of establishing KPIs for each ward to actively reduce LOS as an outcome of the CUR data produced to date. In addition, they are currently running a test of change to ensure CUR is fully embedded and standardised across all wards. This will result in a standard operating procedure (SOP) being produced for all wards – due to complete by end of December 2016. CUR Engagement Events – London Region On 5th July 2016 a CUR engagement workshop was held for provider Trusts and commissioners across London. The purpose of this half day event was to: • provide an overview of CUR for NHS provider Trusts implementing CUR during 2016/17; • to present data from the Early Implementer Sites to substantiate the benefits to both providers and commissioners in implementing CUR; and • to explore the key milestones for Q2 2016/17 The CUR national team were on hand to provide information and guidance on getting started with implementation and to answer specific Trust questions. Feedback from those attending found the event useful and on that basis a further session is planned during October 2016 to review success criteria at individual Trust level. This event is open to both commissioners and providers who are implementing CUR in 16/17 from the London region. Page 3 EVENTS AROUND THE REGIONS - SITES GO LIVE The Salford Story SUMMER 2016 Page 3
  • 4. Page 4 The network also presents an opportunity for Early Implementer Sites to feedback on progress, share learning and ideas, and to shape the future direction of the CUR programme with the national team. During 2016/2017, we will be extending an invitation to NHS providers to join the network as they begin to implement CUR. What our EIS sites wish they’d known that they know now… “CUR is a system wide transformation tool and not just about data entry”. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on understanding who will be entering the data on a daily basis. What we haven’t truly appreciated is the work truly starts when you begin to analyse the data, and fully appreciate what it is telling you. Compliance in use of the system is important, we mustn’t under- estimate this, but of more importance is understanding how the data will be used to effect change and enhance patient quality. Start to engage with your Transformation/QI team at your earliest opportunity to understand the additional patient flow working taking place within the Trust, and how CUR can add to this. The top internal based reasons for delay reported by our EIS sites include: • Awaiting ‘Physiotherapy’ and ‘Other diagnostics tests/ treatments’ • ‘MDT intervention’, ‘Awaiting Senior Clinical Decision to Discharge/ At Consultant Request’ • ‘Medication Related’ and ‘Processing of Transfer/ Discharge by Trust’. CUR LEARNING NETWORK UPDATE “Senior Sponsorship of the CUR Programme – both clinical and operational” It’s really important that leadership is evident at the start of the programme; both clinically and operationally. CUR is a critical enabler for Trusts to understand their blockages, and delays at ward level, divisional level and the impact of this for the whole organisation. This requires strong leadership - is the Trust ready to accept what the data is showing – what are the key behaviours and attributes required by the organisation to drive forward the changes on this basis. Using the Data Each of the CUR systems will generate automated reports identifying the number of patients who meet the criteria on a daily basis, and those patients who do not. Working with the wards and departments to draw off and use this data consistently, as part of daily routine is a key requirement to ensure ownership of the delays and blockages, and to ensure change can occur quickly. Take time to invest in analysing, interpreting and educating others in what your data is showing - this is key for buy-in from the wider health system. Using the data as soon as possible with clinical staff will ensure buy-in, and help to support increased compliance once they understand the benefits being derived from what they are inputting. A Learning Network has been developed to support the CUR Early Implementer Sites, additional Trusts are set to join! “CUR is helping us deliver improved outcomes, including accelerated discharge and reduced bed usage where it is not clinically indicated, thus improving the experience for those using our services” Jennifer Slater, Clinical Lead – Case Management, Operational Services South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Implement over 7 days To get the most benefit out of the CUR data being produced it’s important to enter the data daily over 7 days. By ensuring real-time data is input, data capture on every patient can be realised thus avoiding a retrospective view, or missing cohorts of patients who may have been admitted and discharged over a weekend. Reporting Lessons… Acknowledge Its Importance! The CUR CQUIN Report is essentially a high level summary of the data produced by your CUR Solution. It is not complicated. Trusts need to ensure that the data included in this report is not only good enough to comply with the reporting requirements of the CQUIN but also for the organisation itself, as you should be using the CUR data to plan and implement actions that will improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided. It is critical that Trusts ensure that sufficient analytical capacity and skills are included within their CUR Project Management Teams. The CUR programme is a transformation programme and needs to be resourced as such. Data Quality is key to making the right decisions, not validating and testing understanding of the data before submitting can result in wasted time and confusion. Work with your CUR supplier, who is committed to supporting you with the production of the report, to ensure that inappropriate conclusions are not drawn and to ensure the CUR National Team understand what sits below the headlines we will follow- up every submission with every Trust, working with both the Trusts and suppliers to ensure the data is ‘clean’. Please ask the CUR National team if unsure, we are happy to help. SUMMER 2016
  • 5. CUR TEAM MEMBERS UPCOMING EVENTS Don’t forget to visit the CUR Extranet site for all the latest documents, briefings, case studies and supporting information. Please contact for access. For further information on any of the articles published in this edition of CUR news, please contact a member of the CUR team. The delivery of the CUR programme is supported by a national team who are: HILARY HEYWOOD National Programme Director T: 07717 467483 E: MICK DOLAN Relationship Lead – South and Midlands & East T: 07875 363263 E: ALISON JOHNSON Relationship Lead – North and London T: 07810 752876 E: ELISA TAYLOR PMO Lead T: 07798 888999 E: DENISE EDWARDS Relationship Lead – South and Midlands & East T: 07806 780409 E: NATIONAL CUR EVENT The National CUR Team are planning an event in the New Year to share the Learning on CUR. Further details will be issued in December 2016. SALFORD ROYAL HOSPITALS OPEN DAYS Further events are: • Monday 26th September 2016 • Monday 12th December 2016 If you would like further information about attending an event, please contact CUR CQUIN REPORTING All NHS Trusts who have signed up to the 2016/17 CUR CQUIN (including CUR Local Learning Pilots) are required to complete CUR CQUIN Reports once they have gone live with their CUR solution. The information provided in the CUR CQUIN Reports will be used to understand the scope and potential for improving patient flow. Depending on local agreements they may also be used to highlight improvements in a reduction in CUR Criteria Not Met (Non Qualifying) beds days, from the baseline. By combining the data from individual Trusts the national CUR Programme Team is using the data in the reports to understand/ illustrate: • The size, scope, scale and pace of implementation at a national level • The potential for improving patient flow across the national programme and the main reasons for CUR Criteria Not Being Met • Reductions in CUR Criteria Not Met (Non Qualifying) bed days (and where appropriate non-elective admissions). Due to the differences in local implementation, local modifications to CUR software and the differing characteristics of local systems the information gathered in these reports will not be used for performance management purposes. As part of signing up to the CQUIN Providers can be assured that the publication of identifiable Trust specific data will only be made available with permission from their Trust Board e.g. to support cases studies or good practice guides. Page 5 SUMMER 2016 We would particularly like to thank our colleagues at Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Surrey County Hospital for their valuable contributions to the CUR Learning Network and production of CUR case studies as detailed in this newsletter.