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Cultural Diversity And A Multicultural Society
The United States is a multicultural society in which health professionals handle people from various origins. Now the question is: "How nurses meet
diversified needs of human lives?" Each day, nurses make optimistic changes in human lives by providing care. This holistic care includes each and
every aspect of health. This includes, but isn't limited to physical, intellectual, emotional, and significantly cultural dimensions. In order for nurses to
provide transcultural care, they need to be knowledgeable to understand significance of cultural diversity and take measures to provide culture
competent care.
Cultural diversity is a broad term that according to Lynn (2015), "Culture, ethnicity, and race– is an integral component of both health and illness," (p.
74). The term 'culture' which according to Silvestri (2014) means, "Dynamic network of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, ideas, attitudes,
values and norms that are unique to particular group of people" (p.38). Furthermore, ethnicity and race are exchangeable. A person belongs to certain
ethnicity by birth or adoption. Race is focused more towards physical characteristics of a person. In order for nurses must understand the significance
of these factors to provide culture sensitive care.
Culture has a great influence on individual's health and illness and it shapes various aspects of life. These includes: response to pain, physiologic
diversity, communication, nutrition, and family roles. When the care is
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The Impact Of Multiculturalism In Ireland
Over the last few years Ireland has become an increasing multicultural society. In the quite recent past, 'Ireland was a monoculture, monotheistic place
where pretty much everyone was a white Irish Catholic, with cultural diversity comprised of a small scattering of white Irish Protestants'
( A multicultural society simply means a society with many existing cultures, therefore, multiculturalism refers to the 'cultural
diversity or culturally embedded differences' within a society (Parekh, 2000, 3). Figures from the 2011 census in Ireland show that over 500,000 non
Irish nationalists were living in Ireland during this year. This accounts for 12% of the population and has increased significantly from 2002 were 5.8%
of the more content...
Racism is a serious reality for migrant and ethnic minorities living in Ireland. It is a significant barrier hindering integration which in return limits
opportunities for building a cohesive society. 'Many types of racist incidents do not constitute a crime under Irish law, and they are often not recorded
by the GardaГ' ( In 2010, ENAR Ireland held a seminar titled, 'Racist Crime: Issues, Opportunities and the EU Framework Decision
on Combating Racism and Xenophobia'. The seminar emphasised the obligation on the State to transpose the EU Framework Decision to combat
racism and xenophobia, ensuing opportunities. In Ireland racism is not a crime and currently there is no provision in legislation to deal with it.
Therefore the government should make racism a crime in order to send a vivid message that in Irish society it is not acceptable or tolerated.
The Irish government have taken steps with regard to integration in Irish society. The launch of the "Intercultural Education Strategy 2010–2015" aims
пѓ All students: experience an education that "respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a
spirit of partnership" (Education Act,
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Examples Of Multicultural Society
What defines a multicultural society is the basic idea where everyone in said society can accept the uniqueness of culture and language its citizens
have to offer. In theory that's what it should be, but same theories put in practice result in the complete opposite, the ideas of the "Melting Pot" and
"Gorgeous Mosaic" are a perfect example of the possible outcome. The authors of "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" and " The Joy of reading and
writing." Are almost opposite sides of the same coin. This two authors from different ethics group suffer in many aspects the same dilemma because of
the so–called "multicultural" society and fought against the labels society place upon them to show their true capacity that when beyond their ethnic
group. A Multicultural Society. A place where many different nationalities join together and appreciate their uniqueness. One would think is the less
cliche version of everyone joining hands and singing the kumbaya. Ironically the United States founded solidly by almost fully European man is one
of the best examples of a multicultural society. Yes, that's what everyone would like to think. Perhaps that was the initial idea when the country started
to slowly become less white and more diverse. However, this state of pure unity is nothing but an illusion created by everyone. Does the United States
have many different cultures within its land? Yes of course, but does everyone acts as if they live in a multicultural society, that's an answer hard to
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A multi–ethnic society is a society which includes people from a variety of different races, religions, cultures, backgrounds etc. Multi–ethnic societies
can have many negative and positive effects which I am going to explain in the following paragraphs.
The benefits of living in a multi–ethnic society are that you get to meet new people and learn interesting things about them. People get a chance to
understand others and realise they're equal to us. It makes people less ignorant and alters stereotypical views they may have had beforehand from
media influence or friends/relatives. We begin to respect them more and understand their views on specific subjects. This could help people become
less racist. Also, you get a chance to learn more content...
Some of the world's best chefs are from other countries so food standards would decrease too. Also, many of our favourite films and TV programmes
wouldn't exist because many are made by foreign directors. Lots of famous actors/actresses are also foreign so our standard of films wouldn't be as
good. People from other cultures may have better ideas about behaviour and what rules to live by which could improve our society. We've gained
different fashion designers such as Versace and have more clothes to choose from as a result. Exciting festivals such Chinese New Year wouldn't exist
if we didn't have a multi–cultural society. We get a wider choose of music to listen to by different artists and different genres of music such as
bollywood and country and western. For many of our Olympic medals we've received we can thank black and Asian athletes such as Kelly Holmes
who won 2 gold medals in the 2004 Olympics. More sports are available now too and many of our favourite sporting achievers are foreign.
Technology has advanced because of foreigners coming up with new ideas. We've got improved health care because of accomplished foreign doctors
uncovering new medicines. Education has improved because of knowledgeable foreign teachers and books written by people from different cultures.
Also, without people from other cultures living in Britain we'd have a shortage of qualified people to employ
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Essay On Multiculturalism
Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own
basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are
also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today.
Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza,
different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like
Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content...
Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the
world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone
if we let it renew with no system at all?
Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really
good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we
really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be
But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the
country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country,
and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where
almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some
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Nationalism in a Multicultural Society
Nationalism is exclusionary by definition. In a well–argued essay, compare the positive and negative effects of nationalism within a multicultural or
multiethnic society. In your answer, discuss the problems that a multicultural society poses to the formation of national identity and why you do or do
not believe that nationalism is compatible with the liberal state's emphasis upon individual rights and freedoms.
"The Age of liberal democracy is also the Age of nationalism" (Bernard Yack, 2003) . Throughout history, the relationship between nationalism and the
emergence and proliferation of the liberal democratic state has been closely intertwined. Examples of democratic states that rose in tandem with
nationalism are the more content...
He carried out genocide on the German Jews in order to create the perfect Aryan race. Hitler successfully turned the Germans against each other based
on anti–Semitic ideals. "From this point of view, nationalism and the politics of ethnic cleansing represent the 'dark side of democracy'" (Bernard Yack,
2003) . National identity becomes horribly wrong, especially in multinational societies, when people sometimes rank identities hierarchically, leading to
the rejection of another nation as inferior.
The modernist theories imply that until the beginning of the 19th century, almost no one had more than local loyalties. National identity and unity
were originally imposed from above, by European states, because they were necessary to modernize the economy and society. In this theory, nationalist
conflicts are an unintended side–effect. "For state theorists, pervasive loyalty or devotion to the polity is purposefully encouraged through the
allocation of services and privileges, with the state adjudicating disputes to bolster unity" (Bernard Yack, 2003) . Ernest Gellner, a philosopher and
social anthropologist, argued that nations are a by–product of industrialization. Modernization theorists regard the printing press and capitalism as
necessary conditions for nationalism. The greater the group nationalism, the greater the group homogeneity of attitudes, beliefs, language spoken and
ways of behaving, the greater is the group cohesiveness. Partly as a result of
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What Is Multiculturalism Essay
MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It
has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification,
recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various
philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a
world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in
society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the
scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize
the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When
we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content...
Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist
attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various
environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his
own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a
house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his
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Living in a multicultural society takes time
'Living in a multicultural society takes time.' To what extend is this illustrated by the challenge of multicultural societies in the UK? (40) A
multicultural society is the status of several different ethnic, racial, religious or cultural groups coexisting in harmony in the same society. From the
early 19th century people have immigrated to England, developing its diversity. During World War 2 polish and Jewish people immigrated to the UK
to escape fascism. Also as the UK is part of the European Union, free and fair movement between the 28 member states means that there are no limits
on immigration between these countries. This has seen it compulsory for the UK to adapt and change in order to accommodate for these individuals. For more content...
The school adapting to changes in requirements shows they are accepting of a multicultural society, it has taken time to cater for these differing
ethnic minorities. On the other hand, faith schools have developed in some areas to teach children according to a particular religion. Faith schools
make up around a third of the education system. This limits choice for parents who do not want a religious education for their children, or do not
share the faith of their local school. For example, in hackney Lubavitch Senior Girls' School is a strictly orthodox, small secondary school for girls
only. Liberal secularists argue that faith schools have no place in a growing diverse population as they promote segregation. Children should be
educated around others from all religions and cultures as it is a truer representation of society. Moreover, enclaves of ethnic minorities are likely to
locate near a school of their own faith this demotes integration and interaction within the community, resulting in a lack of understanding of others
which consequently can cause racial tensions. Conservative people would argue that parents should have the right to bring a child according to
religion and they should be able to continue to practise the religion at school. Faith schools demote integration with others who do not share the same
beliefs; this is evidence to show that as long as there is faith schools in the UK ethnic minorities will never coexist in
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Assignment 2 : A Multicultural Society
Assignment 2: The Application Paper
Keitha Williams
October 18, 2017
Argosy University
Assignment 2: The Application Paper
A multicultural society is where a diverse group of races, cultures, and different ethical background coexist together in a country, state, city, community
or neighborhoods. Basically, a ground of people from different backgrounds living together in the same community.Multiculturalism is when these
diverse groups have the same rights and treatment in society or by society. Multiculturalism is when different racial groups and cultures have the same
opportunities, and equal rights without prejudice. Yes, the U.S. is a multicultural country. The U.S. of America has many different cultural communities, more content...
Matter of fact the U.S. of America is one of the most diverse multicultural countries. There's over 200 languages spoken in the US, of course, the
number 1 is English, and #2 is Spanish. In the Southeastern states this is very apparent. With 13.5 percent of the US population being immigrants, I
have to say yes, the US is a multicultural country.
Multiculturalism is a controversial issue because of people prejudice towards what they don't know or understand. Some people don't want to know,
or understand other backgrounds and beliefs. Different people with different beliefs, and cultural backgrounds believe in different things, have
different views, and dislikes. Some people look at multiculturalism as a negative for their own selfish beliefs, but I think it's a positive.
Multiculturalism brings along different languages, foods, religions, and cultures and there here with us every day to learn from. These are also people
that we work with, go to school with, and even some religions, so we have multiple opportunities to learn. But, some feel that immigrants are here just
taking up jobs and opportunities for Americans. So, they don't try to learn or understand why people come to this country or their beliefs and cultures.
But, I don't think they look at people as simply Americans as well, we have African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Asian
Americans, etc. So, are these people any
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The Pros And Cons Of Multiculturalism In Britain
To be British or not to be?
A walk down Bond Street in the Center of London, would entail walking by a lot of different people. People with different skin colors, different native
languages and diverse cultural backgrounds. One question comes to mind, are they all British?
Puzzlement about ones national identity is a natural thing, especially in a society that consists of people from different ethnical backgrounds – a
multicultural society like Great Britain. Ones belonging to a nation and commitment can be compromised and questioned. Like Shaykh Hamza said,
"People have more allegiance to football teams than they have to Great Britain".
What does it mean to be British? Some feel British because of their love for their nation or more content...
Every single individual must decide which core values they find most essential and important, regardless which culture these core values descends
from. Most importantly, one must choose to live in a country that also weighs the same values, both politically and societally. The best way to integrate
immigrants successfully is to be tolerant and respectful towards other races and cultures. The benefits of being a multicultural society are greater than
the disadvantages. A multicultural society is more unique than a homogeneous society, where everyone looks
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Conclusion Of Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism is the solution to cultural conflict. According to the text, multiculturalism is the view that cultural diversity in a country is something
good and desirable. It takes its cue from the theory of cultural relativism, and assumes that each group has something to offer and learn from the others.
Cultural conflict, on the other hand, refers to the issues that arise from diversity, such as racism, terrorism and ethnocentrism.
The history of multiculturalism spans across different cultures. There are many different forms of it, but multiculturalism has its basis in the need for
equality. It arose from a need to reduce discrimination against people on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, or physical condition, as well as a need
to reduce disadvantages of an external condition, such as the burdens of class, which includes a nexus of property, skill and political more
Additionally, it established entitlement to non–discriminatory benefits, as well as provided additional measures to help disadvantaged sectors.
The Canadian law guaranteed equality and fairness to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. As a result, an increasing majority of Canadians believe that
multiculturalism is important. In a Focus Canada survey conducted in 2015, it was shown that more than 50% felt that felt that multiculturalism is
important to the Canadian identity.
Additionally, multiculturalism is seen as a boon to the Canadian economy, boosting development and stimulating employment, as well as increasing tax
revenues and contributing to the public welfare. It was reported in 2008 that that visible minorities represented 48% of the total consumer market in
Toronto, 39% in Vancouver, and 20% in Montreal.
Multiculturalism is propelled by advancements in
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America likes to believe there is such a thing as a melting pot, where everyone is equally treated and everyone has the same opportunities for growth
and achievement. America was not always like this and instead it did not accept everyone. Everything was based merely on where an individual was
from, their skin color, their culture, and/or their backgrounds. It was a belief that one was superior to others because of race. It was through laws that
some of these issues were resolved but one can argue that America still faces issues with understanding that not one is superior to another. One solution
to this is have a foundation of multiculturalism, where individuals are given space to be themselves, but how can one share and teach what
multiculturalism is? How can one teach that there is more than one culture and how can one tell if they are welcomed into society. In many
classrooms and offices there are rules and often times there is a rule that reads 'treat other the way you would like to be treated', but is that enough?
Can one walk away and belie that every individual is equal regardless of differences? Should differences be acknowledged or dismissed? It is because
of this that the idea of a melting pot should be dismissed and instead we should embrace differences and teach that there is more that one in schools.
Children literature is one of the many keys that help children succeed in academics and in life. They mold a child to critically think for themselves and
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Essay On Diversity In Malaysia
When it comes to diversity, Malaysia is one of the countries which celebrate its diversity. Malaysia is a diverse country which consists of multicultural,
multi–ethnic and multilingual society. Here, in Malaysia, the Malaysians are encouraged to practice their own religions, to keep their ethnic names and
use their languages, and to cherish not only their own culture, but other cultures as well. Malaysia is diverse in the aspect of society with multi–cultures,
various types of food, languages, traditions, costumes and arts. We can say that Malaysia is a very unique country where people from different
culture and background mix together easily and live together in harmony. There are unity and harmony within the diversity. So, what are the
significances of living in harmony? We must live in harmony in order to gain peace in the society. Imagine having a country which is free from wars,
discriminations and prejudices. If there is no discrimination towards other races, Malaysia will prosper to great height and become more
Our sixth Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has introduced the concept of solidarity, which is "One Malaysia". I think it is necessary
to instill the spirit of "One Malaysia" among the multi–cultural society. This is because when people of diverse origin become united, our country,
Malaysia will be able to live in peace without feeling of hatred, jealousy, anger and envy. Moreover, this concept will make all the Malaysian citizens
realize that the country's safety, stability and security are more important than themselves when they stay in harmony. In addition, the concept of "One
Malaysia" will allow all the Malaysians to lead a colourful life without prejudice and discrimination. All Malaysians will be given equal rights and this
will ensure that integrity, unity and harmony are always
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The Concept Of Multiculturalism
The development of idea of multiculturalism can be traced into the concepts of cultural pluralism that is important for the formation of philosophical
and social humanism to help build a better, more egalitarian society. Multiculture in its simplest form refers to the existence of many cultures in a place
within specific socio–cultural, economic and political context in time. (Parekh ko definition rakhne) Under the multicultural conditions it is argued that
social cohesion is difficult (if not impossible). There is an implicit opposition between social cohesion and multiculturalism. In this usage it represents
heterogeneity as opposed to homogeneity, diversity as a counterpoint to unity. From the literature it appears more content...
This has led to the fundamental problem arising from the lack of theoretical clarity about what we mean by multiculturalism. All the discourse of
multiculturalism thus tries to dwell upon the nuances of difference, incorporation (integration), and solidarity in contemporary western nation states.
Out of various approaches with regard to this, social cohesion, which asks what, is the social and cultural bases for social cohesion in the context of
diversity. In its basic descriptive term it connotes, "the undeniable varieties of cultures both inter– and international Goldberg (1994:7). " Here he refers
to inherent type of multiculturalism both as de facto and de jure.
3.2Forms of Multiculturalism in Political Context
In political theory, given the myriads of theoretical orientations regarding multiculturalism, it is rather overwhelming to have a comprehensive
understanding of the common concepts used. My reading of multiculturalism, in sea of literature, is thus based on understanding the basic common
concepts used in dealing with the societal reality of cultural diversity. The literature study indicates that all multicultural debates, in a way focuses on
achieving the social cohesions amidst the cultural differences between different
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multicultural society Essay
Multicultural Society.
The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the
intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United
States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who
came here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state
that America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture.
Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content...
To prove his argument, Ishamel Reed tells us of the Puritans. Puritanism is a culture that originated in the North Eastern part of America and, according
to the concept of "Western Civilization," they are known to be our "founding fathers." The representatives of "Western Civilization" idealize these
people as honest, hardworking, faithful, and moral people. Nevertheless, estimating the contributions of the Puritans to the establishing of a great
industrial society, the author also shows us a different side of these people. He portrays them as mean and barbaric people who exterminated the native
Indians and killed their own children for disobeying their parents. Describing the Puritans, Reed wants to show readers how the old definition for the
American culture is nothing to be proud of and is based on a lie. On one hand, the Puritans contributed a lot to the establishing of a great Industrial
society but, on the other hand, they did not recognize and excluded any other cultures by destroying them. Unfortunately, the same attitude continues in
our days. That is why people need to realize that the concept of America being referred to as "Western Civilization", or "Civilization created by the
people from
Europe, as if Europe can be viewed in monolithic terms" is wrong, and can bring terrible consequences for people of different cultures.
The other author, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.,
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Multicultural Society
Multicultural Society.
The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the
intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United
States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who came
here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state that
America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture.
Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content...
As well as Reed, Schlesinger describes America as a nation made up of different cultures and ethnicities. "We have always been a multiethnic country" ,
writes the author. He also traces back the creation and evolution of the Americanculture, and estimates the present contradictory character of it. Both
authors speak in unison about the uniqueness of American culture. Schlesinger quotes the French author of the 18th century who said: "Here
individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men." If Reed describes blurring of cultural styles in America as "a cultural bouillabaisse",
Schlesinger names it "The melting pot" . Moreover, Schlesinger admits the healthy consequences of new immigrations laws. He is against racism and
discrimination of minorities and salutes the recognition of achievements of those groups, which were subordinated "during the high noon of Anglo
Nevertheless, the author is threatened by the fact that dividing the country along different cultures, idolizing of ethnicities, and welcoming group
separatism will lead to very bad consequences. "Group separatism crystallizes the differences, magnifies tensions, and intensifies hostilities." According
to Schlesinger, America has always been a country where many different cultures get along together without any serious visible problems due to their
assimilation to American culture, values, laws, customs, and beliefs. Schlesinger conveys
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Toleration is a key part of any modern peaceful well–functioning society. As traveling became more convenient, and migration became more common,
multicultural societies have come into existence. These societies have made theories of toleration more complicated, as they demand more than
'mere' toleration. This essay will explore the reasons behind this, and how such societies peacefully coexist. I will then explore how Rawls, Taylor,
Kymlicka, and Parekh have tackled the challenge of tolerance in a pluralist society. Finally, I will examine the phrase 'groups of individuals' and how
this has become a challenge to political theorists.
Why the coexistence of individuals with different histories, cultures and identities in modern society demands more than 'mere' toleration:
Migration is a key part of modern societies, and as people migrate multicultural societies come into existence. Within a multicultural society, there are
many individuals with different ways of living that have to coexist together. Keeping such a society peaceful and happy can be very challenging, and
requires more than 'merely' tolerating each other. There are several reasons behind this. Firstly, toleration has a traditionally negative meaning behind
it. To tolerate something is to put up with it, or endure it . In order for tolerance to be required, something must first be objected to. Because of this
negativity, to merely tolerate someone can mean that you still disapprove of it, and this
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There are different views and definition of multiculturalism; the definition of multiculturalism depends on the context in which it is used. In sociology,
multiculturalism is the idea that various cultures exist in a society and all these cultures deserve equal treatment (Macionis, 2010). Sociologists believe
that members of different cultures can live peacefully alongside each other and assimilation is not necessary. This essay will focus on both the positive
aspects and the main tensions that arise in a multicultural society.
Britain today has many people with different ethnic backgrounds from various countries. The history of multiculturalism began during more
The diversity of cultures has played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape. When people live together in a community, communication is
unavoidable and communication involves sharing ideas and perspectives, creating a body of collectively acceptable principles and policies, therefore,
leading to a more innovative, creative and prosperous society. According to professor Bhikhu Parekh (2006), multiculturalism is "about intercultural
fusion in which a culture borrows bits of others and creatively transforms both itself and them". One culture might be influenced by the beliefs and
practices of another, so they borrow what they find valuable and enrich and broaden it, and this helps to build common bonds between the two
cultures. The various skills or ideas obtained from another group can be used in various areas of life:
Communities educate each other, provided that none is too overbearing and self righteous to welcome criticism. They also represent different talents,
skills, forms of imagination, forms of social organization, and psychological and moral energies, all of which constitute a most valuable resource which
can be fruitfully harnessed in various areas of life such as sports, business, management, creative arts, industry and government (Parekh, 2006:168).
Multiculturalism is an important constituent of human freedom. If individuals do not have access to other cultures but theirs alone,
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Multiculturalism And Its Impact On Society
According to Takaki and Rattansi, Multiculturalism was a concept that played a vital role in how cultures assembled together in celebration of cultural
diversity and pluralism to redress the inequalities all throughout the world. Through the readings, it is easy to identify that multiculturalism made a
daily impact on people. The most critical social groups such as race, gender, religion, sexuality, nationality, and disability face the most constraint and
enmity on social identity and opportunity. For the longest time, America has referred to multiculturalism as a term that represents a pluralistculture
from the immigrant societies. Looking at how Western Europe dealt with it in the past, Multiculturalism is a term that needs to be out–rooted and
possibly be taken into account the 'intercultural' alternative to handle the correct ethical and political orientation of dealing with 21st century America.
Multiculturalism has allowed for a society to undergo rapid change and mobility for all types of cultures such as geographic and social. This is why a
community where its institutions allow for acceptance of all cultures in such as geographical, race, gender, religion, political, spiritual, is necessary for
21st century America as Rattansi spoke of in the concluding paragraph of Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction. According to Rattansi, "The
origins of multicultural debate lie in the perceived difficulties of assimilating these newer communities to the host
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Cultural Diversity And A Multicultural Society

  • 1. Cultural Diversity And A Multicultural Society The United States is a multicultural society in which health professionals handle people from various origins. Now the question is: "How nurses meet diversified needs of human lives?" Each day, nurses make optimistic changes in human lives by providing care. This holistic care includes each and every aspect of health. This includes, but isn't limited to physical, intellectual, emotional, and significantly cultural dimensions. In order for nurses to provide transcultural care, they need to be knowledgeable to understand significance of cultural diversity and take measures to provide culture competent care. Cultural diversity is a broad term that according to Lynn (2015), "Culture, ethnicity, and race– is an integral component of both health and illness," (p. 74). The term 'culture' which according to Silvestri (2014) means, "Dynamic network of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, ideas, attitudes, values and norms that are unique to particular group of people" (p.38). Furthermore, ethnicity and race are exchangeable. A person belongs to certain ethnicity by birth or adoption. Race is focused more towards physical characteristics of a person. In order for nurses must understand the significance of these factors to provide culture sensitive care. Culture has a great influence on individual's health and illness and it shapes various aspects of life. These includes: response to pain, physiologic diversity, communication, nutrition, and family roles. When the care is Get more content on
  • 2. The Impact Of Multiculturalism In Ireland Over the last few years Ireland has become an increasing multicultural society. In the quite recent past, 'Ireland was a monoculture, monotheistic place where pretty much everyone was a white Irish Catholic, with cultural diversity comprised of a small scattering of white Irish Protestants' ( A multicultural society simply means a society with many existing cultures, therefore, multiculturalism refers to the 'cultural diversity or culturally embedded differences' within a society (Parekh, 2000, 3). Figures from the 2011 census in Ireland show that over 500,000 non Irish nationalists were living in Ireland during this year. This accounts for 12% of the population and has increased significantly from 2002 were 5.8% of the more content... Racism is a serious reality for migrant and ethnic minorities living in Ireland. It is a significant barrier hindering integration which in return limits opportunities for building a cohesive society. 'Many types of racist incidents do not constitute a crime under Irish law, and they are often not recorded by the GardaГ' ( In 2010, ENAR Ireland held a seminar titled, 'Racist Crime: Issues, Opportunities and the EU Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia'. The seminar emphasised the obligation on the State to transpose the EU Framework Decision to combat racism and xenophobia, ensuing opportunities. In Ireland racism is not a crime and currently there is no provision in legislation to deal with it. Therefore the government should make racism a crime in order to send a vivid message that in Irish society it is not acceptable or tolerated. The Irish government have taken steps with regard to integration in Irish society. The launch of the "Intercultural Education Strategy 2010–2015" aims included: пѓ All students: experience an education that "respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership" (Education Act, Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Multicultural Society What defines a multicultural society is the basic idea where everyone in said society can accept the uniqueness of culture and language its citizens have to offer. In theory that's what it should be, but same theories put in practice result in the complete opposite, the ideas of the "Melting Pot" and "Gorgeous Mosaic" are a perfect example of the possible outcome. The authors of "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" and " The Joy of reading and writing." Are almost opposite sides of the same coin. This two authors from different ethics group suffer in many aspects the same dilemma because of the so–called "multicultural" society and fought against the labels society place upon them to show their true capacity that when beyond their ethnic group. A Multicultural Society. A place where many different nationalities join together and appreciate their uniqueness. One would think is the less cliche version of everyone joining hands and singing the kumbaya. Ironically the United States founded solidly by almost fully European man is one of the best examples of a multicultural society. Yes, that's what everyone would like to think. Perhaps that was the initial idea when the country started to slowly become less white and more diverse. However, this state of pure unity is nothing but an illusion created by everyone. Does the United States have many different cultures within its land? Yes of course, but does everyone acts as if they live in a multicultural society, that's an answer hard to Get more content on
  • 4. A multi–ethnic society is a society which includes people from a variety of different races, religions, cultures, backgrounds etc. Multi–ethnic societies can have many negative and positive effects which I am going to explain in the following paragraphs. The benefits of living in a multi–ethnic society are that you get to meet new people and learn interesting things about them. People get a chance to understand others and realise they're equal to us. It makes people less ignorant and alters stereotypical views they may have had beforehand from media influence or friends/relatives. We begin to respect them more and understand their views on specific subjects. This could help people become less racist. Also, you get a chance to learn more content... Some of the world's best chefs are from other countries so food standards would decrease too. Also, many of our favourite films and TV programmes wouldn't exist because many are made by foreign directors. Lots of famous actors/actresses are also foreign so our standard of films wouldn't be as good. People from other cultures may have better ideas about behaviour and what rules to live by which could improve our society. We've gained different fashion designers such as Versace and have more clothes to choose from as a result. Exciting festivals such Chinese New Year wouldn't exist if we didn't have a multi–cultural society. We get a wider choose of music to listen to by different artists and different genres of music such as bollywood and country and western. For many of our Olympic medals we've received we can thank black and Asian athletes such as Kelly Holmes who won 2 gold medals in the 2004 Olympics. More sports are available now too and many of our favourite sporting achievers are foreign. Technology has advanced because of foreigners coming up with new ideas. We've got improved health care because of accomplished foreign doctors uncovering new medicines. Education has improved because of knowledgeable foreign teachers and books written by people from different cultures. Also, without people from other cultures living in Britain we'd have a shortage of qualified people to employ Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Multiculturalism Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today. Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza, different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content... Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone if we let it renew with no system at all? Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be different. But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country, and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some Get more content on
  • 6. Nationalism in a Multicultural Society Nationalism is exclusionary by definition. In a well–argued essay, compare the positive and negative effects of nationalism within a multicultural or multiethnic society. In your answer, discuss the problems that a multicultural society poses to the formation of national identity and why you do or do not believe that nationalism is compatible with the liberal state's emphasis upon individual rights and freedoms. "The Age of liberal democracy is also the Age of nationalism" (Bernard Yack, 2003) . Throughout history, the relationship between nationalism and the emergence and proliferation of the liberal democratic state has been closely intertwined. Examples of democratic states that rose in tandem with nationalism are the more content... He carried out genocide on the German Jews in order to create the perfect Aryan race. Hitler successfully turned the Germans against each other based on anti–Semitic ideals. "From this point of view, nationalism and the politics of ethnic cleansing represent the 'dark side of democracy'" (Bernard Yack, 2003) . National identity becomes horribly wrong, especially in multinational societies, when people sometimes rank identities hierarchically, leading to the rejection of another nation as inferior. The modernist theories imply that until the beginning of the 19th century, almost no one had more than local loyalties. National identity and unity were originally imposed from above, by European states, because they were necessary to modernize the economy and society. In this theory, nationalist conflicts are an unintended side–effect. "For state theorists, pervasive loyalty or devotion to the polity is purposefully encouraged through the allocation of services and privileges, with the state adjudicating disputes to bolster unity" (Bernard Yack, 2003) . Ernest Gellner, a philosopher and social anthropologist, argued that nations are a by–product of industrialization. Modernization theorists regard the printing press and capitalism as necessary conditions for nationalism. The greater the group nationalism, the greater the group homogeneity of attitudes, beliefs, language spoken and ways of behaving, the greater is the group cohesiveness. Partly as a result of Get more content on
  • 7. What Is Multiculturalism Essay MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification, recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content... Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his Get more content on
  • 8. Living in a multicultural society takes time 'Living in a multicultural society takes time.' To what extend is this illustrated by the challenge of multicultural societies in the UK? (40) A multicultural society is the status of several different ethnic, racial, religious or cultural groups coexisting in harmony in the same society. From the early 19th century people have immigrated to England, developing its diversity. During World War 2 polish and Jewish people immigrated to the UK to escape fascism. Also as the UK is part of the European Union, free and fair movement between the 28 member states means that there are no limits on immigration between these countries. This has seen it compulsory for the UK to adapt and change in order to accommodate for these individuals. For more content... The school adapting to changes in requirements shows they are accepting of a multicultural society, it has taken time to cater for these differing ethnic minorities. On the other hand, faith schools have developed in some areas to teach children according to a particular religion. Faith schools make up around a third of the education system. This limits choice for parents who do not want a religious education for their children, or do not share the faith of their local school. For example, in hackney Lubavitch Senior Girls' School is a strictly orthodox, small secondary school for girls only. Liberal secularists argue that faith schools have no place in a growing diverse population as they promote segregation. Children should be educated around others from all religions and cultures as it is a truer representation of society. Moreover, enclaves of ethnic minorities are likely to locate near a school of their own faith this demotes integration and interaction within the community, resulting in a lack of understanding of others which consequently can cause racial tensions. Conservative people would argue that parents should have the right to bring a child according to religion and they should be able to continue to practise the religion at school. Faith schools demote integration with others who do not share the same beliefs; this is evidence to show that as long as there is faith schools in the UK ethnic minorities will never coexist in Get more content on
  • 9. Assignment 2 : A Multicultural Society Assignment 2: The Application Paper Keitha Williams October 18, 2017 Argosy University Assignment 2: The Application Paper A multicultural society is where a diverse group of races, cultures, and different ethical background coexist together in a country, state, city, community or neighborhoods. Basically, a ground of people from different backgrounds living together in the same community.Multiculturalism is when these diverse groups have the same rights and treatment in society or by society. Multiculturalism is when different racial groups and cultures have the same opportunities, and equal rights without prejudice. Yes, the U.S. is a multicultural country. The U.S. of America has many different cultural communities, more content... Matter of fact the U.S. of America is one of the most diverse multicultural countries. There's over 200 languages spoken in the US, of course, the number 1 is English, and #2 is Spanish. In the Southeastern states this is very apparent. With 13.5 percent of the US population being immigrants, I have to say yes, the US is a multicultural country. Multiculturalism is a controversial issue because of people prejudice towards what they don't know or understand. Some people don't want to know, or understand other backgrounds and beliefs. Different people with different beliefs, and cultural backgrounds believe in different things, have different views, and dislikes. Some people look at multiculturalism as a negative for their own selfish beliefs, but I think it's a positive. Multiculturalism brings along different languages, foods, religions, and cultures and there here with us every day to learn from. These are also people that we work with, go to school with, and even some religions, so we have multiple opportunities to learn. But, some feel that immigrants are here just taking up jobs and opportunities for Americans. So, they don't try to learn or understand why people come to this country or their beliefs and cultures. But, I don't think they look at people as simply Americans as well, we have African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, etc. So, are these people any Get more content on
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of Multiculturalism In Britain To be British or not to be? A walk down Bond Street in the Center of London, would entail walking by a lot of different people. People with different skin colors, different native languages and diverse cultural backgrounds. One question comes to mind, are they all British? Puzzlement about ones national identity is a natural thing, especially in a society that consists of people from different ethnical backgrounds – a multicultural society like Great Britain. Ones belonging to a nation and commitment can be compromised and questioned. Like Shaykh Hamza said, "People have more allegiance to football teams than they have to Great Britain". What does it mean to be British? Some feel British because of their love for their nation or more content... Every single individual must decide which core values they find most essential and important, regardless which culture these core values descends from. Most importantly, one must choose to live in a country that also weighs the same values, both politically and societally. The best way to integrate immigrants successfully is to be tolerant and respectful towards other races and cultures. The benefits of being a multicultural society are greater than the disadvantages. A multicultural society is more unique than a homogeneous society, where everyone looks Get more content on
  • 11. Conclusion Of Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is the solution to cultural conflict. According to the text, multiculturalism is the view that cultural diversity in a country is something good and desirable. It takes its cue from the theory of cultural relativism, and assumes that each group has something to offer and learn from the others. Cultural conflict, on the other hand, refers to the issues that arise from diversity, such as racism, terrorism and ethnocentrism. The history of multiculturalism spans across different cultures. There are many different forms of it, but multiculturalism has its basis in the need for equality. It arose from a need to reduce discrimination against people on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, or physical condition, as well as a need to reduce disadvantages of an external condition, such as the burdens of class, which includes a nexus of property, skill and political more content... Additionally, it established entitlement to non–discriminatory benefits, as well as provided additional measures to help disadvantaged sectors. The Canadian law guaranteed equality and fairness to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. As a result, an increasing majority of Canadians believe that multiculturalism is important. In a Focus Canada survey conducted in 2015, it was shown that more than 50% felt that felt that multiculturalism is important to the Canadian identity. Additionally, multiculturalism is seen as a boon to the Canadian economy, boosting development and stimulating employment, as well as increasing tax revenues and contributing to the public welfare. It was reported in 2008 that that visible minorities represented 48% of the total consumer market in Toronto, 39% in Vancouver, and 20% in Montreal. Multiculturalism is propelled by advancements in Get more content on
  • 12. America likes to believe there is such a thing as a melting pot, where everyone is equally treated and everyone has the same opportunities for growth and achievement. America was not always like this and instead it did not accept everyone. Everything was based merely on where an individual was from, their skin color, their culture, and/or their backgrounds. It was a belief that one was superior to others because of race. It was through laws that some of these issues were resolved but one can argue that America still faces issues with understanding that not one is superior to another. One solution to this is have a foundation of multiculturalism, where individuals are given space to be themselves, but how can one share and teach what multiculturalism is? How can one teach that there is more than one culture and how can one tell if they are welcomed into society. In many classrooms and offices there are rules and often times there is a rule that reads 'treat other the way you would like to be treated', but is that enough? Can one walk away and belie that every individual is equal regardless of differences? Should differences be acknowledged or dismissed? It is because of this that the idea of a melting pot should be dismissed and instead we should embrace differences and teach that there is more that one in schools. Children literature is one of the many keys that help children succeed in academics and in life. They mold a child to critically think for themselves and further Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Diversity In Malaysia When it comes to diversity, Malaysia is one of the countries which celebrate its diversity. Malaysia is a diverse country which consists of multicultural, multi–ethnic and multilingual society. Here, in Malaysia, the Malaysians are encouraged to practice their own religions, to keep their ethnic names and use their languages, and to cherish not only their own culture, but other cultures as well. Malaysia is diverse in the aspect of society with multi–cultures, various types of food, languages, traditions, costumes and arts. We can say that Malaysia is a very unique country where people from different culture and background mix together easily and live together in harmony. There are unity and harmony within the diversity. So, what are the significances of living in harmony? We must live in harmony in order to gain peace in the society. Imagine having a country which is free from wars, discriminations and prejudices. If there is no discrimination towards other races, Malaysia will prosper to great height and become more content... Our sixth Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has introduced the concept of solidarity, which is "One Malaysia". I think it is necessary to instill the spirit of "One Malaysia" among the multi–cultural society. This is because when people of diverse origin become united, our country, Malaysia will be able to live in peace without feeling of hatred, jealousy, anger and envy. Moreover, this concept will make all the Malaysian citizens realize that the country's safety, stability and security are more important than themselves when they stay in harmony. In addition, the concept of "One Malaysia" will allow all the Malaysians to lead a colourful life without prejudice and discrimination. All Malaysians will be given equal rights and this will ensure that integrity, unity and harmony are always Get more content on
  • 14. The Concept Of Multiculturalism 3.1Multiculturalism The development of idea of multiculturalism can be traced into the concepts of cultural pluralism that is important for the formation of philosophical and social humanism to help build a better, more egalitarian society. Multiculture in its simplest form refers to the existence of many cultures in a place within specific socio–cultural, economic and political context in time. (Parekh ko definition rakhne) Under the multicultural conditions it is argued that social cohesion is difficult (if not impossible). There is an implicit opposition between social cohesion and multiculturalism. In this usage it represents heterogeneity as opposed to homogeneity, diversity as a counterpoint to unity. From the literature it appears more content... This has led to the fundamental problem arising from the lack of theoretical clarity about what we mean by multiculturalism. All the discourse of multiculturalism thus tries to dwell upon the nuances of difference, incorporation (integration), and solidarity in contemporary western nation states. Out of various approaches with regard to this, social cohesion, which asks what, is the social and cultural bases for social cohesion in the context of diversity. In its basic descriptive term it connotes, "the undeniable varieties of cultures both inter– and international Goldberg (1994:7). " Here he refers to inherent type of multiculturalism both as de facto and de jure. 3.2Forms of Multiculturalism in Political Context In political theory, given the myriads of theoretical orientations regarding multiculturalism, it is rather overwhelming to have a comprehensive understanding of the common concepts used. My reading of multiculturalism, in sea of literature, is thus based on understanding the basic common concepts used in dealing with the societal reality of cultural diversity. The literature study indicates that all multicultural debates, in a way focuses on achieving the social cohesions amidst the cultural differences between different Get more content on
  • 15. multicultural society Essay Multicultural Society. The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who came here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state that America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture. Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content... To prove his argument, Ishamel Reed tells us of the Puritans. Puritanism is a culture that originated in the North Eastern part of America and, according to the concept of "Western Civilization," they are known to be our "founding fathers." The representatives of "Western Civilization" idealize these people as honest, hardworking, faithful, and moral people. Nevertheless, estimating the contributions of the Puritans to the establishing of a great industrial society, the author also shows us a different side of these people. He portrays them as mean and barbaric people who exterminated the native Indians and killed their own children for disobeying their parents. Describing the Puritans, Reed wants to show readers how the old definition for the American culture is nothing to be proud of and is based on a lie. On one hand, the Puritans contributed a lot to the establishing of a great Industrial society but, on the other hand, they did not recognize and excluded any other cultures by destroying them. Unfortunately, the same attitude continues in our days. That is why people need to realize that the concept of America being referred to as "Western Civilization", or "Civilization created by the people from Europe, as if Europe can be viewed in monolithic terms" is wrong, and can bring terrible consequences for people of different cultures. The other author, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Get more content on
  • 16. Multicultural Society Multicultural Society. The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who came here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state that America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture. Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content... As well as Reed, Schlesinger describes America as a nation made up of different cultures and ethnicities. "We have always been a multiethnic country" , writes the author. He also traces back the creation and evolution of the Americanculture, and estimates the present contradictory character of it. Both authors speak in unison about the uniqueness of American culture. Schlesinger quotes the French author of the 18th century who said: "Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men." If Reed describes blurring of cultural styles in America as "a cultural bouillabaisse", Schlesinger names it "The melting pot" . Moreover, Schlesinger admits the healthy consequences of new immigrations laws. He is against racism and discrimination of minorities and salutes the recognition of achievements of those groups, which were subordinated "during the high noon of Anglo dominance." Nevertheless, the author is threatened by the fact that dividing the country along different cultures, idolizing of ethnicities, and welcoming group separatism will lead to very bad consequences. "Group separatism crystallizes the differences, magnifies tensions, and intensifies hostilities." According to Schlesinger, America has always been a country where many different cultures get along together without any serious visible problems due to their assimilation to American culture, values, laws, customs, and beliefs. Schlesinger conveys Get more content on
  • 17. Introduction: Toleration is a key part of any modern peaceful well–functioning society. As traveling became more convenient, and migration became more common, multicultural societies have come into existence. These societies have made theories of toleration more complicated, as they demand more than 'mere' toleration. This essay will explore the reasons behind this, and how such societies peacefully coexist. I will then explore how Rawls, Taylor, Kymlicka, and Parekh have tackled the challenge of tolerance in a pluralist society. Finally, I will examine the phrase 'groups of individuals' and how this has become a challenge to political theorists. Why the coexistence of individuals with different histories, cultures and identities in modern society demands more than 'mere' toleration: Migration is a key part of modern societies, and as people migrate multicultural societies come into existence. Within a multicultural society, there are many individuals with different ways of living that have to coexist together. Keeping such a society peaceful and happy can be very challenging, and requires more than 'merely' tolerating each other. There are several reasons behind this. Firstly, toleration has a traditionally negative meaning behind it. To tolerate something is to put up with it, or endure it . In order for tolerance to be required, something must first be objected to. Because of this negativity, to merely tolerate someone can mean that you still disapprove of it, and this Get more content on
  • 18. INTRODUCTION: There are different views and definition of multiculturalism; the definition of multiculturalism depends on the context in which it is used. In sociology, multiculturalism is the idea that various cultures exist in a society and all these cultures deserve equal treatment (Macionis, 2010). Sociologists believe that members of different cultures can live peacefully alongside each other and assimilation is not necessary. This essay will focus on both the positive aspects and the main tensions that arise in a multicultural society. SAMPLE BACKGROUND – HISTORY OF MULTICULTURALISMIN BRITAIN Britain today has many people with different ethnic backgrounds from various countries. The history of multiculturalism began during more content... POSITIVE ASPECTS The diversity of cultures has played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape. When people live together in a community, communication is unavoidable and communication involves sharing ideas and perspectives, creating a body of collectively acceptable principles and policies, therefore, leading to a more innovative, creative and prosperous society. According to professor Bhikhu Parekh (2006), multiculturalism is "about intercultural fusion in which a culture borrows bits of others and creatively transforms both itself and them". One culture might be influenced by the beliefs and practices of another, so they borrow what they find valuable and enrich and broaden it, and this helps to build common bonds between the two cultures. The various skills or ideas obtained from another group can be used in various areas of life: Communities educate each other, provided that none is too overbearing and self righteous to welcome criticism. They also represent different talents, skills, forms of imagination, forms of social organization, and psychological and moral energies, all of which constitute a most valuable resource which can be fruitfully harnessed in various areas of life such as sports, business, management, creative arts, industry and government (Parekh, 2006:168). Multiculturalism is an important constituent of human freedom. If individuals do not have access to other cultures but theirs alone, Get more content on
  • 19. Multiculturalism And Its Impact On Society According to Takaki and Rattansi, Multiculturalism was a concept that played a vital role in how cultures assembled together in celebration of cultural diversity and pluralism to redress the inequalities all throughout the world. Through the readings, it is easy to identify that multiculturalism made a daily impact on people. The most critical social groups such as race, gender, religion, sexuality, nationality, and disability face the most constraint and enmity on social identity and opportunity. For the longest time, America has referred to multiculturalism as a term that represents a pluralistculture from the immigrant societies. Looking at how Western Europe dealt with it in the past, Multiculturalism is a term that needs to be out–rooted and possibly be taken into account the 'intercultural' alternative to handle the correct ethical and political orientation of dealing with 21st century America. Multiculturalism has allowed for a society to undergo rapid change and mobility for all types of cultures such as geographic and social. This is why a community where its institutions allow for acceptance of all cultures in such as geographical, race, gender, religion, political, spiritual, is necessary for 21st century America as Rattansi spoke of in the concluding paragraph of Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction. According to Rattansi, "The origins of multicultural debate lie in the perceived difficulties of assimilating these newer communities to the host Get more content on