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                                Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3)
                     BACKGROUND                                                    BORDER                                                    BOX MODEL

background                 background-image               border-top                   border-top-width                 float                     left | right | none
                           background-position                                         border-style
                           background-size                                             border-color                     height                    auto
                           background-repeat                                                                                                      length
                           background-attachment          border-top-color             border-color                                               %
                                                          border-top-style             border-style                     max-height                none
                           background-color               border-top-width             thin | medium | thick                                      %
background-attachment      scroll | fixed
                                                                                                                        max-width                 none
                                                          border-width                 thin | medium | thick                                      length
background-break           bounding-box | each-box |
                                                                                       length                                                     %
                                                          border-radius                border-top-right-radius          min-height                none | inherit
background-clip            length
                                                                                       border-bottom-right-radius                                 length
                                                                                       border-bottom-left-radius                                  %
                           border-box | padding-box |
                           content-box | no-clip
                                                                                                                        min-width                 none | inherit
                                                          border-top-right-radius      length                                                     length
background-color           color
                           transparent                                                                                                            %
                                                          border-bottom-right-radius length
background-image           url                                                                                          width                     auto
                                                          border-bottom-left-radius    length                                                     %
background-origin          border-box | padding-box |     border-top-left-radius       length
                           content-box                                                                                  margin                    margin-top
                                                          box-shadow                   inset || [ length, length,                                 margin-right
background-position        top left | top center | top                                 length, length || <color> ]                                margin-bottom
                           right | center left | center                                none                                                       margin-left
                           center | center right |
                                                          border-style                 none | hidden | dotted |         margin-bottom             auto
                           bottom left | bottom center
                                                                                       dashed | solid | double |                                  length
                           | bottom right
                                                                                       groove | ridge | inset |                                   %
                           x-% y-%
                           x-pos y-pos
                                                                                                                        margin-left               auto
                                                                                    FONT                                                          length
background-repeat          repeat | repeat-x | repeat-
                           y | no-repeat                                                                                                          %
                                                          font                        font-style
                                                                                      font-variant                      margin-right              auto
background-size            length
                                                                                      font-weight                                                 length
                                                                                      font-size/line-height                                       %
                           auto | cover | contain
                                                                                      caption | icon | menu |           margin-top                auto
                                                                                      message-box | small-                                        length
border                     border-width                                               caption | status-bar                                        %
                                                          font-family                 family-name                       padding                   padding-top
                                                                                      generic-family                                              padding-right
border-break               border-width                                               inherit                                                     padding-bottom
                           border-style                                                                                                           padding-left
                           color                          font-size                   xx-small | x-small | small |
                                                                                      medium | large | x-large |        padding-bottom            length
                                                                                      xx-large | smaller | larger |                               %
border-bottom              border-bottom-width                                        inherit
                                                                                      length                            padding-left              length
                           border-color                                               %                                                           %

                                                          font-size-adjust            none| inherit                     padding-right             length
border-bottom-color        border-color
                                                                                      number                                                      %
border-bottom-style        border-style                                                                                 padding-top               length
                                                          font-stretch                normal | wider | narrower |
                                                                                      ultra-condensed | extra-                                    %
border-bottom-width        thin | medium | thick
                                                                                      condensed | condensed |
                           length                                                                                       marquee-direction         forward | reverse
                                                                                      semi-condensed | semi-
border-collapse            collapse | separate                                        expanded | expanded |             marquee-loop              infinite
                                                                                      extra-expanded | ultra-                                     number
border-color               color                                                      expanded | inherit
                                                                                                                        marquee-play-count        infinite
border-image               image                          font-style                  normal | italic | oblique |                                 integer
                           [ number / %                                               inherit
                           border-width                                                                                 marquee-speed             slow | normal | fast
                           stretch | repeat | round ]     font-variant                normal | small-caps | inherit
                           none                                                                                         marquee-style             scroll | slide | alternate
                                                          font-weight                 normal | bold | bolder |
border-left                border-left-width                                          lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 |       overflow                  visible | hidden | scroll |
                           border-style                                               400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800                                 auto | no-display | no-
                           border-color                                               | 900 | inherit                                             content
border-left-color          border-color                                        BOX MODEL                                                          overflow-y

border-left-style          border-style                   clear                       left | right | both | none        overflow-style            auto | marquee-line | mar-
border-left-width          thin | medium | thick          display                     none | inline | block | inline-
                           length                                                     block | list-item | run-in |      overflow-x                visible | hidden | scroll |
                                                                                      compact | table | inline-                                   auto | no-display | no-
border-right               border-right-width                                         table | table-row-group |                                   content
                           border-style                                               table-header-group | table-
                           border-color                                               footer-group | table-row |        overflow-y                visible | hidden | scroll |
                                                                                      table-column-group | table-                                 auto | no-display | no-
border-right-color         border-color                                               column | table-cell | table-                                content
                                                                                      caption | ruby | ruby-base |
border-right-style         border-style                                                                                 rotation                  angle
                                                                                      ruby-text | ruby-base-group
border-right-width         thin | medium | thick                                      | ruby-text-group
                                                                                                                        rotation-point            position (paired value off-
                           length                                                                                                                 set)

                                                                                                                        visibility                visible | hidden | collapse                                                     Part Number: QRG0008                                          ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
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                                   Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3)
                        TEXT                                                  TEMPLATE LAYOUT                                                    SPEECH
direction                ltr | rtl | inherit                box-align                 start | end | center | base-      voice-family                 inherit | [ <specific-voice,
                                                                                                                                                     age, generic-voice, num-
hanging-punctuation      none | [ start | end | end-                                                                                                 ber> ]
                         edge ]                             box-direction             normal | reverse
                                                                                                                        voice-rate                   x-slow | slow | medium |
letter-spacing           normal                             box-flex                  number                                                         fast | x-fast | inherit
                         length                                                                                                                      %
                         %                                  box-flex-group            integer
                                                                                                                        voice-pitch                  x-low | low | medium | high
punctuation-trim         none | [start | end | adja-        box-lines                 single | multiple
                                                                                                                                                     | x-high | inherit
                         cent]                                                                                                                       number
                                                            box-orient                horizontal | vertical | inline-
text-align               start | end | left | right |                                 axis | block-axis                                              %
                         center | justify                                                                               voice-pitch-range            x-low | low | medium | high
                                                            box-pack                  start | end | center | justify
text-align-last          start | end | left | right |                                                                                                | x-high | inherit
                         center | justify                   box-sizing                content-box | padding-box |                                    number
                                                                                      border-box | margin-box
text-decoration          none | underline | overline |                                                                  voice-stress                 strong | moderate | none |
                         line-through | blink               tab-side                  top | bottom | left | right                                    reduced | inherit

text-emphasis            none | [ [ accent | dot | circle                          TABLE                                voice-volume                 silent | x-soft | soft | me-
                         | disc] [ before | after ]? ]                                                                                               dium | loud | x-loud | inherit
                                                            border-collapse            collapse | separate                                           number
text-indent              length                                                                                                                      %
                         %                                  border-spacing             length length
                                                                                                                                              LIST & MARKERS
text-justify             auto | inter-word | inter-         caption-side               top | bottom | left | right
                         ideograph | inter-cluster |                                                                    list-style                   list-style-type
                         distribute | kashida | tibetan     empty-cells                show | hide                                                   list-style-position
text-outline             none                               table-layout               auto | fixed
                         color                                                                                          list-style-image             none
                         length                                                    SPEECH                                                            url

text-shadow              none                               cue                       cue-before                        list-style-position          Inside | outside
                         color                                                        cue-after
                         length                                                                                         list-style-type              none | asterisks | box |
                                                            cue-before                uri [ silent | x-soft | soft |                                 check | circle | diamond |
text-transform           none | capitalize | uppercase                                medium | loud | x-loud] |                                      disc | hyphen | square |
                         | lowercase                                                  none | inherit ]                                               decimal | decimal-leading-
                                                                                      number                                                         zero | lower-roman | upper-
text-wrap                normal | unrestricted | none                                 %                                                              roman | lower-alpha | up-
                         | suppress                                                                                                                  per-alpha | lower-greek |
                                                            cue-after                 uri [ silent | x-soft | soft |                                 lower-latin | upper-latin |
unicode-bidi             normal | embed | bidi-                                       medium | loud | x-loud] |                                      hebrew | armenian | geor-
                         override                                                     none | inherit ]                                               gian | cjk-ideographic |
                                                                                      number                                                         hiragana | katakana | hira-
white-space              normal | pre | nowrap | pre-
                                                                                      %                                                              gana-iroha | katakana-iroha
                         wrap | pre-line
                                                                                                                                                     | footnotes
                                                            mark                      mark-before
white-space-collapse     preserve | collapse | pre-
                                                                                      mark-after                        marker-offset                auto
                         serve-breaks | discard
                                                            mark-before               string
word-break               normal | keep-all | loose |
                         break-strict | break-all                                                                                              ANIMATIONS
                                                            mark-after                string
word-spacing             normal                                                                                         animation                    animation-name
                         length                             pause                     pause-before                                                   animation-duration
                         %                                                            pause-after                                                    animation-timing-function
word-wrap                normal | break-word                pause-before              none | x-weak | weak |                                         animation-iteration-count
                                                                                      medium | strong | x-strong                                     animation-direction
                       COLUMN                                                         | inherit
                                                                                      time                              animation-delay              time
column-count             auto
                         number                             pause-after               none | x-weak | weak |            animation-direction          normal | alternate
                                                                                      medium | strong | x-strong
column-fill              auto | balance                                               | inherit                         animation-duration           time
column-gap               normal                                                                                         animation-iteration-count    inherit
                         length                             phonemes                  string                                                         number

column-rule              column-rule-width                  rest                      rest-before                       animation-name               none | IDENT
                         column-rule-style                                            rest-after
                         column-rule-color                                                                              animation-play-state         running | paused
                                                            rest-before               none | x-weak | weak |
column-rule-color        color                                                        medium | strong | x-strong        animation-timing-function    ease | linear | ease-in |
                                                                                      | inherit                                                      ease-out | ease-in-out |
column-rule-style        border-style                                                 time                                                           cubic-Bezier (number, num-
                                                                                                                                                     ber, number, number)
column-rule-width        thin | medium | thick              rest-after                none | x-weak | weak |
                         length                                                       medium | strong | x-strong                               TRANSITIONS
                                                                                      | inherit
columns                  column-width                                                                                   transition                   transition-property
                         column-count                                                                                                                transition-duration
                                                            speak                     none | normal | spell-out |                                    transition-timing-function
column-span              1 | all                                                                                                                     transition-delay
                                                                                      digits | literal-punctuation |
column-width             auto                                                         no-punctuation | inherit
                                                                                                                        transition-delay             time
                                                            voice-balance             left | center | right | left-
                                                                                                                        transition-duration          time
                       COLOR                                                          wards | rightwards | inherit
                                                                                      number                            transition-property          none | all
color                    inherit
                         color                              voice-duration            time                              transition-timing-function   ease | linear | ease-in |
                                                                                                                                                     ease-out | ease-in-out |
opacity                  inherit                                                                                                                     cubic-Bezier (number, num-
                         number                                                                                                                      ber, number, number)                                                       Part Number: QRG0008                                        ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
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                                  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3)
                   GRID POSITIONING                                            GENERATED CONTENT                                                     LINE BOX
grid-columns               none | inherit                     hyphenate-after              auto                             line-height                   normal
                           [ length percentage relative                                    integer                                                        number
                           length ]                                                                                                                       length
                                                              hyphenate-before             auto                                                           %
grid-rows                  none | inherit                                                  integer
                           [ length percentage relative                                                                     line-stacking                 line-stacking-strategy
                           length ]                           hyphenate-character          auto                                                           line-stacking-ruby
                                                                                           string                                                         line-stacking-shift
                                                              hyphenate-lines              no-limit                         line-stacking-strategy        inline-line-height | block-
outline                    outline-color                                                   integer                                                        line-height | max-height |
                           outline-style                                                                                                                  grid-height
                           outline-width                      hyphenate-resource           none
                                                                                           uri                              line-stacking-ruby            exclude-ruby | include-ruby
outline-color              color
                           invert                             hyphens                      none | manual | auto             line-stacking-shift           consider-shifts | disregard-
                                                              image-resolution             normal | auto                                                  shifts
outline-offset             inherit
                           length                                                          dpi                              text-height                   auto | font-size | text-size |
                                                              marks                        [ crop || cross ] | none                                       max-size
outline-style              None | dotted | dashed |
                           solid | double | groove |                                                                        vertical-align                Baseline | sub | super | top
                                                              move-to                      normal | here
                           ridge | inset | outset                                                                                                         | text-top | middle | bottom
                                                                                                                                                          | text-bottom
outline-width              thin | medium | thick                                                                                                          length
                                                              page-policy                  start | first | last
                           length                                                                                                                         %
                                                              quotes                       none
                  3D / 2D TRANSFORM                                                                                                                HYPERLINK
                                                                                           string string string string
backface-visibility        visible | hidden                                                                                 target                        target-name
                                                              string-set                   identifier
                                                                                           content-list                                                   target-new
perspective                none
                                                              text-replace                 none
                                                                                           [<string> <string>]+             target-name                   current | root | parent | new
perspective-origin         [ [ [ percentage> |
                                                                                                                                                          | modal
                           <length> | left | center |
                                                                                     LINE BOX                                                             string
                           right ] [ <percentage> |
                           <length> | top | center |                                                                        target-new                    window | tab | none
                           bottom ]? ] <length> ] |           alignment-adjust             auto | baseline | before-
                           [ [ [ left | center | right ] ||                                edge | text-before-edge |        target-position               above | behind | front |
                           [ top | center | bottom ] ]                                     middle | central | after-edge                                  back
                           <length> ]                                                      | text-after-edge | ideo-
                                                                                           graphic | alphabetic | hang-                           POSITIONING
transform                  none | matrix | matrix3d |                                      ing | mathematical
                           translate3d | translateX |                                      length                           bottom                       auto
                           translateY | translateZ |                                       %                                                             %
                           scale | scale3d | scaleX |                                                                                                    length
                           scaleY | scaleZ | rotate |         alignment-baseline           baseline | use-script | be-
                           rotate3d | rotateX | rotateY                                    fore-edge | text-before-         clip                         shape
                           | rotateZ | skewX | skewY |                                     edge | after-edge | text-                                     auto
                           skew | perspective                                              after-edge | central | middle
                                                                                           | ideographic | alphabetic |     left                         auto
transform-origin           [ [ [ <percentage> |                                            hanging | mathematical                                        %
                           <length> | left | center |                                                                                                    length
                           right ] [ <percentage> |           baseline-shift               baseline | sub | super
                                                                                           length                           position                     static | relative | absolute |
                           <length> | top | center |                                                                                                     fixed
                           bottom ]? ] <length> ] |                                        %
                           [ [ [ left | center | right ] ||                                                                 right                        auto
                                                              dominant-baseline            auto | use-script | no-
                           [ top | center | bottom ] ]                                                                                                   %
                                                                                           change | reset-size | alpha-
                           <length> ]                                                                                                                    length
                                                                                           betic | hanging | ideo-
transform-style            flat | preserve-3d                                              graphic | mathematical |
                                                                                                                            top                          auto
                                                                                           central | middle | text-after-
                  GENERATED CONTENT                                                        edge | text-before-edge                                       length
bookmark-label             content                            drop-initial-after-align     alignment-baseline
                                                                                                                            z-index                      auto
                           attr                                                                                                                          number
                                                              drop-initial-after-adjust    central | middle | after-edge
                                                                                           | text-after-edge | ideo-
bookmark-level             none                                                            graphic | alphabetic |
                           integer                                                         mathematical                     ruby-align                    auto | start | left | center |
                                                                                           length                                                         end | right | distribute-letter
bookmark-target            self                                                            %                                                              | distribute-space | line-
                           uri                                                                                                                            edge
                           attr                               drop-initial-before-align    caps-height
                                                                                           alignment-baseline               ruby-overhang                 auto | start | end | none
border-length              auto
                           length                             drop-initial-before-adjust   before-edge | text-before-       ruby-position                 before | after | right | inline
                                                                                           edge | central | middle |
content                    normal | none | inhibit                                         hanging | mathematical           ruby-span                     attr(x) | none
                           uri                                                             length
counter-increment          none
                           identifier number                  drop-initial-value           initial
counter-reset              none
                           identifier number                  drop-initial-size            auto
crop                       auto                                                            %
                           shape                                                           line
display                    normal | none | list-item          inline-box-align             initial | last
float-offset               length length                                                         Part Number: QRG0008                                            ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
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                              Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3)
                    PAGED MEDIA

fit                       fill | hidden | meet | slice

fit-position              [top | center | bottom] ||
                          [left | center | right]

image-orientation         auto

orphans                   integer

page                      auto

page-break-after          auto | always | avoid | left |

page-break-before         auto | always | avoid | left |

page-break-inside         auto | avoid

size                      auto | landscape | portrait

windows                   integer


appearance                normal | inherit | [icon |
                          window | desktop | work-
                          space | document | tooltip |
                          dialog | button | push-
                          button | hyperlink | radio-
                          button | checkbox | menu-
                          item | tab | menu |
                          menubar | pull-down-menu
                          | pop-up-menu | list-menu |
                          radio-group | checkbox-
                          group | outline-tree | range
                          | field | combo-box | signa-
                          ture | password]

cursor                    auto | crosshair | default |
                          pointer | move | e-resize |
                          ne-resize | nw-resize | n-
                          resize | se-resize | sw-resize
                          | s-resize | w-resize | text |
                          wait | help

icon                      auto | inherit

nav-index                 auto | inherit

nav-up                    auto | inherit
                          <id> [ current | root |
                          <target-name> ]

nav-right                 auto | inherit
                          <id> [ current | root |
                          <target-name> ]

nav-down                  auto | inherit
                          <id> [ current | root |
                          <target-name> ]

nav-left                  auto | inherit
                          <id> [ current | root |
                          <target-name> ]

resize                    none | both | horizontal |
                          vertical | inherit

                                                                                   •   Values in italics are place holders for an actual value (like 1px,
                                                                                       1em, 1%), values in normal text are values that can be used as
                                                                                       the actual value
                                                                                   •   CSS Properties in Dark Red are shorthand properties and each
                                                                                       value must be defined. The exception is where the property can
                                                                                       define from one to four of the sides of a box element property
                                                                                       (Top-Right-Bottom-Left) - i.e. border-width                                       Part Number: QRG0008                       ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
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                                 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3)
                       PSEUDO-CLASS                                                     UNITS                                                 SELECTOR TYPES

:active                       an activated element                            ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT                               Name          Info                  Example

:focus                        an element while the             %                       percentage                           Universal    Any element         * { font: 10px Arial; }
                              element has focus
                                                               cm                      centimeter                           Type         Any element of      h1 { text-decoration:
:visited                      a visited link                                                                                             that type           underline; }
                                                               in                      inch
:hover                        an element when you mouse                                                                     Grouping     Multiple            h1, h2, h3 { font-family:
                              over it                          mm                      millimeter                                        elements of         Verdana; }
                                                                                                                                         different types
:link                         an unvisited link
                                                               pc                      pica (1p = 12 points)
                                                                                                                            Class        Multiple            .sampleclass { text-
:disabled                     an element while the                                                                                       elements of         decoration: underline; }
                              element is disabled              pt                      point (1pt = 1/72 inch)
                                                                                                                                         different types
                                                                              RELATIVE MEASUREMENT                                       when you don’t
:enabled                      an element while the                                                                                       want to affect
                              element is enabled                                                                                         all instances of
                                                               ch                      width of the "0" glyph found in
:checked                      an element (form element                                 the font for the font size used to                that type
                              control) that is checked                                 render
                                                                                                                            Id           A single            #sampleid { text-
:selection                    an element that is currently     em                      1em = current font size of                        element type        decoration: underline; }
                              selected of highlighted by                               current element                                   when you don’t
                              the user                                                                                                   want to affect
                                                               ex                      x-height of the element's font                    all instances of
:lang                         Allows the author to specify                                                                               that type
                                                               gd                      the grid defined by 'layout-grid'
                              a language to use in a
                              specified element                                                                             Descendant   An element that     #gallery h1 { text-
                                                               px                      pixel of the viewing device                       is below (in the    decoration: underline; }
:nth-child(n)                 an element that is the n-th      rem                     the font size of the root element                 document tree)
                              sibling                                                                                                    another
                                                               vh                      the viewport's height                             element—no
:nth-last-child(n)            an element that is the n-th                                                                                matter how
                              sibling counting from the        vw                      the viewport's width                              many levels
                              last sibling                                                                                               below
                                                               vm                      viewport's height or width,
:first-child                  an element that is the first                             whichever is smaller of the two      Child        An element that     #title > p { font-weight:
                              sibling                                                                                                    is directly below   bold; }
                                                                                       ANGLES                                            (in the
:last-child                   an element that is the last                                                                                document tree)
                              sibling                          deg                     degrees
                                                               grad                    grads                                             element
:only-child                   an element that is the only
                              child                                                                                         Adjacent     All elements        h1 + p { font-style:
                                                               rad                     radians
                                                                                                                            Sibling      that share the      italic; }
:nth-of-type(n)               an element that is the n-th
                                                               turn                    turns                                             same parent
                              sibling of its type.
                                                                                                                                         and elements
                                                                                        TIME                                             are in the same
:nth-last-of-type(n)          an element that is the n-th
                              sibling of its type counting                                                                               immediate
                                                               ms                      milli-seconds
                              from the last sibling                                                                                      sequence
                                                               s                       seconds
:last-of-type                 an element that is the first                                                                  General      All elements        h1 ~ p { font-style:
                              sibling of its type                                     FREQUENCY                             Sibling      that share the      italic; }
                                                                                                                                         same parent
:first-of-type                an element that is the last      Hz                      hertz                                             and elements
                              sibling of its type                                                                                        are in the same
                                                               kHz                     kilo-hertz                                        sequence (not
:only-of-type                 an element that is the only                                                                                necessarily
                              child of that type                                       COLORS
:empty                        an element that has no           color name              red, blue, green, dark green
                                                                                                                            Attribute    An element with     E[selected] - att whatever
                              children                                                                                                   that matches        the value
                                                               rgb(x,y,z)              red = rgb(255,0,0)
                                                                                                                                         the attribute       E[att="val"] - att with a
:root                         root element within the
                                                               rgb(x%,y%,z%)           red = rgb(100%,0,0)                               listed              specific value
                                                                                                                                                             E[rel~="next"] - att with
:not(x)                       an element not represented       rgba(x,y,z, alpha)      red = rgba(255,0,0)                                                   a value is a whitespace
                              by the argument ‘x’                                                                                                            separated list
                                                               #rrggbb                 red = #ff0000 (or shorthand =                                         *[lang|="en"] - att value
:target                       a target element as specified                            #f00)                                                                 either being exactly "val"
                              by a target in a URI                                                                                                           or beginning with "val"
                                                               hsl(hue, saturation,    red = hsl(0, 100%, 50%)                                               immediately followed by
                     PSEUDO-ELEMENT                            lightness)                                                                                    "-"
                                                                                                                                                             E[att^="val"] - att value
::first-letter               Adds special style to the first   hsla(hue, saturation, red = hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
                                                                                                                                                             that begins with the prefix
                             letter of a text                  lightness, alpha)
::first-line                 Adds special style to the first   flavor                  An accent color (typically chosen                                     E[att$="val"] - att value
                             line of a text                                            by the user) to customize the                                         that end with the suffix
                                                                                       user interface of the user agent                                      "val"
::before                     Inserts some content before                               itsel                                                                 E[att*="val"] - att value
                             an element                                                                                                                      contains at least one
                                                               currentColor            computed value of the                                                 instance of the substring
::after                      Inserts some content after an                             'currentColor' keyword is the                                         "val"
                             element                                                   computed value of the 'color'
                                                                                       property                                                        Part Number: QRG0008                                         ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved

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CSS3 For StudyCSS3 For Study
CSS3 For Study
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  • 1. Page 1 of 5 Quick Reference Guide FREE Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3) BACKGROUND BORDER BOX MODEL background background-image border-top border-top-width float left | right | none background-position border-style background-size border-color height auto background-repeat length background-attachment border-top-color border-color % background-origin border-top-style border-style max-height none background-clip length background-color border-top-width thin | medium | thick % length background-attachment scroll | fixed max-width none border-width thin | medium | thick length background-break bounding-box | each-box | length % continuous border-radius border-top-right-radius min-height none | inherit background-clip length border-bottom-right-radius length % border-bottom-left-radius % border-box | padding-box | border-top-left-radius content-box | no-clip min-width none | inherit border-top-right-radius length length background-color color transparent % border-bottom-right-radius length background-image url width auto border-bottom-left-radius length % none length background-origin border-box | padding-box | border-top-left-radius length content-box margin margin-top box-shadow inset || [ length, length, margin-right background-position top left | top center | top length, length || <color> ] margin-bottom right | center left | center none margin-left center | center right | border-style none | hidden | dotted | margin-bottom auto bottom left | bottom center dashed | solid | double | length | bottom right groove | ridge | inset | % x-% y-% outset x-pos y-pos margin-left auto FONT length background-repeat repeat | repeat-x | repeat- y | no-repeat % font font-style font-variant margin-right auto background-size length font-weight length % font-size/line-height % auto | cover | contain font-family caption | icon | menu | margin-top auto BORDER message-box | small- length border border-width caption | status-bar % border-style font-family family-name padding padding-top border-color generic-family padding-right border-break border-width inherit padding-bottom border-style padding-left color font-size xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | padding-bottom length close xx-large | smaller | larger | % border-bottom border-bottom-width inherit length padding-left length border-style border-color % % font-size-adjust none| inherit padding-right length border-bottom-color border-color number % border-bottom-style border-style padding-top length font-stretch normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra- % border-bottom-width thin | medium | thick condensed | condensed | length marquee-direction forward | reverse semi-condensed | semi- border-collapse collapse | separate expanded | expanded | marquee-loop infinite extra-expanded | ultra- number border-color color expanded | inherit marquee-play-count infinite border-image image font-style normal | italic | oblique | integer [ number / % inherit border-width marquee-speed slow | normal | fast stretch | repeat | round ] font-variant normal | small-caps | inherit none marquee-style scroll | slide | alternate font-weight normal | bold | bolder | border-left border-left-width lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | overflow visible | hidden | scroll | border-style 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 auto | no-display | no- border-color | 900 | inherit content overflow-x border-left-color border-color BOX MODEL overflow-y border-left-style border-style clear left | right | both | none overflow-style auto | marquee-line | mar- quee-block border-left-width thin | medium | thick display none | inline | block | inline- length block | list-item | run-in | overflow-x visible | hidden | scroll | compact | table | inline- auto | no-display | no- border-right border-right-width table | table-row-group | content border-style table-header-group | table- border-color footer-group | table-row | overflow-y visible | hidden | scroll | table-column-group | table- auto | no-display | no- border-right-color border-color column | table-cell | table- content caption | ruby | ruby-base | border-right-style border-style rotation angle ruby-text | ruby-base-group border-right-width thin | medium | thick | ruby-text-group rotation-point position (paired value off- length set) visibility visible | hidden | collapse Part Number: QRG0008 ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
  • 2. Page 2 of 5 Quick Reference Guide FREE Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3) TEXT TEMPLATE LAYOUT SPEECH direction ltr | rtl | inherit box-align start | end | center | base- voice-family inherit | [ <specific-voice, age, generic-voice, num- hanging-punctuation none | [ start | end | end- ber> ] edge ] box-direction normal | reverse voice-rate x-slow | slow | medium | letter-spacing normal box-flex number fast | x-fast | inherit length % % box-flex-group integer voice-pitch x-low | low | medium | high punctuation-trim none | [start | end | adja- box-lines single | multiple | x-high | inherit cent] number box-orient horizontal | vertical | inline- text-align start | end | left | right | axis | block-axis % center | justify voice-pitch-range x-low | low | medium | high box-pack start | end | center | justify text-align-last start | end | left | right | | x-high | inherit center | justify box-sizing content-box | padding-box | number border-box | margin-box text-decoration none | underline | overline | voice-stress strong | moderate | none | line-through | blink tab-side top | bottom | left | right reduced | inherit text-emphasis none | [ [ accent | dot | circle TABLE voice-volume silent | x-soft | soft | me- | disc] [ before | after ]? ] dium | loud | x-loud | inherit border-collapse collapse | separate number text-indent length % % border-spacing length length LIST & MARKERS text-justify auto | inter-word | inter- caption-side top | bottom | left | right ideograph | inter-cluster | list-style list-style-type distribute | kashida | tibetan empty-cells show | hide list-style-position list-style-image text-outline none table-layout auto | fixed color list-style-image none length SPEECH url text-shadow none cue cue-before list-style-position Inside | outside color cue-after length list-style-type none | asterisks | box | cue-before uri [ silent | x-soft | soft | check | circle | diamond | text-transform none | capitalize | uppercase medium | loud | x-loud] | disc | hyphen | square | | lowercase none | inherit ] decimal | decimal-leading- number zero | lower-roman | upper- text-wrap normal | unrestricted | none % roman | lower-alpha | up- | suppress per-alpha | lower-greek | cue-after uri [ silent | x-soft | soft | lower-latin | upper-latin | unicode-bidi normal | embed | bidi- medium | loud | x-loud] | hebrew | armenian | geor- override none | inherit ] gian | cjk-ideographic | number hiragana | katakana | hira- white-space normal | pre | nowrap | pre- % gana-iroha | katakana-iroha wrap | pre-line | footnotes mark mark-before white-space-collapse preserve | collapse | pre- mark-after marker-offset auto serve-breaks | discard length mark-before string word-break normal | keep-all | loose | break-strict | break-all ANIMATIONS mark-after string word-spacing normal animation animation-name length pause pause-before animation-duration % pause-after animation-timing-function animation-delay word-wrap normal | break-word pause-before none | x-weak | weak | animation-iteration-count medium | strong | x-strong animation-direction COLUMN | inherit time animation-delay time column-count auto number pause-after none | x-weak | weak | animation-direction normal | alternate medium | strong | x-strong column-fill auto | balance | inherit animation-duration time time column-gap normal animation-iteration-count inherit length phonemes string number column-rule column-rule-width rest rest-before animation-name none | IDENT column-rule-style rest-after column-rule-color animation-play-state running | paused rest-before none | x-weak | weak | column-rule-color color medium | strong | x-strong animation-timing-function ease | linear | ease-in | | inherit ease-out | ease-in-out | column-rule-style border-style time cubic-Bezier (number, num- ber, number, number) column-rule-width thin | medium | thick rest-after none | x-weak | weak | length medium | strong | x-strong TRANSITIONS | inherit columns column-width transition transition-property time column-count transition-duration speak none | normal | spell-out | transition-timing-function column-span 1 | all transition-delay digits | literal-punctuation | column-width auto no-punctuation | inherit transition-delay time length voice-balance left | center | right | left- transition-duration time COLOR wards | rightwards | inherit number transition-property none | all color inherit color voice-duration time transition-timing-function ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | opacity inherit cubic-Bezier (number, num- number ber, number, number) Part Number: QRG0008 ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Page 3 of 5 Quick Reference Guide FREE Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3) GRID POSITIONING GENERATED CONTENT LINE BOX grid-columns none | inherit hyphenate-after auto line-height normal [ length percentage relative integer number length ] length hyphenate-before auto % grid-rows none | inherit integer [ length percentage relative line-stacking line-stacking-strategy length ] hyphenate-character auto line-stacking-ruby string line-stacking-shift OUTLINE hyphenate-lines no-limit line-stacking-strategy inline-line-height | block- outline outline-color integer line-height | max-height | outline-style grid-height outline-width hyphenate-resource none uri line-stacking-ruby exclude-ruby | include-ruby outline-color color invert hyphens none | manual | auto line-stacking-shift consider-shifts | disregard- image-resolution normal | auto shifts outline-offset inherit length dpi text-height auto | font-size | text-size | marks [ crop || cross ] | none max-size outline-style None | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | vertical-align Baseline | sub | super | top move-to normal | here ridge | inset | outset | text-top | middle | bottom identifier | text-bottom outline-width thin | medium | thick length page-policy start | first | last length % quotes none 3D / 2D TRANSFORM HYPERLINK string string string string backface-visibility visible | hidden target target-name string-set identifier content-list target-new perspective none target-position number text-replace none [<string> <string>]+ target-name current | root | parent | new perspective-origin [ [ [ percentage> | | modal <length> | left | center | LINE BOX string right ] [ <percentage> | <length> | top | center | target-new window | tab | none bottom ]? ] <length> ] | alignment-adjust auto | baseline | before- [ [ [ left | center | right ] || edge | text-before-edge | target-position above | behind | front | [ top | center | bottom ] ] middle | central | after-edge back <length> ] | text-after-edge | ideo- graphic | alphabetic | hang- POSITIONING transform none | matrix | matrix3d | ing | mathematical translate3d | translateX | length bottom auto translateY | translateZ | % % scale | scale3d | scaleX | length scaleY | scaleZ | rotate | alignment-baseline baseline | use-script | be- rotate3d | rotateX | rotateY fore-edge | text-before- clip shape | rotateZ | skewX | skewY | edge | after-edge | text- auto skew | perspective after-edge | central | middle | ideographic | alphabetic | left auto transform-origin [ [ [ <percentage> | hanging | mathematical % <length> | left | center | length right ] [ <percentage> | baseline-shift baseline | sub | super length position static | relative | absolute | <length> | top | center | fixed bottom ]? ] <length> ] | % [ [ [ left | center | right ] || right auto dominant-baseline auto | use-script | no- [ top | center | bottom ] ] % change | reset-size | alpha- <length> ] length betic | hanging | ideo- transform-style flat | preserve-3d graphic | mathematical | top auto central | middle | text-after- % GENERATED CONTENT edge | text-before-edge length bookmark-label content drop-initial-after-align alignment-baseline z-index auto attr number drop-initial-after-adjust central | middle | after-edge string | text-after-edge | ideo- RUBY bookmark-level none graphic | alphabetic | integer mathematical ruby-align auto | start | left | center | length end | right | distribute-letter bookmark-target self % | distribute-space | line- uri edge attr drop-initial-before-align caps-height alignment-baseline ruby-overhang auto | start | end | none border-length auto length drop-initial-before-adjust before-edge | text-before- ruby-position before | after | right | inline edge | central | middle | content normal | none | inhibit hanging | mathematical ruby-span attr(x) | none uri length % counter-increment none identifier number drop-initial-value initial integer counter-reset none identifier number drop-initial-size auto integer crop auto % shape line display normal | none | list-item inline-box-align initial | last integer float-offset length length Part Number: QRG0008 ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Page 4 of 5 Quick Reference Guide FREE Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3) PAGED MEDIA fit fill | hidden | meet | slice fit-position [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] length % image-orientation auto angle orphans integer page auto identifier page-break-after auto | always | avoid | left | right page-break-before auto | always | avoid | left | right page-break-inside auto | avoid size auto | landscape | portrait length windows integer UI appearance normal | inherit | [icon | window | desktop | work- space | document | tooltip | dialog | button | push- button | hyperlink | radio- button | checkbox | menu- item | tab | menu | menubar | pull-down-menu | pop-up-menu | list-menu | radio-group | checkbox- group | outline-tree | range | field | combo-box | signa- ture | password] cursor auto | crosshair | default | pointer | move | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | n- resize | se-resize | sw-resize | s-resize | w-resize | text | wait | help url icon auto | inherit url nav-index auto | inherit number nav-up auto | inherit <id> [ current | root | <target-name> ] nav-right auto | inherit <id> [ current | root | <target-name> ] nav-down auto | inherit <id> [ current | root | <target-name> ] nav-left auto | inherit <id> [ current | root | <target-name> ] resize none | both | horizontal | vertical | inherit • Values in italics are place holders for an actual value (like 1px, 1em, 1%), values in normal text are values that can be used as the actual value • CSS Properties in Dark Red are shorthand properties and each value must be defined. The exception is where the property can define from one to four of the sides of a box element property (Top-Right-Bottom-Left) - i.e. border-width Part Number: QRG0008 ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Page 5 of 5 Quick Reference Guide FREE Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3) PSEUDO-CLASS UNITS SELECTOR TYPES :active an activated element ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT Name Info Example :focus an element while the % percentage Universal Any element * { font: 10px Arial; } element has focus cm centimeter Type Any element of h1 { text-decoration: :visited a visited link that type underline; } in inch :hover an element when you mouse Grouping Multiple h1, h2, h3 { font-family: over it mm millimeter elements of Verdana; } different types :link an unvisited link pc pica (1p = 12 points) Class Multiple .sampleclass { text- :disabled an element while the elements of decoration: underline; } element is disabled pt point (1pt = 1/72 inch) different types RELATIVE MEASUREMENT when you don’t :enabled an element while the want to affect element is enabled all instances of ch width of the "0" glyph found in :checked an element (form element the font for the font size used to that type control) that is checked render Id A single #sampleid { text- :selection an element that is currently em 1em = current font size of element type decoration: underline; } selected of highlighted by current element when you don’t the user want to affect ex x-height of the element's font all instances of :lang Allows the author to specify that type gd the grid defined by 'layout-grid' a language to use in a specified element Descendant An element that #gallery h1 { text- px pixel of the viewing device is below (in the decoration: underline; } :nth-child(n) an element that is the n-th rem the font size of the root element document tree) sibling another vh the viewport's height element—no :nth-last-child(n) an element that is the n-th matter how sibling counting from the vw the viewport's width many levels last sibling below vm viewport's height or width, :first-child an element that is the first whichever is smaller of the two Child An element that #title > p { font-weight: sibling is directly below bold; } ANGLES (in the :last-child an element that is the last document tree) sibling deg degrees another grad grads element :only-child an element that is the only child Adjacent All elements h1 + p { font-style: rad radians Sibling that share the italic; } :nth-of-type(n) an element that is the n-th turn turns same parent sibling of its type. and elements TIME are in the same :nth-last-of-type(n) an element that is the n-th sibling of its type counting immediate ms milli-seconds from the last sibling sequence s seconds :last-of-type an element that is the first General All elements h1 ~ p { font-style: sibling of its type FREQUENCY Sibling that share the italic; } same parent :first-of-type an element that is the last Hz hertz and elements sibling of its type are in the same kHz kilo-hertz sequence (not :only-of-type an element that is the only necessarily child of that type COLORS immediate) :empty an element that has no color name red, blue, green, dark green Attribute An element with E[selected] - att whatever children that matches the value rgb(x,y,z) red = rgb(255,0,0) the attribute E[att="val"] - att with a :root root element within the rgb(x%,y%,z%) red = rgb(100%,0,0) listed specific value document E[rel~="next"] - att with :not(x) an element not represented rgba(x,y,z, alpha) red = rgba(255,0,0) a value is a whitespace by the argument ‘x’ separated list #rrggbb red = #ff0000 (or shorthand = *[lang|="en"] - att value :target a target element as specified #f00) either being exactly "val" by a target in a URI or beginning with "val" hsl(hue, saturation, red = hsl(0, 100%, 50%) immediately followed by PSEUDO-ELEMENT lightness) "-" E[att^="val"] - att value ::first-letter Adds special style to the first hsla(hue, saturation, red = hsl(0, 100%, 50%) that begins with the prefix letter of a text lightness, alpha) "val" ::first-line Adds special style to the first flavor An accent color (typically chosen E[att$="val"] - att value line of a text by the user) to customize the that end with the suffix user interface of the user agent "val" ::before Inserts some content before itsel E[att*="val"] - att value an element contains at least one currentColor computed value of the instance of the substring ::after Inserts some content after an 'currentColor' keyword is the "val" element computed value of the 'color' property Part Number: QRG0008 ©2009 Veign, All Rights Reserved