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The financial & economic crisis together with
                           current austerity policies are having a
                           devastating impact on the daily life of people

     GETTING OUT           experiencing poverty and are threatening
                           social cohesion. The policies being pursued by
                           Member States and the EU seem likely to
                           increase poverty and social exclusion, and are
             OF THE        putting at risk the European Social Model. An
                           open and transparent debate is needed to

  CRISIS TOGETHER          assess the effectiveness of current
                           approaches and to explore alternatives.

                           This important conference organized by the
Alternative approaches for an
                           European Anti-Poverty Network aims to
                           analyze and raise awareness of the social

      inclusive recovery   impact of the crisis and the austerity
                           measures in all EU countries, and the EU role.
                           It will be a unique opportunity to learn from
                           the ground, to develop alternative
    EAPN CONFERENCE        approaches and to strengthen alliances for

   Friday 23/09/2011 - Brussels
                         This conference       is supported by the
                           European Community Programme for
                           Employment and Social Solidarity-Progress
                           (2007-2013). The information contained in
         PROGRAMME         this document does not necessarily reflect
                           the position or opinion of the European
Practical information                                                           Context

Date : Friday 23 September 2011                                                 The consequences of the crisis in terms of economic downturn and
                                                                                unemployment are well documented and well known. The devastating
Venue : International Auditorium, International Trade-Unions House,
                                                                                social consequences both of the crisis itself and of the austerity packages
boulevard Albert II, 5, 1210 Brussels
                                                                                implemented are mostly under-assessed and ignored in the public debate.
Languages : French & English in the plenary sessions. Of the 6 workshops
there will be 2 in French and English. Whispered translation will be            Based on the reality people on the ground face, EAPN has highlighted in two
organized amongst EAPN delegations for those who need it.                       crisis reports:
                                                                                -The crisis is having multifaceted consequences, impacting on people
Participants : Approximately 200 participants – consisting of 120 EAPN
                                                                                already in crisis, outside work as well as those in work
members (1 representative from each national network in each of the 3
                                                                                - The policy choices being made by EU and MS are likely to generate a
working groups (social inclusion, employment and structural funds working
                                                                                dramatic increase in deprivation, poverty and social exclusion
groups), EAPN European Organisation members and people experiencing
                                                                                - The most vulnerable and discriminated against are affected the most
poverty participating in EAPN participation training taking place in Brussels
                                                                                - Worrying social tensions are arising between different groups, and People
on the 21 and 22 September, 80 stakeholders from Brussels: social NGOs,
                                                                                Experiencing Poverty are increasingly stigmatized in a context where the
social partners, representatives from EU and national authorities,
                                                                                emphasis is put on individual responsibility
                                                                                - NGOs, who play a key role in cushioning the impact of the crisis as well as
Preparatory session: For EAPN members a ½ day workshop will be                  supporting the voice of the disempowered, are gravely weakened and their
organized on the afternoon on 22 September to prepare together for the          contribution to society at stake.
                                                                                The crisis is far from being over and new negative developments are
Contact:      Sian Jones
                                                                                reported every day. The harsh austerity policy packages implemented
              Rebecca Lee
                                                                                nationally are worsening the situation of people already badly hurt by the
              Tel: + 32 2 226 58 50
                                                                                crisis. Together with the choice made in favor of more deregulation, they
              Website :
                                                                                are jeopardizing the European social model with cuts applied to services and
Useful documents:                                                               social protection benefits, as well as downward pressure on wages.
 EAPN reports on the social impact of the crisis
Is the European project moving backward? February 2011                          EAPN share with other actors the idea that the crisis was not inevitable, and
The social impact of the crisis and of the recovery package, December 2009      more the result of deregulation and increasing inequality than public sector
                                                                                spending. The austerity now imposed on people is neither fair nor efficient
                                                                                for ensuring an inclusive recovery which can benefit all.
At the European level, the 2020 Strategy is from 2010 the framework within
which the main national policies dealing with the crisis are now
coordinated. This new strategy clearly states a strong social ambition with

→ One of the five headline targets aiming at “ensuring that at least 20
million fewer people are in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion”,
→ A new Guideline 10 devoted to ‘Promoting Social inclusion and
combating poverty’
→ The setting up of a European Flagship Platform against poverty and
social exclusion;
→ The promotion of a clear partnership principle (Recital 16).
However, EAPN is concerned about the lack of policy consistency being
promoted by the Commission and the Member States who give top priority
to budget stability and economic growth at all costs. (See the January 2011
Commission Annual Growth Survey and the Euro Plus Pact). EAPN is
alarmed that these decisions are taking place without adequate public and
democratic scrutiny or a proper assessment of their social impact.
Aims of the conference                                                           The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is an
                                                                                 independent     network     of     non-governmental
This conference aims at providing a unique space for exchange between
anti-poverty activists, trade-unionists, other NGOs activists, policy decision   organisations (NGOs) and groups, established in 1990,
makers and researchers on the causes and the consequences of the crisis          fighting for a Europe free of poverty and social
and on possible alternative approaches. As a participative network, the          exclusion.
voice of people experiencing poverty will be at the centre of the debates and
will give a large space to the presentation of members’ experiences and
We hope to use this space for exchange as a catalyst for mobilization and
for strengthened alliances around common demands at the national and
European levels.


 Lobby EU decision makers in the context of the implementation of the
  Europe 2020 Strategy for:
       the social consequences of the crisis to be better addressed
       the causes of the crisis to be tackled and alternative approaches
         openly explored.
   Strengthen alliances with key partners who are building alternative
    responses to the crisis, building on the 2010 NGO Alliance and the
    Spring Alliance.
   Empowering members in order to facilitate their mobilization for
    alternative approaches to the crisis and their participation in policy
    making in the framework of the 2020 Strategy.
   Strengthen a more active participation of PEP in developing solutions in
    the network.
                               Morning session
                                                                             11.00 - 12.30   Social impact of the crisis: realities lived by people
9.00 - 10.30    Opening plenary: Is the EU on the right track for reducing                   experiencing poverty at the national level, Positive
                poverty? promoting a fair and sustainable response to the                    alternatives and mobilization?
                                                                             6 parallel workshops:
                Chair: Ludo Horemans, EAPN President
                 Welcome, Ludo Horemans, EAPN President                     Each workshop will analyze 2/3 country cases and will assess:
                                                                             → the reality experienced by people experiencing poverty;
                Key note speeches: (30’)
                                                                             → the effectiveness and fairness of government’s exit strategies including
                   Opening statement by a person experiencing poverty         positive examples;
                   Short presentation of EAPN position on the crisis,       → the mobilization of civil society and other actors.
                    Katherine Duffy, Expert and author of EAPN
                    position/EAPN UK, (10’)                                  (see comprehensive programme of the workshops below)
                   What are the real causes of the crisis? What are the
                    lessons to be learned? Susan George, President of the
                    Transnational Institute (tbc)                            12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break

                Round Table: How is Europe 2020 going to reduce poverty      Tables will be available for participants to display material illustrating
                in the context of the crisis response? (30’)                 impact and mobilization they are engaged in relation to the treatment of
                 Lauris BEETS , Chair of Social Protection Ctee (tbc)       the crisis.
                 Pervenche Berès, Chair of the Employment Ctee,
                        European Parliament (S+D, France) (tbc)
                        Catherine Day, European Commission Secretary
                        General (tbc)

                Debate (30’)

10.30 - 11.00    Coffee break
Afternoon session

14.00 - 15.30 What alternative solutions are being developed?

6 parallel workshops will focus on alternative solutions at national and EU
level for delivering a social and sustainable growth.

(see comprehensive programme of the workshops below)

16.00 - 17.30 Closing plenary - How to strengthen alliances and
             mobilization for an alternative approach?
Chair : Fintan Farrell, EAPN Director

→ Feed back from workshops
(Rapporteurs will prepare short conclusions to power point template)

→ Panel discussion: What way forward? (30’)
5 organisations will be asked to highlight their response to EAPN proposals
and feedback from workshops, and set out proposals for moving forward.

   European Trade Union Congress
   Spring Alliance / European Environmental Bureau
   Social Platform
   Cross-networking alliance/our Europe
   15th M Movement
Debate (30’)
Workshops Programme
                                                                                                     AFTERNOON WORSHOP SESSION:
Social impact of the crisis: realities lived by people experiencing
                                                                                                        Alternatives and alliances
            poverty; alternatives and mobilization
                                                                                   These workshops’ objectives are:
These workshops will aim at an exchange of experience on the ground
regarding:                                                                            To discuss alternative approaches likely to deliver social and sustainable
    the consequences of the crisis and of the policies implemented –
     negative and positive examples                                                   To strengthen alliances aiming at promoting these alternatives

    the mobilization of civil society aiming at raising awareness of the social   Each workshop is devoted to key areas of EU policies where alternative
     impact of the crisis and demanding adequate responses,                        approaches are seen as a priority.
    In each workshop the discussion will be introduced by presentations on
     two specific countries and input from people experiencing poverty.            Workshop 1 - Is stability/austerity the only way? Re-thinking EU
                                                                                              macroeconomics basics.
                   Presentation 1:                         Presentation 1:         Anti-poverty NGOs have been documenting the disastrous social impact of
    Workshop           Ireland            Workshop            Hungary              austerity policies on social cohesion. They question the primacy given to
       1           Presentation 2:           4             Presentation 2:         budget stability, economic governance and fiscal restraint through EU
                      Denmark                                  Finland             economic and monetary policies that underpin the EU 2020 Strategy. They
                   Presentation 1:                         Presentation 1:         are convinced that fairer alternative approaches to exit strategies, reducing
    Workshop            Spain             Workshop             Greece              public deficits, including taxation are possible. They want to discuss the
       2           Presentation 2:           5             Presentation 2:         shaping of the EU Budget. The workshop will discuss alternative
                       Iceland                                Belgium              macroeconomic approaches to exit strategies and to driving Europe 2020.
                   Presentation 1:                         Presentation 1:
    Workshop             UK               Workshop            Portugal
                                                                                    Alexandra Strickner, ATTAC, tbc
       3           Presentation 2:           6             Presentation 2:
                                                                                    Representative of Euromemorandum, tbc
                       Poland                                  Estonia
Workshop 2 - An alternative use of Cohesion Policy is part of the solution
                                                                                 Ronald Janssen, ETUC, on austerity impact on employment, tbc
Even during the current economic crisis, Structural Funds have fallen far
                                                                                 Diana Dovgan, CECOP, on WISES and the crisis / austerity, tbc measures
short of their potential to promote social inclusion. Anti-poverty NGOs have
been calling for Cohesion Policy to be better geared to developing social
                                                                                Workshop 4 - Strengthening social protection, including adequate
inclusion and being more accessible to small scale projects and
                                                                                minimum income for all, is the fair way out of the crisis: it really works -
organisations. The EU 2020 Flagship initiative on Poverty and social
inclusion make some positive proposals about Structural Funds.
Nevertheless, a radical rethinking is needed to make sure that Cohesion         The role of automatic stabilization of social protection in the crisis has been
policy will deliver on the social targets of the EU2020 Strategy and be a key   formally recognized by the EU, as well as its key role in reducing poverty by
instrument to ensure a positive response to the crisis. How to make it really   1/3. However social services and social benefits are being the first hit by
happen?                                                                         austerity measures. This approach will not only generate more poverty and
                                                                                social exclusion, exacerbating the hardship and insecurity faced by the most
                                                                                vulnerable, but is destroying the social floor, undermining consumption and
 Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP, EMPL Committee, tbc
                                                                                the economy and preventing a sustainable, socially cohesive recovery. This
 Frederic Vallier, Secretary General, Council of European Municipalities &
                                                                                workshop will gather arguments in favor of investing in minimum income
   Regions (CCMR), tbc
                                                                                and social protection including as productive factors, assessing the long-
 Brian Harvey, Independent Social Reseacher
                                                                                term social and economic impact of inaction and cuts, and discuss concrete
                                                                                proposals, in the framework of the 2020 strategy (including an EU
Workshop 3 - Creating quality employment and ensuring employment
                                                                                framework for minimum income).
security are positive factors of cohesive and sustainable growth!
                                                                                 Henri Lourdelle, ETUC on recent resolution backing EU framework for
The EU is seen as supporting worrying developments in terms of
                                                                                   minimum income
employment policy. Evidence from the ground points to negative effects of
                                                                                 Bart Vanhercke, Director of OSE, on productive role of social protection
national austerity policies, often driven by EU requirements, such as
                                                                                    and costs of non-action, tbc
deregulation of the labour market, downward pressure on wages and
working conditions, increased in-work-poverty. Unless a change of
                                                                                Workshop 5 - Services: Cushioning the social impacts of the crisis by
paradigm happens, towards sustainable and inclusive growth in
                                                                                defending universal, affordable, accessible and quality services
employment policy, than neither the employment, nor the poverty targets
of Europe 2020 can hope to be achieved. This can only be obtained through
                                                                                The universal, affordable, accessible and quality nature of services is under
supporting integrated Active Inclusion approaches in employment, featuring
                                                                                threat despite the new provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and the recent
personalised pathways towards inclusive labour markets (complete with
                                                                                European Voluntary Quality Framework on Social Services of General
adequate social protection and access to quality services), and investment
                                                                                Interests. Services are indeed first to be cut in austerity policies despite the
in quality jobs (both existing and newly-created posts).
fact they are most needed by people to cope. The budget cuts are also being
used to drive a growing privatization agenda leading to a worrying trend of
of poor, segmented services for specific target groups. Civil society
initiatives should not compensate for a decline in public investment in
services. Europe 2020 should invest in services as economic and social
stabilizers in time of crisis as well as explore the potential for socially
innovative approaches , also building on bottom-up approaches led by
NGO initiatives.
 Laura Jones, Eurodiaconia/Social Platform, tbc
 EPSU Jan Wilhelm Goudriaan, tbc

Workshop 6 - Democratic deficit: who decides?

Increasingly people are losing confidence in the ability of democratic
Institutions to protect their interests. The rescue packages from the crisis
are seen to be acting in the interest of the elites in the financial institutions
at the cost of investment in public services and social welfare. At the same
time civil society organisations and anti poverty NGOs lack the necessary
financial support to be able both to support people in need and fulfill their
advocacy role.
Challenging budget decisions and proposing democratic alternatives
requires capacity building in economic literacy. One response to this reality
has been the call for the practice of ‘participative budgeting’: a
participative budget-setting methodology developed primarily by self-
organized development organizations in the South. This workshop will
discuss the development of this practice and explore to what extent this
practice could be further developed in the EU. ‘Action Aid’ has developed
expertise in this area and will assist in the development of this workshop.
 Action Aid, tbc

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Crisis conference programme draft 300511sj

  • 1. The financial & economic crisis together with current austerity policies are having a devastating impact on the daily life of people GETTING OUT experiencing poverty and are threatening social cohesion. The policies being pursued by Member States and the EU seem likely to increase poverty and social exclusion, and are OF THE putting at risk the European Social Model. An open and transparent debate is needed to CRISIS TOGETHER assess the effectiveness of current approaches and to explore alternatives. This important conference organized by the Alternative approaches for an European Anti-Poverty Network aims to analyze and raise awareness of the social inclusive recovery impact of the crisis and the austerity measures in all EU countries, and the EU role. It will be a unique opportunity to learn from the ground, to develop alternative EAPN CONFERENCE approaches and to strengthen alliances for change. Friday 23/09/2011 - Brussels This conference is supported by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity-Progress (2007-2013). The information contained in PROGRAMME this document does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission.
  • 2. Practical information Context Date : Friday 23 September 2011 The consequences of the crisis in terms of economic downturn and unemployment are well documented and well known. The devastating Venue : International Auditorium, International Trade-Unions House, social consequences both of the crisis itself and of the austerity packages boulevard Albert II, 5, 1210 Brussels implemented are mostly under-assessed and ignored in the public debate. Languages : French & English in the plenary sessions. Of the 6 workshops there will be 2 in French and English. Whispered translation will be Based on the reality people on the ground face, EAPN has highlighted in two organized amongst EAPN delegations for those who need it. crisis reports: -The crisis is having multifaceted consequences, impacting on people Participants : Approximately 200 participants – consisting of 120 EAPN already in crisis, outside work as well as those in work members (1 representative from each national network in each of the 3 - The policy choices being made by EU and MS are likely to generate a working groups (social inclusion, employment and structural funds working dramatic increase in deprivation, poverty and social exclusion groups), EAPN European Organisation members and people experiencing - The most vulnerable and discriminated against are affected the most poverty participating in EAPN participation training taking place in Brussels - Worrying social tensions are arising between different groups, and People on the 21 and 22 September, 80 stakeholders from Brussels: social NGOs, Experiencing Poverty are increasingly stigmatized in a context where the social partners, representatives from EU and national authorities, emphasis is put on individual responsibility academics…. - NGOs, who play a key role in cushioning the impact of the crisis as well as Preparatory session: For EAPN members a ½ day workshop will be supporting the voice of the disempowered, are gravely weakened and their organized on the afternoon on 22 September to prepare together for the contribution to society at stake. conference. The crisis is far from being over and new negative developments are Contact: Sian Jones reported every day. The harsh austerity policy packages implemented Rebecca Lee nationally are worsening the situation of people already badly hurt by the Tel: + 32 2 226 58 50 crisis. Together with the choice made in favor of more deregulation, they Website : are jeopardizing the European social model with cuts applied to services and Useful documents: social protection benefits, as well as downward pressure on wages.  EAPN reports on the social impact of the crisis Is the European project moving backward? February 2011 EAPN share with other actors the idea that the crisis was not inevitable, and The social impact of the crisis and of the recovery package, December 2009 more the result of deregulation and increasing inequality than public sector spending. The austerity now imposed on people is neither fair nor efficient for ensuring an inclusive recovery which can benefit all.
  • 3. At the European level, the 2020 Strategy is from 2010 the framework within which the main national policies dealing with the crisis are now coordinated. This new strategy clearly states a strong social ambition with notably: → One of the five headline targets aiming at “ensuring that at least 20 million fewer people are in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion”, → A new Guideline 10 devoted to ‘Promoting Social inclusion and combating poverty’ → The setting up of a European Flagship Platform against poverty and social exclusion; → The promotion of a clear partnership principle (Recital 16). However, EAPN is concerned about the lack of policy consistency being promoted by the Commission and the Member States who give top priority to budget stability and economic growth at all costs. (See the January 2011 Commission Annual Growth Survey and the Euro Plus Pact). EAPN is alarmed that these decisions are taking place without adequate public and democratic scrutiny or a proper assessment of their social impact.
  • 4. Aims of the conference The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is an independent network of non-governmental This conference aims at providing a unique space for exchange between anti-poverty activists, trade-unionists, other NGOs activists, policy decision organisations (NGOs) and groups, established in 1990, makers and researchers on the causes and the consequences of the crisis fighting for a Europe free of poverty and social and on possible alternative approaches. As a participative network, the exclusion. voice of people experiencing poverty will be at the centre of the debates and will give a large space to the presentation of members’ experiences and mobilisations. We hope to use this space for exchange as a catalyst for mobilization and for strengthened alliances around common demands at the national and European levels. Objectives  Lobby EU decision makers in the context of the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy for:  the social consequences of the crisis to be better addressed  the causes of the crisis to be tackled and alternative approaches openly explored.  Strengthen alliances with key partners who are building alternative responses to the crisis, building on the 2010 NGO Alliance and the Spring Alliance.  Empowering members in order to facilitate their mobilization for alternative approaches to the crisis and their participation in policy making in the framework of the 2020 Strategy.  Strengthen a more active participation of PEP in developing solutions in the network.
  • 5. Programme Morning session 11.00 - 12.30 Social impact of the crisis: realities lived by people 9.00 - 10.30 Opening plenary: Is the EU on the right track for reducing experiencing poverty at the national level, Positive poverty? promoting a fair and sustainable response to the alternatives and mobilization? crisis? 6 parallel workshops: Chair: Ludo Horemans, EAPN President  Welcome, Ludo Horemans, EAPN President Each workshop will analyze 2/3 country cases and will assess: → the reality experienced by people experiencing poverty; Key note speeches: (30’) → the effectiveness and fairness of government’s exit strategies including  Opening statement by a person experiencing poverty positive examples;  Short presentation of EAPN position on the crisis, → the mobilization of civil society and other actors. Katherine Duffy, Expert and author of EAPN position/EAPN UK, (10’) (see comprehensive programme of the workshops below)  What are the real causes of the crisis? What are the lessons to be learned? Susan George, President of the Transnational Institute (tbc) 12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break Round Table: How is Europe 2020 going to reduce poverty Tables will be available for participants to display material illustrating in the context of the crisis response? (30’) impact and mobilization they are engaged in relation to the treatment of  Lauris BEETS , Chair of Social Protection Ctee (tbc) the crisis.  Pervenche Berès, Chair of the Employment Ctee, European Parliament (S+D, France) (tbc) Catherine Day, European Commission Secretary General (tbc) Debate (30’) 10.30 - 11.00 Coffee break
  • 6. Afternoon session 14.00 - 15.30 What alternative solutions are being developed? 6 parallel workshops will focus on alternative solutions at national and EU level for delivering a social and sustainable growth. (see comprehensive programme of the workshops below) 16.00 - 17.30 Closing plenary - How to strengthen alliances and mobilization for an alternative approach? Chair : Fintan Farrell, EAPN Director → Feed back from workshops (Rapporteurs will prepare short conclusions to power point template) → Panel discussion: What way forward? (30’) 5 organisations will be asked to highlight their response to EAPN proposals and feedback from workshops, and set out proposals for moving forward.  European Trade Union Congress  Spring Alliance / European Environmental Bureau  Social Platform  Cross-networking alliance/our Europe  15th M Movement Debate (30’)
  • 7. Workshops Programme MORNING WORKSHOP SESSION: AFTERNOON WORSHOP SESSION: Social impact of the crisis: realities lived by people experiencing Alternatives and alliances poverty; alternatives and mobilization These workshops’ objectives are: These workshops will aim at an exchange of experience on the ground regarding:  To discuss alternative approaches likely to deliver social and sustainable growth  the consequences of the crisis and of the policies implemented – negative and positive examples  To strengthen alliances aiming at promoting these alternatives  the mobilization of civil society aiming at raising awareness of the social Each workshop is devoted to key areas of EU policies where alternative impact of the crisis and demanding adequate responses, approaches are seen as a priority.  In each workshop the discussion will be introduced by presentations on two specific countries and input from people experiencing poverty. Workshop 1 - Is stability/austerity the only way? Re-thinking EU macroeconomics basics. Presentation 1: Presentation 1: Anti-poverty NGOs have been documenting the disastrous social impact of Workshop Ireland Workshop Hungary austerity policies on social cohesion. They question the primacy given to 1 Presentation 2: 4 Presentation 2: budget stability, economic governance and fiscal restraint through EU Denmark Finland economic and monetary policies that underpin the EU 2020 Strategy. They Presentation 1: Presentation 1: are convinced that fairer alternative approaches to exit strategies, reducing Workshop Spain Workshop Greece public deficits, including taxation are possible. They want to discuss the 2 Presentation 2: 5 Presentation 2: shaping of the EU Budget. The workshop will discuss alternative Iceland Belgium macroeconomic approaches to exit strategies and to driving Europe 2020. Presentation 1: Presentation 1: Inputs: Workshop UK Workshop Portugal  Alexandra Strickner, ATTAC, tbc 3 Presentation 2: 6 Presentation 2:  Representative of Euromemorandum, tbc Poland Estonia
  • 8. Workshop 2 - An alternative use of Cohesion Policy is part of the solution Inputs:  Ronald Janssen, ETUC, on austerity impact on employment, tbc Even during the current economic crisis, Structural Funds have fallen far  Diana Dovgan, CECOP, on WISES and the crisis / austerity, tbc measures short of their potential to promote social inclusion. Anti-poverty NGOs have been calling for Cohesion Policy to be better geared to developing social Workshop 4 - Strengthening social protection, including adequate inclusion and being more accessible to small scale projects and minimum income for all, is the fair way out of the crisis: it really works - organisations. The EU 2020 Flagship initiative on Poverty and social FR inclusion make some positive proposals about Structural Funds. Nevertheless, a radical rethinking is needed to make sure that Cohesion The role of automatic stabilization of social protection in the crisis has been policy will deliver on the social targets of the EU2020 Strategy and be a key formally recognized by the EU, as well as its key role in reducing poverty by instrument to ensure a positive response to the crisis. How to make it really 1/3. However social services and social benefits are being the first hit by happen? austerity measures. This approach will not only generate more poverty and social exclusion, exacerbating the hardship and insecurity faced by the most Inputs: vulnerable, but is destroying the social floor, undermining consumption and  Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP, EMPL Committee, tbc the economy and preventing a sustainable, socially cohesive recovery. This  Frederic Vallier, Secretary General, Council of European Municipalities & workshop will gather arguments in favor of investing in minimum income Regions (CCMR), tbc and social protection including as productive factors, assessing the long-  Brian Harvey, Independent Social Reseacher term social and economic impact of inaction and cuts, and discuss concrete proposals, in the framework of the 2020 strategy (including an EU Workshop 3 - Creating quality employment and ensuring employment framework for minimum income). security are positive factors of cohesive and sustainable growth! Inputs:  Henri Lourdelle, ETUC on recent resolution backing EU framework for The EU is seen as supporting worrying developments in terms of minimum income employment policy. Evidence from the ground points to negative effects of  Bart Vanhercke, Director of OSE, on productive role of social protection national austerity policies, often driven by EU requirements, such as and costs of non-action, tbc deregulation of the labour market, downward pressure on wages and working conditions, increased in-work-poverty. Unless a change of Workshop 5 - Services: Cushioning the social impacts of the crisis by paradigm happens, towards sustainable and inclusive growth in defending universal, affordable, accessible and quality services employment policy, than neither the employment, nor the poverty targets of Europe 2020 can hope to be achieved. This can only be obtained through The universal, affordable, accessible and quality nature of services is under supporting integrated Active Inclusion approaches in employment, featuring threat despite the new provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and the recent personalised pathways towards inclusive labour markets (complete with European Voluntary Quality Framework on Social Services of General adequate social protection and access to quality services), and investment Interests. Services are indeed first to be cut in austerity policies despite the in quality jobs (both existing and newly-created posts).
  • 9. fact they are most needed by people to cope. The budget cuts are also being used to drive a growing privatization agenda leading to a worrying trend of of poor, segmented services for specific target groups. Civil society initiatives should not compensate for a decline in public investment in services. Europe 2020 should invest in services as economic and social stabilizers in time of crisis as well as explore the potential for socially innovative approaches , also building on bottom-up approaches led by NGO initiatives. Inputs:  Laura Jones, Eurodiaconia/Social Platform, tbc  EPSU Jan Wilhelm Goudriaan, tbc Workshop 6 - Democratic deficit: who decides? Increasingly people are losing confidence in the ability of democratic Institutions to protect their interests. The rescue packages from the crisis are seen to be acting in the interest of the elites in the financial institutions at the cost of investment in public services and social welfare. At the same time civil society organisations and anti poverty NGOs lack the necessary financial support to be able both to support people in need and fulfill their advocacy role. Challenging budget decisions and proposing democratic alternatives requires capacity building in economic literacy. One response to this reality has been the call for the practice of ‘participative budgeting’: a participative budget-setting methodology developed primarily by self- organized development organizations in the South. This workshop will discuss the development of this practice and explore to what extent this practice could be further developed in the EU. ‘Action Aid’ has developed expertise in this area and will assist in the development of this workshop. Inputs:  Action Aid, tbc