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A4 Tuesday, May 17, 2011


                                                                                                                                                                                      It’s a stem-cell therapy untested and unproven for many incurable
                                                                                                                                                                                      diseases, but in the mainland’s little-regulated system, hospitals are
                                                                                                                                                                                      cashing in on the last-chance hopes of the desperate and the dying

                                                                                                                                                                                     wild east

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Illustration: Stephen Case

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Aborted fetuses
                                                         fore, it’s impossible for a single adult        after receiving two stem-cell treat-         make these connections,” the ISSCR                       tuses are being injected directly into
Fiona Tam in Qingdao
                                                         somatic stem-cell type to treat multi-          ments in Mexico in 2009 and 2010. His        said. “We are still learning about how                   patients’ brains and spines. Similar
                                                         ple unrelated diseases such as diabe-           body became softer and more elastic,         to direct stem cells to become the                       fetal-cell treatments are given at the
                                                         tes and Parkinson’s disease.                    and he was able to sleep and eat bet-        right cell type, to grow only as much as                 Naval General Hospital of PLA, the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the likely source
The Singaporean doctor has ALS, the                          Stanford Stem Cell & Regenerative           ter, after those treatments, she said.       we need them to.”                                        General Hospital of Chinese People’s
incurable degenerative disease of the                    Medicine Institute director Irving              She was hoping for even better results          Although it is now possible to re-                    Armed Police Forces, Peking Univer-
nervous system. He tried the drug                        Weissman , told reporters last year             on the mainland, as other parents had        program adult somatic cells to act like                  sity Health Science Centre and many
with the best chance of slowing the                      that stem cells from umbilical cords            told her that the country had leapt          embryonic stem cells (induced pluri-                     other public hospitals.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of stem cells
weakening of his muscles, the com-                       did have a very limited capacity to             ahead in stem-cell therapies.                potent stem cells, iPSCs), the main-                         In two articles in the Second Mili-
promising of his respiratory system,                     make scar, bone and fat. “But they                  “China has a big reputation in           land’s stem-cell therapy centres                         tary Medical University’s journal,
the steady onset of death. But he is                     don’t make brain, they don’t make               stem-cell treatment and is the place         aren’t capable of doing it.                              Tian Zengmin, the naval hospital’s
allergic. He figured he had only one                     blood, they don’t make heart, they              to be because you can actually see the                                                                neurologist, detailed how they culti-
hope left.                                               don’t make skeletal muscle, despite             improvement,” she said. “It takes a          A family in mourning                                     vated fetal brain cells taken from five-
    Dr Poon Lee Kwee, 61, joined the                     what various people claim,” he said.            decade for the FDA [US Food and                                                                       to 11-week-old fetuses to treat Parkin-     Hospitals often sell fetal tissue to labs for research or
droves of foreigners now flocking to                         The injections’ maker, Shenzhen-            Drug Administration] to approve              The Singaporean doctor is lucky he                       son’s disease and cerebellum atro-
mainland hospitals for stem-cell                         based Beike Bio-Technology says the             something and the Americans can’t            didn’t feel severe side effects after the                phy. The central government funds           treatment, without the mother’s knowledge
treatments — therapies that are un-                      treatments are offered by more than             wait.”                                       six injections.                                          Tian’s research.
tested and unproven, but in the main-                    50 mainland hospitals. Chairman Hu                  With stem cells directly implanted           A 30-year-old man from Jinhua                            A Shanghai father who paid 18,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ......................................................       The country’s lax system of ethical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fiona Tam in Beijing
land’s little-regulated climate, are of-                 Xiang said its stem cells, mainly ex-           into the boy’s brain, Hansard hopes          city in Zhejiang who tried to cure his                   yuan for a treatment for his son with                                                                and regulatory oversight and respect
fered far more freely than in the US                     tracted from umbilical cord blood,              the boy will finally learn how to make       cerebral infarction with stem cells                      cerebral palsy said he believed all hos-                                                             to privacy enable doctors to remove
and other Western countries.                             had been injected into more than                normal movements and reactions.              died four days after receiving two in-                   pital-provided cells were taken from                                                                 fetal cells and tissues without inform-
    Seven months after being diag-                       10,000 foreign patients from 70 coun-               What Hansard and Poon didn’t             jections from the No. 455 Hospital of                    induced abortion. “Otherwise you            Research projects using embryonic                        ing the mothers.
nosed with amyotrophic lateral scle-                     tries. He said only 2.8 per cent of pa-                                                      PLA in Shanghai in July. The victim’s                    never know whether the cells from           and fetal stem cells are ethically con-                      Ding Yu, who specialises in wom-
rosis (ALS), the general practitioner                    tients had slight side effects such as                                                       elder brother, Hong Chun, said he                        spontaneous abortion are good               troversial in the West and have gener-                   en’s rights and is a researcher from
paid the equivalent of HK$155,420 for                    fever or headache. Hu refused, how-                                                          had seen the injections’ packing at the                  enough to repair injuries,” he said.        ated plenty of public debate, but in                     the School of Sociology and Anthro-
a month-long therapy in Guangzhou                        ever, to disclose a success rate.                                                            hospital.                                                Wernig said it made much more               China there is little discussion and                     pology at Sun Yat-Sen University,
in March. Poon received six injections
of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), a
                                                             Hua Qing, Beike’s coordinator in
                                                         the Guangdong hospital, concedes
                                                                                                         Although scientific                              “It was made in Shenzhen and the
                                                                                                                                                      hospital told me that they purchased
                                                                                                                                                                                                               sense medically to use fetal brain tis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               sue than MSCs to repair neural inju-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           public opinion seems to be largely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    said: “Very few Chinese have ethical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    concern over abortion after three
kind of adult stem cell from umbilical-                  the injection can’t actually cure seri-         progress is being                            each injection for 300 yuan from the                     ries, because the fetal brain actually          The country’s particular situa-                      decades of the ‘one-child policy’ and
cord blood at Guangdong Provincial                       ous diseases, but can “improve” pa-                                                          manufacturer,” he said, adding that                      contains neural stem cells. He said         tions, however, further complicates                      forced abortions. Most of them take
Hospital of Traditional Chinese                          tients’ conditions to some degree.              made at amazing                              he had received anonymous calls                          there were some clinical trials using       the picture. Most mainland stem-cell                     abortion as common phenomena
    The treatment has undergone no
                                                             That claim isn’t based on medical
                                                         data, but on patients’ testimonials —
                                                                                                         speeds, we need to                           from Guangdong threatening him
                                                                                                                                                      not to expose the malpractice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               fetal brain tissue, in particular in pa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tients with Parkinson’s disease.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           researchers will not say publicly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           where the fetal tissue they used for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and never link this with human rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    or a fetus’ right to life.”
clinical trials, yet the hospital’s web-                 something that the International So-            distinguish facts                                Yu Shuangfeng, 68, is among 21                           “[But] the success rate was very        study or treatment comes from. A                             On the mainland, fetal stem cells
site claims that a wide range of condi-                  ciety for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)                                                         mainland patients who have sued the                      limited and led to uncontrollable se-       close reading of mainland journals                       and tissue from abortion clinics have
tions considered incurable by other                      warns others to be wary of.                     from hype                                    military hospital for fraud. Yu said she                 vere side effects,” he said. “Scientists    however, show that many cells used                       become a steady source for mainland
means are now treatable with its revo-                       A month after getting the treat-                                                         nearly died of strong side effects, in-                  are trying to find out why the trans-       for the research are coming from                         hospitals in treating patients for vari-
                                                                                                         STEM-CELL EXPERT PROFESSOR RONALD LI
lutionary stem-cell therapy — from                       ments, Poon said he felt no substan-                                                         cluding fever, after paying 70,000                       plants did not lead to the desired          induced abortions. The cells harvest-                    ous diseases as early as 2000, as well
the fatal ALS, cerebral palsy, autism,                   tial improvement or difference. He                                                           yuan for two injections last year. Her                   effect. Once there is a better under-       ed from fetuses range in age from five                   as stem-cell laboratories for research.
Parkinson’s disease, spinal-cord inju-                   said he would wait three months be-             know is that manufacturing one MSC           diabetes has never been cured. In-                       standing of the process such a trans-       weeks to six months.                                         Mainland media revealed that a
ries, and optic-nerve disorder to foot                   fore deciding if it had helped.                 injection can cost as little as 300 yuan     stead, it worsened.                                      plant could become possible.’’                  The mainland’s draconian popu-                       Liaoning woman who chose a sex-
ulcers caused by diabetes.                                                                               (HK$359). And these cells could never            Han Zhongchao, director of Na-                           Professor Ronald Li, director of        lation “one child” policy has ensured,                   selective abortion in Xian           in
    But there is no convincing evi-                      Foreigners flock to mainland                    cure Poon’s disease.                         tional Research Centre for Stem Cell                     Hong Kong University’s Stem Cell            although unintentionally, that the                       June last year discovered that her six-
dence published in any reputable                                                                             In theory, only neural stem cells        Engineering and Technology, said the                     and Regenerative Medicine Consor-           supply would be limitless.                               month-old fetus was sold to a local
journal to support MSCs as a treat-                      Despite the lack of a credible track            from the brain that can give rise to         mainland’s military hospitals, which                     tium, said that although stem-cell              Many Chinese mothers-to-be are                       medical company called Shaanxi
ment for diseases like these, said Ma-                   record, the lure of a long-shot cure is         nerve cells and two categories of non-       weren’t under the administration of                      therapy could fundamentally change          forced to terminate their pregnan-                       Alerfu Activ Tissue Engineering Co,
rius Wernig of Stanford University in                    drawing anxious Western patients to             neuronal cells are the right type of         the Health Ministry, were the first to                   medicine, almost all treatments being       cies, regardless of the stage at which
California.                                              mainland hospitals for treatments               stem cells to treat Poon’s ALS. But          offer stem cell treatments. Many                         developed were still in the experi-         they are, under this policy. Author-
    For the hospital’s claims to come                    costing up to HK$233,000 a month.               most mainland stem-cell therapy              small hospitals eyed the lucrative                       mental stage or clinical trials, except     ities exert pressure to abort by impos-
true “would be a miracle”, Wernig,                           The stem-cell surgery of the little-        centres provide only MSCs, which are         business and launched their stem-                        bone-marrow transplants.                    ing heavy fines on would-be parents,
principal investigator at Stanford’s                     known Qingdao Chengyang People’s                easy and cheap to produce.                   cell centres after that.                                     “Many hospitals and centres have        dismissing them from jobs, and re-
Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Re-
generative Medicine, said.
    Unlike embryonic stem cells —
which in theory give rise to all the
body’s stem-cell types — tissue-spe-
                                                         Hospital is so popular an entire floor
                                                         at the top of its complex has been re-
                                                         made into luxurious suites for foreign
                                                         patients, who fly tens of thousands of
                                                         kilometresfor the treatment. The hos-
                                                                                                             Even if Poon had been given the
                                                                                                         right cells, there are still many barriers
                                                                                                         to the development of successful
                                                                                                         stem-cell therapies. Among them:
                                                                                                         getting the cells to behave in the de-
                                                                                                                                                          “But all of these stem cell therapies
                                                                                                                                                      are still at the research stage, and
                                                                                                                                                      none of them has been approved by
                                                                                                                                                      domestic health watchdog as effec-
                                                                                                                                                      tive treatment,” Chinese Academy of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               obviously overstated their stem cell
                                                                                                                                                                                                               treatments, with very bold claims,” Li
                                                                                                                                                                                                               said. “Too much hype is going to jeo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pardise a paradigm-shifting field. Al-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               though progress is being made at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           fusing residency permits and social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           protections such as education and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           medical services for the children.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               After the abortion, the hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           often sells the fetal tissue to other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The number of stem-cell papers
cific stem cells such as MSCs are lim-                   pital even hired two full-time transla-         sired way. “To treat many neurologi-         Science academician Wu Zuze was                          amazing speeds, we need to distin-          hospitals or laboratories for stem-cell                    published in international peer-
ited in their potential and largely                      tors and a private driver to cater to           cal conditions the cells we implant          quoted by Century Weekly magazine.                       guish facts from hype. The field needs      research or treatment, without the                         reviewed journals in 2008
make the cell types found in the tissue                  those who can’t speak Chinese.                  will need to grow into specific types of         The therapies may be unproved.                       time and space to grow and mature,          mother’s knowledge.                                        from China, ranking it fifth
from which they are derived, accord-                         Lori Hansard, of Houston, Texas,            neurons, and to work they will also          But some doctors are using them with                     before stem cells can be turned into            “Generally, surgeons in the main-                      in the world
ing to the US-based International So-                    brought her 14-year-old son with ce-            have to know which other neurons to          abandon. In Beijing’s military hospi-                    clinical and other applications – it will   land are very likely to use aborted fe-
ciety for Stem Cell Research. There-                     rebral palsy to Qingdao last month              make connections with and how to             tals, cells cultivated from aborted fe-                  happen, but not right away.”                tuses in medical experiments and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           treatments without informing the                         which focuses on producing artificial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           mother-to-be,” Liu said, “while many                     skin and cornea. Three maternity as-
  Stem cells for therapy
  Stem cells are generally early stage cells that can continuously replicate and differentiate into other specialised cells.
                                                                                                                                                      China hopes to build an                                                                              mothers-to-be are also not aware of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           their rights on aborted fetuses, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           some surgeons may take advantage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sistants who sold the fetus soon after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the abortion were fired by the hospi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tal after a police investigation.
  Scientists hope these can be used to replace damaged tissues in patients. There are two main categories of stem cells:
  Embryonic stem cells                                      Egg is fertilised         Adult stem cells
                                                                                                                                                      advantage in cell studies                                                                            of this.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               An Yimeng, director of the stem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           cell transplant department at Bei-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        There are growing concerns on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the mainland, though. Liu Hongbo, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    noted newspaper columnist based in
                                                                                                                    Stem cells can be extracted                                                                                                            jing’s General Hospital of the Chinese                   Wuhan           , said an unborn child
  Stem cells created can                                                                                                                              ......................................................   yuan for developing potential treat-        People’s Armed Police Forces, told                       arguably had as much right to live as
                                                                                                                    from umbilical cord blood, and    Fiona Tam
  develop into more than                                    The fertilised egg                                      certain other sources. These                                                               ments for heart disease, liver failure,     People’s Daily that mainland hospi-                      the terminally ill child who used its
  250 specialised cell                                       begins to divide                                       may be limited to producing                                                                Parkinson’s disease and repair of           tals had been using fetal brains to                      cells. But Chinese legislators only re-
  types in the body                                                                                                 only certain types of cells       China is making some large invest-                       neural conditions.                          treat patients since the 1980s, and a                    gard babies, not fetuses, as human.
                                                                                                                                                      ments in stem-cell research and                              By contrast, the US National Insti-     huge number of patients received                             “Chinese authorities believe fe-
                                                                  Two-cell                                                                            medicine.                                                tute of Health will spend US$125 mil-       similar treatments during the past                       tuses are just a possibility of life, and
                                                                  embryo                                                         Nerve cells
                                                                                                                                                         Without the shackles of ethical                       lion on human embryonic cell                three decades.                                           abortion is legal and well accepted by
                                                                                                                                                      qualms or government regulations,                        research.                                       An’s hospital alone has treated                      the public,” Liu said.
                                        Four-cell embryo                                                                                              leaders see stem-cell research as an                         It will, however, spend another         nearly 4,000 patients with its neural                        But neurologist Ben Barres, chair
                                                                                                                                 Skin cells           area in which the country’s biotech-                     US$1.7 billion to understand the            stem cells since 2003, including for-                    of the neurobiology department at
                                                                                                                                                      nology industry might outpace the                        basic mechanism of stem cells and to        eign patients from 20 countries.                         Stanford University School of Medi-
                                           Inner                                                                                                      West.                                                    do non-human and non-embryonic                  In Shenzhen, a public hospital ob-                   cine, said he saw nothing wrong with
                                         cell mass
                                                                                                                                                         Beijing announced early this                          stem cell research – matters of less        stetrician said that in most cases, a                    using cells or tissue from a fetus that
                                                                                                                                Muscle cells          month that the 973 State Develop-                        interest to Beijing.                        mother-to-be will leave the aborted                      was being discarded in any case.
                                                                                                                                                      ment Programme for Key Basic Re-                             Rather than basic research, Chi-        fetus or stillbirth baby to the hospital                     “Personally,” Barres said, “I don’t
                                                                                                                                                      search would invest 1.6 billion yuan                     nese scientists are eager to focus on       as medical residue. The fetuses will                     think there is an ethical problem with
      Eight-cell                       Blastocyst                     Undifferentiated                 Partly                                         (HK$1.9 billion) in stem-cell research                   humans’ mesenchymal stem cells              be sold. And so will the placentas, to                   using tissue from aborted fetuses [tis-
       embryo                    Mostly hollow sphere                   stem cells                 differentiated                                     and five other fields this year.                         (MSCs) and the clinical uses for stem       pharmaceutical factories or individ-                     sue that would otherwise be thrown
                              composed of up to 100 cells       Cultured in nutrient-rich liquid     stem cells              Specialised cells           Also, the 863 State Hi-Tech Devel-                    cells. Just one per cent of the US re-      uals who believe them rich in nutri-                     in the garbage] to help patients.”
Sources: US National Academy of Sciences, US National Institutes of Health, Reuters                                                            SCMP   opment Plan will allocate 130 million                    search budget is allocated to MSCs.         ents and suitable to eat.

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Cowboy doctors

  • 1. A4 Tuesday, May 17, 2011 FOCUS It’s a stem-cell therapy untested and unproven for many incurable ` diseases, but in the mainland’s little-regulated system, hospitals are cashing in on the last-chance hopes of the desperate and the dying Medicine’s wild east Illustration: Stephen Case ...................................................... Aborted fetuses fore, it’s impossible for a single adult after receiving two stem-cell treat- make these connections,” the ISSCR tuses are being injected directly into Fiona Tam in Qingdao somatic stem-cell type to treat multi- ments in Mexico in 2009 and 2010. His said. “We are still learning about how patients’ brains and spines. Similar ple unrelated diseases such as diabe- body became softer and more elastic, to direct stem cells to become the fetal-cell treatments are given at the tes and Parkinson’s disease. and he was able to sleep and eat bet- right cell type, to grow only as much as Naval General Hospital of PLA, the the likely source The Singaporean doctor has ALS, the Stanford Stem Cell & Regenerative ter, after those treatments, she said. we need them to.” General Hospital of Chinese People’s incurable degenerative disease of the Medicine Institute director Irving She was hoping for even better results Although it is now possible to re- Armed Police Forces, Peking Univer- nervous system. He tried the drug Weissman , told reporters last year on the mainland, as other parents had program adult somatic cells to act like sity Health Science Centre and many with the best chance of slowing the that stem cells from umbilical cords told her that the country had leapt embryonic stem cells (induced pluri- other public hospitals. of stem cells weakening of his muscles, the com- did have a very limited capacity to ahead in stem-cell therapies. potent stem cells, iPSCs), the main- In two articles in the Second Mili- promising of his respiratory system, make scar, bone and fat. “But they “China has a big reputation in land’s stem-cell therapy centres tary Medical University’s journal, the steady onset of death. But he is don’t make brain, they don’t make stem-cell treatment and is the place aren’t capable of doing it. Tian Zengmin, the naval hospital’s allergic. He figured he had only one blood, they don’t make heart, they to be because you can actually see the neurologist, detailed how they culti- hope left. don’t make skeletal muscle, despite improvement,” she said. “It takes a A family in mourning vated fetal brain cells taken from five- Dr Poon Lee Kwee, 61, joined the what various people claim,” he said. decade for the FDA [US Food and to 11-week-old fetuses to treat Parkin- Hospitals often sell fetal tissue to labs for research or droves of foreigners now flocking to The injections’ maker, Shenzhen- Drug Administration] to approve The Singaporean doctor is lucky he son’s disease and cerebellum atro- mainland hospitals for stem-cell based Beike Bio-Technology says the something and the Americans can’t didn’t feel severe side effects after the phy. The central government funds treatment, without the mother’s knowledge treatments — therapies that are un- treatments are offered by more than wait.” six injections. Tian’s research. tested and unproven, but in the main- 50 mainland hospitals. Chairman Hu With stem cells directly implanted A 30-year-old man from Jinhua A Shanghai father who paid 18,000 ...................................................... The country’s lax system of ethical Fiona Tam in Beijing land’s little-regulated climate, are of- Xiang said its stem cells, mainly ex- into the boy’s brain, Hansard hopes city in Zhejiang who tried to cure his yuan for a treatment for his son with and regulatory oversight and respect fered far more freely than in the US tracted from umbilical cord blood, the boy will finally learn how to make cerebral infarction with stem cells cerebral palsy said he believed all hos- to privacy enable doctors to remove and other Western countries. had been injected into more than normal movements and reactions. died four days after receiving two in- pital-provided cells were taken from fetal cells and tissues without inform- Seven months after being diag- 10,000 foreign patients from 70 coun- What Hansard and Poon didn’t jections from the No. 455 Hospital of induced abortion. “Otherwise you Research projects using embryonic ing the mothers. nosed with amyotrophic lateral scle- tries. He said only 2.8 per cent of pa- PLA in Shanghai in July. The victim’s never know whether the cells from and fetal stem cells are ethically con- Ding Yu, who specialises in wom- rosis (ALS), the general practitioner tients had slight side effects such as elder brother, Hong Chun, said he spontaneous abortion are good troversial in the West and have gener- en’s rights and is a researcher from paid the equivalent of HK$155,420 for fever or headache. Hu refused, how- had seen the injections’ packing at the enough to repair injuries,” he said. ated plenty of public debate, but in the School of Sociology and Anthro- a month-long therapy in Guangzhou ever, to disclose a success rate. hospital. Wernig said it made much more China there is little discussion and pology at Sun Yat-Sen University, in March. Poon received six injections of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), a Hua Qing, Beike’s coordinator in the Guangdong hospital, concedes Although scientific “It was made in Shenzhen and the hospital told me that they purchased sense medically to use fetal brain tis- sue than MSCs to repair neural inju- public opinion seems to be largely positive. said: “Very few Chinese have ethical concern over abortion after three kind of adult stem cell from umbilical- the injection can’t actually cure seri- progress is being each injection for 300 yuan from the ries, because the fetal brain actually The country’s particular situa- decades of the ‘one-child policy’ and cord blood at Guangdong Provincial ous diseases, but can “improve” pa- manufacturer,” he said, adding that contains neural stem cells. He said tions, however, further complicates forced abortions. Most of them take Hospital of Traditional Chinese tients’ conditions to some degree. made at amazing he had received anonymous calls there were some clinical trials using the picture. Most mainland stem-cell abortion as common phenomena Medicine. The treatment has undergone no That claim isn’t based on medical data, but on patients’ testimonials — speeds, we need to from Guangdong threatening him not to expose the malpractice. fetal brain tissue, in particular in pa- tients with Parkinson’s disease. researchers will not say publicly where the fetal tissue they used for and never link this with human rights or a fetus’ right to life.” clinical trials, yet the hospital’s web- something that the International So- distinguish facts Yu Shuangfeng, 68, is among 21 “[But] the success rate was very study or treatment comes from. A On the mainland, fetal stem cells site claims that a wide range of condi- ciety for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) mainland patients who have sued the limited and led to uncontrollable se- close reading of mainland journals and tissue from abortion clinics have tions considered incurable by other warns others to be wary of. from hype military hospital for fraud. Yu said she vere side effects,” he said. “Scientists however, show that many cells used become a steady source for mainland means are now treatable with its revo- A month after getting the treat- nearly died of strong side effects, in- are trying to find out why the trans- for the research are coming from hospitals in treating patients for vari- STEM-CELL EXPERT PROFESSOR RONALD LI lutionary stem-cell therapy — from ments, Poon said he felt no substan- cluding fever, after paying 70,000 plants did not lead to the desired induced abortions. The cells harvest- ous diseases as early as 2000, as well the fatal ALS, cerebral palsy, autism, tial improvement or difference. He yuan for two injections last year. Her effect. Once there is a better under- ed from fetuses range in age from five as stem-cell laboratories for research. Parkinson’s disease, spinal-cord inju- said he would wait three months be- know is that manufacturing one MSC diabetes has never been cured. In- standing of the process such a trans- weeks to six months. Mainland media revealed that a ries, and optic-nerve disorder to foot fore deciding if it had helped. injection can cost as little as 300 yuan stead, it worsened. plant could become possible.’’ The mainland’s draconian popu- Liaoning woman who chose a sex- ulcers caused by diabetes. (HK$359). And these cells could never Han Zhongchao, director of Na- Professor Ronald Li, director of lation “one child” policy has ensured, selective abortion in Xian in But there is no convincing evi- Foreigners flock to mainland cure Poon’s disease. tional Research Centre for Stem Cell Hong Kong University’s Stem Cell although unintentionally, that the June last year discovered that her six- dence published in any reputable In theory, only neural stem cells Engineering and Technology, said the and Regenerative Medicine Consor- supply would be limitless. month-old fetus was sold to a local journal to support MSCs as a treat- Despite the lack of a credible track from the brain that can give rise to mainland’s military hospitals, which tium, said that although stem-cell Many Chinese mothers-to-be are medical company called Shaanxi ment for diseases like these, said Ma- record, the lure of a long-shot cure is nerve cells and two categories of non- weren’t under the administration of therapy could fundamentally change forced to terminate their pregnan- Alerfu Activ Tissue Engineering Co, rius Wernig of Stanford University in drawing anxious Western patients to neuronal cells are the right type of the Health Ministry, were the first to medicine, almost all treatments being cies, regardless of the stage at which California. mainland hospitals for treatments stem cells to treat Poon’s ALS. But offer stem cell treatments. Many developed were still in the experi- they are, under this policy. Author- For the hospital’s claims to come costing up to HK$233,000 a month. most mainland stem-cell therapy small hospitals eyed the lucrative mental stage or clinical trials, except ities exert pressure to abort by impos- true “would be a miracle”, Wernig, The stem-cell surgery of the little- centres provide only MSCs, which are business and launched their stem- bone-marrow transplants. ing heavy fines on would-be parents, principal investigator at Stanford’s known Qingdao Chengyang People’s easy and cheap to produce. cell centres after that. “Many hospitals and centres have dismissing them from jobs, and re- Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Re- generative Medicine, said. Unlike embryonic stem cells — which in theory give rise to all the body’s stem-cell types — tissue-spe- Hospital is so popular an entire floor at the top of its complex has been re- made into luxurious suites for foreign patients, who fly tens of thousands of kilometresfor the treatment. The hos- Even if Poon had been given the right cells, there are still many barriers to the development of successful stem-cell therapies. Among them: getting the cells to behave in the de- “But all of these stem cell therapies are still at the research stage, and none of them has been approved by domestic health watchdog as effec- tive treatment,” Chinese Academy of obviously overstated their stem cell treatments, with very bold claims,” Li said. “Too much hype is going to jeo- pardise a paradigm-shifting field. Al- though progress is being made at fusing residency permits and social protections such as education and medical services for the children. After the abortion, the hospital often sells the fetal tissue to other 1,116 The number of stem-cell papers cific stem cells such as MSCs are lim- pital even hired two full-time transla- sired way. “To treat many neurologi- Science academician Wu Zuze was amazing speeds, we need to distin- hospitals or laboratories for stem-cell published in international peer- ited in their potential and largely tors and a private driver to cater to cal conditions the cells we implant quoted by Century Weekly magazine. guish facts from hype. The field needs research or treatment, without the reviewed journals in 2008 make the cell types found in the tissue those who can’t speak Chinese. will need to grow into specific types of The therapies may be unproved. time and space to grow and mature, mother’s knowledge. from China, ranking it fifth from which they are derived, accord- Lori Hansard, of Houston, Texas, neurons, and to work they will also But some doctors are using them with before stem cells can be turned into “Generally, surgeons in the main- in the world ing to the US-based International So- brought her 14-year-old son with ce- have to know which other neurons to abandon. In Beijing’s military hospi- clinical and other applications – it will land are very likely to use aborted fe- ciety for Stem Cell Research. There- rebral palsy to Qingdao last month make connections with and how to tals, cells cultivated from aborted fe- happen, but not right away.” tuses in medical experiments and treatments without informing the which focuses on producing artificial mother-to-be,” Liu said, “while many skin and cornea. Three maternity as- Stem cells for therapy Stem cells are generally early stage cells that can continuously replicate and differentiate into other specialised cells. China hopes to build an mothers-to-be are also not aware of their rights on aborted fetuses, and some surgeons may take advantage sistants who sold the fetus soon after the abortion were fired by the hospi- tal after a police investigation. Scientists hope these can be used to replace damaged tissues in patients. There are two main categories of stem cells: Embryonic stem cells Egg is fertilised Adult stem cells advantage in cell studies of this.” An Yimeng, director of the stem- cell transplant department at Bei- There are growing concerns on the mainland, though. Liu Hongbo, a noted newspaper columnist based in Stem cells can be extracted jing’s General Hospital of the Chinese Wuhan , said an unborn child Stem cells created can ...................................................... yuan for developing potential treat- People’s Armed Police Forces, told arguably had as much right to live as from umbilical cord blood, and Fiona Tam develop into more than The fertilised egg certain other sources. These ments for heart disease, liver failure, People’s Daily that mainland hospi- the terminally ill child who used its 250 specialised cell begins to divide may be limited to producing Parkinson’s disease and repair of tals had been using fetal brains to cells. But Chinese legislators only re- types in the body only certain types of cells China is making some large invest- neural conditions. treat patients since the 1980s, and a gard babies, not fetuses, as human. ments in stem-cell research and By contrast, the US National Insti- huge number of patients received “Chinese authorities believe fe- Two-cell medicine. tute of Health will spend US$125 mil- similar treatments during the past tuses are just a possibility of life, and embryo Nerve cells Without the shackles of ethical lion on human embryonic cell three decades. abortion is legal and well accepted by qualms or government regulations, research. An’s hospital alone has treated the public,” Liu said. Four-cell embryo leaders see stem-cell research as an It will, however, spend another nearly 4,000 patients with its neural But neurologist Ben Barres, chair Skin cells area in which the country’s biotech- US$1.7 billion to understand the stem cells since 2003, including for- of the neurobiology department at nology industry might outpace the basic mechanism of stem cells and to eign patients from 20 countries. Stanford University School of Medi- Inner West. do non-human and non-embryonic In Shenzhen, a public hospital ob- cine, said he saw nothing wrong with cell mass Beijing announced early this stem cell research – matters of less stetrician said that in most cases, a using cells or tissue from a fetus that Muscle cells month that the 973 State Develop- interest to Beijing. mother-to-be will leave the aborted was being discarded in any case. ment Programme for Key Basic Re- Rather than basic research, Chi- fetus or stillbirth baby to the hospital “Personally,” Barres said, “I don’t search would invest 1.6 billion yuan nese scientists are eager to focus on as medical residue. The fetuses will think there is an ethical problem with Eight-cell Blastocyst Undifferentiated Partly (HK$1.9 billion) in stem-cell research humans’ mesenchymal stem cells be sold. And so will the placentas, to using tissue from aborted fetuses [tis- embryo Mostly hollow sphere stem cells differentiated and five other fields this year. (MSCs) and the clinical uses for stem pharmaceutical factories or individ- sue that would otherwise be thrown composed of up to 100 cells Cultured in nutrient-rich liquid stem cells Specialised cells Also, the 863 State Hi-Tech Devel- cells. Just one per cent of the US re- uals who believe them rich in nutri- in the garbage] to help patients.” Sources: US National Academy of Sciences, US National Institutes of Health, Reuters SCMP opment Plan will allocate 130 million search budget is allocated to MSCs. ents and suitable to eat.