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Sunday, April 8, 2012 11


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Illustration: Stephen Case
Suspected terror mastermind has a huge price on his head, but he isn’t hiding
in a cave … he’s walking freely round Lahore and appearing on Pakistan TV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         You put bounties
Agencies in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
                                                         his organisation, Jamaat-ud-Dawa,          mir. In Muzaffarabad, around 500                                                                                                                                     on people who
                                                         have been cleared by Pakistani             activists shouted “al-Jihad, al-Jihad
                                                         courts. They say they don’t under-         (holy war)” as they marched on the                                                                                                                                   are hiding, not
Who wants to be a millionaire? In
Pakistan, all you have to do is give the
                                                         stand what all the fuss is about and
                                                         complain the Americans are acting
                                                                                                    city and set fire to a US flag.
                                                                                                        “Such steps are forcing Muslims
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         those walking
United States information leading to                     like cowboys.                              towards guns,” said Abdul Aziz Alvi,                                                                                                                                 around free
the arrest or conviction of Hafiz                            “The United States is acting like      the local head of Jamaat-ud-Dawa.
Saeed – an Islamist leader whose                         it’s Clint Eastwood,” said a senior            “We condemn the American an-                                                                                                                                     HARIS CHAUDHRY, BUSINESSMAN
whereabouts are usually not much of                      security official. “It’s as if they just   nouncement against Hafiz Saeed,”
a mystery.                                               want to ride a horse into Pakistan and     cried a banner at the rally, which was                                                                                                                               “endangered and worried” by the US
    Saeed is suspected of master-                        just drag people like him away.”           attended by members of other                                                                                                                                         decision. But publicly, Jamaat-ud-
minding the attack on India’s finan-                         Saeed, a man with a quiet but          banned and religious groups.                                                                                                                                         Dawwa – an arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba
cial capital, Mumbai, in 2008 that                       intense demeanour and henna-dyed               Saeed, 61, founded Lashkar-e-                                                                                                                                    which promotes the puritanical
killed 166, including six Americans.                     hair, has turned the drone strikes and     Taiba in the 1990s and it became one                                                                                                                                 Wahhabi interpretation of Islam and
    The US last week placed a bounty                     other issues, like the presence of         of South Asia’s best-funded militant                                                                                                                                 is also involved in charitable and hu-
of up to US$10 million on Saeed. But                     Western troops in Afghanistan, into a      organisations.                                                                                                                                                       manitarian work – called the US deci-
unlike other figures at the top of the                   rallying cry against the US.                   He abandoned its leadership after                                                                                                                                sion “another attack on Islam and
list, such as al-Qaeda leader Ayman                          That has won him support on            India accused it of being behind an                                                                                                                                  Muslims”.
al-Zawahiri, who carries a US$25 mil-                    Pakistan’s streets. “He wants the          attack on the Indian parliament in                                                                                                                                       “Now that he has a price on his
lion reward, or the Afghan Taliban                       drone strikes to stop. He wants the        December 2001. He denies any                                                                                                                                         head, for this money anyone is will-
leader Mullah Omar, the subject of a                     bloodshed in Afghanistan to end,”          wrongdoing and links to militants.                                                                                                                                   ing to do anything,” said Javed, a 55-
US$10 million bounty, Saeed is not                       said a senior police official in Paki-         Saeed’s main political forum now                                                                                                                                 year-old government employee who
on the run in the lawless areas along                    stan’s commercial capital, Karachi.        is the Defence of Pakistan Council, a                                                                                                                                declined to give his full name.
the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.                         “Hafiz Saeed isn’t saying anything         coalition of right-wing, religious and                                                                                                                                   “Once people see the money
    Instead, the jihadist lives in plain                 wrong. In fact, he’s a patriot.”           extremist groups that includes Lash-                                                                                                                                 there is no saving him. Only God can
sight in the eastern city of Lahore,                         That support was evident on Fri-       kar. The group has been opposed to                                                                                                                                   save him.”
running his operations from a com-                       day, when hundreds of Islamist activ-      the government reopening Nato sup-                                                                                                                                       Some Pakistanis could not under-
pound on the edge of the city.                           ists took to the streets of Pakistan de-   ply lines to Afghanistan, which have                                                                                                                                 stand why the bounty was issued
    He appeared live on several tele-                    manding holy war and torching US           been closed since November.                                                                                                                                          while Saeed is in plain view.
vision channels the day after Wash-                      flags to condemn the bounty.                   The coalition has staged noisy                                                                                                                                       “It is unlikely that anything will
ington announced the bounty, derid-                          Protests were organised in Islam-      demonstrations in recent months                                                                                                                                      come out of this. You put bounties
ing the US reward as a “foolish step”                    abad, the neighbouring garrison city       and Saeed said the campaign had                                                                                                                                      on people who are hiding, not
that had been orchestrated by Paki-                      of Rawalpindi, the central shrine city     worried Washington.                                                                                                                                                  those walking around free,” said
stan’s arch-enemy, India.                                of Multan and in Muzaffarabad, capi-           “The US decision is aimed at         would allow his prosecution in a        the Pakistani government. Pakistani        boosting his visibility. Pakistan kept   businessman Haris Chaudhry. “It’s
    The next day he was openly wan-                      tal of Pakistani-administered Kash-        silencing the Defence Council of         court in the United States or           Foreign Office spokesman Abdul             Saeed under house arrest for several     ridiculous.”
dering across Pakistan’s military gar-                                                              Pakistan and to ensure resumption of     elsewhere.                              Basit said any US claims against           months after the Mumbai attacks but          On the edge of Islamabad, a Paki-
rison town of Rawalpindi, hanging                                                                   supplies through backdoor channels           State Department spokesman          Saeed must be able to stand up in          released him after he challenged his     stani intelligence officer who has
out with some of the most anti-Amer-                                                                and increase interference in Paki-       Mark Toner said: “We all know where     court. “Pakistan would prefer to re-       detention in court.                      handled militant groups for decades
ican characters in the country.                                                                     stan,” he said.                          he is – you know, every journalist in   ceive concrete evidence to proceed             It has also resisted demands from    shook his head as he pondered the
    “This is a laughable, absurd                                                                        The former professor of Islamic      Pakistan and in the region knows        legally rather than to be engaging in a    India to do more, saying there isn’t     US reward.
announcement. Here I am in front of                      The US is acting                           studies seemed unfazed by the            how to find him – but we’re looking     public discussion on this issue,” Basit    sufficient evidence.                         “If the guy who decided to do this
everyone, not hiding in a cave,”
Saeed told a news conference at a
                                                         like Clint Eastwood                        bounty. “I am here, I am visible.
                                                                                                    America should give that reward
                                                                                                                                             for information that can be usable to
                                                                                                                                             convict him in a court of law.”
                                                                                                                                                                                        The US may be hoping the reward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Security analysts in Islamabad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                said Pakistan’s civilian government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         could get a job in the State Depart-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ment, then I could be the president of
hotel – a mere 40-minute drive from                      … they want to ride                        money to me,” he said at the press           The rewards marked a shift in the   money for Saeed will force Pakistan        would like to act against Saeed but      the United States,” the chuckling
the US embassy in Islamabad and                                                                     conference.                              long-standing US calculation that       to curb his activities, even if it isn’t   had been prevented from doing so by      operative, wearing a suit and puffing
just across from the headquarters of                     in on a horse and                              Washington later sought to clarify   going after the leadership of an        willing to arrest him. But the news        the military, which feared a backlash    on a cigarette, said.
Pakistan’s army, the recipient of
billions of dollars in US aid.
                                                         drag him away                              the US reward for Saeed, saying that
                                                                                                    the money offered was not for his
                                                                                                                                             organisation used as a proxy by the
                                                                                                                                             Pakistani military against India
                                                                                                                                                                                     conference he called in Rawalpindi
                                                                                                                                                                                     was an indication that is unlikely, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                from militant activists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Speaking privately, a close asso-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “God bless America.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Associated Press, Reuters, The New York
    Pakistani officials say Saeed and                    SENIOR PAKISTAN SECURITY OFFICIAL          capture but for information that         would cause too much friction with      the bounty may even help him by            ciate of Saeed’s admitted to feeling     Times, Agence France-Presse

PEOPLE                                                                                              FA C T S & F I G U R E S                 TA L L S T O R I E S
                                                                                                                                             Poldi the cat comes back                Woman driver found with                    Wives cut up as husbands are             Gandhi question of girl, 10,

                                                                                                    3.3b                                     ‘from dead’ – after 16 years
                                                                                                                                             A German woman had an emotional
                                                                                                                                             reunion with her cat she thought
                                                                                                                                                                                     baby zipped up in handbag
                                                                                                                                                                                     Police in the US Virgin Islands say a
                                                                                                                                                                                     woman was allegedly driving with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                given cash for having snip
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A district in Indonesia is handing out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cash to civil servants who volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         stumps Indian government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A 10-year-old Indian girl has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         stumped the government with a
                                                                                                    Water company infrastructure             died 16 years ago. Poldi went           her newborn baby zipped up in her          for vasectomies – but the initiative     Right to Information request asking
                                                                                                    across England and Wales leaked          missing in 1996 but the runaway cat     handbag. An officer pulled over a          has upset women who fear their           when and how independence hero
                                                                                                    this many litres a day in 2010-11, the   was found living in a forest near       woman driving a pickup during a            sterilised husbands will be more         Mahatma Gandhi became known as
                                                                                                    industry regulator Ofwat said.           Munich. It was emaciated and was        routine traffic stop. While asking for     likely to have affairs. Mukomuko         the “father of the nation”. Primary
                                                                                                    Authorities banned about 20 million      taken to the city’s animal sanctuary.   the woman’s licence, the officer           district on Sumatra island is offering   school student Aishwarya Parashar
                                                                                                    customers from using garden hoses        Due to a tattooed number behind         reported hearing a baby crying. The        one million rupiah (HK$850) to any       put the question to the office of
Nicole Kidman is in talks to                             Former bandmates sue                       to water plants or wash cars amid        his ear, Poldi was able to be quickly   motorist then allegedly unzipped           of its 2,000 male employees who          Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
play Grace Kelly of Monaco                               Daughtry for fraud                         worries over a drought. Seven water      identified and his owner informed.      her handbag on the passenger seat          have the operation, in a bid to          Singh, which referred it to the home
                                                                                                    companies said they would enforce        “She really didn’t think she would      and revealed a tiny newborn. Police        control population growth. District      ministry and then on to the National
Australian actress Nicole Kidman is                      Three of Chris Daughtry’s former           a ban after one of the driest two-year   see the cat again after such a long     say the woman told them the girl           head Ichwan Yunus said wives were        Archives. Last month, the archives
in talks to play the late Grace Kelly,                   bandmates are suing him, claiming          periods on record. It means Britons      time,” Eveline Kosenbach from the       was born at home a week ago. She           worried their sterilised husbands        said its staff were unable to resolve
the screen legend who married the                        he defrauded them out of proceeds          caught using a hosepipe face a           animal home said, adding that           was apparently driving the infant to       would be more likely to have affairs     the matter of who bestowed the title
prince of Monaco, in a film by                           from four songs that included music        £1,000 (HK$12,300) fine. AP              finding a cat alive following such an   a doctor, but authorities rushed the       with no need for contraception. He       on Gandhi. “I’m feeling bad because
French director Olivier Dahan,                           and lyrics they wrote together. The                                                 extended period was “an extremely       newborn to a hospital. The mother          said this was one of the “challenges”    no one has an answer to my
according to Variety. The report says                    News & Record of Greensboro, in the                                                 unusual occurrence”. AFP                may face criminal charges. AP              of the vasectomy scheme. AFP             question,” Parashar said. AFP
Kidman, 44, is in negotiations to play                   US state of North Carolina, reports
Kelly in Grace of Monaco, which
Pierre-Ange Le Pogam is producing
with writer Arash Amel. The
screenplay by Amel is not a biopic
but centres on the period from
                                                         bassist Ryan Andrews, drummer
                                                         Scott Crawford and guitarist Mark
                                                         Perry filed suit in Guilford County
                                                         Superior Court. The lawsuit accuses
                                                         Daughtry of “constructive fraud,
                                                                                                    The amount (HK$5.62 billion) petty
December 1961 to November 1962.                          breaches of fiduciary duty, unfair         corruption in the public sector cost
At the time, Kelly, an Oscar winner                      trade practices, and other deceptive       Greeks last year, according to
and a mother of two, was called                          and wrongful conduct”. Daughtry            Transparency International. But it
upon to save Monaco from an                              said the songs were written solely by      was down from the year before that,
escalating tax crisis with France. AFP                   him. AP                                    when it touched ¤632 million. The
                                                                                                    watchdog said 7.4 per cent of
                                                                                                    households reported corruption
                                                                                                    incidents in the public sector last
                                                                                                    year, marginally up from 7.2 per cent
                                                                                                    in 2010. The nationwide survey
                                                                                                    questioned 12,020 people in
                                                                                                    November and December 2011. AP

Supermodel Klum files for
divorce from singer Seal
                                                         Mark Zuckerberg’s sister
                                                         plans ‘Silicon Valley’ show
                                                                                                    The number Easter of eggs that
                                                                                                    adorned a tree in Volker Kraft’s
German supermodel Heidi Klum                             Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of            garden in eastern Germany. Kraft’s
has filed for divorce from her British                   Facebook founder Mark, is working          apple sapling sported just 18 eggs
singer husband Seal. Klum cited                          on a television show about Silicon         when he first decorated it for Easter
“irreconcilable differences” in her                      Valley. Silicon Valley is a working        in 1965. The number increased year
divorce petition filed in Los Angeles                    title for the show, which follows          by year; and by last year, the sturdy
County Superior Court, which                             young professionals in real life           tree was festooned with 9,800 eggs,
shows they signed a post-nuptial                         working to create the next big thing       artfully decorated with everything
agreement, according to reports.                         in technology. Going by a short            from sequins to seashells. Now Kraft
The couple vowed to be “civil” for                       preview on the website of Bravo,           says he’s stopping there. The 76-
the sake of the four children when                       which is part of Comcast’s                 year-old retiree says: “There will be
they announced their split in                            NBCUniversal division, this involves       no increase because I do not have
January, with Seal saying it was                         drinking, driving fast cars and            storage capacity any more. I would
“difficult” but made easier because                      bragging about money. Bravo has            have to sleep with the eggs
of their continued feelings for each                     not said when it will run the show,        otherwise.” Decorating trees with
other. Klum is seeking primary                           which an industry critic has likened       coloured eggs at Easter is a tradition
custody of the children, with Seal                       to a west-coast-set Jersey Shore.          in Germany – though usually on a
getting visitation rights. AFP                           Randi left Facebook last year. AP          smaller scale. AP

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Hafiz Saeed

  • 1. Sunday, April 8, 2012 11 NEWSMAKER Illustration: Stephen Case THE MAN ABOUT TOWN WORTH A US$10m BOUNTY Suspected terror mastermind has a huge price on his head, but he isn’t hiding in a cave … he’s walking freely round Lahore and appearing on Pakistan TV You put bounties ...................................................... Agencies in Rawalpindi, Pakistan his organisation, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, mir. In Muzaffarabad, around 500 on people who have been cleared by Pakistani activists shouted “al-Jihad, al-Jihad courts. They say they don’t under- (holy war)” as they marched on the are hiding, not Who wants to be a millionaire? In Pakistan, all you have to do is give the stand what all the fuss is about and complain the Americans are acting city and set fire to a US flag. “Such steps are forcing Muslims those walking United States information leading to like cowboys. towards guns,” said Abdul Aziz Alvi, around free the arrest or conviction of Hafiz “The United States is acting like the local head of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Saeed – an Islamist leader whose it’s Clint Eastwood,” said a senior “We condemn the American an- HARIS CHAUDHRY, BUSINESSMAN whereabouts are usually not much of security official. “It’s as if they just nouncement against Hafiz Saeed,” a mystery. want to ride a horse into Pakistan and cried a banner at the rally, which was “endangered and worried” by the US Saeed is suspected of master- just drag people like him away.” attended by members of other decision. But publicly, Jamaat-ud- minding the attack on India’s finan- Saeed, a man with a quiet but banned and religious groups. Dawwa – an arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba cial capital, Mumbai, in 2008 that intense demeanour and henna-dyed Saeed, 61, founded Lashkar-e- which promotes the puritanical killed 166, including six Americans. hair, has turned the drone strikes and Taiba in the 1990s and it became one Wahhabi interpretation of Islam and The US last week placed a bounty other issues, like the presence of of South Asia’s best-funded militant is also involved in charitable and hu- of up to US$10 million on Saeed. But Western troops in Afghanistan, into a organisations. manitarian work – called the US deci- unlike other figures at the top of the rallying cry against the US. He abandoned its leadership after sion “another attack on Islam and list, such as al-Qaeda leader Ayman That has won him support on India accused it of being behind an Muslims”. al-Zawahiri, who carries a US$25 mil- Pakistan’s streets. “He wants the attack on the Indian parliament in “Now that he has a price on his lion reward, or the Afghan Taliban drone strikes to stop. He wants the December 2001. He denies any head, for this money anyone is will- leader Mullah Omar, the subject of a bloodshed in Afghanistan to end,” wrongdoing and links to militants. ing to do anything,” said Javed, a 55- US$10 million bounty, Saeed is not said a senior police official in Paki- Saeed’s main political forum now year-old government employee who on the run in the lawless areas along stan’s commercial capital, Karachi. is the Defence of Pakistan Council, a declined to give his full name. the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. “Hafiz Saeed isn’t saying anything coalition of right-wing, religious and “Once people see the money Instead, the jihadist lives in plain wrong. In fact, he’s a patriot.” extremist groups that includes Lash- there is no saving him. Only God can sight in the eastern city of Lahore, That support was evident on Fri- kar. The group has been opposed to save him.” running his operations from a com- day, when hundreds of Islamist activ- the government reopening Nato sup- Some Pakistanis could not under- pound on the edge of the city. ists took to the streets of Pakistan de- ply lines to Afghanistan, which have stand why the bounty was issued He appeared live on several tele- manding holy war and torching US been closed since November. while Saeed is in plain view. vision channels the day after Wash- flags to condemn the bounty. The coalition has staged noisy “It is unlikely that anything will ington announced the bounty, derid- Protests were organised in Islam- demonstrations in recent months come out of this. You put bounties ing the US reward as a “foolish step” abad, the neighbouring garrison city and Saeed said the campaign had on people who are hiding, not that had been orchestrated by Paki- of Rawalpindi, the central shrine city worried Washington. those walking around free,” said stan’s arch-enemy, India. of Multan and in Muzaffarabad, capi- “The US decision is aimed at would allow his prosecution in a the Pakistani government. Pakistani boosting his visibility. Pakistan kept businessman Haris Chaudhry. “It’s The next day he was openly wan- tal of Pakistani-administered Kash- silencing the Defence Council of court in the United States or Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Saeed under house arrest for several ridiculous.” dering across Pakistan’s military gar- Pakistan and to ensure resumption of elsewhere. Basit said any US claims against months after the Mumbai attacks but On the edge of Islamabad, a Paki- rison town of Rawalpindi, hanging supplies through backdoor channels State Department spokesman Saeed must be able to stand up in released him after he challenged his stani intelligence officer who has out with some of the most anti-Amer- and increase interference in Paki- Mark Toner said: “We all know where court. “Pakistan would prefer to re- detention in court. handled militant groups for decades ican characters in the country. stan,” he said. he is – you know, every journalist in ceive concrete evidence to proceed It has also resisted demands from shook his head as he pondered the “This is a laughable, absurd The former professor of Islamic Pakistan and in the region knows legally rather than to be engaging in a India to do more, saying there isn’t US reward. announcement. Here I am in front of The US is acting studies seemed unfazed by the how to find him – but we’re looking public discussion on this issue,” Basit sufficient evidence. “If the guy who decided to do this everyone, not hiding in a cave,” Saeed told a news conference at a like Clint Eastwood bounty. “I am here, I am visible. America should give that reward for information that can be usable to convict him in a court of law.” said. The US may be hoping the reward Security analysts in Islamabad said Pakistan’s civilian government could get a job in the State Depart- ment, then I could be the president of hotel – a mere 40-minute drive from … they want to ride money to me,” he said at the press The rewards marked a shift in the money for Saeed will force Pakistan would like to act against Saeed but the United States,” the chuckling the US embassy in Islamabad and conference. long-standing US calculation that to curb his activities, even if it isn’t had been prevented from doing so by operative, wearing a suit and puffing just across from the headquarters of in on a horse and Washington later sought to clarify going after the leadership of an willing to arrest him. But the news the military, which feared a backlash on a cigarette, said. Pakistan’s army, the recipient of billions of dollars in US aid. drag him away the US reward for Saeed, saying that the money offered was not for his organisation used as a proxy by the Pakistani military against India conference he called in Rawalpindi was an indication that is unlikely, and from militant activists. Speaking privately, a close asso- “God bless America.” Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Pakistani officials say Saeed and SENIOR PAKISTAN SECURITY OFFICIAL capture but for information that would cause too much friction with the bounty may even help him by ciate of Saeed’s admitted to feeling Times, Agence France-Presse THE OTHER SIDE PEOPLE FA C T S & F I G U R E S TA L L S T O R I E S Poldi the cat comes back Woman driver found with Wives cut up as husbands are Gandhi question of girl, 10, 3.3b ‘from dead’ – after 16 years A German woman had an emotional reunion with her cat she thought baby zipped up in handbag Police in the US Virgin Islands say a woman was allegedly driving with given cash for having snip A district in Indonesia is handing out cash to civil servants who volunteer stumps Indian government A 10-year-old Indian girl has stumped the government with a Water company infrastructure died 16 years ago. Poldi went her newborn baby zipped up in her for vasectomies – but the initiative Right to Information request asking across England and Wales leaked missing in 1996 but the runaway cat handbag. An officer pulled over a has upset women who fear their when and how independence hero this many litres a day in 2010-11, the was found living in a forest near woman driving a pickup during a sterilised husbands will be more Mahatma Gandhi became known as industry regulator Ofwat said. Munich. It was emaciated and was routine traffic stop. While asking for likely to have affairs. Mukomuko the “father of the nation”. Primary Authorities banned about 20 million taken to the city’s animal sanctuary. the woman’s licence, the officer district on Sumatra island is offering school student Aishwarya Parashar customers from using garden hoses Due to a tattooed number behind reported hearing a baby crying. The one million rupiah (HK$850) to any put the question to the office of Nicole Kidman is in talks to Former bandmates sue to water plants or wash cars amid his ear, Poldi was able to be quickly motorist then allegedly unzipped of its 2,000 male employees who Indian Prime Minister Manmohan play Grace Kelly of Monaco Daughtry for fraud worries over a drought. Seven water identified and his owner informed. her handbag on the passenger seat have the operation, in a bid to Singh, which referred it to the home companies said they would enforce “She really didn’t think she would and revealed a tiny newborn. Police control population growth. District ministry and then on to the National Australian actress Nicole Kidman is Three of Chris Daughtry’s former a ban after one of the driest two-year see the cat again after such a long say the woman told them the girl head Ichwan Yunus said wives were Archives. Last month, the archives in talks to play the late Grace Kelly, bandmates are suing him, claiming periods on record. It means Britons time,” Eveline Kosenbach from the was born at home a week ago. She worried their sterilised husbands said its staff were unable to resolve the screen legend who married the he defrauded them out of proceeds caught using a hosepipe face a animal home said, adding that was apparently driving the infant to would be more likely to have affairs the matter of who bestowed the title prince of Monaco, in a film by from four songs that included music £1,000 (HK$12,300) fine. AP finding a cat alive following such an a doctor, but authorities rushed the with no need for contraception. He on Gandhi. “I’m feeling bad because French director Olivier Dahan, and lyrics they wrote together. The extended period was “an extremely newborn to a hospital. The mother said this was one of the “challenges” no one has an answer to my according to Variety. The report says News & Record of Greensboro, in the unusual occurrence”. AFP may face criminal charges. AP of the vasectomy scheme. AFP question,” Parashar said. AFP Kidman, 44, is in negotiations to play US state of North Carolina, reports Kelly in Grace of Monaco, which Pierre-Ange Le Pogam is producing with writer Arash Amel. The screenplay by Amel is not a biopic but centres on the period from bassist Ryan Andrews, drummer Scott Crawford and guitarist Mark Perry filed suit in Guilford County Superior Court. The lawsuit accuses Daughtry of “constructive fraud, ¤ 554m The amount (HK$5.62 billion) petty December 1961 to November 1962. breaches of fiduciary duty, unfair corruption in the public sector cost At the time, Kelly, an Oscar winner trade practices, and other deceptive Greeks last year, according to and a mother of two, was called and wrongful conduct”. Daughtry Transparency International. But it upon to save Monaco from an said the songs were written solely by was down from the year before that, escalating tax crisis with France. AFP him. AP when it touched ¤632 million. The watchdog said 7.4 per cent of households reported corruption incidents in the public sector last year, marginally up from 7.2 per cent in 2010. The nationwide survey questioned 12,020 people in November and December 2011. AP Supermodel Klum files for divorce from singer Seal Mark Zuckerberg’s sister plans ‘Silicon Valley’ show 10,000 The number Easter of eggs that adorned a tree in Volker Kraft’s German supermodel Heidi Klum Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of garden in eastern Germany. Kraft’s has filed for divorce from her British Facebook founder Mark, is working apple sapling sported just 18 eggs singer husband Seal. Klum cited on a television show about Silicon when he first decorated it for Easter “irreconcilable differences” in her Valley. Silicon Valley is a working in 1965. The number increased year divorce petition filed in Los Angeles title for the show, which follows by year; and by last year, the sturdy County Superior Court, which young professionals in real life tree was festooned with 9,800 eggs, shows they signed a post-nuptial working to create the next big thing artfully decorated with everything agreement, according to reports. in technology. Going by a short from sequins to seashells. Now Kraft The couple vowed to be “civil” for preview on the website of Bravo, says he’s stopping there. The 76- the sake of the four children when which is part of Comcast’s year-old retiree says: “There will be they announced their split in NBCUniversal division, this involves no increase because I do not have January, with Seal saying it was drinking, driving fast cars and storage capacity any more. I would “difficult” but made easier because bragging about money. Bravo has have to sleep with the eggs of their continued feelings for each not said when it will run the show, otherwise.” Decorating trees with other. Klum is seeking primary which an industry critic has likened coloured eggs at Easter is a tradition custody of the children, with Seal to a west-coast-set Jersey Shore. in Germany – though usually on a getting visitation rights. AFP Randi left Facebook last year. AP smaller scale. AP