SlideShare a Scribd company logo
“turn old fabrics into
              new favorites”
                              owen moore
                              suzie morgan
                             nicole prague
                               kate rosinski

  WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN .............................................. 2
    WEBSITE FLOW DIAGRAM ................................................ 4
    HOMEPAGE PROTOTYPE ..................................................... 5

  SEARCH MARKETING PLAN ..................................................... 7
     GOOGLE ADWORDS ............................................................ 8

  PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES .................................................... 12

   The strategy of our website architecture will consist of creating different tailored click-paths for task-oriented us-
   ers and experiential users.

   Our task-oriented users will visit the site with the intention of acquiring an outcome, whether it be the purchase of a
   product, creating an example of a bag/cover from a certain fabric, answering a question or solving a problem through
   descriptive information, FAQ’s and online technical support.

   The experiential users will generally visit or stumble across the site and find themselves creating different bags to
   share with their friends through social networks, with no intention of purchasing or browsing/voting for the contest

   The navigation menus will consist of 1st layer header navigation and 2nd layer left column body navigation, which will
   also appear as drop downs on the 1st layer navigation and click path below the header. For example: “about > laptop
   covers > 17 - inch Apple laptop”. This design element constitutes effective website navigation, as the customer now
   knows where they are, where they have been and where they can go.

   The use of integrated video media from our YouTube channel will give the the website a greater ability to engage us-
   ers, which creates a stickiness appeal for the experiential users.
                                      Credibility will be added to the website by registering with the ‘TRUSTe Certified
                                      Privacy Group’ and their certified logo will be implemented into the footer of the
                                      website, which will link through to the privacy policy page.
Design Model:
    The simple goal for the Cover & Carry website is for
    users to order one of our items. On the other hand, the
    goal for users would be to find or build a product which
    fits their needs. Therefore, the strategy to accomplish
    these goals is to articulate to the user the many features of
    the whole range of products in a simple and comprehen-
    sive manner. This information should in turn satisfy all the
    needs which a user is looking to fulfill with a protective
    bag, cover or sleeve for their electronic item.

    The features and functions of the website can be identi-
    fied in the website’s architecture. The following page
    provides an outline of the pages that will make up the
    Cover & Carry website. The website flow diagram dem-
    onstrates the website’s elements and sub-elements, which
    further explain the facets of each element.

     Footer content will include:                                   Garret Model - the elements of user experience
     sitemap, search bar, social media logos with links, Truste
     Certificate Logo, copyright © 2010 Cover & Carry,
     “All rights reserved.”

Domain Availability:
    We will use "" but, in case of mis-spelling, we will also purchase ","
    "" and "www.cover&" These alternate domains will offer a 301 redirect to, which will also assist in our SEO rank.

                                                                                            The URL name
                                                                                            effective as it cover some
                                                                                            of the simple rules of
                                                                                            purchasing a domain,
                                                                                            such as:
                                                                                            • Easy to type -
                                                                                                avoid "q," "z," "x," and
                                                                                            • Dot-Com -
                                                                                                rather than .org , .net ,
                                                                                                .tv or .edu
                                                                                            • Easy to remember
                                                                                                - increases word of
                                                                                                mouth marketing
                                                                                            • Keep as short as
                                                                                            • Reject hyphens and


Organic Search Strategy:
 Organic search results will be an important part of our marketing strategy to help improve Covery & Carry’s SEO. To
 make sure our site is indexed, we will submit our website to Google,Yahoo, Bing and on DMOZ open directory project.
 Some people think that the DMOZ is no longer useful and it has been suggested that bribery is one of the only ways to
 get indexed. However, since it costs nothing to register, we will attempt this method.

 Our title tag will read, “Custom Laptop Bags, Electronic Accessories by Cover and Carry.” The first words on our website
 feature our slogan and read, “Turn Old Fabrics into New Favorites with the Do-it-Yourself-Design process. Create Now!”
 Under the About section, we sum up our offerings as follows: “Create your own laptop bags, cellphone cases, iPod covers,
 etc! Send in your own material or choose from our options. Recycle old fabric and protect your electronics.”

 We will also use meta tags so that we can improve our rankings on smaller search engines. These meta tags will be the
 same as our Google Adwords, as listed on the following page.

                                            In addition, we will use path and file names so customers can easily navigate to
                                            important parts of the site. Path examples include:
                                                  - http:///
                                                  - http//

                                        We would also to like increase our popularity by asking others to link to our site.
                                        Cover & Carry contests and other promotions involve social media, so our name
                                        will be linked to pages like Twitter and Facebook . We would also like blogs that
                                        are focused on fashion, technology and sustainability to link to us. One example
                                        of a blog that aligns itself nicely with our company is Painfully Hip, a blog that
                                        focuses on fashionable young women who share their sustainable style.
Paid Search Strategy:
       Cover & Carry has chosen the following keywords to purchase through Google Adwords

        laptop bags                    customizable laptops                     custom cell phone covers
        laptop cases                   custom cases                             custom cell phone cases
        laptop sleeves                 custom laptop cases                      custom cell phone skins
        laptop covers                  custom computer cases                    custom phone skins
                                       custom pc cases                          recycle old clothes

        Additional keywords include

 buy laptop case          laptop case             laptop case sleeve       electronic case       cover&carry
 computer case            laptop cases and bags   laptop luggage           electronic cover      cover & carry
 case computer            laptop carrying case    stylish laptop case      ipod case             coverandcarry
 notebook computer case   laptop carry case       unique laptop sleeve     ipod cover            cover and carry
 laptop computer case     laptop travel case      unique laptop bag        phone case            customizable
                          laptop case bag         designer laptop case     phone cover           customizable bags
                          laptop bag case         customized laptops       designer phone case   do it yourself design
                          laptop case cover       custom leather cases     portable dvd player   do-it-yourself-design
                                                                                 case            old clothes into cases

        These additional keywords are more ideal for when people want to search our product, but currently not enough
        people search them. As we become established, these are highly targeted to our products and we hope people
        would search these keywords to find us. These keywords are included in our budget, but are rough estimates only.

  1. Create buzz and awareness about the Cover & Carry site and brand to get it on the map as a competitor to
            “customizable” laptop bag e-sellers
  2. Attract 600 unique visitors in the first three months
  3. Produce a minimum of 100 custom-made bags in the first two months
  4. Build social media aspects of site by getting 30 or more people to post pictures to the site in the first two months

     With our first goal in mind, we want people to wonder what Cover & Carry has to offer. We have
     several short text ads that we hope will get people curious enough about us that they will click to
     check out our site. When a user types in any of the aforementioned keywords, ads such as these will
     appear on the right side of a Google search where the sponsored links are, as pictured below

Other examples of our short text ads
that will be appear on Google’s
sponsored ads sidebar are featured to
the right.

Our campaign will be in English, first in
the United States, then later expanding
into Spanish and French and into
neighboring countries like Mexico and

                                            Some of our Google ads are also linked to specific pages within our site. For
                                            example, the ad to the left would be directly linked to our page dedicated to
                                            the DIYD system, specifically the “laptop” section. That way, people can get
                                            to the site and start creating their sleeve or cover right away. Some of the
                                            keywords on our list that would be linked to this ad and to this page would
                                            be “do it yourself design,” “customized laptops,” “old clothes into cases,”
                                            “unique laptop sleeve,” and “customizable bags.”

        Cover & Carry will use a budget of $14,000 for the year. This is a substantial increase from the online budget we
        proposed in our earlier marketing plan, which stated $1,000 for total marketing. However, we realized we had not
        allocated enough money to search and have made the appropriate adjustment.

Budget for Keywords Explained:
        With the 16 keywords listed below averaging $1.35 per bid, we also estimate $0.05 per keyword for our additional
        38 keywords, which currently have no bids. This would make about 595 times people could search each keyword
        and have our ad show up per year. We would tweak this if certain words were being searched more than others.

                             keyword                  monthly searches     competition suggested bid (in USD)
The following table          laptop bags                            15,000            9                   1.44
outlines the keyword         laptop cases                           10,000            9                   2.06
budget, with all ad groups   laptop sleeves                          4,400            8                   1.29
falling under the name       laptop covers                           2,800            8                   1.50
DIYD                         custom cases                              660            8                   1.50
                             custom computer cases                   1,200            8                   1.63
                             custom pc cases                           440            8                   1.26
                             custom laptop cases                       125            8                   2.00
                             customizable laptops                      280            9                   3.17
                             custom cell phone cases                   125            8                   1.31
                             custom cell phone covers                  190            8                   1.02
                             custom phone covers                       125            8                   0.73
                             custom cell phone skins                   125            8                   0.49
                             custom phone skins                        125            7                   0.45
                             custom leather cases                       66            7                   0.70
                             recycle old clothes                        52            4                   1.04


    We plan to design a banner ad to place on other sites that focus on the DIYD culture, such as Etsy, Michael’s and
    Jo-Ann Fabrics. In order to decrease the overall cost of this ad, we will make an agreement with these compa-
    nies to swap ads. For example, the Cover & Carry site will display an ad for Etsy, which features the specialty
    products created and sold by individual designers, and we will receive ad placement on their site in turn.
Aside from banner ad swapping with these affiliates, we also plan to place smaller ads on popular blogs that deal
with fashion, technology and sustainability. Such blogs include the aforementioned Painfully Hip (as illustrated
below), as well as other fashion blogs like The Cut and The Sartorialist, technology blogs like Gizmodo, Lifehack-
er, and TechCrunch, and sustainability blogs like TreeHugger. We hope to rotate our advertisements and receive
placements on three blogs at all times.

                                                                                                   These small ads are also
                                                                                                   easily adaptable for social
                                                                                                   networking sites that our
                                                                                                   target audience frequents
                                                                                                   such as Facebook and

  As an organization that promotes creativity and the DIYD trend, we plan to run contests regularly. Coinciding
  with different seasons or holidays, or simply relating to fun themes, our contests will involve participants post-
  ing pictures and comments and voting on winners who will receive discounts, free shipping, or other prizes. For
  example, in the Pajama Party contest shown below, participants will post pictures of themselves sporting their
  old clothes or materials as well as digital uploads of the virtual design created on the Cover & Carry site. They
  can then share these pictures and their thoughts on the process and their creation with friends and the Cover &
  Carry community, who will then vote for their favorite within a given time period. The winner’s pictures will be
  featured on the site (as well as Cover & Carry’s social networking sites, which will be discussed later) and he or
  she will receive their unique creation for free, plus a $100 gift certificate for future Cover & Carry shopping.

                                                                                                Other contest ideas include:
                                        It’s a Pajama Party!                                    • Fabulous in Flannel (featuring
                                                                                                  plaid materials)
                                        Rock your old sleep-wear for a chance to win a
                                        free customized laptop cover, plus $100 toward
                                                                                                • Show Your Team Spirit (featuring
                                        your next Cover & Carry purchases. Share pics of          old team jerseys or uniforms)
                                        yourself in bright, fuzzy slippers, a comfy bathrobe,
                                        some sweet drawstring pants – whatever you used         Seasonal contests include:
                                        to cuddle up in! Then upload your fabric pictures
                                        and create a virtual laptop cover with the help         • Spring- Pretty in Pastels (featur-
                                        of our digital designer software. Winners will be          ing pastels and floral prints)
                                        featured on our homepage plus Cover & Carry’s           • Fall- Book Smart (featuring pro-
                                        Facebook fan page.
                                        Voting starts now! Contest will end in 16 days.
                                                                                                   fessional attire)
                                        May the best nightie win.                               • Winter- Brrrr-rilliant Fashion
                                                                                                   (featuring coats, blankets and
                                        see the official Contest Rules and Regulations             other cozy materials)
                                        Brought to you by Cover & Carry

Social Networking:
  A Cover & Carry Facebook page will act as a public profile that connects Cover & Carry to its fans. Here,
  Cover & Carry can post information and updates about the site, links to contest news and winners, as well as
  pictures of products and contest participants “before and after” shots. Users can start discussions about the
  site, post comments, pictures, and videos and invite others to become fans.
                                                              As a free social messaging utility for staying connected in
                                                              real-time, Twitter serves as a simple and effective platform
                                                              for Cover & Carry to direct messages at followers. Cover
                                                              & Carry should tweet about site changes, upcoming pro-
                                                              motions and events, as well as contest results.

                                                              Alongside placing ads in popular blogs, Cover & Carry
                                                              will also benefit from starting its own blog. Blog authors
                                                              can focus on DIYD culture, sustainable fashion trends, and
                                                              other topics, as well as post about satisfied customer sto-
                                                              ries and company news, promotions, and events.

                                                              It is important that all of Cover & Carry’s social media applica-
                                                              tions are integrated, meaning there should be links on each
                                                              site directing users to all other Cover & Carry sites. These
                                                              sites provide followers with inspiration and DIYD tips, and
                                                              integration will increase awareness and traffic to the Cover
                                                              & Carry website.

Sales Promotions:
  Cover & Carry will hold seasonal discounts during high sales periods, such as back-to-school in August and September
  and graduation in May and June. These are times when our target market will be looking to fill their electronics needs
  – entering or graduating from college is a peak time to purchase new laptops – and offering $5 off and occasional free
  shipping on purchases over $75 will allow them to take care of their electronic protection needs at the same time.

  One sales promotion that will create long-lasting customer relationships is Cover & Carry’s gift with initial purchase
  over $20. For instance, if a first-time shopper creates a customized laptop cover, Cover & Carry will create a matching
  cover for an iPod, cellphone, or other device from the shopper’s materials or matching in-stock material, free of charge.
  First-time shoppers will have the option of selecting their preferred small electronic to cover during the check-out stage
  of the online shopping experience, and this cover will prominently feature the Cover & Carry logo. Not only will this
  promotion entice users to return to Cover & Carry for their future electronic covering needs and gifts, it will develop
  an interest in others who see the Cover & Carry logo.

  Another simple promotional strategy is offering 20% off purchases to shoppers who refer a friend.

Event Sponsorship:
  As previously mentioned, Cover & Carry hopes to build
  connections with established companies like Michael’s and
  Jo-Ann Fabrics. Jo-Ann’s hosts regular events like crafting
  workshops and summer camps for kids, and Cover & Carry
  plans to sponsor a workshop specifically for creating simple
  electronics cases. This sponsorship will not only benefit
  Jo-Ann’s by driving in-store traffic and purchases, but it will
  also increase awareness of the Cover & Carry brand and
  strenghten our tie with the popular craft store.

  As previously stated, we have increased our budget from our original estimate. The amount spent on promotional
  efforts will be included in our revised online budget of $14,000. We will spend more money advertising on sites such as
  fashion and technology blogs than on Facebook and LinkedIn, and our banner swapping with affiliate sites is free. Our
  monthly budget for online marketing efforts is outlined below.

  Our offline advertising is laid out below as well. These costs are subject to change, as they are dependent upon our rela-
  tionships with companies like Jo-Ann’s and Michaels.

  - banner ads on affiliate sites: $0
  - blog ads: $200 per month x 3 blogs = $600
  - Facebook banner ads = $137 per week or $0.43 CPM
  - LinkedIn banner ads = $137 per week or $0.43 CPM
  - social networking = $0

  - gift with initial purchase: $6 x estimated 100 purchases in first month = $600
  - sponsored events: allocate about $1,000


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Cover & Carry Internet Marketing Plan

  • 1. “turn old fabrics into new favorites” INTERNET MARKETING PLAN chelsea monahan owen moore suzie morgan nicole prague kate rosinski
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN .............................................. 2 WEBSITE FLOW DIAGRAM ................................................ 4 HOMEPAGE PROTOTYPE ..................................................... 5 SEARCH MARKETING PLAN ..................................................... 7 GOOGLE ADWORDS ............................................................ 8 PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES .................................................... 12
  • 3. WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Strategy: The strategy of our website architecture will consist of creating different tailored click-paths for task-oriented us- ers and experiential users. Our task-oriented users will visit the site with the intention of acquiring an outcome, whether it be the purchase of a product, creating an example of a bag/cover from a certain fabric, answering a question or solving a problem through descriptive information, FAQ’s and online technical support. The experiential users will generally visit or stumble across the site and find themselves creating different bags to share with their friends through social networks, with no intention of purchasing or browsing/voting for the contest winners. The navigation menus will consist of 1st layer header navigation and 2nd layer left column body navigation, which will also appear as drop downs on the 1st layer navigation and click path below the header. For example: “about > laptop covers > 17 - inch Apple laptop”. This design element constitutes effective website navigation, as the customer now knows where they are, where they have been and where they can go. The use of integrated video media from our YouTube channel will give the the website a greater ability to engage us- ers, which creates a stickiness appeal for the experiential users. Credibility will be added to the website by registering with the ‘TRUSTe Certified Privacy Group’ and their certified logo will be implemented into the footer of the website, which will link through to the privacy policy page. 2
  • 4. Design Model: The simple goal for the Cover & Carry website is for users to order one of our items. On the other hand, the goal for users would be to find or build a product which fits their needs. Therefore, the strategy to accomplish these goals is to articulate to the user the many features of the whole range of products in a simple and comprehen- sive manner. This information should in turn satisfy all the needs which a user is looking to fulfill with a protective bag, cover or sleeve for their electronic item. Scope: The features and functions of the website can be identi- fied in the website’s architecture. The following page provides an outline of the pages that will make up the Cover & Carry website. The website flow diagram dem- onstrates the website’s elements and sub-elements, which further explain the facets of each element. Footer content will include: Garret Model - the elements of user experience sitemap, search bar, social media logos with links, Truste Certificate Logo, copyright © 2010 Cover & Carry, “All rights reserved.” 3
  • 5. 4
  • 6. 5
  • 7. Domain Availability: We will use "" but, in case of mis-spelling, we will also purchase "," "" and "www.cover&" These alternate domains will offer a 301 redirect to, which will also assist in our SEO rank. The URL name is effective as it cover some of the simple rules of purchasing a domain, such as: • Easy to type - avoid "q," "z," "x," and "p" • Dot-Com - rather than .org , .net , .tv or .edu • Easy to remember - increases word of mouth marketing • Keep as short as possible • Reject hyphens and numbers 6
  • 8. SEARCH MARKETING PLAN Organic Search Strategy: Organic search results will be an important part of our marketing strategy to help improve Covery & Carry’s SEO. To make sure our site is indexed, we will submit our website to Google,Yahoo, Bing and on DMOZ open directory project. Some people think that the DMOZ is no longer useful and it has been suggested that bribery is one of the only ways to get indexed. However, since it costs nothing to register, we will attempt this method. Our title tag will read, “Custom Laptop Bags, Electronic Accessories by Cover and Carry.” The first words on our website feature our slogan and read, “Turn Old Fabrics into New Favorites with the Do-it-Yourself-Design process. Create Now!” Under the About section, we sum up our offerings as follows: “Create your own laptop bags, cellphone cases, iPod covers, etc! Send in your own material or choose from our options. Recycle old fabric and protect your electronics.” We will also use meta tags so that we can improve our rankings on smaller search engines. These meta tags will be the same as our Google Adwords, as listed on the following page. In addition, we will use path and file names so customers can easily navigate to important parts of the site. Path examples include: - http:/// - http// We would also to like increase our popularity by asking others to link to our site. Cover & Carry contests and other promotions involve social media, so our name will be linked to pages like Twitter and Facebook . We would also like blogs that are focused on fashion, technology and sustainability to link to us. One example of a blog that aligns itself nicely with our company is Painfully Hip, a blog that focuses on fashionable young women who share their sustainable style.
  • 9. Paid Search Strategy: Cover & Carry has chosen the following keywords to purchase through Google Adwords laptop bags customizable laptops custom cell phone covers laptop cases custom cases custom cell phone cases laptop sleeves custom laptop cases custom cell phone skins laptop covers custom computer cases custom phone skins custom pc cases recycle old clothes Additional keywords include buy laptop case laptop case laptop case sleeve electronic case cover&carry computer case laptop cases and bags laptop luggage electronic cover cover & carry case computer laptop carrying case stylish laptop case ipod case coverandcarry notebook computer case laptop carry case unique laptop sleeve ipod cover cover and carry laptop computer case laptop travel case unique laptop bag phone case customizable laptop case bag designer laptop case phone cover customizable bags laptop bag case customized laptops designer phone case do it yourself design laptop case cover custom leather cases portable dvd player do-it-yourself-design case old clothes into cases These additional keywords are more ideal for when people want to search our product, but currently not enough people search them. As we become established, these are highly targeted to our products and we hope people would search these keywords to find us. These keywords are included in our budget, but are rough estimates only. 8
  • 10. Goals: 1. Create buzz and awareness about the Cover & Carry site and brand to get it on the map as a competitor to “customizable” laptop bag e-sellers 2. Attract 600 unique visitors in the first three months 3. Produce a minimum of 100 custom-made bags in the first two months 4. Build social media aspects of site by getting 30 or more people to post pictures to the site in the first two months With our first goal in mind, we want people to wonder what Cover & Carry has to offer. We have several short text ads that we hope will get people curious enough about us that they will click to check out our site. When a user types in any of the aforementioned keywords, ads such as these will appear on the right side of a Google search where the sponsored links are, as pictured below 9
  • 11. Other examples of our short text ads that will be appear on Google’s sponsored ads sidebar are featured to the right. Our campaign will be in English, first in the United States, then later expanding into Spanish and French and into neighboring countries like Mexico and Canada. Some of our Google ads are also linked to specific pages within our site. For example, the ad to the left would be directly linked to our page dedicated to the DIYD system, specifically the “laptop” section. That way, people can get to the site and start creating their sleeve or cover right away. Some of the keywords on our list that would be linked to this ad and to this page would be “do it yourself design,” “customized laptops,” “old clothes into cases,” “unique laptop sleeve,” and “customizable bags.” 10
  • 12. Budget: Cover & Carry will use a budget of $14,000 for the year. This is a substantial increase from the online budget we proposed in our earlier marketing plan, which stated $1,000 for total marketing. However, we realized we had not allocated enough money to search and have made the appropriate adjustment. Budget for Keywords Explained: With the 16 keywords listed below averaging $1.35 per bid, we also estimate $0.05 per keyword for our additional 38 keywords, which currently have no bids. This would make about 595 times people could search each keyword and have our ad show up per year. We would tweak this if certain words were being searched more than others. keyword monthly searches competition suggested bid (in USD) The following table laptop bags 15,000 9 1.44 outlines the keyword laptop cases 10,000 9 2.06 budget, with all ad groups laptop sleeves 4,400 8 1.29 falling under the name laptop covers 2,800 8 1.50 DIYD custom cases 660 8 1.50 custom computer cases 1,200 8 1.63 custom pc cases 440 8 1.26 custom laptop cases 125 8 2.00 customizable laptops 280 9 3.17 custom cell phone cases 125 8 1.31 custom cell phone covers 190 8 1.02 custom phone covers 125 8 0.73 custom cell phone skins 125 8 0.49 custom phone skins 125 7 0.45 custom leather cases 66 7 0.70 recycle old clothes 52 4 1.04 11
  • 13. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES Advertising: We plan to design a banner ad to place on other sites that focus on the DIYD culture, such as Etsy, Michael’s and Jo-Ann Fabrics. In order to decrease the overall cost of this ad, we will make an agreement with these compa- nies to swap ads. For example, the Cover & Carry site will display an ad for Etsy, which features the specialty products created and sold by individual designers, and we will receive ad placement on their site in turn.
  • 14. Aside from banner ad swapping with these affiliates, we also plan to place smaller ads on popular blogs that deal with fashion, technology and sustainability. Such blogs include the aforementioned Painfully Hip (as illustrated below), as well as other fashion blogs like The Cut and The Sartorialist, technology blogs like Gizmodo, Lifehack- er, and TechCrunch, and sustainability blogs like TreeHugger. We hope to rotate our advertisements and receive placements on three blogs at all times. These small ads are also easily adaptable for social networking sites that our target audience frequents such as Facebook and LinkedIn. 13
  • 15. Contests: As an organization that promotes creativity and the DIYD trend, we plan to run contests regularly. Coinciding with different seasons or holidays, or simply relating to fun themes, our contests will involve participants post- ing pictures and comments and voting on winners who will receive discounts, free shipping, or other prizes. For example, in the Pajama Party contest shown below, participants will post pictures of themselves sporting their old clothes or materials as well as digital uploads of the virtual design created on the Cover & Carry site. They can then share these pictures and their thoughts on the process and their creation with friends and the Cover & Carry community, who will then vote for their favorite within a given time period. The winner’s pictures will be featured on the site (as well as Cover & Carry’s social networking sites, which will be discussed later) and he or she will receive their unique creation for free, plus a $100 gift certificate for future Cover & Carry shopping. Other contest ideas include: It’s a Pajama Party! • Fabulous in Flannel (featuring plaid materials) Rock your old sleep-wear for a chance to win a free customized laptop cover, plus $100 toward • Show Your Team Spirit (featuring your next Cover & Carry purchases. Share pics of old team jerseys or uniforms) yourself in bright, fuzzy slippers, a comfy bathrobe, some sweet drawstring pants – whatever you used Seasonal contests include: to cuddle up in! Then upload your fabric pictures and create a virtual laptop cover with the help • Spring- Pretty in Pastels (featur- of our digital designer software. Winners will be ing pastels and floral prints) featured on our homepage plus Cover & Carry’s • Fall- Book Smart (featuring pro- Facebook fan page. Voting starts now! Contest will end in 16 days. fessional attire) May the best nightie win. • Winter- Brrrr-rilliant Fashion (featuring coats, blankets and see the official Contest Rules and Regulations other cozy materials) Brought to you by Cover & Carry 14
  • 16. Social Networking: Facebook A Cover & Carry Facebook page will act as a public profile that connects Cover & Carry to its fans. Here, Cover & Carry can post information and updates about the site, links to contest news and winners, as well as pictures of products and contest participants “before and after” shots. Users can start discussions about the site, post comments, pictures, and videos and invite others to become fans. Twitter As a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time, Twitter serves as a simple and effective platform for Cover & Carry to direct messages at followers. Cover & Carry should tweet about site changes, upcoming pro- motions and events, as well as contest results. Blogs Alongside placing ads in popular blogs, Cover & Carry will also benefit from starting its own blog. Blog authors can focus on DIYD culture, sustainable fashion trends, and other topics, as well as post about satisfied customer sto- ries and company news, promotions, and events. It is important that all of Cover & Carry’s social media applica- tions are integrated, meaning there should be links on each site directing users to all other Cover & Carry sites. These sites provide followers with inspiration and DIYD tips, and integration will increase awareness and traffic to the Cover & Carry website. 15
  • 17. Sales Promotions: Cover & Carry will hold seasonal discounts during high sales periods, such as back-to-school in August and September and graduation in May and June. These are times when our target market will be looking to fill their electronics needs – entering or graduating from college is a peak time to purchase new laptops – and offering $5 off and occasional free shipping on purchases over $75 will allow them to take care of their electronic protection needs at the same time. One sales promotion that will create long-lasting customer relationships is Cover & Carry’s gift with initial purchase over $20. For instance, if a first-time shopper creates a customized laptop cover, Cover & Carry will create a matching cover for an iPod, cellphone, or other device from the shopper’s materials or matching in-stock material, free of charge. First-time shoppers will have the option of selecting their preferred small electronic to cover during the check-out stage of the online shopping experience, and this cover will prominently feature the Cover & Carry logo. Not only will this promotion entice users to return to Cover & Carry for their future electronic covering needs and gifts, it will develop an interest in others who see the Cover & Carry logo. Another simple promotional strategy is offering 20% off purchases to shoppers who refer a friend. Event Sponsorship: As previously mentioned, Cover & Carry hopes to build connections with established companies like Michael’s and Jo-Ann Fabrics. Jo-Ann’s hosts regular events like crafting workshops and summer camps for kids, and Cover & Carry plans to sponsor a workshop specifically for creating simple electronics cases. This sponsorship will not only benefit Jo-Ann’s by driving in-store traffic and purchases, but it will also increase awareness of the Cover & Carry brand and strenghten our tie with the popular craft store. 16
  • 18. Budget: As previously stated, we have increased our budget from our original estimate. The amount spent on promotional efforts will be included in our revised online budget of $14,000. We will spend more money advertising on sites such as fashion and technology blogs than on Facebook and LinkedIn, and our banner swapping with affiliate sites is free. Our monthly budget for online marketing efforts is outlined below. Our offline advertising is laid out below as well. These costs are subject to change, as they are dependent upon our rela- tionships with companies like Jo-Ann’s and Michaels. ONLINE - banner ads on affiliate sites: $0 - blog ads: $200 per month x 3 blogs = $600 - Facebook banner ads = $137 per week or $0.43 CPM - LinkedIn banner ads = $137 per week or $0.43 CPM - social networking = $0 OFFLINE - gift with initial purchase: $6 x estimated 100 purchases in first month = $600 - sponsored events: allocate about $1,000 17