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Investor Guide and
Product Reference
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate…
Pet Training System & Deterrent Product "
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate…
Pet Training System & Deterrent Product "
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Keeps Cats Off Counters and Table Areas Forever !
Investor Guide and Product Reference
Section Contents :
Greetings 5
About The Product Developer 7
About The Market : Pet Products Industry 9
About The Product : CounterWatch™ 13
The Competitor's Products 14
How CounterWatch™ Works and It's Competitive Advantages 15
CounterWatch™ Product Details 17
Business Plan – Licensor and Manufacturer Business Models 19
Marketing Plan Strategy 29
Monetization Paths For CounterWatch™ 33
Investment and Market Licensing Opportunities 35
Appendix 37
File Attachments Available - Patent Documents 37
The Inventor and Product Developer : Shawn Tait 38
CounterWatch™ - Simple to Fill and Use 40
Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001 41
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes in Various Colors 42
Retail Packaging and Display 56
Competitor Product Details and Pictures 57
List of Investors 61
List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees 63
Intellectual Property Information 65
Manufacturing to Distributor Business Model 67
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References 69
Sources of Referenced Information 70
The Product Developer Note :
As a proven product developer and successful entrepreneur of 25+ years experience,
small business owner, and consummate realist, I have over the years, brought to market
many recognizable, highly successful and profitable products.
CounterWatch™ is the Next Big Product Success in the Pet Products Industry !
Thanks in Advance for reviewing my presentation and considering my proposal.
Best Regards,
Shawn Tait
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Keeps Cats Off Counters and Table Areas Forever !
Investor Presentation Pitch
My name is Shawn Tait, and this is my son Keenan Tait, and we are from Seattle
Washington... How’s’ everybody doing this morning ?
First of all, I would like to thank you all... for taking the time out of your schedule, and
allowing me to present you with a product, that I think you will find new and exciting...
and a product with a bit of fun built-in to it.
I proudly present you with CounterWatch™...
" The Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product "
Just a quick note... I am deaf in one ear, so if you say " How long before my
investment is returned and how much is the return ? ", and I answer " Around the
corner is the restroom, and see you when you return ", you'll understand why I have
my son here to help make sure I don't embarrass myself to badly. I assure you all...
that in a room without ambient noise, I will hear you perfectly with my good ear.
Thank you for your understanding.
My new product is... CounterWatch™ Sentry... is a mass market item pet product,
with unique Patent Pending Product features.
This product was specifically designed to generate... high consumer appeal and
demand, high sales volume, and most of all high profits !
CounterWatch™... is designed to antiquate and annihilate what little "competition"
there is… It's That Much Better of A Product !!!
It's a fact !... the pet industry continues with strong annual growth every year... and is
proving to be immune to any lack-luster economy.
So what are we waiting for !... let's get started learning... briefly about me, the market,
the product, and the opportunity for us all to work together... for the greatest monetary
gain. Teaming together, we will all substantially benefit financially from our combined
strengths, bringing this new and unique product to the mass market for mass profits.
So Let's Get Started !... does anybody have any quick questions ?...
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
About The Product Developer
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shawn Tait and my
passion is, and always has been to solve a physical problem,
create a solution to the problem in the form a needed product, and
then successfully bring these new product concepts to market and
enjoy the rewards.
As a Manufacturing Engineer exclusively working with New Product Development
Teams, I successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical
Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest
Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing Industries.
Please allow me to give you all some perspective of myself and brief history. Do you
want to hear the longer 2-3 minutes " Go-Fast Story ". You'll find it in the Appendix
section, it's a page long... it's a fun life.
At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years’ experience,
small business owner, manufacturing engineer and consummate realist. Product
Concept to Market Success is what I do best.
Why I Am Here :
Allow me to give you some perspective of myself and brief history. Normally I self-
fund my new product ventures… however after the economic crash of 2008, this
depleted all my resources.
Three years ago, I began to create conceptual idea and the initial product design for a
mass market consumer product that would be virtually immune to negative
fluctuations in the economy. And for a recession proof business and or products that
would still be in high demand during these downturns in the economy.
Over the last two years of full-time 80+ hours a week of using the Premier CAD
Software to design, I developed, and tested multiple iterations of CounterWatch™.
To help finance this project, I sold my rare vintage motorcycles collection of over 25
collectibles valued at over $150,000 to self-fund CounterWatch™ from concept to
patent pending status, and ready for market exploitation.
I Shawn Tait the Inventor, has provided the value of concept, 2-3 years of unpaid
development time, designing and prototyping product, and to patent pending status.
The Pet Industry provides the stable platform for steady income revenue for the right
product that I was looking for. CounterWatch™ is that right product !
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
About The Market
Well I'd like to take a moment to speak about the Pet Market
and the Market Potential of the New Product CounterWatch™.
After presenting you with this product, I am confident you will
see the Market Potential of CounterWatch™, and the profits it
can generate for our team.
Real Quick !...
How many Pet Cats are in the USA ?, how many in other top ten major countries ?
I could tell you exactly, but we all know to say the least, it's a lot !
USA (95M*, 76M***) | Top Ten Major Countries (127M*)
That's 193M* Pet Cats in the World's Top Ten Countries.
Over one third of Pet Cat Owners in the USA, own 2* or more cats, and over one
quarter of Pet Cat Owners, own three or more cats...
People love and spend money on their beloved cats... AND Lots of money...
from fancy pet foods, fancy pet toys and while the pet owner typically also likes their
fancy kitchen countertops, fancy floors and carpeting, and fancy furniture (clean &
intact)... Unfortunately... our feline friends often do not respect these cherished
belongings the same way as us humans do.
Well we all know the rest of the story from here...
So... What do you think is the number one, pet-peeve of the cat owners ?...
yes you are right, getting on counter tops, also soiling and spraying areas, and, oh
yes also climbing on drapes and hanging out or escaping from entry/exit doors.
Pet Cat Owners have been searching forever for a low cost pet deterrent or training
device and or method, that can prevent cats unwanted behavior and or intrusions,
including all the above "pet-peeves" we talked about above.
You know... if such a device and or method became available, perhaps the pet owner
may want "to use this" in the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom etc.
No-doubt that once a pet cat owner finds something that works so effectively as
CounterWatch™, they will want to purchase 2-3 of the CounterWatch™ Deterrent
and Training Devices and place them strategically though out their household, for
total household coverage.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Even during the Great Recession,
which slowed demand throughout most
of the retail sector, the industry
continued to yield revenue growth. This
trend was mainly driven by an
increasing number of pet parents, or
pet owners who treat their four-legged
friends as family members. “
“ In the five years to 2014, industry
growth has largely been attributable to
higher pet ownership and accompanying
demand for pet products. ”
IBISWorld 2014 US Pet Industry Report
It's a fact !... the pet industry
continues with strong annual growth
every year... and is proving to be
immune to any lack-luster economy.
is that right product !
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
About The Product : CounterWatch™
CounterWatch™ is a portable hi-tech animal deterrent and
training device, that is a compact portable low cost, and is an
extremely effective solution for training and deterring indoor
pets away from off-limits unwanted areas or unwanted surfaces.
New Product Details : The ALL NEW ... CounterWatch™ is a High-Tech Cat
Deterrent System that deters cats to stay off of your counters, table tops, furniture,
climbing curtains, floor areas and from hanging out at your entry door (as they just
don't like being squirted or misted with simple inexpensive water).
CounterWatch™ has up to 5 user modes (which keeps the cat from assimilating to the
same deterrent event). The Spray and or Audible Sound Deterrent is triggered by a
PIR Infrared Heat Sensor (with a detection range of 1-5 feet). CounterWatch™
utilizes a user settable programmable mode microcontroller that is powered by 4 long
life standard AA batteries. Small footprint allows CounterWatch™ to remain in place
and not interfere with pet owners using the counter, table tops and other use areas.
CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent
System designed to please even the most discerning pet owner.
Patented Pending Shielded Sensor
and Dual-Action and Dual-Use Pet Deterrent System
 Shielded Sensor : Prevents unwanted triggering of deterrent device by human
 Dual-Action : PIR Infrared Detection Sensor Activates Spray & Sound Deterrents.
 Dual-Use : Positions Both Horizontal and Vertically.
(Horizontally for Flat Counter/Floor Surfaces and Vertically for Hanging from Door
Knobs or Drawer/Cabinet Door Knobs/Handles, Curtain Rods etc.).
Features :
 Easy To Use and Setup
 Armed LED Indicator
 Large Easily Refillable Spray Deterrent Reservoir
 Automatic InfraRed Range Sensor Senses and Deters/Repels Cats up to 60"/1.5M
 3 Easy-To-Use Deterrent Training Modes (Spray Only; Tone/Voice Only; Spray &
Tone/Voice). Record Voice or Sound for up to 10 Seconds of Playback.
 Low Battery LED Indicator (4 Stage)
 Direct or Passive Spray Deterrent Modes. Direct Deterrent Water Spray Contacting
Pet, or fill with CounterWatch™ Organic Citrus Mist Repellent for Passive Non-Pet
 Adjustable Trajectory Sprayer (Up-Down) and Spray Nozzle (Mist-Spray-Jet)
Ease of Use :
Easily... Position to use Effectively for Maximum Deterrent Effect !
Easily... Refill in Just Seconds with Inexpensive Tap Water or your favorite deterrent.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ and the competitor's products
Why is CounterWatch™ Better ?...
It's Not Like the Competition…
No Expensive Refills to Buy !!!...
Easily Refill with Water or your favorite liquid deterrent.
No Electrical Shock !!!... Never shock your pet and Kid-Safe.
No Limits !!!... Works in almost any Position
*** Why CounterWatch Sentry is the Best Deterrent Product on the Market ! ***
Cat Deterrent Comparison Table
Shocks Pet
Audible Alert
before Human
Uses Area*
CounterWatch by ACP Yes No Yes No No $46.95
SSScat by InnoTek Yes - No Yes Yes $31.95
StayAway by Contech Yes - Yes Yes Yes $49.99
Pawz Away
SSScat by PetSafe
Yes - Yes Yes Yes $36.95
Pawz Away Spray
Deterrent by PetSafe
Yes - Yes Yes Yes $37.95
Scat Mat by Pawz Away
(48" x 20" Mat Size)
- Yes Yes Yes - $74.99
TattleTale by K-II No - Yes Yes No $39.95
* You should remove this device(s) from active deterrent area before human use. Remove deterrent from counters,
furniture, floor or door areas before area can be used safely by humans to avert being pricked, sprayed or shocked !
** MSRP as listed on manufacturers website as of Aug. 2013. All information derived from Manufacturer's literature.
How the Competitors Product Works and Does Not Work
 Audible Noise Deterrents - Have a major limitation with today's modern home full
of audible sounds, beeps, voices etc., such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot
timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting electronic devices. The pet
to be deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent sound, as
the pet is unable to differentiate from device deterrent audible sounds from
environmental or ordinary daily household sounds and noises.
 Mats-Audible Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat
Senses Pet, Emits Audible Sound/Beep. Pet to be Deterred Quickly Assimilates
to a Single Audible Deterrent Sound. Must be Removed and Stowed before
Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
 Mats-Electro Shock Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on
Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits Electric Shock. Take Care Around Young Children.
Shocking Your Pet is Not Cool ! Must be Removed and Stowed before Human
Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
 Mats-Prickly Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat
is Constructed with Nail Like Protrusions. Effective for Horizontal Surface. Must
be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
 Mats-Sticky Tape Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat,
Mat is Coated with a Sticky Chemical Adhesive Similar to Insect-Fly Paper.
Effective for Horizontal Surface, However Sticky Mat may Accumulate Debris and
Need Frequent Cleaning. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use
Pet Off-Limits Area.
 Spray Air Devices Deterrent - Place Device in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks in
Sensor Range, Device Emits Short Blast of Canned Air. Effective for Horizontal
Surface, However Consumable Aerosol Deterrent Refills make It Absolutely Cost
Prohibitive To Operate (i.e. A one stubborn pet cat in a household may trigger
canned air blast usage of 2 or more proprietary and expensive canned air
deterrent refills @ $10 each weekly; that's $20 a week !... for one cat !!). Redirect
Sensor or Turn Off before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
 Spray Scent Deterrents - Current Market Products Vary in Their Approaches and
Chemistry. And are Sold Typically in a 8-12oz. Sprayer Bottle for Spraying Scent
Deterrent in a Small Off-Limits Area. Some are Effective and Some Not.
How CounterWatch™ Works and It's Competitive Advantages
CounterWatch device uses means and methods that join active contact and non-
contact passive training and deterrent methods, together creating a synergistic result
in the training and deterrent of the indoor household animals.
Why Our Product is Best :
 No Mandatory Consumables to Purchase, Simply Refill with Tap Water
or CounterWatch™ Aromatic Organic Citrus Scent Deterrent.
 Unattended Hands Free Operation
 No Electrical Shock Hazard
 Small Footprint
 Cats unlikely to assimilate to multiple varying deterrent events.
 Can be used both on a horizontal surfaces, or hung from a vertical surface.
 Low Profile Stylish Stealth Design. A Designer Pet Product.
 CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent
and Training System designed to please even the most discerning pet owner.
Advantages over competition :
 No Expensive Proprietary Canned Air Deterrent Refills to buy.
 Deterrent Supply Level Visible with Translucent Reservoir.
 No Cruel and Barbaric Shocking of your Pets.
 No Mats to Remove and Stow Before The Pet Owner Uses Pet Off-Limits Areas.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Product Details
Current Status of Manufacture : CounterWatch
 Working Electronics System has Been Demonstrated to
Work Reliably and Efficient with Power Source Reserves.
Tested and Ready for Production.
 Working Fluid Dispensing System has Been Demonstrated to Work Reliably and
Efficiently. Tested and Ready for Production.
 Working CounterWatch™ Prototypes 001-003 are nearly completed.
How Much to Manufacture : CounterWatch
 $8-$10 USD Landed; Std. or Deluxe Model. Constructed from High Quality
Chinese Components and Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction.
Suggested Retail Price : CounterWatch
 $44.95 USD Standard Model
 $48.95 USD Deluxe Model
Brilliant and Fashionable Hydrographic pattern finish applied to CounterWatch™
Top Cover Housing; such as camouflage, flames, Hello-Kitty-Cat, leopard rosette
pattern, or any marketable logo/pattern. For your imagination... CounterWatch
Optional Accessories : CounterWatch
 $8.95 Aromatic Deterrent Scent 4:1 Concentrate 8oz.
 $14.95 CounterWatch™ Organic Citrus Mist Repellent 12oz.
 $6.95 Fashion Lanyard Hanger Strap
 $6.95 Suction Cup Hanger 2pk (Oversize 3" dia.)
Product Specifications : CounterWatch
 Size : 5.5"(141mm) x 2.75"(70mm) x 1.9"(49mm) Weight : 8oz.(225gr)
 Power Supply : 6VDC (4x1.5v AA Batteries)
Chassis and Enclosure Components : CounterWatch
 Bottom Chassis : Houses major electronic and mechanical components. Injection
 Top Cover : Houses control panel pcb, speaker and covers main components and
chassis. Injection Molded.
 Finish : Std. Model - Molded Plastic | Deluxe Model - Hydrographic
 2-3 Injection Molded Colors for Assembly - (inc. Clear Translucent for Reservoir)
Packaging and Display : CounterWatch
 Retail Clamshell 9" x 6.5" x 2" with Product Placard for Hanging Display Rack
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Business Plan
for CounterWatch™_______________________________________________________________________________________________
PRODUCT DEVELOPER GOAL : To launch CounterWatch™ the product, solicit and obtain
both domestic and international licensees, to manufacture and or distribute CounterWatch™
under direct exclusive license. Scale to international markets for maximum sales and profits.
As an experienced manufacturing engineer, new product developer and entrepreneur of 25+
years, my original intent was to license CounterWatch™ and forego the typical route of
manufacturing, marketing, order fulfillment, that entail large financial risk, with overhead cost,
inventory costs, financing customer purchase orders, and waiting for the receivables. Below
graph shows comparatively between two Business Models, the low risk Licensor Business
Model, and the higher risk Manufacturing Business Model that generates mass profits.
Product Licenseing Business Model
CounterWatch™ : MFG Cost : $9.00
CounterWatch™ : DLR Cost : $21.25 5% Royalty per Unit : $1.00
CounterWatch™ : MSRP : $46.95 * Licensing Royalty % = 3-7% of Wholesale Sales is Industry Standard.
Manufacturer to Distributor Business Model Channel GM%
CounterWatch™ : MFG Cost/COG : $9.00 50%
CounterWatch™ : DIST. Cost : $18.00 15% 50% Mfg. Profit per Unit : $9.00
CounterWatch™ : MSRP : $46.95 55% * Distributor Profit Margin Selling Wholesale to Retailiers = 5-15% Industry Standard.
Retail Store
Sales Level
Weekly Unit Sales
per Store
Annual Unit Sales
per Store
Weekly Mfg.
Annual Mfg.
40% PetSmart - USA & Canada 1,500 Median 2.75 143 $4,120 $214,232 <----> $37,105 $1,929,472
20% PetCo - USA & Mexico 1,500 Median 1.5 78 $2,247 $116,854 <----> $20,239 $1,052,439
40% Independent Pet Retailers - USA 11,800 Median 0.75 39 $8,839 $459,625 <----> $79,608 $4,139,595
" Wal-Mart Super Center - USA 3,000 Median 1.25 65 $3,745 $194,756 <----> $33,732 $1,754,066
" Wal-Mart - USA 1,200 Median 0 0 $0 $0 <----> $0 $0
Independents and Non-Specialty Stores (such as the local pet stores and Amazon, Walmart etc.) as of 2014 = 40% Market Share. 17,932 Stores including Wal-Mart.
<Distributor Sell-To Price>
<Dealer Wholesale Sell-In Price>
License to PetCo - USA & Mexico
License to PetSmart - USA & Canada
Distribution to Independent Pet Retailers
Distribution to PetCo - USA & Mexico
Distribution to PetSmart - USA & Canada
Distribution to Wal-Mart - USA
Profit Revenue - Product Licensingor Manufacturer to DistributorModel
Licensor BusinessModel Manufacturerto Distributor BusinessModel
* Depending on Investor Interest *
Product Developer is receptive to
2 Separate Business Models,
Monetization Paths,
& Business and Marketing Plans
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
The Licensor or Manufacturer Business Model
Evaluating net product profits, for both the Licensor Business Model and the Manufacturing
to Distributor Business Model, and recognizing the potential of exponentially more gross
sales revenue, and large gross margins with the Manufacturing Business Model, the Product
Developer would consider manufacturing CounterWatch™ the product, for Direct Sales to
Pet Superstores and Distributors for maximum profit.
With the right Investor(s) and or Equity Partner(s), and depending on Investor(s) interest, the
Product Developer is receptive to 2 separate Monetization Paths, Business Plans, and
Marketing Plans for CounterWatch™ the product.
Funding : The Licensor or Manufacturer Business Model
Depending on Investor(s) interest and capacity, this will play a vital role in which direction the
Product Developer will take CounterWatch™ the product, successfully to market. The
Product Developer is receptive and open to investor input, suggestions and options.
With the completion of the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of
CounterWatch™, and both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek $100,000 in short-
term loans for the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™. Investors providing
Short-Term Loans will be compensated with a 22.5% APR ROI, Term 24 Months, Interest
Paid in Full the 18th month, Principal Paid in Full the 24th month. At terms end, an Investment
Opportunity may be offered, if both parties are in agreement, for a possible equity position.
Product Launch to Market Phase – Licensor Business Model
New Product Launch...
The proceeding Business and Marketing Plan, is meant to be a guide work for quick
prototype completion, speedy product launch to market, and a minimal investment, with
maximum product exposure through an organized media blitz campaign, creating a buzz to
excite potential licensees, and induce potential licensees in to signing a manufacturing and or
distribution agreement for CounterWatch™, for a specific region or country.
PRODUCT LAUNCH TO MARKET PHASE : Please find the proceeding table, and a list of
tasks to be immediately completed with capital from short-term loans. Timeline is dependent
on the capital infusion rate achieved. Every effort will be made to assure enough capital
resources are on hand available for necessary events and or tasks, to be rapidly completed.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
by Date
1 USPTO Trademark Application 12/30/14 - $200 oDesk - Amit Application
1A USPTO Trademark Filing 12/30/14 - $350 USPTO Filings
2 Finalization of Electronics
System PCB Schematic for
Prototype 001-003.
1/15/15 25 hrs. $350 PD-Shawn
oDesk - TBD
Contract a EE
2A Finalized PCB Prototypes
1/30/15 15 hrs. $150 Screaming
PCB House
1B USPTO Foreign Patent
Application - PCT
1/30/15 - $1,000 oDesk - Amit PCT
1C USPTO Foreign PCT Filing 1/30/15 - $2,800 USPTO PCT Filings
3 New Product Press Release 2/1/15 20 hrs. $350 oDesk - TBD Contract a
3A Submittal of Press Releases TBD 20 hrs. $50 Send Hardcopy Submit Online
3B Social Media Campaign TBD 30 hrs. $2,000 TBD Contract a pro.
4 PetSmart Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
5 PetCo Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
6 Walmart Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
7 Multi-Vet, Ltd. Presentation
4/30/15 60 hrs. $5,000 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
8 Global Pet Expo - Orlando
March 4-6, 2015
3/10/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
9 SuperZoo - Las Vegas
July 21-23, 2015
1/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
10 Total Pet Expo - Chicago
September 18-20, 2015
9/8/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines
Quality Inn
Airfare (RT2)
Lodging (2;3)
Total : $33,250
Based Upon Desired Capitalization Level => $30,000
Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline
- Begin Product Licensee or Product Sales Campaign - Directly Meet to Present Product -
- Begin Trade Show Campaign - No Booth, Just A Wide Visible Presence -
- Finalzed USPTO Domestic Filings : Utility, Design and Trademark filings -
- Begin Media Blitz Campaign - Innovative New Product - with Human Interest Story -
- Finalze Electronics : For Working Protoypes 001-003 -
- Begin USPTO Internatinal Filings : PCT filings -
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
PRODUCT PRIORITIES & GOALS : Reviewing the Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events,
Costs & Timeline Table, indicates the priority number of each Task, Event and Cost.
After Task 3B, the Media Blitz Campaign, it would be ideal, to quickly obtain a Exclusive
Domestic Manufacturing and Distribution Licensee Agreement with a major retailer or
distributor, 4-7. This would meet the developer's goal for the domestic marketplace, and
would preclude from having to proceed to item 8-10, the Domestic Trade Show Campaign.
Primary focus is securing immediate mass market domestic distribution for CounterWatch™,
reaching the domestic goal of signing a Exclusive Domestic Manufacturing and Distribution
Licensee Agreement with a major manufacturer, distributor or superstore retailer.
While diligently executing the above Primary Focus, if available resources allow, contact a
Manufacturer's Rep or recruit a contract hire, to seek, sign and secure International Exclusive
Manufacturing and or Distribution Licensee Agreements, licensed by Country or Region.
With USPTO Foreign Patent PCT Filing completed, 1C, CounterWatch™ can be
aggressively marketed in major world market regions, such as the European Market, South
East Asia Market and South American Markets. These markets must be aggressively
pursued, and not overlooked as to their importance to generate mass sales and high profits.
WHEN THE GOALS ARE MET : With the Developer Goals, and Product Priorities & Goals
Met, I the Product Developer, will be off to the next project, and free again to bring another
new and profitable product to the marketplace.
BUSINESS PLANS : Business Plans are just that, a plan, based upon current conditions,
thoughts, and or forecasts. So as both in life, and in business, as conditions and status
dictate, we learn to make changes, adjustments, and compromises to the business plan.
This ability to revise a business plan is essential to adapt, conquer, and generate high profits.
ALTERNATE PATHS AND PLANS : As a experienced and successful product developer,
and small business owner of 25+ years, I know plans sometimes need to be changed and or
expanded, so with that said, I will describe in the below table, several "what if scenarios" that
I can envision in the market exploitation process of successfully bringing CounterWatch™ to
the mass market, and achieving highly profitable results.
Please review the proceeding...
What If Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans Table…
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
What if Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans
What if Scenario Description Remedy Note
What if Scenario
Utility Patent Rejected Design Patent Not Likely.
What if Scenario
Design Patent
- Not Possible.
What if Scenario
Under Capitalized Get Capitalized ASAP -
What if Scenario
Foreign PCT Patent
- Not Likely.
What if Scenario
Beginning the…
Licensor Business
Top Prospective
Licensees & Retailers
Slow to Set Meeting for
Product License Offer.
Motivate them to act
now or lose out to
What if Scenario
Top 3 Domestic
Retailers No Longer
License Products, or
Not Interested in
Perhaps Just a
Exclusive Distribution
Meet with Multi-Vet, Ltd.
- Canada.
Specializing in
Electronic Pet Deterrent
International Mfg. and
Surely More
Profitable Than
Just Licensing to
1 Exclusive Major
Pet Retailer such
as PetSmart.
What if Scenario
Multi-Vet, Ltd. of
Canada has NIH
Solicit to Known
Appropriate Domestic
Manufacturers and or
Licensors with Mass
Retailer Distribution
within the Pet Industry,
such as (ConTech,
InnoTek, PetSafe, etc.)
Possibly More
Profitable Than
Just Licensing to
1 Exclusive Major
Pet Retailer such
as PetSmart.
What if Scenario
Beginning the…
Business Model
No Interested
Licensees to take on
the Manufacture of
offered Purchase
Evaluate for
Marketing and
Distribution of
Perhaps Again, I
am in the
and Finance
Business. See
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Product Launch to Operational Phase
1. Launch CounterWatch™ the Product.
2. Solicit and Obtain Both Domestic and International Licensees, to Manufacture and or
Distribute CounterWatch™.
3. Scale to International Markets for Maximum Sales and Profits.
With the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of CounterWatch™ completed,
and both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek $100,000 in Short-Term Loans for the
Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™.
Investors providing Short-Term Loans will be compensated with a 22.5% APR ROI, Term 24
Months, Interest Paid in Full the 18th month, Principal Paid in Full the 24th month. At terms
end, an Investment Opportunity may be offered, if both parties are in agreement, for a
possible equity position.
Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™ rapidly emerges according to set plan,
please refer to the Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline Table.
As the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™ progresses, I will describe
several "what if scenarios" that I can envision in the market exploitation process, please
refer to the What if Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans Table.
Scale CounterWatch™ to European Market, South East Asia Market and South American
Markets for Maximum Profits.
With Maximum Domestic and International Market Penetration Realized, and Median Sales
Levels of CounterWatch™, Monitor Licensee Sales Performance and Promote
CounterWatch™ .
Business Plan for CounterWatch™
Licensor Business Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Target Markets
Domestic Market :
Offering : Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License Agreement
Priority of Offering Exclusive Licensing Agreement :
Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License - USA-Canada
Ltd., ConTech, InnoTek, or PetSafe
Direct Exclusive License - North America
Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License - USA-Mexico
Note : #2 Would allow the largest domestic geographical distribution coverage for
CounterWatch™, significantly higher sales volume, and the highest profits, due to avoiding
the a Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License with say PetSmart, and
PetSmart only.
International Markets :
Offering : Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License Agreements
Priority of Offering Exclusive Licensing Agreements :
Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License
Direct Exclusive Distribution License
Note : #2 Distributor Type would require supplying the International Distributor, with
CounterWatch™ the physical product, for distribution.
It would be great if our domestic partner/licensee allows the purchase of CounterWatch™ at
a small margin (15-30%) above manufacturing costs, to our entity, to supply our international
distributors for their requirement.
Target Markets for CounterWatch™
Licensor Business Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Product Launch to Exit Phase
1. Launch CounterWatch™ the product.
2. Manufacture CounterWatch™ for Direct Sales to Pet Superstore Retailers and
Distributors. Yields Maximum Market Penetration and Highest Profit Margin.
3. Solicit for International Licensees, to Manufacture and or Distribute CounterWatch™.
Allow General Worldwide Sales.
4. Scale to International Markets for Maximum Sales and Profits.
With the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of CounterWatch™ completed, and
both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek Equity Investor for Product Launch.
Secure Investor for Equity Stake in CounterWatch™, including the Value of Patents Pending,
Trademarks, Domestic and International Licensee Paid Royalties, and Profits Generated by
General Worldwide Sales of CounterWatch™.
Equity Partner Qualification : Must have the Financial Ability to Fund, Tooling Cost,
Warehouse, Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Have Enough Resources Available to
Scale CounterWatch™ to International Markets.
Immediately begin the rapid construction of the necessary tooling needed to produce
CounterWatch™, primarily the Plastic Injection Molds as this could take 3 months.
Initial Production Run : 10,000 units of CounterWatch™
Parallel to the Initial Production Run, conduct the Product Launch to Market Phase of
CounterWatch™ . Correlate New Product Launch Timing Closely, Media Blitz to Ready to
Scale CounterWatch™ to European Market, South East Asia Market and South American
Markets for Maximum Profits.
Product Developer has No Interest In Owning and Operating a Long Term Manufacturing and
Finance Business. Within 2-3 Years Of Product Launch and or Suitable Market Penetration
Has Been Realized, Sell Manufacturing Business, and Maintain All Manufacturing and or
Distribution Licensing Agreements for CounterWatch™ in Perpetuity.
Business Plan for CounterWatch™
Manufacturer Business Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Target Markets
Domestic Market :
Offering : CounterWatch™ the product.
Priority of Offering :
Manufacturer Direct to Superstore Retailer
PetSmart, PetCo, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, PetZone, etc.
License to Manufacture for Direct Sale to Distributor
Multi-Vet Ltd., ConTech, InnoTek, PetSafe, etc.
Manufacturer Direct to Distributor
Increased Exposure and Sales to Independent Pet Retailers.
Note : #2 Could allow the largest domestic geographical distribution coverage for
CounterWatch™, significantly adding higher sales volume, and profits.
International Markets :
Offering : CounterWatch™ the product under Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and or
Distribution License by Country or Geographical Region.
Priority of Offering :
Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License
(by Country or Geographical Region)
Direct Exclusive Distribution License
(by Country or Geographical Region)
Target Markets for CounterWatch™
Manufacturer Business Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Market Plan Strategy
The market plan strategy will be divided in three phases. The three phases are Introduction
Phase, Operational Phase, and the Maintenance Phase.
Introduction Phase One - Domestic Market
Conduct a Media Blitz Campaign to achieve mass market exposure and awareness for a
new and exciting product...CounterWatch™. Refer to the Product Launch Phase - Tasks,
Events, Costs & Timeline Table, for proper timing with ready to ship product status.
Goal is create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice major pet
retailers, manufacturers and or distributors to sign a licensing agreement or purchase orders.
Operational Phase - Domestic & International Markets
Licensee and Purchase Agreements are in-place, and CounterWatch™ is distributed.
Goal is to rapidly increase new product market exposure and sales.
Maintenance Phase - Domestic & International Markets
Licensee and Purchase Agreements are in-place, and CounterWatch™ is meeting expected
sales goals and becoming more widely distributed.
Goal is to increase CounterWatch™ market exposure and sales.
We will measure response, evaluate, and continue all successful marketing campaigns to
help further promote the product, and the profitability of CounterWatch™.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Reaching the Markets
Worldwide market exposure will be accomplished through Personal Contact within Pet
Industry and Domestic and International Trade Publications, Pet Products Industry
Association, Social Media Campaign, Internet Web Sites, Consumer Interest and Pet
Magazines, and a General Media Blitz Campaign to Main Stream Media.
I have found over the years, that personal contact with key professionals within the industry,
the media, and speaking to various manufacturer and distributors, to always be beneficial in
obtaining current and vital information, locating Industry contacts and sales leads, and often
providing a direct path to where I want to go, to achieve my market success and profits.
Membership with American Pet Products Association provides members, with direct contact
leads with key domestic and international distributors and manufacturers representatives.
Knowing the Product Launch to Market Phase was upcoming, I contacted and spoke with
several key individuals within the international and domestic pet industry news and media
organizations, I was cordially and well received, and all seemed genuinely interested in
hearing the very basic and generalized definition of my new and exciting automatic pet
deterrent product CounterWatch™.
In my conversations with media sources, I noted that my product is soon to be patented in
which at the point, I can explain about the product more in detail. All contacted specifically
asked when I am ready to launch, to please provide them with a New Product Press Release
for publication (in the industry media and trade journals).
Once the New Product Press Release is received by the media, there is a 4-7 week
publication lead-time, before distribution occurs. Once the media publication contains the
New Product Press Release is distributed, and in the hands of all to see and read,
CounterWatch™ instantly becomes visible and exposed to the entire Pet Industry, Pet
Product Manufacturers, Pet Product Distributors, Pet Product Buyers for Retail Chains, and
Pet Product Buyers for Independent Retailers (Independent Retailers such as the
Neighborhood Pet Store Buyer, and yes Wal-Mart Pet Product Buyers !).
The New Product Release Section of any industry trade journal/website is must read for
manufacturers, distributors, and product buyers, all of which are potential licensees for
CounterWatch™, and want to profit from such new products.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
A strong presence on social media is vital to help create high online visibility, and help induce a
buzz with Pet Industry Product Buyers and Potential Licensees. Contract hire a professional,
that specializes in creating a social media presence for products.
A strong presence on YouTube is vital to help create and support high online visibility, and help
induce a buzz with Pet Industry Product Buyers and Potential Licensees.
Post videos of CounterWatch™ operating in both Direct Contact Mode and Non-Contact
Passive Mode, Vertically and Horizontal Operating Scenarios, demonstrating the effectives of
CounterWatch™ as a serious training and deterrent product. Be sure to demonstrate that
CounterWatch™ also has a bit-of-fun built-in to it too, this could help generate viral videos and
offer mass market exposure for CounterWatch™.
Create a product website for CounterWatch™, to provide Pet Industry Buyers and the general
public with CounterWatch™ product details, information and updates.
Personal contact with the media sources and New Product Editors will be made, communication
will then be followed up with providing the media contacts with a New Product Press Release for
publication and broadcast for mainstream public viewing.
Once the New Product Press Release is received by the media, there is a 1-6 week lead-time
before publication or broadcast occurs. Once the New Product Press Release is disseminated
and out in the public domain, CounterWatch™ instantly becomes visible and exposed to the
entire viewing population.
The television media, will surely exploit this new and exciting product CounterWatch™, in the
best way possible, in ways that will challenge, and then prove it's claimed ability as " The
Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product ", and remember, that CounterWatch™ has a
bit-of-fun built-in to it too, allowing the media to be very creative in the demonstration of
CounterWatch™ to their viewers.
Pet Owners and the all important Pet Product Manufacturers, Pet Product Distributors, Pet
Product Buyers for Superstore Retail Chains, and Independent Retailers will notice
CounterWatch™ in the mainstream media, surely taking note, as a must buy !
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Monetization of CounterWatch™
The monetization strategy for the domestic marketplace is divided in to three groups. These
three groups, have different risk, effort involved, and profit potential levels, and must be
weighed with the product developer and any equity investors, short-term and long term goals.
 Monetization Strategy 1 – License to only one domestic Pet Superstore Retailer.
 Monetization Strategy 2 – Licensing a manufacturer to exclusively produce and or
distribute CounterWatch™ (and that has no agreement, to exclusively distribute said
product, to a specific retailer such as PetSmart). Manufacturer will welcome increasing
their sales and profits producing and selling CounterWatch™.
 Monetization Strategy 3 – Manufacture CounterWatch™ for General Sales.
Please refer to the preceding...
Profit Revenue - Product Licensing or Manufacturer to Distributor Model graph.
Monetization Strategy 1 [ Domestic Market ]
Adequate Profits - Stress Free
Create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice the major pet
superstore retailer to sign a licensing agreement.
Under Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License
Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a week
$234,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity
Monetization Strategy 2 [ Domestic Market ]
Moderate-High Profits - Stress Free
Create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice a major pet
product manufacturer to sign a licensing agreement.
Under Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License
Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a week = $234,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity
Each PetCo store selling 1 unit a week = $78,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity
Each Wal-Mart store selling 2 units a week = $438,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity
$750,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity
Annual Royalty in Perpetuity is based upon a $20 Wholesale Sell-In Price @ 5% Royalty.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Monetization Strategy 3 [ Domestic Market - International Markets ]
Highest Risk - Highest Profits - Manufacturing & Finance Business
Document the processes and mechanisms of manufacture, the tooling needed, and
necessary protocols for the manufacture of CounterWatch™.
Parts and components needed to produce CounterWatch™, may be sourced and or
produced off-shore, mainly China. Electronics PCB Component Modules and DC Motor are
produced in China. For the Plastic Injection Molded Parts, it is preferable to have the molds
on US soil, and the parts molded domestically to control quality and forego import costs.
Overseas sources of supply to produce CounterWatch™, have already been sourced and
contacted to obtain a basis for manufacturing cost at low quantity. Four vendors are needed.
DC Motor Gear Reduction Drive Supplier - China
PCB Electronics House - China
Injection Mold House – China or preferably USA
Assembly & Packaging - USA
Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction !
The tooling needed is, Plastic Injection Molds 1) Lower Chassis, 2) Upper Cover, 3) Liquid
Spray Reservoir Assembly Parts, and 4) Injection Mold for the Spray Pump Piston and Spray
Nozzle Assembly Parts, for a total of 3-4 plastic injection molds depending on design.
After the cost of designing and producing the above necessary tooling to manufacture
CounterWatch™ is amortized, the following mfg. cost can be realized.
Unit Distributor Price $18 - Unit Mfg Cost $9-$10 = $9 Unit Mfg Gross Profit
Selling Direct to Pet Industry Distributors Supplying Retailers
Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a
= $2,104,8
In Mfg. Annual Gross
Each PetCo store selling 1 unit a week = $701,626 in Mfg. Annual Gross
Each Wal-Mart store selling 1 unit a
= $1,403,2
in Mfg. Annual Gross
$4,209,758 in Mfg. Annual Gross Profit - [ Domestic Market Only ]
Annual Profit is based upon a $9 Mfg. Cost and a Distributor Sell-To Price of $18
Very Enticing Profits !
Requires Significant Resources for Tooling, Pre-Production Financing,
Overhead, and Carrying and Collecting Customer Receivables
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Product Launch Phase
First Round Funding : Seeking $100,000 in Loans
(up to 25 investors @ $1K-$100K each)
Used for : USPTO Foreign PCT Patent Application filing, completing prototypes,
professional electronics design, press releases, media and social network blitz,
presentation costs (inc. airfare & lodging), marketing materials, and minimal
operating costs.
Term : 24 months
ROI 22.5 % APR : Interest Paid in Full to Investor at 18th
month mark for 24 month
loan, principal loaned Paid in Full the 24th
month, or if both parties are in
agreement, investor may convert principal loaned amount, plus an added investor
conversion bonus of 15% of loaned amount, to an equity stake, based on current
valuation of entity or common stock value, and receive semi-annual equity based
percentage profit sharing payments.
Exclusive Foreign Manufacturing and or Distribution License by Country
Price : $100,000 Licensing Fee per Country with 5% Royalty on Annual Gross
Minimum Annual Gross Sales Requirement : TBN
Royalty in Perpetuity Payments : Paid Quarterly (every three months)
Term : 5 Years
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Short-Term Equity Opportunity
Applicable to Manufacturer to Distributor Business Model
Product Launch To Exit Strategy
Current Pre-Market Product Valuation : $1,200,000
(based upon 2015 and 2016 Sales Forecast-Income Statement)
Equity Partner Offer : $300,000 Buy-In for 25% Equity Stake in CounterWatch™,
including the Value of Patents Pending, Trademarks, Domestic and International
Licensee Paid Royalties, and Profits generated by General Worldwide Sales of
Equity Partner Qualification : Must have the Financial Ability to Initially Fund up to
$300,000 for Tooling Cost, Inventory, Marketing, Daily Operations, Warehouse, and
to Scale CounterWatch™ to International Markets. With profits realized, the Product
Developer repays 75% of Initial Funding.
Exit Strategy Agreement : Within 2-3 years after product launch and or suitable
moderate market penetration has be achieved, Product Developer proposes selling
manufacturing business, recovering monetary investments, while maintaining
Manufacturing Licensing Agreements for CounterWatch™ for Royalty in Perpetuity.
Noting Inventor's Investment : The “ Skin in the Game “.
Three years ago, I the Product Developer began to conceptualize an initial product
design for a mass market consumer product that will generate mass profits, and
would be virtually immune to fluctuations in the economy.
Over the last two years, 80+ hours a week of using the Premier CAD Software to
design, I developed, and tested multiple iterations of CounterWatch™. To help
finance this project, I sold my rare vintage motorcycle collection of over 25
collectibles valued at over $150,000 to self-fund CounterWatch™ from concept to
patent pending status, and now ready for market exploitation.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Appendix :
 The Inventor and Product Developer of CounterWatch™ : Shawn Tait
 CounterWatch™ - Simple to Fill and Use
 Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001
 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes in Various Colors
 Preliminary Retail Packaging and Display Suggestions for CounterWatch™
 Competitor Product Information and Pictures
 Current List of Investors
 Current List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees
 Intellectual Property Information
 Manufacturing to Distributor Business Model
 Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References
 Sources of Referenced Information
File Attachments Available :
 Utility Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format
 Design Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format
 Manufacturing Cost Details for CounterWatch™
 Manufacturing Facility Cost Details for CounterWatch™
 2015 and 2016 Income Statements Based on Projected Sales Forecast
 Supporting Documents for 2015 and 2016 Income Statements
 Trade Mark Documentation (to be filed 12/30/14)
 IBISWorld Industry Reports - 2014 US Pet Store Industry
 CounterWatch™ Instructions and Training Guide
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
The Inventor and Product Developer of CounterWatch™ : Shawn Tait
As a Manufacturing Engineer exclusively working with New Product Development Teams, I
successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix
Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts
Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing Industries.
My passion is, and always has been to solve a physical problem, create a solution to the
problem in the form a needed product, and then successfully bring these new product
concepts to market and enjoy the rewards.
My History and Passion ("My Go Fast Story") : It all started for me at the age of 7… I
wanted to go-faster, as I told mommy sitting in my racing go kart, mom says “we have no
money to buy those high-tech go-fast racing parts, sorry”. So I had to figure out my own way
to go faster.
At the age of 7-12 years old, I studied every math and engineering book I could get my
hands on (from old engineering library books and college textbooks), and began learning
how to design, develop and make my own motorcycle go-fast parts (among everything else!,
that interested me). But most of all, first I still needed to make money to buy the needed
materials to make those new racing parts (products) that are in my mind.
By the age of 12 years old, I was on my way funding my new product ventures through
my hard work and natural entrepreneurship. I had several daily paper delivery routes and
was starting to sell my newly developed and produced racing parts.
With junior high metal shop and high school machine shop classes, this gave me the
perfect learning environment for R&D, making prototypes and producing my racing parts,
utilizing the foundry, lathes, mills, fabrication equipment and welding equipment.
I also took electronics classes which taught me the fundamentals of electronic design
and implementation. With both mechanical and electronics background, I could now
invent, test and bring quality and reliable product concepts to fruition at the lowest
cost possible. Often aided by re-purposing existing items to be utilized in my newly
designed products to reduce R&D cost, and the time it takes to be first to market.
In my earlier years up to age 30, I successfully developed patentable new products for
Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin
Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing
Industries. At age 30, I was done with Corporate America, began to create my own future.
At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years experience, small
business owner, manufacturing engineer and consummate realist.
Product Concept to Market Success is what I do best.
Please contact me directly, if your interested in sharing future successes together.
Shawn Tait
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
1. Simply Add Batteries
3. Fill with your Favorite Deterrent
2. Set Deterrent Mode, Record
Playback MSG & Adjust Spray Nozzle
4. Place Horizontal or Vertical Position
Easy setup
and use :
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Standard Black Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Standard Beige Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - The Italiano Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - The Red Italiano Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Entry Door Usage
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Living Room Couch Usage
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Ladies Room Model1
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Ladies Room Model2
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
The Hottest New Mass Market Pet Product for 2015
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room Model1
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room Model2
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes
Deluxe Models with Hydrographic Coatings
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Hello-Kitty Model
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Preliminary Retail Packaging and Display Suggestions
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
CounterWatch™ Competitor Product Information and Pictures
Audible and In-Audible (by
Humans) Single Noise Deterrent
- Have a major limitation with
today's modern home full of
audible sounds, beeps, voices
etc., such as from microwave
ovens, coffee pot timers, voices on
radio-TV, and other sound emitting
electronic devices. The pet to be
deterred therefore quickly
assimilates to a single audible
deterrent sound, as the pet is
unable to differentiate from device
deterrent audible sounds from
environmental or ordinary daily
household sounds and noises.
Single Tone Audible Deterrent
MSRP : $29.95
Ultrasonic In-Audible (by Humans)
Single Sound Deterrent - As per one of
the nations top retailers in this category,
states in their disclaimer "A cat may not
respond to the CatScram. This happens
because some cats lack the capability to
hear noises as high pitched as that
emitted by the CatScram. This is more
common in older cats who have lost some
hearing range, very young cats who have
not yet fully developed, and occasionally
in rare purebreds." The question always
remains with in-audible (by humans) type
of device deterrent, is the device even
working properly?, since you can't even
hear it (in-audible) when it is working
Ultrasonic In-Audible Deterrent
MSRP : $39.95
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Mats-Audible Deterrent - Place Mat in/on
Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat
Senses Pet, Emits Audible Sound/Beep.
Product is hindered by today's modern home
full of audible sounds, beeps, voices etc.,
such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot
timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound
emitting electronic devices. The pet to be
deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a
single audible deterrent sound, as the pet is
unable to differentiate from device deterrent
audible sounds from environmental or
ordinary daily household sounds and noises.
Must be Removed and Stowed before Human
Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
Sofa ScramMat
Audible Tone Deterrent
MSRP : $39.95
Mats-Electric Shock Deterrent - Place Mat
in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat
Senses Pet, Emits a Electric Shock to Pet.
Must be Removed and Stowed before Human
Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
Shocking Your Pet is Not Cool !
Take Care Around Young Children !!
Electric-Shock Deterrent
MSRP : $59.95
Mats-Prickly Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-
Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat is
Constructed with Nail Like Protrusions.
Effective for Small Horizontal Surface.
Must be Removed and Stowed before Human
Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
Stepping On Nails Deterrent
MSRP : $18.99
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Spray Air Devices Deterrent - Place
Device in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks
in Sensor Range, Device Emits Short
Blast of Canned Air. Effective for
Horizontal Surface.
However Consumable Aerosol Deterrent
Refills make It Absolutely Cost
Prohibitive To Operate (i.e. one
stubborn pet cat in a household may
trigger canned air blast usage of 2 or
more proprietary and expensive canned
air deterrent refills @ $10 each weekly;
that's $20 a week !... for one cat !!).
Imagine if you have 2 or more cats as
most households often have, the cost of
weekly refills then become a real issue.
Redirect Sensor or Turn Off before
Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
After reviewing several high profile
online retail websites that carry this
product, you will often notice positive
reviews for this product type, however
further investigation reveals that may
online posters of product reviews for this
product, later come back to downgrade
and or revise their review to a more
negative tone towards the product, as
the price on the consumable propriety
canned air refills begin to quickly add up
for the pet owner.
This product is believed to be licensed
to several other pet companies for
manufacturing and or distribution, by
USPTO Assignee Multi-Vet Ltd. of
Canada. Such other licensee brand
names, may include ConTech, InnoTek
and PetSafe. All of which are major
manufacturers of pet products.
Spray Air Deterrent
MSRP : $36.95
Consumable Refills : $12.99
Spray Air Deterrent
MSRP : $38.95
Consumable Refills : $13.95
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Current List of Investors
$100,000 in Short-Term Investment Loan Fund
Product Launch to Market Phase or for Startup Year Manufacturing
Type Date
Loan Term
In Years
APR % ROI Amount
1 2 22.50% $0
2 2 22.50% $0
3 2 22.50% $0
4 2 22.50% $0
5 2 22.50% $0
6 2 22.50% $0
7 2 22.50% $0
8 2 22.50% $0
9 2 22.50% $0
10 2 22.50% $0
11 2 22.50% $0
12 2 22.50% $0
13 2 22.50% $0
14 2 22.50% $0
15 2 22.50% $0
16 2 22.50% $0
17 2 22.50% $0
18 2 22.50% $0
19 2 22.50% $0
20 2 22.50% $0
21 2 22.50% $0
22 2 22.50% $0
23 2 22.50% $0
24 2 22.50% $0
25 2 22.50% $0
Total Amount of Loans : $0 Term Interest : $0
Level 1 - $1,000+
Level 2 - $25,000+
Level 3 - $50,000+
Investor Name
Interest Paid to Investor on 18th
Principal Loan Amount to be Paid in Full the 24th
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees
Country -
Licensee Name
Date of
Licensing Fee
Royalty Advance
Term of
Royalty Paid
to Licensor
Gross Annual Sales is defined as the total units sold x wholesale unit sales cost.
Minimum Annual Gross Sales Requirement : TBN
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Intellectual Property Information
Intellectual Property Rights and Status : CounterWatch
USPTO Private PAIR Registered; Inventor #126527
Current IP Status of Utility Patent
Reg. No. 14486090
Filed 09/15/14
Current IP Status of Design Patent
Reg. No. 29507159
Filed 10/24/14
Current IP Status of USPTO PCT Foreign Filing
Awaiting Investor Capital Infusion.
Reg. No. TBA
To be Filed TBA
Current Registered Trademark Status
Reg. No. TBA
To be Filed 12/30/14
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Manufacturer to Distributor
Business Model
Self-Manufacturing for Distribution
Manufactured Product Sales Method :
 Sell Distributor Direct
Manufacturing Tooling Needed :
 (4) Plastic Injection Molds (Lower Chassis, Upper Cover, Fluid Pump and
Spray Nozzle Assembly, and Spray Fluid Reservoir).
 Estimated Cost : up to $150,000
On-Going Contract Services Needed :
 Injection Mold House – Supplies Plastic Injection Molded Parts for
CounterWatch Assembly.
 PCB House – Electronics Printed Circuit Board
Assembly & Packaging Facilities and Warehouse Needed :
 Approximately 3,000 – 7,500 sqf of Commercial Warehouse Space
Minimal Workforce Needed :
 Assembly Techs and Lead Assembly Tech
 Shipping & Receiving Clerk
 Operations Manager
 Run Multiple Employee Shifts as Production Demand Dictates
Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction.
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References
For further information about the continuing strong growth and rise in sales of pet
products, and this industries ability to avoid fluctuations in the health of the economy.
10 Surprisingly Recession-Proof Industries -
Best Recession-Proof Businesses -
Is the pet industry recession-proof ? - NY Daily News
The Top Pet Industry Trends for 2012 - Pawsible Blog
Pet Industry Booming, With Sales of Gourmet Treats -
The doggone truth- Spending on pets is soaring - NBC News
Why One Recession-Proof Industry Just Keeps Growing -
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
Sources of Referenced Information
Humane Societies and Pet Associations :
 *The Humane Society of the United States - U.S. Pet Ownership Population
 **ASPCA - U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics
Reference and Statistical Data Sources :
 ***Compare Infobase Limited - Top 10 Countries with the Most Pet Cats
 IBISWorld Industry Report 45391 Pet Stores in the US -
 Pet Business - 2014 Pet Business Top 25 Retailers
Major Domestic Pet Product Retailers :
 PetSmart® Company Information
 PetCo® Company Information
 Walmart Corporate - Locations by Country
Trade Periodicals :
 Pet Age
 Pet Business
 Pet Product News International
Trade Shows :
 Global Pet Expo - Orlando Florida
 Total Pet Expo - Chicago Illinois
 SuperZoo - Las Vegas Nevada
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
“ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802
" The Ultimate…
Pet Training System & Deterrent Product "
Seattle, WA 98027 USA
Email :  425-753-0802

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CounterWatch™ - Investor Guide and Product Reference

  • 1. Investor Guide and Product Reference 2015 EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product " UTILITY PATENT PENDING : REG. NO. 14486090 DESIGN PATENT PENDING : REG. NO. 29507159 TRADEMARK PENDING : REG. NO. TBA123014
  • 2. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 2 CounterWatch™ Sentry " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product "
  • 3. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 3 CounterWatch™ AUTOMATIC SPRAY DETERRENT SYSTEM Keeps Cats Off Counters and Table Areas Forever ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investor Guide and Product Reference _____________________________________________________________________________ Section Contents : Greetings 5 About The Product Developer 7 About The Market : Pet Products Industry 9 About The Product : CounterWatch™ 13 The Competitor's Products 14 How CounterWatch™ Works and It's Competitive Advantages 15 CounterWatch™ Product Details 17 Business Plan – Licensor and Manufacturer Business Models 19 Marketing Plan Strategy 29 Monetization Paths For CounterWatch™ 33 Investment and Market Licensing Opportunities 35 Appendix 37 File Attachments Available - Patent Documents 37 The Inventor and Product Developer : Shawn Tait 38 CounterWatch™ - Simple to Fill and Use 40 Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001 41 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes in Various Colors 42 Retail Packaging and Display 56 Competitor Product Details and Pictures 57 List of Investors 61 List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees 63 Intellectual Property Information 65 Manufacturing to Distributor Business Model 67
  • 4. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 4 Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References 69 Sources of Referenced Information 70 The Product Developer Note : As a proven product developer and successful entrepreneur of 25+ years experience, small business owner, and consummate realist, I have over the years, brought to market many recognizable, highly successful and profitable products. CounterWatch™ is the Next Big Product Success in the Pet Products Industry ! Thanks in Advance for reviewing my presentation and considering my proposal. Best Regards, Shawn Tait Seattle, WA 98027 USA 425.753.0802
  • 5. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 5 CounterWatch™ Keeps Cats Off Counters and Table Areas Forever ! Investor Presentation Pitch _____________________________________________ Greetings My name is Shawn Tait, and this is my son Keenan Tait, and we are from Seattle Washington... How’s’ everybody doing this morning ? First of all, I would like to thank you all... for taking the time out of your schedule, and allowing me to present you with a product, that I think you will find new and exciting... and a product with a bit of fun built-in to it. I proudly present you with CounterWatch™... " The Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product " Just a quick note... I am deaf in one ear, so if you say " How long before my investment is returned and how much is the return ? ", and I answer " Around the corner is the restroom, and see you when you return ", you'll understand why I have my son here to help make sure I don't embarrass myself to badly. I assure you all... that in a room without ambient noise, I will hear you perfectly with my good ear. Thank you for your understanding. My new product is... CounterWatch™ Sentry... is a mass market item pet product, with unique Patent Pending Product features. This product was specifically designed to generate... high consumer appeal and demand, high sales volume, and most of all high profits ! CounterWatch™... is designed to antiquate and annihilate what little "competition" there is… It's That Much Better of A Product !!! It's a fact !... the pet industry continues with strong annual growth every year... and is proving to be immune to any lack-luster economy. So what are we waiting for !... let's get started learning... briefly about me, the market, the product, and the opportunity for us all to work together... for the greatest monetary gain. Teaming together, we will all substantially benefit financially from our combined strengths, bringing this new and unique product to the mass market for mass profits. So Let's Get Started !... does anybody have any quick questions ?...
  • 6. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 6
  • 7. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 7 About The Product Developer Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shawn Tait and my passion is, and always has been to solve a physical problem, create a solution to the problem in the form a needed product, and then successfully bring these new product concepts to market and enjoy the rewards. As a Manufacturing Engineer exclusively working with New Product Development Teams, I successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing Industries. Please allow me to give you all some perspective of myself and brief history. Do you want to hear the longer 2-3 minutes " Go-Fast Story ". You'll find it in the Appendix section, it's a page long... it's a fun life. At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years’ experience, small business owner, manufacturing engineer and consummate realist. Product Concept to Market Success is what I do best. Why I Am Here : Allow me to give you some perspective of myself and brief history. Normally I self- fund my new product ventures… however after the economic crash of 2008, this depleted all my resources. Three years ago, I began to create conceptual idea and the initial product design for a mass market consumer product that would be virtually immune to negative fluctuations in the economy. And for a recession proof business and or products that would still be in high demand during these downturns in the economy. Over the last two years of full-time 80+ hours a week of using the Premier CAD Software to design, I developed, and tested multiple iterations of CounterWatch™. To help finance this project, I sold my rare vintage motorcycles collection of over 25 collectibles valued at over $150,000 to self-fund CounterWatch™ from concept to patent pending status, and ready for market exploitation. I Shawn Tait the Inventor, has provided the value of concept, 2-3 years of unpaid development time, designing and prototyping product, and to patent pending status. The Pet Industry provides the stable platform for steady income revenue for the right product that I was looking for. CounterWatch™ is that right product !
  • 8. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 8
  • 9. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 9 About The Market Well I'd like to take a moment to speak about the Pet Market and the Market Potential of the New Product CounterWatch™. After presenting you with this product, I am confident you will see the Market Potential of CounterWatch™, and the profits it can generate for our team. Real Quick !... How many Pet Cats are in the USA ?, how many in other top ten major countries ? (127M) I could tell you exactly, but we all know to say the least, it's a lot ! USA (95M*, 76M***) | Top Ten Major Countries (127M*) That's 193M* Pet Cats in the World's Top Ten Countries. Over one third of Pet Cat Owners in the USA, own 2* or more cats, and over one quarter of Pet Cat Owners, own three or more cats... People love and spend money on their beloved cats... AND Lots of money... from fancy pet foods, fancy pet toys and while the pet owner typically also likes their fancy kitchen countertops, fancy floors and carpeting, and fancy furniture (clean & intact)... Unfortunately... our feline friends often do not respect these cherished belongings the same way as us humans do. Well we all know the rest of the story from here... So... What do you think is the number one, pet-peeve of the cat owners ?... yes you are right, getting on counter tops, also soiling and spraying areas, and, oh yes also climbing on drapes and hanging out or escaping from entry/exit doors. Pet Cat Owners have been searching forever for a low cost pet deterrent or training device and or method, that can prevent cats unwanted behavior and or intrusions, including all the above "pet-peeves" we talked about above. You know... if such a device and or method became available, perhaps the pet owner may want "to use this" in the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom etc. No-doubt that once a pet cat owner finds something that works so effectively as CounterWatch™, they will want to purchase 2-3 of the CounterWatch™ Deterrent and Training Devices and place them strategically though out their household, for total household coverage.
  • 10. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 10
  • 11. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 11 “ Even during the Great Recession, which slowed demand throughout most of the retail sector, the industry continued to yield revenue growth. This trend was mainly driven by an increasing number of pet parents, or pet owners who treat their four-legged friends as family members. “ “ In the five years to 2014, industry growth has largely been attributable to higher pet ownership and accompanying demand for pet products. ” IBISWorld 2014 US Pet Industry Report It's a fact !... the pet industry continues with strong annual growth every year... and is proving to be immune to any lack-luster economy. CounterWatch™ is that right product !
  • 12. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, INC. Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 12 CounterWatch™ " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 13. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 13 About The Product : CounterWatch™ CounterWatch™ is a portable hi-tech animal deterrent and training device, that is a compact portable low cost, and is an extremely effective solution for training and deterring indoor pets away from off-limits unwanted areas or unwanted surfaces. New Product Details : The ALL NEW ... CounterWatch™ is a High-Tech Cat Deterrent System that deters cats to stay off of your counters, table tops, furniture, climbing curtains, floor areas and from hanging out at your entry door (as they just don't like being squirted or misted with simple inexpensive water). CounterWatch™ has up to 5 user modes (which keeps the cat from assimilating to the same deterrent event). The Spray and or Audible Sound Deterrent is triggered by a PIR Infrared Heat Sensor (with a detection range of 1-5 feet). CounterWatch™ utilizes a user settable programmable mode microcontroller that is powered by 4 long life standard AA batteries. Small footprint allows CounterWatch™ to remain in place and not interfere with pet owners using the counter, table tops and other use areas. CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent System designed to please even the most discerning pet owner. Patented Pending Shielded Sensor and Dual-Action and Dual-Use Pet Deterrent System  Shielded Sensor : Prevents unwanted triggering of deterrent device by human  Dual-Action : PIR Infrared Detection Sensor Activates Spray & Sound Deterrents.  Dual-Use : Positions Both Horizontal and Vertically. (Horizontally for Flat Counter/Floor Surfaces and Vertically for Hanging from Door Knobs or Drawer/Cabinet Door Knobs/Handles, Curtain Rods etc.). Features :  Easy To Use and Setup  Armed LED Indicator  Large Easily Refillable Spray Deterrent Reservoir  Automatic InfraRed Range Sensor Senses and Deters/Repels Cats up to 60"/1.5M  3 Easy-To-Use Deterrent Training Modes (Spray Only; Tone/Voice Only; Spray & Tone/Voice). Record Voice or Sound for up to 10 Seconds of Playback.  Low Battery LED Indicator (4 Stage)  Direct or Passive Spray Deterrent Modes. Direct Deterrent Water Spray Contacting Pet, or fill with CounterWatch™ Organic Citrus Mist Repellent for Passive Non-Pet Contact.  Adjustable Trajectory Sprayer (Up-Down) and Spray Nozzle (Mist-Spray-Jet) Ease of Use : Easily... Position to use Effectively for Maximum Deterrent Effect ! Easily... Refill in Just Seconds with Inexpensive Tap Water or your favorite deterrent.
  • 14. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 14 CounterWatch™ and the competitor's products Why is CounterWatch™ Better ?... It's Not Like the Competition… No Expensive Refills to Buy !!!... Easily Refill with Water or your favorite liquid deterrent. No Electrical Shock !!!... Never shock your pet and Kid-Safe. No Limits !!!... Works in almost any Position *** Why CounterWatch Sentry is the Best Deterrent Product on the Market ! *** Cat Deterrent Comparison Table Product Automatic Spray Deterrent Shocks Pet Automatic Audible Alert Remove before Human Uses Area* Expensive Refills Required MSRP** CounterWatch by ACP Yes No Yes No No $46.95 SSScat by InnoTek Yes - No Yes Yes $31.95 StayAway by Contech Yes - Yes Yes Yes $49.99 Pawz Away SSScat by PetSafe Yes - Yes Yes Yes $36.95 Pawz Away Spray Deterrent by PetSafe Yes - Yes Yes Yes $37.95 Scat Mat by Pawz Away (48" x 20" Mat Size) - Yes Yes Yes - $74.99 TattleTale by K-II No - Yes Yes No $39.95 * You should remove this device(s) from active deterrent area before human use. Remove deterrent from counters, furniture, floor or door areas before area can be used safely by humans to avert being pricked, sprayed or shocked ! ** MSRP as listed on manufacturers website as of Aug. 2013. All information derived from Manufacturer's literature. How the Competitors Product Works and Does Not Work  Audible Noise Deterrents - Have a major limitation with today's modern home full of audible sounds, beeps, voices etc., such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting electronic devices. The pet to be deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent sound, as the pet is unable to differentiate from device deterrent audible sounds from environmental or ordinary daily household sounds and noises.  Mats-Audible Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits Audible Sound/Beep. Pet to be Deterred Quickly Assimilates to a Single Audible Deterrent Sound. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.  Mats-Electro Shock Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits Electric Shock. Take Care Around Young Children. Shocking Your Pet is Not Cool ! Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
  • 15. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 15  Mats-Prickly Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat is Constructed with Nail Like Protrusions. Effective for Horizontal Surface. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.  Mats-Sticky Tape Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat is Coated with a Sticky Chemical Adhesive Similar to Insect-Fly Paper. Effective for Horizontal Surface, However Sticky Mat may Accumulate Debris and Need Frequent Cleaning. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.  Spray Air Devices Deterrent - Place Device in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks in Sensor Range, Device Emits Short Blast of Canned Air. Effective for Horizontal Surface, However Consumable Aerosol Deterrent Refills make It Absolutely Cost Prohibitive To Operate (i.e. A one stubborn pet cat in a household may trigger canned air blast usage of 2 or more proprietary and expensive canned air deterrent refills @ $10 each weekly; that's $20 a week !... for one cat !!). Redirect Sensor or Turn Off before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.  Spray Scent Deterrents - Current Market Products Vary in Their Approaches and Chemistry. And are Sold Typically in a 8-12oz. Sprayer Bottle for Spraying Scent Deterrent in a Small Off-Limits Area. Some are Effective and Some Not. How CounterWatch™ Works and It's Competitive Advantages CounterWatch device uses means and methods that join active contact and non- contact passive training and deterrent methods, together creating a synergistic result in the training and deterrent of the indoor household animals. Why Our Product is Best :  No Mandatory Consumables to Purchase, Simply Refill with Tap Water or CounterWatch™ Aromatic Organic Citrus Scent Deterrent.  Unattended Hands Free Operation  No Electrical Shock Hazard  Small Footprint  Cats unlikely to assimilate to multiple varying deterrent events.  Can be used both on a horizontal surfaces, or hung from a vertical surface.  Low Profile Stylish Stealth Design. A Designer Pet Product.  CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent and Training System designed to please even the most discerning pet owner. Advantages over competition :  No Expensive Proprietary Canned Air Deterrent Refills to buy.  Deterrent Supply Level Visible with Translucent Reservoir.  No Cruel and Barbaric Shocking of your Pets.  No Mats to Remove and Stow Before The Pet Owner Uses Pet Off-Limits Areas.
  • 16. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 16
  • 17. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 17 CounterWatch™ Product Details Current Status of Manufacture : CounterWatch  Working Electronics System has Been Demonstrated to Work Reliably and Efficient with Power Source Reserves. Tested and Ready for Production.  Working Fluid Dispensing System has Been Demonstrated to Work Reliably and Efficiently. Tested and Ready for Production.  Working CounterWatch™ Prototypes 001-003 are nearly completed. How Much to Manufacture : CounterWatch  $8-$10 USD Landed; Std. or Deluxe Model. Constructed from High Quality Chinese Components and Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction. Suggested Retail Price : CounterWatch  $44.95 USD Standard Model  $48.95 USD Deluxe Model Brilliant and Fashionable Hydrographic pattern finish applied to CounterWatch™ Top Cover Housing; such as camouflage, flames, Hello-Kitty-Cat, leopard rosette pattern, or any marketable logo/pattern. For your imagination... CounterWatch with... Optional Accessories : CounterWatch  $8.95 Aromatic Deterrent Scent 4:1 Concentrate 8oz.  $14.95 CounterWatch™ Organic Citrus Mist Repellent 12oz.  $6.95 Fashion Lanyard Hanger Strap  $6.95 Suction Cup Hanger 2pk (Oversize 3" dia.) Product Specifications : CounterWatch  Size : 5.5"(141mm) x 2.75"(70mm) x 1.9"(49mm) Weight : 8oz.(225gr)  Power Supply : 6VDC (4x1.5v AA Batteries) Chassis and Enclosure Components : CounterWatch  Bottom Chassis : Houses major electronic and mechanical components. Injection Molded.  Top Cover : Houses control panel pcb, speaker and covers main components and chassis. Injection Molded.  Finish : Std. Model - Molded Plastic | Deluxe Model - Hydrographic  2-3 Injection Molded Colors for Assembly - (inc. Clear Translucent for Reservoir) Packaging and Display : CounterWatch  Retail Clamshell 9" x 6.5" x 2" with Product Placard for Hanging Display Rack
  • 18. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 18 " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 19. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 19 Business Plan for CounterWatch™_______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT DEVELOPER GOAL : To launch CounterWatch™ the product, solicit and obtain both domestic and international licensees, to manufacture and or distribute CounterWatch™ under direct exclusive license. Scale to international markets for maximum sales and profits. As an experienced manufacturing engineer, new product developer and entrepreneur of 25+ years, my original intent was to license CounterWatch™ and forego the typical route of manufacturing, marketing, order fulfillment, that entail large financial risk, with overhead cost, inventory costs, financing customer purchase orders, and waiting for the receivables. Below graph shows comparatively between two Business Models, the low risk Licensor Business Model, and the higher risk Manufacturing Business Model that generates mass profits. Product Licenseing Business Model CounterWatch™ : MFG Cost : $9.00 CounterWatch™ : DLR Cost : $21.25 5% Royalty per Unit : $1.00 CounterWatch™ : MSRP : $46.95 * Licensing Royalty % = 3-7% of Wholesale Sales is Industry Standard. Manufacturer to Distributor Business Model Channel GM% CounterWatch™ : MFG Cost/COG : $9.00 50% CounterWatch™ : DIST. Cost : $18.00 15% 50% Mfg. Profit per Unit : $9.00 CounterWatch™ : MSRP : $46.95 55% * Distributor Profit Margin Selling Wholesale to Retailiers = 5-15% Industry Standard. Market Share Retail Store Store Locations Realistic Sales Level Weekly Unit Sales per Store Annual Unit Sales per Store Weekly Royalty Profit Annual Royalty Royatly or Mfg. Weekly Mfg. Profit Annual Mfg. Profit 40% PetSmart - USA & Canada 1,500 Median 2.75 143 $4,120 $214,232 <----> $37,105 $1,929,472 20% PetCo - USA & Mexico 1,500 Median 1.5 78 $2,247 $116,854 <----> $20,239 $1,052,439 40% Independent Pet Retailers - USA 11,800 Median 0.75 39 $8,839 $459,625 <----> $79,608 $4,139,595 " Wal-Mart Super Center - USA 3,000 Median 1.25 65 $3,745 $194,756 <----> $33,732 $1,754,066 " Wal-Mart - USA 1,200 Median 0 0 $0 $0 <----> $0 $0 Independents and Non-Specialty Stores (such as the local pet stores and Amazon, Walmart etc.) as of 2014 = 40% Market Share. 17,932 Stores including Wal-Mart. <Distributor Sell-To Price> OR <Dealer Wholesale Sell-In Price> $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,500,000 1 License to PetCo - USA & Mexico License to PetSmart - USA & Canada Distribution to Independent Pet Retailers Distribution to PetCo - USA & Mexico Distribution to PetSmart - USA & Canada Distribution to Wal-Mart - USA Profit Revenue - Product Licensingor Manufacturer to DistributorModel Licensor BusinessModel Manufacturerto Distributor BusinessModel * Depending on Investor Interest * Product Developer is receptive to 2 Separate Business Models, Monetization Paths, & Business and Marketing Plans CounterWatch™
  • 20. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 20 The Licensor or Manufacturer Business Model Evaluating net product profits, for both the Licensor Business Model and the Manufacturing to Distributor Business Model, and recognizing the potential of exponentially more gross sales revenue, and large gross margins with the Manufacturing Business Model, the Product Developer would consider manufacturing CounterWatch™ the product, for Direct Sales to Pet Superstores and Distributors for maximum profit. With the right Investor(s) and or Equity Partner(s), and depending on Investor(s) interest, the Product Developer is receptive to 2 separate Monetization Paths, Business Plans, and Marketing Plans for CounterWatch™ the product. Funding : The Licensor or Manufacturer Business Model Depending on Investor(s) interest and capacity, this will play a vital role in which direction the Product Developer will take CounterWatch™ the product, successfully to market. The Product Developer is receptive and open to investor input, suggestions and options. With the completion of the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of CounterWatch™, and both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek $100,000 in short- term loans for the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™. Investors providing Short-Term Loans will be compensated with a 22.5% APR ROI, Term 24 Months, Interest Paid in Full the 18th month, Principal Paid in Full the 24th month. At terms end, an Investment Opportunity may be offered, if both parties are in agreement, for a possible equity position. Product Launch to Market Phase – Licensor Business Model New Product Launch... The proceeding Business and Marketing Plan, is meant to be a guide work for quick prototype completion, speedy product launch to market, and a minimal investment, with maximum product exposure through an organized media blitz campaign, creating a buzz to excite potential licensees, and induce potential licensees in to signing a manufacturing and or distribution agreement for CounterWatch™, for a specific region or country. PRODUCT LAUNCH TO MARKET PHASE : Please find the proceeding table, and a list of tasks to be immediately completed with capital from short-term loans. Timeline is dependent on the capital infusion rate achieved. Every effort will be made to assure enough capital resources are on hand available for necessary events and or tasks, to be rapidly completed.
  • 21. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 21 ^ ^^ Task-Event Project Finish by Date Resources PD-Time Resources Money Supplier Contractor Notes 1 USPTO Trademark Application 12/30/14 - $200 oDesk - Amit Application 1A USPTO Trademark Filing 12/30/14 - $350 USPTO Filings 2 Finalization of Electronics System PCB Schematic for Prototype 001-003. 1/15/15 25 hrs. $350 PD-Shawn oDesk - TBD Contract a EE Electronics Engineer 2A Finalized PCB Prototypes 001-003 1/30/15 15 hrs. $150 Screaming Circuits PCB House 1B USPTO Foreign Patent Application - PCT 1/30/15 - $1,000 oDesk - Amit PCT Application 1C USPTO Foreign PCT Filing 1/30/15 - $2,800 USPTO PCT Filings 3 New Product Press Release 2/1/15 20 hrs. $350 oDesk - TBD Contract a 3A Submittal of Press Releases TBD 20 hrs. $50 Send Hardcopy Submit Online 3B Social Media Campaign TBD 30 hrs. $2,000 TBD Contract a pro. 4 PetSmart Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 5 PetCo Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 6 Walmart Presentation 4/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 7 Multi-Vet, Ltd. Presentation Canada 4/30/15 60 hrs. $5,000 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 8 Global Pet Expo - Orlando March 4-6, 2015 3/10/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 9 SuperZoo - Las Vegas July 21-23, 2015 1/30/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation 10 Total Pet Expo - Chicago September 18-20, 2015 9/8/15 60 hrs. $3,500 Alaska Airlines Quality Inn Enterprise Airfare (RT2) Lodging (2;3) Transportation Total : $33,250 CounterWatch™ Based Upon Desired Capitalization Level => $30,000 Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline - Begin Product Licensee or Product Sales Campaign - Directly Meet to Present Product - - Begin Trade Show Campaign - No Booth, Just A Wide Visible Presence - - Finalzed USPTO Domestic Filings : Utility, Design and Trademark filings - - Begin Media Blitz Campaign - Innovative New Product - with Human Interest Story - - Finalze Electronics : For Working Protoypes 001-003 - - Begin USPTO Internatinal Filings : PCT filings -
  • 22. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 22 PRODUCT PRIORITIES & GOALS : Reviewing the Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline Table, indicates the priority number of each Task, Event and Cost. After Task 3B, the Media Blitz Campaign, it would be ideal, to quickly obtain a Exclusive Domestic Manufacturing and Distribution Licensee Agreement with a major retailer or distributor, 4-7. This would meet the developer's goal for the domestic marketplace, and would preclude from having to proceed to item 8-10, the Domestic Trade Show Campaign. Primary focus is securing immediate mass market domestic distribution for CounterWatch™, reaching the domestic goal of signing a Exclusive Domestic Manufacturing and Distribution Licensee Agreement with a major manufacturer, distributor or superstore retailer. While diligently executing the above Primary Focus, if available resources allow, contact a Manufacturer's Rep or recruit a contract hire, to seek, sign and secure International Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution Licensee Agreements, licensed by Country or Region. With USPTO Foreign Patent PCT Filing completed, 1C, CounterWatch™ can be aggressively marketed in major world market regions, such as the European Market, South East Asia Market and South American Markets. These markets must be aggressively pursued, and not overlooked as to their importance to generate mass sales and high profits. WHEN THE GOALS ARE MET : With the Developer Goals, and Product Priorities & Goals Met, I the Product Developer, will be off to the next project, and free again to bring another new and profitable product to the marketplace. BUSINESS PLANS : Business Plans are just that, a plan, based upon current conditions, thoughts, and or forecasts. So as both in life, and in business, as conditions and status dictate, we learn to make changes, adjustments, and compromises to the business plan. This ability to revise a business plan is essential to adapt, conquer, and generate high profits. ALTERNATE PATHS AND PLANS : As a experienced and successful product developer, and small business owner of 25+ years, I know plans sometimes need to be changed and or expanded, so with that said, I will describe in the below table, several "what if scenarios" that I can envision in the market exploitation process of successfully bringing CounterWatch™ to the mass market, and achieving highly profitable results. Please review the proceeding... What If Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans Table…
  • 23. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 23 What if Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans What if Scenario Description Remedy Note What if Scenario #1 Utility Patent Rejected Design Patent Not Likely. What if Scenario #2 Design Patent Rejected - Not Possible. What if Scenario #3 Under Capitalized Get Capitalized ASAP - What if Scenario #4 Foreign PCT Patent Rejected - Not Likely. What if Scenario #5 Beginning the… Licensor Business Model Top Prospective Licensees & Retailers Slow to Set Meeting for Product License Offer. Motivate them to act now or lose out to competitor. - What if Scenario #6 Top 3 Domestic Retailers No Longer License Products, or Not Interested in Manufacturing, Perhaps Just a Exclusive Distribution Agreement. Meet with Multi-Vet, Ltd. - Canada. Specializing in Electronic Pet Deterrent Devices. International Mfg. and Distributor. Surely More Profitable Than Just Licensing to 1 Exclusive Major Pet Retailer such as PetSmart. What if Scenario #7 Multi-Vet, Ltd. of Canada has NIH Mentality. Solicit to Known Appropriate Domestic Manufacturers and or Licensors with Mass Retailer Distribution within the Pet Industry, such as (ConTech, InnoTek, PetSafe, etc.) Possibly More Profitable Than Just Licensing to 1 Exclusive Major Pet Retailer such as PetSmart. What if Scenario #8 Beginning the… MFG. to DIST. Business Model No Interested Licensees to take on the Manufacture of CounterWatch™, offered Purchase Orders. Evaluate for Manufacturing, Marketing and Distribution of CounterWatch™. Perhaps Again, I am in the Manufacturing and Finance Business. See Appendix.
  • 24. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 24 Product Launch to Operational Phase PRODUCT DEVELOPER GOAL : 1. Launch CounterWatch™ the Product. 2. Solicit and Obtain Both Domestic and International Licensees, to Manufacture and or Distribute CounterWatch™. 3. Scale to International Markets for Maximum Sales and Profits. PROTOTYPE COMPLETION AND PATENT PENDING With the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of CounterWatch™ completed, and both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek $100,000 in Short-Term Loans for the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™. FUND PRODUCT LAUNCH TO MARKET PHASE Investors providing Short-Term Loans will be compensated with a 22.5% APR ROI, Term 24 Months, Interest Paid in Full the 18th month, Principal Paid in Full the 24th month. At terms end, an Investment Opportunity may be offered, if both parties are in agreement, for a possible equity position. WITH FUNDING REALIZED Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™ rapidly emerges according to set plan, please refer to the Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline Table. EXECUTE PRODUCT LAUNCH TO MARKET PHASE As the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™ progresses, I will describe several "what if scenarios" that I can envision in the market exploitation process, please refer to the What if Scenarios - Alternate Paths and Plans Table. SCALE TO INTERNAIONAL MARKETS Scale CounterWatch™ to European Market, South East Asia Market and South American Markets for Maximum Profits. RECEIVE ROYALTY IN PERPITUITY With Maximum Domestic and International Market Penetration Realized, and Median Sales Levels of CounterWatch™, Monitor Licensee Sales Performance and Promote CounterWatch™ . Business Plan for CounterWatch™ Licensor Business Model
  • 25. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 25 Target Markets Domestic Market : Offering : Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License Agreement Priority of Offering Exclusive Licensing Agreement : 1. CORPORATE PET RETAIL SUPERSTORE CHAIN... PetSmart Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License - USA-Canada 2. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER AND OR DISTRIBUTOR... Multi-Vet Ltd., ConTech, InnoTek, or PetSafe Direct Exclusive License - North America 3. CORPORATE PET RETAIL SUPERSTORE CHAIN... PetCo (20% market share) Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License - USA-Mexico Note : #2 Would allow the largest domestic geographical distribution coverage for CounterWatch™, significantly higher sales volume, and the highest profits, due to avoiding the a Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License with say PetSmart, and PetSmart only. International Markets : Offering : Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License Agreements Priority of Offering Exclusive Licensing Agreements : 1. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER-DISTRIBUTOR Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License 2. MAJOR PET PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR Direct Exclusive Distribution License Note : #2 Distributor Type would require supplying the International Distributor, with CounterWatch™ the physical product, for distribution. It would be great if our domestic partner/licensee allows the purchase of CounterWatch™ at a small margin (15-30%) above manufacturing costs, to our entity, to supply our international distributors for their requirement. Target Markets for CounterWatch™ Licensor Business Model
  • 26. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 26 Product Launch to Exit Phase PRODUCT DEVELOPER GOALS 1. Launch CounterWatch™ the product. 2. Manufacture CounterWatch™ for Direct Sales to Pet Superstore Retailers and Distributors. Yields Maximum Market Penetration and Highest Profit Margin. 3. Solicit for International Licensees, to Manufacture and or Distribute CounterWatch™. Allow General Worldwide Sales. 4. Scale to International Markets for Maximum Sales and Profits. PROTOTYPE COMPLETION AND PATENT PENDING With the Design Phase, Proof of Concept, Testing Phase of CounterWatch™ completed, and both Utility and Design Patents Pending, we seek Equity Investor for Product Launch. FUND PRODUCT LAUNCH TO EXIT PHASE Secure Investor for Equity Stake in CounterWatch™, including the Value of Patents Pending, Trademarks, Domestic and International Licensee Paid Royalties, and Profits Generated by General Worldwide Sales of CounterWatch™. Equity Partner Qualification : Must have the Financial Ability to Fund, Tooling Cost, Warehouse, Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Have Enough Resources Available to Scale CounterWatch™ to International Markets. PRODUCTION TOOLING – INITIAL PRODUCTION RUN Immediately begin the rapid construction of the necessary tooling needed to produce CounterWatch™, primarily the Plastic Injection Molds as this could take 3 months. Initial Production Run : 10,000 units of CounterWatch™ EXECUTE PRODUCT LAUNCH TO MARKET PHASE Parallel to the Initial Production Run, conduct the Product Launch to Market Phase of CounterWatch™ . Correlate New Product Launch Timing Closely, Media Blitz to Ready to Ship. SCALE TO INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Scale CounterWatch™ to European Market, South East Asia Market and South American Markets for Maximum Profits. EXIT STRATEGY AFTER MARKET PROPIGATION Product Developer has No Interest In Owning and Operating a Long Term Manufacturing and Finance Business. Within 2-3 Years Of Product Launch and or Suitable Market Penetration Has Been Realized, Sell Manufacturing Business, and Maintain All Manufacturing and or Distribution Licensing Agreements for CounterWatch™ in Perpetuity. Business Plan for CounterWatch™ Manufacturer Business Model
  • 27. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 27 Target Markets Domestic Market : Offering : CounterWatch™ the product. Priority of Offering : 1. CORPORATE PET RETAIL SUPERSTORE CHAINS Manufacturer Direct to Superstore Retailer PetSmart, PetCo, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, PetZone, etc. 2. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER AND OR DISTRIBUTOR License to Manufacture for Direct Sale to Distributor Multi-Vet Ltd., ConTech, InnoTek, PetSafe, etc. 3. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTORS Manufacturer Direct to Distributor Increased Exposure and Sales to Independent Pet Retailers. Note : #2 Could allow the largest domestic geographical distribution coverage for CounterWatch™, significantly adding higher sales volume, and profits. International Markets : Offering : CounterWatch™ the product under Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License by Country or Geographical Region. Priority of Offering : 1. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER-DISTRIBUTOR Direct Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License (by Country or Geographical Region) 2. MAJOR PET PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR Direct Exclusive Distribution License (by Country or Geographical Region) Target Markets for CounterWatch™ Manufacturer Business Model
  • 28. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 28
  • 29. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 29 Market Plan Strategy The market plan strategy will be divided in three phases. The three phases are Introduction Phase, Operational Phase, and the Maintenance Phase. Introduction Phase One - Domestic Market INTRODUCTION OF NEW PRODUCT COUNTERWATCH™ Conduct a Media Blitz Campaign to achieve mass market exposure and awareness for a new and exciting product...CounterWatch™. Refer to the Product Launch Phase - Tasks, Events, Costs & Timeline Table, for proper timing with ready to ship product status. Goal is create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice major pet retailers, manufacturers and or distributors to sign a licensing agreement or purchase orders.  PERSONAL CONTACT WITHIN THE PET INDUSTRY  PET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONS  DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE PUBLICATIONS  SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN  YOUTUBE PRESENCE  MAINSTREAM TELEVISION MEDIA  WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET EXPOSURE Operational Phase - Domestic & International Markets Licensee and Purchase Agreements are in-place, and CounterWatch™ is distributed. Goal is to rapidly increase new product market exposure and sales.  SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN  YOUTUBE PRESENCE  WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET EXPOSURE Maintenance Phase - Domestic & International Markets Licensee and Purchase Agreements are in-place, and CounterWatch™ is meeting expected sales goals and becoming more widely distributed. Goal is to increase CounterWatch™ market exposure and sales.  SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN  YOUTUBE PRESENCE  WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET EXPOSURE We will measure response, evaluate, and continue all successful marketing campaigns to help further promote the product, and the profitability of CounterWatch™.
  • 30. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 30 Reaching the Markets Worldwide market exposure will be accomplished through Personal Contact within Pet Industry and Domestic and International Trade Publications, Pet Products Industry Association, Social Media Campaign, Internet Web Sites, Consumer Interest and Pet Magazines, and a General Media Blitz Campaign to Main Stream Media. PERSONAL CONTACT WITHIN THE PET INDUSTRY I have found over the years, that personal contact with key professionals within the industry, the media, and speaking to various manufacturer and distributors, to always be beneficial in obtaining current and vital information, locating Industry contacts and sales leads, and often providing a direct path to where I want to go, to achieve my market success and profits. PET PRODUCTS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION – APPA Membership with American Pet Products Association provides members, with direct contact leads with key domestic and international distributors and manufacturers representatives. DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE PUBLICATIONS Knowing the Product Launch to Market Phase was upcoming, I contacted and spoke with several key individuals within the international and domestic pet industry news and media organizations, I was cordially and well received, and all seemed genuinely interested in hearing the very basic and generalized definition of my new and exciting automatic pet deterrent product CounterWatch™. In my conversations with media sources, I noted that my product is soon to be patented in which at the point, I can explain about the product more in detail. All contacted specifically asked when I am ready to launch, to please provide them with a New Product Press Release for publication (in the industry media and trade journals). Once the New Product Press Release is received by the media, there is a 4-7 week publication lead-time, before distribution occurs. Once the media publication contains the New Product Press Release is distributed, and in the hands of all to see and read, CounterWatch™ instantly becomes visible and exposed to the entire Pet Industry, Pet Product Manufacturers, Pet Product Distributors, Pet Product Buyers for Retail Chains, and Pet Product Buyers for Independent Retailers (Independent Retailers such as the Neighborhood Pet Store Buyer, and yes Wal-Mart Pet Product Buyers !). The New Product Release Section of any industry trade journal/website is must read for manufacturers, distributors, and product buyers, all of which are potential licensees for CounterWatch™, and want to profit from such new products.
  • 31. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 31 SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN A strong presence on social media is vital to help create high online visibility, and help induce a buzz with Pet Industry Product Buyers and Potential Licensees. Contract hire a professional, that specializes in creating a social media presence for products. YOUTUBE PRESENCE A strong presence on YouTube is vital to help create and support high online visibility, and help induce a buzz with Pet Industry Product Buyers and Potential Licensees. Post videos of CounterWatch™ operating in both Direct Contact Mode and Non-Contact Passive Mode, Vertically and Horizontal Operating Scenarios, demonstrating the effectives of CounterWatch™ as a serious training and deterrent product. Be sure to demonstrate that CounterWatch™ also has a bit-of-fun built-in to it too, this could help generate viral videos and offer mass market exposure for CounterWatch™. WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET EXPOSURE Create a product website for CounterWatch™, to provide Pet Industry Buyers and the general public with CounterWatch™ product details, information and updates. MAINSTREAM TELEVISION MEDIA CONSUMER INTEREST AND PET MAGAZINE-ONLINE MEDIA Personal contact with the media sources and New Product Editors will be made, communication will then be followed up with providing the media contacts with a New Product Press Release for publication and broadcast for mainstream public viewing. Once the New Product Press Release is received by the media, there is a 1-6 week lead-time before publication or broadcast occurs. Once the New Product Press Release is disseminated and out in the public domain, CounterWatch™ instantly becomes visible and exposed to the entire viewing population. The television media, will surely exploit this new and exciting product CounterWatch™, in the best way possible, in ways that will challenge, and then prove it's claimed ability as " The Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product ", and remember, that CounterWatch™ has a bit-of-fun built-in to it too, allowing the media to be very creative in the demonstration of CounterWatch™ to their viewers. Pet Owners and the all important Pet Product Manufacturers, Pet Product Distributors, Pet Product Buyers for Superstore Retail Chains, and Independent Retailers will notice CounterWatch™ in the mainstream media, surely taking note, as a must buy !
  • 32. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 32 " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 33. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 33 Monetization of CounterWatch™ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The monetization strategy for the domestic marketplace is divided in to three groups. These three groups, have different risk, effort involved, and profit potential levels, and must be weighed with the product developer and any equity investors, short-term and long term goals.  Monetization Strategy 1 – License to only one domestic Pet Superstore Retailer.  Monetization Strategy 2 – Licensing a manufacturer to exclusively produce and or distribute CounterWatch™ (and that has no agreement, to exclusively distribute said product, to a specific retailer such as PetSmart). Manufacturer will welcome increasing their sales and profits producing and selling CounterWatch™.  Monetization Strategy 3 – Manufacture CounterWatch™ for General Sales. Please refer to the preceding... Profit Revenue - Product Licensing or Manufacturer to Distributor Model graph. Monetization Strategy 1 [ Domestic Market ] Adequate Profits - Stress Free Create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice the major pet superstore retailer to sign a licensing agreement. CORPORATE PET RETAIL SUPERSTORE CHAIN - PetSmart Under Exclusive Manufacturing and Distribution License ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a week $234,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity Monetization Strategy 2 [ Domestic Market ] Moderate-High Profits - Stress Free Create the initial market exposure for CounterWatch™, to attract and entice a major pet product manufacturer to sign a licensing agreement. MAJOR PET MANUFACTURER AND OR DISTRIBUTOR - Multi-Vet Ltd., etc. Under Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a week = $234,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity Each PetCo store selling 1 unit a week = $78,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity Each Wal-Mart store selling 2 units a week = $438,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity $750,000 in Annual Royalty in Perpetuity Annual Royalty in Perpetuity is based upon a $20 Wholesale Sell-In Price @ 5% Royalty.
  • 34. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 34 Monetization Strategy 3 [ Domestic Market - International Markets ] Highest Risk - Highest Profits - Manufacturing & Finance Business Document the processes and mechanisms of manufacture, the tooling needed, and necessary protocols for the manufacture of CounterWatch™. Parts and components needed to produce CounterWatch™, may be sourced and or produced off-shore, mainly China. Electronics PCB Component Modules and DC Motor are produced in China. For the Plastic Injection Molded Parts, it is preferable to have the molds on US soil, and the parts molded domestically to control quality and forego import costs. Overseas sources of supply to produce CounterWatch™, have already been sourced and contacted to obtain a basis for manufacturing cost at low quantity. Four vendors are needed. DC Motor Gear Reduction Drive Supplier - China PCB Electronics House - China Injection Mold House – China or preferably USA Assembly & Packaging - USA Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction ! The tooling needed is, Plastic Injection Molds 1) Lower Chassis, 2) Upper Cover, 3) Liquid Spray Reservoir Assembly Parts, and 4) Injection Mold for the Spray Pump Piston and Spray Nozzle Assembly Parts, for a total of 3-4 plastic injection molds depending on design. After the cost of designing and producing the above necessary tooling to manufacture CounterWatch™ is amortized, the following mfg. cost can be realized. Unit Distributor Price $18 - Unit Mfg Cost $9-$10 = $9 Unit Mfg Gross Profit PRODUCT DEVELOPER MANUFACTURES CounterWatch™ Selling Direct to Pet Industry Distributors Supplying Retailers ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each PetSmart store selling 3 units a week = $2,104,8 79 In Mfg. Annual Gross Profit Each PetCo store selling 1 unit a week = $701,626 in Mfg. Annual Gross Profit Each Wal-Mart store selling 1 unit a week = $1,403,2 53 in Mfg. Annual Gross Profit $4,209,758 in Mfg. Annual Gross Profit - [ Domestic Market Only ] Annual Profit is based upon a $9 Mfg. Cost and a Distributor Sell-To Price of $18 Very Enticing Profits ! Requires Significant Resources for Tooling, Pre-Production Financing, Overhead, and Carrying and Collecting Customer Receivables
  • 35. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, INC. Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 35 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Product Launch Phase First Round Funding : Seeking $100,000 in Loans (up to 25 investors @ $1K-$100K each) Used for : USPTO Foreign PCT Patent Application filing, completing prototypes, professional electronics design, press releases, media and social network blitz, presentation costs (inc. airfare & lodging), marketing materials, and minimal operating costs. Term : 24 months ROI 22.5 % APR : Interest Paid in Full to Investor at 18th month mark for 24 month loan, principal loaned Paid in Full the 24th month, or if both parties are in agreement, investor may convert principal loaned amount, plus an added investor conversion bonus of 15% of loaned amount, to an equity stake, based on current valuation of entity or common stock value, and receive semi-annual equity based percentage profit sharing payments. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exclusive Foreign Manufacturing and or Distribution License by Country Price : $100,000 Licensing Fee per Country with 5% Royalty on Annual Gross Sales Minimum Annual Gross Sales Requirement : TBN Royalty in Perpetuity Payments : Paid Quarterly (every three months) Term : 5 Years __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 36. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 36 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Short-Term Equity Opportunity Applicable to Manufacturer to Distributor Business Model Product Launch To Exit Strategy Current Pre-Market Product Valuation : $1,200,000 (based upon 2015 and 2016 Sales Forecast-Income Statement) - NO SALES TO DATE AS THIS IS A PRE-MASS MARKET PRODUCT – Equity Partner Offer : $300,000 Buy-In for 25% Equity Stake in CounterWatch™, including the Value of Patents Pending, Trademarks, Domestic and International Licensee Paid Royalties, and Profits generated by General Worldwide Sales of CounterWatch™. Equity Partner Qualification : Must have the Financial Ability to Initially Fund up to $300,000 for Tooling Cost, Inventory, Marketing, Daily Operations, Warehouse, and to Scale CounterWatch™ to International Markets. With profits realized, the Product Developer repays 75% of Initial Funding. Exit Strategy Agreement : Within 2-3 years after product launch and or suitable moderate market penetration has be achieved, Product Developer proposes selling manufacturing business, recovering monetary investments, while maintaining Manufacturing Licensing Agreements for CounterWatch™ for Royalty in Perpetuity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noting Inventor's Investment : The “ Skin in the Game “. Three years ago, I the Product Developer began to conceptualize an initial product design for a mass market consumer product that will generate mass profits, and would be virtually immune to fluctuations in the economy. Over the last two years, 80+ hours a week of using the Premier CAD Software to design, I developed, and tested multiple iterations of CounterWatch™. To help finance this project, I sold my rare vintage motorcycle collection of over 25 collectibles valued at over $150,000 to self-fund CounterWatch™ from concept to patent pending status, and now ready for market exploitation.
  • 37. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 37 Appendix :  The Inventor and Product Developer of CounterWatch™ : Shawn Tait  CounterWatch™ - Simple to Fill and Use  Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001  CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes in Various Colors  Preliminary Retail Packaging and Display Suggestions for CounterWatch™  Competitor Product Information and Pictures  Current List of Investors  Current List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees  Intellectual Property Information  Manufacturing to Distributor Business Model  Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References  Sources of Referenced Information File Attachments Available :  Utility Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format  Design Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format  Manufacturing Cost Details for CounterWatch™  Manufacturing Facility Cost Details for CounterWatch™  2015 and 2016 Income Statements Based on Projected Sales Forecast  Supporting Documents for 2015 and 2016 Income Statements  Trade Mark Documentation (to be filed 12/30/14)  IBISWorld Industry Reports - 2014 US Pet Store Industry  CounterWatch™ Instructions and Training Guide
  • 38. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 38 The Inventor and Product Developer of CounterWatch™ : Shawn Tait As a Manufacturing Engineer exclusively working with New Product Development Teams, I successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing Industries. My passion is, and always has been to solve a physical problem, create a solution to the problem in the form a needed product, and then successfully bring these new product concepts to market and enjoy the rewards. _______________________________________ My History and Passion ("My Go Fast Story") : It all started for me at the age of 7… I wanted to go-faster, as I told mommy sitting in my racing go kart, mom says “we have no money to buy those high-tech go-fast racing parts, sorry”. So I had to figure out my own way to go faster. At the age of 7-12 years old, I studied every math and engineering book I could get my hands on (from old engineering library books and college textbooks), and began learning how to design, develop and make my own motorcycle go-fast parts (among everything else!, that interested me). But most of all, first I still needed to make money to buy the needed materials to make those new racing parts (products) that are in my mind. By the age of 12 years old, I was on my way funding my new product ventures through my hard work and natural entrepreneurship. I had several daily paper delivery routes and was starting to sell my newly developed and produced racing parts. With junior high metal shop and high school machine shop classes, this gave me the perfect learning environment for R&D, making prototypes and producing my racing parts, utilizing the foundry, lathes, mills, fabrication equipment and welding equipment. I also took electronics classes which taught me the fundamentals of electronic design and implementation. With both mechanical and electronics background, I could now invent, test and bring quality and reliable product concepts to fruition at the lowest cost possible. Often aided by re-purposing existing items to be utilized in my newly designed products to reduce R&D cost, and the time it takes to be first to market. In my earlier years up to age 30, I successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Racing Industries. At age 30, I was done with Corporate America, began to create my own future. At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years experience, small business owner, manufacturing engineer and consummate realist. Product Concept to Market Success is what I do best. Please contact me directly, if your interested in sharing future successes together. Shawn Tait
  • 39. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 39 CounterWatch™ " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 40. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 40 1. Simply Add Batteries 3. Fill with your Favorite Deterrent 2. Set Deterrent Mode, Record Playback MSG & Adjust Spray Nozzle 4. Place Horizontal or Vertical Position Easy setup and use :
  • 41. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 41 Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001
  • 42. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 42 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Standard Black Model
  • 43. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 43 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Standard Beige Model
  • 44. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 44 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - The Italiano Model
  • 45. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 45 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - The Red Italiano Model
  • 46. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 46 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Entry Door Usage
  • 47. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 47 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Living Room Couch Usage
  • 48. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 48 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Ladies Room Model1
  • 49. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 49 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Ladies Room Model2
  • 50. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 50 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room
  • 51. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 51 CounterWatch™ The Hottest New Mass Market Pet Product for 2015 " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 52. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 52 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room Model1
  • 53. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 53 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Man Cat Room Model2
  • 54. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 54 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes Deluxe Models with Hydrographic Coatings
  • 55. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 55 CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototype - Hello-Kitty Model
  • 56. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 56 CounterWatch™ Preliminary Retail Packaging and Display Suggestions
  • 57. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 57 CounterWatch™ Competitor Product Information and Pictures Audible and In-Audible (by Humans) Single Noise Deterrent - Have a major limitation with today's modern home full of audible sounds, beeps, voices etc., such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting electronic devices. The pet to be deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent sound, as the pet is unable to differentiate from device deterrent audible sounds from environmental or ordinary daily household sounds and noises. TattleTail Single Tone Audible Deterrent MSRP : $29.95 Ultrasonic In-Audible (by Humans) Single Sound Deterrent - As per one of the nations top retailers in this category, states in their disclaimer "A cat may not respond to the CatScram. This happens because some cats lack the capability to hear noises as high pitched as that emitted by the CatScram. This is more common in older cats who have lost some hearing range, very young cats who have not yet fully developed, and occasionally in rare purebreds." The question always remains with in-audible (by humans) type of device deterrent, is the device even working properly?, since you can't even hear it (in-audible) when it is working properly. CatScram Ultrasonic In-Audible Deterrent MSRP : $39.95
  • 58. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 58 Mats-Audible Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits Audible Sound/Beep. Product is hindered by today's modern home full of audible sounds, beeps, voices etc., such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting electronic devices. The pet to be deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent sound, as the pet is unable to differentiate from device deterrent audible sounds from environmental or ordinary daily household sounds and noises. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area. Sofa ScramMat Audible Tone Deterrent MSRP : $39.95 Mats-Electric Shock Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits a Electric Shock to Pet. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area. Shocking Your Pet is Not Cool ! Take Care Around Young Children !! ScatMat Electric-Shock Deterrent MSRP : $59.95 Mats-Prickly Deterrent - Place Mat in/on Off- Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat is Constructed with Nail Like Protrusions. Effective for Small Horizontal Surface. Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area. XMat Stepping On Nails Deterrent MSRP : $18.99
  • 59. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 59 Spray Air Devices Deterrent - Place Device in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks in Sensor Range, Device Emits Short Blast of Canned Air. Effective for Horizontal Surface. However Consumable Aerosol Deterrent Refills make It Absolutely Cost Prohibitive To Operate (i.e. one stubborn pet cat in a household may trigger canned air blast usage of 2 or more proprietary and expensive canned air deterrent refills @ $10 each weekly; that's $20 a week !... for one cat !!). Imagine if you have 2 or more cats as most households often have, the cost of weekly refills then become a real issue. Redirect Sensor or Turn Off before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area. After reviewing several high profile online retail websites that carry this product, you will often notice positive reviews for this product type, however further investigation reveals that may online posters of product reviews for this product, later come back to downgrade and or revise their review to a more negative tone towards the product, as the price on the consumable propriety canned air refills begin to quickly add up for the pet owner. This product is believed to be licensed to several other pet companies for manufacturing and or distribution, by USPTO Assignee Multi-Vet Ltd. of Canada. Such other licensee brand names, may include ConTech, InnoTek and PetSafe. All of which are major manufacturers of pet products. PawzAway Spray Air Deterrent MSRP : $36.95 Consumable Refills : $12.99 SSScat Spray Air Deterrent MSRP : $38.95 Consumable Refills : $13.95
  • 60. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 60
  • 61. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 61 Current List of Investors $100,000 in Short-Term Investment Loan Fund Product Launch to Market Phase or for Startup Year Manufacturing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type Date Funded Loan Amount Loan Term In Years APR % ROI Amount (P&I) 1 2 22.50% $0 2 2 22.50% $0 3 2 22.50% $0 4 2 22.50% $0 5 2 22.50% $0 6 2 22.50% $0 7 2 22.50% $0 8 2 22.50% $0 9 2 22.50% $0 10 2 22.50% $0 11 2 22.50% $0 12 2 22.50% $0 13 2 22.50% $0 14 2 22.50% $0 15 2 22.50% $0 16 2 22.50% $0 17 2 22.50% $0 18 2 22.50% $0 19 2 22.50% $0 20 2 22.50% $0 21 2 22.50% $0 22 2 22.50% $0 23 2 22.50% $0 24 2 22.50% $0 25 2 22.50% $0 Total Amount of Loans : $0 Term Interest : $0 Level 1 - $1,000+ Level 2 - $25,000+ Level 3 - $50,000+ Investor Name Interest Paid to Investor on 18th month. Principal Loan Amount to be Paid in Full the 24th month.
  • 62. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 62
  • 63. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 63 List of Foreign Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Country - Licensee Name Date of License Licensing Fee Royalty Advance Term of License Royalty Paid to Licensor Gross Annual Sales is defined as the total units sold x wholesale unit sales cost. Minimum Annual Gross Sales Requirement : TBN
  • 64. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 64
  • 65. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 65 Intellectual Property Information CounterWatch™ AUTOMATIC SPRAY DETERRENT SYSTEM Intellectual Property Rights and Status : CounterWatch USPTO Private PAIR Registered; Inventor #126527 Current IP Status of Utility Patent PATENT PENDING Reg. No. 14486090 Filed 09/15/14 Current IP Status of Design Patent PATENT PENDING Reg. No. 29507159 Filed 10/24/14 Current IP Status of USPTO PCT Foreign Filing Awaiting Investor Capital Infusion. Reg. No. TBA To be Filed TBA Current Registered Trademark Status Reg. No. TBA To be Filed 12/30/14 CounterWatch™ Sentry
  • 66. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 66
  • 67. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 67 Manufacturer to Distributor Business Model Self-Manufacturing for Distribution ______________________________________________ Manufactured Product Sales Method :  Sell Distributor Direct Manufacturing Tooling Needed :  (4) Plastic Injection Molds (Lower Chassis, Upper Cover, Fluid Pump and Spray Nozzle Assembly, and Spray Fluid Reservoir).  Estimated Cost : up to $150,000 On-Going Contract Services Needed :  Injection Mold House – Supplies Plastic Injection Molded Parts for CounterWatch Assembly.  PCB House – Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly & Packaging Facilities and Warehouse Needed :  Approximately 3,000 – 7,500 sqf of Commercial Warehouse Space Minimal Workforce Needed :  Assembly Techs and Lead Assembly Tech  Shipping & Receiving Clerk  Operations Manager  Run Multiple Employee Shifts as Production Demand Dictates CounterWatch™ Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction.
  • 68. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 68
  • 69. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 69 Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References For further information about the continuing strong growth and rise in sales of pet products, and this industries ability to avoid fluctuations in the health of the economy. 10 Surprisingly Recession-Proof Industries - Best Recession-Proof Businesses - Is the pet industry recession-proof ? - NY Daily News spending-pets-article-1.361421 The Top Pet Industry Trends for 2012 - Pawsible Blog 2012.html Pet Industry Booming, With Sales of Gourmet Treats - The doggone truth- Spending on pets is soaring - NBC News Why One Recession-Proof Industry Just Keeps Growing - just-keeps-growing/
  • 70. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 70 Sources of Referenced Information Humane Societies and Pet Associations :  *The Humane Society of the United States - U.S. Pet Ownership Population Estimates istics.html  **ASPCA - U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics Reference and Statistical Data Sources :  ***Compare Infobase Limited - Top 10 Countries with the Most Pet Cats population.html  IBISWorld Industry Report 45391 Pet Stores in the US -  Pet Business - 2014 Pet Business Top 25 Retailers Major Domestic Pet Product Retailers :  PetSmart® Company Information  PetCo® Company Information profile.PETCO_Animal_Supplies_Inc.7801f7cf599caeb2.html  Walmart Corporate - Locations by Country Trade Periodicals :  Pet Age  Pet Business  Pet Product News International Trade Shows :  Global Pet Expo - Orlando Florida  Total Pet Expo - Chicago Illinois  SuperZoo - Las Vegas Nevada
  • 71. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 71 CounterWatch™ " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
  • 72. “ Physical Products, for a Physical World, for Physical Real World Profits “ EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802 72 " The Ultimate… Pet Training System & Deterrent Product " UTILITY PATENT PENDING : REG. NO. 14486090 DESIGN PATENT PENDING : REG. NO. 29507159 TRADEMARK PENDING : REG. NO. TBA123014 EMERGE PRODUCTS, LLC Seattle, WA 98027 USA Email :  425-753-0802