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Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from
Department of English, Ananda College, Devakottai, India
The word corruption came from Latin word corrups. It means abuse or destroys. Corruption happens in different
scales. It happens in three stages, they are petty corruption, grand corruption and domestic corruption. Petty corruption
happens in small scale for getting sign from the low government officials like VAO’s and registrars. People provide small
amount or they offer gift for getting official’s favours. Grand corruption is held in government offices. People offer lakhs
and lakhs to the higher officials for getting government job. It is happening in the political areas. Government provides
many cores for the people’s welfare. But politicians do not bring government aid for people’s welfare instead of they hide
much money and spend only small amount of money. This domestic corruption is called as political corruption by people.
Chetan Bhagat also emphasizes the money and corruption in his famous novel Revolution 2020. In this paper I am going to
explain that how politicians loots money from government scheme and they are using that looted money for their purpose.
KEYWORDS: Petty Corruption, Grand Corruption and Domestic Corruption, Chetan Bhagat, Latin Word Corrups
Political corruption is the abuse of public power, government money and recourse by elected politician for their
personal gains. Politicians not only misuse the government money, they misuse their power. Politicians use their power to
favor of their friends, relatives and known people. Corruption in India is a major issue and it affects the Indian economy.
Transference report says that in 2005, sixty two percentage citizens have first – hand experience of paying bribes to get
government jobs. In 2008 report, 40 percentage Indian citizens have first – hand experience of paying bribes or using
contact with government office to get job. In 2012 Indian was ranked 94th
out of 176 countries in corruption. Most of the
largest source of corruption in India is happing in the social spending schemes. For example, Mahatma Gandhi National
rural Employment Guarantee act and national rural health mission. Other daily source of corruption in India many
industries are giving bribe to the politicians, police and interstate highways Indian media have widely published allegation
of corrupt Indian citizens, and politicians have been arrested for their corruption, but they will be released from the jail in a
short period. Reasons are that corrupt citizens offer wades of money to the judge and police officials. Why do people fall in
corruption? The answer is simple, money is important to our society. Money is extremely important to survive in modern
material world. People do not save money to satisfy the material needs but there is another reason. Money provides a big
house, lavish parties, shopping in high places, and money gives a unique place in the today’s society.
Chetan Bhagat emphasizes the idea that the education system becomes corrupt. Educational institution gives more
money and it also gives the social status. “Money, there’s huge money in private colleges, plus, it enhances their name in
society. Now they are noble people are in education” [Rev- 116]. Many politicians, smugglers and uneducated people are
establishing the educational institution. “Liquor barons running colleges? Yeah, politicians, builders, beady- makers.
Anybody with experience in a shady business do really well in education” [Rev- 116].Gopal Mishra who is the protagonist
BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts,
Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS)
ISSN (P): 2348-0521, ISSN (E): 2454-4728
Vol. 3, Issue 12, Dec 2015, 125-130
© BEST Journals
126 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy
Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to
of the novel Revolution 2020. He is a poor guy who has finished higher secondary class when his father lost his breath. His
father has borrowed much money from known and unknown people, so all his dept has fallen on Gopal’s head. He did not
know that how to settle the debt. Money givers threaten Gopal to pay their money. Gopal meets Sunil who is the manager
of sunshine events. One day, when both are taking their tea in a coffee shop, two muscular arm men come near to Gopal
and ask their money. But Gopal replies that he has no money. At the time Sunil introduces himself to them that he is close
to MLA Shuklaji and Sunil gives responsible for his money. Sunil asks the Gopal’s property. Gopal has only one house
and a disputes land which is an agricultural land and ten kilometers outside of the city. But Gopal’s uncle wants full things
that full 30 acres. Sunil owes to Gopal that his case will be come to an end soon and Gopal can sell his land. But it is
agricultural land. People can only grow crop there and it is a law. But “there are people in our country above the law” [Rev
– 119]. And Sunil introduces name MLA Ram lal shukla.
Another day Sunil, Gopal and Mr. Girishbedi, who is an experienced education consultant, go to meet MLA
Shukla – ji with the full property documents. Sunil explain about 30 acres which is out of the city and Gopals dispute land
case also. Sunil gives an advice to Shukla- ji to build a new college. Bedi says that 15 acres is enough to build and he says
that “you can obtain permission to convert agricultural land to educational use” [Rev – 123]. But Shukla- ji does not hear
Bedi’s advice because he has power that he can get sign from any government officials and it is not a matter to him.
Shukla- ji makes a deal with Gopal that Shukla- ji will take 15 acres and remaining 15 acres for build a college. But Gopal
does not know that how to build a college because he has no money and educational experience. Shukla-ji says that he will
provide money and Bedi will provide the experience. “I said, I have no experience. I have no money Mr. Bedi will give the
experience. I will give you the money for construction and everything else” [Rev – 126].
Shukla- ji sends rowdies to threaten Gopal’s uncle family to hand over their fifteen acre to MLA Shukla- ji and he
provides eight lakh which is very low price than the market price to them. Gopal’s uncle cannot do anything because
Shukla is a powerful politician and he will do whatever he wishes. So they signed in the papers. “ I received a call from the
MLAs office when Mr. Ghanshyam mishra and Mr. Ajay mishra signed the papers” [Rev – 133]. Shukla – ji says that
Gopal is the director of the college and college name is Ganga tech. If people want to commence educational institution in
the agricultural land; they will get permission from the municipality for re – zoning that agriculture land – to – educational
land. After that institute people will get permit for their plans from municipality, they can start construction.
“Bedi explained how VNN, or the municipality, would give us the
Crucial agricultural-to-educational land re-zoning permit and clear plans
So we can commence construction”[Rev-134].
Shukla-ji brings a heavy plastic bag from inside of his bedroom,which have 10 lakhs, and he hands over to Gopal
for getting permission from the VNN-Varanasi Nagar Nigam.Gopal and Bedi go to Varanasi Nagar Nigam office for
re-zoning the land.Mr.Sinha,deputy-corporator, greets Gopal and Bedi and they talk about Ganga tech. Mr.Sinha says to
Gobal that “send the documents to me, send everything home. Everything, sinha said stressing the last word ”[Rev-139].
Everything means bribe also. Sinha asks Gopal that how much you would give.
Ten.I said
‘Not for re-zoning and building plan’, I said
Corruption in Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020 127
Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from
‘I am being reasonable. But Ten is too less. Fifteen, ‘sinha said.
‘No concession for Suhkla – ji?’ I said.
‘This is already half of what I take,’ Sinha said.
‘Eleven? ‘I said. I was bargaining with him as if was buying a T-shirt.
Of course, the thought of the amount involved numbed me.
Twelve and a half. Done![Rev- 140].
Finally Sinha gets twelve and a half lakhs for Ganga tech construction. It is a grand corruption. Many government
officials like Sinha do these kinds of illegal activities to earn money for their sophisticated life. These kinds of corruption
are happening all over India, even though if people do not offer money, the government official will not put their sign and
they will give irrelevance reason.
Bedi and Gopal send application to University Grand Commission, UGC, to open a college. Apart from UGC,
they should apply to AICTE, the All Idia Council for Technical Education. Every private college should get university
affiliation. Before starting an institution, people, who run in the institution, should get the approval from the district
collector the building plan. After AICTE approval is very important. Without AICTE approval no one can start any
technical colleges. It will do inspection to ensure the institution have all the facilities for students such as Lab, Library,
good infrastructure and enough teachers. If these facilities are not satisfying tothe AICTE inspection group, they never give
approval to start the college. University lecturers from government colleges are appointed as AICTE inspectors. Colleges
will be recognised only when the inspection committee members are genuine and honest. But in India most of the
institution have not all facilities for students even though AICTE gives approval to open colleges. Because institution gives
bribes to the inspectors and they offer “A” grade and “A++” grade to the institution. There are many people doing that
business in UGC and education ministry that how to get and give bribes?
University lecturers from government colleges are appointed as
Inspectors. Of course, since it is such a lecturers have to
Bribe to become one, Bedi said.
Senior management at UGC, or someone in the education ministry.
Anyway, that is their business. We have to focus on ours[Rev- 138].
Before two years central government cancelled 42 deemed universities, because these universities have not good
facilities for the students. If a university wants to be elevated as a deemed university, it should have all the facilities for
government approval. If it has not good facilities, the government will not give approval. The approval for 42 universities
is cancelled for not having good facilities then how did they get approval for deemed university? The answer is bribe in all
inspection. Even though this universities cancelled by central government, these are running now, because the government
has cancelled these universities but not implement to close still.
128 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy
Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to
Gopal has run around for three months to obtain the two dozen approvals for his institution construction.
The UCG & AICTE arrived and inprinciple approval for construction and the final inspection will be conducted when the
college was ready to open. Gopal works hard for Ganga tech construction. Only a week is left for AICTE final inspection.
Meanwhile Gopal and Bedi have selected the Dean Prof. Shrivastava, who was the retired professor of NIT, have an
experience with AICTE and also he has known all people in AICTE. He asks one lakhs and seventy thousand per month as
his salary. He suggests that give half of the salary through hidden way because it will be reduce his income tax. But will
increase the one’s black money.
Black money refers to money that is not fully legitimate property of the owner. Black money saves in India
through two possible ways. The first includes activities not permissible under the law, like drug trade, terrorism and
corruption, all of which are illegal in India. The second, more likely source is that the wealth may have been generated
through a lawful activity but accumulated by failing to declare income and pay taxes. According to a 2010 The Hindu
article, unofficial estimates indicate that Indians had over US 1456 in black money stored in Swiss bank.
Prof. Shrinivastava comes in the second category, those who are not paid the tax for their regular salary. He says
that he visits the institution weekly thrice and he will say to AICTE that he is coming regularly. They decide to focus on
the inspection and admissions and they never concentrate on the teaching arrangements. Shrivasta says that second year
students will teach to the first year students. It is happening in many private colleges. They never bring qualified teachers,
because they ask much salary that is why they selected the second year students as teachers. If a new college is ready to
open, the college faculties give bribe to the school principals and tuition master for supporting their college. They arrange
some brokers for admission. Brokers bring students and they will be got 10 percentage amounts from the student’s fees by
institution. Gopal does the same thing to fill his Gang tech.
Gopal gives advertising in all newspwpers, participating in career fairs, approaching schools and coaching classes.
Gopal goes to many schools and ask the principal to recommend his college. He gives bribe to them. Gopal is ready to give
ten percent to whoever brings admission. “We give them ten percent of the fee we take for every admission. We give ten
percent to anyone coaching classes, career fair organizers of whoever helps us fill up the college [Rev- 159].
Many government officials do not get bribe in their work place but they will get bribe in private places like hotels,
shopping malls and secret place. They may be captured by CBI when they are getting bribe in their work place. So they
arranged hotels with party. Normally in India AICTE inspectors treated like this. Once in india, the central bureau of
Investigation has arrested three officials of all India council for Technical Education (AICTE) expert committee for alleged
accepting bribe from two Chattisgarh private colleges to give favorable reports for accreditation. These officials along with
representing of the colleges were arrested at a hotel in Drug, Chhattisgrarh. The alleged bribe included cash and gold coins.
Chean Bhagat also emphasizes that how Government officials get bride? Gopal arranged a party in hotel Taj Ganga for
AICTE inspectors and some government’s officials whoever have helped to the Ganga tech. Already they have spent six
cores for construction, equipment, faculty, and bribe to government officials. Shukla- ji and Gopal has given more bribes to
When will we make money? I paid five today for the
‘pay them some more, ‘Shukla-ji said.
Corruption in Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020 129
Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from
‘The inspectors’.
‘Why? I said. ‘Shrivastava sir said it is enough. We will get the
Approval in a week [Rev – 166]
Newspaper play vital role in corruption. Newspaper’s duty is to publish what is going around the world, and bring
news to common people’s hand. So many newspapers, before independence, did not support high profile people and it
always fought for freedom, even many rich people had started press for freedom struggle. But after independence,
Newspaper position has changed lot; many newspapers have relationship with political parties, because political parties
provide much advertisement about their party to newspapers. Without ads they cannot run newspaper. Many politicians are
giving much advertisement to news agencies. It is not for advertisement; politicians are giving ads not for proud, they give
only that newspaper does not publish their corruption. Newspapers also not concentrate on politician’s corruption and they
ignore them because they are providing many ads. So they do not want to lose ads, so they never throw light on politician’s
wrong facts. But newspapers praise politicians much, even they participate in tree plantation. But some newspapers badly
publish political corruptions. But some newspapers make a business contract with political parties. If political parties give
more money, they will write well about parties even if it is wrong.
The same things portrayed by Chetan Bhagat in his novel Revolution 2020. Gopal mishra and MLA Shukla –ji
has started a new college, Ganga tech, which build in the scam Ganga water clean project. A bold young man has
published the scam about the Ganga action plan. MLA has stolen Ganga action plan’s money and he is building a new
engineering college. “New engineering college opens in city with corruption money” [Rev – 175]. Chief Minister is going
to open this college but he cancelled after this news has published. But Education Minister has opened the Ganga tech
college. After that Gopal, director of Ganga tech, go to meet one newspaper and sales manager of the newspaper to make
an alliance between Gopal and newspaper agency. If Gopal gives much money they will be ready to publish positive
articles about Ganga Tech College. “For a little extra fee we publish positive articles about your college. We got news, you
get an image. It is a win-win- partnership he said” [Rev – 179].
Gopal takes a step to the famous newspaper Dainik which has published about the Ganga Tech. he has gone for
the reason that why does they publish wrong details about the Ganga tech? Gopal has argued with Ashok Kumar, the editor
– in – chief. Sailesh, a sales manager, said to Ashok Kumar that Gopal has given big amount for his ads and every year he
has been giving ads to Daninik. “I had spent ten lakes on fillpage ads in leading city newspaper’ [Rev – 174]. Ashok
Kumar has apologiesed for this act and Ashok asked to Gopal that keep in touch with their newspaper. “don’t’t worry, it is
all settled. Ashok sir will speak to the MLA directly. We will sort it out. Please, lots continue our association” [Rev- 181].
In India many newspaper are publishing news in favor of politicians and it hides their misbehavior and secondary
acts. Even some upright newspapers publish stories about the corruption of politician, but politicians simply give
statements that this news is printed by the voice of opposite party. “This reporter has to stop… ‘I said. It is not the reporter.
The opposition must be doing this” [Rev-191]. For this reason the reporter has been charged by political parties. Raghav, a
star reporter of Dainik, has been dismissed for this news. “Fine Raghav lost his job, “she said” [Rev- 194]. Politicians give
more money through ads to newspapers, so news agencies do not turn against to politicians. But Raghav has started new
newspaper name Revolution 2020. He has published the Shukla-ji’s scam in Dimnapur Sewage Treatment Plant in
130 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy
Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to
Revolution 2020.
MLA makes money by making Holy River filthy! It is the headline of the newspaper. Government has sanctioned
25 corers but MLA has looted 20 corers. Chief Ministers meets Shukla-ji and he says that Shukla-ji has to resign. When
media people asks question to CM that what is his view on the Dimnapura Plant scam? He answers “I am not fully aware
of the situation. It looks like a smear campaign. Our party is clear on corruption. Even if there are allegation, we ask our
leaders to step down [Rev – 240].
The same thing happened in India in 2G spectrum corruption and Chetan Bhagat criticized our prime minister in
his book What Young India wants about the 2G spectrum corruption.
“Prime minister regardless of the scans that happen on their watch remains in power using every excuse from “I
did not benefit to “I did not know anything . sadly, corruption is so widespread that opposition parties have as many
corrupt members as ruling pasties” [WYIW-9].
Even if politicians go to the jail, they will be treated as a special gust, because they pay money to the jail wardens.
“It’s not so bad. It I pay, jail is like a hotel” [Rev-216]. Our Indian government gives more facilities to same people who
have respected and have more money in society. Same states classify prisoners as being in A, B and C class based on the
their income or social statues. The shah commission reports show that there was discriminatory treatment in almost all
status. However in April 1976, the government issued certain guidelines to treat members of parliament. Members of
legislative Assembly, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chairmen or corporation president and vice- president/chairmen committee
of district and punchayat president are class first prisoners. Government decide a news on October 26, 1976, that the
engineers, doctors layers and persons paying income tax over the period of ten years of not less than Rs. 5000/ year who
were getting first class. It is Indian prisons state.
He sat in his room, watching a small color T.V and
Sipping cola with a straw
‘Not bad, eh?’ He said. He spread his hands to show me the
Fifteen by – ten- feet cell. It had bed with clean sheet a desk
And a chair, closest and T.V it did not seem awful. It resembled an government Guest houses more than a jail
[Rev -253, 254].In India, no one can abolish the corruption but youngster have power to create a corruption less country.
Chetan Bhagat depicts these things in his novel Revolution 2020.
1. Bhagat, chetan. Revolution 2020 Love.Corruption. Ambition. NewDelhi: Rupa Publication, 2011.
2. Bhagat, Chetan. What Young India Wants. New Delhi:Rupa Publication,2012.
3. Sundari, TR, “Portrayal of Love, Corruption, Ambition in ChetanBhagat’sRevolution2020”: Critical Responses
to Indian Literature in English. (December2012): 462-466. Print.

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Corruption in chetan_bhagats_revolution

  • 1. Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from CORRUPTION IN CHETAN BHAGAT’S REVOLUTION 2020 D. NIVAS CHAKKKARAVARTHY Department of English, Ananda College, Devakottai, India ABSTRACT The word corruption came from Latin word corrups. It means abuse or destroys. Corruption happens in different scales. It happens in three stages, they are petty corruption, grand corruption and domestic corruption. Petty corruption happens in small scale for getting sign from the low government officials like VAO’s and registrars. People provide small amount or they offer gift for getting official’s favours. Grand corruption is held in government offices. People offer lakhs and lakhs to the higher officials for getting government job. It is happening in the political areas. Government provides many cores for the people’s welfare. But politicians do not bring government aid for people’s welfare instead of they hide much money and spend only small amount of money. This domestic corruption is called as political corruption by people. Chetan Bhagat also emphasizes the money and corruption in his famous novel Revolution 2020. In this paper I am going to explain that how politicians loots money from government scheme and they are using that looted money for their purpose. KEYWORDS: Petty Corruption, Grand Corruption and Domestic Corruption, Chetan Bhagat, Latin Word Corrups INTRODUCTION Political corruption is the abuse of public power, government money and recourse by elected politician for their personal gains. Politicians not only misuse the government money, they misuse their power. Politicians use their power to favor of their friends, relatives and known people. Corruption in India is a major issue and it affects the Indian economy. Transference report says that in 2005, sixty two percentage citizens have first – hand experience of paying bribes to get government jobs. In 2008 report, 40 percentage Indian citizens have first – hand experience of paying bribes or using contact with government office to get job. In 2012 Indian was ranked 94th out of 176 countries in corruption. Most of the largest source of corruption in India is happing in the social spending schemes. For example, Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee act and national rural health mission. Other daily source of corruption in India many industries are giving bribe to the politicians, police and interstate highways Indian media have widely published allegation of corrupt Indian citizens, and politicians have been arrested for their corruption, but they will be released from the jail in a short period. Reasons are that corrupt citizens offer wades of money to the judge and police officials. Why do people fall in corruption? The answer is simple, money is important to our society. Money is extremely important to survive in modern material world. People do not save money to satisfy the material needs but there is another reason. Money provides a big house, lavish parties, shopping in high places, and money gives a unique place in the today’s society. Chetan Bhagat emphasizes the idea that the education system becomes corrupt. Educational institution gives more money and it also gives the social status. “Money, there’s huge money in private colleges, plus, it enhances their name in society. Now they are noble people are in education” [Rev- 116]. Many politicians, smugglers and uneducated people are establishing the educational institution. “Liquor barons running colleges? Yeah, politicians, builders, beady- makers. Anybody with experience in a shady business do really well in education” [Rev- 116].Gopal Mishra who is the protagonist BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS) ISSN (P): 2348-0521, ISSN (E): 2454-4728 Vol. 3, Issue 12, Dec 2015, 125-130 © BEST Journals
  • 2. 126 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to of the novel Revolution 2020. He is a poor guy who has finished higher secondary class when his father lost his breath. His father has borrowed much money from known and unknown people, so all his dept has fallen on Gopal’s head. He did not know that how to settle the debt. Money givers threaten Gopal to pay their money. Gopal meets Sunil who is the manager of sunshine events. One day, when both are taking their tea in a coffee shop, two muscular arm men come near to Gopal and ask their money. But Gopal replies that he has no money. At the time Sunil introduces himself to them that he is close to MLA Shuklaji and Sunil gives responsible for his money. Sunil asks the Gopal’s property. Gopal has only one house and a disputes land which is an agricultural land and ten kilometers outside of the city. But Gopal’s uncle wants full things that full 30 acres. Sunil owes to Gopal that his case will be come to an end soon and Gopal can sell his land. But it is agricultural land. People can only grow crop there and it is a law. But “there are people in our country above the law” [Rev – 119]. And Sunil introduces name MLA Ram lal shukla. Another day Sunil, Gopal and Mr. Girishbedi, who is an experienced education consultant, go to meet MLA Shukla – ji with the full property documents. Sunil explain about 30 acres which is out of the city and Gopals dispute land case also. Sunil gives an advice to Shukla- ji to build a new college. Bedi says that 15 acres is enough to build and he says that “you can obtain permission to convert agricultural land to educational use” [Rev – 123]. But Shukla- ji does not hear Bedi’s advice because he has power that he can get sign from any government officials and it is not a matter to him. Shukla- ji makes a deal with Gopal that Shukla- ji will take 15 acres and remaining 15 acres for build a college. But Gopal does not know that how to build a college because he has no money and educational experience. Shukla-ji says that he will provide money and Bedi will provide the experience. “I said, I have no experience. I have no money Mr. Bedi will give the experience. I will give you the money for construction and everything else” [Rev – 126]. Shukla- ji sends rowdies to threaten Gopal’s uncle family to hand over their fifteen acre to MLA Shukla- ji and he provides eight lakh which is very low price than the market price to them. Gopal’s uncle cannot do anything because Shukla is a powerful politician and he will do whatever he wishes. So they signed in the papers. “ I received a call from the MLAs office when Mr. Ghanshyam mishra and Mr. Ajay mishra signed the papers” [Rev – 133]. Shukla – ji says that Gopal is the director of the college and college name is Ganga tech. If people want to commence educational institution in the agricultural land; they will get permission from the municipality for re – zoning that agriculture land – to – educational land. After that institute people will get permit for their plans from municipality, they can start construction. “Bedi explained how VNN, or the municipality, would give us the Crucial agricultural-to-educational land re-zoning permit and clear plans So we can commence construction”[Rev-134]. Shukla-ji brings a heavy plastic bag from inside of his bedroom,which have 10 lakhs, and he hands over to Gopal for getting permission from the VNN-Varanasi Nagar Nigam.Gopal and Bedi go to Varanasi Nagar Nigam office for re-zoning the land.Mr.Sinha,deputy-corporator, greets Gopal and Bedi and they talk about Ganga tech. Mr.Sinha says to Gobal that “send the documents to me, send everything home. Everything, sinha said stressing the last word ”[Rev-139]. Everything means bribe also. Sinha asks Gopal that how much you would give. Ten.I said ‘Not for re-zoning and building plan’, I said
  • 3. Corruption in Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020 127 Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from ‘I am being reasonable. But Ten is too less. Fifteen, ‘sinha said. ‘No concession for Suhkla – ji?’ I said. ‘This is already half of what I take,’ Sinha said. ‘Eleven? ‘I said. I was bargaining with him as if was buying a T-shirt. Of course, the thought of the amount involved numbed me. Twelve and a half. Done![Rev- 140]. Finally Sinha gets twelve and a half lakhs for Ganga tech construction. It is a grand corruption. Many government officials like Sinha do these kinds of illegal activities to earn money for their sophisticated life. These kinds of corruption are happening all over India, even though if people do not offer money, the government official will not put their sign and they will give irrelevance reason. Bedi and Gopal send application to University Grand Commission, UGC, to open a college. Apart from UGC, they should apply to AICTE, the All Idia Council for Technical Education. Every private college should get university affiliation. Before starting an institution, people, who run in the institution, should get the approval from the district collector the building plan. After AICTE approval is very important. Without AICTE approval no one can start any technical colleges. It will do inspection to ensure the institution have all the facilities for students such as Lab, Library, good infrastructure and enough teachers. If these facilities are not satisfying tothe AICTE inspection group, they never give approval to start the college. University lecturers from government colleges are appointed as AICTE inspectors. Colleges will be recognised only when the inspection committee members are genuine and honest. But in India most of the institution have not all facilities for students even though AICTE gives approval to open colleges. Because institution gives bribes to the inspectors and they offer “A” grade and “A++” grade to the institution. There are many people doing that business in UGC and education ministry that how to get and give bribes? University lecturers from government colleges are appointed as Inspectors. Of course, since it is such a lecturers have to Bribe to become one, Bedi said. ‘Whom?’ Senior management at UGC, or someone in the education ministry. Anyway, that is their business. We have to focus on ours[Rev- 138]. Before two years central government cancelled 42 deemed universities, because these universities have not good facilities for the students. If a university wants to be elevated as a deemed university, it should have all the facilities for government approval. If it has not good facilities, the government will not give approval. The approval for 42 universities is cancelled for not having good facilities then how did they get approval for deemed university? The answer is bribe in all inspection. Even though this universities cancelled by central government, these are running now, because the government has cancelled these universities but not implement to close still.
  • 4. 128 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to Gopal has run around for three months to obtain the two dozen approvals for his institution construction. The UCG & AICTE arrived and inprinciple approval for construction and the final inspection will be conducted when the college was ready to open. Gopal works hard for Ganga tech construction. Only a week is left for AICTE final inspection. Meanwhile Gopal and Bedi have selected the Dean Prof. Shrivastava, who was the retired professor of NIT, have an experience with AICTE and also he has known all people in AICTE. He asks one lakhs and seventy thousand per month as his salary. He suggests that give half of the salary through hidden way because it will be reduce his income tax. But will increase the one’s black money. Black money refers to money that is not fully legitimate property of the owner. Black money saves in India through two possible ways. The first includes activities not permissible under the law, like drug trade, terrorism and corruption, all of which are illegal in India. The second, more likely source is that the wealth may have been generated through a lawful activity but accumulated by failing to declare income and pay taxes. According to a 2010 The Hindu article, unofficial estimates indicate that Indians had over US 1456 in black money stored in Swiss bank. Prof. Shrinivastava comes in the second category, those who are not paid the tax for their regular salary. He says that he visits the institution weekly thrice and he will say to AICTE that he is coming regularly. They decide to focus on the inspection and admissions and they never concentrate on the teaching arrangements. Shrivasta says that second year students will teach to the first year students. It is happening in many private colleges. They never bring qualified teachers, because they ask much salary that is why they selected the second year students as teachers. If a new college is ready to open, the college faculties give bribe to the school principals and tuition master for supporting their college. They arrange some brokers for admission. Brokers bring students and they will be got 10 percentage amounts from the student’s fees by institution. Gopal does the same thing to fill his Gang tech. Gopal gives advertising in all newspwpers, participating in career fairs, approaching schools and coaching classes. Gopal goes to many schools and ask the principal to recommend his college. He gives bribe to them. Gopal is ready to give ten percent to whoever brings admission. “We give them ten percent of the fee we take for every admission. We give ten percent to anyone coaching classes, career fair organizers of whoever helps us fill up the college [Rev- 159]. Many government officials do not get bribe in their work place but they will get bribe in private places like hotels, shopping malls and secret place. They may be captured by CBI when they are getting bribe in their work place. So they arranged hotels with party. Normally in India AICTE inspectors treated like this. Once in india, the central bureau of Investigation has arrested three officials of all India council for Technical Education (AICTE) expert committee for alleged accepting bribe from two Chattisgarh private colleges to give favorable reports for accreditation. These officials along with representing of the colleges were arrested at a hotel in Drug, Chhattisgrarh. The alleged bribe included cash and gold coins. Chean Bhagat also emphasizes that how Government officials get bride? Gopal arranged a party in hotel Taj Ganga for AICTE inspectors and some government’s officials whoever have helped to the Ganga tech. Already they have spent six cores for construction, equipment, faculty, and bribe to government officials. Shukla- ji and Gopal has given more bribes to inspectors. When will we make money? I paid five today for the Inspection’ ‘pay them some more, ‘Shukla-ji said.
  • 5. Corruption in Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020 129 Impact Factor (JCC): 1.1947- This article can be downloaded from ‘Who?’ ‘The inspectors’. ‘Why? I said. ‘Shrivastava sir said it is enough. We will get the Approval in a week [Rev – 166] Newspaper play vital role in corruption. Newspaper’s duty is to publish what is going around the world, and bring news to common people’s hand. So many newspapers, before independence, did not support high profile people and it always fought for freedom, even many rich people had started press for freedom struggle. But after independence, Newspaper position has changed lot; many newspapers have relationship with political parties, because political parties provide much advertisement about their party to newspapers. Without ads they cannot run newspaper. Many politicians are giving much advertisement to news agencies. It is not for advertisement; politicians are giving ads not for proud, they give only that newspaper does not publish their corruption. Newspapers also not concentrate on politician’s corruption and they ignore them because they are providing many ads. So they do not want to lose ads, so they never throw light on politician’s wrong facts. But newspapers praise politicians much, even they participate in tree plantation. But some newspapers badly publish political corruptions. But some newspapers make a business contract with political parties. If political parties give more money, they will write well about parties even if it is wrong. The same things portrayed by Chetan Bhagat in his novel Revolution 2020. Gopal mishra and MLA Shukla –ji has started a new college, Ganga tech, which build in the scam Ganga water clean project. A bold young man has published the scam about the Ganga action plan. MLA has stolen Ganga action plan’s money and he is building a new engineering college. “New engineering college opens in city with corruption money” [Rev – 175]. Chief Minister is going to open this college but he cancelled after this news has published. But Education Minister has opened the Ganga tech college. After that Gopal, director of Ganga tech, go to meet one newspaper and sales manager of the newspaper to make an alliance between Gopal and newspaper agency. If Gopal gives much money they will be ready to publish positive articles about Ganga Tech College. “For a little extra fee we publish positive articles about your college. We got news, you get an image. It is a win-win- partnership he said” [Rev – 179]. Gopal takes a step to the famous newspaper Dainik which has published about the Ganga Tech. he has gone for the reason that why does they publish wrong details about the Ganga tech? Gopal has argued with Ashok Kumar, the editor – in – chief. Sailesh, a sales manager, said to Ashok Kumar that Gopal has given big amount for his ads and every year he has been giving ads to Daninik. “I had spent ten lakes on fillpage ads in leading city newspaper’ [Rev – 174]. Ashok Kumar has apologiesed for this act and Ashok asked to Gopal that keep in touch with their newspaper. “don’t’t worry, it is all settled. Ashok sir will speak to the MLA directly. We will sort it out. Please, lots continue our association” [Rev- 181]. In India many newspaper are publishing news in favor of politicians and it hides their misbehavior and secondary acts. Even some upright newspapers publish stories about the corruption of politician, but politicians simply give statements that this news is printed by the voice of opposite party. “This reporter has to stop… ‘I said. It is not the reporter. The opposition must be doing this” [Rev-191]. For this reason the reporter has been charged by political parties. Raghav, a star reporter of Dainik, has been dismissed for this news. “Fine Raghav lost his job, “she said” [Rev- 194]. Politicians give more money through ads to newspapers, so news agencies do not turn against to politicians. But Raghav has started new newspaper name Revolution 2020. He has published the Shukla-ji’s scam in Dimnapur Sewage Treatment Plant in
  • 6. 130 D. Nivas Chakkkaravarthy Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 – Articles can be sent to Revolution 2020. MLA makes money by making Holy River filthy! It is the headline of the newspaper. Government has sanctioned 25 corers but MLA has looted 20 corers. Chief Ministers meets Shukla-ji and he says that Shukla-ji has to resign. When media people asks question to CM that what is his view on the Dimnapura Plant scam? He answers “I am not fully aware of the situation. It looks like a smear campaign. Our party is clear on corruption. Even if there are allegation, we ask our leaders to step down [Rev – 240]. The same thing happened in India in 2G spectrum corruption and Chetan Bhagat criticized our prime minister in his book What Young India wants about the 2G spectrum corruption. “Prime minister regardless of the scans that happen on their watch remains in power using every excuse from “I did not benefit to “I did not know anything . sadly, corruption is so widespread that opposition parties have as many corrupt members as ruling pasties” [WYIW-9]. Even if politicians go to the jail, they will be treated as a special gust, because they pay money to the jail wardens. “It’s not so bad. It I pay, jail is like a hotel” [Rev-216]. Our Indian government gives more facilities to same people who have respected and have more money in society. Same states classify prisoners as being in A, B and C class based on the their income or social statues. The shah commission reports show that there was discriminatory treatment in almost all status. However in April 1976, the government issued certain guidelines to treat members of parliament. Members of legislative Assembly, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chairmen or corporation president and vice- president/chairmen committee of district and punchayat president are class first prisoners. Government decide a news on October 26, 1976, that the engineers, doctors layers and persons paying income tax over the period of ten years of not less than Rs. 5000/ year who were getting first class. It is Indian prisons state. He sat in his room, watching a small color T.V and Sipping cola with a straw ‘Not bad, eh?’ He said. He spread his hands to show me the Fifteen by – ten- feet cell. It had bed with clean sheet a desk And a chair, closest and T.V it did not seem awful. It resembled an government Guest houses more than a jail [Rev -253, 254].In India, no one can abolish the corruption but youngster have power to create a corruption less country. Chetan Bhagat depicts these things in his novel Revolution 2020. REFERENCES 1. Bhagat, chetan. Revolution 2020 Love.Corruption. Ambition. NewDelhi: Rupa Publication, 2011. 2. Bhagat, Chetan. What Young India Wants. New Delhi:Rupa Publication,2012. 3. Sundari, TR, “Portrayal of Love, Corruption, Ambition in ChetanBhagat’sRevolution2020”: Critical Responses to Indian Literature in English. (December2012): 462-466. Print.