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Bioweapon – How
China Stole
Coronavirus from
Canada And
Weaponized It
The findings of this
investigation has been
corroborated by none
other than the Bioweapons
expert Dr. Francis
Boyle who drafted the
Biological Weapons
Convention Act followed by
many nations. The report
has caused a major
international controversy
and is suppressed actively
by a section of mainstream
Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of
Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing
legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved
unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into
law by President George H.W. Bush.
Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus
from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian
lab. Subsequent investigation linked the agents to Chinese
Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to
have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Highlights: -
● How the Deep State deployed anthrax on US soil to whip up publicity about biological
weapons and increase funding for bioweapons labs
● Why the WHO and CDC are both criminal organizations which are complicit in the
covert development of biological weapons
● The “death science” industry and why the US government has spent over $100 billion
developing self-replicating weapons
● Details about the Pirbright Institute and its ties to bioweapons, depopulation, vaccines
and coronavirus patents. (It’s partially funded by Bill & Melinda Gates)
● How Chinese Biowarfare agents working at the Canadian lab in Winnipeg were involved
in the smuggling of Coronavirus to Wuhan’s lab from where it is believed to have been
● Why all BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs in the world should be banned and shut down.
There are some people in the US and experts that have been saying that in reality,
China isn’t complying with the Bioweapons convention. Is China developing its own
biosafety level four lab in Wuhan and elsewhere, as you know, as a type of deterrence.
Is it a type of a biological arms race that we have going on? what do you make of
reports that Chinese scientists have been stealing research and viruses, including
the coronavirus from a Canadian bio lab this past December? Chinese nationals have
been charged with smuggling vials of biological research to China from the US with the
aid of Charles Lieber who was the chair of Harvard’s chemistry department. And he also
happens to be in 2011 a strategic scientist at Wuhan University. What’s going on with
this recent outbreak in Wuhan?
Basically BSL-4 labs are used to develop offensive
biological warfare weapons with DNA genetic engineering.
Wuhan has a BSL-4 laboratory. they were researching
SARS, and they weaponize it further by giving it a gain of
function properties, which means it could be more lethal.
Indeed, the latest report now is it’s a 15% fatality rate,
which is more than SARS at 83% infection rate. A typical
gain of function travels in the air so it could reach out
maybe six feet or more from someone emitting a sneeze or
a cough. Likewise, this is a specially designated WHO
research lab. The WHO was in on it, and they knew full
well what was going on there. The coronavirus that we’re
dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare
weapon that leaped out of Wuhan BSL-4.
It’s also been
reported that
Chinese scientists
stole coronavirus m
aterials from the
Canadian lab at
Winnipeg. Winnipeg
is Canada’s formal
center for research,
developing, testing,
biological warfare
weapons. It’s along
the lines of Fort
Detrick here in the
United States of
All these BSL-4 labs are by United
States, Europe, Russia, China, Israel are
all there to research, develop, test
biological warfare agents. There’s really
no legitimate scientific reason to have
BSL-4 labs. They’re complete unsafe.
BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab are only designed
for research development testing of
offense of biological warfare
agents. They serve no legitimate
purpose at all. They should all be shut
down, every one of them.
They’re simply too dangerous.
There’s an excellent documentary
called Anthrax Wars by Nadler and
Coen. Basically, this is offensive
biological weapons raised by the
United States government and
with its assistance in Canada and
Britain. The world responded
accordingly including Russia and
China. They were going to set up a
whole series of BSL-4 facilities as
well. Wuhan was the first. It
backfired on them.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
It does appear they stole
something there from
Winnipeg. This activity that
they engaged in clearly
violates the Biological
Weapons Convention.
Research development of
biological weapons these days
is an international crime, the
use of it would be. That was
criminal. Wuhan BSL-4 was
research developing, testing,
SARS as a biological warfare
agent. So, it could have been,
they gave it this DNA genetic
engineering enhanced
properties gain of function.
All these BSL-4 facilities
leak. Everyone knows that
who studies this. So, this was
a catastrophe waiting to
happen. Unfortunately, it
The Chinese government under Xi and his comrades there have
been covering this up from the get-go. The first reported case
was December 1, so they’d been sitting on this until they couldn’t
anymore. And everything they’re telling you is a lie. It’s
propaganda. The WHO was in on it. They’ve approved many of these
BSL-4 labs., they know exactly what’s going on and that is a WHO research-
approved laboratory. They know what’s going on too. You can’t really
believe anything the WHO is telling you about this, either they’re
up to their eyeballs in it.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
During the 2009 swine flu, which didn’t have too
many casualties, but profited greatly the
pharmaceutical companies. Back in 2009, many
countries purchased great stocks of the
vaccines and they ended up not using
anywhere from 50 to 80% of the vaccines that
they purchased. The World Health
Organization is a front for Big Pharma. Robert
F. Kennedy Jr. also agrees 50% of WHO
funding comes from pharmaceutical
companies. And that the CDC itself is also
severely compromised.
There was also the report that there
was a consortium of companies which
included the Gates foundation that
back in just two or three months ago in
October of 2019 they held a pandemic
exercise simulating an outbreak. I
mean, what are the chances specifically
of a coronavirus and it was called
events 201. People can find this online
and they gave a list of seven
recommendations for governments
and international organizations to
take. I also find that kind of interesting
how they had this simulation.
The Bill & Melinda Gates fund
this type of DNA genetically
engineered biological warfare
work. So, you can’t trust
anything they’re telling you that
somehow, they’re out there
trying to make the world a better
place. We have Bill Gates
publicly admitting that the
world be a better place if there
were a lot less people. So, the
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation,
they are wolves in sheep’s
clothing and they are funding
this type of stuff.
From Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s
Instagram post, April 9th, 2020:
"Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a
strategic philanthropy that feed
his many vaccine-related
businesses (including
Microsoft’s ambition to control a
global vac ID enterprise) and
give him dictatorial control over
global health policy—the spear
tip of corporate neo-
imperialism. Gates’ obsession
with vaccines seems fuelled by a
messianic conviction that he is
ordained to save the world with
technology and a god-like
willingness to experiment with
the lives of lesser humans.
Visit this Link to read- Original deleted post on Archive Robert. F. Kennedy. Jr
Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2
billion, Gates took control of India ‘s
National Advisory Board (NAB) and
mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5)
to every child before age 5. Indian
doctors blame the Gates campaign for a
devastating vaccine-strain polio
epidemic that paralyzed 496,000
children between 2000 and 2017. In
2017, the Indian Government dialled
back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted
Gates and his cronies from the NAB.
Polio paralysis rates dropped
precipitously. In 2017, the World Health
Organization reluctantly admitted that
the global polio explosion is
predominantly vaccine strain, meaning
it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine
Program. The most frightening
epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and
Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’
vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio
cases were from Gates’ vaccines.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental
HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000
young girls in remote Indian provinces.
Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune
and fertility disorders, seven died. Indian government investigations
charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical
violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying
parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured
girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac
Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa,
Gates operatives forcibly
vaccinated thousands of African
children against meningitis.
Between 50-500 children
developed paralysis. South African
newspapers complained, “We are
guinea pigs for drug makers”
Nelson Mandela’s former Senior
Economist, Professor Patrick
Bond, describes Gates’
philantropic practices as “ruthless”
and “immoral”.
In 2010, Gates committed $10
billion to the WHO promising to
reduce population, in part,
through new vaccines. A month
later Gates told a Ted Talk that
new vaccines “could reduce
population”. In 2014, Kenya’s
Catholic Doctors Association
accused the WHO of chemically
sterilizing millions of unwilling
Kenyan women with a phony
“tetanus” vaccine campaign.
Independent labs found the
sterility formula in every vaccine
tested. After denying the charges,
WHO finally admitted it had
been developing the sterility
vaccines for over a decade.
Similar accusations came from
Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the
A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017)
showed that WHO’s popular DTP is
killing more African than the disease
it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated
girls suffered 10x the death rate of
unvaccinated children. Gates and the
WHO refused to recall the lethal
vaccine which WHO forces upon
millions of African children annually.
Global public health advocates
around the world accuse Gates
of – hijacking WHO’s agenda
away from the projects that are
proven to curb infectious
diseases; clean water, hygiene,
nutrition and economic
They say he has diverted
agency resources to serve his
personal fetish – that good
health only comes in a syringe.
In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH,
Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a
massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast
deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and
psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and
money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.
In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the
Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine
programs on American children.”
There is so much more info out there about this evil man if you are willing to
look. He is not a philanthropist, scientist or doctor; he is a psychopath.
Swine flu is a genetically modified
biological warfare weapon. It was a
chimera of three different types of
genetic strains that someone put it
together in a cocktail. Fortunately, it was
not as lethal. The Pirbright Institute in
Britain that’s tied into their biological
warfare program over there. They were
behind the hoof and mouth disease
outbreak over there that wiped out their
cattle herd and it leaked out of there. So
it’s clear they’re working on a hoof and
mouth biological warfare weapon, but
the vaccine is there.
The only reason they develop
these biological weapons to
eventually be used. And also,
these can be used covertly.
see an unexplained sudden
a disease like this anywhere in
world, both for human beings
animals, you can always suspect
warfare agent is at work. These
more exotic things, there are
stockpiles. Basically after 9/11,
2001, that entire industry –
biological warfare industry has
reconstituted here in the United
with all these BSL-4 BSL-3 labs,
over 13,000, alleged scientists
on these things.
There was a Russian double agent spy Sergei Skripal who had been allegedly poisoned with Novichok
out in Britain. It just so happened where he was allegedly poisoned, by a a nerve agent called DX he
was right in Porton down the British bio weapons lab, right down the street from Porton Down, the
world’s first bio weapons lab that was created in 1916.
Have you wondered if this new war for biotechnological dominance, can also be used kind of as a
pretext for the centralization of political power and the initiation of wars like the 2003 Iraq war? Is
this another danger that we get these events like now this coronavirus and then governments will call
for a centralization of greater power and taking away some of our civil liberties?
If you look at the October, 2001
anthrax attacks here in the United
States, that was clearly by
elements of the United States
government that was behind that.
That was a super weapons grade
anthrax with a trillion spores per
gram and it floated in the air solely
a very sophisticated biological
weapons lab like Fort Detrick could
produce that. Fort Dietrich made
the dugway proving ground still
has a stockpile of that super
weapons grade anthrax that we
saw in October of 2001. And they
use that anthrax attack including
on Congress to brand through the
USA Patriot act which basically
turned the United States to a police
This Wuhan Virus is a DNA genetically engineered biological warfare agent
leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties which can make it
more lethal. They are probably doing something with SARS to make it a lot
more lethal and more infectious.
And so, for that reason, you have to take extreme precautions and they’re now
finally admitted anyone within six feet can be infected, whereas with SARS that
was about two feet. Well, that’s gaining a function right there and that should be a
tip off. I think you’ve got to stay at least six feet away because this is gained
function. It can flow through the air and infect, and it can get you in the eyes. Any
orifice, the mouth, maybe the ears, we’re not sure at this point. Those medical
checks are worthless because this is just public relations by all the governments
involved because there is a 14 day incubation period where people can still be
So, someone could walk right
through a medical inspection and
passing a gate into your country and
then they come down with
the coronavirus. So that’s all public
relations in my opinion by
governments and they know it and
they’re just sending people out there
with temperatures guns and things
like that. It’s not like SARS, this is
more dangerous than SARS.
Wuhan lab had SARS in
there that they were
dealing with, and they
enhanced it at
and that’s what we’re
dealing with. taking
high doses of vitamin C
and other things like
this can help you.
Pirbright vaccine has
been patented that that
might work. There is
risk in taking any of
these other vaccines.
No, you have no idea what’s in there.
for this vaccines (these DNA genetic
engineered vaccines) they’ll be using
live coronavirus probably and
sticking it in there and giving you
some live coronavirus on the theory
you’ll develop an immunity. That’s
the way a lot of these vaccines
worked out, that’s what happened
with the Ebola vaccine that created
the Ebola pandemic there in West
Africa. They were testing out a
vaccine on poor black Africans, as
usual, and this vaccine had live
Ebola in it so it gave them
Ebola. You’ll be the Guinea pig for
big pharma and everyone figures
they’re going to make a lot of money
• The Saudi SARS Sample
• The Canadian Lab
• Chinese Biological Espionage
• Xiangguo Qiu – The Chinese Bio-Warfare Agent
• Infiltrating the Canadian Lab
• The Wuhan Coronavirus
• Coronavirus Bioweapon
• China’s Biological Warfare Program
• Weaponizing Biotech
• GreatGameIndia Coronavirus Coverage
The Saudi SARS Sample
On June 13, 2012 a 60-year-old Saudi man was admitted to a
private hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a 7-day history
of fever, cough, expectoration, and shortness of breath. He had
no history of cardiopulmonary or renal disease, was receiving
no long-term medications, and did not smoke.
Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki isolated and
identified a previously unknown coronavirus from his lungs.
After routine diagnostics failed to identify the causative agent,
Zaki contacted Ron Fouchier, a leading virologist at the
Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) in Rotterdam, the
Netherlands, for advice.
Fouchier sequenced the
virus from a sample
sent by Zaki. Fouchier
used a broad-spectrum
“pan-coronavirus” real-
time polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR)
method to test for
distinguishing features
of a number of known
coronaviruses known to
infect humans.
Abnormalities on Chest Imaging of the
Saudi patient infected with
Coronavirus. Shown are chest
radiographs of the patient on the day of
admission (Panel A) and 2 days later
(Panel B) and computed tomography
(CT) 4 days after admission (Panel C)
This Coronavirus sample was
acquired by Scientific Director Dr.
Frank Plummer (key to Coronavirus
investigation Frank Plummer was
recently assassinated in Africa) of
Canada’s National Microbiology
Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg directly
from Fouchier, who received it from
Zaki. This virus was reportedly stolen
from the Canadian lab by Chinese
Frank Plummer - renowned Winnipeg
based Canadian National Microbiology
Laboratory scientist key to
Coronavirus investigation has died in
mysterious conditions in Africa. He was
the one who received Saudi SARS
Coronavirus sample which was
smuggled to Wuhan.
The National Microbiology Lab (The Canadian Science Centre
for Human and Animal Health) on Arlington St. in Winnipeg.
Wayne Glowacki/Winnipeg Free Press Oct.22 2014
The Canadian Lab
Coronavirus arrived at Canada’s NML Winnipeg facility on May 4, 2013
from the Dutch lab. The Canadian lab grew up stocks of the virus and used
it to assess diagnostic tests being used in Canada. Winnipeg scientists
worked to see which animal species can be infected with the new virus.
Research was done in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency’s national lab, the National Centre for Foreign Animal Diseases
which is housed in the same complex as the National Microbiology
Laboratory. NML has a long history of offering comprehensive testing
services for coronaviruses. It isolated and provided the first genome
sequence of the SARS coronavirus and identified another coronavirus NL63
in 2004.
This Winnipeg based Canadian lab was targeted by Chinese agents in what
could be termed as Biological Espionage.
Chinese Biological Espionage
China's Biological Warfare Program is believed to include full
range of traditional chemical & biological agents with a wide
variety of delivery systems including artillery rockets, aerial
bombs, sprayers, and short-range ballistic missiles.
China’s Biological Warfare Program is believed to be in an
advanced stage that includes research and development,
production and weaponization capabilities. Its current
inventory is believed to include the full range of traditional
chemical and biological agents with a wide variety of delivery
systems including artillery rockets, aerial bombs, sprayers,
and short-range ballistic missiles.
A combination of past and present geostrategic factors distinctly affect the Chinese approaches
and outlooks with regard to Biological Warfare. The first major factor is the relapsing Japanese
Biological Warfare attacks against and human Biological Warfare experimenting on Chinese
populations, which took place from 1933 to 1945, killing and injuring tens of thousands, without
the Chinese being able to cope or retaliate.
The employment of
Biological Warfare
against the Chinese by
the Japanese military
had a long-lasting
impact in China. The
Chinese official news
agency, Xinhua, reported
in 2002, that ‘at least
270,000 Chinese soldiers
and civilians were
slaughtered by Japanese
germ-warfare troops
between 1933 and 1945’,
according to an ‘in-depth
study by Chinese and
Japanese scholars.’
The second factor is the Chinese belief (whether sound or unsound) that the United
States (US) conducted Biological Warfare offensive operations in China (and North
Korea) during the Korean War (1950–53), alongside with the evident fact that
between 1950 and 1972, the US possessed an operational Biological Warfare arsenal.
The third factor concerns the then Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Allegedly, near the end of World War II, USSR conducted experiments with plague,
anthrax and cholera in Soviet-occupied Mongolia. Later on, tests with various vaccines
were conducted by the USSR in Mongolia for a long period of time, concomitantly with
the persisting communist brotherhood between China and USSR and their strategic
cooperation in general, and Chinese awareness and following (to a certain extent) of
the colossal Biological Warfare program run by the USSR in particular.
A comprehensive study of the aspects
pertaining to those geostrategic factors was
published in 1999—entitled China and
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Implications
for the United States—within the framework
of a conference sponsored by the US
National Intelligence Council and Federal
Research Division.
Collectively, these solidly
formed Chinese perspectives
shaped the People’s Liberation
Army’s (PLA) approaches and
outlooks pertaining to
Biological Warfare, and
yielded, naturally, a wide
Chinese Biological Warfare
Program which still persists
fully viably—if appreciably
concealed—and comprises
both defensive and offensive
sub-programs. Often located
and working conjunctively,
each of the two sub-programs,
During the Korean War
(1950–53), the earliest
semblance of routinized
defence against Biological
Warfare in the PLA were the
1952 sanitation/anti-plague
units, formed through the
involvement of the Chinese
People’s Volunteer Army in
Korea. At the same time,
intensive educational
campaigns to rid disease-
carrying pests were
conducted, combined with
experience of supposed
Biological Warfare casualties
treated during the Korean
Consequently, in 1954, PLA
delegations and students visited
the USSR for training in
microbiology and infectious
diseases. Officially, China
declared that its BWs defence
programme was initiated in 1958.
It was based on a network of anti-
plague stationary and mobile
facilities (similar to the Soviet
one), aiming to cope with plague
and further hazardous infectious
The defensive programme had
considerably been evolving during the
1960s, while an offensive Biological
Warfare program was initiated in
conjunction. By the mid-1970s, a
comprehensive, orderly defensive
alignment had been already operating
within China’s Biological Warfare
Program, while an effective offensive
BW program was run concurrently.
The latter was formed as an outcome
of the influential geostrategic factors
mentioned earlier, yet, presumably,
was no less a result of an innate
Chinese will to possess an arm of
high strategic value, in terms of sub-
nuclear weapons of mass destruction
(WMD). Such motive seems to
typically reside in the Chinese
national outlook regarding nearly any
advanced weaponry.
China joined the Biological
Weapons Convention (BWC) in
1984, 12 years after the
Convention was opened for
signature by the international
community. China acceded to the
BWC in 1984, but in a report
entitled Adherence to and
Compliance with Arms Control
Agreements, the US Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency
contended: ‘China maintained an
offensive biological weapons
program throughout the 1980s.
The program included the
development, production,
stockpiling or other acquisition or
maintenance of biological warfare
The Pentagon also published a similar paper, entitled ‘Proliferation:
Threat and Response’, which claimed that China’s Biological Warfare
Program includes manufacturing of infectious microorganisms and
toxins. In 1993, US intelligence officials stated that it was highly
probable that China had an active and expanding offensive BWs
program, following assessment that two civilian-run biological
research centres were actually controlled by the Chinese military.
The research centres were
known to have engaged
previously in production
and storage of BW. The
American suspicions
intensified in 1991 when
one of the suspected
biological centres was
enlarged. Suspicions
heightened further after
Beijing made, according to
a US official, a ‘patently
false’ declaration to the
United Nations (UN) that
it had never made any
germ weapons or
conducted any work to
bolster defences against a
biological attack.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry
subsequently described all this as
groundless, denying that China had a
germ weapons programme. In 1995,
President Clinton transmitted to the US
Congress his statutory annual
report, Adherence to and Compliance with
Arms Control Agreements. On China, it
‘[T]here are strong indications that China
probably maintains its offensive BW
program.’ In its Chemical and Biological
Defense Program Annual Report and the
Chemical and Biological Defense Program
Performance Plan for 2001, the US
Department of Defense was even more
specific, contending: ‘China possesses
the munitions production capabilities
necessary to develop, produce and
weaponize biological agents’.
Convening a hearing on China’s proliferation practices in 2003, the US–
China Economic and Security Review Commission was informed as follows:
The US believes that despite being a member of the Biological Weapons
Convention, China maintains a BW program in violation of its BWC
obligations. The United States believes that China’s consistent claims that it
has never researched, produced or possessed BW are simply not true, and
that China still retains its BW program.
Although China has submitted its voluntary annual BWC confidence-
building measure (CBM) data declarations every year, the US Department of
State assessed in 2005 that the information submitted therein continued to
be ‘inaccurate and misleading’. Further, ‘BWC CBMs since 1991 have called
on the States Parties to declare, among other things, their past offensive
activities, which China has not done. On the contrary, China insists it never
had such a program at all.’
Likewise, in 2007, Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA)
testimony for the US Senate, the
Select Committee on Intelligence,
entitled ‘Current and Projected
National Security Threats’ (in both
open and closed sessions),
contended that the DIA believes
China ‘continues to maintain some
elements of an offensive biological
weapons program.’
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the DIA and intelligence
agencies in other countries most probably continue to carefully follow
and monitor China’s Biological Warfare Program. Irrespective of
publicly bringing out their findings—if partially—or totally keeping
them, Beijing’s BWP entirely persists in all likelihood. It is assumed
that it includes an extremely secretive operational, sizable BW
arsenal, extremely hidden, which is steadily being upgraded.
From 1998 to
2009, two
attitude to the
BWC can be
The first one, from 1998 to 2002, was
apparently a result of increasing accusations
made by the US in regard to an ongoing
offensive Biological Warfare Program
conducted by Beijing. Unsurprisingly, the
first wave China generated within that
context begun with a ‘Joint Statement on
Biological Weapons Convention’, issued by
Presidents Jiang Zemin and Bill Clinton
during the Sino-US summit meeting that
took place in China in June 1998, as follows:
Recognizing the threat posed by biological
and toxin weapons, the United States and
China reaffirm their strong support for the
complete global elimination of biological
weapons. As States Parties to the Biological
Weapons Convention, the two sides stress
the importance of the Convention to
international peace and security, fully
support the purposes and objectives of the
Convention, and favor comprehensively
strengthening the effectiveness and
universality of the Convention.
Various further steps were taken
by China, so as to manifest a
supportive—if not entirely
favourable—attitude towards the
BWC. In its 17 October 2002
announcement on the
promulgation of ‘Regulations on
Export Control of Dual-use
Biological Agents and Related
Equipment and Technologies’,
China stated that it ‘has never
developed, produced or stockpiled
any biological weapons, and never
assisted any country to acquire or
develop these weapons.’
The second wave coincides
with the period 2006 to 2009,
widely accentuated by Chinese
diplomacy with respect to the
BWC. Once again, so it seems,
this was in response to
accumulating American
accusations regarding an
ongoing Biological Warfare
Program run by China.
The aspect of
widening cooperation
among state parties
was largely pointed at
as well by China, in
All States Parties should
make full use of the
Convention as an important
platform to strengthen
cooperation and
communication, promote
implementation and other
capacity of the Convention.
China believes that adopting
effective national
implementation measures in
accordance with the
Convention and respective
national situations
constitutes basic obligations
for the States Parties, as well
as the important prerequisite
and guarantee for effective
implementation of all articles
of the Convention.
In a white paper on China’s National Defence issued in 2008 by the Chinese
State Council, the chapter on arms control and disarmament emphasized
adherence to the BWC:
China observes in good faith its obligations under the BWC, and supports
the multilateral efforts aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the
Convention. China has actively participated in the meetings of the parties
to the Convention and the meetings of experts in a pragmatic manner.
China has already established a comprehensive legislation system for the
implementation of the Convention, set up a national implementation focal
point, and submitted its declarations regarding confidence-building
measures to the Implementation Support Unit of the Convention in a timely
In 2009, China accentuated its approach concerning Article X of
the BWC, noting, ‘All provisions including Article X of the
Convention are equally important and should be fully
implemented. To strengthen international cooperation helps
improve the implementation capability of States Parties,
promote the effectiveness of the Convention, and finally enhance
the universalization of the Convention.’
China also referred, in 2009, to the aspect of
tackling the spread of hazardous infectious
diseases as being closely related to the objectives
of the BWC: ‘Information about any outbreak of
acute infectious diseases should be shared in
accordance with the current practice of relevant
international organizations.’
The SARS Epidemic
Although the latter constitutes a self-evident
rule for long, the opposite conduct was
exhibited by China from November 2002—
when a sever acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) epidemic broke out in the country—
till February 2003, when China reported it for
the first time to the World Health
Organization (WHO), disclosing the seriously
threatening event (the causative virus spread
from China to 37 countries) during three
China declared that there is only
one biohazard installation with
maximal safety level (P4)
throughout the country, although
this is doubtful. Uniquely, across
China, and officially, the Wuhan
Institute of Virology is the sole
facility that is equipped with
such biohazard measure,
furnished by a French supplier.
The Institute investigates highly
virulent viruses, such as
SARS14, influenza H5N115,
Japanese encephalitis16, and
dengue. Besides this, the germ
causing anthrax is studied at the
Institute too (which is beyond the
discipline of virology).
During the last five years, China has reiterated various
BWC aspects and declarations it had previously
mentioned, as described. All in all, its diplomacy
regarding the BWC is consistent and noticeably in
favour of the Convention. And yet, it stands in
contradiction to the China’s Biological Warfare Program,
which is both defensive and offensive.
At any rate, China legitimately adheres, outwardly, to the requirements
posed by the BWC in terms of defensive profile and biosecurity
implementation. The relevance and characteristics of those aspects in
relation to China have been discussed in detail, fairly professionally, by
senior Chinese scientists within two notable reviews, forming,
nevertheless, a screen of vagueness over the core components of China’s
Biological Warfare Program, especially those dealing with bio-weaponry.
In March 2019, in mysterious
event a shipment of exceptionally
virulent viruses from Canada’s
NML ended up in China. The
event caused a major scandal
with Bio-warfare experts
questioning why Canada was
sending lethal viruses to China.
Scientists from NML said the
highly lethal viruses were a
potential bio-weapon.
Following investigation, the
incident was traced
to Chinese agents working
at NML. Four months later
in July 2019, a group
of Chinese virologists were
forcibly dispatched from the
Canadian National
Laboratory (NML). The
NML is Canada’s only level-
4 facility and one of only a
few in North America
equipped to handle the
world’s deadliest diseases,
including Ebola,
SARS, Coronavirus, etc.
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, the Chinese Biological Warfare Agent working at
the National Microbiology Laboratory, Canada
The NML scientist who was escorted
out of the Canadian lab along with her
husband, another biologist, and
members of her research team is
believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare
agent Xiangguo Qiu. Qiu was the head
of the Vaccine Development and
Antiviral Therapies Section in the
Special Pathogens Program at
Canada’s NML.
Sources say Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were escorted from the National Microbiology Lab
in Winnipeg on July 5, 2019. Since then, the University of Manitoba has ended their appointments,
reassigned her graduate students, and cautioned staff, students and faculty about traveling to China.
Xiangguo Qiu is an outstanding
Chinese scientist born in Tianjin.
She primarily received her
medical doctor degree from Hebei
Medical University in China in
1985 and came to Canada
for graduate studies in 1996.
Later on, she was affiliated with
the Institute of Cell Biology and
the Department of Pediatrics and
Child Health of the University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, not engaged
with studying pathogens.
But a shift took place,
somehow. Since 2006, she
has been studying powerful
viruses in Canada’s NML.
The viruses shipped from
the NML to
China were studied by
her in 2014, for instance
(together with the viruses
Machupo, Junin, Rift Valley
Fever, Crimean-Congo
Hemorrhagic Fever and
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is married to another
Chinese scientist – Dr. Keding Cheng, also
affiliated with the NML, specifically the
“Science and Technology Core”. Dr. Cheng is
primarily a bacteriologist who shifted to
virology. The couple is responsible for
infiltrating Canada’s NML with many Chinese
agents as students from a range of Chinese
scientific facilities directly tied to China’s
Biological Warfare Program, namely: -
1. Institute of Military Veterinary, Academy of
Military Medical Sciences, Changchun
2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
Chengdu Military Region
3. Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Hubei
4. Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing
All of the above four
mentioned Chinese Biological
Warfare facilities collaborated
with Dr. Xiangguo Qiu within the
context of Ebola virus, the Institute of
Military Veterinary joined a study on
the Rift Valley fever virus too, while
the Institute of Microbiology joined a
study on Marburg virus. Noticeably,
the drug used in the latter study –
Favipiravir – has been earlier tested
successfully by the Chinese Academy
of Military Medical Sciences, with the
designation JK-05 (originally a
Japanese patent registered in China
already in 2006), against Ebola and
additional viruses.
However, the studies by
Dr. Qiu are considerably
more advanced and
apparently vital for
the Chinese biological
weapons development in
case Coronavirus, Ebola,
Nipah, Marburg or Rift
Valley fever viruses are
included therein.
The Canadian investigation is
ongoing and questions remain
whether previous shipments to
China of other viruses or other
essential preparations, took place
from 2006 to 2018, one way or
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu also
collaborated in 2018 with three
scientists from the US Army
Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases, Maryland,
studying post-exposure
immunotherapy for two Ebola
viruses and Marburg virus in
monkeys; a study supported by
the US Defense Threat Reduction
Dr. Gary Kobinger, former chief of special pathogens (right), and
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, research scientist (second from right) met with Dr. Kent
Brantly and Dr. Linda Mobula, assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine and the physician who administered ZMapp to Brantly in
Liberia when he was infected with Ebola during the 2014-16
outbreak. (Submitted by Health Canada)
In a table-top pandemic exercise at Johns Hopkins
University last year, a pathogen based on the emerging
Nipah virus was released by fictional extremists,
killing 150 million people. A less apocalyptic scenario
mapped out by a blue-ribbon U.S. panel envisioned
Nipah being dispersed by terrorists and claiming over
6,000 American lives.
Scientists from Canada’s National Microbiology
Laboratory (NML) have also said the highly lethal bug
is a potential bio-weapon. But this March that same
lab shipped samples of the henipavirus family and of
Ebola to China, which has long been suspected of
running a secretive biological warfare program. “I
would say this Canadian ‘contribution’ might likely be
counterproductive,” said Dany Shoham, a biological
and chemical warfare expert at Israel’s Bar-Ilan
University. “I think the Chinese activities … are highly
suspicious, in terms of exploring (at least) those viruses
as BW agents.”
China strongly denies it
makes germ weapons, and
Canadian officials say the
shipment was part of its
efforts to support public-
health research worldwide.
Sharing of such samples
internationally is relatively
standard practice. But some
experts are raising
questions about the March
transfer, which appears to
be at the centre of a
shadowy RCMP
investigation and dismissal
of a top scientist at the
Winnipeg-based NML.
An official with the U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute of Chemical
Defence charged last month China is
the world leader in toxin “threats.”In
a 2015 academic paper, Shoham – of
Bar-Ilan’s Begin-Sadat Center for
Strategic Studies – asserts that more
than 40 Chinese facilities are involved
in bio-weapon production. China’s
Academy of Military Medical Sciences
actually developed an Ebola drug –
called JK-05 — but little has been
divulged about it or the defence
facility’s possession of the virus,
prompting speculation its Ebola cells
are part of China’s bio-warfare arsenal,
Shoham told the National Post.
James Giordano, a
neurology professor at
Georgetown University and
senior fellow in biowarfare
at the U.S. Special
Operations Command, said
it’s worrisome on a few
fronts. China’s growing
investment in bio-science,
looser ethics around gene-
editing and other cutting-
edge technology and
integration between
government and academia
raise the spectre of such
pathogens being
weaponized, he said.
Ebola is classified as a
“category A” bioterrorism
agent by the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention, meaning it could
be easily transmitted from
person to person, would result
in high death rates and “might
cause panic.” The CDC lists
Nipah as a category C
substance, a deadly emerging
pathogen that could be
engineered for mass
Nipah, which was first seen in Malaysia in 1998, has
caused a series of outbreaks across east and south
Asia, with death rates mostly over 50 per cent, and as
high as 100 per cent, according to World Health
Organization figures. It can cause encephalitis, an
often-fatal brain swelling, and has no known
treatment or vaccine.
The Johns Hopkins exercise — called Clade X — involved a
version of Nipah modified to be more easily passed between
people. America’s Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefence
prefaced its 2015 report with a scenario involving the intentional
release of Nipah by aerosol spray.
China’s extensive and
controversial use of
CRISPR gene-editing
and weaponizing Biotechnol
ogy makes it conceivable
the country could bio-
engineer germs like Nipah
to make them even more
dangerous, Giordano said.
That could mean an offensive
agent, or a modified germ let loose
by proxies, for which only China
has the treatment or vaccine, said
Giordano, co-head of Georgetown’s
Brain Science and Global Law and
Policy Program.“This is not
warfare, per se,” he said. “But
what it’s doing is leveraging the
capability to act as global saviour,
which then creates various levels
of macro and micro economic and
bio-power dependencies.”
Asked if the possibility of the Canadian germs being
diverted into a Chinese bio weapons program is
connected to other upheaval at the microbiology lab,
Public Health Agency of Canada spokeswoman Anna
Maddison said this week the agency “continues to look
into the administrative matter.”
The agency divulged last week that it sent samples
of Ebola and henipavirus — which includes Nipah
and the related Hendra — to China in March. It
was meant for virus research, part of the agency’s
mission to back international public-health
research, a spokesman said.
Last month, an acclaimed NML scientist — Xiangguo
Qiu — was reportedly escorted out of the lab along with
her husband, another biologist, and members of her
research team. The agency said it was investigating an
“administrative issue,” and had referred a possible policy
breach to the RCMP. Little more has been said about the
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu made at least five
trips over the school year 2017-18
to the above-mentioned Wuhan
National Biosafety Laboratory of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
which was certified for BSL4 in
January 2017. The Wuhan
National Biosafety Laboratory is
housed at the Chinese military
facility Wuhan Institute of Virology
linked to China’s Biological
Warfare Program. It was the first
ever lab in the country designed to
meet biosafety-level-4 (BSL-4)
standards – the highest biohazard
level, meaning that it would be
qualified to handle the most
dangerous pathogens.
Moreover, in August 2017,
the National Health
Commission of China
approved research activities
involving Ebola, Nipah, and
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic
fever viruses at the Wuhan
facility. Coincidentally, the
Wuhan National Biosafety
Laboratory is located only
20 miles away from the
Huanan Seafood Market
which is the epicenter of
the Coronavirus outbreak
dubbed the Wuhan
The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located
just about 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood
Market, the epicenter of Coronavirus outbreak
In January 2018, the lab was operational ‘for global experiments on
BSL-4 pathogens,’ wrote Guizhen Wu in the journal Biosafety and
Health. ‘After a laboratory leak incident of SARS in 2004, the former
Ministry of Health of China initiated the construction of
preservation laboratories for high-level pathogens such as
SARS, coronavirus, and pandemic influenza virus,’ wrote Guizhen
The Wuhan institute has
studied coronaviruses in the past,
including the strain that causes
Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome, or SARS, H5N1
influenza virus, Japanese
encephalitis, and dengue.
Researchers at the institute also
studied the germ that causes
anthrax – a biological agent once
developed in Russia.
“Coronaviruses (particularly
SARS) have been studied in the
institute and are probably held
therein,” said Dany Shoham, a
former Israeli military
intelligence officer who has
studied Chinese biowarfare. He
said. “SARS is included within
the Chinese BW program, at
large, and is dealt with in several
pertinent facilities.”
The PLA is pursuing military applications for
biology and looking into promising intersections
with other disciplines, including brain science,
supercomputing, and artificial intelligence. Since
2016, the Central Military Commission has
funded projects on military brain science,
advanced biomimetic systems, biological and
biomimetic materials, human performance
enhancement, and “new concept” biotechnology.
In 2016, an AMMS doctoral researcher published a dissertation, “Research on
the Evaluation of Human Performance Enhancement Technology,” which
characterized CRISPR-Cas as one of three primary technologies that might
boost troops’ combat effectiveness. The supporting research looked at the
effectiveness of the drug Modafinil, which has applications in cognitive
enhancement; and at transcranial magnetic stimulation, a type of brain
stimulation, while also contending that the “great potential” of CRISPR-Cas
as a “military deterrence technology in which China should “grasp the
initiative” in development.
In 2016, the potential strategic value of genetic information led the Chinese
government to launch the National Genebank, which intends to become the
world’s largest repository of such data. It aims to “develop and utilize China’s
valuable genetic resources, safeguard national security in bioinformatics, and
enhance China’s capability to seize the strategic commanding heights” in
the domain of Biotechnology Warfare.
Chinese military’s interest in biology as an
emerging domain of warfare is guided by
strategists who talk about potential “genetic
weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless
Meanwhile, in a very
strange turn of events,
renowned scientist Frank
Plummer who received
Saudi SARS Coronavirus
sample and was working
on Coronavirus (HIV)
vaccine in the Winnipeg
based Canadian lab from
where the virus was
smuggled by Chinese
Biowarfare agents has
died in mysterious
conditions in Nairobi,
Frank Plummer Assassination
Scholars or Spies
The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was
established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize
and recruit leading international experts in scientific research,
innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal western
Chinese Agent Charles
Lieber &
His Virus Transmitters
Dr. Charles Lieber is a nano-scientist
at Harvard University. He was
recently charged by the American
authorities for secretly being a
Chinese agent. However, there is a
mystery surrounding the nature of his
work. It is said he was recruited for
advanced research into nanowire-
batteries. Lieber was in fact working
on virus transmitters that could
penetrate cell membranes without
affecting the intercellular functions
and even measure activities inside
heart cells and muscle fibers.
Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber has created a transistor so small it can be used to
penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors, without disrupting function. The transistor
(yellow) sits near the bend in a hairpin-shaped, lipid-coated silicon nanowire. Its scale is similar to
that of intra-cellular structures such as organelles (pink and blue orbs) and actin filaments (pink
Dr. Charles Leiber is
a nano-scientist at
Harvard University
who also serves as a
chair for Harvard’s
Department of
Chemistry and
Chemical Biology.
He was arrested by
the U.S. Department
of Defense in
January for lying
about his association
with China’s
Thousand Talent
A V-shaped silicon nanowire is attached to bimetal connectors that lift the
entire structure up out of the horizontal plane on which it is made.
Dr. Charles Leiber is a nano-
scientist at Harvard University
who also serves as a chair for
Harvard’s Department of
Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
He was arrested by the U.S.
Department of Defense in
January for lying about his
association with China’s
Thousand Talent Program.
Once the nanowire has been lifted up, it
can penetrate three-dimensional
structures such as cells. B.Tian and C.M.
Lieber, Harvard University
It is basically a recruitment plan which
seeks to lure Chinese overseas talent
and foreign experts to bring their
knowledge and experience to China and
in return, reward individuals for stealing
proprietary information.
According to the charging
documents, Lieber was a
contractual participant of the
program and was paid $50,000
monthly, along with $158,000 in
living expenses and $1.74 million to
set up a research lab at Wuhan
University. The fact that Lieber
kept his association with the
Chinese a secret put his integrity in
question as well as financial
conflicts of interest, including
financial support from foreign
governments or foreign entities.
Although Lieber was released a day
later on a $1 million bond, the
question remains what exactly was
the nature of Leiber’s research.
What’s more concerning is that the affidavit released by the federal
prosecutors states that Leiber signed an agreement between Harvard
and Wuhan Insitute of Technology. According to the affidavit, the
purpose of the agreement was to “carry out advanced research and
development of nanowire-based lithium-ion batteries with high
performance for electric vehicles.”
However, things don’t add up since the focus of Leiber’s
research has never been about nanowire batteries. One
nanoscientist and former student of Lieber’s says: “I have never
seen Charlie working on batteries or nanowire batteries.” In
fact, in all his research papers and patents, there is no mention
of “batteries” or “vehicles”.
Dr. Leiber joined Harvard
in 1991. In his early days
at the university, he
made great strides in the
field by growing
nanowires in a flask.
Researchers before
Leiber were already
creating wire-like
structures with the help
of semiconductors, metals
and other materials.
However, their approach
would be quite expensive and
would need clean-room
facilities like the ones used by
computer chip-makers. In
contrast, Lieber could create
nanostructures using nothing
but simple and inexpensive
chemical techniques. He even
went a step further to show
how these nanowires could be
used as transistors, complex
logic circuits, data storage
devices, and even sensors.
In 2001, Harvard Magazine published a report that discussed Leiber and his
team’s research into what was termed as ‘Liquid Computing’. The report
mentioned how Leiber was at the forefront solving silicon-based microelectronics
industry’s greatest challenge – making silicon chips smaller and smaller. Leiber
noted that “continued shrinkage ultimately becomes problematic in terms of just
how one achieves [it].” Instead, he created tiny logic circuits and memory – the
two main components of a computer – using nanowires. And these circuits were
really tiny, some of which just a few atoms across!
Charles M. Leiber and his ‘Virus Transmitters’
Ten years later, Leiber created a transistor so
small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes
and probe their interiors, without affecting the
intercellular functions. The bio-compatible
transistor – the size of a virus – can not only
measure activities inside a neuron but also heart
cells and muscle fibers.
In 2017, Leiber and his
team successfully created
flexible 3D nanowires
mesh that can inject into the
brain or retina of an animal,
attach itself to the neurons
and monitor electrical signals
between the cells.
It’s no surprise the Chinese
officials were quick to get him
onboard considering he’s the
brightest brain when it comes
to nanotechnology. Not only
his research would have made
China an important player in
this futuristic technology but
it would also be a be a step
forward towards China’s
stated goal of Biological
The importance of
nanotechnology in
warfare can be
understood from
the fact that the
United States’
Department of
Defense (DoD) is
one of the largest
supporters of
research. They have
funded hundreds of
millions of dollars
into various
research related to
nanoelectronics and
One can see why Charles Lieber’s secret association with the Chinese institutes and universities and his expertise in nanotechnology could
pose a serious threat. Lieber lied about his involvement with the Thousand Talents Plan and affiliation with the Wuhan Institute of
Technology and that makes him no less than a Chinese biowarfare agent.
The technology could help
create nanosensors and
nanocoatings that military
could use to protect soldiers
against chemical and
biological attacks. The fact
that nanosensors can detect
microscopic quantities of
chemicals means it can be
used as an effective early
warning system against
chemical warfare agents such
as nerve agents and blood
One can see why Charles
Lieber’s secret association with
the Chinese institutes and
universities and his expertise in
nanotechnology could pose a
serious threat. Lieber lied about
his involvement with
the Thousand Talents Plan and
affiliation with the Wuhan
Institute of Technology and that
makes him no less than a
Chinese biowarfare agent.
Another scientist who is key to
the COVID-19 investigation is
Dutch scientist Ron Fouchier.
Fouchier is a controversial figure in
the field of Viroscience. He is the
doctor who helped the Egyptian
doctor Ali Mohammad Zaki, who
isolated the coronavirus from the
dead Saudi businessman’s lungs, by
gene sequencing the sample sent by
Zaki. (mentioned in the beginning of
the report).
Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier
He created world’s deadliest virus strain and his research sparked
a global controversy to de-fund and shutdown such experiments.
Experts have raised concerns legally that such experiments could
not only lead to a global pandemic but could also lead to bio-
terrorism. However, Ron Fouchier is also a key to the COVID-19
investigation. He isolated the SARS Coronavirus smuggled out of
Saudi Arabia which was sent to the Canadian scientist Frank
COVID-19 vaccine developed
by Wuhan institute set for
more clinical trials
WIV has been in the eye of
the storm in recent weeks as
US President Donald Trump
and top American officials
alleged that the coronavirus
may have escaped from
there and demanded a probe
into it. An official of the WIV
denied it, terming the
allegation "entirely based on
China has approved its third
coronavirus vaccine for the second
phase of clinical trials as it reported
12 new COVID-19 cases, taking the
total number of infections in the
country to 82,816. Meanwhile
China's National Health Commission
(NHC) said on Saturday that 12
newly confirmed COVID-19 cases
were reported in the country on
Friday, of which 11 were imported.
The overall confirmed cases
on the mainland had reached
82,816 by Friday, including
838 patients who were still
being treated and 77,346
people discharged after
treatment. The total number
of imported cases of the
coronavirus in China
increased to 1,629 on Friday;
of this, 909 had been
discharged from hospitals
after recovery, and 720 were
being treated with 25 in
severe condition.
China has approved three
coronavirus vaccines,
including the one developed by
the Chinese military, the
People's Liberation Army
(PLA), for clinical trials.
China has approved three
COVID-19 vaccine candidates
for clinical trials. An
adenovirus vector vaccine,
developed by Institute of
Military Medicine under the
Academy of Military Sciences,
was the first to be approved to
enter a clinical trial. The first
phase of the clinical trial was
completed at the end of
March, and the second phase
started on April 12.
China on Tuesday (April 14) said
it has given the go-ahead to two
more vaccine makers to carry out
early-stage human testing. They
are the Beijing subsidiary of
Nasdaq-listed Sinovac Biotech
and Chinese pharmaceutical
company Sinopharm together
with the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. Last month, Chinese
authorities approved clinical
trials for a vaccine candidate by
the People's Liberation Army's
Academy of Military Sciences and
biotech firm CanSino Bio, the
only vaccine in the world that last
week swiftly moved into the
second phase of a human trial.
Unlike the military-backed project, which is an adenovirus
vector vaccine, the two new candidates are inactivated vaccines
which provide weaker immunity than live vaccines. These are
the first two inactivated vaccines to start trial globally.
"It should be said that the production
process (for inactivated vaccines) is
relatively mature, the quality
standards are controllable, the scope
of protection is also relatively wide,"
said Ministry of Science and
Technology official Wu Yuanbin at a
news conference on Tuesday. "These
will provide some conditions for
accelerating the use of vaccines."
China has previously developed other
inactivated vaccines for H1N1,
hepatitis A, hand-foot-mouth disease
and polio. At least eight Chinese
institutes and companies are said to be
involved in the research and
development of a vaccine for Covid-19.
The asymptomatic cases were a cause of
concern as the government has lifted its
lockdown in Hubei and Wuhan after
cases abated. Asymptomatic cases refer
to people who are tested positive for the
coronavirus but develop no symptoms
such as fever, cough or sore throat.
They are infectious and pose a risk of
spreading to others.
China now has more COVID-19
vaccine candidates approved for
human testing than any other
country in the world. On
Tuesday, Chinese health
authorities approved vaccine
candidates developed by two
Chinese companies—the state-
owned Wuhan Institute of
Biological Products and the
Beijing-based biotech firm
Sinovac—for phase I testing on
humans, according to China’s
state-run media outlet Xinhua
This follows an April 10 announcement that CanSino Biologics,
a biotech firm based in Tianjin, China, and its partners at the
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, were the world’s first
vaccine makers to move into phase II trials for vaccine
China has thus far moved at
record speed in the global hunt
for a vaccine, China is
shortening the timeline for
seeing a vaccine through to
market. It's still working on
the 12- to 18- month
schedule that experts say is
realistic—if not overly
optimistic. At least three
companies based elsewhere
have entered phase I trials; a
fourth won phase I and phase
II approval at once. Yet the
Chinese companies are near
the pole position for vaccines
against the pandemic, and they
may gain more prominence as
candidates’ inch closer to the
finish line in coming months.
THE only explanation to the
feat is that they were not only
working to spike up the virus
but also developing the cure
for themselves and making the
trials for six long years from
2013 to 2019 using the
mountainous bats which are
the only mammals which have
the coronavirus inside body as
natural infections and this
have the naturally occurring
antibodies to the virus. The
actual trails are the human
trials for the antibodies proven
on the captured population
Xingang and Uighur provinces
camps. It has vast prison
population which it uses for
biological human tests as
human Guinea pigs.
An "inactivated" vaccine developed by
Wuhan Institute of Biological
Products under the China National
Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm)
and the Wuhan Institute of Virology
(WIV) started its clinical trials, state-
run Xinhua news agency reported. An
"inactivated" vaccine consists of virus
particles, bacteria, or other pathogens
that have been grown in culture and
then lose disease-producing capacity.
In contrast, live vaccines use
pathogens that are still alive.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army
(PLA) has completely controlled the
country's vaccine development program.
Currently, work is going on on 7 vaccine
candidates in the form of Human Trials all
over the world. 3 of these are with China
Mr Wu said China uses five approaches in
vaccine development: inactivated vaccines,
genetic engineering sub-unit vaccines,
adenovirus vector vaccines, nucleic acid
vaccines and vaccines using attenuated
influenza virus as vectors.
The Chinese Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention said on Jan 26 that the country
had started developing vaccines after the
virus was isolated and the seed strains
"We must be aware that the development of a vaccine is a battle that China cannot
afford to lose," said a Global Times op-ed last month." Future competition between
countries will be essentially a competition of technological strength. "Only by
mastering advanced technologies can a country be able to hold its development and
national security in its own hands. "From this aspect, it is not exaggerated to call
vaccine R&D a life-and-death battle."
Analysts say the Chinese military
has a distinct advantage over the
rest in the development of
vaccines, given its access to
samples and data, and the
complete backing of the state.
A total of 96 persons in three age
groups have received the vaccine
in the first phase of clinical trial as
of April 23. The vaccine has shown
good safety results so far and
vaccine receivers are still under
observation, said the Chinese
pharmaceutical company
The randomised, double-blind,and placebo-controlled clinical trials of
the inactivated vaccine are conducted in Jiaozuo, central China's
Henan Province, and the second phase of clinical trials will focus on
the vaccination procedure, it said. The vaccine will also go through the
third phase of the clinical trial, and it may take about one year to
complete the clinical trial before finally reaching the conclusion on the
vaccine's safety and efficacy, it said.
The Chinese vaccine has been undergoing trials since March 16 in
Wuhan, the birthplace of the corona virus. The researcher claimed
that the vaccine was undergoing a proper trial in Wuhan. The result
will be announced in April. This vaccine will be tested on foreigners
based in China. Researcher Chen of the Chinese Military Science
Academy said that this vaccine would be used in other countries
affected by Corona.
Pakistan is going to become a Guinea pig for the China Covid-19 Vaccine on
Pakistan, which is suffering from the coronavirus. Pakistan has allowed China
to test its vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) on humans. This test will be done in the
next three months. China has created a vaccine to deal with the corona virus
which will be tried in Pakistan. Through this, China will try to know how
effective the vaccine is and not its side effects. Actually, China is going to
conduct clinical trials of its vaccine in Pakistan on corona patients
Pakistan is going to become a Guinea pig for the China Covid-19 Vaccine on
Pakistan, which is suffering from the coronavirus. Pakistan has allowed China to
test its vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) on humans. This test will be done in the next
three months. China has created a vaccine to deal with the corona virus which will
be tried in Pakistan. Through this, China will try to know how effective the vaccine
is and not its side effects. Actually, China is going to conduct clinical trials of its
vaccine in Pakistan on corona patients
“We will be part of clinical trial with
China,” said ED NIH Maj Gen Aamer
Ikram to The Nation. In a letter written
to the Sinopharm International, ED
NIH said that that “our two
organizations have already been
collaborating in vaccine development in
Pakistan. Through our representative
Health Bee projects private limited, we
would like to extend our offer for
cooperation on conducting clinical trials
of our recently developed inactivated
Covid-19 vaccine to the National
Institute of Health in our brotherly
country, Pakistan”.
Interestingly, this pharma company is
not yet listed under the WHO's
Important Candidate Vaccine List. In
this case, raising doubts about the safety
of the proposed trial.
Speaking to Pakistan News Channel 92
News, Major General Doctor Aamir
Ikram of Pakistan's National Institute of
Health said that China has started work
for the vaccine trial. He said, "It is
expected that the corona virus vaccine
will be launched in Pakistan in the next
three months."
'Recognition of new Chinese-made
vaccine from many institutions'.
Ikram said that many companies
are trying to make vaccines, but
China has discovered this. He
said, 'It usually takes 8 to 10
years to make a vaccine. The new
Chinese-made vaccine has been
recognized by many institutions.
We will fix all these cases very
soon. ' In fact, China is going to
conduct its own clinical trial in
Pakistan on patients with corona
virus. There is a great risk of
trials on humans of any vaccine.
The patient's life can also be lost.
The disease can spread more.
Farhanaz Ispahani, a Global Fellow
of Woodrow Wilson, Washington, has
questioned China's intention behind
the move. She wrote on Twitter that
human guinea pig? Would the Prime
Minister who did not have the
wisdom or the will to close the
mosques of the country, not be able to
ask China for this?
Despite all these dangers, the Imran
Khan government of Pakistan has
agreed to put the lives of citizens at
stake to please China. Earlier China
had announced that it would now
test its vaccine in other countries of
the world. Earlier, a Chinese
researcher said that China is making
a vaccine and plans to conduct
clinical trials in other countries
affected by Corona.
Sinopharm, HealthBee and NIH finalising agreements to kick start trials
The letter said that “PRC(Peoples Republic of China), Phase-I & Phase –II
for clinical trial have been combined. We recommend and hope that Pakistan
will adopt a similar approach through its regulatory authority. We hope that
successful clinical trial in Pakistan will make it one of the few countries for
the launch of Covid-19 vaccine”.
However, a pharmacist and former secretary biological drugs of DRAP Dr. Obaid
Ali viewed that disclosure of preclinical data to demonstrate safety of human trial
should be the first priority. He said that preclinical and clinical risk mitigation
strategies need to be in place, so that those enrolled in clinical trials may not
experience to any potential unreasonable risk that can be avoided. “Data is
required to evaluate theoretical risk for vaccine-induced conditions, which may be
worse if subject catches infection in real time during trial,” he said.
Meanwhile the GM China Sinopharm International Corporation Li Can,
writing to NIH about the tripartite Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) said that with reference of previous correspondence through the
embassy of PRC with Maj. Gen Dr. Aamir Ikram at National Institute of
Health (NIH), Sinophrm considers that NIH has the necessary technical
expertise and elements for conducting the clinical trial on recruited
participants, through a nominated medical institutions, under Phase-I
and II protocol requirements and as per clinical trial guidelines.
It said that in order to achieve the objective, we
recommend that Sinopharm, HealthBee and
NIH enter into tripartite MOU urgently to plan
and commence the implementation of these
Phase I and II combined clinical trials. This
will enable Sinnopharm to share more detailed
confidential information for approvals and
It also said that NIH is
requested to first kindly
facilitate the approval of the
Ministry of National Health
Services and Drug Regulatory
Authority of Pakistan (DRAP)
for the clinical trial. We believe
that the MOU will expedite the
local documentation, regulatory
approvals process as well as help
clearly identify the roles of
various entities involved. “Given
the escalating spread of the
pandemic, urgency is critical to
the launch of any clinical trial in
Pakistan and the subsequent
introduction of the vaccine in
Pakistan,” said the letter.
It further said that through our representative
HealthBee Projects Private Limited we will
provide full support in the provision of the
supporting/regulatory documentation,
distribution of trial related funding, planning of
logistics, and submission of clinical trial dossier
to DRAP.
It added “we will work in
collaboration with MIH clinical trial
team and during the processing for
the success of clinical trials as this
endeavour is of utmost importance
for our countries in accordance with
the current pandemic situation”. The
letter said will be grateful if an in-
principal approval for our
cooperation can be provided to us
before progressing further. We look
forward for your kind support and
urgent response, after consulting the
relevant ministries of the
government of Pakistan.
If clinical trials are conducted in Pakistan
and it turns out successful, then it will be
the first nation to get the vaccine on high-
priority basis.
A Pakistani television journalist has claimed
that China has developed a vaccine for
covid-19 and Pakistan will be among the
first few countries to receive it. Even as the
scientists across the globe are working
overtime to find a cure and vaccine for the
covid-19 pandemic, In her program, a letter
claiming that this so-called vaccine program
would take 3 months minimum to start its
trials. The letter states that the company
has offered to do clinical trials on patients in
Pakistan first.
It also mentions that China's request for
clinical trials and recruitment of test-
patients for phase 1 and 2 tests. According
to the claims, if clinical trials are
conducted in Pakistan and it turns out
successful, then it will be the first nation
to get the vaccine on a high-priority basis.
We would like to inform our viewers that
nowhere in the world has a vaccine for the
coronavirus been developed yet. It takes
several phases of clinical trials before
scientific communities declare a vaccine
safe for human use.
Now let us look at the companies at the forefront of the efforts: -
CanSino Biologics was founded
in 2009 by Yu Xuefeng, a
Chinese national who spent
most of his career in Canada
working for the vaccine and
pharmaceutical giant Sanofi
Pasteur. Yu says that he
founded the company to connect
what he saw as a booming
vaccine research and
development market in China
with international markets and
collaborators. In line with this
mission, he recruited three
other native-Chinese scientists
with overseas pharmaceutical
experience to launch the
CanSino Biologics
CanSino has worked on
developing vaccines for a
number of different
infectious diseases, such
as meningitis and
tuberculosis. It was thrust
into China’s national
spotlight in 2017
when domestic authorities
approved the company’s
vaccine as China's first
candidate for Ebola. The
vaccine was developed in
partnership with the
military-run Academy of
Military Medical Sciences
in Beijing.
CanSino has worked on developing vaccines for a number of different
infectious diseases, such as meningitis and tuberculosis. It was thrust
into China’s national spotlight in 2017 when domestic authorities
approved the company’s vaccine as China's first candidate for Ebola.
The vaccine was developed in partnership with the military-run
Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.
Yu has signalled openness in
cooperating internationally in
finding a vaccine, and on Monday
signed on to a World Health
Organization statement urging more
global coordination in COVID-19
vaccine development efforts. At the
same time, Dr. Chen Wei, a Chinese
general who is leading the military
vaccine team partnering with
CanSino, has described the quest
in militaristic and nationalistic
terms, equating finding a vaccine
with providing China a 'bio
shield' from outside threats.
CanSino says its current vaccine
efforts are based on the
technologies it developed in
producing the Ebola vaccine, and
Chinese media has heralded the
company’s efforts as a
demonstration of the
country’s "strong research
Sinovac Biotech
Sinovac Biotech was established in
Beijing in 2001 on the heels of work
conducted by CEO Yin Weidong and
his team to develop China’s first
domestically-produced hepatitis A
vaccine. Since then, the company
has developed six other
commercially-viable vaccines, and
the firm now has a market value
of over $400 million
The company gained particular
prominence in 2009 when it
developed the world’s first approved
vaccine to tackle H1N1 swine flu,
the only pandemic the world had
grappled with since the 1918
Spanish Flu until the coronavirus
Sinovac’s efforts to produce a
coronavirus vaccine are based on
platforms the company used to
address China’s Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
epidemic in 2004, according to
a vaccine tracker run by the Milken
Institute, a U.S.-based think tank. At
the time of SARS, Sinovac created the
first vaccine candidate to enter human
trials. And though initial trials proved
promising, further trials were
suspended as the threat of SARS
For now, the company seems intent to
showcase to the world that coronavirus
isn’t the first pandemic it's battled.
“Sinovac has always been committed
to developing vaccines for global use
when facing pandemics,” Yin said in a
company statement on Tuesday.
Less is known about the Wuhan
Institute of Biological Products.
Founded in 1950, it traces its
roots almost all the way back to
the founding of modern-day
China. The institute now
operates as an affiliate of the
state-owned China National
Pharmaceutical Group—also
known as Sinopharm—which is
the largest pharmaceutical
company in China with annual
revenue topping $60 billion in
2019. The institute has a
sprawling campus in Wuhan with
nearly 1,000 employees,
according to the company’s
website. The company, however,
has released little information
about its past or ongoing vaccine
development efforts.
Wuhan Institute of Biological Products
Located in the city at the centre of China's coronavirus
outbreak, the institute has become the subject of unfounded
conspiracy theories that suggest the pathogen leaked from its
labs. Such theories have largely targeted the Wuhan Institute
of Virology, but some have drawn connections between the two
institutes, inserting them into the unproven narrative that the
Chinese government played a role in creating the virus. The
U.S. government is currently investigating the possibility that
the virus originated in a lab but hasn't yet drawn any
conclusions. Scientists say that the virus most likely started
in bats and spread to other animals before passing to humans,
but its specific origin is not yet known.
The Institute of Biological
Products has had to
overcome a scandal of a
different kind in recent
years. In 2018, the
Chinese government
found that the institute
produced over 400,000
defective DPT
vaccines—which protect
against diphtheria,
pertussis, and
sacked six local
government officials in
the wake of the crisis.
This is a robotic dragonfly. it
was developed by the CIA and
was flying in the 1970s. It
was powered by an
ultraminiaturized gasoline
engine (!) that would vent its
exhaust backwards to
increase the bot’s thrust, and
the only reason they seemed
to have scrapped it was that
its performance in a
crosswind wasn’t that good. A
laser beam steered the
dragonfly and a watchmaker
on the project crafted a
miniature oscillating engine
so the wings beat, and the
fuel bladder carried liquid
This was the state of technology 40 years ago versus the state of
technology today, and what might be possible now (but currently top
secret) if they had an operational insect robot way back then.
Animal Dynamics, a
British startup
spinoff from Oxford
University, produces
biologically inspired
vehicles and drones
— including the
“Skeeter,” a drone
the size of a pen
intended for military
Thomas, the co-founder and
chief science officer of
Dynamics, studies biomecha
nics — how animals fly and
move. The company’s 44
employees, $8 million in
venture capital and
contracts with the British
Ministry of Defense
signal the increasing
attention on bio-inspired
design. Animals have been
moulded by millennia of
evolution to become as
efficient as possible, an
urgent mission for the
nonorganic world in an era
of climate change. Today,
Animal Dynamics has three
projects underway.
The Skeeter is an
insect like autonomous
drone for military
reconnaissance. The
Stork is the most
advanced model, a
paraglider-like drone
that can efficiently
glide into military
resupply drops. The
Malolo is a waterborne
craft that propels itself
with a finlike device
instead of a propeller.
China is deploying robots and drones to remotely disinfect hospitals, deliver
food and enforce quarantine restrictions as part of the effort to
fight coronavirus. Chinese state media has reported that drones and robots
are being used by the government to cut the risk of person-to-person
transmission of the disease. There are 780 million people that are on some
form of residential lockdown in China. Wuhan, the city where the viral
outbreak began, has been sealed off from the outside world for weeks. There
have also been reports of drones using thermal imaging to detect people
with fevers from the air. These viral videos could "absolutely be real" said
drone expert Andy Miah, "I think they're an incredibly appealing tool for
the law enforcement industry," Miah told Dezeen.
"The drone gives the police
force a capacity to roam and be
present in a way that no other
means of movement have
allowed in the past." futuristic
technology powered by
artificial intelligence is helping
to identify coronavirus
symptoms, find new
treatments, and track the
spread of the disease.
Meanwhile, robots are making
interactions with and
treatment of sick patients
Powerful surveillance tech — including
facial recognition-enabled cameras and
drones — is also helping find people who
might be sick or who aren’t wearing
masks. Flying robots, also known as
drones, are also in the mix. Shenzhen
Micro-Multi-Copter said in a statement
earlier this month that it is
deploying drones to patrol public places,
spray disinfectant, and conduct thermal
imaging. Chinese officials have used
drones to track whether people are
traveling outside without wearing face
masks or violating other quarantine
rules. More on this surveillance trend in a
Coronavirus is contagious and hard to contain, which means that it’s safer for many
human-to-human interactions to be done remotely. Both in hospitals and in public,
remote communication means that patients avoid transmitting the disease and health
workers save time on simple tasks. This has cleared the way for robots and lots of other
automated technologies to help out. Now, robots are being used to disinfect
rooms, communicate with isolated people, take vital information, and deliver medications
(and anything else someone might need).
Public health data
surveillance companies
Metabiota and BlueDot were
both used to track the initial
outbreak of the novel
coronavirus. BlueDot
actually notified its clients of
the coronavirus threat
several days before both the
World Health Organization
and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC) issued their public
warnings. Now, the same
type of technology continues
to monitor social media posts
and other publicly available
content to look for signs of
the disease’s spread,
as Wired has reported.
Companies that sell facial
recognition are using the
outbreak as an opportunity to
push their own tech’s
As Quartz reported, China’s
Sense-Time now boasts that
its software can identify
people without face masks on.
And on Twitter, at least one
company — Remark Holdings
— cited the coronavirus while
pushing that its software’s
ability to detect whether
people were wearing masks
was better than that of
Chinese company Baidu.
Baidu, the Chinese search engine giant, has made
its computing capabilities available to scientists for
studying the virus. According to the company, its
algorithm multiplies the sequencing speed by
20 . Several research teams are also working on an
AI capable of mapping and predicting the spread of
the virus . Tencent and Baidu provided their users'
data to model how the virus was able to
leave Wuhan in the days following its
appearance. Other algorithms scan social
networks, media reports and official health data to
determine where the virus is most likely to
spread. For its part, the Chinese start-up iFlytek
has developed an algorithm to identify the patients
most at risk according to their age, place of
residence or medical condition.
This more advanced facial recognition tech already exists.
Panasonic, which is also selling its facial recognition
system FacePro in the US, has also claimed that its
systems can identify people wearing masks. The
coronavirus epidemic has also inspired facial recognition
companies to integrate their tech with thermal imaging.
SenseTime is selling thermal imaging-enabled facial recognition, and
so is Sunell, another China-based video surveillance company,
according to a press release. Proponents of surveillance tech focus on
threats to peoples’ safety and property, pointing to “dangerous” people
like terrorists and sex offenders. Less often, however, do proponents of
this technology point to the safety risks associated with a potential
In the Beijing metro, travellers are scrutinized by
an infrared scanner that measures their
temperature. Developed by Megvii,
a Chinese start-up, "the system is able to
accurately detect a body temperature at distances
greater than 3 meters and in the midst of heavy
passenger traffic, even when the person is wearing
a mask or a hat,” says the company. The passenger
is then identified by facial recognition.
"This allows staff to
carry out checks
without physical conta
ct close, while reducing
the potential
transmission of the
coronavirus and
optimizing the flow of
passengers ”. Its
competitor Baidu has
developed a similar
system, capable of
detecting the
temperature of 200
people per minute,
faster than the
scanners used in
Viral outbreaks like COVID-19 highlight the growing
role new medical technology — in particular, ideas
from the field of robotics — can play in fighting the
spread of novel infectious diseases.
“Extreme cases make us rethink how we do things,” says Dr. Robin
Murphy, Raytheon professor of computer science & engineering at
Texas A&M University. The 2014 Ebola outbreak in Texas, the first in
the U.S., led to years of study by Murphy and others on emergency
response and the integration of robotics with medicine to help limit
pathways for a highly contagious disease to spread.
“A hospital lost a whole wing
temporarily. Two ambulances
were infected,” she recalled.
Still, she says, not enough has
changed. Wild ideas from the
world of robotics capture
attention, but health-care
experts like Murphy are
focused on more basic
automated solutions, like
seeing robots perform routine
medical work for contagious
patients, without replacing or
eliminating health-care
workers, to free up medical
staff so they can spend more
time on direct care, as well as
reduce risk of their exposure.
Hospital beds that can be
automated to cycle
through a series of
positions (e.g., elevate
head for X amount of
time, then lower and
elevate Y) can perform
work that is difficult to do
for health-care
professionals while they
are wearing protective
gear and focused on
higher-priority items.
“The medical professionals said they were always behind,”
according to Murphy, but this was one task that Ebola workers
found did provide patient benefits. Robots designed for handling
biohazardous waste and decontaminating rooms and ambulances
are also ideas born out of an era of increasing experience with
pandemic risks.
“Why waste a person
carrying the trash?
Why send a nurse in
to change a position
on the bed. Now we’re
not thinking of the
robots as things that
look like a dog or
humanoids — think of
the bed itself as being
a robot,” Murphy said.
Stanford Medical Center IV bags are
wirelessly connected to a network and
can be remotely programmed — an IV
bag Internet of Things — though the
system does not include the robotic
changing of bags that Murphy
envisions. Beds from Leaf Healthcare
used in the Stanford hospital are able
to inflate or deflate to reposition
patients and avoid pressure injuries.
UV sterilizing robots from Xenex are
used in highly contagious infection
rooms where virulent organisms are
present. “I have a feeling in time that
may become standard,” Damrose said.
“Look at the antibiotic crisis and how
these organisms are adapting to
disinfectants and antibiotics. It doesn’t
make sense to hand clean a room.
Rooms of the future could all have UV
cleaning robots.”
The ability to incorporate such dual-use cyberinsects and biorobots in the
potential weaponization of biological agents needs to be addressed and
curbed. Biorobots of the household pest the cockroach, Blaberus discoidalis,
the desert ant Cataglyphis, and the cricket- Gryllus bimaculatus are already
the subject of in situ research. The cricket robot is being developed, in the
USA, through academic research within the framework of the Defence
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) robotics program.
Nanotechnology has potential
applications for defence, especially
in the field of sensors, transducers,
nanorobotics, nanoelectronics,
memory storage, propellants, &
explosives to enhance the
performance of devices and weapon
systems. The research and
development activities of
nanotechnology are increasing
globally at a rapid rate. Many
programs have been launched by
individual countries or jointly
towards the realization of
Weapons of mass destruction, be they nuclear, chemical or biological in nature,
constitute a threat to national security, and to regional and international co-
operation (New York Academy of Sciences, 1998). Civilian and military
vulnerability to biological weapons can be overcome by resorting to the
development of biosensors, fast-reacting bio-detection agents, advanced medical
diagnostics, and effective vaccination and immunisation programmes. Bio -
detection has been spurred on through the development of biorobots (Treindl,
1999). Mechanised insects with computerised artificial systems mimic through
microchips or biochips certain biological processes such as neural networks that
gather and process neural impulses that influence behavioural sensitivities to
stress and dangerous responses to substances of biological and chemical origin.
These micro-gadgets can carry out in a single operation tasks such as DNA
processing, screening of blood samples, scans for the presence and identifications
of disease genes, and monitoring of genetic cell activity normally carried out by
several laboratory technicians.
Researchers have long
dreamed of developing tiny
robots that could roam about
inside our bodies, delivering
drugs with unprecedented
precision, and hunting down
and destroying cancer cells.
Last month scientists from
China’s National Center for
Nanoscience and Technology
(NCNT) and Arizona State
University said they had
developed robots a few
hundred nanometers across —
there are 25 million
nanometers in an inch — and
when they injected them into
the bloodstream of mice,
the nanorobots could shrink
tumors by blocking their blood
The nanorobots were made
from sheets of DNA rolled into
tubes containing a blood-
clotting drug. On the outside,
the researchers placed a small
DNA molecule that binds with
a protein found only in tumors.
When the bots reached tumors,
this molecule attached to the
protein, triggering the DNA
tube to unroll and release the
drug. Such a device is very
different from the human-scale
bots that build our cars and
vacuum our floors. But
Guangjun Nie, one of the
NCNT professors who
developed the nanorobots,
points out that they are able to
sense their environment,
navigate, and carry out
mechanical tasks just like
large robots.
The researchers are working
with a biotech firm to
commercialize the cancer-
fighting nanobots. And Nie
says this is just a taste of what
DNA nanorobots could do.
“What we call nanorobots are
the next generation of
nanomedicines because they
give you much better control
and can be made to work like a
machine,” he says. "In the
future we will demonstrate
even more scenarios for our
nanorobots from monitoring
disease, to finding tissue
damage, curing cancer and
maybe even finding and
destroying plaques in our blood
In addition to boosting the
effectiveness and lessening
the side effects of powerful
drugs, nanorobots loitering in
our bloodstream could act as
early warning systems for
disease. And tiny wireless
surgical tools could let doctors
perform medical procedures
without cutting people open.
Eric Diller, an assistant
professor of mechanical
engineering at the University of
Toronto in Canada, is working
on this last problem. He’s
developing robots just under a
millimetre across that are built
from elastic polymers filled
with magnetic particles that
can be dragged through fluids
and triggered to grasp objects.
These tiny bots are controlled by
precise magnetic fields generated by
an array of electromagnets. The
robots could eventually be used to
collect tissue biopsies or carry drug
capsules inside the body, says Diller.
The nanorobots operate in a virtual
environment comparing random,
thermal and chemical control
techniques. The nanorobot
architecture model has
nanobioelectronics as the basis for
manufacturing integrated system
devices with embedded
nanobiosensors and actuators, which
facilitates its application for medical
target identification and drug
delivery. The nanorobot interaction
with the described workspace shows
how time actuation is improved
based on sensor capabilities.
Therefore, our work addresses the
control and the architecture design
for developing practical molecular
machines. Advances in
nanotechnology are enabling
manufacturing nanosensors and
actuators through
nanobioelectronics and biologically
inspired devices. Analysis of
integrated system modeling is one
important aspect for supporting
nanotechnology in the fast
development towards one of the
most challenging new fields of
science: molecular machines. The
use of 3D simulation can provide
interactive tools for addressing
nanorobot choices on sensing,
hardware architecture design,
manufacturing approaches, and
control methodology investigation.
The ability to manufacture nanorobots can be understood as the result of current
trends and new methodologies in fabrication, computation, transducers and
manipulation. The hardware architecture for a medical nanorobot must include
the necessary devices for monitoring the most important aspects of its operational
workspace: the human body. To reach this aim, data processing, energy supply,
and data transmission capabilities should be addressed through embedded
integrated circuits, using advances in technologies derived from nanotechnology
and VLSI design.
CMOS VLSI design using extreme
ultraviolet lithography provides
high precision and a commercial
way for manufacturing early
nanodevices and nanoelectronics
systems. To validate designs and to
achieve a successful
implementation, the use of VHDL
(very high-speed integrated circuit
hardware description language) has
become the most common
methodology utilized in the
integrated circuit manufacturing
industry. A large set of different
chemical and biological sensors has
been achieved with distinct
sequences of peptides through
combinatorial chemistry for
selective detection of various
medical targets.
For example, nano-
biosensors and
fabrication processes on
nanoelectronics have
been investigated and
established to achieve
activation at nanoscale

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  • 1. Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus from Canada And Weaponized It
  • 2. The findings of this investigation has been corroborated by none other than the Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Convention Act followed by many nations. The report has caused a major international controversy and is suppressed actively by a section of mainstream media.
  • 3. Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.
  • 4. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Highlights: - ● How the Deep State deployed anthrax on US soil to whip up publicity about biological weapons and increase funding for bioweapons labs ● Why the WHO and CDC are both criminal organizations which are complicit in the covert development of biological weapons ● The “death science” industry and why the US government has spent over $100 billion developing self-replicating weapons ● Details about the Pirbright Institute and its ties to bioweapons, depopulation, vaccines and coronavirus patents. (It’s partially funded by Bill & Melinda Gates) ● How Chinese Biowarfare agents working at the Canadian lab in Winnipeg were involved in the smuggling of Coronavirus to Wuhan’s lab from where it is believed to have been leaked. ● Why all BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs in the world should be banned and shut down.
  • 5. There are some people in the US and experts that have been saying that in reality, China isn’t complying with the Bioweapons convention. Is China developing its own biosafety level four lab in Wuhan and elsewhere, as you know, as a type of deterrence. Is it a type of a biological arms race that we have going on? what do you make of reports that Chinese scientists have been stealing research and viruses, including the coronavirus from a Canadian bio lab this past December? Chinese nationals have been charged with smuggling vials of biological research to China from the US with the aid of Charles Lieber who was the chair of Harvard’s chemistry department. And he also happens to be in 2011 a strategic scientist at Wuhan University. What’s going on with this recent outbreak in Wuhan?
  • 6.
  • 7. Basically BSL-4 labs are used to develop offensive biological warfare weapons with DNA genetic engineering. Wuhan has a BSL-4 laboratory. they were researching SARS, and they weaponize it further by giving it a gain of function properties, which means it could be more lethal. Indeed, the latest report now is it’s a 15% fatality rate, which is more than SARS at 83% infection rate. A typical gain of function travels in the air so it could reach out maybe six feet or more from someone emitting a sneeze or a cough. Likewise, this is a specially designated WHO research lab. The WHO was in on it, and they knew full well what was going on there. The coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaped out of Wuhan BSL-4.
  • 8. It’s also been reported that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus m aterials from the Canadian lab at Winnipeg. Winnipeg is Canada’s formal center for research, developing, testing, biological warfare weapons. It’s along the lines of Fort Detrick here in the United States of
  • 9. All these BSL-4 labs are by United States, Europe, Russia, China, Israel are all there to research, develop, test biological warfare agents. There’s really no legitimate scientific reason to have BSL-4 labs. They’re complete unsafe. BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab are only designed for research development testing of offense of biological warfare agents. They serve no legitimate purpose at all. They should all be shut down, every one of them.
  • 10. They’re simply too dangerous. There’s an excellent documentary called Anthrax Wars by Nadler and Coen. Basically, this is offensive biological weapons raised by the United States government and with its assistance in Canada and Britain. The world responded accordingly including Russia and China. They were going to set up a whole series of BSL-4 facilities as well. Wuhan was the first. It backfired on them. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
  • 11. It does appear they stole something there from Winnipeg. This activity that they engaged in clearly violates the Biological Weapons Convention. Research development of biological weapons these days is an international crime, the use of it would be. That was criminal. Wuhan BSL-4 was research developing, testing, SARS as a biological warfare agent. So, it could have been, they gave it this DNA genetic engineering enhanced properties gain of function. All these BSL-4 facilities leak. Everyone knows that who studies this. So, this was a catastrophe waiting to happen. Unfortunately, it happened.
  • 12. The Chinese government under Xi and his comrades there have been covering this up from the get-go. The first reported case was December 1, so they’d been sitting on this until they couldn’t anymore. And everything they’re telling you is a lie. It’s propaganda. The WHO was in on it. They’ve approved many of these BSL-4 labs., they know exactly what’s going on and that is a WHO research- approved laboratory. They know what’s going on too. You can’t really believe anything the WHO is telling you about this, either they’re up to their eyeballs in it. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
  • 13. During the 2009 swine flu, which didn’t have too many casualties, but profited greatly the pharmaceutical companies. Back in 2009, many countries purchased great stocks of the vaccines and they ended up not using anywhere from 50 to 80% of the vaccines that they purchased. The World Health Organization is a front for Big Pharma. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also agrees 50% of WHO funding comes from pharmaceutical companies. And that the CDC itself is also severely compromised.
  • 14. There was also the report that there was a consortium of companies which included the Gates foundation that back in just two or three months ago in October of 2019 they held a pandemic exercise simulating an outbreak. I mean, what are the chances specifically of a coronavirus and it was called events 201. People can find this online and they gave a list of seven recommendations for governments and international organizations to take. I also find that kind of interesting how they had this simulation.
  • 15. The Bill & Melinda Gates fund this type of DNA genetically engineered biological warfare work. So, you can’t trust anything they’re telling you that somehow, they’re out there trying to make the world a better place. We have Bill Gates publicly admitting that the world be a better place if there were a lot less people. So, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing and they are funding this type of stuff.
  • 16. From Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Instagram post, April 9th, 2020: "Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo- imperialism. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fuelled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.
  • 17. Visit this Link to read- Original deleted post on Archive Robert. F. Kennedy. Jr
  • 18. Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialled back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.
  • 19. In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces.
  • 20. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders, seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
  • 21. During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philantropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.
  • 22. In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.
  • 23. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children. Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.
  • 24. Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.
  • 25. In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance. In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.” There is so much more info out there about this evil man if you are willing to look. He is not a philanthropist, scientist or doctor; he is a psychopath.
  • 26. Swine flu is a genetically modified biological warfare weapon. It was a chimera of three different types of genetic strains that someone put it together in a cocktail. Fortunately, it was not as lethal. The Pirbright Institute in Britain that’s tied into their biological warfare program over there. They were behind the hoof and mouth disease outbreak over there that wiped out their cattle herd and it leaked out of there. So it’s clear they’re working on a hoof and mouth biological warfare weapon, but the vaccine is there.
  • 27. The only reason they develop these biological weapons to eventually be used. And also, these can be used covertly. see an unexplained sudden a disease like this anywhere in world, both for human beings animals, you can always suspect warfare agent is at work. These more exotic things, there are stockpiles. Basically after 9/11, 2001, that entire industry – biological warfare industry has reconstituted here in the United with all these BSL-4 BSL-3 labs, over 13,000, alleged scientists on these things.
  • 28. There was a Russian double agent spy Sergei Skripal who had been allegedly poisoned with Novichok out in Britain. It just so happened where he was allegedly poisoned, by a a nerve agent called DX he was right in Porton down the British bio weapons lab, right down the street from Porton Down, the world’s first bio weapons lab that was created in 1916. Have you wondered if this new war for biotechnological dominance, can also be used kind of as a pretext for the centralization of political power and the initiation of wars like the 2003 Iraq war? Is this another danger that we get these events like now this coronavirus and then governments will call for a centralization of greater power and taking away some of our civil liberties?
  • 29. If you look at the October, 2001 anthrax attacks here in the United States, that was clearly by elements of the United States government that was behind that. That was a super weapons grade anthrax with a trillion spores per gram and it floated in the air solely a very sophisticated biological weapons lab like Fort Detrick could produce that. Fort Dietrich made the dugway proving ground still has a stockpile of that super weapons grade anthrax that we saw in October of 2001. And they use that anthrax attack including on Congress to brand through the USA Patriot act which basically turned the United States to a police state.
  • 30. This Wuhan Virus is a DNA genetically engineered biological warfare agent leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties which can make it more lethal. They are probably doing something with SARS to make it a lot more lethal and more infectious.
  • 31. And so, for that reason, you have to take extreme precautions and they’re now finally admitted anyone within six feet can be infected, whereas with SARS that was about two feet. Well, that’s gaining a function right there and that should be a tip off. I think you’ve got to stay at least six feet away because this is gained function. It can flow through the air and infect, and it can get you in the eyes. Any orifice, the mouth, maybe the ears, we’re not sure at this point. Those medical checks are worthless because this is just public relations by all the governments involved because there is a 14 day incubation period where people can still be infected.
  • 32. So, someone could walk right through a medical inspection and passing a gate into your country and then they come down with the coronavirus. So that’s all public relations in my opinion by governments and they know it and they’re just sending people out there with temperatures guns and things like that. It’s not like SARS, this is more dangerous than SARS.
  • 33. Wuhan lab had SARS in there that they were dealing with, and they enhanced it at and that’s what we’re dealing with. taking high doses of vitamin C and other things like this can help you. Pirbright vaccine has been patented that that might work. There is risk in taking any of these other vaccines.
  • 34. No, you have no idea what’s in there. for this vaccines (these DNA genetic engineered vaccines) they’ll be using live coronavirus probably and sticking it in there and giving you some live coronavirus on the theory you’ll develop an immunity. That’s the way a lot of these vaccines worked out, that’s what happened with the Ebola vaccine that created the Ebola pandemic there in West Africa. They were testing out a vaccine on poor black Africans, as usual, and this vaccine had live Ebola in it so it gave them Ebola. You’ll be the Guinea pig for big pharma and everyone figures they’re going to make a lot of money here.
  • 35. • The Saudi SARS Sample • The Canadian Lab • Chinese Biological Espionage • Xiangguo Qiu – The Chinese Bio-Warfare Agent • Infiltrating the Canadian Lab • The Wuhan Coronavirus • Coronavirus Bioweapon • China’s Biological Warfare Program • Weaponizing Biotech • GreatGameIndia Coronavirus Coverage
  • 36. The Saudi SARS Sample On June 13, 2012 a 60-year-old Saudi man was admitted to a private hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a 7-day history of fever, cough, expectoration, and shortness of breath. He had no history of cardiopulmonary or renal disease, was receiving no long-term medications, and did not smoke. Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki isolated and identified a previously unknown coronavirus from his lungs. After routine diagnostics failed to identify the causative agent, Zaki contacted Ron Fouchier, a leading virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for advice.
  • 37. Fouchier sequenced the virus from a sample sent by Zaki. Fouchier used a broad-spectrum “pan-coronavirus” real- time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method to test for distinguishing features of a number of known coronaviruses known to infect humans. Abnormalities on Chest Imaging of the Saudi patient infected with Coronavirus. Shown are chest radiographs of the patient on the day of admission (Panel A) and 2 days later (Panel B) and computed tomography (CT) 4 days after admission (Panel C)
  • 38. This Coronavirus sample was acquired by Scientific Director Dr. Frank Plummer (key to Coronavirus investigation Frank Plummer was recently assassinated in Africa) of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg directly from Fouchier, who received it from Zaki. This virus was reportedly stolen from the Canadian lab by Chinese agents. Frank Plummer - renowned Winnipeg based Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory scientist key to Coronavirus investigation has died in mysterious conditions in Africa. He was the one who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample which was smuggled to Wuhan.
  • 39. The National Microbiology Lab (The Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health) on Arlington St. in Winnipeg. Wayne Glowacki/Winnipeg Free Press Oct.22 2014
  • 40. The Canadian Lab Coronavirus arrived at Canada’s NML Winnipeg facility on May 4, 2013 from the Dutch lab. The Canadian lab grew up stocks of the virus and used it to assess diagnostic tests being used in Canada. Winnipeg scientists worked to see which animal species can be infected with the new virus. Research was done in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s national lab, the National Centre for Foreign Animal Diseases which is housed in the same complex as the National Microbiology Laboratory. NML has a long history of offering comprehensive testing services for coronaviruses. It isolated and provided the first genome sequence of the SARS coronavirus and identified another coronavirus NL63 in 2004. This Winnipeg based Canadian lab was targeted by Chinese agents in what could be termed as Biological Espionage.
  • 41. Chinese Biological Espionage China's Biological Warfare Program is believed to include full range of traditional chemical & biological agents with a wide variety of delivery systems including artillery rockets, aerial bombs, sprayers, and short-range ballistic missiles. China’s Biological Warfare Program is believed to be in an advanced stage that includes research and development, production and weaponization capabilities. Its current inventory is believed to include the full range of traditional chemical and biological agents with a wide variety of delivery systems including artillery rockets, aerial bombs, sprayers, and short-range ballistic missiles.
  • 42. A combination of past and present geostrategic factors distinctly affect the Chinese approaches and outlooks with regard to Biological Warfare. The first major factor is the relapsing Japanese Biological Warfare attacks against and human Biological Warfare experimenting on Chinese populations, which took place from 1933 to 1945, killing and injuring tens of thousands, without the Chinese being able to cope or retaliate.
  • 43. The employment of Biological Warfare against the Chinese by the Japanese military had a long-lasting impact in China. The Chinese official news agency, Xinhua, reported in 2002, that ‘at least 270,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were slaughtered by Japanese germ-warfare troops between 1933 and 1945’, according to an ‘in-depth study by Chinese and Japanese scholars.’
  • 44. The second factor is the Chinese belief (whether sound or unsound) that the United States (US) conducted Biological Warfare offensive operations in China (and North Korea) during the Korean War (1950–53), alongside with the evident fact that between 1950 and 1972, the US possessed an operational Biological Warfare arsenal.
  • 45. The third factor concerns the then Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Allegedly, near the end of World War II, USSR conducted experiments with plague, anthrax and cholera in Soviet-occupied Mongolia. Later on, tests with various vaccines were conducted by the USSR in Mongolia for a long period of time, concomitantly with the persisting communist brotherhood between China and USSR and their strategic cooperation in general, and Chinese awareness and following (to a certain extent) of the colossal Biological Warfare program run by the USSR in particular.
  • 46. A comprehensive study of the aspects pertaining to those geostrategic factors was published in 1999—entitled China and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Implications for the United States—within the framework of a conference sponsored by the US National Intelligence Council and Federal Research Division.
  • 47.
  • 48. Collectively, these solidly formed Chinese perspectives shaped the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) approaches and outlooks pertaining to Biological Warfare, and yielded, naturally, a wide Chinese Biological Warfare Program which still persists fully viably—if appreciably concealed—and comprises both defensive and offensive sub-programs. Often located and working conjunctively, each of the two sub-programs,
  • 49. During the Korean War (1950–53), the earliest semblance of routinized defence against Biological Warfare in the PLA were the 1952 sanitation/anti-plague units, formed through the involvement of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army in Korea. At the same time, intensive educational campaigns to rid disease- carrying pests were conducted, combined with experience of supposed Biological Warfare casualties treated during the Korean War.
  • 50. Consequently, in 1954, PLA delegations and students visited the USSR for training in microbiology and infectious diseases. Officially, China declared that its BWs defence programme was initiated in 1958. It was based on a network of anti- plague stationary and mobile facilities (similar to the Soviet one), aiming to cope with plague and further hazardous infectious diseases.
  • 51. The defensive programme had considerably been evolving during the 1960s, while an offensive Biological Warfare program was initiated in conjunction. By the mid-1970s, a comprehensive, orderly defensive alignment had been already operating within China’s Biological Warfare Program, while an effective offensive BW program was run concurrently.
  • 52. The latter was formed as an outcome of the influential geostrategic factors mentioned earlier, yet, presumably, was no less a result of an innate Chinese will to possess an arm of high strategic value, in terms of sub- nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Such motive seems to typically reside in the Chinese national outlook regarding nearly any advanced weaponry.
  • 53. China joined the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984, 12 years after the Convention was opened for signature by the international community. China acceded to the BWC in 1984, but in a report entitled Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control Agreements, the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency contended: ‘China maintained an offensive biological weapons program throughout the 1980s. The program included the development, production, stockpiling or other acquisition or maintenance of biological warfare agents.’
  • 54. The Pentagon also published a similar paper, entitled ‘Proliferation: Threat and Response’, which claimed that China’s Biological Warfare Program includes manufacturing of infectious microorganisms and toxins. In 1993, US intelligence officials stated that it was highly probable that China had an active and expanding offensive BWs program, following assessment that two civilian-run biological research centres were actually controlled by the Chinese military.
  • 55. The research centres were known to have engaged previously in production and storage of BW. The American suspicions intensified in 1991 when one of the suspected biological centres was enlarged. Suspicions heightened further after Beijing made, according to a US official, a ‘patently false’ declaration to the United Nations (UN) that it had never made any germ weapons or conducted any work to bolster defences against a biological attack.
  • 56. The Chinese Foreign Ministry subsequently described all this as groundless, denying that China had a germ weapons programme. In 1995, President Clinton transmitted to the US Congress his statutory annual report, Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control Agreements. On China, it said: ‘[T]here are strong indications that China probably maintains its offensive BW program.’ In its Chemical and Biological Defense Program Annual Report and the Chemical and Biological Defense Program Performance Plan for 2001, the US Department of Defense was even more specific, contending: ‘China possesses the munitions production capabilities necessary to develop, produce and weaponize biological agents’.
  • 57.
  • 58. Convening a hearing on China’s proliferation practices in 2003, the US– China Economic and Security Review Commission was informed as follows: The US believes that despite being a member of the Biological Weapons Convention, China maintains a BW program in violation of its BWC obligations. The United States believes that China’s consistent claims that it has never researched, produced or possessed BW are simply not true, and that China still retains its BW program. Although China has submitted its voluntary annual BWC confidence- building measure (CBM) data declarations every year, the US Department of State assessed in 2005 that the information submitted therein continued to be ‘inaccurate and misleading’. Further, ‘BWC CBMs since 1991 have called on the States Parties to declare, among other things, their past offensive activities, which China has not done. On the contrary, China insists it never had such a program at all.’
  • 59. Likewise, in 2007, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) testimony for the US Senate, the Select Committee on Intelligence, entitled ‘Current and Projected National Security Threats’ (in both open and closed sessions), contended that the DIA believes China ‘continues to maintain some elements of an offensive biological weapons program.’
  • 60. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the DIA and intelligence agencies in other countries most probably continue to carefully follow and monitor China’s Biological Warfare Program. Irrespective of publicly bringing out their findings—if partially—or totally keeping them, Beijing’s BWP entirely persists in all likelihood. It is assumed that it includes an extremely secretive operational, sizable BW arsenal, extremely hidden, which is steadily being upgraded.
  • 61. From 1998 to 2009, two waves expressing China’s declared attitude to the BWC can be observed.
  • 62. The first one, from 1998 to 2002, was apparently a result of increasing accusations made by the US in regard to an ongoing offensive Biological Warfare Program conducted by Beijing. Unsurprisingly, the first wave China generated within that context begun with a ‘Joint Statement on Biological Weapons Convention’, issued by Presidents Jiang Zemin and Bill Clinton during the Sino-US summit meeting that took place in China in June 1998, as follows: Recognizing the threat posed by biological and toxin weapons, the United States and China reaffirm their strong support for the complete global elimination of biological weapons. As States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention, the two sides stress the importance of the Convention to international peace and security, fully support the purposes and objectives of the Convention, and favor comprehensively strengthening the effectiveness and universality of the Convention.
  • 63. Various further steps were taken by China, so as to manifest a supportive—if not entirely favourable—attitude towards the BWC. In its 17 October 2002 announcement on the promulgation of ‘Regulations on Export Control of Dual-use Biological Agents and Related Equipment and Technologies’, China stated that it ‘has never developed, produced or stockpiled any biological weapons, and never assisted any country to acquire or develop these weapons.’
  • 64. The second wave coincides with the period 2006 to 2009, widely accentuated by Chinese diplomacy with respect to the BWC. Once again, so it seems, this was in response to accumulating American accusations regarding an ongoing Biological Warfare Program run by China.
  • 65. The aspect of widening cooperation among state parties was largely pointed at as well by China, in 2007: All States Parties should make full use of the Convention as an important platform to strengthen cooperation and communication, promote implementation and other capacity of the Convention. China believes that adopting effective national implementation measures in accordance with the Convention and respective national situations constitutes basic obligations for the States Parties, as well as the important prerequisite and guarantee for effective implementation of all articles of the Convention.
  • 66. In a white paper on China’s National Defence issued in 2008 by the Chinese State Council, the chapter on arms control and disarmament emphasized adherence to the BWC: China observes in good faith its obligations under the BWC, and supports the multilateral efforts aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the Convention. China has actively participated in the meetings of the parties to the Convention and the meetings of experts in a pragmatic manner. China has already established a comprehensive legislation system for the implementation of the Convention, set up a national implementation focal point, and submitted its declarations regarding confidence-building measures to the Implementation Support Unit of the Convention in a timely fashion.
  • 67. In 2009, China accentuated its approach concerning Article X of the BWC, noting, ‘All provisions including Article X of the Convention are equally important and should be fully implemented. To strengthen international cooperation helps improve the implementation capability of States Parties, promote the effectiveness of the Convention, and finally enhance the universalization of the Convention.’
  • 68. China also referred, in 2009, to the aspect of tackling the spread of hazardous infectious diseases as being closely related to the objectives of the BWC: ‘Information about any outbreak of acute infectious diseases should be shared in accordance with the current practice of relevant international organizations.’
  • 69. The SARS Epidemic Although the latter constitutes a self-evident rule for long, the opposite conduct was exhibited by China from November 2002— when a sever acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic broke out in the country— till February 2003, when China reported it for the first time to the World Health Organization (WHO), disclosing the seriously threatening event (the causative virus spread from China to 37 countries) during three months.
  • 70. China declared that there is only one biohazard installation with maximal safety level (P4) throughout the country, although this is doubtful. Uniquely, across China, and officially, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the sole facility that is equipped with such biohazard measure, furnished by a French supplier. The Institute investigates highly virulent viruses, such as SARS14, influenza H5N115, Japanese encephalitis16, and dengue. Besides this, the germ causing anthrax is studied at the Institute too (which is beyond the discipline of virology).
  • 71. During the last five years, China has reiterated various BWC aspects and declarations it had previously mentioned, as described. All in all, its diplomacy regarding the BWC is consistent and noticeably in favour of the Convention. And yet, it stands in contradiction to the China’s Biological Warfare Program, which is both defensive and offensive.
  • 72. At any rate, China legitimately adheres, outwardly, to the requirements posed by the BWC in terms of defensive profile and biosecurity implementation. The relevance and characteristics of those aspects in relation to China have been discussed in detail, fairly professionally, by senior Chinese scientists within two notable reviews, forming, nevertheless, a screen of vagueness over the core components of China’s Biological Warfare Program, especially those dealing with bio-weaponry.
  • 73. In March 2019, in mysterious event a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. Scientists from NML said the highly lethal viruses were a potential bio-weapon.
  • 74. Following investigation, the incident was traced to Chinese agents working at NML. Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML). The NML is Canada’s only level- 4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, the Chinese Biological Warfare Agent working at the National Microbiology Laboratory, Canada
  • 75. The NML scientist who was escorted out of the Canadian lab along with her husband, another biologist, and members of her research team is believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare agent Xiangguo Qiu. Qiu was the head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies Section in the Special Pathogens Program at Canada’s NML. Sources say Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were escorted from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg on July 5, 2019. Since then, the University of Manitoba has ended their appointments, reassigned her graduate students, and cautioned staff, students and faculty about traveling to China.
  • 76. Xiangguo Qiu is an outstanding Chinese scientist born in Tianjin. She primarily received her medical doctor degree from Hebei Medical University in China in 1985 and came to Canada for graduate studies in 1996. Later on, she was affiliated with the Institute of Cell Biology and the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, not engaged with studying pathogens.
  • 77. But a shift took place, somehow. Since 2006, she has been studying powerful viruses in Canada’s NML. The viruses shipped from the NML to China were studied by her in 2014, for instance (together with the viruses Machupo, Junin, Rift Valley Fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Hendra).
  • 78. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is married to another Chinese scientist – Dr. Keding Cheng, also affiliated with the NML, specifically the “Science and Technology Core”. Dr. Cheng is primarily a bacteriologist who shifted to virology. The couple is responsible for infiltrating Canada’s NML with many Chinese agents as students from a range of Chinese scientific facilities directly tied to China’s Biological Warfare Program, namely: - 1. Institute of Military Veterinary, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Changchun 2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu Military Region 3. Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hubei 4. Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
  • 79. All of the above four mentioned Chinese Biological Warfare facilities collaborated with Dr. Xiangguo Qiu within the context of Ebola virus, the Institute of Military Veterinary joined a study on the Rift Valley fever virus too, while the Institute of Microbiology joined a study on Marburg virus. Noticeably, the drug used in the latter study – Favipiravir – has been earlier tested successfully by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, with the designation JK-05 (originally a Japanese patent registered in China already in 2006), against Ebola and additional viruses.
  • 80. However, the studies by Dr. Qiu are considerably more advanced and apparently vital for the Chinese biological weapons development in case Coronavirus, Ebola, Nipah, Marburg or Rift Valley fever viruses are included therein.
  • 81. The Canadian investigation is ongoing and questions remain whether previous shipments to China of other viruses or other essential preparations, took place from 2006 to 2018, one way or another. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu also collaborated in 2018 with three scientists from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Maryland, studying post-exposure immunotherapy for two Ebola viruses and Marburg virus in monkeys; a study supported by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Dr. Gary Kobinger, former chief of special pathogens (right), and Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, research scientist (second from right) met with Dr. Kent Brantly and Dr. Linda Mobula, assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the physician who administered ZMapp to Brantly in Liberia when he was infected with Ebola during the 2014-16 outbreak. (Submitted by Health Canada)
  • 82. In a table-top pandemic exercise at Johns Hopkins University last year, a pathogen based on the emerging Nipah virus was released by fictional extremists, killing 150 million people. A less apocalyptic scenario mapped out by a blue-ribbon U.S. panel envisioned Nipah being dispersed by terrorists and claiming over 6,000 American lives. Scientists from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) have also said the highly lethal bug is a potential bio-weapon. But this March that same lab shipped samples of the henipavirus family and of Ebola to China, which has long been suspected of running a secretive biological warfare program. “I would say this Canadian ‘contribution’ might likely be counterproductive,” said Dany Shoham, a biological and chemical warfare expert at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University. “I think the Chinese activities … are highly suspicious, in terms of exploring (at least) those viruses as BW agents.”
  • 83. China strongly denies it makes germ weapons, and Canadian officials say the shipment was part of its efforts to support public- health research worldwide. Sharing of such samples internationally is relatively standard practice. But some experts are raising questions about the March transfer, which appears to be at the centre of a shadowy RCMP investigation and dismissal of a top scientist at the Winnipeg-based NML.
  • 84. An official with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defence charged last month China is the world leader in toxin “threats.”In a 2015 academic paper, Shoham – of Bar-Ilan’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies – asserts that more than 40 Chinese facilities are involved in bio-weapon production. China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences actually developed an Ebola drug – called JK-05 — but little has been divulged about it or the defence facility’s possession of the virus, prompting speculation its Ebola cells are part of China’s bio-warfare arsenal, Shoham told the National Post.
  • 85. James Giordano, a neurology professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow in biowarfare at the U.S. Special Operations Command, said it’s worrisome on a few fronts. China’s growing investment in bio-science, looser ethics around gene- editing and other cutting- edge technology and integration between government and academia raise the spectre of such pathogens being weaponized, he said.
  • 86. Ebola is classified as a “category A” bioterrorism agent by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meaning it could be easily transmitted from person to person, would result in high death rates and “might cause panic.” The CDC lists Nipah as a category C substance, a deadly emerging pathogen that could be engineered for mass dissemination.
  • 87. Nipah, which was first seen in Malaysia in 1998, has caused a series of outbreaks across east and south Asia, with death rates mostly over 50 per cent, and as high as 100 per cent, according to World Health Organization figures. It can cause encephalitis, an often-fatal brain swelling, and has no known treatment or vaccine.
  • 88. The Johns Hopkins exercise — called Clade X — involved a version of Nipah modified to be more easily passed between people. America’s Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefence prefaced its 2015 report with a scenario involving the intentional release of Nipah by aerosol spray.
  • 89. China’s extensive and controversial use of CRISPR gene-editing and weaponizing Biotechnol ogy makes it conceivable the country could bio- engineer germs like Nipah to make them even more dangerous, Giordano said.
  • 90. That could mean an offensive agent, or a modified germ let loose by proxies, for which only China has the treatment or vaccine, said Giordano, co-head of Georgetown’s Brain Science and Global Law and Policy Program.“This is not warfare, per se,” he said. “But what it’s doing is leveraging the capability to act as global saviour, which then creates various levels of macro and micro economic and bio-power dependencies.”
  • 91. Asked if the possibility of the Canadian germs being diverted into a Chinese bio weapons program is connected to other upheaval at the microbiology lab, Public Health Agency of Canada spokeswoman Anna Maddison said this week the agency “continues to look into the administrative matter.”
  • 92. The agency divulged last week that it sent samples of Ebola and henipavirus — which includes Nipah and the related Hendra — to China in March. It was meant for virus research, part of the agency’s mission to back international public-health research, a spokesman said.
  • 93. Last month, an acclaimed NML scientist — Xiangguo Qiu — was reportedly escorted out of the lab along with her husband, another biologist, and members of her research team. The agency said it was investigating an “administrative issue,” and had referred a possible policy breach to the RCMP. Little more has been said about the affair.
  • 94. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu made at least five trips over the school year 2017-18 to the above-mentioned Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was certified for BSL4 in January 2017. The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is housed at the Chinese military facility Wuhan Institute of Virology linked to China’s Biological Warfare Program. It was the first ever lab in the country designed to meet biosafety-level-4 (BSL-4) standards – the highest biohazard level, meaning that it would be qualified to handle the most dangerous pathogens.
  • 95. Moreover, in August 2017, the National Health Commission of China approved research activities involving Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses at the Wuhan facility. Coincidentally, the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located only 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market which is the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak dubbed the Wuhan Coronavirus. The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located just about 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market, the epicenter of Coronavirus outbreak
  • 96. In January 2018, the lab was operational ‘for global experiments on BSL-4 pathogens,’ wrote Guizhen Wu in the journal Biosafety and Health. ‘After a laboratory leak incident of SARS in 2004, the former Ministry of Health of China initiated the construction of preservation laboratories for high-level pathogens such as SARS, coronavirus, and pandemic influenza virus,’ wrote Guizhen Wu.
  • 97. The Wuhan institute has studied coronaviruses in the past, including the strain that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, H5N1 influenza virus, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue. Researchers at the institute also studied the germ that causes anthrax – a biological agent once developed in Russia. “Coronaviruses (particularly SARS) have been studied in the institute and are probably held therein,” said Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biowarfare. He said. “SARS is included within the Chinese BW program, at large, and is dealt with in several pertinent facilities.”
  • 98. The PLA is pursuing military applications for biology and looking into promising intersections with other disciplines, including brain science, supercomputing, and artificial intelligence. Since 2016, the Central Military Commission has funded projects on military brain science, advanced biomimetic systems, biological and biomimetic materials, human performance enhancement, and “new concept” biotechnology.
  • 99. In 2016, an AMMS doctoral researcher published a dissertation, “Research on the Evaluation of Human Performance Enhancement Technology,” which characterized CRISPR-Cas as one of three primary technologies that might boost troops’ combat effectiveness. The supporting research looked at the effectiveness of the drug Modafinil, which has applications in cognitive enhancement; and at transcranial magnetic stimulation, a type of brain stimulation, while also contending that the “great potential” of CRISPR-Cas as a “military deterrence technology in which China should “grasp the initiative” in development.
  • 100. In 2016, the potential strategic value of genetic information led the Chinese government to launch the National Genebank, which intends to become the world’s largest repository of such data. It aims to “develop and utilize China’s valuable genetic resources, safeguard national security in bioinformatics, and enhance China’s capability to seize the strategic commanding heights” in the domain of Biotechnology Warfare.
  • 101. Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare is guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”
  • 102. Meanwhile, in a very strange turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents has died in mysterious conditions in Nairobi, Kenya. Frank Plummer Assassination
  • 103. Scholars or Spies The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal western technology.
  • 104. Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters
  • 105. Dr. Charles Lieber is a nano-scientist at Harvard University. He was recently charged by the American authorities for secretly being a Chinese agent. However, there is a mystery surrounding the nature of his work. It is said he was recruited for advanced research into nanowire- batteries. Lieber was in fact working on virus transmitters that could penetrate cell membranes without affecting the intercellular functions and even measure activities inside heart cells and muscle fibers. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber has created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors, without disrupting function. The transistor (yellow) sits near the bend in a hairpin-shaped, lipid-coated silicon nanowire. Its scale is similar to that of intra-cellular structures such as organelles (pink and blue orbs) and actin filaments (pink strand).
  • 106. Dr. Charles Leiber is a nano-scientist at Harvard University who also serves as a chair for Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. He was arrested by the U.S. Department of Defense in January for lying about his association with China’s Thousand Talent Program. A V-shaped silicon nanowire is attached to bimetal connectors that lift the entire structure up out of the horizontal plane on which it is made.
  • 107. Dr. Charles Leiber is a nano- scientist at Harvard University who also serves as a chair for Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. He was arrested by the U.S. Department of Defense in January for lying about his association with China’s Thousand Talent Program. Once the nanowire has been lifted up, it can penetrate three-dimensional structures such as cells. B.Tian and C.M. Lieber, Harvard University
  • 108. It is basically a recruitment plan which seeks to lure Chinese overseas talent and foreign experts to bring their knowledge and experience to China and in return, reward individuals for stealing proprietary information.
  • 109. According to the charging documents, Lieber was a contractual participant of the program and was paid $50,000 monthly, along with $158,000 in living expenses and $1.74 million to set up a research lab at Wuhan University. The fact that Lieber kept his association with the Chinese a secret put his integrity in question as well as financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities. Although Lieber was released a day later on a $1 million bond, the question remains what exactly was the nature of Leiber’s research.
  • 110. What’s more concerning is that the affidavit released by the federal prosecutors states that Leiber signed an agreement between Harvard and Wuhan Insitute of Technology. According to the affidavit, the purpose of the agreement was to “carry out advanced research and development of nanowire-based lithium-ion batteries with high performance for electric vehicles.”
  • 111. However, things don’t add up since the focus of Leiber’s research has never been about nanowire batteries. One nanoscientist and former student of Lieber’s says: “I have never seen Charlie working on batteries or nanowire batteries.” In fact, in all his research papers and patents, there is no mention of “batteries” or “vehicles”.
  • 112. Dr. Leiber joined Harvard in 1991. In his early days at the university, he made great strides in the field by growing nanowires in a flask. Researchers before Leiber were already creating wire-like structures with the help of semiconductors, metals and other materials.
  • 113. However, their approach would be quite expensive and would need clean-room facilities like the ones used by computer chip-makers. In contrast, Lieber could create nanostructures using nothing but simple and inexpensive chemical techniques. He even went a step further to show how these nanowires could be used as transistors, complex logic circuits, data storage devices, and even sensors.
  • 114.
  • 115. In 2001, Harvard Magazine published a report that discussed Leiber and his team’s research into what was termed as ‘Liquid Computing’. The report mentioned how Leiber was at the forefront solving silicon-based microelectronics industry’s greatest challenge – making silicon chips smaller and smaller. Leiber noted that “continued shrinkage ultimately becomes problematic in terms of just how one achieves [it].” Instead, he created tiny logic circuits and memory – the two main components of a computer – using nanowires. And these circuits were really tiny, some of which just a few atoms across!
  • 116. Charles M. Leiber and his ‘Virus Transmitters’ Ten years later, Leiber created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors, without affecting the intercellular functions. The bio-compatible transistor – the size of a virus – can not only measure activities inside a neuron but also heart cells and muscle fibers.
  • 117. In 2017, Leiber and his team successfully created flexible 3D nanowires mesh that can inject into the brain or retina of an animal, attach itself to the neurons and monitor electrical signals between the cells. It’s no surprise the Chinese officials were quick to get him onboard considering he’s the brightest brain when it comes to nanotechnology. Not only his research would have made China an important player in this futuristic technology but it would also be a be a step forward towards China’s stated goal of Biological Dominance.
  • 118. The importance of nanotechnology in advanced warfare can be understood from the fact that the United States’ Department of Defense (DoD) is one of the largest supporters of nanotechnology research. They have funded hundreds of millions of dollars into various research related to nanoelectronics and nanomaterials.
  • 119. One can see why Charles Lieber’s secret association with the Chinese institutes and universities and his expertise in nanotechnology could pose a serious threat. Lieber lied about his involvement with the Thousand Talents Plan and affiliation with the Wuhan Institute of Technology and that makes him no less than a Chinese biowarfare agent.
  • 120. The technology could help create nanosensors and nanocoatings that military could use to protect soldiers against chemical and biological attacks. The fact that nanosensors can detect microscopic quantities of chemicals means it can be used as an effective early warning system against chemical warfare agents such as nerve agents and blood agents.
  • 121. One can see why Charles Lieber’s secret association with the Chinese institutes and universities and his expertise in nanotechnology could pose a serious threat. Lieber lied about his involvement with the Thousand Talents Plan and affiliation with the Wuhan Institute of Technology and that makes him no less than a Chinese biowarfare agent.
  • 122. Another scientist who is key to the COVID-19 investigation is Dutch scientist Ron Fouchier. Fouchier is a controversial figure in the field of Viroscience. He is the doctor who helped the Egyptian doctor Ali Mohammad Zaki, who isolated the coronavirus from the dead Saudi businessman’s lungs, by gene sequencing the sample sent by Zaki. (mentioned in the beginning of the report). Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier
  • 123. He created world’s deadliest virus strain and his research sparked a global controversy to de-fund and shutdown such experiments. Experts have raised concerns legally that such experiments could not only lead to a global pandemic but could also lead to bio- terrorism. However, Ron Fouchier is also a key to the COVID-19 investigation. He isolated the SARS Coronavirus smuggled out of Saudi Arabia which was sent to the Canadian scientist Frank Plummer.
  • 124. COVID-19 vaccine developed by Wuhan institute set for more clinical trials
  • 125.
  • 128. WIV has been in the eye of the storm in recent weeks as US President Donald Trump and top American officials alleged that the coronavirus may have escaped from there and demanded a probe into it. An official of the WIV denied it, terming the allegation "entirely based on speculation".
  • 129. China has approved its third coronavirus vaccine for the second phase of clinical trials as it reported 12 new COVID-19 cases, taking the total number of infections in the country to 82,816. Meanwhile China's National Health Commission (NHC) said on Saturday that 12 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported in the country on Friday, of which 11 were imported.
  • 130. The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 82,816 by Friday, including 838 patients who were still being treated and 77,346 people discharged after treatment. The total number of imported cases of the coronavirus in China increased to 1,629 on Friday; of this, 909 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 720 were being treated with 25 in severe condition.
  • 131. China has approved three coronavirus vaccines, including the one developed by the Chinese military, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), for clinical trials. China has approved three COVID-19 vaccine candidates for clinical trials. An adenovirus vector vaccine, developed by Institute of Military Medicine under the Academy of Military Sciences, was the first to be approved to enter a clinical trial. The first phase of the clinical trial was completed at the end of March, and the second phase started on April 12.
  • 132. China on Tuesday (April 14) said it has given the go-ahead to two more vaccine makers to carry out early-stage human testing. They are the Beijing subsidiary of Nasdaq-listed Sinovac Biotech and Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm together with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Last month, Chinese authorities approved clinical trials for a vaccine candidate by the People's Liberation Army's Academy of Military Sciences and biotech firm CanSino Bio, the only vaccine in the world that last week swiftly moved into the second phase of a human trial.
  • 133. Unlike the military-backed project, which is an adenovirus vector vaccine, the two new candidates are inactivated vaccines which provide weaker immunity than live vaccines. These are the first two inactivated vaccines to start trial globally.
  • 134. "It should be said that the production process (for inactivated vaccines) is relatively mature, the quality standards are controllable, the scope of protection is also relatively wide," said Ministry of Science and Technology official Wu Yuanbin at a news conference on Tuesday. "These will provide some conditions for accelerating the use of vaccines."
  • 135. China has previously developed other inactivated vaccines for H1N1, hepatitis A, hand-foot-mouth disease and polio. At least eight Chinese institutes and companies are said to be involved in the research and development of a vaccine for Covid-19. The asymptomatic cases were a cause of concern as the government has lifted its lockdown in Hubei and Wuhan after cases abated. Asymptomatic cases refer to people who are tested positive for the coronavirus but develop no symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat. They are infectious and pose a risk of spreading to others.
  • 136. China now has more COVID-19 vaccine candidates approved for human testing than any other country in the world. On Tuesday, Chinese health authorities approved vaccine candidates developed by two Chinese companies—the state- owned Wuhan Institute of Biological Products and the Beijing-based biotech firm Sinovac—for phase I testing on humans, according to China’s state-run media outlet Xinhua News.
  • 137. This follows an April 10 announcement that CanSino Biologics, a biotech firm based in Tianjin, China, and its partners at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, were the world’s first vaccine makers to move into phase II trials for vaccine development.
  • 138. China has thus far moved at record speed in the global hunt for a vaccine, China is shortening the timeline for seeing a vaccine through to market. It's still working on the 12- to 18- month schedule that experts say is realistic—if not overly optimistic. At least three companies based elsewhere have entered phase I trials; a fourth won phase I and phase II approval at once. Yet the Chinese companies are near the pole position for vaccines against the pandemic, and they may gain more prominence as candidates’ inch closer to the finish line in coming months.
  • 139. THE only explanation to the feat is that they were not only working to spike up the virus but also developing the cure for themselves and making the trials for six long years from 2013 to 2019 using the mountainous bats which are the only mammals which have the coronavirus inside body as natural infections and this have the naturally occurring antibodies to the virus. The actual trails are the human trials for the antibodies proven on the captured population Xingang and Uighur provinces camps. It has vast prison population which it uses for biological human tests as human Guinea pigs.
  • 140. An "inactivated" vaccine developed by Wuhan Institute of Biological Products under the China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) started its clinical trials, state- run Xinhua news agency reported. An "inactivated" vaccine consists of virus particles, bacteria, or other pathogens that have been grown in culture and then lose disease-producing capacity. In contrast, live vaccines use pathogens that are still alive.
  • 141. The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has completely controlled the country's vaccine development program. Currently, work is going on on 7 vaccine candidates in the form of Human Trials all over the world. 3 of these are with China alone. Mr Wu said China uses five approaches in vaccine development: inactivated vaccines, genetic engineering sub-unit vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, nucleic acid vaccines and vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors. The Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said on Jan 26 that the country had started developing vaccines after the virus was isolated and the seed strains screened.
  • 142. "We must be aware that the development of a vaccine is a battle that China cannot afford to lose," said a Global Times op-ed last month." Future competition between countries will be essentially a competition of technological strength. "Only by mastering advanced technologies can a country be able to hold its development and national security in its own hands. "From this aspect, it is not exaggerated to call vaccine R&D a life-and-death battle."
  • 143. Analysts say the Chinese military has a distinct advantage over the rest in the development of vaccines, given its access to samples and data, and the complete backing of the state. A total of 96 persons in three age groups have received the vaccine in the first phase of clinical trial as of April 23. The vaccine has shown good safety results so far and vaccine receivers are still under observation, said the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm.
  • 144. The randomised, double-blind,and placebo-controlled clinical trials of the inactivated vaccine are conducted in Jiaozuo, central China's Henan Province, and the second phase of clinical trials will focus on the vaccination procedure, it said. The vaccine will also go through the third phase of the clinical trial, and it may take about one year to complete the clinical trial before finally reaching the conclusion on the vaccine's safety and efficacy, it said.
  • 145. The Chinese vaccine has been undergoing trials since March 16 in Wuhan, the birthplace of the corona virus. The researcher claimed that the vaccine was undergoing a proper trial in Wuhan. The result will be announced in April. This vaccine will be tested on foreigners based in China. Researcher Chen of the Chinese Military Science Academy said that this vaccine would be used in other countries affected by Corona.
  • 146. Pakistan is going to become a Guinea pig for the China Covid-19 Vaccine on Pakistan, which is suffering from the coronavirus. Pakistan has allowed China to test its vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) on humans. This test will be done in the next three months. China has created a vaccine to deal with the corona virus which will be tried in Pakistan. Through this, China will try to know how effective the vaccine is and not its side effects. Actually, China is going to conduct clinical trials of its vaccine in Pakistan on corona patients
  • 147. Pakistan is going to become a Guinea pig for the China Covid-19 Vaccine on Pakistan, which is suffering from the coronavirus. Pakistan has allowed China to test its vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) on humans. This test will be done in the next three months. China has created a vaccine to deal with the corona virus which will be tried in Pakistan. Through this, China will try to know how effective the vaccine is and not its side effects. Actually, China is going to conduct clinical trials of its vaccine in Pakistan on corona patients
  • 148. “We will be part of clinical trial with China,” said ED NIH Maj Gen Aamer Ikram to The Nation. In a letter written to the Sinopharm International, ED NIH said that that “our two organizations have already been collaborating in vaccine development in Pakistan. Through our representative Health Bee projects private limited, we would like to extend our offer for cooperation on conducting clinical trials of our recently developed inactivated Covid-19 vaccine to the National Institute of Health in our brotherly country, Pakistan”.
  • 149. Interestingly, this pharma company is not yet listed under the WHO's Important Candidate Vaccine List. In this case, raising doubts about the safety of the proposed trial. Speaking to Pakistan News Channel 92 News, Major General Doctor Aamir Ikram of Pakistan's National Institute of Health said that China has started work for the vaccine trial. He said, "It is expected that the corona virus vaccine will be launched in Pakistan in the next three months."
  • 150. 'Recognition of new Chinese-made vaccine from many institutions'. Ikram said that many companies are trying to make vaccines, but China has discovered this. He said, 'It usually takes 8 to 10 years to make a vaccine. The new Chinese-made vaccine has been recognized by many institutions. We will fix all these cases very soon. ' In fact, China is going to conduct its own clinical trial in Pakistan on patients with corona virus. There is a great risk of trials on humans of any vaccine. The patient's life can also be lost. The disease can spread more.
  • 151. Farhanaz Ispahani, a Global Fellow of Woodrow Wilson, Washington, has questioned China's intention behind the move. She wrote on Twitter that human guinea pig? Would the Prime Minister who did not have the wisdom or the will to close the mosques of the country, not be able to ask China for this? Despite all these dangers, the Imran Khan government of Pakistan has agreed to put the lives of citizens at stake to please China. Earlier China had announced that it would now test its vaccine in other countries of the world. Earlier, a Chinese researcher said that China is making a vaccine and plans to conduct clinical trials in other countries affected by Corona.
  • 152. Sinopharm, HealthBee and NIH finalising agreements to kick start trials The letter said that “PRC(Peoples Republic of China), Phase-I & Phase –II for clinical trial have been combined. We recommend and hope that Pakistan will adopt a similar approach through its regulatory authority. We hope that successful clinical trial in Pakistan will make it one of the few countries for the launch of Covid-19 vaccine”.
  • 153. However, a pharmacist and former secretary biological drugs of DRAP Dr. Obaid Ali viewed that disclosure of preclinical data to demonstrate safety of human trial should be the first priority. He said that preclinical and clinical risk mitigation strategies need to be in place, so that those enrolled in clinical trials may not experience to any potential unreasonable risk that can be avoided. “Data is required to evaluate theoretical risk for vaccine-induced conditions, which may be worse if subject catches infection in real time during trial,” he said.
  • 154. Meanwhile the GM China Sinopharm International Corporation Li Can, writing to NIH about the tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) said that with reference of previous correspondence through the embassy of PRC with Maj. Gen Dr. Aamir Ikram at National Institute of Health (NIH), Sinophrm considers that NIH has the necessary technical expertise and elements for conducting the clinical trial on recruited participants, through a nominated medical institutions, under Phase-I and II protocol requirements and as per clinical trial guidelines.
  • 155. It said that in order to achieve the objective, we recommend that Sinopharm, HealthBee and NIH enter into tripartite MOU urgently to plan and commence the implementation of these Phase I and II combined clinical trials. This will enable Sinnopharm to share more detailed confidential information for approvals and planning.
  • 156. It also said that NIH is requested to first kindly facilitate the approval of the Ministry of National Health Services and Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) for the clinical trial. We believe that the MOU will expedite the local documentation, regulatory approvals process as well as help clearly identify the roles of various entities involved. “Given the escalating spread of the pandemic, urgency is critical to the launch of any clinical trial in Pakistan and the subsequent introduction of the vaccine in Pakistan,” said the letter.
  • 157. It further said that through our representative HealthBee Projects Private Limited we will provide full support in the provision of the supporting/regulatory documentation, distribution of trial related funding, planning of logistics, and submission of clinical trial dossier to DRAP.
  • 158. It added “we will work in collaboration with MIH clinical trial team and during the processing for the success of clinical trials as this endeavour is of utmost importance for our countries in accordance with the current pandemic situation”. The letter said will be grateful if an in- principal approval for our cooperation can be provided to us before progressing further. We look forward for your kind support and urgent response, after consulting the relevant ministries of the government of Pakistan.
  • 159. If clinical trials are conducted in Pakistan and it turns out successful, then it will be the first nation to get the vaccine on high- priority basis. A Pakistani television journalist has claimed that China has developed a vaccine for covid-19 and Pakistan will be among the first few countries to receive it. Even as the scientists across the globe are working overtime to find a cure and vaccine for the covid-19 pandemic, In her program, a letter claiming that this so-called vaccine program would take 3 months minimum to start its trials. The letter states that the company has offered to do clinical trials on patients in Pakistan first.
  • 160. It also mentions that China's request for clinical trials and recruitment of test- patients for phase 1 and 2 tests. According to the claims, if clinical trials are conducted in Pakistan and it turns out successful, then it will be the first nation to get the vaccine on a high-priority basis. We would like to inform our viewers that nowhere in the world has a vaccine for the coronavirus been developed yet. It takes several phases of clinical trials before scientific communities declare a vaccine safe for human use.
  • 161. Now let us look at the companies at the forefront of the efforts: -
  • 162. CanSino Biologics was founded in 2009 by Yu Xuefeng, a Chinese national who spent most of his career in Canada working for the vaccine and pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur. Yu says that he founded the company to connect what he saw as a booming vaccine research and development market in China with international markets and collaborators. In line with this mission, he recruited three other native-Chinese scientists with overseas pharmaceutical experience to launch the company. CanSino Biologics
  • 163. CanSino has worked on developing vaccines for a number of different infectious diseases, such as meningitis and tuberculosis. It was thrust into China’s national spotlight in 2017 when domestic authorities approved the company’s vaccine as China's first candidate for Ebola. The vaccine was developed in partnership with the military-run Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.
  • 164. CanSino has worked on developing vaccines for a number of different infectious diseases, such as meningitis and tuberculosis. It was thrust into China’s national spotlight in 2017 when domestic authorities approved the company’s vaccine as China's first candidate for Ebola. The vaccine was developed in partnership with the military-run Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.
  • 165. Yu has signalled openness in cooperating internationally in finding a vaccine, and on Monday signed on to a World Health Organization statement urging more global coordination in COVID-19 vaccine development efforts. At the same time, Dr. Chen Wei, a Chinese general who is leading the military vaccine team partnering with CanSino, has described the quest in militaristic and nationalistic terms, equating finding a vaccine with providing China a 'bio shield' from outside threats. CanSino says its current vaccine efforts are based on the technologies it developed in producing the Ebola vaccine, and Chinese media has heralded the company’s efforts as a demonstration of the country’s "strong research capabilities."
  • 166. Sinovac Biotech Sinovac Biotech was established in Beijing in 2001 on the heels of work conducted by CEO Yin Weidong and his team to develop China’s first domestically-produced hepatitis A vaccine. Since then, the company has developed six other commercially-viable vaccines, and the firm now has a market value of over $400 million The company gained particular prominence in 2009 when it developed the world’s first approved vaccine to tackle H1N1 swine flu, the only pandemic the world had grappled with since the 1918 Spanish Flu until the coronavirus hit.
  • 167. Sinovac’s efforts to produce a coronavirus vaccine are based on platforms the company used to address China’s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2004, according to a vaccine tracker run by the Milken Institute, a U.S.-based think tank. At the time of SARS, Sinovac created the first vaccine candidate to enter human trials. And though initial trials proved promising, further trials were suspended as the threat of SARS subsided. For now, the company seems intent to showcase to the world that coronavirus isn’t the first pandemic it's battled. “Sinovac has always been committed to developing vaccines for global use when facing pandemics,” Yin said in a company statement on Tuesday.
  • 168. Less is known about the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products. Founded in 1950, it traces its roots almost all the way back to the founding of modern-day China. The institute now operates as an affiliate of the state-owned China National Pharmaceutical Group—also known as Sinopharm—which is the largest pharmaceutical company in China with annual revenue topping $60 billion in 2019. The institute has a sprawling campus in Wuhan with nearly 1,000 employees, according to the company’s website. The company, however, has released little information about its past or ongoing vaccine development efforts. Wuhan Institute of Biological Products
  • 169. Located in the city at the centre of China's coronavirus outbreak, the institute has become the subject of unfounded conspiracy theories that suggest the pathogen leaked from its labs. Such theories have largely targeted the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but some have drawn connections between the two institutes, inserting them into the unproven narrative that the Chinese government played a role in creating the virus. The U.S. government is currently investigating the possibility that the virus originated in a lab but hasn't yet drawn any conclusions. Scientists say that the virus most likely started in bats and spread to other animals before passing to humans, but its specific origin is not yet known.
  • 170. The Institute of Biological Products has had to overcome a scandal of a different kind in recent years. In 2018, the Chinese government found that the institute produced over 400,000 defective DPT vaccines—which protect against diphtheria, pertussis, and tuberculosis—and sacked six local government officials in the wake of the crisis.
  • 171. This is a robotic dragonfly. it was developed by the CIA and was flying in the 1970s. It was powered by an ultraminiaturized gasoline engine (!) that would vent its exhaust backwards to increase the bot’s thrust, and the only reason they seemed to have scrapped it was that its performance in a crosswind wasn’t that good. A laser beam steered the dragonfly and a watchmaker on the project crafted a miniature oscillating engine so the wings beat, and the fuel bladder carried liquid propellant. MICROROBOTICS SPREAD AND CONTROL
  • 172. This was the state of technology 40 years ago versus the state of technology today, and what might be possible now (but currently top secret) if they had an operational insect robot way back then.
  • 173. Animal Dynamics, a British startup spinoff from Oxford University, produces biologically inspired vehicles and drones — including the dragonfly-inspired “Skeeter,” a drone the size of a pen intended for military reconnaissance.
  • 174. Thomas, the co-founder and chief science officer of Animal Dynamics, studies biomecha nics — how animals fly and move. The company’s 44 employees, $8 million in venture capital and contracts with the British Ministry of Defense signal the increasing attention on bio-inspired design. Animals have been moulded by millennia of evolution to become as efficient as possible, an urgent mission for the nonorganic world in an era of climate change. Today, Animal Dynamics has three projects underway.
  • 175. The Skeeter is an insect like autonomous drone for military reconnaissance. The Stork is the most advanced model, a paraglider-like drone that can efficiently glide into military resupply drops. The Malolo is a waterborne craft that propels itself with a finlike device instead of a propeller.
  • 176. China is deploying robots and drones to remotely disinfect hospitals, deliver food and enforce quarantine restrictions as part of the effort to fight coronavirus. Chinese state media has reported that drones and robots are being used by the government to cut the risk of person-to-person transmission of the disease. There are 780 million people that are on some form of residential lockdown in China. Wuhan, the city where the viral outbreak began, has been sealed off from the outside world for weeks. There have also been reports of drones using thermal imaging to detect people with fevers from the air. These viral videos could "absolutely be real" said drone expert Andy Miah, "I think they're an incredibly appealing tool for the law enforcement industry," Miah told Dezeen.
  • 177. "The drone gives the police force a capacity to roam and be present in a way that no other means of movement have allowed in the past." futuristic technology powered by artificial intelligence is helping to identify coronavirus symptoms, find new treatments, and track the spread of the disease. Meanwhile, robots are making interactions with and treatment of sick patients easier.
  • 178. Powerful surveillance tech — including facial recognition-enabled cameras and drones — is also helping find people who might be sick or who aren’t wearing masks. Flying robots, also known as drones, are also in the mix. Shenzhen Micro-Multi-Copter said in a statement earlier this month that it is deploying drones to patrol public places, spray disinfectant, and conduct thermal imaging. Chinese officials have used drones to track whether people are traveling outside without wearing face masks or violating other quarantine rules. More on this surveillance trend in a second.
  • 179. Coronavirus is contagious and hard to contain, which means that it’s safer for many human-to-human interactions to be done remotely. Both in hospitals and in public, remote communication means that patients avoid transmitting the disease and health workers save time on simple tasks. This has cleared the way for robots and lots of other automated technologies to help out. Now, robots are being used to disinfect rooms, communicate with isolated people, take vital information, and deliver medications (and anything else someone might need).
  • 180. Public health data surveillance companies Metabiota and BlueDot were both used to track the initial outbreak of the novel coronavirus. BlueDot actually notified its clients of the coronavirus threat several days before both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued their public warnings. Now, the same type of technology continues to monitor social media posts and other publicly available content to look for signs of the disease’s spread, as Wired has reported.
  • 181. Companies that sell facial recognition are using the outbreak as an opportunity to push their own tech’s capabilities. As Quartz reported, China’s Sense-Time now boasts that its software can identify people without face masks on. And on Twitter, at least one company — Remark Holdings — cited the coronavirus while pushing that its software’s ability to detect whether people were wearing masks was better than that of Chinese company Baidu.
  • 182. Baidu, the Chinese search engine giant, has made its computing capabilities available to scientists for studying the virus. According to the company, its algorithm multiplies the sequencing speed by 20 . Several research teams are also working on an AI capable of mapping and predicting the spread of the virus . Tencent and Baidu provided their users' data to model how the virus was able to leave Wuhan in the days following its appearance. Other algorithms scan social networks, media reports and official health data to determine where the virus is most likely to spread. For its part, the Chinese start-up iFlytek has developed an algorithm to identify the patients most at risk according to their age, place of residence or medical condition.
  • 183. This more advanced facial recognition tech already exists. Panasonic, which is also selling its facial recognition system FacePro in the US, has also claimed that its systems can identify people wearing masks. The coronavirus epidemic has also inspired facial recognition companies to integrate their tech with thermal imaging.
  • 184. SenseTime is selling thermal imaging-enabled facial recognition, and so is Sunell, another China-based video surveillance company, according to a press release. Proponents of surveillance tech focus on threats to peoples’ safety and property, pointing to “dangerous” people like terrorists and sex offenders. Less often, however, do proponents of this technology point to the safety risks associated with a potential pandemic.
  • 185. In the Beijing metro, travellers are scrutinized by an infrared scanner that measures their temperature. Developed by Megvii, a Chinese start-up, "the system is able to accurately detect a body temperature at distances greater than 3 meters and in the midst of heavy passenger traffic, even when the person is wearing a mask or a hat,” says the company. The passenger is then identified by facial recognition.
  • 186. "This allows staff to carry out checks without physical conta ct close, while reducing the potential transmission of the coronavirus and optimizing the flow of passengers ”. Its competitor Baidu has developed a similar system, capable of detecting the temperature of 200 people per minute, faster than the scanners used in airports.
  • 187. Viral outbreaks like COVID-19 highlight the growing role new medical technology — in particular, ideas from the field of robotics — can play in fighting the spread of novel infectious diseases.
  • 188. “Extreme cases make us rethink how we do things,” says Dr. Robin Murphy, Raytheon professor of computer science & engineering at Texas A&M University. The 2014 Ebola outbreak in Texas, the first in the U.S., led to years of study by Murphy and others on emergency response and the integration of robotics with medicine to help limit pathways for a highly contagious disease to spread.
  • 189. “A hospital lost a whole wing temporarily. Two ambulances were infected,” she recalled. Still, she says, not enough has changed. Wild ideas from the world of robotics capture attention, but health-care experts like Murphy are focused on more basic automated solutions, like seeing robots perform routine medical work for contagious patients, without replacing or eliminating health-care workers, to free up medical staff so they can spend more time on direct care, as well as reduce risk of their exposure.
  • 190. Hospital beds that can be automated to cycle through a series of positions (e.g., elevate head for X amount of time, then lower and elevate Y) can perform work that is difficult to do for health-care professionals while they are wearing protective gear and focused on higher-priority items.
  • 191. “The medical professionals said they were always behind,” according to Murphy, but this was one task that Ebola workers found did provide patient benefits. Robots designed for handling biohazardous waste and decontaminating rooms and ambulances are also ideas born out of an era of increasing experience with pandemic risks.
  • 192. “Why waste a person carrying the trash? Why send a nurse in to change a position on the bed. Now we’re not thinking of the robots as things that look like a dog or humanoids — think of the bed itself as being a robot,” Murphy said.
  • 193. Stanford Medical Center IV bags are wirelessly connected to a network and can be remotely programmed — an IV bag Internet of Things — though the system does not include the robotic changing of bags that Murphy envisions. Beds from Leaf Healthcare used in the Stanford hospital are able to inflate or deflate to reposition patients and avoid pressure injuries. UV sterilizing robots from Xenex are used in highly contagious infection rooms where virulent organisms are present. “I have a feeling in time that may become standard,” Damrose said. “Look at the antibiotic crisis and how these organisms are adapting to disinfectants and antibiotics. It doesn’t make sense to hand clean a room. Rooms of the future could all have UV cleaning robots.”
  • 194. The ability to incorporate such dual-use cyberinsects and biorobots in the potential weaponization of biological agents needs to be addressed and curbed. Biorobots of the household pest the cockroach, Blaberus discoidalis, the desert ant Cataglyphis, and the cricket- Gryllus bimaculatus are already the subject of in situ research. The cricket robot is being developed, in the USA, through academic research within the framework of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) robotics program.
  • 195. Nanotechnology has potential applications for defence, especially in the field of sensors, transducers, nanorobotics, nanoelectronics, memory storage, propellants, & explosives to enhance the performance of devices and weapon systems. The research and development activities of nanotechnology are increasing globally at a rapid rate. Many programs have been launched by individual countries or jointly towards the realization of nanotechnology.
  • 196. Weapons of mass destruction, be they nuclear, chemical or biological in nature, constitute a threat to national security, and to regional and international co- operation (New York Academy of Sciences, 1998). Civilian and military vulnerability to biological weapons can be overcome by resorting to the development of biosensors, fast-reacting bio-detection agents, advanced medical diagnostics, and effective vaccination and immunisation programmes. Bio - detection has been spurred on through the development of biorobots (Treindl, 1999). Mechanised insects with computerised artificial systems mimic through microchips or biochips certain biological processes such as neural networks that gather and process neural impulses that influence behavioural sensitivities to stress and dangerous responses to substances of biological and chemical origin. These micro-gadgets can carry out in a single operation tasks such as DNA processing, screening of blood samples, scans for the presence and identifications of disease genes, and monitoring of genetic cell activity normally carried out by several laboratory technicians.
  • 197. Researchers have long dreamed of developing tiny robots that could roam about inside our bodies, delivering drugs with unprecedented precision, and hunting down and destroying cancer cells. Last month scientists from China’s National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNT) and Arizona State University said they had developed robots a few hundred nanometers across — there are 25 million nanometers in an inch — and when they injected them into the bloodstream of mice, the nanorobots could shrink tumors by blocking their blood
  • 198. The nanorobots were made from sheets of DNA rolled into tubes containing a blood- clotting drug. On the outside, the researchers placed a small DNA molecule that binds with a protein found only in tumors. When the bots reached tumors, this molecule attached to the protein, triggering the DNA tube to unroll and release the drug. Such a device is very different from the human-scale bots that build our cars and vacuum our floors. But Guangjun Nie, one of the NCNT professors who developed the nanorobots, points out that they are able to sense their environment, navigate, and carry out mechanical tasks just like large robots.
  • 199. The researchers are working with a biotech firm to commercialize the cancer- fighting nanobots. And Nie says this is just a taste of what DNA nanorobots could do. “What we call nanorobots are the next generation of nanomedicines because they give you much better control and can be made to work like a machine,” he says. "In the future we will demonstrate even more scenarios for our nanorobots from monitoring disease, to finding tissue damage, curing cancer and maybe even finding and destroying plaques in our blood vessels."
  • 200. In addition to boosting the effectiveness and lessening the side effects of powerful drugs, nanorobots loitering in our bloodstream could act as early warning systems for disease. And tiny wireless surgical tools could let doctors perform medical procedures without cutting people open. Eric Diller, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Toronto in Canada, is working on this last problem. He’s developing robots just under a millimetre across that are built from elastic polymers filled with magnetic particles that can be dragged through fluids and triggered to grasp objects.
  • 201. These tiny bots are controlled by precise magnetic fields generated by an array of electromagnets. The robots could eventually be used to collect tissue biopsies or carry drug capsules inside the body, says Diller. The nanorobots operate in a virtual environment comparing random, thermal and chemical control techniques. The nanorobot architecture model has nanobioelectronics as the basis for manufacturing integrated system devices with embedded nanobiosensors and actuators, which facilitates its application for medical target identification and drug delivery. The nanorobot interaction with the described workspace shows how time actuation is improved based on sensor capabilities.
  • 202. Therefore, our work addresses the control and the architecture design for developing practical molecular machines. Advances in nanotechnology are enabling manufacturing nanosensors and actuators through nanobioelectronics and biologically inspired devices. Analysis of integrated system modeling is one important aspect for supporting nanotechnology in the fast development towards one of the most challenging new fields of science: molecular machines. The use of 3D simulation can provide interactive tools for addressing nanorobot choices on sensing, hardware architecture design, manufacturing approaches, and control methodology investigation.
  • 203. The ability to manufacture nanorobots can be understood as the result of current trends and new methodologies in fabrication, computation, transducers and manipulation. The hardware architecture for a medical nanorobot must include the necessary devices for monitoring the most important aspects of its operational workspace: the human body. To reach this aim, data processing, energy supply, and data transmission capabilities should be addressed through embedded integrated circuits, using advances in technologies derived from nanotechnology and VLSI design.
  • 204. CMOS VLSI design using extreme ultraviolet lithography provides high precision and a commercial way for manufacturing early nanodevices and nanoelectronics systems. To validate designs and to achieve a successful implementation, the use of VHDL (very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language) has become the most common methodology utilized in the integrated circuit manufacturing industry. A large set of different chemical and biological sensors has been achieved with distinct sequences of peptides through combinatorial chemistry for selective detection of various medical targets.
  • 205. For example, nano- biosensors and fabrication processes on nanoelectronics have been investigated and established to achieve electrochemical activation at nanoscale environment