SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Table of Contents

                Table of Contents                   1
                Section 1: CorePLUS Logos           2
                    Official Logo                   3
                    Secondary Logo                  4
                    Logo ClearSpace                 5
                    Component Buttons               6
                Section 2: Color Palettes           7
                    Color Palettes                  8
                Section 3: Typography               9
                    Approved Typefaces             10
                    Spelling and Terminology       11
                Section 4: Branded Documentation   12
                    Letterhead and Business Card   13
                    Marketing Documentation        14
                    Forms and Contracts            15
                    Proposal Template              16
                    Email Resources                17
                Section 5: CorePLUS Online         18

Section 1
CorePLUS Logos

The Official Logo (Marketing Use ONLY)

The CorePLUS Logo
The CorePLUS logo consists of two parts;
the Cloud and the Brand Name.

The Official CorePLUS Logo
The official CorePLUS logo consists of two
linear color “gradients.”
Color Gradient: A smooth blending of shades from
light to dark or from one color to another.

The Cloud - Silver Gradient
The Brand Name - Green Gradient

Guidelines for Logo Use
The Official CorePLUS Logo is for CorePLUS
Marketing Staff use ONLY.

Re-Creation: ...DON’T DO IT.
The CorePLUS logo consists of custom
spacing, custom leading, custom colors,
custom proportions, custom alignment and
a custom typeface.

Inaccurate replication of any aspect of the
CorePLUS logo is a misrepresentation of
the company and it’s marketing/branding

Secondary Logos (General Use)

                                                                       C:	64                                        C:	0

                                                C o l o r

                                                                                              C o l o r
The CorePLUS Logo
The CorePLUS logo consists of two parts;                               M:	0                                         M:	0
the Cloud and the Brand Name.
                                                                       Y:	 91                                       Y:	 0

                                                B a c k g r o u n d

                                                                                              B a c k g r o u n d
                                                                       K:	0                                         K:	100
The Secondary CorePLUS Logo
The Secondary CorePLUS logo comes in
four different colors; each one is only to be
used along with its respective background                              R:	 99                                       R:	 35
and font colors (as shown in the image to
the right).                                                            G:	 188                                      G:	 31

                                                                       B:	 84                                       B:	 32
Guidelines for Logo Use
The Secondary CorePLUS Logo is for
General Use.

To assure a high quality image,

                                                C o l o r

                                                                                              C o l o r

                                                                      Pure White Background

                                                                                                                Pure White Background
Re-Creation... DON’T DO IT.
The CorePLUS logo consists of custom

                                                                          Pure Black Text

                                                                                                                                  Color Values on Pg. 8)
                                                                                                                     C+ Grey Text
spacing, custom leading, custom colors,
                                                B a c k g r o u n d

                                                                                              B a c k g r o u n d
custom proportions, custom alignment and
a custom typeface.

Inaccurate replication of any aspect of the
CorePLUS logo is a misrepresentation of
the company and it’s marketing/branding

Logo ClearSpace

ClearSpace for CorePLUS Logos
In avoidance of clutter and inaccurate
association with other entities, DO NOT
place any image or text within the Logo
ClearSpace, depicted by green boxes in the
image on the right.

Component Buttons

 CoreStore                       CoreDesk


  CoreGrid                       CoreDev
Section 2
The Color Palettes

Color Palettes (The ONLY Colors We Use)

                                            Background Colors
                                            CorePLUS Green      C:64	 M:0	 Y:91	K:0      R:99	   G:188	B:84
                                            White               C:0	 M:0	Y:0	K:0         R:255	 G:255	B:255
                                            Black               C:0	 M:0	 Y:91	K:100     R:35	 G:31	B:32

                                            Component Colors
Background Colors
For use with Secondary Logos.               CoreGrid Lime       C:48	 M:0	   Y:100	K:0   R:146	 G:200	B:62
(See Page 4)                                CoreDesk Forest     C:77	 M:32	 Y:100	K:19   R:65	 G:118	B:56
                                            CoreStore Yellow    C:0	 M:22	Y:91	K:0       R:255	 G:200	B:47
Component Colors
                                            CoreDev Purple      C:58	 M:92	Y:0	 K:0      R:131	G:59	B:150
For use in color-coding CorePLUS
Components. Each color corresponds to its   CoreEngine Black    C:76	 M:67	Y:63	K:76     R:24	 G:28	B:30
respective component button.

                                            Classification Colors
Classification Colors                       CorePLUS Green      C:64	 M:0	 Y:91	K:0      R:99	   G:188	B:84
For use in color-coding anything.
                                            C+ Blue             C:58	 M:17	Y:0	 K:0      R:97	   G:174	B:225
                                            C+ Yellow           C:1	 M:12	Y:94	K:0       R:255	 G:217	B:33
NOTES: When color-coding or comparing
CorePLUS, use CorePLUS Green.               C+ Red              C:5	 M:92	Y:91	K:1       R:224	G:59	B:47
                                            C+ Orange           C:0	   M:63	 Y:100	K:0   R:244	 G:125	B:32
                                            C+ Magenta          C:5	 M:93	Y:0	 K:0       R:226	G:50	B:147
                                            C+ Violet           C:99	 M:100	Y:1	   K:2   R:65	G:0	B:153
                                            C+Grey              C:67	 M:59	Y:53	K:34     R:78	 G:79	B:83
                                            Black               C:0	 M:0	Y:0	K:100       R:35	 G:31	B:32

Section 3

Approved Typefaces

                                                              Helvetica-Light is CorePLUS’s standard typeface. It is available on
   Helvetica                                                  all operating systems as well as it is PDF and Web-Safe.

   Light Oblique


                                                                        Light Italic

The Gotham Typeface is only to be used in CorePLUS marketing or         1234567890
advertising efforts. It is not PDF-Safe and is not Web-Safe.
Spelling and Terminology

Spelling and Terminology
CorePLUS consists of multiple components,
each of which have a unique spelling.

The image on the right depicts the proper
spelling of all CorePLUS-coined terminology.

        Take note of capital letters
          and compound words.

 Disclaimer: The fonts (Bold, Italic, etc...)
 used in the image on the right are of no
     importance. Please Disregaurd.              CoreDev
                                                (Cloud and Application Management Platform)

Section 4
Branded Documentation

Letterhead and Business Card


                                                                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum consectetur dapibus.
                                                                       Nam id tortor fdfdsaoin eleifend interdum eros id gravida. Vivamus sed malesuada erat. Sed ut
                                                                       lectus massa. Nam eu augue nisi, eu dictum leo. Sed est neque, gravida non bibendum eget,
                                                                       cursus a libero. Curabitur elit arcu, hendrerit et auctor eget, congue mattis metus. Donec
                                                                       sollicitudin suscipit aliquet.
   Jonathan Doe
   Title/Position                                                      Vestibulum sollicitudin elit et sem tincidunt eget dictum eros tempor. Sed commodo tellus ac
                                                                       sapien consectetur porta. Integer imperdiet quam sit amet orci ultricies tristique tristique lorem
                                                                       fermentum. Vivamus eu leo felis, at aliquam urna. Nunc pulvinar, lectus at convallis pretium, mi
                                                                       est sodales tortor, sit amet sodales lacus mauris sit amet neque. Proin viverra vulputate nunc at
                                                                       rutrum. Duis eu nisl nisi. Curabitur non nibh non purus porta cursus. Cras posuere commodo
                                                                       ante, eu porta purus mollis quis. Integer dapibus auctor elit, gravida mattis tellus suscipit at.
                                                                       Aliquam interdum nulla sed nisi sagittis semper. Duis vitae magna vel est tempor lobortis. Fusce
                                                                       eget magna nunc. Nulla lfdsadfuctus placerat euismod. Maecenas at ullamcorper mauris.
                    7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005. Dallas, TX 75254   Integer aliquam commodo ligula, vitae sagittis eros ullamcorper eu.
                                     o555.555.5555 m555.555.5555       Fusce elementum hendrerit tellus, a pellentesque tortor consequat sed. Vestibulum libero erat,
                                  tincidunt in gravida sed, vulputate nec nunc. Donec id fringilla sapien. Donec eu tempor sem.
                                        Nam nunc nulla, molestie congue ornare at, laoreet ut leo. Vivamus odio justo, ultricies id tempor
                                                                       ornare, lobortis id ipsum. Sed tempus dolor elementum dolor egestas faucibus. In hac habitasse
                                                                       platea dictumst. Cras ut orci odio. Etiam nec blandit quam. Maecenas in justo lacus.
                                                                       Donec cursus, nisl sed imperdiet pellentesque, augue orci hendrerit nisl, a tristique velit eros
                                                                       non nisl. Suspendisse aliquet risus et ipsum suscipit suscipit. Curabitur accumsan dui a libero
                                                                       pulvinar eget ultrices ante ullamcorper. Nulla ac adipiscing sapien. Nunc imperdiet ligula at
                                                                       ligula tincidunt elementum. Aenean congue, ante nec commodo suscipit, mi quam scelerisque
                                                                       purus, eget mattis nulla lorem vitae diam. Praesent diam turpis, hendrerit pretium interdum a,
                                                                       iaculis congue erat. Nulla facilisi. Nunc mollis urna et quam dignissim ultrices. Sed quis urna sit
                                                                       amet elit laoreet consequat. Curabitur eu massa sem, nec euismod nisl. Pellentesque nulla
                                                                       diam, aliquam luctus adipiscing non, porttitor in erat. Nulla sodales fringilla augue sit amet
                                                                       faucibus. Aenean eu mauris sodales sapien pellentesque vehicula vitae in enim. Nunc tristique
                                                                       elementum velit dictum scelerisque. Aenean commodo fringilla velit, at dignissim enim fringilla

                                                                       Integer eleifend lectus vitae lacus suscipit sit amet pellentesque urna mattis. Vivamus bibendum
                                                                       tristique mollis. Nam tristique fringilla lorem, vitae molestie turpis ornare id. Curabitur nec est
                                                                       lobortis tellus convallis ultricies. In commodo facilisis vulputate. Integer tincidunt pharetra
                                                                       lobortis. Praesent et leo at eros tincidunt molestie. Mauris eget arcu lobortis sapien pulvinar
                                                                       ornare. Aliquam nibh dui, facilisis vitae luctus a, imperdiet a orci.

                                                                       Your Name
                                                                       Your Title
                                                                       Phone Number Format > XXX.XXX.XXXX ext.XXX
                                                                       Your Email Address

                                                                                                                                        7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005. Dallas, TX 75254

Marketing Documentation

                   General Motors                                                                                                             White Paper Title
                   Customized Tools for the Enterprise                                                                                        White Paper Subtitle
C      o     r     e     P     L       U     S                C     a     s     e                S      t   u    d   y   C      o     r      e       P      L   U   S         W     h     i     t    e                P     a      p    e   r

    Enhancing Marketing Programs
    In today’s enterprise, the ability to go from concept to implementation is more than ever critical. The
    importance of managing a budget while delivering market leading results is a challenge with which even
    the Fortune 500 are faced.                                                                                                                                                          Implementation of a Cloud Management
                                                                                                                                                                                        Platform is now critical for enterprises
    The difference between success and failure in this fast paced environment is knowing which tools
                                                                                                                                                                                        and government agencies of all sizes.
    will provide you the best results. During a recent program launch, General Motors was faced with a
                                                                                                                                                                                        Choosing a complete cloud solution that
    significant challenge.
                                                                                                                                     + Key Point #1                                     provides the security, agility, accessibility
                                                                                                                                                                                        and that maintains the network integrity
                                                                                                                                                                                        that is required can be challenging. As

                                   General Motors Needs                                                                              + Key Point #2                                     the cloud marketplace becomes overrun
                                                                                                                                                                                        with single solution providers, it is
                                                                                                                                                                                        necessary to understand the demands
                                   1. Scalable customer prospecting tool
                                   2. Fraud prevention and real time data analysis
                                   3. Cross market integration and program roll out
                                                                                                                                     + Key Point #3                                     of the enterprise and ensure that the
                                                                                                                                                                                        cloud solutions being considered meet
                                                                                                                                                                                        all the expectations of the enterprise. As

                                                                                                                                     + Key Point #4
                                   4. Progressive marketing scalability                                                                                                                 MDM (Mobile Device Management) and
                                                                                                                                                                                        BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) become
                                                                                                                                                                                        commonplace, the need for robust cloud
    The Problem: Expansive Marketing Program Management
    General Motors and their program management team needed to implement a consistent and scalable
                                                                                                                                     + Key Point #5                                     management platforms that provide
                                                                                                                                                                                        affordable solutions becomes critical to
                                                                                                                                                                                        the technology industry.
    marketing program tool from which every dealer across all regions could benefit. The challenge in
    working across regions is that marketing initiatives were often very different based on customer buying
    patterns and product need. From a corporate marketing programs perspective, this often meant
    dealers would follow a paper-based process to track potential buyers that saw a corporate promotion                      The Leading Cloud and Application Management Platform on the Market
    or advertisement. It was difficult to accurately track the success of these programs because of the
    manual data entry, overall data consolidation and potential point of failure at the data collection level.               CorePLUS is a cloud technology that provides a simple, secure way to manage IT and deliver any
    Additionally, concerns around accuracy of the data and integrity of the data were raised because there                   application, to any device, on-demand. CorePLUS enables companies and government agencies of
    was no process to verify the actual customer information.                                                                any size to cost effectively move to the cloud for all their computing needs. The CorePLUS CAMP
                                                                                                                             (Cloud Application and Management Platform) solution is next generation technology that provides
    The Participants: Identifying Key Players For Success                                                                    infrastructure, provisioning, management and computing services to a CorePLUS Virtual Private Data
                                                                                                                             Center, on premise Private Data Center, or Hybrid solution.
    As with many global enterprises, General Motors was faced with having to understand exactly who was
    involved in the marketing programs and what specific role these people or organizations played. With
    the understanding that every dealer had different staffing levels, the corporate team was faced with
    trying to determine a simple solution to a major data mining initiative. The corporate team at GM turned
    to their trusted marketing, development and outreach partners to determine what solutions were most
    viable and could efficiently scale. The teams turned to CorePLUS to meet their objectives.

    The Solution: Leveraging Expertise
    The solution that CorePLUS developed is a highly scalable, single user interface that solves the critical
    needs associated with:
                                                                                                                              CorePLUS is proud to be a
                                                                                                                              strategic partner with NBrella®

                                     CorePLUS Solution
                                                                                                                              in offering world-class backup,
                                                                                                                              data recovery, and encryption
                                                                                                                              to our customers. Additionally,
                                                                                                                              CorePLUS is in process to meet
                                   1. Cross Market Utilization and speed to market from concept to                            FedRAMP requirements.
                                      program launch
                                   2. Results oriented metrics tools
                                   3. Fraud prevention and data intelligence
                                   4.Real time analysis, integration, data transformation and mapping

    CorePLUS • 7920 Beltline Road Suite 1005 Dallas, Texas 75254 • 888.574.8810 •                    CorePLUS • 7920 Beltline Road Suite 1005 Dallas, Texas 75254 • 888.574.8810 •

Forms and Contracts

                                                                                                                                                        Master Service
                                                Reseller Agreement
                                                                                                Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                             Company Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                 Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                              Technical Contact: ___________________________________________              Title: ___________________________________________
                                                                                            Phone Number: ___________________________________________
   Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                         Email: ___________________________________________
 Company Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                   FEIN/SSN: ___________________________________________
                                                                                              Trial Period Start: ___________________________________________
     Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                     End: ___________________________________________
  Technical Contact: ___________________________________________          Title: ___________________________________________                                                                  Introduction
     Phone Number: ___________________________________________          Email: ___________________________________________ (MSA) shall constitute a binding contractual agreement between CPW Group, Inc. d/b/a
                                                                                           This Master Service Agreement
                                                                                          CorePLUS, and _____________________________(“Customer”) located at _________________________________________
                        ___________________________________________ FEIN/SSN: ___________________________________________
                                                                                          The MSA shall include the Terms of Service (“TOS”), Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), Service Level Agreement (“SLA”),
    Trial Period Start: ___________________________________________      End: ___________________________________________
                                                                                          and Privacy Agreement (“PA”). Customer hereby agrees to be bound by all terms in this MSA.

                                                                                      Terms of Service (TOS)
            This Agreement is made and entered into this    ________ day of _____________ 2012, between:
                                                                                            A. Services

                                                                                            to by the Customer. All provisions of this MSA are hereby incorporated by reference in any executed SOW.
 INDEPENDENT TECHNOLOGY VENDOR (CorePLUS)                        ____________________________________________________
 CPW Group, Inc (d/b/a CorePLUS), a Delaware Company.                                    B. Excluded Services
 7920 Beltline Rd. #1005                                                                 Custom or third party software                                                Agreement
                                                                 ____________________________________________________ installation not contracted or wrapped by CorePLUS, software maintenance and
 Dallas, TX 75254                                                                        troubleshooting on software not provisioned by CorePLUS, software patches and upgrades, custom scripts not
                                                                 ____________________________________________________                                                  1. Relationship
 ____________________________________________________                                    supplied by CorePLUS.
 ____________________________________________________            ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________                                      C. Terms and Conditions
         (Hereinafter referred to as “CorePLUS“)                        (Hereinafter referred toTerms and Conditions under which CorePLUS provides all Services are as follows:
                                                                                           The as the “Reseller”)

                                                                                            1. Customer, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries, hereby retains CorePLUS to provide Services in accordance with this

                                                                                          2. Unless otherwise creates for
 WHEREAS, CorePLUS has developed technology that allows access to applications from most devices andprovided an in a Statement of Work or Change Order, services to be provided under a Statement of
 application delivery platform for Cloud computing; and                                   Work for Services shall have an initial term of two (2) years from the Effective Date, which term shall be renew automatically
                                                                                          annually unless either party provides written notice to the other party of at least 60 days of the renewal date.
 WHEREAS, CorePLUS holds all intellectual property rights to the T echnology; and
                                                                                          3. Except as otherwise provided in a Statement of Work or Change Order, Customer shall pay CorePLUS its then-current
 WHEREAS, CorePLUS desires to engage Reseller to market and distribute the T              rates for erritory; and
                                                                                  echnology in the TServices provided in the Statement of Work, as such rates may be adjusted from time to time. All CorePLUS rates
                                                                                          are exclusive of any applicable sales, use, value-added, or other federal, state or local taxes, or any import duties or tariffs
 WHEREAS, Reseller possesses the necessary general technical expertise as well as imposed on the subject matter or transactions under this Agreement, and Customer shall be responsible for all such taxes,
                                                                                           the marketing and distribution
 organization to promote, market and distribute the Technology in the Territory; and      duties and tariffs, except that CorePLUS shall be responsible for any corporate franchise taxes imposed on CorePLUS by                        CorePLUS _____
                                                                                          law and for any taxes based on its net income or gross receipts.                                                                                Reseller _____
 WHEREAS, CorePLUS desires to appoint Reseller and Reseller desires to be appointed as a reseller of the T      echnology in                                                                                                                               1
 the Territory.                                                                           4. CorePLUS will never sell or disclose Customer’s contact information or Customer lists to any third party, unless required

 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as                                                                                             CorePLUS _____
 follows:                                                                                                                                                                                                    Reseller _____

                                                                                                        CorePLUS _____
                                                                                                          Reseller _____

Proposal Template

 B u s i n e s s   P r o p o s a l             B u s i n e s s       P r o p o s a l

                                                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget nisi dui. Morbi condimentum
                                                       molestie arcu nec facilisis. Praesent viverra velit sed ligula fermentum egestas. Vestibulum eget
                                                       libero dolor. Pellentesque eget sem nisl. Nulla eu sagittis nulla. Aliquam dictum molestie

                                                       Sub Header
                                                       Vestibulum et quam nec mi posuere molestie. Pellentesque sit amet sapien massa, vitae
                                                       hendrerit enim. Nullam hendrerit posuere turpis, non rhoncus velit vestibulum in. Phasellus
                                                       venenatis, tellus sit amet tristique varius, lorem turpis iaculis mi, eu euismod orci tortor in tellus.
                                                       Aenean in enim ante. In aliquam placerat imperdiet. Curabitur purus elit, egestas ac sodales
                                                       sed, ultrices sit amet felis. Integer a augue dolor. Fusce nunc tellus, rhoncus vel volutpat ut,
                                                       lobortis a diam. Proin tincidunt justo sed dolor iaculis mollis in vitae enim. Ut pretium euismod
                                                       risus id venenatis. Mauris consequat lorem sit amet felis egestas iaculis aliquam tortor luctus.
                                                       Integer tristique vulputate turpis vitae pellentesque.

                                                       Curabitur vulputate orci id ante scelerisque venenatis. Donec vitae turpis velit. Vivamus leo nisl,
                                                       lacinia sit amet tincidunt ac, interdum vel nulla. Mauris vitae justo tellus, sit amet facilisis odio.
                                                       Cras ante nisi, mattis in laoreet nec, rhoncus id ante. Proin fermentum leo id sem lacinia
                                                       pulvinar. Fusce vel purus nulla. Praesent facilisis turpis vel purus facilisis vitae porta enim
                                                       ullamcorper. Nulla volutpat, arcu non porta imperdiet, nulla mauris varius tellus, in fermentum
                                                       nibh nunc ut erat. Nulla semper nibh et quam sagittis tempor. Proin nec turpis vulputate dolor

         Proposal for:
                                                       fermentum mollis ut eu nibh. Ut sit amet erat nulla. Etiam lorem tellus, gravida facilisis semper
                                                       non, vulputate at neque. Fusce magna mi, auctor vel consectetur non, elementum sit amet

          Enter Potential Client Company

                                                       Sub Header

                                                       Vestibulum et quam nec mi posuere molestie. Pellentesque sit amet sapien massa, vitae
                                                       hendrerit enim. Nullam hendrerit posuere turpis, non rhoncus velit vestibulum in. Phasellus
                                                       venenatis, tellus sit amet tristique varius, lorem turpis iaculis mi, eu euismod orci tortor in tellus.
                                                       Aenean in enim ante. In aliquam placerat imperdiet. Curabitur purus elit, egestas ac sodales
                                                       sed, ultrices sit amet felis. Integer a augue dolor. Fusce nunc tellus, rhoncus vel volutpat ut,
                                                       lobortis a diam. Proin tincidunt justo sed dolor iaculis mollis in vitae enim. Ut pretium euismod
                                                       risus id venenatis. Mauris consequat lorem sit amet felis egestas iaculis aliquam tortor luctus.
                                                       Integer tristique vulputate turpis vitae pellentesque.

                                                          Helvetica               Bold               Centered             Vertically

                                                           Helvetica              Light              Centered             Vertically       And Horizontally

                                                             Every             Other Row                 At                  12%              Black (grey)

                                                              No                  Lines                  --                 Clean                Simple

                                                              All                 Rows                At Least            0.4 inches              Tall

                                           1                                                                                                                 2

Instructional Documentation

                                                                                                                                                                      CoreDesk Access for
                                                                              CoreDesk Access for
                                                                          This topic provides the steps and setting descriptions to use the Ericom Blaze client to connect to CoreDESK. Use the

                                                                                         Steps      Description

                                                                                                    Select the Ericom Blaze application or alias to open the Ericom Blaze client. By
                                                                                            1                                                         tab.

                                            Table of Contents

                           Table of Contents                                     1                                             Ericom Blaze
                           Ericom Blaze Client Application Installation          2                  In the                  section of the
                                                                                                                         Enter the computer name or IP address of the computer you
                               Installation Overview                             2                  are connecting to.

                               Installation Details with Images                  3

    CoreDesk Access for:       Tab: ‘General’

                                                                                                    Password Enter the password that is associated with you provided username

                                   ‘Login Settings’                              6

                                   ‘Ericom Blaze’                                7

                               Tab: ‘Display’                                    8

                               Tab: ‘Local Resources’                            8

                                   ‘Remote Audio’                                9

                                   ‘Local Resources and Devices’                 9

                               Tab: ‘Programs’                                  10

                               Tab: ‘Experience’                                11

                               Tab: ‘Gateway’                                   12



Email Resources

                                                                          Email Campaign Template
 Email Signature Template

                       First Last Name
                       Position Title

                       7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005, Dallas, TX 75254
                       o(888) 574-8810 c(000) 000-0000

Section 5
CorePLUS Online


Contact Us

             Why CorePLUS?

                             What is CorePLUS?

                                                 Home Page

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CorePLUS Style Guide

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Section 1: CorePLUS Logos 2 Official Logo 3 Secondary Logo 4 Logo ClearSpace 5 Component Buttons 6 Section 2: Color Palettes 7 Color Palettes 8 Section 3: Typography 9 Approved Typefaces 10 Spelling and Terminology 11 Section 4: Branded Documentation 12 Letterhead and Business Card 13 Marketing Documentation 14 Forms and Contracts 15 Proposal Template 16 Email Resources 17 Section 5: CorePLUS Online 18 19 20 21 1
  • 4. The Official Logo (Marketing Use ONLY) The CorePLUS Logo The CorePLUS logo consists of two parts; the Cloud and the Brand Name. The Official CorePLUS Logo The official CorePLUS logo consists of two linear color “gradients.” Color Gradient: A smooth blending of shades from light to dark or from one color to another. The Cloud - Silver Gradient The Brand Name - Green Gradient Guidelines for Logo Use The Official CorePLUS Logo is for CorePLUS Marketing Staff use ONLY. Re-Creation: ...DON’T DO IT. The CorePLUS logo consists of custom spacing, custom leading, custom colors, custom proportions, custom alignment and a custom typeface. Inaccurate replication of any aspect of the CorePLUS logo is a misrepresentation of the company and it’s marketing/branding efforts. 3
  • 5. Secondary Logos (General Use) C: 64 C: 0 C o l o r C o l o r The CorePLUS Logo The CorePLUS logo consists of two parts; M: 0 M: 0 the Cloud and the Brand Name. Y: 91 Y: 0 B a c k g r o u n d B a c k g r o u n d K: 0 K: 100 The Secondary CorePLUS Logo The Secondary CorePLUS logo comes in four different colors; each one is only to be used along with its respective background R: 99 R: 35 and font colors (as shown in the image to the right). G: 188 G: 31 B: 84 B: 32 Guidelines for Logo Use The Secondary CorePLUS Logo is for General Use. To assure a high quality image, C o l o r C o l o r ONLY USE LOGOS PROVIDED BY CorePLUS. Pure White Background Pure White Background Re-Creation... DON’T DO IT. The CorePLUS logo consists of custom Pure Black Text Color Values on Pg. 8) C+ Grey Text spacing, custom leading, custom colors, B a c k g r o u n d B a c k g r o u n d custom proportions, custom alignment and a custom typeface. Inaccurate replication of any aspect of the CorePLUS logo is a misrepresentation of the company and it’s marketing/branding efforts. 4
  • 6. Logo ClearSpace ClearSpace for CorePLUS Logos In avoidance of clutter and inaccurate association with other entities, DO NOT place any image or text within the Logo ClearSpace, depicted by green boxes in the image on the right. 5
  • 7. Component Buttons CoreStore CoreDesk CoreEngine CoreGrid CoreDev 6
  • 8. Section 2 The Color Palettes 7
  • 9. Color Palettes (The ONLY Colors We Use) Background Colors CorePLUS Green C:64 M:0 Y:91 K:0 R:99 G:188 B:84 White C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 R:255 G:255 B:255 Black C:0 M:0 Y:91 K:100 R:35 G:31 B:32 Component Colors Background Colors For use with Secondary Logos. CoreGrid Lime C:48 M:0 Y:100 K:0 R:146 G:200 B:62 (See Page 4) CoreDesk Forest C:77 M:32 Y:100 K:19 R:65 G:118 B:56 CoreStore Yellow C:0 M:22 Y:91 K:0 R:255 G:200 B:47 Component Colors CoreDev Purple C:58 M:92 Y:0 K:0 R:131 G:59 B:150 For use in color-coding CorePLUS Components. Each color corresponds to its CoreEngine Black C:76 M:67 Y:63 K:76 R:24 G:28 B:30 respective component button. Classification Colors Classification Colors CorePLUS Green C:64 M:0 Y:91 K:0 R:99 G:188 B:84 For use in color-coding anything. C+ Blue C:58 M:17 Y:0 K:0 R:97 G:174 B:225 C+ Yellow C:1 M:12 Y:94 K:0 R:255 G:217 B:33 NOTES: When color-coding or comparing CorePLUS, use CorePLUS Green. C+ Red C:5 M:92 Y:91 K:1 R:224 G:59 B:47 C+ Orange C:0 M:63 Y:100 K:0 R:244 G:125 B:32 C+ Magenta C:5 M:93 Y:0 K:0 R:226 G:50 B:147 C+ Violet C:99 M:100 Y:1 K:2 R:65 G:0 B:153 C+Grey C:67 M:59 Y:53 K:34 R:78 G:79 B:83 Black C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 R:35 G:31 B:32 8
  • 11. Approved Typefaces Helvetica-Light is CorePLUS’s standard typeface. It is available on Helvetica all operating systems as well as it is PDF and Web-Safe. Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Light Oblique abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Gotham Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Light Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ The Gotham Typeface is only to be used in CorePLUS marketing or 1234567890 advertising efforts. It is not PDF-Safe and is not Web-Safe. 10
  • 12. Spelling and Terminology CorePLUS CoreDesk CoreStore Spelling and Terminology CorePLUS consists of multiple components, each of which have a unique spelling. CoreEngine The image on the right depicts the proper spelling of all CorePLUS-coined terminology. Take note of capital letters and compound words. Disclaimer: The fonts (Bold, Italic, etc...) used in the image on the right are of no importance. Please Disregaurd. CoreDev CoreGrid CAMP (Cloud and Application Management Platform) 11
  • 14. Letterhead and Business Card Name, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum consectetur dapibus. Nam id tortor fdfdsaoin eleifend interdum eros id gravida. Vivamus sed malesuada erat. Sed ut lectus massa. Nam eu augue nisi, eu dictum leo. Sed est neque, gravida non bibendum eget, cursus a libero. Curabitur elit arcu, hendrerit et auctor eget, congue mattis metus. Donec sollicitudin suscipit aliquet. Jonathan Doe Title/Position Vestibulum sollicitudin elit et sem tincidunt eget dictum eros tempor. Sed commodo tellus ac sapien consectetur porta. Integer imperdiet quam sit amet orci ultricies tristique tristique lorem fermentum. Vivamus eu leo felis, at aliquam urna. Nunc pulvinar, lectus at convallis pretium, mi est sodales tortor, sit amet sodales lacus mauris sit amet neque. Proin viverra vulputate nunc at rutrum. Duis eu nisl nisi. Curabitur non nibh non purus porta cursus. Cras posuere commodo ante, eu porta purus mollis quis. Integer dapibus auctor elit, gravida mattis tellus suscipit at. Aliquam interdum nulla sed nisi sagittis semper. Duis vitae magna vel est tempor lobortis. Fusce eget magna nunc. Nulla lfdsadfuctus placerat euismod. Maecenas at ullamcorper mauris. 7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005. Dallas, TX 75254 Integer aliquam commodo ligula, vitae sagittis eros ullamcorper eu. o555.555.5555 m555.555.5555 Fusce elementum hendrerit tellus, a pellentesque tortor consequat sed. Vestibulum libero erat, tincidunt in gravida sed, vulputate nec nunc. Donec id fringilla sapien. Donec eu tempor sem. Nam nunc nulla, molestie congue ornare at, laoreet ut leo. Vivamus odio justo, ultricies id tempor ornare, lobortis id ipsum. Sed tempus dolor elementum dolor egestas faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut orci odio. Etiam nec blandit quam. Maecenas in justo lacus. Donec cursus, nisl sed imperdiet pellentesque, augue orci hendrerit nisl, a tristique velit eros non nisl. Suspendisse aliquet risus et ipsum suscipit suscipit. Curabitur accumsan dui a libero pulvinar eget ultrices ante ullamcorper. Nulla ac adipiscing sapien. Nunc imperdiet ligula at ligula tincidunt elementum. Aenean congue, ante nec commodo suscipit, mi quam scelerisque purus, eget mattis nulla lorem vitae diam. Praesent diam turpis, hendrerit pretium interdum a, iaculis congue erat. Nulla facilisi. Nunc mollis urna et quam dignissim ultrices. Sed quis urna sit amet elit laoreet consequat. Curabitur eu massa sem, nec euismod nisl. Pellentesque nulla diam, aliquam luctus adipiscing non, porttitor in erat. Nulla sodales fringilla augue sit amet faucibus. Aenean eu mauris sodales sapien pellentesque vehicula vitae in enim. Nunc tristique elementum velit dictum scelerisque. Aenean commodo fringilla velit, at dignissim enim fringilla vel. Integer eleifend lectus vitae lacus suscipit sit amet pellentesque urna mattis. Vivamus bibendum tristique mollis. Nam tristique fringilla lorem, vitae molestie turpis ornare id. Curabitur nec est lobortis tellus convallis ultricies. In commodo facilisis vulputate. Integer tincidunt pharetra lobortis. Praesent et leo at eros tincidunt molestie. Mauris eget arcu lobortis sapien pulvinar ornare. Aliquam nibh dui, facilisis vitae luctus a, imperdiet a orci. Your Name Your Title Phone Number Format > XXX.XXX.XXXX ext.XXX Your Email Address 7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005. Dallas, TX 75254 888.574.8810 13
  • 15. Marketing Documentation General Motors White Paper Title Customized Tools for the Enterprise White Paper Subtitle C o r e P L U S C a s e S t u d y C o r e P L U S W h i t e P a p e r Enhancing Marketing Programs In today’s enterprise, the ability to go from concept to implementation is more than ever critical. The Introduction importance of managing a budget while delivering market leading results is a challenge with which even the Fortune 500 are faced. Implementation of a Cloud Management Platform is now critical for enterprises The difference between success and failure in this fast paced environment is knowing which tools and government agencies of all sizes. will provide you the best results. During a recent program launch, General Motors was faced with a Choosing a complete cloud solution that significant challenge. + Key Point #1 provides the security, agility, accessibility and that maintains the network integrity that is required can be challenging. As General Motors Needs + Key Point #2 the cloud marketplace becomes overrun with single solution providers, it is necessary to understand the demands 1. Scalable customer prospecting tool 2. Fraud prevention and real time data analysis 3. Cross market integration and program roll out + Key Point #3 of the enterprise and ensure that the cloud solutions being considered meet all the expectations of the enterprise. As + Key Point #4 4. Progressive marketing scalability MDM (Mobile Device Management) and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) become commonplace, the need for robust cloud The Problem: Expansive Marketing Program Management General Motors and their program management team needed to implement a consistent and scalable + Key Point #5 management platforms that provide affordable solutions becomes critical to the technology industry. marketing program tool from which every dealer across all regions could benefit. The challenge in working across regions is that marketing initiatives were often very different based on customer buying patterns and product need. From a corporate marketing programs perspective, this often meant dealers would follow a paper-based process to track potential buyers that saw a corporate promotion The Leading Cloud and Application Management Platform on the Market or advertisement. It was difficult to accurately track the success of these programs because of the manual data entry, overall data consolidation and potential point of failure at the data collection level. CorePLUS is a cloud technology that provides a simple, secure way to manage IT and deliver any Additionally, concerns around accuracy of the data and integrity of the data were raised because there application, to any device, on-demand. CorePLUS enables companies and government agencies of was no process to verify the actual customer information. any size to cost effectively move to the cloud for all their computing needs. The CorePLUS CAMP (Cloud Application and Management Platform) solution is next generation technology that provides The Participants: Identifying Key Players For Success infrastructure, provisioning, management and computing services to a CorePLUS Virtual Private Data Center, on premise Private Data Center, or Hybrid solution. As with many global enterprises, General Motors was faced with having to understand exactly who was involved in the marketing programs and what specific role these people or organizations played. With the understanding that every dealer had different staffing levels, the corporate team was faced with trying to determine a simple solution to a major data mining initiative. The corporate team at GM turned to their trusted marketing, development and outreach partners to determine what solutions were most viable and could efficiently scale. The teams turned to CorePLUS to meet their objectives. The Solution: Leveraging Expertise The solution that CorePLUS developed is a highly scalable, single user interface that solves the critical needs associated with: CorePLUS is proud to be a strategic partner with NBrella® CorePLUS Solution in offering world-class backup, data recovery, and encryption to our customers. Additionally, CorePLUS is in process to meet 1. Cross Market Utilization and speed to market from concept to FedRAMP requirements. program launch 2. Results oriented metrics tools 3. Fraud prevention and data intelligence 4.Real time analysis, integration, data transformation and mapping CorePLUS • 7920 Beltline Road Suite 1005 Dallas, Texas 75254 • 888.574.8810 • CorePLUS • 7920 Beltline Road Suite 1005 Dallas, Texas 75254 • 888.574.8810 • 14
  • 16. Forms and Contracts Master Service Agreement Reseller Agreement Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Contact: ___________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Company Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEIN/SSN: ___________________________________________ Trial Period Start: ___________________________________________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End: ___________________________________________ Technical Contact: ___________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Introduction Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ (MSA) shall constitute a binding contractual agreement between CPW Group, Inc. d/b/a This Master Service Agreement CorePLUS, and _____________________________(“Customer”) located at _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ FEIN/SSN: ___________________________________________ The MSA shall include the Terms of Service (“TOS”), Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), Service Level Agreement (“SLA”), Trial Period Start: ___________________________________________ End: ___________________________________________ and Privacy Agreement (“PA”). Customer hereby agrees to be bound by all terms in this MSA. Terms of Service (TOS) This Agreement is made and entered into this ________ day of _____________ 2012, between: A. Services to by the Customer. All provisions of this MSA are hereby incorporated by reference in any executed SOW. ____________________________________________________ INDEPENDENT TECHNOLOGY VENDOR (CorePLUS) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ CPW Group, Inc (d/b/a CorePLUS), a Delaware Company. B. Excluded Services ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7920 Beltline Rd. #1005 Custom or third party software Agreement ____________________________________________________ installation not contracted or wrapped by CorePLUS, software maintenance and ____________________________________________________ Dallas, TX 75254 troubleshooting on software not provisioned by CorePLUS, software patches and upgrades, custom scripts not ____________________________________________________ 1. Relationship ____________________________________________________ supplied by CorePLUS. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ C. Terms and Conditions ____________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “CorePLUS“) (Hereinafter referred toTerms and Conditions under which CorePLUS provides all Services are as follows: The as the “Reseller”) 1. Customer, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries, hereby retains CorePLUS to provide Services in accordance with this Witnesseth 2. Unless otherwise creates for WHEREAS, CorePLUS has developed technology that allows access to applications from most devices andprovided an in a Statement of Work or Change Order, services to be provided under a Statement of application delivery platform for Cloud computing; and Work for Services shall have an initial term of two (2) years from the Effective Date, which term shall be renew automatically annually unless either party provides written notice to the other party of at least 60 days of the renewal date. WHEREAS, CorePLUS holds all intellectual property rights to the T echnology; and 3. Except as otherwise provided in a Statement of Work or Change Order, Customer shall pay CorePLUS its then-current WHEREAS, CorePLUS desires to engage Reseller to market and distribute the T rates for erritory; and echnology in the TServices provided in the Statement of Work, as such rates may be adjusted from time to time. All CorePLUS rates are exclusive of any applicable sales, use, value-added, or other federal, state or local taxes, or any import duties or tariffs WHEREAS, Reseller possesses the necessary general technical expertise as well as imposed on the subject matter or transactions under this Agreement, and Customer shall be responsible for all such taxes, the marketing and distribution organization to promote, market and distribute the Technology in the Territory; and duties and tariffs, except that CorePLUS shall be responsible for any corporate franchise taxes imposed on CorePLUS by CorePLUS _____ law and for any taxes based on its net income or gross receipts. Reseller _____ WHEREAS, CorePLUS desires to appoint Reseller and Reseller desires to be appointed as a reseller of the T echnology in 1 the Territory. 4. CorePLUS will never sell or disclose Customer’s contact information or Customer lists to any third party, unless required NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as CorePLUS _____ follows: Reseller _____ 1 CorePLUS _____ Reseller _____ 1 15
  • 17. Proposal Template B u s i n e s s P r o p o s a l B u s i n e s s P r o p o s a l Heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget nisi dui. Morbi condimentum molestie arcu nec facilisis. Praesent viverra velit sed ligula fermentum egestas. Vestibulum eget libero dolor. Pellentesque eget sem nisl. Nulla eu sagittis nulla. Aliquam dictum molestie adipiscing. Sub Header Vestibulum et quam nec mi posuere molestie. Pellentesque sit amet sapien massa, vitae hendrerit enim. Nullam hendrerit posuere turpis, non rhoncus velit vestibulum in. Phasellus venenatis, tellus sit amet tristique varius, lorem turpis iaculis mi, eu euismod orci tortor in tellus. Aenean in enim ante. In aliquam placerat imperdiet. Curabitur purus elit, egestas ac sodales sed, ultrices sit amet felis. Integer a augue dolor. Fusce nunc tellus, rhoncus vel volutpat ut, lobortis a diam. Proin tincidunt justo sed dolor iaculis mollis in vitae enim. Ut pretium euismod risus id venenatis. Mauris consequat lorem sit amet felis egestas iaculis aliquam tortor luctus. Integer tristique vulputate turpis vitae pellentesque. Curabitur vulputate orci id ante scelerisque venenatis. Donec vitae turpis velit. Vivamus leo nisl, lacinia sit amet tincidunt ac, interdum vel nulla. Mauris vitae justo tellus, sit amet facilisis odio. Cras ante nisi, mattis in laoreet nec, rhoncus id ante. Proin fermentum leo id sem lacinia pulvinar. Fusce vel purus nulla. Praesent facilisis turpis vel purus facilisis vitae porta enim ullamcorper. Nulla volutpat, arcu non porta imperdiet, nulla mauris varius tellus, in fermentum nibh nunc ut erat. Nulla semper nibh et quam sagittis tempor. Proin nec turpis vulputate dolor Proposal for: fermentum mollis ut eu nibh. Ut sit amet erat nulla. Etiam lorem tellus, gravida facilisis semper non, vulputate at neque. Fusce magna mi, auctor vel consectetur non, elementum sit amet Enter Potential Client Company sapien. Sub Header 1.1.12 Vestibulum et quam nec mi posuere molestie. Pellentesque sit amet sapien massa, vitae hendrerit enim. Nullam hendrerit posuere turpis, non rhoncus velit vestibulum in. Phasellus venenatis, tellus sit amet tristique varius, lorem turpis iaculis mi, eu euismod orci tortor in tellus. Aenean in enim ante. In aliquam placerat imperdiet. Curabitur purus elit, egestas ac sodales sed, ultrices sit amet felis. Integer a augue dolor. Fusce nunc tellus, rhoncus vel volutpat ut, lobortis a diam. Proin tincidunt justo sed dolor iaculis mollis in vitae enim. Ut pretium euismod risus id venenatis. Mauris consequat lorem sit amet felis egestas iaculis aliquam tortor luctus. Integer tristique vulputate turpis vitae pellentesque. Heading And Helvetica Bold Centered Vertically Horizontally Helvetica Light Centered Vertically And Horizontally Every Other Row At 12% Black (grey) No Lines -- Clean Simple All Rows At Least 0.4 inches Tall 1 2 16
  • 18. Instructional Documentation CoreDesk Access for Windows CoreDesk Access for Windows This topic provides the steps and setting descriptions to use the Ericom Blaze client to connect to CoreDESK. Use the Steps Description Select the Ericom Blaze application or alias to open the Ericom Blaze client. By 1 tab. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Ericom Blaze Client Ericom Blaze Client Application Installation 2 In the section of the Enter the computer name or IP address of the computer you Installation Overview 2 are connecting to. 2 Installation Details with Images 3 CoreDesk Access for: Tab: ‘General’ 6 6 Password Enter the password that is associated with you provided username ‘Login Settings’ 6 ‘Ericom Blaze’ 7 Tab: ‘Display’ 8 Tab: ‘Local Resources’ 8 ‘Remote Audio’ 9 ‘Local Resources and Devices’ 9 Tab: ‘Programs’ 10 Tab: ‘Experience’ 11 Tab: ‘Gateway’ 12 6 1 17
  • 19. Email Resources Email Campaign Template Email Signature Template First Last Name Position Title CorePLUS 7920 Beltline Road, Suite 1005, Dallas, TX 75254 o(888) 574-8810 c(000) 000-0000 18
  • 21. Contact Us Why CorePLUS? What is CorePLUS? Home Page 20