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Spot the commercial text
Commercial writing detection
Which extract is commercial? A or B
Particularly in the case of online PR, negative
consumer sentiment can be directly correlated
with diminished customer perception and
consequent negative brand reputation (Harris &
De Chernatony, 2001). The growing
phenomenon of sentiment analysis further
indicates that consumers have a stronger
propensity to ingest negative brand messages as
opposed to positive corporate messages,
particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee,
2008). Furthermore, research proposes the
penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour
that consumers demonstrate towards firms
whereby advocacy, commitment and
cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive
reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl
& Schwaiger, 2005).
The first main point is that this is an innovative
idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore
will mean the company would get the upper
hand over their competition as well as a new
image as being a cleaner and greener company
from their customers. This is because the
electric cars won't be producing as much of
their green house gases. Times are changing
and electric cars are becoming better and more
useful. So it's a matter of time before the black
cabs need to change. This will get the business a
head start into it and get ahead of their
competition. If the London Taxi Company
accepted our proposal, the first step would be
to possibly look into borrowing some money to
kick off the process of buying new engine parts
and installing them to the taxis .
A. B.
Which extract is commercial? A or B
This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end,
close cooperation was necessary with the
community health-care providers, and a
multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to
coordinate the care provision. This research
demonstrated that intervention patients spent a
smaller proportion of the last month of life in
nursing homes than was possible for the control
sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to
increase the proportion of patients who were able
to die at home, a significant investment of resources
would be needed. This manifested itself in the need
for greater levels of training in palliative care for
community care staff, thus increasing the costs
associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al.
CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide
anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and
therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals,
ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are
often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural
hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are
very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still
developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than
half of the world's nearly two hundred countries.
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse
specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized
through professional certification boards, and a CNS's
scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state
board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous
diversity within the title.
A. B.
Which extract is commercial? A or B
This introductory chapter outlines the central
research context and introduces key concepts. In
order to understand the nature and importance of
knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the
meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit
and explicit forms. In addition, it introduces the
reader to the growing importance of international
strategic alliances, with a central focus on the
Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong
link between strategic alliances and competitive
success in the literature, this research focuses upon
the Chinese market in particular in order to
understand what such alliances look like, the
nature of knowledge transfers and the specific
challenges that exist within this growing and
important market
Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail
to understand risks of function, value or use of a
product. Pressures can arise from substituting
inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to
inform customers about existing conditions or
changes in product quality. Many car, gas and
tobacco companies have experienced negative
publicity associated with design or safety issues
(as well as global warming, water pollution, noise
and congestion issues) that resulted in control of
their behavior by laws, regulations and higher
taxations. Developing and selling a product which
does not harm the environment refers to 'green
marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as
short-term results.
A. B.
Which extract is commercial? A or B
The literature review presented in the
subsequent chapter drew on the importance of
knowledge transfers and yet recognised how
little attention had been directed specifically
towards the nature of knowledge transfers in
strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical
study was carried out in order to identify what
those exchanges look like but to also
understand how knowledge transfers can be
facilitated due to the strong empirical link
between knowledge transfers, innovation and
competitive advantage.
The application of scientific management
resulted in significant productivity increases.
However, the emphasis on specialization was to
become one of the targets of critics of scientific
management. They argued, that specialization
was ultimately inefficient but, more
importantly; it did not allow people to achieve
their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al,
1994:9) Scientific management is often referred
to as a machine theory model. It adopts an
instrumental view of human behaviour together
with the application of specialization and
standard procedures of work.
A. B.
Which extract is commercial? A or B
Research has therefore suggested that another
significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it
acts as a protective factor against obesity in
childhood. Kramer was the first to report that
breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced"
risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next
two decades, a number of similar studies also
suggested an association between breastfeeding and
a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In the
mid-2000s this research was collated into three
seminal meta-analyses which concluded that,
overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did
reduce the risk of childhood obesity.
Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e.
inefficient bed management or insufficient bed
capacity) The congestion in the emergency
department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need
for improving different administrative processes
associated with patient flow arises for efficient and
effective management of hospital beds and other
resources. The effective management of hospital beds
is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is
to be met. With the limited supply of the medical
resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are
in short supply.
A. B.
Which extract is commercial? A or B
The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the
extent to which the law of criminal evidence has
managed to strike an appropriate balance between
protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are
usually the prime witnesses in prosecution
proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the
due process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes, in particular the right to properly test the
evidence which has been admitted against them, on
the other? The secondary aim of this research is to
derive recommendations for reform to the law of
criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate
balance between protecting the victims of sexual
assault on the one hand, and protecting the due
process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes on the other. The objectives of this research
paper are as follows:
And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the
immediate recipient and claim against a third party
who received, in different assets, value which
proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of
the least perfectly understood areas of the law of
restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma.
The longer its reach and therefore the greater its
potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to
describe exactly how it works; and the more one
insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible
account of how it works, the greater the danger of
shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to
how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot
tolerate figures which are beyond rational
description. If there turn out to be limits to what can
intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will
have to be invoked.
A. B.
Spot the difference!
LD@3 Contract Cheater Detection Workshop
Spot the language difference
Particularly in the case of online PR, negative
consumer sentiment can be directly correlated
with diminished customer perception and
consequent negative brand reputation (Harris &
De Chernatony, 2001). The growing
phenomenon of sentiment analysis further
indicates that consumers have a stronger
propensity to ingest negative brand messages as
opposed to positive corporate messages,
particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee,
2008). Furthermore, research proposes the
penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour
that consumers demonstrate towards firms
whereby advocacy, commitment and
cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive
reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl
& Schwaiger, 2005).
The first main point is that this is an innovative
idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore
will mean the company would get the upper
hand over their competition as well as a new
image as being a cleaner and greener company
from their customers. This is because the
electric cars won't be producing as much of
their green house gases. Times are changing
and electric cars are becoming better and more
useful. So it's a matter of time before the black
cabs need to change. This will get the business a
head start into it and get ahead of their
competition. If the London Taxi Company
accepted our proposal, the first step would be
to possibly look into borrowing some money to
kick off the process of buying new engine parts
and installing them to the taxis .
word length; specific words; abstract words
Particularly in the case of online PR, negative
consumer sentiment can be directly correlated
with diminished customer perception and
consequent negative brand reputation (Harris &
De Chernatony, 2001). The growing
phenomenon of sentiment analysis further
indicates that consumers have a stronger
propensity to ingest negative brand messages as
opposed to positive corporate messages,
particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee,
2008). Furthermore, research proposes the
penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour
that consumers demonstrate towards firms
whereby advocacy, commitment and
cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive
reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl
& Schwaiger, 2005).
The first main point is that this is an innovative
idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore
will mean the company would get the upper
hand over their competition as well as a new
image as being a cleaner and greener company
from their customers. This is because the
electric cars won't be producing as much of
their green house gases. Times are changing
and electric cars are becoming better and more
useful. So it's a matter of time before the black
cabs need to change. This will get the business a
head start into it and get ahead of their
competition. If the London Taxi Company
accepted our proposal, the first step would be
to possibly look into borrowing some money to
kick off the process of buying new engine parts
and installing them to the taxis .
Spot the language difference
This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end,
close cooperation was necessary with the
community health-care providers, and a
multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to
coordinate the care provision. This research
demonstrated that intervention patients spent a
smaller proportion of the last month of life in
nursing homes than was possible for the control
sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to
increase the proportion of patients who were able
to die at home, a significant investment of resources
would be needed. This manifested itself in the need
for greater levels of training in palliative care for
community care staff, thus increasing the costs
associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al.
CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide
anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and
therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals,
ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are
often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural
hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are
very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still
developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than
half of the world's nearly two hundred countries.
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse
specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized
through professional certification boards, and a CNS's
scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state
board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous
diversity within the title.
This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end,
close cooperation was necessary with the
community health-care providers, and a
multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to
coordinate the care provision. This research
demonstrated that intervention patients spent a
smaller proportion of the last month of life in
nursing homes than was possible for the control
sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to
increase the proportion of patients who were able
to die at home, a significant investment of resources
would be needed. This manifested itself in the need
for greater levels of training in palliative care for
community care staff, thus increasing the costs
associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al.
CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide
anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and
therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals,
ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are
often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural
hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are
very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still
developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than
half of the world's nearly two hundred countries.
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse
specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized
through professional certification boards, and a CNS's
scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state
board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous
diversity within the title.
Spot the language difference
This introductory chapter outlines the central
research context and introduces key concepts. In
order to understand the nature and importance of
knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the
meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit
and explicit forms. In addition it introduces the
reader to the growing importance of international
strategic alliances, with a central focus on the
Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong
link between strategic alliances and competitive
success in the literature, this research focuses upon
the Chinese market in particular in order to
understand what such alliances look like, the
nature of knowledge transfers and the specific
challenges that exist within this growing and
important market
Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail
to understand risks of function, value or use of a
product. Pressures can arise from substituting
inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to
inform customers about existing conditions or
changes in product quality. Many car, gas and
tobacco companies have experienced negative
publicity associated with design or safety issues
(as well as global warming, water pollution, noise
and congestion issues) that resulted in control of
their behavior by laws, regulations and higher
taxations. Developing and selling a product which
does not harm the environment refers to 'green
marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as
short-term results.
summarization; abstract nouns
This introductory chapter outlines the central
research context and introduces key concepts. In
order to understand the nature and importance of
knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the
meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit
and explicit forms. In addition it introduces the
reader to the growing importance of international
strategic alliances, with a central focus on the
Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong
link between strategic alliances and competitive
success in the literature, this research focuses
upon the Chinese market in particular in order to
understand what such alliances look like, the
nature of knowledge transfers and the specific
challenges that exist within this growing and
important market
Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail
to understand risks of function, value or use of a
product. Pressures can arise from substituting
inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to
inform customers about existing conditions or
changes in product quality. Many car, gas and
tobacco companies have experienced negative
publicity associated with design or safety issues
(as well as global warming, water pollution, noise
and congestion issues) that resulted in control of
their behavior by laws, regulations and higher
taxations. Developing and selling a product which
does not harm the environment refers to 'green
marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as
short-term results.
Spot the language difference
The literature review presented in the
subsequent chapter drew on the importance of
knowledge transfers and yet recognised how
little attention had been directed specifically
towards the nature of knowledge transfers in
strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical
study was carried out in order to identify what
those exchanges look like but to also
understand how knowledge transfers can be
facilitated due to the strong empirical link
between knowledge transfers, innovation and
competitive advantage.
The application of scientific management
resulted in significant productivity increases.
However, the emphasis on specialization was to
become one of the targets of critics of scientific
management. They argued, that specialization
was ultimately inefficient but, more
importantly; it did not allow people to achieve
their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al,
1994:9) Scientific management is often referred
to as a machine theory model. It adopts an
instrumental view of human behaviour together
with the application of specialization and
standard procedures of work.
sentence length
The literature review presented in the
subsequent chapter drew on the importance of
knowledge transfers and yet recognised how
little attention had been directed specifically
towards the nature of knowledge transfers in
strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical
study was carried out in order to identify what
those exchanges look like but to also
understand how knowledge transfers can be
facilitated due to the strong empirical link
between knowledge transfers, innovation and
competitive advantage.
The application of scientific management
resulted in significant productivity increases.
However, the emphasis on specialization was to
become one of the targets of critics of scientific
management. They argued, that specialization
was ultimately inefficient but, more
importantly; it did not allow people to achieve
their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al,
1994:9) Scientific management is often referred
to as a machine theory model. It adopts an
instrumental view of human behaviour together
with the application of specialization and
standard procedures of work.
Spot the language difference
Research has therefore suggested that another
significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it
acts as a protective factor against obesity in
childhood. Kramer was the first to report that
breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced"
risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next
two decades, a number of similar studies also
suggested an association between breastfeeding and
a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In the
mid-2000s this research was collated into three
seminal meta-analyses which concluded that,
overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did
reduce the risk of childhood obesity.
Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e.
inefficient bed management or insufficient bed
capacity) The congestion in the emergency
department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need
for improving different administrative processes
associated with patient flow arises for efficient and
effective management of hospital beds and other
resources. The effective management of hospital beds
is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is
to be met. With the limited supply of the medical
resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are
in short supply.
proportion of grammar words vs. unique
(non-repeated) content words
Research has therefore suggested that another
significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it
acts as a protective factor against obesity in
childhood. Kramer was the first to report that
breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced"
risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next
two decades, a number of similar studies also
suggested an association between breastfeeding
and a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In
the mid-2000s this research was collated into three
seminal meta-analyses which concluded that,
overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did
reduce the risk of childhood obesity.
Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e.
inefficient bed management or insufficient bed
capacity) The congestion in the emergency
department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need
for improving different administrative processes
associated with patient flow arises for efficient and
effective management of hospital beds and other
resources. The effective management of hospital beds
is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is
to be met. With the limited supply of the medical
resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are
in short supply.
The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the
extent to which the law of criminal evidence has
managed to strike an appropriate balance between
protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are
usually the prime witnesses in prosecution
proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the
due process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes, in particular the right to properly test the
evidence which has been admitted against them, on
the other? The secondary aim of this research is to
derive recommendations for reform to the law of
criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate
balance between protecting the victims of sexual
assault on the one hand, and protecting the due
process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes on the other. The objectives of this research
paper are as follows:
And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the
immediate recipient and claim against a third party
who received, in different assets, value which
proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of
the least perfectly understood areas of the law of
restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma.
The longer its reach and therefore the greater its
potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to
describe exactly how it works; and the more one
insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible
account of how it works, the greater the danger of
shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to
how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot
tolerate figures which are beyond rational
description. If there turn out to be limits to what can
intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will
have to be invoked.
The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the
extent to which the law of criminal evidence has
managed to strike an appropriate balance between
protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are
usually the prime witnesses in prosecution
proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the
due process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes, in particular the right to properly test the
evidence which has been admitted against them, on
the other? The secondary aim of this research is to
derive recommendations for reform to the law of
criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate
balance between protecting the victims of sexual
assault on the one hand, and protecting the due
process rights of defendants charged with these
crimes on the other. The objectives of this research
paper are as follows:
And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the
immediate recipient and claim against a third party
who received, in different assets, value which
proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of
the least perfectly understood areas of the law of
restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma.
The longer its reach and therefore the greater its
potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to
describe exactly how it works; and the more one
insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible
account of how it works, the greater the danger of
shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to
how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot
tolerate figures which are beyond rational
description. If there turn out to be limits to what can
intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will
have to be invoked.

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Contract cheating detection workshop materials

  • 1. Spot the commercial text Commercial writing detection
  • 2. Which extract is commercial? A or B Particularly in the case of online PR, negative consumer sentiment can be directly correlated with diminished customer perception and consequent negative brand reputation (Harris & De Chernatony, 2001). The growing phenomenon of sentiment analysis further indicates that consumers have a stronger propensity to ingest negative brand messages as opposed to positive corporate messages, particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee, 2008). Furthermore, research proposes the penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour that consumers demonstrate towards firms whereby advocacy, commitment and cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl & Schwaiger, 2005). The first main point is that this is an innovative idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore will mean the company would get the upper hand over their competition as well as a new image as being a cleaner and greener company from their customers. This is because the electric cars won't be producing as much of their green house gases. Times are changing and electric cars are becoming better and more useful. So it's a matter of time before the black cabs need to change. This will get the business a head start into it and get ahead of their competition. If the London Taxi Company accepted our proposal, the first step would be to possibly look into borrowing some money to kick off the process of buying new engine parts and installing them to the taxis . A. B.
  • 3. Which extract is commercial? A or B This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end, close cooperation was necessary with the community health-care providers, and a multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to coordinate the care provision. This research demonstrated that intervention patients spent a smaller proportion of the last month of life in nursing homes than was possible for the control sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to increase the proportion of patients who were able to die at home, a significant investment of resources would be needed. This manifested itself in the need for greater levels of training in palliative care for community care staff, thus increasing the costs associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al. 2010). CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than half of the world's nearly two hundred countries. Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized through professional certification boards, and a CNS's scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous diversity within the title. A. B.
  • 4. Which extract is commercial? A or B This introductory chapter outlines the central research context and introduces key concepts. In order to understand the nature and importance of knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit and explicit forms. In addition, it introduces the reader to the growing importance of international strategic alliances, with a central focus on the Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong link between strategic alliances and competitive success in the literature, this research focuses upon the Chinese market in particular in order to understand what such alliances look like, the nature of knowledge transfers and the specific challenges that exist within this growing and important market Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail to understand risks of function, value or use of a product. Pressures can arise from substituting inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to inform customers about existing conditions or changes in product quality. Many car, gas and tobacco companies have experienced negative publicity associated with design or safety issues (as well as global warming, water pollution, noise and congestion issues) that resulted in control of their behavior by laws, regulations and higher taxations. Developing and selling a product which does not harm the environment refers to 'green marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as short-term results. A. B.
  • 5. Which extract is commercial? A or B The literature review presented in the subsequent chapter drew on the importance of knowledge transfers and yet recognised how little attention had been directed specifically towards the nature of knowledge transfers in strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical study was carried out in order to identify what those exchanges look like but to also understand how knowledge transfers can be facilitated due to the strong empirical link between knowledge transfers, innovation and competitive advantage. The application of scientific management resulted in significant productivity increases. However, the emphasis on specialization was to become one of the targets of critics of scientific management. They argued, that specialization was ultimately inefficient but, more importantly; it did not allow people to achieve their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al, 1994:9) Scientific management is often referred to as a machine theory model. It adopts an instrumental view of human behaviour together with the application of specialization and standard procedures of work. A. B.
  • 6. Which extract is commercial? A or B Research has therefore suggested that another significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it acts as a protective factor against obesity in childhood. Kramer was the first to report that breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced" risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next two decades, a number of similar studies also suggested an association between breastfeeding and a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In the mid-2000s this research was collated into three seminal meta-analyses which concluded that, overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did reduce the risk of childhood obesity. Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e. inefficient bed management or insufficient bed capacity) The congestion in the emergency department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need for improving different administrative processes associated with patient flow arises for efficient and effective management of hospital beds and other resources. The effective management of hospital beds is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is to be met. With the limited supply of the medical resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are in short supply. A. B.
  • 7. Which extract is commercial? A or B The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the extent to which the law of criminal evidence has managed to strike an appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are usually the prime witnesses in prosecution proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes, in particular the right to properly test the evidence which has been admitted against them, on the other? The secondary aim of this research is to derive recommendations for reform to the law of criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes on the other. The objectives of this research paper are as follows: And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the immediate recipient and claim against a third party who received, in different assets, value which proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of the least perfectly understood areas of the law of restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma. The longer its reach and therefore the greater its potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to describe exactly how it works; and the more one insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible account of how it works, the greater the danger of shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot tolerate figures which are beyond rational description. If there turn out to be limits to what can intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will have to be invoked. A. B.
  • 8. Spot the difference! LD@3 Contract Cheater Detection Workshop
  • 9. Spot the language difference Particularly in the case of online PR, negative consumer sentiment can be directly correlated with diminished customer perception and consequent negative brand reputation (Harris & De Chernatony, 2001). The growing phenomenon of sentiment analysis further indicates that consumers have a stronger propensity to ingest negative brand messages as opposed to positive corporate messages, particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee, 2008). Furthermore, research proposes the penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour that consumers demonstrate towards firms whereby advocacy, commitment and cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl & Schwaiger, 2005). The first main point is that this is an innovative idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore will mean the company would get the upper hand over their competition as well as a new image as being a cleaner and greener company from their customers. This is because the electric cars won't be producing as much of their green house gases. Times are changing and electric cars are becoming better and more useful. So it's a matter of time before the black cabs need to change. This will get the business a head start into it and get ahead of their competition. If the London Taxi Company accepted our proposal, the first step would be to possibly look into borrowing some money to kick off the process of buying new engine parts and installing them to the taxis . +Student +Commercial
  • 10. word length; specific words; abstract words Particularly in the case of online PR, negative consumer sentiment can be directly correlated with diminished customer perception and consequent negative brand reputation (Harris & De Chernatony, 2001). The growing phenomenon of sentiment analysis further indicates that consumers have a stronger propensity to ingest negative brand messages as opposed to positive corporate messages, particularly in cases of PR crises (Pang & Lee, 2008). Furthermore, research proposes the penalties of reputation reside in the behaviour that consumers demonstrate towards firms whereby advocacy, commitment and cooperation are critical outcomes of a positive reputation, benefitting brand equity goals (Eberl & Schwaiger, 2005). The first main point is that this is an innovative idea. It hasn't been done before and therefore will mean the company would get the upper hand over their competition as well as a new image as being a cleaner and greener company from their customers. This is because the electric cars won't be producing as much of their green house gases. Times are changing and electric cars are becoming better and more useful. So it's a matter of time before the black cabs need to change. This will get the business a head start into it and get ahead of their competition. If the London Taxi Company accepted our proposal, the first step would be to possibly look into borrowing some money to kick off the process of buying new engine parts and installing them to the taxis . +Student +Commercial
  • 11. Spot the language difference This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end, close cooperation was necessary with the community health-care providers, and a multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to coordinate the care provision. This research demonstrated that intervention patients spent a smaller proportion of the last month of life in nursing homes than was possible for the control sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to increase the proportion of patients who were able to die at home, a significant investment of resources would be needed. This manifested itself in the need for greater levels of training in palliative care for community care staff, thus increasing the costs associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al. 2010). CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than half of the world's nearly two hundred countries. Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized through professional certification boards, and a CNS's scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous diversity within the title. +Student +Commercial
  • 12. Interpretation This demonstrates that in order to achieve this end, close cooperation was necessary with the community health-care providers, and a multidisciplinary consultant team was needed to coordinate the care provision. This research demonstrated that intervention patients spent a smaller proportion of the last month of life in nursing homes than was possible for the control sample (Jordhøy et al. 2010). This illustrated that to increase the proportion of patients who were able to die at home, a significant investment of resources would be needed. This manifested itself in the need for greater levels of training in palliative care for community care staff, thus increasing the costs associated with the provision of care (Jordhøy et al. 2010). CNAs nationally, statewide, and locally provide anesthetics before and after surgical, obstetric, and therapeutic procedures; they practice in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers and dental offices and are often the sole anesthesia providers in many rural hospitals (AANA). Moreover, internationally, CNAs are very widely used. Where CNP and CNS roles are still developing, CNAs are presently utilized in greater than half of the world's nearly two hundred countries. Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) Clinical nurse specialists, similar to CNPs, are nationally recognized through professional certification boards, and a CNS's scope of practice is regulated by one's individual state board of nursing. The CNS role affords tremendous diversity within the title. +Student +Commercial
  • 13. Spot the language difference This introductory chapter outlines the central research context and introduces key concepts. In order to understand the nature and importance of knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit and explicit forms. In addition it introduces the reader to the growing importance of international strategic alliances, with a central focus on the Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong link between strategic alliances and competitive success in the literature, this research focuses upon the Chinese market in particular in order to understand what such alliances look like, the nature of knowledge transfers and the specific challenges that exist within this growing and important market Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail to understand risks of function, value or use of a product. Pressures can arise from substituting inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to inform customers about existing conditions or changes in product quality. Many car, gas and tobacco companies have experienced negative publicity associated with design or safety issues (as well as global warming, water pollution, noise and congestion issues) that resulted in control of their behavior by laws, regulations and higher taxations. Developing and selling a product which does not harm the environment refers to 'green marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as short-term results. +Student +Commercial
  • 14. summarization; abstract nouns This introductory chapter outlines the central research context and introduces key concepts. In order to understand the nature and importance of knowledge transfers, this chapter defines the meaning of knowledge drawing on both its tacit and explicit forms. In addition it introduces the reader to the growing importance of international strategic alliances, with a central focus on the Chinese market. Recognising that there is a strong link between strategic alliances and competitive success in the literature, this research focuses upon the Chinese market in particular in order to understand what such alliances look like, the nature of knowledge transfers and the specific challenges that exist within this growing and important market Ethical issues generally arise when marketers fail to understand risks of function, value or use of a product. Pressures can arise from substituting inferior materials to minimize costs or failing to inform customers about existing conditions or changes in product quality. Many car, gas and tobacco companies have experienced negative publicity associated with design or safety issues (as well as global warming, water pollution, noise and congestion issues) that resulted in control of their behavior by laws, regulations and higher taxations. Developing and selling a product which does not harm the environment refers to 'green marketing' and must focus on long-term as well as short-term results. +Student +Commercial
  • 15. Spot the language difference The literature review presented in the subsequent chapter drew on the importance of knowledge transfers and yet recognised how little attention had been directed specifically towards the nature of knowledge transfers in strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical study was carried out in order to identify what those exchanges look like but to also understand how knowledge transfers can be facilitated due to the strong empirical link between knowledge transfers, innovation and competitive advantage. The application of scientific management resulted in significant productivity increases. However, the emphasis on specialization was to become one of the targets of critics of scientific management. They argued, that specialization was ultimately inefficient but, more importantly; it did not allow people to achieve their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al, 1994:9) Scientific management is often referred to as a machine theory model. It adopts an instrumental view of human behaviour together with the application of specialization and standard procedures of work. +Student +Commercial
  • 16. sentence length The literature review presented in the subsequent chapter drew on the importance of knowledge transfers and yet recognised how little attention had been directed specifically towards the nature of knowledge transfers in strategic alliances. As a result, the empirical study was carried out in order to identify what those exchanges look like but to also understand how knowledge transfers can be facilitated due to the strong empirical link between knowledge transfers, innovation and competitive advantage. The application of scientific management resulted in significant productivity increases. However, the emphasis on specialization was to become one of the targets of critics of scientific management. They argued, that specialization was ultimately inefficient but, more importantly; it did not allow people to achieve their full potential at work. (Henry L. Tosi et al, 1994:9) Scientific management is often referred to as a machine theory model. It adopts an instrumental view of human behaviour together with the application of specialization and standard procedures of work. +Student +Commercial
  • 17. Spot the language difference Research has therefore suggested that another significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it acts as a protective factor against obesity in childhood. Kramer was the first to report that breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced" risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next two decades, a number of similar studies also suggested an association between breastfeeding and a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In the mid-2000s this research was collated into three seminal meta-analyses which concluded that, overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did reduce the risk of childhood obesity. Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e. inefficient bed management or insufficient bed capacity) The congestion in the emergency department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need for improving different administrative processes associated with patient flow arises for efficient and effective management of hospital beds and other resources. The effective management of hospital beds is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is to be met. With the limited supply of the medical resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are in short supply. +Student +Commercial
  • 18. proportion of grammar words vs. unique (non-repeated) content words Research has therefore suggested that another significant benefit of breastfeeding may be that it acts as a protective factor against obesity in childhood. Kramer was the first to report that breastfeeding may result in a "significantly reduced" risk of obesity in children (1981, p. 4). In the next two decades, a number of similar studies also suggested an association between breastfeeding and a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. In the mid-2000s this research was collated into three seminal meta-analyses which concluded that, overall, breastfeeding for the first six months did reduce the risk of childhood obesity. Difficulties in gaining admission to inpatient beds (i.e. inefficient bed management or insufficient bed capacity) The congestion in the emergency department. Incorrect retention of patient beds. Need for improving different administrative processes associated with patient flow arises for efficient and effective management of hospital beds and other resources. The effective management of hospital beds is essential if the growing demand of inpatient beds is to be met. With the limited supply of the medical resources and excess of demand, the hospital beds are in short supply. +Student +Commercial
  • 19. The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the extent to which the law of criminal evidence has managed to strike an appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are usually the prime witnesses in prosecution proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes, in particular the right to properly test the evidence which has been admitted against them, on the other? The secondary aim of this research is to derive recommendations for reform to the law of criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes on the other. The objectives of this research paper are as follows: And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the immediate recipient and claim against a third party who received, in different assets, value which proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of the least perfectly understood areas of the law of restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma. The longer its reach and therefore the greater its potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to describe exactly how it works; and the more one insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible account of how it works, the greater the danger of shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot tolerate figures which are beyond rational description. If there turn out to be limits to what can intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will have to be invoked. +Student +Commercial
  • 20. repetition The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the extent to which the law of criminal evidence has managed to strike an appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault, who are usually the prime witnesses in prosecution proceedings, on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes, in particular the right to properly test the evidence which has been admitted against them, on the other? The secondary aim of this research is to derive recommendations for reform to the law of criminal evidence to effect a more appropriate balance between protecting the victims of sexual assault on the one hand, and protecting the due process rights of defendants charged with these crimes on the other. The objectives of this research paper are as follows: And it will sometimes allow a plaintiff to leapfrog the immediate recipient and claim against a third party who received, in different assets, value which proceeded from him. For all its utility tracing is one of the least perfectly understood areas of the law of restitution. It is caught on the horns of a dilemma. The longer its reach and therefore the greater its potency against fraud, the more difficult it is to describe exactly how it works; and the more one insists on the need for an accurate and intelligible account of how it works, the greater the danger of shortening its reach. But there is no real doubt as to how this dilemma must be resolved. The law cannot tolerate figures which are beyond rational description. If there turn out to be limits to what can intelligibly be done by tracing, other weapons will have to be invoked. +Student +Commercial

Editor's Notes

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. Long words (10 characters+)
  8. Lexical sparsity means low noun phrase complexity; noun phrase complexity is a feature of advanced academic writing.