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Contemporary Issues
Team B
PSY/480 Clinical Psychology
Title Page
Contemporary Issues in Clinical Psychology
Changes in Family Structure
Remarriage: step-parent, step-children and step-sibling(s)
Death: parent or sibling
Birth: new baby or grandchild
Cultural Diversity
When someone seeks out a psychologist for assistance in
overcoming issues related to a change in their familial structure
or because of racial or ethnic discrimination, the psychologist
should be experienced in the particular challenges this patient is
facing. Clinical psychology has had to develop new ways to
treat these patients as previous strategies were not as beneficial
as they could be. Clinical psychologists also needed to evolve
as psychology did so that they have the knowledge and
experience to assist patients in these particular situations.
Changes to Family Structure
As time continues to go on, the American family is not what is
once was. Over the last 50 years there has been a dramatic rise
in divorce; the highest it has ever been in the U.S. Divorce
affects all types of marriages, whether it a heterosexual couples,
blended couples, and even homosexual couples. “This marks a
shift away from the ideal of the companion marriage
popularized in the early 1920’s to self-aspiration, enhanced
freedom, and egalitarian relationships” (Castelloe, 2011). Since
the 1960’s the rate of divorce and separation has risen because
of the fact that “society has become more inclusive and women
more financially independent, resulting in increased tension in
marriages between individualization and what psychoanalyst
Erik Erickson described as “generativity,” a concern for the
welfare of others” (Castelloe, 2011).
Population Most Affected
Not one race, ethnicity, culture.
High Conflict
Financially Unstable
Children of Divorce
Divorce is not exactly privy to one specific culture or ethnicity;
many people of all races become separated or divorced. Since
1970, the rate of divorce, at 72%, has declined to 59%
(Friedman, n.d.). Jeffrey Drew conducted a study in 2009 on
couples who argued about finances. He concluded that couples
who argued about finances more than once a week were more
than 30% likely to get divorced than couples who argue about it
only a few times a month. “According to Drew, couples who
disagree about money less than once per month run a 30-40%
increase in the risk of divorce” (Divorce Source, 1996). The
rate of divorce ultimately increases as the arguments become
more often, several times a week, daily; the risk increases 125%
to 160% (Divorce Source, 1996). It is believed that children
who come from a separated family or divorced family are going
to be two times more likely to get divorced than a child whose
parents remained together (Castelloe, 2011).
Family Structure changes and its effect on Psychology
Psychology is greatly effected by changes in family structure.
Each individual who is going through a divorce, whether it the
husband, wife, or child(ren) all suffer differently. Much of the
time children are getting the brunt of what is going on; they feel
as though no one cares about how they are feeling because
typically the “adults bring unresolved childhood conflicts into
parenting and romance, reenacting their own childhood dramas
and sometimes putting their own needs for gratification before
that of their kids” (Castelloe, 2011). A child goes through
serious emotional turbulence while watching his or her parents
go through a divorce; they feel many different emotions such as
loss, rage, and sadness (Castelloe, 2011). There are three factors
that come into play with children’s psychological reactions to
the divorce of their parents; “ (1) the quality of their
relationship with each of their parents before separation, (2) the
intensity and duration of their parents before the separation, (3)
the parents’ ability to focus on the needs of children in their
divorce” (O’Connell Corcoran, 1997). Typically children who
are faced with an ugly divorce and do not cope well even with a
mutual divorce may end up needing some kind of counseling.
Some children turn to drugs when dealing with this and may
ultimately end up in a mental hospital (Castelloe, 2011). When
it comes to the men going through a divorce, their mental and
physical state can be severely affected. “The researchers found
that divorced men are more likely to partake in risky activities
such as abusing alcohol and drugs, and divorced or separated
men have a suicide rate that is 39% higher than that of married
men” (Huff Post, 2013). Depression also happens to be more
common in men who are divorced than that of men who are
maried “and divorced men undergo psychiatric care 10 times
more often than married men do” (Huff Post, 2013). Depending
whether or not the woman is the one who initiated the divorce,
will often result in how she is affected by the divorce. “After
divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in
general than do men” (O’Connell Corcoran, 1997).
Potential Changes Regarding Treatment
Families are more diverse now than they used to be.
Family units are not always mom, dad, and kids.
Treatment for families can vary depending on the problems
What treatment works for one family member may not work for
Communication is key to getting families to open up and solve
their problems in a healthy way.
Changes are happening more and more now within the dynamics
of family. The father used to be the bread winner and now
mothers work outside the home more and more and many times
families consist of same sex parents, or relatives such as
grandparents, raising children. If tragedy happens in a family
most of the time all immediate family members are affected by
it and deal with it in different ways. Some deal with problems
by talking, and others by shutting themselves off from
everyone. Some turn to the wrong people for help and get in
trouble. Because of lack of communication, people within the
family can assume a=wrong things about what other family
members are thinking or feeling. A psychologist understands
these things and tries to do his or her best to open up the lines
of communication between family members and get to the root
of the stressors or problems (Lee, C.M. 2010). Counseling can
use behavioral and cognitive treatments combined with some
psychodynamic ones to get people to open up. Role playing can
be used as well as drawing how one feels and talking about it.
Changing habits and routines to help in relational problems
within the family can also help (Plante, T.G. 2011).
Potential Changes in the Issue
Many times people are going through a crisis on their own and
are hesitant to share it with others in the family.
People all have the basic human need to feel loved and accepted
by others and when this is not happening problems can develop.
Change can be challenging, threatening, can have secondary
gains, and can have interference form others.
Sometimes what seems to be the problem really has underlying
issues of another problem.
Changing habits even if they are bad ones can be hard for
anyone because it means a change in routine. A family member
may not like being in public places and may have trouble going
out in public. As a result other family members may be used to
doing many things for this person. If this person gets help for
this problem and gets better other family members may feel that
they are not wanted. Many times changing habits that have been
developed even if they are not good ones, is hard to do because
humans are creatures of habit. If parents are going through a
divorce chances are that they are not being their best as a parent
while going through the divorce. This can have a negative affect
on the children and they can become withdrawn. Many times
people also have suppressed memories that are causing them to
behave in the way they do. Some have things that have
happened to them in the past that causes an unwanted or
unwelcome change in behavior that causes waves or a ripple
affect in the family (Lee, C.M. 2010). The goal of counseling is
to find out what the underlying stressors are and open the liner
of communication. It is less about giving advise and more about
Diversity Issues
Discrimination is one issue that largely affects the diverse
population. People have been subjects of racial profiling,
discrimination, oppression, or stereotyping based on different
factors including race, ethnicity, gender, age, disabilities,
socioeconomic status, and sexual preferences.
The most common issues in Psychology regarding diversity
issues include sexual orientation, ethnicity, and race. People
have been marginalized and oppressed based on their statuses,
races, gender, and sexual orientations.
Oppression, discrimination, and stereotyping is traumatic for
people. Addressing these issues in a psychologist’s office can
be destabilizing to the patient, and often it should be addressed
with the patient is ready and feels comfortable (McClintock
Greenberg, 2010). Many minorities are less likely to receive
services than individuals of white ethnicity, and receive a lower
quality of care in the mental health field according to a report
from the Surgeon General (McClintock Greenberg).
Population Effected
College Campuses
Individuals with Traditional Views
Individuals with Non-Traditional Views
Largely Diverse Neighborhoods
People of Color, non-white Ethnicity
LBGT Community
Diversity affects different populations in different manners.
There are positives and negatives to a diverse population.
Individuals of color, the Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay, Transgender
(LGBT) community, and individuals of non-white ethnic
heritage add to the diversity of the United States (Haug, 2013).
Diversity holds some negativity as one author suggests. In
communities that have the most diverse population, people do
not trust their neighbors as much as communities that were less
diverse. In addition, the more diverse the community, the fewer
people volunteer, vote, help charity, and complete community
projects (Haug, 2013). College campuses have shouting matches
because people do not know how they should disagree with
views that are different. Individuals that have more traditional
views on various topics including marriage may be viewed as
homophobic or bigots when they may not be. Whereas some
individuals think that homosexual or bisexual individuals need
cured, or that they are going to Hell. Everyone has a right to
their religious freedoms and opinions.
Individuals of white ethnicity are also affected by diversity
because they may feel that no matter what they say they are
viewed differently by those of non-white ethnicity. For
example, an African American woman may fear white men
because she was abused and the victim of racial slurs from
white men. The woman could go to a psychologist and the
psychologist is a white man. She may not be able to open up to
him and he may not be able to help her because of her fear. He
is affected because he is a well-intended man, who only has the
concern to help her get well.
The effects on Psychology
Cultural Competency
The quality of care administered to individuals of ethnic
minority groups have provoked the cultural competency
practices of the mental health field to improve. Diversity,
cultural competency, and multiculturalism are important topics
in the mental health field (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger,
2009). Cultural competency is greatly advocated from several
organizations in addition to the State and Federal levels (Sue,
Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger). The need for more competent
professionals arose out of the need to meet the needs of a
growing diverse culture. Multicultural individuals have
different needs that must be met and educating health care
professionals of the disparities between different ethnicities and
racial groups helps tremendously. Some individuals were
unable to receive health and mental care because it was
unavailable to them. Individuals of ethnic minorities have been
reported to underuse services that may be offered and to
terminate treatment prematurely (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, &
Berger). There are also disparities that exist including quality
and access to mental health assistance.
Potential Challenges in Treatment
Religious beliefs could pose challenges with treatment
Undetected symptoms won’t be treated, possibly ignored
Lack of institutions available to provide needed services
Families lacking resources which could provide quality of
Language barriers could contribute to in effective system
Psychologists report limitations on psychological assessment
services and problems gaining authorizations and
reimbursement for these services from third-party payers.
Documentation and categorization are available to support these
findings. Some cultures still practice religious healing
practices, while it may be observed as cruel. If such a case is
presented in the medical environment; it must be acknowledged
and followed as per the wishes of the patient’s authorization. As
we continue to flourish in the technological world, some
processes may have to take a step back. Evolution isn’t always
conductive in all aspects of Mother Nature and other unknown
contributing factors. We must remember that when dealing with
outside factors, some of the details, information, could alter
vital information in regards to survey results. Psychological
assessment and or some difficulties that may come about during
pre-authorization processes.
Potential Changes in the Issue
Evolution brings about changes in its environments
Politics can bring about changes in a specific arena
Lack in academics can hinder positive changes
Cultural beliefs can be embraced and shared with others
As species continue to populate they will also experience
evolution. As these changes occur, these new species will have
the benefit of old and new genetics at their disposal. Some of us
may not agree with Mother Nature’s choices, but she is amazing
when she allows us to observe her in her wonder. We can’t
assume that when a special breed of a species reveals itself, this
is not to be taken for granted. We need to understand how this
new gene pool will affect the ecology, the basis of some
framework and its history. We always need to know where we
come from so we can have a basis on which to draw and make a
formative decision. At times integrating different components
may be challenging at first until those involved understand the
truth for the new connection.
As society and its people change, the strategies and treatments
used to help them must change, as well. Clinical psychologists
face a multitude of challenges when working with patients who
are seeking treatment for an issue stemming from a change in
their family structure or facing discrimination or stereotyping in
their school or workplace and as more cases are presented, more
research and studies are needed to ensure that the best
treatments and strategies are being offered to the patient. Being
culturally sensitive has always been a trait for psychologists to
have, but as society continues to grow into a mix of every
culture, religion and ethnic background, psychologists must be
aware of these differences and develop a treatment plan
accordingly. Families are not always the biological parents and
children anymore, they are frequently made up of step-parents
and step-siblings which creates a specific stress factor that
psychologists must understand and know how to treat. As with
any other medical specialty, psychology must grow and evolve
along with society in order to provide patients with the best
possible treatment.
Castelloe, M, PH.D. (2011). Changes in the American Family.
Psychology Today. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from:
Divorce Source. (1996). U.S. Divorce Rates and Statistics.
Divorce Source. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from:
Friedman, M. (n.d.). Marriage and Divorce Statistics Retrieved
on August 1, 2014, from:
Haug, J., (2013) The ‘Diversity’ Movement: Defeating Itself,
Destroying Society. Retrieved from:
Huff Post. (2013). Divorce Can have Serious Impact on Men’s
Health, New Research Finds. Huff Post Divorce. Retrieved on
August 1, 2014, from:
Lee, C.M. (2010).Families matter: Psychology of the family and
the family of psychology. Canadian Psychology, 51(1), 1-16.
Retrieved from
McClintock Greenberg, T., (2010). What Is Diversity in
Psychology? 21st Century Aging. Retrieved from:
O’Connell Corcoran, K. (1997). Psychological and Emotional
Aspets of Divorce. Mediators & Everything Mediation.
Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from:
Sue, S., Zane, N., Nagayama Hall, G. C., and Berger, L. K.,
(2009). The Case for Cultural Competency in Psychotherapeutic
Interventions. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163651
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Product Brainstorm
Product Brainstorm
Paul Salabarria
The new product I would like to create is an air camera. This
camera’s features would be to detect motion and self start and
scan the room. It will not require a remote. This camera can be
used for anything, for example, it can be used for home
security, or something as simple as capturing memories at a
special event. The technology industry is growing daily, so
competition is high. Drones are similar to an air camera and the
toughest competition, but the difference is the remote
Leslee Parker
The new product I'd like to create is a child's toy that teaches
sign language in a new and fun way. This toy would resemble
that of a bear of a well known cartoon character and it would
have a screen on it's chest that would be able to display hand
signs to teach children sign language. There would be two level
to this toy. The first level being the alphabet in sign language.
The next level would be basic words and sentences to get them
learning more. The toy could be used for any child, the
inspiration behind the toy is: My three year old niece had an
horrible ear infection that lead to her becoming hearing
impaired. We teach her find with videos and learning on our
own to help her but, I believe a toy would be more useful being
as she is still a child and learning things right now is just
playing to her. Competition would be other children toys that
are meant for learning sign language.
Brian Purviance
The New Product Idea I have is "Lights of the Seasons", it will
be exterior house lights you put on and around your house as
you do when you decorate for the holidays. The key difference
is, the lights will have (5) different color lights within each
bulb (red/white/green/blue/orange). The reason being, most
people don't mind putting lights up, it's taking them down that
is a pain. This product eliminates you from having to do so and
is convenient for round of the year holidays. The seasonal
lighting industry is an estimated $12B opportunity!
· Green & Red or you can use Blue/White for Christmas
· White is standard for New Years/Easter
· Red/White/Blue for 4th of July/Memorial Day/Labor Day
· Orange/White for Halloween
· Orange and/or white for Thanksgiving
The key competitors of this will be not lights you hang, but the
laser lights that eluminate on your house with brands such as:
· Mainstrays
· StarNight
· As Seen on TV
Industry Threats & Opportunities
· The industry has expanded over the past five years as holidays
have become increasingly commercialized
· A greater amount of seasonal decorations are now being sold
through online channels
· Rising consumer confidence will spur spending on
discretionary items like seasonal decorations
Industry Analysis & Industry Trends
The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry faltered
over the past five years, as consumers increasingly opted for
inexpensive merchandise, despite rising incomes. Industry
revenue experienced downward pressure due to high price
competition, and overall, over the five years to 2016, industry
revenue is expected to fall. Over the next five years, consumers
and businesses will continue purchasing higher volumes of low-
priced seasonal decorations. The industry's growth is expected
to be slightly less dismal in the outlook period, as disposable
income growth drives industry sales over the next five years.
Industry Report - Industry Investment Chapter
The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry has a low
level of capital intensity. This trend is similar to other retail
industries, which are generally labor intensive. In 2016, for
every dollar spent on wages, about $0.08 is estimated to be
allocated toward capital assets.
This category includes expenditure on physical assets required
to operate in this industry. The level of capital expenditure is
influenced by the size and number of stores an industry player
operates. Examples of capital costs include the purchase of
fixtures and fittings (fit-outs) for stores and point-of-sale
systems. Capital projects are mainly undertaken when a new
enterprise enters the industry or when existing stores are
Additional Insights for the The Retail Market for Seasonal
Decorations Industry
IBISWorld identifies 250 Key Success Factors for a
business.The most important for the The Retail Market for
Seasonal Decorations Industry are
· Proximity to key markets
· Having a good technical knowledge of the product
· Economies of scale
IBISWorld analysts also discuss how external factors such as
Per capita disposable income and commerce sales in the The
Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry impact industry
Other Key Facts:
What is the The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations
Companies in this industry sell seasonal decorations like
Christmas lights and Halloween decorations. This report shows
the size of the retail market for these products and includes
sales from all major retail channels, including specialty stores,
general merchandisers and internet retailers.
Industry Products
Christmas decorations Other winter holiday decorations
Halloween decorations Easter decorations Saint Patrick's Day
Other holiday decorations
Industry Activities
Retailing winter holiday decorations Retailing Halloween
decorations Retailing Valentine's Day decorations Retailing
Easter decorations Retailing St Patrick's Day decorations
Retailing Fourth of July decorations
Michelle Anderson
The Social Watch is a smart watch with a built-in social
network platform. The wearer can choose to have up to four
social media accounts active at once: Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat and Twitter. Its flat, square frame is water resistant
and features a voice-activated camera for video and picture
posts. With the Friend Finder screen, connectivity has never
been easier while on-the-go. With a new social network ID
system in place, wearers can exchange ID codes and select the
social media accounts they would like to connect to all at once.
The watch also features a social network address book that
allows users to compile all their favorite contacts into one
place, no matter what social media platform the contact
originates from. Using the address book, wearers can send
direct messages and even invite contacts to their current
location. When using the live stream function, the camera
adjusts to the positioning of the screen, allowing the wearer to
broadcast in selfie-mode when held up towards their face or
with a flip of the wrist, the screen's auto-adjust feature allows
the screen to always project in an upright position.
Josh Richey
My idea is called Smart Blinds. Smart Blinds are a
revolutionary idea that will change the window blind business
forever. These blinds can automatically sense temperature and
sunlight and will have settings where the consumer can set it to
control how much sunlight comes in or how much they want to
keep out. These blinds are also awesome because they are
temperature controlled, so they can keep the temperature of
your house at what you like it at. The last great thing about
them is that they can "black out" and not let any sunlight in for
those who like to sleep during the day or just take a nap. They
can also be controlled wirelessly from a smart phone.
We will move forward with Brian Purviance’s idea, Lights for
the Seasons. We chose this product because the industry has
extensive information online, and it is a fantastic product idea.
Final Digital Marketing Plan
Final Digital Marketing Plan PowerPoint Presentation,
In this PowerPoint presentation, we will present our Final
Digital Marketing Plan for our product the Concussion Protocol
Sensor (CPS). This product idea was created by Simone Harvey
and voted on by the remaining team members in team D to
implement as our product idea. In the first phase of the
marketing plan we outlined a target market and included a
segmentation criteria for the Concussion Protocol Sensor.
Second, we will developed a digital advertising strategy and
included two sample banner ads and a mock landing page for
the website in our marketing plan. Third, the presentation will
provide examples of three mock web ads and include specifics
of where they will be placed. And we will create a budget for a
two week advertising campaign.
The second phase of the marketing plan will summarize our plan
to reach consumers. Our goal to reach our consumers is by using
email marketing to directly send out email advertisements to
consumers through the assistance of AWeber. In today’s day
and age, social media and instant connection is the best most
popular way of connecting with not only friends and family but
consumers as well. There are many different forms of social
media out there today such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,
YouTube and Instagram. We will utilize these platforms in our
marketing strategy in an effort to reach as many consumers as
Target MarketYouth Sports Programs focused on young
athletesHigh School students interested in sportsCollege
Athletic ProgramsCoaches involved in sports programs
The target market for the CPS would be youth sports programs
focused on young athletes, age 6-13; high schools students
interested in sports, age 14-18; University athletic programs,
and coaches involved in sports.
The ages that would benefit would span from very young
children all the way to adults that are active in sports or other
activities that could be extreme enough to lead to potential head
Image source:
Demographic Market Segmentation
As it relates to the segmentation criteria we used to determine
the target market for the CPS, we chose the Demographic
Market Segmentation’s, as it works best with our marketing
strategy since the data is easily available and drastically affects
buying patterns. Age, income, gender, ethnic background and
family life cycle are all important factors of demographic
The CPS is going to use an age range of 5-34 years of age so
they can include kids, teens, parents and coaches. The income
level would have to be middle to upper class - $40,000 annual
income or above ("Gallup News", n.d.) - since the CPS will cost
about $60 per unit. The CPS is not a gender-specific product,
and neither race or religion will affect the overall marketing
The CPS is very interested in the family life cycle of young
single, young married with kids, middle-aged married with kids,
young divorced with children, middle-aged divorced with kids,
and single parents. Our plan is to advertise via social media
and local cable ads where parents, kids and coaches congregate.
Our marketing strategy will be aimed at the following
Tweens - age 9-12
Generation X - Born between 1965 and 1980
Generation Y / Millennials - Born between 1981 and 2000
Generation Z - Born after 2001
Image source:
chart created by Simone Harvey
Sample Banner Ads
Part of the digital advertising strategy are these two banner ads.
They include the name of the product and small description for
what it does or its purpose. Yellow, grey, black and white are
the main colors for the ads; the yellow is a pop of color that
will grab the viewer’s attention. The acronym of the product is
bold and big and will bring curiosity to the viewer as they will
want to know what it stands for. The two bodies of text in each
of the ads are a small description of the product so the viewer
knows what the CPS is for. On the second ad, there is an extra
body of text that gives a slogan of the product.
Know When An Impact Is TOO Hard!
Learn more about the NEW integrated monitoring and alert
system designed specifically for the proactive protection of
athletes in a variety of sports which could be at risk of suffering
Protect your athlete !
Subscribe below
This is an example of the Mock Landing page.
Learn More
New integrated monitoring & alert system
Provides an up-to-the-minute assessment of a player's ability to
return to play or be sidelined to prevent further injury. Helps
detect concussions immediately so that athletes have less of a
repercussion after the injury.
Mock web ad #1
This add will be placed on Google.
CPS is lightweight
and can be kept on the sidelines for easy access.
Equipped with a sensor that rubs across the forehead detecting
an athlete's neurocognitive and psychomotor status in about 30
Learn More
Mock web ad #2
Because we are working with a very small budget, this ad will
be placed on Facebook as a sponsored ad.
Available for youth sports programs, University athletic
programs, medical fields, coaches, and parents with children
that lead an athletic lifestyle.
Learn More
Call Today For A Free Quote
Concussion Protocol Sensor - Protect your athlete
Mock web ad # 3
This ad will be placed on YouTube.
The budget plan is $200 plan for every $1000 dollars in revenue
to the company.
Bring in 10 customers every month so that the budgeting plan is
$2200 every month.
Cost $
Two-week advertising campaign.
Strategy and ObjectivesOur plan of action is to use social media
to get the word out about our product, the CPS.
Our objectives are:
Build brand equityIncrease exposureIncrease trafficIncrease
engagementImprove conversion percentage
The strategy of this plan is to promote our product on social
medias. Social media has become an essential outlet to get the
word-of-mouth around to everyone. “Recent statistics suggest
that organizations place a high value on social media tools as an
important part of the strategic marketing mix…social media is
important for organizational success.” (Dixon, Martinez, &
Martin, 2015) We believe that the use of social media will help
promote the CPS to athletes, coaches, families of athletes, etc.
Build brand equity- this is increasing consumers’ positive
mental associations with the brand. (Larson & Draper, 2015)
With the use of social media, consumers will learn the quality,
price and convenience of our product, CPS. “The key actionable
levers of brand equity are brand awareness, attitude toward the
brand, and corporate ethics.” (Kim & Ko, 2012)
Increase exposure- We will use Twitter, Facebook, and
LinkedIn to reach out to our consumers. “Facebook and Twitter
remain the top two social media platforms used by
organizations.” (Dixon, Martinez, & Martin, 2015).
Increase traffic- With CPS being a new and unique product, we
are certain to get curious consumers. We will keep track of how
many page views we receive and the length of the visits then
decide how we can increase those views and visits. We want to
peak their interest with our product.
Increase engagement- metrics used for this objective are likes,
shares, comments, retweets, etc. By sharing and retweeting,
potential consumers will help bring awareness to our product
for us!
Improve conversion percentage- with our social media plan, we
are aiming to increase our conversion percentage. We hope our
strategy and objectives concerning social media will bring us
new customers which will hopefully increase our sales from
their purchases.
(Kong, 2014)
CPS Email Marketing Strategy
An email marketing strategy is a huge part of your overall
marketing strategy and business plan. It helps you market your
products and services with the use of the email channel with the
best chances for making a profit and reaching your goals.
Email is one of the most effective digital communication
channels, and delivers the highest ROI of any marketing tactic,
“with 27 percent marketers reporting excellent ROI and 46
percent reporting good ROI from their email marketing
campaigns” (Parmar, 2016).
For our teams email marketing strategy, we have identified the
email marketing software we will use, AWeber.
AWeber will as allow us to create and distribute emails to our
leads, along with testing our marketing campaigns.
Image source:
Our Readers
Athletes and Youth Sports Programs
High School and University Athletic Programs
Coaches and Parents
Medical Providers
The target audience for the Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS)
are youth sports programs, high schools, University athletic
programs, medical fields, coaches, and parents with children
that lead an athletic lifestyle. The ages that would benefit would
span from very young children all the way to adults that are
active in sports or other activities that could be extreme enough
to lead to potential head injuries.
Therefore, we understand that our subscribers will want to know
about the CPS, how it operates, the benefits of using our
product; along with seeing a demonstration of how the tool
operates. Our goal is to create a content list of the emails that
we will send to our potential customers as we build our list.
Content & Frequency
The subject line is what subscribers see first. Make it strong.
Welcome to the CPS Community!
What is a Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS)?
How the CPS is saving lives!
Live Demonstration (video inside)
We will initially create a content list of 4 emails that we will
send our email. The first email will be sent immediately and
those that follow will be sent daily, first thing in the morning.
We will also send broadcast messages throughout the week.
Our subscribers will receive on average 1-2 emails a day from
our campaign.
The first email we will send our subscribers is a welcome letter,
welcoming our subscribers to our email list. Because it is the
first of our email series, it will go out immediately - once the
subscriber has completed the double opt-in.
Our second email will explain what the CPS is and the benefits
of utilizing the tool.
The next email our subscribers receive will discuss how the tool
is saving lives and the final video in the campaign, will show
our subscribers a live video demonstration.
Our subscribers will also receive broadcast messages from us in
addition to the other emails. These broadcasts will be sent 3-4
times a week; and all our emails will include a compelling Call-
To-Action (CTA).
At the bottom of every email, customers will have the ability to
unsubscribe in the feel they are no longer receiving valuable
content about our product.
Create an emotional connection to your brand
Visual identity: Logo, Color Scheme
Adding an email signature is the proof that an organization is
professional and cares about detail.
Click Through Rate: helps adjust to adjust and optimize your
email marketing efforts.
Open Rate: details how many successfully delivered campaigns
were opened by subscribers.
One of the ways our team intends to incorporate our branding
into our email marketing, is to include a logo in our mailings.
Because a logo is a quick way to identify our brand.
We will also incorporate a nice, toned down color scheme that
is not too bright, but reflects our brand. Using the right
contrast will highlight our content, making it more readable.
The goal of our email campaign is to grow our list of
subscribers, not loose them.
However, one of the most important features we will use is
adding an email signature. Our email signature will include our
name, telephone number, and a link to our website. This gives
our subscribers the impression he/she receives professional and
individual treatment. It also shows that we care about detail.
We will use AWeber to track our Click Through Rate (CTR) to
determine how many subscribers are engaging with our content,
and the type of content they’re interested in. Which may cause
us to segment our list.
While monitoring our clicks, we will also take notice of our
Open and Conversion Rates. The goal is to obtain an open rate
of 20% and a conversion rate of 8%.
For our product, The Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS) we will
be using all avenues of social media to network and market our
product and increase exposure. Social media platforms are a
way of getting your product out to a larger scale of individuals
and increase traffic to your website or company. Social Media
platforms are extremely important to a company and all
organizations should develop a social media marketing plan to
advertise their product.
For instance, we will use Twitter to generate buzz about the
product . Twitter will solely function as an avenue to provide
quick message about the benefit of using the CPS. And provide
stats of how well the product is working for our consumers.
Facebook will be used to promote the product and post pictures
of the Concussion Protocol Sensor to allow consumers the
ability to gain knowledge without having to access the website.
Links will also be provided on the Facebook page where
customers can click on to access the companies website. Which
will increase the flow of traffic to the website. In conclusion,
using Facebook will decrease marketing expenses for the
LinkedIn will be used as the professional page of the product.
Mainly as a way to generate leads. Professionals use LinkedIn
as a networking tool to find employees or vice versa. LinkedIn
can be a way to find a target audience such as medical
professionals, universities coaches, etc.
Image source:
YouTube will be used to post videos about the product. For
example, how to use videos or videos that provide the benefits
of using the CPS. And Instagram will be used as a back up to
post pictures of the product to advertise the benefits of using
CPS, and allow customers to click on a link to access the
companies website.
Public Relations PlanManage online conversations
(i.e.) IG, FB, YouTube, Twitter
Monitor Positive Content
Monitor Negative Content
The goal for CPS is to produce a PR strategy to help monitor
our online conversations. The organizations first step is to hire
a PR professional to help observe and examine the organizations
online reputations where social media is concerned. The key
elements the PR professional will implement should be as
Inaugurate Guidelines- For example, the PR Representative will
create guidelines as to how responses and customer interaction
should be handled. The goal is to create ways to control the
messages and control the brand. He or She, in a since needs to
understand how to choose their battles, and always react in a
professional manner. These guidelines should also include
handling negative content. For instance, when having to deal
with a negative message, respond once, state your point in a
professional manner and let it go. The PR representative will
not go back and forth with the customer that presented the
negative content. But he or she must know to never ignore
anything that’s said.
Identify what Social Media Platforms to monitor- The PR
representative needs to know what social media platforms to
monitor at all times. In today’s society, there are so many social
media platforms emerging. The PR professional needs to have a
format implemented to know which ones are the most popular
and the most important ones to manage. And know which ones
has chatter about our organization.
CPS: Design Elements
Mobile Native Ads
Mobile Video Ads
For the most effective mobile advertisements, the chosen ads
are native and banner ads for our product.
Our goal is not to overwhelm customers with our ads, but to
give them a taste of what it is in hopes that will reel them to
check out our website.
Native ads- “publishers are given components of the ad instead
of the ad itself…it is up to them to display the element in ways
that fit well with its app so the ad will appear as part of the
apps content.” This is effective because it’s not randomly
placed and it makes more sense with the content of the main
page. It helps brands to find the right customers for our product
and they will be more likely to click on the ad.
Video ads- should be 15-30 seconds long. We want to keep the
color scheme as the landing page. This ad should be revealed
when a banner is clicked and revealed as naturally as possible;
we don’t want it to pop up randomly. The content of the video
should include a demonstration of the product and its benefits. (2017). Best mobile ad formats and sizes for
display ad campaigns. Retrieved from
Mobile Marketing Strategy
The most important aspect of the mobile marketing is creating a
website that is fully functional on any mobile device while
giving the user while displaying what is most beneficial to said
user. We want to allow for demonstration on the mobile site the
interactive results reading of the CPS information that can be
sent to the registered parties. A great way to showcase the
CPS’s abilities to a possible buyer is to show them what it looks
like while working. Our mobile website will still have the same
sign up and purchase features of our regular website as well as a
link to the full website.
Another benefit that would be helpful would be to incorporate
location searching for medical services.
Through the use of the mobile site users can search for
hospitals, doctors, and emergency care clinics that specialize in
sports injuries and concussion that are closest to them. We will
have video testimonials from sports coaches and doctors that
were given the opportunity to partner together and use the CPS
and showcase it’s full potential. Today mobile users are
becoming more comfortable with what they can see in the palm
of their hands. Videos ads are essential in our marketing
Established a strategy and objectives for each piece of the plan.
Discussed sound reasoning as to why each social media
platform is being utilized (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,
YouTube, etc).
Built an email strategy, including target markets, timing, and
how to incorporate branding into email communications and
measuring tools, to determine success from each platform.
Defined target market
Created a digital advertising strategy
Created three mock web ads
Created a PR plan to manage online conversations
Created a mobile advertising strategy and plan
In this PowerPoint presentation, we were able to define a target
market for the Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS) that included
youth sport programs, high school programs, college athletic
programs, medical fields, and coaches. And we had the ability
to summarize the demographic market segmentation that we
would like to target for our product. The presentation included a
digital advertising strategy with two sample banner ads and a
mock landing page. As well as, three mock web ads and a two-
week advertising campaign.
Next, we were able to establish a strategy and objectives for
each piece of the plan. We also addressed sound reasoning as to
why each social media platform is being utilized (Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc). And we built in an email
strategy, including target markets, timing, and how to
incorporate branding into email communications and measuring
tools, to determine success from each platform. It is our hope
that by using email communications we can focus our reach to
those in the sports and sports medical field. It is here that we
believe our advertising will have the greatest effect.
Lastly, we created a public relations plan to manage online
conversations (both negative and positive) that incorporates best
practices and we identified the design elements that will be used
in our mobile advertising strategy as well as a specific mobile
advertising plan.
ReferencesParmar, D. (2016). 3 stats that will force you to re-
examine your email marketing strategy. Cio, Retrieved from
=35812Using email Marketing Effectively. (2011). In J. Law,
Business: the ultimate resource (3rd ed.). London, UK: A&C
Black. Retrieved from https://search-credoreference-
sing_email_marketing_effectively/0Larson, J., & Draper, S.
(2015). Internet marketing essentials. Retrieved from the
VitalSource Bookshelf.Dixon, A. W., Martinez, J. M., Martin,
C. L., & L. (2015). Employing social media as a marketing
strategy in college sport: An examination of perceived
effectiveness in accomplishing organizational objectives.
International Review on Public and Non - Profit Marketing,
12(2), 97-113.
015-0134-7 Kong, T. (2014). 8 social media marketing
objectives and metrics that matter. LinkedIn. Retrieved from
References (cont.)
M:&spf=1513524076251Gallup News. (n.d.). Retrieved from
fkmr0&keywords=handheld++forehead+meterhttp://www.concu, A.J & Ko,
E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance
customer equity. Journal of Business Research. Retrieved from
Marketing Plan Phase I
Lights for the Seasons
Target Market & SegmentationDigital Marketing
StrategyBanner Ads (2)Mock Landing PageMock web ads with
specifics of where “Lights for the Seasons” will be placed along
with budget for a 2-week advertising campaign
Digital Marketing StrategySome great ways to digitally market
the product areInternetSocial mediaMobile phoneElectronic
billboardThe best way to reach out to customers is by reaching
out to the items they use everyday. People these days seem to
always be on their phone and social media websites. This is a
great way to get potential customers. (When advertising and
selling the first few products, we could give a limited time
discount, so customers and other potential customers are able to
get the product sooner to try it.)
Who is our Target MarketMarket Segmentation?How do we
target these people?
Target Market & Segmentation
Example Banner Ads
Our target market is primarily property owners. We can segment
this out further to mainly focus on private homeowners who
have a desire to decorate their yard or home, business owners or
building owners that want to showcase their place of business,
or cities that want to add a little spice to their towns.
We can target these users by having marketing our product
online through social media, Google Ad-words, and overall
driving people to our website as well as our retailers.
Lights of the Seasons will have a $2,500 dollar budget for a 2-
week advertising campaign.
Mock web ads with specifics of where “Lights for the Seasons”
will be placed along with budget for a 2-week advertising
Source: xxx
References Digital Marketing: Definition, Strategies &
Example. Instructor: Lucinda Stanley. Retrieved on May 22,
2017 from
Kickoff Labs. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2017, from

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  • 1. Contemporary Issues Team B PSY/480 Clinical Psychology Title Page 1 Contemporary Issues in Clinical Psychology Changes in Family Structure Divorce Remarriage: step-parent, step-children and step-sibling(s) Death: parent or sibling Birth: new baby or grandchild Cultural Diversity Discrimination Oppression Stereotyping When someone seeks out a psychologist for assistance in overcoming issues related to a change in their familial structure or because of racial or ethnic discrimination, the psychologist should be experienced in the particular challenges this patient is
  • 2. facing. Clinical psychology has had to develop new ways to treat these patients as previous strategies were not as beneficial as they could be. Clinical psychologists also needed to evolve as psychology did so that they have the knowledge and experience to assist patients in these particular situations. 2 Changes to Family Structure Separation Divorce As time continues to go on, the American family is not what is once was. Over the last 50 years there has been a dramatic rise in divorce; the highest it has ever been in the U.S. Divorce affects all types of marriages, whether it a heterosexual couples, blended couples, and even homosexual couples. “This marks a shift away from the ideal of the companion marriage popularized in the early 1920’s to self-aspiration, enhanced freedom, and egalitarian relationships” (Castelloe, 2011). Since the 1960’s the rate of divorce and separation has risen because of the fact that “society has become more inclusive and women more financially independent, resulting in increased tension in marriages between individualization and what psychoanalyst Erik Erickson described as “generativity,” a concern for the welfare of others” (Castelloe, 2011). 3 Population Most Affected Not one race, ethnicity, culture. High Conflict Financially Unstable Children of Divorce
  • 3. Divorce is not exactly privy to one specific culture or ethnicity; many people of all races become separated or divorced. Since 1970, the rate of divorce, at 72%, has declined to 59% (Friedman, n.d.). Jeffrey Drew conducted a study in 2009 on couples who argued about finances. He concluded that couples who argued about finances more than once a week were more than 30% likely to get divorced than couples who argue about it only a few times a month. “According to Drew, couples who disagree about money less than once per month run a 30-40% increase in the risk of divorce” (Divorce Source, 1996). The rate of divorce ultimately increases as the arguments become more often, several times a week, daily; the risk increases 125% to 160% (Divorce Source, 1996). It is believed that children who come from a separated family or divorced family are going to be two times more likely to get divorced than a child whose parents remained together (Castelloe, 2011). 4 Family Structure changes and its effect on Psychology Children Men Women Psychology is greatly effected by changes in family structure. Each individual who is going through a divorce, whether it the husband, wife, or child(ren) all suffer differently. Much of the time children are getting the brunt of what is going on; they feel as though no one cares about how they are feeling because typically the “adults bring unresolved childhood conflicts into
  • 4. parenting and romance, reenacting their own childhood dramas and sometimes putting their own needs for gratification before that of their kids” (Castelloe, 2011). A child goes through serious emotional turbulence while watching his or her parents go through a divorce; they feel many different emotions such as loss, rage, and sadness (Castelloe, 2011). There are three factors that come into play with children’s psychological reactions to the divorce of their parents; “ (1) the quality of their relationship with each of their parents before separation, (2) the intensity and duration of their parents before the separation, (3) the parents’ ability to focus on the needs of children in their divorce” (O’Connell Corcoran, 1997). Typically children who are faced with an ugly divorce and do not cope well even with a mutual divorce may end up needing some kind of counseling. Some children turn to drugs when dealing with this and may ultimately end up in a mental hospital (Castelloe, 2011). When it comes to the men going through a divorce, their mental and physical state can be severely affected. “The researchers found that divorced men are more likely to partake in risky activities such as abusing alcohol and drugs, and divorced or separated men have a suicide rate that is 39% higher than that of married men” (Huff Post, 2013). Depression also happens to be more common in men who are divorced than that of men who are maried “and divorced men undergo psychiatric care 10 times more often than married men do” (Huff Post, 2013). Depending whether or not the woman is the one who initiated the divorce, will often result in how she is affected by the divorce. “After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men” (O’Connell Corcoran, 1997). 5 Potential Changes Regarding Treatment Families are more diverse now than they used to be. Family units are not always mom, dad, and kids. Treatment for families can vary depending on the problems What treatment works for one family member may not work for
  • 5. another Communication is key to getting families to open up and solve their problems in a healthy way. Changes are happening more and more now within the dynamics of family. The father used to be the bread winner and now mothers work outside the home more and more and many times families consist of same sex parents, or relatives such as grandparents, raising children. If tragedy happens in a family most of the time all immediate family members are affected by it and deal with it in different ways. Some deal with problems by talking, and others by shutting themselves off from everyone. Some turn to the wrong people for help and get in trouble. Because of lack of communication, people within the family can assume a=wrong things about what other family members are thinking or feeling. A psychologist understands these things and tries to do his or her best to open up the lines of communication between family members and get to the root of the stressors or problems (Lee, C.M. 2010). Counseling can use behavioral and cognitive treatments combined with some psychodynamic ones to get people to open up. Role playing can be used as well as drawing how one feels and talking about it. Changing habits and routines to help in relational problems within the family can also help (Plante, T.G. 2011). . 6 Potential Changes in the Issue Many times people are going through a crisis on their own and are hesitant to share it with others in the family. People all have the basic human need to feel loved and accepted by others and when this is not happening problems can develop.
  • 6. Change can be challenging, threatening, can have secondary gains, and can have interference form others. Sometimes what seems to be the problem really has underlying issues of another problem. Changing habits even if they are bad ones can be hard for anyone because it means a change in routine. A family member may not like being in public places and may have trouble going out in public. As a result other family members may be used to doing many things for this person. If this person gets help for this problem and gets better other family members may feel that they are not wanted. Many times changing habits that have been developed even if they are not good ones, is hard to do because humans are creatures of habit. If parents are going through a divorce chances are that they are not being their best as a parent while going through the divorce. This can have a negative affect on the children and they can become withdrawn. Many times people also have suppressed memories that are causing them to behave in the way they do. Some have things that have happened to them in the past that causes an unwanted or unwelcome change in behavior that causes waves or a ripple affect in the family (Lee, C.M. 2010). The goal of counseling is to find out what the underlying stressors are and open the liner of communication. It is less about giving advise and more about listening. 7 Diversity Issues Discrimination
  • 7. Oppression Stereotyping Discrimination is one issue that largely affects the diverse population. People have been subjects of racial profiling, discrimination, oppression, or stereotyping based on different factors including race, ethnicity, gender, age, disabilities, socioeconomic status, and sexual preferences. The most common issues in Psychology regarding diversity issues include sexual orientation, ethnicity, and race. People have been marginalized and oppressed based on their statuses, races, gender, and sexual orientations. Oppression, discrimination, and stereotyping is traumatic for people. Addressing these issues in a psychologist’s office can be destabilizing to the patient, and often it should be addressed with the patient is ready and feels comfortable (McClintock Greenberg, 2010). Many minorities are less likely to receive services than individuals of white ethnicity, and receive a lower quality of care in the mental health field according to a report from the Surgeon General (McClintock Greenberg). 8 Population Effected College Campuses Individuals with Traditional Views Individuals with Non-Traditional Views Largely Diverse Neighborhoods People of Color, non-white Ethnicity LBGT Community
  • 8. Diversity affects different populations in different manners. There are positives and negatives to a diverse population. Individuals of color, the Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay, Transgender (LGBT) community, and individuals of non-white ethnic heritage add to the diversity of the United States (Haug, 2013). Diversity holds some negativity as one author suggests. In communities that have the most diverse population, people do not trust their neighbors as much as communities that were less diverse. In addition, the more diverse the community, the fewer people volunteer, vote, help charity, and complete community projects (Haug, 2013). College campuses have shouting matches because people do not know how they should disagree with views that are different. Individuals that have more traditional views on various topics including marriage may be viewed as homophobic or bigots when they may not be. Whereas some individuals think that homosexual or bisexual individuals need cured, or that they are going to Hell. Everyone has a right to their religious freedoms and opinions. Individuals of white ethnicity are also affected by diversity because they may feel that no matter what they say they are viewed differently by those of non-white ethnicity. For example, an African American woman may fear white men because she was abused and the victim of racial slurs from white men. The woman could go to a psychologist and the psychologist is a white man. She may not be able to open up to him and he may not be able to help her because of her fear. He is affected because he is a well-intended man, who only has the concern to help her get well. 9
  • 9. The effects on Psychology Diversity Cultural Competency Multiculturalism The quality of care administered to individuals of ethnic minority groups have provoked the cultural competency practices of the mental health field to improve. Diversity, cultural competency, and multiculturalism are important topics in the mental health field (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger, 2009). Cultural competency is greatly advocated from several organizations in addition to the State and Federal levels (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger). The need for more competent professionals arose out of the need to meet the needs of a growing diverse culture. Multicultural individuals have different needs that must be met and educating health care professionals of the disparities between different ethnicities and racial groups helps tremendously. Some individuals were unable to receive health and mental care because it was unavailable to them. Individuals of ethnic minorities have been reported to underuse services that may be offered and to terminate treatment prematurely (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger). There are also disparities that exist including quality and access to mental health assistance. 10 Potential Challenges in Treatment Religious beliefs could pose challenges with treatment Undetected symptoms won’t be treated, possibly ignored Lack of institutions available to provide needed services
  • 10. Families lacking resources which could provide quality of health Language barriers could contribute to in effective system processes Psychologists report limitations on psychological assessment services and problems gaining authorizations and reimbursement for these services from third-party payers. Documentation and categorization are available to support these findings. Some cultures still practice religious healing practices, while it may be observed as cruel. If such a case is presented in the medical environment; it must be acknowledged and followed as per the wishes of the patient’s authorization. As we continue to flourish in the technological world, some processes may have to take a step back. Evolution isn’t always conductive in all aspects of Mother Nature and other unknown contributing factors. We must remember that when dealing with outside factors, some of the details, information, could alter vital information in regards to survey results. Psychological assessment and or some difficulties that may come about during pre-authorization processes. 11 Potential Changes in the Issue Evolution brings about changes in its environments Politics can bring about changes in a specific arena Lack in academics can hinder positive changes Cultural beliefs can be embraced and shared with others
  • 11. As species continue to populate they will also experience evolution. As these changes occur, these new species will have the benefit of old and new genetics at their disposal. Some of us may not agree with Mother Nature’s choices, but she is amazing when she allows us to observe her in her wonder. We can’t assume that when a special breed of a species reveals itself, this is not to be taken for granted. We need to understand how this new gene pool will affect the ecology, the basis of some framework and its history. We always need to know where we come from so we can have a basis on which to draw and make a formative decision. At times integrating different components may be challenging at first until those involved understand the truth for the new connection. 12 As society and its people change, the strategies and treatments used to help them must change, as well. Clinical psychologists face a multitude of challenges when working with patients who are seeking treatment for an issue stemming from a change in their family structure or facing discrimination or stereotyping in their school or workplace and as more cases are presented, more research and studies are needed to ensure that the best treatments and strategies are being offered to the patient. Being culturally sensitive has always been a trait for psychologists to have, but as society continues to grow into a mix of every culture, religion and ethnic background, psychologists must be aware of these differences and develop a treatment plan accordingly. Families are not always the biological parents and children anymore, they are frequently made up of step-parents
  • 12. and step-siblings which creates a specific stress factor that psychologists must understand and know how to treat. As with any other medical specialty, psychology must grow and evolve along with society in order to provide patients with the best possible treatment. 13 References Castelloe, M, PH.D. (2011). Changes in the American Family. Psychology Today. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from: we/201104/changes-in-the-american-family Divorce Source. (1996). U.S. Divorce Rates and Statistics. Divorce Source. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from: statistics-1037.shtml Friedman, M. (n.d.). Marriage and Divorce Statistics Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from: Haug, J., (2013) The ‘Diversity’ Movement: Defeating Itself, Destroying Society. Retrieved from: ent_defeating_itself_destroying_society.html Huff Post. (2013). Divorce Can have Serious Impact on Men’s Health, New Research Finds. Huff Post Divorce. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from: divorce_n_4018432.html Lee, C.M. (2010).Families matter: Psychology of the family and the family of psychology. Canadian Psychology, 51(1), 1-16. Retrieved from McClintock Greenberg, T., (2010). What Is Diversity in Psychology? 21st Century Aging. Retrieved from: aging/201001/what-is-diversity-in-psychology O’Connell Corcoran, K. (1997). Psychological and Emotional
  • 13. Aspets of Divorce. Mediators & Everything Mediation. Retrieved on August 1, 2014, from: Sue, S., Zane, N., Nagayama Hall, G. C., and Berger, L. K., (2009). The Case for Cultural Competency in Psychotherapeutic Interventions. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163651 PAGE [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] 2 Product Brainstorm Product Brainstorm Paul Salabarria The new product I would like to create is an air camera. This camera’s features would be to detect motion and self start and scan the room. It will not require a remote. This camera can be used for anything, for example, it can be used for home security, or something as simple as capturing memories at a special event. The technology industry is growing daily, so competition is high. Drones are similar to an air camera and the toughest competition, but the difference is the remote requirement. Leslee Parker
  • 14. The new product I'd like to create is a child's toy that teaches sign language in a new and fun way. This toy would resemble that of a bear of a well known cartoon character and it would have a screen on it's chest that would be able to display hand signs to teach children sign language. There would be two level to this toy. The first level being the alphabet in sign language. The next level would be basic words and sentences to get them learning more. The toy could be used for any child, the inspiration behind the toy is: My three year old niece had an horrible ear infection that lead to her becoming hearing impaired. We teach her find with videos and learning on our own to help her but, I believe a toy would be more useful being as she is still a child and learning things right now is just playing to her. Competition would be other children toys that are meant for learning sign language. Brian Purviance The New Product Idea I have is "Lights of the Seasons", it will be exterior house lights you put on and around your house as you do when you decorate for the holidays. The key difference is, the lights will have (5) different color lights within each bulb (red/white/green/blue/orange). The reason being, most people don't mind putting lights up, it's taking them down that is a pain. This product eliminates you from having to do so and is convenient for round of the year holidays. The seasonal lighting industry is an estimated $12B opportunity! · Green & Red or you can use Blue/White for Christmas · White is standard for New Years/Easter · Red/White/Blue for 4th of July/Memorial Day/Labor Day · Orange/White for Halloween
  • 15. · Orange and/or white for Thanksgiving The key competitors of this will be not lights you hang, but the laser lights that eluminate on your house with brands such as: · Mainstrays · StarNight · As Seen on TV Industry Threats & Opportunities · The industry has expanded over the past five years as holidays have become increasingly commercialized · A greater amount of seasonal decorations are now being sold through online channels · Rising consumer confidence will spur spending on discretionary items like seasonal decorations Industry Analysis & Industry Trends The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry faltered over the past five years, as consumers increasingly opted for inexpensive merchandise, despite rising incomes. Industry revenue experienced downward pressure due to high price competition, and overall, over the five years to 2016, industry revenue is expected to fall. Over the next five years, consumers and businesses will continue purchasing higher volumes of low- priced seasonal decorations. The industry's growth is expected to be slightly less dismal in the outlook period, as disposable income growth drives industry sales over the next five years. Industry Report - Industry Investment Chapter The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry has a low
  • 16. level of capital intensity. This trend is similar to other retail industries, which are generally labor intensive. In 2016, for every dollar spent on wages, about $0.08 is estimated to be allocated toward capital assets. This category includes expenditure on physical assets required to operate in this industry. The level of capital expenditure is influenced by the size and number of stores an industry player operates. Examples of capital costs include the purchase of fixtures and fittings (fit-outs) for stores and point-of-sale systems. Capital projects are mainly undertaken when a new enterprise enters the industry or when existing stores are refurbished. Additional Insights for the The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations Industry IBISWorld identifies 250 Key Success Factors for a business.The most important for the The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations Industry are · Proximity to key markets · Having a good technical knowledge of the product · Economies of scale IBISWorld analysts also discuss how external factors such as Per capita disposable income and commerce sales in the The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations industry impact industry performance Other Key Facts: What is the The Retail Market for Seasonal Decorations Industry? Companies in this industry sell seasonal decorations like
  • 17. Christmas lights and Halloween decorations. This report shows the size of the retail market for these products and includes sales from all major retail channels, including specialty stores, general merchandisers and internet retailers. Industry Products Christmas decorations Other winter holiday decorations Halloween decorations Easter decorations Saint Patrick's Day Other holiday decorations Industry Activities Retailing winter holiday decorations Retailing Halloween decorations Retailing Valentine's Day decorations Retailing Easter decorations Retailing St Patrick's Day decorations Retailing Fourth of July decorations Michelle Anderson The Social Watch is a smart watch with a built-in social network platform. The wearer can choose to have up to four social media accounts active at once: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Its flat, square frame is water resistant and features a voice-activated camera for video and picture posts. With the Friend Finder screen, connectivity has never been easier while on-the-go. With a new social network ID system in place, wearers can exchange ID codes and select the social media accounts they would like to connect to all at once. The watch also features a social network address book that allows users to compile all their favorite contacts into one place, no matter what social media platform the contact originates from. Using the address book, wearers can send direct messages and even invite contacts to their current location. When using the live stream function, the camera adjusts to the positioning of the screen, allowing the wearer to
  • 18. broadcast in selfie-mode when held up towards their face or with a flip of the wrist, the screen's auto-adjust feature allows the screen to always project in an upright position. Josh Richey My idea is called Smart Blinds. Smart Blinds are a revolutionary idea that will change the window blind business forever. These blinds can automatically sense temperature and sunlight and will have settings where the consumer can set it to control how much sunlight comes in or how much they want to keep out. These blinds are also awesome because they are temperature controlled, so they can keep the temperature of your house at what you like it at. The last great thing about them is that they can "black out" and not let any sunlight in for those who like to sleep during the day or just take a nap. They can also be controlled wirelessly from a smart phone. Conclusion We will move forward with Brian Purviance’s idea, Lights for the Seasons. We chose this product because the industry has extensive information online, and it is a fantastic product idea. Reference: seasonal-decorations.html Final Digital Marketing Plan Final Digital Marketing Plan PowerPoint Presentation,
  • 19. Introduction In this PowerPoint presentation, we will present our Final Digital Marketing Plan for our product the Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS). This product idea was created by Simone Harvey and voted on by the remaining team members in team D to implement as our product idea. In the first phase of the marketing plan we outlined a target market and included a segmentation criteria for the Concussion Protocol Sensor. Second, we will developed a digital advertising strategy and included two sample banner ads and a mock landing page for the website in our marketing plan. Third, the presentation will provide examples of three mock web ads and include specifics of where they will be placed. And we will create a budget for a two week advertising campaign. The second phase of the marketing plan will summarize our plan to reach consumers. Our goal to reach our consumers is by using email marketing to directly send out email advertisements to consumers through the assistance of AWeber. In today’s day and age, social media and instant connection is the best most popular way of connecting with not only friends and family but consumers as well. There are many different forms of social media out there today such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram. We will utilize these platforms in our marketing strategy in an effort to reach as many consumers as possible. Image: bm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis697BrJHYAhWD6CYKHVKY Dw4Q_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=805#imgrc=GQKHgrtgNyoTy
  • 20. M:&spf=1513524076251 Target MarketYouth Sports Programs focused on young athletesHigh School students interested in sportsCollege Athletic ProgramsCoaches involved in sports programs The target market for the CPS would be youth sports programs focused on young athletes, age 6-13; high schools students interested in sports, age 14-18; University athletic programs, and coaches involved in sports. The ages that would benefit would span from very young children all the way to adults that are active in sports or other activities that could be extreme enough to lead to potential head injuries. Image source: conquering-the-final-frontier-of-sports-broadcasting/ top-25-power-five-college-football-coaches-entering-2016/ Demographic Market Segmentation As it relates to the segmentation criteria we used to determine the target market for the CPS, we chose the Demographic Market Segmentation’s, as it works best with our marketing strategy since the data is easily available and drastically affects buying patterns. Age, income, gender, ethnic background and
  • 21. family life cycle are all important factors of demographic segmentation. The CPS is going to use an age range of 5-34 years of age so they can include kids, teens, parents and coaches. The income level would have to be middle to upper class - $40,000 annual income or above ("Gallup News", n.d.) - since the CPS will cost about $60 per unit. The CPS is not a gender-specific product, and neither race or religion will affect the overall marketing plan. The CPS is very interested in the family life cycle of young single, young married with kids, middle-aged married with kids, young divorced with children, middle-aged divorced with kids, and single parents. Our plan is to advertise via social media and local cable ads where parents, kids and coaches congregate. Our marketing strategy will be aimed at the following generations: Tweens - age 9-12 Generation X - Born between 1965 and 1980 Generation Y / Millennials - Born between 1981 and 2000 Generation Z - Born after 2001 Image source: chart created by Simone Harvey Sample Banner Ads Part of the digital advertising strategy are these two banner ads. They include the name of the product and small description for what it does or its purpose. Yellow, grey, black and white are the main colors for the ads; the yellow is a pop of color that
  • 22. will grab the viewer’s attention. The acronym of the product is bold and big and will bring curiosity to the viewer as they will want to know what it stands for. The two bodies of text in each of the ads are a small description of the product so the viewer knows what the CPS is for. On the second ad, there is an extra body of text that gives a slogan of the product. Images: ounts_progr.html Know When An Impact Is TOO Hard! Learn more about the NEW integrated monitoring and alert system designed specifically for the proactive protection of athletes in a variety of sports which could be at risk of suffering concussions. Protect your athlete ! Subscribe below for a FREE DEMONSTRATION!! This is an example of the Mock Landing page. CPS Learn More New integrated monitoring & alert system Provides an up-to-the-minute assessment of a player's ability to return to play or be sidelined to prevent further injury. Helps detect concussions immediately so that athletes have less of a repercussion after the injury.
  • 23. Mock web ad #1 This add will be placed on Google. CPS is lightweight and can be kept on the sidelines for easy access. CPS Equipped with a sensor that rubs across the forehead detecting an athlete's neurocognitive and psychomotor status in about 30 seconds Learn More Mock web ad #2 Because we are working with a very small budget, this ad will be placed on Facebook as a sponsored ad. Available for youth sports programs, University athletic programs, medical fields, coaches, and parents with children that lead an athletic lifestyle. CPS Learn More Call Today For A Free Quote Concussion Protocol Sensor - Protect your athlete Mock web ad # 3
  • 24. This ad will be placed on YouTube. The budget plan is $200 plan for every $1000 dollars in revenue to the company. Bring in 10 customers every month so that the budgeting plan is $2200 every month. CPS Cost $ Two-week advertising campaign. Strategy and ObjectivesOur plan of action is to use social media to get the word out about our product, the CPS. Our objectives are: Build brand equityIncrease exposureIncrease trafficIncrease engagementImprove conversion percentage The strategy of this plan is to promote our product on social medias. Social media has become an essential outlet to get the word-of-mouth around to everyone. “Recent statistics suggest that organizations place a high value on social media tools as an important part of the strategic marketing mix…social media is important for organizational success.” (Dixon, Martinez, & Martin, 2015) We believe that the use of social media will help promote the CPS to athletes, coaches, families of athletes, etc. Objectives:
  • 25. Build brand equity- this is increasing consumers’ positive mental associations with the brand. (Larson & Draper, 2015) With the use of social media, consumers will learn the quality, price and convenience of our product, CPS. “The key actionable levers of brand equity are brand awareness, attitude toward the brand, and corporate ethics.” (Kim & Ko, 2012) Increase exposure- We will use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to reach out to our consumers. “Facebook and Twitter remain the top two social media platforms used by organizations.” (Dixon, Martinez, & Martin, 2015). Increase traffic- With CPS being a new and unique product, we are certain to get curious consumers. We will keep track of how many page views we receive and the length of the visits then decide how we can increase those views and visits. We want to peak their interest with our product. Increase engagement- metrics used for this objective are likes, shares, comments, retweets, etc. By sharing and retweeting, potential consumers will help bring awareness to our product for us! Improve conversion percentage- with our social media plan, we are aiming to increase our conversion percentage. We hope our strategy and objectives concerning social media will bring us new customers which will hopefully increase our sales from their purchases. (Kong, 2014) CPS Email Marketing Strategy
  • 26. An email marketing strategy is a huge part of your overall marketing strategy and business plan. It helps you market your products and services with the use of the email channel with the best chances for making a profit and reaching your goals. Email is one of the most effective digital communication channels, and delivers the highest ROI of any marketing tactic, “with 27 percent marketers reporting excellent ROI and 46 percent reporting good ROI from their email marketing campaigns” (Parmar, 2016). For our teams email marketing strategy, we have identified the email marketing software we will use, AWeber. AWeber will as allow us to create and distribute emails to our leads, along with testing our marketing campaigns. Image source: marketing/156764 Our Readers Athletes and Youth Sports Programs High School and University Athletic Programs Coaches and Parents Medical Providers The target audience for the Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS) are youth sports programs, high schools, University athletic programs, medical fields, coaches, and parents with children that lead an athletic lifestyle. The ages that would benefit would span from very young children all the way to adults that are
  • 27. active in sports or other activities that could be extreme enough to lead to potential head injuries. Therefore, we understand that our subscribers will want to know about the CPS, how it operates, the benefits of using our product; along with seeing a demonstration of how the tool operates. Our goal is to create a content list of the emails that we will send to our potential customers as we build our list. Content & Frequency The subject line is what subscribers see first. Make it strong. Welcome to the CPS Community! What is a Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS)? How the CPS is saving lives! Live Demonstration (video inside) We will initially create a content list of 4 emails that we will send our email. The first email will be sent immediately and those that follow will be sent daily, first thing in the morning. We will also send broadcast messages throughout the week. Our subscribers will receive on average 1-2 emails a day from our campaign. The first email we will send our subscribers is a welcome letter, welcoming our subscribers to our email list. Because it is the first of our email series, it will go out immediately - once the subscriber has completed the double opt-in. Our second email will explain what the CPS is and the benefits of utilizing the tool. The next email our subscribers receive will discuss how the tool is saving lives and the final video in the campaign, will show
  • 28. our subscribers a live video demonstration. Our subscribers will also receive broadcast messages from us in addition to the other emails. These broadcasts will be sent 3-4 times a week; and all our emails will include a compelling Call- To-Action (CTA). At the bottom of every email, customers will have the ability to unsubscribe in the feel they are no longer receiving valuable content about our product. Images: Create an emotional connection to your brand Visual identity: Logo, Color Scheme Adding an email signature is the proof that an organization is professional and cares about detail. Click Through Rate: helps adjust to adjust and optimize your email marketing efforts. Open Rate: details how many successfully delivered campaigns were opened by subscribers. One of the ways our team intends to incorporate our branding into our email marketing, is to include a logo in our mailings. Because a logo is a quick way to identify our brand. We will also incorporate a nice, toned down color scheme that is not too bright, but reflects our brand. Using the right
  • 29. contrast will highlight our content, making it more readable. The goal of our email campaign is to grow our list of subscribers, not loose them. However, one of the most important features we will use is adding an email signature. Our email signature will include our name, telephone number, and a link to our website. This gives our subscribers the impression he/she receives professional and individual treatment. It also shows that we care about detail. We will use AWeber to track our Click Through Rate (CTR) to determine how many subscribers are engaging with our content, and the type of content they’re interested in. Which may cause us to segment our list. While monitoring our clicks, we will also take notice of our Open and Conversion Rates. The goal is to obtain an open rate of 20% and a conversion rate of 8%. For our product, The Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS) we will be using all avenues of social media to network and market our product and increase exposure. Social media platforms are a way of getting your product out to a larger scale of individuals and increase traffic to your website or company. Social Media platforms are extremely important to a company and all organizations should develop a social media marketing plan to advertise their product. For instance, we will use Twitter to generate buzz about the product . Twitter will solely function as an avenue to provide quick message about the benefit of using the CPS. And provide stats of how well the product is working for our consumers.
  • 30. Facebook will be used to promote the product and post pictures of the Concussion Protocol Sensor to allow consumers the ability to gain knowledge without having to access the website. Links will also be provided on the Facebook page where customers can click on to access the companies website. Which will increase the flow of traffic to the website. In conclusion, using Facebook will decrease marketing expenses for the organization. LinkedIn will be used as the professional page of the product. Mainly as a way to generate leads. Professionals use LinkedIn as a networking tool to find employees or vice versa. LinkedIn can be a way to find a target audience such as medical professionals, universities coaches, etc. Image source: Cl02&id=A973E50FF9A5B681CB2F313C7AF74E869B3E9B4F &thid=OIP.aePcCl02DRVuyWW- r46igAEsC0& uk%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f08%2fAlternative- Social-Media-Platform-Blog- Resized.jpg&exph=600&expw=1000&q=Social+Media+Platfor ms&simid=607994683375094368&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0 TWITTER FACEBOOK LINKEDIN YOUTUBE INSTAGRAM YouTube will be used to post videos about the product. For example, how to use videos or videos that provide the benefits
  • 31. of using the CPS. And Instagram will be used as a back up to post pictures of the product to advertise the benefits of using CPS, and allow customers to click on a link to access the companies website. Image: cpW6j&id=57AF0ECBC95DD39C69D7ABA8173DA370EF3D7 0DD&thid=OIP.EbDcpW6jPpYvjiwN_u2xAQHaE7&mediaurl=h content%2fuploads%2f2013%2f05%2fsocial-media- marketing.jpg&exph=501&expw=753&q=Social+Marketing&si mid=608044930182613374&selectedIndex=25&ajaxhist=0 Public Relations PlanManage online conversations (i.e.) IG, FB, YouTube, Twitter Monitor Positive Content Monitor Negative Content The goal for CPS is to produce a PR strategy to help monitor our online conversations. The organizations first step is to hire a PR professional to help observe and examine the organizations online reputations where social media is concerned. The key elements the PR professional will implement should be as follows: Inaugurate Guidelines- For example, the PR Representative will create guidelines as to how responses and customer interaction should be handled. The goal is to create ways to control the messages and control the brand. He or She, in a since needs to understand how to choose their battles, and always react in a professional manner. These guidelines should also include handling negative content. For instance, when having to deal
  • 32. with a negative message, respond once, state your point in a professional manner and let it go. The PR representative will not go back and forth with the customer that presented the negative content. But he or she must know to never ignore anything that’s said. Identify what Social Media Platforms to monitor- The PR representative needs to know what social media platforms to monitor at all times. In today’s society, there are so many social media platforms emerging. The PR professional needs to have a format implemented to know which ones are the most popular and the most important ones to manage. And know which ones has chatter about our organization. Image: z47mU&id=C8D88525F8BB3422508CB7A9E3CD487EB1FEE6 F3&thid=OIP.Z7Jz47mUW14CK0Xem2QAYwHaEH&mediaurl= content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f07%2fSocial-Media-and-Public- Relations- NYC.jpg&exph=544&expw=980&q=public+relations+&simid=6 08006958410170393&selectedIndex=50&ajaxhist=0 CPS: Design Elements Mobile Native Ads Mobile Video Ads For the most effective mobile advertisements, the chosen ads are native and banner ads for our product. Our goal is not to overwhelm customers with our ads, but to give them a taste of what it is in hopes that will reel them to
  • 33. check out our website. Native ads- “publishers are given components of the ad instead of the ad itself…it is up to them to display the element in ways that fit well with its app so the ad will appear as part of the apps content.” This is effective because it’s not randomly placed and it makes more sense with the content of the main page. It helps brands to find the right customers for our product and they will be more likely to click on the ad. Video ads- should be 15-30 seconds long. We want to keep the color scheme as the landing page. This ad should be revealed when a banner is clicked and revealed as naturally as possible; we don’t want it to pop up randomly. The content of the video should include a demonstration of the product and its benefits. (2017). Best mobile ad formats and sizes for display ad campaigns. Retrieved from display-ad-campaigns/ Mobile Marketing Strategy The most important aspect of the mobile marketing is creating a website that is fully functional on any mobile device while giving the user while displaying what is most beneficial to said user. We want to allow for demonstration on the mobile site the interactive results reading of the CPS information that can be sent to the registered parties. A great way to showcase the CPS’s abilities to a possible buyer is to show them what it looks like while working. Our mobile website will still have the same sign up and purchase features of our regular website as well as a link to the full website.
  • 34. Another benefit that would be helpful would be to incorporate location searching for medical services. Through the use of the mobile site users can search for hospitals, doctors, and emergency care clinics that specialize in sports injuries and concussion that are closest to them. We will have video testimonials from sports coaches and doctors that were given the opportunity to partner together and use the CPS and showcase it’s full potential. Today mobile users are becoming more comfortable with what they can see in the palm of their hands. Videos ads are essential in our marketing strategy. Conclusion Established a strategy and objectives for each piece of the plan. Discussed sound reasoning as to why each social media platform is being utilized (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc). Built an email strategy, including target markets, timing, and how to incorporate branding into email communications and measuring tools, to determine success from each platform. Defined target market Created a digital advertising strategy Created three mock web ads Created a PR plan to manage online conversations Created a mobile advertising strategy and plan In this PowerPoint presentation, we were able to define a target market for the Concussion Protocol Sensor (CPS) that included youth sport programs, high school programs, college athletic programs, medical fields, and coaches. And we had the ability to summarize the demographic market segmentation that we
  • 35. would like to target for our product. The presentation included a digital advertising strategy with two sample banner ads and a mock landing page. As well as, three mock web ads and a two- week advertising campaign. Next, we were able to establish a strategy and objectives for each piece of the plan. We also addressed sound reasoning as to why each social media platform is being utilized (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc). And we built in an email strategy, including target markets, timing, and how to incorporate branding into email communications and measuring tools, to determine success from each platform. It is our hope that by using email communications we can focus our reach to those in the sports and sports medical field. It is here that we believe our advertising will have the greatest effect. Lastly, we created a public relations plan to manage online conversations (both negative and positive) that incorporates best practices and we identified the design elements that will be used in our mobile advertising strategy as well as a specific mobile advertising plan. ReferencesParmar, D. (2016). 3 stats that will force you to re- examine your email marketing strategy. Cio, Retrieved from https://search-proquest- =35812Using email Marketing Effectively. (2011). In J. Law, Business: the ultimate resource (3rd ed.). London, UK: A&C Black. Retrieved from https://search-credoreference- sing_email_marketing_effectively/0Larson, J., & Draper, S. (2015). Internet marketing essentials. Retrieved from the VitalSource Bookshelf.Dixon, A. W., Martinez, J. M., Martin, C. L., & L. (2015). Employing social media as a marketing
  • 36. strategy in college sport: An examination of perceived effectiveness in accomplishing organizational objectives. International Review on Public and Non - Profit Marketing, 12(2), 97-113. doi: 015-0134-7 Kong, T. (2014). 8 social media marketing objectives and metrics that matter. LinkedIn. Retrieved from social-media-marketing-objectives-and-metrics-that-matter/ References (cont.) bm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis697BrJHYAhWD6CYKHVKY Dw4Q_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=805#imgrc=GQKHgrtgNyoTy M:&spf=1513524076251Gallup News. (n.d.). Retrieved from matters/204497/determines-americans-perceive-social- class.aspx?g_source=position1&g_medium=related&g_campaig n=tiles Thermometer- Temperature/dp/B073GZZ4B2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_3?ie=UTF8&qid =1513460687&sr=8-3- fkmr0&keywords=handheld++forehead+meterhttp://www.concu, A.J & Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity. Journal of Business Research. Retrieved from Marketing Plan Phase I
  • 37. Lights for the Seasons All Target Market & SegmentationDigital Marketing StrategyBanner Ads (2)Mock Landing PageMock web ads with specifics of where “Lights for the Seasons” will be placed along with budget for a 2-week advertising campaign Agenda Digital Marketing StrategySome great ways to digitally market the product areInternetSocial mediaMobile phoneElectronic billboardThe best way to reach out to customers is by reaching out to the items they use everyday. People these days seem to always be on their phone and social media websites. This is a great way to get potential customers. (When advertising and selling the first few products, we could give a limited time discount, so customers and other potential customers are able to get the product sooner to try it.) Who is our Target MarketMarket Segmentation?How do we target these people? Target Market & Segmentation Example Banner Ads Our target market is primarily property owners. We can segment this out further to mainly focus on private homeowners who have a desire to decorate their yard or home, business owners or building owners that want to showcase their place of business, or cities that want to add a little spice to their towns. We can target these users by having marketing our product online through social media, Google Ad-words, and overall driving people to our website as well as our retailers. *
  • 38. Lights of the Seasons will have a $2,500 dollar budget for a 2- week advertising campaign. Mock web ads with specifics of where “Lights for the Seasons” will be placed along with budget for a 2-week advertising campaign Source: xxx References Digital Marketing: Definition, Strategies & Example. Instructor: Lucinda Stanley. Retrieved on May 22, 2017 from definition-strategies-example.html Kickoff Labs. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2017, from _pages/167836/page-editor *