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Libros de Consumer

                                                       Consumer Insights – Desnudando la
                                                            mente del consumidor

© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Consumer Insights: Specialized Textbooks

                         Lisa Fortini Campbell - Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights
                         Can Inspire Better Marketing and Advertising
                         Dona Vitale – Consumer Insights 2.0 How Smarter Companies Apply
                         Customer Knowledge
                         Merlin Stone, Alison Bond & Bryan Foss - Consumer Insight: How to
                         Use Data and Market Research to Get Closer to Your Customer
                         Gerald Zaltman - How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind
                         of the Market
                         Gerald Zaltman y Lindsay Zaltman- Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep
                         Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers
                         Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our
This is my               Victor Gil y Felipe Romero – Crossumer: Claves para entender el
                         consumidor español de la nueva generación
 booklist.               Clotaire Rapaille - The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand
Hope you                 Why People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do
                         Martin Lindstrom - Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy
 enjoy it!
                         Belén López Vásquez - Publicidad Emocional: Estrategias Creativas

      © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire
                   Better Marketing and Advertising

  Lisa Fortini-Campbell’s career has been focused on
  helping students and executives bring the customer to
  the center of their marketing and product development
  work. After receiving her Ph.D. in 1980, she worked in
  the advertising industry until 1991, in positions in market
  research, Account Planning, new business development,
  client management and finally as General Manager of
  the Chicago office of Hal Riney and Partners, a San
  Francisco-based advertising agency.
  In 2004, she accepted a position as Adjunct Professor of
  Management at the Kellogg School of Management
  where she continues her executive teaching work for the
  university’s open-enrollment programs in Integrated
  Marketing Communications, Consumer Insight Tools and
  Branding, and programs customized for companies in a
  wide variety of industries.
  She opened her consulting practice, The Fortini-
  Campbell Company, to conduct customer insight and
  experience research for companies around the world

Fuente: Kellogg School of Management/

            © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire
                     Better Marketing and Advertising

                                                       Lisa Fortini-Campbell provides insights on how to make
                                                       sure that your marketing and advertising efforts are truly
                                                       consumer driven.
                                                       The author contends the quot;Sweet Spotquot; is hit when there's
                                                       the right combination of consumer insight and brand
                                                       Her main focus is that marketing professionals need to see
                                                       the world through their customers' eyes.
                                                       Although quantitative information is essential, this book
                                                       stresses the importance of putting qualitative research
                                                       about the consumer at the center of our thought process.
                                                       To support her position and make it understandable,
                                                       Fortini-Campbell outlines 12 principles of consumer insight,
                                                       and, throughout her book, she gives specific case histories
                                                       from well-known marketing campaigns.

Fuente: Park & Company Advertising /

              © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Consumer Insights 2.0
                How Smarter Companies Apply Customer Knowledge

                                              Dona Vitale explains the role of consumer insights
                                              departments and their leaders, and how they
                                              contribute to customer knowledge that goes far
                                              beyond market research to help set strategy and
                                              develop new business opportunities.
                                              An excellent case study from Dunkin' Donuts
                                              shows how this approach works in practice. Vitale
                                              outlines character traits of the most effective
                                              consumer insights specialists, techniques that help
                                              develop the insights, and presentation tips to help
                                              your whole company get on board with new ideas.

Fuente: Google Books

            © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Consumer Insight: How to Use Data and Market Research to Get
                                        Closer to Your Customer

                                                 Consumer Insight provides market researchers with
                                                 knowledge of database marketing and CRM techniques.
                                                 It explains what database marketing is and covers the
                                                 classic areas that marketers tend to focus on, such as:
                                                 knowing who your customers are, what they do, where
                                                 they are, what they buy and what they would like to buy.
                                                 It explores the psychological areas too - what customers
                                                 think and feel, what their objectives and strategies are
                                                 and how these influence how they behave.
                                                 The title also explains how to manage this process, and
                                                 how companies gain insight into their customers by
                                                 managing and using their customer data correctly.
                                                 Journal of Marketing Research quot;A significant new book
                                                 focused on what to do with data and marketing research
                                                 to extract optimal intelligence”.
                                                 Graham Webb, Senior Programmes Manager,
                                                 Marketing, Sales & Retail, Park Lane College, UK quot;A
                                                 wonderful tool for those working to make the most of
                                                 their customer data, this book could prove to be
                                                 essential in the competitive world of consumer


           © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
How Customers Think: Essential
                                                    Insights into the Mind of the Market

                                                       Despite the time and money spent on market
                                                       research through focus groups and questionnaires,
                                                       60 to 80 percent of all new products and services
                                                       Why do consumers often say one thing to
                                                       marketers, yet do something entirely different in the
                                                       market? Industry innovator Gerald Zaltman argues
                                                       that the answer lies in how the mind works.
                                                       When it comes to buying, 95 percent of the
                                                       decision-making process takes place in the
                                                       subconscious, yet traditional marketing methods
                                                       barely scratch the surface of thought.
                                                       In this book, Zaltman introduces a fresh way of
                                                       thinking and an unusual set of tools for digging
                                                       deeper into what he calls quot;the mind of the marketquot; --
                                                       that complex interplay between the consumer's and
                                                       the marketer's thinking that determines the
                                                       commercial fate of anything new.
                                                       Building on research from neurology, sociology,
                                                       biology, and others, Zaltman reveals how people
                                                       really create meaning. Through eye-popping
                                                       examples, he illustrates how leading companies are
                                                       transforming these new insights into products and
                                                       services with unprecedented value to customers

                                                           Fuente: Google Books

© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep
                                                     Metaphors Reveal About the Minds
                                                              of Consumers
                                                       Drawing on thousands of one-on-one
                                                       interviews in more than thirty countries,
                                                       Gerald Zaltman and Lindsay Zaltman
                                                       describe how some of the world's most
                                                       successful companies as well as small firms,
                                                       not-for-profits, and social enterprises have
                                                       successfully leveraged deep metaphors to
                                                       solve a wide variety of marketing problems.

                                                       With the profound advances in psychology
                                                       and neuroscience over the past two
                                                       decades, I'm convinced that now is the time
                                                       for practitioners to rewrite the 'principles of
                                                       marketing.' Marketing Metaphoria transforms
                                                       insights from the authors' research into a rich
                                                       framework that will help you think more
                                                       deeply about your consumers and develop
                                                       more innovative ideas for action


© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden
                                                      Forces That Shape Our Decisions

                                                       Irrational behavior is a part of human nature, but as
                                                       MIT professor Ariely has discovered in 20 years of
                                                       researching behavioral economics, people tend to
                                                       behave irrationally in a predictable fashion.
                                                       Drawing on psychology and economics, behavioral
                                                       economics can show us why cautious people make
                                                       poor decisions about sex when aroused, why
                                                       patients get greater relief from a more expensive
                                                       drug over its cheaper counterpart and why honest
                                                       people may steal office supplies or communal
                                                       food, but not money.
                                                       According to Ariely, our understanding of
                                                       economics, now based on the assumption of a
                                                       rational subject, should, in fact, be based on our
                                                       systematic, unsurprising irrationality.
                                                       Ariely argues that greater understanding of
                                                       previously ignored or misunderstood forces
                                                       (emotions, relativity and social norms) that
                                                       influence our economic behavior brings a variety of
                                                       opportunities for reexamining individual motivation
                                                       and consumer choice, as well as economic and
                                                       educational policy.


© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Crossumer - Claves para entender el consumidor de la nueva

                                                        El texto se estructura en tres bloques diferenciados.
                                                        El primero de ellos, “Crossumer, (cómo es)”, nos
                                                        define a este nuevo consumidor. El término
                                                        crossumer, acuñado por los autores, es un acrónimo
                                                        formado por la fusión original de las palabras en
                                                        inglés cross (cruzar) y consumer (consumidor), con
                                                        el que se pretende enfatizar el carácter activo de
                                                        este nuevo consumidor, que cruza la línea que
                                                        separa al consumidor del productor.
                                                        El segundo bloque “Coolhunting 2.0 (cómo será)”
                                                        tiene un especial interés práctico para el profesional
                                                        de la investigación de mercados. El crossumer utiliza
                                                        de manera intensiva Internet, -con Google y la web
                                                        participativa (o Web 2.0) al frente-, para contrastar
                                                        información y comunicarse.
                                                        El tercer y último bloque se titula “Crowdsourcing
                                                        (aprovechar el rol activo)”. Crowdsourcing se refiere
                                                        al uso de las multitudes (crowd) como fuente
                                                        (sourcing) productiva, basada en principios de
                                                        autoorganización (Wikipedia, -definiciones-, Youtube
                                                        –videos-, Flickr-fotos-).

Fuente: Netquest Blog / Puede ver el artículo completo en:

             © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why
  People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do

                                                      Marketing consultant and psychoanalyst Rapaille
                                                      takes a truism—different cultures are, well,
                                                      different—and expands it by explaining how a
                                                      nation's history and cultural myths are psychological
                                                      templates to which its citizens respond
                                                      Rapaille intends his theory of culture codes to help
                                                      us understand quot;why people do what they do,quot; but the
                                                      quot;fundamental archetypesquot; he offers are just trumped-
                                                      up stereotypes.
                                                      Rapaille's successful consulting career is evidence
                                                      that he's more convincing in the boardroom than he
                                                      is on the page.
                                                      Amid the overheated prose and dubious factoids, it's
                                                      easy to overlook the book's scattered marketing
                                                      proposals and employee-management tips.


           © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy

                                                             How much do we know about why we buy? What
                                                             truly influences our decisions in today’s message-
                                                             cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a
                                                             catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Or do our
                                                             buying decisions take place below the surface, so
                                                             deep within our subconscious minds, we’re barely
                                                             aware of them?
                                                             In BUYOLOGY, Lindstrom presents the astonishing
                                                             findings from his three-year neuromarketing study,
                                                             a cutting-edge experiment that peered inside the
                                                             brains of 2,000 volunteers from all around the world
                                                             as they encountered various ads, logos,
                                                             commercials, brands, and products. His startling
                                                             results shatter much of what we have long believed
                                                             about what seduces our interest and drives us to
                                                             Filled with entertaining inside stories about how we
                                                             respond to such well-known brands as Marlboro,
                                                             Nokia, Calvin Klein, Ford, and American Idol,
                                                             BUYOLOGY is a fascinating and shocking journey
                                                             into the mind of today’s consumer.


           © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
The Art & Science of Interpreting
                                                          Market Research Evidence
                                                                  This book provides the following 10-step guide to
                                                                  the art and science of interpreting qualitative and
                                                                  quantitative market research evidence and
                                                                  successfully applies this to business decision-
                                                                    1. Analyzing the right problem
                                                                    2. Understanding the big information picture
                                                                    3. Compensating for imperfect data
                                                                    4. Developing an effective analysis strategy
                                                                    5. Establishing the interpretation boundary
                                                                    6. Applying the 'knowledge filters’
                                                                    7. 'Re-framing' the data
                                                                    8. Presenting the research evidence as a
                                                                    9. Facilitating informed decision-making
                                                                    10. Learning from successful practice

                                                                  This book is supported by a ten-module training
                                                                  course consisting of a series of PowerPoint
                                                                  presentation charts. This also includes case
                                                                  studies that will be helpful to University lecturers
                                                                  and those responsible for training new graduates
                                                                  entering the market research industry, on either
                                                                  the client or agency side

           © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Ten Key Customer Insights:
                                           Unlocking the Mind of the Market
                                                  CUSTOMER INSIGHT will allow business
                                                  professionals to develop effective marketing strategies
                                                  and tactics, by gaining deeper insights into the
                                                  perceptions, needs, motivations and preferences of
                                                  their target customers.
                                                  Companies that implement these strategies and tactics
                                                  can expect to attract and retain more customers, grow
                                                  their share of market, increase the productivity of their
                                                  marketing efforts, and increase their profitability.
                                                  Robert Schieffer has 30 years of experience in
                                                  Marketing Research Management positions in leading
                                                  corporations, in both the Consumer Packaged Goods
                                                  industry as well as the Healthcare industry. Deep
                                                  experience was gained in both B to C and B to B
                                                  During those 30 years, including the Kellogg School of
                                                  Management at Northwestern University. This overlap
                                                  between academia and industry has helped the author
                                                  stay current on marketing concepts and tools, as well
                                                  as to test the power of these concepts and tools in the
                                                  business world.
                                                  This exposure to both the business world and to the
                                                  academic world has provided the author with the
                                                  unique perspective and applying this work in industry to
                                                  help companies like Adolph Coors and Abbott
                                                  Laboratories succeed.

© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Branding Emocional: El nuevo paradigma para
                                  conectar las marcas emocionalmente con las

                                              quot;Desde la perspectiva del branding
                                              emocional, el diseño debe responder a
                                              las necesidades emocionales de la
                                              gente y a su deseo de placer sensorial.
                                              Esta labor requiere pasión, honestidad
                                              y sobre todo una voluntad de mejorar
                                              el mundo en el que vivimos. - ¿Le
                                              suena como algo utópico y radical? -
                                              Pues pregunte a las personas en la
                                              calle, a la gente de todos los dias.quot;
                                              quot;Aquel que quiera vender desde el
                                              miedo, fracasará.quot;

© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Lovemarks: The Future
                                                                             Beyond Brands
                                                                           Roberts, the New York-based CEO
                                                                           Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, believes
                                                                           that his Love brand will change
                                                                           businesses, and this boldly designed
                                                                           volume showcases his argument that
                                                                           through Love, business will connect
                                                                           more deeply with consumers.
                                                                           quot;I was born an optimist,quot; Roberts begins.
                                                                           quot;I always looked for opportunities where
                                                                           others faced up to threats or
                                                                           weaknesses. I believed if you were going
                                                                           through hell the only option was to keep
                                                                           going!quot; And that sentiment runs
                                                                           throughout his book.
                                                                           In Lovemarks, Kevin Roberts delves
                                                                           deep into what mysteries lie behind the
                                                                           long-term success and unwavering
                                                                           customer loyalty for a can of Coke or a
                                                                           pair of Levi's, ultimately concluding that
                                                                           Love is the answer, and without some
                                                                           emotional connection to a product, it will
                                                                           dry up like a generic raisin in the sun.

              © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Publicidad Emocional:
                                               Estrategias Creativas

                                                                                              Un Libro que recoge los
                                                                                              conceptos de insights
                                                                                              del consumidor y valor
                                                                                              simbólico del producto.
                                                                                              Concibe los insights
                                                                                              como apelaciones
                                                                                              Disponible para lectura
                                                                                              en Google Books!
               © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Qualitative Market Research:
                                                         A comprehensive guide
                                                           Excelente texto sobre el tema, muy exhaustivo,
                                                           que incluye:
                                                           Fundamentos filosóficos de la investigación
                                                           cualitativa (Max Weber, George Simmel, el
                                                           interaccionismo simbólico, la femenología, etc).
                                                           Un capítulo detallado sobre las Aplicaciones
                                                           Frecuentes de la Investigación Cualitativa
                                                           (familiarización con el consumidor, generación de
                                                           ideas, positioning & branding studies, naming &
                                                           packaging evaluations, advertising copy, attitude
                                                           & usage studies, satisfaction studies, etc)
                                                           Análisis detallado de técnicas de investigación
                                                           cualitativa (Life Story, Content or Text Analysis,
                                                           Ethnographic & observational research, creativity
                                                           sessions, dyads & triads, etc)
                                                           Análisis detallado de las técnicas proyectivas
                                                           (imaginative & creative exercises, incomplete
                                                           stimuli, sorting & ranking exercises, stimulating
                                                           the senses, mapping exercises, laddering &
                                                           benefit chains, idea development techniques)
                                                           Un imperdible!!

© MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Ethnography for Marketers: A
                                                                  Guide to Consumer Immersion
                                                                        quot;Ethnography for Marketers: A Guide to
                                                                        Consumer Immersion provides a good primer
                                                                        for market researchers wishing to engage in
                                                                        ethnographic fieldwork.
                                                                        It offers useful background and practical
                                                                        guidance on conducting ethnographic
                                                                        fieldwork in an easy-to-read and enjoyable
                                                                        He [Hy Mariampolski] is at his best when
                                                                        describing how to design and carry out
                                                                        ethnographic projects. The stories he tells
                                                                        from his own market research practice make
                                                                        the text a rich learning experience for
                                                                        Ethnography for Marketers: A Guide to
                                                                        Consumer Immersion is a welcome addition to
                                                                        qualitative market research bookshelves from
                                                                        a guru with a wealth of professional

             © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Cristina Quiñones D.
Master en Administración Estratégica de Empresas. CENTRUM School of Business,
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Master of Business Administration in General and Strategic Management , Maastricht
School of Management, The Netherlands.
Licenciada en Psicología Social, con especialización en Psicología del Consumo.
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Especialista en Ciencias Publicitarias, Instituto Peruano de Publicidad.
Consumer Insights Manager Perú y Western Andean Region (Perú, Ecuador y
Colombia) en KRAFT FOODS (2005-2007) a cargo de las categorías de refrescos,
postres, chocolates y galletas.
Directora de Proyectos Senior de Arellano Investigación de Marketing (1999-2005), a
cargo de clientes como 3M, Pepsico, Alicorp, Maquinarias, AVON, Megaplaza, etc.
Analista de Investigación de Investigadores y Consultores en Mercadeo ICOM (I996-
1998) y Asistente de Investigación en SAMIMP (1995-1996).
Profesora del Programa de Especialización para Ejecutivos (PEE) en Consumer
Insights y el lanzamiento de nuevos productos, del PADE de Marketing y de la Maestría
de Marketing. Universidad ESAN (Lima-Perú).
Profesora del curso de Psicología del Consumo y Psicología de la Comunicación Social
en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Psicología (Lima-Perú).
Autora del blog en psicología del consumo:

        © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
Consumer Insights – Desnudando la mente del consumidor
                       MBA Cristina Quiñones
               Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher
                          Calle Madrid 455 Dpt 302 Miraflores
                                     Lima 18 – Perú
                                  Phone (511) 447-2916
                              Cell Phone (511) 9-9346-5242

   © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /

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Cracking the Workplace Discipline Code Main.pptxCracking the Workplace Discipline Code Main.pptx
Cracking the Workplace Discipline Code Main.pptx

Consumer Insights: Libros clave en la identificación de insights del consumidor

  • 1. Libros de Consumer Insights Consumer Insights – Desnudando la mente del consumidor © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 2. Consumer Insights: Specialized Textbooks Lisa Fortini Campbell - Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire Better Marketing and Advertising Dona Vitale – Consumer Insights 2.0 How Smarter Companies Apply Customer Knowledge Merlin Stone, Alison Bond & Bryan Foss - Consumer Insight: How to Use Data and Market Research to Get Closer to Your Customer Gerald Zaltman - How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market Gerald Zaltman y Lindsay Zaltman- Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions This is my Victor Gil y Felipe Romero – Crossumer: Claves para entender el consumidor español de la nueva generación preferred booklist. Clotaire Rapaille - The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Hope you Why People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do Martin Lindstrom - Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy enjoy it! Belén López Vásquez - Publicidad Emocional: Estrategias Creativas © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 3. Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire Better Marketing and Advertising Lisa Fortini-Campbell’s career has been focused on helping students and executives bring the customer to the center of their marketing and product development work. After receiving her Ph.D. in 1980, she worked in the advertising industry until 1991, in positions in market research, Account Planning, new business development, client management and finally as General Manager of the Chicago office of Hal Riney and Partners, a San Francisco-based advertising agency. In 2004, she accepted a position as Adjunct Professor of Management at the Kellogg School of Management where she continues her executive teaching work for the university’s open-enrollment programs in Integrated Marketing Communications, Consumer Insight Tools and Branding, and programs customized for companies in a wide variety of industries. She opened her consulting practice, The Fortini- Campbell Company, to conduct customer insight and experience research for companies around the world Fuente: Kellogg School of Management/ © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 4. Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire Better Marketing and Advertising Lisa Fortini-Campbell provides insights on how to make sure that your marketing and advertising efforts are truly consumer driven. The author contends the quot;Sweet Spotquot; is hit when there's the right combination of consumer insight and brand insight. Her main focus is that marketing professionals need to see the world through their customers' eyes. Although quantitative information is essential, this book stresses the importance of putting qualitative research about the consumer at the center of our thought process. To support her position and make it understandable, Fortini-Campbell outlines 12 principles of consumer insight, and, throughout her book, she gives specific case histories from well-known marketing campaigns. Fuente: Park & Company Advertising / © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 5. Consumer Insights 2.0 How Smarter Companies Apply Customer Knowledge Dona Vitale explains the role of consumer insights departments and their leaders, and how they contribute to customer knowledge that goes far beyond market research to help set strategy and develop new business opportunities. An excellent case study from Dunkin' Donuts shows how this approach works in practice. Vitale outlines character traits of the most effective consumer insights specialists, techniques that help develop the insights, and presentation tips to help your whole company get on board with new ideas. Fuente: Google Books © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 6. Consumer Insight: How to Use Data and Market Research to Get Closer to Your Customer Consumer Insight provides market researchers with knowledge of database marketing and CRM techniques. It explains what database marketing is and covers the classic areas that marketers tend to focus on, such as: knowing who your customers are, what they do, where they are, what they buy and what they would like to buy. It explores the psychological areas too - what customers think and feel, what their objectives and strategies are and how these influence how they behave. The title also explains how to manage this process, and how companies gain insight into their customers by managing and using their customer data correctly. Journal of Marketing Research quot;A significant new book focused on what to do with data and marketing research to extract optimal intelligence”. Graham Webb, Senior Programmes Manager, Marketing, Sales & Retail, Park Lane College, UK quot;A wonderful tool for those working to make the most of their customer data, this book could prove to be essential in the competitive world of consumer retention.quot; Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 7. How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market Despite the time and money spent on market research through focus groups and questionnaires, 60 to 80 percent of all new products and services fail. Why do consumers often say one thing to marketers, yet do something entirely different in the market? Industry innovator Gerald Zaltman argues that the answer lies in how the mind works. When it comes to buying, 95 percent of the decision-making process takes place in the subconscious, yet traditional marketing methods barely scratch the surface of thought. In this book, Zaltman introduces a fresh way of thinking and an unusual set of tools for digging deeper into what he calls quot;the mind of the marketquot; -- that complex interplay between the consumer's and the marketer's thinking that determines the commercial fate of anything new. Building on research from neurology, sociology, biology, and others, Zaltman reveals how people really create meaning. Through eye-popping examples, he illustrates how leading companies are transforming these new insights into products and services with unprecedented value to customers Fuente: Google Books © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 8. Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers Drawing on thousands of one-on-one interviews in more than thirty countries, Gerald Zaltman and Lindsay Zaltman describe how some of the world's most successful companies as well as small firms, not-for-profits, and social enterprises have successfully leveraged deep metaphors to solve a wide variety of marketing problems. With the profound advances in psychology and neuroscience over the past two decades, I'm convinced that now is the time for practitioners to rewrite the 'principles of marketing.' Marketing Metaphoria transforms insights from the authors' research into a rich framework that will help you think more deeply about your consumers and develop more innovative ideas for action Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 9. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions Irrational behavior is a part of human nature, but as MIT professor Ariely has discovered in 20 years of researching behavioral economics, people tend to behave irrationally in a predictable fashion. Drawing on psychology and economics, behavioral economics can show us why cautious people make poor decisions about sex when aroused, why patients get greater relief from a more expensive drug over its cheaper counterpart and why honest people may steal office supplies or communal food, but not money. According to Ariely, our understanding of economics, now based on the assumption of a rational subject, should, in fact, be based on our systematic, unsurprising irrationality. Ariely argues that greater understanding of previously ignored or misunderstood forces (emotions, relativity and social norms) that influence our economic behavior brings a variety of opportunities for reexamining individual motivation and consumer choice, as well as economic and educational policy. Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 10. Crossumer - Claves para entender el consumidor de la nueva generación El texto se estructura en tres bloques diferenciados. El primero de ellos, “Crossumer, (cómo es)”, nos define a este nuevo consumidor. El término crossumer, acuñado por los autores, es un acrónimo formado por la fusión original de las palabras en inglés cross (cruzar) y consumer (consumidor), con el que se pretende enfatizar el carácter activo de este nuevo consumidor, que cruza la línea que separa al consumidor del productor. El segundo bloque “Coolhunting 2.0 (cómo será)” tiene un especial interés práctico para el profesional de la investigación de mercados. El crossumer utiliza de manera intensiva Internet, -con Google y la web participativa (o Web 2.0) al frente-, para contrastar información y comunicarse. El tercer y último bloque se titula “Crowdsourcing (aprovechar el rol activo)”. Crowdsourcing se refiere al uso de las multitudes (crowd) como fuente (sourcing) productiva, basada en principios de autoorganización (Wikipedia, -definiciones-, Youtube –videos-, Flickr-fotos-). Fuente: Netquest Blog / Puede ver el artículo completo en: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 11. The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do Marketing consultant and psychoanalyst Rapaille takes a truism—different cultures are, well, different—and expands it by explaining how a nation's history and cultural myths are psychological templates to which its citizens respond unconsciously. Rapaille intends his theory of culture codes to help us understand quot;why people do what they do,quot; but the quot;fundamental archetypesquot; he offers are just trumped- up stereotypes. Rapaille's successful consulting career is evidence that he's more convincing in the boardroom than he is on the page. Amid the overheated prose and dubious factoids, it's easy to overlook the book's scattered marketing proposals and employee-management tips. Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 12. Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy How much do we know about why we buy? What truly influences our decisions in today’s message- cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Or do our buying decisions take place below the surface, so deep within our subconscious minds, we’re barely aware of them? In BUYOLOGY, Lindstrom presents the astonishing findings from his three-year neuromarketing study, a cutting-edge experiment that peered inside the brains of 2,000 volunteers from all around the world as they encountered various ads, logos, commercials, brands, and products. His startling results shatter much of what we have long believed about what seduces our interest and drives us to buy. Filled with entertaining inside stories about how we respond to such well-known brands as Marlboro, Nokia, Calvin Klein, Ford, and American Idol, BUYOLOGY is a fascinating and shocking journey into the mind of today’s consumer. Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 13. The Art & Science of Interpreting Market Research Evidence This book provides the following 10-step guide to the art and science of interpreting qualitative and quantitative market research evidence and successfully applies this to business decision- making. 1. Analyzing the right problem 2. Understanding the big information picture 3. Compensating for imperfect data 4. Developing an effective analysis strategy 5. Establishing the interpretation boundary 6. Applying the 'knowledge filters’ 7. 'Re-framing' the data 8. Presenting the research evidence as a narrative 9. Facilitating informed decision-making 10. Learning from successful practice This book is supported by a ten-module training course consisting of a series of PowerPoint presentation charts. This also includes case studies that will be helpful to University lecturers and those responsible for training new graduates entering the market research industry, on either the client or agency side Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 14. Ten Key Customer Insights: Unlocking the Mind of the Market CUSTOMER INSIGHT will allow business professionals to develop effective marketing strategies and tactics, by gaining deeper insights into the perceptions, needs, motivations and preferences of their target customers. Companies that implement these strategies and tactics can expect to attract and retain more customers, grow their share of market, increase the productivity of their marketing efforts, and increase their profitability. Robert Schieffer has 30 years of experience in Marketing Research Management positions in leading corporations, in both the Consumer Packaged Goods industry as well as the Healthcare industry. Deep experience was gained in both B to C and B to B Marketing. During those 30 years, including the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This overlap between academia and industry has helped the author stay current on marketing concepts and tools, as well as to test the power of these concepts and tools in the business world. This exposure to both the business world and to the academic world has provided the author with the unique perspective and applying this work in industry to help companies like Adolph Coors and Abbott Laboratories succeed. © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 15. Branding Emocional: El nuevo paradigma para conectar las marcas emocionalmente con las personas quot;Desde la perspectiva del branding emocional, el diseño debe responder a las necesidades emocionales de la gente y a su deseo de placer sensorial. Esta labor requiere pasión, honestidad y sobre todo una voluntad de mejorar el mundo en el que vivimos. - ¿Le suena como algo utópico y radical? - Pues pregunte a las personas en la calle, a la gente de todos los dias.quot; quot;Aquel que quiera vender desde el miedo, fracasará.quot; Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 16. Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands Roberts, the New York-based CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, believes that his Love brand will change businesses, and this boldly designed volume showcases his argument that through Love, business will connect more deeply with consumers. quot;I was born an optimist,quot; Roberts begins. quot;I always looked for opportunities where others faced up to threats or weaknesses. I believed if you were going through hell the only option was to keep going!quot; And that sentiment runs throughout his book. In Lovemarks, Kevin Roberts delves deep into what mysteries lie behind the long-term success and unwavering customer loyalty for a can of Coke or a pair of Levi's, ultimately concluding that Love is the answer, and without some emotional connection to a product, it will dry up like a generic raisin in the sun. © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 17. Publicidad Emocional: Estrategias Creativas Un Libro que recoge los conceptos de insights del consumidor y valor simbólico del producto. Concibe los insights como apelaciones emocionales. Disponible para lectura en Google Books! 2%80%9D&source=web&ots=AkPsQ5vpOX&sig=c9Kxu-6rjekeFyyeEqBekyFsG3s&hl=es&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=6&ct=result#PPP1,M1 © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 18. Qualitative Market Research: A comprehensive guide Excelente texto sobre el tema, muy exhaustivo, que incluye: Fundamentos filosóficos de la investigación cualitativa (Max Weber, George Simmel, el interaccionismo simbólico, la femenología, etc). Un capítulo detallado sobre las Aplicaciones Frecuentes de la Investigación Cualitativa (familiarización con el consumidor, generación de ideas, positioning & branding studies, naming & packaging evaluations, advertising copy, attitude & usage studies, satisfaction studies, etc) Análisis detallado de técnicas de investigación cualitativa (Life Story, Content or Text Analysis, Ethnographic & observational research, creativity sessions, dyads & triads, etc) Análisis detallado de las técnicas proyectivas (imaginative & creative exercises, incomplete stimuli, sorting & ranking exercises, stimulating the senses, mapping exercises, laddering & benefit chains, idea development techniques) Un imperdible!! © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 19. Ethnography for Marketers: A Guide to Consumer Immersion quot;Ethnography for Marketers: A Guide to Consumer Immersion provides a good primer for market researchers wishing to engage in ethnographic fieldwork. It offers useful background and practical guidance on conducting ethnographic fieldwork in an easy-to-read and enjoyable style... He [Hy Mariampolski] is at his best when describing how to design and carry out ethnographic projects. The stories he tells from his own market research practice make the text a rich learning experience for readers... Ethnography for Marketers: A Guide to Consumer Immersion is a welcome addition to qualitative market research bookshelves from a guru with a wealth of professional experience.quot; Fuente: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 20. Cristina Quiñones D. Master en Administración Estratégica de Empresas. CENTRUM School of Business, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Master of Business Administration in General and Strategic Management , Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands. Licenciada en Psicología Social, con especialización en Psicología del Consumo. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Especialista en Ciencias Publicitarias, Instituto Peruano de Publicidad. Consumer Insights Manager Perú y Western Andean Region (Perú, Ecuador y Colombia) en KRAFT FOODS (2005-2007) a cargo de las categorías de refrescos, postres, chocolates y galletas. Directora de Proyectos Senior de Arellano Investigación de Marketing (1999-2005), a cargo de clientes como 3M, Pepsico, Alicorp, Maquinarias, AVON, Megaplaza, etc. Analista de Investigación de Investigadores y Consultores en Mercadeo ICOM (I996- 1998) y Asistente de Investigación en SAMIMP (1995-1996). Profesora del Programa de Especialización para Ejecutivos (PEE) en Consumer Insights y el lanzamiento de nuevos productos, del PADE de Marketing y de la Maestría de Marketing. Universidad ESAN (Lima-Perú). Profesora del curso de Psicología del Consumo y Psicología de la Comunicación Social en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Psicología (Lima-Perú). Autora del blog en psicología del consumo: © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /
  • 21. Consumer Insights – Desnudando la mente del consumidor MBA Cristina Quiñones Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher Calle Madrid 455 Dpt 302 Miraflores Lima 18 – Perú Phone (511) 447-2916 Cell Phone (511) 9-9346-5242 © MBA Cristina Quiñones – Consumer Insights Consultant & Researcher /