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Submission date: 28th April 2015
Kim Harley L00048519
Sinead Black L00098809
Aaron Gillespie L00099580
Sharon Campbell L00045717
Sinead Black
Wedding Singer
Applied Marketing Assignment
Lecturer: Paul McGukin
Tableof Contents
Situation Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 3
Strategy........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Publics of Sinead Black Wedding Singer....................................................................................................... 4
Target Markets:......................................................................................................................................... 4
Key Publics:............................................................................................................................................... 4
Market Research.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Survey Results........................................................................................................................................... 6
Competitor Analysis................................................................................................................................... 7
Marketing mix.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Product ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Price.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Place ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Promotion................................................................................................................................................. 8
Physical environment................................................................................................................................10
Goals and objectives...................................................................................................................................11
Action Plan 1 ............................................................................................................................................13
Action plan 2 ............................................................................................................................................15
Action plan 3 ............................................................................................................................................17
Appendices .................................................................................................................................................21
SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................................................21
PEST Analysis............................................................................................................................................22
Diagram of time-frame proposed..............................................................................................................22
Market research........................................................................................................................................23
Sinead Black Wedding Singer Survey.........................................................................................................25
Example of how social media can be filtered to reach target market ..........................................................26
Detailed budget.........................................................................................................................................27
Event 1..................................................................................................................................................27
Event 2..................................................................................................................................................28
Event 3..................................................................................................................................................29
Budget Summary...................................................................................................................................30
We were assigned as a group to develop a marketing plan on a business of our choice. As a group we
chose Sinead Black Wedding Singer. Outlined below is a marketing strategyand a detailed plan in order
to achieve it.
Situation Analysis
In the past year there has been an increase in couples getting married. The most recent census of
Ireland survey results show that there has been a 550% rise in people getting re-married. Another
survey carried out by suggests that the engagement period is getting shorter as couples
only take between 13-18 months to get married following their engagement. Wedding budgets have
been cut, however the average spending on church music in Ireland is still high costing on average
around €415. Sinead Black is a wedding singer from Donegal. She is well known locally as a country
singer with a loyal fan base around Donegal and has recently branched into the wedding industry.
Sinead is however missing out on potential business due to the public’s perception of her as a country
Sinead is currently at a disadvantage as she is finishing a degree in LYIT therefore her time is restricted
due to her college commitments. Sinead completes her course in May of this year and can apply her
skills and knowledge acquired from college to her business in the year 2016. Sinead is also at a
disadvantage as she has limited funds. The aim is to re-brand her as a wedding singer and publicly
portray that Sinead’s music is both suitable and of a professional standard for future client’s wedding
ceremonies whilst sticking to a budget.
A PEST and SWOT analysis was carried out on Sinead Black’s business giving a clear concept of where
she is today and her potential for the future. Carrying out these exercises has highlighted the factors
that may affect Sinead’s business in both the competitive and macro environment. There has been a
slight increase in wedding performers within the North West area, though none are at a professional
level and each have a unique selling point different to Sinead’s which is later discussed in the
competitor analysis. It was discovered that Sinead has many strengths such as her educated background
in music, her small following locally, her ability to adapt to any requests and her confidence. However,
Sinead has weaknesses which will need to be addressed such as financial limitations, incorrect
perception of her musical versatility, and others which are highlighted alongside her opportunities and
threats in the SWOT and PEST analysis that is included in the appendix.
Our team will develop a Marketingstrategy by undertaking a complete name and identification change
and will reinforce the branding of this company. These objectives will enhance the company’s
awareness and also increase bookings annually for Sinead Black Wedding Singer. Using all possible
aspects from the re-launch of this company will produce positive results on the business such as, gaining
Sinead Black a strong position within the market and assist her to become the first market leader inthis
industry within the North West region.
The Marketingteam propose to begin implementing these strategies beginning in the year 2016. From
previous experience, a two week lead up to the re-launch is appropriate to include in the time-frame. It
allows extra planning and research before applying any of the changes stated above. The re-launch itself
will begin in mid-January and conclude in mid-May. This time-frame will also include a two week period
after the re-launch to improve any elements and new techniques, but also to evaluate the success of the
launch. The time-frame can be seen in the appendix.
Publics of Sinead Black Wedding Singer
Having identified Sinead’s key publics we have segmented the market and selected a target market. The
team also became aware of external publics and intend to develop Sinead’s business relationships with
Target Markets:
• Female
• Newly engaged couples
• Couples aged between 20-50 years of age
• Located within the North West region
Key Publics:
• Priests, Vicars, Registrars
• Entertainment/Event Managers/Wedding co–coordinators
• Local Media
• Businesses relating to the wedding industry
Market Research
The group carried out casual, secondary and primary research which provided conclusions that indicate
Sinead is not well known as a wedding singer and that there is a niche in the market for a professional
wedding singer service. Following our research, no professional wedding singer that matches Sinead’s
criteria could be sourced within Donegal and the surrounding counties. From the research undertaken
the group have learned that there is an opportunity for Sinead to expand into potential new markets
such as civil ceremonies, wedding receptions and civil partnerships.
The Market Research methods that were carried out on behalf of Sinead Black were firstly casual
research, talking to previous clients, peers and people involved in the industry. This research gave an
idea of what people already know about the client and outlined their perception of Sinead Black.
Secondary research looked at information on websites. An online survey was carried out by
They surveyed 2,276 brides and grooms and the results show that:
 Over 20% of couples surveyed spend 4 to 7 hours on wedding websites including social media.
 Between one in four couples do not get married in a church.
 62% of couples used a hotel for their wedding reception.
 30% of couples got engaged in December.
From the above research we know that:
 Social medial is a successful tool and is an inexpensive way to reach Sinead Black’s target market.
 1 in 4 couples are availing of civil ceremonies; Sinead needs to enter this market by providing a
service which facilitates this change in society.
 With a high percentage of 62% couples choosing a hotel for their venue, moving forward Sinead
should include her services in hotels packages and offer a percentage of each sale to the hotel.
This will be good publicity and increase Sinead’s bookings.
 January is a good month to start the campaign as the couples will be starting to plan their
wedding after the Christmas engagement ( 2015). We have included information on this
survey in the appendixes.
The primary research was gathered by the marketing team, surveying women between the ages of 20-
50 and collected from different geographical locations throughout Co. Donegal. The findings are as
Question 1: Are you from the Northwest?
Out of 100 women surveyed 94% were from the North West of Ireland.
Question 2: Are you aware of Sinead Black as a wedding singer?
Out of 100 couples surveyed 7% were aware of Sinead Black Wedding Singer.
Question 3: Can you suggest another professional wedding singer?
Out of 100 couples surveyed 22% knew of another professional wedding singer.
Question 4: How much would you be willing to pay for a professional wedding singer?
Out of 100 couples surveyed:
 72% said they would be willing to pay €150 to €200
 25% said they would be willing to pay €100 to €150
 3% said they would be willing to pay €50 to €100
Question 5: In your opinion what is the most common age that people are getting married today?
Out of 100 couples surveyed:
 14% said 18 to 24 years of age was the most common
 74% said 25 to 34 years of age was the most common
 11% said 35 to 44 years of age was the most common
 1% said 44+ years of age was the most common
Question 6: How would you source a wedding singer?
Out of 100 couples surveyed:
 45% searched online
 12% sourced a singer at a wedding Fair
 10% sourced through a wedding planner
 28% used personal recommendations from friends
 5% used other sources.
Competitor Analysis
As part of the market research a competitor analysis examining all possible competitors within
the current market was completed. From the findings, many local competitors, such as; Deirdre
McLaughlin, Maria McCormack and Donna Taggart were discovered and researched by the
marketing team. Each opposition had their own individual style and selling point.
Deirdre McLaughlin has a haunting voice, Maria McCormack plays guitar and delivers a husky
style during her vocal performance, and finally Donna Taggart would be the most similar to
Sinead Black providing a sweeter toned voice. However, Donna has a limited repertoire of songs
and does not accept requests and is located in Omagh. Sinead provides a large repertoire of
songs for all clients. She accepts any requests that are within reason of the rules of the venues
such as churches.
Marketing mix
Sinead’s marketing mix is comprised of the following components; product, price, place and promotion.
A further analysis on the services marketing mix has identified three additional components; people,
physical environment and process. The findings will help the marketing team create tactical action steps
and adjust the strategy whilst taking into account changes in the marketing environment.
Sinead’s business falls within the service industry therefore making her products mainly intangible.
However small elements of tangible products are offered by the business, for example CD’s and
merchandise. Sinead Black is a young aspiring wedding singer, offering her unique voice to enhance the
atmosphere on your special day. You can select your wedding day music from her large repertoire of
songs. Sinead can also accommodate individual requests or learn new material, which may be distinctive
to you and will give special guidance on all aspects of music planning prior to your wedding ceremony.
These core dimensions of the service are meeting the core needs of the buyer. As outlined above, an
augmented level of service is offered through her outstanding customer service. Sinead’s unique selling
point of offering an accommodating and supportive service to all clients indicates a growth in her
potential product level. Sinead’s service can be classified as speciality goods or services. Sinead’s service
has unique characteristics. This is a non-recurring service type therefore allows the business to charge
premium pricing at a competitive rate.
As outlined in our primary and secondary research, we now know that couples spend €415 on average
for their wedding ceremony music in Ireland. Our survey proves that couples are willing to pay €150-
€200 in the North West region. However as a marketing team we have come to a conclusion that these
results may not be accurate. When completing surveys, surveyors generally choose the middle price as
they don’t want to appear cheap selecting the lower price and they don’t want to pay the highest price
offered. As this service is of a seasonal nature, the marketing team have suggested following the terms
of premium pricing. This high pricing will reflect the quality of the service and the exclusiveness offered
to the consumer. Sinead’s service also offers special event pricing. This is mainly offered at wedding
fayres and on social media websites and again is link to promotion. Sinead’s price is measured mainly by
cost plus pricing. Travelling is the main cost associated with the service and is greatly considered when
implementing the final cost. We also suggest that Sinead Black Wedding Singer has the potential to
introduce bundle pricing e.g. create a package to sing at both the wedding ceremony and at the drinks
The main marketing channel within Sinead Black’s business is the internet. Sinead uses social media
websites to sell directly to consumers. The current advancements in technology have allowed Sinead to
create a Face-book like page and select her exact target market when promoting certain posts, photos
etc. An example of this is included in the appendices. This social media platform facilitates the flow of
information about the services and products offered. This channel also gives potential buyers an
opportunity to ask for advice in relation to the service. Another appropriate location is wedding fayres
particularly within the North West region. These fairs give the business an opportunity to physically
demonstrate the service which they offer, and they also allow Sinead to develop her relationship with
potential clients. In relation to cost social media is a free successful way to position Sinead in the
market. Using social media to promote and advertise,reduces costs enabling Sinead to use other
advertising means such as participating at wedding fares. Sinead has developed her own distribution
system in the business. There is no middle-man involved therefore she has full control of all distribution
channels and costs. The aim as a marketing team is to enter Sinead into new markets and distribution
channels, establishing a professional position within the market and then evaluating the effectiveness of
all channels involved.
There are several promotional options available to Sinead’s business.
In the market plan, all print media excluding a Press Release was eliminated. Instead the marketing
team used all aspects of Social Media to advertise & promote Sinead’s new branding & re-identification
change. This choice was supported by our market research which proved that social media was the most
popular choice used by Sinead’s target market. It also creates a green image for the business. Whilst
using a cost free method of advertising.
Personal selling
Personal selling is an opportunity to interact and build a rapport with potential customers. Sinead’s main
personal selling method is attending wedding fayres. They allow her to educate potential customers and
answer any questions they may have. This interpersonal communication increases the potential of
bookings. This technique is also used on all Sinead’s social media platforms allowing interaction with the
target market on a personal level.
Sales and promotion
Promotional campaigns must be planned correctly otherwise they could be unsuccessful and too costly
for the business. From previous experience the marketing team know that the methods of distribution
used, value and timing of discount offers is crucial. The team suggest that Sinead introduces instant
point-of-purchase discounts when attending wedding fayres and other promotional venues. These
discounts produce a higher redemption rate and are a successful way to confirm bookings and increase
Public Relations
This final element of promotion involves a variety of aspects. The two main tactics which have been
planned for Sinead’s campaign are a public relation charity event to launch Sinead’s new single and a
press release in connection with the event. As the event is charitable, it meets the media regulations
and is therefore newsworthy and will also save the journalist time looking for articles to include in their
paper. The press release will be published before the event and therefore will act as an advertisement
for the event. Small elements of Public Relations are also planned within Sinead black’s online tactics.
The Marketing team plan to design and promote an online brochure and a business card for Sinead’s
business which will be accessible to everyone online especially her target market. It is crucial that Sinead
keeps professional contact with all her key publics. The online brochure will be emailed to each hotel co-
ordinator within the North-west. This is a great way of building business relationships and promoting
bookings. The marketing team advise that after this campaign, Sinead uses all sources of digital and
audio media from this campaign to create an advertisement. This advertisement could be promoted
online and introduced to other channels such as TV.
Sinead solely represents her business; therefore her reputation, personality and image are all factors
which influence consumers’ judgement on the service offered. This element of the service marketing
mix can be linked back to personal selling within promotion.People buy from people they like therefore
effective customer service is vital and how Sinead handles a customer can be the difference in retaining
or losing a potential booking. At present, customer service can be on the telephone, face to face or
using the internet. Sinead has the appropriate skills, attitude and service knowledge in order to deliver a
quality service. Resulting in customer satisfaction and increasing sales.
Physical environment
This element of the marketing mix relates to the image that Sinead portrays of herself to potential
consumers. By rebranding & completing this re-identification change Sinead is creating a fresh, young
yet professional look. This image reflects a high standard of quality and expectance of Sinead’s services.
This is further enhanced through all social media platforms and when present at wedding fayres
advertising the service. Ambience is a main feature within Sinead’s physical environment. The music
which she produces directly to potential consumers and also the colours and text used on brochures,
her business card and banners all have a positive effect on her sales. One disadvantage within Sinead’s
physical environment is the quality of her consultation room. The marketing team suggest that Sinead
improves the ambience within this room by introducing a bright fresh colour of paint, comfortable chairs
and offer refreshments on arrival. Combining these elements with her existing environment will
promote a professional quality of service.
Thiselementlooksatthe systemusedtodeliverSinead’sservice.The marketingteamhave evaluatedall
processeswithinSineadBlack’sbusiness.Asoutlinedinthe actionsplans,Sineadhastoconducta lotof recording
bothaudioand video.Thereforethe marketingteamwill findthe bestqualityof recordingavailable that
correspondswithSinead’sbudget.Thiswill advance the technological processandaddvalue andqualitytoher
service.Anotheressential processhighlightedinSinead’sbusinessisthe processof bookingherservice.
Thisprocesshas many stages;it beginsbycreatingawarenessof the service,followedbyacceptance of the
service.Thenaconsultationisheldand a bookingfee paymentis received.Thefinalstage involvesthe deliveryof
the service tothe customer.Each stage holdsthe same value toboththe customerand the businesstherefore it
isimportantto conveya highqualityof service throughouteachstage inordertoestablisha successful process
Goals and objectives
1. To increase awareness of the service provided by Sinead Black Wedding Singer and encourage bookings
within the North West of Ireland.
• Attend wedding fairs to create awareness and create networking opportunities
• Use various advertising opportunities such as online blogs, newspaper and radio
2. To launch an online platform promoting Sinead Black as an artist, allowing interaction with the public
leading to the potential of creating a loyal fan base
• Launching an online presence through social media
• Creating interactive content for subscribers to like, share and follow Sinead Black whilst also creating a
platform for high standard of performance delivered by Sinead Black
3. To obtain employment for Sinead Black as a wedding singer
• By increasing bookings annually from 3 ceremonies to 10 ceremonies
• Co-operating the business with wedding co-ordinators in order to increase employment opportunities
• Expand into new markets for further employment opportunities i.e. religious occasions
As a Marketing team, it has been discovered from previous clients that in order to successfully complete
a re-identification and re-launch of any business an action plan must be introduced. It allows the public
relations company to implement all tactics and stay within the time-frame given. An action plan also
gives the client a better understanding of what is being proposed. Below, there are threeaction plans
outlining a breakdown of the lead-up to and the planned events beginning in the year 2016. It also
highlights any obstacles which may occur and a solution to resolve them.
Action Plan 1
DevelopmentGoal:To increase awarenessof the service providedbySineadBlackWedding
Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions
January Discusstype of image that wouldsuit
the re-launchi.e.vintage theme,
plain,non – country theme andpastel
May be hard to remove countrylook
goodideato researchand have sample
January Decide ona date andvenue forthe
Financial limitationswilllimitvenue
January Booka photographer. Financial disadvantagelimitsthe
choice of a photographer–findbest
deal.Promote photographer(offering
thema promotional deal).
Discussclotheschoice andstylingthat
correspondswiththe agreedimage.
Limitedbudget,use existingsourcesof
Invite onlinebloggertophotoshoot
May be apprehensive –offer
Bookmake-upartist. Needtobe available locally,deliver
correct theme of makeup,expensive –
prepare a sample toprovide to
makeupartistand findthe bestpriced
January Complete photoshoot. Time,unorganisedhardtoknow what
youwant. Pre-planall shots,clothes,
how many shotsyouneedetc.create
strict timeframe.
January Prepare designof popupstand and
orderposterto be printed.
weddingfairs) -source areliable
Researchandevaluate all upcoming
weddingfairsandchoose whichto
Will limitnumberof fairsdue tocost
constraints,evaluate andrequestbest
price fromthe venue. Choose top4-5
Donegal whilststickingtoyourbudget.
AttendweddingfairatThe Silver
Tassie Hotel.
Hard to attract attentiondue tosimilar
competitors.Displayappropriate pop-
up stand,engage andinteractwith
Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions
January Discusspossible songchoicesforanew
single release.
Hard to findnew,unknownmaterial
Solution:Source a songwriterto
produce new material.
January Meetto reviewsongchoicesandselect
a song whichsuitsa weddingceremony
and that can be usedto reach the
may hinderthe deliverytothe right
target marketandcreate little
awareness.Seekprofessional advice
January AttendweddingfairatHarvey’sPoint
Competitionwill be presentandmay
Highlightunique sellingpointandoffer
January Seeksuitable musicianforrecordingof
Expense andavailabilitywillbe limited
due to budget.Use existingsources.
January Bookrecordingstudiotosuitall parties
Difficulttoco-ordinate all parties
January Bookhair and makeupstylist. If singerisnot lookingprofessional,a
the studiowill occur.Schedule suitable
time formakeupinadvance
January Bookphotographerforday of recording. May be expensive.Source bestvalue
for bestquality
February Complete all preparationinrelationto
the outline of instrumentsandvocals
the song.
time inthe studiotherefore will
increase cost.Meetwithmusicianand
practise song.
February Day of recordinginstudio. Problemsmayarise andtime maybe
wasted.Create atime frame for the
day andensure contingencyplanisin
Action plan 2
DevelopmentGoal: To launch an online platform promoting Sinead Black as an artist,
allowing interaction with the public leading to the potential of creating a loyal fan base.
Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions
Researchsocial mediaplatforms
choose the requiredone tosuitthis
Successful social mediawebsitesmay
be new to the client.Provide linksto
online tutorials.
Setup Face-booklike page asa
weddingartistandseta target of
followerstoreachby the endof
timeframe proposed.
Time consumingandwill notbe
information/visual.Prepare a
information beforehand.
Choose andeditphotoswithphoto
shopto uploadto Face-bookpage.
The wrong photomay portraywrong
companyvisiontopotential clients.
Listentoadvice and suggestionsfrom
fellow employeesandpublicrelations
Beginemail campaignaskingall
promote newface bookpage.
Email may be lookedatas spam mail
therefore state clearlythe subjectand
include aworkinglinktoFacebookthe
February Start an advertisementcampaignon
the SineadBlackFace-bookpage by
introducingalike andshare
capturingimagestoshare andprovide a
realisticyetexcitingprize forthe
February Designanonline brochure.Email the
brochure to all weddingcoordinators
ineach hotel withinthe NorthWest
or have time to include youintheir
for eachsale youreceive viatheir
Set-upanInstagramand Twitter
account to interactwithmore
May be difficultandtime consumingfor
the clienttokeepupto date withall
sites.Set-upaHootsuite account which
allowsthe usertouploada photoor
statusto all websitesatonce bylinking
Include all eventsonsocial media
and invite followerstoattend.
There may be a missedopportunityto
publicise event.Advertise all event
march Keepupto date withall messages
receivedfrompotential clientsonall
Time-consumingtask,if clientsdonot
receive aquickresponse theylose
interest.Setaside anhoureachday to
facilitate all requests
Action plan 3 DevelopmentGoal: To obtain employment for Sinead Black as a wedding
Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions
March Plana storyboardand theme forthe
May take some time toget ideasdown
on paperbut will save time andmoney
on the day.
March Decide ona date andlocationsfor
the videoshoot. Make quickvisitsto
locationschosenandnote anyideas
or problemsthatare visible.
Local knowledgeishelpful whenlooking
for the quickestroute possible toshoot
locations.Thisplanningwill save time
and money.Ensure tocheckthe
weatherforecastandhave a
March Call and price local videographers
and bookfor a day of filming.
Findthe bestdeal.Ensure theyare
willingtotravel andhave discussed
transportfor the day. Promote
March Discussclotheschoice andstyling
that correspondswiththe agreed
image.Contacthair andmakeup
stylistandbookfor the agreeddate.
Limitedbudget,use existingsourcesof
clothes.Ensure tocheckthe weather
forecastand dressaccordingly.Hairand
makeupare expensive,askfora
discountandofferto promote them
throughsocial mediaprovidingthem
withfree advertisement.
March Meetwithvideographertoeditand
choose scenesforthe video.
Verytime consumingsoagree tomeet
on a day that youcan assignyour time
to the task.
March Create You-Tube account. Thiswill enable youtouploadthe
finishedproducttopromote andgain
March Planthe event.Choose asuitable
venue alongwithartistsandspecial
gueststo playonthe night.
equippedvenue will attractbothguests
and bandsalike.
April Contact venuesandgetprices.Book
the bestoption.
Researchlocal eventsandchoose adate
that doesn’tcoincide withotherevents.
April Contact andbook artists. Needtobe available locallyandfind
bestpriced artist.May have optionto
letnew upcomingbandsplayfree of
charge whichwill promote them.
April Contact videographerandarrange to
previewthe videobeforefinalising
Thiswill allow foranychangesto be
made before payingforthe finished
April UploadvideotoYou-Tube,Face-
bookand Twitter.
Ensure to include relevantdetailssuch
as artistsname,songtitle,hashtags
and workinglinks,makingiteasierfor
the target marketto findandfollow
April Contact a local charityasking
theircharityand requesta
representative tobe presentonthe
Make sure the charity isregistered.
Ensure all relevantpaperworkis
available andcompletedbefore
advertisingthe eventcampaign.
April Designanonline posterforthe
charityeventandpost to all social
Ensure the correct informationis
included,highlightingthatitisa charity
eventandentryfee isdonationsonly.
April Contact the musicproducerto
prepare copiesof the single tobe
soldat the event.
Askfor the bestprice possible asa
percentage of the saleswill alsobe
donatedtothe chosencharity.
April Create eventonFace-bookand
invite followerstoattend
Ensure relevantinformationisdelivered
to attract the correct market.
April Prepare the pressrelease Get the pressrelease writtenup
ensuringall relevantinformationison
paperand proof read.Contact local
mediafora price on the pressrelease.
April Sendthe pressrelease tolocal paper
of choice.
Ensure to selecta newspaperthat
supportsthe purpose of plannedevent
locally.Thiswill reachcorrectaudience.
May Make courtesyphone call tothe
charityrepresentative,artists and
Importantconfirmationcall ensuring
everyone attendsonthe night.
May Call to venue andensure all
equipmentandfacilitatesare in
Thisis veryimportantasany
discrepancieswill be resolvedbefore
the night.
May Arrange to hire a van forthe night
priorto the event.
To collectall equipment,postersand
May Prepare a checklistand loadvan
Double checkthatall equipment
necessaryisplacedinthe van.
A budget of €3000 has been provided to complete this re-launch and identification change of Sinead
Black Wedding Singer. A detailed estimated budget break-down has been included in the appendix
which links back to all tactics and is segmented by each event. The main estimated costs include
recording both audio and video and completing photo shoots. The Marketing team have reduced the
estimated costs of promotion and advertisement due to the use of social media, planning a press
release and using Sinead’s student disadvantage to their advantage.
May Call to venue withvanandprepare
room forthe event.Complete afinal
Thiswill give acouple of hoursbefore
guestsarrive andmake sure everything
isin orderto avoidany setbacks.
May Holdcharity eventtonight. Planand delegate jobsforeachaspect
of the evente.g.cdsalesassistant,door
staff.Thiswill ensure all donationsare
May Evaluationconsultation. Clientandpublicrelationsteammeetto
evaluate andshare opinionsonall
tactics completed.
May Future progressionconsultation. Clientandpublicrelationsteammeetto
schedule meetingsforpotential clients,
weddingcoordinatorsandlocal media.
Potential eventswill alsobe discussed.
From completing Sinead’s situation analysis at the beginning of this report, it was clear to see that the
singer was relatively unknown in comparison to her rivals and Sinead’s key publics have the incorrect
perception of her services. One major disadvantage within this business is financial restrictions, and this
was one obstacle that was taken into consideration when creating a budget.
A time-scale for the marketing campaign was designed beginning in January 2016 and ending mid- May
A detailed outline of all proposed tactics was constructed by the marketing team and are based around
4 major stages:
 Completing a photoshoot to re-brand Sinead Black wedding singer
 Establishing an online presence via social media websites
 Releasing a single with a corresponding video for charity
 Organising a publicity charity event, completing a press release to publicise the event.
From previous clients, the group suggested that these four tactics are sufficient to promote all aspects
that are intended to complete this re-identification and re-imaging process within the time-scale given.
Goals will be reached if all action steps suggested are implemented. The marketing team have also
highlighted any obstacles and provided a solution to the client therefore the team are prepared for any
unforeseen eventualities that may occur.
SWOT Analysis
 Talented young singer with a unique voice
 Educated background and experience of the music industry
 Currently completing a business degree
 Can learn new material and adapt to all clients requests
 Has an understanding of all religious needs
 Connections in the music industry
 Home studio
 Cannot play the guitar
 Financial limitations
 Incorrect perception as a country singer rather than a wedding singer
 Not as much life experience
 Time limitations due to being a student
 Not producing fresh material often enough
 Ability to learn new instrument
 Availability of new markets due to central location
 Very versatile and can enter similar markets e.g. family events
 Create social media presence
 Use local services
 A new year provides an opportunity to produce a new single
 Seasonal work limits Sinead’s employment
 Competitors
 A niche market may not sustain full employment and may need to expand into other markets
PEST Analysis
 Same sex marriage referendum in May 2015 could expand Sinead’s target market
 Liable for taxes when registering Sinead Black as a business
 Adhering to all copyright laws
 General taxation issues
 Price conscious due to economic downturn
 Decrease in credit availability from banking institutions
 Limitations to access financial assistance due to occupation as a student
 Religious and lifestyle choices
 Aging community – Changes in ages of people getting married – both young and old.
 Religious authorities have a strong influence over business methods used
 Increase in use of social media
 Advancement in equipment for example PA system
 Easier methods of communication available through new technology
Diagram of time-frameproposed
Market research
Sinead Black Wedding Singer Survey
1. Are you fromthe Northwest?
 Yes
 No
2. Are you awareof Sinead Black as a wedding singer?
 Yes
 No
3. Can you suggestanother professionalwedding singer?
4. How much would you be willing to pay for a professionalwedding singer?
 €50 - €100
 €100 - €150
 €150 - €200
5. In your opinion whatis the most common age that people are getting married
 18- 24
 25-34
 35-44
 44+
6. How would you sourcea wedding singer?
 Online
 Wedding fair
 Wedding planner
 Personal recommendations
 Other ______________________________________________
Have you any other suggestions for improving this service?
Example of how social media can be filtered to reach target market
Detailed budget
Event 1
Event No 1 - Completing photshoot and attending Wedding Fayres
Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost
01/01/2016 Image perception consultation NE €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00
03/01/2016 Date and venue confirmation petrol to venue €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00
05/01/2016 Book a photographer phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17
05/01/2016 Book a photographer photographer cost €150.00 20 minutes €3.34 €153.34
08/01/2016 Clothes choice consultation NE €0.00 30 minutes €5.01 €5.01
09/01/2016 Invite online blogger to photoshoot by email NE €0.00 10 minutes €1.67 €1.67
09/01/2016 Book make up artist phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17
09/01/2016 Book make up artist cost of make up artist €25.00 10 minutes €1.67 €26.67
10/01/2016 complete photoshoot includes planning photoshoot €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00
11/01/2016 design and order pop upstand pop up stand cost €140.00 1 hour €10.00 €150.00
12/01/2016 Research and evaulate all wedding fayres internet cost and phone cost €7.50 1.30 hours €15.01 €22.51
17/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at the Silver Tassie Hotel petrol cost €10.00 0 €0.00 €10.00
17/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at the Silver Tassie Hotel stand expense €80.00 3 hours €30.00 €110.00
20/01/2016 Song choice consultation for new release internet costs and research €2.00 1 hour €10.00 €12.00
24/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at Harveys Point Hotel petrol cost €20.00 0 €0.00 €20.00
24/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at Harveys Point Hotel stand cost €120.00 3 hours €30.00 €150.00
25/01/2016 book suitable musician for single recording musican cost €50.00 20 minutes €3.34 €53.34
26/01/2016 book recording stuido studio day cost €300.00 10 minutes €1.67 €301.67
27/01/2016 book hair and makeup hair and makeup cost €50.00 5 minutes €0.84 €50.84
29/01/2016 book photogrpaher/videographer cost of photographer €120.00 10 minutes €1.60 €121.60
01/02/2016 complete all preparation for day for recording NE €0.00 1 hour €10.00 €10.00
08/02/2016 day of recording in studio NE €0.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €15.01
Public Relation time costs
Duration cost: Total costs €1,273.00
€10.00 per hour
€1.67 every 10 minutes
€0.167 per minute
*NE = No Expense
PR Time costs
Event 2
Event No 2- Establishing a social media presence
Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost
11/02/2016 Research social media platofrms and choose best suited Internet cost €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00
13/02/2016 Set up facebook like page Internet cost €3.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €18.01
16/02/2016 Choose and edit photos to upload to social media Editing costs €2.00 1 hour €10.00 €12.00
17/02/2016 Email campain to promote facebook page Internet cost €3.00 I hour €10.00 €13.00
20/02/0216 Begin advertising Campain on facebook Buy boosts for advertisment €2.00 30 minutes €5.01 €7.01
23/02/2016 Design an online brochure Design software €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00
25/02/2016 Email online brochure to all coordanatiors Internet cost €3.00 1 €10.00 €13.00
28/02/2016 Setup a twitter and instagram account Internet cost €3.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €18.01
29/02/2016 Include all events on social media websites Internet cost €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00
02/03/2016 keep up to date with all message received online from potential clientsRegular replies and updates €10.00 2 hours €20.00 €30.00
Public Relation time costs total costs €150.03
Duration cost:
€10.00 per hour
€1.67 every 10 minutes
€0.167 per minute
*NE = No Expense
PR Time costs
Event 3
Event No 3 - Completing Video and holding Public relations event
Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost
07/03/2016 Plan story board and theme for video shoot NE €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00
10/03/2016 Confirm location and visit each shoot location Travel costs €30.00 3 hours €30.00 €60.00
14/03/2016 Book videographer Phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17
14/03/2016 Book videographer videogropaher cost €200.00 20 minutes €3.34 €203.34
17/03/2016 Book hair and makeup Phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17
17/03/2016 Book hair and makeup hair and makeup cost €50.00 10 minutes €1.67 €51.67
25/03/2016 Editing meeting with videographer editing costs €100.00 30 minutes €5.01 €105.01
28/03/2016 Create you-tube account internet costs €3.00 20 minutes €3.34 €6.34
31/03/2016 Plan Pulic relations event research costs €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00
04/04/2016 conact venues and book best option phonecall costs €10.00 2 hours €20.00 €30.00
05/04/2016 contact and book artists sms costs €3.80 30 minutes €5.01 €8.81
07/04/2016 Final consultation with videogrpaher Travel cost to studio €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00
11/04/2016 upload video to all social media sites internet costs €3.00 20 minutes €3.34 €6.34
12/04/2016 Make contact with local charity phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17
13/04/2016 Design an online brochure Design cost €20.00 1 hour €10.00 €30.00
15/04/2016 contact music producer and order copies of new single phonecall cost €1.00 20 minutes €3.34 €4.34
15/04/2016 contact music producer and order copies of new single production and delivery costs €150.00 0 €0.00 €150.00
19/04/2016 create event on facebook and invite followers to attend internet costs €3.00 2 hours €20.00 €23.00
22/04/2016 prepare press release editing costs €15.00 2 hours €20.00 €35.00
28/04/2016 send press release to local paper email costs €1.00 20 minutes €3.34 €4.34
04/05/2016 confirmation phonecall to all parties involved in event phonecall costs €5.00 30 minutes €5.01 €10.01
07/05/2016 pre check venue and all its facilitates travel costs €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00
11/05/2016 Van hire for event research and phone call costs €4.00 10 minutes €1.67 €5.67
11/05/2016 Van hire for event rental cost €80.00 0 €0.00 €80.00
13/05/2016 prepare checklist and load gear into the van for event NE €0.00 1 hour €10.00 €10.00
14/05/2016 Hold charity event tonight venue and staff costs €200.00 3 hours €30.00 €230.00
15/05/2016 Evaluation consultation research and meeting costs €50.00 1.30 hours €15.05 €65.05
18/05/2016 future progession consultation resarch and meeting costs €50.00 2 hours €20.00 €70.00
Public Relation time costs
Duration cost:
€10.00 per hour Total costs €1,260.43
€1.67 every 10 minutes
€0.167 per minute
*NE = No Expense
PR Time costs
Budget Summary
Budget Summary
Public relation team's time costs
Event one €192.50
Event two €115.03
Event Three €265.13
Total €572.66
Event expenses (excluding PR costs)
Event one €1,080.50
Event two €35.00
Event Three €995.30
Total €2,110.80
Addiontal Expenses
Total Administration cost €45.00
Extra Internet costs €30.00
Completion of survey costs (including time) €60.00
Total budget given €3,000.00
Total of budget spend €2,818.46
Balance €181.54
Evaulation of Budget
As shown above the most expensive event is Event 1 which invloves setting up the business.
Establishing a social media presence can be created with a small fraction of the budget and
yet effective.Set aside a small amount of the budget to ensure all costs are covered at the
end e.g. Additional expenses. follow your budget strictly and be prepared to rearrange
tactics to suit your budget.

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  • 1. Submission date: 28th April 2015 Kim Harley L00048519 Sinead Black L00098809 Aaron Gillespie L00099580 Sharon Campbell L00045717 15 Sinead Black Wedding Singer Applied Marketing Assignment Lecturer: Paul McGukin
  • 2. 2 Tableof Contents Situation Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 3 Strategy........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Publics of Sinead Black Wedding Singer....................................................................................................... 4 Target Markets:......................................................................................................................................... 4 Key Publics:............................................................................................................................................... 4 Market Research.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Survey Results........................................................................................................................................... 6 Competitor Analysis................................................................................................................................... 7 Marketing mix.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Product ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Price.......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Place ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Promotion................................................................................................................................................. 8 People......................................................................................................................................................10 Physical environment................................................................................................................................10 Process.....................................................................................................................................................10 Goals and objectives...................................................................................................................................11 Tactics.........................................................................................................................................................11 Action Plan 1 ............................................................................................................................................13 Action plan 2 ............................................................................................................................................15 Action plan 3 ............................................................................................................................................17 Budget.........................................................................................................................................................19 Evaluation...................................................................................................................................................20 Appendices .................................................................................................................................................21 SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................................................21 PEST Analysis............................................................................................................................................22 Diagram of time-frame proposed..............................................................................................................22 Market research........................................................................................................................................23 Sinead Black Wedding Singer Survey.........................................................................................................25 Example of how social media can be filtered to reach target market ..........................................................26 Detailed budget.........................................................................................................................................27 Event 1..................................................................................................................................................27 Event 2..................................................................................................................................................28 Event 3..................................................................................................................................................29 Budget Summary...................................................................................................................................30
  • 3. 3 We were assigned as a group to develop a marketing plan on a business of our choice. As a group we chose Sinead Black Wedding Singer. Outlined below is a marketing strategyand a detailed plan in order to achieve it. Situation Analysis In the past year there has been an increase in couples getting married. The most recent census of Ireland survey results show that there has been a 550% rise in people getting re-married. Another survey carried out by suggests that the engagement period is getting shorter as couples only take between 13-18 months to get married following their engagement. Wedding budgets have been cut, however the average spending on church music in Ireland is still high costing on average around €415. Sinead Black is a wedding singer from Donegal. She is well known locally as a country singer with a loyal fan base around Donegal and has recently branched into the wedding industry. Sinead is however missing out on potential business due to the public’s perception of her as a country singer. Sinead is currently at a disadvantage as she is finishing a degree in LYIT therefore her time is restricted due to her college commitments. Sinead completes her course in May of this year and can apply her skills and knowledge acquired from college to her business in the year 2016. Sinead is also at a disadvantage as she has limited funds. The aim is to re-brand her as a wedding singer and publicly portray that Sinead’s music is both suitable and of a professional standard for future client’s wedding ceremonies whilst sticking to a budget. A PEST and SWOT analysis was carried out on Sinead Black’s business giving a clear concept of where she is today and her potential for the future. Carrying out these exercises has highlighted the factors that may affect Sinead’s business in both the competitive and macro environment. There has been a slight increase in wedding performers within the North West area, though none are at a professional level and each have a unique selling point different to Sinead’s which is later discussed in the competitor analysis. It was discovered that Sinead has many strengths such as her educated background in music, her small following locally, her ability to adapt to any requests and her confidence. However, Sinead has weaknesses which will need to be addressed such as financial limitations, incorrect perception of her musical versatility, and others which are highlighted alongside her opportunities and threats in the SWOT and PEST analysis that is included in the appendix.
  • 4. 4 Strategy Our team will develop a Marketingstrategy by undertaking a complete name and identification change and will reinforce the branding of this company. These objectives will enhance the company’s awareness and also increase bookings annually for Sinead Black Wedding Singer. Using all possible aspects from the re-launch of this company will produce positive results on the business such as, gaining Sinead Black a strong position within the market and assist her to become the first market leader inthis industry within the North West region. The Marketingteam propose to begin implementing these strategies beginning in the year 2016. From previous experience, a two week lead up to the re-launch is appropriate to include in the time-frame. It allows extra planning and research before applying any of the changes stated above. The re-launch itself will begin in mid-January and conclude in mid-May. This time-frame will also include a two week period after the re-launch to improve any elements and new techniques, but also to evaluate the success of the launch. The time-frame can be seen in the appendix. Publics of Sinead Black Wedding Singer Having identified Sinead’s key publics we have segmented the market and selected a target market. The team also became aware of external publics and intend to develop Sinead’s business relationships with them. Target Markets: • Female • Newly engaged couples • Couples aged between 20-50 years of age • Located within the North West region Key Publics: • Priests, Vicars, Registrars • Entertainment/Event Managers/Wedding co–coordinators • Local Media • Businesses relating to the wedding industry
  • 5. 5 Market Research The group carried out casual, secondary and primary research which provided conclusions that indicate Sinead is not well known as a wedding singer and that there is a niche in the market for a professional wedding singer service. Following our research, no professional wedding singer that matches Sinead’s criteria could be sourced within Donegal and the surrounding counties. From the research undertaken the group have learned that there is an opportunity for Sinead to expand into potential new markets such as civil ceremonies, wedding receptions and civil partnerships. The Market Research methods that were carried out on behalf of Sinead Black were firstly casual research, talking to previous clients, peers and people involved in the industry. This research gave an idea of what people already know about the client and outlined their perception of Sinead Black. Secondary research looked at information on websites. An online survey was carried out by They surveyed 2,276 brides and grooms and the results show that:  Over 20% of couples surveyed spend 4 to 7 hours on wedding websites including social media.  Between one in four couples do not get married in a church.  62% of couples used a hotel for their wedding reception.  30% of couples got engaged in December. From the above research we know that:  Social medial is a successful tool and is an inexpensive way to reach Sinead Black’s target market.  1 in 4 couples are availing of civil ceremonies; Sinead needs to enter this market by providing a service which facilitates this change in society.  With a high percentage of 62% couples choosing a hotel for their venue, moving forward Sinead should include her services in hotels packages and offer a percentage of each sale to the hotel. This will be good publicity and increase Sinead’s bookings.  January is a good month to start the campaign as the couples will be starting to plan their wedding after the Christmas engagement ( 2015). We have included information on this survey in the appendixes.
  • 6. 6 SurveyResults The primary research was gathered by the marketing team, surveying women between the ages of 20- 50 and collected from different geographical locations throughout Co. Donegal. The findings are as follows: Question 1: Are you from the Northwest? Out of 100 women surveyed 94% were from the North West of Ireland. Question 2: Are you aware of Sinead Black as a wedding singer? Out of 100 couples surveyed 7% were aware of Sinead Black Wedding Singer. Question 3: Can you suggest another professional wedding singer? Out of 100 couples surveyed 22% knew of another professional wedding singer. Question 4: How much would you be willing to pay for a professional wedding singer? Out of 100 couples surveyed:  72% said they would be willing to pay €150 to €200  25% said they would be willing to pay €100 to €150  3% said they would be willing to pay €50 to €100 Question 5: In your opinion what is the most common age that people are getting married today? Out of 100 couples surveyed:  14% said 18 to 24 years of age was the most common  74% said 25 to 34 years of age was the most common  11% said 35 to 44 years of age was the most common  1% said 44+ years of age was the most common Question 6: How would you source a wedding singer? Out of 100 couples surveyed:  45% searched online  12% sourced a singer at a wedding Fair  10% sourced through a wedding planner  28% used personal recommendations from friends
  • 7. 7  5% used other sources. Competitor Analysis As part of the market research a competitor analysis examining all possible competitors within the current market was completed. From the findings, many local competitors, such as; Deirdre McLaughlin, Maria McCormack and Donna Taggart were discovered and researched by the marketing team. Each opposition had their own individual style and selling point. Deirdre McLaughlin has a haunting voice, Maria McCormack plays guitar and delivers a husky style during her vocal performance, and finally Donna Taggart would be the most similar to Sinead Black providing a sweeter toned voice. However, Donna has a limited repertoire of songs and does not accept requests and is located in Omagh. Sinead provides a large repertoire of songs for all clients. She accepts any requests that are within reason of the rules of the venues such as churches. Marketing mix Sinead’s marketing mix is comprised of the following components; product, price, place and promotion. A further analysis on the services marketing mix has identified three additional components; people, physical environment and process. The findings will help the marketing team create tactical action steps and adjust the strategy whilst taking into account changes in the marketing environment. Product Sinead’s business falls within the service industry therefore making her products mainly intangible. However small elements of tangible products are offered by the business, for example CD’s and merchandise. Sinead Black is a young aspiring wedding singer, offering her unique voice to enhance the atmosphere on your special day. You can select your wedding day music from her large repertoire of songs. Sinead can also accommodate individual requests or learn new material, which may be distinctive to you and will give special guidance on all aspects of music planning prior to your wedding ceremony. These core dimensions of the service are meeting the core needs of the buyer. As outlined above, an augmented level of service is offered through her outstanding customer service. Sinead’s unique selling point of offering an accommodating and supportive service to all clients indicates a growth in her potential product level. Sinead’s service can be classified as speciality goods or services. Sinead’s service has unique characteristics. This is a non-recurring service type therefore allows the business to charge premium pricing at a competitive rate.
  • 8. 8 Price As outlined in our primary and secondary research, we now know that couples spend €415 on average for their wedding ceremony music in Ireland. Our survey proves that couples are willing to pay €150- €200 in the North West region. However as a marketing team we have come to a conclusion that these results may not be accurate. When completing surveys, surveyors generally choose the middle price as they don’t want to appear cheap selecting the lower price and they don’t want to pay the highest price offered. As this service is of a seasonal nature, the marketing team have suggested following the terms of premium pricing. This high pricing will reflect the quality of the service and the exclusiveness offered to the consumer. Sinead’s service also offers special event pricing. This is mainly offered at wedding fayres and on social media websites and again is link to promotion. Sinead’s price is measured mainly by cost plus pricing. Travelling is the main cost associated with the service and is greatly considered when implementing the final cost. We also suggest that Sinead Black Wedding Singer has the potential to introduce bundle pricing e.g. create a package to sing at both the wedding ceremony and at the drinks reception. Place The main marketing channel within Sinead Black’s business is the internet. Sinead uses social media websites to sell directly to consumers. The current advancements in technology have allowed Sinead to create a Face-book like page and select her exact target market when promoting certain posts, photos etc. An example of this is included in the appendices. This social media platform facilitates the flow of information about the services and products offered. This channel also gives potential buyers an opportunity to ask for advice in relation to the service. Another appropriate location is wedding fayres particularly within the North West region. These fairs give the business an opportunity to physically demonstrate the service which they offer, and they also allow Sinead to develop her relationship with potential clients. In relation to cost social media is a free successful way to position Sinead in the market. Using social media to promote and advertise,reduces costs enabling Sinead to use other advertising means such as participating at wedding fares. Sinead has developed her own distribution system in the business. There is no middle-man involved therefore she has full control of all distribution channels and costs. The aim as a marketing team is to enter Sinead into new markets and distribution channels, establishing a professional position within the market and then evaluating the effectiveness of all channels involved. Promotion There are several promotional options available to Sinead’s business.
  • 9. 9 Advertising In the market plan, all print media excluding a Press Release was eliminated. Instead the marketing team used all aspects of Social Media to advertise & promote Sinead’s new branding & re-identification change. This choice was supported by our market research which proved that social media was the most popular choice used by Sinead’s target market. It also creates a green image for the business. Whilst using a cost free method of advertising. Personal selling Personal selling is an opportunity to interact and build a rapport with potential customers. Sinead’s main personal selling method is attending wedding fayres. They allow her to educate potential customers and answer any questions they may have. This interpersonal communication increases the potential of bookings. This technique is also used on all Sinead’s social media platforms allowing interaction with the target market on a personal level. Sales and promotion Promotional campaigns must be planned correctly otherwise they could be unsuccessful and too costly for the business. From previous experience the marketing team know that the methods of distribution used, value and timing of discount offers is crucial. The team suggest that Sinead introduces instant point-of-purchase discounts when attending wedding fayres and other promotional venues. These discounts produce a higher redemption rate and are a successful way to confirm bookings and increase sales. Public Relations This final element of promotion involves a variety of aspects. The two main tactics which have been planned for Sinead’s campaign are a public relation charity event to launch Sinead’s new single and a press release in connection with the event. As the event is charitable, it meets the media regulations and is therefore newsworthy and will also save the journalist time looking for articles to include in their paper. The press release will be published before the event and therefore will act as an advertisement for the event. Small elements of Public Relations are also planned within Sinead black’s online tactics. The Marketing team plan to design and promote an online brochure and a business card for Sinead’s business which will be accessible to everyone online especially her target market. It is crucial that Sinead keeps professional contact with all her key publics. The online brochure will be emailed to each hotel co- ordinator within the North-west. This is a great way of building business relationships and promoting bookings. The marketing team advise that after this campaign, Sinead uses all sources of digital and audio media from this campaign to create an advertisement. This advertisement could be promoted online and introduced to other channels such as TV.
  • 10. 10 People Sinead solely represents her business; therefore her reputation, personality and image are all factors which influence consumers’ judgement on the service offered. This element of the service marketing mix can be linked back to personal selling within promotion.People buy from people they like therefore effective customer service is vital and how Sinead handles a customer can be the difference in retaining or losing a potential booking. At present, customer service can be on the telephone, face to face or using the internet. Sinead has the appropriate skills, attitude and service knowledge in order to deliver a quality service. Resulting in customer satisfaction and increasing sales. Physical environment This element of the marketing mix relates to the image that Sinead portrays of herself to potential consumers. By rebranding & completing this re-identification change Sinead is creating a fresh, young yet professional look. This image reflects a high standard of quality and expectance of Sinead’s services. This is further enhanced through all social media platforms and when present at wedding fayres advertising the service. Ambience is a main feature within Sinead’s physical environment. The music which she produces directly to potential consumers and also the colours and text used on brochures, her business card and banners all have a positive effect on her sales. One disadvantage within Sinead’s physical environment is the quality of her consultation room. The marketing team suggest that Sinead improves the ambience within this room by introducing a bright fresh colour of paint, comfortable chairs and offer refreshments on arrival. Combining these elements with her existing environment will promote a professional quality of service. Process Thiselementlooksatthe systemusedtodeliverSinead’sservice.The marketingteamhave evaluatedall processeswithinSineadBlack’sbusiness.Asoutlinedinthe actionsplans,Sineadhastoconducta lotof recording bothaudioand video.Thereforethe marketingteamwill findthe bestqualityof recordingavailable that correspondswithSinead’sbudget.Thiswill advance the technological processandaddvalue andqualitytoher service.Anotheressential processhighlightedinSinead’sbusinessisthe processof bookingherservice. Thisprocesshas many stages;it beginsbycreatingawarenessof the service,followedbyacceptance of the service.Thenaconsultationisheldand a bookingfee paymentis received.Thefinalstage involvesthe deliveryof the service tothe customer.Each stage holdsthe same value toboththe customerand the businesstherefore it isimportantto conveya highqualityof service throughouteachstage inordertoestablisha successful process withinSinead’sbusiness.
  • 11. 11 Goals and objectives 1. To increase awareness of the service provided by Sinead Black Wedding Singer and encourage bookings within the North West of Ireland. Objectives • Attend wedding fairs to create awareness and create networking opportunities • Use various advertising opportunities such as online blogs, newspaper and radio 2. To launch an online platform promoting Sinead Black as an artist, allowing interaction with the public leading to the potential of creating a loyal fan base Objectives • Launching an online presence through social media • Creating interactive content for subscribers to like, share and follow Sinead Black whilst also creating a platform for high standard of performance delivered by Sinead Black 3. To obtain employment for Sinead Black as a wedding singer Objectives • By increasing bookings annually from 3 ceremonies to 10 ceremonies • Co-operating the business with wedding co-ordinators in order to increase employment opportunities • Expand into new markets for further employment opportunities i.e. religious occasions Tactics As a Marketing team, it has been discovered from previous clients that in order to successfully complete a re-identification and re-launch of any business an action plan must be introduced. It allows the public
  • 12. 12 relations company to implement all tactics and stay within the time-frame given. An action plan also gives the client a better understanding of what is being proposed. Below, there are threeaction plans outlining a breakdown of the lead-up to and the planned events beginning in the year 2016. It also highlights any obstacles which may occur and a solution to resolve them.
  • 13. 13 Action Plan 1 DevelopmentGoal:To increase awarenessof the service providedbySineadBlackWedding Singer. Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions 4th January Discusstype of image that wouldsuit the re-launchi.e.vintage theme, plain,non – country theme andpastel colours. May be hard to remove countrylook goodideato researchand have sample imagesforSineadtoview. 6th January Decide ona date andvenue forthe photoshoot. Financial limitationswilllimitvenue choice.Shoparoundlocally. 7th January Booka photographer. Financial disadvantagelimitsthe choice of a photographer–findbest deal.Promote photographer(offering thema promotional deal). 11th January Discussclotheschoice andstylingthat correspondswiththe agreedimage. Limitedbudget,use existingsourcesof clothes. 12th January Invite onlinebloggertophotoshoot event. May be apprehensive –offer promotioninreturn. 14th January Bookmake-upartist. Needtobe available locally,deliver correct theme of makeup,expensive – prepare a sample toprovide to makeupartistand findthe bestpriced artist. 15th January Complete photoshoot. Time,unorganisedhardtoknow what youwant. Pre-planall shots,clothes, how many shotsyouneedetc.create strict timeframe. 21st January Prepare designof popupstand and orderposterto be printed. Money,quality,needitquick(for weddingfairs) -source areliable printingcompany,shoparound. 25th January Researchandevaluate all upcoming weddingfairsandchoose whichto attend. Will limitnumberof fairsdue tocost constraints,evaluate andrequestbest price fromthe venue. Choose top4-5 venuesatvariouslocationswithin Donegal whilststickingtoyourbudget. 17th January AttendweddingfairatThe Silver Tassie Hotel. Hard to attract attentiondue tosimilar competitors.Displayappropriate pop- up stand,engage andinteractwith clients.
  • 14. 14 Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions 20th January Discusspossible songchoicesforanew single release. Hard to findnew,unknownmaterial Solution:Source a songwriterto produce new material. 22nd January Meetto reviewsongchoicesandselect a song whichsuitsa weddingceremony and that can be usedto reach the outlinedtargetmarket. Disagreementorincorrectsongchoice may hinderthe deliverytothe right target marketandcreate little awareness.Seekprofessional advice fromsoundproducers,editsongto suitetc. 24th January AttendweddingfairatHarvey’sPoint Hotel. Competitionwill be presentandmay affectclient’sinterestinSineadBlack. Highlightunique sellingpointandoffer promotion. 25th January Seeksuitable musicianforrecordingof single. Expense andavailabilitywillbe limited due to budget.Use existingsources. 26th January Bookrecordingstudiotosuitall parties involved. Difficulttoco-ordinate all parties involvedanddifficulttoaccess recordingstudiowithinourtime- frame.Discussavailabilitywithall partiesandbookstudioinadvance 29th January Bookhair and makeupstylist. If singerisnot lookingprofessional,a wastedphotographicopportunityin the studiowill occur.Schedule suitable time formakeupinadvance 29th January Bookphotographerforday of recording. May be expensive.Source bestvalue for bestquality 1st February Complete all preparationinrelationto the outline of instrumentsandvocals the song. Notbeingfullypreparedmayprolong time inthe studiotherefore will increase cost.Meetwithmusicianand practise song. 8th February Day of recordinginstudio. Problemsmayarise andtime maybe wasted.Create atime frame for the day andensure contingencyplanisin place.
  • 15. 15 Action plan 2 DevelopmentGoal: To launch an online platform promoting Sinead Black as an artist, allowing interaction with the public leading to the potential of creating a loyal fan base. Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions 11th February Researchsocial mediaplatforms choose the requiredone tosuitthis businessanditsmarket. Successful social mediawebsitesmay be new to the client.Provide linksto online tutorials. 15th February Setup Face-booklike page asa weddingartistandseta target of followerstoreachby the endof timeframe proposed. Time consumingandwill notbe supportedunlessithasinteresting information/visual.Prepare a positioningstatementandprofessional information beforehand. 16th February Choose andeditphotoswithphoto shopto uploadto Face-bookpage. The wrong photomay portraywrong companyvisiontopotential clients. Listentoadvice and suggestionsfrom fellow employeesandpublicrelations company. 19th February Beginemail campaignaskingall studentsandaddressestohelp promote newface bookpage. Email may be lookedatas spam mail therefore state clearlythe subjectand include aworkinglinktoFacebookthe page. 22nd February Start an advertisementcampaignon the SineadBlackFace-bookpage by introducingalike andshare competition. Followersmaynotinteract.Use capturingimagestoshare andprovide a realisticyetexcitingprize forthe winner. 24th February Designanonline brochure.Email the brochure to all weddingcoordinators ineach hotel withinthe NorthWest region. Weddingcoordinatorswillnotrespond or have time to include youintheir promotions.Offerthemapercentage for eachsale youreceive viatheir business. 26th February Set-upanInstagramand Twitter account to interactwithmore followers. May be difficultandtime consumingfor the clienttokeepupto date withall sites.Set-upaHootsuite account which allowsthe usertouploada photoor statusto all websitesatonce bylinking themtogether. 29th February Include all eventsonsocial media and invite followerstoattend. There may be a missedopportunityto publicise event.Advertise all event informationclearly.
  • 16. 16 2nd march Keepupto date withall messages receivedfrompotential clientsonall sites. Time-consumingtask,if clientsdonot receive aquickresponse theylose interest.Setaside anhoureachday to facilitate all requests
  • 17. 17 Action plan 3 DevelopmentGoal: To obtain employment for Sinead Black as a wedding singer. Date: Action steps Obstacles/solutions 7th March Plana storyboardand theme forthe videoshoot. May take some time toget ideasdown on paperbut will save time andmoney on the day. 10th March Decide ona date andlocationsfor the videoshoot. Make quickvisitsto locationschosenandnote anyideas or problemsthatare visible. Local knowledgeishelpful whenlooking for the quickestroute possible toshoot locations.Thisplanningwill save time and money.Ensure tocheckthe weatherforecastandhave a contingencyplaninplace. 14th March Call and price local videographers and bookfor a day of filming. Findthe bestdeal.Ensure theyare willingtotravel andhave discussed transportfor the day. Promote videographer(offeringthema promotiondeal). 17th March Discussclotheschoice andstyling that correspondswiththe agreed image.Contacthair andmakeup stylistandbookfor the agreeddate. Limitedbudget,use existingsourcesof clothes.Ensure tocheckthe weather forecastand dressaccordingly.Hairand makeupare expensive,askfora discountandofferto promote them throughsocial mediaprovidingthem withfree advertisement. 25th March Meetwithvideographertoeditand choose scenesforthe video. Verytime consumingsoagree tomeet on a day that youcan assignyour time to the task. 28th March Create You-Tube account. Thiswill enable youtouploadthe finishedproducttopromote andgain followers. 31st March Planthe event.Choose asuitable venue alongwithartistsandspecial gueststo playonthe night. Keepyouroptionsopen.Havingawell- equippedvenue will attractbothguests and bandsalike. 4th April Contact venuesandgetprices.Book the bestoption. Researchlocal eventsandchoose adate that doesn’tcoincide withotherevents. 5th April Contact andbook artists. Needtobe available locallyandfind bestpriced artist.May have optionto letnew upcomingbandsplayfree of charge whichwill promote them.
  • 18. 18 7th April Contact videographerandarrange to previewthe videobeforefinalising it. Thiswill allow foranychangesto be made before payingforthe finished product. 11th April UploadvideotoYou-Tube,Face- bookand Twitter. Ensure to include relevantdetailssuch as artistsname,songtitle,hashtags and workinglinks,makingiteasierfor the target marketto findandfollow SineadBlack. 12th April Contact a local charityasking permissiontohostaneventinaidof theircharityand requesta representative tobe presentonthe night. Make sure the charity isregistered. Ensure all relevantpaperworkis available andcompletedbefore advertisingthe eventcampaign. 13th April Designanonline posterforthe charityeventandpost to all social mediasites. Ensure the correct informationis included,highlightingthatitisa charity eventandentryfee isdonationsonly. 15th April Contact the musicproducerto prepare copiesof the single tobe soldat the event. Askfor the bestprice possible asa percentage of the saleswill alsobe donatedtothe chosencharity. 19th April Create eventonFace-bookand invite followerstoattend Ensure relevantinformationisdelivered to attract the correct market. 22nd April Prepare the pressrelease Get the pressrelease writtenup ensuringall relevantinformationison paperand proof read.Contact local mediafora price on the pressrelease. 28th April Sendthe pressrelease tolocal paper of choice. Ensure to selecta newspaperthat supportsthe purpose of plannedevent locally.Thiswill reachcorrectaudience. 4th May Make courtesyphone call tothe charityrepresentative,artists and journalist. Importantconfirmationcall ensuring everyone attendsonthe night. 7th May Call to venue andensure all equipmentandfacilitatesare in place. Thisis veryimportantasany discrepancieswill be resolvedbefore the night. 11th May Arrange to hire a van forthe night priorto the event. To collectall equipment,postersand cd’s. 13th May Prepare a checklistand loadvan withgear. Double checkthatall equipment necessaryisplacedinthe van.
  • 19. 19 Budget A budget of €3000 has been provided to complete this re-launch and identification change of Sinead Black Wedding Singer. A detailed estimated budget break-down has been included in the appendix which links back to all tactics and is segmented by each event. The main estimated costs include recording both audio and video and completing photo shoots. The Marketing team have reduced the estimated costs of promotion and advertisement due to the use of social media, planning a press release and using Sinead’s student disadvantage to their advantage. 14th May Call to venue withvanandprepare room forthe event.Complete afinal soundcheck. Thiswill give acouple of hoursbefore guestsarrive andmake sure everything isin orderto avoidany setbacks. 14th May Holdcharity eventtonight. Planand delegate jobsforeachaspect of the evente.g.cdsalesassistant,door staff.Thiswill ensure all donationsare monitored. 15th May Evaluationconsultation. Clientandpublicrelationsteammeetto evaluate andshare opinionsonall tactics completed. 18th May Future progressionconsultation. Clientandpublicrelationsteammeetto schedule meetingsforpotential clients, weddingcoordinatorsandlocal media. Potential eventswill alsobe discussed.
  • 20. 20 Evaluation From completing Sinead’s situation analysis at the beginning of this report, it was clear to see that the singer was relatively unknown in comparison to her rivals and Sinead’s key publics have the incorrect perception of her services. One major disadvantage within this business is financial restrictions, and this was one obstacle that was taken into consideration when creating a budget. A time-scale for the marketing campaign was designed beginning in January 2016 and ending mid- May 2016. A detailed outline of all proposed tactics was constructed by the marketing team and are based around 4 major stages:  Completing a photoshoot to re-brand Sinead Black wedding singer  Establishing an online presence via social media websites  Releasing a single with a corresponding video for charity  Organising a publicity charity event, completing a press release to publicise the event. From previous clients, the group suggested that these four tactics are sufficient to promote all aspects that are intended to complete this re-identification and re-imaging process within the time-scale given. Goals will be reached if all action steps suggested are implemented. The marketing team have also highlighted any obstacles and provided a solution to the client therefore the team are prepared for any unforeseen eventualities that may occur.
  • 21. 21 Appendices SWOT Analysis Strengths  Talented young singer with a unique voice  Educated background and experience of the music industry  Currently completing a business degree  Can learn new material and adapt to all clients requests  Has an understanding of all religious needs  Connections in the music industry  Home studio Weaknesses  Cannot play the guitar  Financial limitations  Incorrect perception as a country singer rather than a wedding singer  Not as much life experience  Time limitations due to being a student  Not producing fresh material often enough Opportunities  Ability to learn new instrument  Availability of new markets due to central location  Very versatile and can enter similar markets e.g. family events  Create social media presence  Use local services  A new year provides an opportunity to produce a new single Threats  Seasonal work limits Sinead’s employment  Competitors  A niche market may not sustain full employment and may need to expand into other markets
  • 22. 22 PEST Analysis Political  Same sex marriage referendum in May 2015 could expand Sinead’s target market  Liable for taxes when registering Sinead Black as a business  Adhering to all copyright laws Economical  General taxation issues  Price conscious due to economic downturn  Decrease in credit availability from banking institutions  Limitations to access financial assistance due to occupation as a student Socio-cultural  Religious and lifestyle choices  Aging community – Changes in ages of people getting married – both young and old.  Religious authorities have a strong influence over business methods used Technological  Increase in use of social media  Advancement in equipment for example PA system  Easier methods of communication available through new technology Diagram of time-frameproposed
  • 24. 24
  • 25. 25 Sinead Black Wedding Singer Survey 1. Are you fromthe Northwest?  Yes  No 2. Are you awareof Sinead Black as a wedding singer?  Yes  No 3. Can you suggestanother professionalwedding singer? ______________________________________________ 4. How much would you be willing to pay for a professionalwedding singer?  €50 - €100  €100 - €150  €150 - €200 5. In your opinion whatis the most common age that people are getting married today?  18- 24  25-34  35-44  44+ 6. How would you sourcea wedding singer?  Online  Wedding fair  Wedding planner  Personal recommendations  Other ______________________________________________ Have you any other suggestions for improving this service? ________________________________________________________________
  • 26. 26 Example of how social media can be filtered to reach target market
  • 27. 27 Detailed budget Event 1 Event No 1 - Completing photshoot and attending Wedding Fayres Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost 01/01/2016 Image perception consultation NE €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00 03/01/2016 Date and venue confirmation petrol to venue €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00 05/01/2016 Book a photographer phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17 05/01/2016 Book a photographer photographer cost €150.00 20 minutes €3.34 €153.34 08/01/2016 Clothes choice consultation NE €0.00 30 minutes €5.01 €5.01 09/01/2016 Invite online blogger to photoshoot by email NE €0.00 10 minutes €1.67 €1.67 09/01/2016 Book make up artist phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17 09/01/2016 Book make up artist cost of make up artist €25.00 10 minutes €1.67 €26.67 10/01/2016 complete photoshoot includes planning photoshoot €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00 11/01/2016 design and order pop upstand pop up stand cost €140.00 1 hour €10.00 €150.00 12/01/2016 Research and evaulate all wedding fayres internet cost and phone cost €7.50 1.30 hours €15.01 €22.51 17/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at the Silver Tassie Hotel petrol cost €10.00 0 €0.00 €10.00 17/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at the Silver Tassie Hotel stand expense €80.00 3 hours €30.00 €110.00 20/01/2016 Song choice consultation for new release internet costs and research €2.00 1 hour €10.00 €12.00 24/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at Harveys Point Hotel petrol cost €20.00 0 €0.00 €20.00 24/01/2016 Attend wedding fayre at Harveys Point Hotel stand cost €120.00 3 hours €30.00 €150.00 25/01/2016 book suitable musician for single recording musican cost €50.00 20 minutes €3.34 €53.34 26/01/2016 book recording stuido studio day cost €300.00 10 minutes €1.67 €301.67 27/01/2016 book hair and makeup hair and makeup cost €50.00 5 minutes €0.84 €50.84 29/01/2016 book photogrpaher/videographer cost of photographer €120.00 10 minutes €1.60 €121.60 01/02/2016 complete all preparation for day for recording NE €0.00 1 hour €10.00 €10.00 08/02/2016 day of recording in studio NE €0.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €15.01 Public Relation time costs Duration cost: Total costs €1,273.00 €10.00 per hour €1.67 every 10 minutes €0.167 per minute *NE = No Expense PR Time costs
  • 28. 28 Event 2 Event No 2- Establishing a social media presence Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost 11/02/2016 Research social media platofrms and choose best suited Internet cost €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00 13/02/2016 Set up facebook like page Internet cost €3.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €18.01 16/02/2016 Choose and edit photos to upload to social media Editing costs €2.00 1 hour €10.00 €12.00 17/02/2016 Email campain to promote facebook page Internet cost €3.00 I hour €10.00 €13.00 20/02/0216 Begin advertising Campain on facebook Buy boosts for advertisment €2.00 30 minutes €5.01 €7.01 23/02/2016 Design an online brochure Design software €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00 25/02/2016 Email online brochure to all coordanatiors Internet cost €3.00 1 €10.00 €13.00 28/02/2016 Setup a twitter and instagram account Internet cost €3.00 1.30 hours €15.01 €18.01 29/02/2016 Include all events on social media websites Internet cost €3.00 1 hour €10.00 €13.00 02/03/2016 keep up to date with all message received online from potential clientsRegular replies and updates €10.00 2 hours €20.00 €30.00 Public Relation time costs total costs €150.03 Duration cost: €10.00 per hour €1.67 every 10 minutes €0.167 per minute *NE = No Expense PR Time costs
  • 29. 29 Event 3 Event No 3 - Completing Video and holding Public relations event Date Tactic Expense Tactic cost Duration Duration cost Total day cost 07/03/2016 Plan story board and theme for video shoot NE €0.00 2 hours €20.00 €20.00 10/03/2016 Confirm location and visit each shoot location Travel costs €30.00 3 hours €30.00 €60.00 14/03/2016 Book videographer Phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17 14/03/2016 Book videographer videogropaher cost €200.00 20 minutes €3.34 €203.34 17/03/2016 Book hair and makeup Phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17 17/03/2016 Book hair and makeup hair and makeup cost €50.00 10 minutes €1.67 €51.67 25/03/2016 Editing meeting with videographer editing costs €100.00 30 minutes €5.01 €105.01 28/03/2016 Create you-tube account internet costs €3.00 20 minutes €3.34 €6.34 31/03/2016 Plan Pulic relations event research costs €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00 04/04/2016 conact venues and book best option phonecall costs €10.00 2 hours €20.00 €30.00 05/04/2016 contact and book artists sms costs €3.80 30 minutes €5.01 €8.81 07/04/2016 Final consultation with videogrpaher Travel cost to studio €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00 11/04/2016 upload video to all social media sites internet costs €3.00 20 minutes €3.34 €6.34 12/04/2016 Make contact with local charity phonecall cost €0.50 10 minutes €1.67 €2.17 13/04/2016 Design an online brochure Design cost €20.00 1 hour €10.00 €30.00 15/04/2016 contact music producer and order copies of new single phonecall cost €1.00 20 minutes €3.34 €4.34 15/04/2016 contact music producer and order copies of new single production and delivery costs €150.00 0 €0.00 €150.00 19/04/2016 create event on facebook and invite followers to attend internet costs €3.00 2 hours €20.00 €23.00 22/04/2016 prepare press release editing costs €15.00 2 hours €20.00 €35.00 28/04/2016 send press release to local paper email costs €1.00 20 minutes €3.34 €4.34 04/05/2016 confirmation phonecall to all parties involved in event phonecall costs €5.00 30 minutes €5.01 €10.01 07/05/2016 pre check venue and all its facilitates travel costs €5.00 1 hour €10.00 €15.00 11/05/2016 Van hire for event research and phone call costs €4.00 10 minutes €1.67 €5.67 11/05/2016 Van hire for event rental cost €80.00 0 €0.00 €80.00 13/05/2016 prepare checklist and load gear into the van for event NE €0.00 1 hour €10.00 €10.00 14/05/2016 Hold charity event tonight venue and staff costs €200.00 3 hours €30.00 €230.00 15/05/2016 Evaluation consultation research and meeting costs €50.00 1.30 hours €15.05 €65.05 18/05/2016 future progession consultation resarch and meeting costs €50.00 2 hours €20.00 €70.00 Public Relation time costs Duration cost: €10.00 per hour Total costs €1,260.43 €1.67 every 10 minutes €0.167 per minute *NE = No Expense PR Time costs
  • 30. 30 Budget Summary Budget Summary Public relation team's time costs Event one €192.50 Event two €115.03 Event Three €265.13 Total €572.66 Event expenses (excluding PR costs) Event one €1,080.50 Event two €35.00 Event Three €995.30 Total €2,110.80 Addiontal Expenses Total Administration cost €45.00 Extra Internet costs €30.00 Completion of survey costs (including time) €60.00 Total budget given €3,000.00 Total of budget spend €2,818.46 Balance €181.54 Evaulation of Budget As shown above the most expensive event is Event 1 which invloves setting up the business. Establishing a social media presence can be created with a small fraction of the budget and yet effective.Set aside a small amount of the budget to ensure all costs are covered at the end e.g. Additional expenses. follow your budget strictly and be prepared to rearrange tactics to suit your budget.